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Student Involvement in Open Source: Why, How and Where to Get Started

Date post: 05-Dec-2014
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Delivered in the education track for the 2011 POSSCON conference.As more companies build their business using open source software and development methodologies, gaining an understanding of these technologies gives students a leg up when searching for careers in industry and internships. Participation in open source software communities also brings a host of other skills that empower participants for future success: the ability to communicate effectively, the aptitude to understand diverse points of view and the skills to persuade team mates that a particular solution is best. In this talk, Leslie Hawthorn will draw on her years of experience working with university students engaged in open source development, highlighting the value of involvement for student members of the audience and giving a clear roadmap to those who are ready to get started participating.
Student Involvement in Open Source Why, How and Where to Get Started Leslie Hawthorn OSU Open Source Lab

Student  Involvement  in    Open  Source  

 Why,  How  and  Where  to  Get  Started  

Leslie  Hawthorn  OSU  Open  Source  Lab  

Oregon  State  University  Open  Source  Lab    

•  Founded  in  2003  •  Hosts  more  than  100  projects:  Linux  kernel,  Apache,  Fedora,  Debian,  PHP  

Why  Open  Source?  

•  More  than  50%  of  leading  IT  organizaRons  are  using    open  source  soSware  – CompeRRve  advantage  – Lower  cost  of  ownership  

•  30%  of  soSware  used  at  these  companies  is  open  source,  up  from  10%  five  years  ago  

Gartner,  February  2011  

Employers  Value  OS  Experience    

•  EvaluaRng  potenRal  hires  •  Lowering  training  costs  •  Decreasing  Rme  from  hire  to  full  producRvity  

Open  Source  &  You  

•  Create  a  citable  body  of  work  •  Nurture  your  passion  for  programming  •  Learn  cool  stuff  outside  the  classroom  •  Make  a  real  difference  in  people’s  lives  

Ge]ng  Involved  in  Open  Source  

The  TradiRonal  Route  

More  on  this  later….  

Google  Summer  of  CodeTM  

•  Flip  bits,  not  burgers  •  175  open  source  projects  for  2011  •  Up  to  1000  students  accepted  in  the  past  •  Important  dates  – March  28th:  student  applicaRon  period  opens  – April  8th:  student  applicaRon  deadline  

The  Summer  of  Code  Meme  

•  GNOME  Outreach  Program  for  Women  – ApplicaRon  deadline:  April  9th  

•  New  Zealand  Summer  of  Code  •  Ruby  Summer  of  Code  •  Humanitarian  FOSS  Project  Internships  •  Many  more….  

•  Program  for  pre-­‐university  students  

•  Must  be  13-­‐18  to  parRcipate  

•  Looks  great  on  college  applicaRons  


Get  a  Job  

•  Internships  with  OS  friendly  companies  •  Numerous  open  source  employers  – Mozilla,  RedHat,  etc.  

•  Student  experiences  on  campus  

Conferences  and  Unconferences  

•  In  person  interacRons  are  very  helpful  – Project  culture  and  understanding  tone  

•  Unconferences  have  low  barrier  to  entry  


Join  Your  Local  User  Group  

Diving  Right  In  Made  Simple  

•  Start  with  projects  that  have  parRcipated  in  Google  Summer  of  Code  

•  InvesRgate  to  ensure  a  project  is  open  for  business  

•  Look  for  projects  that  explicitly  welcome  new  contributors  

OpenHatch:  I  Want  to  Help  

Looking  Credible  in  a  Few  Easy  Steps  

•  Read  project  website  thoroughly  •  Subscribe  to  project  mailing  lists  •  Join  project  IRC  channel  – “Lurk”  unRl  you  get  the  lay  of  the  land  

•  Ask  quesRons  the  smart  way    


•  You  will  make  them.  Many  of  them.  •  Just  don’t  make  the  same  one  repeatedly.  

A  Few  Closing  Thoughts  

Saving  the  World  

•  Many  projects  help  those  most  in  need  – Sahana,  OpenMRS,  Usahidi  

•  Many  focus  on  social  jusRce  causes  – Sunlight  FoundaRon,  Tor,  Martus  

•  Many  support  the  mission  of  non-­‐profits  – CiviCRM,  HFOSS  Project,  the  enRre  stack  

The  real  point  is  to  have  fun  and  learn  something  …  

Ge]ng  an  awesome  job    and    

helping  others  are  great  results….  

Thank  You!      



Leslie  Hawthorn  @lhawthorn  

[email protected]  

Credits  and  Licensing  •  Heart  Oregon:    hlp://www.flickr.com/photos/cosmic_bandita/3960799351/    •  Fire:  hlp://www.flickr.com/photos/7309767@N02/444312011/sizes/z/    

This  presenta,on  is  released  under  a  Crea,ve  Commons  A5ribu,on  3.0  Unported  License.  Please  remix  and  reuse!  

