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STPM Trials 2009 Physics Paper 1 (SMI Ipoh)

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  • 8/12/2019 STPM Trials 2009 Physics Paper 1 (SMI Ipoh)


    ST. MICHAEl'S INsTlnmoN IPOHSTPM Trial Examination - 2009Upper Six Sciences

    Instruction_ie> ~ d i d a C M

    Pltyslcs 1(960/1)1 hr45 min

    There are fifty questions in this tesl For each question. four suggested answers aregiven. You are required to chooee one which is the best answer and marl< on the separateMultiple Choice Answer5_ provided.At1ower . . the questions. Mar1

  • 8/12/2019 STPM Trials 2009 Physics Paper 1 (SMI Ipoh)


    - 2-5 A truck of mass 2 600 kg is moving along a horizontal road. When its brakes are applied, heatis produced at a steady rate of 58.5 kW for 5.0 5 before the truck stops. Estimate the speed of thetruck just before the application of the brakes.

    A 10.0 m 5 1 C 15 .0 m 5.1 o 22.5 m 56 A steel ball of mass 0.005 kg fa lls vertically through a liquid at terminal speed 0.1 m 5 , Theenergy dissipated per second in the liquid by the ball s motion, in mJ, is

    A 0.025 B 5.0 C 10 o SO7 The radius of curvature of the North-South Highway at a certain place is 200 m. At what anglemust its surface be banked so that a car moving with a speed of 108 km h-I will not experience anylateral strain on the wheel?

    A zero B 24.6 ' C 61 .6 ' o 65.4 '8 To what quantity in linear motion is the moment of inerti of a rotating bod y analogous?

    A force B momentum C acceleration o ma ss

    9 The diagram shows a metre rule which is placed on a smooth horizontal table.smooth table metre rule

    t ; I i : ; p 9 " * i,

    impulsive force

    When a horizontal i m p u l s i v ~ force is applied to one end of the meter rule in a d irectionperpendicular to its axis, the metre rule will experienceA translation only.B rotation only.C rotation and translation.o vibration , rotation and translation.

    10 A body of mass m s placed on a rough surface that is inclined at an angle of e to thehorizontal.

    If the body remained stationary, the coefficient of static friction J I is givenA ~ = m g C ).1= mgkos 9B ~ = m g \ a n o f1= tane

    11 The escape velocity of a carbon dioxide molecule n the Earth's surface is 1.1 x 10 m 5 .1, Whatwill be its escape velocity at an altitude of O 4R , where R is the Earth's radius?A 0.9 X 10 m 5.1B 1.1 x 10 ms1 C 1.3 x 10 m 5o 1.5 x 10 m 5

  • 8/12/2019 STPM Trials 2009 Physics Paper 1 (SMI Ipoh)


    -3 -12 The graph on the right shows the variation ofthe gravitational potential energy U of a spacecraftwith its distance r from the Earth's centre, Theradius of the earth is R

    uR~ - - - - - - - - - ,

    - U - f - - -.:;If the spacecraft is orbiting the Earth in anorbit of radius r , the total energy of the spacecraftis - U,

    c 2U ,


    13 When the amplitude of a simple harmonic motion changes, which of the following quantitiesdoes not change?A period C acceleration8 velocity D restoring force

    14 A frictionless trolley of mass 1.0 kg is tied to two i x ~ points, X and Y, using two stretcheds r i n s ~ e Y ~ Y

    c) 0=- xThe trolley is displaced a small distance (0.050 m) towards Y by a force 5.0 N and then released .The subsequence motion is represented by the equation a = zx where x is the displacement of thetrolley from its equilibrium position. What is the value of 002 ?A 0.25 radz s ' zB 1.0 radz s 2 C 100 radz so 400 radz S 2

    15 Diagrams (a) and (b) show the displacement--distance and displacementtime graphs of atransverse wave.displacementlmm displacementfmm

    of\ \ distance/em(a)

    of\P a(b)


    The velocity of the wave isA 0.004 m s, B 0.4 m s' \ o 4ms \

    16 Which of the following statements is not true about stationary waves?A Particles between consecutive nodes vibrates in phase.B Particles between consecutive nodes vibrates with the same velocity.C Particles between consecutive nodes vibrates with different amplitude.D Particles between consecutive nodes vibrates with the same frequency.

    17 A spectator is standing by the side of a racing track. When a Formula1 racing car passes him,he observed that the pitch of the sound produced by the car decreases. This is due toA Doppler effect. C damping.B resonance. o reflection.

  • 8/12/2019 STPM Trials 2009 Physics Paper 1 (SMI Ipoh)


    - 18 A point source produces a sound at the rate of 120 W What is the intensity level of the soundat a distance of 2.0 m from the source? [threshold of hearing , 10 = 10.12 W m 2j

    A 30dB B 124 dB C 130 dB D 141 dB

    19 The diagram below shows the extension x) of a wire varies when it is stretched by a force F).F

    o LL _ .l XThe shaded region represents theA strain in the wire.S stress on the wire.C strain energy stored in the wire.D strain energy per unit volume stored in the wire.

    20 The graph shows how the potentialenergy U between two atoms in a diatomk:moJecule changes with the distance ofseparation r between them.At a certain temperature T, each atomv i b r t e ~ between two positions which arerepresented by the points P and Q .The maximum thermal energy of themolecule at temperature T is

    A E. B E, . E. C E, + Eo





    21 The r.m.s speed of the molecules in an ideal gas of volume V and pressure p is o. The gas isheated until its volume becomes t V and its pressure becomes 6p. lNhat is the new r.m.s. speed ofthe molecules?

    A 2e. B 3e. C 4e. D Be22 The graph below represents the distribution of molecular speed in a gas at temperature T .number ofmolecules,

    n v)

    z speed, vThe quantity z is theA modal speed most probable speed).B root mean square speed.C mean square speed.o mean speed.

    23 Which of the following equations is not applicable to an ideal gas undergoing adiabaticchange?A dO=OB pV=nRTC pV = onstanto TV' 1 = onstant

  • 8/12/2019 STPM Trials 2009 Physics Paper 1 (SMI Ipoh)


    - 5-24 Two c:onduc:ling biocks are maintained at 8 temperature di1ference of 20 K. and are connectedthrough tW i nicrS 01 length 0.4 m aoQ thermal conductivity 25 W m' K' . The cross-sectional a"", ofone of the rods is 1.0 x 1 ~ tnI while that of the other is 4.0 x 10"" rn'-. The space between theconducting bkidcS is filled will lagging.

    The rate of heat flow between he two blocks isA 0.13W B 0.25W C 0.31 W o 0.63W

    25 Two Identical metal spheres, X and Y. are given positive charges 1 ax and Qy respectively,wt1efe Cit > v. NtJich of the following statements is true about X and Y1A The elecbic field strength inside both spherea is zero.B The eloclric l inside both spheres is zero .C The eloclric fteld strengiI1 on he surface of both spheres is zero .o The eIocIric potential inside both sphen s is the same.28 The diagnam shows two dlarges - q and + 3q at points A and B respectively.Aa -q. .

    (AS BC : CA 20 em;M is the mid-point of AS )r/ii . C+3q

    If q 5 iJC. calculate the potential difference belween points C and M.A 1350 kV B 000 kV C 450 kV 0 4.5 kV

    2 1 The flash ligll in a camera consisb of . xeoon diad1arge lube which is connected to acap8 Clor ""' ch is charged by . 1 000 V SOUfCe. The ..... upplied to the discharge tubeis 2 000 W and Ihe du alion 01 the flash is OQ.oIO s. Estimate Ihe capac:ilance of lie capacitoI.A 4 ~ F B 8 O ~ F C 1 6 ~ 0 o o o ~

    28 lead becomes ~ below its critical temP' f"OlI te. """'ich < flhe foIIooIing_ best explained this phenomenon?A The conduction ele Alons n1OY8 in pains.B The vibtatlon of the atoms stopped.C The heat content of the materiaf is zero.o The number of conduction ~ hed increased tremendously.

    29 A milliammeter can be converted to a voltmeter by connectingA a resistor of high value in parallel to it.o a rc.istor of high value in series with it.C & resistor of low value in parallel to it.D a. resi_or of tow value in series with it.

  • 8/12/2019 STPM Trials 2009 Physics Paper 1 (SMI Ipoh)


    - 3 Six identical resistors, each of value 5 f l , are connected to a 2 V cell whose internalresistance can be ignored.~ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . X

    V ry L _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

    The potential difference across X and Y isA v B Jlv9 c v

    3 The diagram shows a 4 em straight conductorcarrying a current [2 A in a 2.0 T field.The magnetic field acts in the horizontal plane atan angle of 8 with the direction of the current.If the weight ofthe conductor is 8.0 N and themagnetic force is just enough to balance the weight

    of the conductor what is the angle (f

    32 The figure shows the trajectoriesof two charged particles P and Qshot perpendicularly into a region ofuniform magnetic field with thesame velocity.If the radii of the trajectories are

    the same identify P and Q.

    p QA a-particle electronB electron a-particleC electron positron0 positron electron

    33 The figure shows the side view of a circularcoil ofN turns and areaA in a magnetic field B

    Ifthe normal to the plane of the coil makesan angle q with the magnetic field the totalmagnetic flux through the coil is



    p - o +_


    ,_ - - - . - : ~ L - - -

    A NB casu B NB sinu C B cosu o B sinn

  • 8/12/2019 STPM Trials 2009 Physics Paper 1 (SMI Ipoh)


    -7 -34

    :tW:crrrrr:::Imcrg:ucr Soft 'CoilR

    In the circuit above switch S is closed and the current in the coil is increased gradually byadjusting the rheostat. When the current is at its maximum switch S is opened. The deftectionshown on the galvanometer is largestA at the instant switch S is closed .8 while the current in the coil is increasing.C when the current is at its maximum.o at the instant switch S is opened .

    35 In a circuit, an alternating CUlTent of r.m.s. value 1.00 A flows through a resistor. In anotherc ircuit, a steady current ofmagnitude flows through an identical resistor. If the two resistorsdissipate heat at the same rate, the value of is

    A 0.71 A B 1.00 A C 1.41A o 2.00 A36 A sinusoidal voltage of r.m.s. value 0.60 V is connected to a 30 mH inductor. If the peak currentflowing through the inductor is 45 mA what is the frequency of the a c.?

    A 18 Hz B 1 Hz

    37 The figure shows the symbol o f anoperational amplifie r.Which terminal and label do notcorrespond?

    Terminal abelA P Inverting inputB Q Non-inverti ng inputC R Feedback output0 S Sig nal output

    C 11 Hz

    ~ Io ~ - - I

    38 The figure shows an operational amplifier circuit.lOll,.,

    , . , K:r t: r:_10VI - -

    o 630 HzR


    Which graph represents the variation of he output voltage Va with the input voltage Vi?


  • 8/12/2019 STPM Trials 2009 Physics Paper 1 (SMI Ipoh)




    - >0

    ~ 5 ,,

    .0 2.61 V;IV


    V .IV



    - 8B


    - ,

    .0 Vi/V,,,


    V N


    , V;IV39 In photoelectri c emission, the energy of the photon is used

    A as the kinetic energy of the electron on ly.e to release the electron from the lattice only.C by the electron to produce a new electron called photoelectrono to release the electron from the lattice and as the kinetic energy of the electron.40 A proton and an electron have the same value of the de Broglie wavelength. If the K E of theproton and the electron-are. respectively, p and 1< which of the following is correct?

    A Kp > K,

    41 The figure shows some of the energy lev elsof an atom.

    The maximum number of spectral linesproduced by the transition ofelectrons fromthese four energy leve ls is

    A 3 B 4

    C Kp=K o IK ,---- - - - .----------- - - - - - -----------

    C 5 o 6

  • 8/12/2019 STPM Trials 2009 Physics Paper 1 (SMI Ipoh)


    42 The graph shows the X-rayspectra I and II produced by an X-raytube when it is operated at twodifferent voltages.

    Which statement explains why theminimum wavelength of spectrum II islon ger than that of spectrum I?


    A A higher voltage is used to produce spectrum II.B A lower voltage is used to produce spectrum II.



    C An element of smaller atomic number is used as the target material to producespectrum II .o An element of bi gge r atomic number is used as the target material to produce

    spectrum II.

    43 The penetration power o f of X-rays produced from an X-ray lube can be increased byA increas ing the length of the X-ray tube .B increasing the operating voltage of the X-ray tube .C increasing the current flowing through the cathode .o changing the target metal to an element of higher atomic number.

    44 The nucleus of iron Fe is more stable than the nucleus o f bi smuth z:; Oi . Which of thefoll owing is true of the more stable nucleus?

    A Smaller mas s per nucleonB Lower ratio of proton to neutronC Lower binding energy per nucleono Higher binding energy per nucleon

    4S When a s low neutron is captured by a stationary d nucleus a I:: d nucleus is formed anda Y4ray photon is emitted. What is the wavelength of the y -ray?[Mass of = 1.0087 u mass of : Cd J 12.9044 U mass of I:;Cd 113 .9034 uJ

    A 2 0SxlO-23 mB 6.63 X10 16 m

    C 1.37 X \0 -1) mo 1.45 xlO-12 m6 A radioactive sample consists of a nucl)de which emits a-particles at the rate as shown in thegraph below. _01

    Determine the decay constant of the nuclide.A 5.5)( 10-3 S1 B 9 2x 10 -3 5-' C 75s o 125 s

  • 8/12/2019 STPM Trials 2009 Physics Paper 1 (SMI Ipoh)


    - 10 -47 A radioactive e lement X decays to a radioactive element Y which then decays to element Z. Ifthe sample initially contains X only, which of the following factors influences the ratio or thenumber ory nuclei to the number of X nuclei after a certain time?


    A Half life of element YB Halflife of element Z

    x ->m 'ioC Initial number of X nucle io Surrounding pressure

    + ',YThe equation above represents a nuclear reaction. What do the symbols m, nand Y represent?

    I LA 4 2B 2 4C 2 40 - 1 0

    49 The antiparticle of the electron is theA quark B me so n

    50 The strong force is responsible forA bela decay.B alpha decay.

    Xnucleonneutronprotonhelium nuclide

    C neutrino D positron

    C binding the nucleons together.o holding the electrons in the atom.

    960 P HYS ICSValues ofconstantsSpeed of light in free space cPermeability of free space 1 0Permittivity of free spaceMagnitude of electronic cha rge ePlanck constant hUnified atomic mass constant uRest mass of electron m.Rest mass of proton m,Molar gas constant RAvogadro constant L. NABoltzmann constant kGravitational constant GAcceleration of free fall g

    Prepared by : Lee Ping Kew,August, 2 9 Checked by :PRAKAs



    0 m s ~41tx10 , THm , 8.85 x 10 . 12 F m 11/36n)) x 10 F m

    1.60 x 10 , n C6.63 x 10 , 3 4 J s1.66 x 10 2T kg9.11 x 10 , 31 kg1.67 x 10'27 kg8.31 J K . , mar6.02 x 10 23 mol -'1.3Bx10 23 K t6.67 x 10 . 11 N m 2 kg 29.B1ms -2

    Endorsed by/?a-w 1:..U .c;u , Kmrtm ifUL St.Midwd
