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Strengthening the Dairy value Chain Project Kakuly Tanvin, SDVC Project Manager, G&T Nurul Amin...

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Strengthening the Dairy value Chain Project Kakuly Tanvin, SDVC Project Manager, G&T Nurul Amin Siddiquee, SDVC Team Leader Shreyas Sreenath, Fulbright Fellow What the Cows Told Us: Measuring Women's Empowerment in a Dairy Value Chain
Page 1: Strengthening the Dairy value Chain Project Kakuly Tanvin, SDVC Project Manager, G&T Nurul Amin Siddiquee, SDVC Team Leader Shreyas Sreenath, Fulbright.

Strengthening the Dairy value Chain Project

Kakuly Tanvin, SDVC Project Manager, G&TNurul Amin Siddiquee, SDVC Team Leader

Shreyas Sreenath, Fulbright Fellow

What the Cows Told Us: Measuring Women's Empowerment in a Dairy Value Chain

Page 2: Strengthening the Dairy value Chain Project Kakuly Tanvin, SDVC Project Manager, G&T Nurul Amin Siddiquee, SDVC Team Leader Shreyas Sreenath, Fulbright.


Project Overview

Gender Approach

Results & Lessons

Measuring Gender Impact

The Road Ahead

Page 3: Strengthening the Dairy value Chain Project Kakuly Tanvin, SDVC Project Manager, G&T Nurul Amin Siddiquee, SDVC Team Leader Shreyas Sreenath, Fulbright.


Page 4: Strengthening the Dairy value Chain Project Kakuly Tanvin, SDVC Project Manager, G&T Nurul Amin Siddiquee, SDVC Team Leader Shreyas Sreenath, Fulbright.

Goal of the Project35,000 targeted landless and smallholding

households in North and Northwestern Bangladesh (50% women) have increased incomes and more sustainable livelihoods through incorporation into a strengthened

milk value chain (2007-2011)

Improve the milk collection system in rural and remote areas

Increase production by improving access to inputs, markets, and services by mobilizing groups of poor producers and input service provider.

Improve the breeding/Artificial Insemination (AI) network

Ensure access to quality animal health services at the producer level

Improve the policy environment.

Objectives of the Project

Page 5: Strengthening the Dairy value Chain Project Kakuly Tanvin, SDVC Project Manager, G&T Nurul Amin Siddiquee, SDVC Team Leader Shreyas Sreenath, Fulbright.


Participants Total Number (# of women)

Women %

Producer organized & trained 36400 (29745) 82%

Producer Groups formed 1162 (524) 45%

Farmer Leader trained 3425 (2443) 71%

Milk Collector trained 308 (28) 9%

Livestock Health Worker trained 201 (45) 22%

AI Technicians Trained 52 (5) 10%

Dairy Input Shop 170 (31) 19%

No of Savings group 819 (470) 49%

Page 6: Strengthening the Dairy value Chain Project Kakuly Tanvin, SDVC Project Manager, G&T Nurul Amin Siddiquee, SDVC Team Leader Shreyas Sreenath, Fulbright.


Our Target Beneficiaries: A Case Study

• Hamida Begum is married, has three children, works as a day laborer and tends her family’s two cows

• Average Household:

– Very poor

– Own 0.75 acres of land

– $25 monthly income

– 1-3 cows

Page 7: Strengthening the Dairy value Chain Project Kakuly Tanvin, SDVC Project Manager, G&T Nurul Amin Siddiquee, SDVC Team Leader Shreyas Sreenath, Fulbright.

SDVC Theory of Change

Page 8: Strengthening the Dairy value Chain Project Kakuly Tanvin, SDVC Project Manager, G&T Nurul Amin Siddiquee, SDVC Team Leader Shreyas Sreenath, Fulbright.

Gender Rationale • Women’s current role and relative

ability to engage – low barriers to entry

• Proximity to HH and relatively low labor requirements

• Potential to build on cultural legacy that valued women’s engagement in dairy as an economic activity – combating current norms and trend toward male dominance as dairy sector matures

Why Dairy? Economic Rationale

• Growing demand in urban markets for fresh milk

• Growing investment in infrastructure and processing capacity across private sector

• High # of poor households already involved in dairy

• Potential for doubling income for impact groups.

Other Factors

* Nutritional value * Supportive enabling environment * Potential for Scale

Page 9: Strengthening the Dairy value Chain Project Kakuly Tanvin, SDVC Project Manager, G&T Nurul Amin Siddiquee, SDVC Team Leader Shreyas Sreenath, Fulbright.


Page 10: Strengthening the Dairy value Chain Project Kakuly Tanvin, SDVC Project Manager, G&T Nurul Amin Siddiquee, SDVC Team Leader Shreyas Sreenath, Fulbright.

Activity Area Intended Outcome

Target women producers to join production groups

Increase women’s knowledge, skills, social capital, financial inclusion, access to inputs and markets, leadership capacity, productive capacity, incomes

Identify and promote opportunities for women to take on roles traditionally dominated by men

Improve incomes of most destitute women, challenge traditional gender norms, improve women’s access to services tailored to their needs (women for women)

Engage men and power holders through sensitization

Increase women’s mobility, promote more balanced home work balance, increase women’s control over assets and incomes

Promote gender-responsive services from other market actors

Improve private sector understanding of women’s needs and preferences as clients and business partners to improve women’s inclusion in the dairy sector

Overarching strategy Use cattle keeping as a platform to instigate positive change in the daily lives of poor women. Redefine societal beliefs of what is appropriate work for men and women to do.

I know you do this but I cannot say how. Need you all to improve this bit.
Page 11: Strengthening the Dairy value Chain Project Kakuly Tanvin, SDVC Project Manager, G&T Nurul Amin Siddiquee, SDVC Team Leader Shreyas Sreenath, Fulbright.


Page 12: Strengthening the Dairy value Chain Project Kakuly Tanvin, SDVC Project Manager, G&T Nurul Amin Siddiquee, SDVC Team Leader Shreyas Sreenath, Fulbright.

Group Gender Composition and Income

• Overall, Households within Learning Groups with Female Leaders have incomes that are 3-6% higher.

• Learning Groups with Female Leaders do relatively better as the Phase progresses

Page 13: Strengthening the Dairy value Chain Project Kakuly Tanvin, SDVC Project Manager, G&T Nurul Amin Siddiquee, SDVC Team Leader Shreyas Sreenath, Fulbright.

• Group composition plus leader gender affects income from milk

• Learning Groups with a high percentage of women producers with a female group leader perform the best overall.

• Learning Groups with a high percentage of women producers and a male group leader perform the least well.

• Learning Groups with a high percentage of men producers do moderately well regardless of group leader gender.

Group Leader Gender & GroupComposition

Page 14: Strengthening the Dairy value Chain Project Kakuly Tanvin, SDVC Project Manager, G&T Nurul Amin Siddiquee, SDVC Team Leader Shreyas Sreenath, Fulbright.

• Households where women own cattle do about 10% better in earning money than do households where women do not own cattle. However, this relationship is complex and is changing over time

Households in which women own cattle and women make the cattle selling decisions are more likely to sell cattle and are more likely to have higher incomes overall.

Gender, Groups, Ownership & Income

Page 15: Strengthening the Dairy value Chain Project Kakuly Tanvin, SDVC Project Manager, G&T Nurul Amin Siddiquee, SDVC Team Leader Shreyas Sreenath, Fulbright.

• Female LHW with basic training achieve a 33% higher income increase than men

• Female LHW with advanced training achieve a 22% higher income increase than men

• Female LHW with both basic and advanced training achieve a 17% higher income increase than men

• Female LHW with loans have a 35% higher increase in income than men

• Female LHW without loans have a 24% higher increase than men

Page 16: Strengthening the Dairy value Chain Project Kakuly Tanvin, SDVC Project Manager, G&T Nurul Amin Siddiquee, SDVC Team Leader Shreyas Sreenath, Fulbright.
Page 17: Strengthening the Dairy value Chain Project Kakuly Tanvin, SDVC Project Manager, G&T Nurul Amin Siddiquee, SDVC Team Leader Shreyas Sreenath, Fulbright.

How we got here Targeted women farmers, trained farmers leaders, & service providers

Built the leadership capacity of women farmers’ groups and informed them about fair prices, animal husbandry and farm management practices.

Included spouses and other family and community members during the selection process and in other activities through sensitization sessions

Developed barrier checklists, followed up the results with interventions in the household and community level

Engaged men to explore their perspectives & to ensure their participation in sharing the labor that is put into cattle rearing.

Facilitated network and linkage building for women groups in particular with private sector and government service providers

Page 18: Strengthening the Dairy value Chain Project Kakuly Tanvin, SDVC Project Manager, G&T Nurul Amin Siddiquee, SDVC Team Leader Shreyas Sreenath, Fulbright.


Page 19: Strengthening the Dairy value Chain Project Kakuly Tanvin, SDVC Project Manager, G&T Nurul Amin Siddiquee, SDVC Team Leader Shreyas Sreenath, Fulbright.

M&E System ComponentsEvaluation

- Partnered with IFPRI & Data

- Baseline / Midline / Endline

- Multiple Control Groups to capture both spillover in SDVC

communities and maintain counterfactual in ‘like’ areas

w/o activity

- Sex disaggregated data

- Explicit questions on women’s inclusion, changes in Agency

and Relations

Gender, Assets & Agriculture Project

- Partnered with IFPRI

- Focus on enhancing qualitative understanding of

change in women’s empowerment

- To explore and examine the sustainable impacts on

women and men’s asset acquisition, asset ownership,

and related impacts on household and community

gender dynamics

- Multi-method approach and tools

Page 20: Strengthening the Dairy value Chain Project Kakuly Tanvin, SDVC Project Manager, G&T Nurul Amin Siddiquee, SDVC Team Leader Shreyas Sreenath, Fulbright.

The Tools We Used

Tools Purpose Tool type

FGD Explore women’s access to asset ownership, to mkt & credit and project impact on WE

Research and M&E

Life History Analysis Explore project impact and WE process Research and M&E

PPT Group performance assessment (ranking) by members & develop improvement plan

Research and M&E

Group Progress Survey

Regular monitoring on milestones including gender

Research and M&E

Gender equity format analysis

To aware on gender discrimination and importance of equity

Gender Awareness

24 hr clock analysis To reduce women’s workload Gender Awareness

Asset ownership pattern analysis

To aware on importance of asset ownership and access to income

Gender Awareness

Women barrier Checklist

Follow up on barriers for women in DVC Gender Awareness, research /M&E

Barrier Tree analysis To aware on barrier, its cause, consequences Gender Awareness

Peer review To assess men and women’s perception on their need and document project impact on the change

Gender Awareness, research and M&E

This is good but we need a table of sorts with columns for : Tool, purpose, data type collected (qunat / qual), frequency
Page 21: Strengthening the Dairy value Chain Project Kakuly Tanvin, SDVC Project Manager, G&T Nurul Amin Siddiquee, SDVC Team Leader Shreyas Sreenath, Fulbright.

Select Key Findings

Economic interventions have high spillover ratio, empowerment interventions do not – IFPRI MTE

Change at agency level fosters an increase in asset ownership ( 7.4% increase in cattle owner ship)

Cattle keeping can be used to empower women to step into new spaces traditionally closed off by ensuring participation in various parts of the value chain. (GAAP baseline study)

Page 22: Strengthening the Dairy value Chain Project Kakuly Tanvin, SDVC Project Manager, G&T Nurul Amin Siddiquee, SDVC Team Leader Shreyas Sreenath, Fulbright.


Page 23: Strengthening the Dairy value Chain Project Kakuly Tanvin, SDVC Project Manager, G&T Nurul Amin Siddiquee, SDVC Team Leader Shreyas Sreenath, Fulbright.

What we learned/Road Ahead• Women are likely to be empowered when livelihood activities that they

already participate in (i.e. cattle keeping) are strengthened through an agricultural intervention, but there are two caveats: – First, women are empowered from cattle keeping because it is close to

the spaces they interact with, and SDVC has to make sure the infrastructure it builds stays close to women.

– Second, if SDVC wants to continue empowering women to participate further up the value chain, it should also use the leverage that cattle keeping activities have to help women participate in new spaces.

• SDVC recognizes that there are challenges to women’s participation when they are exposed to increased production and commercialization of the dairy value chain, as men are more likely to control activities at this level. – So, it will use the two points above as a framework to help women

producers enter commercial markets while continuing to empower them.– It will also engage men’s perspectives and participation in designing &

implementing policies targeted towards women’s empowerment.

Page 24: Strengthening the Dairy value Chain Project Kakuly Tanvin, SDVC Project Manager, G&T Nurul Amin Siddiquee, SDVC Team Leader Shreyas Sreenath, Fulbright.

Thank YouLearn more at


Or email: Nurul Amin Siddiquee [email protected]

Kakuly Tanvin [email protected]

Shreyas Sreenath [email protected]
