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Stress Management And Meditation

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How to overcome Stress from Your daily Life
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1 IBM India © Copyright IBM Corporation 2006 IBM Confidential Stress and Health Stress: How It Affects Your Body, and How You Can Stay Healthier
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Stress and Health

Stress: How It Affects Your Body, and How You Can Stay Healthier

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Types of Stress

Stress can be defined as any type of change that causes physical, emotional or psychological strain. However, not all types of stress are harmful or even negative. There are a few different types of stress that we encounter:

Eustress, a type of stress that is fun and exciting, and keeps us vital (e.g. skiing down a slope or racing to meet a deadline)

Acute Stress, a very short-term type of stress that can either be positive (eustress) or more distressing (what we normally think of when we think of ‘stress') ; this is the type of stress we most often encounter in day-to-day life (e.g. skiing down said slope or dealing with road rage)

Episodic Acute Stress, where acute stress seems to run rampant and be a way of life, creating a life of relative chaos (e.g. the type of stress that coined the terms ‘drama queen’ and ‘absent-minded professor’)

Chronic Stress, the type of stress that seems never-ending and inescapable, like the stress of a bad marriage or an extremely taxing job (this type of stress can lead to burnout)

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The Fight or Flight Response

Stress can trigger the body’s response to perceived threat or danger, the Fight-or-Flight response. During this reaction, certain hormones like adrenalin and cortisol are released, speeding the heart rate, slowing digestion, shunting blood flow to major muscle groups, and changing various other autonomic nervous functions, giving the body a burst of energy and strength.

Originally named for its ability to enable us to physically fight or run away when faced with danger, it’s now activated in situations where neither response is appropriate, like in traffic or during a stressful day at work. When the perceived threat is gone, systems are designed to return to normal function via the relaxation response, but in our times of chronic stress, this often doesn’t happen enough, causing damage to the body.

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Stress and Health: Implications of Chronic Stress

When faced with chronic stress and an over activated autonomic nervous system, people begin to see physical symptoms. The first symptoms are relatively mild, like chronic headaches and increased susceptibility to colds. With more exposure to chronic stress, however, more serious health problems may develop. These stress-influenced conditions include, but are not limited to:

depression diabetes hair loss heart disease hyperthyroidism obesity obsessive-compulsive or anxiety disorder sexual dysfunction tooth and gum disease ulcers cancer (possibly) In fact, most it’s been estimated that as many as 90% of doctor’s visits are for

symptoms that are at least partially stress-related!

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What You Can Do

To keep stress, especially chronic stress, from damaging your health, it’s important to be sure that your body does not experience excessive states of this physiological arousal. There are two important ways to do this:

Learn Tension-Taming Techniques: 1.) meditation, 2.) yoga, 3.) deep breathing exercises, 4.) journaling and positive imagery Prevent Excess Stress: Some acute stress is unavoidable, but

much of the episodic acute stress and chronic stress--the stress that damages our health--that we experience can be avoided or minimized with the use of organization techniques, time management, relationship skills and other healthy lifestyle choices.

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Meditation: Overview of Meditation: Throughout the day, when we experience stress, our bodies

automatically react in ways that prepare us to fight or run. In some cases of extreme danger, this physical response is helpful. However, a prolonged state of such agitation can cause physical damage to every part of the body. Meditation affects the body in exactly the opposite ways that stress does, restoring the body to a calm state, helping the body to repair itself, and preventing new damage due to the physical effects of stress.

Meditation's Effects on the Body: 1.) your heart rate and breathing slow down, 2.) your blood pressure normalizes, 3.) you use oxygen more efficiently, and 4.) you sweat less. 5.) your adrenal glands produce less cortisol, 6.) your mind ages at a slower rate, and 7.) your immune function improves. 8.) Your mind also clears and your creativity increases. People who meditate regularly find it easier to give up life-damaging habits like smoking,

drinking and drugs.

How Meditation Works: Meditation involves sitting in a relaxed position and clearing your mind. You may focus on a sound, like “OM," or on your own breathing, or on nothing at all. It’s necessary to have 5-20 distraction-free minutes to spend. It’s helpful to have silence and privacy, but more practiced meditators can do it anywhere. Many practitioners of meditation attach a spiritual component to it, but it can also be a secular exercise.

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Pros Of Meditation: 1.) Meditation is wonderful in that it’s free, always available, and 2.) amazingly effective in short-term stress reduction and long-term health. 3.) Benefits can be felt in just one session.

The Cons of Meditation: 1.) It does take some practice, however, and 2.) some people find it difficult to "get it" in the beginning. 3.) It also requires a little patience, and may be difficult for people with little free time

How Does It Compare To Other Stress Reduction Methods? 1.) no potential side effects. 2.) People with physical limitations may find it easier to practice than strenuous physical exercise for stress relief, 3.) no special equipment is required. 4.) meditation is free. However, it does take discipline and commitment,

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Benefits of Meditation

Meditation is widely recommended as a healthy way to manage stress, and for good reason. It provides many health-enhancing benefits, like reducing symptoms of stress and anxiety, relieving physical complaints like headaches, and even enhancing immunity to illness.

Basics of Meditation:Meditation can be practiced in many different ways. While there are numerous different meditation techniques, a common thread runs through virtually all meditative techniques:

1.) Quiet Mind

2.) Being In The Now

3.) Altered State of Consciousness

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Types of Meditative Techniques:

There are many different ways to meditate. Here I’ll mention some basic categories of meditation techniques so you can understand some of the main options and how they differ from one another. This is not an exhaustive list, but it can give you some ideas.

Basic Meditation Techniques: This involves sitting in a comfortable position and just trying to quiet your mind by thinking of nothing. It’s not always easy to do this if you don’t have practice with it. But a good way to begin is to think of yourself as an ‘observer of your thoughts,’ just noticing what the narrative voice in your head says, but not engaging it. As thoughts materialize in your mind, just let them go. That’s the basic idea.

Focused Meditation Techniques: 1.)With this technique, you focus on something intently, 2.)You can focus on something visualActivity-Oriented Meditation Techniques: With this type of meditation, you engage in a repetitive activity, or one where you can get ‘in

the zone’ and experience ‘flow.’ Again, this quiets the mind, and allows your brain to shift. Activities like 1.) gardening, 2.) creating artwork, 3.) practicing yoga, 4.) Kick Boxing,

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Mindfulness Techniques: Mindfulness can be a form of meditation that, like activity-oriented meditation, doesn’t really look like meditation. It simply involved staying in the present moment rather than thinking about the future or the past.

Spiritual Meditating: Meditation can also be a spiritual practice. Many people experience meditation as a form of prayer -- the form where God 'speaks,' rather than just listening.

Whichever meditative techniques you use, the potential benefits are clear and numerous, making it one of the more commonly recommended stress management practices.

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Basic Meditation for Stress Management

Meditation has many health benefits and is a wonderful way to relieve stress and maintain a healthier lifestyle. There are many different ways to meditate, and this is one of the most basic. With practice, you can use this technique to feel inner peace whenever you need it.

Difficulty: Easy Time Required: 5 to 30 Minutes Here's How: Get into a comfortable position. Many people like to sit in a

comfortable chair, or cross-legged on the ground. You want to be able to completely relax while still staying awake.

Close your eyes. Clear your head. (This is the part that takes practice.) The idea is to

stay unattached to thoughts of any kind. That means that, if that inner narrative voice in your mind speaks up, gently “shush” it and opt for internal silence.

That’s it. Keep letting go of any thoughts that may pop into your mind, and the quiet spaces between thoughts will become longer and more frequent. You’re on the road of meditation!

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Tips: Give it time. Meditation often takes practice. If you’re expecting

to do it ‘perfectly’, you may actually create more stress for yourself than you relieve, and you won’t want to stick with it.

Start with shorter sessions—like five minutes—and work your way up to longer sessions—like 30. With practice, this type of meditation becomes easier and more effective.

If the experience is frustrating for you and you don’t really want to continue, you may find more success with other types of meditation like the Karate Breathing Meditation.

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Focused Meditation

This type of meditation involves focusing on something intently as a way of staying in the present moment and turning off your internal dialogue. Many people find this type of meditation easier to practice than classic meditation where you focus on nothing to quiet your mind. With focused meditation, you can choose to focus on almost anything that involves the senses, including sounds, visual pieces, tactile sensations, tastes and smells, and even your own breathing!

Difficulty: Easy Time Required: 5 to 30 Minutes

Here's How: Choose a target for your focus. The sounds of a metronome, the smell of

incense, or a pleasing picture are all popular choices. (If you need more ideas, here’s a list of things you can turn your attention to.)

Get into a comfortable position, and relax your body. Turn your attention to your chosen target, and take in the sensation it provides.

Focus on the sound, smell, sight, etc. and simply experience what it has to offer. The idea is not to think about it, but simply to experience it, being fully present in the moment.

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If your internal voice starts to analyze it, or begins to rehash stressful situations of the day, worry about the future, make a list for grocery shopping, or anything else, gently turn your attention back to your chosen target and the sensation it provides. Let your mind stay quiet and clear.

If you find your mind engaging you and realize that you’re not being fully present with the sensations of your chosen target, don’t let your inner perfectionist beat you up for ‘doing it wrong’; simply congratulate yourself for noticing, and return back to the present moment and the sensations it has to offer.

That’s it. It may sound a little strange or difficult to understand as you’re reading this, but as you practice this type of meditation; it will become easier and make more sense. The more you practice, the more benefits you will experience.

What You Need: Some quiet, private time. Comfortable clothes. A willing attitude and an open mind.

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Ideas For Objects of Focused Meditation

Sometimes the typical form of meditation—staying focused on nothing and keeping your mind clear—is difficult to do and even frustrating. Many people find it easier to practice focused meditation, where you choose something to focus your attention on in order to keep your mind clear and your awareness in the present. The following are some targets of focus you can use when practicing this type of meditation.

The Objects of Focused Meditation:

1.) Auditory: A Metronome The Sounds of The Ocean Soothing Music Nature Sounds The Sounds of Your Backyard Running Water Wind Chimes Children Laughing At A Park

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2.) Olfactory: Incense A Baking Cake Scented Candles A Tub of Scented Bubbles A Simmering Stew The Smell of Outdoors

3.) Tactile: A Foot Massage Warm Water in a Tub Bubbles in a Spa The Feel of Velvet or Silk

4.) Visual: A Burning Candle A View of Nature A Picture of a Saint An Abstract Painting Bubbles Floating A Lava Lamp Your Own Hand

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5.) Conceptual: Unconditional Compassion Forgiveness Love Gratitude

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Yoga’s Effects on the Body:

The following is only a partial list of yoga’s benefits: reduced stress sound sleep reduced cortisol levels improvement of many medical conditions allergy and asthma symptom relief lower blood pressure smoking cessation help lower heart rate spiritual growth sense of well-being reduced anxiety and muscle tension increased strength and flexibility slowed aging process

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What’s Involved With Yoga?

Stretching the body and forming different poses, while keeping breathing slow and controlled.

There are various styles of yoga,

1.) some moving through the poses more quickly, almost like an aerobic workout, and

2.) other styles relaxing deeply into each pose.

3.) Some have a more spiritual angle, while others are used purely as a form of exercise.

What Are The Benefits Of Yoga?

1.) Psychological benefits: - such as stress reduction and a sense of well-being, and

2.) Spiritual benefits:- such as a feeling of connectedness with God or Spirit, or a feeling of transcendence.

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What Are the Drawbacks of Yoga?

1.) Some commitment of time

2.) Difficult for people with certain physical limitations.

3.) Some people feel self-conscious doing some of the poses.

4.) Yoga classes can be expensive,

How Does It Compare To Other Stress Reduction Methods?

1.) Combined benefits of breathing exercises, stretching exercises, fitness programs, meditation practice, and guided imagery, in one technique.

2.) Yoga also requires more effort and commitment than taking pills or herbs for stress reduction.

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Reduce Stress Quickly With Karate Breathing Meditation

This simple Karate meditation is fast, but powerful. It combines breathing, which has been shown to have significant effects on the mind, the body and one’s moods, with simple meditation, to help you become more physically relaxed and mentally centered. Whether you use it to prepare for physical battle or just a taxing day at the office, this quick exercise is a proven tool to help you feel relaxed, alert, and more ready for anything.

Difficulty: Easy Time Required: 3-10 minutes Here's How: Sit in a comfortable position. While most martial artists use the ‘seiza’ (“say zah”) position,

with legs beneath the buttocks with knees directly in front, many people find this position to be uncomfortable. If this is the case, you may also sit cross-legged (“anza”) or in another position that’s more comfortable for you.

Close your eyes, but keep your back straight, shoulders relaxed, head up, your eyes (behind your lids) focused ahead.

Take a deep, cleansing breath, expanding your belly and keeping your shoulders relaxed, and hold it in for the count of six. Exhale, and repeat twice more. Then breathe normally, and focus your attention on your breathing. As you breathe, inhale through your nose and exhale through your mouth, still expanding your belly rather than moving your shoulders up and down.

If your thoughts drift toward the stresses of the day ahead or of the day behind you, gently refocus on your breathing and remain in the present moment. Feel the air move in, and feel the air move out. That’s it.

Continue this for as little or as long as you like, and you should notice that your body is more relaxed and your mind is more centered. Enjoy the rest of your day!

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