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Strategies To Increase Your Amway Earnings

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Amway distributors: Do you want to know how to become a top earner?
Page 1: Strategies To Increase Your Amway Earnings

Amway distributors: Do you want to know how to become a top earner?

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If you want to become a top earner, it\'s vital you get way beyond merely talking to colleagues, associates, family

and friends about your business..

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You have to learn how to market- like a REAL business!

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I\'ve been groomed by 6 and 7-figure income earners who taught me the following strategies we quietly use to build

large businesses:

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- Massive Action Makes The Difference

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Top earners in companies such as Amway like to use the term massive action. Take massive action to build your

business. Massive action means doing what your business requires every day, despite challenges and distractions. It

means you keep moving ahead, even when it\'s frustrating, challenging and scary.

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Massive action means putting up ads in ten different places when everyone else is scared to advertise at all. Massive action means blogging every day, while most

people blog whenever they feel like it.

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Focus on the business critical tasks in your Amway business, such as sponsoring reps and closing sales. Cut

out unimportant wastes of time such as watching television and shopping for things you can order online. Work consistently. That means work your business 5-6 days per week. Expect challenges, and keep on despite


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You\'re going to need to step up and get way out of your comfort zone. Work on your Amway business, even if you don\'t feel like it. Schedule your days into productive time


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To thrive in business, your habits thoughts and beliefs are going to need to change. Take massive action to explode

your Amway business.

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- Be An Attraction Marketer

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Virtually everyone in opportunities such as Amway run out of people to talk to at some point. They end up chasing people and come across as a little desperate. Attraction

Marketing solves the desperation and lead poverty challenges.

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Attraction Marketing is the creation and promotion of educational content that trains other networkers how to

solve their business problems. When you promote instructional content online, you establish yourself as an

authority and leader. Positioning yourself as an expert makes recruiting people into Amway very easy.

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A few principles govern Attraction Marketing:

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- People are not out there seeking to join your opportunity. They are seeking a leader they can follow to

help reach their goals.

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- People online promoting companies like Amway are a dime a dozen. Leaders are harder to find.

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- People instinctively are drawn towards people that can help them solve their problems.

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- People aren\'t interested in others that solely try to sell them stuff.

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- By concentrating on helping people to solve their critical business problems, you drastically become more valuable.

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- If you want to receive, you have to be a giver first. The quality and extent of your valuable free content will

influence the degree to which you are considered a leader.

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If you are implementing attraction marketing well, people will start asking to join your Amway downline. You never

have to chase people again!

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- Solve Your Attrition Problem

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Attrition is one of the biggest problems Amway marketers face. The two standard approaches Amway reps are taught to boost retention create more problems than they solve.

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1) Method one is to assist new Amway distributors to make money right away, so they get an early taste of

success and want to stick around. When you attempt to help EVERY new Amway rep in your organization get into profit quickly, you spend LOTS of time helping your worst-

performing new reps, the people who can\'t sponsor anyone by themselves. This takes focus away from your best people, the top 20% of your Amway downline that will drive 80% of all your income. Spending most of your

time on the weakest 20% of your people just fosters dependency.

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2) The second approach is to get your Amway downline members to feel part of the team, something bigger than

themselves, so they want to stay part of the group. Amway team webinars, live training events, and getting on

the phone with your new people can all foster a team experience. This strategy can foster dependency. You\'ll end up with many underperforming team members who stick around for the team connection but sponsor few or

no people into Amway.

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You\'re a business owner, not a group therapist. A contrarian but effective approach to the attrition problem

is to revise your business model not to boost retention, but rather to make retention much less important. To

make attrition less of a problem, promote affiliate products to your prospects, which can easily add more than 10 affiliate income streams to your business. This

diversifies your income and makes you less dependent on your downline for revenue. Attrition becomes a smaller

problem when you rely less on your Amway downline for residual income. A second way to make attrition less

important is to promote a high ticket opportunity that pays commissions of $1,000 or more per sale. Traditional

network marketing opportunities like Amway pay out only about $60-$120 per new signup, so you must develop a

large team and residual check to make a substantial income. When you earn $800+ per sign up, you effectively

earn 2-3 years worth of residuals up front, regardless whether your new signup endures for 6 days or 6 years.

This makes retention a non-issue.

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