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Stress Free Leadership

Date post: 21-Apr-2017
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Stress Free Leadership 5 Steps to Get Value from Stress & Experience Less
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Stress Free Leadership 5 Steps to Get Value from Stress & Experience Less

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Opportunity: Extract the value from stress, but experience and convey less of it.

1.  Identify your specific stressors to better manage them

2.  Determine when stress is sabotaging or beneficial

3.  Shift your focus from stress to progress more quickly

4.  Increase your capacity to lead and your impact

5.  Avoid passing stress on to your team and build their momentum instead

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Work can push all our buttons:

Need to achieve

Fear of failing

Pressure to perform

Reliance on others to perform

Other people’s styles and habits

Self doubt and recrimination


Money anxiety

Obligations to others

But it also signals what needs our attention… if we listen.

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A little history on stress…

The term “stress” was coined by Hans Selye in 1936, who defined it as “the non-specific response of the body to any demand for change”. Stress quickly became a buzzword. Some used it to refer to an overbearing or bad boss or some other unpleasant situation. For others it referred to the form of chest pain, heartburn, headache or palpitations people experienced in reaction to hard situations. Others used stress to refer to what they perceived as the end result of these repeated responses, such as an ulcer or heart attack.

A 1951 issue of the British Medical Journal noted, “Stress in addition to being itself, was also the cause of itself, and the result of itself.”   Selye was not aware that stress had been used for centuries in physics to explain elasticity, the property of a material that allows it to resume its original size and shape after having been compressed or stretched by an external force. As expressed in Hooke’s Law of 1658, the magnitude of an external force, or stress, produces a proportional amount of deformation, or strain, in a malleable metal. This created even more confusion as research had to be translated into foreign languages. There was no suitable word or phrase that could convey Selve meant – which was really strain. In 1946, academicians responsible for maintaining the purity of the French language decided that a new word would have to be created. Le stress was born, quickly followed by el stress, il stress, lo stress, der stress in other European languages, and similar neologisms in Russian, Japanese, Chinese and Arabic.

Source of text and image: http://www.stress.org/what-is-stress/

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When stress talks for us,

we don’t operate at our best.

I hate my job and I don’t like you much either.

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When stress drives our actions,

we are less effective and observant leaders.

How was I supposed to know these were our

goals?? I just need your team to align to my goals.

This has nothing to do with our work – he’s


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Is Stress Good

or Bad?

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Stress Spectrum

Stress Level





Healthy tension

Comfort zone



Health risk


Good Stress Distress


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Stress can tell us what needs attention and work, what needs to be resolved or improved. When viewed as a tool,

it can amplify our leadership effectiveness.

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While too much stress can make us unhealthy,

our response to stress is often the bigger problem. (Thinking stress is a problem can create a problem.)

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Stress Response Escalation

Physical Sensation

Unthinking Reaction

Impulsive Behavior

Negative Impact

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Stress Response Escalation

What do you feel? • Hot flush • Clenched jaw •  Tense shoulders •  Shallow breathing

or holding breath •  Sweat •  Exasperation •  Sadness or crying •  Fatigue

What is your immediate response? •  Anger •  Rage •  Blame transfer •  Recrimination •  Rejection •  Aversion •  Frustration

What are your reactive behaviors? •  Impatience •  Lash out •  Raised voice •  Visible frustration •  Unkindness •  Cut people off or

out •  Berate or belittle •  Convey blame

What is the consequence of your reactive behaviors? •  Mistrust •  Hurt feelings •  Missed facts •  Culture corrosion •  Misunderstanding •  Attrition •  Disengagement •  Recovery cycles





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Know Your Work Stressors What triggers or amplifies your stress? Stressors at work can be compounded by stressors from home.


¨  Lack of sleep

¨ Hunger

¨  Lack of exercise

¨ Poor health


¨ Kid challenges

¨ Partner issues

¨  Family member health scare

¨  Financial challenges


¨  Lack of control or facts

¨ Being blindsided or surprised

¨ Ever-changing priorities and constant shifting

¨  Lack of accomplishment

¨ Misalignment or resistance on the team

¨ Pressure to deliver without the capacity

¨  Sense of impending failure with no obvious path to recover

¨ Coworkers or team members that exacerbate or amplify our stressors

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Stress Awareness Can Bring Insights & Enable Thoughtful Action & Communication


OBSERVE 1.  Without reacting to

the sensation, observe your physical response to stress.

2.  Be curious about it without trying to escape or reject it.

3.  Don’t rush into reaction mode; intercept the emotional reaction.


DISTILL 1.  Separate the

sensation from the facts.

2.  What is the trigger? Is it an authentic business problem? What are the facts or are you missing facts? Clinically look at the facts and triggers for their business value.

3.  If you need fresh air or a night’s sleep, give yourself the time – before acting.

PLAN 1.  Rather than react to

your discomfort, consider the best course of action for the business.

2.  What action is appropriate for the facts (including the fact that you don’t have the facts)?

3.  Decide what course correction is needed to address the root business issue.

ACT 1.  Making institutional

change is often less work than the cycle of reaction/recovery – for you and the team.

2.  Communicate the change needed to address the root business issue.

3.  Incorporate methods to sustain the change if the root issue or stressor is chronic.

Reaction Behavior Impact

Pause Pause

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Choose Where Your Attention & Energy Go


Spin cycle Resolution path

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Practice Helps

Build physical awareness to detect the stress response faster (before reacting to it)

1. Several times a week, begin your day with mindfulness practice.

Sit comfortably and quietly for 2 to 5 minutes; observe the feelings and sensations that arise. Identify them and let them go; notice that they arise and dissipate without any effort on your part. Getting more familiar with this cycle

2. Prevent stress magnifiers such as lack of sleep, hunger or lack of exercise. Recognize how these conditions amplify anxieties – so be more vigilant about when they exist. Schedule meetings or work stressor activities when you are most likely to be successful; moving a meeting to after lunch or after getting a briefing on key facts may be more efficient that recovering when the meeting goes badly!

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Practice Helps

3. Notice your physical response day to day.

Next time you trip, you’re running late, you’re startled or other purely physical stressor, observe what happens immediately – it’s a great opportunity to observe the rise in blood pressure, flush, faster breathing and other physical stress changes. This observation will help you detect the same response to work stressors and intercept your automatic reaction.

4. When you sense stress rising beyond your comfort zone, stop and step out of the environment.

A short walk and fresh air create space to process the sensation without acting on it impulsively. Pre-empt stress breakdowns in situations you know will be challenging, by taking the walk before the meeting or trigger event.

5. Remember you can choose what you give attention and energy to.

Make a conscious effort to shift your attention from the stress object to thoughtful, fact-based action. Rather than viewing stress as a problem, view it as a tool. Sometimes this simple shift in perception produces great relief!

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Over time, the stress sensation shrinks and the time from stress to best action gets shorter



Spin cycle Resolution path

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Know What Makes You Happy

What aspects of work do you enjoy most?

¨ Clarity on the purpose for your efforts

¨  Sense of accomplishment

¨  Succeeding as a team

¨ Overcoming obstacles

¨ Coaching and mentoring

¨  Sense of camaraderie

¨ Balanced challenges

¨ Knowing you make a difference for customers or the organization

¨  __________________________________________________________

¨  __________________________________________________________

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Take responsibility for your experience:

Create or cultivate the conditions for enjoyment and satisfaction.

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With a more clinical view of the root business issue, evaluate whether the entire team experiences the same triggers and stress.

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To reduce stressors for the entire team, institutionalize these:

ü  Clear goals and expectations

ü  Transparency culture

ü  Alignment practices

ü  Individual accountability

ü  Shared commitments

ü  Discipline to prioritize

ü  Consistent, constructive feedback

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Changing habitual and instinctive responses takes willpower.

It won’t happen overnight; you won’t get it right every time. But you can do better over time! 1.  Recognize the business and career

benefits of higher awareness

2.  Commit to changing your pattern

3.  Build skill catching yourself at the physical change and lengthening the pause before acting.

4.  Value your progress and awareness.

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My Individual To Do List

Progress Transparency

Team’s Goals & Priorities

Get Workboard, a free app for teams that: 1.  Links the ubiquitous “to do” list with team goals and priorities 2.  Simplifies prioritization and calibration 3.  Automates status reports and provides team transparency 4.  Enables consistent, constructive feedback … less mystery and drama, more achievement.

Want More Alignment & Transparency to Reduce Stress across The Team?

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