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strenght training.doc

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  • 8/10/2019 strenght training.doc


    Pushups - Modified Pushups

    One of the most common chest exercises is the pushup. The pushup is an excellent way to work the

    chest without equipment. It's also a favorite because it's a compound movement that involves multiple

    muscles and joints. That means it doesn't just work the chest, it also involves the arms, shoulders,

    core and les. This modified version, on the knees, ives the back and upper body extra support. If

    you're a beinner or don't have as much upper body strenth, this is a ood move to start with.

    1. Start on all fours with hands a bit wider than the shoulders.

    2. Walk the knees back a bit in order to lean your weight on the hands and atten the back from

    the head down to the back of the knees.

    3. Pull the abs in and, keeping back straight, bend the elbows and lower body toward the oor

    until elbows are at !"degree angles.

    #. Push back up and repeat for 1 to 3 sets of 1! to 1$ reps.


    %on&t lead with your chin. 'eep your head down so that your neck is in alignment with the rest

    of your body throughout the mo(ement.

    )(oid sticking the rear up in the air in order to make the e*ercise easier.

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  • 8/10/2019 strenght training.doc



    Paige Waehner

    %or workin the chest muscles as well as the arms and core, there's nothin like a ood old&fashioned

    pushup. This traditional version is a reat way to work the upper body without equipment.

    1. 0et down on the hands and knees, positioning the hands a bit wider than the shoulders.

    2. Push the knees up so that you&re resting on the hands and toes. 'eep the abs engaged and

    make sure your body is in a straight line from the head to the heels.

    3. end the elbows and lower into a pushup until your elbows are at about ! degrees.

    #. Press back to start and repeat for 1 to 3 sets of 1! to 1$ reps.


    %on&t lead with your chin. 'eep your head down so that your neck is in alignment with the rest

    of your body throughout the mo(ement.

    )(oid sagging in the middle. +f do, take one or both knees down to the oor to gi(e the back

    more support. Strengthening the corecan help pro(ide more stability.

    /o modify, try this mo(eon your knees.

  • 8/10/2019 strenght training.doc


    Pushup with a Medicine Ball

    The nice thin about pushups, besides all the muscles they work, is that there are so many variations

    that you can always find a version that works for you. This exercise is reat for the upper body, but

    it's also reat for the core. levatin one hand on a medicine ball adds a new challene, and rollin

    the ball from hand to hand enaes the abs and adds a dynamic element you don't often et with

    traditional pushups.

    1. 0et into pushup position on the knees easier or the toes more dicult. 4ake sure the body

    is in a straight line with the abs in and the back straight.2. Place one hand on a medicine ball and keep the other on the oor. 0et your balance and lower

    into a pushup.

    3. Push back up and roll the ball across the oor to the other hand and lower into a pushup.

    #. 5ontinue rolling the ball back and forth for each pushup for 1 to 3 sets of 1! to 1$ reps.


    ou can often 6nd soft medicine balls which make this mo(e a bit easier.

    'eep the body in alignment. y ele(ating one hand, you may not ha(e the same range of

    motion, so only lower as far as you comfortably can.

    'eep the body in a straight line. %on&t sag in the middle, and don&t let your shoulder blades

    ride up. our upper back should be at.

  • 8/10/2019 strenght training.doc


    Barbell Bench Press

    The bench press is another reat standard move for the lare muscles of the chest. The shoulders and

    triceps are also involved in this exercise, makin this a compound movement. %or a variation, try this

    on an incline bench, which will taret the upper part of the chest.

    1. 7ie down on a bench, step or the oor. egin with the barbell ho(ering 8ust o(er the chest,

    elbows bent. Place the hands on the bar a bit wider than the shoulders.

    2. 5ontract the chest and push the weight straight up o(er the chest without locking the elbows

    at the top.

    3. end the elbows and lower the weight down until the elbows are 8ust below the le(el of the


    #. -epeat for 1 to 3 sets of 9 to 1$ reps.


    'eep the abs contracted throughout the mo(ement to protect your back.

    'eep the motion slow and controlled "" try not to use momentum.

  • 8/10/2019 strenght training.doc


    Dumbbell Chest Press

    Paige Waehner

    (oin a chest press with dumbbells instead of a barbell can add a different element to your chest

    exercises, since both arms now have to work independently from one another. This is reat for

    workin both sides of the body, and the dumbbell chest press makes a nice complement to the barbell


    1. 7ie down on a bench or step and begin with the weights in each hand straight up o(er the

    chest, palms facing out.

    2. end the elbows and lower the arms down until the elbows are 8ust below the chest arms

    should look like goal posts.

    3. Press the weights back up without locking the elbows and bring them close together.

    #. -epeat for 1 to 3 sets of 9 to 1$ reps.


    'eep the abs contracted throughout the mo(ement to protect your back.

    'eep the motion slow and controlled and try not to use momentum.

  • 8/10/2019 strenght training.doc


    Chest Press with Resistance Bands

    )sin a resistance band is a reat way to taret the chest in a different way and chane thins up

    when the usual exercises et a little dull. The band can actually make this exercise feel touher, but

    you always have control over the level of tension by movin closer or further away from the center of

    the band.

    1. Wrap the band around something stable behind you and hold handles in both hands so that the

    bands run along the inside of the arms.2. Position yourself far enough away either sitting or standing so that you ha(e tension on the


    3. egin the mo(ement with the arms bent, palms facing down.

    #. S:uee;e chest and press arms out in front of you, keeping the band stable. %o not lock the


  • 8/10/2019 strenght training.doc


    Chest Fly with Dumbbells

    The chest fly is another way to work the major muscles of the chest with a focus on the outer part of

    the chest. %lies make a nice complement to both chest presses and pushups because those moves are

    compound* the fly is an isolation movement. "ou'll most likely need to use a lihter weiht for flies,

    and you should take care when lowerin the arms down to avoid hurtin the shoulders or losin

    control of the weihts.

    1. 7ie on the oor, bench or step. =old weights o(er the chest with the palms facing each other.

    2. 'eeping the elbows slightly bent, lower the arms out to the sides and down until they&re le(el

    with the chest.

    3. 'eep the elbows in a 6*ed position and a(oid lowering the weights too low.

    #. S:uee;e chest to bring the arms back up as though you&re hugging a tree.

  • 8/10/2019 strenght training.doc


    Chest Squeeze with a Medicine Ball

    Paige Waehner

    The chest squee+e is a subtle move and more of an isometric exercise that works the chest and

    shoulder muscles. hile this isn't the most intense exercise, it's a reat way to warm up the chest

    before other exercises. Or, you can add this move on at the end of your chest work to et a little extra

    fatiue in the muscle.

    1. Sit up straight on ball or chair, back straight and abs in.

    2. =old a medicine ball at chest le(el and s:uee;e the ball to contract the chest.

    3. While continuing to s:uee;e the ball, slowly straighten the arms, taking the ball straight out in

    front of you until the arms are straight.

    #. 'eep steady pressure on the ball throughout the mo(ement.

  • 8/10/2019 strenght training.doc


    Chest Press with Dumbbells - lternatin!

    This interestin variation of the traditional dumbbell chest press is more challenin than it looks,

    especially if you do it on an exercise ball. -y alternatin the arms, you add a new dynamic to the

    move where you have to enae your core to keep the body stable. hen doin this version, you may

    need to o lihter on the weihts. "ou miht also want to try it on a bench or floor before movin on

    to an exercise ball.

    1. 7ie down on a bench, step, ball or the oor. egin with the weights in each hand straight up

    o(er the chest, palms face out.

    2. 'eep the left arm in place while bending the right elbow and lowering the arm down until it&s at

    or 8ust below the chest the arm should look like a goal post.

    3. Press the arm back up without locking the elbow, then immediately repeat the mo(e on the left

    arm while keeping the right arm in place.

    #. 5ontinue alternating sides, engaging the abs to keep the torso from mo(ing.

  • 8/10/2019 strenght training.doc


    Bac" #$ercisesThese exercises show basic moves taretin the muscles of the backincludin the latissimus dorsi

    #the lare muscles on either side of the back$, the upper back muscles #rhomboids and trape+ius

    muscles$ and the lower back #erector spinae$. It's important to work all areas of the back whenstrenth trainin, so try choosin a variety of exercises to taret the upper, mid and lower back areas.

    lick on the pictures and hyperlinks to view detailed instructions or to see a larer picture. To work

    these exercises into a routine/

    Beginners> 5hoose 1"2 e*ercises, 1"2 sets of 12"1$ reps

    Inter/Adv>> 5hoose one or more e*ercises from each column for 2"3 sets of 9"12 reps, resting

    between sets

    ?se enough weight or resistance that you can @A7 complete the desired number of reps

    Rows Pullovers and Flies Lower Back Exercises

    %umbbell -ows %umbbell Pullo(ers ack B*tensions

    %umbbell -ows With and

    arbell Pullo(ers

    ack B*tension on the all

    @ne")rmed -ow

    Pullo(ers wC %umbbells and ands

    BOSU Back Extension

    @ne")rmed -ow with /wist

    -e(erse Dly -e(erse =yper"B*tension on the


    @ne")rmed -ow on @ne 7eg /"Pulls 0ood 4ornings

  • 8/10/2019 strenght training.doc


    )lternating %umbbell -ow "Pulls ird %og

    Seated -ows wC -esistance and

    ?pper ack S:uee;es


    arbell -ows

    =ori;ontal -ows

    arbell =igh -ow

    7at Pull with and

  • 8/10/2019 strenght training.doc


    Straight )rm Pull

    ent @(er -ow with ands

    =igh -ow With ands

    Power Plank with -ow

  • 8/10/2019 strenght training.doc


    Shoulder #$ercisesThe followin exercises show examples of moves taretin the shoulders&& the front, middle and rear

    deltoids as well as the rotator cuff muscles. hoose a variety of exercises to taret each part of the

    shoulders for a well&rounded routine. lick on the pictures and links to view detailed instructions orto see a larer picture. To work these exercises into a routine/

    Beginners> 5hoose 1 to 2 e*ercises, 1 to 2 sets of 12 to 1$ reps

    Inter/Adv> 5hoose an e*ercise from each column for 2 to 3 sets of 9 to 12 reps, resting

    between sets

    ?se enough weight that you can @A7 complete the desired number of reps

    Overhead Presses

    Overhead presses work the

    major muscles of the

    shoulder, with a focus on the

    middle deltoid and tricep. To

    do a basic overhead press,

    stand #or sit$ holdin weihts

    with elbows bent and hands at

    eye level. 0ush weiht over

    head without archin the back

    and lower back to start.

    Front, Side, Rear Raises

    %ront, side and rear raises

    taret each part of of the

    shoulders as well as the upper

    back. hen doin shoulder

    raises, only lift the weiht up to

    shoulder level. hen doin rear

    flies, lead with the side of the

    hand and imaine you're makin

    a smiley face as you lift the

    arms up.

    Rotations/Upright Rows

    1houlder rotations work the

    rotator cuff and usually require

    smaller rane of motion and liht

    weiht to avoid injury. )priht

    rows work the middle deltoid as

    well as the upper back and bicep

    muscles. If you have shoulder

    problems, you may want to avoid

    these exercises.

    @(erhead Press Dront -aise B*ternal -otation

    @(erhead Press with


    7ateral -aise +nternal -otation

    )rnold Press

    -ear 7ateral -aise

    ?pright -ows

  • 8/10/2019 strenght training.doc


    #$ercises for %our BicepsThe followin exercises show examples of moves that taret the biceps muscles. The most common

    biceps exercises include the basic biceps curl, but there are a number of variations that allow you to

    work your biceps in different ways. lick on the pictures and hyperlinks to view detailed instructionsor to see a larer picture.

    To work these exercises into a routine/

    Beginners> 5hoose 1 to 2 e*ercises, 1 to 2 sets of 12 to 1$ reps

    Inter/Adv> 5hoose an e*ercise from each column for 2 to 3 sets of 9 to 12 reps, resting

    between sets

    )se enouh weiht that you can only complete the desired number of reps.

    Biceps Curls

    The biceps curl is the mostcommon exercise for the biceps.

    To perform a basic curl, hold

    weihts with palms facin out,

    elbows next to the body. -end

    the elbows and curl the weihts

    toward the shoulders without

    movin the elbows. 2ower and


    oncentration and Preacher

    urlsThe concentration curl and the

    preacher curl are variations on

    traditional curls. -y placin your

    arms at an anle, you'll work the

    biceps in a different way and add

    new level of intensity to the


    Hammer Curls

    3ammer curls are similar toreular curls, except the palms

    face in, which involves a bit more

    forearm than traditional curls.

    Turnin the hands makes this

    move challenin* you may need

    lihter weihts.


    arbell 5urls


    5oncentration 5urls


    =ammer 5urls

    %umbbell 5urls

    +ncline icep 5urls =ammer 5urls " @ne 7eg

    5ross"ody 5url with ands

    Preacher 5urls

  • 8/10/2019 strenght training.doc


  • 8/10/2019 strenght training.doc


    #$ercises for %our &ricepsThe followin exercises show examples of exercises that taret thetriceps,the muscles on the back of

    the arms. The most common triceps exercises involve straihtenin the arms to enae the triceps as

    in kickbacks, extensions and dips. There are also some exercises that are more eEecti(e thanotherswhich can help you in choosin your exercises. lick on the pictures and hyperlinks to view

    detailed instructions or to see a larer picture. To work these exercises into a routine/

    Beginners> 5hoose 1"2 e*ercises, 1"2 sets of 12"1$ reps

    Inter/Adv> 5hoose an e*ercise from each column for 2"3 sets of 9"12 reps, resting between


    ?se enough weight that you can @A7 complete the desired number of reps

    Extensions Presses Dips/ Pushups

    Tricep ic!"ac!s

    Close #rip Bench Presses


    ic!"ac!s $!ull Crushers Triangle Pushup

    ic!"ac! on %ne &eg Band Pushdowns

    %ne'Arm Triceps Pushups

    Triceps Extensions

    Bar Pushdo(n Triceps Pushups

    %ne'Arm Triceps Extensions

  • 8/10/2019 strenght training.doc


    Triceps Extension (ith )edicine


    Triceps Extensions (ith Bands

    *ront +aise (ith Triceps


  • 8/10/2019 strenght training.doc


    #$ercises for %our Butt' (ips and &hi!hsThe followin exercises show examples of moves taretin the butt, hips and thighs, includin the

    lutes, quads, hamstrins and inner and outer thihs. 4any of the exercises featured are compound

    movements, involvin multiple muscle roups that allow you to work the lower body in a functionaland dynamic way. To work these exercises into a routine/

    Beginners> 5hoose 1 to 2 e*ercises for 1 to 2 sets of 12 to 1$ reps, using light weights or

    none at all.

    Inter/Adv> 5hoose an e*ercise from each column for 2 to 3 sets of 9 to 12 reps, resting

    between sets and using enough weight that you can @A7 complete the desired number of reps.

    #lutes , %uter Thighs

    1quats are one of the best

    exercises for the lutes and

    thihs. 2e lifts also taret the

    lutes, the prime movers in outer&

    thih exercises.

    %verall #lutes- .uads ,


    These exercises #lunes, step ups

    and presses$ are compound

    moves, taretin most of the

    muscles in the lower body.

    Hamstrings , #lutes

    (eadlifts, hip lifts and hamstrin

    rolls are just a few exercises that

    taret the back of the thihs as

    well as the lutes.




    Static 7unges



    all S:uats Split S:uats @ne"7egged %eadlift

    Wide"7eg S:uats Step"?ps

    =amstring -olls

    =ip B*tensions @ne"7eg Press =ip 7ifts

    @uter /high +nner"/high S:uee;e

  • 8/10/2019 strenght training.doc


