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Structural Complexity Enhancement increases fungal species richness in northern hardwood forests Nicholas C. DOVE a,1 , William S. KEETON a,b, * a Rubenstein School of Environment and Natural Resources, University of Vermont, Burlington, VT 05405, USA b Gund Institute for Ecological Economics, University of Vermont, Burlington, VT 05405, USA article info Article history: Received 27 April 2014 Revision received 17 September 2014 Accepted 25 September 2014 Available online Corresponding editor: Jacob Heilmann-Clausen Keywords: Biodiversity Coarse woody debris Fungi Northern hardwood forests Structural Complexity Enhancement abstract Forest management practices directly influence microhabitat characteristics important to the survival of fungi. Because fungal populations perform key ecological processes, there is interest in forestry practices that minimize deleterious effects on their habitats. We investigated the effects on fungal sporocarp diversity of modified uneven-aged forest management practices in northern hardwood ecosystems, including a technique called Structural Complexity Enhancement (SCE). SCE is designed to accelerate late-successional stand development; it was compared against two conventional selection systems (single tree and group) and unmanipulated controls. These were applied in a randomized block design to a mature, multi-aged forest in Vermont, USA. Eight years after treatment, fungal species richness was significantly greater in SCE plots compared to conventional selection harvests and controls ( p < 0.001). Seven forest structure variables were tested for their influence on fungal species richness using a Classification and Regression Tree. The results suggested that dead tree and downed log recruitment, as well as maintenance of high levels of aboveground biomass, under SCE had a particularly strong effect on fungal diversity. Our findings show it is possible to increase fungal diversity using forestry practices that enhance stand structural complexity and late-successional forest characteristics. ª 2014 Elsevier Ltd and The British Mycological Society. All rights reserved. Introduction Forest management practices directly influence microhabitat characteristics important to the survival of fungi (Bader et al., 1995; Heilmann-Clausen and Christensen, 2003; Jones et al., 2003; Martius et al., 2004; Kranabetter et al., 2005). Charac- teristics important for fungal survival include soil compaction (Ballard, 2000; Pilz and Molina, 2002), litter and downed coarse woody debris (DCWD) accumulation (Siitonen, 2001; Nord en et al., 2004; Lindner et al., 2006; Lonsdale et al., 2008; Muller and Butler, 2010), changes in soil chemistry (Keizer and Arnolds, 1994; Durall et al., 2006), and canopy closure, which affects soil temperature, mois- ture, and DCWD respiration (Ballard, 2000; Straatsma et al., * Corresponding author. Rubenstein School of Environment and Natural Resources, University of Vermont, Burlington, VT 05405, USA. Tel.: þ1 802 656 2518. E-mail addresses: [email protected] (N.C. Dove), [email protected] (W.S. Keeton). 1 Tel.: þ1 508 277 5039. available at www.sciencedirect.com ScienceDirect journal homepage: www.elsevier.com/locate/funeco http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.funeco.2014.09.009 1754-5048/ª 2014 Elsevier Ltd and The British Mycological Society. All rights reserved. fungal ecology 13 (2015) 181 e192
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    Structural Complexity Enhancement increasesfungal species richness in northern hardwoodforests

    Nicholas C. DOVEa,1, William S. KEETONa,b,*aRubenstein School of Environment and Natural Resources, University of Vermont, Burlington, VT 05405, USAbGund Institute for Ecological Economics, University of Vermont, Burlington, VT 05405, USA

    a r t i c l e i n f o

    Article history:

    Received 27 April 2014

    Revision received 17 September 2014

    Accepted 25 September 2014

    Available online

    Corresponding editor:

    Jacob Heilmann-Clausen



    Coarse woody debris


    Northern hardwood forests

    Structural Complexity


    * Corresponding author. Rubenstein School oTel.: þ1 802 656 2518.

    E-mail addresses: [email protected] Tel.: þ1 508 277 5039.

    http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.funeco.2014.09.0091754-5048/ª 2014 Elsevier Ltd and The Britis

    a b s t r a c t

    Forest management practices directly influence microhabitat characteristics important to

    the survival of fungi. Because fungal populations perform key ecological processes, there

    is interest in forestry practices that minimize deleterious effects on their habitats. We

    investigated the effects on fungal sporocarp diversity of modified uneven-aged forest

    management practices in northern hardwood ecosystems, including a technique called

    Structural Complexity Enhancement (SCE). SCE is designed to accelerate late-successional

    stand development; it was compared against two conventional selection systems (single

    tree and group) and unmanipulated controls. These were applied in a randomized block

    design to a mature, multi-aged forest in Vermont, USA. Eight years after treatment, fungal

    species richness was significantly greater in SCE plots compared to conventional selection

    harvests and controls ( p < 0.001). Seven forest structure variables were tested for their

    influence on fungal species richness using a Classification and Regression Tree. The

    results suggested that dead tree and downed log recruitment, as well as maintenance of

    high levels of aboveground biomass, under SCE had a particularly strong effect on fungal

    diversity. Our findings show it is possible to increase fungal diversity using forestry

    practices that enhance stand structural complexity and late-successional forest


    ª 2014 Elsevier Ltd and The British Mycological Society. All rights reserved.

    Introduction compaction (Ballard, 2000; Pilz and Molina, 2002), litter and

    Forest management practices directly influence microhabitat

    characteristics important to the survival of fungi (Bader et al.,

    1995; Heilmann-Clausen and Christensen, 2003; Jones et al.,

    2003; Martius et al., 2004; Kranabetter et al., 2005). Charac-

    teristics important for fungal survival include soil

    f Environment and Natu

    (N.C. Dove), William.Keet

    h Mycological Society. Al

    downed coarse woody debris (DCWD) accumulation

    (Siitonen, 2001; Nord�en et al., 2004; Lindner et al., 2006;

    Lonsdale et al., 2008; M€uller and B€utler, 2010), changes in

    soil chemistry (Keizer and Arnolds, 1994; Durall et al., 2006),

    and canopy closure, which affects soil temperature, mois-

    ture, and DCWD respiration (Ballard, 2000; Straatsma et al.,

    ral Resources, University of Vermont, Burlington, VT 05405, USA.

    [email protected] (W.S. Keeton).

    l rights reserved.

    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]://crossmark.crossref.org/dialog/?doi=10.1016/j.funeco.2014.09.009&domain=pdfwww.sciencedirect.com/science/journal/17545048http://www.elsevier.com/locate/funecohttp://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.funeco.2014.09.009http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.funeco.2014.09.009http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.funeco.2014.09.009

  • 182 N.C. Dove, W.S. Keeton

    2001; Jones et al., 2003; Martius et al., 2004; Forrester et al.,

    2012; Walker et al., 2012). Fungi provide a variety of eco-

    logical functions, and thus an understanding of how forest

    management practices affect fungal populations and com-

    munity composition, through the manipulation of micro-

    habitat characteristics, is important for sustainable forestry

    intended to maintain these functions.

    Fungi participate in numerous ecological processes

    important for forest ecosystem health and productivity. Sap-

    robic fungi affect the decomposition of organic matter, mak-

    ing nutrients available for uptake by plants (Ingham et al.,

    1985; Kernaghan, 2005; van der Wal et al., 2013). Mycorrhizal

    fungi form a mutualistic symbiosis with plants, thereby

    enhancing uptake of nutrients and water by extending the

    effective area of root systems in exchange for photosynthates

    (Govindarajulu et al., 2005). Through the growth of mycor-

    rhizal hyphae, fungi also improve soil aeration and porosity

    (Miransari et al., 2008). Ectomycorrhizal fungi can improve

    resistance to root pathogens, for instance through physical

    shielding of root tips by fungal mantles and, in some cases,

    release of anti-pathogenic chemicals (Duchesne et al., 1989).

    Fungi contribute to the cycling of organic compounds through

    themineralization of nitrogen and phosphorus (Ingham et al.,

    1985; Govindarajulu et al., 2005). Furthermore, fungal diversity

    is a major driver of plant diversity. For example, artificially

    increased fungal diversity increased plant diversity in grass-

    land ecosystems (van der Heijden et al., 1998), and artificially

    reduced fungal diversity decreased plant diversity in British

    meadows (Gange et al., 1993). Fungi also provide harvestable

    mushrooms for human consumption (Pilz and Molina, 2002),

    representing a culturally and economically high value non-

    timber forest product in the northeastern U.S. (Robbins

    et al., 2008) and other temperate regions globally (Pilz and

    Molina, 2002; Christensen et al., 2008; Cai et al., 2011). We

    propose that silvicultural practice targeted atmaintaining and

    promoting fungal diversity, perhaps even enhancing pop-

    ulations of beneficial (i.e. mycorrhizal) or harvestable fungi,

    could be an important element of sustainable forest


    Researchers in the Vermont Forest Ecosystem Manage-

    ment Demonstration Project (FEMDP) are studying a variety of

    silvicultural treatments relating to sustainable forest man-

    agement within the northeastern United States (McKenny

    et al., 2006; Smith et al., 2008). They are testing an uneven-

    aged harvest treatment that utilizes disturbance-based (see

    Seymour et al., 2002; North and Keeton, 2008) forestry princi-

    ples to accelerate the development of late-successional

    structural characteristics, termed Structural Complexity

    Enhancement (SCE) (Keeton, 2006).

    Forest management practices that promote late-

    successional structures are of particular interest because

    northern hardwood forests have shifted from a historic pre-

    dominance of late-successional forests to the currently pre-

    dominant second growth, young to mature (40e80-year old)

    forests (Lorimer and White, 2003). Riparian functions (Keeton

    et al., 2007), habitat values (Keddy and Drummond, 1996;

    McGee et al., 1999), and carbon storage (Harmon et al., 1990;

    Houghton et al., 1999; Rhemtulla et al., 2009; Keeton et al.,

    2011) associated with late-successional forests have declined

    as a result. In the context of global climatic change, the

    question of whether promoting late-successional structural

    conditions might also contribute to ecosystem resilience has

    taken on new significance.

    As an experimental approach, SCE uses disturbance-based

    practices, such as small group selection with structural

    retention and variably-sized gaps (Franklin et al., 2007; Kern

    et al., 2013), to accelerate development of structural hetero-

    geneity and late-successional forest characteristics. Dis-

    turbances decrease canopy closure, increase

    microtopographic features, such as downed wood, and affect

    soil conditions (e.g. compaction, temperature and moisture)

    that collectively influence microhabitats for fungal species

    (Ballard, 2000; Straatsma et al., 2001; Jones et al., 2003; Martius

    et al., 2004; Walker et al., 2012). The central idea behind

    disturbance-based forestry methods is that emulation of

    natural processes, such as local disturbance regimes, is more

    likely to perpetuate the evolutionary environment to which

    organisms are adapted (North and Keeton, 2008), although

    global change may shift these boundary conditions over time.

    In the U.S. Northeast this would entail harvesting practices,

    like those employed by SCE, that mimic the single-tree to

    partial canopy mortality associated with low to intermediate

    intensity disturbances (Seymour et al., 2002; Hanson and

    Lorimer, 2007). Retention of legacy structures, such as resid-

    ual live and dead trees, also helps approximate disturbance

    effects while promoting late-successional structure (Choi

    et al., 2007; Bauhus et al., 2009; Gustafsson et al., 2012). By

    providing suitable substrata, such as standing live/dead trees,

    downed logs, and cycling organic matter to the soil system,

    they may help “lifeboat” fungi through the post-harvest

    recovery period (Franklin et al., 2000; Outerbridge and

    Trofymow, 2009).

    SCE promotes the development of vertically differentiated

    canopies, variable horizontal density (i.e. gappiness), reallo-

    cation of basal area to large diameter classes, and elevated

    downed log and large snag densities. These characteristics are

    often poorly represented after conventional harvesting tech-

    niques (Gore and Patterson 1986; McGee et al., 1999). This has

    important implications for forest floor microhabitats, such as

    spatial variations in moisture, temperature, and substratum

    within the treatment (McKenny et al., 2006; Smith et al., 2008).

    We studied fungal sporocarp diversity as an indicator for

    forest ecosystem response to silvicultural treatment. We

    predicted that practices, like SCE, which maintain canopy

    cover and promote late-successional structure, will sustain

    and possibly improve fungal diversity (species richness).

    In the FEMPD, inwhich this fungal response study is nested,

    the SCE treatment is compared against two conventional

    uneven-aged harvest treatments, “Single Tree Selection” (STS)

    and “Group Selection” (GS), modified to enhance post-harvest

    structural retention and an untreated control (see Keeton,

    2006). SCE has been shown to increase herbaceous species

    richness post-harvest due to effects on forest structural het-

    erogeneity (Smith et al., 2008), and it has been shown to

    increase terrestrial salamander populations through an

    increase in habitat availability, particularly enhanced large log

    densities (McKenny et al., 2006). This study adds a third taxo-

    nomic group as a potential indicator of biodiversity response.

    Our first hypothesis was that fungal sporocarp diversity

    would be greater in the SCE treatment than in the conventional

  • Structural complexity enhancement and fungi 183

    treatments due to the differences in stand structure effects

    reported previously (Keeton, 2006; McKenny et al., 2006; Smith

    et al., 2008). Few previous studies have investigated fungal

    responses to silvicultural practices specifically promoting late-

    successional forest development as compared to more tradi-

    tional harvesting techniques. However, a number of studies

    have shown fungal community composition tobe influencedby

    forest age and development. Examples include studies in

    SpanishPinus pinaster forests (Fern�andez-Toir�anetal., 2006) and

    Tsuga heterophylla forests of northwestern British Columbia

    (Kranabetter et al., 2005). Conflicting evidencewas presentedby

    Smith et al. (2002), who found no increase in fungal diversity

    with stand age in Pseudotsuga menziesii forests in Oregon. Thus,

    relationships may vary among forest types.

    Our second hypothesis was that fungal sporocarp diversity

    will be influenced by increased habitat availability, such as

    downed woody debris substratum for saprobic fungi and

    larger, more productive living trees for mycorrhizal species.

    Support for this hypothesis comes from a range of studies that

    have established a close relationship between wood-

    inhabiting fungi with organic matter on the forest floor

    (Siitonen, 2001; Nord�en et al., 2004; Lindner et al., 2006;

    Lonsdale et al., 2008; M€uller and B€utler, 2010) and mycor-

    rhizal fungi with larger, older trees (Visser, 1995). Our goals

    were to: A) determinewhich stand structure responses are the

    most predictive of fungal diversity; and B) inform sustainable

    forest management practices, including those aimed at

    maintaining and enhancing fungal habitats.

    Fig 1 e Map of the FEMPD study area at the Mt. Mansfield State

    units, soil series, skid trails, and soil disturbance caused by loggi

    Complexity Enhancement; 4 and 5 are single-tree selection; an

    horizons) was mapped with a high precision GPS the summer a

    produced by J. Bradley Materick, University of Vermont.


    Study area

    The study was conducted in the Mt. Mansfield State Forest

    (MMSF) in northern Vermont, USA located at 44�30023.0300

    N; 72�50011.2400 W (Fig 1). The study area at MMSF is located onthe western slopes of the northern Green Mountain Range at

    elevations ranging from 470 to 660 m. Soils are primarily Peru

    extremely stony loams (Fig 1). The site is a mature (ca.

    70e100 yr), multi-aged northern hardwood-conifer forest with

    a documented history of timber management spanning much

    of the 20th century. Theoverstory is dominatedby sugarmaple

    (Acer saccharum), American beech (Fagus grandifolia), and yel-

    low birch (Betula alleghaniensis) with aminor component of red

    spruce (Picea rubens). Average temperature is 3.4 �C, and theaverage yearly precipitation is 586.8mm (Vermont Monitoring

    Cooperative, Mt. Mansfield West Slope Station).

    Silvicultural treatments

    Detailed descriptions of the FEMDP’s silvicultural treatments,

    summarized here, are provided in Keeton (2006). There were

    four treatments: single-tree selection (STS), group-selection

    (GS), Structural Complexity Enhancement (SCE), and an un-

    harvested control. Treatments were randomly applied to

    2 ha units and replicated twice within the MMSF study area.

    Forest, VT, showing locations of the eight 2 ha treatment

    ng activity. Units 1 and 8 are controls; 2 and 3 are Structural

    d 6 and 7 are group selection. Soil disturbance (O and A

    fter harvest following protocol in Rab (1999). Map and data

  • 184 N.C. Dove, W.S. Keeton

    Treatment units were separated by 50m (minimum) unlogged

    buffers to minimize cross contamination of treatment effects.

    All three treatments were designed to retain a high degree of

    post-harvest forest stand structure. However, the treatments

    differed in terms of spatial patterning, level of retention, and

    the specific type of structural attributes retained (see Keeton,

    2006; McKenney et al., 2006; Smith et al., 2008).

    Logging was conducted on frozen ground in winter of 2003

    tominimize soil compaction. Experimental units received one

    of three manipulative treatments or were designated as

    untreated controls. The conventional selection treatments

    were modified to increase post-harvest structural retention.

    Modifications were based on a target residual basal area of

    18.4 m2 ha�1, maximum diameter of 60 cm, and a q-factor of1.3. The latter defines the slope of the curve in the diameter

    distribution and, producing a curve flatter than the q-factors

    more typical of the region (i.e. 1.5 or higher), allocated more

    basal area to larger size classes, though less than the rotated

    sigmoid described below (Keeton, 2006). The conventional

    prescription was applied in a dispersed (single-tree selection)

    or aggregated (group selection) spatial pattern. The approx-

    imate size of individual group selection patches (0.05 ha) was

    based on estimates of average fine-scale (0.05 ha) natural

    disturbanceecaused canopy gap size in New England

    (Seymour et al., 2002) and resulted in eight to nine groups per

    2 ha experimental unit. There was no additional cutting in

    matrix areas surrounding group selection openings.

    SCE is designed to promote late-successional structural

    characteristics, including vertically differentiated canopies,

    elevated large snag and DCWD volumes and densities, varia-

    ble horizontal density (including small canopy gaps), and

    reallocation of basal area to larger size classes. FEMDP

    researchers used several silvicultural methods to accelerate

    development of these attributes, as described in Keeton (2006).

    A target basal area (34 m2 ha�1) and maximum diameter atbreast height (90 cm), characteristic of old-growth structure,

    were used to develop a target diameter distribution to which

    stands were cut (Keeton, 2006). The diameter distribution was

    also based on a rotated sigmoid form, which is typical of some

    eastern old-growth forests, depending on disturbance history,

    species composition, degree of understory suppression, and

    other variables (Lorimer, 1980; Goodburn and Lorimer, 1999).

    The sigmoidal distribution was applied as a non-constant q-

    factor: 2.0 in the smallest size classes, 1.1 for medium sized

    trees, and 1.3 in the largest size classes. Accelerated growth in

    larger trees was promoted with full and partial crown release.

    DCWD volumes were enhanced 140 % on average over pre-

    harvest levels, compared to a 30 % increase following the

    other selection treatments. In one of the SCE units, DCWD

    enhancement involved uprooting trees to mimic the pit and

    mound formation characteristic of wind throw in late-

    successional northern hardwood-conifer forests (Dahir and

    Lorimer, 1996; Curzon and Keeton, 2010).

    Data collection

    Although many recent papers use molecular techniques to

    determine fungal diversity (Durall et al., 2006; Buee et al., 2007;

    Dickie et al., 2009; Kebli et al., 2012; Walker et al., 2012), we,

    like other studies, determined fungal diversity by recording

    fungal sporocarps (Kranabetter et al., 2005; Fern�andez-Toir�an

    et al., 2006; M€uller et al., 2007; Oria-de-Rueda, 2010; Juutilainen

    et al., 2011; Olsson et al., 2011). Molecular methods allow

    identification of belowground fruiting fungi as well as species

    not fruiting during aboveground surveys. Also, they may be

    the most accurate in terms of species identification; however,

    they have drawbacks. Molecular analysis generally yields

    many unknown species if a robust reference database is not

    available, needs high sampling intensity to detect rare species

    (Horton and Bruns, 2001) and has lower time efficiency per

    unit of sampling area (Jonsson et al., 2000). Aboveground

    sporocarp inventory methods, by comparison, have been

    found to return robust results with reasonably high con-

    fidence of accurate identification (Norden et al., 2004;

    Fern�andez-Toir�an et al., 2006; Oria-de-Rueda, 2010). Because

    of the demanding resource requirements (i.e. expensive

    molecular analysis, and higher sampling intensity), we chose

    morphological identification as our sampling method.

    For the FEMDP, five randomly placed 0.1 ha permanent

    sampling plots were established within each 2 ha treatment

    unit, buffered by a 15 m minimum distance from the edge of

    the unit. For the fungal survey, we randomly selected two of

    the five plots in each unit in a nested sampling design,

    resulting in a sample size of four per treatment (total

    sample ¼ 16). This design matched our statistical populationof interest, which was forest patches within treatment types,

    rather than treatment units. Keeton (2006) validated this

    approach, using F tests to show that post-harvest stand

    structure did not differ significantly between units when

    sorted by treatment. Consequently, our experimental design

    grouped plots by treatment rather than unit, and hence

    showed that the practical implications of the inherent pseu-

    doreplication are minimal.

    Overstorey structural characteristics were inventoried by

    permanently tagging all live and dead trees (>5 cm dbh and

    >1.37 m tall) within the sampling plots, remeasured in 2008.

    Species and diameter were recorded for each tagged tree. The

    Northeast Decision Model (NED-2) (Twery et al., 2005) was

    used to generate the variables: live/dead stem densities, can-

    opy closure, live aboveground biomass, and quadratic mean

    diameter. Aboveground biomasswas estimated using species-

    group specific allometric equations from Jenkins et al. (2003),

    with correction for stem height and decay stage in dead trees.

    DCWD volumewas estimated using the line-interceptmethod

    (two 31.62 m transects per plot). Downed log densities were

    estimated using fixed-area sampling, and thus were inven-

    toried across the 0.1 ha plots. Snag (1e9) and downed log (1e5)

    decay classes followed Sollins (1982).

    Within these 0.1 ha plots, one 10 � 10 m quadrat was sys-tematically placed in the centre of the plot, for a total area

    surveyed of 1 600 m2. All aboveground sporocarps were

    identified and counted within each quadrat. Sampling inclu-

    ded sporocarps of macrofungi on all substrata including

    mineral soil, organic matter, downed logs, and live and dead

    stems. However, corticoid fungi (except Aleurodiscus and

    Stereum) were not considered. Similarly, fungal tree pathogens

    which produce small sporocarps and fruit manymeters above

    the ground on standing trees (e.g. Neonectaria) may have been

    missed. Fungi were identified to species level following Lincoff

    (1981) using microscopy and were cross-referenced with

  • Structural complexity enhancement and fungi 185

    online resources such as Mycobank (www.mycobank.org),

    Species Fungorum (www.speciesfungorum.org), and Cata-

    logue of Life (www.catalogueoflife.org). Non-destructive

    methods were used to locate sporocarps under natural cover

    objects and to search leaf litter and vegetation, including live

    trees, stumps, and dead trees following the Spatial Sampling

    Protocol described in Cannon (1997). Data were collected four

    times (6/25/11, 7/30/11, 8/29/11, 9/25/11) during the summer of

    2011, spaced approximately 1 month apart to capture

    ephemeral sporocarp fruiting. This also avoided double

    counting of non-woody fungal species, giving ample time for

    specimens to decompose between collection periods.

    Data analysis

    Consistent with the methodologies adopted by previous

    studies (Smith et al., 2002; Landis et al., 2004; Nord�en et al.,

    2004; Fern�andez-Toir�an et al., 2006), we used species rich-

    ness as our dependent variable in statistical analyses instead

    of a diversity index. Sporocarp abundance per individual is

    species-specific. Consequently, evenness of sporocarps

    among species does not accurately predict community level

    evenness. Furthermore, sporocarp numbers do not represent

    the reproductive fitness of an organism because different

    species’ fruit bodies can produce different amounts of spores

    (Sanders, 2004).

    Hypothesis 1. Analysis of treatment effects

    A linear mixed effects model and post-hoc Bonferroni

    multiple comparisons were used to determine if treatment

    had a significant effect (a < 0.05) on fungal richness. A sig-

    nificant treatment*time interaction was also tested for. Stat-

    istical analyses were performed using SPSS (version 20, SPSS,

    Chicago, Illinois).

    Hypothesis 2. Analysis of stand structure and habitat effects

    For our second analysis, we investigatedwhether the stand

    structural characteristics (independent variables) associated

    with the silvicultural treatments were predictive of overall

    fungal richness (the dependent variable). Our sample size was

    insufficient to run robust analyses separately for mycorrhizal

    and saprobic groups. A multivariate analysis was warranted

    because post-harvest stand structural characteristics varied

    somewhatwithin treatments (Table 1) and, therefore, wewere

    Table 1 e Total DCWD volumes and well-decayed DCWDvolumes (decay class 3e5) by treatment type. Standarderror is shown in parentheses. (Treatments: StructuralComplexity Enhancement (SCE), Single Tree Selection(STS), Group Selection (GS), and Control)

    Treatment Mean total DCWDvolume (m3 ha�1)

    Mean decayclass 3e5 DCWDvolume (m3 ha�1)

    SCE 86.46 (9.59) 51.42 (11.28)

    STS 81.30 (2.97) 47.37 (6.67)

    GS 62.77 (8.05) 45.34 (6.04)

    Control 33.44 (3.31) 32.79 (3.15)

    interested in determining which specific treatment effects,

    such as downed woody debris enhancement, were most

    closely associated with variation in fungal responses. This

    was performed using a Classification And Regression Tree

    (CART) analysis conducted in S-Plus software (Statistical Sci-

    ences 2002). CART is a robust, nonparametric, binary proce-

    dure that partitions variance in a dependent variable through

    a series of splits based on values of the independent variables

    (De’ath and Fabricius, 2000). Cost-complexity pruning was

    used to eliminate non-significant nodes (Keeton et al., 2007).

    Also minimum node deviance was increased above the

    default to 0.10 to increase output parsimony, resulting in a

    tree containing only nodes explaining a significant amount of

    variation in the dataset. CART provided a way to identify the

    structural characteristics most strongly associated with fun-

    gal diversity along a continuum of fungal species richness.

    Seven independent variables were selected for describing

    forest structure and habitat. They were: (1) Total DCWD Vol-

    ume; (2) Well-Decayed DCWD (decay classes 3e5); (3) Dead

    Stem Density; (4) Live Aboveground Biomass; (5) Canopy Clo-

    sure, (6) Quadratic Mean Diameter; and (7) Live Stem Density.

    DCWD volumes were included because they offer habitat to

    many fungal species (Siitonen, 2001; Nord�en et al., 2004).Well-

    Decayed DCWD was assessed specifically because it provides

    a broader range of colonization niches (Siitonen, 2001;

    Heilmann-Clausen and Christensen, 2003). Dead Stem Den-

    sity was studied because it, too, can offer habitat for fungi

    (Siitonen, 2001). Characteristics 4e7 provide indicators of

    forest structure that may affect fungal habitat availability. For

    example, canopy closure influences soil temperature and

    moisture regimes (Ballard, 2000; Oria-de-Rueda et al., 2010).


    Treatment effects

    There were 537 occurrences of 88 different species of fungi in

    the plots sampled (Table 2). Of the species found, 41 species

    were in at least two different treatment units. For the

    remaining 47 species, 35 were found only in SCE treatment

    units. Additionally, more mycorrhizal fungal species were

    found in SCE treatment units. Of the 20 mycorrhizal species

    found, 17 of these were in SCE units compared to five in STS,

    three in GS, and five in the control units (Table 2).

    Analysis of species richness trends over time using the

    linear mixed effects model showed a significant treatment

    type effect on fungal richness ( p ¼

  • Table 2 e Species of fungi found in this study. Treatmentunits in which the species were found are noted

    Species Treatment units Occurrences

    SCE STS GS control

    Aleurodiscus oakesii x x x 4

    Amanita flavoconia* x x 2

    Amanita spreta* x x x x 7

    Amanita virosa* x 1

    Bisporella citrina x x x x 14



    x x 3



    x 2

    Clavariadelphus ligula x 1

    Clavicorona pyxidata x x x 3

    Clavulinopsis fusiformis x 1

    Clitocybula familia x x x x 11

    Collybia alkalivirens x 6

    Collybia confluens x x x x 7

    Conocybe tenera x 1

    Coprinus radians x 1

    Cordyceps capitata x 2

    Crepidotus applanatus x 1

    Crepidotus mollis x x 2

    Cryptoporus volvatus x x 2

    Dacrymyces palmatus x 1

    Daedaleopsis confragosa x x x x 11

    Dendrocollybia racemosa x x 4

    Entoloma murrayi x 1

    Entoloma salmoneum x 1

    Entoloma strictius x 1

    Flammulina velutipes x 1

    Fomes fomentarius x x x x 10

    Fomitopsis pinicola x 2

    Ganoderma applanatum x x x 7

    Gomphus floccosus* x 1

    Hapalopilus nidulans x x 2

    Hohenbuehelia petaloides x 2

    Hygrocybe flavescens x x x 3

    Hygrocybe psittacina x 1



    x x x x 5



    x 1

    Inocybe geophylla* x 1

    Lactarius corrugis* x x 7

    Lactarius luteolus* x 1

    Lactarius volemus* x 1

    Lenzites betulina x x 8

    Leotia lubrica x x x 6

    Lycoperdon perlatum x x x x 8

    Lycoperdon pyriforme x 2

    Marasmius rotula x x x x 15

    Marasmius siccus x 1

    Marasmius strictipes x 2

    Microglossum rufum x 1

    Mycena galericulata x x x x 16

    Mycena haematopus x x x x 12

    Mycena leaiana x x x 7

    Mycena rosella x 1



    x x 4

    Omphalotus olearius x 1



    x x 2

    Panellus stipticus x x x 4

    Table 2 e (continued )

    Species Treatment units Occurrences

    SCE STS GS control

    Phellinus nigricans x x 3

    Pholiota squarrosoides x x 2

    Phyllotopsis nidulans x 10

    Physalacria inflata x 1

    Piptoporus betulinus x 1

    Pleurotus dryinus x 2

    Pleurotus ostreatus x 1

    Polyporus varius x x 3

    Psathyrella conissans x x 2

    Psathyrella hydrophila x 1

    Psathyrella velutina x 1

    Psilocybe caerulipes x 1



    x 1

    Ramaria stricta* x x 3

    Russula claroflava* x 1

    Russula compacta* x 1

    Russula fragilis* x x x 6

    Russula krombholzii* x x 5

    Russula xerampelina* x 1

    Stereum ostrea x 1

    Suillus americanus x 1

    Trametes versicolor x x x x 15



    x 1

    Trichaptum biforme x 3



    x x x x 10

    Tubaria furfuracea x x x 9

    Tylopilus ballouii* x 1

    Tylopilus chromapes* x 1

    Tyromyces chioneus x x x x 12



    x 1

    Xerula radicata x x x x 9

    Xylaria polymorpha x x x x 16

    Occurrence is defined by finding at least one fruiting body in a plot

    at any time (Maximum ¼ 16).* indicates mycorrhizal species. (Treatment Units: Structural

    Complexity Enhancement (SCE), Single Tree Selection (STS), Group

    Selection (GS), and control).

    186 N.C. Dove, W.S. Keeton

    Influence of stand structure on fungi abundance

    The CART results supported our second hypothesis that sil-

    vicultural treatments increasing fungal microhabitat avail-

    ability, such as Well-decayed DCWD, Total DCWD, Dead Stem

    Density, and Live Aboveground Biomass, will positively cor-

    relate with overall fungal richness (Fig 3). This is

    Table 3 e Linear mixed effects model. Bold p-valuerepresents significant effect on fungal species richness



    f p

    Treatment 3 12 19.846

  • Table 4 e Fungal species richness, standard error, andconfidence intervals for each of the treatments: StructuralComplexity Enhancement (SCE), Single Tree Selection(STS), Group Selection (GS), and control

    Treatment Meanrichness


    df 95 % Confidenceinterval



    SCE 12.9 1.65 12 11.0 14.9

    STS 4.9 0.58 12 3.0 6.8

    GS 4.9 0.44 12 3.0 6.9

    Control 5.4 0.52 12 3.5 7.4

    Fig 3 e Classification and regression tree, showing

    independent variables selected, split values, and

    partitioned mean values (bottom) of the dependent

    variable (fungal species richness). CWD refers here to

    downed logs only. The figure ranks variables by predictive

    strength (top to bottom) and in sequential order of

    importance as richness increases (left to right). The length

    of each vertical line is proportional to the amount of

    deviance explained. Independent variables were selected

    from an initial set of seven structural variables. Minimum

    observations required for each split [ 5; minimum

    deviance [ 0.10.

    Structural complexity enhancement and fungi 187

    demonstrated by the sequential ranking of the variables by

    predictive strength for increasing richness. Of the seven

    independent variables fed apriori into the CART modeling,

    only four were selected by the final CART output, and thus

    deemedmost predictive of fungal abundance.While limited in

    not distinguishing group-specific (i.e. mycorrhizal vs. sap-

    robic) responses, the CART analysis provided evidence of

    overall fungal community response to treatment. However,

    the individual predictor variables (see Discussion) selected by

    the CART (Fig 3) are consistent with responses likely asso-

    ciated with different fungal groups.

    Well-decayed DCWD Volume was the most important

    predictor of fungal richness. Beyond the threshold of

    71.42 m3 ha�1, richness was comparatively high at 12 species.Below this threshold, richness was most highly correlated

    with a decreasing influence of secondary and tertiary factors.

    Using the threshold of 28.85 trees ha�1, Dead Stem Densityvalues partitioned two subsets of tertiary factors, Live

    Aboveground Biomass and Total DCWD Volume, below and

    above the threshold, respectively. Although the influence of

    Live Aboveground Biomass explained only a small amount of

    variance (proportionate to the vertical lines in Fig 3) at the

    tertiary node, higher Live Aboveground Biomass positively

    influenced richness of fungi for a subset of plots, increasing

    the richness by 134%when the aboveground biomass reached

    at least 69.25 Mg ha�1. Richness also increased more











    6/25/11 7/30/11 8/29/11 9/25/11


    al S


    es R



    Collec on Date





    Fig 2 e Fungal species richness for the four treatments. The

    SCE treatment resulted in significantly greater richness at

    each collection data. The other treatments and the control

    were not significantly different from each other at any

    time. Error bars represent ± one standard error of the


    dramatically with Total DCWD Volume (a 257 % increase

    above the threshold of 68.59m3 ha�1). AlthoughWell-DecayedDCWD was the single greatest factor contributing to high

    richness, the highest richness was achieved with a combina-

    tion of high Dead Stem Density and high Total DCWD Volume

    (Fig 3).


    Treatment effects on fungal diversity

    The hypothesis that Structural Complexity Enhancement

    promotes higher fungal species richness compared to con-

    ventional selection systems was strongly supported by the

    results. SCE plots had higher fungal species richness com-

    pared to controls and other treatments, and thus we can infer

    that SCE maintains habitat conditions (e.g. high canopy clo-

    sure, wood debris availability, etc.) allowing both mycorrhizal

    and saprotrophic fungi to persist and establish post-

    disturbance. Furthermore, while the control units and the

    other two treatments had many of the same species, SCE had

    many species not found in any other treatments (Table 2). This

    indicates that SCE created microhabitats not available or

    found to a lesser degree following conventional forestry

    treatments or in mid-successional forests like our controls.

    These findings are important because they suggest that

    SCE, and similar forest management treatments encouraging

    late-successional structure, can increase fungal diversity and

    related ecological functions (e.g. higher plant diversity, aer-

    ated soils, etc.). Enhanced availability of structural elements

  • 188 N.C. Dove, W.S. Keeton

    related to fungal habitats were clearly linked to the effects of

    silvicultural treatment in our dataset, showing the greatest

    increase in response to treatments promoting late-

    successional structure. This implies that it is possible to

    accelerate stand development processes by creating micro-

    habitats benefiting fungal diversity. This conclusion is in

    agreement with previous research examining other taxa.

    Disturbance-based forestry practices, such as microhabitat

    creation, have been shown to increase plant diversity (Smith

    et al., 2008) and salamander abundance (McKenny et al.,

    2006) at our study sites.

    We found that single tree selection and group selection

    plots did not significantly reduce fungal species richness

    compared to control plots. This implies that these harvesting

    methods, which left residual DCWD, if conducted using best

    management practices that minimize site impacts (as was the

    case for the FEMDP), do not significantly impair fungal hab-

    itats. Habitat creation, in the form of both standing and

    downed CWD, may compensate for disturbances caused by

    forest management in group selection (Dickie et al., 2009) and

    single tree selection harvesting (Kranabetter and Kroger, 2001;

    Kebli et al., 2012; Blaser et al., 2013). However, with similar

    harvesting methods, if residual downed wood is removed,

    fungal populations and diversity can be negatively affected

    (Bader et al., 1995).

    Influence on mycorrhizal fungi

    Mycorrhizal fungi influence ecosystem functioning by

    extending the effective area of root systems, increasing soil

    porosity, and increasing resistance to soil pathogens. There-

    fore, minimizing impacts on mycorrhizal fungi is of great

    importance for sustainable forestmanagement. The relatively

    low numbers of mycorrhizal fungi in our dataset did not

    permit a statistical assessment of their responses to the

    treatments. However, the data suggested a possible associa-

    tion of mycorrhizal species richness with SCE treatment units

    worthy of further investigation.

    SCE units had the greatest overall richness of mycorrhizal

    fungi (Table 2). There are several possible explanations for

    variable responses to harvesting based on previous research

    (Kernaghan, 2005), including interactions, both positive and

    negative, with other soil organisms (Garbaye, 1994), competi-

    tion with saprobic fungi (Shaw et al., 1995), browsing by

    aboveground and belowground organisms (Set€al€a et al., 1995;

    North et al., 1997), and positive and negative effects related to

    tree species composition (Molina and Trapp, 1982). However,

    because vegetation type, geographical position, productivity

    and disturbance history are similar among the treatment

    units, it is unlikely that these factors (e.g. fungi/soil organism

    competition and tree species composition) varied between the

    treatments examined in our study. Therefore, it is likely the

    differences in mycorrhizal diversity can be attributed to

    treatment effects on stand structure.

    Fungi in the genera Russula andAmanita, themost common

    genera of mycorrhizal fungi found in our study (Table 2), are

    considered to be late-stage fungi, and would, therefore, be

    associated with older, larger trees, promoted by SCE (Keizer

    and Arnold, 1994; Durall et al., 2006). Furthermore, retention

    of large overstorey trees helps maintain a consistent soil

    environment, promoting a favourable habitat for mycorrhizal

    fungi (Jones et al., 2003).

    While SCE is likely to have also influenced soil charac-

    teristics (e.g. temperature, moisture, pH, and nutrients)

    deemed important for the mycorrhizal community (Jones

    et al., 2003; Kranabetter et al., 2005; Dickie et al., 2009), we

    have only preliminary data to support such a conclusion. For

    example, SCE resulted in significantly lower near-term nitri-

    fication rates (Keeton, Tobi, and McKenny unpublished) and

    less disturbance (see Rab, 1999) of the O and A soil horizons

    compared to the other treatments (Keeton and Materick

    unpublished data, see Fig 1). However, none of the treat-

    ments significantly affected soil bulk density as a measure of

    compaction (Keeton and Materick unpublished data). Smith

    et al. (2008) found some relationships, both positive and

    negative, between understorey plant responses and post-

    harvest soil nutrient changes at the FEMDP sites, but fur-

    ther research will be needed to establish a direct connection

    with fungal responses.

    Relationships with stand structure

    Our CART suggested that, of the variables we tested, and in

    order of significance, overall fungal species richness under

    disturbance-based forestry practices responds most strongly

    to changes in well-decayed DCWD volume, snag abundance,

    total DCWD volume, and live aboveground biomass. All of

    these variables relate to the availability of potential sub-

    stratum for fungal mycelia (the first three for saprobic fungi

    and the latter for mycorrhizal species). Therefore, the struc-

    tural characteristics most predictive of fungal richness were

    those directly related to suitable fungal substratum. Colo-

    nization by wood-inhabiting fungi is influenced by sub-

    stratum structure, moisture, and nutrient content, with

    different fungi colonizing at different stages of decay

    (Siitonen, 2001; Lonsdale et al., 2008; Bunnell and Houde,

    2010; Junninen and Komonen, 2011; Juutilainen, 2011;

    Walker et al., 2012). Likewise, mycorrhizal fungi are

    strongly associated with living tree substrata (i.e. Live

    Aboveground Biomass).

    We found a larger or more detectable response in saprobic

    fungi as compared to mycorrhizal fungi (Table 2). This was

    consistent with the very dramatic change in downed coarse

    woody debris substrata produced by the SCE treatment (140%

    initial increase over pre-treatment volumes, Keeton, 2006).

    We might infer that mycorrhizal fungal richness was higher

    under SCE due to the higher levels of retained aboveground

    biomass, a tertiary variable selected in the CART, although our

    evidence is not definitive in this respect. Our finding that

    DCWD availability, especially well-decayed DCWD, is an

    important, and possibly predominant, driver of overall fungal

    diversity under variants of uneven-aged forestry was largely

    in agreement with previous research. Many studies have

    found that DCWD availability directly influences fungal

    diversity (Fern�andez-Toir�an et al., 2006; Bunnell and Houde,

    2010; Juutilainen, 2011; Markkanen and Halme 2012; Walker

    et al., 2012), as does DCWD quality (Siitonen, 2001; Norden

    et al., 2004; Lonsdale et al., 2008; Junninen and Komonen,

    2011). Well-decayed DCWD supports a higher diversity of

    fungal species because of greater numbers of niches in more

  • Structural complexity enhancement and fungi 189

    decayed DCWD (Heilmann-Clausen and Christensen, 2003)

    and because of the greater time over which fungal colo-

    nisation could have occurred (Bader et al., 1995).

    Additionally, like our study, artificial enhancement of

    DCWD has been shown to increase fungal biodiversity in P.

    abies forests in southern Finland (Berglund et al., 2011). How-

    ever, different fungal assemblages were found in artificial

    DCWD compared with natural residues (Berglund et al., 2011),

    and artificial DCWD likely does not fully mimic natural DCWD

    (Komonen et al., 2014). This likely explains differences in

    fungal communities in our control versus SCE treatments

    (Table 2).

    While aboveground structural complexity may explain less

    of the variance in richness than direct substratum additions,

    our results suggest aboveground biomass contributes indirectly

    to fungal diversity by adding to the supply of biomass for ecto-

    mycorrhizal growth (Jones et al., 2003; Kranabetter et al., 2005;

    Durall et al., 2006; Peter et al., 2008).

    Management implications

    Sustainable forest management practices aim to maintain

    biodiversity and ecosystem functioning while providing

    services upon which human communities depend, including

    timber revenue. Experimental research at the scale of indi-

    vidual forest stands provides an opportunity to assess the

    contribution of these practices to broader, landscape-scale

    conservation efforts. Assessments of how fungi respond to

    silvicultural treatments inform our understanding of forest

    ecosystem health as a whole. The results of our study will be

    useful in this context.

    We found that disturbance-based forest management

    practices, such as Structural Complexity Enhancement and

    modified selection systems, maintain fungal diversity. As

    has been proposed for retention forestry more broadly

    (Gustafsson et al., 2012; Lindenmayer et al., 2012),

    disturbance-based forestry systems can be designed to retain

    larger amounts of dead and live stems used by fungi as refugia

    during the recovery period post-harvest.

    Additionally, we found that disturbance-based variants of

    uneven-aged forestry practices, like Structural Complexity

    Enhancement, are effective in promoting fungal species

    richness, possibly mycorrhizal species richness, and poten-

    tially, by inference, related ecosystem functions. These pos-

    itive effects are due in part to the maintenance and

    enhancement of fungal substrata such as dead stems and

    DCWD, particularly well-decayed DCWD, which was created

    through decomposition over the 8 yr since experimental

    harvest. It is also likely that maintaining a high degree of

    overall forest complexity (i.e. aboveground biomass, spatial

    variability in canopy closure, etc.) also promotes fungal

    growth (Jones et al., 2003; Fern�andez-Toir�an et al., 2006; Oria-

    de-Rueda et al., 2010). Incorporating management for DCWD

    promotion and maintenance, dead stem retention, and

    structural complexity into forestry practices is essential to

    provide habitats for fungi and their associated ecological

    functions, such as nutrient cycling (Ingham et al., 1985;

    Govindarajulu et al., 2005), mycorrhizal symbiosis

    (Govindarajulu et al., 2005), and root rot resistance (Duchesne

    et al., 1989; Whipps, 2004).

    Limitations of the study

    There are limitations in our studymethods that are important

    to acknowledge. For example, the number of sampling visits

    was limited due to time constraints, which may have left

    some species undetected. Halme and Kotiaho (2012) found

    that some sites only plateau in species richness after twenty-

    four visits (we made four). However, this limitation was

    compensated by high sampling intensity per visit, combined

    with strongly significant test results (Table 2). Together these

    render our resultsmeaningful evenwith sampling limitations.

    Within the design of the experiment there are several

    important limitations to discuss. The first is that the spatial

    scope of the treatments is limited. Although the botanical

    composition and climate of the study site is typical of north-

    ern hardwood forests, the whole experiment is within a 1 km2

    area. Therefore, caution is needed when extrapolating our

    results into other forest types or variants of northern hard-

    wood forests. Given the promising results of our study, we

    recommend this as an important area for future research in

    order to better inform forest management.


    This research was supported by grants from the USDA CSREES

    National Research Initiative, the Vermont Monitoring Coopera-

    tive, the Northeastern States Research Cooperative, and the

    USDA McIntire-Stennis Forest Research Program. We are

    grateful to Susan Moegenburg and Gary Hawley for their com-

    mentsonanearlierdraft.Wewould liketoextendspecial thanks

    to Clare Ginger and Marla Emery for literature suggestions.

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    Structural Complexity Enhancement increases fungal species richness in northern hardwood forestsIntroductionMethodsStudy areaSilvicultural treatmentsData collectionData analysis

    ResultsTreatment effectsInfluence of stand structure on fungi abundance

    DiscussionTreatment effects on fungal diversityInfluence on mycorrhizal fungiRelationships with stand structureManagement implicationsLimitations of the study

