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Students' Union Constitution

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LSBU Students' Union Constitution
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Proposed Constitution of London South Bank University Students’ Union (An Unincorporated Association)
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Proposed Constitution


London South Bank University Students’ Union

(An Unincorporated Association)

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Table of Contents and Comments


Name, Objects and Powers Page 4

This section describes the organisation, its purpose, the activities it can

engage in and the boundaries of its work. It describes what happens if the

organisation was to be dissolved and how the constitution can be


Membership Page 11

This section describes who the Members of the Students’ Union are.

Referenda Page 12

This section describes how a referendum may be called

General Meetings Page 12

This section describes how General Meetings are called and what business

will take place within them.

Trustees Page 14

This section describes who the Trustees are, how they are appointed, how

they can be removed and their powers.

The Executive Committee Page 21

This section describes who the Executive Committee are, how they are

appointed, how they can be removed and their powers.

Proceedings of the Trustees Page 22

This section lays out how Trustee meetings will be called and run and how

Trustees can make decisions.

Student Council Page 24

This section deals with the powers and responsibilities of Student Council.

General Page 25

This section deals with miscellaneous questions and includes a table of

definitions and interpretations.


Regulation A: The Trustee Board

Regulation B: Student Officers

Regulation C: Campaign Convenors

Regulation D: Elections

Regulation E: Student Council

Regulation F: Standing Orders

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Regulation G: Student Forums

Regulation H: Referenda

Regulation I: Policy

Regulation J: Finance

Regulation K: Standing Committees

Regulation L: Additional Protocols

Regulation M: Complaints Procedure

Regulation O: Disciplinary Procedure

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London South Bank University Students’ Union


A. London South Bank University Students’ Union (“The Union”) is a students’ union

within the meaning of the Education Act 1994. The Union is devoted to the

educational interests and welfare of its Members.

B. The Union will seek at all times to:

(i) ensure that the diversity of its membership is recognised and that equal

access is available to all Members of whatever origin or orientation;

(ii) pursue its aims and objectives independent of any political party or religious

group; and

(iii) pursue equal opportunities by taking positive action within the law to

facilitate participation of groups discriminated against by society.

C. This Constitution has been structured to give the Board of Trustees authority to

manage the affairs of The Union in a professional manner. The Members enjoy

the right, which must be exercised in accordance with charity law, to elect a

proportion of the Trustees and to dismiss all of the Trustees. The Board of

Trustees will give the utmost consideration to the views of Members.

D. Under the Education Act 1994, London South Bank University has a statutory

duty to ensure that The Union operates in a fair and democratic manner and is

held to proper account for its finances. The Union therefore works alongside

London South Bank University in ensuring that the affairs of The Union are

properly conducted and that the educational and welfare needs of The Union’s

Members are met.

Definitions and Interpretation

1. The meanings of any defined terms used in this Constitution are set out in Clause

115 of the Constitution. If any dispute arises in relation to the interpretation of

this Constitution or any of the Regulations, it shall be resolved by the Board of



2. There shall be a Students’ Union in the name of London South Bank University

Students’ Union (and in this Constitution it is called “The Union”).

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3. The Union’s objects are the advancement of education of Students at London

South Bank University for the public benefit by:

3.1 promoting the interests and welfare of Students at London South Bank University

during their course of study and representing, supporting and advising Students;

3.2 being the recognised representative channel between Students and London South

Bank University and any other external bodies; and

3.3 providing social, cultural, sporting and recreational activities and forums for

discussions and debate for the personal development of its Students.


4. To further its objects, but not to further any other purpose, The Union may:

4.1 provide services and facilities for Members;

4.2 establish, support, promote and operate a network of student activities for


4.3 support any RAG or similar fundraising activities carried out by its Members for

charitable causes, including the provision of administrative support, banking

facilities and acting as a holding Trustee of any funds raised;

4.4 alone or with other organisations:

4.4.1 carry out campaigning activities;

4.4.2 seek to influence public opinion; and

4.4.3 make representations to and seek to influence governmental and other

bodies and institutions

regarding the reform, development and implementation of appropriate policies,

legislation and regulations provided that all such activities shall be confined to the

activities which an English and Welsh charity may properly undertake and

provided that The Union complies with the Education Act and any guidance

published by the Charity Commission;

4.5 write, make, commission, print, publish or distribute materials or information or

assist in these activities;

4.6 promote, initiate, develop or carry out education and training and arrange,

provide or assist with exhibitions, lectures, meetings, seminars, displays or


4.7 promote, encourage, carry out or commission research, surveys, studies or other

work and publish the useful results;

4.8 provide or appoint others to provide advice, guidance, representation and


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4.9 co-operate with other charities and bodies and exchange information and advice

with them;

4.10 become a member, affiliate or associate of other charities and bodies;

4.11 support, set up or amalgamate with other charities with objects identical or

similar to The Union’s objects, and act as or appoint Trustees, agents, nominees

or delegates to control and manage such charities;

4.12 purchase or acquire all or any of the property, assets, liabilities and engagements

of any charity with objects similar to The Union’s objects;

4.13 raise funds and invite and receive contributions from any person provided that

The Union shall not carry out any taxable trading activities in raising funds;

4.14 borrow and raise money on such terms and security as The Union may think

suitable (but only in accordance with the restrictions imposed by the Charities Act


4.15 purchase, lease, hire or receive property of any kind including land, buildings and

equipment and maintain and equip it for use;

4.16 sell, manage, lease, mortgage, exchange, dispose of or deal with all or any of its

property (but only in accordance with the restrictions imposed by the Charities

Act 1993);

4.17 make grants or loans of money and give guarantees;

4.18 set aside funds for special purposes or as reserves against future expenditure;

4.19 invest and deal with The Union’s money not immediately required for its objects

in or upon any investments, securities, or property;

4.20 delegate the management of investments to an appropriately experienced and

qualified financial expert provided that:

4.20.1 the investment policy is set down in writing for the financial expert by

the Trustees;

4.20.2 every transaction is reported promptly to the Trustees;

4.20.3 the performance of the investment is reviewed regularly by the


4.20.4 the Trustees are entitled to cancel the delegation at any time;

4.20.5 the investment policy and the delegation arrangements are reviewed at

least once a year;

4.20.6 all payments due to the financial expert are on a scale or at a level

which is agreed in advance and are notified promptly to the Trustees

on receipt; and

4.20.7 the financial expert may not do anything outside the powers of the


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4.21 arrange for investments or other property of The Union to be held in the name of

a nominee (being a company or a limited liability partnership registered or having

an established place of business in England and Wales) under the control of the

Trustees or a financial expert acting under their instructions and to pay any

reasonable fee required;

4.22 lend money and give credit to, take security for such loans or credit and

guarantee or give security for the performance of contracts by any person or


4.23 open and operate banking accounts and other facilities for banking and draw,

accept, endorse, negotiate, discount, issue or execute negotiable instruments

such as promissory notes or bills of exchange;

4.24 trade in the course of carrying out any of its objects;

4.25 establish or acquire subsidiary companies to carry on any taxable trade;

4.26 subject to Clause 6(Limitation on private benefits), employ and pay employees

and professionals or other advisors;

4.27 grant pensions and retirement benefits to employees of The Union and to their

dependants and subscribe to funds or schemes for providing pensions and

retirement benefits for employees of The Union and their dependants;

4.28 pay out of the funds of The Union the cost of any premium in respect of any

indemnity insurance to cover the liability of the Trustees (or any of them) which

by virtue of any rule of law would otherwise attach to them in respect of any

negligence, default, breach of trust or breach of duty of which they may be guilty

in relation to The Union provided that no such insurance shall extend to:

4.28.1 any claim arising from any liability incurred by the Trustees to pay a

fine imposed in criminal proceedings or a sum payable to a regulatory

authority by way of a penalty in respect of non-compliance with any

requirement of a regulatory nature (however arising);

4.28.2 any liability incurred by the Trustees in defending any criminal

proceedings in which the Trustees are convicted of an offence arising

out of any fraud or dishonesty, or wilful or reckless misconduct; or

4.28.3 any liability incurred by the Trustees to The Union that arises out of

any conduct which the Trustees knew (or must reasonably be assumed

to have known) was not in the interests of The Union or in the case of

which they did not care whether it was in the best interests of The

Union or not; and

4.29 do all such other lawful things as shall further The Union’s objects.

No Platform Policy

5. In pursuance of the London South Bank University Students’ Union objects, any

individuals or members of organisations or groups identified by the Trustees as

holding racist or fascist views shall not be allowed to stand for election to any

London South Bank University Students’ Union office, or go to, speak or take part

in London South Bank University Students’ Union conferences, meetings or any

other London South Bank University Students’ Union events, and Officers,

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Committee Members and Trustees shall not share a public platform with an

individual or member of an organisation or group known to hold racist or fascist

views. The Trustees shall develop rules for the operation of The Union’s “no

platform” policy.

6. Limitation on private benefits

6.1 The income and property of The Union shall be applied solely towards the

promotion of its objects.

6.2 Except as provided below no part of the income and property of The Union may

be paid or transferred directly or indirectly by way of dividend, bonus or

otherwise by way of profit to any Member of The Union. This shall not prevent

any payment in good faith by The Union of:

6.2.1 any payments made to any Member in their capacity as a beneficiary

of The Union;

6.2.2 reasonable and proper remuneration to any Member for any goods or

services supplied to The Union provided that if such Member is a

Trustee Clause 6.3 shall apply;

6.2.3 interest on money lent by any Member to The Union at a reasonable

and proper rate; and

6.2.4 any reasonable and proper rent for premises let by any Member to The


6.3 Except as provided below no Trustee may sell goods, services or any interest in

land to The Union; be employed by, or receive any remuneration from, The

Union; or receive any other financial benefit from The Union. This shall not

prevent any payment in good faith by The Union of:

6.3.1 any payments made to any Trustee or Connected Person in their

capacity as a beneficiary of The Union;

6.3.2 reasonable and proper out of pocket expenses of the Trustees;

6.3.3 reasonable and proper remuneration to any Sabbatical Trustee or

Connected Person for any goods or services supplied to The Union on

the instructions of the Trustees provided that:

(a) for the avoidance of doubt, the authorisation under this provision

shall extend to the remuneration of Sabbatical Trustees and

Connected Persons under contracts of employment with The Union;

(b) subject to Clause 6.3.3(a), the authorisation under this provision

shall not extend to the service of acting as Trustee;

(c) if the person being remunerated is a Trustee the procedure

described in Clause 99(Conflicts of Interest) must be followed in

considering the appointment of the Trustee and in relation to any

other decisions regarding the remuneration authorised by this


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(d) if the person being remunerated is a Connected Person the

procedure described in Clause 99 (Conflicts of Interest) must be

followed by the relevant Trustee in relation to any decisions

regarding such Connected Person;

(e) subject to Clause 6.4, this provision may not apply to more than

half of the Trustees in any financial year (and for these purposes

such provision shall be treated as applying to a Trustee if it applies

to a person who is a Connected Person in relation to that Trustee);


(f) at all times the provisions of the Education Act are complied with;

6.3.4 interest on money lent by any Trustee or Connected Person to The

Union at a reasonable and proper rate;

6.3.5 any reasonable and proper rent for premises let by any Trustee or

Connected Person to The Union;

6.3.6 reasonable and proper premiums in respect of indemnity insurance

effected in accordance with Clause 4.28;

6.3.7 any payments made to any Trustee or officer under the indemnity

provisions set out at Clause 113; and

6.3.8 any payments authorised in writing by the Charity Commission.

6.4 Where a vacancy arises on the Board of Trustees with the result that Clause 6.3.3

applies to more than half of the Trustees, The Union may continue to pay

remuneration to its Sabbatical Trustees and any Connected Persons receiving

remuneration in accordance with Clause 6.3.3 provided that The Union uses all

reasonable endeavours to fill the vacancy as soon as possible.


7. The Members at a General Meeting or by Referendum may authorise the Trustees

to transfer the assets and liabilities of The Union to a limited liability entity

established for exclusively charitable purposes with the same or similar objects,

and to dissolve The Union at any time following the transfer if it is considered

appropriate to do so.


8. If any property remains after The Union has been wound up or dissolved and all

debts and liabilities have been satisfied, it shall not be paid to or distributed

among the Members of The Union. It shall instead be given or transferred to

some other charitable institution or institutions having similar objects to those of

The Union and which prohibits the distribution of its or their income and property

among its or their members to an extent at least as great as this Constitution

imposes upon The Union. The institution or institutions which are to benefit shall

be chosen by the Trustees of The Union at or before the time of winding up or


Amendments to the Constitution

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9. The Trustees and London South Bank University shall review this Constitution at

least every three years, with effect from the date that this Constitution comes

into effect.

10. No amendment of this Constitution shall be made which would have the effect of

The Union ceasing to be a charity.

11. Clause 3 (Objects) and Clause 6 (Limitation on private benefits) may not be

amended without the prior written consent of the Charity Commission.

12. Save where the amendment to the Constitution is a consequential amendment

due to a change in the Regulations (for example, the number or heading names

of Clauses), the Constitution may be amended by:

12.1 a resolution of the Members passed at a General Meeting by at least two-thirds of

those present and voting; or

12.2 a resolution passed by a two-thirds majority of the Members voting in a

Referendum provided that at least 5% of Members cast a vote in the Referendum

provided London South Bank University approves the amendments (as required

for the purposes of compliance with Section 22 of the Education Act).



13. The Members of The Union shall be as follows:

13.1 each and every Student who has not opted out by notifying London South Bank

University or the Union of his or her wish not to be a Member of The Union; and

13.2 the Sabbatical Officers of The Union.

14. Membership shall not be transferable and shall cease on death. A Member shall

automatically cease to be a Member of The Union if:

14.1 he or she ceases to be a Student. For the avoidance of doubt, this will include the

situation where a Member’s Student status with London South Bank University is

revoked by London South Bank University;

14.2 he or she ceases to be a Sabbatical Officer;

14.3 he or she opts out of membership by giving written notice to The Union in

accordance with the Regulations; or

14.4 a decision is made to remove him or her from membership of the Union in

accordance with Code of Conduct.

15. Members’ details shall be entered in a register of Members.

16. Members of The Union shall be entitled to the benefits set out in the Code of


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Associate Members

17. The Student Council may elect to and remove from associate membership of The

Union such persons as they consider to be fit. The Student Council shall

determine the form of application for associate membership, and associate

membership shall be subject to such rights and obligations as the Student Council

consider appropriate.

18. Associate Members shall not be Members for the purposes of this Constitution and

shall not be entitled to vote on any matter.

Honorary Life Membership

19. The Student Council may elect to and remove from honorary life membership of

The Union such persons as they consider to be fit. The Student Council shall

determine the form of application for honorary life membership, and honorary life

membership shall be subject to such rights and obligations as the Student Council

consider appropriate.

20. Honorary Life Members shall not be Members for the purposes of this Constitution

and shall not be entitled to vote on any matter.

Code of Conduct

21. The Trustee Board will establish and monitor a “code of conduct” that all Members

shall be required to adhere to, including when Members are involved in activities

or at events that are administered or organised by the Union.

22. The code of conduct may include a range of sanctions for breach of the code of

conduct by a Member, including the suspension or removal of any or all of the

rights and privileges of membership, including the holding of office.


23. A Referendum may be called on any issue by:

23.1 a resolution of the Trustees;

23.2 a majority vote of the Student Council; or

23.3 a Secure Petition signed by at least 150 Members, except in the case of a

Referendum to pass a motion of no confidence in an Elected Officer where the

Secure Petition must be signed by at least 150 Members in accordance with

Clause 61.2.

24. Subject to Clause 12.2, a resolution may only be passed by Referendum if at

least 5% of Members cast a vote in the Referendum and a two-thirds majority of

the votes cast are in favour of the resolution.

25. Referenda shall be conducted in accordance with this Constitution and the


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26. Subject to Clause 69, the Members may set Policy by Referenda. Policy set by

Referenda may overturn Policy set either by the Members in General Meeting or

by the Student Council.

General Meetings

Annual General Meeting

27. The Union shall hold an Annual General Meeting once in each calendar year. Not

more than 18 months shall pass between the date of one Annual General Meeting

and the next. The Annual General Meeting shall be held at such time and place

as the Trustees shall think suitable to allow the maximum number of Members to


Other General Meetings

28. The Trustees may call a General Meeting at any time. The Trustees shall call a

General Meeting on receiving a requisition to that effect, signed by at least 150

Members having the right to attend and vote at General Meetings.

Location of Meetings

29. Annual General Meeting and General Meetings may be carried out at one single

venue or simultaneously at a maximum of three separate venues with a video,

audio or other real-time link between all of the venues. At the start of such

meetings, each venue must indicate by majority vote that they are satisfied with

the meeting set-up and technology.

Length of Notice

30. A General Meeting shall be called by at least 14 Clear Days written notice.

Contents of Notice

31. Every notice calling a General Meeting shall specify the place, day and time of the

meeting and the general nature of the business to be transacted. If the meeting

is an Annual General Meeting, the notice must say so and the business to be

transacted shall include:

31.1 ratification of minutes of previous AGM;

31.2 receiving the report of the Trustees on The Union’s activities since the previous


31.3 receiving the accounts of The Union for the previous financial year;

31.4 appointment of the auditors;

31.5 approving the list of affiliations of The Union; and

31.6 open questions to the Trustees by the Members.

Service of Notice

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32. Notice of General Meetings shall be given to every Member and to the Trustees

and any patron of The Union. Notice General Meetings shall be sent to each

Member by post or by electronic communication.



34. No business shall be transacted at any General Meeting unless a quorum is

present. 75 persons entitled to vote upon the business to be transacted, each

being a Member (but excluding Trustees), shall be a quorum.

35. If such a quorum is not present within half an hour from the time appointed for

the meeting, the meeting shall stand adjourned to the same day in the next week

at the same time and place or to such other day, time and place as the Trustees

may determine and if at the adjourned meeting a quorum is not present within

half an hour from the time appointed for the meeting the Members present shall

be a quorum.


36. The chair of Student Council or in his or her absence the deputy chair shall

preside as chair of the meeting. In the absence of the chair of Student Council

and the deputy chair, the Members present and entitled to vote shall choose one

of their number to be chair.


37. A Trustee may, even if not a Member, attend and speak at any General Meeting.


38. The chair may, with the consent of a meeting at which a quorum is present (and

shall if so directed by the meeting), adjourn the meeting from time to time and

from place to place, but no business shall be transacted at an adjourned meeting

other than business which might properly have been transacted at the meeting

had the adjournment not taken place. When a meeting is adjourned for fourteen

days or more, at least seven clear days’ notice shall be given specifying the time

and place of the adjourned meeting and the general nature of the business to be

transacted. Otherwise it shall not be necessary to give any such notice.

Votes of Members at General Meetings

39. Every Member has the right to attend General Meetings and the right to vote. A

resolution put to the vote of a General Meeting shall be decided on a show of

hands, and every Member shall have one vote.

40. Every resolution put to the vote of a General Meeting shall be decided by a simple

majority of the votes cast unless this Constitution provides otherwise.


Appointment of Trustees

41. The Trustees shall be made up of the following persons:

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41.1 not more than four Sabbatical Trustees, elected in accordance with Clause 42;

41.2 at least two but not more than four Student Trustees, elected in accordance with

Clause 48;

41.3 not more than one Alumni Trustees, appointed in accordance with Clause 52; and

41.4 at least two but not more than three External Trustees, appointed in accordance

with Clause 55.

Sabbatical Trustees and Officers

42. The Sabbatical Officers shall be elected by secret cross-campus ballot by the

Members of The Union at an election to be held in accordance with the


43. Up to four Sabbatical Officers shall be elected in accordance with Clause 42 to

posts specified in the Bye-Laws and each of these Sabbatical Officers shall also

hold office as a Sabbatical Trustee until he or she ceases to be a Sabbatical

Officer in accordance with Clause 61 or ceases to be a Sabbatical Trustee in

accordance with Clauses 58 or 59. Except where otherwise indicated, references

in this Constitution to “Sabbatical Trustees” are to individuals acting solely in their

capacity as Sabbatical Trustees. Other Sabbatical Officers may be elected in

accordance with Clause 42 to such other posts as may be specified in the Bye-

Laws from time to time but such Sabbatical Officers will not also hold office as

Sabbatical Trustees.

44. The Sabbatical Officers shall remain in office for a term of one year commencing

in accordance with the Regulations. The term of office may be shorter or longer

on a transitional basis to coincide with an alteration of the year start or end.

Subject to a transitional change in the year of office, a Sabbatical Officer may be

re-elected for a maximum further term of one year by the Members of The Union

at an election to be held in accordance with the Regulations. For the avoidance of

doubt, a Sabbatical Officer’s terms of office may be either consecutive or non-


45. Each Sabbatical Officer must be a Student or a Sabbatical Officer at the time of

his or her election. In accordance with Clause 13 each Sabbatical Officer shall

become a Member of The Union on commencement of his or her appointment or

re-appointment as a Sabbatical Officer. Such membership shall cease when the

Sabbatical Officer ceases to be a Sabbatical Officer.

46. The Sabbatical Officers shall be deemed to be “major union office holders” for the

purposes of Section 22 of the Education Act.

47. At the same time as commencing the term of office as a Sabbatical, the

Sabbatical Officer will enter into a contract of employment with The Union for a

term to be determined by this Constitution. The duties and method of

remuneration of each Sabbatical Officer shall be as set out in the Regulations.

Student Trustees

48. Subject to Clause 49 below, up to four Student Trustees shall be elected by

secret ballot by the Members from such persons as have been nominated by the

Appointments Committee at an election to be held in accordance with the

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Regulations. There should be at least one undergraduate and one postgraduate


49. Each Student Trustee must be a Student at the time of his or her election (and

shall continue to be a Student for the duration of his or her term as a Student


50. Student Trustees shall remain in office for a term of two years commencing in

accordance with the Regulations. The term of office may be shorter or longer on

a transitional basis to coincide with the alteration of the year start or end.

51. A Student Trustee may serve a maximum of two consecutive terms.

Alumni Trustees

52. Up to one Alumni Trustees shall be appointed by a simple majority vote of the

Appointments Committee provided that the appointment of each Alumni Trustee

is ratified by a two thirds majority vote of the Student Council. For the avoidance

of doubt, such appointment shall not take effect until it has been ratified by the

Student Council.

53. Unless their appointment is terminated in accordance with Clauses 58 to 60,

Alumni Trustees shall remain in office for a term of up to two years commencing

in accordance with the Regulations.

54. Alumni Trustees may serve for a maximum of two terms which may be either

consecutive or non-consecutive.

External Trustees

55. Up to three External Trustees shall be appointed by a simple majority vote of the

Appointments Committee provided that the appointment of each External Trustee

is ratified by a two-thirds majority vote of the Student Council. For the avoidance

of doubt, such appointment shall not take effect until it has been ratified by the

Student Council.

56. Unless their appointment is terminated in accordance with Clauses 54 to 58,

External Trustees shall remain in office for a term of up to four years commencing

in accordance with the Regulations.

57. External Trustees may serve a maximum of two terms which may either be

consecutive or non-consecutive.

Disqualification, Resignation and Removal of Trustees

58. The office of a Trustee shall be vacated if:

58.1 he or she becomes prohibited by law from being a charity trustee;

58.2 in the case of a Sabbatical Trustee, he or she ceases to be a Sabbatical Officer or

resigns an employee of The Union;

58.3 in the case of a Student Trustee, he or she ceases to be a Student;

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58.4 in the case of a Sabbatical Trustee or a Student Trustee, he or she is removed

from membership of the Union in accordance with the Union’s code of conduct;

58.5 he or she resigns by notice to The Union (but only if at least four Trustees will

remain in office when the notice of resignation is to take effect);

58.6 the Trustees reasonably believe he or she is suffering from mental or physical

disorder and is incapable of acting as a trustee and they resolve that he or she be

removed from office;

58.7 he or she fails to attend three consecutive meetings of the Trustees and in the

opinion of the Trustees there are no mitigating circumstances for that failure and

the Trustees therefore resolve that he or she be removed for this reason; or

58.8 he or she is removed from office under Clauses 59 to 60.

Removal of any Trustees by the Members or the Student Council

59. The office of any Trustee shall be vacated if:

59.1 a motion of no confidence in the Trustee is passed by a simple majority of the

Members voting in a Referendum, provided that at least 5% of Members cast a

vote in the Referendum. Such a motion shall only be triggered by a Secure

Petition of no confidence signed by at least 150 Members; or

59.2 a motion of no confidence in the Trustee is passed by a two thirds majority in a

vote of the Student Council. Such a motion shall only be triggered by a Secure

Petition of no confidence signed by at least 150 Members.

Removal of Trustees by the Board

60. The office of External Trustee shall be vacated if a majority resolution of no

confidence is passed by the Trustees. For the avoidance of doubt, the Trustee

concerned and any Trustee who has a conflict of interest in relation to the matter

shall not vote on this resolution and the quorum shall be adjusted accordingly in

accordance with Clause 90.

61. Chief Executive OfficerAn Elected Officer shall be removed from office if he or


61.1 resigns or dies;

61.2 is removed from office as an Elected Officer by:

61.2.1 a motion of no confidence in the Elected Officer passed by a simple

majority of the Members voting in a Referendum, provided that at least

5% of Members cast a vote in the Referendum. Such a motion shall

only be triggered by a Secure Petition of no confidence signed by at

least 150 Members; or

61.2.2 a motion of no confidence in the Elected Officer is passed by a two

thirds majority in a vote of the Student Council. Such a motion shall

only be triggered by a Secure Petition of no confidence signed by at

least 150 Members;

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provided that, in the case of a Sabbatical Officer, such removal shall be subject to

the Union having first carried out any steps it is required to take under the

Sabbatical Officer’s contract of employment and/or the applicable disciplinary

procedure and otherwise in accordance with good employment practice.

Replacement of Trustees

62. If a Sabbatical Trustee resigns, is disqualified or removed from office at any time

prior to the commencement of the Academic Year, the vacancy that results on the

board of Trustees shall be filled in accordance with the Regulations.

63. If a Sabbatical Trustee resigns, is disqualified or removed from office after the

commencement of the Academic Year the vacancy shall remain until the next

elections are held.

64. If a Student Trustee resigns, is disqualified or removed from office, a Student

Trustee may be elected to the vacancy in accordance with Clause 48 or by the

Student Council from such persons as have been nominated by the Appointments

Committee provided that the election of each Student Trustee is approved by a

two-thirds majority of Student Council.

65. If an External Trustee resigns, is disqualified or removed from office, an External

Trustee (as appropriate) shall be appointed to the vacancy in accordance with 55.

Powers of the Trustees

66. The Board of Trustees shall be responsible for the management and

administration of The Union and (subject to the Education Act, this Constitution

and the Regulations) may exercise all the powers of The Union. A meeting of the

Trustees at which a quorum is present may exercise all powers exercisable by the


67. No alteration of this Constitution or the Regulations shall invalidate any prior act

of the Trustees which would have been valid if that alteration had not been made.

68. The Board’s powers under Clause 66 shall include but not be limited to

responsibility for:

68.1 the governance of The Union;

68.2 the budget of The Union; and

68.3 the strategy of The Union.

69. The Board of Trustees may override any decision or Policy made by the Members

in a General Meeting or Referendum or by the Student Council which the Trustees

consider (in their absolute discretion):

69.1 has or may have financial implications for The Union;

69.2 is or may be in breach of, contrary to or otherwise inconsistent with charity or

education law or any other legal requirements (including ultra vires);

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69.3 is not or may not be in the best interests of The Union or all or any of its

charitable objects; or

69.4 will or may otherwise affect the discharge of any or all of the responsibilities

referred to in Clause 68.

70. The continuing Trustees or a sole continuing Trustee may act notwithstanding any

vacancies in their number. However, if and so long as the number of Trustees is

less than the number fixed as the quorum in Clause 88, the Trustees may only

act to increase the number of Trustees (including by arranging an election) so

that there is a quorum.

71. All acts done by a meeting of Trustees, or of a committee of the Trustees, shall

be valid, even if it is later discovered that any Trustee who participated in the


71.1 was not properly appointed;

71.2 was disqualified from holding office;

71.3 had vacated office; or

71.4 was not entitled to vote.

Delegation of Trustees’ powers

72. The Trustees may, by power of attorney or otherwise, appoint any person to be

the agent of The Union for such purposes and on such conditions as they


73. The Trustees may delegate any of their powers or functions to any committee or

the implementation of any of their resolutions and day-to-day management of the

affairs of The Union to any person or committee in accordance with the conditions

set out in this Constitution.

Delegation to committees

74. In the case of delegation to committees:

74.1 the resolution making that delegation shall specify those who shall serve or be

asked to serve on such committee (though the resolution may allow the

committee to make co-options up to a specified number);

74.2 subject to Clause 77, the composition of any such committee shall be entirely in

the discretion of the Trustees and may comprise such of their number (if any) as

the resolution may specify;

74.3 the deliberations of any such committee shall be reported regularly to the

Trustees and any resolution passed or decision taken by any such committee shall

be reported forthwith to the Trustees and for that purpose every committee shall

appoint a secretary;

74.4 all delegations under this Clause shall be revocable at any time; and

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74.5 the Trustees may make such regulations and impose such terms and conditions

and give such mandates to any such committee or committees as they may from

time to time think fit.

75. The Trustees shall establish the following committees (which is a non-exhaustive

list) in accordance with their powers under Clauses 73 and 74:

75.1 Executive Committee (as further described in Clause 79);

75.2 Appointments Committee;

75.3 Health and Safety Committee;

75.4 Finance Committee; and

75.5 Remuneration and HR Committee.

Delegation of day-to-day management powers to Chief Executive Officer

76. In the case of delegation of the day-to-day management of The Union to the

Senior Manager:

76.1 the delegated power shall be to manage The Union and its staff by implementing

the policy and strategy adopted by and within a budget approved by the Trustees

and to advise the Trustees in relation to such policy, strategy and budget;

76.2 the Trustees shall provide the Chief Executive Officer with a description of his or

her role and the extent of his or her authority;

76.3 the Chief Executive Officer shall report regularly to the Trustees on the activities

undertaken in managing The Union and provide them regularly with management

accounts sufficient to explain the financial position of The Union; and

76.4 the Trustees shall provide the Chief Executive Officer with a performance

management structure to aid his or her work plan and development.

Bank Account

77. For the avoidance of doubt, the Trustees may (in accordance with Clauses 73 and

74) delegate all financial matters to any committee provided that such committee

shall include at least two Trustees. The Trustees may empower such committee

to resolve upon the operation of any bank account according to such mandate as

it shall think fit provided that the signature of at least one Trustee shall be

required for cheques above a certain amount as set out in the Regulations and

provided always that no individual or committee shall incur expenditure on behalf

of The Union except in accordance with a budget which has been approved by the


Proceedings of Committees

78. The meetings and proceedings of any committee shall be governed by the

provisions of this Constitution regulating the meetings and proceedings of the

Trustees so far as the same are applicable and are not superseded by any

Regulations made by the Trustees and the Student Council.

The Executive Committee

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79. Unless the Trustees determine otherwise, the Executive Committee shall include:

79.1.1 the Sabbatical Officers; and

79.1.2 members as determined in the Regulations.

80. The Executive Committee shall meet in accordance with the Regulations. The

Executive Committee’s responsibility shall not include the duties of the Trustees

as set out in Clause 66 but shall include representation and campaigning work

and the implementation of Policy save in so far as these responsibilities have not

been delegated to another committee.

81. The Chief Executive Officer and The Union’s senior management team may attend

meetings of the Executive Committee at the request of the Executive Committee.


82. The Trustees and the Student Council shall have the power from time to time to

jointly make, repeal or amend Regulations as to the management of The Union

and its working practices provided that such Regulations shall not be inconsistent

with this Constitution and London South Bank University approves the

amendments (as required for the purposes of compliance with Section 22 of the

Education Act).

Proceedings of Trustees

83. Subject to the provisions of this Constitution and the Regulations, the Trustees

may regulate their proceedings as they think fit.

Trustees’ meetings

84. The Trustees shall hold a minimum of four meetings in any Academic Year.

85. Two Trustees may, and the Chief Executive Officer at the request of two Trustees

shall, call a meeting of the Trustees.

86. Guests or observers can attend meetings of the Trustees at the discretion of the


Length of notice

87. A Trustees’ meeting shall be called by at least fourteen clear days’ notice unless


87.1 all the Trustees agree to shorter notice; or

87.2 urgent circumstances require shorter notice.

Contents of notice

88. Every notice calling a Trustees’ meeting shall specify the place, day and time of

the meeting and the general particulars of all business to be considered at such


Service of notice

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89. Notice of Trustees’ meetings shall be sent to each Trustee by post or by electronic



90. The quorum for Trustees’ meetings shall be six and such quorum must include at

least one Student Trustees and two External Trustees. Where the resolution or

issue under discussion concerns a matter in respect of which some or all of the

Trustees have a conflict of interest, the quorum shall be six.

91. If a meeting is quorate but the Sabbatical Trustees are in the majority, of

majority of non Sabbatical Trustees present shall have the right to demand at the

meeting that a decision be deferred to the next meeting. No decision shall be

deferred more than once under this Clause.

Chair and Deputy Chair

92. The President shall be the Chair of the Trustees.

93. The Trustees shall appoint an External Trustee to be Deputy Chair of the Trustees

and may at any time remove him or her from office. The role of the Deputy Chair

will be to support the Chair.

94. In the absence of the Chair and the Deputy Chair, another Trustee appointed by

the Trustees present shall preside as chair of the meeting.

Decision making by Trustees at meetings

95. Questions arising at a meeting shall be decided by a majority of votes. In the

case of an equality of votes, the Chair shall be entitled to a casting vote in

addition to any other vote he or she may have.

Virtual meetings

96. A Trustees’ meeting may be held by telephone or by televisual or other electronic

or virtual means agreed by resolution of the Trustees in which all participants

may communicate simultaneously with all other participants.

Trustee decisions without a meeting

97. The Trustees may take a unanimous decision without a Trustees’ meeting by

indicating to each other by any means, including without limitation by electronic

communication, that they share a common view on a matter. Such a decision

may, but need not, take the form of a resolution in writing, copies of which have

been signed by each Trustee or to which each Trustee has otherwise indicated

agreement in writing.

98. A Trustees’ resolution which is made in accordance with Clause 97 shall be as

valid and effectual as if it had been passed at a meeting of the Trustees duly

convened and held, provided the following conditions are complied with:

98.1 approval from each Trustee must be received by one person being either such

person as all the Trustees shall have nominated in advance for that purpose or

such other person as volunteers if necessary (“the Recipient”), which person may

for the avoidance of doubt, be one of the Trustees;

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98.2 following receipt of response from all of the Trustees, the Recipient shall

communicate to all of the Trustees by any means whether the resolution has

been formally approved by the Trustees in accordance with this Clause;

98.3 the date of the decision shall be the date of the communication from the

Recipient confirming formal approval; and

98.4 the Recipient prepares a minute of the decision in accordance with Clause 105.

Conflicts of Interest

99. Whenever a matter is to be discussed at a meeting and a Trustee has a Personal

Interest in respect of that matter then he or she must:

99.1 declare his or her interest to the Trustees;

99.2 remain only for such part of the meeting as in the view of the other Trustees is

necessary to inform the debate;

99.3 not be counted in the quorum for that part of the meeting or decision-making

process; and

99.4 withdraw during the vote and have no vote on the matter.

100. If any question arises as to whether a Trustee has a Personal Interest, the

question shall be decided by a majority decision of the other Trustees.

101. In particular, Clause 99 shall apply to any matter that may directly or indirectly

relate to the position of a Sabbatical Officer who is or is to be remunerated as an

employee by The Union.

Student Council

102. The Student Council shall have the authority to:

102.1 represent the voice of the Students;

102.2 subject to Clause 69, set the Policy of The Union and refer Policy to Referenda of

the Members or to the Members in a general meeting (in accordance with the


102.3 make, repeal and amend the Regulations jointly with the Trustees in accordance

with Clause 82;

102.4 receive a quarterly report from the Trustees; and

102.5 appoint Associate Members in accordance with Clause 17 and the Regulations.

102.6 appoint Honorary Life Members in accordance with Clause 19 and the Regulations

103. The composition and proceedings of the Student Council shall be set out in the

Regulations. No Member may hold more than one seat on the Student Council at

any one time.

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104. The proceedings at any meeting or the passing of a written resolution or the

making of any decision shall not be invalidated by reason of any accidental

informality or irregularity (including any accidental omission to give or any non-

receipt of notice) or by reason of any business being considered which is not

specified in the notice.


105. The Trustees shall keep minutes of:

105.1 all proceedings at General Meetings of The Union and of meetings of the Trustees,

and of committees of Trustees, including the names of the Trustees present at

each such meeting; and

105.2 all resolutions of the Members and of the Trustees and any such minute, if

purported to be signed by the chair of the meeting at which the proceedings were

held, or by the chair of the next succeeding meeting, shall, as against any

Member or Trustee of The Union, be sufficient evidence of the proceedings or the


106. The minutes of the meetings referred to in Clause 105 above shall normally be

considered open and shall be available to the Members on The Union’s website,

except where those minutes relate to any reserved or confidential matters,

including without limitation staff-related or disciplinary matters. Copies of the

minutes shall also be kept in The Union’s offices.

Accounts and Reports

107. The Trustees shall comply with the requirements of the Education Act and the

Charities Act 1993 as to keeping financial records, the audit or examinations of


108. The Members of The Union have the right to ask the Trustees questions in writing

about the content of any documents referred to in Clause 107.


109. Subject to Clause 110, any notice to be given to or by any person pursuant to

this Constitution shall be in writing except that a notice calling a meeting of the

Trustees need not be in writing.

110. The Union may give any notice to a Member either:

110.1 personally;

110.2 by sending it by post in a prepaid envelope addressed to the Member at his or her


110.3 by leaving it at the address of the Member;

110.4 by electronic communication to the Member’s address; or

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110.5 by posting it on The Union’s website.

111. A Member present at any meeting of The Union shall be deemed to have received

notice of the meeting and, where requisite, of the purpose for which it was called.

112. Proof that an envelope containing a notice was properly addressed, prepaid and

posted shall be conclusive evidence that the notice was given. A notice shall be

deemed to be given at the expiration of 48 hours after the envelope containing it

was posted or, in the case of a notice contained in an electronic communication,

at the expiration of 48 hours after the time it was sent or in the case of a notice

posted on The Union’s website at the expiration of 48 hours after it was posted.


113. Without prejudice to any indemnity to which a Trustee may otherwise be entitled,

every Trustee shall and every other officer or auditor of The Union may be

indemnified out of the assets of The Union against any liability incurred by him or

her in defending any proceedings, whether civil or criminal, in which judgment is

given in his or her favour or in which he or she is acquitted or in connection with

any application in which relief is granted to him or her by the court from liability

for negligence, default, breach of duty or breach of trust in relation to the affairs

of The Union, and against all costs, charges, losses, expenses or liabilities

incurred by him or her in the execution and discharge of his or her duties or in

relation thereto.

Trustees’ Indemnity Insurance

114. The Trustees shall have power to resolve pursuant to Clause 4.28 to effect

trustees’ indemnity insurance, despite their interest in such policy.

Definitions and Interpretations

115. In this Constitution, the following terms shall have the following meanings:

Term Meaning

115.1 “Academic Year” the period between 1st September in one

Year to 31st August in the next Year

determined by London South Bank

University as the period during which

Members are required to be registered

with London South Bank University. Each

Academic Year is for the time being

divided into two semesters and three


115.2 “Alumni Trustee” a Trustee appointed in accordance with

Clause 52 who must have graduated from

London South Bank University for a

period of at least two years and for the

avoidance of doubt shall not be deemed

to be either a major union office holder or

a Student union office holder for the

purposes of Section 22 of the Education


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115.3 “Appointments Committee” the committee set up in accordance with

the Regulations;

115.4 “Board of Trustees”

or “Board”

the board of Trustees of The Union;

115.5 “Chair” the chair of the Board of Trustees, who

shall be the President of The Union in

accordance with Clause 1;

115.6 “Chief Executive Officer” the senior staff member of The Union who

is appointed by the Board of Trustees;

115.7 “clear days” in relation to the period of a notice, that

period excluding the day when the notice

is given or deemed to be given and the

day for which it is given or on which it is

to take effect;

115.8 “Code of Practice” the code of practice relating to London

South Bank University’s obligations under

Section 22 of the Education Act;

115.9 “Conflict of Interest” Any direct or indirect interest of a Trustee

(whether personal, by virtue of a duty of

a loyalty to another organisation or

otherwise) that conflicts or might conflict

with the interests of the Union.

115.10 “Connected Person” any person falling within one of the

following categories and where payment

to that person might result in the relevant

Trustee obtaining benefit: (a) any

spouse, civil partner, parent, child,

brother, sister, grandparent or grandchild

of a Trustee; or (b) the spouse or civil

partner of any person in (a); or (c) any

other person in a relationship with a

Trustee which may reasonably be

regarded as equivalent to such a

relationship; or (d) any company or LLP

or firm of which a Trustee is a paid

director, member, partner or employee,

or shareholder holding more than 1% of

the capital;

115.11 “Constitution” this Constitution of The Union;

115.12 “Deputy Chair” the Deputy Chair of the Board of

Trustees, who shall be appointed in

accordance with the Regulations;

115.13 “Education Act” the Education Act 1994;

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115.14 “Elected Officers” the Sabbatical Officers and the Campaign


115.15 “Executive Committee” means the Sabbatical Officers and those

members determined in the Regulations;

115.16 “External Trustee” a Trustee appointed in accordance with

Clause 55 who for the avoidance of doubt

shall not be deemed to be either a major

union office holder, an alumni trustee or a

student trustee for the purposes of

section 22 of the Education Act;

115.17 “Finance Committee” the committee set up in accordance with

the Regulations;

115.18 “in writing” means written, printed or transmitted

writing including by electronic


115.19 “Members” members of The Union being Students at

London South Bank University as further

defined in Clause 13 and the Sabbatical


115.20 “NUS” National Union of Students;

115.21 “Office” the head office of The Union;

115.22 “Personal Interest” a financial interest or an interest that

does not arise in the ordinary course of

being a Member or a Trustee (for

example, being a member of a club or


115.23 “Policy” representative and campaigning policy

set by Referenda or the Student Council

in accordance with Clauses 23 to 25 and

Clause 102.2 respectively or by the

Members in a general meeting;

115.24 “President” the President of The Union, as elected by

the Members in accordance with the


115.25 “RAG” the raise and give activities of The Union

which develops Students by providing

them with an opportunity to raise funds

for charitable causes;

115.26 “Referendum” a ballot in which all Members of The

Union are entitled to cast a vote, the

protocol for which is set out in the


115.27 “Regulations” the Regulations setting out the working

practices of The Union made from time to

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time in accordance with Clause 82;

115.28 “Remuneration and HR


the committee set up in accordance with

the Regulations;

115.29 “Sabbatical Officers” the individuals elected in accordance with

Clause (each of whom is a “major union

office holder” for the purposes of section

22 of the Education Act);

115.30 “Sabbatical Trustee” a Trustee elected in accordance with

Clauses and ;

115.31 “Secure Petition” a written request to The Union which shall

be fixed in a pre-arranged place or places

or held securely on-line;

115.32 “Student” any individual who is formally registered

for an approved programme of study

provided by London South Bank

University. For the avoidance of doubt,

London South Bank University shall

determine whether or not an individual

has student status;

115.33 “Student Council” the Student body elected by and from

Students constituted in accordance with

this Constitution and the Regulations of

The Union;

115.34 “Student Trustee” a Trustee elected in accordance with

Clause 48 who is a Student and for the

avoidance of doubt shall not, for the

purposes of Section 22 of the Education

Act, be a major union office holder;

115.35 “Trustee” and “Trustees” the Sabbatical Officers, the Student

Trustees, the Alumni Trustees and the

External Trustees;

115.36 “The Union” London South Bank University Students’

Union; and

115.37 “London South Bank


London South Bank University

incorporated as a company limited by

guarantee on 12 August 1970.

Designated as a university on 18 June

1992 under the Further and Higher

Education Act 1992

116. Words importing the singular shall include the plural and vice versa and words

importing the masculine shall include the feminine and vice versa.

117. Any reference to a statute, statutory provision or subordinate legislation

(“legislation”) shall (except where the context otherwise requires) be construed

as referring to such legislation as amended and in force from time to time and to

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any legislation which (either with or without modification) re-enacts, consolidates

or enacts in rewritten form any such legislation.

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Regulation A

The Trustee Board

1. There shall be a Trustee Board of The Union that shall act as the legal, fiscal and

strategic governing body of The Union


2. There shall be a minimum of 4 meetings of the Trustee Board per calendar year.

3. Notification of each meeting shall be given at least 15 working days in advance of

the meeting and agendas shall be circulated at least 10 working days in advance

of the meeting.

4. The order of business for the Meetings of the Trustee Board shall be as follows:

1. apologies

2. minutes of the previous meeting

3. matters arising

4. relevant business

5. Student Officer reports

6. staff reports

7. future activities and goals

8. any other business

9. Date of the next meeting.


5. The composition of the Trustee Board shall be as outlined in Clause 41of the



6. The powers of the Trustee Board shall be as outlined in clause 66 – 71 of the



7. The responsibilities of the Trustee Board shall be to:

7.1. Act reasonably, prudently and collectively in all matters relating to The Union and

always to act in the interests of The Union.

7.2. Abide by the Code of Conduct of Trustees.

7.3. Ensure that The Union, the Officers, Staff and students comply with the

Constitution, all applicable laws and statutory regulations or any regulations that

any governmental, quasi-governmental, supra-national or other competent

agency may place on The Union.

7.4. Ensure that the Trustee Board has the skills required to govern The Union and has

the relevant external professional advice and expertise.

7.5. Actively participate in individual and collective development and training of


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7.6. Ensure major decisions and Board policies are made by the Trustees acting


7.7. Be guardians of all The Union’s assets, both tangible and intangible, taking all due

care over their security, deployment and proper application.

7.8. ensure that The Union has satisfactory control systems and procedures for

holding in trust for the Members all monies, properties and other assets and to

ensure that monies are invested to the maximum benefit of The Union, within the

constraints of the law and ethical and other policies laid down by the Trustee


7.9. ensure that the income and property of The Union is applied for the purposes set

out in the governing document and for no other purpose and with complete

fairness between persons who are properly qualified to benefit;

7.10. ensure that the major risks to which The Union is exposed are reviewed annually

and that systems have been established to mitigate or minimise these risks;

7.11. exercise effective overall control of The Union 's financial affairs and to ensure

that the way in which The Union is administered is not open to abuse by

unscrupulous associates, employees or volunteers; and that the systems of

control are rigorous and constantly maintained through regular evaluation and

improvement in the light of experience;

7.12. be accountable for the solvency and continuing effectiveness of The Union and the

preservation of its endowments;

7.13. ensure that intangible assets such as organisational knowledge and expertise,

intellectual property, The Union 's good name and reputation etc are properly

valued, utilised and safeguarded;

7.14. work in partnership with other Trustees, the Chief Executive Officer and other

senior staff in ensuring The Union has a clear vision, mission and strategic

direction and is focused on their delivery, including (but not limited to):

7.14.1. appoint the Chief Executive Officer and ensuring that both the Chief

Executive Officer and The Union as a whole invest in their ongoing

professional development;

7.14.2. Hold the Chief Executive Officer to account for the management and

administration of The Union.

7.14.3. ensure student views are at the heart of everything The Union


7.14.4. evidence the impact of The Union on the diverse student


7.14.5. Continually re-assess the need for The Union and the services it

does or could provide and review regularly against its strategic plan

and charitable objectives.

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8. In addition to the above duties, each Trustee should use any specific skills,

knowledge or experience they have to help the Board of Trustees reach sound

decisions. This may involve:

8.1.1. Scrutinising board papers;

8.1.2. Leading discussions;

8.1.3. Focusing on key issues;

8.1.4. Providing guidance on new initiatives;

8.1.5. Other issues in which the Trustee has special expertise.

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Regulation B

Student Officers

1. All Student Officers shall hold officer for the period of one Academic Year and

shall be elected in accordance with Regulation D in the Spring Elections.


2. There shall be the following Student Officers of The


2.1. President

2.2. Vice President (Student Experience)

2.3. Vice President (Student Experience)

2.4. Vice President (Employability and Activities)


3. Sabbatical Officers are collectively required to:

3.1. Act as a Trustee of the Union;

3.2. Represent, promote and defend the rights of members and act in the best interest

of the Union at all times;

3.3. Actively lead campaigns on a range of issues that affect the diverse range of our


3.4. Implement and uphold Union policy at all times;

3.5. Attend, and report on their work to, the Trustee


3.6. Attend ceremonial events on behalf of the Union;

3.7. Attend committees as outlined in the committee

membership list;

3.8. Abide by the Nolan Principles;

3.9. Collaborate with Union officers and staff, to enhance services for members;

3.9.1. at times, put in additional commitment over and above normal

office hours; and

3.9.2. attend all staff development and

training as required.


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4. There shall be one President as elected in accordance with Regulation D. The

responsibilities of the President are:

4.1. The President shall lead representation and liaison between the Union, the

University, the local community and national bodies.

4.2. The President shall work in partnership with the Chief Executive Officer of the

Union to achieve the mission of the organisation and to drive the strategic

planning process.

4.3. The President shall represent the Students' Union at University Board of

Governors and Academic Board meetings.

4.4. The President shall be the principal spokesperson for the Union dealing with

media enquiries.

4.5. The President will represent students by leading the delegation at NUS National


4.6. It is the job of the President to raise awareness among students of issues that

affect or interest them and lead them to take appropriate action, and to lobby for

change on their behalf and to ensure the delivery of key messages to key


4.7. The President shall fulfil those duties and obligations that arise consequentially

upon signing the Sabbatical Officer contract for the post of President.

Chief Executive Officer

Vice President (Student Experience)

5. There shall be two Vice President (Student Experience) as elected in accordance

with Regulation D. The responsibilities of the Vice President (Student Experience)


5.1. The Student Experience Officers will lead all Union activities in academic affairs

including the National Student Survey and Quality Assurance Agency Audit

student submission.

5.2. The Student Experience Officers will lead the development of the Union’s

education policy.

5.3. The Student Experience Officers will lead student representation in academic

matters to the University and external agencies.

5.4. The Student Experience Officers will develop and deliver resources and training

for Course and Faculty Representatives.

5.5. The Student Experience Officers will lead developments with Course

Representative online tools.

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5.6. The Student Experience Officers will engage with Faculty and Course

Representatives to provide support, training, advice and campaigning.

5.7. The Student Experience Officers will lead all Union welfare activities.

5.8. The Student Experience Officers will be responsible for the delivery and co-

ordination of campaigns and training on welfare issues.

5.9. The Student Experience Officers will lead on all matters relating to community

liaison and internationalisation.

5.10. The Student Experience Officers shall fulfill those duties and obligations that arise

consequentially upon signing the Sabbatical Officer contract for the posts of

Student Experience Officers.

Vice President (Employability and Activities)

6. There shall be one Vice President (Employability and Activities) as elected in

accordance with Regulation D. The responsibilities of the Vice President

(Employability and Activities) are:

6.1. The Vice President Employability & Activities will lead all Union student

development opportunities and engagement and will lead in the development of

all affiliated Union Societies and Union activities such as Fresher’s Fair.

6.2. The Vice President Employability & Activities will encourage and facilitate the

personal development of students by providing opportunities for them to develop

key skills through participation in societies, sports and student activities.

6.3. The Vice President Employability & Activities will act as publisher for all Union


6.4. The Vice President Employability & Activities will be responsible for the democratic

processes of the union and encouraging participation in Union democracy support.

6.5. The Vice President Employability & Activities shall represent the Union at all

University and external agencies with respect to environmental, ethical, faith and

diversity issues.

6.6. The Vice President Employability & Activities shall represent the Union at all

University and external agencies with respect to Sports.

6.7. The Vice President Employability & Activities shall fulfill those duties and

obligations that arise consequentially upon signing the Sabbatical Officer contract

for the post of Vice President Employability & Activities.

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Regulation C

Campaign Convenors

1. All Campaign Convenors shall hold office for the period of one Academic Year and

shall be elected in accordance with Regulation D in the Spring Elections.


2. There shall be the following Campaign Convenors:

2.1. Women’s Campaign Convenor;

2.2. Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) Students’ Campaign Convenor;

2.3. Disabled Students Campaign Convenor;

2.4. Ethnic Minorities Campaign Convenor;

2.5. Mature Students’ Campaign Convenor;

2.6. Part Time Students’ Campaign Convenor;

2.7. International Students’ Campaign Convenor;

2.8. Nursing Students’ Campaign Convenor;

2.9. Ethical and Environmental Campaign Convenor and

2.10. Postgraduate Students’ Campaign Convenor.


3. All Campaign Convenors shall:

3.1. Uphold The Union Constitution and its structures

3.2. Be elected via a secret ballot of all Members of The Union in accordance with the

relevant regulations;

3.3. Be members of The Union’s Executive Committee;

3.4. Report directly to Student Council;

3.5. Represent the membership to the University;

3.6. Uphold The Union’s commitment to equality and diversity;

3.7. Promote the development and participation of a diverse membership;

3.8. Have oversight responsibilities for various Union Working Groups as appropriately

set by Student Council;

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3.9. Submit reports to all General Meetings and the Annual General Meeting;

3.10. Commit to a contract of responsibilities to The Union.

Women’s Campaign Convenor

4. There shall be one Women’s Campaign Convenor of The Union. This Campaign

Convenor shall be responsible for representing women's issues and

encouraging the participation of women in The Union, and to represent

students accordingly.

4.1. The responsibilities of the Women’s Campaign Convenor shall be:

4.2. To be responsible for ensuring that the activities of The Union do not discriminate

against or offend women as women.

4.3. To act as a representative of women within The Union and University, as required

4.4. To ensure that The Union is effective in its representation of women within the

University and to outside bodies

4.5. To ensure that that Union effectively addresses issues affecting women

4.6. To encourage the participation of women in The Union, and to work to improve

their opportunities to fulfil their potential in all aspects of University life

4.7. To raise awareness amongst the University community of issues affecting women

4.8. To convene and chair Women’s Committee, through which issues affecting women

can be discussed and passed on to Student Council

4.9. To attend the monthly Union Executive meeting with the Student Officers.

4.10. To attend Student Council Meetings as the Chair of Women’s Committee.

4.11. To attend relevant NUS Women’s conferences and events

Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) Students’ Campaign Convenor

5. There shall be one Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) Students’

Campaign Convenor of The Union. This Campaign Convenor shall be

responsible for representing LGBT students’ issues and encouraging the

participation of LGBT students in The Union, and to represent students


5.1. The responsibilities of the LGBT Students’ Campaign Convenor shall be:

5.2. To be responsible for matters relating to lesbian, gay, bisexual, and

transgendered students across campus and be aware of issues and events in the

wider community

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5.3. To promote issues affecting lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgendered students

5.4. To liaise with the relevant student officers on issues of welfare of lesbian, gay,

bisexual or transgendered students

5.5. To identify and eradicate where possible all homophobic, bi-phobic, transophobic

and offensive material produced by The Union, or the University, and in some

cases individual students.

5.6. To liaise with the University on any issues relating to lesbian, gay, bisexual and

transgendered students across campus.

5.7. To convene and chair LGBT Students Committee, through which issues affecting

LGBT Students can be discussed and passed on to Student Council

5.8. To attend Student Council Meetings as the Chair of LGBT Students Committee.

5.9. To liaise with the NUS LGBT Student’s Committee

5.10. To attend relevant NUS LGBT conferences and events

Disabled Student’s Campaign Convenor

6. There shall be one Disabled Students’ Campaign Convenor

of the Union. This Campaign Convenor shall be responsible for representing issues

facing Disabled Students, encouraging the participation of Disabled Students in

The Union, and representing students accordingly.

6.1. The responsibilities of the Disabled Student’s Campaign Convenor shall be:

6.2. To represent the views and needs of disabled students to The Union and the


6.3. To campaign for the rights of disabled students

6.4. To ensure the needs of disabled students are reflected through the Unions’


6.5. To work with the Executive Committee to ensure The Union is inclusive of

disabled students

6.6. To attend relevant NUS Disabled conferences and events.

6.7. To convene and chair Disabled Students Committee, through which issues

affecting Disabled Students can be discussed and passed on to Student Council

6.8. To attend the monthly Union Executive Committee meetings with the Student


6.9. To attend Student Council Meetings as the Chair of Disabled Students Committee.

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6.10. To liaise with the NUS Disabled Students Committee

Ethnic Minorities Campaign Convenor.

7. There shall be one Ethnic Minorities Campaign Convenor of the Union. They shall

be responsible for representing issues facing Ethnic Minority Students,

encouraging the participation of Ethnic Minority Students in The Union, and

representing students accordingly

7.1. The responsibilities of the Ethnic Minorities Campaign Convenor shall be:

7.2. To be responsible for ensuring that the activities of The Union do not discriminate

against or offend ethnic minority students.

7.3. To run campaigns related to ethnic minority student issues

7.4. To ensure that the needs of ethnic minority students are reflected through the

Union’s activities.

7.5. To be the lead officer for all matters related to NUS Black Students Campaign.

7.6. To encourage the participation of Ethnic Minority Students in the Students' Union,

and to work to improve their opportunities to fulfil their potential in all aspects of

University life

7.7. To convene and chair Ethnic Minority Students Committee, through which issues

affecting Ethnic Minority Students can be discussed and passed on to Student


7.8. To attend the monthly Union Executive meetings with the Student Officers.

7.9. To attend Student Council Meetings as the Chair of Ethnic Minorities Students


7.10. To liaise with the NUS Black Students Committee

7.11. To attend relevant NUS Black Students conferences and events

Mature Students’ Campaign Convenor

8. There shall be one Mature Students’ Campaign Convenor of The Union. This

Campaign Convenor shall be responsible for representing issues facing

Mature Students, encouraging the participation of mature Students in The

Union, and representing students accordingly.

8.1. The responsibilities of the Mature Students’ Campaign Convenor shall be:

8.2. To identify issues relevant to students who are recognised by The Union as being

mature students.

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8.3. To canvas mature students’ opinion in order to be aware of common problems or

concerns and where these exist ensure that Student Council is made aware of


8.4. To run campaigns related to mature student issues.

8.5. To liaise with relevant Student Officers as necessary to ensure that the social

educational and welfare needs of mature students are met.

8.6. To ensure the needs of mature students are reflected through the Union’s


8.7. To be the lead officer in all matters related to NUS Mature Students’ Campaign.

8.8. To convene and chair Mature Student’s Committee, through which issues affecting

Mature students can be discussed and passed on to Student Council

8.9. To attend the monthly Union Executive meetings with the Student Officers.

8.10. To attend Student Council Meetings as the Chair of Mature Students Committee.

8.11. To liaise with the NUS Mature Students Committee

8.12. To attend relevant NUS conferences and events

Part Time Student’s Campaign Convenor

9. There shall be one Part Time Student’s Campaign Convenor of The Union. This

Campaign Convenor shall be responsible for representing part time student issues

and encouraging the participation of part time students in The Union, and to

represent students accordingly.

9.1. The responsibilities of the Part Time Student’s Campaign Convenor shall be:

9.2. To represent Part Time students within the Students Union and the University

9.3. To liaise with the relevant Student Officers to ensure the welfare and

representation of part time students

9.4. To liaise with the relevant Student officers on educational and welfare issues

affecting part time students

9.5. To convene and Chair Part Time Students’ Committee, through which issues

affecting part time students can be discussed and passed on to Student Council

9.6. To attend Student Council Meetings as the Chair of Part Time Students


9.7. To attend the monthly Union Executive meeting with the Student Officers.

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9.8. To liaise with the NUS Part Time Committee

International Student’s Campaign Convenor

10. There shall be one International Students’ Campaign Convenor of The Union. This

Campaign Convenor shall be responsible for representing issues facing

International Students, encouraging the participation of International

Students in The Union, and representing students accordingly.

10.1. The responsibilities of the International Students’ Campaign Convenor shall be:

10.2. To attend relevant meetings and events organised by International Students and

related societies as required.

10.3. To be responsible for ensuring that all relevant information about the Students'

Union and its various facilities and activities is regularly and effectively

communicated to all overseas students.

10.4. To attend the International Students' Reception during Freshers' week.

10.5. To act as a representative of International Students within The Union and

University, as required

10.6. To ensure that The Union is effective in its representation of International

Students within the University and to outside bodies

10.7. To ensure that The Union effectively addresses issues affecting International

Students, and is sensitive to their beliefs and cultures.

10.8. To encourage the participation of International Students in the Students' Union,

and to work to improve their opportunities to fulfil their potential in all aspects of

University life

10.9. To raise awareness amongst the University community of issues affecting

International Students.

10.10. To be responsible for liaising with and supporting international and cultural

societies who wish to campaign on issues relevant to the aims and objectives of

the society. In cases involving sensitive issues and in particular where there is a

strong political divide between groups of students, the International Students

Officer shall seek appropriate guidance from the Executive.

10.11. To convene and chair International Students Committee, through which issues

affecting International Students can be discussed and passed on to Student


10.12. To attend the monthly Union Executive Meetings with the Student Officers.

10.13. To attend Student Council Meetings as the Chair of International Students


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10.14. To liaise with the NUS International Students Committee

Nursing Student’s Campaign Convenor

11. There shall be one Nursing Students’ Campaign Convenor of The Union. This

Campaign Convenor shall be Responsible for representing student issues with

regard to nursing activities and courses.

11.1. The responsibilities of the Nursing Students’ Campaign Convenor shall be:

11.2. To represent student nurses within the Students' Union and the University

11.3. To encourage the participation of student nurses within the Students' Union

11.4. To ensure that the Students' Union is effective in its representation of student

nurses students within the University and to outside bodies

11.5. To raise awareness amongst the University campus of issues affecting student

nurses in a manner that best caters for the needs of student nurses.

11.6. To convene and chair Nursing Committee, through which issues affecting student

nurses can be discussed and passed on to Student Council

11.7. To attend Student Council Meetings as the Chair of Nursing Committee.

11.8. To attend the monthly Union Executive meeting with the Sabbatical Officers.

Postgraduate Students’ Campaign Convenor

12. There shall be one Postgraduate Students’ Campaign Convenor of The Union. This

Campaign Convenor shall be Responsible for representing student issues with

regard to postgraduate activities and courses.

12.1. The responsibilities of the Postgraduate Students’ Campaign Convenor shall be:

12.2. To represent Postgraduates within the Students' Union and the University

12.3. To encourage the participation of postgraduates within the Students' Union

12.4. To ensure that the Students' Union is effective in its representation of

postgraduate students within the University and to outside bodies

12.5. To raise awareness amongst the University campus of issues affecting

Postgraduates in a manner that best caters for the needs of postgraduates

12.6. To convene and chair Postgraduate Committee, through which issues affecting

postgraduates can be discussed and passed on to Student Council

12.7. To attend Student Council Meetings as the Chair of Postgraduate Committee.

12.8. To attend the monthly Union Executive meeting with the Sabbatical Officers.

12.9. To liaise with the NUS Postgraduate Committee.

Ethical and Environmental Campaign Convenor

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13. There shall be one Ethical and Environmental Campaign Convenor of The Union.

This Campaign Convenor shall be Responsible for representing student issues with

regard to the environment and ethical operations.

13.1. The responsibilities of the Ethical and Environmental Campaign Convenor shall


13.2. To identify any issue specific to the environmental and ethical operations of The

Union or University

13.3. To run campaigns or activities relevant to these issues, in order to increase

awareness and actions amongst students and the University

13.4. To give support to student groups that will work to increase student involvement

in campaigning and lobbying for improved ethical and environmental practices in

The Union and University.

13.5. To ensure that all ethical and environmental policies are implemented by The

Union and taken into account across all decisions made within The Union.

13.6. To be the lead officer in all matters related to NUS Ethical and Environmental


13.7. To liaise with the relevant Student Officer in completing the NUS Sound Impact

Award Handbook and any other relevant initiatives.

13.8. To convene and chair an Ethical and Environmental Students Committee, through

which issues can be discussed and passed on to Student Council

13.9. To attend the monthly Union Executive meeting with the Student Officers.

13.10. To attend Student Council Meetings as the Chair of Ethics and Environmental


13.11. To attend relevant NUS conferences and events.

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Regulation D


The Returning Officer

1. The Returning Officer shall act at all times in the best interests of The Union.

2. The Returning Officer, who shall not be a Member of the Union or employee of the

Union or the University, will be appointed by the Board of Trustees on an annual

basis against a set of criteria defined by the Board of Trustees.

3. The Returning Officer shall be responsible for the good conduct and fair and

compliant administration of elections detailed in this Regulation.

4. The Returning Officer shall arbitrate upon all disputes that may arise during the

period of any Union organised elections, and may impose penalties up to, and

including disqualification upon offending candidates or their campaign team.

Powers of the Returning Officer

5. The Returning Officer shall have the power to suspend or disqualify a candidate or

group of candidates from an election or declare an election void in the interest of

the good conduct and fair administration of the election.

6. The Returning Officer may appoint a Deputy Returning Officer and other officials

to ensure the good administration and promotion of the election in agreement

with the Board of Trustees. The Deputy Returning Officer and election officials

shall be instructed by the Returning Officer on their duties and shall perform

these in an impartial manner.

7. The Returning Officer may remove election officials who are not carrying out the

Returning Officer’s instructions or acting in an impartial manner.

8. The Returning Officer shall not designate a Student Officer to carry out his/her


9. The Returning Officer may recommend to the Board of the Trustees that the

Union seek legal or other appropriate advice if he/she believes that any activity

could leave the Union or the University open to legal action or that may bring the

Union or University into disrepute.

10. The Returning Officer shall have the power to issue supplementary guidance or

advice to candidates or campaign teams in addition to those set out in these

Constitution and Regulations, where in his/her opinion such advice or guidance is

required to ensure the fair conduct of elections.

11. Subject to Clause 12 of this Regulation, the Returning Officer shall have the sole

right to interpret the meaning of these Regulations.

12. The decision of the Returning Officer as defined in Clause 11 of this Regulation

shall be final except concerning the disqualification of candidates where an appeal

may be lodged to a Pro Vice Chancellor as agreed between the Union and the


Duties of the Returning Officer

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13. The Returning Officer shall ensure that all Members can exercise their right to

vote in Union elections and where possible the timing and duration of election is

such that a reasonable person may expect maximum participation from Members.

14. The Returning Officer shall determine the timetable in agreement with the Board

of Trustees and in accordance with the Constitution and these Regulations.

15. The agreed dates of Elections for Sabbatical Officers / Trustees and NUS

Delegation, a copy of the Election timetable and a copy of the Election

Regulations shall be made widely available using appropriate Union media

including the Union’s website at least 10 calendar weeks before voting is due to


16. The Returning Officer shall provide a report to the Board of Trustees and the

University with regards to each set of elections.

Eligibility for Election

17. All Members of the Union are eligible to stand for election to positions outlined in

this Bye Law.

18. Students that have opted out of Membership of the Union may not stand for

Election to any position.

19. Candidates must confirm their eligibility against the criteria contained within the

consent to standing form, issued by the Returning Officer, as agreed with the

Board of Trustees. Failure to confirm their eligibility or the provision of inaccurate

information may lead to disqualification.

20. In the case of Elections to constituency linked positions, candidates must be

Members of the constituency in question, at the time of standing and at the time

of taking office.

21. Any Member may stand for Election to the office of a Student Officer.

Dates of Election

22. The Board of Trustees shall decide on suitable dates for all elections.

23. The Autumn Elections shall normally be held in the 5th or 6th week of the first

semester (weeks 5 and 6 of the Academic Year) of The University.

24. The Spring Elections shall normally be held in the 5th or 6th week of the second

semester (weeks 19 and 20 of the Academic Year) of The University.

25. The election timetable will be determined by the Returning Officer within the

limitations of this Regulation.

Incumbent Officers

26. Incumbent Student Officers wishing to stand for re-election must declare to the

Returning Officer that paid holiday, was taken during the campaign period before

the counting of the votes begins.

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27. Incumbent Student Officers standing for Election may not use any of the

resources of their current position (such as publicity, photos, materials, stationery

or email addresses or any other resources that are not accessible to other


Available Positions

28. Positions available for Election in the Spring Term are:

28.1 President;

28.2 Vice President (Student Experience); (2 posts)

28.3 Vice President (Employability and Activities);

28.4 the Campaign Convenors

29. Positions available for Election in the Autumn Term are

29.1 Ordinary Members of Council

Nominations for Election

30. The opening of nominations shall be publicised at least 10 teaching days in

advance of the opening of nominations.

31. Notice of all elections shall be placed on Union and University notice boards, and

all students informed by University email. Notice of elections shall state:

31.1 The specific office(s) for which nominations are invited.

31.2 The place(s) where nomination papers may be obtained.

31.3 The place(s) to which nominations must be delivered.

31.4 The time and date of the close of nominations

31.5 The date(s) of the election.

32. Nominations shall be open for a period of at least 20 teaching days and shall

close at least 5 working days before the election takes place.

33. An election information pack must be available when nominations are open. The

pack shall contain a copy of the description of the role of each position available

in the Election, a nomination form, an Election timetable and a copy of the

Election regulations.

34. Members of the Union can stand for Election and shall be considered for

nomination provided that a nomination form, with the candidates name, student

number, consent to standing signed by the candidate and a manifesto are

received by the Returning Officer or their representative by close of nominations.

35. The Returning Officer shall have the sole responsibly of declaring a submitted

nomination form valid. When the Returning Officer is satisfied, all valid

nominations will be confirmed with the candidates.

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36. Nominations will not be accepted from two or more Members of the Union seeking

election jointly for a single post.

37. Original completed nomination forms must be submitted to the Students Union by

the method indicated in the elections Pack. All candidates must fully and correctly

complete the nomination form to be eligible to stand.

38. Notice of candidates successfully nominated shall be displayed within 48 hours of

the close of nominations on the Union notice boards and website of the Union.

39. Each nomination paper shall include 3 nominators who are full members of the


40. Only current Members of the Union are eligible to nominate candidates. No

Member of the Union shall sign a nomination paper for any election in which they

are not entitled to vote.

41. Members can nominate only one person per post.

42. Before the close of nominations, the Returning Officer and any person dealing

with the nomination papers must not reveal details of any nomination received.

43. For a nomination form to be valid it must be submitted before the stated closing

date and time. It will be at the Returning Officer’s discretion as to whether a

nomination form, received after the close of nominations, is accepted.

44. After the close of nominations, all successfully nominated candidates may be

required to attend a meeting held by the Returning Officer. Failure to attend this

meeting without written apologies and/or good cause will result in the removal of

a candidate from the election.

45. After the close of nominations, each accepted candidate for Sabbatical Officer


45.1 Will be required to sign a statement that they have seen and agree to be bound

by the Sabbatical Officers’ Terms and Conditions of Employment if they are

subsequently elected to a Sabbatical Officer position.

45.2 Will be required to sign a statement that they have seen and agree to be bound

by the Trustee Declaration Form if they are subsequently elected to a Sabbatical


45.3 Must submit a cash deposit of £25 with the Returning Officer. This deposit will be

forfeited at the discretion of the Returning Officer where it is proven that

breaches of electoral regulations have occurred by the candidate or their


45.4 These must be completed within 48 hours of being successfully nominated. If a

candidate fails to do so, that candidate shall be deemed ineligible to stand in the

election and their name will be withdrawn from the ballot slip.

46. Each nomination must be accompanied by a manifesto and photograph (no more

than 400 words on one A4 sheet of paper) which will be used in publicising the

elections and candidates via the Union’s media. All manifestos should be written

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in English and must comply in particular with the University’s Equal Opportunities


47. Candidates may withdraw their nominations at any time up to 17:00 hours three

working days before polling begins. The Candidate must submit their withdrawal

notification in writing to the Returning Officer.

Publicity about the Election

48. The Returning Officer and or their nominee shall make arrangements to ensure

that elections are adequately publicised.

49. The Union will produce a Members guide to the election including copies of

approved candidates manifesto submissions.

Publicity by Candidates

50. Publicity of any form is not permitted prior to the official commencement of the

election campaigning as determined by the Returning Officer.

51. Designs and content of publicity are subject to the approval of the Returning

Officer or their nominated deputy as outlined.

52. Candidates will be supplied with an amount of publicity material, determined by

the Returning Officer (which may be nil), in order to promote their candidacy in

the election.

53. Candidates will not be allowed certain publicity materials. This list will be

reviewed by the Returning Officer and will be given to the candidates. This shall

be detailed in the information pack and at the candidate’s briefing.

54. All publicity is subject to these rules and regulations

55. Candidates must not use outside sponsorship to fund their campaign and

publicity. Any candidate found doing so will be disqualified.

56. No candidate can make derogatory reference to another candidate.

57. Election material shall not be libellous or defamatory.

58. Election material shall not by name or implication disparage current or former

students or staff.

59. Campaigning, other than printed publicity and canvassing, must be approved in

advance by the Returning Officer or their Deputy. The Returning Officer shall

normally approve such requests unless the proposed method would give an unfair

advantage to any candidate.

60. All publicity must comply with the University’s Equal Opportunities Policy.

61. Election publicity must not obscure, deface or remove any current candidate’s,

union or university publicity/information already displayed.

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62. No candidate shall remove or in any way deface the election publicity of another


63. No candidate or campaign team may produce or distribute publicity without the

prior approval of the Returning Officer or nominee.

64. Only materials suitable for fixing publicity should be used. Any costs incurred

resulting from damage caused by publicity or from additional cleaning costs in

removing publicity, shall be charged to the candidate(s) responsible, who shall be

wholly liable for any such costs.

65. The Returning Officer or Deputy may designate and allocate poster sites

66. Any flyers distributed shall be removed if littered.

67. Candidates are expected to attend pre-election training and publicity briefing.

Failure to attend, without an adequate reason acceptable to the Retuning Officer,

may result in a penalty including disqualification.

Candidate’s Question Time

68. There shall be the opportunity for Candidates Question Time in the week leading

up to the start of voting, in which candidates for Sabbatical positions shall have

the opportunity to explain their manifestos to the Members.

69. The Candidates Question Time will take place at a venue(s) and time(s) as pre-

advertised by the Returning Officer.

70. The Returning Officer shall decide on the format, date and time of the official

Candidates Question Time meetings and shall notify all candidates in advance of

the commencement of Candidates Question Time.

71. The Returning Officer shall be responsible for all general publicity concerning the

Candidates Question Time, giving at least five working days notice.

72. The conduct of Candidates Question Time and the duration of speeches shall be

determined by the Returning Officer. All candidates will be given equal

opportunity to speak during the Candidates Question Time.

73. All candidates for sabbatical positions must attend Candidates Question Time.

Failure to do so, except on certain grounds specified by the Returning Officer, will

result in disqualification.

74. All full-time candidates will deliver a speech at Candidates Question Time to be

followed by questions from the floor.

75. Anyone is permitted to attend the Candidates Question Time, but only members

of the Union may ask questions of candidates.

76. Candidates are not permitted to make derogatory or personal remarks about

other candidates, University staff or individual students.

77. Candidates Question Time will be chaired by the Returning Officer or nominee.

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Voter Participation

78. All Members of the Union may vote, on the production of identification deemed

acceptable by the Returning Officer.

79. The Returning Officer shall ensure that all Members of the Union have reasonable

access to vote no matter their location or time of study.

80. The Returning Officer and or their nominee shall make such arrangements as to

ensure the electorate has the opportunity to make an informed Election decision.

Method of Election

81. Election Ballots shall bear the name of each candidate and the office being

contested. Where the election is on-line, candidates positioning on the ballot

paper will be randomised; on paper ballots candidates will be shown in

alphabetical order by surname with No Suitable Candidate appearing last.

82. No Suitable Candidate (NSC) shall be a candidate in all Union Elections.

83. Voting shall be by secret ballot and conducted in accordance with the rules for the

operation of the appropriate single or multiple transferable voting systems as

defined by the Electoral Reform Society.

Declaration of Results and Complaints

84. Election results shall be declared by the Returning Officer when the Count has

been completed and any related complaints have been resolved to the

satisfaction of the Returning Officer.

85. A list of successful candidates will be normally posted on the Union website and

other appropriate Union and University media within 48 hours of the declaration

of results.

86. The Returning Officer shall send a copy of the results to the Board of Trustees

and to the Vice Chancellor of the University once confirmed.

87. All counters and scrutinisers are bound by strict confidentiality until such time as

the result has been made public by the Returning Officer.

Breach of Regulations

88. The Returning Officer shall be solely responsible for the interpretation and

enforcement of these regulations. The ruling of the Returning Officer shall be


89. Requests for interpretation of these regulations or complaints about the conduct

of candidates shall be made to the Returning Officer in writing, including evidence

where appropriate and expected resolution.

90. The Returning Officer, or their nominee, shall investigate all complaints and make

adjudication according to the seriousness and complexity of the complaint.

Decisions on complaints and conduct will be made within 48 hours, which may

include the decision to hold a further enquiry.

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91. The Returning Officer may take appropriate action against any candidate or

supporter regarding being in breach of these Regulations. A breach of the

Regulations will include but is not limited to:

91.1 A candidate or their agents/supporters taking unfair advantage of any media;

91.2 A candidate or their agents/supporters doing any damage to any Union or

University property;

91.3 A candidate or their agents/supporters deliberately attempting to influence the

impartiality of the Returning Officer, their nominee or other staff employed to

assist with the elections;

91.4 A candidate or their agents/supporters deliberately sabotaging another

candidate's campaign;

91.5 A candidate or their agents/supporters infringing the University's rules and


91.6 A candidate or their agents/supporters bringing the University/Union into


91.7 A candidate or their agents/supporters undertaking violence or intimidation

towards anyone will not be tolerated.

91.8 Any Union Officer who abuses their position to unfairly advantage a candidate.

91.9 Any Union member of staff who abuses their position to unfairly advantage a


92. In the event of a candidate being proven to have broken one or more of these

regulations, the Returning Officer shall have the power to: (a) issue an oral or

written warning, (b) restrict the amount of publicity available to the candidate,

(c) disqualify the candidate, (d) suspension or a rerun of the election or (e) take

any other appropriate action.

93. Any complaints made by residents of halls or the local community on the conduct

of candidates during canvassing shall be dealt with by the Returning Officer. The

Returning Officer may suspend a candidate for a period of time pending

investigation, taking account of the nature of the alleged offence. Following

investigation, a candidate may face disqualification or removal from office,

confiscation of election materials, be asked to issue an apology, agree to be

bound by a code of conduct or be issued with a warning.

94. All rulings made by the Returning Officer shall be posted on the elections notice

board and website. Candidates are expected to consult these regularly.

95. The University is satisfied that these regulations ensure the conduct of fair

elections as required by the Education Act 1994. The Returning Officer is

recognised by the University as the independent person to whom complaints

should be referred. The Returning Officer shall submit a statement to the Board

of Governors following each election, stating whether the elections have been

conducted fairly and properly in accordance with the election regulations.

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96. If it is alleged that the election has been run unconstitutionally by the Returning

Officer, then the objection should be made to the Secretary of the University’s

Board of Governors, within 10 working days of the Returning Officer’s decision

who shall determine what action to take within the spirit of these Regulations.


97. Should any candidate be alleged to be in serious breach of these Regulations or

any other document or instruction issued by the Returning Officer, then that

person may be suspended from the election process until such time they are

reinstated, penalised or disqualified.

98. Within 48 hours of any such suspension being imposed, the Returning Officer

shall make a decision on whether a suspended candidate may continue to take

part in the election process.


99. Any amendment to these Regulations shall be subject to the approval of a two-

third majority of the Council at two successive meetings. Any amendments must

be approved by the University’s Board of Governors before taking effect.

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Regulation E

Student Council


1. There shall be at least eight Student Council meetings within the Academic Year.

2. A Chair and Vice-Chair shall be elected from amongst the Members of the Student

Council at the first meeting of the academic year.

3. It is the responsibility of the Chair of Student Council to ensure the smooth

running of meetings in accordance with Regulation E and F.

4. The Chair of Student Council shall have no voting right during their term of office.

If a vote of Student Council is tied the status quo shall remain.

5. It is the duty of the Vice-Chair to assist and advise the Chair in their capacity. The

Vice-Chair of Student Council shall assume the duties of Chair in the absence of

Chair. In the absence of the Chair and Vice Chair, the President shall assume the

duties of Chair.


6. Student Council shall consist of the following directly elected members:

6.1. The Student Officers;

6.2. The Campaign Convenors;

6.3. The Student Forum Chairs;

6.4. 3 Faculty Representatives from each Faculty of the University;

6.5. 10 ordinary Members from the student body at large;

7. The Student Council Members shall be elected at the following elections:

7.1. The Student Officers shall be elected in the Spring Elections via secret ballot of all

Members of The Union in accordance with Regulation D;

7.2. The Campaign Convenors shall be elected in the Spring Elections via secret ballot

of all Members of The Union in accordance with Regulation D;

7.3. The Student Forum Chairs shall be elected in the Autumn Elections via secret

ballot of all Members of The Union in accordance with Regulation D;

7.4. The Faculty Members shall be elected in the Autumn Elections via secret ballot of

students within their Faculties in accordance with Regulation D;

7.5. The ordinary Members of Student Council shall be elected in the Autumn Elections

via secret ballot of all Members of The Union in accordance with Regulation D;

8. All members of Student Council must be Members of The Union.

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9. Any Member of The Union may attend Student Council but only Council Members

may vote.


10. Student Council shall act as the primary decision-making body of The Union but

may be overruled by the authority of Referenda and General Meetings as outlined

in Regulation H and Regulation F respectively.

11. It is the role of Student Council to:

11.1. Hold the Student Officers to account;

11.2. Create, develop and ratify Union Policy;

11.3. Create, debate and pass Union Motions;

12. Motions to General Meetings must be submitted in accordance with Regulation F.

13. Student Council may, by a two-thirds majority of the members present at the


13.1. Revoke or amend any Regulation to the Constitution;

13.2. Pass a Motion of No Confidence against Union Chair, Faculty Member, or

Community Member;

14. Student Council may, by a simple majority:

14.1. Refer any matter, including revocation of or amendments to the Constitution, to


14.2. Refer a Motion of No Confidence in a Student Officer to referendum;

14.3. Pass a Motion for Policy;

14.4. Approve received reports;

14.5. Require the submission of a report at the next General Meeting;

14.6. Request the attendance of any person at the next Student Council;

14.7. Mandate any Student Officer, Student Forum Chair, or Student Council Member;

14.8. Commend any Student Officer, Student Forum Chair, or Student Council Member;

14.9. Censure any Student Officer, Student Forum Chair, or Student Council Member.

15. In holding Members of Student Council to account, the following procedures must

be adhered to:

15.1. Motion of Commendation for any Member:

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15.1.1. Should it be felt that any Member of Student Council has performed

their duties to a high standard or made an important contribution to

The Union any other Council Member may submit a Motion of

Commendation for that Member.

15.1.2. A Motion of Commendation must be brought to Student Council and

debated in accordance to the Standing Orders as set out Regulation

F of the constitution.

15.1.3. If passed, the Motion of Commendation shall be noted in the

meeting minutes and on the Council Member’s record.

15.2. Motion of Censure against any Member:

15.2.1. Should it be felt that any Member of Student Council warrants

disciplinary action but is not deserving of a Motion of No

Confidence, any other Council Member may submit a Motion of

Censure against them.

15.2.2. A Motion of Censure must be brought to Student Council and

debated in accordance to the Standing Orders as set out Regulation

F of the Constitution.

15.2.3. If passed, the Motion of Censure shall be noted in the meeting

minutes and on the Members record.

15.3. Motion of No Confidence against any Member:

15.3.1. Should it be felt that any Member warrants severe disciplinary

action as a result of continued unsatisfactory performance,

misconduct or gross negligence, any other Council Member may

submit a Motion of No Confidence against that Member. A third

Motion of Censure within one Academic Year automatically qualifies

for a Motion of No Confidence.

15.3.2. A Motion of No Confidence can only be brought to a Student

Council, and debated in accordance with the Standing Orders as set

out Regulation F of the Constitution.

15.4. Outcomes of Motions of No Confidence

15.4.1. Student Officer: If passed, a Motion of No Confidence against a Student Officer shall

be put to a Referendum as detailed in Regulation E of the Constitution.

During the period between the passing of the motion and the

Referendum, the Student Officer concerned shall be suspended from

their duties as a Student Officer and Trustee of The Union. Prior to

Referendum it is the responsibility of the Chair of Student Assemble to

ensure all reasonable steps are taken to inform the Membership of the

Motion and any relevant information. If passed by Referendum, a Motion of No Confidence shall

immediately dismiss the Student Officer from duties, bar them from

future Union office, and permanently remove them from their Trustee

responsibilities. The vacant Student Officer position may go to election

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if appropriate or the responsibilities may be assumed by other Student

Officers as appropriate.

15.4.2. Union Chair, Faculty Member and Community Member If passed, a Motion of No Confidence against a Union Chair, Faculty

Member or Community Member shall immediately dismiss them from

their duties, bar them from future Union Office and positions on Trustee

Board. If a Union, Faculty Member or Community Member also holds the

position of Student Trustee, a passed Motion of No Confidence shall

result in the same actions as a passed Motion of No Confidence in a

Student Officer as outlined in 15.4.1 in this Regulation.

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Regulation F

Standing Orders

Notice of Meetings

1. The President is responsible for ensuring that all General Meetings, including the

Annual General Meeting and Emergency General Meetings, and Student Council

meetings are publicised. If the President is unable to fulfil this responsibility it

shall pass to the remaining Student Officers. Failure to meet this responsibility

shall constitute grounds for a motion of censure against the Student Officers at

the next General Meeting, except an Emergency General Meeting, or Student

Council meeting.

2. The full schedule of General Meetings and Student Council meetings shall be

prominently displayed in The Union from the beginning of each academic year,

listed on The Union website, and published in the first issue of The Union

publication of each academic year.

3. General Meetings shall be publicised prominently in The Union and on The Union

website at least 15 working days before they are held.

4. Emergency General Meetings and the matter that they have been called to

consider shall be publicised prominently in The Union and on The Union website

at least 5 working days before they are held.


5. Motions must be submitted in writing to the President no later than 10 working

days before The General Meeting or Student Council meeting at which they are to

be considered. Any Motion of No Confidence, Censure, or Commendation relating

to the President or any motion that the President cannot receive must be

submitted instead to another Student Officer, who shall take on the

responsibilities of the President in this regard.

6. Motions to General Meetings or Student Council must be proposed and seconded

by 2 Members of The Union.

7. Motions to General Meetings or Student Council shall be added to the agenda for

the next General Meeting or Student Council meeting and published at the same

time as that agenda, at least 5 working days before the meeting in question.

8. Emergency Motions may be submitted in writing to General Meetings or Student

Council if they deal with an issue that has arisen after the deadline for the

submission of Motions and that cannot wait to be resolved until the next General

Meeting or Student Council meeting.

9. Emergency Motions must be proposed and seconded in the same manner as other

Motions, and shall be accepted at the discretion of the Chair, who shall consult

the Vice-Chair and President unless either is a Proposer or Seconder of the

Motion, in which case the Chair shall consult with the Vice-President Academic

Affairs in their place. If the Emergency Motion is not accepted it must be included

as the first motion to the next General Meeting or Student Council meeting.

10. Motions of No Confidence, Censure, or Commendation may not be submitted as

Emergency Motions.

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11. Paper copies of all Motions before General Meetings or Student Council meetings

shall be available to those in attendance and to any other Union Member on


Amendments to Motions

12. Amendments to Motions may be submitted in writing to the President at least 24

hours in advance of The General Meeting or Student Council meeting at which the

motion that they amend is to be considered. Amendments to Motions may also be

proposed, at the discretion of the Chair, at The General Meeting or Student

Council meeting that is considering the motion that they amend, although this

cannot be done after the debate on the motion itself has begun.

13. Written Amendments submitted at least 6 working days in advance of The

General Meeting or Student Council meeting at which the motion that they amend

is to be considered shall be included in the agenda for that meeting in accordance

with Clause 36 of this Regulation.

14. Paper copies of all written Amendments to Motions before General Meetings or

Student Council meetings shall be available to those in attendance and to any

other Union Member on request.


15. It is the responsibility of the Chair to check at the beginning of any General

Meeting or Student Council meeting that it is quorate.

16. General Meetings shall be inquorate if, 15 minutes having passed since the

published time for the beginning of the meeting, fewer than 75 Members are


17. Student Council meetings shall be inquorate if, 15 minutes having passed since

the published time for the beginning of the meeting, fewer than two thirds of the

elected Union Council Members are present.

18. If a General Meeting is inquorate it shall be adjourned in accordance with

Regulation F of the Constitution.

19. If a General Meeting or Student Council meeting is inquorate the Chair shall

immediately call it to a close and all business will be carried over to the next

General Meeting or Student Council meeting.

20. If three Student Council meetings in a row are inquorate then all Members shall

be considered to have resigned and a Bye-Election shall take place to elect new

Student Council Members.


21. General Meetings shall be chaired by the Chair of Student Council or, in their

absence, the Vice-Chair of Student Council, or, in their absence, the President.

22. The Chair and Vice-Chair of Student Council shall be elected from amongst the

Members of Student Council at the first Student Council meeting of each

academic year.

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23. The Chair and Vice-Chair of Student Council shall hold their positions for all

Student Council meetings each academic year except the first, which shall be

chaired by the President, and unless they suffer defeat in a Vote of No


24. The Chair of Student Council shall be the neutral arbiter in General Meetings and

Student Council meetings and may not, during their elected term, cast a vote on

any matter in such meetings. Should the Chair wish to comment on any point or

contribute to a debate at any point they must first, with their agreement, pass

the duties of the chair to the Vice-Chair.

25. When the Vice-Chair of Student Council or the President hold the duties of the

chair they shall be considered to be the Chair. As such they may not comment on

any point, contribute to a debate, or cast a vote.

26. The Vice-Chair of Student Council and the President shall have the right to

comment on any point, contribute to a debate, or cast a vote unless they have

taken on the duties of the chair at any time during proceedings relating to the

agenda item in question.

27. The Chair may not submit motions, except Procedural Motions, or amendments to

motions to Student Council or General Meetings during their elected term. The

Vice- Chair and the President may submit motions or amendments to motions to

Student Council or General Meetings during their elected term as long as they do

not hold the duties of the Chair, when they may only submit Procedural Motions.


28. It is the responsibility of the Chair to maintain order in General Meetings and

Student Council meetings and to ensure that the time allowed for any meeting by

its agenda is not exceeded.

29. The Chair may close the meeting or adjourn the meeting for up to 10 minutes if

they believe it not to be in order.

30. The Chair may expel any attendee from a meeting for failure to adhere to its


31. All attendees at General Meetings or Student Council meetings shall abide by The

Union Constitution, Regulations, and Policies.

32. At General Meetings and Student Council meetings the following speaking rules

shall apply:

32.1 When any attendee speaks in order all other attendees shall be silent;

32.2 Any attendee wishing to speak shall seek permission to do so from the Chair by

raising their hand;

32.3 At General Meetings such permission shall automatically be granted, through the

Chair, to Members of The Union. Such permission shall be granted at the

discretion of the Chair to Associate or Honorary Members of The Union, or any

other attendee. Permission granted at the discretion of the Chair may be qualified

so that the speaker may only present information to the meeting. However, if the

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Chair has granted permission, the speaker may speak in favour of or against any


32.4 At Student Council meetings such permission shall automatically be granted,

through the Chair, to Union Council Members. Such permission shall be granted

at the discretion of the Chair to any other attendee. Permission granted at the

discretion of the Chair may be qualified so that the speaker may only present

information to the meeting. However, if the Chair has granted permission, the

speaker may speak in favour of or against any item;

32.5 No person shall speak until the Chair grants permission to do so;

32.6 The Chair shall decide the order of speaking unless a debate is being held, in

which case the order outlined in Clause 45 to 49 inclusive of this Regulation shall

be adhered to;

32.7 At the request of the Chair each speaker shall introduce themselves before

proceeding to speak;

32.8 If the Chair requests a speaker to stop speaking they must do so.

Order of Business

33. It shall be the responsibility of the Chair of Student Council, Vice-Chair of Student

Council, President, and Vice-President Academic Affairs, on the receipt of all

motions and items for the agenda of a General Meeting or Student Council

meeting, to meet and allocate suitable time to each item on the agenda in order

that it can be circulated 5 working days before the meeting in question.

34. The Chair shall ensure that any General Meeting or Student Council meeting

adhere to its agenda, as set in accordance with Clause 34 of this Regulation,

unless a relevant Procedural Motion is passed.

35. Printed copies of the meeting agenda, minutes of the previous meeting, and all

other papers shall be available at the beginning of each General Meeting and

Student Council meeting.

36. The order of business at General Meetings and Student Council meetings shall be:

36.1 Members present, attendees present, Apologies for Absence (all meetings);

36.2 Minutes of the Previous Meeting (all meetings);

36.3 Matters Arising (all meetings);

36.4 Election of Student Council Members to vacant positions (General Meetings only);

36.5 Election of the Chair (First meeting of Student Council each academic year);

36.6 Motions to revoke or amend the Constitution or Regulations;

36.7 Motions (all meetings);

36.8 Student Matters (General Meetings only);

36.9 Student Officer Reports (all meetings);

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36.10 Student Forum Reports (all meetings);

36.11 Working Group Reports (all meetings);

36.12 Union Budget Ratification (Annual General Meeting only);

36.13 Union Accounts Ratification (Annual General Meeting only);

36.14 Honorary Membership (General Meetings only);

36.15 Any Other Business (Student Council only).

37. Any Other Business is defined as any item that has arisen since the call for

agenda items but that cannot wait to be resolved until the next meeting.

38. Emergency General Meetings shall only consider the item for which they have

been called.

Points of Order and Procedural Motions

39. Any Member may call a Point of Order or Procedural Motion at any time during a

General Meeting except during a vote, with the exception of Procedural Motion

10, which may be called during a vote. Only a Member may call Point of Order or

Procedural Motion at a General Meeting,

40. Any Student Council Member may call a Point of Order or Procedural Motion at

any time during a Student Council meeting except during a vote, with the

exception of Procedural Motion 10, which may be called during a vote. Only a

Student Council Member may call Point of Order or Procedural Motion at a

Student Council Meeting,

41. Any attendee wishing to raise a Point of Order or Procedural Motion shall raise

their hand and state, respectively, 'Point of Order' or 'Procedural Motion'. Upon

acknowledgement by the Chair the speaker shall state the nature of the Point of

Order or Procedural Motion. Points of Order or Procedural Motions shall take

precedence over all other business, except votes, which cannot carry on until

they have been resolved.

42. Procedural Motions shall require a proposer and a seconder, which shall be sought

by the Chair in the latter instance.

43. The Procedural Motions for General Meetings and Student Council meetings shall

be, in order of precedence:

43.1 of No Confidence in the Chair;

43.2 to challenge to a decision of the Chair;

43.3 for a temporary Chair (for a time specified by the proposer);

43.4 that the meeting be delayed (for no longer than 10 minutes in any 60 minute


43.5 that the motion be put;

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43.6 that the motion be voted on in parts;

43.7 that the motion be referred to the next meeting;

43.8 that the motion be referred to a specific committee for further consideration;

43.9 that the motion be not put;

43.10 that a given vote be conducted as a secret ballot of the meeting;

43.11 that a particular agenda item be given a time extension (for a time specified by

the proposer, who shall also specify whether the additional time extend the

meeting or deduct time from another agenda item);

43.12 that the order of business for the meeting be changed.

44. Procedural Motions shall require a simple majority to be carried.

Order of Debate

45. When considering any motion before a General Meeting or Student Council

meeting the Chair shall ensure that the following procedure is adhered to:

45.1 Introduction of the motion, its context, and amendments received by the Chair;

45.2 Invitation for any further amendments to the motion;

45.3 Declaration of the order in which the amendments are to be considered by the


45.4 Opportunity for the proposer and seconder of the motion to accept any of the

amendments. Should any amendment be accepted by the proposer and seconder

of the motion the meeting shall be offered the opportunity to, by approval of a

simple majority, move straight to the vote on the amendment;

45.5 Debate, if the proposer or seconder of the motion wish to oppose any

amendment, in the following order:

45.6 Proposing speech of a maximum of three minutes for the amendment;

45.7 Proposing speech of a maximum of three minutes for the unamended motion;

45.8 An even number of speeches of a maximum of three minutes for the amendment

and for the unamended motion;

45.9 Speeches and questions around the amendment; to be addressed in the summary


45.10 Summary speech of a maximum of three minutes for the unamended motion;

45.11 Summary speech of a maximum of three minutes for the amendment;

45.12 Vote on the amendment;

45.13 Opportunity, if the motion is amended, for the proposer and seconder of the

motion to withdraw their support for the motion, in which case speaking rights

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shall pass to any proposer or seconder of an accepted amendment who wishes to

speak for the motion as amended;

45.14 .Invitation for speakers to oppose the motion;

45.15 Move, if insufficient speakers are found for or against the motion, to the vote;

45.16 Debate, if sufficient speakers are found for and against the motion, in the

following order:

45.17 Proposing speech of a maximum of five minutes for the motion;

45.18 Opposing speech of a maximum of five minutes against the motion;

45.19 An even number of speeches of a maximum of three minutes for and against the


45.20 Speeches and questions around the motion; to be addressed in the summary


45.21 Summary speech of a maximum of three minutes against the motion;

45.22 Summary speech of a maximum of three minutes for the motion;

45.23 Vote on the motion.

46. The Chair shall at all times ensure a fair and balanced debate. All questions or

comments shall be directed through the Chair who shall have the right to rule

them out of order subject to any relevant Procedural Motion.

47. No attendee may speak more than twice on the same motion except:

47.1 Having spoken in a debate on an amendment the proposer or seconder of a

motion may then also speak on the motion as amended;

47.2 In delivering a summary speech.

48. No attendee may speak for more than five minutes at one time subject to

Procedural Motions.

49. The Chair reserves the right to guillotine the length of speeches and the time of

debate as they see fit, as long as there is a fair and balanced debate at all times.

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Regulations G

Student Forums

Sports Federation Committee


1. The Sports Federation Committee shall meet no less than once a month, within

the academic year, at a time which is convenient for all the Committee Members.

1.1 The Sports Federation shall hold a forum at least once every month within the

academic year.


1.2 The Sports Federation shall consist of every Member of The Union who is signed

up to any Union Sports Clubs.

1.3 The Sports Federation membership fee shall be set each year by The Union

Executive Committee.

1.4 The Sports Federation Committee shall be elected from amongst the Sports

Federation Membership at the beginning of the academic year.

1.5 The Chair of Sports Federation shall be elected from the Sports Federation

Membership no later than 8 weeks after the start of the Autumn Term and shall

act as the Sports Federation representative to Union Council.

1.6 The Membership of the Sports Federation Committee shall be as follows:

1.6.1 The Chair of Sports Federation;

1.6.2 The Vice-President Activities and Employability;

1.6.3 Up to 6 students elected from the Sports Federation.

1.7 If the quota of 6 student committee members is not reached, all positions not

filled will be elected at the subsequent Sports Federation forum.


1.8 The aim of the Sports Federation is to promote and extend involvement in sport

throughout the Membership.

1.9 The Sports Federation Committee shall act as the principle representative for all

Members of the Sports Federation.

1.10 The Sports Federation shall receive and set budgets for all Sports Clubs of The

Union alongside the Vice-President Activities and Employability.

1.11 The Sports Federation shall receive and grant requests for the setting up of new

Sports Clubs.

1.12 The Sports Federation Committee shall be reflective of the Membership of Sports


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1.13 The Committee shall be responsible for overseeing the organisation of events

such as the Annual Awards Night. The Trustees must ratify all financial issues

relating to this dinner.

Societies Guild Committee


2. The Societies Guild Committee shall meet no less than once a month, within the

academic year.

2.1 The Societies Guild shall hold a forum at least once every month within the

academic year.


2.2 The Societies Guild shall consist of every Member of The Union who is signed up

to any Union Society.

2.3 Membership to the Societies Guild shall be free.

2.4 The Societies Guild Committee shall be elected from amongst the Societies Guild

Membership at the beginning of the academic year.

2.5 The Chair of Societies Guild shall be elected from the Societies Guild Membership

no later than 8 weeks after the start of the Autumn Term and shall act as the

Societies Guild representative to Union Council.

2.6 The Membership of the Committee shall be as follows:

2.6.1 The Chair of Societies Guild;

2.6.2 The Vice-President Activities and Employability;

2.6.3 Up to 6 students elected from the Societies Guild.

2.7 If the quota of 6 student committee members is not reached, all positions not

filled will be elected at the subsequent Societies Guild forum.


2.8 The aim of the Societies Guild is to promote and extend involvement in Union

Societies throughout the Membership.

2.9 The Societies Guild Committee shall act as the principle representative body for

all Members of the Societies Guild.

2.10 The Societies Guild shall receive and set budgets for all Societies of The Union

alongside the Vice-President Activities and Employability.

2.11 The Societies Guild Committee shall receive and grant requests for the setting up

of new Societies.

2.12 The Societies Guild Committee shall be reflective of the Membership of Societies


Media Association

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3. The Media Association shall meet whenever necessary, but no less than once a

month, within the academic year, at a time which is convenient for all Committee


3.1 The Media Association shall hold a forum at least once every month within the

academic year.


3.2 The Media Association shall consist of Members of The Union who at any given

time within the academic year sign up explicitly to the Media Association.

3.3 Membership to the Media Association is free.

3.4 The Media Association shall be elected from amongst the Media Association

Membership at the beginning of the academic year.

3.5 The Chair of Media Association shall be elected in accordance with Regulation xx

within the Spring Elections and shall act as the Media Association representative

to Union Council.

3.6 The Membership of the Committee shall be as follows:

3.6.1 The Chair of Media Association;

3.6.2 The Vice-President Activities and Employability;

3.6.3 Up to 6 students elected from the Media Association Membership.

3.7 If the quota of 6 student committee members is not reached, all positions not

filled will be elected at the subsequent Media Association Forum.


3.8 The aim of the Media Association is to promote and extend involvement in The

Union’s Media activities; particularly The Union’s radio station and newspaper,

throughout the Membership.

3.9 The Media Association shall act as the principle representative body for all

members of the Media Association.

3.10 The Media Association shall ensure that all activities of the Media Association

adhere to the budget set for them in General Meetings. All budgetary requests

must be ratified by the Vice-President Activities and Employability.

3.11 The Media Association shall be responsible for assembling the content and

drawing up each edition of the newspaper. Each addition of newspaper must be

passed by the Media Association Chair and be final proofread by the Vice-

President Activities and Employability.

3.12 The Media Association shall be responsible for assembling content and

programmes for The Union’s Radio Station. All programmes and content must be

passed by the Media Association Chair.

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RAG Team Committee


4. The RAG Team Committee shall meet whenever necessary, but no less than once

a month, within the academic year, at a time which is convenient for all

Committee members.

4.1 The RAG Team shall hold a forum at least once every month within the academic



4.2 The RAG Team shall consist of Members of The Union who at any given time

within the Calendar year sign up explicitly to the RAG Team.

4.3 Membership to the RAG Team is free.

4.4 The RAG Team Committee shall be elected from within the RAG Team

Membership at the beginning of the academic year.

4.5 The Chair of RAG Team shall be elected in accordance to Regulation Dxx within

the Spring Elections and shall act as the RAG Team representative to Student


4.6 The Membership of the Committee shall be as follows:

4.6.1 The Chair of RAG Team;

4.6.2 The Vice-President Activities and Employability;

4.6.3 Up to 6 students elected from the RAG Team.

4.7 If the quota of 6 student committee members is not reached, all positions not

filled will be elected at the subsequent RAG Team forum.


4.8 The aim of the RAG Team Committee is to promote and extend involvement in

The Union’s awareness of and fundraising for charity, across the Student


4.9 The RAG Team Committee shall act as the principle representative body for all

members of the RAG Team.

4.10 The RAG Team shall ensure that all activities undertaken by the team adhere to

Charity Law and budgets as set by General Meeting. All budgetary requests must

be ratified by the Vice-President Activities and Employability.

4.11 The RAG Team Committee shall have the responsibility for ensuring all funds

raised by activities organised by the RAG Team are processed through The

Union’s RAG account.

4.12 The RAG Team Committee shall ensure that all fundraising activities organised by

the RAG Team are in donation to the charities as selected at the start of the

academic year by the RAG Team.

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4.13 The RAG Team Committee shall be responsible for overseeing and authorising all

RAG activities across The Union.

Course Representatives Forum Committee


5. The Course Representatives Forum Committee shall meet whenever necessary,

but no less than once a month, within the Calendar year, at a time which is

convenient for all Committee members.

5.1 Course Representatives Forum shall meet at least twice in each of the first two

terms of the academic year.


5.2 The Membership of Course Representatives Forum shall be as follows:

5.2.1 The Faculty Representatives of Student Council;

5.2.2 All elected Course Representatives;

5.2.3 The Vice-Presidents Student Experience.

5.3 The Membership of Course Representatives Forum Committee shall be as follows:

5.3.1 The Faculty Representatives of Student Council;

5.3.2 The Vice-Presidents Student Experience.

5.4 The Chair of Course Representatives Forum and Course Representatives Forum

Committee shall be the Vice-President Academic Representation.


5.5 The aims of the Course Representatives Forum are:

5.5.1 to facilitate communication between all Course Representatives and

Faculty Representatives of Student Council;

5.5.2 to provide a link between students and the LSBUSU;

5.5.3 to provide a route for Course Representatives to make

recommendations to Student Council.

5.6 The Course Reps Forum Committee shall be responsible for:

5.6.1 organising and promoting the Course Representatives Forum in the

both the first and second terms of each academic year;

5.6.2 organising and promoting an annual celebration event at which Course

Representatives shall receive the certificates accrediting them for the

time they have volunteered in their roles.

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Regulation H


1. A Referendum shall be called by either of the following:

1.1 A simple majority vote of Student Council;

1.2 A petition of at least 150 Members, presented to the President stating the

intention to hold a referendum on a single issue only.


2. Only Members of the Union shall be entitled to vote in Union Referenda.


3. A vote of Referendum, by a simple majority, may do the following:

3.1 Pass Policy;

3.2 Overrule a previous decision of a Union Meeting or the Student Council;

3.3 Affiliate or disaffiliate the Union to or from any external organisation (subject to

the Education Act 1994).

4. A vote of Referendum, by a two thirds majority, may do the following:

4.1 Pass a motion of no confidence in any Student Officer or Trustee;

4.2 Amend or revoke the Constitution and Regulations


5. On receipt of a call for Referendum, the President, or appropriate Student Officer,

shall refer the question to the Returning Officer, as outlined in Regulation D,

within 5 working days.

6. Any question put to Referenda must be a simple ‘YES’ or ‘NO’ question.

7. The Referendum shall take place 10 working days after the question is set by The

Returning Officer.

8. It is the duty of the President to ensure promotion and publicity of Referenda is

displayed prominently within Union premises and communicated to the


9. In the case of a Motion of No Confidence against a Student Officer, it shall be the

responsibility of the Chair of Student Assembly to ensure promotion and publicity

of the Referendum is displayed prominently within the Union premises and

communicated to the Membership.

10. Any Member may campaign for or against the motion, provided such campaigning

does not take place in or around ballot stations.

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11. Any Member who wishes to campaign for or against the motion shall do so within

the regulations set out in the Constitution and its Regulations.

12. All Referenda shall be conducted in accordance with Regulation D.

13. A vote of Referendum shall only be valid if of 5% of Members of the Union vote in

accordance with data provided by the University.

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Regulations H



1. All Policy of The Union shall be set by the following methods:

1.1 Referenda - All Policy set by Referenda shall be sovereign and shall apply to The

Union, its actions, officers and all its members;

1.2 General Meetings - All Policy set by General Meetings shall apply to The Union, its

actions, officers and all its members but may be superseded by Policy set by


1.3 Student Council - All Policy set by Student Council shall apply to The Union, its

actions, officers and all its members but may be superseded by Policy set by

General Meeting or Referenda;

1.4 Student Forums - All Policy set through Student Forums shall apply to the

relevant Student Forum only. Such Policy may be superseded by Policy set by

Referendum, General Meeting, or Student Council.


2. The Policy of The Union is binding on the organisation, its officers, its members

and all services offered by The Union.

3. All Policy set by The Union must abide by and stay within the legislation of the

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland applied to The Union and

National Law. Any Policy proposed which may contravene the legislation of the

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern shall be deemed void by Trustee


4. No Policy of The Union may infringe on the rights of staff members. In cases of

dispute, staff members shall refer to their terms and conditions of employment

which shall be adhered to.


5. Policy of The Union shall remain binding for 3 years from the point that it is set

unless otherwise specified within the Policy.

6. All Policies which propose a permanent status or irrevocable change shall be

exempt from the 3 year lapse period if successfully passed. Such Policy shall still

be reviewed at least every 3 years and can be removed by a vote of Student


7. All Policy shall be submitted to Student Council for review at least one month

before its lapse date.

8. Where Policy has been set by Referenda, Student Council shall only have the

power to re-instate, lapse, or refer them back to a Referenda.

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9. No policy may be re-submitted to the same democratic process on more than one

occasion in an academic but maybe submitted to a higher democratic process if


10. The minutes of all meetings at which a Policy motion is proposed shall include the

text of that motion.

11. The text of the finally amended and proposed policy shall be considered as the

correct record of that Policy.

12. The President shall be responsible for updating and implementing Policy whilst

also being responsible for keeping the correct Union Policy Archive. The Union

Policy Archive shall be available to all members and shall be available on The

Union’s website.

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Regulation J


1. There shall be written Financial Regulations that set out the framework for how the

financial affairs of the Students’ Union shall be conducted.

2. The Financial Regulations shall be approved by the Board of Trustees and shall be

subject to periodic review.

3. The regulations identify the financial responsibilities of the Board of Trustees, elected

officers, the Chief Executive Officer and other staff.

4. The Chief Executive Officer is also responsible for reporting, where appropriate,

breaches of Financial Regulations to the Board of Trustees and/or to the President.

5. The Union will work in collaboration with the University in investigating any material

breach of Financial Regulations and may request University support and resources to

aid any such investigation.

6. All staff and officers have a general responsibility for taking reasonable action to

provide for the security of the assets under their control, and for ensuring that the

use of these resources is legal, properly authorised, provides value for money and

achieves best value.

Internal Control

7. The Union shall work with the University to ensure that it is carrying out a

satisfactory series of internal control procedures to protect against fraud, error or

financial mismanagement. The detailed procedures will be determined from time to

time by the Trustee Board and will be set out in the Financial Regulations.

8. The Board of Trustees shall determine procedures to be followed in relation to

purchases in accordance with the Financial Regulations.

9. The Board of Trustees shall determine procedures in relation to payments made by

cash and cheque in accordance with the Financial Regulations. All Cheques, or other

direct transfers, drawn on the Union’s accounts shall require two signatories who

shall be drawn from the elected Trustees or the Chief Executive Officer.

Budgetary Control

10. The budget is the financial expression of the Students’ Unions plans and policies.

11. The Board of Trustees shall determine budget allocations of the Union.

12. The revenue budget must be constructed so as to ensure that resource allocation

properly reflects the service plans and priorities of the Students’ Union. Budgets

(spending plans) are needed so that the Union can plan, authorise, monitor and

control the way money is allocated and spent.

13. Where the available resources are not sufficient to meet spending plans, then

consideration needs to be given to prioritising to ensure resources to fulfil the

Union’s constitutional obligations.

14. Budget controllers shall be determined from time to time by the Board of Trustees,

and shall be set out in the Financial Regulations.

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Management Reporting

15. The Union shall report regularly to the University in an agreed format to permit the

University to approve the annual budgets and monitor expenditure on behalf of the

Board of Governors.

16. The Board of Trustees shall receive regular monitoring reports on the financial

performance of the Students’ Union.

Approval of Expenditure

17. The Board of Trustees shall determine the capital budget and expenditure plans for

the year in accordance with the Financial Regulations.

18. Authority to determine and approve contracts shall be set out in the Financial



19. All amounts stated in the Financial Regulations are inclusive of VAT regardless of

whether all or part of the VAT can be reclaimed.

Property, Equipment and Stock

20. The Board of Trustees shall have responsibility for safeguarding all property,

equipment and stocks belonging to and owned by the Union.

21. The Board of Trustees shall ensure that the Union has adequate insurance cover for

its stocks, equipment and property.

Private Limited Companies

22. Where the Union seeks to establish a private limited company, in accordance with

the provisions of the Constitution, the Union shall seek the prior approval of the

University as to the formation and purposes of the company before establishing any

such company.

Charitable Trusts

23. Where the Union seeks to establish and execute a charitable trust, in accordance

with the provisions of the Constitution, the Union shall seek the prior approval of the

University as to the formation and purposes of the trust before establishing any such


Appointment of Auditors

24. The Union shall appoint an independent auditor who shall be a chartered accountant

and registered auditor who shall prepare audited accounts on an annual basis.

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Regulation K

Standing Committees

1. There shall be the following Standing Committees of the Union

Executive Committee

2. The Executive Committee shall be established pursuant to Clause 72 of the


2.1 The Executive Committee shall meet no less than 6 times during the Academic


2.2 The Executive Committee shall be made up of the following voting persons:

2.2.1 President;

2.2.2 Vice Presidents (Student Experience) (2 posts);

2.2.3 Vice President (Activities and Employability);

2.2.4 Womens’ Campaign Convenor;

2.2.5 Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) Students’ Campaign


2.2.6 Disabled Students Campaign Convenor;

2.2.7 Ethnic Minorities Campaign Convenor;

2.2.8 Mature Students’ Campaign Convenor;

2.2.9 Part Time Students’ Campaign Convenor;

2.2.10 International Students’ Campaign Convenor;

2.2.11 Nursing Students’ Campaign Convenor;

2.2.12 Ethical and Environmental Campaign Convenor and

2.2.13 Postgraduate Campaign Convenor

2.3 The Chief Executive Officer of The Union will attend and speak at meetings of the

Executive Committee. The Chief Executive Officer shall have no vote.

2.4 The Executive Committee may invite any person they feel will contribute to the

meeting including other Union staff, who may attend and speak at meetings of

the Executive Committee. These persons shall have no vote.

2.5 Subject to Constitution, the Executive Committee shall be:

2.5.1 The principal committee for ensuring the efficient running and strategic

development of the Students’ Union.

2.5.2 The principal committee for ensuring the efficient running of the

Students’ Union in terms of the representation of students to

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University, affiliates, local community and other external organisations

and stakeholders, and shall execute relevant General Meeting decisions


2.5.3 Shall be responsible for overseeing the representation of students to

the Students’ Union and ensure the smooth running of the Union in

terms of:

2.5.4 Responsible for the smooth and efficient running of the sub-

committees of the General Meeting and the Executive Committee.

2.5.5 Responsible for the implementation of policy from the General Meeting.

Finance Committee

3. The Board of Trustees shall establish a Finance Committee pursuant to Clause 73

of the Constitution.

3.1 The Finance Committee shall meet no less than 4 times during the Academic Year

3.2 The Finance Committee shall be made up of the following voting persons:

3.2.1 the President;

3.2.2 the Vice President (Employability and Activities) and

3.2.3 One External Trustee.

3.3 The Chief Executive Officer of The Union will attend and speak at meetings of the

Finance Committee. The Chief Executive Officer shall have no vote.

3.4 The Finance Committee may invite any person they feel will contribute to the

meeting including other Union staff, who may attend and speak at meetings of

the Finance Committee. Those persons shall not have a vote.

3.5 Subject to Constitution, the Trustees may delegate all financial matters to the

Finance Committee, including (but not limited to):

3.5.1 the operation of any bank account according to such

mandate as it shall think fit whether or not requiring a signature of any

Trustee, provided always that the Finance Committee shall not incur

expenditure on behalf of The Union except in accordance with a budget which

has been approved by the Trustees.

Appointments Committee

4. The Board of Trustees shall establish an Appointments Committee pursuant to

Clause 73 of the Constitution.

4.1 The Appointments Committee shall meet no less than 4 times during the

Academic Year.

4.2 The Appointments Committee shall be made up of the following persons:

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4.2.1 the Vice President Welfare and Student Rights;

4.2.2 the Vice President (Student Experience) and

4.2.3 two members of Student Council who shall not be Student Officers.

4.3 The Chief Executive Officer of The Union will attend and speak at meetings of the

Appointments Committee. The Chief Executive Officer shall have no vote.

4.4 The Appointments Committee may invite any person they feel will contribute to

the meeting including other Union staff, who may attend and speak at meetings

of the Appointments Committee. Those persons shall not have a vote.

Remuneration and HR Committee

5. The Board of Trustees shall establish a Remuneration and HR Committee.

5.1 The Remuneration and HR Committee shall meet no less than 4 times during the

Academic Year.

5.2 The Remuneration and HR Committee shall be made up of the following persons:

5.2.1 the President;

5.2.2 the Vice President (Student Experience) and

5.2.3 one External Trustee.

5.3 The Chief Executive Officer of The Union will attend and speak at meetings of the

Remuneration and HR Committee. The Chief Executive Officer shall have no vote.

5.4 The Remuneration and HR Committee may invite any person they feel will

contribute to the meeting including other Union staff, who may attend and speak

at meetings of the Remuneration and HR Committee. Those persons shall not

have a vote.

5.5 Subject to Constitution, the Trustees may delegate the following matters to the

Remuneration and HR Committee:

5.5.1 Regularly review the Staff Protocol

5.5.2 Hire new staff

5.5.3 Sign contracts of employment

Health and Safety Committee

6. The Board of Trustees shall establish an Health and Safety Committee.

6.1 The Health and Safety Committee shall meet no less than 4 times during the

Academic Year.

6.2 The Health and Safety Committee shall be made up of the following persons:

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6.2.1 the one Vice President Student Experience;

6.2.2 the Vice President (Employability and Activities) and

6.2.3 one External Trustee.

6.3 The Chief Executive Officer of The Union will attend and speak at meetings of the

Health and Safety Committee. The Chief Executive Officer shall have no vote.

6.4 The Health and Safety Committee may invite any person they feel will contribute

to the meeting including other Union staff, who may attend and speak at

meetings of the Health and Safety Committee. Those persons shall not have a


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Regulation L

Additional Protocols

Staffing Protocol

1. The Board of Trustees shall have sole and exclusive authority to act on behalf of

the Union in the employment of staff.

2. The Senior Managers reporting line is through the Board of Trustees.

3. To this end the Board of Trustees shall:

3.1. ensure the maintenance of a human resource plan for the Union within which

context the Board of Trustees shall delegate to the Senior Manager authority to

enter into contracts of employment on behalf of the Union;

3.2. approve and monitor the terms and conditions of employment to apply to the

employment of staff within which context the Board of Trustees shall delegate to

the Senior Manager authority to apply those terms and conditions;

3.3. approve and monitor the human resource procedures and practices as operated

by the Union within which context the Board of Trustees shall delegate authority

to the to manage the employed staff;

3.4. act as the final body of appeal in cases of staff discipline.

3.5. ensure in co-operation with the recognised staff trade union the maintenance of a

protocol which provides for an appropriate process in the event of a complaint by

a member of the Union as to the conduct of an employed member of staff;

3.6. ensure in co-operation with the recognised staff trade union the maintenance of a

protocol that determines the proper role relationship between the employed staff

and the elected representatives of the Union.

4. Members of the Board of Trustees shall treat as confidential any matter relating to

the employment of individual members of staff.

5. Where matters relating to the employment of the are considered by the Board of

Trustees then the individual concerned shall absent themselves during those


6. The Union shall have a Staffing Protocol that applies to all permanent and Student

Staff members. The document outlines the relationship between elected officers

and staff of the Union. It shall be made available to all staff Members and

Trustees of the Union.

Trustee Code of Conduct

7. The Union shall have a model Trustee code of conduct that will define the

minimum expected standards for Trustees to sign up to. It shall be made

available to all Members.

8. The code of conduct shall be discussed by the Board of Trustees, amended and

signed by all Trustees either annually or in the event it acquires a new Trustee or


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9. The code of conduct must include the following expectations:

9.1. Trustee Standards;

9.2. level of legal and organisational compliance;

9.3. conflicts of interest;

9.4. boardroom etiquette;

9.5. Board of Trustees development; and

9.6. examples of actions that may constitute a breach of the code.

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Regulations M

Complaints Procedure


1. The following Complaints and Disciplinary procedures have been adopted by the

Union in the interests of Students, Union staff and Student Officers. As far as

possible, the procedures aim to safeguard the proper and peaceful conduct of the

Union’s activities and democratic structures.

2. When initiated, the procedures will seek to establish:

2.1. whether or not there is a case to answer in relation to a particular incident or

incidents (complaints procedure);

2.2. whether or not, on the balance of probabilities, a particular incident or incidents

took place (disciplinary procedure);

2.3. whether such an incident or incidents constitute(s) unacceptable behaviour

(disciplinary procedure);

2.4. what measures should be taken against if the behaviour has been established as

unacceptable (disciplinary procedure);

2.5. whether the incident or incidents are of a serious enough nature to require a

referral to the University’s Disciplinary Procedure (disciplinary procedure).

3. The Complaints Procedure is for the use of Students, Union staff or Student

Officers who have a complaint regarding their treatment by other Students, Union

staff or Student Officers. Students may lodge a complaint against an individual, a

group or an administrative procedure.

4. Students, Union staff and Student Officers are reminded that complaints

regarding the democratic structures of the Union or Union policy are not subject

to these procedures. Where a student or Student Officers has a complaint

against Union policy and/or Regulations that have been properly adopted by the

Council or Executive Committees, the student, or Student Officers should pursue

the concern through the democratic structure.

5. Complaints regarding conduct during elections should be dealt with under the

Election Regulations.


6. Those Students who have chosen to opt-out of Union Membership will also have

recourse to this Complaints procedure. Non-Members may make a complaint in

the same way as Members as outlined below. In addition, a Non-Member may

complain under these procedures if they feel that they have been unfairly

disadvantaged by reason of having exercised their right to opt-out of Union

Membership. However, where a Non-Member is the subject of a complaint, that

complaint shall instead be referred to the University for it to consider whether

action should be taken under its Disciplinary Code.

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Complaints Procedure

7. This Complaints Procedure addresses complaints made by:

7.1. Students, Union staff or Student Officers against other Union staff or Student

Officers (individuals or groups); and

7.2. Students, Union staff or Student Officers against other Students (individuals or


7.3. An individual’s concerns will often be most naturally addressed informally with the

person or people concerned. The Union wishes to encourage quick, informal

resolution where possible and appropriate. However, the Union also recognises

that there will be cases where it is not appropriate to raise concerns informally or

where those concerns will not be able to be resolved on an informal basis and this

is why the individuals listed in Clause 7.1 above have the right to raise a formal

complaint under this Procedure.

8. Complaints may refer to administrative procedures, for example where those

procedures are believed to be ineffective, provided that such procedures are

neither covered by Clause 2.4 above nor Regulations, Standing Instructions or

properly adopted Union Policy.

Complaining about Students

9. Complaints concerning a Student’s behaviour or conduct within Union premises or

connected with any Union activity shall be put in writing, particularising the

detailing of the complaint, to the Union’s President or in his/her absence another

Student Officer.

Complaining about Union Staff

10. Complaints concerning the behaviour or conduct of Union staff within Union

premises or connected with any Union activity shall be put in writing,

particularising the details of the complaint, to the Chief Executive Officer or in

his/her absence a Nominated member of Union staff.

Complaining about Student Officers

11. Complaints concerning the behaviour or conduct of Student Officers within Union

premises or connected with any Union activity shall be put in writing,

particularising the details of the complaint, to the Chair of Council.

On Receipt of a Complaint

12. The complainant will receive written acknowledgement of their formal

complaint within 10 working days of its receipt. On receipt of a formal

complaint the appropriate officer referred to under Clause 9 to 11 above

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(hereinafter the “Appropriate Complaints Officer”) will consider whether the

matter has been raised informally with the relevant Student, Union staff

member or Student Officers concerned. If for good reason the matter has

not been raised informally the formal complaint will normally still be


Investigating the Complaint

13. On receipt of a complaint the Appropriate Complaints Officer’s nominee

("hereafter referred to as the Investigating Officer") will investigate the

complaint. In carrying out his/her investigations, the Investigating Officer may

wish to ask the complainant for additional details in relation to the complaint and

may also wish to meet with the complainant to discuss the complaint. The

Investigating Officer will also meet with and/or request written responses from

any persons who are the subject of the complaint. Prior to any such meeting

taking place and/or any written response being submitted, the persons will be

given a copy of the complaint (omitting the personal details of the complainant

but, save in exceptional circumstances, not the complainant's name).

14. The Investigating Officer may also wish to meet with and/or request written

responses from any witnesses to the relevant allegations.


15. Following the investigation of the complaint, the Appropriate Complaints Officer


15.1. Dismiss the Complaint

In doing so, the Appropriate Complaints Officer will inform the complainant of the

reasons why the complaint is to be dismissed. The complainant will be informed

in writing of this decision within 5 working days of the investigations being


15.2. Suggest a Resolution

The Appropriate Complaints Officer may suggest an amicable settlement to the

persons concerned. However, if this is not accepted, then the Appropriate

Complaints Officer may instead decide to proceed under Clause 15.1 or 15.3. If

the settlement is accepted the procedure will terminate at that stage.

15.3. Find there is a Case to Answer

The Appropriate Complaints Officer may find that there is a case for the persons

who are the subject of the complaint to answer. Where there is found to be case

for a Union staff member to answer, the Appropriate Complaints Officer must

then decide whether to either initiate the Staff Disciplinary Procedure or issue an

informal warning outside of that procedure. Where there is found to be a case

for a Student or Student Officers to answer, consideration should instead be given

as to whether the disciplinary procedure below should be initiated or an informal

warning issued outside of that procedure. Finally, in the case of non-members,

consideration would be given to referring the matter to be decided under the

University's Disciplinary Procedure.

Appealing Against A Complaint Decision

16. If the complainant is not satisfied with the decision of the Appropriate Complaints

Officer they may lodge an appeal. The complainant must lodge an appeal in

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writing, setting out the grounds of their appeal, within 5 working days of receiving

the Appropriate Complaints Officer’s decision.

Who To Appeal To

17. The Students’ Union’s President (or their nominee) will receive appeals from

Student Officers or students.

18. The Chief Executive Officer or in their absence a nominated member of Union

staff will receive appeals from Union staff.

19. In either case, if the President or the Chief Executive Officer/nominated member

of Union staff was the Appropriate Complaints Officer, another Student Officer or

Union staff member as is appropriate, will consider the appeal.

20. The individual appointed to consider the appeal ("the Appropriate Appeal Officer")

shall be provided with copies of the documents collated by the Investigating

Officer as part of the investigations into the complaint and of the Appropriate

Complaints Officer's decision. He/she shall then arrange to meet with the

complainant to discuss the appeal.

21. Following investigation of the complaint the Appropriate Appeal Officer may take

one of the decisions as stated in Clause 15.1 to 15.3 and shall communicate this

decision to the complainant in writing. At the appeal stage the decision of the

Appropriate Appeal Officer will be final and shall be reported to Executive

Committee at their next meeting.

Disciplinary Procedure

22. Save as set out in Clause 44 below, the Complaints Procedure should always

precede the Disciplinary Procedure. The Appropriate Complaints Officer or

Appropriate Appeal Officer (as the case may be) may initiate the Disciplinary

Procedure as described in the complaints section. The Disciplinary Procedure will

be initiated when a Student’s or Student Officers’ behaviour is regarded as

unacceptable to the extent that renders an informal resolution and/or informal

warning in accordance with Clause 15.1 above inappropriate.

Discipline of a Student

23. In the event of alleged misconduct by any ordinary Student of the Union being

reported to the President or, in their absence (or otherwise if the President is the

subject of the complaint/charge, the complainant or a witness or potential

witness), another Student Officer, the Student concerned may be suspended from

Union facilities/activities for a period not exceeding 10 teaching days (or any

period during recess) until the Disciplinary Committee meets to consider the

incident and issues its decision. This period may be extended in accordance with

paragraphs 11.7 to 11.9 below. No other intermediate punishment may be

imposed. The Licensee(s) (or their agent) may, at their discretion, invoke the

Disciplinary Procedure by suspending a Student from licensed facilities for the

same period.

24. The power to impose any sanctions in relation to the allegations shall rest with

the appointed Disciplinary Committee. The President/other Student Officer will

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inform the Student concerned in writing of the date of the Disciplinary Committee

meeting, the relevant charges to be considered and the possible sanctions to be

issued should the charges be upheld. The Committee Meeting will be held within

ten teaching days of the Appropriate Complaints Officer or Appropriate Appeals

Officer initiating the disciplinary procedure. The Student concerned will be

provided with a copy of the Disciplinary Procedure and the papers collated as part

of the Investigating Officer’s Investigations and will be invited to submit any

further written statements he/she wishes to be considered before the Committee

meets. The Student is expected to be present at the meeting and will be entitled

to be accompanied by a friend, providing their friend is neither legally qualified

nor practising law.

25. The Disciplinary Committee shall comprise:

25.1. the Students’ Union’s President, or another Student Officer in his/her absence;

25.2. the Students’ Union’s Chief Executive Officer, or in his/her absence a Union staff

nominee; and

25.3. one other member of the Executive Committee nominated by the President, or

other Student Officer in his/her absence.

26. The decision of the Disciplinary Committee shall be reached by a majority vote

and articulated through the Disciplinary Committee’s Chair who shall be the Chief

Executive Officer, or their nominee. Quorum for the Committee is two members,

of which one must be the Chair, and the Chair shall have a casting vote where


27. The sanctions available shall be limited to one or any combination of the


27.1. a reprimand;

27.2. temporary withdrawal of a privilege;

27.3. temporary/permanent suspension from some or all Union facilities and amenities;

27.4. a charge determined by the Disciplinary Committee, to meet the cost in whole or

part of replacing damaged property or equipment;

27.5. a fine, not exceeding £100, determined by the Disciplinary Committee, to be

donated to the University's Charitable Funds; and/or

27.6. referral of the matter to the University for disciplinary action.

28. The Disciplinary Committee shall confirm any decision reached in writing to the

Student and the complainant shall also be informed of the relevant action taken.

29. Where misconduct leads to prosecution by an outside court or body, the

Disciplinary Committee shall suspend its proceedings until the outcome of the

other investigation is known. In such circumstances, the Student concerned may,

however, remain suspended from union facilities/activities for a period not

exceeding 10 teaching days after the Committee is informed of the outcome of

that external investigation/prosecution.

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30. If in any case the Student concerned fails to inform the Union of their name and

student number and produce a valid University ID card, the Student shall remain

suspended from Union premises/activities indefinitely or until a valid ID card is


31. Failure to pay a fine or make good any damage to property/equipment within a

reasonable time shall result in a temporary suspension from Union facilities and


32. After imposing a sanction the Disciplinary Committee shall keep all material and

papers relating to the particular case on record. The person involved shall have

the right to inspect the file. Files may be destroyed at the discretion of the Chair

of the Disciplinary Committee after a period of at least three academic years.

33. No person shall sit as a member of the Disciplinary Committee if they are:

33.1. subject of the charge or complaint;

33.2. the complainant; or

33.3. a witness or potential witness.

34. In the event of a member of the Disciplinary Committee having to stand down in

accordance with paragraph 11.11 above, remaining members of the Committee

shall select a nominee replacement consistent with paragraph 11.3.


35. Students shall be entitled to appeal against a decision of the Disciplinary

Committee and any appeals must be lodged in writing, setting out the grounds for

appeal, within three teaching days of receipt of the Disciplinary Committee’s

decision. The appeal should be lodged with the President or in their absence

another Student Officer who will be responsible for forwarding it to the Chair of


36. The Appeals Committee shall consist of the Chair of Council and two persons

chosen from Council by the Chair of Council and shall be chaired by the Chair of

Council. The Committee will be provided with copies of all of the papers which

were before the Disciplinary Committee and with a copy of the Disciplinary

Committee’s decision.

37. The Chair of the Appeals Committee shall be non-voting save where there is a

tied vote or if only one other member of the Appeals Committee attends.

38. Quorum of the Committee shall be two and must include the Chair. An appeal

may not proceed unless there is quorum.

39. The Student will be invited in writing to attend a meeting with the Appeals

Committee and will be entitled to be accompanied at the meeting by a friend,

provided their friend is neither legally qualified nor practising law.

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40. The Appeals Committee may confirm, reverse or modify any decision of the

Disciplinary Committee, and may impose a greater penalty than that imposed by

the original hearing.

41. No person shall sit as a member of the Appeals Committee if they are:

41.1. subject of a charge or complaint;

41.2. the complainant;

41.3. a witness or potential witness; or

41.4. sat on the Disciplinary Committee.

42. In the event of a member of the Appeals Committee having to stand down in

accordance with Clause 41 above, the remaining members of the Appeals

Committee shall select a nominee replacement from the Council.

Discipline of Student Officers

43. In the event of alleged gross misconduct by any Student Officers being reported

to the President (in the case of non-Student officers) or the Chair of Council (in

the case of Student Officers) the Student Officers concerned may be suspended

from his/her duties and from any Union facilities/activities for a period not

exceeding 10 working days or any period during recess until the Disciplinary

Committee meets to consider the allegations and issues its decision. Where a

Motion of No Confidence is issued, any period of suspension shall be extended

until the Motion has been decided upon. In the case of Non-Student Officers if

the President is absent (or is otherwise the subject of the complaint/charge, the

complainant or a witness or potential witness) any decision to suspend will

instead be delegated to another Student Officer and that Officer will then assume

responsibility for the procedure as set out below. In the case of Student officers,

if the Chair of Council is absent (or is otherwise the subject of the

complaint/charge, the complainant or a witness or potential witness), the matter

will be delegated to another member of Council and they again will be responsible

for the procedure below.

44. The power to impose any sanctions in relation to the allegations shall rest with

the appointed Disciplinary Committee. The President/other Student Officer or the

Chair of Council/Council Member as appropriate will inform the Student Officers

concerned in writing of the date of the Disciplinary Committee meeting, the

relevant charges to be considered and the possible sanctions to be issued should

the charges be upheld. The Committee Meeting will be held within ten working

days of the Appropriate Complaints Officer or Appropriate Appeals Officer

initiating the disciplinary procedure. The Student Officers concerned will be

provided with a copy of the Disciplinary Procedure and the papers collated as part

of the Investigating Officer’s investigations and will be invited to submit any

further written statements he/she wishes to be considered before the Committee

meets. The Student Officers is expected to be present at the meeting and will be

entitled to be accompanied by another Student Officers or by a trade union


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45. In the case of non-Student officers, the Disciplinary Committee shall comprise:

45.1. the Students’ Union’s President, or another Student Officer in his/her absence;

45.2. the Students’ Union’s Chief Executive Officer, or in his/her absence a Union staff

nominee; and

45.3. one other member of the Executive Committee nominated by the President or

other Student Officer in his/her absence.

46. In the case of Student Officers, the Disciplinary Committee at stage one shall


46.1. the Chair of Council, or another member of Council in his/her absence;

46.2. the Students’ Union’s Chief Executive Officer, or in his/her absence a Union staff

nominee; and

46.3. one other member of the Council nominated by the Chair or other member of


47. The decision of the Disciplinary Committee shall be reached by a majority vote

and articulated through the Disciplinary Committee’s Chair who shall be the Chief

Executive Officer, or their nominee. Quorum for the Committee is two members,

of which one must be the Chair, and the Chair shall have a casting vote where


48. After imposing a sanction, the Disciplinary Committee shall keep all material and

papers relating to the particular case on record. The person involved shall have

the right to inspect the file. Files may be destroyed at the discretion of the Chair

of the Disciplinary Committee after a period of at least three academic years.

49. No person shall sit as a member of the Disciplinary Committee if they are:

49.1. subject of the charge or complaint;

49.2. the complainant; or

49.3. a witness or potential witness.

50. In the event of a member of the Disciplinary Committee having to stand down in

accordance with Clause 49 above, the remaining members of the Disciplinary

Committee shall select a nominee replacement consistent with Clause 45 and 46.

51. The sanctions open to the Disciplinary Committee shall include:

51.1. Verbal Warning - for minor acts of misconduct or poor work performance. The

warning shall remain "live" for six months and shall be reported to the Executive

and any other relevant Committee.

51.2. Written Warning - for more serious acts of misconduct, in the event of further

acts of misconduct or continuing failure to meet the required standards of work

performance. This shall remain "live" for 12 months and shall be reported to the

Executive (in the case of Non-Student Officers) or to Council (in the case of

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Student officers) and any other relevant Committee stating the alleged

misconduct or issue upon which the warning is based.

51.3. Final Written Warning - for acts of misconduct which are very serious but

which do not warrant the issuing of a motion of no confidence, or for further acts

of misconduct, or continued failure to meet the required standards of work

performance. The warning shall remain "live" for 12 months and shall be

reported to the Executive (in the case of Non-Student Officers) or to Council (in

the case of Student Officers) and any other relevant Committee stating the

alleged misconduct or issue upon which the warning is based..

51.4. Motion of No Confidence - a Motion of No Confidence may be issued to Council

by the Committee or a nominated member of the Committee in cases of gross

misconduct, or else where there have been further acts of misconduct or

continued failure to meet the required standards of work performance. The

Motion must clearly state, in writing, the title of the Officer and must outline the

basis on which it is being made.

52. All warnings issued will identify the nature of the conduct with is not to be

repeated, the action/improvement required, the timeframe within which the

action/improvement is expected, the period within which conduct/performance

will be reviewed and the range of consequences which may follow if there is

repetition of misconduct/continued failure to meet required standards set. The

Committee may enter the stages in Clause 51 at any point appropriate to the

gravity of the misconduct or the poor work performance to be considered.

53. On receipt of a Motion of No Confidence, the Chair of Council shall notify the

Officer in question ten working days before the Council meeting to discuss the

Motion. The Officer in question will have the right to submit written evidence to

the Council to support his/her case and will have the opportunity to fully address

the motion in person at the Council Meeting. A two-thirds majority of voting

Members at a quorate meeting of the Council is needed to carry the motion. If

the motion is carried, the Officer shall be removed from duty immediately. The

decision of the Council will be confirmed to the Officer in writing.

54. If it is not reasonably practicable for a quorate meeting of the Council to be

convened within a reasonable time period to consider the Motion of No

Confidence, the Chair of Council (or a nominee should he/she by the subject of

the complaint or charge, the complainant or a witness or potential witness) shall

instead take the decision as to whether or not to uphold the Motion of No

Confidence. Again, the Officer will have the right to submit written evidence to

the Chair/nominee before any decision is taken and, if the Chair/nominee was not

part of the Disciplinary Committee which issued the Motion, the Officer will be

invited in writing to attend a meeting with the Chair/nominee and will be allowed

to be accompanied by another Student Officers or trade union representative at

that meeting. The Chair/nominee will confirm his decision to the Officer in


55. Notwithstanding any provision of the Complaints Procedure or this Disciplinary

Procedure, the Chair Council shall also be entitled to immediately initiate the

Disciplinary Procedure against a Student Officers where he/she believes there is

reasonable cause. Examples of reasonable cause shall include (but not be limited


56. Persistent failure to fulfil duties and responsibilities as outlined in the Officer's job


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57. Persistent failure to attend work without good reason or failing to properly report

his/her absence to the Union;

58. Persistent obstructive or disruptive behaviour towards Union operations, Union

staff and/or other Officers;

59. Persistent failure to observe the Union's constitution;

60. Inappropriate behaviour amounting to gross misconduct.

Appeal against a Disciplinary Decision

61. If the Student Officers in question is not satisfied with the Disciplinary

Committee’s, Council's or Chair of Council’s decision, they may lodge an appeal to

a PVC. The Student Officer must lodge an appeal in writing, setting out the

grounds of their appeal, within 5 working days of receiving the decision.

62. The PVC shall then invite the Officer in writing to attend an appeal meeting to

discuss the appeal. The PVC will be provided with copies of all of the papers

which were before the Disciplinary Committee and with a copy of the Committee's

decision and/or, where relevant, the Motion of No Confidence..

63. Following the appeal the PVC may recommend rejecting or upholding the original

disciplinary decision. The PVC's decision will be confirmed in writing and the

PVC’s decision will be final and shall be reported to the Executive Committee at

their next meeting.
