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1 the mayo effect Mayo Clinic’s Strategic Plan Strategic Statements of Mayo Clinic Primary Value The needs of the patient come first. Mission To inspire hope and contribute to health and well-being by providing the best care to every patient through integrated clinical practice, education and research. Vision* Mayo Clinic will provide an unparalleled experience as the most trusted partner for health care. Core Business* Create, connect and apply integrated knowledge to deliver the best health care, health guidance and health information. Value Proposition/Differentiation Statement* Mayo Clinic combines knowledge, integrity and teamwork into a uniquely effective, integrated model of care, bringing timely solutions and hope to patients and people. * Primarily for internal use
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Strategic Statements of Mayo Clinic

Primary ValueThe needs of the patient come first.

Mission To inspire hope and contribute to health and well-being by providing the best care to every patient through integrated clinical practice, education and research.

Vision*Mayo Clinic will provide an unparalleled experience as the most trusted partner for health care.

Core Business*Create, connect and apply integrated knowledge to deliver the best health care, health guidance and health information.

Value Proposition/Differentiation Statement* Mayo Clinic combines knowledge, integrity and teamwork into a uniquely effective, integrated model of care, bringing timely solutions and hope to patients and people.

* Primarily for internal use

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Mayo Clinic Value Statements These values, which guide Mayo Clinic’s mission to this day, are an expression of the vision and intent of our founders, the original Mayo physicians and the Sisters of Saint Francis.

Primary Value The needs of the patient come first.

Respect Treat everyone in our diverse community including patients, their families, and colleagues with dignity.

CompassionProvide the best care, treating patients and family members with sensitivity and empathy.

IntegrityAdhere to the highest standards of professionalism, ethics and personal responsibil-ity, worthy of the trust our patients place in us.

HealingInspire hope and nurture the well-being of the whole person, respecting physical, emotional and spiritual needs.

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TeamworkValue the contributions of all, blending the skills of individual staff members in unsurpassed collaboration.

ExcellenceDeliver the best outcomes and highest quality service through the dedicated effort of every team member.

InnovationInfuse and energize the organization, enhancing the lives of those we serve, through the creative ideas and unique talents of each employee.

Stewardship Sustain and re-invest in our mission and extended communities by wisely manag-ing our human, natural and material resources.

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The Vision Story

Mayo Clinic’s Next EvolutionFor as long as we can remember, the very words “Mayo Clinic” have been an icon of American culture and world medicine. They signify the best in health care for the individual, the family and society. For decades, the Mayo Clinic model of care has been refined and advanced through the daily collaboration of experts in clinical practice, education and research to keep Mayo Clinic at the cutting edge of medical care while maintaining the patient at the center of our services. We do this because, as Dr. Will Mayo reminds us every day, “the needs of the patient

come first.” Accordingly, Mayo Clinic describes its mission as inspiring hope and

contributing to health and well-being by providing the best care to every patient through

integrated clinical practice, education and research.

As we, the Mayo Clinic staff, stand at the beginning of a new century, we see a world faced with many challenges, but equally exciting opportunities. Mayo Clinic remains a beacon to those who suffer illness and seek reliable information about the health of their loved ones and themselves. Mayo Clinic’s legacy of providing exceptional patient care grew through the 19th and 20th centuries, first for those patients able to visit Rochester, Minnesota, and later Scottsdale, Arizona; Jacksonville, Florida; and Mayo Health System. Today, building on that unparalleled legacy and advancing it through seemingly limitless advances in knowledge management, communications and transportation, Mayo Clinic can inform, inspire and partner with people worldwide in their quest for better health. Mayo Clinic practitioners can develop and share knowledge and deliver

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the benefits of that knowledge and experience on a global scale. This is the contemporary definition of our core business: to create, connect and apply integrated

knowledge and deliver the best health care, health guidance and health information.

Through the accomplishment of our goals, we can achieve a Mayo Clinic that is a trusted, affordable partner that provides solutions for individuals in many settings. They may be patients at one of our campuses. They may access care through part of our affiliated network of providers. They may access information and connect with our experts remotely. Regardless of the means, the end will be the same — patient-centered care, integrated in the best interest of the individual.

Mayo Clinic will continue to advance the science and art of medicine through the generation, integration and management of knowledge and information. With the tools available today we can gather, interpret and apply useful information on a massive scale, offering hope to millions who may have previously had little hope at all. By transforming Mayo Clinic’s health care delivery processes, we can reach the ultimate goal of providing the best health care in a trusted and afford-able manner.

By carefully applying this array of tools and methods, Mayo Clinic will eventu-ally maintain an interconnected network of care, more readily accessible, and in many cases more affordable, than ever before. For anyone who becomes part of this Mayo Clinic community of care, we will live our vision, to provide an unparal-

leled experience as the most trusted partner for health care.

None of this can happen without the full engagement of our staff. We are most fortunate to work with colleagues who are inspired by a high sense of purpose. To enhance our mission-driven culture, we will continue to align governance, management and operational structures to enable innovation and timely decision-making. We will increase the diversity and inclusiveness of our staff, and provide future leaders with the mentoring and the opportunities they will need to lead Mayo Clinic in these complex times. By working together as a deeply integrated single practice of unmatched integrity, we will deliver care that offers the highest value, the best outcomes, and the strongest hope for people seeking health and health care.

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Strategic Requirements Strategic requirements identify the fundamental direction needed to sustain Mayo Clinic and to remain relevant. These requirements are intended to be sufficient for interpretation by operational teams as broad direction, and provide representative examples of activities that are within the scope of accepted boundaries. There is acknowledged interdependence of many of these elements.

A. To be strategically relevant Mayo Clinic must live the primary value:1. Provide solutions and hope for patients

Mayo Clinic must combine knowledge, integrity and teamwork into a unique and effective care environment to provide solutions and hope for patients and their families. We must reinforce our long-standing tradition of strengthening our clinical expertise with forward-looking research and education programs. Mayo Clinic must develop and continue long-lasting relationships with patients, health care providers, and those who may never become actual visitors to a Mayo Clinic campus.

Examples might include: Innovative practice techniques, technology, discoveries, molecu-

lar diagnostics and therapeutics, regenerative medicine, customer relationship management,

patient education

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2. Be most trusted and affordable (value)

We must offer the best outcomes, safety and service available while being afford-able to the patient, sustaining the organization, and remaining competitive to third-party payers.

Examples might include: Improving quality (outcomes, safety and service), Value

Creation Teams, standardization, spread of best practices, reducing fees

B. To be strategically relevant Mayo Clinic must enhance and expand our core business:1. Generate, evaluate, integrate and manage knowledge and information

Mayo Clinic must perpetuate our history of generating new knowledge, ac-cessing and vetting that which is learned by others, and actively managing this health and health care knowledge and information and then bringing this immediately and seamlessly into the practice. Mayo Clinic must actively seek knowledge partners beyond our walls as well.

Examples might include: Discovery and translation science, electronic medical

records, Mayo Expert (best information for patients from multiple media), information

systems that interface research and education with the practice, and real-time clinical

guidance systems

2. Transform Mayo Clinic’s health care delivery process

Mayo Clinic must transform the health care delivery process to enable different care models for different lines of services including the solution shop (integrated model), value-added process model (focus factory) and facilitated networks (community health models). Transformation extends to the research and educa-tion activities that support the practice as well as to the expansion of products and services offered to patients and customers. Mayo Clinic must actively en-courage reform of payment mechanisms to pay for value. The Mayo Clinic brand must extend beyond patients and, as such, must reach through new avenues to those who are healthy today. Mayo Clinic must actively seek delivery partners beyond our walls as well where competencies and delivery platforms augment our strategies.

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• Increaseourofferingsforhealthandhealthyliving

Mayo Clinic must expand our health care services to include health assess-

ment, maintenance, disease prevention, and personalized programs for Mayo

patients and potential patients. Examples might include: health maintenance

and disease prevention programs for employees and patients; lifestyle man-

agement of chronic disease for individuals and populations; employer and

consumer healthy living services and products.

• Increaseourglobalactivity

Assure Mayo Clinic remains the trusted source of health information, knowl-

edge and care for patients, families, providers and partners. We must augment

the Mayo Clinic brand and strengthen our international presence through

selected activities, partnerships, and other business initiatives using scalable

platforms which optimize revenue streams.

Examples might include: New practice models, eHealth, remote consultation, remote

patient monitoring, science of health care delivery, simulation/experiential education,

Center for Translational Science Activities, engineering focus. Partnerships: academic

centers, affiliated provider networks, distribution network companies, employer groups,

technology/pharmaceutical/device companies

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Organizational Requirements Organizational requirements accentuate the means by which Mayo Clinic intends to fulfill our vision. These requirements augment Mayo Clinic’s fundamental char-acteristics and core values (listed below) and should be readily identifiable by our staff as essential components of our organizational model. The Mayo Clinic Board of Governors commit to these values and requirements in everything we do.

Mayo Clinic’s organizational requirements include: 1. Staff inspiration, engagement and shared sense of purpose

The Mayo Clinic staff is our most precious resource. Each member of our staff must feel privileged, engaged and inspired by the Mayo Clinic mission and vision and be able to relate how the work he or she does strengthens and perpetuates Mayo Clinic. Lifelong learning and development, mentoring of our heritage and culture as expressed through the embrace and expression of professionalism, and maintenance and improvement of our work environment will sustain the staff, inspire our learn-ers, and facilitate the recruitment and retention of the best and the brightest. The organization must support the staff, provide an inclusive yet diverse environment, enable the sense of empowerment, and demonstrate recognition and appreciation of our staff.

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Mayo Clinic must provide a just, safe and welcoming environment and acceptance of all and their beliefs. As diversity increases, our ability to recognize other points of view also increases. Diversity of thought, diversity of age, gender, race, ethnicity and religious background are as important as is the diversity of perspective that a wide range of people bring to Mayo Clinic.


Integration of three-shield activities — recognizing and integrating across the differ-ent manifestations of the Mayo Model of Care, and applying integration across our spectrum of services and sites — is essential.

4. To function as a single practice

Mayo Clinic must perform as a single practice to deliver on our promise to patients and staff to be the most trusted name in health care. As we successfully transition to functioning as a single practice, we will enhance our ability to improve value for our patients. We will drive this increase in value by implementing the value creation system, by standardizing and spreading best practices, and by improving core processes which improve effectiveness and efficiency. To function as a single practice will enhance our ability to apply the Mayo Model of Care across our many physical locations and will allow us a platform to spread what we know in new ways for patients and people elsewhere.

5. Boldness and clarity of leadership

The consolidation and alignment of governance and management structures is essen-tial to perpetuate our mission, deliver the vision and manage risk. At the institutional level, much consolidation has been accomplished and is now permeating other parts of our organizational structure. This, in conjunction with non-ambiguous definitions and assignments of accountability, authority and responsibility, allows Mayo Clinic to streamline decision making, prioritize initiatives for success but allow for fast failures and course corrections, while maintaining the ability to be deliberate yet nimble with regard to organizational direction and change management. This will allow us to lead boldly and with an entrepreneurial spirit that recognizes the need to make decisions and take calculated risks.

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6. Patient focused science and engineering

“The needs of the patient come first,” Mayo Clinic’s primary value, is realized through the application of Mayo Clinic’s science, engineering and systems integra-tion in the context of Mayo’s vision and mission. From applying comparative effectiveness and health care delivery science to diagnostic, treatment, and care models to behavioral and industrial engineering of core processes and patient flow, patient focused science and engineering is at work. This patient-focused science and engineering is often associated with Dr. Henry Plummer, and remains a mainstay of how Mayo Clinic functions to serve the needs of the patient.

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the mayo effect • Mayo Clinic Operating Plan

Mayo Clinic Operating Plan

D e l i v e r y

Create the Healthcare Workforce of the Future that Sustains Mayo’s Values

• Improvestaff’sabilitytodeliverhighvaluecare

• Implementindividualproviderscorecardsincluding quality and cost metrics (outcomes, safety, service, cost, competence, adherence to standardized practice guidelines)

• Investincontinuousstaffdevelopmenttoimprove staff satisfaction and retention

• Increasediversityofstaffanddevelopmentofdiverse staff

• Improveleadershiptrainingandmentoring

• Increasethenumberandskillofphysiciansand clinical and basic scientists engaged in generating new knowledge

• Increaseourcapacityandskillincomparativeeffectiveness and health care delivery research

• Providesolutionsandhopeforpatients

• Standardize,improveeffectiveness(outcomes,safety, service), and reduce cost in:

All practice settings Core clinical processes Core business processes

• Explorenewpaymentmechanisms

• Generate, evaluate, integrate, and manage knowledge and information

• Create global value-adding relationships, alliances, and partnerships that serve as a platform to extend the reach of Mayo Clinic’s knowledge to delivery proposition

• Increase our offerings for health and healthy living

• Achievethehighestlevelsofoutcomes,safety,and service

• Reducecostandfees

• IncreaseappropriateaccesstoMayoClinicservices

• AchieveNOI,cost,andmargintargetsfrompractice operations

• AchieveNOI,cost,andmargintargetsfromstrategic business development

• Increasemarketshareintargetedsegments

• Re-investaportionofNOIintoresearchanddevelopment for new products and services; practice transformation; and strategic growth

• Createsustainablefinancialmodels(including endowment) for practice, education, and research

Transform Mayo Clinic’s Knowledge Management and Healthcare Delivery Process

Deliver Highest Value Care – Be Most Trusted and Affordable

Achieve Mission-Advancing Financial Performance

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