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Strengthening Our Democracy by Expanding Voting Rights

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  • 7/30/2019 Strengthening Our Democracy by Expanding Voting Rights


    1 Center or American Progress | Strengthening Our Democracy by Expanding Voting Rights

    Strengthening Our Democracy by

    Expanding Voting RightsScott Keyes December 18, 2012

    Te pas wo years were no kind o hose who hold dear one o our mos cherished

    righshe righ o voe. Aer he Republican wave o 2010, which saw conservaive

    majoriies swep ino governors mansions and sae legislaures, more han a dozen

    saesincluding Wisconsin, Florida, and exaspassed legislaion making i more

    dicul or voers o cas a ballo.1

    Te conservaive cause celebre became legisla-ion enacing voer ID, shorening early voing, and requiring ciizens o show a birh

    cericae or passpor in order o regiser o voe. In he ace o his assaul on surage,

    voing-righs advocaes ough back and were able o block or modiy a number o he

    wors new laws, including voer ID laws in Wisconsin, exas, and Souh Carolina, as well

    as laws in Ohio and elsewhere shorening early voing periods.2

    Wih he 2013 legislaive session approaching, voing righs advocaes have an opporu-

    niy o shi heir eor rom simply sopping bad laws o proposing good ones. Is ime

    o sop playing deense and sar going on oense.

    Surage ha is equally accessible o all Americans is he very backbone o our democ-

    racy. We righully ake pride in he ac ha no mater how privileged or seemingly

    disadvanaged someone is, each persons voe couns equally. Our voing laws should

    refec his undamenal belie, making he ballo box equally accessible or all. Aer all,

    our elecions are bes when he elecorae closely mirrors sociey. I sudens and he

    poor, or example, ended o voe a higher raesraes more represenaive o heir

    numbersi would be more dicul or poliicians o ignore heir issues. In essence,

    more voers means more legiimacy.

    Tis paper briefy deails 11 pieces o legislaion ha lawmakers can enac o srenghen

    voing righs in heir sae. A number o hese policies would make regisering o voe

    more accessible, including online voer regisraion, Elecion Day regisraion, and

    requiring public schools o help regiser voers. Ohers would make i simpler or cii-

    zens o cas a ballo, such as expanding early voing, permiting ciizens o voe a any

    polling locaion, and allowing no-excuse absenee voing. Saes can also discourage

    hose rying o suppress he voe by oulawing voer caging, srenghening penalies or

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    2 Center or American Progress | Strengthening Our Democracy by Expanding Voting Rights

    knowingly deceiving voers, and reorming he voer-challenge process. Finally, legisla-

    ors can pass oher pro-voing policies, such as resoring voing righs o ex-elons and

    enacing consiuional language arming an equal righ o voe.

    Tese are no parisan pieces o legislaion. Saes as ideologically opposed as New York

    and Uah have passed online regisraion legislaion, and saes as large as Caliornia and as

    small as New Hampshire allow ciizens o regiser on Elecion Day. Tese are simply good-governmen bills. Wih voing righs under atack3 in sae legislaures across he counry

    and voers in many saes enduring long lines4 and oher hurdles5 beore hey can cas a

    ballo, here are 11 ways or voing righs advocaes o urn he ide and help ensure ha

    every American can exercise his or her righ o voe. Firs les look a voer regisraion.

    Online voter registration

    Nowadays mos governmen orms can be led online. Te Inernal Revenue Service

    allows you o e-le your axes. Many saes permi you o regiser your vehicle on heInerne. Seniors can even apply or Social Securiy and Medicare online. And all o i is

    done saely and securely. Ye he vas majoriy o saes sill don allow heir ciizens o

    regiser o voe on he web.

    According o Projec Voe,6 less han 63 percen o Americans aged

    18-34 were regisered o voe in 2009, ye a Nielsen survey7 ound ha

    hese young ciizens were by ar he mos elecronically conneced,

    wih 88 percen having an Inerne connecion a home. Modernizing

    he voer-regisraion process and allowing people o regiser online

    would be a boon or he overall number o voers in our counry.

    A handul o saes are bringing voing righs ino he 21s cenury.

    Already 16 saes have passed bills permiting heir ciizens o regiser

    online, and lawmakers in oher saes are pushing online voer-regisraion as well.8 Te

    Brennan Cener a New York Universiy School o Law, a key player in he voing-righs

    discussion, backs online voer regisraion as a cenral ene o modernizing our elecions.9

    Anoher upside o online regisraion is ha i isn jus good or voersis good or

    sae budges as well. In Maricopa Couny, Arizona, or insance,10 processing a paper

    applicaion coss axpayers approximaely 83 cens; an elecronic applicaion will cos

    hem jus 3 cens. Te sae o Washingon ound ha he inroducion o online regis-

    raion reduced overall daa enry ime by 80 percen in some counies.11

    One nal bene o regisering online is ha i prevens many clerical snaus ha oen

    resul in voers being disenranchised. In Arizona he number o human and daa-

    enry errors ell signicanly because voers could ener and double-check heir own

    inormaion elecronically.12

    States with online voting registration: Arizona,13

    California,14 Colorado,15 Delaware (upcoming),16 Con

    necticut (implemented by 2014),17 Hawaii (imple-

    mented by 2016),18 Indiana,19 Kansas,20 Louisiana,21

    Maryland,22 Nevada,23 New York,24 Oregon,25 South

    Carolina,26 Utah,27 and Washington.28

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    3 Center or American Progress | Strengthening Our Democracy by Expanding Voting Rights

    Election Day registration

    Because voing in he Unied Saes is a wo-sep processyou mus regiser o voe

    beore you can acually voemany ciizens can cas a ballo because hey miss

    he regisraion deadline. Tough less han wo-hirds o eligible

    Americans ypically voe in our presidenial elecions, he urnou

    rae among hose who have regisered o voe is ypically beween 75percen and 90 percen.29

    Is no dicul o see why his is he case. Mos saes bar heir

    residens rom regisering in he weeks jus beore an eleciona a

    ime when media coverage is a a ever pich and less-engaged ciizens

    are jus saring o une in. Some saes, such as Pennsylvania, sop

    allowing people o regiser 30 days beore an elecion.30 Tere were surely housands

    o Philadelphia Phillies ans who were paying more atenion o heir eams 2008

    World Series run han hey were o he saes voer-regisraion deadline ha Ocober.

    Procrasinaion is no a crime and shouldn preclude one rom voing. Cerainly daw-dlers have as much a righ o voe as anyone.

    Ta is why 10 saes and Washingon, D.C. enable heir residens o avoid such dead-

    lines by allowing heir ciizens o regiser o voe righ up o and on Elecion Day.

    Tis orward-hinking group includes saes ranging Wyoming o Wisconsin and New

    Hampshire o Iowa. In 2008 alone, more han 1 million individuals regisered on

    Elecion Day in hese saes. Sudies have ound ha Elecion Day regisraion booss

    urnou on average by 7-percenage poins31 o 14-percenage poins.32

    Recen momenum has been building or Elecion Day regisraion. In 2012 bohCaliornia and Connecicu passed Elecion Day regisraion legislaion, coming on he

    heels o Iowa in 2007 and Monana in 2005. Sill, challenges remain. In 2011 Maine

    legislaors ried o eliminae he saes 38 year-old Elecion Day regisraion law. A pei-

    ion drive orced he mater o a saewide reerendum, where voers overwhelmingly

    rebuked he move and reinsaed Elecion Day regisraion.

    Require public schools to help register voters

    Young Americans coninue o voe a ar lower raes han he res o

    he ciizenry. Tis year, or insance, only hal o he voing-eligible

    populaion beween he ages o 18 and 24 cas a ballo, compared o

    more han wo-hirds o senior ciizens.44

    One simple way o encourage sudens o voe is or saes o require

    ha public schools provide voer-regisraion services. Currenly, a

    States with Election Day registration: California,33

    Connecticut,34 Idaho,35 Iowa,36 Minnesota,37 Montana,3

    New Hampshire,39 Rhode Island (in presidential years)

    Washington DC,41 Wisconsin,42 and Wyoming.43

    States with public school voter registration:

    California, Connecticut, Georgia, Kentucky, Louisiana

    Massachusetts, New Jersey, North Carolina, Ohio, an

    Rhode Island.47

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    4 Center or American Progress | Strengthening Our Democracy by Expanding Voting Rights

    leas 10 saes45 require public high schools and colleges o eiher aciliae regisraion

    drives or provide voer-regisraion orms and accep compleed applicaions.

    Tough no a sae ypically known or srong voing proecions, Kenucky does an

    admirable job helping sudens regiser o voe. As Projec Voe noes,46 high school

    principals across he sae work in conjuncion wih he Sae Board o Elecions o pro-

    vide voer-regisraion resources o all sudens eligible o voe.

    Les urn nex o he issue o voing legislaion.

    Expand early voting

    Arguably he mos successul elecion reorm in he pas decade has been

    he adven o early voing. Aer widespread voing problems in he 2000

    elecion, many saes passed legislaion o open up polling sies or more

    han one monh leading up o Elecion Day. Te move has been a win-win or saes and voers. Ciizens ge more fexibiliy o voe a heir con-

    venienceno everyone can ake o an hour or wo rom work on he

    rs uesday o Novemberwhich leads o higher urnou, somehing

    ormer Florida Gov. Jeb Bush (R) called wonderul.48 Meanwhile, early

    voing allows elecion ocials o spread he process o couning ballos

    over a number o days or weeks, raher han geting inundaed all a once.

    Early voing has been a major boon or minoriy urnou. Many Arican American

    churches, or insance, paricipae in a souls o he polls voing drive on he Sunday

    beore Elecion Day helping boos black early voing raes. In Cuyahoga Couny, Ohio asudy ound ha he early voe rae among Arican American residens was more han 20

    imes greaer he rae or whie voers in 2008.49

    A presen 32 saes and Washingon, D.C. oer some orm o in-person early voing

    wih he lengh o he early-voing period diering rom sae o sae. Leading he way

    are saes like Iowa and Souh Dakoa, which begin heir early voing periods in lae

    Sepember, giving heir ciizens more han one monh o voe. Pulling up he rear is

    Florida, which cu is early voing period rom 14 days o jus 8 hanks o Gov. Rick

    Scot (R) and he 2011-12 Republican dominaed sae legislaure. Te 16 saes ha

    have ye o embrace in-person early voing include some hisorically progressive saes

    like Minnesoa, New York, and Massachusets.

    Advocaes looking o expand early voing should arge no only he 16 saes ha don

    oer early voing a he momen, bu also saessuch as Florida, exas, and Illinois

    wih relaively shor voing periods.

    States with early voting: Alaska,50 Arkansas,51

    Arizona,52 California,53 Colorado,54 Florida,55 Georgia,

    Hawaii,57 Idaho,58 Illinois,59 Indiana,60 Iowa,61 Kan-

    sas,62 Louisiana,63 Maine,64 Maryland,65 Montana,66

    Nebraska,67 Nevada,68 New Mexico,69 North Carolina

    North Dakota,71 Ohio,72 Oklahoma,73 South Dakota,74

    Tennessee,75 Texas,76 Utah,77 Vermont,78 Washington

    DC,79 West Virginia,80 Wisconsin,81 and Wyoming.82

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    5 Center or American Progress | Strengthening Our Democracy by Expanding Voting Rights

    Allow county residents to vote in any polling location

    In he pas decade some U.S. counies have begun esing an innovaive pilo projec

    called voing ceners. Raher han resricing voers o one assigned precinc where

    hey mus cas heir ballo, a handul o counies now allow residens

    o voe a any polling locaion in heir home couny. ravis Couny,

    exas, home o Ausin, or example, conduced a sudy o is newpolicy aer i was inroduced in 2011 and ound ha allowing voers

    o cas a ballo a any o he counys 207 polling locaions led direcly

    o a 1.4 percen increase in urnou.83 Approximaely one in hree vo-

    ers ended up going o a dieren polling locaion han heir usual one.

    Is no dicul o grasp why he program is popular. I a voer lives on one side o own

    bu works in anoher, is ar more convenien or her or him o voe a a locaion close o

    his or her job. In addiion, polling locaions oen change beween elecions, poenially

    conusing some voers. Providing fexibiliy could make he dierence or many ciizens

    as hey decide wheher or no hey can ake ime during he day o voe.

    Tough elecions are largely conduced a a couny level in he Unied Saes, saes can

    encourage counies o allow residen voing a any polling locaion by providing und-

    ing, pilo programs, and sudies showing he policy s ecacy.

    No-excuse absentee voting

    For many Americans aking ime o during he work day o voe is

    no an opion. Forunaely or hem an increasing number o saes areenacing no-excuse absenee laws ha allow anyone who requess an

    absenee ballo o receive one, no jus individuals who will be ou o

    own or have anoher reason barring hem rom voing on Elecion Day.

    Making absenee voing more accessible doesn jus bene voers who

    work on Elecion Day, i also allows ciizens o research candidaes and

    ballo issues while hey have he acual ballo in heir hands. Wih recur-

    ring voing machine snaus and long lines a he ballo box, millions o

    Americans have aken advanage o heir saes absenee voing opion.91

    Currenly, 27 saes and Washingon, D.C. allow or no-excuse absenee voing. Ohers

    saes such as Pennsylvania and Michigan require voers o have a cerain excuse or

    requesing an absenee ballo, such as a physical disabiliy prevening hem rom reach-

    ing he polls. All 50 saes should allow heir ciizens o voe absenee i hey so choose.

    Les urn now o he serious issue o voer suppression.

    States with countywide voting: Arizona,84 Colo-

    rado,85 Indiana,86 New Jersey,87 New Mexico,88 South

    Dakota,89 Texas.90

    States with no-excuse absentee voting: Alaska,

    Arizona, California, Colorado, Florida, Georgia, Hawa

    Idaho, Illinois, Iowa, Kansas, Maine, Maryland, Mon-

    tana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Jersey, New, Mexico,

    North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, Sout

    Dakota, Utah, Vermont, Washington DC, Wisconsin,

    and Wyoming.92

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    Strengthen penalties for knowingly deceiving voters

    Tough voer raud is largely a myh,93 one orm o acual elecion hijinks occurs when

    individuals or groups purposeully deceive cerain voers abou when or how o voe.

    Such decepive pracices are unorunaely commonplace. Here is a small sample o such

    insances rom he pas decade:

    Robocalls o Caliornia Laino voers in 2010 reminding hem o voe

    on November 3 (he elecion was held on November 2, ha year)94

    Fliers or robocalls in several saes elling people ha because o

    anicipaed massive urnou, Republicans are insruced o voe

    on uesday while Democras should show up a he polls on


    Signs a polling places elling voers ha phoo ID is required when no such require-

    men acually exiss

    A cional organizaion called he Milwaukee Black Voers League in 2004 pu ou

    fyers in he ciy s minoriy areas warning anyone who has ever been ound guily o

    anyhing [ha] you can voe in he presidenial elecion. Doing so could ge en

    years in prison and your children will ge aken away rom you.96

    Saes should no only specically ban decepive pracices, bu classiy hem as a elony.

    Currenly, jus ve saes oulaw deceiving voers abou he elecion. (A leas 39 saes

    have laws ha bar cerain orms o voer inimidaion, bu hey would do well o add

    clear and specic language banning decepive pracices.)

    Outlaw voter caging

    Voer caging is when an operaive or group sends leters o a arges home and uses any

    reurned mail o challenge ha voers eligibiliy on he presumpion ha hey don live

    a he lised residence. For years, poliical operaives have used voer caging as a acic o

    suppress urnou among largely minoriy populaions.99 In 2004 alone

    hundreds o housands had heir eligibiliy challenged as par o voer-

    caging operaions in saes as widespread as Nevada, Ohio, Louisiana,

    and Norh Carolina. More recenly, voers in Florida, Kansas, Monana,

    Michigan, and Caliornia were argeed by voer caging atacks.100

    Saes should armaively ban he pracice o voer caging. Is a

    process ha is riddled wih problems.101 Tere are dozens o reasons why a piece o mail

    States outlawing deceptive voting practices:

    Florida,97 Connecticut,98 Illinois, Kansas,

    and Minnesota.

    States with strongest legislation banning votercaging: Minnesota,102 Washington.103

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    7 Center or American Progress | Strengthening Our Democracy by Expanding Voting Rights

    would be reurned ha are more plausible han a voer inending o commi voer raud,

    including as clerical errors or miliary deploymen, and serves primarily o suppress

    legiimae voers.

    A leas wo saes have adoped legislaion banning voer caging, bu i is clear ha more

    saes need o ollow sui.

    Reform the voter-challenge process

    Poll wachers became a household erm in he 2012 elecion as campaigns and ouside

    groups like rue Te Voe rained housands o voluneers o challenge voers eligibil-

    iy anyime hey suspeced irregulariies. Because voluneers oen approached he duy

    wih ulerior moives, rivolous challenges have become commonplace, wih voers

    someimes being argeed jus because o heir accen or skin color.

    Tis is no alogeher surprising. Like poll axes and lieracy ess, laws allowing or pollchallengers have heir roos in he Reconsrucion Era as a means o suppressing he

    voe o newly reed slaves. Tese barriers o he ballo were used exensively o hreaen

    and ulimaely suppress black urnou. I poll-challenger laws can be

    eliminaed enirely, here are sil l ways o reorm and improve hem.

    When a poll wacher makes a challenge mos saes place he burden

    o proo on he voer o prove he or she is eligible o cas a ballo, a

    process ha does litle o disincenivize rivolous challenges. Saes

    hereore should pass legislaion shiing he burden o proo rom he

    voer o he challenger. In addiion, saes should impose penalies onindividuals and groups who make rivolous challenges. For insance,

    Florida law classies rivolous challenges as a rs-degree misde-

    meanor punishable by up o one year in prison and a $1,000 ne.104

    Here are some oher measures ha will go a long way in making surage equally acces-

    sible o all Americans.

    Restore voting rights to ex-felons

    Felons in mos saes aren jus barred rom voing while in prison; a handul o saes

    srip hem o heir voing righs or he res o heir lie, even aer compleing heir sen-

    ence. As a resul, 3.1 million Americans were disenranchised in 2008.107

    I we as a sociey wan o reinegrae people wih elony convicions back ino sociey

    aer hey nish heir prison erms, i makes litle sense o permanenly brand hem

    wih a scarle leter.

    States placing the burden on the challenger: Arizon

    California, Delaware, Georgia, Idaho, Indiana, Maine,

    Montana, North Carolina, Rhode Island, Washington,

    and Washington DC.105

    States that penalize frivolous challenges: Florida,

    Rhode Island, South Dakota, and Vermont.106

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    8 Center or American Progress | Strengthening Our Democracy by Expanding Voting Rights

    In all, 11 saes disenranchise cerain classes o elons or lie.108 Four

    o hose saes permanenly srip all elons o heir righ o cas a bal-

    lo. Passing legislaion o resore voing righs or individuals in hese

    saes would reciy his injusice and help ex-elons become good-

    sanding members o sociey once more. Currenly, only wo saes

    allow prisoners o voe (Maine and Vermon); 18 saes allow proba-

    ioners o voe; and 19 saes allow elons who have compleed heirenire senence o voe.

    Enact constitutional language affirming an equal right to


    When Wisconsin passed voer ID legislaion in 2011 he only hing sopping is imple-

    menaion in he 2012 elecion was he sae consiuions language arming Wisconsin

    residens righ o voe. Voing is a consiuional righ, wroe Judge David Flanagan in

    March 2012, sriking down Wisconsins conroversial voer ID law. Flanagan poined ohe sae consiuions provision on voing righsEvery Unied Saes ciizen age 18

    or older who is a residen o an elecion disric in his sae is a qualied elecor o ha

    disricand noed ha any legislaion which denies a qualied elecor his or her bal-

    lo, such as voer ID, is unconsiuional.

    Every sae consiuion has dieren language regarding he righ o voe. Sill, he mos

    imporan hing voing-righs advocaes can proacively do o preven urher atacks

    on voing righs such as voer ID is o srenghen heir saes consiuional language

    regarding he righ o voe.

    Admitedly, his can be a dicul ask, as a saes consiuion is only as

    good as he judges who inerpre i and even he mos careully draed

    consiuional amendmen canno deend ully agains a sae supreme

    cour hosile o voing righs. Neverheless, voing-righs advocaes can

    miigae his problem by choosing language ha careully maps he

    words ha he U.S. Supreme Cour has used o describe righs deserv-

    ing he highes degree o consiuional proecion, such as saing explicily ha he righ

    o voe is a undamenal righ and ha any burden on his righ will be subjec o he

    mos exacing consiuional scruiny. An ideal amendmen would also specically name

    common voer-suppression echniques, such as voer ID laws, and explicily orbid hem.

    States with model constitutions: Wisconsin.110

    States that allow ex-felons to vote: Alaska, Ar-

    kansas, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Georgia,

    Hawaii, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Kansas, Louisiana,

    Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minne-

    sota, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, New Hamp-

    shire, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, North

    Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon,

    Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, South

    Dakota, Texas, Utah, Vermont, Washington, Wash-

    ington DC, West Virginia, and Wisconsin.109

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    9 Center or American Progress | Strengthening Our Democracy by Expanding Voting Rights


    Te righ o voe is so undamenal in he Unied Saes ha is easy o ake or graned.

    Aer he rapid spread o voer-suppression laws over he pas wo years, however, compla-

    cency is no longer an opion. I heres one lesson o ake away rom he recen atacks on

    voing righs, is his: progressives can jus ge in he game when hey need o play deense.

    Each one o he 11 pieces o legislaion in his paper goes a long way o increasing access

    o he ballo box and making our elecions as air and equiable as possible. No one piece

    is a panacea, bu neiher is any a pipe dream. Every law has already been esed in saes

    across he naion and been proven eecive.

    Now, wih progressives back in conrol o sae legislaures like Oregon, Maine,

    Colorado, and Minnesoa, voing-righs advocaes have a real opporuniy o spread

    voer proecion laws. I 2011 and 2012 are immoralized as he years when Jim Crow-

    syle voer-suppression acics re-emerged, progressives now have an opporuniy o

    make 2013 he mos imporan year or voing righs since he 1960s.

    Scot Keyes is a Researcher for he Cener for American Progress. Greg Noh also conribued

    subsanial research o his paper.

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    10 Center or American Progress | Strengthening Our Democracy by Expanding Voting Rights


    1 Scott Keyes and others, Voter Suppression 101 (Washing-ton: Center or American Progress, 2012), available at http://www.americanprogress.org/issues/progressive-movement/report/2012/04/04/11380/voter-suppression-101/.

    2 Ibid.

    3 Ibid.

    4 Judd Legum, Why The Lines Are So Long In Florida AndOhio, ThinkProgress, November 4, 2012, available at http://thinkprogress.org/politics/2012/11/04/1136701/why-the-lines-are-so-long-in-orida-and-ohio/.

    5 Aviva Shen, Voter Suppression Laws May Discourage 10Million H ispanics, Study Finds, ThinkProgress, September24, 2012, available at http://thinkprogress.org/elec-tion/2012/09/24/895231/voter-suppression-laws-may-discourage-10-million-hispanics-study-nds/.

    6 Project Vote Research Memo (2012), available at http://www.projectvote.org/images/publications/Policy%20Re-ports%20and%20Guides/PV%20Internet%20access-VR%20MemoFINAL.pd.

    7 Nielson, An Overview o Home Internet Access in the U.S.(2009), available at http://blog.nielsen.com/nielsenwire/wp-content/uploads/2009/03/overview-o-home-internet-access-in-the-us-jan-6.pd.

    8 New Jersey bill S2168 or 2012-2013 session, available athttp://www.govtrack.us/states/nj/bills/2012-2013/s2168

    9 Brennan Center or Justice, Voter Registration Moderniza-tion (2012), available at http://brennan.3cdn.net/219b6b522c9838a204_8jm6bxvrz.pd.

    10 Make Voting Work. Online Voter Registration (OLVR) Sys-tems in Arizona and Washington: Evaluating Usage, PublicCondence and Implementation Processes (2010), availableat http://www.pewstates.org/uploadedFiles/PCS_As-sets/2010/online_voter_reg.pd.

    11 Ibid.

    12 Ibid.

    13 Arizona online voter registration service, available athttps://servicearizona.com/webapp/evoter/selectLanguage.

    14 Caliornia online voter registration service, availableat https://rtv.sos.ca.gov/elections/register-to-vote/(X(1)S(r2hottbvikw3pjnp0rkl1qs1))/FedForm.aspx?AspxAutoDetectCookieSupport=1.

    15 Colorado online voter registration service, available athttps://www.sos.state.co.us/voter-classic/secuRegVoterIn-tro.do.

    16 National Conerence o State Legislatures, States withOnline Voter Registration, available at http://www.ncsl.org/legislatures-elections/elections/electronic-or-online-voter-registration.aspx

    17 Ibid.

    18 Common Blog, Online Voter Registration Coming to Ha-waii, July 13, 2012, available at http://www.commonblog.com/2012/07/13/online-voter-registration-coming-to-hawaii/.

    19 Indiana online voter registration service, avail-able at https://indianavoters.in.gov/PublicSite/(X(1)A(_GW9bUmQE6LXl9avWHUnhogrwyrvE9pkXC56S4jj-R6Qrdp18tjitk8WscKt2TyuYsS_rDyxPO1cVqXkbqgEv9d-jVyjJ2EuO3i-23qFrA275rFSIm9JhggUbLXIJg_dLFYaFDvL-rYRvdutYbRH9yjXTVNI1))/OVR/Introduction.aspx?Link=Polling&AspxAutoDetectCookieSupport=1.

    20 Kansas online voter registration service, available athttps://www.kdor.org/voterregistration/Deault.aspx.

    21 Louisiana online voter registration service, available athttp://www.sos.la.gov/tabid/68/Deault.aspx.

    22 Maryland online voter registration service, available athttps://voterservices.elections.state.md.us/OnlineVoterReg-istration.

    23 Nevada online voter registration service, available athttp://nvsos.gov/index.aspx?page=703.

    24 New York online voter registration service, available athttps://my.dmv.ny.gov/crm/.

    25 Oregon online voter registration service, availableat https://secure.sos.state.or.us/orestar/vr/register.do?lang=eng&source=SOS.

    26 South Carolina online voter registration service, availableat https://ino.scvotes.sc.gov/eng/ovr/start.aspx.

    27 Utah online voter registration service, available at https://secure.utah.gov/voterreg/index.html;jsessionid=a142a0d90b8ba15218199019b55d.

    28 Washington online voter registration service, available athttps://wei.sos.wa.gov/agency/osos/en/Pages/myvote.aspx.

    29 Scott Keyes, Why Do States Adopt Election Day Registra-tion? available at http://studentaairs.stanord.edu/sites/


    30 VotesPA, How to Register, available at http://www.votespa.com/portal/server.pt?open=514&objID=1174117&parentname=ObjMgr&parentid=1&mode=2.

    31 Craig Leonard Brians. Election Day Registrations Eect onU.S. Voter Turnout, Social Science Quarterly82 (1) (2001),available at http://www.socsci.uci.edu/~bgroman/18%20Brians-Groman-Election%20day%20registration%27s%20eect.pd.

    32 Staci L. Rhine. An Analysis o the Impact o Registra-tion Factors o n Turnout in 1992,Political Behavior18 (2)(1996), available at http://www.jstor.org/discover/10.2307/586605?uid=3739584&uid=2&uid=4&uid=3739256&sid=21101477291151.

    33 Nicole Flatow, Caliornia Governor Signs Bill to AllowElection-Day Registration, ThinkProgress, September25, 2012, available at http://thinkprogress.org/jus-


    34 Demos, Connecticut Passes Election Day and Online VoterRegistration, Press release, May 9, 2012, available at http://www.demos.org/press-release/ct-passes-election-day-and-online-voter-registration.

    35 Frequently Asked Questions Regarding VoterRegistration,available at http://www.idahovotes.gov/voter-reg/reg_aq.htm.

    36 Iowa Secretary o State, available at http://sos.iowa.gov/elections/voterinormation/edr.html.

    37 Minnesota Secretary o State, available at http://www.sos.state.mn.us/index.aspx?page=204.

    38 Montana Secretary o State, available at http://sos.mt.gov/


    39 Project Vote Smart. Voter Registration, available athttp://votesmart.org/elections/voter-registration/NH#.UMYq_4M81yx.

    40 Rhode Island Board o Elections, available at http://www.elections.state.ri.us/aq/#presonly.

    41 District o Colombia Board o Elections, available at http://dcboee.us/.

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    11 Center or American Progress | Strengthening Our Democracy by Expanding Voting Rights

    42 Wisconsin Government Accountability Board, availableat http://gab.wi.gov/elections-voting/voters/registration-voting.

    43 Wyoming Secretary o State, available at http://soswy.state.wy.us/elections/registeringtovote.aspx.

    44 The Center or Inormation and Research on Civic Learningand Engagement, Updated Estimate: Youth Turnout was50% in 2012; Youth Turnout in Battleground States 58%(2012), available at http://www.civicyouth.org/updated-estimate-50-o-youth-turnout-in-2012-youth-turnout-in-battleground-states-58/.

    45 Project Vote. Enranchising American Youth (2012),available at http://projectvote.org/images/publications/Youth%20Voting/2010_Policy_Paper-Enranchising_Ameri-can_Youth.pd.

    46 Ibid.

    47 Project Vote. Engaging Americas Youth through HighSchool Voter Registration Programs, available at http://underscommittee.org/les/high_school_voter_registra-tion_programs.pd.

    48 Ari Berman, The GOP War on Voting,Rolling Stone, Sep-tember 15, 2011, available at http://www.rollingstone.com/politics/news/the-gop-war-on-voting-20110830?print=true.

    49 Lawyers Committee or Civil Rights Under Law, EarlyVoting Patterns by Race in Cuyahoga County, Ohio: AStatistical Analysis o the 2008 General Election, avail-

    able at http://www.lawyerscommittee.org/newsroom/publications?id=0029.

    50 State o Alaska Division o Elections, available at http://www.elections.alaska.gov/vi_ea_ev_ip_about.php

    51 Arkansas Secretary o State, available at http://www.sos.arkansas.gov/elections/Pages/votingInArkansas.aspx

    52 Arizona Voter Guide, available at http://www.azvoterguide.com/early-voting-locations/

    53 League o Women Voters o Caliornia, available at http://cavotes.org/vote/in-person#early

    54 Colorado Secretary o State, available at http://www.sos.state.co.us/pubs/elections/docs/2012ElectionCalendar.pd

    55 Florida Division o Elections, available at http://election.dos.state..us/voting/voting-ino.shtml

    56 Georgia Board o Elections and Registration, available athttp://elections.cobbcountyga.gov/AdvanceVoting.php

    57 Hawaii Secretary o State, available at http://hawaii.gov/elections/voters/voteabsentee.htm

    58 Idaho Votes, available at http://www.idahovotes.gov/VoterReg/ABSENTEE.HTM

    59 Illinois McHenry County Clerk, available at http://www.co.mchenry.il.us/departments/countyclerk/pdDocs/Gener-al%20Election%20Nov%206%202012/Early%20Voting%20News%20release%20Nov%206%202012.pd

    60 Indiana Secretary o State, available at http://www.in.gov/sos/elections/2402.htm

    61 Iowa Secretary o State, available at http://sos.iowa.gov/elections/electionino/absenteeinperson.html

    62 Kansas Secretary o State, available at http://www.kssos.org/elections/elections_registration_voting.html

    63 Louisiana Secretary o State, available at http://www.sos.la.gov/tabid/168/Deault.aspx

    64 Maine Secretary o State, available at http://www.maine.gov/sos/cec/elec/absenteeguide.html

    65 Maryland State Board o Elections, available at http://elec-tions.state.md.us/voting/early_voting.html

    66 Montana Secretary o State, available at http://sos.mt.gov/elections/FAQ/index.asp#MailBallotElections

    67 Nebraska Secretary o State, available at http://www.sos.ne.gov/elec/voter_ino.html

    68 Nevada Secretary o State, available at http://nvsos.gov/index.aspx?page=1089

    69 New Mexico Secretary o State, available at http://www.sos.state.nm.us/Voter_Inormation/Absentee_and_Early_Voting.aspx

    70 Chatham County North Carolina website, available athttp://www.chathamnc.org/Index.aspx?page=407

    71 Long Distance Voter, available at http://www.longdis-tancevoter.org/early_voting_rules#.UMY0_4M81yw

    72 Ohio Secretary o State, available at http://www.sos.state.oh.us/sos/elections/Voters/absentee/regAbsenteeVoters.aspx

    73 Oklahoma State Election Board, available at http://www.ok.gov/elections/aqs.html#c97

    74 Long Distance Voter, available at http://www.longdis-tancevoter.org/early_voting_rules#.UMY0_4M81yw

    75 Tennessee Secretary o State, available at http://www.tennessee.gov/sos/election/earlyvoting.htm

    76 Texas Secretary o State, available at http://votetexas.gov/


    77 Utah Davis County Clerk, available at http://www.bounti-ulutah.gov/WorkArea/showcontent.aspx?id=6646

    78 Vermont Secretary o State, available at http://vermont-elections.org/elections1/absentee_overview.html

    79 District o Columbia Board o Elections and Ethics, availableat http://www.dcboee.org/aq/voter_reg.asp

    80 West Virginia Secretary o State, availableat http://apps.sos.wv.gov/adlaw/csr/readle.aspx?DocId=19711&Format=PDF

    81 Wisconsin Government Accountability Board, available athttp://gab.wi.gov/elections-voting/voters/absentee

    82 Wyoming Secretary o State, available at http://soswy.state.wy.us/Elections/AbsenteeVoting.aspx

    83 Farzad Mashood, Travis County residents can vote atany polling place on Election Day,The Austin Statesman,November 4, 2012, available at http://www.statesman.com/news/news/local-govt-politics/travis-county-residents-can-vote-at-any-polling-pl/nSxLh/.

    84 KJZZ. Two Arizona counties may have ound the utureo Election Day, available at http://www.kjzz.org/con-tent/1211/two-arizona-counties-may-have-ound-uture-election-day.

    85 Weld County Clerk and Recorder, available at http://www.co.weld.co.us/Departments/ClerkRecorder/ElectionInorma-tion/VoteCenters.html.

    86 Indiana Secretary o State, available at http://www.in.gov/sos/elections/3574.htm.

    87 NewsWorks, New Jersey Shore towns using consolidatedvoting centers in wake o Sandy, available at http://www.


    88 Maggie Toulouse Oliver Vote Centers an Election Success,ABQ Journal, November 10, 2012, available at http://www.abqjournal.com/main/2012/11/10/opinion/vote-centers-an-election-success.html.

    89 Nathan Johnson, Voting Centers A Success, With A FewChallenges, Yankton Press & Dankton, November 8, 2012,available at http://www.yankton.net/articles/2012/11/08/community/doc509b3409addd7930659304.txt.

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    12 C t A i P | St th i O D b E di V ti Ri ht

    90 Mashood, Travis County residents can vote at any pollingplace on Election Day.

    91 United States Elections Project, 2008 Early Voting Statistics,available at http://elections.gmu.edu/early_vote_2008.html.

    92 National Conerence o State Legislatures. Absentee andEarly Voting, available at http://www.ncsl.org/legislatures-elections/elections/absentee-and-early-voting.aspx

    93 Brennan Center or Justice, Policy Brie on the Truth AboutVoter Fraud (2006), available at http://www.brennan-center.org/content/resource/policy_brie_on_the_truth_


    94 Kim Zetter, Malicious RoboCalls Aim at Suppressing Elec-tion Day Turnout, November 2, 2010, available at http://www.wired.com/threatlevel/2010/11/robocalls/.

    95 Gilda R. Daniels, Voter Deception, Indiana Law Journal43(343), available at http://www.iulaw.indy.indiana.edu/ilr/pd/vol43p343.pd.

    96 Ibid.

    97 Florida Statute 104.0615, available at http://www.senate.gov/Laws/Statutes/2012/104.0615.

    98 Connecticut House Bill No. 5022, available at http://www.cga.ct.gov/2012/ACT/PA/2012PA-00193-R00HB-05022-PA.htm.

    99 Project Vote, Voter Caging: A Fity-Year History o Chal-

    lenges to Minority Voters (2007), available at http://www.projectvote.org/images/publications/Voter%20Caging/VoterCagingMap.pd.

    100 Project Vote, Voter Intimidation And Caging (2010),available at http://projectvote.org/images/publica-tions/2010%20Issues%20in%20Election%20Administra-tion/2010%20Legislative%20Brie%20-%20Voter%20Intimi-dation%20and%20Caging.pd.

    101 Ibid

    102 Minnesota O fce o Revisor o Statutes, available at https://www.revisor.mn.gov/statutes/?id=204c.07.

    103 Project Vote, Caging Democracy: A 50-Year History oPartisan Challenges to Minority Voters (2007), available at


    104 Florida Statute 101.111, available at http://www.senate.gov/Laws/Statutes/2012/101.111.

    105 Project Vote, The Role o Challengers in Elec tions, availableat http://projectvote.org/images/publications/Policy%20Bries/PB10_ElectionChallenger2.pd.

    106 Ibid.

    107 United States Elec tions Project, 2008 General ElectionTurnout Rates, available at http://elections.gmu.edu/Turnout_2008G.html.

    108 American Civil Liberties Union, Map o State FelonyDisranchisement Laws, available at http://www.aclu.org/map-state-elony-disranchisement-laws.

    109 Ibid.

    110 Article III, Section 1 o Wisconsin State Constitution, avail-able at http://legis.wisconsin.gov/rsb/unannotated_wis-const.pd.

