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Sts. Peter & Paul Boulder Weekly Bulletin Week of December 17, 2017 Tuesday, December 19 Head Start Angels Delivery 9 am Wednesday, December 20 Paraclesis 6 pm Thursday, December 21 St. Anastasia Orthros 5 pm Divine Liturgy 6 pm Friday, December 22 Nativity Royal Hours 9 am Shut-In Visitations 10:30 am Saturday, December 23 Choir Practice 4 pm Great Vespers 5 pm Service Schedule & Parish Activities Sts. Peter & Paul Greek Orthodox Church 5640 Jay Rd. Boulder, CO 80301 Office: 303-581-1434 www.stspeterandpaulboulder.org Rev. Fr. Jordan Brown Contact Info Orthros Sunday @ 8:30 am Divine Liturgy Sunday @ 9:30 am Great Vespers Saturday @ 5 pm Confession by appt. Recurring Services Please contact Aaron Wall: [email protected]; (720) 400-6579 Deadline is every Wed. before Di- vine Liturgy. Have an Announcement? The mission of Sts. Peter & Paul is to be a beacon of Orthodox Chris- tian spirituality in the greater Boul- der area. We strive together to live our Orthodox Christian Faith by having a devoted prayer life, through fasting and almsgiving, and through regular participation in the services and sacraments of the Holy Orthodox Church. Welcome to Our Parish! Hosts & Volunteers Fellowship Parish Council Ushers Liz Soderburg Myrrhbearers Demetra G., Sophie, Cassie Choir Georgia, Alexandra, Elizabeth
Page 1: Sts. Peter & Paul Boulder...2017/12/17  · Sts. Peter & Paul Boulder Weekly Bulletin Week of December 17, 2017 Tuesday, December 19 Head Start Angels Delivery 9 am Wednesday, December

Sts. Peter & Paul Boulder

Weekly Bullet in Week of December 17, 2017

Tuesday, December 19 Head Start Angels Delivery 9 am Wednesday, December 20 Paraclesis 6 pm Thursday, December 21 St. Anastasia Orthros 5 pm Divine Liturgy 6 pm Friday, December 22 Nativity Royal Hours 9 am Shut-In Visitations 10:30 am Saturday, December 23 Choir Practice 4 pm Great Vespers 5 pm

Service Schedule & Parish Activities

Sts. Peter & Paul Greek Orthodox Church

5640 Jay Rd. Boulder, CO 80301

Office: 303-581-1434 www.stspeterandpaulboulder.org

Rev. Fr. Jordan Brown

Contact Info

Orthros Sunday @ 8:30 am

Divine Liturgy Sunday @ 9:30 am

Great Vespers Saturday @ 5 pm

Confession by appt.

Recurring Services

Please contact Aaron Wall: [email protected];

(720) 400-6579 Deadline is every Wed. before Di-

vine Liturgy.

Have an Announcement?

The mission of Sts. Peter & Paul is to be a beacon of Orthodox Chris-tian spirituality in the greater Boul-der area. We strive together to live our Orthodox Christian Faith by

having a devoted prayer life, through fasting and almsgiving,

and through regular participation in the services and sacraments of

the Holy Orthodox Church.

Welcome to Our Parish!

Hosts & Volunteers

Fellowship Parish Council

Ushers Liz Soderburg

Myrrhbearers Demetra G., Sophie, Cassie

Choir Georgia, Alexandra, Elizabeth

Page 2: Sts. Peter & Paul Boulder...2017/12/17  · Sts. Peter & Paul Boulder Weekly Bulletin Week of December 17, 2017 Tuesday, December 19 Head Start Angels Delivery 9 am Wednesday, December

St. Dionysios of Aegina (December 17)

Saint Dionysius of Zakynthos, the Bishop of Aegina was born in 1547 on the island of Zakynthos. Though born into a noble family, he was determined to flee the world and set his mind upon heavenly things. He entered the monastery of Strophada, and after the prescribed time, he was clothed in the angelic schema by the abbot. Though young in years, he surpassed many of his elders in virtue, and was found worthy of ordination to the holy priesthood. Although he protested his unworthiness, Saint Dionysius was consecrated Bishop of Aegina. In that office he never ceased to teach and admonish his flock, and many were drawn to him in order to profit from his wisdom. He feared the praise of men, lest he should fall into the sin of vainglory, so he resigned his See and returned to Zakynthos. In 1579 the diocese of Zakynthos was widowed (when a bishop dies, his diocese is described as “widowed”), and Dionysius agreed to care for it until a new bishop could be elected. Then he fled from the worldly life which gave him no peace, and went to the Monastery of the Most Holy Theotokos Anaphonitria, twenty miles from the main village. A certain stranger murdered the saint’s brother Constantine, an illustrious nobleman. Fearing his victim’s relatives, the stranger, by chance or by God’s will, sought refuge in the monastery where Saint Dionysius was the abbot. When the saint asked the fu-gitive why he was so frightened, he confessed his sin and revealed the name of the man he had murdered, asking to be protect-ed from the family’s vengeance. Saint Dionysius wept for his only brother, as was natural. Then he comforted the murderer and hid him, showing him great compassion and love. Soon the saint’s relatives came to the monastery with a group of armed men and told him what had happened. He pretended to know nothing about it. After weeping with them and trying to console them, he sent them off in the wrong direction. Then he told the murderer that he was the brother of the man he had killed. He admonished him as a father, and brought him to repent-ance. After forgiving him, Saint Dionysius brought him down to the shore and helped him to escape to another place in order to save his life. Because of the saint’s Christ-like virtue, he was granted the gift of working miracles. Having passed his life in holiness, Saint Dionysius reached a great age, then departed to the Lord on December 17, 1624. Not only are the saint’s relics incorrupt, but he is also one of Greece’s “walking saints” (Saint Gerasimus and Saint Spyridon are the others). He is said to leave his reliquary and walk about performing miracles for those who seek his aid. In fact, the soles of his slippers wear out and must be replaced with a new pair from time to time. The old slippers are cut up, and the pieces are dis-tributed to pilgims. On August 24, we celebrate the Transfer of his Holy Relics. Through the prayers of Saint Dionysius, may Christ our God have mercy upon us and save us.

Saint Dionysios and the Dead Woman Under Excommunication

ExcommunicationOne one occasion, when Saint Dionysios found himself in the city, a funeral was being conducted in the cemetery of the Church of Saint Nicholas of the Strangers. The church was named this way because many strangers were buried in that plot of land. This church was also the Metropolitan Cathedral of Zakynthos. It happened that the people opened a certain grave, so that they might bury someone else inside. There they discovered a woman who had long been dead, but whose body and clothing had not de-composed. The reason for this was because this wretched woman had died under the ban of excommunication. The relatives of that deceased woman therefore went and prostrated themselves before the feet of their holy bishop, beseeching him with tears, saying: "Go, O Master, to the Church of Saint Nicholas and read a prayer of forgiveness over that body which is under a ban; and perhaps the Lord may hearken to your entreaty." The holy Dionysios was moved to compassion before their abundant tears. That night, very late, he went to the Church of Saint Nicholas of the Strangers, accompanied by his deacon and the parish priest of that church. Arriving there, he beheld that woman's corpse and commanded that they remove it from the tomb and set her upright inside one of the stalls of the church. After the bishop put on his epitachelion and omophorion, he knelt and prayed for a considerable time. With fervent tears he entreated God to loosen the ban of excommunication over that undissolved body. While the Saint was praying the prayers of absolution over the corpse, it was observed that the head of the dead woman bowed in an attitude of reverence toward the Saint, as though thanking him for the great gift received. The body then collapsed to the floor and utterly dissolved into dust and bones. The Saint, as one who was humble-minded, put those present under penance if they should reveal to anyone, while he was still alive, what had taken place. It should also be noted that a similar miracle, involving an excommunicated man, was also wrought through the Saint in the village of Katastari, some fifteen kilometers north of Zakynthos.

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St. Anastasia the Pharmakolitria “The Deliverer from Potions” (December 22)

The Great Martyr Anastasia the Deliverer from Potions, a Roman by birth, suffered for Christ at the time of Diocletian’s perse-cution of Christians. Her father was a pagan, but her mother was secretly a Christian. Saint Anastasia’s teacher in her youth was an educated and pious Christian named Chrysogonus. After the death of her mother, her father gave Saint Anastasia in mar-riage to a pagan named Publius, but feigning illness, she preserved her virginity. Clothing herself in the garb of a beggar, and accompanied by only one servant, she visited the prisons. She fed, doctored and often ransomed captives who were suffering for their faith in Christ. When her servant told Publius about everything, he sub-jected his wife to a beating and locked her up at home. Saint Anastasia then began to correspond secretly with Chrysogonus, who told the saint to be patient, to cleave to the Cross of Christ, and to accept the Lord’s will. He also foretold the impending death of Publius in the sea. After a certain while Publius did indeed drown, as he was setting out with a delegation to Persia. After the death of her husband, Saint Anastasia began to distribute her property to the poor and suffering. Diocletian was informed that the Christians who filled the prisons of Rome stoically endured tortures. He gave orders to kill them all in a single night, and for Chrysogonus to be sent to him at Aquileia. Saint Anastasia followed her teacher at a distance. The emperor interrogated Chrysogonus personally, but could not make him renounce his faith. Therefore, he commanded that he be beheaded and thrown into the sea. The body and severed head of the holy martyr were carried to shore by the waves. There by divine Providence, the relics were found by a presbyter named Zoilus who placed them in a coffer, and concealed them at his home. Saint Chrysogonus appeared to Zoilus and informed him that martyrdom was at hand for Agape, Chione and Irene (April 16), three sisters who lived nearby. He told him to send Saint Anastasia to them to encourage them. Saint Chrysogonus foretold that Zoilus would also die on the same day. Nine days later, the words of Saint Chrysogonus were fulfilled. Zoilus fell asleep in the Lord, and Saint Anastasia visited the three maidens before their tortures. When these three martyrs gave up their souls to the Lord, she buried them. Having carried out her teacher’s request, the saint went from city to city ministering to Christian prisoners. Proficient in the medical arts of the time, she zealously cared for captives far and wide, healing their wounds and relieving their suffering. Be-cause of her labors, Saint Anastasia received the name Deliverer from Potions (Pharmakolytria), since by her intercessions she has healed many from the effects of potions, poisons, and other harmful substances. She made the acquaintance of the pious young widow Theodota, finding in her a faithful helper. Theodota was taken for ques-tioning when it was learned that she was a Christian. Meanwhile, Saint Anastasia was arrested in Illyricum. This occurred just after all the Christian captives there had been murdered in a single night by order of Diocletian. Saint Anastasia had come to one of the prisons, and finding no one there, she began to weep loudly. The jailers realized that she was a Christian and took her to the prefect of the district, who tried to persuade her to deny Christ by threatening her with torture. After his unsuccess-ful attempts to persuade Saint Anastasia to offer sacrifice to idols, he handed her over to the pagan priest Ulpian in Rome. The cunning pagan offered Saint Anastasia the choice between luxury and riches, or grievous sufferings. He set before her gold, precious stones and fine clothing, and also fearsome instruments of torture. The crafty man was put to shame by the bride of Christ. Saint Anastasia refused the riches and chose the tools of torture. But the Lord prolonged the earthly life of the saint, and Ulpian gave her three days to reconsider. Charmed by Anastasia’s beau-ty, the pagan priest decided to defile her purity. However, when he tried to touch her he suddenly became blind. His head be-gan to ache so severely that he screamed like a madman. He asked to be taken to a pagan temple to appeal to the idols for help, but on the way he fell down and died. Saint Anastasia was set free and she and Theodota again devoted themselves to the care of imprisoned Christians. Before long, Saint Theodota and her three sons accepted a martyrdom. Her eldest son, Evodus, stood bravely before the judge and endured beatings without protest. After lengthy torture, they were all thrown into a red-hot oven. Saint Anastasia was caught again and condemned to death by starvation. She remained in prison without food for sixty days. Saint Theodota appeared to the martyr every night and gave her courage. Seeing that hunger caused Saint Anastasia no harm whatsoever, the judge sentenced her to drowning together with other prisoners. Among them was Eutychianus, who was con-demned for his Christian faith. The prisoners were put into a boat which went out into the open sea. The soldiers bored holes in the boat and got into a galley. Saint Theodota appeared to the captives and steered the ship to shore. When they reached dry land, 120 men believed in Christ and were baptized by Saints Anastasia and Eutychianus. All were captured and received a martyr’s crown. Saint Anastasia was stretched between four pillars and burned alive. A certain pious woman named Apollinaria buried her body, which was un-harmed by the fire, in the garden outside her house.

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Philoptochos Cookie Baskets

Cookie baskets are available for pick-up today after church in the fellowship hall.

Parish Council Elections Results The following parishioners were elected to the Parish Council for the 2018 - 2019 term, pending ratification of the election by the Metropolitan: Chris Artemis, Nick Kallan, Tom Jacky, George Tsiouvaras and Dean Vlachos Congratulations to All!

Stewardship Message

Jesus Christ is God’s great gift to us. Through Him continues the healing, liberating, forgiving, empowering, loving ministry of His Church. God, infinite though He is, has chosen to work through us, through our gifts, to continue His work in the world today. The Stewardship Committee has placed gift ornaments on the Christmas Tree in the narthex. Please choose an amount that you would like to give, and make a Christmas donation to the church. All proceeds will help close the fiscal gap for the 2017 Stewardship Year. May you and your family have a very Merry Christmas, and thank you for your help. - Stewardship Com-mittee

Shut-in Visitations - Saturday, December 23, 10 am - 2:30 pm ***Please note date change***

Our parish youth will join Father Jordan on Saturday, December 23rd. We moved from Friday, December 22, due to many students who will still be in school). We will be visiting parishioners who have difficulty driving to church. We will be present-ing Christmas care packages and singing Christmas carols. College Students on break are welcome to join us. Lunch will be provided. We are need of a few drivers and chaperones. If you are able to help or have any questions, please contact Father Jordan.

2018 Usher Schedule We are updating the usher schedule for 2018. If you would like to be added or taken off the list of ushers, please contact Jim Zissimos 303-427-7981 or [email protected]

Bible Study & Orthodox Christian Faith Classes The Bible Study and Orthodox Faith Classes will resume in January 2018. If you have any questions regarding the Orthodox Faith, please contact Father Jordan, our parish priest (see contact info pg. 1)

Church Cleaning Our beautiful church, grounds and parish hall are maintained by a handful of parishioners. Thank you for the beautiful expres-sion of stewardship. If you are able to help out during the week, even for one hour, please speak with either Joanne Ashmun or Presbytera Kedrann Dotson.

Events & Announcements

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Events & Announcements

Please Join Us Please Join Us Please Join Us Please Join Us

for thefor thefor thefor the

Sunday School & ChoirSunday School & ChoirSunday School & ChoirSunday School & Choir

Christmas ProgramChristmas ProgramChristmas ProgramChristmas Program

Sunday, December 17thSunday, December 17thSunday, December 17thSunday, December 17th

(immediately following Liturgy in the Church)(immediately following Liturgy in the Church)(immediately following Liturgy in the Church)(immediately following Liturgy in the Church)

Lunch will be hosted by the Parish CouncilLunch will be hosted by the Parish CouncilLunch will be hosted by the Parish CouncilLunch will be hosted by the Parish Council
