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Strategic management of whats app

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The Academic year 2013-2014. The information

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To list who all have helped me is difficult because they are so numerous and the depth is so enormous.

I would like to acknowledge the following as being idealistic channels and fresh dimensions in the completion of this project

I take this opportunity to thank the University of Mumbai forgiving me chance to do this project.

I would like thank my Principal, Dr. Madhavi.S.Pethe for providing the necessary facilities required for completion of this project.

I would also like to express my sincere gratitude towards my project guide PROF.MRS.K.S.FULMALI whose guidance and care made the project


I would like to thank my college library, for having provided Various reference books and magazines related to my project.

Lastly I would like to thank each & every person who directly or indirectly helped me in completion of the project especially my parents & peers who

supported me throughout my project.

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1. Introduction

2. History

3. Marketing Revolution

4. IT Strategy On WhatsApp

5. Technical

6. Security

7. Privacy

8. Open WhatsApp Project

9. Why Use Whatsapp

10. Whatsapp SWOT Analysis

11. Pestle Analysis

12. Grand Strategy

13. Future

14. Conclusion

15. Biography

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Executive Summary

SECTOR : IT Software

COMPANY : Whatsapp Inc.

SUBJECT : Strategy Management


The Project Report is on applying IT strategy on Whatsapp Inc.

Working on this project introduced us to the IT strategy of Whatsapp. We are applied SWOT analysis,

Pestle Analysis, Porter’s 5 Forces model on Whatsapp.

Well, WhatsApp is a pun on What's Up.

WhatsApp Inc. is an early stage technology startup founded in the heart of Silicon Valley.

Because of better SMS alternative, Whatsapp is invented. Because we believe we can. Because someday very soon everybody will have a Smartphone.

The study of on this project helped me to know current market scenarios of Whatsapp Inc. and also the

variety of services that it offers to the users.

In today’s tough economic climate all organizations need to improve efficiency and, even in midsize

firms that usually mean coordinating large quantities of information. However, technology and

thinking has progressed and, billions of user nowadays using whatsapp.

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Way back in 1876, a revolution was created by a 29year old genius – Alexander Graham Bell, in the form of a telephone. Sadly though, both, his mother and his wife were deaf. Most of us alive today, weren’t then. But we did get to witness a similar break-through though, in 2009– WhatsApp,

With 450 million monthly users and a million more signing up each day, WhatsApp was just too far ahead in the international mobile messaging race for Facebook to catch up, as you can see in the chart above that we made last year. Facebook either had to surrender the linchpin to mobile social networking abroad, or pony up and acquire WhatsApp before it got any bigger. It chose the latter.

Facebook recently said on its earnings call a few weeks ago that its November relaunch of Messenger led to a 70 percent increase in usage, with many more messages being sent. But much of that was likely in the United States and Canada where the standalone messaging app war is still to be won.Internationally, Facebook was late to the Messenger party. It didn’t launch until 2011 after Facebook bought Beluga, and at the time it was centered around group messaging where SMS was especially weak.

WhatsApp launched in 2009 with the right focus on a lean, clean, and fast mobile messaging app. And while the international messaging market is incredibly fragmented, it was able to gain a major presence where Messenger didn’t as you can also see in the chart above.

Unlike PC-based social networking, there is no outstanding market leader in mobile messaging. Still, WhatsApp absolutely dominates in markets outside of the U.S. like Europe and India.

WhatsApp was much more popular than Facebook in several large developing markets, according to data from a small survey conducted by Jana Mobile and published by The Information (which

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requested we remove the graph of the data). In India, Brazil, and Mexico, responses were 12X to 64X more likely to say WhatsApp is their most used messaging app, compared to Facebook. Those are big countries with tons of users that Facebook needs.

It’s also impossible for Facebook to acquire certain other Asian competitors like WeChat, which is the one hope of Chinese mega-giant Tencent to have a global consumer product.

So it’s clear that WhatsApp had strategic interest to Facebook, and we know that the two talked from time to time.We made the map above using data from Onavo, another Israeli-based company that Facebook acquired for — ahem — competitive intelligence. Because Facebook scooped up Onavo for more than $100 million in October, we don’t have access to active usage data anymore. The only thing outsiders can see are app store rankings, which imply download rates and not current usage.

So what happened in the last year? WhatsApp looks to have pulled so far ahead of Facebook in developing markets that there was no way to catch up. Mark Zuckerberg said in a post today that the app was on its way to reaching 1 billion users.

We’ve heard Facebook has been interested in buying WhatsApp for two to three years. We reported in 2012 that Facebook was in talks to acquire WhatsApp. But over the past year, it became clear that Facebook couldn’t afford not to pay whatever it would take to get WhatsApp on its team.

So the answer to Facebook’s problem ended up being $19 billion.

Apparently, that’s what it took to take Jan Koum and his backers at Sequoia Capital (the fund that Zuck originally spited) out of the market. If it waited any longer, that number probably would have just gotten bigger.

You might wonder how WhatsApp will ever earn back the money it cost to buy, but this acquisition wasn’t about increasing Facebook’s total revenue. It was about surviving the global shift to mobile.

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HistoryWhatsApp, a dream comes true of talking to a friend sitting oceans apart through radio-waves, meaning absolutely free! What used to cost a somewhere between Rs. 5-15 per message was brought down to being free by online messaging like Way2SMS.

This was still found to be cumbersome by people mainly due the involvement of internet which required logging or signing in a personal computer or laptop. This is where WhatsApp walked in to make life easy for smartphone users. It leveraged on the increasing popularity of the term, ‘Stay Connected’. Where people wanted staying in touch with their friends and loved ones for as low a price as possible, WhatsApp removed the price aspect from it. It seems this application builders leveraged on the

growing population of ‘Short message service (SMS)’.

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An invention by ‘two guys with an experience of 20 years at Yahoo! Inc.’ as per the official website, WhatsApp stirred hard the broth BlackBerry (BB) had tried to, but could only cater to BlackBerry users, in the form of BB Messenger. No wonder, the success of WhatsApp is much greater (in terms of number of users) compared to BlackBerry Messenger. It is supported by many platforms – Windows, BlackBerry, Android etc. It has even managed to enter the territory of Apple, which is otherwise difficult to cross for a non-Apple-made application. From being a multi-purpose, user-friendly, connectivity application to allowing sharing of not only messages but also images, audio files and videos, WhatsApp is a rage. The reason is pretty obvious – From downloading it to using it, WhatsApp is free!

But then WhatsApp does cost you something. It demands an internet connection, on the smartphone handset, to be in use. Just out of curiosity, I wonder then why should one not be as crazy about using G-talk or Yahoo messenger or AOL as well. Some of us must have heard of the ‘kik’ application which followed in the footsteps of WhatsApp and was a declared success. Why, all of these are free too, with the internet connection? That makes them as well equipped as WhatsApp.

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What, then, distinguishes WhatsApp from the other free of cost applications?

It may be any one of the following –

1. The boom of 3G services followed by a fad for the same.

2. The plethora of cool and funky emoticons offered by WhatsApp.

3. Adding a friend on WhatsApp is simple. Anyone who possesses this application on his/her

smartphone and is present in your contact list at the same time is connected to you via WhatsApp.

4. WhatsApp doesn’t require any ‘Sign-in’ or ‘Log out’.

5. ‘What’s up’, the on-going homonym pun, somehow makes it easier for the youth to connect with

WhatsApp (Intelligent naming).

6. WhatsApp connects with its users in more than one ways – Facebook, Blog and Twitter, riding on

the success of social networking’s popularity.

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There can be a lot more than these. For some, it’s the ease of clicking the WhatsApp icon, going to the

chat with a friend and seeing when was the last time he/she was seen online on the app. For others, it’s

the cool way in which one can update his/her status without really bothering everyone on his/her friend

list to become aware of the same by a pop-up in their respective profile ( A friend’s status can be

known only by going to ‘View profile’).

The telecom industry did not take long to realize that ‘Conference call’ was a much needed value

added service. Hence, accepting the customer demands, WhatsApp too added a fascinating feature of

‘Group Chat’ in Feb 2011. Not only is it easy to create a group on WhatsApp, it is equally easy to quit

the group too. WhatsApp has constantly been adding more and more handsets to its kitty over the time

and informing users of the same through its website and blog. But fame is a double-edged sword. And

so it happens that there has been a rumour taking some rounds; recently there was a hoax about

WhatsApp charging a fee for its usage to the users whose screen logo did not turn red. It was on

declared on WhatsApp’s blog and everywhere else on the internet that the apparently alarming

message was a fake one. Whether this was a marketing gimmick by the parent company or an attempt

to kill competition by someone else is for the users to figure out.

Marketing Revolution

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Whatsapp Marketing is one of the platform for any business owner to promote his product. You get direct access to your customers. The most used messaging cross platform application by people since it’s launch. So today are going to have a look on Whatsapp Marketing strategies, so that small business owner can take the opportunity. I guarantee you, you will be cracking more sale once you start using Whatsapp Marketing for your business promotion.

Gone are the days of email and SMS marketing, now what we are talking about is the fastest and reliable promotional weapon for your business named Whatsapp. If you are aware of TRAI rules, you must know, you can not send messages to DND numbers. So what does it mean? It means SMS marketing is a waste now. What else? You are talking about Email marekting?

Well how many of the advt. emails you have reply since you started using your first email account? I doubt you ever did. This is what exactly am talking about. Email marketing is waste if you haven’t done your homework right.

Let’s not go there, we’re here to talk about Whatsapp only. So how does it work? How you can promote your business on Whatsapp. And what if you want to send your promotional message to thousands of potential customers. How to do that? Because Whatsapp do not allow to add that much of numbers at once and it is impossible to send the message to 1 thousand numbers one by one manually? So how it will be done?

Here you are: First off take a glass of water, site back and relax. I will explain each and everything.  We are, Web development and Online marketing solution providers in India.We’ve have been into many major development project like WordPress core contributors. And this time we’re introducing Whatsapp Marketing for Small Business owners in India.

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So what we actually do is, set up a campaign to promote your business to the list of number, either provided by you or by us (It’s totally up to you). Now we got a bot which is attached to Whatsapp’s official version. We then be loading your promotional message and in in a few minutes that message will be hitting everyone’s Whatsapp app. Click here to know more about our Whatsapp Marketing service.

Prices are really low, Many IT Company, Hotels, Writers, and Small Businesses are have used our Whatsapp Marketing Service. They get new clients every day and their revenue is been increasing day by day.

We also offer an additional service for Whatsapp Marketing customers, if you are interested increasing your conversion rate and ROI. We also provide ROI Management Service.

IT Strategy On WhatsApp

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WhatsApp has been a major contributor of 25% decline of SMS in Spain. Chinese We Chat has over

300 million users. Over 90% of Korean smart phone users use Kakaotalk. These are just a few

examples of the rising trend of the mobile instant messaging (MIM).

Instant messaging as such is not a new thing (remember ICQ?), but there are certain reasons why it has

had its resurrection now:

1. Phones are increasingly more about data than talking

In developed countries nearly every new phone sold is smart phone. Smart phones are

increasingly more about being smart than phone. There is app for that, now also for the basic

phone features (talking and texting).

2. That data is getting faster

New 4G LTE (Long term evolution) phones will enable high-speed data for mobile phones.

This opens new opportunities for what kind of content we can exchange in MIM platforms.

3. Facebook is so huge that it is already mass broadcasting 

If you are average Facebook user sending your status update, the odds are that the message will

be seen by your family, friends and colleagues plus countless of people you do not even know

about. This is great, but serves more of people´s need for vanity and instant recognition. The

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most meaningful conversations happen with the people you know. Same phenomenon has been

also reason for the success of Path.

4. There is always need for 1-to-1 communication

Some might argue that Facebook message does the trick. However the challenge is that

Facebook is already flooded with so many messages, it is not that reliable way to catch people

(at least not all of them). Phone has been relevant for so long because you can be quite certain

that your message is received. Although Facebook has increased the number of “friends”, it has

not really increase the number of “real friends”. The amount of those real friends is limited and

many of interactions with those people we want to keep private.

Facebook Messenger Vs Whatsapp Messenger in 2012

5. World is getting smaller 

Majority of MIM applications work internationally. The bread and butter of Telcos profit

margins has been charging for international calls and roaming. MIM applications do not have

those international boundaries. You want to communicate with your friends no matter where

they geographically are.

6. World is getting more visual 

Although SMS-messages have been relatively cheap, telcos are still taking quite big premium

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with multimedia messages. With MIM applications you can send whatever data possible and the

because of the point 2 the alternatives are actually increasing all the time. Basic SMS- type of

messaging is just the beginning for MIM applications and there will be probably lots of

innovations in what kind of communication there will be.


WhatsApp uses a customized version of the open standard Extensible Messaging and Presence

Protocol (XMPP). Upon installation, it creates a user account using one's phone number as the

username (Jabber ID: [phone number]@s.whatsapp.net). WhatsApp software automatically compares

all the phone numbers from the device's address book with its central database of WhatsApp users to

automatically add contacts to the user's WhatsApp contact list. Previously the Android

and S40 versions used an MD5-hashed, reversed-version of the phone's IMEIas password, while the

iOS version used the phone's Wi-Fi MAC address instead of IMEI. A 2012 update now generates a

random password on the server side.

WhatsApp is supported on most Android, BlackBerry, iPhone, Nokia, and Windows smartphones. All

Android phones running the Android 2.1 and above, all BlackBerry devices running OS 4.7 and later,

including BlackBerry 10, and all iPhones running iOS 4.3 and later. However, some Dual SIM devices

may not be compatible with WhatsApp, though there are some workarounds for this.

Multimedia messages are sent by uploading the image, audio or video to be sent to an HTTP

server and then sending a link to the content along with its Base64 encoded thumbnail (if applicable).

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In May 2011, a security hole was reported which left WhatsApp user accounts open for session

hijacking and packet analysis. WhatsApp communications were not encrypted, and data was sent and

received in plaintext, meaning messages could easily be read if packet traces were available. In

September 2011, WhatsApp released a new version of the Messenger application for iPhones, closing

critical security holes that allowed forged messages to be sent and messages from any WhatsApp user

to be read.

On January 6, 2012, an unknown hacker published a website (WhatsAppStatus.net) that made it

possible to change the status of an arbitrary WhatsApp user, as long as the phone number was known.

To make it work, it only required a restart of the app. According to the hacker, it is only one of the

many security problems in WhatsApp. On January 9, WhatsApp reported that it had resolved the

problem, although the only measure actually taken was to block the website's IP address. As a reaction,

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a Windows tool was made available for download providing the same functionality. This problem has

since been resolved in the form of an IP address check on currently logged-in sessions.

On January 13, 2012, WhatsApp was removed from the iOS App Store, and the reason was not

disclosed. The app was added back to the App Store four days later.

In May 2012, security researchers noticed that new updates of WhatsApp no longer sent messages as

plaintext, but the cryptographic method implemented was subsequently described as "broken". As of

August 15, 2012, the WhatsApp support staff claim messages are encrypted in the "latest version" of

the WhatsApp software for iOS and Android (but not BlackBerry, Windows Phone, and

Symbian), without specifying the implemented cryptographic method.

German Tech site The H demonstrated how to use WhatsAPI to hijack any WhatsApp account on

September 14, 2012. Shortly after, a legal threat to WhatsAPI's developers was alleged, characterized

by The H as "an apparent reaction" to security reports, and WhatsAPI's source code was taken down

for some days. The WhatsAPI team has since returned to active development.


A major privacy and security problem has been the subject of a joint Canadian-Dutch government

investigation. The primary concern was that WhatsApp required users to upload their mobile phone's

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entire address book to WhatsApp servers so that WhatsApp could discover who, among the users'

contacts, is available via WhatsApp. While this is a fast and convenient way to quickly find and

connect the user with contacts who are also using WhatsApp, it means that their address book was then

mirrored on the WhatsApp servers, including contact information for contacts who are not using

WhatsApp. This information was stored in hashed, though not salted form and without "additional"

identifying information such as a name, although the stored identifying information is sufficient to

identify every contact.

On March 31, 2013, the telecommunications authority in Saudi Arabia, the Communications and

Information Technology Commission (CITC), issued a statement regarding possible measures against

WhatsApp, among other applications, unless the service providers took serious steps to comply with

monitoring and privacy regulations.

One of the drawback of WhatsApp is that the user does not need to send a friend request to send

messages to another user. However, users can block numbers on WhatsApp.

Criticism of business model :

In response to the Facebook acquisition, Slate columnist Matthew Yglesias questioned whether the

company's business model was viable in the long term. It had prospered by exploiting a "loophole" in

mobile phone carriers' pricing. "Mobile phone operators aren't really selling consumers some voice

service, some data service, and some SMS service," he explained. "They are selling access to the

network. The different pricing schemes they come up with are just different ways of trying to

maximize the value they extract from consumers."

As part of that, they sold SMS separately. That made it easy for WhatsApp to find a way to replicate

SMS using data, and then sell that to mobile customers for $1 a year. "But if WhatsApp gets big

enough, then carrier strategy is going to change," he predicted. "You stop selling separate SMS plans

and just have a take-it-or-leave-it overall package. And then suddenly WhatsApp isn't doing


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Open WhatsApp Project

The Open WhatsApp Project is an open-source re-implementation of the WhatsApp client software for

mobile phones done by an independent group. Initially targeted at the Nokia N9 (which was

officially not supported by WhatsApp), it was later ported to other platforms, including BlackBerry 10.

It uses the WhatsApp service behind-the-scenes, and is thus not a competitor to WhatsApp, being just

a different front-end, and is also subject to the same privacy and security concerns as WhatsApp.

On February 12, 2014 all WhatsApp related repositories hosted on github were removed due to a

DMCA notice received from WhatsApp Inc.

Acquisition :

On February 19, 2014, Facebook announced it would be acquiring WhatsApp for US$19 billion. It will

pay $4 billion in cash, $12 billion in Facebook shares and an additional $3 billion in restricted stock

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units to be granted to WhatsApp’s founders, Jan Koum, Brian Acton, and employees that will vest

over four years subsequent to closing. The transaction is the largest purchase of a company backed by

venture capitalists ever.

Why Use Whatsapp

WhatsApp Messenger is a smartphone messenger available for Android and other smartphones.

WhatsApp uses your 3G or WiFi (when available) to message with friends and family. Switch from

SMS to WhatsApp to send and receive messages, pictures, audio notes, and video messages. First year

FREE! ($0.99 USD/year after)

No Hidden Cost: Once download the application, can use it to chat as much as one want. Send a

million messages a day for free! WhatsApp uses Internet connection: 3G/EDGE or Wi-Fi when


Multimedia: Send Video, Images, and Voice notes to friends and contacts.

Group Chat: Enjoy group conversations with one’s contacts.

No International Charges: just like there is no added cost to send an international email, there is

any cost to send WhatsApp messages internationally. Chat with friends all over the world as

long as they have WhatsApp Messenger installed and avoid those pesky international SMS


Say no to PINs and Usernames: Why even bother having to remember yet another PIN or

username? WhatsApp works with phone number, just like SMS would, and integrates

flawlessly with existing phone address book.

No need to Login/LogOut: No more confusion about getting logged off from another computer

or device. With push notifications WhatsApp is ALWAYS ON and ALWAYS CONNECTED.

No need to add buddies: Your contacts who already have WhatsApp Messenger will be

automatically displayed.

Offline Messages: Even if someone miss push notifications or turn off phone, WhatsApp will

save messages offline until retrieve them during the next application use.

And Much More: Share location, Exchange contacts, Custom wallpaper, Custom notification

sounds, Landscape mode, Precise message time stamps, Email chat history, Broadcast

messages and MMS to many contacts at once and much much more!

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Whatsapp SWOT Analysis


Loyal customers

Market share leadership

No need to log

Group Chat

Allow send videos, pictures, voice notes

You can put profile picture

No need to add friends

No need PIN or user number

Available for all platforms


Not diversified

Weak distribution network

To access the account can only be paid by credit card only

Only works with a data plan or wi - fi

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Advanced technology

Recognized application

Modernization of people

Increased demand for smart phones



Product substitution

Similar applications and free

Whatsapp - Five Forces Analysis

Bargaining Power of Suppliers

High competition among suppliers – High levels of competition among suppliers acts to reduce prices to

producers. This is a positive for Whatsapp. "High competition among suppliers (Whatsapp)" has a significant

impact, so an analyst should put more weight into it. This statement will have a short-term positive impact on

this entity, which adds to its value. "High competition among suppliers (Whatsapp)" is an easily defendable

qualitative factor, so competing institutions will have a difficult time overcoming it. "High competition among

suppliers (Whatsapp)" will have a long-term negative impact on this entity, which subtracts from the entity's


Bargaining Power of Customers

Large number of customers - When there are large numbers of customers, no one customer tends to have

bargaining leverage. Limited bargaining leverage helps Whatsapp.

Product is important to customer - When customers cherish particular products they end up paying more for

that one product. This positively affects Whatsapp. This statement will have a short-term negative impact on

this entity, which subtracts from its value.

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Intensity of Existing Rivalry

Fast industry growth rate – When industries are growing revenue quickly, they are less likely to compete,

because the total industry size is also growing. The only way to grow in slow growth industries is to steal

market-share from competitors. Fast industry growth positively affects.

Relatively few competitors - Few competitors mean fewer firms are competing for the same customers and

resources, which is a positive for Whatsapp. "Relatively few competitors (Whatsapp)" has a significant impact,

so an analyst should put more weight into it. "Relatively few competitors (Whatsapp)" will have a long-term

positive impact on the this entity, which adds to its value.

Threat of Substitutes

Substitute has lower performance - A lower performance product means a customer is less likely to switch

from Whatsapp to another product or service.

Substitute is lower quality – A lower quality product means a customer is less likely to switch from Whatsapp

to another product or service.

Threat of New Competitors

Strong distribution network required – Weak distribution networks mean goods are more expensive to move

around and some goods don’t get to the end customer. The expense of building a strong distribution network

positively affects Whatsapp.

Strong brand names are important - If strong brands are critical to compete, then new competitors will have

to improve their brand value in order to effectively compete. Strong brands positively affect Whatsapp.

Patents limit new competition -- Patents that cover vital technologies make it difficult for new competitors,

because the best methods are patented. Patents positively affect Whatsapp. "Patents limit new competition

(Whatsapp)" has a significant impact, so an analyst should put more weight into it.

Advanced technologies are required - Advanced technologies make it difficult for new competitors to enter

the market because they have to develop those technologies before effectively competing. The requirement for

advanced technologies positively affects Whatsapp.

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Pestle Analysis


The popular free unlimited service Whatsapp might be blocked in Saudi Arabia 'within weeks', local newspaper Aleqtisadiah   reported.

Country's Communications and Information Technology Commission (CITC) claimed that the service doesn’t comply with local rules and regulations.


Favorable economic environment.


Age – Nowadays, whatsapp is used by in between 20 to 40 years of age. Earlier people used text messages, that

is, SMS, but nowadays they have started using it for communications with their friends and family. People can

also send voice messages, images, as well as video through whatsapp. As we know, whatsapp is available in

free of cost for 1 year. And for accessing data, one needs data plant to send and receive messages.


Compatibility - The compatibility for WhatsApp starts from Nokia S40 phones, the least one apps-

compatibility wise. After this its compatibility increases to Nokia S40 Symbian, S60, and Android/iOS/BB

OS/Windows, etc.

Interface – Whatsapp interface is quite easy and simple to handle. Whatsapp launches updates frequently to

make its interface more appealing and user friendly but mainly its interface depends on type of platform who are


Bandwidth – With just texting option, whatsapp does not take much bandwidth. Only downloading may force it

to use high network charges, but if you are texting only, then whatsapp takes very less bandwidth.

Security – One need to have working registered phone numbers to use whatsapp. The apps scans contact list

and searches for people who already use it. One can chat with them, but blocking options is also there for

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security. If one don’t want to chat or contact that annoying person in one’s contact list, one can block them.

Blocking someone means that one don’t receive messages from the person one blocked.


Whatsapp legal factors consists of :

Acceptance – It is an agreement between Whatsapp Inc., the owner and operator of www.whatsapp.com , the

whatsapp software including whatsapp messenger and user of software. Using the service, user agrees to the

terms of service and privacy policy.

Whatsapp Service – The terms of service applies to the all users of whatsapp. Information provided by users to

whatsapp, may provide links to third party websites.

Access – Whatsapp permits user service only for personal use and doesn’t not grand persmission to resend or

change use of access for service. The user will not be able to duplicates or copy any part of service.

Grand Strategy

• Grand strategies, often called master or business strategies, provide basic direction for strategic actions.

It Indicate the time period over which long-range objectives are to be achieved.

• Many firms involved with multiple industries, businesses, product lines, or customer groups usually

combine several grand strategies.

• Any one of these strategies could serve as the basis for achieving the major long-term objectives of a

single firm.

The four alternatives of grand strategy are as follows:

Stability – Stability means to remain the same size or to grow slowly and in a controlled fashion. In

case of Whatsapp stability, Whatsapp is available on every operating systems of smartphones.

Quadrant I

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Global Brand Strategy–

o Whatsapp should make available in country specific languages.

Product Line Development –

1. Allow requesting other system, that is, user should be able to contact other people who are not

in his phone directory.

2. It should be able to make calls.

3. Screen sharing.

WhatsApp Reaches 300 Million Active Users

This chart illustrates the incredible growth of smart phone messaging service Whatsapp.

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What lies ahead is known by none. The application is free today but may not be tomorrow or so the talks go around.

As far as the facilities provided are concerned, WhatsApp today does not provide the option of ‘Calling’ (although its logo has a phone receiver inscribed in the centre!). It may have this in future. With the technology growing in leaps and bounds, we may also expect a Skype-like free video call via WhatsApp. What has been a user-friendly, connectivity application till date may take a turn towards shared-information holding platform like Drop box, meaning people may not only be able to chat on WhatsApp but also share and store common data.

With the advent of ‘Cloud Computing’, the world has virtually shrunk down to the size of a room. It may not come as a surprise hence, to see such a large network-sharing support on WhatsApp someday.

Whether the mole will actually become a mountain someday is a mystery. Till then, we enjoy the present and await the surprises of future.

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WhatsApp on the other hand has been around for quite some time now and is being used by most and offers functionality like text based messaging and files transfers. But given enough time Line is a capable product and in the future it hold the potential to overtake WhatsApp, unless some new innovations is adopted by the world leader in messengers.







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