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Strand Theatre - NYS Historic...

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V * icquiring Fame JUL. ableBackih|" ELTHlAOfl REALIZES H I T ilv>» Hon "nkftStou^f^ .... _ TT -•- ' -> ' ••- wii'sua, youtl"' ' •' Phirad'etphla Jdtf "-• -^t thc'poituis- •':•',• cia-morfcosj f,,, r " '.•r>«. the lenOlnt? "mtif^j . ioi jn*,m the hlg wk«t| " V major league .scantlate the statnMNtt »J* ;u't. is a s gro&Z. a s I n ;r.he.r." ahd -ftithiillt ft < k<t:«p ; a . team Cannot a*a»t*i ri eh.tmplottahf}* beiKtttB. Iri Philadelphia, Maaactr. etcher ttasThaa plenty of w ^, t;b his I'jiQeM -mid nutntW, feg.jj s two £00-3 ,rna.*fcmen la"»* •Itne- and, Wilson,' Henltn«i ,*, !e... hardhitting colorful . w 4 often hvpxi named in thai— es- -during t h e p a n two y-tw*! lean dfeillayed class eiuMKkj ?afr into no less than if fita£ 1024. >. J Fn 1923 Wilson'wax u«*4%l erponey cupucity hy st .season he bit,273 and 'dtcl ay a dangerous bat times. Vttsan TToa his »pum wfeaj £5rM a double-h<Nui»r GLtnt) a t t h e Polo _„ : siintttor, Fletcher had ai|t ten hirfteroB Into, its strliii;'i ihers ««¥& Off ftrw *M#- : . 4C> vdit'lMfMy against tl fuOO of ilrfs disaster, toed Cffiefcncy and iiet«(|| » srhlch mad* the Phttfl d oven In defeat. Wlsoa cam*- to the rhiiiiif|j t.rn In 1?2T. Th«y gaff^l, im^artncr, a pkcjjer, <ta4|Nj ; hm anil -then farmed jo- N^W- M.'-ven tor nvre Me tr,^ r««>-,tf!e.l jn l!)2f- i~i only J»» . n^-amhoniirmm)^ ilte j When FhHcher rse-te 3SS* h « w a s a t t son's willingness and hegpan tt* tiae th*« yotw _.,... nairt games, "and he dld^jp lin»X «WHty-' could a|fc ; an th« baach em Iteutt.aras horn In is a skilled wor ting mills and es^Uring th* BOUTIN ci,r- Vic On**, of lunges any.; ilchter 4j|| > tn t h e « S pone t in, Plattsburgh wKMM «.wks. - - ' ^^ K: k - n e e « M <»«t » i > * * ^ j i.»«mt-at th» l»o»t %'"'**""' s rj^-o.. JBs'- w*ijrht » ; :-n»- inl«r-ested; 1i»'hl« «* r- : .... mm-.imlcate'"wlth hl« > ••nt.e- ^t. T •" ' "** f'hximploii «f th« «-s. ts rep«?3rt«?d a* •.ii for itaft*. Ma»*?h J, U*' M.ijjy '•gch-'e^BJed" o>n of Antevfca fea# i ^ i *' J | --.prf-ssl-ipe - t f t a » Jt&afc •* ;.- chamutes, .»nrm|. ***] - >«t-<1 to' Amevicsm j •**^^J , R /i occatsioiiig, Willi* i -.<u-d states -champlo*' _ ••-• • him mte& "tlita,e»»; * » * * niHM 3 ? h « G t a p t l * * : :eft the StfU39 »eW*** .ii.-n^r race* r<*#*Nr###*# f nvestjn&t£ \ Trading ( r .' i rellahle- infO^Sft**^-. - f • 11.. n.s you may $S iW* 1 ** . > ,re welcome to O W * * * ,j!.!-rmatfon s.eryifiC.• j.. ,'!. .>r writ© oflli''•3Bf**** . - .ii office. W e a B ^ r •, ?!: > without ; -xati&n, . ; sKllUTlES ItGBPOF 0 •Ian,burgh TJo««ft»,^l«lf- Phono 4WT* ''•'' <...i-. rea i. . sr^nr-lTiX*. I^adon, E^'^^^g^ tia%va. lrfWP«^» i vf Q2S PLATTSBURGfl DAILY PRESS \v »."> 3iy cnd *C£f! IT'S KINDA DRIFTY ! OUT BEDFORD WAY ^j— 0 ••:"• H'cSoto'i i--, ;- w.ill b « | •r.b is - e v e - i 'em 4««r'ifecen« -jgjairt^ tho r«timd3 gifted tejto tho ^poiit offleo afteHt^o hi?? atort». fo- % SIN FALSE OF E tX-' '•' 1^:' -t.il-.ei- i&^ \ tim story-.fe ' thatfcwa<$%-4 i IS.r.ysWn I tsentlj,?. t h e y "w-eoe t»tdr i^Iehdsi. Oao it '\m.* jVcas.from,jftedfox-d,_th«> other from jn* their jMooers. ^ „ " - - • " ,. K TheJ* "afufch'' R»<¥tv'o(kt your, way?" - o'-el^K.-^asilitedrthe- RcdtoVti r&att. -• ' f • "Quite a .4>it," Saia |hc Mo&fers ':?esiid,eat. Wnfl ehe*asilll Coping Kttmn. Vloiv'si things" wut-your wayt** :%* -*^R?by,- W<J S O * ^.iatarii 4»uGh snow*" nU '~&im<& r^pli#4/ , 'that 1J [-had to 3ac&ti$ tftp* ca-WS ,last. hi^Kt to milk 'ct&H f ; .- "That .sfcl n ra^d- tho other ©fd- LAUMHJKVIH MULCT. Trials For Cott${nracy Be- •'lie onjSrafte ASST. U.S. ATTORNEY QUIETLY AT P « K U. 1[|* Gf^Mlrkh Qttt^Ionea ]H«ny , ' in -tsttwit Vtelt TSi-fHitjis- ' . -h»r#h'MstW««k ! (XIUNTfpaOESASROGK STRATASHIFTPOSRION mi>i>'pmtimm*ni<* Himdreds KBCCI I11 Prayer, Fcirittg WorH's End Near; Theater ftrewdb 9mk To Street; H. A. Wood Shaken Out Of Bed; Pictures And Dishes Dance; More Quakes Coming, Says State Geologist t)M')tf*'M''^"> I ;,...*vv'*iHoMl\Jti mCr i'ts i>ubliahed ••;-- haw t ijctsa '«ont by eomo •>a t.6 h o t h e kttpil. It.lahara r.p codld have -T<?\ of a ftnuart ^;<-h ah itPth to : la doubtful If 'tier*e is a severe "Sfost yotir vnx?." bo felnaa".-drifts out a holiday, fashlonca .'.' tntS. U 6td lay. 1 o- (•&\l and hiiio yoUi* _ - ' ^ 42A&, STOLEN A -192Q- OldsnaoWle-r^aiifetop *V09 steloji; £TQ«I 15annoy Bukch. -early yesterday tnomteyf, he reported to J. tho policy, It \vds storcu across imm hla house in Finch & Pruyn'a lumber yard, ho soM, There was no hatter in Ufa ear and it hu# not been used all winter, so the thieves must have*t«wed. it axvay, Banney dielnratl. fie ha3 a Rood hlca ot th^ thlors itfenttty. ftpsfc-sy iftW.Ms' iiiii of y<syr ItOhiO. ^6a b «." -' th doing' JioOsekcop* Ik^tt'ct-up.-; -a xveeW of reSt*. ., .HiTiiililirimK 'I II I <M—»^—M—Mif *<—»——»* | Mhserviftory, list nlghr* tarth tre- mor« "^ere reeordtd. here from ?9;21 o*eloelf. until ntidnigrht, withough Vthe yifcrations were felt on tho street'Wor onl ya f*w minutes, , org lasted ta»n~ftt23 to 'MM P. M. f f ' i *>*»• or *****'« \ THPESE HIVERS^ Que.. Mar. J 'Clinton County shook violently} for t»»o full minutes Saturday night a* tlie gr«M Btratft of roek« under* lying the Champlain and MuoKOn| valleys -shifted position. th» tr*ttt FUNERAL SERVICES F0RCHAS.B0WROSAN -O- in iJZflfp and CLBMP ,' Bulk and Ftmeral- iuspvicca * for Charlea f Eowreyan, who d-l«a- tVlttay at thfc homo ot his niece,. Xtrs. B. . Q. Mooro, v?&a co»d«ictCQ*-..ivlL th«i' homo; CO Urhik«i»hoff.'"st„ skater- -day' afternoon ^jthJ^Rev. . Alhertl Oale, pdstor• , of Trinity Charchi t } 0UICla^in2. r Tho'>etn'aitt3" *%v&-o taken to | j Brooklyn,' IS. l ? .riait 'toij?ht lor Sj horial in Oreenwood ' fcemciery. Mr. Ilowrosan, irfho waa in tils Ott-t y«?ar. has, *nado hia homd ®'|h«re- t 6)«' tha lina sovon ycaca. Ho (fortttorfe? maado hla fionie Iti' K e w I York. , - Ho x'.-aa a dtecondant of ( oWKtHe&erboeker 'istotih. and Jbcrv*| \ cd with tho Swehth Regiment in j tho. Civil" "Wax. Ifo -was protiO of | 1 tJio fact that- hO ha«J con.VGrcod fi. H. Goodrioh, assistant.,U. S. district attorney t Hiipped, quietly Into JPlattsbnrijh %Vednesdsty night and left as eilemtly, FrMtejy noon* the. Press learned yester0(iy» ; > During hta stay ho questioned "a, I largo nmnhor of Plattshuttgh resi- dents, including Mr. 'm >3L v 01ark, ,of tho pumherfowd Hotel, and it is nnderstoo* ho dtetributed- k several suhpoenaa for anpearanoo in fed- eral court at Altaany thla %yeek of witnesses la the 3?latta$»urgh M hoot» les" case?, - . l%ir. Clar^ tho clerks and flou'cr •girl, wore fteked tin regard toynaeals at thoj^umfaeti md \vhleh Clarence Parks, federal sleuth, his wife,; ana feweral PlattPhjurgh ucopie are f nM to-have cnioyed. -Those qur-stttmed 4-id jitot romeratK!^ the mealsi*they told jrfr.--0dodr2:cii. ; The vhdt of th-o a:;s!stant .dMrict-l .attorney is/taka,* to show the Ia» tcntiun ol tXm pro^cutot'a office to leave -no. etono pnturned in the ef« J fort to tiMt&in convletioa ot the Clinton t?ounty men \vHc«se trials for "conspiracy to violate th» aa* tlaaal .»yt»hlbttl«>irt lm, n mmnmze this mdrnlng' at Alhany. then teased aa suddenly u s t h ^ y had fcegun. Theater crowds >,vejr# alarmed and rushed to the open air, Htate Highway Inspector Harry' B..» * r<& * Carthy, who tvaa in the'' Pattit- buri^h.Theater at th time,, managed to keep ,tbe movement dawn the Jjjtaira to pte street ordt-rly,- Gm nervous woman fainted and % ; m revived in the 'Busy See r^otatjrant H, A. .Wood, one of Plattuburkh's oldeRC and most re^peettd eiti«;en», had jfust, retired when the quake eamo and \va» rudelyshakeh out of bed. v .• .;; M Sluyor Crosp Was hi" hi* jewelry storo on tainloit «trfe^t and did hot feel any alarm until a.'heavy chan- delier* in tho show DcJhflowJbegaa to swlny- us ^hough it would txil and strike the-glass* * Cortez Cate said the'usually-rigid sheHses in hi* delleateaaen te&anjfco s.hake violently and hotlJteH and SLOT MA D CCTHAVEft RV LJlKUltUDl BE RIVEES, Que.» Mar. ~Mri, Eugentf Bureau of sto Anne da xA Parade, 2S miles from.here^ fell upeoasclous of shock caustW by the earthquake and died last night before medica! aW could reach her. ' \ -.-'..-•• . j Montreal Shaken X&STR&AX* Maf, l.~-.parf of Slbatreal felt last night's earth- qaak^p in all its intensity; and part hardly felt it at ail. Experts at-| trlhuied this phenomenon to soil! :differienct?.^ •• t .^ j Quebec Dwnaw Sev<ew? | QUEBEC ,-Siar, _j.-^Qu».bee ''wa»- : s^sver^ly shaken hy.-last evening's earthquake. Large buildings, in- cludiijj? the Chateau Kront«nac, and the armories^ swayed percepti- My, while several pirtitll khitkn on .the outskirts of the eity'Vere de- mo,)i$ijed, -^ A iNlccUon of th« m'at of tlie TJn» ipn atatton was damaged any many Chkf, McCooey, Sweeney, Wield Aies ; ' . .. •.—.., ....... ' - , ' . - - \ rnnwn w ATrucc TUP " Acnrroc tu APTIAM viTivtivo in AtiiuW McOwcy' Blags Vtr Tttitfe Plttm^ ,Chief ¥tm*s' WnmhtoMerry Competltton { JPA^B r MMBMW.- DAIRYMEN'S LEAGUE CHATEAUGAY GEESE TOfimDMIISS (ftllBJCHlfffiO! 6tvne¥ I'M .re8;^fti , gtob-Wrtrfcr meet- 'jbntg' of 't%e. 3baryraea'^ .aueaigae <^o- |o»eritlv« .ABsoektlott" of CHiitoa- C!o„ *ill ho-held'at, Mooers itSt, iSrange'KaH, "Wednesday Mafch. #,, At' f^3u &. M, Ml interested-are urged to, attend. , ( "The regular^ suh<?Bi8triet meet- ing of the Dairymen^' lieapue.~€Q- op«ratiy? Assoeiaiion. of. ^rafkliii;|aeeord,gi%| Ca. t wm hie h.*Ict «ra* Saufsflav feaav &th itt Baiigor, Orange Hall at l»W X*. M. All Invited^ 9 '^rniSsmnr'ianj^oK- •-jjent-* canned g4od« d i d a mirry wait*. | « ( l j f »MW. ! « tfte hUlWIHg i U r e ' Naoolton liecaM«, pruyvirtw of - 1,W1 *"- TAft INDUSTRIES PHBUSBESlfflOaTAl AUHMOFWAHES Contsltwt IHairt & A'Heam Opp. Y. 1B» €*>, rl>* v;lth IhfiKldcnt Mncoln ccvcraJ j '•f thnefi.. , • I its i£itv£:it.si£»*: ct-aua-rrtJtv "' 'Police'ii iirai'y' uivcutirit the jmnual meetlns.-of owners, of! lot« in Kivorsfde Cemetery for tho elt-eiioa- of officer^- of the Assaela^ tlon Cor tho ensuing year and fo,r 'su>ih other business as mas? proper- ly como fWforo the' mectins- vsill be ItoljVat tftd'offictf «£ )3. F, Botefora;| 34 ilarKarejt S&cet, Slarch 4, 232G* fit»o*d«icfc P. it s , - Seert-toryrj , ^ - ^ ; . i Hichly Adonwtt Bwtik Samples ot Willi l»ttpeir Cbose» f&r Fr&kleat By day or at home, * M, fTearn Gar*ant, Vltf : Oafc Bt>?-AAtt. : JACK c. niAiiiprs, l*«^# Plattsburgh^ Popular Playfenise Catering to The MlHMI^ * » 4 ! % t l^ift 0#g»et *"'" 111- In 1.' 1, t i i.i.i.ii .1 i.niiiiiii 1 1.1 i n . , in, 1.'<<.I. 1 .liji it. 111 1 ,1111.111.11 Man., Tues. mi W^k Hatch. 244 -IN. n It M. v e& Like UgMm—DWt WS«» K CA j J...r OPELAlfc i^JD JCPES -•—i ...1,1 w.,1 ••»!!,! MfW*W««»>i<^iiiiiPWw^WIW<PM*S|^«*< BOB:-mJU19B3ff : ,MJ from BostojRetoriis to Platls- iur an Absence 0f;Twd tVa ' ,u A deluxe cditloa" of a psrtfolla booK contalntea samples at «iU'tt» ifp aoM uaiipr fcis just!» cm lwnnft t»y t6.o "jtait l*~ir»«r a«a calor^ In* duiArk-^ tee. it ufehiat»» i«s* tto otily fcoolt'ot its ktntl eves- pubtMi« cfl. .by. a mitt piipf* concfw,,, Th* portfoUo idea was concfclyed t»V Candjland, did not .pay much at- tention until a heavy packing 1 cat* fell «nto.'tho Jlutir htnUe him la the cellar. ' - . ^rteonejfH at tlte lull Wfre shaken} awake, hut were Hat greatly alarm- «*d» $MtW, BiQ? SUittHl. ' Utaers I n t h e rWitfturaats' thoujght iBem«eIv«« suddenly taktn ill. when dlshe.1 surtcd dancing on the The i*e<tm stUct*tt'as'rtaadedwith uhonr.cuUK (mm person* *«*«!' t», I<*ara what * had hspp*n«d. Bur« ton I the Korthf stated n<» d a m a g e wu dunt? t o t h e tlfr.trtca! Tnnnectlons, ^ut an ex- tra tQKt t'tt jrirls* was put on _tt» haadls th»» <l*luu# ut calls. Many wnidtrnti*, -r*m*mh«rinxt predJ.^tlcin^ c>t a f«»r *re*k* KO th:tt Jfth *Mrtf! was fo-mln*Tuj a* *nd, h#llftv*d th* forecast was com Jasr trm? when th« floors started J^ulverlttg? nn.d tho pictures began broken. Three shocks were' felt, hut the damaKO was done by thus first. 3 r f T U f :O»ISI? cjoitecii.KiMaes I- Monday Jfusler Epworth X*SKU» at four o'cluck Monday. Special meeting; of iht Zstdtes Association at S ^'ciacjif in the Miapah room, all memherrt r»guw«tea to tM» - present.' Church W*mi*rih!ii class under the "dim:-, ticm of the mlnivter at 4;15* Month- ly husineHi meetittif of th* HpWorth ] f, UmahM, mmtal manager of | ^aine'together with a, socist 8upV eorthsrii x v. T*i«ph 0 «« ea.. j»w n* «t!0. AH ieaguem and their 'friends me cordially invjted. J ' TwatoF-' -" . ' Coti»ge prayer meetings are h^l Ttttsdfty »t'?:30 P. M-» in the fol- iowinW homes? Mrs, Uosw £Avlirn». A^med with axes and sledge ham m«rs, Chief Bli Senecal of tho po- lice department, flanked hy Officers 'McCooey ahd Sweeney/m«rcn'ed to the destruction of eight slot ma- chines In front of the, police^ sta-1 tio« Saturday morning. *- ' ' Qroansi mingled With cheers from the throng of spectators^'as the stalwart cops swuns. lustily. . "Three plums," shouted ah in- terested onlooker, as Oftteer'&lc- Cooey swuns for the top and hit the handle.] .,' "**'-. As * sportinir propo»Ition, Offi- cer Sweeney joined in and rung up two plums and a lemon, Chief Senecai eysd hfs^end^of the pile. He .urotiped his hammer and iSwuns, . " A liu«h,ed aw<? folio-wed, ihencheersj -..''-• •' "Three hars win," went «i> the Shout. But no money dropped, it tias ah eraiity honor. Thofilthylu- cre had been removed and present* ed to ths Children*** Home of North ern' Sew. York,.All was not cash' played in the machines, for thk chief recovered a healthy iookink hm of slug?.'. .1 Then the work of destruction went on until the expensive devices were reduced to shapeless metal * rtnd the criPH'were wearied out. The wood was bttrned-and the steels de- -hrls removed-to the-city dump. •'Rev. Alhert Qale 'Monday, SJOO-5*.OO"P,*-m en Sewing. •> •' ' "" V ; v " : J 7i30 K'Sf.^-Eve^ing' Servfee'and Address, TueHda'y, 4'M P. k,«¥EvehinK Prayer and Conference,' Subjeot, "T*rayer."/ -.-"'• ;'.'"-• •" . ^ Wednesday, tulOO A, M.^Ho| Communion. -- 4;16 P. 3t»>*rLitany aftd address on the Patriarch'**, fliustrated hy ILatifern pietureH. ' '. , . . , Thursday* 4'M K, M.—Soy* Scouts. . Friday,- 4.;«0JP. M,«~School '.l£p> gue.:- rt ':. _; :i ( , -.„/ . "-.; 7:30 A 'M.^3^J*any and address. BatKrday, ' PA$ . k 5L*-Ohoir- JPrac'tieo. ,' '•' ' ,,••„, f ,-,., „-,, BOYBA—-Sunday, atarjeh, l,l$Z$ Thomas Boyea, aged -9G year^, at the Jwme'ol b'fe ^nwtsjater,. Sirs, JDominfc Paltralc Aaduetors bhatea^gay g4eso apparently stray,-iro-m.home, with -strangers, ^ttchaperot «d, a.nd .ttithQU* their .owners' "C9aeeB|t« The. fottowini; afy^rttteriiijat M 'th"6 Cteteauqay es wtoning to iwo ab» dttet^s) ."tost—»A| goose, 'Xasl mm Sat- today, nigft; going, twst on Main street aeeo|npahied by f-r" -• aad liih&'mme fejaot re- turned or .fettled for, theae blanks •ivflt. he;»ihd tn with the names Jn nest Week'p l^efej&rd/ 1 IBElSlt. ! Ti?EBtt.'-1S t KiEda'» V" iAwrenen Me^rath of Sullivan Sotiary, reports.that deer are plen- thls springr ami while thi-i^ has Ibee-ft a large volume of ] sao^'lft ih4 woods* there have been |no had--oyust«t-br;iee"storm« to in- terfere witf* ttte-ir getting around. <iWm BOteSTT ON. • ' BOBCATS -fiSSp: FOXES For.the Hietter gr^teetloa of small same, Sullivan,:County, is 'paying a feounfy of fS-flO on wildcats, fS.jso on grey, -fclsaes, -f2..5#i,*>n- i-ed foxes and" ?i.pn-Jon weasels.. ; -'--.;"--' -/ ' y ; W. I». NOTES <5ood morning! It is Monday ajjainj - ' ' ,, . Why not make this a holiday, rather- than that old fashioned dreary iiljue Slonday.. -" '* iaav© bur auto call aad'tuk-e your Tv-aRliing troubles out of your *hoine. -.This & worth d'oinc*-h-Ousekeep- «cs, it rowans: a'^jv-eefc at rest. irr^T imossisjr ititooKs A^E" ' . * Banger. ttJan'.' Ifeli^nzio -of^,. the ffonservafi »a Commission repor?ts that o n a recent trip Into the Klk Hake rosiim, he-fosind deer very .pientitUt. v iVhtie •the {heavy fall; of snow has caused no hardship, thsre %vas eyidenc.o that &e deer were harfes diSteulty in olitaiaing -water ta drink bf cause" the extremely cold weather''hid frozen all the brooks aiid the <Je> & had .tormake. consider- able en%rt| t o . s e t the Water. ScoitPO Tttlt, the rwfifcsttve le»d*jt« dance',«» the walls. Hundred* or of ttte Talt -Industries, Which j fell- to th*Sr knees In pf>y«* am tho iwwea; .producers ot wall paper In the The? portfolio contains-ninctgr-six samples'repre»eiit!n« the if mm uf J the thoasaad* of ,w»M p«p*r **- si«tt*.Jnanufftetiared , ' hy 'th*' Cuht- pany. They v *rere selected, by J PhttlfiJ J, lUtey, vice »r«^«tnt of tho Ta-it ladustrieu, Joha 'M8eoj*» A&tiigb&x a»a-ceteris, at tlte Ewlr* ensack m i l l , ' wntflt « 3 e o r s # y, T#r--| -rtault. of the Mat "OlRee, "the book *<fas c d t t e d by Mr. TerrfaUlt owl is th© resnilt of many hours ot- painstaking? c'ftort.' . • It Is hound in a French htue cardhoard and hears th* insijmU of -thu TAit Paj^er and COIOIP JDa- austries., 'There Is aa Introductory msssajfo w-hich. gives aa -interesting ^account of then mjpufaetura «f | wait paper froia the first, attempts, I which, werfc trade, hand-made I prints, up to the present Jtime when the buslmeftt has been de» voloped t p a #e4ence. r « t t j>u Mi»» MeKinriey, IS Beefc- man St. cordial invitation to alt, T h e J W o m a n ' s M*Me atiKsion:trjr _ _ _ _ Socto^meettng «in ht litld at the Great glamor arose jto her] rooBts-l^w®, 0 * ^i». B.A Arnold, « Helen Pte P*n«i tt«-m» ana rntnigetja thru- oat the county, Th« h«nSts *TMI low! iMlned tfi«fp Vdcqln prote?t |« thelf iltthihefi. * More -QWKICC^ Con»tn«r Say* State "ALBX-SHT, Mar t,-—JSastpra Nsw York ^*«,.throuih'.w1WiK'.* l hiiM a' hrsnch of the. "Great Fsuit" is sub- leM to larthquakea .and : <bni»» H«*ntly other qtntkes, J,» addition to the one %'hleh ihook the e^t.ycs* terda>% m a y hO--cacpecS«d. 2>r. John.- K, Clarke, state geology said hero today. l>i%' C I s r k e sad- he hao: aljnt she »weeks ago, with the hoard et } regents a request that a h«r*a* be established to study tit pofmlhiUty of- seismic disturhaneea, and had at .that time predicted* th» statt would be shaken W quakss* although lie did not &tt»mpt to say when' thty might he expected,' •'.' ^ Bxpialainif that the *Qreat Fault* Monday The Monday cluh meets "at 2:1ft. A business meeting j|; Will he called by 0*» a t w prssl- '\ -i: dsat, Mrs. K««neth BrtMh, imnie- [dlKteJy. a f t * the »oci«i meeting !:; ,TL- R O, K.. tupper tdnisht; Uuiadd Ht, Mri*. e. M. i^h^mr, i^T I i| W te I *--The Vrtendshlp club tftets^n Aw, Mm. t***rx* t « s ^ « * - ^ « ^ ' V « e k < from tt»nifiht,. | •Ksch memher will he allowed to | | invited * frlendi -. ' tVidenRdayr-Alpha, mi Thefet 1 meettngr at ?;SO. B. <t, sym class at *:W o*eh»ck* . Thur*a»y~P* .Fi. cluh- has _a" special meeting and supj^r la hoa* !or- ot th# n « w l y « t « e t « d g*Mt»d'i«eB,- ^Ilw Mariaete Mc»w*n. Mi»s AM- •*Ula--- -Weir '.•will hw-t*t«-<£tad*i*m- of tht m«f tin*, ' , t Frld^iy^~Th«"»feontS meet at -iitS., g It, O, gym chi«s at six. , Saturday—Xfghtlngales - ro*et -Jit l8:eo o'clock.. x ' 8t» A\*«daesday afternoon at three o'clock. I>roj?rai» and aoclal hour. AH 4dli« are invited, tftip^id »'9F*t»*ir • •• 3Epii.-orth l^cacue ntudy clftwr and' supper at ©tis 1p. Mn, Thumday. At tfjio 'P. M. f the minister- con- fductslfh© Mid*week Service, The Kpworth JLeagne mettinis i s t o em- phashje stewardship," a h * tha.*M*i« iwstsk Jaervlce evaa«ells»i. Weleome m *xtf ' .Methodfcm andTWUat Thi question ha« b*«n a»lcea Whether, the Methedfttt Church re- qairei its member* to tithe or pay out teaih of thslr laeam* teward; ths pttatrir of thi Kingdom of | CHri»t srhich inclndss the church! activities and aam* ether things, la| rs^ly let it he sal* that-the. Meth- odhrt :Ch*KSh 4o#f Mt raqfiirf ths {tlthinir system of Aaaaeiae the church. It ha* officially pronounced Strand Theatre "Hie PriSe of Ndrthertt Xsw ¥o$£* mmr o to Matinee Zm^^m^i^mmS0i0 '.mimi'iii'".- - "#«1 seH'ttt "Public-Miction at Barold Bavis J'arm in the towm g. : pt Schtiyl«r S'alls, Thursday Starch :;] 12th, a t 1 1 A,'%,» farm* stock a n d ^ j farming implements. . * j '• ' _ ' TCM. McMABTJ}f,-'|- ''.*'• * Aucttoneerli FOURTH TRIAL SET »- .DAME MARIE i:. »risistingf of 4 fonles» ; ; nkey and Triefc;MtiIe •",. M. HE Hl( i re •:T SHOW FOR t « E H O N E f IN NORTHERN \\Tf t j. t»mi'> Pi. hows DaOy^^^t^.«0M|^^lf^ Matinee, Children 10c, AdplU %&*% Evening, Chllttet W*JMU 30c HURGHI1IE4TOE The e'econd page hears th« tiUe : "WaU Faper to a PresitfentS*- <%&«!* aadt ahiows the aifraetiva apartment* a* uro stocic Tardsir Inn,'Chicago, «hlcfe ww§ «ecirt»t* ed i *ty th* Tatt'Walt'Paper ltae itt preparation Uv oecunancy by President coolidge and Mrs. Cool- ^idgo during their* recent visit to I tho Rational' J^llve fitoclc Show. On the hack of each of the nineiy^six samples im. printed the J name of that particular design ex- plaining for Trhat use each design is * adapted. ; fhe* ho# eoitains 'samfiles approinriafo' fat 'every* room in the home and tontalns a^siens from the 4sarly Colonial period.up to the ^tessnttime* ' t h e portfolio Is eighteen Inches |.wW6e, fifteen Inches la depth and h tw*o inches In thtcltnesa a»4 will f ho dbitribnted'-tcf the hundreds of * high grade retciil sjtorai of |h# » Tait ladusttiea in the United States. Work son the portfolio! was commenced August 1,* last, uni has just heen completed* whieh glyes: an Idea o t t h « . amoaat of work involved' in producing it,** - Mr. Tait and! Mr. Hall^prstldent I and Tice president of th* tSompany w.ero in town today m^is, periofll^J' hegins-at.the mouth, of the st» ikiw- cal inspection of the local branches ,,•/••»• -t rence river and extends to Mon- treal, Br« eiarko sad,that a branch 1'fauU ran from kontreat south ttiru the Champlain and-Hudaon -calleya iii.au KMiute cou^ie, contlnuliig as jkv south as Kew' Xork." ' * The "faults'feho explained, were lines .of fractures caused hy move- ments of the" earth** surface* in the making, and the St. XAwrence ahd Hudson Rivera He, in profound^ "fault" lines. The Hudson, h*s said, had been found to hEW a defp; channel south of Albany, he-rings; Jn the river bed IfAieattag that th*. "rock sides of the choanal met faf helow the sipfaca. : ' When these ro<M» hefte* to b»d«* Br. Clarke,said, the tfemors ara t felt. and become .<known geaeratfy as earthquakes. The quakes usUaU ly come la twos a$4'&¥#•» And-. fcortaequentiyBr. Cflarko sypresaed the belief the section would e«Mir-' ience at least one more tremor within not more than twa dnysti . T h e Hudson river. *fa*it 'iin^, -h'* said, follows a<^ong tha eastern slope of the. Champlah-and HiHd^ soa valleys to a point below Albany theijrNcrossea to the ^veat hank of the Hudaon rlvejr between Albany and Castleton, :.., , .\ .': Quakes Till MidhWht . itaelf as believing the tithe is the right proportion? for most people and ti dviso Its m.«mh**S to"try the- plan •Man- sister LyMtt $t<mt*t! iPeeor aid JACKS£»J, Uy^, Marrl, ^AJP.)—- The fourth T.rial ia tl^e j^rfe* •&'•' "eiajrhole cases/* as the murderln- dietmente lagainet IS men tor* the- election day shooting #t*192l at-e known, has been -set for Marcit z% hefore^-Iudge, Bv \V.*Qs>daer» ^'... Bne af?th« arsi tnata requited in', 1 conviction of-one member of; the Republican group of defendants^ W411iam Bamett, -whose two-year ; ' " • \ Based on slke . feoSt*nwftf**» I*7M3tcirr8i(Jiy fcy ~i ; n ;«s.'CJpron'_ : :^0t : J^lmg, Men Nettie ,w«ra In* PlatSsbur^h Thursday. ' : , -* . j Tho last danca h#for« lent "was . . . » -^ I * , L*\l ^ \ ' ^ \ 1 \ ZT*\Prifeon senteneee will, expire, this H | «n|oyM b y a largo crowd at the j* *: fJ- U1 ^ t _ ^ t lo 1 # , ha g Granier** Hall. •* . ^. ; ,- 1 -Mjit«el*n>ai^i|-J*ho«ie^om-, __, . » % ahdrt viwt with^ her brother lffi-' **T* MW .** ^J^F^.r™ •* | Sar>c.o»otAiif«MeF6rlCi. Chauffeur (»ftsr accidentj- you hurt, my hoy? *Ar* Butcher Boy <#3«?itedly}—jsTo» ,hnt I can't "»nl my llvfr. , * - , 3?ounas Point for-a few; days. m " PhiWp Patijo! died'at hi* horns i»n Ghwca SL». Champiatn;f aftei a long iUntt*/ 1 'Tht. funtral -was held At "St, Mary*s charch, Fri- day jtooirnlng. ~\ *rrf, ylption wa^^rsyeraed oil appeal. Thifc shootias? resulted in fou» ft deaths and .17. woUnded. It follow- § ed the-invasiqa of one party* strong hOId by shemhers~.ot another part/ OJJ etectlon morning. . , [All--coBCemAd i n t h e shooting jsigned .arpetition to the .county jqdgs a n d. com^onwgg,Ith*s attor- |i»ey that ^hpy "fa,iled to gee" where I any- good caa^r^ult in liagatiQ^ oyer |he jtnatter" and asked the couftty '.ofllcials to /'let by-gones be | A €oM S f e ^ r f : ^ 0 ^ q ^ ^ k Generation Drunk wil 1 * azz £<*mtiw $mt£*w®y M ^ y r g^UFF" Clbod-mOrniag! ^ .-,» ; It is Monday agRial " - ' W ay s>«t saaka thta -a -holiday. rathsr than; fluit ^ip: fashioned fbygonfes^^e* prosecution, however -...-.. ~- .... ' . " « . •.L.i:_'V_-_ »._^.-_" •**.•••• .-.. ' dreamy blue Monday, PHONE* spifeaEi'sr Hive our auto call *nd take your was! bag; trouble* out of your honie-| Thia 1# worth doihg;'housekeep* ft .HMfana a, Tweelc pt re»t» OTTAWA, Mar-"'.!.—-FOUr ttm<* %mot* «evero than any palte prey* iously recorded. her«, according th \ hurgj t*ejxtnttpn, IQr. < *i92i|w"4»ner;-wm [he h^ck for the third ,tinie^ Piteb> Mass., and Waterhury, Cohn, the offlefal report at ttif tomM& i >mi(k are tha*a*ter» entrants, W-as.soon. hegtin.,^ •Tho three trials So fair haVo he'erf | held in Boyd connty, tin ehansek j oi-verme from,B>ffaia»ltt bounty, thi sipene of the shooting,' ', , The approa,ehlri|E trial will be with qther members, qf the Bemtb-1 J.Jica3i group as defendants^. Thfey accused of the murder ot-the thre^ IBenjocrats slain, demanded sep|k#7 ate'trials, ,--'-' '• " ;- -* •&1 '*! ^ '1 i <***> ^»i - 4 "% >yi m ** *r 1 t- 1 i 5 * I i I, -J I I* If, v*

V *

icquiring Fame JUL. ableBackih|"


ilv>» H o n "nkftStou^f^

.... _ TT

-•-'->'••- wii'sua, youtl"' ' •' Phirad'etphla Jdtf "-• - t thc'poituis-•':•',• cia-morfcosj f,,,r" • '.•r>«. the lenOlnt? "mtif^j . ioi jn*,m t» the hlg wk«t|

" V major league . s c a n t l a t e t h e s t a t n M N t t » J *

;u't. is a s gro&Z. a s I n

; r .he . r . " a h d -ft i thii l l t ft

< k<t:«p ;a. team Cannot a*a»t*i ri eh. tmplot tahf}* beiKtttB. Iri P h i l a d e l p h i a , M a a a c t r . e t c h e r ttasThaa plenty of w ^ , t;b h i s I'jiQeM -mid nutntW, feg.jj s t w o £00-3 ,rna.*fcmen l a " » * •Itne- a n d , Wilson, ' Henltn«i ,*, !e... h a r d h i t t i n g colorful . w

4 o f t en hvpxi n a m e d in thai— es- -du r ing t h e p a n two y-tw*! lean dfei l layed c l a s s eiuMKkj ?afr i n t o n o l e s s t h a n i f fita£ 1024 . >. J

Fn 1923 W i l s o n ' w a x u«*4%l erponey cupucity hy st .season he bit,273 and 'dtcl ay a dangerous bat t i m e s .

Vttsan TToa his »pum wfeaj £5rM a double-h<Nui»r

G L t n t ) a t t h e Polo _ „ : s i i n t t t o r , F l e t c h e r had a i | t

ten hirfteroB Into, its strliii;'i i h e r s ««¥& Off ftrw *M#-:. 4C> v d i t ' l M f M y agains t t l

fuOO o f i l r f s d i s a s t e r ,

toed Cffiefcncy and iiet«(| | » s r h l c h m a d * t h e Ph t t f l d o v e n I n defea t . Wlsoa cam*- t o t h e rhi i i i i f | j t.rn I n 1?2T. Th«y gaf f^ l , i m ^ a r t n c r , a pkcj jer , <ta4|Nj

; h m a n i l -then farmed jo- N^W- M.'-ven tor n v r e

Me t r , ^ r««>-,tf!e.l jn l!)2f-i~i o n l y J»» . n^-amhoniirmm)^

i l t e j When FhHcher r s e - t e 3 S S * h « w a s a t t

son's willingness and hegpan tt* t iae th*« y o t w _.,...

nairt games, "and he dld^jp l i n » X «WHty-' c o u l d a|fc;

a n t h « b a a c h em

I t e u t t . a r a s h o r n In is a s k i l l e d wor

t i ng m i l l s a n d e s ^ U r i n g t h *

BOUTIN ci ,r- V i c On**, of lunges any.; ilchter • 4j|| > tn t h e « S p o n e t

in, Plattsburgh wKMM « . w k s . - - ' • ^

K: k - n e e « M <»«t » i > * * ^ j

i.»«mt-at t h » l»o»t %'"'**""' s rj^-o.. JBs'- w*ijrht » ;

:-n»- inl«r-ested; 1i»'hl« «* r-:....mm-.imlcate'"wlth h l «

> ••nt.e- ^ t . T •" ' "**

f'hximploii «f t h « «-s. ts rep«?3rt«?d a*

•.ii for itaft*. Ma»*?h J, U*' M.ijjy '•gch-'e^BJed"

o>n of Antevfca fea# i^i*'J|

--.prf-ssl-ipe - t f ta» Jt&afc •*

;.- chamutes, .»nrm|. ***] • - >«t-<1 to ' Amevicsm j • * * ^ ^ J

,R/i occatsioiiig, Wi l l i* i -.<u-d s t a t e s -champlo*' _ ••-• • him mte& "tlita,e»»; * » * *

niHM 3?h« G t a p t l * *

: :eft t h e S t fU39 » e W * * * .ii.-n^r r a ce*


fnvestjn&t£ \ Trading ( r .' i r e l l a h l e - infO^Sft**^-.

• - f • 11.. n.s y o u m a y $S iW*1**

.> , r e w e l c o m e t o OW * * * , j ! . ! - r m a t f o n s.eryifiC.• j . .

, ' ! . .>r writ© oflli''•3Bf**** . - .ii office. W e a B ^ r •, ?!: > w i t h o u t

; -xa t i&n , . ; •

s K l l U T l E S I t G B P O F 0

• I a n , b u r g h T J o « « f t » , ^ l « l f -

P h o n o 4WT* ' ' • ' ' <...i-.reai. . sr^nr-lTiX*.

I ^ a d o n , E ^ ' ^ ^ ^ g ^ tia%va. lrfWP«^»i


\v ».">

3 i y c n d *C£f!


^ j —

0 ••:"• H ' cSo to ' i

i--, ;- w.ill b « |

•r.b is - e v e - i

'em 4««r'ifecen«

-jgjairt^ t h o r«timd3 g i f t e d tejto t h o

^poiit offleo a f t e H t ^ o hi?? a t o r t » . fo -

• %


tX-' '•'


-t.il-.ei- i&^

\ tim story-.fe '• t h a t fcwa <$%-4 i

IS.r.ysWn I tsentlj,?. t h e y "w-eoe t»tdr i^Iehdsi. O a o

it '\m.* jVcas.from,jftedfox-d,_th«> o t h e r f r o m jn* t h e i r j M o o e r s . ^ „ " - - • "

,. K TheJ* "afufch'' R»<¥tv'o(kt y o u r , w a y ? "

- o'-el^K.-^asilitedrthe- RcdtoVti r&att. -• ' f • " Q u i t e a .4>it," Saia | h c Mo&fers

':?esiid,eat. Wnfl e h e * a s i l l l C o p i n g

Kttmn. Vloiv'si things" wut-your wayt** :%* -*^R?by,- W<J SO* ^ . i a t a r i i 4»uGh

snow*" nU '~&im<& r ^ p l i # 4 / , ' t h a t 1J [-had t o 3 a c & t i $ tftp* ca-WS , las t . h i^Kt

t o m i l k 'ct&Hf ; .-" T h a t .sfcln ra^d- t h o o t h e r ©fd-


MULCT. Trials For Cott${nracy Be-

•'lie onjSrafte


U. 1[|* Gf Mlrkh Qttt^Ionea ]H«ny , ' in -tsttwit Vtelt TSi-fHitjis-

' . -h»r#h'MstW««k !



Himdreds KBCCI I11 Prayer, Fcirittg WorH's End Near; Theater ftrewdb 9mk To Street; H. A. Wood Shaken Out Of Bed; Pictures And Dishes Dance; More Quakes Coming, Says State Geologist



; , . . . * v v ' * i H o M l \ J t i m C r

i ' ts i>ubliahed

••;-- • haw tijctsa '«ont by e o m o

•>a t.6 ho t h e kttpil . I t . l a h a r a

r.p cod ld h a v e

-T<?\ of a ftnuart ^;<-h a h i t P t h t o

: la d o u b t f u l If

'tier*e is a s e v e r e

"Sfost yotir vnx?."

bo felnaa".-drifts out

a h o l i d a y ,

fashlonca .'.' tn tS.

U 6td • lay.

1 o- (•&\l a n d hii io yoUi*

• _ - ' ^ 42A&, S T O L E N A -192Q- OldsnaoWle-r^aiifetop *V09

steloji; £TQ«I 15annoy Bukch. -early yesterday tnomteyf, he reported to

J. tho policy, It \vds storcu across imm hla house in Finch & Pruyn'a lumber yard, ho soM, There was no hat ter in Ufa ear and it hu# not been used all winter, so the thieves must have*t«wed. it axvay, Banney dielnratl. fie ha3 a Rood hlca ot th^ thlors itfenttty.

ftpsfc-sy iftW.Ms' iiiii of y<syr ItOhiO. ^6a b «." -' th doing ' J ioOsekcop*

Ik^tt'ct-up.-; -a xveeW of reSt*.

., .HiTiiililirimK 'I II I I» < M — » ^ — M — M i f * < — » — — » * |

Mhserviftory, list nlghr* tarth tre-mor« "^ere reeordtd. here from ?9;21 o*eloelf. until ntidnigrht, withough

Vthe yifcrations were felt on tho street'Wor onl ya f*w minutes, ,

org lasted ta»n~ftt23 to 'MM P. M.f f ' i *>*»•or * * * * * ' « \ T H P E S E H I V E R S ^ Q u e . . M a r . J

'Clinton County shook violently} f o r t»»o ful l m i n u t e s S a t u r d a y n i g h t a* t l i e g r « M Btratft of roek« u n d e r * l y i n g t h e C h a m p l a i n a n d MuoKOn| va l l eys -shifted pos i t ion . th» tr*tt t







Bulk and

F t m e r a l - iuspvicca * f o r C h a r l e a f E o w r e y a n , w h o d-l«a- tVl t t ay a t thfc homo ot his niece,. Xtrs. B. . Q. Mooro, v?&a co»d«ictCQ*-..ivlL th«i' homo; CO Urhik«i»hoff.'"st„ skater--day' afternoon ^jthJ^Rev. . Alhertl Oale , pdstor• , of T r i n i t y C h a r c h i

t } 0UICla^in2. r T h o ' > e t n ' a i t t 3 " *%v&-o t a k e n t o

| j Brooklyn,' IS. l? .r iait 'toij?ht lor S j h o r i a l in O r e e n w o o d ' fcemciery.

Mr. Ilowrosan, irfho waa in tils Ott-t y«?ar. h a s , *nado h ia h o m d

®'|h«re-t6)«' tha lina sovon ycaca. Ho (fortttorfe? maado hla f ionie Iti' K e w

I York. , - Ho x'.-aa a dtecondant of ( o W K t H e & e r b o e k e r 'istotih. a n d Jbcrv*| \ c d wi th t h o S w e h t h R e g i m e n t i n j tho. Civil" "Wax. I f o -was protiO of | 1 tJio fact t h a t - hO ha«J con.VGrcod

fi. H. Goodrioh, assistant.,U. S. district attorneyt Hiipped, • quietly Into JPlattsbnrijh %Vednesdsty night and left as eilemtly, FrMtejy noon* the. Press learned yester0(iy» ; > During hta stay ho questioned "a,

I largo nmnhor of Plattshuttgh resi­dents, including Mr. 'm >3L v01ark, ,of tho pumherfowd Hotel, and it is nnderstoo* ho dtetributed-k several suhpoenaa for anpearanoo in fed­eral court at Altaany thla %yeek of witnesses la the 3?latta$»urgh Mhoot» les" case?, - .

l%ir. Clar^ tho clerks and flou'cr •girl, wore fteked tin regard toynaeals at thoj^umfaeti md \vhleh Clarence Parks, federal sleuth, his wife,; ana feweral PlattPhjurgh ucopie are f nM to-have cnioyed. -Those qur-stttmed 4-id jitot romeratK! the mealsi*they t o ld jrfr.--0dodr2:cii.

; The vhdt of th-o a:;s!stant .dMrict-l .attorney is/taka,* to show the Ia» tcntiun ol tXm pro^cutot'a office to leave -no. etono pnturned in the ef«

J fort to tiMt&in convletioa ot the Clinton t?ounty men \vHc«se trials for "conspiracy to violate th» aa* tlaaal .»yt»hlbttl«>irt lm,n mmnmze t h i s m d r n l n g ' a t A l h a n y .

t h e n t e a s e d a a sudden ly u s t h ^ y

had fcegun. T h e a t e r c r o w d s >,vejr# a l a r m e d

and rushed to the open air, Htate Highway Inspector Harry' B..» *r<&* Carthy, who tvaa in the'' Pattit-buri^h.Theater at th time,, managed to keep ,tbe movement dawn the

Jjjtaira to pte street ordt-rly,- Gm nervous woman fainted and %;m revived in the 'Busy See r^otatjrant

H, A. .Wood, one of Plattuburkh's oldeRC and most re^peettd eiti«;en», had jfust, retired when the quake eamo and \va» rudelyshakeh out of bed. v .• • . ; ; M

Sluyor Crosp Was hi" hi* jewelry storo on tainloit «trfe t and did hot feel any alarm until a.'heavy chan­delier* in tho show DcJhflowJbegaa to swlny- us hough it would txil and strike the-glass* *

Cortez Cate said the'usually-rigid sheHses in hi* delleateaaen te&anjfco s.hake violently and hotlJteH and


BE RIVEES, Que.» Mar. ~Mri, Eugentf Bureau of sto Anne da xA Parade, 2S miles from.here^ fell upeoasclous of shock caustW by the earthquake and died last night before medica! aW could reach h e r . ' \ - . - ' . . - • • .

j Montreal Shaken X&STR&AX* Maf , l .~- .parf • of

Slbatreal felt last night's earth-qaak^p in all its intensity; and part hardly felt it at ail. Experts at-| trlhuied this phenomenon to soil! :differienct?. •• • t .^

j Quebec Dwnaw Sev<ew? | QUEBEC ,-Siar, _j.- Qu».bee ''wa»-:

s sver ly shaken hy.-last evening's earthquake. Large buildings, in-cludiijj? the Chateau Kront«nac, a n d t h e a r m o r i e s ^ s w a y e d p e r c e p t i -My, while several pirtitll khitkn on

.the outskirts of the eity'Vere de-mo,)i$ijed, -

A iNlccUon of th« m'at of tlie TJn» ipn atatton was damaged any many

Chkf, McCooey, Sweeney, Wield Aies ;

' . . . • . — . . , . . . . . . . ' - , ' . - - \

rnnwn w ATrucc TUP " Acnrroc tu APTIAM viTivtivo in AtiiuW

McOwcy' Blags Vtr Tttitfe Plttm^ ,Chief ¥tm*s' Wnmh to Merry

Competltton {



6tvne¥ I'M .re8; fti, gtob-Wrtrfcr meet-'jbntg'' o f 't%e. 3baryraea '^ .aueaigae <^o-|o»eritlv« .ABsoektlott" of CHiitoa-C!o„ *ill ho-held'at, Mooers itSt, iSrange'KaH, "Wednesday Mafch. #,,

At ' f^3u &. M, Ml i n t e r e s t e d - a r e urged to, attend. , (

"The regular^ suh<?Bi8triet meet­ing of the Dairymen^' lieapue.~€Q-op«ratiy? Assoeiaiion. of. ^rafkliii;|aeeord,gi%| Ca.t wm hie h.*Ict «ra* Saufsflav feaav &th itt Baiigor, Orange Hall at l»W X*. M. All Invited^


' rniSsmnr'ianj oK-


c a n n e d g4od« d i d a m i r r y wai t* . | « ( l j f » M W . ! « t f t e hUlWIHg i U r e

' Naoolton liecaM«, pruyvirtw of -1,W1 *"-



IHairt & A ' H e a m Opp. Y. 1B» €*>, rl>*

v;lth IhfiKldcnt M n c o l n ccvcraJ j '•f t h n e f i . . , • • I

its i£itv£:it.si£»*: ct-aua-rrtJtv "' 'Police'ii iirai'y' uivcutirit the jmnual meetlns.-of owners, of! lot« in Kivorsfde Cemetery for tho elt-eiioa- of officer - of the Assaela^ tlon Cor tho ensuing year and fo,r 'su>ih other business as mas? proper­ly como fWforo the' mectins- vsill be ItoljVat tftd'offictf «£ )3. F, Botefora;| 34 i la rKarej t S&ce t , S l a r c h 4 , 232G*

fit»o*d«icfc P. i t s

, - Seert-toryrj • — , — ^ - ^ — ; . i

Hichly Adonwtt Bwtik S a m p l e s o t Wil l i l»ttpeir

Cbose» f&r Fr&kleat

By day or at home, * M, fTearn G a r * a n t , Vltf :Oafc Bt>?-AAtt. :

JACK c. niAiiiprs, l*«^# Plattsburgh^ P o p u l a r Playfenise Catering to T h e MlHMI^ * » 4 ! % t l^ift 0 # g » e t

*"'" 111- In 1.' 1, t i i.i.i.ii .1 i.niiiiiii 1 1.1 i n . , in, 1 . ' < < . I . 1 .liji it. 111 1 ,1111.111.11

Man., Tues. mi W^k Hatch. 244

-IN. n

It M . v e& Like UgMm—DWt WS«» K


j J...r


- • — i ...1,1 w.,1 • •» ! ! , ! MfW*W««»>i<^iiiiiPWw^WIW<PM*S|^«*<

BOB:-mJU19B3ff : ,MJ from BostojRetoriis to Platls-

iur an Absence 0 f ; T w d t V a ' , u

A deluxe cditloa" of a psrtfolla booK contalntea samples at «iU'tt» ifp aoM uaiipr fcis just!» cm lwnnft t»y t6.o "jtait l*~ir»«r a « a c a l o r ^ In*

duiArk- tee. it u fehia t»» i«s* tto oti ly fcoolt'ot i t s k tn t l eves- p u b t M i «

cfl. .by. a mitt piipf* concfw,,, Th* por t foUo i d e a w a s concfclyed t»V

Candjland, did not .pay much at­tention until a heavy packing1 cat* fell «nto.'tho Jlutir htnUe him la the cellar. ' - .

rteonejfH at tlte lull Wfre shaken} awake, hut were Hat greatly alarm- • «*d» $MtW, BiQ? SUittHl. '

U t a e r s In t h e rWitfturaats ' thoujght

iBem«eIv«« suddenly taktn ill. when dlshe.1 surtcd dancing on the

The i*e<tm stUct* tt'as'rtaaded with uhonr.cuUK (mm person* *«*«!' t», I<*ara what * had hspp*n«d. Bur« ton I t h e K o r t h f s t a t e d n<» d a m a g e w u dunt? t o t h e tlfr.trtca! Tnnnectlons, ^ut an ex­tra tQKt t'tt jrirls* was put on _tt» haadls th»» <l*luu# ut calls.

Many wnidtrnti*, -r*m*mh«rinxt predJ.^tlcin^ c>t a f«»r *re*k* K O

th:tt Jfth *Mrtf! was fo-mln*Tuj a* *nd, h#llftv*d th* forecast was com Jasr trm? when th« floors started

J^ulverlttg? nn.d tho pictures began

broken. Three shocks were' felt, hut the

damaKO was done by thus first.

3r f T U f :O»ISI? cjoitecii.KiMaes

I- M o n d a y Jfusler Epworth X*SKU» at four

o'cluck Monday. Special meeting; of iht Zstdtes Association at S 'ciacjif in the Miapah room, all memherrt r»guw«tea t o tM» - p re sen t . ' C h u r c h W*mi*rih!ii class under the "dim:-, ticm of the mlnivter at 4;15* Month­ly husineHi meetittif of th* HpWorth ]

f, UmahM, mmtal manager of | aine'together with a, socist 8upV eorthsrii x v. T*i«ph0«« ea.. j»w n* «t!0. AH ieaguem and their

'friends me cordially invjted. J ' TwatoF-' -" . '

Cot i»ge p r a y e r m e e t i n g s a r e h ^ l Ttt tsdfty » t ' ? : 3 0 P . M-» i n t h e fol-iowinW homes? M r s , Uosw £Avlirn».

A^med with axes and sledge ham m«rs, Chief Bli Senecal of tho po­lice department, flanked hy Officers 'McCooey ahd Sweeney/m«rcn'ed to the destruction of eight slot ma­chines In front of the, police^ sta-1 tio« Saturday morning. *- ' '

Qroansi mingled With cheers from the throng of spectators^'as the stalwart cops swuns. lustily. .

"Three plums," shouted ah in­terested onlooker, as Oftteer'&lc-Cooey swuns for the top and hit the handle.] .,' "**'- .

As * sportinir propo»Ition, Offi­cer Sweeney joined in and rung up two plums and a lemon,

Chief Senecai eysd hfs end^of the pile. He .urotiped his hammer and iSwuns, ."A liu«h,ed aw<? folio-wed, ihencheersj - . . ' ' - • •' "Three hars win," went «i> the Shout. But no money dropped, it tias ah eraiity honor. Tho filthy lu­cre had been removed and present* ed to ths Children*** Home of North ern' Sew. York,.All was not cash' played in the machines, for thk chief recovered a healthy iookink hm of slug?.'. .1

T h e n t h e w o r k of d e s t r u c t i o n went on until the expensive devices were reduced to shapeless metal * rtnd the criPH'were wearied out. The wood was bttrned-and the steels de--hrls removed-to the-city dump.

•'Rev. Alhert Qale 'Monday, SJOO-5*.OO"P,*-m

en Sewing. •> •' ' "" V; • v " : J 7i30 K'Sf.^-Eve^ing' Servfee'and Address,

TueHda'y, 4'M P. k,«¥EvehinK Prayer and Conference,' Subjeot, "T*rayer."/ -.-"'• ;'.'"-• •" . ^ Wednesday, tulOO A, M.^Ho| Communion. -- 4;16 P. 3t»>*rLitany aftd address on the Patriarch'**, fliustrated hy ILatifern pietureH. ' ' . , . . , Thursday* 4'M K, M.—Soy*

Scouts. . Friday,- 4.;«0JP. M,«~School'.l£p>

gue.:- rt ':. _;:i( , -.„/ . "-.;

7:30 A 'M.^3^J*any and address. BatKrday, ' PA$ . k 5L*-Ohoir-

JPrac'tieo. , ' '•' ' • • , , • • „ , f ,-,., „-,,

BOYBA—-Sunday, atarjeh, l,l$Z$ T h o m a s Boyea , a g e d -9G year^ , a t t h e J w m e ' o l b'fe ^nwtsjater,. Si rs , JDominfc P a l t r a l c


bhatea^gay g4eso apparently stray,-iro-m.home, with -strangers, ^ttchaperot «d, a.nd .ttithQU* their .owners' "C9aeeB|t« The. fottowini; afy^rttteriiijat M 'th"6 Cteteauqay

es wtoning to iwo ab» dttet^s)

."tost—»A| goose, 'Xasl mm Sat-today, nigft; going, twst on Main street aeeo|npahied by f-r" -• aad

liih&'mme fejaot re­turned or .fettled for, theae blanks •ivflt. he;»ihd tn with the names Jn nest Week'p l efej&rd/1

IBElSlt. t«!Ti?EBtt.'-1StKiEda'» V"

iAwrenen Me^rath of Sullivan Sotiary, reports.that deer are plen-

thls springr ami while thi-i^ has Ibee-ft a large volume of

] sao^'lft ih4 woods* there have been |no had--oyust«t-br;iee"storm« to in­terfere witf* ttte-ir getting around.

<iWm B O t e S T T ON. • ' B O B C A T S -fiSSp: F O X E S

For.the Hietter gr^teetloa of small same, Sullivan,:County, is 'paying a feounfy of fS-flO on wildcats, fS.jso on grey, -fclsaes, -f2..5#i,*>n- i-ed foxes and" ?i.pn-Jon weasels.. ;-'--.;"--' -/ '

y ; W. I». NOTES

<5ood morning! It is Monday ajjainj - ' '• ,,

. W h y n o t m a k e t h i s a ho l iday , ra ther - t h a n t h a t o ld f a sh ioned d r e a r y • iiljue S londay . . -" '*

iaav© b u r a u t o c a l l aad ' tuk-e y o u r Tv-aRliing t r o u b l e s o u t of y o u r *hoine.

- . T h i s & w o r t h d'oinc*-h-Ousekeep-«cs, i t rowans: a'^jv-eefc at r e s t .

irr T

imossisjr ititooKs A ^ E " • • • ' . *

B a n g e r . ttJan'.' I f e l i ^ n z i o -of ,. t h e ffonservafi »a Commiss ion repor?ts t h a t o n a r e c e n t t r i p I n t o t h e Klk H a k e ro s i im , h e - f o s i n d d e e r very .pientitUt.v iVhtie • the {heavy fa l l ; of s n o w h a s caused n o h a r d s h i p , t h s r e %vas eyidenc.o t h a t & e d e e r w e r e h a r f e s d iSteul ty i n o l i t a i a i n g -water ta d r i n k bf cause" t h e e x t r e m e l y cold w e a t h e r ' ' h i d f rozen a l l t h e b r o o k s a i id t h e <Je> & h a d . tormake. cons ide r ­a b l e en%rt| t o . s e t t h e Water .

ScoitPO Tttlt, the rwfifcsttve le»d*jt« dance',«» the walls. Hundred* or of ttte Talt -Industries, Which j fell- to th*Sr knees In pf>y«* am tho iwwea; .producers ot wall paper In the

The? portfolio contains-ninctgr-six samples'repre»eiit!n« the if mm uf J the thoasaad* of ,w»M p«p*r **-si«tt*.Jnanufftetiared,' hy 'th*' Cuht-pany. They v*rere selected, by

J PhttlfiJ J, lUtey, vice »r«^«tnt of tho Ta-it ladustrieu, Joha 'M8eoj*»

A&tiigb&x a»a-ceteris, at tlte Ewlr* e n s a c k mill , ' wntflt «3eors# y , T#r - - |

-rtault. of the Mat "OlRee, "the b o o k *<fas c d t t e d b y M r . Ter r faUl t

owl is th© resnilt of many hours ot - pa ins taking? c'ftort. ' . •

It Is hound in a French htue cardhoard and hears th* insijmU of -thu TAit Paj^er and COIOIP JDa-austries., 'There Is aa Introductory msssajfo w-hich. gives aa -interesting

^account of then mjpufaetura «f | wait paper froia the first, attempts, I which, werfc trade, hand-made I prints, up to the present Jtime when the buslmeftt has been de» voloped t p a #e4ence.

r « t t j>u Mi»» MeKinriey, IS Beefc-man St. cordial invitation to alt,

TheJ W o m a n ' s M * M e at iKsion: t r j r

_ _ _ _ Socto^meettng «in ht litld at the Great glamor arose jto her] rooBts-l^w®,0* i» . B.A Arnold, « Helen

Pte P*n«i tt«-m» ana rntnigetja thru-o a t t h e c o u n t y , T h « h«nSts *TMI

low! iMlned tfi«fp Vdcqln prote?t

| « thelf iltthihefi. * M o r e -QWKICC^ Con»tn«r Say* S t a t e

"ALBX-SHT, Mar t,-—JSastpra Nsw York ^*«,.throuih'.w1WiK'.*lhiiM a' hrsnch of the. "Great Fsuit" is sub-leM to larthquakea .and : <bni»» H«*ntly o t h e r q tn tkes , J,» a d d i t i o n t o

the one %'hleh ihook the e^t.ycs* terda>% m a y hO--cacpecS«d. 2>r. John.-

K, Clarke, state geology said hero t o d a y . l>i%' C I s r k e sad- h e hao : a l jn t she »weeks ago, with the hoard et

} regents a request that a h«r*a* be established to study t i t pofmlhiUty of- seismic disturhaneea, and had at .that time predicted* th» statt would be shaken W quakss* although lie did not &tt»mpt to say when' thty might he expected,' •'.' ^

Bxpialainif that the *Qreat Fault*

Monday — The Monday cluh m e e t s "at 2:1ft. A bus ine s s m e e t i n g j | ; Will h e ca l l ed b y 0*» a t w prss l - ' \ - i : d s a t , Mrs . K « « n e t h BrtMh, i m n i e -

[dlKteJy. aft* the »oci«i meeting !:; ,TL- R O, K.. tupper tdnisht;

Uuiadd Ht, Mri*. e. M. i^h^mr, i^TIi|WteI*--The Vrtendshlp club tftets^n Aw, Mm. t***rx* t « s ^ « * - ^ « ^ ' V « e k < f r o m tt»nifiht,. |

•Ksch memher will he allowed to | | invited * frlendi -. ' tVidenRdayr-Alpha, mi Thefet 1

meettngr at ?;SO. B. <t, sym class at *:W o*eh»ck* .

Thur*a»y~P* A« .Fi. cluh- has _a" special meeting and supj^r la hoa*

!or- o t t h # n « w l y «t«et«d g*Mt»d'i«eB,-

Ilw Mariaete Mc»w*n. Mi»s AM-•*Ula--- -Weir '.•will hw-t*t«-<£tad*i*m-

of tht m«f tin*, ' , tFrld^iy^~Th«"»feontS m e e t a t - i i tS. , g It, O, gym chi«s at six.

, S a t u r d a y — X f g h t l n g a l e s - ro*et -Ji t l8:eo o ' c lock . . x '

8t» A\*«daesday afternoon at three o ' c lock . I>roj?rai» a n d aoc la l h o u r .

AH 4dli« are invited, tftip id

• » ' 9 F * t » * i r • ••

3Epii.-orth l ^cacue n tudy clftwr and ' supper at ©tis 1p. Mn, Thumday. At tfjio 'P. M.f the minister- con-

fductslfh© Mid*week Service, The K p w o r t h JLeagne me t t i n i s i s t o em-p h a s h j e s t ewardsh ip , " a h * tha.*M*i«

iwstsk Jaervlce evaa«ells»i. Weleome m *xtf '

.Methodfcm andTWUat T h i ques t ion h a « b*«n a»lcea

Whether, the Methedfttt Church re-q a i r e i i t s m e m b e r * t o t i t h e o r p a y out teaih of thslr laeam* teward; ths pttatrir of thi Kingdom of | CHri»t srhich inclndss the church! activities and aam* ether things, l a | rs^ly let it he sal* that-the. Meth-odhrt :Ch*KSh 4o#f Mt raqfiirf ths

{tlthinir system of Aaaaeiae the church. It ha* officially pronounced

Strand Theatre " H i e PriSe of Ndrthertt Xsw ¥o$£*

mmr o to Matinee Zm^^m^i^mmS0i0

' . m i m i ' i i i ' " . -

- " # « 1 s e H ' t t t "Pub l i c -Mic t ion a t Barold Bavis J'arm in the towm g. :pt Scht iy l«r S'alls, T h u r s d a y S t a r c h :;] 12 th , a t 1 1 A, '%,» farm* s t o c k a n d ^ j f a r m i n g i m p l e m e n t s . . * j

'• '_ ' TCM. McMABTJ}f,-' |-' ' . * ' • * Aucttoneerl i


.DAME MARIE i:. »risistingf of 4 fonles»;;

nkey and Triefc;MtiIe •",. M.


\\Tft j .



hows DaOy^^^t^.«0M|^^lf^ Matinee, Chi ld ren 10c, Adp lU %&*%

Evening, Chllttet W* JMU 30c


The e'econd page hears th« tiUe :"WaU Faper to a PresitfentS*-<%&«!* aadt ahiows the aifraetiva apartment* a* uro stocic Tardsir Inn,'Chicago, «hlcfe ww§ «ecirt»t* ed i *ty t h * T a t t ' W a l t ' P a p e r l t a e i t t preparation Uv oecunancy by President coolidge and Mrs. Cool-

^idgo during their* recent visit to I t h o Ra t iona l ' J^llve fitoclc S h o w .

On the hack of each of the nineiy^six samples im. printed the J name of that particular design ex­plaining for Trhat use each design is * adapted. ; fhe* h o # eoitains 'samfiles approinriafo' fat 'every* room in the home and tontalns a^siens from the 4sarly Colonial period.up to the ^tessnttime* '

t h e portfolio Is eighteen Inches |.wW6e, fifteen Inches la depth and h tw*o inches In thtcltnesa a»4 will f ho dbitribnted'-tcf the hundreds of * high grade retciil sjtorai of |h# » Tait ladusttiea in the United

States. Work son the portfolio! was commenced August 1,* last, uni has just heen completed* whieh glyes: a n Idea o t t h « . a m o a a t of work involved' in producing it,**

- Mr. Tait and! Mr. Hall^prstldent I and Tice president of th* tSompany

w.ero in town today m^is, periofll^J'

hegins-at.the mouth, of the st» ikiw-

cal inspection of the local branches , , • / • • » • - t

rence river and extends to Mon­treal, Br« eiarko sad,that a branch

1'fauU ran from kontreat south ttiru t h e C h a m p l a i n a n d - H u d a o n -calleya

iii.au KMiute cou ie, contlnuliig a s jkv s o u t h a s Kew' Xork." ' *

The "faults'feho explained, were lines .of fractures caused hy move­ments of the" earth** surface* in the making, and the St. XAwrence ahd Hudson Rivera He, in profound^ "fault" lines. The Hudson, h*s said, had been found to hEW a defp; channel south of Albany, he-rings; Jn the river bed IfAieattag that th*. "rock sides of the choanal met faf helow the sipfaca. : '

When these ro<M» hefte* to b»d«* Br. Clarke,said, the tfemors ara tfelt. and become .<known geaeratfy as earthquakes. The quakes usUaU ly come la twos a$4'&¥#•» And-.

fcortaequentiyBr. Cflarko sypresaed the belief the section would e«Mir-' ience at least one more tremor within not more than twa dnysti .

T h e Hudson river. *fa*it 'iin^, -h'* said, follows a< ong tha eastern slope of the. Champlah-and HiHd soa valleys to a point below Albany theijrNcrossea to the ^veat hank • of the Hudaon rlvejr between Albany and Castleton, :.., , .\ .':

Quakes Till MidhWht .

itaelf as believing the tithe is the right proportion? for most people and ti dviso Its m.«mh**S to"try the-plan


LyMtt $t<mt*t! iPeeor aid

J A C K S £ » J , Uy^, M a r r l , ^ A J P . ) — -The fourth T.rial ia tl^e j^rfe* •&'•' "e i a j rho l e cases /* a s t h e m u r d e r l n -dietmente lagainet IS men tor* the-election day shooting #t*192l at-e known, has been -set for Marcit z% hefore -Iudge, Bv \V.*Qs>daer» '...

Bne af?th« arsi tnata requited in', 1 conviction of-one member of; the Republican group of defendants^ W411iam Bamett, -whose two-year

; ' " • \ Based on slke

. feoSt*nwftf**» I*7M3tcirr8i(Jiy fcy ~i

;n;«s.'CJpron'_ ::^0t:J^lmg, Men

Net t ie , w « r a In* P l a t S s b u r ^ h

T h u r s d a y . ' : , -* . j

T h o l a s t d a n c a h # f o r « l e n t "was • . . . » -^ I * , L*\l ^ \ ' ^ \ 1 \ ZT*\Prifeon s e n t e n e e e wil l , exp i re , t h i s H | « n | o y M b y a l a r g o c r o w d a t t h e j * * : f J - „ U 1 ^ t _ ^ t „ l o 1 # ,ha g

G r a n i e r * * H a l l . •* . . ; ,-1

-Mjit«el*n>ai^i|-J*ho«ie^om-, _ _ , . » % ahdrt viwt with her brother lffi-' **T*MW .** ^J^F^.r™ •* | Sar>c.o»otAiif«MeF6rlCi.

Chauffeur (»ftsr accidentj-you hurt, my hoy?


B u t c h e r B o y <#3«?itedly}—jsTo»

,hnt I can't "»nl my llvfr. , * - ,

3?ounas Point for-a few; days. m " PhiWp Patijo! died'at hi*

horns i»n Ghwca SL». Champiatn;f aftei a long iUntt*/1 'Tht. funtral -was held At "St, Mary*s charch, Fri­day jtooirnlng. ~\


ylption wa^^rsyeraed oil appeal. Thifc shootias? resulted in fou» ft

deaths and .17. woUnded. It follow- § ed the-invasiqa of one party* strong hOId by shemhers~.ot another part/ OJJ etectlon morning. . ,

[All--coBCemAd i n t h e s h o o t i n g jsigned .arpetition to the .county jqdgs and. com^onwgg,Ith*s attor-

|i»ey that ^hpy "fa,iled to gee" where I any- good caa^r^ult in liagatiQ^ oyer |he jtnatter" and asked the couftty '.ofllcials t o / ' l e t b y - g o n e s be

| A €oM S f e ^ r f : ^ 0 ^ q ^ ^ k Generation • Drunk wil1 * azz

£<*mtiw $mt£*w®y M ^ y r g^UFF"

Clbod-mOrniag! • .-,» ; It is Monday agRial " - ' W ay s>«t saaka thta -a -holiday.

rathsr than; fluit ^ip: fashioned fbygonfes^^e* prosecution, however - . . . - . . ~ - . . . . ' . " « . • . L . i : _ ' V _ - _ » ._^ . -_" •**.•••• .-.. ' dreamy b l u e M o n d a y ,

PHONE* spifeaEi'sr H i v e o u r a u t o c a l l * n d t a k e y o u r

w a s ! bag; t r o u b l e * o u t of y o u r h o n i e - |

Thia 1# worth doihg;'housekeep* ft .HMfana a, Tweelc pt re»t»

O T T A W A , Mar-"'.!.—-FOUr t t m < *

%mot* «evero than any palte prey* ious ly recorded. h e r « , a c c o r d i n g th \ hurgj

t*ejxtnttpn, IQr.<*i92i |w"4»ner;-wm

[he h^ck for the third ,tinie^ Piteb> Mass . , a n d W a t e r h u r y , C o h n ,

the offlefal report at ttif tomM& i>mi(k are tha*a*ter» entrants,

W-as.soon. hegtin. ,^ •Tho t h r e e t r i a l s So fair haVo he'erf

| held in Boyd connty, tin ehansek j o i -ve rme from,B>ffaia»ltt boun ty , thi

sipene of the shooting,' ', • , T h e a p p r o a , e h l r i | E t r i a l w i l l b e

with qther members, qf the Bemtb-1 J.Jica3i g r o u p a s de fendan t s^ . Thfey accused of the murder ot-the thre^

I B e n j o c r a t s s l a in , d e m a n d e d sep|k#7 ate'trials, , - - ' - ' '• " ;- -*


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