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Structure Summer 2014

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Newsletter for alumni and friends of MIT's Department of Materials Science and Engineering (DMSE)
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SUMMER 2014 NANO - MICRO - MACRO - MESO - MOLECULAR - CRYSTAL - INTERFACE NEWS FROM MIT’S DEPARTMENT OF MATERIALS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING LETTER FROM THE DEPARTMENT HEAD Dear Friends, If you are able to come to campus in the next few months, bring your camera; it is a great chance to get some “be- fore” photos. The next few years will see renovation and construction projects at MIT that are generational in scope, and the “after” photos promise to be remarkable. On page 8, you will read about the Institute’s top aca- demic priority: a new, state-of-the art facility essentially dedicated to synthesis and characterization of materials structure Jennie Zheng, a student in 3.042, DMSE’s undergraduate capstone design class, tests the conductivity of a silver ink her team developed for painting on solar cell grid contacts. New Faculty: 03 Promotions: 04 Renovations: 08 Retirement: 17
Page 1: Structure Summer 2014

S U M M E R 2 0 1 4

N A N O - M I C R O - M A C R O - M E S O - M O L E C U L A R - C R Y S T A L - I N T E R F A C E

N E W S F R O M M I T ’ S D E P A R T M E N T O F M A T E R I A L S S C I E N C E A N D E N G I N E E R I N G



Dear Friends,

If you are able to come to campus in the next few months,

bring your camera; it is a great chance to get some “be-

fore” photos. The next few years will see renovation and

construction projects at MIT that are generational in

scope, and the “after” photos promise to be remarkable.

On page 8, you will read about the Institute’s top aca-

demic priority: a new, state-of-the art facility essentially

dedicated to synthesis and characterization of materials


Jennie Zheng, a student in 3.042, DMSE’s undergraduate capstone design class, tests the conductivityof a silver ink her team developed for painting on solar cell grid contacts.

New Faculty: 03

Promotions: 04

Renovations: 08

Retirement: 17

Page 2: Structure Summer 2014

and solid-state devices. To be named MIT.nano, the build-

ing will provide all the tools needed to manipulate, man-

ufacture, and measure materials across scales, down to the

nanoscale. The building is a major Institute project that will

benefit units across all of MIT, and we in DMSE are par-

ticularly excited about it. Not only does it promise a major

upgrade to the cleanroom, synthesis, and characterization

facilities upon which we build much of our research, but it

helps to position materials research centrally within the

campus and the Institute’s future. Located on the site of

Building 12 (which is about to be demolished), the new

facility is located directly next to MIT’s great dome, and

will physically connect all of DMSE’s core facilities in the

main group (Buildings 4, 6, and 8) to those in Building 13.

MIT.nano is a long-term project that will affect the cam-

pus for several years before it is completed. In the mean-

time, as the Institute moves to demonstrate its

commitment to cutting-edge synthesis and characteriza-

tion, DMSE is also excited to be recommitting ourselves

to excellence in materials processing and manufacturing.

Our glass lab, metalworking forge, and metal casting

foundry have been popular student facilities for decades,

offering hands-on opportunities for creative and inventive

work in materials processing. As I write, construction has

begun on a new, renovated space below the great dome

on the ground level of Building 4 that will co-locate, ex-

pand, and modernize these critical teaching facilities.

These labs, once completed, will be adjacent to the new

MIT.nano building, each being visible from the windows of

the other. Please see page 11 for further details. While

construction has begun, we are still raising funds to pay

for the project and for the new equipment in the space.

This department has always enjoyed a healthy footprint

near the heart of the campus, and MIT.nano will provide

a bridge that physically connects us. It also reinforces the

geographical center of the department on the Infinite Cor-

ridor, at the intersection of Buildings 4 and 8. In this area,

we have been renovating teaching laboratories for over a

decade, and now we are moving to build a cultural center

there as well. Thanks to hard work by DMSE’s space com-

mittee (chaired by Prof. Lorna Gibson), we are about to

launch a renovation project that will develop a DMSE

community center on the ground floor of Building 4, over-

looking Killian court and right at the heart of the Institute

(see page 10). This new space will feature a flexible layout

where students can meet to interact, collaborate, teach,

and present to one another in small groups, and which can

also be opened up to accommodate larger community

events such as research seminars. The core strength of

DMSE has always been its excellent people, and we are

excited to put our community at the geographical center

of the department as well.

Our community is always growing: we have recently been

fortunate to hire new faculty and teaching staff (please

see pages 3 and 6), and we are preparing for the new in-

coming freshmen and graduate students. This year, we

celebrated the career of Professor Linn Hobbs, and

thanked him for his remarkable contributions to our de-

partment, to our field, and to the Institute, among others

(please see page 17).

The above projects are some of the most prominent in the

space and facilities future of DMSE; they help to crystallize

the department’s footprint within MIT, and poise our com-

munity to have impact well beyond MIT. I feel lucky to be

at MIT during a time of great forward momentum and

positive change. I hope you will come visit us often over

the coming few years, “before” and “after” the evolution

of the campus.

With best wishes,

Chris Schuh77 Massachusetts Avenue, Building 6-113Cambridge, MA 02139-4307617-253-6901email: [email protected]

Page 3: Structure Summer 2014


The department is delighted to welcome two new faculty

members, both of whom will join us in 2015.

Juejun (JJ) Hu will

hold the Merton C.

Flemings Career De-

velopment Profes-

sorship of Materials

Science and Engi-

neering. He comes

to us from the Uni-

versity of Delaware,

where he was a

tenure-track assis-

tant professor. Prior to that, he was a post-doc in MIT’s

Microphotonics Center. As the Francis Alison Young Pro-

fessor, Professor Hu initiated and led research projects in-

volving environmental monitoring, renewable energy,

biological sensing, and optical communications. He re-

ceived the 2013 Gerard J. Mangone Young Scholars

Award, which recognizes promising and accomplished

young faculty and is the University of Delaware’s highest

faculty honor.

His research is in “three main thrust areas: substrate-blind

multifunctional photonic integration; mid-infrared inte-

grated photonics; and 3-D photonic integrated circuits.”

Professor Hu’s group has “applied these photonic tech-

nologies to address emerging application needs in envi-

ronmental monitoring, renewable energy harvesting,

communications, and biotechnology.

Professor Hu holds the B.S. in Materials Science and En-

gineering from Tsinghua University, and the Ph.D from

our department. His Ph.D. advisor, Professor Lionel Kimer-

ling, says Professor Hu is “a fountain of new ideas. ... Sci-

entists like JJ thrive in a problem-rich environment.”

Professor Hu is excited to be returning to campus in Jan-

uary; “This is like coming back home after being away for

four years—I am truly thrilled to (re-) start at DMSE!”

Rafael Jaramillo will

hold the Toyota Career

Development Professor-

ship in Materials Science

and Engineering, begin-

ning summer 2015. He

has a B.S. summa cum

laude and an M.Eng.,

both in Applied and En-

gineering Physics from

Cornell University. He

also holds a Ph.D in Physics from the University of

Chicago. Dr. Jaramillo is currently a senior postdoctoral fel-

low at MIT in the Laboratory of Manufacturing and Pro-

ductivity (LMP). His interests in renewable energy and

accomplishments in developing materials systems and

techniques for energy applications led to him receiving the

Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Postdoctoral Re-

search Fellowship from the US Department of Energy.

Prior to his appointment in LMP, he was a postdoctoral

fellow at the Harvard University Center for the Environ-

ment. His research in the MIT PVLab “focuses on im-

proving the efficiency of chalcogenide solar cells.” Dr.

Jaramillo says his research interests “lie at the intersection

of solid state physics, materials science, and renewable en-

ergy technologies.” He hopes to “continue to expand his

research in the science of renewable energy technologies

with emphasis on exploring new materials.” He feels it is

“imperative to develop sources of energy for our econ-

omy that are sufficient, safe, and renewable.”

“I aspire to establish a world-renowned research program

in electronic materials for energy technologies while at the

same time cultivating scientific curiosity and intellectual

rigor in students at all levels. The breadth of expertise and

ambition at MIT make it a terrific place to undertake re-

search that aims to connect the very small, at the scale of

a single electron, to the very large issues of energy pro-

duction, economic growth, and environmental sustain-

ability. By its nature this work bridges multiple disciplines

within engineering and science, and I look forward to fol-

lowing the science where it leads.”


Around DMSE


Rafael Jaramillo

Page 4: Structure Summer 2014


We are pleased to announce that, effective July 1, Jeffrey

C. Grossman was promoted to the rank of Full Professor

and Michael J. Demkowicz was promoted to the rank of

Associate Professor.

Jeff Grossman joined

our faculty in fall 2009.

After receiving his Ph.D.

in theoretical physics

from the University of Illi-

nois, he held a postdoc-

toral position at U.C.

Berkeley, and then was a

Lawrence Fellow at the

Lawrence Livermore Na-

tional Laboratory.

Professor Grossman’s group uses theory and simulation to

gain fundamental understanding, develop new insights

based on this understanding, and then use these insights

to design new materials for energy conversion and storage

with improved properties—working closely with experi-

mental groups at each step. He has published more than

eighty scientific papers on the topics of solar photo-

voltaics, thermoelectrics, hydrogen storage, solar fuels,

nanomechanical phenomena, and self-assembly. He is an

enthusiastic educator, dedicating himself to finding the

best way to communicate fundamental concepts of ma-

terials science in a way that immediately engages students

and helps them understand connections between theory

and application.

Michael J. Demkowicz joined our faculty in 2008 after

appointments at Los

Alamos National Labs.

He did his undergraduate

work at the University of

Texas at Austin, with de-

grees in Physics and

Aerospace Engineering,

2000, and he holds a

Master’s and Ph.D. in

Mechanical Engineering

from MIT.

He works at the intersection of fundamental materials

physics and computational design of structural materials.

His research addresses the need for rapid advances in

structural material performance in the areas of energy, in-

frastructure, and transportation. He has developed a re-

search strategy built on “reduced order mesoscale

models,” or ROMMs, which enable physics-based design

of structural materials. He harnessed this capability for mit-

igating He-induced degradation, engineering interfaces

for harsh environments, and imparting radiation-resistance

to amorphous solids. This research has led to a new mech-

anism for stabilizing helium generated in nuclear reactions

without causing material damage—an especially impor-

tant development for nuclear energy applications. Further

work centers on materials performance in deep-well ex-

ploration and mitigation of severe surface wear. In the

classroom, Professor Demkowicz has redeveloped the

content for the core graduate subject 3.22: Mechanical

Behavior of Materials and he has created a new subject,

3.33: Defects in Materials. His work on materials design

through interface engineering led him to co-found an on-

going series of symposia on “Solid-State Interfaces” at The

Minerals, Metals, and Materials Society (TMS) spring

meeting. In 2012, Demkowicz received the NSF CAREER

award and the TMS Early Career Faculty Fellow award for

his work on interface engineering.


W. Craig Carter has been named the POSCO Professor of

Materials Science and Engineering. Professor Carter came

to MIT in 1998 with a research focus in the application of

theoretical and computational materials science to mi-

crostructural evolu-

tion and the

relations between

materials properties

and microstructure.

He places particular

emphasis on the

physical analysis of

complex processes

when possible and

the development

of numerical algo-

rithms and codes when microstructural simulation is re-

quired, and in recent years he has brought his interests and

Jeff Grossman

Craig Carter

Mike Demkowicz

Page 5: Structure Summer 2014

skills to the science of battery materials and the electro-

chemo-mechanics of phase transitions and fracture of bat-

tery electrodes. He and Professor Yet-Ming Chiang have

developed a flow battery that utilizes co-suspensions of

solid state electrode and electronically conductive particu-

lates. They co-founded a company, 24M, to produce grid

scale energy storage solutions.

Professor Carter is recognized as one of DMSE’s most in-

novative instructors. He is a MacVicar Fellow and has re-

ceived the MIT School of Engineering Bose Teaching

Award. His use of Mathematica in the classroom was hon-

ored with a Wolfram Innovator Award.

The professorship was established by the Pohang Iron and

Steel Company (POSCO) in 1987. POSCO, headquar-

tered in Korea, is one of the world’s largest steel produc-

ers and is now a global player in energy and sustainability.

Previous POSCO chair holders were Sam Allen, Joel Clark,

and Tom Eagar.

Christine Ortiz is now

the Morris Cohen Profes-

sor of Materials Science

and Engineering. Profes-

sor Ortiz’s research fo-

cuses on structural or

load-bearing biological

materials, in particular

musculoskeletal (internal

to the body) and ex-

oskeletal (external to the

body) tissues. The Ortiz research group studies these fas-

cinating materials using expertise in the field of “nanome-

chanics,” including the measurement and prediction of

extremely small forces and displacements, the quantifica-

tion of nanoscale spatially-varying mechanical properties,

the identification of local constitutive laws, the formula-

tion of molecular-level structure-property relationships,

and the investigation of new mechanical phenomena ex-

isting at small length scales. Novel experimental and the-

oretical methods are employed, involving increasing levels

of complexity from individual molecules to biomimetic

molecular assemblies to the matrix associated with single

cells and, lastly, to the nanoscale properties of the intact tis-

sue. The result, and ultimate objective of the Ortiz research

program, is a fundamental, mechanistic-based under-

standing of tissue function, quality, and pathology.

Professor Ortiz has been MIT’s Dean of Graduate Educa-

tion since 2010. She joined DMSE in 1999, coming from

a post-doc appointment at the University of Groningen.

The Morris Cohen chair was created in honor of Professor

Cohen’s 75th birthday and was funded through gifts from

a large number of students, friends, collaborators, and MIT

offices. It was the first MIT chair created to honor a living

faculty member and funded through a widespread effort.

It was previously held by Ned Thomas.

Earlier this year, Ian

Waitz, Dean of the

School of Engineer-

ing, named Alfredo

Alexander-Katz the

Walter Henry Gale

Associate Professor

of Materials Science

and Engineering in

recognition of his ex-

cellence in teaching

and research. Professor Alexander-Katz studies self-as-

sembly and dynamics of biological soft-materials. His

group is particularly focused on designing novel polymer-

like drug delivery carriers and understanding their response

to chemical and physical stimuli. This work will enable a

new generation of drug-delivery vectors to target different

areas of the body in a very specific manner, while provid-

ing a deeper understanding of the processes of adhesion

and targeting in flow. He is also studying the supramole-

cular self-assembly of chlorophyls in the antennas of Pho-

tosynthetic Bacteria (the most efficient light harvesting

organisms on Earth) and studying the dynamics of driven

soft systems in general. The research in Prof. Alexander-

Katz’s group is highly interdisciplinary, at the interface of

materials, biology, physics, chemistry and medicine.


+ to learn more

about DMSE faculty and staff

please visit http://dmse.mit.edu

Christine Ortiz

Alfredo Alexander-Katz

Page 6: Structure Summer 2014

The professorship was established in 2011, by Thomas S.

Gale in memory of his father, Professor Walter H. Gale.

Professor Gale received his S.B. (1929) and S.M. (1930) de-

grees from MIT in Aeronautical Engineering.

Niels Holten-Ander-

sen was named the

Doherty Assistant

Professor in Ocean

Utilization. Professor


joined our faculty in

2012; he has a bach-

elor’s in biology, a

B.Sc.Hon in molecu-

lar biology, a master’s

in cell biology, and a Ph.D. in biochemistry. His research is

in applications of Nature-inspired materials science, partic-

ularly in the study of hydrogel mechanical properties, in-

spired by the mussel. The two-year chair is endowed by the

Henry L. and Grace Doherty Charitable Foundation and it

supports promising, non-tenured professors who undertake

marine-related research that will further innovative uses of

the ocean’s resources.

Tara Fadenrecht has

joined our staff as a Tech-

nical Instructor. She re-

cently received her MFA

from the University of

Pennsylvania where she

was a Andrew W. Mellon

Graduate Research Fellow.

She also holds a BFA in

Metalsmithing and Jewelry

Design from the University

of Kansas. She has shown sculpture, video, and installation

work both nationally and internationally, most recently at

the Forum Factory in Berlin. She has already taught two IAP

courses, Enameling and Intro to Jewelry, and this spring,

she taught a Hollowware class to supplement the existing

Metals Lab courses and was a key part of the 3.094 faculty.

To view her work, please visit www.t-fade.com.

Jessica Sandland re-

turned to DMSE last

year to serve as Tech-

nical Instructor work-

ing with the faculty to

create online content

for the Semester

From Anywhere and

MITx. Jessica received

the S.B. (1999) and

Ph.D. (2005) from

our department. After receiving her doctorate, she worked

at Lincoln Labs and at Lesley University. We’re thrilled to

have her back.

Hilary Sheldon was inducted into MIT’s Quarter Century

Club, an organization for employees who have been at the

Institute for 25 years. Recognized for 50 years of service,

were Professors Harry C. Gatos and Robert M. Rose.

E D I T O R I A L S T A F F :

Rachel A. Kemper, DMSE Communications Coordinator

[email protected]

Elissa Haverty, Graduate Assistant,

[email protected]

P R I N T I N G :

DSG Graphics

A C K N O W L E D G M E N T S :

Many thanks to those who contributed time, photography

support, and text, including Prof. Linn Hobbs, Kris Brewer,

Tara Fadenrecht, Franklin Hobbs, Angelita Mireles, Mike

Tarkanian, Eric Thorsen, Essdras M. Suarez .

O T H E R W A Y S T O C O N N E C T :

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Niels Holten-Andersen

Jessica Sandland

Tara Fadenrecht

Page 7: Structure Summer 2014


Among the runners in this year’s Boston Marathon were

many DMSE students, alumni, and faculty. Of this group,

several joined the MIT Strong team to honor the late Offi-

cer Sean Collier, including Rachel Delucas ’03, Jenn Gagner

’07, Mike Gerhardt ’12, and Sam Shames ’14. “I had run

the marathon the previous two years (2012 and 2013) with

friends from the MIT wrestling team, and after our experi-

ence last year, I knew I wanted to run again this year and

that the race would be something special,” said Sam

Shames of his decision to run. “When I saw that MIT was

going to have a team, I submitted my application and was

lucky enough to get chosen.”

The events surrounding last year’s marathon had a pro-

found impact on the MIT community, students included. “I

had a lot of trouble dealing with the events of that week,”

said Michael Gerhardt. “That weekend, I found my old run-

ning shoes and went for a jog. I found running to be in-

credibly meditative and relaxing. I started adding a little

distance each week, and started looking for ways to run

the Boston Marathon next year. I had always been telling

Dad that I would run it with him some year, and I knew

that this was the year.”

“I reached the top of Heartbreak Hill, and my legs were ex-

hausted. Six more miles lay before my father and me, and

I had no idea how I was going to finish. My stomach hurt

and the heat began to wear on me. I started thinking of all

the training I had done, and all the miles I had run in the ice

and snow, and I refused to quit. I thought of Officer Collier

next, and the sacrifice he made, and for him I refused to

quit. I thought about how dark and terrible the week of

April 15, 2013, had been, and how far I had come in a

year.” Michael was one of the MIT Strong Team members

who finished the marathon. The team surpassed their orig-

inal fund raising goal of $142,600, raising $176,000.

Sam recalls fondly: “I did meet Officer Collier once. The be-

ginning of my junior year my friend and I were up on the

roofs exploring and when the MIT police came to tell us to

get down, Office Collier was one of the officers. His warmth

and kindness really struck my friend and me; even though

he we were clearly doing something we shouldn't and

making more work for him and his colleagues he was still

very kind to us and did not try to guilt us unnecessarily or


Congratulations to all the runners, especially the MIT Strong

team and DMSE’s representatives.

Runner Mike Gerhardt ’12 (right), a member of MITStrong, trains for the Boston Marathon at a 30K racewith his father, Massachusetts State Trooper WayneGerhardt. Mike was waiting at the finish line for hisfather to finish last year’s race when the bombings oc-curred. Both were unharmed — and ran together thisyear. Photo courtesy Mike Gerhardt.

Sam Shames ’14 gives a thumbs-up on CommonwealthAvenue. Photo courtesy of Sam Shames.


Page 8: Structure Summer 2014

M I T . n a n oStarting in 2018, researchers from across MIT will be ableto take advantage of comprehensive facilities for nanoscaleresearch in a new building to be constructed at the veryheart of the Cambridge campus, on the location of the cur-rent Building 12.

The 200,000-square-foot building, called “MIT.nano,” willhouse state-of-the-art cleanroom, imaging, and prototyp-ing facilities supporting research with nanoscale materialsand processes — in fields including energy, health, life sci-ences, quantum sciences, electronics, and manufacturing.An estimated 2,000 MIT researchers may ultimately makeuse of the building, says electrical engineering professorVladimir Bulović, faculty lead on the MIT.nano project andassociate dean for innovation in the School of Engineering.

“MIT.nano will sit at the heart of our campus, and it will becentral to fulfilling MIT’s mission in research, education, andimpact,” says President L. Rafael Reif. “The capabilities itprovides and the interdisciplinary community it inspires willkeep MIT at the forefront of discovery and innovation, andgive us the power to solve urgent global challenges. By fol-lowing the lead of faculty and student interest, MIT has along tradition of placing bold bets on strategic future tech-nologies, and we expect MIT.nano to pay off in the sameway, for MIT and for the world.”

“The tools of nanotechnology will play a critical part in howmany engineering disciplines solve the problems of the 21stcentury, and MIT.nano will shape the Institute’s role in theseadvances,” says Ian A. Waitz, dean of the School of Engi-neering and the Jerome C. Hunsaker Professor of Aero-nautics and Astronautics. “This project represents one ofthe largest commitments to research in MIT’s history.MIT.nano will carry the last two decades of research intonew realms of application and discovery.”

“Usually we talk about how science enables new technol-ogy, but discovery is a two-way street,” adds Maria Zuber,MIT’s vice president for research and the E.A. Griswold Pro-fessor of Geophysics. “In MIT.nano, technology will ad-vance basic science through the extraordinary observationsthat will be possible in this state-of-the-art facility.”

The four-level MIT.nano will replace the existing Building12, and will retain its number, occupying a space alongsidethe iconic Great Dome. It will be interconnected with neigh-boring buildings, and accessible from MIT’s Infinite Corridor— meaning, Bulović says, that the new facility will be justa short walk from the numerous departments that will useits tools. “This building needs to be centrally located, be-cause nanoscale research is now central to so many disci-plines,” says Bulović.

Users of the new facility are expected to come from morethan 150 research groups at MIT, including many in DMSE.They will include, for example, scientists who are workingon methods to “print” parts of human organs for trans-plantation; who are creating superhydrophobic surfaces toboost power-plant efficiency; who work with nanofluids todesign new means of locomotion for machines, or newmethods for purifying water; who aim to transform themanufacturing of pharmaceuticals; and who are using nan-otechnology to reduce the carbon footprint of concrete, theworld’s most ubiquitous building material.

The research that will take place in MIT.nano could also helpthe world meet its growing energy needs, Bulović says. Forexample, cloud computing already consumes 1.3 percent ofthe world’s electricity; as this technology proliferates, its en-ergy use is projected to grow a thousandfold over the com-

+ to learn more

about MIT.nano and the research in it

please visit http://mitnano.mit.eduFacilities

Architect’s rendering of MIT.nano. Building 13 is in front of the Dome, thenew building to its left. Credit: Wilson Architects.

Page 9: Structure Summer 2014

ing decade. Hardware based on nanoscale switching ele-

ments — a new technology now being pursued by MIT re-

searchers — could prove crucial in reducing the energy

footprint of cloud computing.

“But we have many urgent challenges that existing tech-

nology cannot address,” Bulović says. “If we want to makesweeping change — more than incremental progress — in

the most urgent technical areas, we need this building and

the tools of nanoscience and nanotechnology housed

within it.”

“The need for advanced facilities to support nanoscale re-

search was identified in 2011 as the Institute’s highest aca-

demic priority as part of the MIT 2030 process to envision

how our campus might evolve to meet future needs for re-

search and education,” says Israel Ruiz, MIT’s executive vice

president and treasurer. “It is wonderful to see we are boldly

moving to accomplish our goal.”

MIT.nano will house two interconnected floors of clean-

room laboratories containing fabrication spaces and mate-

rials growth laboratories, greatly expanding the Institute’s

capacity for research involving components that are meas-

ured in billionths of a meter — a scale at which cleanliness

is paramount, as even a single speck of dust vastly exceeds

the nanoscale. The building will also include the “quietest”

space on campus — a floor optimized for low vibration and

minimal electromagnetic interference, dedicated to ad-

vanced imaging technologies — and a floor of teaching lab-

oratory space. Finally, the facility will feature an innovative

teaching and research space, known as a Computer-Aided

Visualization Environment (CAVE), allowing high-resolution

views of nanoscale features.

To help the MIT community prepare for the process of con-

struction in the center of campus, project leaders conducted

meetings with 35 labs, centers, and departments — mainly

abutters — to explain how the project will affect them.

Bulović explained that while nanotechnology plays a part inabout 20 percent of the research on MIT’s campus, the fa-

cilities used today for this research are scattered and over-

crowded. But construction of the building that will alleviate

that overcrowding will itself pose many challenges, in the

short term.

The project team has made many efforts to reduce disrup-

tions as much as possible, Wanat said. For example, while

traditional construction of such a building would use sheet

pilings around the foundation, this project will instead use

slurry walls, poured in place which will produce far less noise

and vibration than the driving of sheet pilings, Wanat said.

Construction vehicles will use exhaust scrubbing to mini-

mize the impact of fumes on adjacent buildings.

Just digging the hole for the new building’s foundation will

involve removing 1.4 million cubic feet of dirt, explained

Travis Wanat, MIT.nano’s senior project manager. The

building itself will use 12,000 cubic yards of concrete, 3.4

million pounds of steel, and 53,000 square feet of glass. On

its way to the Building 12 site, all of that material will have

to pass through just three access points.

The building itself will be constructed with far more steel

and less concrete than is typical for such a structure, greatly

reducing the number of trucks needed to deliver materials

to the construction site. In the demolition of the existing

Building 12 — scheduled in 2015 — equipment will dis-

mantle and crush sections of the building as they are re-


View of MIT.nano from outside Building 13. Credit:Wilson Architects.


Page 10: Structure Summer 2014

The new building, described by architect Samir Srouji of

Wilson Architects as “a stone box wrapped around with a

veil of glass,” will connect to Building 13, Building 16, and

have easy ground-level access from the Infinite Corridor

and Building 24.

Bulović said that the $350 million cost of the building iscomparable, per square foot, to that of similar recent build-

ings at Harvard University and the University of Massa-

chusetts at Lowell. He added that the cleanroom space

within MIT.nano is larger than that found at those facilities,

and that the new building will include the highest-quality vi-

bration-free space for imaging equipment on the entire MIT


—adapted from MIT News Office stories


In the coming months, construction will begin on new col-

laborative spaces, in the office suite directly across from the

Lab for Advanced Materials in Building 4 (many will re-

member these as the offices of Professors Bob Rose, Tom

Eagar, and Sam Allen, and of Leslie Lawrence, Jeri Hill, and

Ayn Inserto).

The space will be flexible, allowing two separate lounge

spaces, with a common area available for kitchen use and

for meetings or project work. As the spaces are so close to

the DMSE teaching laboratories in Buildings 4 and 8, the

students will be better able to take quick breaks for a snack,

to work on problem sets between classes, or hold a study


L A B & O F F I C E R E N O V A T I O N S

As we hire new faculty, say farewell to retirees, and adapt

to new technological needs, DMSE renovates and overhauls

offices and lab spaces. These renovations might be com-

plete gutting of the space, removing asbestos, and installing

new air systems, or they could be minor cosmetic changes

including new paint and carpet and updated communica-

tions connections for internet.

DMSE’s Space Committee works with Professor Schuh, Pro-

fessor Ross, and Gerry Hughes, Facilities Manager, to iden-

tify and prioritize labs and offices for renewal. In the past

year, labs on the 5th floor of Building 13 were renovated for

the Holten-Andersen and Allanore groups, and office suites

have been created for DMSE emeriti (2nd floor of Building

8), for the Olivetti group (4th floor of Building 8), and for

the Schuh group (first floor of Building 8).

A sectional rendering of MIT.nano showing distribu-tion of its research facilities. Credit: Wilson Architects.

Page 11: Structure Summer 2014

G L A S S L A B , F O U N D R Y ,


For many years, the people walking through the basement

of the Infinite Corridor have slowed to watch the activity in

4-013, the long-time home of the Glass Lab and Forge.

Currently, those hoping for a glimpse of molten glass or

red-hot metal are disappointed: the space is gutted, to be

renovated along with the lab across the hall as a new home

for the glass lab, forge, and foundry.

Our department was founded by educators who empha-

sized teaching through doing, rather than through obser-

vation or rote learning, and MIT’s glass and metal-working

facilities date back to our beginnings. Hands-on education

is no less valuable today; students and instructors with a

wealth of on-line resources treasure experiences of heat-

ing, annealing, cooling, hammering, bending—and of mak-

ing pieces and making mistakes. Our students learn the

basics of materials processing from classical techniques like

investment casting while discovering how new technolo-

gies like 3D-Printers are integrated into a traditional process.

The foundry, forge, and glass lab continue the mission of

DMSE’s teaching laboratories, all of which have been ren-

ovated since 2000 with new systems and equipment. They

are used for DMSE undergraduate subjects, for freshman

seminars and explorations, for faculty research, and for out-

reach activities with Cambridge public schools. Their loca-

tion in the basement of the Infinite Corridor is at the center

of MIT, on the path connecting DMSE’s labs in Buildings 4,

6, 8, and 13 and the location for MIT.nano.

FFoorrggee AArreeaa

FFoouunnddrryy AArreeaa

GGllaassss LLaabbglass lightdiffusers incorridor

foundry-producedMIT DMSE medallion

glass lab back-lit display case (not shown in this view)

glory hole ventilation enclosure


furnaceventilation enclosure

induction furnace and power supply

coal forge

hydraulic press

hydraulic press

centrifugal caster


Architect’s rendering of new Foundry, Forge, Glass Lab, to be completedDecember 2014. Credit: Imai Keller Moore Architects.

The hallway outside the forge, foundry, and glass labwill have art in the walls, floor, and ceiling. MikeTarkanian is building a prototype of the ceiling treat-ment, marbles in a stainless steel grid.


Page 12: Structure Summer 2014


Heating or cooling certain parts of your body — such as

applying a warm towel to your forehead if you feel chilly

— can help maintain your perceived thermal comfort.

Using that concept, four MIT engineering students devel-

oped a thermoelectric bracelet that monitors air and skin

temperature, and sends tailored pulses of hot or cold

waveforms to the wrist to help maintain thermal comfort.

For this invention, the team, called Wristify, took home

the $10,000 first prize at this year’s MADMEC, DMSE’s

annual materials-science design competition.

The product is now a working prototype. And although

people would use the device for personal comfort, the

team says the ultimate aim is to reduce the energy con-

sumption of buildings, by cooling and heating the indi-

vidual — not the building.

“Buildings right now use an incredible amount of energy

just in space heating and cooling. In fact, all together this

makes up 16.5 percent of all U.S. primary energy con-

sumption. We wanted to reduce that number, while main-

taining individual thermal comfort,” says Sam Shames, a

Course III senior who co-invented the Wristify technol-

ogy. “We found the best way to do it was local heating

and cooling of parts of the body.”

The team estimates that if the device stops one building

from adjusting its temperature by even just 1 degree Cel-

sius, it will save roughly 100 kilowatt-hours per month.

The annual competition is sponsored by Saint Gobain, BP,

and Dow Chemical. The contest’s theme this year was

“materials science solutions for sustainability.”

After the competition, some teams may further develop

their products, or even take them to market. But the pri-

mary aim of the competition is to engage students in pro-

totyping and design, says Michael Tarkanian, a lecturer in

DMSE who runs MADMEC.

“The goal is to allow students to get their hands dirty,

working in the labs to design and build functional proto-

types,” he says. “It gives them an opportunity to put their

classroom knowledge to work, solving problems related

to energy, habitat, and sustainability.”

For the competition, teams of two to five MIT students

receive $1,000 to build their prototypes. Starting in June,

monthly checkpoints and several independent design

challenges are organized to help guide the teams in the

development process.

Over the course of developing its technology, the Wristify

team made a key discovery: Human skin is very sensitive

to minute, rapid changes in temperature, which affect the

whole body. They found they needed to heat or cool any

body part (in their case, the wrist) at a rate of at least 0.1

C per second in order to make the entire body, overall,

feel several degrees warmer or colder.

After 15 prototypes, the team landed on its final product,

which resembles a wristwatch and can be powered, for

up to eight hours, by a lithium polymer battery. This pro-

totype demonstrated a rate of change of up to 0.4 C per


The “watch” part of the prototype consists of the team’s

custom copper-alloy-based heat sink (a component that

lowers a device’s temperature by dissipating heat). At-

tached is an automated control system that manages the

intensity and duration of the thermal pulses delivered to

the heat sink. Integrated thermometers also measure ex-

ternal and body temperature to adjust accordingly.


Wristify’s winning prototype.

Page 13: Structure Summer 2014

“What we developed is a wearable, wrist-based technol-

ogy that leverages human sensitivity, can detect and per-

fect rates of change, and can maintain overall thermal

comfort while reducing the need to heat and cool build-

ings,” Shames says.

With the prize money, the team plans to further develop

the prototype, using advanced algorithms to better auto-

mate the thermal pulses, among other things. Other Wris-

tify co-inventors were graduate students Mike Gibson and

David Cohen-Tanugi, and postdoc Matt Smith.

Two other teams won second and third place prizes, earn-

ing $6,000 and $4,000, respectively. Taking second place

was GeckoLight, a team of four engineering students who

developed inexpensive, small LED lights — powered by

solar-powered, rechargeable batteries — that can stick to

any surface, including skin.

The sticky material on the back of the lights is based on

geckos’ feet — which are equipped with a forest of small

hairs that stick to surfaces — and the fine filaments mus-

sels use to dangle on rocks without breaking loose. The

team’s idea is to replace kerosene-based fuels that release

19 million tons of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere per

year — especially in developing countries.

Third-place prize went to PolySolar, a team of students

who developed a concept for polymer-based solar cells

that are inexpensive, efficient, and stick to any surface.

Three other teams competed in the contest. EZ Iron ex-

perimented with creating metal from powder. Another

team, Infilterators, bonded amino acids with carbon to cre-

ate a polymer that can be applied to water filters to re-

move heavy metal ions, such as lead and mercury. And

Therminator combined graphene oxide with carbon nan-

otubes to create thin films that can be applied to silicon

chips to help them cool faster.

Some former MADMEC teams have gone on to start

companies to commercialize their inventions. One suc-

cessful example has been Levant Power, which placed

third in the first MADMEC, in 2007. The company, which

designed shock absorbers that improve vehicle handling

while generating electricity to improve overall efficiency,

has performed successful tests with the U.S. military and

with city buses in New York.

This year’s competition, the eighth annual occurrence, is

underway, with twelve project teams entered and over

thirty student participants. All are invited to the final pre-

sentations and award ceremony, to be held September 19,

1:00p.m., in 6-120; check out the MADMEC website for

updates on the teams’ progress.

Rob Matheson, MIT News Office


! Learn more about MADMEC at


Sam Shames, Matt Smith, and Mike Gibson receivethe winning certificate for Wristify.

Ritchie Chen demonstrates GeckoLight’s utility.

Page 14: Structure Summer 2014


Polina Anikeeva the inaugural recipient of the Dressel-

haus Award, established this year by Institute Professor

Millie Dresselhaus with the proceeds of her Kavli Award.

Professor Anikeeva also participated in an MIT panel on

Women in Academia, presented by the Undergraduate

Women in Physics and held in honor of Prof. Dresselhaus’s

contributions to women and junior faculty. Other panelists

were former president Susan Hockfield, and Professors

Barbara Liskov, Paola Cappellaro, and Molly Potter.

Angela Belcherwas featured on NOVA, in an episode ti-

tled “Making Stuff Wilder.” David Pogue, the show’s host,

interviewed her about using “nature’s toolbox” to address

technological challenges.

Michael Demkowicz was recognized with the Graduate

Materials Council (GMC) Best Teaching Award this year.

Professor Demkowicz teaches 3.22: Mechanical Behavior

of Materials, and he has created a new subject, 3.33:

Defects in Materials.

Jeff Grossmanwas the recipient of many honors this year,

from many different organizations, recognizing his excel-

lence in teaching, advising, and research innovations. From

the School of Engineering, he received the Bose Award for

Excellence in Teaching in recognition of his work in MIT’s

undergraduate academic program. He also received the

Frank E. Perkins Award for Excellence in Graduate Advis-

ing from MIT’s Graduate Student Council; this award rec-

ognizes unbounded compassion and dedication towards

students; nominations for this award are submitted from

students across the Institute. The GMC named him Best

Advisor this year.

Professor Grossman was elected to join the American

Physical Society Fellows. His citation read, “For important

contributions to the development and application of quan-

tum Monte Carlo methods for electronic structure calcu-

lations, and the use of first principles methods to predict

the properties of materials and nanostructures and the

microscopic level.”

Professor Grossman received a Professor Amar G. Bose

Research Grant for his proposal “Coal for Photovoltaics:

Let it Shine Instead of Burn.” Seven proposals, out of one

hundred submitted, were selected for funding. Recipients

will receive $500,000 over three years.

Linn Hobbswas honored by the British government with

a reception in his honor recognizing his many years of co-

ordinating the international collaborations between the

U.S. and the U.K. Professor Hobbs has advised the Mar-

shall scholarships, the Fulbright, the Gates. He is also the

advisor for the MIT partnerships with Cambridge Univer-

sity and Imperial College, London.

Michael Rubner has been named a Fellow of the Mate-

rials Research Society. The citation reads, “For pioneering

research in layer-by-layer assembly of functional thin films;

inspirational mentoring of two generations of materials

scientists; and visionary leadership in the materials

community worldwide.”

Donald R. Sadoway, the John F. Elliott Professor of Ma-

terials Chemistry, delivered the fall 2013 Wulff Lecture to

a full house in 10-250. His lecture was entitled “Electro-

chemical Pathways Towards Sustainability,” and focused

on his research group's development of liquid metal bat-

teries for home- and grid-level energy storage, and molten

oxide electrolysis for metals production. In addition to ex-

plaining the principles behind these technologies, Prof.

Sadoway outlined his approach towards sustainable ma-

terials development, stressing the factors of elemental

abundance, cost, and local availability.

The Wulff Lecture is an introductory, entertaining lecture

which serves to educate, inspire, and encourage MIT un-

dergraduates to take up the study of materials science and

engineering. It honors the late Professor John Wulff, a

skilled, provocative, and entertaining teacher who con-

ceived of a new approach to teaching general chemistry

and inaugurated the popular freshman subject, 3.091

Introduction to Solid State Chemistry.

Professor Sadoway received the 2014 Norm Augustine Award

for Outstanding Achievement in Engineering Communication

from the American Association of Engineering Societies.

Awards and Honors

Page 15: Structure Summer 2014


At Commencement, Colleen Loynachan ’14 was named

Outstanding Senior and also received the award for the

Outstanding Senior Thesis. She was the SUMS President

this Academic Year. Her thesis, “Targeted Magnetic

Nanoparticles for Remote Manipulation of Protein Aggre-

gation,” was supervised by Prof. Polina Anikeeva. She re-

cently presented her work at an MRS talk in late April.

During her time at MIT she participated in the Oxford ex-

change program, received the Barry Goldwater Scholar-

ship, elected to Tau Beta Pi, and was a TA in 3.014. She is

also the recipient of the 2014 Henry Ford II Scholar Award,

for “the senior in the School of Engineering who has at-

tained the highest academic record at the end of the third

year and who has exceptional potential for leadership in

the profession of engineering and in society.” She will at-

tend Imperial College next year as a Marshall Scholar be-

fore enrolling at Stanford University’s MS&E department.

DMSE’s other recipient of the Outstanding Senior Award

was Sam Shames ’14. Sam was a member of Prof. Gross-

man’s research group and a TA in 3.012 Fundamentals of

Materials Science and Engineering for two years. He was

a championship wrestler, wrote for The Tech, helped with

MIT’s edX initiative, was an MIT tour guide, and in his

spare time ran the 2014 Boston as a member of MIT

Strong team. Sam will work full time next year at Wristify,

a start-up that grew out of his team’s winning MADMEC

project. He was also a Hertz Fellowship finalist.

Erica Lai ’14 was the recipient of the Horace A. Lubin

Award for DMSE Community Service. Erica served as the

SUMS Career Development Chair for two years. She ini-

tiated the Feast with Faculty program and organized panel

discussions on graduate school and careers in industry.

Max Ramundo ’14 was awarded the Joseph M. Dhosi

Outstanding Internship Award. His internship report,

“Processing and Phase Transformations in Nano Ceramic-

Reinforced Quasicrystalline Aluminum Alloys,” was su-

pervised by Dr. Marina Galino. His DMSE faculty

internship advisor was Prof. David Roylance. After gradu-

ation, he will do a 6-month internship with Ferrari, S.p.A.

in Maranello, Italy, as part of their graduate program.

Inbar Yamin ’15 received the Julian Szekely Award for the

Outstanding Junior. In addition to her outstanding aca-

demic performance, Inbar has taught Hebrew to begin-

ners, been a departmental tutor, is involved with MIT

Hillel, and has worked as a UROP.

Sarah Warkander ’16 was named Outstanding Sophomore.

The Department conferred an Undergraduate Teaching

Award on William Dickson ’14 and Mary Breton ’14, for

their significant contributions to 3.091r. Professor Michael

Cima wrote, “Will and Mary were my key collaborators

last semester for the 3.091r experiment. I can say it would

not have happened without their devotion to doing a

great job.”

Haewoo Kim, Colleen Loynachan, and Caitlin Sample

were all invited to join Phi Beta Kappa.

Hanna Vincent ’14 was named a 2014 honorable men-

tion All-American by the Intercollegiate Sailing Associa-

tion. She was captain of the MIT Women’s Sailing Team.


At Commencement, the department presented two

awards for the Best Ph.D. Thesis: to Satoru Emori of the

Beach Group for his thesis, “Domain Walls Driven by In-

terfacial Phenomena; and to Tongjai Chookajorn of Pro-

fessor Schuh’s group for her thesis, “Enhancing Stability

of Powder-Route Nanocrystalline Tungsten-Titanium via

Alloy Thermodynamics.” Satoru is currently a post-doc at

Northeastern University. Tongjai will perform a post-doc

at MIT and then work as a research scientist at the Na-

tional Metal and Materials Technology Center in Thailand.

Jocelyn Newhouse received the Ph.D. Distinction Award

for her thesis, “Modeling the Operating Voltage of Liquid

Metal Battery Cells,” advised by Prof. Don Sadoway.

Currently, Jocelyn is a post-doc with Prof. Elsa Olivetti.

The Graduate Student Teaching Award was presented to

Oliver Kent Johnson for his work in 3.21 Kinetic

Processes of Materials, taught by Prof. Carl Thompson

who said, “without Oliver’s outstanding assistance this

term, 3.21 could have been a disaster.”

The DMSE Community Service Award was presented to

Alexandra Toumar for her dedication to the department

and to the community around us. Since coming to MIT


Page 16: Structure Summer 2014

three years ago, she has been the GMC President, Coffee

Hour coordinator, Co-President of the Women of Materi-

als Science, GSC representative for the Title IX student

working group, and the Public Service Center liaison.

Wenxuan Huang received the Exceptional 1st-Year Stu-

dent Performance Award. He came to MIT from the Na-

tional University of Singapore; he was nominated for this

award by his thesis advisor, Professor Gerbrand Ceder,

“Wenxuan has an intellectual depth that I rarely experi-

ence, even at MIT, and a research intensity that drives him

to tackle important fundamental problems.”

The John Wulff Excellence in Teaching Awards were pre-

sented to Rachel Zucker and Donghum Kim. Rachel was

a TA for 3.044 Materials Processing (Spring 2012, Spring

2013) and 3.016 Mathematical Models for Materials Sci-

entists and Engineers (Fall 2012, Fall 2013), and Donghun

was a TA for 3.091 Introduction to Solid-State Chemistry

(Fall 2013).

Benjamin Grena from the Fink Group was a runner-up at

MIT’s Polymer Day poster contest. Benjamin’s poster was

titled, “Porous Polymeric Domains in Thermally-Drawn

Fibers.” Polymer Day is sponsored by the Program in Poly-

mer Science and Technology, PPST.

Two DMSE graduate students were included in Forbes

magazine’s annual lists of “30 Under 30,” young innova-

tors who will change the world. David Cohen-Tanugi and

Sophie Ni were both included in the Energy and Industry

list. David was recognized for his work with the MIT Water

Club and for his participation in “Wristify,” this year’s win-

ning MADMEC team. Sophie is a co-founder of Takachar,

an organization that is working to create valuable charcoal

for home cooking from organic waste discarded in some

of the world’s poorest cities.

Abishek Kashinath received one of the three graduate

student awards presented at the DOE energy frontier

research center (EFRC) conference in Washington, DC

in 2013. The DOD has funded approximately 50 EFRCs

at universities, and all participants were invited to the

conference. About 15 finalists were chosen to give pre-

sentations that were judged for scientific merit, clarity of

communication, and how well they represented the ef-

fort of their respective EFRCs. Abishek is a member of

the Demkowicz Group. One of the other winners was

Maria Luckyanova from Prof. Gang Chen’s group in



At the School of Engineering Infinite Mile Awards Cer-

emony, the Ellen J. Mandigo Award for Outstanding

Service was presented to Gerry Hughes. Gerry joined

DMSE as the Facilities Manager in 2001, with respon-

sibilities for repairs, renovations, maintenance, and re-

locations in labs and offices across five buildings. This

year, Gerry received his Master of Science in Facilities

Management. We are proud of his accomplishments

and grateful for the expertise, understanding, and good

humor he brings to MIT every day.


Richard Bradt ’60 received the 2013 W.D. Kingery Award

from the American Ceramic Society. Dr. Bradt, emeritus

professor of engineering at the University of Alabama, re-

calls taking 3.76 with Professor Kingery and using class-

notes that later became Introduction to Ceramics.

Julia Jaskolska ’13 was awarded the Zonta J. M. Klaus-

man Women in Business Scholarship to support her grad-

uate study at Cambridge University where she is enrolled

in the master’s program in Engineering for Sustainable De-

velopment. She is one of twelve young women scholars

internationally who received this honor.

Tim Mueller, Ph.D. ’07, an assistant professor of materi-

als science and engineering at Johns Hopkins University,

will receive an NSF CAREER Award.

Regina Valluzzi, ’89, had a solo exhibition at the Gover-

nor’s Academy in Byfield, Mass. Dr. Valluzzi is an artist who

uses novel techniques to create paintings that often illus-

trate materials science principles. “Nano Night Music” is

currently on view in DMSE’s conference room, 6-103.

Anton Van der Ven, Ph.D. 2000, is now Associate Pro-

fessor of Materials at the University of California, Santa


Page 17: Structure Summer 2014


Linn Walker Hobbs has an insatiable curiosity and a great

breadth of knowledge and, in retirement, we are sure he

will take that curiosity to accumulate even more knowl-

edge on an even greater breadth of topics.

Linn received his Bachelor's degree summa cum laude

from Northwestern University in 1966. He holds the D.

Phil. degree from Oxford University (1972), where he was

a Marshall Scholar. He continued at Oxford as an NSF

Postdoctoral Fellow and was elected a Research Fellow of

Wolfson College, Oxford (1972–76). Prior to coming to

MIT, he was Associate Professor of Ceramic Science at

Case Western Reserve University and before that Section

Leader in the Defects in Solids Group, Materials Develop-

ment Division, U.K. Atomic Energy Research Establishment

at Harwell.

His research interests in radiation effects in ceramics and

other materials, atomistic structures of glasses, and high-

temperature corrosion of metals led him to join the MIT

faculty in 1981. He has held joint appointments in the De-

partments of Materials Science and Engineering and Nu-

clear Science and Engineering, has served as Associate

Chair of the MIT Faculty (1993–95), and has chaired many

Institute committees, many of which form and advise the

undergraduate academic experience, including global ed-

ucation opportunities. He is President of MIT's chapter of

Sigma Xi, the Scientific Research Society, and for a decade

was chair of DMSE’s graduate program. He won MIT’s

Arthur C. Smith Award for sustained contributions to MIT’s

undergraduate program in 2002.

Linn has a deep understanding of materials properties, an-

alytical techniques, and processing technologies. He has

held leadership positions in the Microscopy Society of

America, MRS, ACerS, and other organizations. He has

shared his expertise by organizing many workshops and

conferences and serving on many editorial boards and ad-

visory committees.

In 2001, he was made an Officer of the Order of the

British Empire, in recognition of his many years working

with the Marshall, Rhodes, Gates, and Churchill scholar


Besides his research interests, he is an expert in antiquar-

ian horology, cartography, 18th- and early 19th-century

fortepianos, oenology, and amateur radio. His IAP offer-

ing, In Vino Veritas, has been called MIT’s most popular

class (offered for over three decades), with no p-sets, no

exams, and no lab assignments, but many good wines and

good conversation.

He is married to Dr. Linda Cunningham and he has two

children, Susannah Howe, a professor of engineering at

Smith College, and Franklin Hobbs, a DMSE instructor.

Linn is dedicated to helping DMSE students with their re-

search and future plans and to assisting the many stu-

dents, at MIT and elsewhere, who are candidates for the

international scholar programs. He is a devoted colleague

and friend, a person who creates and sustains relationships

with all those around him, concerned for their well-being

and interested in their lives. He wish him the very best in

the future—he will be impossible to replace.


Page 18: Structure Summer 2014

ObituariesR O B E R T E . O G I L V I E ,

1 9 2 3 – 2 0 1 3

Robert E. Ogilvie, Professor Emeritus of Metallurgy in the

Department of Materials Science and Engineering, passed

away after brief illness on September 3, 2013. He was 89.

Professor Ogilvie’s academic foundation in metallurgy and

his insatiable curiosity led him to become a world-

renowned expert in the detection of art forgeries, the con-

struction of samurai swords, and the analysis of

meteorites. His diverse research interests connected him

to many communities where he formed strong friendships.

In remarks that he gave at Professor Ogilvie’s memorial

service at the MIT Chapel on 28 September 2013, Profes-

sor Yet-Ming Chiang said “Bob was an MIT original. To

me, he embodied the unique meritocracy that is one of

MIT’s core values, where you can come from anywhere,

including rural Idaho, and by virtue of scientific ability, rise

to the very top of your profession. He also epitomized that

combination of scientific curiosity, technological practical-

ity, lifelong self-learning, love of discovery, and love of

teaching that represents the best of MIT.”

Born in Wallace, Idaho, in 1923, Bob served in the Navy

during World War II, and then pursued undergraduate

studies at Gonzaga University and the University of Wash-

ington. He came to MIT for graduate school in 1950,

studying x-ray absorption analysis with Professor John T.


“In the mid 1960s, he built one of the very first electron

microprobes, launching the field of electron probe micro-

analysis, or EPMA. This is a technique that uses a finely

focused electron beam to measure the elemental makeup

of materials at micrometer length scales by exciting the

emission of X-rays that are characteristic of the elements

within. In many ways, EPMA was to that era what nan-

otechnology, and the enabling nanometer-scale probes are

to us today. It allowed for the first time the analysis of ma-

terials constitution at length scale that were then un-

precedented. It is fair to say that without microanalysis,

nanoanalysis would not exist today. EPMA is still in wide-

spread use today, for instance in the field of geology, as is

a methodology for quantitative analysis that bears Bob’s

name. The Ziebold-Ogilvie analysis, developed with Bob’s

student Tom Ziebold and published in two papers in 1963

and 1964, enabled the precise quantification of unknown

compositions using appropriate reference standards. Based

on this early research, Bob became a cornerstone of the

Microbeam Society, in which he was active for many years,

including serving as its President.”

His graduate research led to the development of the elec-

tron microbeam probe and the founding of AMR, Inc.

with Professor Norton. Also at that time, he began work-

ing with William Young, founder of the Research Lab at

the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, and developed a long

collaboration and supportive relationship with what is now

the Department of Conservation and Collections Man-

agement at the MFA and with conservators and conser-

vation scientists there and elsewhere. He was instrumental

in establishing the series of workshops and publications on

the Application of Science in the Examination of Works of

Art. His use of the electron microprobe in detecting for-

geries and authenticating art was the subject of cover sto-

ries in Technology Review and Saturday Review.

“Bob was also instrumental in fostering the growth of

transmission electron microscopy within our Department

Page 19: Structure Summer 2014

starting in the early 1970’s. ... He came into possession of

a valuable and then state-of-the-art TEM, the Philips

EM300. Bob subsequently donated this instrument to help

launch the Central Facility for electron microscopy that

continues to this day within our Center for Materials Sci-

ence and Engineering.”

Another application of the electron microanalyzer was the

examination of meteorites; the instrument could deter-

mine the objects’ thermal history and the size of the orig-

inal body of which the meteorite was a fragment. Bob was

a member of the Harvard-Smithsonian Meteorite Discus-

sion group, and in 2000 he was recognized for his long-

time involvement and contributions with a named minor

planet, 3973 Ogilvie.

Bob had a long fascination with the creation and structure

of samurai swords, leading him to visit swordmakers in

Japan, including the famous Gassan family. His extensive

collection of samples and data has been invaluable for stu-

dents and scholars. “Bob loved scientific mysteries. For a

number of years, he attempted to reproduce the Chinese

magic mirror in his laboratory. This device is a cast hand-

mirror in which you can see your image like any ordinary

mirror, but if light is reflected off of it and onto the wall or

ceiling, an artistic pattern or writing appears in the pro-

jected image. If you asked Ogilvie how it worked, the an-

swer was always ‘It’s magic!’”

At MIT, Bob taught “Fundamentals of Crystallography and

X-Ray Diffraction,” “Electron Optics,” “Materials Labo-

ratory,” and “Celestial Navigation.” “Bob helped to es-

tablish, and then taught for many years, one of the legacy

courses of our Department, an undergraduate course on

the characterization of materials known that was known

for 30 years by its MIT course number 3.081, and which

continues today as Course 3.014. With Bob, you would

remember the core principles of materials science and en-

gineering because you could not forget his stories, deliv-

ered with such wonder, wit, and humor.”

He directed the X-Ray and Electron Optics Lab at MIT and

served as President of the Electron Probe Analysis Society

of America. An avid sailor, he sailed “Op-Tiki,” a 36-foot

Cheoy Lee ketch, around the world with his son Rob.

Bob is survived by children Claudia Ogilvie of Pittsfield,

MA, Marylee Bergin of Ridgewood, NJ, and Rob Scott

Ogilvie of Nashville, TN, as well as grandchildren Robert C.

Ogilvie, John G. Ogilvie, Alex Bergin, and Zoe Bergin. Do-

nations may be made to the St. Labre Indian School, 1000

Tongue River Rd., Ashland, Montana.

L A R R Y K A U F M A N ,

1 9 3 0 – 2 0 1 3

Dr. Lawrence Kaufman, Sc.D. ‘55, died in Israel on De-

cember 3, 2013. Larry was the developer of the CAL-

PHAD (CALculation of PHAse Diagrams) method of

computational thermodynamics, a scientific approach that

is considered one of the most powerful tools available for

materials design.

Larry was outgoing and energetic. He founded CALPHAD,

Inc., which produces a journal published by Elsevier and

also organizes an annual conference. CALPHAD confer-

ences are held in various locations around the world, in

sites that are historic and scenic; family members are wel-

come to attend and the organizers arrange tours, ban-

quets, and visits to cultural and historic sites. These

conferences have contributed to the close-knit nature of

the CALPHAD community.

As a visiting lecturer, Larry made the CALPHAD method

accessible to MIT students, helping them with classsroom

and research projects and offering tutorials in ThermoCalc.

CALPHAD is now regarded by some as a foundation to

the Materials Genome project.

CALPHAD is organizing a memorial scholarship in his

name. Our condolences to his wife Sandra and to his

many friends world-wide.


Page 20: Structure Summer 2014

Omar S. Abdul-Hamid PhD’93

Paul H. Adler SM ’81*Yoshihiko Aihara SM ’92Ariya Akthakul SM ’98, PhD’03*

Adrian E. Albrethsen PhD ’63Benjamin C. Allen SM ’54,ScD ’57*

Samuel M. Allen SM ’71,PhD ’75*

Carl J. Altstetter ScD ’58Linda J. Anthony SM ’76,PhD ’80*

Frank F. Aplan ScD ’57Rand S. AprilArthur H. Aronson ’58*Chester L. Balestra ’66, ScD’71*

Simon C. Bellemare PhD ’06Sreekar Bhaviripudi PhD ’07Kenneth J. BialkinJohn E. Blendell SM ’76, ScD’79

David F. Bliss SM ’81Gabriel Bochi PhD ’95Valerie Jordan Booden ’95*J. Robert Booth ScD ’72*H. Kent Bowen PhD ’71*Brittany BoydTracy Barnum Braun ScD ’74Ignatius L. Britto PhD ’82Harold D. Brody ’60, SM ’61,ScD ’65

Katharine T. Brody S. ’60 ’91William E. Brower, Jr. PhD’69*

Caryl B. Brown SM ’95*Paul E. Brown ’56, SM ’57,ScD ’61*

Susan Ipri Brown SM ’95*Relva C. Buchanan ScD ’64Leonard J. Buckley SM ’81,PhD ’86

Camille and Henry DreyfusFoundation*

John C. Campbell SM ’57*Gary M. Carinci PhD ’89Douglas J. Carlson ScD ’89*Bonny J. Schwenke Carmi-cino ’86*

Susan L. CarveyJulius Chang ’81, SM ’82,PhD ’89

Andrew Chen SM ’91, PhD’95*

Katherine C. Chen PhD ’96*Patty P. Chen ’03, MNG ’04Jeremy Cheng ’01*June F. Cheng ’99, SM ’00Chung-Yi Chiang PhD ’08Brymer H. Chin ’74*Grace Chin

Patrick K. Chin ’85*David R. Chipman ’49, ScD’55*

Yung H. Choi SM ’76Roland Tuck-Chow ChooScD ’91*

Manoj K. Choudhary ScD’80*

Uma Chowdhry PhD ’76*Kuo Chin Chuang PhD ’65*Stephen Chwastiak PhD ’63*Harold R. Clark PhD ’82*William S. Coblenz SM ’77,PhD ’81

Kevin R. Coffey PhD ’89Richard E. Cole SM ’52Aliki K. Collins PhD ’87*Brett Page Conner SM ’00,PhD ’02

Normand D. Corbin SM ’82*Jeanne L. Courter PhD ’81*David C. Cranmer SM ’78,PhD ’81*

Joan H. Cranmer SM ’81Jianyi Cui PhD ’07Shannon L. Dahl ’99*Vivek R. Dave SM ’91, PhD’95

Daniel B. Dawson SM ’67,ScD ’73*

T.M. De Fromont De BouailleSM ’79

Mark R. De Guire PhD ’87*Irene R. Dhosi Bradley J. DinermanCarl L. Dohrman PhD ’08Chun Christine Dong PhD’90*

Alfred L. Donlevy SM ’63*Thomas M. Donnellan SM’82, ScD ’88*

Mary C. Doswell SM ’82Dow Chemical Company Joseph M. Driear ScD ’80*James L. Drummond SM ’70*Charles S. Dudney PhD ’78Edmund C. DuffyGeorges J. Duval SM ’71Andreas T. Echtermeyer SM’85, PhD ’88*

Jonathan Mark Edward MNG’08

Gregory J. Ekchian MNG ’10James J. ElacquaFrances P. Elliott* Engineered Fibers Technol-ogy, LLC

Exxon Mobil Corporation* David J. Fanger SM ’96*Michael J. Fasolka PhD ’00Robert S. Feigelson SM ’61*Sally FeldmanWarren L. Feldman


* 1861 Circle member (have given annually for five or more years).† Deceased this year.


We are delighted to announce that thanks to the family,

friends, and collaborators of Professor McGarry, the

Frederick J. McGarry Fund for Mentorship and Advising

has been formally established. We are especially grate-

ful for a major contribution from the Dow Corning Foun-

dation. This fund will support mentoring and advising

activities for junior faculty, undergraduates, graduate stu-

dents, and post-docs. Funds will be specifically available

to support activities encouraging women in materials sci-


One of the fund’s beneficiaries will be the Women of

Materials Science, a group of primarly graduate students

and post-docs who meet throughout the academic year

and offer resources to the community. They provide

mentoring to other students. This funding will allow

them to increase their programs to provide science in-

struction to local area schools and other groups and to

bring in speakers from academia and industry.

Over the next year, we will continue to fundraise, hop-

ing to create an endowment that can support these ac-

tivities in perpetuity. If you are interested in contributing,

please contact Heather Upshaw, DMSE Leadership

Giving Officer, [email protected], 617-324-4284.

Professor Frederick J. McGarry

Page 21: Structure Summer 2014


August Ferretti NON ’59*Davis S. Fields, Jr. SM ’54,ScD ’57*

Paul M. Fleishman SM ’82Frederick B. Fletcher ScD’72*

Marie-Theres FluelerGeorge Foo ScD ’77Gordon E. Forward ScD ’66Heather Forward S. ML ’66Linda FrancesconeRobert A. Frank ’83, SM ’85,ScD ’89*

Robert L. Freed PhD ’78*David J. FriedmanEric J. FriedmanDouglas W. Fuerstenau ScD’53*

John P. FurfaroRobert J. Furlong, Jr. SM’77*

John GardinerBarry H. GarfinkelTerry J. Garino PhD ’87Frank W. Gayle ScD ’85*H. Lee Gearhart ’76Max E. Gellert ’48*†Amalkumar P. Ghosh PhD ’85

Ralph G. Gilliland PhD ’68*Emilio Giraldez Paredes PhD’86*

Stacy Holander Gleixner ’92Andrew John Gmitter SM ’08Daniel S. Gnanamuthu MTE’72*

Frederick T. Goldberg, Jr.Marjorie GoldnerJoseph I. Goldstein ’60, SM’62, ScD ’64*

Cuiling Gong SM ’96, PhD’99

Lori M. Goodenough SM ’02Louis GoodmanRobert S. Goodof ’72, SM’73*

Frank E. Goodwin SM ’76,ScD ’79

Taras Z. Gorishnyy PhD ’07*John P. Gorman SM ’02David M. Goy SM ’86*Granahan Investment Man-agement, Inc.

Mark L. Green PhD ’88Martin L. Green PhD ’78*Paula S. Greenman*Manohar S. Grewal ScD ’72*

Vernon Griffiths ScD ’55*Richard J. GrossmanHonglin Guo PhD ’98*Dean H. Hall ’67, SM ’73Carol A. Handwerker ’77,SM ’78, ScD ’83

David W. HansenKent F. Hansen ’53, ScD ’59*Robert A. Hard SM ’49, ScD’57*

Wayne C. Hasz SM ’84Adam S. Helfant ’85*Laurel E. HenschelDarrel HieberGregory J. Hildeman ScD’78*

Allon I. Hochbaum ’03Dale V. Hodson ’79Eric Richards Homer PhD ’10Michel P. Hosdain SM ’57*Jimmy C. Hsiao Peter Yaw-Ming Hsieh SM’99*

Lily Huang ’88, SM ’89Gordon Hunter ’80, SM ’81,PhD ’84*

Min-Ha Hwang PhD ’01Jang-Hi Im ’71, ScD ’76

Anthony J. Ives ’96, MCP’97*

Jack & Pauline FreemanFoundation

Mark H. Jhon ’01*Timothy V. Johnson ScD ScD’87*

David M. Jonas PhD ’92Tamala R. Jonas SM ’89, PhD’93

Janet L. Jozwiak ’82Claudia I. JoyceDeborah A. KadlickRichard F. KadlickHarold Kahn PhD ’92Debra L. Kaiser ScD ’85*Karsten August Kallevig ’99*Junichi Kaneko SM ’65, ScD’67*

Alexandra G. Kat PhD ’92*Theodoulos Z. Kattamis SM’63, ScD ’65*

Allan P. Katz ’69*Robert Nathan Katz ’61, PhD’69*

Jiro Kawamoto SM ’84, PhD’88

Thomas E. Kazior PhD ’82*

Graduate students are critical to MIT’s continued strength

and vitality, and funding for graduate fellowships is our

highest departmental priority. In the past, we have

awarded fellowships to some incoming students, while the

rest either received outside funding or joined a research

group as soon as they arrived at MIT. Over the past

decade, DMSE has stated that graduate fellowships are

our primary fundraising goal so we can promise every in-

coming student full tuition, stipend, and insurance sup-

port—this support allows students to take time to find the

right research group for their interests and to dedicate

themselves to the core curriculum.

For the past two years, we have made a significant step

towards that goal, and all incoming students have been

supported on fellowships until they have joined a research

group at some point in their first semester. Two factors

have made this possible: 1) careful use of the endowed

funds and reinvestment of the income has increased the

number of students we can support; and 2) our great fac-

ulty have sufficient research funds to support these stu-

dents. Our goal is to continue to build funding to support

all incoming grad students for at least their first semester.

In academic year 2013–14, 37 incoming graduate stu-

dents were supported on a combination of funding from

the Class of 1939 Course III Graduate Fellowship Fund

(established for their 50th reunion in 1989), the Morris

Cohen (1933) Fellowship Fund, the Nicholas J. Grant

Graduate Fellowship Fund, the Carl M Loeb, Jr. (1928)

Fellowship in Materials Engineering, the H.F. Taylor Fel-

lowship Fund, the Gilbert Y Chin (1959) Graduate Fel-

lowship Fund, the Ronald A. Kurtz Graduate Fellowship

Fund, the John F Elliott Graduate Fellowship Fund, the

Anne M. Mayes (1986) Fellowship in Materials Science &

Engineering, the David V. Ragone (1951) Endowed Grad-

uate Fellowship, the Danae and Vasilis Salapatas Fellow-

ship Fund, and the Stuart Uram (1956) Endowed

Fellowship Fund.

DMSE’s faculty and administration are deeply grateful to

all supporters of these funds and for other funding

sources, including MIT’s Presidential Fellowships, MITEI

fellowships, NSF funding, and the Hertz Foundation.

Without them, our students and faculty would not be able

to continue to perform the exciting and groundbreaking

work that happens every day at MIT.


MIT and DMSE thank our generous donors for their support of Course III during

the fiscal year ending in June 2013. The donor list for 2013–14 will be printed in

our winter issue. Gifts can be made by visiting http://giving.mit.edu.


Page 22: Structure Summer 2014

Stuart P. Keeler ’57, ScD ’61Ashish S. Kelkar SM ’01*Ryan J. Kershner ’98, PhD’04*

Joan E. Kertz SM ’01Heinz Killias PhD ’64*Yong-Kil Kim PhD ’88*Lionel C. Kimerling ’65, PhD’69*

Christopher G. King ’82*Kenton J. KingDavid B. Knorr SM ’77, ScD’81*

Iwao Kohatsu PhD ’71*Laura Lynn Beecroft Kramer’91*

George Krauss SM ’58, ScD’61*

William Kuhlman PhD ’07S. Andrew Kulin ’49, ScD ’51Shuba Kumar SM ’96*David M. Kundrat ScD ’80Charles R. Kurkjian ScD ’55Melody M.H. Kuroda ’98,SM ’01*

Ka-Siu Lai SM ’76, MTE ’78Raymond K.F. Lam ScD ’88*Thomas Andrew LangdoPhD ’01

Amelia M. Lapena ’94*Felix Lau SM ’01*David E. Laughlin PhD ’73Michael R. Lebo PhD ’71Arthur K. Lee SM ’80, PhD’84

Chia-Hua Lee SM ’08David S. Lee SM ’76, ScD ’81Eva C. Lee ’98*Hyuck Mo Lee PhD ’89Jae-Gab Lee PhD ’91Jonq-Ren Lee PhD ’95Lidia H. Lee PhD ’84*Minjoo Lawrence Lee PhD’03

Charles A. Lewinsohn ’87*Kathy Hsinjung Li ’05, MNG’06*

Matthew R. Libera SM ’83,ScD ’87

Jenny A. Lichter ’04, PhD’09*

Pimpa Limthongkul PhD ’02Ching-Te Lin SM ’96, PhD’98*

Minfa Lin ScD ’90*Pinyen Lin PhD ’90*Ulf H. Lindborg ScD ’65*Yachin Liu PhD ’91Herbert W. Lloyd SM ’52*Lockheed Martin Corporation*Libby K. Louie PhD ’97Jeri A. Loynachan Ralph E. Loynachan Michael D. Lubin ’52, PhD’67*

Anne T. LundegranCharles E. Lyman PhD ’74*John P. Lynch, Jr.’52*

Bruce A. MacDonald SM ’61,PhD ’64*

Sanjeev Makan SM ’97*Kira E. Marciniak ’99Louis J. Martel ’56Thomas O. Mason PhD ’77*Lawrence J. Masur SM ’82,PhD ’88*

Pracheeshwar S. Mathur SM’68, ScD ’72*

Satoru Matsuo PhD ’93*John E. Matz SM ’93, ScD’99*

Robert L. McCormick SM’82, PhD ’85*

Martha McGarryMay Chin McGrew*Michael E. McHenry PhD ’88Joanna M. McKittrick PhD’88

Stephen A. Metz ’67, PhD’70*

Gary A. Miller ’60, SM ’61,ScD ’65*

Thomas P. Moffat ScD ’89*Francois R. Mollard SM ’60,ScD ’67

Jorge Monreal MNG ’07Edmund H. Moore SM ’87Mike NaeveSamuel K. Nash SM ’48, ScD’51*

Leah N. Nation ’11*Harvey R. Nesor ’61*David L. Ngau ’97*Trinh Tran Nguyen PhD ’06*Henry J. Nusbaum PhD ’77*Margaret M. O’Connor SM’82

Ylva Kristina Olsson SM ’07Solar C. Olugebefola ’99,PhD ’07

Binu K. Oommen SM ’06Paul W. OosterhuisJ.I. Orbegozo SM ’65*Alex J. Otto PhD ’91Albert E. Paladino, Jr. ScD’62*

Satyavolu S. Papa Rao PhD’96

Tae-Soon Park PhD ’02*Siamrut Patanavanich ’09,SM ’11

Richard W. Pekala SM ’83,ScD ’84*

Jason S. Pellegrino ’08*Regis M.N. Pelloux SM ’56,ScD ’58*

William J. PenneyJames S. Perrin ’58*Erin E. Perry ’13Albert F. Peterson SM ’57Bradley William PetersonPhD ’06

Robert B. PincusAlfonso Pinella SM ’66*Kenneth A. PlevanJerry D. Plunkett PhD ’61Richard F. Polich SM ’65*

Alan W. Postlethwaite SM’49*

Helen M. PoundsWilliam F. Pounds*Roger Wayne Powell PhD’74

Daniel T. Quillin ’89*David V. Ragone ’51, SM’52, ScD ’53*

Joe Raguso SM ’91*Krishna Rajan ScD ’78Richard A. Rawe SM ’58*Dennis W. Readey ScD ’62Christine M. Reif ’84*Maureen T.F. Reitman ’90,ScD ’93*

William H. Rhodes ScD ’65*Margaret A. Ridge-Pappis Richard E. Riman PhD ’87Tilghman Lee RittenhouseSM ’99

Martin D. Robbins SM ’56*Michael RoganNeil E. Rogen SM ’56, MTE’57

StJulien P. Rosemond ’09Alan R. Rosenfield ’53, SM’55, ScD ’59*

Katherine C. Ruhl S. ML ’67*Robert C. Ruhl PhD ’67*Scott Ivan Rushfeldt MNG’05

Russell, Briar & Co. LLPAnil K. Sachdev ScD ’77*Sajan Saini PhD ’04Saint-Gobain Ceramics &Plastics*

Jack P. Salerno PhD ’83Srikanth B. Samavedam PhD’98*

K.K. Sankaran PhD ’78*Catherine Marie BambenekSantini PhD ’02

John T. Santini, Jr. PhD ’99Bryan K. ScanlonLiselotte J. Schioler ScD ’83Erika K. Schutte ’95Elliot M. Schwartz ’89, PhD’95

Schwartz MSL LLCJames J. Scutti ’80, SM ’82Joyce SeitzDipanjan Sen PhD ’11Edward O. Shaffer PhD ’95Andrew M. Sherman ’67,PhD ’72*

William M. Sherry PhD ’78Akihiko Shibutani SM ’77Bruce M. Shields SM ’52*Richard A. Singer PhD ’92Sachchida N. Singh ScD ’87John H. Smith ScD ’64*Marian Bamford Smith ’59*Daniel Knight Sparacin PhD’06

Barbara H. SprengDouglas C. Spreng ’65*Edward S. Sproles, Jr. ScD’76*

Charles Stein SM ’54, MTE’60, ScD ’62

Edward T. Stephenson, Jr. SM’56*

Milton G. StromYusufSumartha SM ’97

Jin Suntivich ScD ’12Alan W. Swanson PhD ’72*William J. Sweet, Jr.Joy Szekely*Peter Tarassoff ScD ’62*Denise J. ThomasEdwin L. ThomasRobert Tiernan PhD ’69Edmund Y Ting SM ’80, ScD’84

Ellen S. Tormey PhD ’82*Sha-Li Tsai S. ML ’96*Chi-Yuan A. Tsao PhD ’90*John C. Turn, Jr. PhD ’79*Douglas John TwisselmannPhD ’01

Leo F.P. Van Swam SM ’70,ScD ’73*

Krystyn Joy Van Vliet PhD’02

Pamela Bowren Vandiver SM’83, PhD ’85

Thomas Vasilos ScD ’54Robert H. Walat ’93Hao Wang PhD ’98Hao Wang PhD ’04Lorraine C. Wang ’97*Michael J. Wargo ’73, ScD’82*†

Norma M. WebbDavid O. Welch SM ’62*Edward P. WelchEric Werwa PhD ’97*Bruce W. Wessels PhD ’73*Jack H. Westbrook ScD ’49Thomas R. White ’69*George C. Whitfield ’03,MNG ’04, PhD ’12

Peter S. Whitney PhD ’86George G. Wicks PhD ’75*Tony A. Wilson ’81Stanley M. Wolf ScD ’72*John E. Woodilla, Jr. ’58, PhD’67*

Eric John Wu PhD ’02Yuhong Wu PhD ’03Earle Yaffa ’63Thomas A. Yager PhD ’80*Man F. Yan ’70, ScD ’76*Keelan K. Yang ’94, MBA’02*

Tri-Rung Yew SM ’87, PhD’90*

Euijoon Yoon PhD ’90*James Andrew Yurko PhD’01*

Nicole S. Zacharia ’01, PhD’07

Juris Zagarins MTE ’83*Lirong Zeng PhD ’08Weixian Zhong MNG ’10Michael C. Zody ’90, SM’94*

Emmanuel N. Zulueta SM’80** 1861 Circle member (have given annually for five or more years).

† Deceased this year.

Page 23: Structure Summer 2014


M I C H A E L J . W A R G O , ’ 7 3 ,S C D ’ 8 2

Mike Wargo, a long-time friend of MIT and our depart-

ment, passed away unexpectedly August 4, 2013 at his

home. He was 61 years old. He is survived by his wife,

Adele Morrissette of New York, NY, and brothers John,

David, and Robert, all of whom graduated from MIT. We

are grateful and touched that his family requested me-

morial gifts be made to the DMSE Endowed Fellowship

Fund by contacting Bonny Kellermann, [email protected]

or at 617-253-9722 or through the MIT Giving site


He held an S.B. in Earth and Planetary Science and a Doc-

torate in Materials Science. From the time of his doctoral

work with Professor Gus Witt through his research ap-

pointments at MIT and up to the time of his death, Dr.

Wargo maintained a supportive and generous relationship

with DMSE. At MIT, he was part of the 3.091 staff for

many years, both formally as a TA under Gus Witt and

later when Mike would drop by the grading room and

help tackle piles of hundreds of exams. He received the

John Wulff Award for Excellence in Teaching and the

Hugh Hampton Young Memorial Fund Prize for exhibit-

ing leadership and creativity while maintaining exception-

ally broad and interdisciplinary interests. Mike’s friends all

fondly remember his good humor, his booming voice, and

his generosity with his time and expertise.

At the time of his death, he was Chief Exploration Scien-

tist for NASA’s Human Exploration and Operations Mis-

sion. A scientific member of many lunar missions, includ-

ing the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter and the LCROSS

satellite, he helped map resources for human missions to

the moon and participated in the discovery of ice in the

shadows of lunar craters. In nearly two decades at NASA,

his numerous awards included NASA’s Exceptional Service

Medal and seven group achievement awards. He was a

member of the team planning the next robotic mission to

Mars in 2020 and worked gathering crucial scientific in-

formation needed to allow humans to be sent safely to

the moon, Mars, and near-Earth asteroids. Much of his

work helped develop a “roadmap” for human and robotic

space exploration for the next two decades. In his mem-

ory, NASA has asked the International Astronomical Union

to name a crater on the moon in his honor “so his name

will be forever enshrined in the heavens.”

Page 24: Structure Summer 2014

D E T O U R S & D I V E R S I O N S

If you are coming to campus at any point in the next

four years or so, you’ll find that access routes to Build-

ing 13 and the Main Group have changed. On June 9,

construction on MIT.nano officially began. This new

building, on the site of Building 12, will house nano -

fabrication facilties for the MIT research community, a

large number of whom are affiliated with DMSE. Pro-

fessor Vladimir Bulović, Associate Dean for Innovationin the School of Engineering and faculty lead for the

MIT.nano project, compares building on this site to

building a ship in a bottle. While construction is under-

way, pedestrian traffic will be restricted through the

area bounded by Building 13, Mass. Ave., Albany

Street, and Building 16.

Also beginning June 9, a complete renovation of the

foundry, forge and Glass Lab facilties (to be completed

by the end of 2014). During this project, parts of the

basement corridor will be closed off and the casting,

blacksmithing, and glassblowing facilities are offline

until December or so.

This summer, we will also construct new student lounge

and collaborative spaces on the first floor of Building 4,

right across from the Lab for Engineering Materials. We

hope relocating these spaces closer to the teaching and

project facilities will encourage more spontaneous

teamwork and serve as an idea incubator, as well as

being a relaxing place for students to gather. Inside are

stories on all three of these projects.

The MIT campus is constantly under construction, al-

lowing for new facilities and programs, but the new

Building 12 MIT.nano and new hands-on facilties are

once-in-a-lifetime opportunities to change the way that

DMSE does research and offers educational activities.

Please be patient with the disruption and plan to cele-

brate when the construction is complete!



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