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Streams in Java 8

Date post: 10-Feb-2017
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Streams in Java 8 Start programming in a more functional style

Streams in Java 8Start programming in a more functional style


Who am I?• Tobias Coetzee

• I’m a Technical Lead at BBD

• I present the Java Expert Level Certifications at BBD (EJB,

JPA, etc.)

• I’m currently a banker

• Part of the JoziJug organising committee

• I like to run

• This partially presentation is based on a Simon Ritter


• @tobiascode

• https://github.com/Jozi-JUG/streamtraining


What are the take away’s?• Know the differences between functional and imperative


• Be able to define the elements of a stream

• Use intermediate and terminal operations

• Create streams from different data types

• Avoid NullPointerExceptions with the Optional Class

• Debug streams

What Did We Do Last



Summary• CPU’s are getting much faster, but we are getting more cores to use.

• Inject functionality into methods, the same way we inject values into

methods.• Lambda syntax and rules, (parameters) -> {lambda body}

• Functional interfaces are interfaces that have only one abstract


• Lambdas can be used where the type is a functional interface.

• Use lambdas as method parameters or assign them to variables.

• The java.util.function package already gives us a few functional

interfaces out of the box.

• Method and constructor references as short hands notation, ::.

• There are a few new methods that can use lambdas in Java 8, e.g. forEach(Consumer c).

What Is Functional


Functional ProgrammingRemember this game?

Functional Programming

Imperative• Values associated with names can be changed, i.e. mutable state.

• The order of execution is defined as a contract.

• Repetition is external and explicit, we are responsible for the “how”.

Functional (Declarative)• Values associated with names are set once and cannot be changed,

i.e. immutable state.

• Order of execution is not defined

• Repetition is through the use of recursion or internal repetition, the

“how” is hidden away.

Thinking about a problem in terms of immutable

values and functions that translate between them.

“Multithreaded programming, requiring

synchronised access to shared, mutable

state, is the assembly language of


The Elements of a Stream

Elements of a Stream

What are streams?• Streams give us functional blocks to better process

collections of data with, monads.

• We can chain these blocks together to process

collections of data.

• Streams aren’t another data structure.

• Streams can process an infinite list of data.

• Streams use internal iteration meaning we don’t have to

code external iteration, the “how”.

• Streams support functional programming as suppose to

imperative programming.

“The purpose of streams isn’t just to convert

from one collection to another; it’s to be

able to provide a common set of operations

over data”

Elements of a Stream

Structure of a Stream• A stream consists of 3 types of things

1. A source

2. Zero or more intermediate operations

3. A terminal operation

result = albums.stream()

.filter(track -> track.getLength() > 300)









Demo: Refactor Code

Elements of a Stream

How they work• The pipeline is only evaluated when the terminal

operation is called.

• The terminal operations pulls the data, the source doesn’t

push it.

• Uses the stream characteristics to help identify


• This allows intermediate operations to be merged:

• Avoiding multiple redundant passes on data

• Short-circuit operations

• Laze evaluation

• The stream takes care of the “how”.

Intermediate Operations

Intermediate Operations

Intermediate• A stream provides a sequence of elements.

• Supports either sequential or parallel aggregate


• Most operations take a parameter that describes its

behaviour, the “what”.

• Typically using lambda expressions.

• Must be non-interfering

• Stateless

• Streams can switch between sequential and parallel, but

all processing is either done sequential or parallel, last

call wins.

Intermediate Operations

Filtering and Mapping

Interface Description

filter(Predicate) Returns a stream with only those elements that return

true for the Predicate

map(Function) Return a stream where the given Function is applied

to each element on the input stream




Like map(), but producing streams of primitives rather

than objects.

distinct() Returns a stream with no duplicate elements

Intermediate Operations

Map() and FlatMap()• Map values from a stream either as one-to-one or one-

to-many, but still only produce one stream.

map()input stream output stream


flatMap()input stream output stream


Intermediate Operations

Sizing and Sorting

Interface Description

skip(long) Returns a stream that skips the first n elements of

the input stream

limit(long) Return a stream that only contains the first n

elements of the input stream

sorted(Comparator) Returns a stream that is sorted with the order

determined by the Comparator.

With no arguments sorts by natural order.

unordered() Returns a stream that is unordered (used internally).

Can improve efficiency of operations like distinct() and groupingBy()

Terminal Operations

Terminal Operations

Terminal• Terminates the pipeline of the operations on the


• Only at this point is any processing performed.

• This allows for optimisation of the pipeline:

• Lazy evaluation

• Merged/fused operations

• Elimination of redundant operations

• Parallel execution

• Generates an explicit result of a side effect.

Intermediate Operations

Matching Elements and Iteration

Interface Description

findFirst(Predicate) The first element that matches predicate

findAny(Predicate) Like findFirst(), but for a parallel


allMatch(Predicate) All elements in the stream match predicate

anyMatch(Predicate) Any element in the stream matches predicate

noneMatch(Predicate) No elements match the predicate

forEach(Consumer) Performs an action on each element

forEachOrdered(Consumer) Like above, but ensures order is respected

when used for parallel stream


* Encourages non-functional programming style

Intermediate Operations

Collecting Results and Numerical Results

Interface Description

collect(Collector) Performs a mutable reduction on a stream

toArray() Returns an array containing the elements of the


count() Returns how many elements are in the stream

max(Comparator) The maximum value element of the stream, returns an Optional

min(Comparator) The minimum value element of the stream, returns an Optional

average() Return the arithmetic mean of the stream, returns an Optional

sum() Returns the sum of the stream elements


There are a lot of built-in Collectors*

Terminal Operations

Creating a Single Result• The collect function isn’t the only option.

• reduce(BinaryOperator accumulator)

• Also called folding in FP.

• Performs a reduction on the stream using the BinaryOperator.

• The accumulator takes a partial result and the next

element and returns a new partial result as an Optional.

• Two other versions

• One that takes an initial value.• One that takes an initial value and BiFunction.

Exercise: Refactor Code

Stream Sources

Stream Sources

JDK 8 Libraries• There are 95 methods in 23 classes that return a stream, most are

intermediate operations though.

• Leaves 71 methods in 15 classes that can be used as practical


• There are numerous places to get stream sources.

• Streams from values

• Empty streams

• Streams from functions

• Streams from arrays

• Streams from collections

• Streams from files

• Streams from other sources

Stream Sources

Collection Interface• stream()

• Provides a sequential stream of elements in the collection.• parallelStream()

• Provides a parallel stream of elements in the collection.

• Uses the fork-join framework for implementation.

• Only Collection can provide a parallel stream directly.

Arrays Class• stream()

• Array is a collection of data, so logical to be able to create a


• Provides a sequential stream.

• Overloaded methods for different types, int, double, long, Object

Stream Sources

Some other Classes• Files Class: find, list, lines, walk.

• Random numbers to produce finite or infinite streams with or without seeds: Random,

ThreadLocalRandom, SplittableRandom.

• BufferReader, JarFile, ZipFile, Pattern, Charsequence, etc.

Stream Sources

Primitive Streams• IntStream, DoubleStream, LongStream are primitive

specialisations of the Stream interface.• range(int, int), rangeClosed(int, int)

• A stream from a start to an end value (exclusive or

inclusive)• generate(IntSupplier), iterate(int,


• An infinite stream created by a given Supplier.• iterate uses a seed to start the stream.



Problems with null• Certain situations in Java return a result which is a null, i.e. the

reference to an object isn’t set.• It tries to help eliminate NullPointerException’s.

• Terminal operations like min(), max(), may not return a direct result,

suppose the input stream is empty?• Introducing Optional<T>:

• It is a container for an object reference (null, or real object).

• It is a stream with either 0 or 1 elements, but never null.

• Can be used in powerful ways to provide complex conditional handling.• Doesn’t stop developers from returning null, but an Optional tells you do

maybe rather check.

• Was added for the Stream API, but you can also use it.


Creating an Optional• <T> Optional<T> empty(): Returns an empty


• <T> Optional<T> of(T value): Returns an

Optional containing the specified value. If the

specified value is null, it throws a


• <T> Optional<T> ofNullable(T value): Same as

above, but if the specified value is null, it returns and

empty Optional.


Getting Data from an Optional• <T> get(): Returns the value, but will throw

NoSuchElementException is value is empty.

• <T> orElse(T defaultValue): Returns the default value if value

is empty.

• <T> orElseGet(Supplier<? Extends T>

defaultSupplier): Same as above, but supplier gets the value.

• <X extends Throwable> T orElseThrow(Supplier<?

Extends T> exceptionSupplier): If empty throw the

exception from the supplier.

Demo: Refactor to


Exercise: Optional

Debugging Streams

Debugging Streams

Solution• Most IDE’s will support debugging Streams and breakpoints on


• As you can pass in the behaviour for each operation via a lambda you can always add a System.out.println() or logging as part

of the behaviour.

• If you don’t want to mess around with your current behaviour you

can use the peek operation.• The peek(Consumer <? Super T> action) methods was

added for debugging and should only be used for debugging.• Each element will pass through it and the action will be applied to



Homework Exercises

How does it work?• The exercises for this month are all small exercises that you will complete

using the things you have learned during this presentation.

• There are 21 exercises to complete.

• For first month focus on using lambda expressions, method references and

some of the new methods that have been added to existing classes.

• There is a template source file that you should use to create the answers to

the exercises called Test.java under exercises package the test folder.

• To simplify things the lists and maps you need for the exercises have already

been created.

• You just need to focus on the code to solve the exercise.

• The solutions are in the Test.java file in the solutions package, but try all the

exercises first before taking a peak.


Books on Lambdas and Streams

Thank you!
