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Strategic Plan of the National Bureau of Enforcement (2010-2012)

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  • 8/2/2019 Strategic Plan of the National Bureau of Enforcement (2010-2012)



    2010 - 2012





    Financed By the UNDP project Capacity Development of the Enforcement System inGeorgia

    Consultant Keti Kharatiani

  • 8/2/2019 Strategic Plan of the National Bureau of Enforcement (2010-2012)



    The author would like to express her appreciation to all the representatives of themanagement team of the National Enforcement Bureau, employees of various structural

    units, and representatives of the Tbilisi Bureau and territorial bodies, who participated in

    the development of this report. In the course of evaluation and strategic planning

    consultants were provided with the opportunity to work in a peaceful working

    environment, in a specially designated office. Special thanks go to all those individuals

    who even in conditions of the tough working regime could allocate time for interviews

    and meetings in order to share their opinions on issues representing interest for us.

    Finally, the author would like to extend a special acknowledgment to Ms. Ketevan

    Kvinikadze, the Head of Department of Public Relations and Cooperation with

    International Organizations of the National Bureau of Enforcement for facilitating

    arrangement of working meetings and interviews in the National Bureau of Enforcement

    as well as with the Bureau stakeholders.

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    Applied Research Company 2009


    TABLE OF CONTENTSINTRODUCTION........................ ...................... ........................ ...................... ........................ ........................ . 4ON THE WORK PROCESS ...................... ........................ ...................... ........................ ........................ .......... 5


    ROLE OF THE STRATEGIC PLAN, AS A GUIDING DOCUMENT ; VIABILITY OF THE PLAN...........................................7

    ON THE NATIONAL BUREAU OF ENFORCEMENT ...................... ........................ ...................... ................. 9REVIEW OF REFORMS UNDERTAKEN IN THE NATIONAL BUREAU OF ENFORCEMENT .............................................9

    RESULTS OF ORGANIZATIONAL EVALUATION OF THE NATIONAL BUREAU OFENFORCEMENT .................... ...................... ........................ ...................... ........................ ...................... .......12


    FINDINGS AND RECOMMENDATIONS..........................................................................................................12


    3. RESOURCES OF THE NATIONAL BUREAU OF ENFORCEMENT.......................................................................19

    VISION, MISSION AND VALUES OF THE NATIONAL BUREAU OF ENFORCEMENT ...... .... ...... .... ...... ...24STRATEGIC FRAME.......................................................................................................................................26STRATEGIC GOALS, OBJECTIVES AND ACTIVITIES TO BE IMPLEMENTED DURING 2010 2012.......27PROCEDURE FOR MONITORING THE FULFILLMENT OF THE SET PLAN, EVALUATIONINDICATORS ...................... ...................... ...................... ........................ ...................... ........................ ..........52

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    Applied Research Company 2009


    INTRODUCTIONThe present document represents a strategic plan of the National Bureau of

    Enforcement a Legal Entity of the Public Law, which is reporting to the Ministry of

    Justice. Purpose of the strategic plan is to set those priorities and strategic directions,which will guide the National Biureau of Enforcement during the next three years

    (yy 2010 - 2012).

    Prior to development of the strategic plan, the evaluation of the organization was

    conducted. In the course of evaluation process, the legislative framework in which

    the National Bureau of Enforcement functions, as well as Bureaus organizational

    structure, units, functions of each structural unit, effective procedures of the

    organization and resources (human, material, infrastructural) were studied. In

    addition, those positive changes were reviewed that had taken place since the

    commencement of reforms. Findings of the evaluation process andrecommendations developed on their basis are presented in a separate document.

    However, the most significant findings and conclusions are depicted in the strategic

    plan document as well.

    Initiator of the strategic plan development

    Financial support for organization evaluation and strategic plan development was

    provided under the Sub - Programme for Democratic Governance of the United

    Nations Development Programme (UNDP).

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    Applied Research Company 2009



    Organizational evaluation and strategic planning of the National Bureau of

    Enforcement represent constituent the parts of one process. Meetings with themanagement and staff of the Bureau started on November 13, 2009 and were held in

    an intensive regime. Managers and part of the personnel of all structural units of the

    National Bureau of Enforcement, managers and enforcement officers of regional

    enforcement bureaus, Mr. Jaba Ebanoidze, the Deputy Minister of Justice and other

    related parties participated in the interview process. In total, 96 individual interviews

    and 8 working meetings were held.

    The process of organizational evaluation covered the following areas:

    1. Organizational arrangement / structure of the National Bureau of Enforcement;

    2. Design of organizational processes (major and supporting processes, governance


    3. Resources (human, technical, technological, infrastructure).

    In the cousre of evaluation the regulatory legislative framework of the enforcement

    sphere and other internal documents of the Bureau were reviewed, namely:

    Law of Georgia on Enforcement Proceedings

    Regulation of the National Bureau of Enforcement (October 1, 2008)

    Instruction on Enforcement Proceedings, (October 1, 2008)

    Regulation of the Police Department of the National Bureau of


    Internal By-Law of the National Bureau of Enforcement Action Plan of the National Bureau of Enforcement (2009)

    Communication Strategy of the National Bureau of Enforcement (2010


    Iny addition, to the above listed documents the following materials were surveyed:

    Strategic Plan of the Ministry of Justice for the years 2009 2011;

    Communication Strategy of the Ministry of Justice of Georgia

    Reporting speech of the Ombudsman of Georgia on Protection of Human

    Rights and Freedoms in Georgia, first half of the year 2009, ChapterEnforcement of Court Decisions(pp. 34 43);

    Report on activities/ projects implemented during the year 2009.

    Organizational evaluation was conducted by use ofPerformance Improvement method.The scheme below shows stages of organizational evaluation and increasing its efficiency.

    According to the figure, the process of evaluation ends with identification of difference

    between desirable functioning of organization and the real situation. By such approach

    the planning stage starts with detecting reasons for existing malfunctioning and selecting

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    Applied Research Company 2009


    required interventions / activities for their elimination. Implementation of these

    interventions and its monitoring shall be a direct function of the organizations

    management (responsible persons).

    Figure 1. Organization Evaluation and Performance Improvement Scheme

    Development of the strategic plan within the framework of the given project represented

    a synthesis between the Performance Improvement and traditional strategic planning.ON THE PROCESS OF STRATEGIC PLANNINGAfter completion of the evaluation process, working meetings aiming at reviewing

    organizational needs based on obtained findings, setting the development strategy and

    developing the action plan were held. Working meetings were attended by the Chairman

    of the National Enforcement Bureau, Deputies and Heads of Departments.


    interventionsWhat can be

    done to close the


    Describe actual


    ConsiderInstitutionalcontext :Mission




    Client and



    Participation with stakeholders / related parties

    Define Desired


    Find root

    causes(Why does the


    gap exist?)


    Monitor and Performance


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    Applied Research Company 2009


    Figure 2. Logics of the Strategic Planning Process

    Role of the Strategic Plan, as a Guiding Document ; Viability of the Plan

    Long - term and mid - term planning are quite complicated in such a rapidlyreforming structure as the National Bureau of Enforcement. According to the

    management representatives, they have to deal with the current issues and take

    care of problem resolution. Even though the initiative to develop a three year

    strategic plan comes from the Ministry of Justice, there is declared readiness of the

    management team to implement developed strategic plan. It should also be noted

    institutionalization of the planning process shall be implemented in the

    organization, i.e. internal procedures for planning shall be developed and the

    team shall acquire planning and plan management skills. Minimum 2 3 years are

    required for institutionalization of the planning process.

    For the current period the National Bureau of Enforcement had a 2009 year action

    plan and communication strategy for the period of 2010 2012, designed within

    the framework of communication strategy of the Ministry of Justice.

    Three year action plan within the three year strategic plan of the National

    Bureau of Enforcement will have the conventional form as the process of reforms

    is still in progress. There is the likelyhood that in the light of changes,

    implemented during the first year, the action plan for the next two years will

    Situational AnalysisWhere are we now?

    Formulation of the StrategyWhere are we going to?

    Implementation PlanHow shall we achieve our goal?

    What will be the cost?Timeframe?

    Who will be responsible?

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    Applied Research Company 2009


    require revision and introduction of changes. The process of making corrections is

    desirable to start no later than November, 2010. The Head of the National Bureau

    of Enforcement will presumably be in charge of this process, however Heads of all

    structural units shall be involved therein.

    There exist several major threats, which may become a reason for partial non-

    fulfillment of the formulated plan:

    Change of Management Team HR related and structural changes in the NationalBureau of Enforcement have taken place several times since October, 2008. The

    Bureau has new chairman since October, 2009, under whose governance

    structural changes were carried out twice. If in the coming three years significant

    changes occurr again, it may be possible that some parts of the strategic plan will

    not be recognized by the new management or priorities be changed.

    Lack of Funds Part of activities depicted in the plan depends on own funds of theNational Bureau of Enforcement or potentially on the funding attracted from

    donor organizations. Some activities may be left non-fulfilled unless own funds

    increase or donor orghanizations get interested.

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    Applied Research Company 2009



    The National Bureau of Enforcement was transformed into the legal entity of the public

    law (LEPL) under the governance of the Ministry of Justice in October, 2008. Prior to

    that time it represented a department of the Ministry of Justice. Control over theactivities of the National Bureau of Enforcement is exercised by the Ministry of Justice.

    Purpose of the National Bureau of Enforcement is enforcement of the court and other

    administrative legal acts. The National Bureau of Enforcement implements its activities

    all over Georgia through its territorial bodies. Activities of the Bureau shall be regulated

    by the Law of Georgia on Enforcement Proceedings and Regulation on Enforcement

    Proceedings. Decisions provided for in the Law of Georgia on Enforcement Proceedings

    shall be executed by the enforcement officers of the Bureau.

    Review of Reforms Undertaken in the National Bureau of Enforcement

    Effective enforcement of court decisions is one of the strategic objectives of the

    Government of Georgia, therefore reform of the National Bureau of Enforcement is given

    high importance in this context. The process of reformation of the enforcement area has

    started relatively later compared to other reforms undertaken in the system of the

    Ministry of Justice.

    The National Bureau of Enforcement, by transforming into a legal entity of the public

    law, obtained partial independence, the main purpose of which was improvement of the

    citizen / customer service quality through expedited and efficient enforcement of

    decisions made by authorized persons. In the course of reforms / transformation, the

    National Bureau of Enforcement was intensely supported by international donor

    organizations, which attempted to increase efficiency of the Bureaus activities and

    organizational sustainability through implementing specific projects. Currently 4 donor

    organizations cooperate actively with the Bureau: UNDP, ABA, EU, GTZ.

    Reforms of the enforcement system during the past period were accelerated.

    Legal framework required for functioning of a new organization was created. In order to

    elaborate the Law of Georgia on Enforcement Proceedings significant work had beenperformed since October 2008 in cooperation with the Ministry of Justice of Georgia and

    Legal Committee of the Parliament of Georgia. As a result of legislative changes,1 the

    procedure for participation in the auction and some provisions related with the

    enforcement proceedings got streamlined. For the purpose of bringing the legislative

    framework pertaining to enforcement in compliance with the European standards

    particular elements of enforcement systems of foreign countries (Great Britain, Estonia,

    1SourceAnnual Report of the National Bureau of Enforcement (2009)

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    Applied Research Company 2009


    Lithuania, France, Netherlands, Bulgaria, USA, Australia, Italy, Belgium, Finland) as well

    as legislations regulating enforcement proceedings were reviewed.

    Bureau moved to provision of paid services. As a result, it has own proceeds that can be

    managed independently.

    The insfrastructure was developed for spreading services all over Georgia. TheEnforcement Bureaus function in Tbilisi and 9 regions2 of Georgia (territorial bodies).

    Regional enforcement officers are distributed even by districts.

    The National Bureau of Enforcement and its territorial bodies are provided with the

    office space. The Enforcement Bureaus are placed in Justice Houses. New premises for

    the National Bureau of Enforcement were constructed with the Bureaus funds to which

    the National Bureau of Enforcement and Tbilisi Bureau will move presumably in the


    Since October 2008 material and technical base of the Bureau got significantly improved.

    The National Bureau of Enforcement as well as its territorial Bureaus got equipped with

    office equipment, furniture, photo and video techniques. All territorial bodies are linked

    to the united computer network.

    The National Bureau of Enforcement got connected to the united governmental network,

    which constitutes of 10 governmental agencies and their subordinated organizations. By

    connecting to this network the Bureau has full electronic access to its territorial bureaus

    and other governmental institutions.

    For adequate reacting to existing challenges it is critical to provide the system with

    qualified personnel. For this purpose the Bureau focuses its attention on improving

    qualification of the existing staff and recruitment of qualified people.

    In order to make the enforcement proceedings transparent and set effective control over

    it an electronic program for enforcement proceeding was developed. In development of

    the program the financial support was provided by the American Bar Association (ABA),

    the software itself was written and administered at the initial stage by the National

    Agency of Public Registry. The software became operational from January 1, 2010 on the

    territory of Georgia.

    Webpage of the electronic registry of the enforcement administration(public.reestri.gov.ge /NBOF/) will allow the parties of the enforcement process to search

    for and verify information on enforcement cases being processed by the territorial bodies,

    get acquainted with the document confirming accept of the enforcement order, its

    review stage, decisions made with respect to the enforcement proceedings, documents

    present in the enforcement case and observe the enforcement proceedings without

    2 At the end of the evaluation process, as a result of implemented structural changes two enforcement buireaus got merged.

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    Applied Research Company 2009


    leaving office or home. Parties of the enforcement process may also receive copies of

    documents included in the enforcement case.

    For the purpose of development of the credit market and facilitating the enforcement

    process, the Registry of Debtors became effective from January 1, 2010. It represents a

    systemized database on those natural persons and legal entities for which the period set

    for voluntary fulfillment of acts on payments subject to enforcement have expired.Software of debtors registry was developed by the National Agency of Public registry.

    Any interested person can visit the webpage (www.public.reestri.gov.ge /DEBT) and

    obtain information on those included in the Debtors Registry.

    Constituent part of the reform was activation3 (from July 1, 2009) of the private

    enforcement institute, aiming at creation of a competitive environment for enforcement

    of acts made on civil cases. Prior to this change enforcement was a function only of the

    state. After partial delegation of this function, licensed private persons (private

    enforcement officers), equipped with powers and means identical to those of the public

    enforcement officers, independently execute decisions made on civil cases4. Licenseapplicants have to pass qualification exams to become private enforcement officers.

    Currently 27 licenses for enforcement activities are issued by the Ministry of Justice of


    Reforms implemented in the National Bureau of Enforcement already produced certain

    results in the form of increased number of enforced cases. Compared to 2008 in 2009

    percentage of enforced cases increased by 8%.

    3 The Parliament of Georgia approved Draft Law on Amendments to the Law of Georgia on Enforcement

    Proceedings, according to which the institute of the private enforcement became effective on July 1,

    2009.4 Cases where the parties of the enforcement process are natural persons or / and legal entities of the private


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    Applied Research Company 2009


    RESULTS OF ORGANIZATIONAL EVALUATION OF THE NATIONAL BUREAU OFENFORCEMENT51. Organizational Arrangement / Structure of the National Bureau of Enforcement,

    Main Findings and RecommendationsOrganizational structure of the National Bureau of Enforcement during the year 2009 got

    changed twice6. The first change got approved 10 days before the process

    commencement, while the other after completion of evaluation7.

    The structure of the National Bureau of Enforcement consists of the Enforcement Bureau

    itself, as a governance body, and territorial bodies / enforcement bureaus. The function of

    the National Bureau of Enforcement is to facilitate the process of enforcement through

    various types of processes as well as to exercise control. Table #1 displays those structural

    units, which comprised the National Bureau of Enforcement prior to November 2,

    December 30, 2009 and thereafter.

    There is a high likelihood that the National Bureau of Enforcement undergoes structural

    changes in the near future. Following the last reorganization, the HR Department, as a

    separate structural unit, got abolished and does not exist even in the form of division in

    the current structure. Also, Department of Relations with International Organizations

    and the Public does not exist anymore. These two functions got united under theAdministration.In the opinion of organizational evaluation and strategic planning consultants, the

    following structural units shall be present in the Bureau to better fulfill its functions:

    HR Service in addition to head counting and registration functions it is criticallyimportant for the organization to have HR Service, which can provide qualified

    personnel (personnel selection function), ensure perception by the staff of their

    functions / responsibilities (function of development of work / processes design),

    evaluate performance (personnel evaluation function), create staff motivation

    instruments (personnel development and retaining function) and assist

    management to make right HR decisions. Therefore, it is very important for the

    National Bureau of Enforcement to strengthen the HR component, for which one

    of the main preconditions would be its functioning as a separate structural unit.

    Analytical Service division of statistics and analysis, present in the structure ofNational Bureau of Enforcement, which after latest structural changes became a

    part of the Records Management, Statistics and IT Service, does not performanalytical activities. Its practical function is represented by summing up some


    Strategic plan displays main conclusions and recommendations on organizational evaluation of the National

    Bureau of Enforcement, evaluation results are detailed in theEvaluation Document.6 First amendment became effective on November 2, 2009 and the second amendment on December 30, 2009.7

    For structural organizational charts of the National Bureau of Enforcement see annex.

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    Applied Research Company 2009


    statistical data related with the enforcement proceeding based on preliminarily

    determined periodicity. Therefore, for increasing competitiveness and

    sustainability of organization it would be advisable to have an analytical

    department, that will be charged with the function to analyze information

    received from various structural units of the Bureau, as well as from related parties

    or other sources and provide informational support for managerial decisions.

    Public Relations Function according to the new structure is performed by theAdministration. Segregation of this function would be advisable, as the

    importance and role of the National Bureau of Enforcement is not duly perceived

    by the public and it is necessary to actively inform representatives of various

    sectors on reforms undertaken in the Bureau and its services. Also it is required to

    work on creating a positive image of the Bureau.

    Establishing ofDepartment of International Relations is necessary, as the Bureauhas close relations with international donor organizations and receives technical

    assistance from them. Acquaintance with foreign enforcement systems and

    sharing of experience will remain pressing issue in the future. The National

    Bureau of Enforcement became an associated member of the International Union

    of Enforcement Organizations, which unites 69 countries. Active international

    contacts could play an important role in bringing the Georgian enforcement

    system into compliance with the European standards.

    Necessity ofCitizens Reception, as a separate function, is determined by the factthat approximately 200 citizens apply to the bureau every day. In the building,

    where the National Bureau of Enforcement and Tbilisi Enforcement Bureau are

    located, the space is arranged in such a way that a visitor upon entering the

    building is met by two employees of the Chancellery of the Tbilisi Bureau whose

    function is registration of various types of documents. Whatever the purpose of

    the visit, the newcomer has to establish first contact with the chancellery officer

    to obtain primary information. Workload of chancellery officers is quite big, as

    they have to maintain various registration journals, enter the registered

    documents in the electronic database, and even scan part of documents after the

    electronic program of enforcement records management is launched. Therefore,

    combining the function of establishing the first contact with visitors for

    chancellery officers is not expedient, since their responsibilities are excessively

    overloaded and simultaneously there is the risk that the citizen may get

    dissatisfied with belated response or standing in a queue. It would be advisable tosegregate these two functions and have designated a person responsible for

    rendering primary advice / information to citizens, who come to the Bureau or

    make a phone call.

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    Applied Research Company 2009


    Table 1. Structural Units of the National Bureau of Enforcement

    From July 1, 2008 November 2, 2009 November 2, 2009 December 30, 2009 After December 30, 2009Structural UnitAccountability

    Administration used to comprise of thefollowing divisions:

    1. Records Management

    2. IT

    3. Statistics and Analysis

    4. Relations with InternationalOrganizations and the Public

    Transformed into Department of RecordsManagement, Statistics and InformationTechnologies, which used to include

    1. Statistics and Analysis Division

    Transformed into Records Management,Statistics and Information TechnologiesService, which includes:

    1. Statistics and Analysis Division

    2. Records ManagementDivision

    3. IT Division

    Supervised by the DeputyChairman of the BureauDepartment of Relations with International

    Organizations and the Public was separatedTransformed into AdministrationAbolished:

    HR Department

    Department of Relations with

    International Organizations and the

    PublicHuman Resources Department Has not changedLegal Department:

    1. Legal Division

    2. Lawmaking Division

    Divisions within department were abolished Transformed into the Legal service

    Financial - Economic department:1. Logistics Division

    2. Finance and Procurement Division

    3. Accounting and Reporting Division

    Has not changed

    Transformed into Economic Service, whichincludes the same three divisions. Head of the

    Service is directly subordinated to the

    Chairman of the Bureau. Before then activities

    of the Department were supervised by one of


    Directly Subordinated to the

    Chairman of the Bureau

    Enforcement Police Department Has not changed Has not changed,Directly Subordinated to the Chairman of the


    Directly Subordinated to theChairman of the BureauInvestigation Department Got united and named as Monitoring

    DepartmentTransformed into the Internal InspectionService, Directly Subordinated to the Chairmanof the Bureau

    Directly Subordinated to the

    Chairman of the Bureauonitoring DepartmentChairman, two deputy chairmen and advisors were responsible for regional supervision over

    western and eastern regions of Georgia

    Department of Regional Supervision wasestablished

    Supervised by the DeputyChairman of the Bureau

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    Applied Research Company 2009


    From July 1, 2008 November 2, 2009 November 2, 2009 December 30, 2009 After December 30, 2009Structural UnitAccountability

    The structure includes so-called Special Group (two enforcement officers), whose functions are defined under the internal order. Function of thegroup is to enforce such cases where the creditors side is represented by the budgetary organization (payroll indebtedness, salaries for forcible


    Directly Subordinated to the

    Chairman of the Bureau

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    Applied Research Company 2009


    2. Process Design in the National Bureau of Enforcement, Discovered NeedsOrganizational processes may be divided into three large groups: management processes,

    main process and supporting processes. Main process is the one, which secures provision

    of the basic service. In case of the National Bureau of Enforcement it is enforcement of

    decisions of the authorized administrative body and related sub processes.

    Supporting processes represent processes, which do not create the main product / service

    but support the main process, enforcement, in this particular case. Management processes

    imply planning of activities and strategic developments, including financial planning and

    control. Table # 2 depicts the list of processes of the National Bureau of Enforcement.

    The National Bureau of Enforcement is in the process of organizational development. It

    successfully underwent the first stage, where the functional organizational structure

    was determined, staff got recruited, legislative base required for functioning of the

    organization was developed, design of the major part of main and supporting processes

    was defined with a certain degree of detail. Management team works with enthusiasm for

    implementation of further reforms, which is a common sign of the initial stage of the

    organizational development.

    For further development of the National Bureau of Enforcement it is necessary to

    elaborate design of main, as well as supporting and management processes. Process design

    implies detailed description of each process and its constituent sub-processes, as a chain

    of consecutive actions, where each step is detailed and unambiguously perceivable.

    Description of processes is a certain action instruction as well. Such degree of

    formalization of procedures helps personnel to understand precisely what organizational

    system / manager expects from them. In case of hiring a new staff member expedites theprocess of acquiring qualification required for appropriate work performance, reduces

    period needed for adaptation and streamlines control and monitoring over the activities

    for a manager. In the course of working on process design itself, it is possible to detect

    any deficiency, which was hampering performance efficiency.

    At this stage activities / processes of the National Bureau of Enforcement are regulated by

    three documents: Law of Georgia on Enforcement Proceedings, Regulation on the

    National Bureau of Enforcement and Instruction on Enforcement Proceedings and By-

    Law. Personnel functions are mainly defined by the internal orders linked to specific

    employees and not to functions. Other additional instructions, reference documentsdescribing this or that operation are not yet developed, though their need is well

    perceived by the Bureau management.

    Evaluation revealed that it is required to document / create reference documents for

    processes of the Bureau.

    Detailed instructions by various types of enforcement cases, case studies;

    Procedure for responding to claims and applications (monitoring);

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    Archiving procedure for completed / not completed enforcement cases;

    Process for submission of statistical data, instruction how to maintain statistical

    data by enforcement officers

    Instruction on working in an electronic program of records management

    Qualification requirements for each working function

    Job descriptions for each function

    IN addition, the following procedures are to be developed and implemented:

    Personnel evaluation system

    Selection of new staff / interns

    Motivation system adapted to various types of personnel

    Development a program for increasing personnel loyalty

    Development of mechanisms for electronic data (databases) protection

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    Applied Research Company 2009


    Table 2. List of Organizational Processes of the National Bureau of EnforcementManagement Processes

    Main Processes and Sub-processes Supporting Processes Setting strategic directions,


    Financial planning, budgeting,

    financial reporting


    Enforcement of decisions made by the authorized administrativebody

    Recording registration of documents obtained in an

    enforcement proceeding process

    Allocation and re-registration of enforcement orders toenforcement officers

    Receipt and review of applications and claims of parties to the

    enforcement process

    Enforcement statistics maintaining and analysis

    Maintaining the registry of debtors (from January 1, 2010)

    Organizing auctions including offering auction services to private

    enforcement officers

    Examination and archiving of enforced / completed cases

    Ensuring security of the enforcement process

    Improvement of the legislative framework, draftin

    statutory acts

    Relations with international organizations and th


    Logistical processes, providing the organization wit

    material and technical resources

    Provision of information technologies

    HR management (head count, raising qualificatio

    recruitment of qualified staff, personnel evaluation)

    Circulation of documents (Chancellery), separate fro

    the enforcement proceeding.

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    Applied Research Company 2009


    3. Resources of the National Bureau of EnforcementHuman ResourcesStructural units and territorial enforcement authorities of the National Bureau of

    Enforcement and enforcement police are staffed. Initially, significant part of thepersonnel was represented by old employees. Major part of enforcement officers did not

    have legal education, which was negatively impacting effective conducting of the

    enforcement process. During 2009 enforcement staff was gradually renewed. People

    with legal education were appointed to the position of enforcement officers. In the

    course of the whole year, personnel development was one of the priorities. Trainings

    were delivered for the enforcement officers on legislative changes and effective service

    for the purpose of acquiring the electronic software of records management. Renewal of

    the enforcement officers and establishing the reserve staff will be conducted in regions as


    In order to have the motivated personnel and create backup staff the National Bureau of

    Enforcement implemented an internship system8. At the initial stage, 30 successful

    interns got already employed in the enforcement system.

    Discovered NeedsLarge number of enforcement cases is allocated to enforcement officers especially in the

    Tbilisi Bureau of Enforcement. Their daily activities consist of many actions. They often

    have to work for 10 12 hours a day and on weekends. Such regime is mainly

    determined by objective reasons partially by incorrect planning. Therefore, it is critically

    important for enforcement officers to acquire adequate time management skills.

    Policy for retaining qualified and experienced personnel needs to be developed.

    With introduction of the institute of private enforcement there is a threat of experienced

    enforcement officers moving to the private sector after they obtain work experience and

    practical skills in the public sector. In private sector enforcement officers have higher

    income in conditions of a less strict regime and less bureaucracy. Trend of staff outflow to

    the private sector will create series of problems: resources (financial, time) spent on staff

    training will be wasted. Re-registration of enforcement cases from leaving enforcement

    officers to new ones will increase workload for chancellery staff. Professional training ofnew enforcement officers will require time of other experienced enforcement officers,

    Head of the Bureau and Deputies, which will further aggravate their work regime and

    hamper effective implementation of the enforcement process.

    In the light of changes taking place in the National Bureau of Enforcement the need for

    personnel of new type / function arises periodically. In the Department of Records


    Contest for internship was announced twice during 2009 (February, October)

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    Management, Statistics and Information Technologies there is a unit of information

    technologies, which consists of three staff members, though the division as a structural

    unit is not formed within the department.9 Function of IT division needs to be

    strengthened and provided with the human resources. Existing staff is not sufficient to

    meet new conditions / requirements. Functions are not segregated among employees of

    the IT Division. IT Division should be strengthened. For the purpose of implementing

    planned information technologies it will be necessary to segregate functions and add newones:

    IT division manager (group management, responsibility for IT procurement)

    System administrator

    Network administrator responsible for appropriate functioning of networks between

    territorial bodies


    Technical support technical assistance of employees, resolution of daily problems

    for ensuring adequate operation of equipment

    Web designer for access from the Bureau webpage to electronic software of records


    Adding IT staff in regions, at least several in large regions.

    Adding the position of a scanning officer in the Tbilisi Enforcement Bureau would

    significantly ease the work of chancellery officers.

    It should be noted that qualification level of HR personnel is not sufficient to develop HR

    function (HR line). Therefore, it would be expedient to staff this unit with such

    personnel, which could develop and implement efficient HR system.

    For raising personnel qualification / adaptation of new personnel, trainings shall be

    organized for interns on the following topics:

    Changes in the legislation;

    Effective communications with clients / beneficiaries

    Conflict resolution

    Studying implemented electronic programs


    HR management

    Office programs

    Fitness training, fighting, marksmanship training for enforcement policemen,

    enforcement related legislation

    Financial ResourcesThe National Bureau of Enforcement has diversified sources of financing: funding from

    the state budget and own proceeds. Enforcement of acts issued by the court and other

    9 According to the new structure it is represented by two staff members, as a department.

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    authorized agencies represents a paid service10, The National Bureau of Enforcement

    receives technical assistance from international donor organizations, which is used for

    capacity development.

    According to the data for the past year (2009), correlation between the own income and

    funding from the state budget was approximately 64% and 36%. It should be noted that

    funding of the National Bureau from the 2010 year budget will be reduced by third andby 2011 it may even get less.

    Expenses for constructing and refurbishing new premises, salaries of contracted

    employees, as well as resources for strengthening the material technical base were

    covered from the Bureaus proceeds.

    Increasing the Bureaus funding by own income significantly depends on its ability to

    compete with the institute of private enforcement in enforcement of civil cases. After

    introducing the institute of the private enforcement (July, 2009) the Bureaus own

    income from civil cases declined by 60%. There is no united analytical division in the

    National Bureau of Enforcement, which would have been responsible for analysis of

    financial figures as well and would assist management in making decisions on

    maintaining and strengthening position of the National Bureau of Enforcement on the

    enforcement market.

    Material and Technical ResourcesCurrently the National Bureau of Enforcement and the Tbilisi Enforcement Bureau are

    placed in a temporary building. The Bureau is going to move to a new building in 2010,

    where adequate offices with sufficient space will be arranged for constantly increasing

    archive and keeping seized items. Enforcement policemen will have place to store their

    own items (handcuffs, bludgeon, weapon). It is planned to organize library, dining area,

    car parking in a new premises, which will make the working environment more

    comfortable. Organizing meeting rooms for creditors / debtors is also being planned. IN

    addition, auction halls compliant with the international standards will be arranged.

    Territorial bodies are provided with the office space, each enforcement officer has own

    working place. Out of 11 regional offices 9 (Kakheti, Kvemo Kartli, Shida Kartli,

    Samegrelo Zemo Svaneti, Imereti, Guria and Gori) are already newly renovated and


    Enforcement bodies of the National Bureau of Enforcement are equipped with computers

    and connected to the united network. Enforcement officers are provided with materials

    required for work performance (stationery), transport means and communication

    expenses. Funds for business trips are also allocated.

    10Debtor has to pay fees which constitute 7% of the claim to be enforced, though not less than GEL 50. Creditor upon

    submission of the enforcement order to the Enforcement Bureau shall pay 2% of the claim to be enforced though not less

    than GEL 50.

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    Discovered NeedsFunds allocated for communication and fuel are not sufficient in some cases. Enforcement

    officers, quite frequently, have to cover communication and transport costs themselves.

    Business trip funds are not sufficient as well. Vehicles of the National Bureau of

    Enforcement usually do not meet requirements and are useless for mountainous regions.

    Therefore, it is advisable to renew the park at least for mountainous regions.

    For efficient operation of the electronic program of enforcement proceeding and database

    maintaining by the National Bureau of Enforcement, it is required to purchase powerful

    server which would meet increasing requirements.

    Growing volume of archived documents will create the necessity for organizing the

    archive space with respective furniture (shelves ) and purchasing equipment (climate

    control) to keep adequate storage conditions.

    Technologies, ITThe National Bureau of Enforcement is actively implementing modern information

    technologies, in order to appropriately meet existing challenges, quickly and effectively

    conduct the enforcement process and make it transparent for the concerned parties.

    The National Bureau of Enforcement completely moved to the electronic records

    management from January 201011. Through the webpage of the electronic registry of

    enforcement proceeding (www.public.reestri.gov.ge /NBOF/) the parties of the

    enforcement process can search and verify information on enforcement cases under

    proceedings of the territorial bodies of the National Bureau of Enforcement.

    For the purpose of facilitating development and enforcement process, the registry of

    debtors became effective from January 1, 2010. It represents a systemized database on

    those natural persons and legal entities, against which the period set for voluntary

    fulfillment of acts on payments subject to enforcement have expired. Software of debtors

    registry was developed by the National Agency of Public registry. Any interested person

    can visit the webpage (www.public.reestri.gov.ge /DEBT) and obtain information on

    those included in the Debtors Registry.

    The National Bureau of Enforcement is connected to the united governmental network,

    which consists of 10 state authorities. As a result, the Bureau has access to databases ofthe other state structures: public registry, civil registry, Ministry of Internal affairs, state

    treasury. This significantly simplifies the enforcement process.

    11 The enforcement proceeding program was created by the financial support of the American Bar Association; software was

    developed by the National Agency of Public Registry.

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    Discovered NeedsThe National Bureau of Enforcement plans to purchase and implement various electronic

    programs in the nearest future. Specifically:

    HR record and management program;

    Chancellery software / record keeping program; Archive maintaining program;

    Tourniquet program

    It would be advisable to set the internal organizational network / intranet, by which the

    employees will have access to internal documents, various types of instructions,

    supporting references, training materials, legislative changes, open information regarding

    the Bureau. Through the intranet the personnel will have the opportunity to raise

    problems on-line. Intranet will improve communication of the territorial bodies with the

    National Bureau of Enforcement, strengthen the corporate spirit, will become a certain

    resource for raising qualification and personnel awareness.

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    Vision, mission and major values of the Bureau were formulated at the strategic

    planning meeting held with participation of the National Bureau of Enforcement.

    Vision of the National Bureau of Enforcement is:

    Quick and effective enforcement based on justice, equality before the law, andtransparency to the public.

    Mission of the National Bureau of Enforcement:

    Quick and effective enforcement of decisions made by authorized bodies /officials.Employees of the Bureau, at the strategic planning meetings, showed values,

    which were reflected on relations with the service beneficiaries and related

    parties, as well as values impacting internal organizational culture, work style and

    relations among employees.

    Internal Organizational Values: Commitment to work

    Respect for colleagues

    Collective nature, team spirit

    Caring for employee motivation

    Implementation of high professional standards

    Caring for raising qualification, training and growing opportunities

    Provision of qualified personnel


    Consultations with the respective personnel when making important


    Efficient management

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    Values Directed at External Relations: Respect for service recipients, respecting their rights

    Transparency and accountability to the community;

    Rule of law;

    Equality to the law, impartiality, fairness;

    Cooperation with representatives of various industries.

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    Strategic Frame

    Strategic Goal 2Transparency of activities and Availability ofInformation

    Objective 4.1



    Objective 4.2

    Development of


    Objective 4. Provision of

    qualified personnel

    Objective 4.4

    Development of the

    personnel loyalty


    Mission: Mission of the National Bureau of Enforcement is Prompt and Effective Enforcement of Decisions Made by Authorized Bodes / Officials

    Strategic Goal 1 Popularization of the Role of theNational Bureau of Enforcement in the Community

    Objective 1.1 Research

    of public awareness

    about activities of the


    Objective 1.2 Creation

    of the positive image in

    the community

    Objective 2.1


    to the Public

    Objective 2.3

    Existence of




    Strategic Goal 3. Improved Services forBeneficiaries

    Objective 3.1

    Continuation of



    Objective 3.2

    Improving Feedback

    with Beneficiaries

    (Service Recipients)

    Strategic Goal 4. Organizational Development

    Objective 4.5 Formation

    of corporate cultureObjective 4.7

    Development of

    electronic technologies

    Objective 4.6

    Improvement of internal


    Objective 4.8

    Strengthening / renewal of

    the technical resources of


    Objective 4.9 Strengthening

    the function of planning

    and monitoring

    Objective 2.2

    Transparency of



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    STRATEGIC GOALS, OBJECTIVES AND ACTIVITIES TO BEIMPLEMENTED DURING 2010 2012Strategic Goal I - Popularization of the Role of the National Bureau of Enforcement inthe PublicPopularization of the role and function of the National Bureau of Enforcement in the

    public will contribute to efficiency of its activities. For the purpose of popularizing its

    own function and role the Bureau set the following objectives:

    Objective 1.1 Research of Public Awareness about Activities of the BureauFor formation of the positive image and conducting popularization campaign it is

    necessary to study attitudes and views of the related parties as well as of the entire

    public about activities of the Bureau and enforcement process.

    Activities / Results1.1.1 Research of opinion of the related parties about activities of the Bureau

    (banks, private enforcement officers, creditors ) will assist it in establishing

    effective communications with various related groups.

    1.1.2 Research of public opinion research results will assist the Bureau in

    identification of the existing image, planning and implementing the public

    education campaign. In the event of repeated research, identification of the

    changes in the image will be possible as well as assessment of the effect of

    activities undertaken for public education.

    Objective 1.2 Creation of the Positive Image in the Community, Planning Implementation of Educational CampaignSeries of actions are planned to increase the public awareness about and

    perception of the National Bureau of Enforcement.

    Preparation and dissemination of informative materials of various formats on

    activities of the Bureau and changes undertaken in the enforcement sector will

    increase public awareness about the Bureau and raise its prestige. It will also

    contribute to increasing competitiveness. The Bureau plans preparing, publishingand disseminating the following information materials:

    1.2.1 Preparation, issuance of informational videos

    1.2.2 Publishing, dissemination of informational triplets

    1.2.3 Preparation of regional TV program

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    Activities 1.2.4 -1.2.7

    By organizing periodical meetings with various public sector representatives the

    Bureau will be able to better make them acquainted with its own activities,

    innovations and receive respective feedback. The Bureau plans to organize

    meetings with the following groups:

    Representatives of the banking sector Non-governmental organizations

    Public sector representatives


    Organizing introductory meetings with students will increase their interest in

    internship in the Bureau.

    1.2.8 Internship of masters students of the TSU Legal Department in the Bureau.

    Based on Memorandum of Cooperation concluded with the University students of

    the legal department will undertake internship in the Bureau twice a year.

    1.2.9 Delivery of information seminars for the media representatives. For the

    purpose of proper highlighting of processes taking place in the Bureau as well as of

    innovations, it is necessary to deliver informational seminars for media

    representatives at least once a year.

    Strategic Goal 2. Transparency of activities and Availability of InformationThe National Bureau of Enforcement conducts its activities on the basis of transparency

    and public accountability principles. Towards this end the Bureau defined the following


    Objective 2.1 Accountability to the PublicThe Bureau intends to be accountable to the public through the various types of


    2.1.1 Summarizing meeting on activities performed by the bureau during the year

    The Bureau plans to summarize activities and present report to the Public on

    annual basis. Media representatives and related parties will be invited to the


    2.1.2 Preparation of Annual ReportPrinted versions of the annual report in Georgian and English languages are being

    prepared on an annual basis. Printed version is disseminated among related

    parties. Electronic version will be placed on the webpage.

    2.1.3 Forwarding announcements, press releases and information to media

    By distributing media announcements, press releases on innovations taking place

    in the system, the Bureau ensures awareness of media and popularization of the


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    Objective 2.2 Transparency of Financial ActivitiesRequired attribute of transparency is transparency of financial activities. For this

    purpose the National Bureau of Enforcement undertakes the following activities:

    2.2.1 Preparation of annual financial report - the National Bureau of Enforcementprepares and submits financial report to the Ministry of Justice on an annual basis.

    Financial report shall be prepared in compliance with Decree #1321 of December

    2007 of the Ministry of Finance on Approving the Regulation on Accounting of

    Organizations Funded from the State Budget.

    2.2.2 Annual Financial Audit, pursuant to the Decree of the Ministry of Justice,

    the National Bureau of Enforcement selects audit firm to have the financial audit

    done on an annual basis. The audit allows to study financial accounting and

    internal control systems of the organization comprehensively, and the

    management will receive professional advice on improvement of this system.

    2.2.3 Preparation of the Public Version of Financial Statements and Placement on

    the Website

    For the purpose of ensuring financial transparency a public version of the financial

    statements will be prepared on an annual basis and be posted on the Bureaus


    Objective 2.2 Effective and Renewable WebpageActivities 2.3.1-2.3.4

    Having an informational webpage displaying own activities, services, and

    achievements is an effective tool for public awareness. The bureau plans to

    improve design of the existing webpage and elaborate its structure. The bureau

    promptly renews the News and Auction sections. Constant renewal of these

    sections is planned in the future. Also it is planned to renew the section of

    Frequently Asked Questions. Constantly renewable interactive webpage of

    attractive design will increase the number of visitors and respectively the level ofinterested persons awareness on the Bureau.

    Strategic Goal 3. Improved Services for BeneficiariesThe National Bureau of Enforcement will continue to implement legislative changes for

    the purpose of improving its services in conformity with reforms.

    Objective 3.1 Continuation of Legislative Changes

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    3.1.1 Conducting dialogue / working meetings with enforcement officers for

    continuation of legislative changes

    It is vital to involve enforcement officers in the process of continuation of

    legislative changes. By organizing periodical working meetings with them it will

    become possible to identify those legislative deficiencies, which are encountered

    by enforcement officers in the practical activities. Implementing the format ofmeetings will be beneficial for more active involvement of enforcement officers in

    elaboration of the legislative framework. Analysis of opinions generated at such

    meetings will assist the personnel of legal department to develop legislative

    initiatives for further improvement of legislative basis of enforcement


    3.1.2 Conducting working meetings with interested / related parties to continue

    implementation of legislative Changes

    In order to continue legislative changes as required it will be advisable to organize

    meetings with the related parties of the enforcement system. This will pertain to

    implementation of changes related with other parties, such as banks, private

    executors other state institutions. In the process of working on the draft legislative

    changes, holding such meetings would be beneficial to make mechanisms of

    implementation of legislative changes more effective.

    3.1.3 Preparation of Problematic Enforcement Cases by the Heads of Enforcement

    Groups in Writing

    Implementation of the practice of collecting problematic enforcement cases from

    activities of the enforcement officers in writing and further review analysis will

    facilitate elaboration of the legislative base. Description, systemization and posting

    on the intranet server of problematic cases and their solutions will be a helpful

    tool for new employees as well as for experienced ones. This will ease sharing

    experience and accumulation and transfer of knowledge.

    3.1.4 Introducing Changes to the Law on Enforcement Proceedings

    As a result of activities listed above, the Bureau will draft changes to the Law on

    Enforcement Proceedings. Changes should facilitate simplification of enforcement

    proceedings and increase number of enforced / completed cases, which itself will

    increase the level of satisfaction of consumers / beneficiaries and proceeds of theBureau.

    3.1.5 Introducing Changes to the Regulation on the National Bureau of

    Enforcement in conformity with the reorganized structure

    Changes implemented in the structure of the Bureau are periodically reflected in

    the Regulation. As a result of changes, the structure of the Bureau will get

    elaborated and functions and powers of the Bureau get detailed. Structure will be

    more tailored to objectives faced by the Bureau.

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    Objective 3.2 Elaboration of Feedback from Citizens, Service Beneficiaries, as wellas of Forms of Reacting to themFor the purpose of efficient fulfillment of its functions and improving services, the

    National Bureau of Enforcement plans diversification of forms of feedback and

    responding to received information.

    3.2.1 Establishing United Telephone Network (Internal Automatic Telephone


    Setting united telephone network will ease forwarding of incoming calls.

    Connecting to the desirable addressee will get quicker and convenient. Function

    of the telephone operator will be separated, which will free working time of other

    personnel who currently have to combine this function.

    3.2.2 Elaboration of the Process of Responding to Creditors Claims

    Creation of document reflecting procedure of responding to creditors claims will

    elaborate the process of reacting to claims. Document will reflect each step from

    receipt of claim to making conclusion by the respective service and serving a

    notice to the creditor party on the outcome. All parties will be informed about

    forms of responding to the type of violation / deviation, timeframe for requesting

    information, providing creditor with response and etc.

    3.2.3 Researching Satisfaction of Creditors with Services

    Research of creditors satisfaction with services of the National Bureau of

    Enforcement will ascertain the current level of service quality and reveal its

    deficiencies. In case of repeated research, comparison of quantitative data will

    allow observance of dynamics. Conducting research all over the country will

    reveal existing difference among regions. Analysis and interpretation of research

    results will assist the Bureau in defining activities required for further

    improvement of services.

    3.2.4 Evaluation of the Service Quality (Citizens Reception)

    Evaluation of the service quality in the citizens reception will reveal the

    satisfaction level of consumers, qualification of personnel working in thereception, possession of required skills for effective communication with citizens

    and aspects of the service to be improved. Consideration of conclusions and

    recommendations will increase satisfaction of consumers.

    3.2.5 Analysis of Opinions Received from Service Beneficiaries through Website

    The Bureau plans to implement the practice of receiving opinions through

    webpage and conducting their analysis. This will be an additional method of

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    receiving information on comments, opinions, desires of consumers and related

    parties. Document depicting analysis of considerations will systemize comments

    and opinions received through webpage and respective conclusions will be made.

    Strategic Goal 4. Organizational DevelopmentThe National Bureau of Enforcement is institutionally a new organization. At this stage

    even after implemented reforms and structural changes its internal organizational

    development, structural elaboration and development of procedures are still important.


    Objective 4.1 Structural Elaboration4.1.1. Formation of the Structural Unit of the Citizens Reception

    There is a large flow of customers / visitors in the National Bureau of Enforcement

    every day. In order to make primary consultation / information obtaining for

    customers comfortable, establishing the structural unit is being planned, which

    will render primary services to incoming citizens. Adding this function will make

    the process of rendering the service prompt and effective and ease the workload of

    chancellery officers. Improvement of the service quality will contribute to

    forming the positive image of the Bureau.

    4.1.2. Strengthening the IT Department (Adding Human Resources, Segregation of


    Rapid technological processes create the need for strengthening the IT Division.

    Implementation of new software requires adequate development of the structural

    unit and increase in its capacity. It will become necessary to segregate functions

    for implementation of scheduled information technologies and adding new

    positions, which will improve IT procurement process, adequate functioning of

    networks among territorial bodies, ensure technical assistance of employees,

    resolution of daily issues, adequate operation of equipment, access to the records

    management electronic software through the Bureaus webpage.

    4.1.3. Establishing Division of International Relations

    The National Bureau of Enforcement has active relations with the international

    donor organizations and representatives of the foreign enforcement system. Efforts

    of the international donor organizations significantly facilitate the process of the

    Bureaus development. Cooperation with enforcement systems / foreign experts is

    important for sharing international experience in the enforcement field. For the

    purpose of increasing the efficiency of relations, the Bureau plans to create a

    structural unit responsible for international relations and relations with donors.

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    4.1.4 Establishing Public Relations Division

    In order to activate relations with the public the Bureau plans to allocate a

    structural unit responsible for communication with the various groups of

    community. The function of this unit will be planning and implementing the

    public educational campaign, formation of the positive image for the Bureau in the

    society and increasing awareness about enforcement.

    4.1.5. Establishing Human Resources Division

    Establishing the HR Division is critically significant for the further institutional

    development of the Bureau. This Division will have to resolve important issues in

    the nearest future, specifically, provide the National Bureau of Enforcement with

    highly qualifies personnel, focus on raising qualification of the existing staff,

    develop job descriptions and qualification requirements, implement personnel

    evaluation and motivational systems, raise internal corporate image of the

    organization, create reserve (back up) staff through development of internship

    system and etc.

    4.1.6. Adding Analytical Function

    Various informational flows are being collected in the National Bureau of

    Enforcement, processing and analyzing of which will allow the Bureau to

    determine those quantitative indicators that will assess efficiency of the Bureaus

    activities (financial indicators, quantitative data and share on the market).

    Strengthening the analytical function of the statistics and analysis division will

    allow the Bureau to improve planning process, assess results of the past year,

    measure and avert risks which may be associated with specific types of activities,

    increase competitiveness of the Bureau and etc.

    4.1.7. Adding Marketing Function

    In the light of presence of the private enforcement institute in the enforcement

    system, the National Bureau of Enforcement is facing the need to increase its own

    competitiveness. The Bureau for the purpose of developing adequate marketing

    strategy and occupying solid positions in the enforcement field plans to add

    marketing function. This function in the beginning may be added to the public

    relations officer.

    Objective 4.2 - Development of Procedures, Drafting Written Documents4.2.1 Development of Qualification Requirements and Job Descriptions for Each


    Job descriptions represent significant part of the HR Policy - functions of an

    employee, content of activities and scope, which determine qualification

    requirements for an employee. Number of qualification parameters includes the

    following: physical characteristics, intellect, skills, interests, motivation and etc.

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    After development of job descriptions it is possible to use them for: determination

    of tasks of each performer; personnel evaluation; correction of organizational

    structure; educating, training and raising qualification of the staff; for dismissal in

    case of ascertaining non-compliance of an employee with the job and in case of


    Job description allows employee to know what is expected from him/her and what

    criteria will be used for evaluation of his / her performance.

    4.2.2 Drafting and Printing a Manual for Employees of the Enforcement System

    (Positional Instruction)

    Employee manual / positional instruction represents an important tool for

    personnel management, which covers qualification requirements for the job,

    respective functions, main rights and duties, competence and responsibility,

    criteria for evaluation of the work performance and management structure related

    with an employee.

    Employee manual / positional instruction contributes to timely adaptation and

    motivation of new employees. The manual should define step by step duties of an

    employee, i.e. all sections of the work shall be described. Such detailed

    instructions facilitate reduction of ambiguity with respect to any aspect of the

    work. In addition, detailed manual / positional instruction fulfills informative

    function, sets standards and technologies for achievement of the set objectives.

    4.2.3 Development and Implementation of Personnel Evaluation System

    Personnel evaluation gives the possibility to have a full picture about the status of

    HR resources of an organization and the quality of performed work, based on

    which it is possible to plan further measures for optimization of HR policy.

    Among those are: development of correction plan for revealed deficiencies after

    reviewing employee behavior at the workplace; making decisions on career

    development and remuneration; development and implementation of targeted

    training and consulting system and etc.

    4.2.4 Development of a Procedure (Drafting Document) on Personnel / InternSelection

    Professional and quality selection of personnel significantly depends on presence

    of an adequate clearly structured algorithm / procedure, which details selection

    stages: calculation and planning the required personnel; forming vacancy requests;

    regulation of staff selection procedure; evaluation and selection of candidates for

    the vacancy. Selection procedure shall include tools used for selection and

    evaluation of candidates, e.g. interview questions, questionnaires

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    4.2.5 Development of a Monitoring and Control Procedure

    The National Bureau of Enforcement plans to implement monitoring practice for

    activities of enforcement officers, which implies examination of cases directly at

    the stage of enforcement / conducting activities. Therefore, it is required to

    develop a clear procedure depicting methodological approach to monitoring andcontrol, periodicity of inspection, principles used for selection of cases and scope /

    number of cases. Procedure should also specify monitoring stages and forms of

    reacting to made conclusions.

    For the purpose of elaborating organizational processes, the National Bureau of

    enforcement also plans detailed description of the following procedures /


    4.2.6 Description of a procedure for examination of completed / enforced cases,

    description of a procedure for examination of cases forwarded to the archive;

    4.2.7 Development of a procedure for document archiving and filing;

    4.2.8 Developing mechanisms, drafting instruction on electronic data / database


    4.2.9 Elaboration of an instruction for working in the electronic program of

    enforcement proceedings

    4.2.10 Instruction on providing statistical information to enforcement officers

    4.2.11 Instruction for working in the program of Registry of Debtors

    Documents of this type represent a supporting tool for personnel. It will help

    employees in correct implementation of this or that activity. Unification of

    processes will not allow personnel to introduce their own interpretations to the

    perception of procedure and will save working time of senior / more experienced

    employees spent on giving additional explanations. Defined procedures and

    instructions reduce period of personnel adaptation with the job. All developed

    procedures / instructions will be placed on the internal network server and be

    available to all employees / interns.

    Objective 4.3. Raising Staff Qualification Level, Staffing with Qualified PersonnelThe National Bureau of Enforcement focuses on recruitment of qualified

    personnel and raising qualification of the existing staff. In this regardstrengthening efforts is very important for increasing efficiency of the Bureaus


    4.3.1 Recruitment of Employees by Contest Procedure

    In 2010 staffing of the Bureau through contest procedure has started. The Public

    Service Bureau will announce open contest for this or that vacancy. Contest

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    certification commission will assess participants and make decision. This process

    will be completed in June, 2010.

    4.3.2 Personnel Training Needs Analysis

    Conducting the training needs analysis is a permanent process. At the end of each

    year Head of HR Service will analyze what are fields where the staff membersneed raising their qualification and what are the specific skills that increase the

    personnel efficiency, and define the forms of learning (training with internal

    resources, sending to special courses, group training with invited expert, purchase

    of reference books and etc.). Detected needs are reflected in a next year action

    plan, which is designed by the Bureau at the end of each year.

    4.3.3 Training in Legislative Changes (Enforcement Officers, Interns)

    Enforcement officers and interns of the Bureau are periodically provided with

    information on changes in legislation. This may have a form of internal training.

    Materials reflecting legislative changes are placed on the internal intranet server.

    4.3.4 Training with Customers / Service Beneficiaries on the Subject of Efficient

    Communications and Conflict Resolution

    In order to cope with conflict / unordinary situations more efficiently, the Bureau

    plans to develop communications skills of those personnel, which have frequent

    relations with citizens, service beneficiaries: enforcement officers, chancellery

    officers, employees of citizens reception and enforcement policemen.

    4.3.5 Training in Implemented Electronic Programs

    In the course of 2010 the Bureau plans to purchase and implement series of

    electronic programs, for working on which it is critically important to train

    respective personnel. For this purpose, during the current year, training of the

    staff to work on implemented programs will be performed in stages.

    IN addition, the Bureau plans to raise the personnel qualification through various


    4.3.6 Training for heads of structural units / representatives of management team

    (presentation skills, ability to make public speech, time management)

    4.3.7 Training in HR Management (HR Officers)

    4.3.8 Trainings in Public Relations (PR) (for PR Officers)

    4.3.9 Training in use of Office Applications (Enforcement Officers)

    4.3.10 Trainings for Enforcement Policemen (Fitness training, fighting,

    marksmanship training for enforcement policemen, legislation)

    4.3.11 Trainings for Financial Management Personnel

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    4.3.12 Announcement of Internship Contest

    The Bureau implemented internship practice since 2009. Selected interns get

    practical experience in the Bureau. The internship allows having a reserve staff.

    Interns represent a supporting resource for personnel working in the Bureau. The

    Bureau plans to announce contests in the future as well, minimum once a year.

    4.3.13 Setting the Staff Reserve

    Staff reserve will be created from successful interns. For this purpose it is

    necessary to permanently have the file on interns in the HR division, where the

    internship assessments and achievements will be depicted.

    4.3.14 Detection of Needs for Various Types of Personnel and Staffing

    Changes going in the Bureau may periodically create necessity of adding staff of

    this or that qualification. For this purpose, head of administration reveals necessity

    of adding new staff and makes recommendations, based on which respective staff

    is hired. At this stage the process of organizational evaluation revealed a need for

    hiring the staff of the following type: chancellery officer responsible for scanning,

    IT division officers, HR manager.

    Objective 4.4 Personnel Loyalty Program Development and Implementation4.4.1 Creation and implementation of Motivation System Tailored to Various

    Types of Staff (Bonus System, intangible forms)

    Organizations efficiency significantly depends on personnels work behavior.

    Personnels interest in work at a great extent depends not only on content of work

    but also on how the work is organized as well as on personnels motivation system.

    Therefore, development and implementation of the correctly structured system is

    one of the main factors for achieving personnels maximum efficiency.

    4.4.2 Research of Personnels Work Satisfaction and its Management

    Work satisfaction is closely linked with personnels loyalty and commitment to

    work and the organization. Loyal personnel are far more motivated to direct bestefforts to work and share organizational goals and values. If valuable employees

    permanently think about leaving the organization and are looking for a new job, it

    is containing threat for the organization. On the other hand, if unqualified /

    ineligible staff is content with work and do not intend to leave, it implies that

    there are favorable conditions for ineffective personnel in the organization.

    Therefore, information on staff work satisfaction is an important tool for

    determination of HR risks.

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    Applied Research Company 2009


    Objective 4.5 Formation of Corporate CultureFormation of the internal corporate image will facilitate sharing of mission, vision

    and values of the National Bureau of Enforcement by enforcement officers and

    will positively impact staff retention. Development of corporate aspects and

    designing the Code of Conduct of enforcement Officers will positively impact the

    image of the Bureau in the public as well as internal organizational image. Toachieve this objective the Bureau plans the following activities:

    4.5.1. Development of Corporate Attributes work uniform of enforcement

    officers will be designed; dress code will be introduced for the other personnel.

    4.5.2. Development of Corporate Code of Conduct Corporate Code of Conduct

    represents a set of rules and principles, by which the organization is guided in its

    activities. The Code will reflect general ideology, what the organization values and

    expects from its employees and what are responsibilities of the organization

    towards its personnel. The Code shall include the norms pertaining to the

    following aspects of the organizational life: relations among employees,

    appearance of employees, rules of conduct at public meetings and relations with

    media, informational / communication security system (types of confidential

    information), ethical norms of relations with customers. The Code shall also depict

    traditions, corporate celebrations

    4.5.3. Implementation of Corporate Activities - for the purpose of strengthening

    corporate and team spirit, the Bureau plans to organize corporate events. It may be

    a New Year celebration, organizing sports games and etc.

    Objective 4.6 Improvement of Internal Communication4.6.1 Establishing the internal organizational network / intranet will improve

    communication of the enforcement personnel with the National Bureau of

    Enforcement, strengthen corporate spirit and become a resource for raising

    qualification and personnel awareness.

    Various instructions, supporting manuals, training materials and legislative

    changes will be placed on the intranet server.

    Objective 4.7 Implementation / Development of Electronic Technologies4.7.1 Elaboration of Enforcement Proceeding Program

    Due to peculiarity of objectives of the electronic program of enforcement

    proceedings, the program elaboration will continue during the year 2010. The

    final design of the program will create the possibility to resolve all issues related

    with the enforcement process promptly and effectively.

  • 8/2/2019 Strategic Plan of the National Bureau of Enforcement (2010-2012)


    Applied Research Company 2009


    4.7.2 Elaboration of the Debtors Registry

    For appropriate functioning of the program of debtors registry it is necessary to

    continue the further elaboration of the program and create required program

    mechanisms necessary for enforcement of the Order on Debtors Registry.

    4.7.3 Involvement of Private Enforcement Officers in the Enforcement

    Proceedings Program

    4.7.4 Allowing Private Executors to Maintain Debtors Registry

    For the purpose of creating the united information system of enforcement

    proceedings, it is necessary to involve private enforcement officers in the

    electronic program of enforcement proceedings as well as in maintaining the

    debtors registry. For this purpose private executors shall undergo respective

    training in order to acquire skills needed for working with these programs.

    For increasing efficiency of supporting and management processes of the National

    Bureau of Enforcement, the purchase / implementation of the following electronic

    programs is being planned.

    4.7.5 Chancellery Program (Software) will enable the Bureau to control internal

    and external correspondence, promptly register incoming letters and deliver sent

    correspondence to addressee / respective structural unit, file and retrieve

    information. By implementing the chancellery program the united database of

    correspondence and documents will be created.

    4.7.6 Human Resources Management Program will assist person / persons in

    charge of human resources management in automating all major processes of

    personnel registration and management.

    4.7.7 Electronic Archive Maintaining Program Archiving documents and

    materials will ensure data protection and security.

    4.7.8 Accounting and Reporting Program

    4.7.9 Tourniquet Program - For the purpose of registering arrival / leave ofpersonnel and preventing non-sanctioned entrance of visitors it is planned to

    install a tourniquet in the new premises of the Bureau and provide respective

    software. Functions of the tourniquet program will allow the person in charge of

    human resources management to register arrival / leave, retardation, work hour

    statistics, which will be one of the indicators of employee performance evaluation.

    Objective 4.8 - Strengthening / Renewal of Technical Resources of OrganizationActivities 4.8.1-4.8.10

  • 8/2/2019 Strategic Plan of the National Bureau of Enforcement (2010-2012)


    Applied Research Company 2009


    In 2010 the National Bureau of Enforcement will complete renovation and

    refurbishing of the new premises. In parallel, regional offices will get renovated

    and refurbished.

    In the coming years the Bureau will be technically reequipped, Auto Park will be

    renewed, professional photo and video equipment will be purchased.

    Implementation of electronic programs all over Georgia requires installation of a

    powerful server in order to eliminate stagnations in the work process. It is also

    necessary to arrange a secure room for server.

    In addition, the Bureau plans to allocate sufficient space
