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Student Accomplishments Dec 2014

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  • 8/10/2019 Student Accomplishments Dec 2014


    An important measure of my success is whether my advisees/mentees can compete with the those from the top universies in their care

    choices (most of them have chosen from academia, research, entrepreneurship). Below are some of the objecve measures that demon

    strate that they do. Equally important is the progress in their earlier career, which demonstrate their well rounded capabilies that inclu

    communicaon skills, social and networking, innovaon, teamwork, mentoring, and leadership skills; for that see other tabs.

    Citaons as a recognion of publicaon impact

    A majority of former my PhD advisees (9 out of 17 as of Nov 2014) have over 1,000 citaons each; two of them -Jorge Cardosoand Kuna

    Vermahave > 5,000 citaons each(Kunal's posion in WWW, 10yr impact). Some had 1,000 around the me they defended their dissert

    on. Here is a list (Nov 2014, see latest)

    Former advisee with > 1000 citaons: Kunal Verma,Jorge Cardoso,Vipul Kashyap,Meena Nagarajan,Karthik Gomadam,Carc Ramakrisnan,Satya Sahoo,Cory Henson,Kemafor Anyanwu

    Former advisee with > 500 citaons: Pablo Mendes,Christopher Thomas,Ajith Ranabahu

    Former mentee with > 1000 citaons: Eduardo Mena

    Keynotes at internaonal events before graduaon

    Cory Hensongave the keynote at the 2012 Semanc Interoperability Workshopin Venice, Italy. Slides

    Meena Nagarajangave the keynote at the Social Data on the Web Workshop, collocated with the Internaonal Semanc Web Conferenc

    (ISWC) 2009. Slides,Introducon,rst few minutes

    Major Internaonal Awards and Recognion

    Hemant Purohitwon UN agency ITU's Telecom World Young Innovators Compeon 2014on Open Source Technologies for Disaster Ma

    agement,based on idea from his researchamong 150 worldwide applicaons, Aug 2014. Brochure

    Pramod Anantharamwas selected for the Eric & Wendy Schmidt Data Science for Social Good Fellowshipfor Summer 2014.

    Hemant Purohitreceived Google, USAID and ICT4Peace fellowship for CrisisMappers ICCM-2013 at UN Nairobi, selected as one of the 8 i

    ternaonal fellows, Oct 2013. Ignite talk Video,Slides

    Ajith Ranabahu(and the Kno.e.sis team), Technology award at the 2012 Fukuoka Ruby Award Compeonawarded by the Fukuoka Cen

    for Overseas Commerce in America. Compeon judged by Yukihiro Matsumoto, the creator of the Ruby programming language. O

    academic entry out of 81 to get this presgious award.

    nvited Talks at signicant events

    Pavan Kapanipathigave an invited talk at the IBM's invitaonal workshop on Froners of Cloud Compung and Big Data, 2014

    Tutorials at Major Conferences given before graduaon (paral list)

    Hemant Purohit (with Carlos Caslloand Fernando Diaz): Leveraging Social Media and Web of Data for assisng Crisis Response Coordin

    on, SIAM Int'l Conf on Data Mining (SDM-2014), Apr 2014 (Details and Slides)

    Kno.e.sis Student Overview

  • 8/10/2019 Student Accomplishments Dec 2014


    Hemant Purohit (with Patrick Meier, Carlos Casllo, Amit Sheth): Crisis Mapping, Cizen Sensing and Social Media Analycs: Leveraging C

    zen Roles for Crisis Response,the Seventh Internaonal Conference on Weblogs and Social Media (ICWSM-13), Jul 2013 (Details and


    Pramod Anantharam (with Payam Barnaghi and Amit Sheth): Data Processing and Semancs for Advanced Internet of Things (IoT) Applic

    ons: modeling, annotaon, integraon, and perceponat WIMS 2013,Madrid, Spain, Jun 2013

    Cory Henson (with Payam Barnaghi and Wei Wang): Data Modeling and Knowledge Engineering for the Internet of Things,at 18th Intl Co

    on Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management (2012): (presentaon)

    Carc Ramakrishnan, Meena Nagarajan, Amit Sheth: Text Analycs for Semanc Compung-the good, the bad and the ugly,Second IEE

    Internaonal Conference on Semanc Compung, Aug 2008.

    Kunal Verma (with Amit Sheth): Using SAWSDL for Semanc Service Interoperability,Semanc Technology Conference, San Jose, CA, Ma

    21, 2007.

    Chairing Program Commiees, Journal Editorship, Panels or Signicant Organizaonal Roles before graduaon

    Hemant Purohit, Co-chair for the AAAI Spring Symposium 2015: Structured Data for Humanitarian Technologies: Perfect t or Overkill?,J


    Cory Henson, Co-Guest Editor, Special Issue on the Web of Things, IEEE Intelligent Systems, Nov/Dec 2013.

    Cory Henson, Co-Chairof the 6th Intl Workshop on Semanc Sensor Networks(held at ISWC 2013).

    Delroy Cameron, Program Co-Chair of the 1st Intl Workshop on the role of Semanc Web in Literature-Based Discovery(SWLBD 2012).

    Cory Henson, Co-Chairof the 5th Intl Workshop on Semanc Sensor Network(held at ISWC 2012).

    Meena Nagarajan, Invited Panel Presentaonat the Search in Social Media Workshop, collocated with the Third ACM Internaonal

    Conference on Web Search and Data Mining, 2010.

    Media Coverage:

    Students acvies have appeared in many inuenal media arcles and inuenal posts: Time.com, Daily Mail (UK), Fast Company, LaCroix, The Hindu, Hindustan Times, MIT Technology Review, Tech President. See more here.

    Student Proles in News:

    Hemant Purohit: Computaonal Social Scienst,11/2014

    Pramod Anantharam, Researchers work with European Union gains internaonal noce,11/2013

    Cory Henson: Data Master: student researcher fusing Web, sensors to create thinking, life saving devices,03/2013

    Major Standards Contribuons/Leadership/Editorship:

    Hemant Purohit, Invited as subject maer expert by the DHS S&T instute, for bridging socio-technical communicaon gap between

    technologists and emergency managers during emergency response exercise of federal agencies at JIFX, Feb 2014.

    Cory Henson, nal report co-editor, key parcipant/co-organizer for W3C XG on Semanc Sensor Networking,2010-2011.

    Karthik Gomadam and Ajith Ranabahu were co-editor of the W3C Member submission, SA-REST: Semanc Annotaon of Web Resources

    Satya Sahoo developed Provenir ontology for semanc provenance which was one of the key inputs to W3Cs PROV specicaons, i

    cluding the PROV Ontology (PROV-O); Satya was acve and key parcipant. 2009-2011.

    Kunal Verma, key parcipant in/contribuons to Semanc Annotaons for WSDL (SAWSDL),W3C recommendaon, 2006-2007. Ajith

    Ranabahu was the primary author of the SAWSDL4J reference implementaon for SAWSDL, 2007.

    Christopher Thomas was the key developer of GLYDE II standards that is adapted worldwide by complex carbohydrate research com

  • 8/10/2019 Student Accomplishments Dec 2014


    munity. 2005-.

    Meena Nagarajan and Kunal Verma (with R. Akkiraju, J. Farrell, J.Miller, M. Nagarajan, M. Schmidt, A. Sheth), Web Service Semancs -W

    -S,W3C Member Submission (which was the primary input to the resulng W3Cs SAWSDL recommendaon/standard), 2005.

    ntellectual Property, Innovaons and Commercializaon

    Students are frequent co-inventors on patents (appox. one per year) and IP disclosures led through Wright State University. On average

    3 patents are led per year based on invenons resulng from student's internships at companies such as IBM, Samsung, Bosch, etc

    Their parcipaon in industry sponsored research at Kno.e.sis have also led to commercial products such as one from edDI.Recent


    Amit Sheth, Karthik Gomadam, Meena Nagarajan: Methods And Systems For Analysis Of Real-me User-generated Text Messages,US

    8688791 B2, April 1, 2014.

    University/College Recognion: Best/Outstanding PhD student in Computer Science

    Ajith Ranabahu, Presidenal Commendaon for Excellencein co-Curricular acvies awarded by President David R. Hopkins, 2011-2012


    Hemant Purohit, Outstanding Student Award, Computer Science department, Wright State Univ., Apr 2014

    WSU Graduate Student Excellence Award for Ph.D. in Computer Science and Engineering (basically the best student in our CS prograas selected by a faculty commiee): Cory Henson, 2013; Prateek Jain, 2012; Ajith Ranabahu, 2011; Meenakshi Nagarajan, 2010; Kart

    Gomadam, 2009.

    Ashwin Manjunatha, Best MS Student Award in Computer Science, Graduate School, Wright State University, 2011.

    Program Commiees in top conferences before graduaon (a small sample)

    Lu Chen (WebSci-2014, SocInfo-2014, SocInfo-2013), Pramod Anantharam (WWW 2015, ISWC 2014, ), Hemant Purohit (ICWSM 2015, IS-

    CRAM 2015, HICSS 2014, WWW 2014, SocInfo-2014/2013), Cory Henson (ESWC 2010/2011/2012/2013, ISWC 2013, EKAW 2012 ),

    Meena Nagarajan (ISWC 2007, CIKM 2007, WSDM 2009, ICWSM 2010, ESWC 2010),

    Several PhD students have been invited for and served on over 15 PCs before graduang.

    -Amit Sheth

  • 8/10/2019 Student Accomplishments Dec 2014


    WHO AM I?

    Computaonal Social Scienst and PhD candidate under the

    guidance of LexisNexis Ohio Eminent Scholar Professor Amit

    Shethat the Ohio Center of Excellence in Knowledge-Enabled

    Compung (Kno.e.sis),in the Computer Sci. and Engg. dept.,

    Wright State University, USA.

    Expected graduaon in April, 2015. If you are interested in re-

    cruing me, then please contact me at hemant AT knoesis DOT

    org.I am interested in social impact-driven interdisciplinary

    research posions.

    Research associate at Qatar Foundaon's Compung Research

    Instute (QCRI), Doha, 2013: Worked on demand-supply cen-

    tered coordinaon during disasters using social media, with the

    CrisisMappersco-founder, Dr. Patrick Meierand informaon credibility expert, Dr. Carlos Casllo

    Summer Intern at Microso Research, Silicon Valley, 2012: Worked on experse and interest presentaon in social media, with Bing

    Science group

    Summer Intern at IBM Research, Delhi, 2011: Worked on nding inuencers in topical communies on social media, with Human Lan

    guage Technologies group

    -My CV

    -Lets Connect! -Twier,linkedIn,G+

    -Digital Humanitarian Volunteer: V.O.I.C.E. team,CrisisMappers,StandBy Task Force


    Studying human social dynamics on the web using domain and behavioral knowledge, and exploraon of integral role of people, con

    tent and network dimensions in the online social communies (especially during disasters for engagement and coordinaon). I focu

    compung problems of seeking/supplying Intent Mining and Matching, Expert Detecon, Community Evoluon and User Engageme

    while leveraging Psychological theories. Starng with my mentor Dr. Meenakshi Nagarajan(joined IBM Research, Almaden) and now

    interdisciplinary co-advisers/mentors along with Prof. Sheth (Semanc Social Web):

    --Prof. Valerie Shalinand Prof. John Flach,Dept. of Psychology at WSU (Cognive Science and Systems),

    --Prof. Srinivasan Parthasarthyat OSU (Network Science)

    --Prof. T.K. Prasadat WSU (Algorithm Design)

    --Dr. Patrick Meier& Dr. Carlos Caslloat Qatar Foundaon's Compung Research Instute (Crisis Response Coordinaon)

    --Dr. Fernando Diazat Microso Research NYC (Computaonal Modeling for Coordinaon)

    Had an honor of among the 2 winners of UN ICT Agency ITU's global Young Innovator Compeon Challenge 2,and will be presenn

    at ITU Telecom World in Dec 2014

    Had an honor of among the 8 Internaonal fellows and also presenng the following Ignite-talk (summarizing my PhD work and NSF

    SoCS project)at ICCM-2013 (CrisisMappers), United Naons Nairobi:


    #Recent highlights:

    Winner of UN agency ITU's Telecom World Young Innovators Compeon 2014on Open Source Technologies for Disaster Manage-

    ment,based on idea from my researchamong 150 worldwide applicaons, Aug 2014

    Co-chair for the AAAI Spring Symposium 2015: Structured Data for Humanitarian Technologies: Perfect t or Overkill?,July 2014

    Outcome of my research on funcon-centric technology to assist crisis response coordinaon for idenfying demand/request and s

    ply/oer to help has been integrated by Ushahidi's CrisisNET project ,Jun 2014

    Received the Outstanding Student Award, Computer Science department, Wright State Univ., Apr 2014

    * Our First Mondayjournal paperis highlight of the January issue, that is about automacally matching needs and oers of resource

    donaons via social media to assist crisis response coordinaon, Jan 2014

    * CDCHealth Communicaon Science digest of October monthchose our Computers in Human Behavior (CHB) journal paper on psy

    cholinguisc cues of emergency coordinaon, in the list of science papers to watch for by experts, Oct 2013

    #Talks and Tutorials:

    Tutorial at presgious SIAM conference SDM-2014: presented with Carlos Caslloand Fernando Diaz:Leveraging Social Media and

    Web of Data for assisng Crisis Response Coordinaon, Apr 2014 (Details and Slides)

    Tutorial at presgious AAAI conference ICWSM-2013: presented with Patrick Meierand Carlos Casllo:Crisis Mapping, Cizen Sens

    and Social Media Analycs: Leveraging Cizen Roles for Crisis Response,Jul 2013 (Details and Slides)

    Hemant Purohit Current PhD Student

    http://knoesis.wright.edu/amithttp://knoesis.wright.edu/amithttp://knoesis.wright.edu/amithttp://knoesis.wright.edu/http://knoesis.wright.edu/http://knoesis.wright.edu/http://knoesis.wright.edu/http://knoesis.wright.edu/mailto:[email protected]?Subject=Job%20Opportunitymailto:[email protected]?Subject=Job%20Opportunitymailto:[email protected]?Subject=Job%20Opportunityhttp://www.qcri.org/http://www.qcri.org/http://crisismappers.net/http://crisismappers.net/http://irevolution.net/bio/http://irevolution.net/bio/http://www.linkedin.com/in/chatohttp://www.linkedin.com/in/chatohttp://knoesis.wright.edu/researchers/hemant/resume_HemantPurohit.pdfhttp://knoesis.wright.edu/researchers/hemant/resume_HemantPurohit.pdfhttp://twitter.com/hemant_Pthttp://twitter.com/hemant_Pthttp://www.linkedin.com/pub/hemant-purohit/19/552/822http://www.linkedin.com/pub/hemant-purohit/19/552/822https://plus.google.com/u/0/+HemantPurohithttps://plus.google.com/u/0/+HemantPurohithttp://incrisisrelief.org/http://incrisisrelief.org/http://crisismappers.net/profiles/profile/show?id=HEMANTPUROHIThttp://crisismappers.net/profiles/profile/show?id=HEMANTPUROHIThttp://blog.standbytaskforce.com/http://blog.standbytaskforce.com/http://knoesis.wright.edu/researchers/meenahttp://knoesis.wright.edu/researchers/meenahttp://www.wright.edu/cosm/departments/psychology/faculty/shalin.htmlhttp://www.wright.edu/cosm/departments/psychology/faculty/shalin.htmlhttp://www.wright.edu/cosm/departments/psychology/faculty/flach.htmlhttp://www.wright.edu/cosm/departments/psychology/faculty/flach.htmlhttp://www.cse.ohio-state.edu/~srini/http://www.cse.ohio-state.edu/~srini/http://knoesis.wright.edu/tkprasad/http://knoesis.wright.edu/tkprasad/http://irevolution.net/bio/http://irevolution.net/bio/http://www.chato.cl/research/http://www.chato.cl/research/http://research.microsoft.com/en-us/people/fdiaz/http://research.microsoft.com/en-us/people/fdiaz/https://ideas.itu.int/blog#blog/post/60076https://ideas.itu.int/blog#blog/post/60076http://www.knoesis.org/research/semsoc/projects/socshttp://www.knoesis.org/research/semsoc/projects/socshttp://www.knoesis.org/research/semsoc/projects/socshttp://crisismappers.net/http://crisismappers.net/http://telecomworld.itu.int/take-part/innovate/http://telecomworld.itu.int/take-part/innovate/https://ideas.itu.int/blog#blog/post/60076https://ideas.itu.int/blog#blog/post/60076https://ideas.itu.int/blog#blog/post/60076https://ideas.itu.int/post/58502https://ideas.itu.int/post/58502http://www.knoesis.org/hemant/symposium/aaai2015http://www.knoesis.org/hemant/symposium/aaai2015http://blog.crisis.net/who-helps-when-crisis-hits/http://blog.crisis.net/who-helps-when-crisis-hits/http://firstmonday.org/indexhttp://firstmonday.org/indexhttp://firstmonday.org/ojs/index.php/fm/article/view/4848/3809http://firstmonday.org/ojs/index.php/fm/article/view/4848/3809http://www.cdc.gov/healthcommunication/sciencedigest/index.htmlhttp://www.cdc.gov/healthcommunication/sciencedigest/index.htmlhttp://www.cdc.gov/healthcommunication/pdf/sciencedigest/hcsd4-10e.pdfhttp://www.cdc.gov/healthcommunication/pdf/sciencedigest/hcsd4-10e.pdfhttp://www.chato.cl/research/http://www.chato.cl/research/http://research.microsoft.com/en-us/people/fdiaz/http://research.microsoft.com/en-us/people/fdiaz/http://www.siam.org/meetings/sdm14/tutorials.phphttp://www.siam.org/meetings/sdm14/tutorials.phphttp://www.siam.org/meetings/sdm14/tutorials.phphttp://knoesis.org/hemant/present/sdm2014http://knoesis.org/hemant/present/sdm2014http://irevolution.net/bio/http://irevolution.net/bio/http://www.chato.cl/research/http://www.chato.cl/research/http://www.icwsm.org/2013/program/tutorial/http://www.icwsm.org/2013/program/tutorial/http://www.icwsm.org/2013/program/tutorial/http://www.knoesis.org/hemant/present/icwsm2013http://www.knoesis.org/hemant/present/icwsm2013http://www.knoesis.org/hemant/present/icwsm2013http://www.icwsm.org/2013/program/tutorial/http://www.icwsm.org/2013/program/tutorial/http://www.chato.cl/research/http://irevolution.net/bio/http://knoesis.org/hemant/present/sdm2014http://www.siam.org/meetings/sdm14/tutorials.phphttp://www.siam.org/meetings/sdm14/tutorials.phphttp://research.microsoft.com/en-us/people/fdiaz/http://www.chato.cl/research/http://www.cdc.gov/healthcommunication/pdf/sciencedigest/hcsd4-10e.pdfhttp://www.cdc.gov/healthcommunication/sciencedigest/index.htmlhttp://firstmonday.org/ojs/index.php/fm/article/view/4848/3809http://firstmonday.org/indexhttp://blog.crisis.net/who-helps-when-crisis-hits/http://www.knoesis.org/hemant/symposium/aaai2015https://ideas.itu.int/post/58502https://ideas.itu.int/blog#blog/post/60076https://ideas.itu.int/blog#blog/post/60076http://telecomworld.itu.int/take-part/innovate/http://crisismappers.net/http://www.knoesis.org/research/semsoc/projects/socshttp://www.knoesis.org/research/semsoc/projects/socshttps://ideas.itu.int/blog#blog/post/60076http://research.microsoft.com/en-us/people/fdiaz/http://www.chato.cl/research/http://irevolution.net/bio/http://knoesis.wright.edu/tkprasad/http://www.cse.ohio-state.edu/~srini/http://www.wright.edu/cosm/departments/psychology/faculty/flach.htmlhttp://www.wright.edu/cosm/departments/psychology/faculty/shalin.htmlhttp://knoesis.wright.edu/researchers/meenahttp://blog.standbytaskforce.com/http://crisismappers.net/profiles/profile/show?id=HEMANTPUROHIThttp://incrisisrelief.org/https://plus.google.com/u/0/+HemantPurohithttp://www.linkedin.com/pub/hemant-purohit/19/552/822http://twitter.com/hemant_Pthttp://knoesis.wright.edu/researchers/hemant/resume_HemantPurohit.pdfhttp://www.linkedin.com/in/chatohttp://irevolution.net/bio/http://crisismappers.net/http://www.qcri.org/mailto:[email protected]?Subject=Job%20Opportunitymailto:[email protected]?Subject=Job%20Opportunityhttp://knoesis.wright.edu/http://knoesis.wright.edu/http://knoesis.wright.edu/amithttp://knoesis.wright.edu/amit
  • 8/10/2019 Student Accomplishments Dec 2014


    Gave invited talk on 'Coordinang Social Media Driven Marketplace for Tourism Industry'at NCSU mini-workshop on 'IT for Sustaina

    Development', with focus on micro-entrepreneurs, May 2014

    Gave Ignite talk at ICCM-2013, UN Nairobi on Leveraging Social Media to Assist Crisis Response Coordinaon,Nov 2013

    Gave guest lectures on Crisis Informacs and Coordinaon: Leveraging Cizen Roles via Social Media for Disaster Response, Course

    I400/I590: Informacs in Disasters and Emergency Response,Indiana University, Sept 2013

    #Fellowships and Honors:

    ACM WebSci-14student travel fellowship recipient, Jun 2014

    SIAM SDM-2014student travel fellowship recipient, Apr 2014

    AAAI ICWSM-14student travel fellowship recipient, Jun 2014

    AAAI ICWSM-13student travel fellowship recipient, Jul 2013

    Winner of ITU Telecom World Young InnovatorsCompeon on Open Source Technologies for Disaster Management,based on ideafrom my researchamong 150 worldwide applicaons, Aug 2014

    Outstanding Student Award, Computer Science department, Wright State Univ., Apr 2014

    Invited as subject maer expert by the DHS S&T instute, for bridging socio-technical communicaon gap between technologists an

    emergency managers during emergency response exercise of federal agencies at JIFX, Feb 2014

    Google, USAID and ICT4Peace fellowship for CrisisMappersICCM-2013 at UN Nairobi, selected as one of the 8 internaonal fellows,


    Accepted at the 2013 NSF SoCS Doctoral Consorum, where I presented my coordinaon analysis work with focus on crisis response

    (Check my recent work on #Oklahoma-tornado responseto help our humanitarian organizaons), May 2013

    Professional Development Grant Fall-2012 recipient,Wright State Graduate School Assembly, Nov 2012


    Hindustan Times,OneIndia,and several media outlets cited our V.O.I.C.E. team iniave-JKFloodRelief.org (now InCrisisRelief.org),

    largest crowd collecve response to the historic J&K oods, Sept 2014

    Research on mining intent for request/oer to help, a funcon-centric technology to assist crisis response coordinaon integrated b

    Ushahidi's CrisisNET project. Who Helps When Crisis Hits?,Jun 2014

    iRevoluon: Social media collecon and computaonal ltering lead during Philippines Typhoon volunteer response (more in the vo

    teering secon), for MicroMappers and Standby Task Force to assist UNOCHA situaon assessment, Nov 2013

    Times Of India,DNA,Yahoo Newsand several others (more in the volunteering secon) acknowledge our global digital volunteer e

    for Phailin cyclone crisis-map,India, Oct 2013 (led coordinaon)

    University magazine discusses the applied research in crisis response under SoCS project, and iniave during Uarakhand (North In

    dia) oods: Wright State Researchers Use Social Media and Web Informaon to Track Response Eorts During Natural Disasters,Wr

    State Press, Sept 2013

    The Hindunewspaper cited our iniave for Uarakhand (India) oods crisis-map,with Google Crisis Response and global volunteer

    (more in the volunteering secon)-Using crisis mapping to aid Uarakhand,Creang awareness for tech-assisted response: Are we

    missing out on tech-aided disaster management in Uarakhand?,Jun 2013 (led coordinaon)

    TechPresident covered our research plaorm, Twitris for social media analycs and my implicaons of my research for crisis respon

    coordinaon,Twitris: Taking Crisis Mapping to the Next Level,Jun 2013

    Could Twitris be used for disaster event coordinaon,iRevoluon, Sept 2012

    Wright State research seeks sense from social media to aid in emergencies,Wright State Press, Nov 2011


    Serving on review commiee for presgious journals and conferences: ICWSM -2015; Springer DMKD, 2014; The ACM Transacons o

    Internet Technology (TOIT) for special issue on Foundaons of Social Compung, Oct 2014; First Monday journal, Feb 2014; The ACM

    WWW-2014 for Web Science track and Web Intelligence & Communies workshop, Apr 2014; The 47th Hawaiian Int'l Conf. on Syste

    Sciences (HICSS) ,2014; The special issue of Journal of CSCW on Crisis Informacs and Collaboraon,JCSCW, 2014

    Member of W3C's Emergency Informaon Community group,dedicated for designing a framework for semanc informaon structu

    for emergency communicaon

    We share 2nd place in the world in the area of WWW research!,Microso Academic Research Ranking, Feb. 8, 2013

    Elecon 2012: The Semanc Recap,story coverage on ourTwitrisanalycs which predicted President Obama as winner even beforeexit polls in the US Elecons, Nov. 8, 2012.

    Invited panelist for Twier debate on 'Social Media Regulaons: Polics of Policy' at #bigbale, which has hosted many eminentlead

    of India from various elds in its earlier debates (transcript), Dec. 9, 2011.



    * Conferences: ICWSM-2015; ISCRAM-2015; WebSci track WWW-2014; HICSS-2014; SocInfo-2013,-2014; SEMAPRO-2012,-2013,-20

    2015; WEB-2013,-2014. Secondary Reviewer--ICWSM -2010,-2011,-2012,-2013,-2014; WWW -2010,-2011,-2012,-2013,-2014.

    * Journals: Springer journal of Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery (DMKD) 2014; ACM TOIT 2014 special issue on Social Compu

    First Monday 2014; JCSCW 2014 special issue on Crisis Informacs. Secondary Reviewer--DMKD Springer journal 2011; Internaona

    Journal on Semanc Web and Informaon Systems -2011, -2012.

    * Workshops/Symposiums: co-charing AAAI Spring Symposium SD4HumTech2015; SWDM at WWW-2015; WIC at WWW-2014,-2015

  • 8/10/2019 Student Accomplishments Dec 2014


    LESI at SIGKDD-2014; IFIP VaSCo at ACM WebSci 2013; MDS2013 at SIGKDD-2013. Secondary Reviewer--LSM at ACL -2011, -2012.


    * Kurs Mullins (Undergrad Senior) for the project on Real-me processing using Twier Storm,Fall 2011

    * Maria Quibya (UG Research Intern, Undergrad Senior at LNMIIT)for the project on improving Enty Idencaon using Knowled

    aware approach,Fall 2011

    * Dylan Clericus (Undergrad Senior) for the project on Interface for assisng Disaster Response Coordinaon via Social Media,Fall 20

    * Shreyansh Bha (PhD student) for the project on Seeking behavior mining system for assisng Disaster Response Coordinaon,Fa


    * Jeremy Brunn (Undergrad Senior) for the project on System for enabling inuenal people to engage with in social media commun

    es,Fall 2013

    * Kushal Shah (UG Research Intern, Undergrad Senior at LNMIIT)for his B.Tech. thesis, "System for Mining Opinion Makers and Acvfor Gender-based Violence on Social Media using Supervised Learning approaches", Fall 2014 -Spring 2015

    * Garvit Bansal (UG Research Intern, Undergrad Senior at LNMIIT)for his remote internship project, "System for Summarizing Societ

    Beliefs for Gender-based Violence on Social Media using Unsupervised Learning", Fall 2014 -Spring 2015

    * Vishnu Bompally (MS Senior) for his Master's thesis on "Knowledge-driven Acve Learning System", Fall 2014 -Spring 2015


    * Nadia Berger (MS, Oxford Brooks University), for her masters thesis on Digital Humanitarianism: How do social networking commu

    es contribute to humanitarian response aer disaster?,2013

    * DHS Virtual Social Media Working Group on how to incorporate social media analycs for improving emergency response coordina

    on (report link), 2013-14

    * Applicaon of my donaon coordinaon research during crisis response for a start up, 2013-14

    * Applicaon of donaon coordinaon research on requests and oers to help for the CrisisNET API projectof Ushahidi, 2014

    * Applicaon of donaon coordinaon research on requests and oers to help for an NGO focused on building resilient communie


    * Applied Machine Learning to assist Gender-based Violence research with subject maer experts at UNFPA, 2014-15


    Hurricane Sandy, US, Nov 2012

    East cost snow storm, US, Feb 2013

    Oklahoma tornado, US; extensive analysis of donaon requests and oers to help described in the iRevoluonblog and included in t

    summarizaon Infographic,May 2013

    Uarakhand oods crisis-map,India, Jun 2013 (led coordinaon) --The Hindunewspaper cited our iniave in collaboraon with

    Google Crisis Response team, volunteers from universies around the world and of presgious organizaons (SBTF, Info4, OpenCrisi

    HOT, CrisisMappersUK), including a surge support from Humanity Road: Using crisis mapping to aid Uarakhand,Creang awarenes

    Are we missing out on tech-aided disaster management in Uarakhand?,Jun 2013

    Khartoum oods, Sudan, Aug 2013

    Colorado oods, US, Sept 2013

    Balochistan earthquake analysis with UN OCHA to idenfy key inuencers on social media with respect to specic resource needs su

    as medical aid, Sept 2013

    Phailin cyclone crisis-map,India, Oct 2013 (led coordinaon) --Our iniave in collaboraon with Google Crisis Response team by th

    digital humanitarian volunteers globally from dierent organizaons (SBTF, OpenCrisis, Info4Disasters, HumanityRoad, etc.) and uni

    sies was cited by: Times Of India,DNA,Business Standard,EfyTimes,Kochi Reporter,Gadget Garrio,GeoSpaal World,Global Resi

    ence Systems,Oct 2013

    Yolanda (Philippines) Typhoon response via Twitris system for MicroMappers with my mentor Patrick Meier's social-innovaon team

    QCRIand SBTFfor UN OCHA --iRevoluon-about results and about launch,Wall Street Journal,Nov 2013 (Technology support)

    J&K (India) Floods response via JKFloodRelief.org (now InCrisisRelief.org)(Among team coordinators) --Assisted in coordinang the

    largest internaonal cizen-led response drive, which delivered a scalable impact-driven relief involving 25+ organizaons in addio

    to cizens. The unprecedented iniave involved use of technology at its best, and Kno.e.sis team helped for data coordinaon usinits Twitris technologyfor mining need-to-rescue requests for redirecon to Army, and inuencers. This V.O.I.C.E. team iniave was

    cited by several media outlets-Hindustan Times,OneIndia,Zee News,NPR,LightHouse Insights,etc., Sept 2014

  • 8/10/2019 Student Accomplishments Dec 2014


    Data Masterstudent researcher fusing Web,

    sensors to create thinking, life-saving devicesWhen Cory Henson was a lile boy growing up in Georgia, his mother bought himcomputer. When she returned to check in on him, the guts of the machine werescaered around his room.

    I took it apart the rst day; it freaked her out, Henson recalled.

    Today, the Wright State University researcher is tearing down barriers to a newfroner in compung.

    He is working to create intelligence and more eecve tools for living by combiniand interpreng informaon from the Web and from sensors. That could translatinto devices that warn of everything from asthma aacks to heart aacks.

    If you can integrate the data together, it becomes much more valuable, Hensonsaid.

    Hensons skill is not lost on Amit Sheth, Ph.D., LexisNexis Ohio Eminent Scholar anthe director of the Ohio Center of Excellence on Knowledge-enabled Compung, Kno.e.sis. Sheth is also Hensons advisor.

    Cory is curious about many dierent areas of research and is able to integrate idas from several disciplines and apply them to help solve a challenging and complereal-world problem, Sheth said.

    Born and raised in the Atlanta area, Henson aended Berkmar High School, where he played soccer and graduateas one of the top students in a class of about 400. He aended Jacksonville University on an academic/soccer schoarship, but soured on soccer and transferred to the University of Georgia.

    At Georgia, Henson pursued bachelors degrees in both computer science and cognive science, which is the studof the mind. It was a way for Henson to marry computer science with philosophy and psychology.I was always into philosophy; I like to play with ideas, Henson said.

    A fan of empiricist philosopher John Locke, Henson was taken with the noon that knowledge is built from theground up by percepon.

    All of our experiences come directly from the senses, and we learn things through this direct experience with theworld, Henson said.

    During his senior year, Henson met some fellow students who were working in knowledge modeling, exactly whatHenson had been reading about in cognive psychology. The students were under the supervision of Sheth, so Heson took Sheths course and began working for him. Henson was one of the 10 Ph.D. students who moved with

    Sheth to Wright State in 2007.

    I knew nothing about Ohio. I knew nothing about Wright State, Henson said. But I think its a good lile schoolThere is a lot of interesng research going on here. I like it.

    Some of that interesng research is work the 30-year-old Henson himself is conducng in an area called the semac Web. The goal is to marry text, audio and video streaming from the Web in order to create a greater knowledgn addion, Henson collects data from on-body sensors that measure such things as weight, sleep, heart rate, bloo

    pressure and perspiraon. The sensor data is then fed into a smartphone, which downloads medical informaonfrom the Web.

    So if your blood pressure just went up two points, your heart rate jumped three beats, you begin to perspire andyou cannot remember taking you last medicaon, you might be able to nd out exactly what is happening to you

    medically, Henson said.

    Cory Henson is a Ph.D. student con-

    ducng research with the semanc

    Web and on-body sensors that send

    medical data to smartphones.

  • 8/10/2019 Student Accomplishments Dec 2014


    Henson is working with researchers at The Ohio State University to develop a disorder detector that could be givto heart paents who are released from the hospital. The device would be designed to catch the beginnings of another heart aack, resulng in early intervenon and prevenng another expensive stay in the hospital. Excessive rehospitalizaon of chronic heart paents has been idened as one of the top health care challenges,cosng $17 billion a year.

    All that studying in philosophy and cognive psychology actually came to bear, said Henson. I extracted a fewnice ideas from psychology, was able to develop algorithms that mimicked these ideas, and we use that for inter-preng the sensor data. Its based on human percepon, but geng machines to do it.

    Henson is doing similar research with the University of California-Irvine, which has computer soware capable ofcapturing symptoms of enre populaons such as those that occur with high pollen counts.

    It can come from sensors, but oen it comes from social networks like tweets, he said. If through sensors we cdetect you are nearing an asthma aack and from data on the Web detect that the pollen count is increasing, thecombinaon could serve as an early warning system.

    Henson has also collaborated with the Air Force on sensor-data management and has done defense intelligencework at the Naonal Air and Space Intelligence Center.

    Sheth is not surprised at Hensons accomplishments. He has watched masters degree students from Kno.e.sis go top companies and command starng salaries of as much as $120,000. One Ph.D. student was hired as a facultymember at Case Western Reserve. Others have gone on to the likes of IBM Research, Amazon Web Services and

    Samsung Research.

    By virtue of Kno.e.sis, Wright State University shares a second posion ranking in the world, in world wide web arof computer science, based on h-index (a popular measure of publicaon impact) by Microso Academic Search.Based on data in January 2013, following Stanford at the top posion, Wright State University shared second posion with the likes of Carnegie Mellon University, University of Southampton and VU University of Amsterdam.

    The people who recruit our students know they are going to be contribung right away, Sheth said. Theyre nogoing to require training.

    n 2011, Henson, was nominated as editor for a report on Semanc Sensor Networks by the World Wide Web Consorum, or W3C, the main internaonal standards organizaon for the Web. This in turn led to him being invited tgive a keynote at an internaonal workshop held in Venice, Italy.

    Among his other signicant acvies include giving a tutorial at the Internaonal Conference on Knowledge Engi-neering and Knowledge Management; and serving as a guest editor for the Semanc Web Journal: Special Issue oCognive Science and the Internaonal Journal on Advances in Intelligent Systems.

    Scheduled to graduate this summer, Henson has his eye on academic posions.

    I want to do research, and in academics you have a bit more freedom to do research, he said. But I would be hapy at an industry research lab as wellas long as I keep playing with ideas.
