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STRIPPING RPT GUIBORD TWP - Ontario...Claims 14650, 146 1, 15483 and 15484 in Guibord Township,...

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SUMMARY REPORT On PROSPECTING, TRENCHING, STRIPPING & W ASHIING Les 1. Kovacs, P.Geo. ON THE PJV-CONIAGAS PROPERTY (Caman Block) IN GUIBORD TOWNSHIPS (Larder Lake Mining Division) NTS 42 Af9 & 32 Afl2 NAD 27, Zone 17 For ST ANDREW GOLDFIELDS LTD. RECE ..f SE P '2 4 1008 For: St Andrew Goldfields Ltd. GEOSCIENCE ASSESSMENT OFFICE September 11,2008 2-89277
Page 1: STRIPPING RPT GUIBORD TWP - Ontario...Claims 14650, 146 1, 15483 and 15484 in Guibord Township, Caman Block, can be access by provincia highway 101 east of Matheson, Ontario. Approximately




Les 1. Kovacs, P.Geo.





(Larder Lake Mining Division) NTS 42 Af9 & 32 Afl2

NAD 27, Zone 17



RECE ..f

SEP '2 4 1008

For: St Andrew Goldfields Ltd.


September 11,2008


Page 2: STRIPPING RPT GUIBORD TWP - Ontario...Claims 14650, 146 1, 15483 and 15484 in Guibord Township, Caman Block, can be access by provincia highway 101 east of Matheson, Ontario. Approximately

TABLE OF CONT~NTS: Introduction ........ j ........................................................ Page 1.

I Location and Acce~s ....................................................... Page 1.

I Previous Work ..... J ........................................................ Page 1.

I Regional Geology .......................................................... Page 2.

Property Geology .. I ........................................................ Page 2.

Trenching-Caman ~lock ................................................... Page 2, 3, 4.

Conclusion & Reco~mendations ........................................ Page 5.

References ........... 1 ............................ '" .. , '" ., .. , ............. Page 6.


Fig. 1 Regional Loc~tion Map Showing Caman Work Block.

Fig. 2 1: 1 00, 000 SC~le Location Map of Caman Block in Guibord twp.

Fig. 3 1 :3000 Scale ~ap of TrenchlPit and Sample Locations.

Fig. 4. SAG GeOlog~cal Legend.

I Fig. 5. List of Sample Locations, Rock Descriptions, Alteration and Assays.


Appendix 1. 1 :400 Sfa1e TrenchlPit and Sample Location Map.

Appendix 2. Trenchl~it Sketches and Pictures.

I 'fi Appendix 3. Assay Certl lcates.


Page 3: STRIPPING RPT GUIBORD TWP - Ontario...Claims 14650, 146 1, 15483 and 15484 in Guibord Township, Caman Block, can be access by provincia highway 101 east of Matheson, Ontario. Approximately


This report will slanze the Prospecting, trenching, stripping and washing program carried out between. October 09 and November 02,2007 and September 8-11, 2008 on the PJv-coniagas~.roperty ofSt Andrew Goldfields Ltd. (SAG). On November 03, 2007 a significant snowfi 11 stopped final mapping on the property. Therefore, SAG staff had to return to the prope y from September 8-11, 2008 to complete mapping of the trench/pits and complete this r. port. The Porcupine JOin


Venture (PJV)/Coniagas Property consist of90 claims in five separate claim gro s located in Garrison, Michaud and Guibord Townships. St Andrew Goldfields (SAG) as an option to earn 50-60% interest in the property from the Porcupine Joint Venture (PlV) for staged expenditures and option payments over a five year period. See Fill ure. 1 The prospecting, tr nching, stripping and washing program was confined to claims 14650 & 14651 and 1548 . & 15484 in Guibord Township on the Caman Block.


The P JV -Coniagas EI greement consists of five individual groups of claims. They are the Caman, Garrison C eek, Ludgate, Morgan and Dunbar groups which are all within Michaud, Garrison d Guibord Townships. Access is provided by individual bush/logging roads which trend south from Provincial Highway 101, approximately 30 kilometers east of t~. e town of Matheson. Claims 14650, 146 1, 15483 and 15484 in Guibord Township, Caman Block, can be access by provincia highway 101 east of Matheson, Ontario. Approximately 17 kilometers east of . atheson, a south trending logginglbush road provides excellent access to the two cliims. Local A TV and backhoe trails provide access to all parts of the claims. See Figure r PREVIOUS WORK:

Caman Block -Guib~rd To\Vnship: Between 1944 and 1947, a total of twenty seven drill holes totaling 15,044 ft were drilled on the property. Several gold values were intersected, the bestlbeing 32.91 gpt over 1.3 meters from green carbonate altered rocks and altered syenite qontact. In 1965, Falconbidge Ltd. drilled four holes to test for base metals. In 1984, Falconbridge Ltd. drilled five ad~'tiOnal holes testing geophysical targets. No significant gold or base metal values were i tersected. In 1988 Falconbrid e Ltd. drilled six holes totaling 1896.0 meters of core. The drilling was initiated to test the green carbonate and altered syenite gold zone. Holes GUI42-03 and GUI42-06 retUIiled several gold values, the best being 13.1 gpt over 1.25 meters. Between January an~ February 2006, SAG drilled 5 holes into the Caman Block to follow up on previor drilling.

Page 4: STRIPPING RPT GUIBORD TWP - Ontario...Claims 14650, 146 1, 15483 and 15484 in Guibord Township, Caman Block, can be access by provincia highway 101 east of Matheson, Ontario. Approximately

- e500000mN

- 6000000mN

- """"""'mN


-- 45OIXOI mN


Caman Trenching Location I UTM

NA 02 7


CAMAN Trenching Provincial Location

MAP sep-~


Page 5: STRIPPING RPT GUIBORD TWP - Ontario...Claims 14650, 146 1, 15483 and 15484 in Guibord Township, Caman Block, can be access by provincia highway 101 east of Matheson, Ontario. Approximately

r ,380000 mN


1385000 mN

." -C)





~ PLAYFAIR i --- -





rn Owned Patents/Leases -P: CAMAN Work Block I zNoAn~ ~:

,,_.... CAMAN Trail ~ Roads



a I

rT"1 I I [I]L.LJ

o--Ul I


1 100000

CAMAN Trenching Regional Location

MAP Sep-2ooe VB

2.5 5





Page 6: STRIPPING RPT GUIBORD TWP - Ontario...Claims 14650, 146 1, 15483 and 15484 in Guibord Township, Caman Block, can be access by provincia highway 101 east of Matheson, Ontario. Approximately



The Caman Block of claims are located directly north of the Porcupine Destor Fault Zone and south of the C ok Fault. Bedrock within G ibord Township consists of mafic and ultramafic volcanics of the Kinojevis Group hich strike E-W to ESE and dip steeply to the north. A sedimentary sequence, interpret d to be of Temiskaming type occurs within the northwestern portion of the township. Granitic intrusives and syenite occur throughout the township, In particular, a granitic body occupies the ast central part of the township.


The Porcupine Des or Fault Zone strikes W-N-W to SE through the center of the Caman Block in the centra part of the property. Diamond drilling has indicated that the fault occurs within an ul ramafic horizon and is well marked by sheared, talcose, carbonatized, ultramafics. Directl north of the fault zone drilling indicates a serpentine-talc carbonate. North of this unit, utlined by both drilling and outcrop is a 120 to 150 meter wide zone of fuchsite rich gre n carbonatized ultramafics. This distinct unit is cut by 10-40% en echelon quartz vein ng. An altered syenitized porphyry lies directly north of the green carbonate zone. Thi altered felsic unit is marked by pale green sericite and 5-10% quartz veining. Bounding t e felsic unit to the north and the altered ultramafic horizon are pillowed to massive mafic volcanics.


The prospecting, tre ching and washing program was carried out by Dan Dunstan (SAG Geotech), Vince Be ard (SAG Draftsmen and fieldsman), Eric Drouin (SAG helper) and Jonathan Roy (Cont actor-helper). The project was supervised by Les Kovacs, SAG Exploration Mager. Olaf Zours Contracfng, (1452847 Ontario) of Timmins, Ontario carried out the backhoe work with a JD 330 . Water pumps, hoses and other washing equipment were rented from Komatsu Rents also from Timmins. ATV rental was from 1707173 Ontario and vehicle rental was b the Murdoch Group of Timmins. Samples were sent to Actlabs (Activation Laborato 'es Ltd.) of Ancaster Ontario and Swastika Labs of Swastika, Ontario. Two assay I bs were chosen for faster sample turnaround.

Between October 09 nd 20, 2007 prospecting on the Caman Block of claims (claims 14650, 14651 & 154 3, 15484) revealed 11 sub-croplboulders of ton scale (samples 5070-5074 & 5076-5 82). Several samples were taken of green carbonate altered rock (fuchsite & ankerite) ith quartz/ankerite veining as well as samples from a siliceous, sericite & syenitized eldspar porphyry. Both rock types showed from 1-12% pyrite. Sample 5074 returne 2840 ppb gold from a green carb altered rock boulder with trace to .5% pyrite.

Page 7: STRIPPING RPT GUIBORD TWP - Ontario...Claims 14650, 146 1, 15483 and 15484 in Guibord Township, Caman Block, can be access by provincia highway 101 east of Matheson, Ontario. Approximately

3. ,

The mineralized ~oulders were significant because previous drilling carried out on the mineralized Cam~ gold zone 500 meters to 1.0 kilometers to the west, indicated gold bearing intersectiqns in several holes with similar alteration and mineralization. In 2006, CC06-2 (fourth y~ar P JV work) intercepted several mineralized zones, the best being 7.06 gptll.l meters, 2.79 gptl1.0 meters and 2.57 gpt/l.O meters. Therefore, a program of trenching and washing was initiated over and adjacent to and up ice of the new mi~eralized boulders to try to intersect the east extension of the green carb ted altered rock an~ altered feldspar porphyry contact. As per several historic reports, this contact revealed t~e best gold values in the area. See Figure 3 for 1 :3000 Scale Map of Trench and Sampl~ Locations and Appendix 1 for the 1: 400 Scale Trench/Pit and Sample Location ¥ap.


The trenching and }:vashing program was carried out between October 20 and November 02,2008. I

A total of 21 trenc~es and pits were excavated. Thirteen (13) exploration pits (D-lA, D-10 & 11, D-13 to 1 r and D-19 & 20) were dug to 21-25 feet depth but no outcrop was seen and labeled aStDUD (duds). These pits were from 21 to 25 feet deep and were approximately twic~ the width of the backhoe shoveL Most of the DUD trenches/pits showed 8-11 incheS of humus cover over 20 to 22 feet of grey clay overburden. Once the full extent of the baPkhoe was reached, and no outcrop was seen, the overburden material was recorded and measured and the trench/pit was filled back in for safety reasons. Trenches D-5 to D-?, D-12, D-18 and D-21 intercepted outcrop and were therefore extended, washed ~d sampled. See Appendix 2 for TrenchlPit Sketches and Pictures.

I Initial trenching wa~ carried out in the area of the discovery boulders in claims 15484 and 14651. Trenches D-~ to D-4 did not hit bedrock. Moving up ice, trench D-5 intersected outcrop at approxim!ately 2.0 meters depth. An 18-20 meter wide pit/trench was cleared to outline the outcrop. The outcrop was identified as mafic volcanics (VMO) and not sampled. See Figur~ 4 for SAG Geological Legend. Farther northeast, tr~nchlpit D-6 intersected outcrop at less than 1.0 meters depth. Initial local outcrop expos*e revealed a green carbonate altered rock (ACG) with minor quartz/carbonate veitling. A pit/trench of approximately 30 by 30 meters was excavated. Outcrops were washed and sampled. Most outcrops were green carbonate altered rock (ACG) with minor lc~cal silicified feldspar porphyry (IPF) with minor quartz/carbonate veining and pyrite mineralization. A total of21 samples (W8626 to W 8647) were taken from this excavated 4rea. The best sample was W8647. It returned 2.09 glt Au from a localized and silicifi~d pale bufflPFIACG contact zone with 5 to 8% pyrite. See Appendix 3 for Ass,\y Certificates.

Page 8: STRIPPING RPT GUIBORD TWP - Ontario...Claims 14650, 146 1, 15483 and 15484 in Guibord Township, Caman Block, can be access by provincia highway 101 east of Matheson, Ontario. Approximately


5371600 mN

5371600 mN

." -Q

W w E

i ~ - .........

- - -


,. 0-17 I

/. J'!_Q:1Q, I • 0-9

• O-VO , / • 0-21

• Q~11 • ,0-6

/ • 0-15 \ I " ,- ..... __ ..... / ,

/ • 0"8 0" 0-),3_--"\ I - -,"'. 0-14 "

.----...... --,-- I ", • 0-19 .J • ' 0 -12 ,,-___ ....

• 0-18 • o-io 0-5


• 0-4



I I I I I I I ,

'" 1"0-1

.. 0-2



". 15483 CAMAN Trenching DiglTrench Location

MAP Sep-200B VB

~--, J / .......... .....

/.......... "' ..... / ..... --

I " ",---I '_"" / \_----




i - -

'" oJ'

- - -


't1 ~ § ~ Si I I - - -

Page 9: STRIPPING RPT GUIBORD TWP - Ontario...Claims 14650, 146 1, 15483 and 15484 in Guibord Township, Caman Block, can be access by provincia highway 101 east of Matheson, Ontario. Approximately

~ St Andrew Goldfields



MO albite altered rock SOD sediment - undivided

AFE D SSA arkose

AHO chlorite altered rock D SSG greywacke

AHM hematite altered rock - STF banded iron formation

D ACO carbonate altered rock VFO fe/sic volcanic, myolite, myo-- dacite AQH silica chlorite altered rock

D VIO intermediate volcanic, dacite AaC silica carbonate altered rock

D VIP intermediate volcanic, AQO silica altered rock pillowed

AOO altered rock - undivided D VIT tuffaceous intermediate volcanic

AFO fuchsite, carbonate altered

D rock VIX intermediate volcanic breccia

ACG green carb onate altered rocl< c=J VGB biotite gabbro

ASO dominantly sulphide rock D VGO gabbro - HCL D VMA mafic volcanic-- overburden, undivided amygda/oida/


D D VMM mafic volcanic - massive IFD felsic dyke

D D VMO mafic volcanic - basalt , IFO felsic intrusive - undivided andesite

D 110 intermediate dyke D VMP mafic volcanic - pillowed

D 110 intermediate intrusive VMR mafic volcanic - high Fe

D basalt IMO mafic dyke

D VMT mafic volcanic - tuffaceous IMO mafic intrusive

D D VMV mafic volcanic - variolitic IP2 quartz feldspar porphyry

D D VMX mafic breccia IPF feldspar porphyry

D D vue ultramafic vojcanic - ta/cose IPO felsic porphyry intrusive

D D VUK ultramafic vojcanic -IPQ quartz porphyry komatiite

D IRO pegmatite D VUM massive ultramafic

D ISO syenite intrusive D VUO ultramafic yojcanic

D ISP porphyritic syenite D VUT ultramafic tuff

D VOO dolerite D ZBO tectonic breccia - IUO ultramafic intrusive D ZCO catadastite

LOO diabase dyke 0 ZFZ fault zone

LLB biotite lamprophyre D ZGO gouge

auo quartz D ZSO schist - undivided

ZONE D ZFO fault

D LLO lamprophyre D ZST talc chlorite schist

aco carbonate vein AKO potassic altered rock

avc quartz carbooate vein D VMF mafic volcanic - magnetic

avo quartz vein aBX quartz vein breccia

seo conglomerate

D SIA argillite

D SIC carbonaceous graphitic argillite

D SIO line grained sediment -undivided

D SLC graphitic shale

Tuesday . -.U1y 10. 2007 ST ANDREW GOLDFIELDS Page 1


Page 10: STRIPPING RPT GUIBORD TWP - Ontario...Claims 14650, 146 1, 15483 and 15484 in Guibord Township, Caman Block, can be access by provincia highway 101 east of Matheson, Ontario. Approximately


Trench/pit D-21 anproximately 75.0 meters southeast ofD-6 was excavated over a 15.0 meter area to identify sub-crop/outcrop while prospecting. Trench/pit D-21 is approximately 1-2~5 meters deep. Outcrop exposure shows a green carbonate altered rock with minor sulphides. No samples were taken from this area. Trench/Pit D-9 wa~ excavated as a NE follow-up to D-6. This 15-20.0 meter cleared area showed outcrop at ~pproximately 1-2.0 meters depth. Green carbonate altered rock with minor quartzlcarb~ate veining was encountered, but no IPF/ACG contact was seen. Therefore, no sam les were taken. Trench/pit D-7 wa excavated approximately 75 meters southwest ofD-6. This 10-15 meter trenched area showed outcrop from 6.0 inches to 1.0 meters depth. Once the excavated outcrop was washed, it showed a highly silicified mafic volcanic (VMO) and localized feldspar porphyry (IPF). A total of7 samples were taken from this area (W5083 to W5087 and WSQ91 to W5093. Sample W5093 returned the best assay at 0.19 glt Au from an altered pale buff silicified feldspar porphyry with 3-5% pyrite, and possible moly-graphite? J Trench/pit D-8 is a west extension to D-7. This 12-15 meter stripped area uncovered outcrop at less than\l.O meters deep. As with D-7, D-8 encountered mafic volcanics and feldspar porphyry. A total of three samples were taken from this area (W5088 to W5090). Sample W5090 ret$ned a best Au value of 0.28 g/t from an altered red-brown to pink­orange silicified fe*spar porphyry with 20% fracture filled tourmaline, 2-5% pyrite and 5-8% moly-graphite? Trench/pit D-12, approximately 50 meters south of D-7 was excavated to uncover minor surface outcrop. This 12 by 15 meter stripped area uncovered a green carbonate altered rock (ACG) contactJ with a feldspar porphyry (lPF). A total of seven (7) samples were taken from this area (W8601 to W8607). The best Au value of 0.09 g/t was returned from sample W8605-a grfen carbonate altered rock (ACG) with .5 to 2% pyrite. Trench/pit D-18 waS excavated as a southwest follow up to the green ACG/IPF contact as seen in D-12. This ~ by 15 meter cleared area showed somewhat unaltered ACG so no samples were taken.! See Figure 5 for a list of Sample Locations, Rock Descriptions, Alteration and Assars,

Page 11: STRIPPING RPT GUIBORD TWP - Ontario...Claims 14650, 146 1, 15483 and 15484 in Guibord Township, Caman Block, can be access by provincia highway 101 east of Matheson, Ontario. Approximately

Page 1

PJV/Coniagas Option Trenching-Sampling 2007 FALL GRABITRENCHING SAMPLES.cAMAN BLOCK

7UrM Structure

nates Contact or Bedding Shear. Foliation, Fault AUgit AUPPB Tnmclt Area or Sample Rock Description Rock Code Alteration Number LocatIon Number Strike Dip -J-s- Dip

Eutlng Noriltlng Type IRlght-Hand (Right- (Right-Hand Hand Rule) Rulel



_ .. _ ...

<5 subcrop 556675 5371654 GUlbordTwp 5070 Subcrcp-Green carb afiered rock with

AFO Fuchslre-Ankente 10% quartzicalt> velnle\s~ 5-8% pynte

.... _ .. Subcrop-Pale buff pink to brown,

6 subcrop 556764 5371707 Gulbord Twp, 5071 pervasively ankerite altered felSic IPF-ISO Ankente intrusive~ 3-5% pyrite


<5 subcrop 556126 5371465 GuibordTwp 5072 ! Subcrop-Green carb altered rock with

10% quartz/ankente velning~ Trace AFO Fuchsite-Ankerite pyrite.

-Angular boulder-subcrop? Very fine

21 subcrop 556610 5371620 Guibord T "''P. 5073 grained syenitized, '-spar altered

IPF SiliCa felsic intrusive. 30% quartz/minor carll veins. 5-8% fine euhedra' pyote.

Subcrcp? Sheared, green earb 2640 subcrop 556608 5371620 Guiboro Twp. 5074 (an!<ente) altered rock. Trace to .5% AFO Fuehs~e-Ankerite

~ ... pyrite. Sample is from outcrop and from

unsampled channel sample Green 24 outcrop 556078 5371510 GUlbord Twp 5075 {juehsite} carb (ankerite) altered roc!< AFO Fuchsrte-Ankeriie

with millOr quartz/carll veining. 2-3% ,


fine PYrite ---Subcrop? Felsic intrusive-leldspar I I I 13 sUbcrop 556625 5371633 Guibord T wp. 5076 porphyry-afiered? Moderate ankerite IPF Ankerite

I alteraUolI. Trace to .5% pynte I 556079 5371510 Gaibor<! Twp. 5077 3 AFO Fuchslle-Ankerite

Su 5371674 GuiborrlTwp 5078 silica altered felSiC intrusive. Trace to : IPF Silica

5%pyrlte. Subcrop? Quartz vein blowout-l to 2:

<5 subcrop 556135 5371424 Guibord Twp 5079 meters wide. Green earb att.red roct< OVO/ACO Fuch.lle-Ankerlte

as host Trace pyrite .


Subcrop? Fiin. grained, k-spar-

K-spar, Hematite, <5 subcrop 556914 5371556 Guibora Twp. S080 hematite-syenite anered felsiC IPF

intruSIVe. 1·3% fine pynte Syenite.

." -C')


Page 12: STRIPPING RPT GUIBORD TWP - Ontario...Claims 14650, 146 1, 15483 and 15484 in Guibord Township, Caman Block, can be access by provincia highway 101 east of Matheson, Ontario. Approximately

Page 2

I Subcfop? Syenitized fine grained

13 subcrop 55G931 5371777 GuibOOl Twp. 5081 . ankerite altered felsic intrusive wilh IPF Syenite, Ankente i 112 inch rusty ankeritic wealllenng

rim. 8-12% pyrite.

<5 subcrop 55G924 5371552 Guibord Twp. 5082 Subcrop? Green carll aHered rock

AFO FuchSlt<>-Anl<ente ZO% quartz/carll veIning. 3-5% pyrite.

Amphibolized, hematite, syenite nil 0-7 556700 5371717 Guioord Twp. 5083 a1\ered leld.par porphyry. 1-2% ISO-IPF Syenite, Hemalite.

t----pyrite. .. .. ~

nil 0-7 55G707 5371721 Gu\bord Twp. , 5084 Syenitized feldspar porphy,y'24%

ISO-IPF Syenite. e~rite

nil 0-7 55G700 I 5371714 i Guloord Twp. 5085 Green grey, maSSive, aph'mitic VMO mafic volcanic, .5% pyrite,

001 0-7 55G704 5371714 Guibofd Twp 5086 Mafic volcanic with 25% cam

""'~~ l--.....AnI<efite -Pink to reddiSh brown syenitlzed

0.04 0-7 55G700 5371715 Guloord Twp. 5067 feldspar porphyry, Minor quartzJcarn ISO Syenite veining. 1-3% pynte,

Buff to grey, pervasive sNica and

I 0.02 0-8 556687 5371716 GUlbOi'd Twp. 5088 ankerite altered felsic intrusive, 1·3% IFO Silica-Ankerite pyrite.

0.06 0-8 .. _ ~§~ 5171713 GulbordTwD 5089 As at 5086. 1-3% pynte, IPF Silica-Ankerite. -Red brown to pink-orange, medium

028 D-8 556685 5371715 Guibord TWP'I 5080 graIned, massive with 20% fracture fill IPF

Tounmaline-MoIy-tourmaline and 5-8% moly-graphite? 2 Graphite?

5% pYnte,

Gwbord Twp, I Dark grey, very fine grained, well

I 0,01 D-7 556705 5371715 5091 bedded and siliceous Trace to <.5% SOD Silica

: ' pvrile, _ ......

Pale buff pink, pervasive silica 0.05 0-7 556705 5371715 Gwool'd Twp 5092 altered and averpnrned felsic IFO Silica

intrusive, 3-5% pynle, Pale buff, pervasively silicified felsic :

013 0-7 556705 5371716 Gu\bard Twp. I

5093 Intrusive, S~iceOus zone? 5-13% moly- IFO Silica-MOly? I arsphlte? 3-5% 2~rite,

nil D-<i 55G760 5371780 , Guioord Twp. 8626 Green carl> altered rock, 1-3% pynte AFO-ACO Fucnsne-Ankerite

Green carllattered rock 10-15% ' 0.02 D-8 556760 5371808 Guibord Twp. 8627 quartz/earn (ankerite) veins. 2-3% AFC-ACO Futhslle-Ankerite


nil D-6 556780 537183 GUibord Twp 8628 Green cam (ankelite) allared rock. 1-

AFO-ACO Futh.lte-Ankerite 2%pynle,

C----" Pale buff, pervasive cam (ankania) .. -

0.17 0-6 556780 5371790 GulbordTwp 8629 altered tetsic intrusive with minor IFO-ACO-AFO Ankente-Fuchslte I fuchslle, 1-3% pyrite.

njl i D-6 556768 5371789 GUlbord Twp. 8630 Green carll altered rock, .5 to 1 % AFO-ACO F uchsjte~Mkerite I

pyrite . ..... -Green cartJ altered rock with

nil 0-6 55G754 5311790 Guibord Twp 8631 fragments of cart> (ankente) altered AFO-ACO-IFO Fuchslte-Ankerite felSic intrusive~contact zone? 3-8%

pyrite. ...-

nil 0-6 556753 5371786 GulbordTwp 8632 Green cam aHared rock,5% pyrite AFO-ACO Fuchslte-Ankerite ~.

nil D-8 556749 537193 Guioord Twp. 8633 Green cam altered rock. 2-3% pyrite. AFO-ACO Fuchslle-Ankerile i

m D-6 556747 5371798 Gulbord Twp. 8634

QuartzlcartJ (ankerite) veIn 1-2 II. avc Ankerile

wide, Trace ovnte .. ~ _ .....

01: I 0-6 556753 5371800 Guibord Twp, 8636 Green earn altered rock. 3-5% pyrite, AFO-ACO Fuchsi\e-Ankente

D-8 ! 55G755 5371796 Guibora Twp. i 8637 I ~reen cam altered rock 3-5% p.yrite AFO-ACO I F uchslte-Ankerite

nil O-<i 556755 5371799 Gulbord Twp. 8638 auartzJcam vein 1-2 ft. wide, Trace avc Ankerite

.. - £}'!ite

Page 13: STRIPPING RPT GUIBORD TWP - Ontario...Claims 14650, 146 1, 15483 and 15484 in Guibord Township, Caman Block, can be access by provincia highway 101 east of Matheson, Ontario. Approximately


1'1',1 D-6 556750 5371796 GuibOrd Twp. 8639 . Green carb altered rock .. 5-1 % pyrite. AFO-ACO FuChsite-Ankerite I

I Green carb altered rock wilh 0.02 D-8 556760 5371795 GuibOrd Twp. 8640 qu.wcart> veins/petches to 20%. 1- AFO- Ankerite

3% pynte

nil [)'6 556750 5371796 Guibord Twp. 8641 ! Green cart> altered rod< with 10% AFO-ACO Fuchsite-Ankerite I . Quartllcarb ,,~jnlets. 1-3% pyrite.

nil I D-6 556766 5371797 Guibord Twp. 8642 Green carb altered rock. 1-3% pynle. AFO-ACO Fuchsite-Anl<enle I

I J Hemalite-syenilizea feldspar porphyry

i Hematite-Syenite. 0.09 [).6 556770 5371606 Guibord T wp. 8643 with minor quartz/cart> .. ~inlets. 1-3% ISO pyrite.

0.19 [).6 556775 5371501 Guibord Twp. 8644 Green carb altered rock. 1-3% pynte. AFO-ACO Fuchsite-Anke\ite ! I :

~-~L~~ Contact zone? Gt'e<>n cam alWed 1

0.3 ! \>UIOU,ij~. ~8645 m.f--rooI<'with pe,vasively (pa", PUIT)

AFO-ACO-!FO Fuchsite-AnKerite ankente and s,lica altered felsic

I----intrusive. 5-8% pyrite .. .. ~

036 D-6 556761 5371799 GuibOrdTwp 8646 Green carb altered rock. 1-3% pyrite. : AFO-ACO Fuchsile-Ankerite

Pate buff, carbonate (ankerite) and 2,09 D-8 556753 5371505 GuibOrd Twp. 8647 minor silica altered felsic intrusive. s.- ACO-IFO Ankerite

f--... ..... - 8% pyrite, Green carb altered rock~pe(\/asi1{e

I nil 0 .. 12 556714 5371684 Guibord Twp, 8601 ankerite alteration Trace to ,5% ACO-AFO Fuchsite-Ankerite pyrite

Pale buff, pervasively andkerite and I 003 0-12 556718 5371680 GuibOrdTwp 8602 siUca altered felSic intrusive? .5% ACO-IFO Ankerite-Silica pyrite.

Green carb altered rock \'ViI/) Fuchsite-Ankerite- I

nil 0-12 556722 5371682 Guibord Twp. 8503 siliceous/cherty appearing bands 1- AFO-AQO 3% pyrite. Silica

. ... Pale buff, silicalcherty altered felsic

nil 0-12 556721 5371682 GuibOrd Twp 8804 intrusive? ROCk Is so ankerite and ACO-AQO-IFO Ankerite-Silica silica blasted thai identification is

difficult, 1-3% pvrite. -Green earb altered rock. 5 to 2% 0.09 [).12 556719 5371681 GuibordTwp 6605 pyrite .. AFO Fuchsite-Ankerite

i Contact zone. Sample is half green

0.01 [).12 556721 5371685 . Guibord Twp. 8606 earb altered rock and haW brick red,

AFO-ISO Fuchs~e-Ankerite-

hemitile and syenittzed porptlY'Y. 5- Syenite-Hematite. 8% pyrite. - ....

I Green earb altered rock-syenitized Fuchsite-Ankerite-0.02 0-12 556721 5371665 Guibord Twp 8607 teldspar porphylY. 5-8% pyrite AFO-JSO Syenite-HemalIte

Page 14: STRIPPING RPT GUIBORD TWP - Ontario...Claims 14650, 146 1, 15483 and 15484 in Guibord Township, Caman Block, can be access by provincia highway 101 east of Matheson, Ontario. Approximately



I Initial prospecting and sampling 500 to 1000 meters east of previous drilling on the Caman gold zone ~evealed several angular, pervasively ankerite and fuchsite altered boulders with pyrite. Sample 5074 returned 2.84 glt Au from a sheared ACG with trace to .5% pyrite. Followlup trenching/pitting, washing and sampling as discussed in this report revealed several arfas of highly altered ACG and rPF outcrops. Sample W8647 from trench/pit D-6 returned 2.09 g/t Au from a pale buff silicified IPF contact with an ACG unit. This is signifibant as this new mineralized area revealed similar lithology, alteration and gold mineraliz~tion as at the Caman gold zone possibly extending the zone to well over 900 meters in Istrike length. Therefore, it is rec~mmended that the 500 plus meters of ground between the Caman gold zone and the newlyl discovered gold zone to the east undergo prospecting and trench­sampling. As well, a program of detailed ground magnetic survey can be carried out in the area to back-upISAG's Airborne Magnetic Survey (2002). A follow up soil geochem sampling program rpay outline areas of coincident mag/soil anomalies. A modest drill program can be initiated where and when warranted.

I Respectfully Submi~ed,

Les I. Kovacs, P. Gelo For: St Andrew GOlr· fields Ltd. October 30, 2007

Page 15: STRIPPING RPT GUIBORD TWP - Ontario...Claims 14650, 146 1, 15483 and 15484 in Guibord Township, Caman Block, can be access by provincia highway 101 east of Matheson, Ontario. Approximately



Carrier l.A., 19841 Falconhridge Limiked, Garrison Creek Option, Report on work performed in 1984. Garrison and MicHaud Townships. Internal Company Report. 44p., 3 volumes.

I Der Weduwen J .MI., 1988 Falconhridge Limited. Report On The 1988 Diamond Drilling On The Caman Block, Guibord Townshipl. November 1988.

Manchuck B.. 197~ Summary Report or Garrison Creek Consolidated Mines Limited-A Review Michaud, Garrison land Guibord Townships. 20p. February 6, 1978.

Martin W.C., 19551 Summary Report o~ Garrison Creek Consolidated Mines Limited, Properties in the Lightning River arla. Michaud, Garrison and Guibord Townships. 6p. March yd, 1955.

Reid W., 2006 I S1. Andrew Goldfields Limited. Fourth Year Report-PlV -Coniagas Property. Garrison, Michaud & Guibord Townships. lV Report, May 15,2006


Page 16: STRIPPING RPT GUIBORD TWP - Ontario...Claims 14650, 146 1, 15483 and 15484 in Guibord Township, Caman Block, can be access by provincia highway 101 east of Matheson, Ontario. Approximately

12/65/20138 12:08 Reee i'ved 705316321357

Dec 5 200B 11:05am EXPLORATION PAGE 02/05

-\ \ DEC 5 2008 . \

December 05, 20+ ~~~~~~gM:II.SMIIN'r 1.

To: Jim MCAuley\ Geoscience Assessment Office, 933 Rarasey Lake Road, 3rd Floor, Sudbury, Ontario.

Fax: (877) 670-1555 I

RE; 45 Day Notic$ for Claim 1203440 Ouibord Twp., Txansaction Number W0880.02007 I.

i Dear Mr. MCAuley



As per our convers:ation on Dec 05, 2008 enclosed please find the update to the assessment report t:equested.

-The <nature oftheirocks and mineralization exposed' is explain in detail in the 2007 Fall Grab/Trenching Sa:\:np1e spreadsheet included in the assessment report as Figure S.


-The stripping and fenching was carried out by Olaf Zours Contracting (1452847 Ontario) ofSbil1in~on, Ontario. The two excavator operators hired by Mr. ZoW'S were Jean Guy Boutin ~ Christian Levesque of Shillington and Matheson, Ontario. The two excavators used we a Caterpillar Model 330 St and a Caterpillar Mode1320 L. Both excavators were ro bilized and de-mobilized by OlafZours. A total of 120 hours was spent on the CamMjProperty at $148.00 per hour of use per unit plus mob-de~mob costs.

I -Actual time spent dn the property by the two excavators was thirteen (13) days starting October 21.2007 tolNovember 01,2007 as seen in the enclosed spreadsheet. Each excavator worked approx 5 hoW'S (due to travel time, weather etc. .) for a total of.l 0 excavator hours per \day for a 12 day period totalling 120 hours. One (1) day was spent with maintenance arid breakdowns. The ux,rit cost was St48.00 per hour for a total of $17,760.00. A cost of $1092.00 was incurred for mob &. ~e-mobfor a total of$18, 852.00


-Prospecting and spdtting proposed trench/stripping sites was conducted from October 09,2007 to October 20,2007. This phase of the program was conducted by Dan Dunstan (12 days)~ Vince Ber~d (12 days). Eric Drum (3 days) and Jonathan Roy (4days). One (1) day was spent with compilation on the Caman property by Vince Berard.



I ! I

Page 17: STRIPPING RPT GUIBORD TWP - Ontario...Claims 14650, 146 1, 15483 and 15484 in Guibord Township, Caman Block, can be access by provincia highway 101 east of Matheson, Ontario. Approximately

12/05/2008 12:08 Received 7051632057



Dec 5 2008 11:05am EXPLORATION PAGE 03/06

-Daily trenching/bxcavator supervision was carried out by Dan Dunstan (9 days), Vince Berard (9 days), *ric Drum (8 days) <md Jonathan Roy (5 days),

-The daily log as ~ncloserl is an internal document for St Andrew Goldfields Ltd. (exploration dept.~ and includes the diamond drilling program conducted concurrently with the trenching/stripping program. Please disregard the daily activities of the drill program in Ganisbn Twp. The highlighted ~ea in the spreadsheet corresponds to the work carried out on the Caroan Property.

Respectfully SUbfitted,


Les Kovacs, P. G~o, Exploration Manager St Andrew Goldfields Ltd.


Page 18: STRIPPING RPT GUIBORD TWP - Ontario...Claims 14650, 146 1, 15483 and 15484 in Guibord Township, Caman Block, can be access by provincia highway 101 east of Matheson, Ontario. Approximately

Dale Dioccvery DrilitlQ & E.>P(oraton 09nIe/ E. Duns/an Vi~ce Ber,,", Eric Drouh Contrador S1al!' Geo TI><. &. foeld m&rl Slat! D:aIt:!man al'd Ilad flliin

1510612007 16l06l2007 17/0612.007 16./0612007 Fldd lour at P N Garrisoo prop. wa1< on Mag ~ Gamsa-. CI ... k J 910612007 Flak! twe of P JV Garrison prop. lIll4 ,..,1llr1c drllilg ~ compiallon 20l06I2007 Field Ioor 0( PJV G...n.on prop. wor. on Mao map GarOOcn C.-eeII

'l2J06I2OO7 Hold 1016 01 PN Gam""" ~rop. wa\ OIl Mig map GoniIiClO C",e!<

Z5IOtlI2lXJ7 ReINe da(a or Gmtson CT8sk wa1< on Mag map Garmon C_k 'l6ION2J)07 R.ewe dafG of <><IITison CT8e~ and hislonc drlllrWj map compl~on 271C612JXJ7 RevlJ8 da14 Of GarT'6on creelc. wor1<: on M~Q map Gamson Creek 26106l.l007 'SjXlI ,U hole GG07-16 ' [SOUl drtlhole GC07-t5

e '" LD

ZQlQ&(l007 $\X>I <*11 hole GC07-16 of\' 30106flO07 011 atr

C> 00 100 ~

a2.I0712OOT t.\ob m GC07-11lA off olI

co C> C> N

fW0712«17 dr1I11~,GCI1I-I!IA monlordrlll end t-G\'Qctc drilirg rMP <X>mpl\a1.on &eI Ii> c:ort> ~ rot GC holes ~/'lOO7 dnlLhQ GOO/-lIlA Reyue data of GarrE>M ~ wor1< on M&!i map l..lic6:o/t: flI?( -", 001'& rac~ rOO' GC holeS


U Z ., 0

0 H r-<I 0:::

07!ffl12OO7 dr1~a Ge07-IM 011 011' 011 O6KI712007 ~g Ge07 1M off olI cAl 0910712007 <tiI1r\iGC01-IGA mon~or~1 ~ G(;{)7-17 WOI\( on Lfacr ml\O Coman prop_ set iJi) octo raci, (orGC h<U!6 10ItI7nQol sbendon Hcle R81Ne dala of Ludgale Prl>!'. and />Wale drlllna map OMIpUaIOn oI!

0 ..J 12/ol/?fX11 Uob 10 GC07-15 mUllfor drl' & rewe dills IUCIlI* PfOI' and Iis1t¥lc drt tig rniii complBfon 011' Il. X W

13.trT/'l1:1J7 drllli1g GC07-15 mUli1Pc" <*iI & rvwe dsJ. Ulga'" prap """~ on Mag map C.man prop. 011' 1«r71'l1YJ7 dria.g GC07-1S off 011 O![

15!ff1/2007 d~!l..GC07-(5 off oIf 011

18/07/2007 drll~ GOO7-15 Inn mUll"" drU and QenIr.II ioQ 0( Ge07- ( Mag SUI and phOO>'s """ \\'Or\< an CI.tIloa mIa lelUD 19mf?JJJ7 drillllg GC07-IS r ~ 1m mmilor ct1\ ""d gerentllog '" Ge07-1 Wa1< on PN dola ~r1I an C<IDla aru seluo-

'Wf17f?JJJ7 drillitg GC07-15 ~ hole Ge07-le Mao 'a.e and choto's core WI COrl! GC07-15 z4J0112OO7 dri~g GC07-15 Monitor driU Pf0<5~1\l Ludaar.. · !Maa!<lS ald D/ta1D'$ oore wi an GC07-H 'l5I07121XJ7 drilng GC07-15 312m MonlWf dAr DroGDeGIro Ludoale Maa >us .. d cOOID', OO(e cui an ~7-15 2810712007 Mob MMiID< d11 ~04 w007- 1 SD01 LUDU1-I& Clnd wa/.,.rordrtll SDat LlID07-l& 1ild ..... er furdriW 27/o71'JlYJ7 d111~GC07-11!16m Menlor d111.po( lU007-2 SDcI LUD07-(&.md ..... "... fIX dri' SpoHUDOI-I& fnd ..... 1.' lor driJ

I'--LO ~f'1IJJ7 ctnlltlg GG07·17 136m off cAl "" ~ N

-0 (T) (l) LD :>

(T) (l) U1 u ~ .,

a:: I'--

2J/07/'JfJIJ7 drtlng Ge07-17 (ellll atr orr of(

:JIJI0712D07 drtlflg OC07-17 PJV dalJl Fleldwtl'k LUD07-J Mao IUS and d\ato, Da"8 OJ! an GC071S :1110712007 atllrQ GC07-11 132m ~r drill 3P", l.\JOO7-3 M~Q SUI and DhoWs COOl cui ccno Gea7·IS OfJOenOO7 d1111"cl GCtYT-1l 292m I>trlor dill _DOl WOOl-4 PN da!& Field...,..,. WOO7~ raid W1)1k LUD07-4 ~11M>O 10 GC-I8A Mo~lo.-driI ""'" LUD07-4 PNdata FIE*!"""; Woo7", Field"""'" LUD07-4 03i06I2007 dr«ng GC01-leA Monitor drl wo1 LUCX>7-5 PN data F"JeId worI< UJD07-5 Field WO<1< LU007-~ (W()8I2007 drilnO (}C07 - 18.A oI! atr 011 0MJlll'2007 dlflll\'J Gt::n1-1BA OIl cd'I 0/1



0&tI8t1007 dillno GC07-1BA f]ff ell off rr110812OO7 diltlo GC07-IBA MDrill>< d,. & g6l'llK1l1 log hole !1 oft wi oore Ge07-17 ..

N ceI06J21J(J7 dlilna GC07.leA Mofl'lx>r drll & g_ral JDo hole 17 011' wI COle GC07- 17


(D ~ ~ N "-LO ~ "-N rl

CooIradO' I eo", sJ!lltter


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CD c;:) c:::;) c--.4



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a u C Ii W '\ (!J

Page 19: STRIPPING RPT GUIBORD TWP - Ontario...Claims 14650, 146 1, 15483 and 15484 in Guibord Township, Caman Block, can be access by provincia highway 101 east of Matheson, Ontario. Approximately


'" CD o

lD ID "-LD (S)

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Z 0 H f-<l Q:: 0 ...J 0.. X W

I"-LD (S)

N (Y)

lD (Y) LD (S) ,


CD ID ., N

C9I08l2oo7 Mob back to lIlA 10l08.I2007 I"" II c.asing t SA 1 I IOIIJ2OO 1 ull e&lng lIlA 12l08l2007 DemDt> I 'JJ06I"l!JUT moO III GC<>7- IB I~JU6I'1OO 7 d';.,o Gear-16 (6002007 ItiIntl OC07-18 tMlB12oo7 HngGC07-18 106m 1710812007 dItIlng GC07-IB tBJ0812oo7 dI1I1lng GCX>7-1 B

1810812001 drilllf1!i GC07-18 20l08I2007 drttl~ GC07"18 300m 2(10&'2007 ()e mob

22fOII/'2oo 1 Mob XlIQ8J2OO1 dntli!g GCO]-20 S6m

W08I1OO1 drilll1g Ge07 -20 'IM:N2C07 drilhg GC07·20 a;.tIJ8.I2OO 1 <1>.ng GCQ7-20 271QJ12OO7 <Hing GOO7·20 2I1t'aII7OO7 dng GC07-2D 2MNlJXJ7 dIiIlng GC01-20

r-aliIl6I'ZOO1 -31JC812oo7 di1l11na GC01-20 300m O1J09n007 mob GC07-111A 02/09/2007 10 wei abandon hole 00I00I2007 De mob 0W9J2007 DR "",b O6IOBI2OO1 Mob GCC1-19 OI!/OQ/2007 .... "gGC()7-1I1 01ID9f2(X)7 ot11lng GOO7-19 /lQ(l

O'109f2OO7 drlilng Ge07-IS ~7 drilllDg GC07-19 t0r'00l2007 drllllrQ Ge07-IQ 11~07 drill~ Ge07-IQ 12JOO.I2007 drill~g GCOr·19 IlIOOI2OO7 drilill1 ceo 1- 19 IWQI2oo1 drWIng GCC7-19 \ 6/IlQl2()() 1 HnIlGCcr7-19 lM>MOO7 ctl11l1'Q Ge07- 19 17 JCtN'ifX) 7 0.. rndl 18IOO/2IJ07 l>Iob IflIOflI2OO7 Mob 2~1lI'2007 d1Iin!l GC07- IS 2 (/()g/2\)()7 d1111~ OC07-IS wcmn007 d1IIirlQ OC07·16 z:I/OQ{Z001 drili'lg GC01-11l 2U09J7.W1 dtalil GC()7·!I! 79m 2Ml1l12rxt7 drlUl1l<,/ GC07 ·16 12811'1 261fJW2007 drllllrQ Ge07· Ie 160m 27J(»(lOO7 ci1111ng GCQ7· 1 e 231m 2JJOOI2007 drillng G001· 16 ~1 d,."O GC07-16 3(I/D 9I'JfXf7 d.-tng GC07· la 01/Hl12C07 <i'i1ll1lG Ge07-16 300m aa'IMOO7 De mob 03110/'2007 III:>b f)4/ 1012001 d"H! GCC1·2 t 0t!iI10J2fXJ7 drllna GC07·21 5!m 06I10/'l0C1T drilling GC07-.21 102m OlllMrxt7 IilllirQ GC07·21

M<>nitlJ( drill & ~eraJ lOll ~ 17 Monilt>r drill & gene,aI log r-xe 17 0/(

off Monlh" ~ II.,.po( h<* GCX>7-19 ' !.Ia'llteo' $ill I!. 51>01 ~ GC07-1O Moni[or drill to. data OQII1P, 011 off off 011' off 011', all 011 011 011 off M:lI'IJ 0 r dr1I Mcn1orcd' & genelOl bg hOle II! Mcrri~ ttfI I!. general 100 hole 1ft

" MCil ~ 111'111 110 II8Ilw.Jlloo halo 18 Malilt>r drill &. ~llog h<* 18 011 on afI ~(~ &. ..-d\!or tl.-\oric DOH Monller Oil & se.ott:h tor hluoric DOH Monlklr <tiI ,1!. w!8rt:b lor hllllorlc. DOH Monltc( <till &. '&arch lor ~iJl<rt: DOH 0/1 0/1 McriIor drt) &. gelle""lc!l ""'~ 19 Mo:>rMol ct'I &. gene"" k)Q hole 19 ModIQ- cHr &. ae~11oQ hole 19 MonJla ~I &. oe_all<>Q hole 19 Monlfcr cti11 &. iI"fl6I"Illog hole 19 01\ 01'1 MonllQ/'dril &. IaIk 10 Goo MonitlJ( ddn & tllk LD Geo Mooltor d111 &. talk. Ie (;eo

Mcfjor dliI &. I" 10 Geo Mon"fol d .. &. ~I~ 10 Gee oft' oIf /Ir\crllIorct1land ~ hole GOaT-I 6 IItor1I or ddt and' .pOl """ GC07~1 Mon1or dr11 ~ ilio!!¥>Ie GC07~ Mo~toc dritl a'ld colTllJlle dole PJV MariIDf mill and OOOlPJe tW. P.N aI'I oft' Monter drJl and compile dais PJV t.rIorYlcr dol and e<>mpl1e d8l~ PN ManiIDr alII and oomple ddA P.N IIbrloraii ar.doom~e cWa PN 1Ib1Jordr1l axl c:cmpie data PJV all' oIf

aff cuI oore Ge07-17 ,2 ott cut t<>re GeO? - I 1 -011 on on off IMllI sus 3..:1 ~ oore cc.c OO(e GC07-17 l>Iog.lIS and pOOI.ds core aX an GC07-17 Mag illS a"ld photo'. cQre wI <Xlnl GC07- [~ Pic. \jp C<:<'e ou! ClOre GC07-IS

PIC '" 00('8 wI core GC07-16 I-011 off C Z I oI'! 0/1 " W Plcup C<re ~ $UJ ...-.d Pi'o1o'. 00",

iJiJ ~ Plcup C(71! I Moll $ ~ ...-.d pIIoID' 6 0011> W Pic up C<rll off

' \ , ~ Ii»

Pic up oq-e orr :> <:::) w Pro up oare at!'

c:::> "W C"--I 011' 011 II!!I:im t~ 0 ott 01\ W

.n <t. :-Enler ddh d:J!4 cut (Dre GC07-IS ....... wit E!1~1 ddh 6a1a cui oore GOO7-IB

~ ~O ~!JlEr dJlb.dal.a U

Cclman Mlp Camp, c.A are Gro7-IS W W !Aman Map Camp. CJ.J. a .... GC07-18 0 -off' at!


all olI m 011 01\ 0 iMaa sus , roal~s 00<1> to. <lata EtrtrY • et UD r.odls W fMOgs", '" Ph0101s rore 6 0I!tI -.riIN- Mow 0<n!Q lleld t3 MSa-'us & I>M(~'s oore &. dsla enIrv wi ~ rack< Mag 6115 " I>fx>(o'. co,e " d;r1a ~rv l,..,lIf n"", wn.r line 10 9ZH

at! off 011' at!

8QAU.6. OlD's Otn! &. ctalA enlN .,ru. new tan iItIIlU. ,. oID'. en,. &. cta'- eortN ~sti1 r.H hill l1li0""& ald. ooce &. data ontJy Instil """" fan ;1Q 'us to P 'AD'. COfe &. data onIry CJJI oore GC07- IS

MIg "lIS &. phOla'$ role &. daia entry cvi (»Ie GC07-IS at! off o1T off $(a"!

IMIi:1 s u. 6 Ptlol1l' & OOIB to <iIt!I Mirv cuI core M!a.~ &.ilhol.'. 001 .. &. data enrv cut core Lowed GCD7-18 Meg SillS to pholo's core &. do o"'ry ad cae LO!I!l'eQ GOJ7-20 hlaoo SUi &. t:I1Otrts CCr'e &. dl!ii ertry iiillcae Loaaed GC07-tO J.Iag iUS &. J>hotds core & dati I!r1I7Y cut em> ~"" daU! an GaItison cn!<!k o(! 011 re~ dMa on Garm.ao """,k aft off lOOlll'ld Ge07 -\ 1 Maa "'. & ~'s GO,. & dt<a entrY OUI cae f1O\f\Ie .r.rtJ on Gll'T1scn cneI< Mea IUJ' &. ctlotrts ~ &. dll.a ertN oul6cr& -r1IIfUO dsta OIl Gonison Cf'OBk

Mall sus &. p/'la1d. oc.-e & do"" tIltry cui c.cn> reYUD dala on Gatriso.n mek MIa Suo t. Dhalo'. oore & doIa onlry <vi acre rewe d;R on Garr'isoo <"..,1< Moa sus &. pholc'. COIY ~ dilla entry otJ. ocre looOed Ge07-IS aff off LODIloo GCo7-16 011 odf :LoJe.j Gal7-16 'MOil. u. & '*' oto 's ooro 6 dab! enlrY cvl C<ln! £nl..-da1a 'MAQ-JUS &. Photo .. oon & dati entry cui 0C('Il LoQa,.j GC01- IS MIa lUI & pholc'. <Xl"' &. data en1Jy ruS ocre reW'e ~ to Garrioorl c ...... k Mag illS & p~ core & dab entry cu(~ t'e'l\l. rtala on Gamsan a ... k M'I!! "'. I!. l'tIor:c's 001. &. data on/ry out con> rewe dati OIl GM1O<ln ~ 01'1 odf !VII'" dabo ()(\ Gwri.on cre&k o(! on 011

Page 20: STRIPPING RPT GUIBORD TWP - Ontario...Claims 14650, 146 1, 15483 and 15484 in Guibord Township, Caman Block, can be access by provincia highway 101 east of Matheson, Ontario. Approximately


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08110/2007 dtilng GC07-2 I OOll0{2C07 <*iI1~ GC()7-21 1 OJ 1 OI:!(X) 7 ctillirg GC07-21 11110/2007 drlilim GC01-21 1211012007 drillh<l GC07-2 f 11IIor.!OO1 drillilll OC07-21 \411012007 dri~g GC07·2 I 1511012001 d~ng GC07·21 11lI1012007 drCng GOO7-21 17I1U12OO7 allng GC07-21 1811 ClI2OO7 dlfl\\ Gca7-21 1911Q12OO7 c!riIlI~ GC07-21 2011012007 drilllrg GC07 -21 21lfMOO7 drlUk-g GC07-21 2211012007 De mol> 2:111012007 Mob GCC7-26 NJlMOO7 dnlihg GC<77·26 251IM007 drillna GC07·26 2811012007 dr\lng GOO7 ·26 2711012007 dl«n~ GC07-26 2811012007 drlina GC07-2e


3011012007 ,*"Ung GC07-26 31110120<17 dlillrQ GC07-2e Off11flC07 drilling GC07-26 0i1lffJ2007 0011 f f'lIYJ 7 OCIf fl2C07 ~lInoo7 OOI( (12007 r:fIlIlJ:1007 (J8f11J2007 0911112007 101'1112007 Iffl112007 1211 t(2007 1311112007 1t1111'1007 1511112007 let 1112007 lUI 112001 1aIlfno:l7 19111/'2007 2011112007 21111nOO7 2211112007 2.3Il1/?{j;)7 WII1'JOO7 25ff 112!J07 2eJ11J2IlO7 27(1112D07 2811112007 2911112007 lClIIIIl007 0111212007

M>nilo!- dnl ;ncf v.cO; on da/a Caman M~p Comp. 153m ft>< ... pe~g Gam,," and monllDr drill n>6pec1lrg CAmWl end PN dale ... 2()4m Ip,,,,,pe<1ing Caman and monHnr drill p-o,;pe<;\lrg Caman and PN deUi

ro<spec1!f/;I Caman and monHcr driM ,,",lpecfng Camen and PN data p"""*,,lrg C3"'-l and morilct dOl pro~e,*,g C..,an ...,d PN drIIa prospec(lrg Ceman aoo mo""'" ~ pro.p&alng C..nan at'ld PJV dab. prowe«ilQ Caman and m<nl,,...t1Il pro<ped!nll Caman lI\d PN dala Spollrencl'lng SMS ..,d pic .., COle Spo( Ifenmlng oil ... and PN dill.

250m Spo1 l_caIng sh. and pic uP oore Spolllendling >lIes and PN dBi. ISIX)( 1n!'1<i1in" SIlo. and pb UP core Spollren<:t1lng .1",," and PN dito ¥ lrnl<ilir>!/. W;s and ~ Ill'. core L~ I1eOctlIrQ .IIIM iIIId PN db SI>O( """,*,Irg .. IllS and ~c IJj> co", ISpoi ""rch~ • lies ..,d PJV dati. Sj>O\ Ininch~ ." ... andl!c up co'" l~ U1:rx:IYl~ de> .,d P JV da'"

300m Tn>I\ctli>g c.nsn .JlrDp. Pick IIP_ C<;f'e Trend1l~ Camanprnfl. \'IIat on ~ Tf1!fIc~ C_ prop. PI'*. up OC(e Trendllrg Gam8~. YItrt ""datil TfWlch'rg C.."..., l)I'lp. Pidt up <>ore Trenchlf'Q Camanprq>. 'I\IorI< on I!ala T Imming Caman prop. PId< upclJre Trencnifll Ceman prop. I'>b(k on da1

50m TI'nchinll Caman plQP. Pick up rnre Ir.rchln~ Caman pn>p. >nOll< on <HI 101m T,.ndllng Caman J1'QP. f'icl<_l4' DOre Trenctlllg c.fIIiIIl prop. 1Mlr1< on dII

Tlendling Caman~. Picl< -",-core Trenc'*'.Jj C411I\Qfl prop. \M:>f1( on daJ Trenchlna Camon mJ<I (ck - rt-1lI'fi

-1S2m Trenctlklg Caman p"'p. Pick ~ cae T rencling Camrw1 J!OI'- IM>f k Cf1 daj. ZOJm 1M>r1< 00 P N cala Wat en P N da!a ..

Wak on PN data Wa1< on PN <!ala 2~m WC1'k on PN da\,. Wrn. on P N dala

Wort M PN da(a WOO< on PJV r:ata W«1< on P JV dal.a Wo<l< on P JV mta off off' off elf

cui""", <>if ,- 3 wi 00<ll ,p/f

ros pecting CAI!\Ml ;ncf P N datll ~ ~protpo<:1lng ~ao 100 P JY data til" I p(tJ3peollng c..nQll and P JII daI<I I!I! off "011 off oil . Co~ saMf'Q.blJgal '.vep.plc up wi cere 0/1 I pf06pooc1 Camut"ll wi oore Enlff dIffiI lp,oqled Caman j l- !I cui <01'11 Loaged GC07- lA & GOl1-tl I pro~Caman

t~~ 2 , CAA co", LOIl9&d GC07-H & GC07-% f Il'(o_cf~man Ull ? ctJ( core L<>gged GC07-U to. GC07~1 1B~1e drop oft e~ .

Lr a ~ 011 l,.og~ GC07-24 6. GCa7·21 Ca-e 'iJIIoInQ.b<lainLP'''P.plc l.(l ,w 011 l"91jOld GOl1-2~ & GC07-21 sal1\jl6<> drop oWed. ! ~,

CCl l:t.1J Trerc hing Ca m., Qrn9. L~ GC07-24 6. GC07-21 I n!'1d1 Ounan pfD\lll I ,,~ C3 'U 1'rerdllrq Calnan proP. logged GO>7-24 IAndl Caman ~. ~/Y C3

;~ ~ r--oi! Trerdllrg Ca-nm prop . L.oog ed GC07-24 ftulch Carn.n~. B!'= ~~ ~ ' Trerdlirg C~mn prop. ,"",w d'lta on o.rlocn creel< If""'*' Oam.njlr-"P~ rn '.0 qt !

T ",nchl"li CaINn P"'P. !'eY12 data on Goorri!><n c.retk Ir1ln::tl Caman_profI, oil ~.Ji.Gc.a.n6. ~ a LOllged GC07-2S Cae sawng.t>agjJi'\a.prep.pic ~ 0 U On

Tlm:tY1g Caman plop . ... lOlJged GC 0]-16 &ample drop oft' ed. W W Tlen:Hng Carnal prop. • lo<JfI"d GC07-26 CCC& l..w.g.b"!Jging .I'(ep.pic up 0 0 Tren::hJO\I Cam<Wl ~p . .. . L099O<I GC07-2$ tamp" drop 011 ed.. wi COAl - Logged GC07-26 Cere • ...mg.bagglngJll""P.(lt: up fl) !

OJ! core Logged GC07-26 .. mpr. drop 0\1 eel . 0 cui oore ~ged GCa7-26 C<n .... f'Q.bagglrg,proppic u~ III otf Logged GC07·26 $8rrpe drop 011 eel. 0 011 Logg&d GC07·2I\ C«e s.NIrg.,baggng.p~J>ic .., cui oore logged GCO?·28 sample <7op ol( eol. QJloo", lOlJ(1OO GC07 28 Core sawn '.plc UJ>. w[oo'" logaed GC07-26 sample <rop 011 ed. rul.".... L~ GC07-2!! Core ~""'nQ.b'IQglr,g .pre\l.pc Uj>

OJ! CD& lO9!l"d GC07-26 .ample <top oIIlOd. Logged 0c07-26 Core "''''f'III.baggll'Q.prEPPic lI' Logged 00>7-28 l"llged GG07·26 Logged GC07-26


Page 21: STRIPPING RPT GUIBORD TWP - Ontario...Claims 14650, 146 1, 15483 and 15484 in Guibord Township, Caman Block, can be access by provincia highway 101 east of Matheson, Ontario. Approximately


APPENDIX 1. 1:4do Scale TrenchIPit and Sample Location Map.


Page 22: STRIPPING RPT GUIBORD TWP - Ontario...Claims 14650, 146 1, 15483 and 15484 in Guibord Township, Caman Block, can be access by provincia highway 101 east of Matheson, Ontario. Approximately

APPENDIX 2: Trench/Pit Sketches and Pictures.

Page 23: STRIPPING RPT GUIBORD TWP - Ontario...Claims 14650, 146 1, 15483 and 15484 in Guibord Township, Caman Block, can be access by provincia highway 101 east of Matheson, Ontario. Approximately

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Page 26: STRIPPING RPT GUIBORD TWP - Ontario...Claims 14650, 146 1, 15483 and 15484 in Guibord Township, Caman Block, can be access by provincia highway 101 east of Matheson, Ontario. Approximately

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Page 27: STRIPPING RPT GUIBORD TWP - Ontario...Claims 14650, 146 1, 15483 and 15484 in Guibord Township, Caman Block, can be access by provincia highway 101 east of Matheson, Ontario. Approximately

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Page 28: STRIPPING RPT GUIBORD TWP - Ontario...Claims 14650, 146 1, 15483 and 15484 in Guibord Township, Caman Block, can be access by provincia highway 101 east of Matheson, Ontario. Approximately
Page 29: STRIPPING RPT GUIBORD TWP - Ontario...Claims 14650, 146 1, 15483 and 15484 in Guibord Township, Caman Block, can be access by provincia highway 101 east of Matheson, Ontario. Approximately

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Page 30: STRIPPING RPT GUIBORD TWP - Ontario...Claims 14650, 146 1, 15483 and 15484 in Guibord Township, Caman Block, can be access by provincia highway 101 east of Matheson, Ontario. Approximately



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Page 31: STRIPPING RPT GUIBORD TWP - Ontario...Claims 14650, 146 1, 15483 and 15484 in Guibord Township, Caman Block, can be access by provincia highway 101 east of Matheson, Ontario. Approximately
Page 32: STRIPPING RPT GUIBORD TWP - Ontario...Claims 14650, 146 1, 15483 and 15484 in Guibord Township, Caman Block, can be access by provincia highway 101 east of Matheson, Ontario. Approximately


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Page 33: STRIPPING RPT GUIBORD TWP - Ontario...Claims 14650, 146 1, 15483 and 15484 in Guibord Township, Caman Block, can be access by provincia highway 101 east of Matheson, Ontario. Approximately

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Page 34: STRIPPING RPT GUIBORD TWP - Ontario...Claims 14650, 146 1, 15483 and 15484 in Guibord Township, Caman Block, can be access by provincia highway 101 east of Matheson, Ontario. Approximately

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Page 35: STRIPPING RPT GUIBORD TWP - Ontario...Claims 14650, 146 1, 15483 and 15484 in Guibord Township, Caman Block, can be access by provincia highway 101 east of Matheson, Ontario. Approximately

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Page 36: STRIPPING RPT GUIBORD TWP - Ontario...Claims 14650, 146 1, 15483 and 15484 in Guibord Township, Caman Block, can be access by provincia highway 101 east of Matheson, Ontario. Approximately



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Page 37: STRIPPING RPT GUIBORD TWP - Ontario...Claims 14650, 146 1, 15483 and 15484 in Guibord Township, Caman Block, can be access by provincia highway 101 east of Matheson, Ontario. Approximately

APPENDIX 3. Assay Certificates.

Page 38: STRIPPING RPT GUIBORD TWP - Ontario...Claims 14650, 146 1, 15483 and 15484 in Guibord Township, Caman Block, can be access by provincia highway 101 east of Matheson, Ontario. Approximately

Quality Analysis '" Innovative Technologies

St. Andrew Goldfields L Tb Suite 212 - 1540 CornwalllRoad Oakville ON L6J 7W5 I Canada

I A TTN: Michael Michaud I


Date Submitted: 10"Oct"07

Invoice No.: A07-4919

Invoice Date: 29-0ct-07

Your Reference: CARMAN PROSP


14 RocK samples were subrritted for analysis.

The following analytical pac~age was requested' COde 1(.\.2 Au .. Fire Assay AA

REPORT A07-4919

This report may be reproduced WI~hout our consent. If only selected portions of the report are reproduced, permIssion must be obtained. If no inslructio~s were given at lime of sample submittal regarding excess material. it will be discarded within 90 days of thiS rtjpon. OUf liablilly IS limIted solely to t1e analytical cost of these analyses Test results are representative only of material submitted for analysis

I Notes: .. I If value exceeds upDer 11011\ we rermmend reassay by tire assay gravimetric-Code 1A3



Eric Hoffman. Ph.D

Pres!dent'General Manager

Page 39: STRIPPING RPT GUIBORD TWP - Ontario...Claims 14650, 146 1, 15483 and 15484 in Guibord Township, Caman Block, can be access by provincia highway 101 east of Matheson, Ontario. Approximately

Analyle Symbol

Unit Symbol

:Detection Limit

An"Iy.~i$ Method









.. , :;

Activation Laboratories Ltd. Report: A07-4919

Page 2 of 3

Page 40: STRIPPING RPT GUIBORD TWP - Ontario...Claims 14650, 146 1, 15483 and 15484 in Guibord Township, Caman Block, can be access by provincia highway 101 east of Matheson, Ontario. Approximately

'Quality Control

A"~Jyte Symbol

Unit Symbol f;pb

'Oeter.tlOfl LimH

A!~aly5jSi Mefhod

M:-;.t; 1jlO





~"h,1tv;c MnH",·,'-'


Activation Laboratories Ltd. Report: A07-4919

3 of 3

Page 41: STRIPPING RPT GUIBORD TWP - Ontario...Claims 14650, 146 1, 15483 and 15484 in Guibord Township, Caman Block, can be access by provincia highway 101 east of Matheson, Ontario. Approximately

Swastika Laboratories Ltd ,\ssaYIll,ll - Consulting '. Repn:s(;ntatioH

Assay Certificate

ST. A:"lDRE\" GOLDFIELDS L Tn Pnljeci Frencl1 Caman Ann :\1 Michaud

We hereby certify the following A ,>say of 32 Rock samples submitted OCT-2S-07 by .

Sample Number

\\R8626 \\R8627 V\R8628 WR8629 \\R863 0

\\R863I \\R8632 \\R8633 \\R8634 \\R8635 rill 1 r eC • d

\R8636 " \\R8637

\\R8638 \\R863l) \\R8640

\\R8641 \\R8642 \\R864,J V\R8644 V\R8645

\\R864(. \\R8647

5083 5084 5085 5086 smn 5088 5089 5090

Au Au Check

Ni I 0.02 'ii I

0.17 ;,\i I

\J i I :\i I :\i !


0,10 ~i i ?\ i I Kil


Kil Ni I

0.09 0.19 0,30

0.38 2.09 :\' i I !\i J


0,01 0,04 0,02 0.06 0.28


Ni I



1 Carueron Ave,. P.O, Box 10. Swastika, Ontari0 POK ITO Telephone (iOS) 642-32·l4 Fax (705') 6,12-3300

Page 1 of 2


Dat. OCT-29-U7

Page 42: STRIPPING RPT GUIBORD TWP - Ontario...Claims 14650, 146 1, 15483 and 15484 in Guibord Township, Caman Block, can be access by provincia highway 101 east of Matheson, Ontario. Approximately

Swastika Laboratories Ltd Assaying - COllSuJtinl2 - Representation

Assay Certificat~


;\([lI :

French Caman ~'L l'vlichaud

We hereby certify,: the following Assay of 32 Rock samples suhmitted OCT -25-07 hy .

S;UllP le "!ud,;: r

509l 5092 5093

BI ank SCID OxK48

Au Au 0.1 ~ ck g! t unne

0.01 0.05 0.13


g/ tunnt;;

1 ('amcnm Ave., P.O. Box 10, Swastika, Ontario POI( ! !'U Telephone (705) 642-3244 Fax (705) 642-3300

Page 2 of 2


Page 43: STRIPPING RPT GUIBORD TWP - Ontario...Claims 14650, 146 1, 15483 and 15484 in Guibord Township, Caman Block, can be access by provincia highway 101 east of Matheson, Ontario. Approximately

Swastika Laboratories Ltd I I I.

Assaying .. Consulting Rcprescmation

~ssaJ' Certificate 1

! C:llIlP,IlP,; ST. ANDREYV G<+>LDFIELDS LTD PrO/eCI Caman Trenching :\[[n: M Michaud

We f!f!relJy cerr(fy the following Assay of 7 Grah sample:-submitted OCT -26-07 by :

Sample :'-JUiTlhc r

860J 8602 8603 8604 8005

8606 8607

1 Au All Chei.:k gl~\)nn<;, gitonn-c

1 - -Nil

:0.03 0.02 i Nil I

: :\i I :0.09 0.10

--1------ -

:0.01 b.02

Cel1if/ed hv

! Cdmcron AVI:., PO Box 10. Swastika, Ontano POK 1 TO 'lielephone (705) 642·3244 Fax (705, 642-3300


Daie' OCT-29-07
