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Studios - DigiFind-It · lln, afid Carmen Giordano. Sayre- ville; one . lister,' Mrs. Anthony...

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Elizabeth Blake Dies At, Her Home Mrs. fiizabeth J. Blike, SO, wife of Joseph F. Blake,. died Thurs- day, Jan. 8, 1939, at her home, 28 Cedar St., Keyport She was born in Cliffwood and had lived in Key- p6rt 'for-20 years. . " Others surviving are four daugh- ters, Mrs. Elizabeth tlay.Morgan- viJIe; Florence, Barbara and Mary . Elien Blake, all at hgme; Tout sons, Joseph F. Blake Jr., U. S. Army, in Germany; James Blake, Keyport; Charles Phillips, Brook- . lyn, and Henry Phillips, Union Beach; three sisters, Mrs. Irene Botwick, Hialeah, Fla.; Mrs. Flor- ence Winthers, Rochester, N. Y., and Mrs. Marion Vanderhoof, Cliff- wood; three brothers, LeRoy Sto- ver, Dunellen; Henry A. Slover, Newark,' and Walter Slover, Cliff- wood. . Funeral services were held Tues- day at 1 p.m, a; the Bedle Fuller- al Home, Keyport, with the Rev. Dr. Hillman T. Williams, pastor of Calvary Methodist Church, Key- port, officiating. Jnterment was in SHoreland Memorial G a r d e n a , RaritanTownihip. ' Mrs. Daniel McDougsll Mrs. Elizabeth J. McDougall, 84, died Thursday, Jan. 8, 1959, at the horile of. her daughter, Mrs. Eliza beth McCormack, 54 Wilson Ave., Mstawsn. She was the widow,, of Dantel McDougall, and was bom in Scotland. ' Also suryivltig are three grand- children and 1} grest-grandchll- dren. .' Funeral services were held Mon- day at I p.m. at the Day Funeral Home. Keyport, with the Rev, Lawrence "R. Bailey,' pastor of th« First Baptist Church, Matawao, of- flciating. Intermen. was In' fair View Cemetery, Middletown. ’ John F.Wagner ■■ '»-. John F. Wagner, 88, of 117 First •‘St., Keyport, died Friday, Jan. 9, 1959, at hi* home. He was born in Bayonne, son of Mr*. Henry Vfag- Mr, Jfertey City, and foe late Mr. • Wpgner. -.J,- Mr. Wagner lived-In Keyport for seven years. He was a retired chemical engineer with vanAmeri- gin Haebler Co., Elizabeth. He. was * U. s. Navy veterir ,<flt World War* 1 and l t M ^ a s a January 15,1959 Couple Wed At- St. Joseph’s C POH’331,' Uhloii Beach,.,and the Elizabeth BPOE.. He also wa*. a -jrterhber of the Keyport oV a c h t cu*. - . / . f -Surviving. 'besMeaV M»" nether, are hit wife, Mrs,; -Julia’ (Locke) . W&gneri' (wa brothers. J o h o C„ ' JUlisld^v andAlbert.Bayonne; one : ( aister, Mlsa Amelia Wagner, Jer- . Flmeral service*.were held Mon i f day-at 9:30 a.m. at the Day Fu - : neral Home. Keypprt.At 10 a.m *fi)g}i ret|ulem'm»8s[was.celebrat- * ti In S t J 6#epBVCHorcti^ Keyport, .. ’ by the R^-yeoraelid*^ K*« pastor. Interment was in ' Grac»- land Memorial P art, Kenilworth. . Kin. ThamaaN. WoMty Mrs. Sadie Wooljey, 77, died Sat- urday, Jan. 10, 19S9, at her home, 27 Pemberton Ave., Oeeanport. She was born iif Matawan, daugh- ter ol the leW-P»ter and Eliza- beth (McGonigle) Moran. She had lived in Oeeanport forth* past 35 years. - - ■■■> . . She was a member of St^Dofp; 'thea’s Church. Eatontoim. She is survived by herbusband. Thomas N. Woolley;, a ,son, Thom- as A., LongBranch; a ilWfciMi Frank Leighton, West GrX aftd brother. Fred McGoniglo, Atbury Park; Funeral servicei were held Tues- day at 8 a.m. at theAdams Mem- orial Home, Red Bank. At 9 a.m, a high requiem mass waa cele- brated in St. Dorothea1* Church, with the Rev. Frederick CWIds, pastor, officiating, Interment was L in M l Carmel Cemetery, W e a ~ Long Branch," . ' ~ Mrs., j^raBk liliiaM Mrs. Clara ;^4anzo;'<f7, Nolan Kd., Matawan, died T u e s d a y , Jan. 13, 1959, in Perth Amboy Hos- pital. She was bpn) ln Italy, daugh- ter of the late Mr. and.Mn. Aifon- zo Giordano. She was the wife of Frank Manzo. : Site was a communicant of S t Joseph's Church; Keyport, and rnemberolOurLady ofML Car- mel Society of St^Jcseph's Church. . Sqrvivlng are four'sbns, Michael, Patrick and Dominick, all of Mat awan, and Joseph, Red Sink; two daughters, Mrs. Ted Osipowitz, Matawan, and Mr*. Anthony Man- einl. Morgan: four brother*. Jo- . seph Giordano, Newark; John Gior- dano, Union; AJfonzo Giordano, Iso- lln, afid Carmen Giordano. Sayre- ville; one . lister,' Mrs. Anthony Lodato, Elizabeth, and 11' grand- children. Funeral servicer will be h e l Friday at 8:30 a-ro. at'the Day Funeral Home, Keyport At 9 a.m, a solemn high requiem mass will be celebrsted by the Rev. Corneli- - us J. Kane, pastor, in S t Joseph' , Church. Keyport Interment wifi be in St. Joseph's Cemetery, Keyport 10 .years from today, m a n . young men and women will be sta- dying in. college/ their way paid, through saving NOW in O.S. Sav- inga Bends. the matawan journal Peg* On* — $«concl $»ct]Qn MR. MRS. IRA GLYNN JONES Before an .altar decorated with white gladioli and chrysanthe- mums, Miss Shirley Marie Foti, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Rosaro Foti, Grove S t; Cliffwood, became the bride of Ira Glynn Jones, son of Mr, and Mrs. J. C. jQ(ifs. Louis- ville, Ky. The Rev. John J. Hendricks per- formed the double ring ceremony in St. Joseph's Church, Keyport, Saturday, Jan. 10, 195?, at 3' p.m. Miss Loretta Durahte played tradi- tional wedding music on the organ. Given in marriage b^ her father, the bride wore a full-length gown of white satin designed with a scoop neckline outlined in pearls, three-quarter-Iength sleeves and a chapel sweep skirt. Her flngertlp- length veil of illusion fell from a pear) crown and she carried a cascade bouquet of stephanotis pnd whit* orchids' Two Atteadanta Mrs. Stanley Golentbleakl, Sayre- ville, (Isttr of the bride, was the matron of honor snd Mrs. Edwin Ve»ell», Freehold, w*s the' bridal attendant, their red velvet prin- cess sfyla.. afternoon gowns had * coop necklines, short lleevts, trapeze backs and semi-flare front skirts. They wore white fur pill- boxes and car.-ied white m u f f * with baby potnsettia decoration. . Stanley GolembieskI, Sayreville, brother-in-law of the bride, was the best man. Edwin Vesells ush- ered. For her daughterVw e d d I n g, Mrs. Foti chose a powder blue faille street-lenglh, dress with white hat, black accessories, and an orchid corsage. The bride- groom'a mother selected a cham- pagne satin aftemoon-length dress with a brown velvet hat and ac- cessories and an orchid, corsage. After a reception at the Veterans of Foreign Wars Hall, Clllfwi ' the couple left for Kentucky. The bhdwefeduated from wan High School, Class of 19J3, and la employed by the U. S Army Signal Research and Devel- opment Laboratory at -Fort Mon- mouth. The bridegroom, attended Louisville Schoola and waa honor- ably discharged from tha W. S. Army at Fort Monmouth In No- vember. ___ The coupie will reside in Louis- ville where the bridegroom w i l l resume hi* position with the J. C. Jones Hardware Stores, * '(wood, ’• / Mata-- =9*= Mother Of Area Residents Dies Mrs. Benedetta (Bessle) l ^ to J , mother of^tre. Joseph^ D Aloia and Mra. Nicholas Union Beach, died Saturday Bight, Jin. 10. 1959, at her home. J* Bar- ker Ave., Shrewsbury ‘Township. She was the widow of ComUl* Ma- letto. .. ; . . She was born In Italy, *M bad lived most of her life in Wted States. She was a member of St. Anthony's Churchy Red Anthony’s Fraternity, Third « rder of St. Francis and the Columbian- tes. Long Branch Council. , Also surviving is another daugh- ter. Mrs. FreV Thompson,New Shrewsbury; four sons, James, Long Branch; John, New York; Thomas, New Shrewsbury, a » d Peter, - Eatontown; 28 grandchil- dren' and seven great-g r a n d- children. , Funeral s e l v 1ces were held Wednesday at 8 a.m. at the Wil- liam S. Anderson Funeral Home, Red Bank. At 9 a.m..a high requi- em mass was celebrated In St. An- thony's Churcb. Interment.was In Ml. Olivet Cemetery, Middletown.. Mrs. Harry Lurie Mrs. Winifred E. Lurie, 77, for- merly of 1300 Second Ave., Asbury Park, died Thursday, Jan. *, 1959, in’the Water's Edge Rest Home, Keyport. She was borij tn Newark, daughter of the late Henry, and Winifred (Quigley) Poole. She was the wife of the late Harry Lurie and was a practical nurse. ' There are no known survivor*. Private funeral services were held Monday at 10 a.m. at the John W. Mchlenbeck Funeral Home, Hazlet. Interment was In Fair View Cemetery, Middleiown. 4 Mr*, Kenneth E. Conklin sr. ®Mrj. ‘Ada Conklin, 76. of 100 Elizabeth St.> Keyport, died Mon- day, Jan. 12, 1959, In Monmouth Medical Center. She waa tin wid- ow ol Kenneth E. Conklin lr„ Mid was borh. in Keyport, daughter of the late George and Adeline (Wool- ley) Waltt. ' ; She was a member of Calvary Methodist Church, Keyport, 1 Surviving a r e ' t w o diugMett, Miss Margaret E. Conklin and M ia Helen V. CohklliC Keyport^ three ion*, Kenneth E. Jr., Joha H., Keyport, and William W., Shrewsbury, and one brother, Wil- liam Waltt, Keyport, ' 1 : F u n e r a l services were held Wednesday at 2:30 p.m. at the Bedle. Funeral Home, K e y p o r t ^ with the Rev. Dr. tflllmtn T. Wil- liami, pastor of the Calvary Meth- odist_fburch, officiating. I n t e r - ment was In Green Grove- Ceme- tery. Keyport Bride Of Sayreville Man Parents Welcome New ^rri,y*lsi_. -. ti Mr, and Mra, James Lucas, 177 Teiaa-Rd., Matawan, are the par - ents of a son, bora Sunday, "Jan. II, 1959, In Monmouth M e d i c a l Center. Lane A daughter was bo it Saturday, Jan. 10, 1959, in Rivervtew Hos- pital, to Mr. and Mrs. Alpboase Uno, 11} Crescent St., Keansburg. Mr. and Mrs. Anthony •Likipa, 15 Edgevlew "Rd.. Keyport, are the parents of a son, bom Saturday, Jan. 10, 1959, In Rivervlew Hospi- tal. G ilfe ' A son was horn Saturday, Jan. 10, 1959, In Rivervlew Hospital, to Mr. and Mrs. Albert. Oilier, 2 Cot- tage Pi., Keansburg. . Male - The Rev. Henry A. 3* . Ti*y ■» Mr.-and Mrs. Ervin C. Tomy, Cheotequake' Kd., Mtdiaon Park, Are the parents'of twin son*, born In S t James Hospital, New- ark. , Clark A daughter was bom Saturday, Jan, 10, 1959, In Monmouth Medi- cal Center, to M rand Mrs. Eu- gene Clark. 119 TheresaAVe„ Kay- port " ■ . , Boyce . 1 A/2C Bariy Boyce and Mrs. Boyce, are the pcrenta of ,a daugh- ter, Sharon Ann, born Saturday, Dec. 27. 1958, at the U.A.A.F. » th Tactical Hospital, BUburgr- Ger* many. Mr. Boyce is tha son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Boyce, Green Grove Ave., Keyport Male and Mate, IVWarwn St . Keyport;]----- are t It e parents of a daughter, bora Saturday,. Jan. 10, >959, la Formal Wear To Hire W . S. W ALLACE CLOTHING Mrs ul !«■' ftnlsblar* ; Skaca k rm f st « Rivervlew- A daughter, was bom Thunday, Jan. 8, lto , In Fillda Memorial Hospital. Neptune, to Mr) And Mrs. John Sigmund, 33 Fierro Ave., Matawan. - - (Mink . - Mr. and Mrs. Harry Odlnij, 1} Atlantic Ave., Matawan, are the parents 6f a son, born Thursday, Jan. 8, 1958, In Monntouth Medical Center. ' ;w’ .. TneazkawiU A son-wiut tarn Thursdsy, Jan. 8, 1959, In Monmouth Medleil'Cen- ter, to Mr. and Mra. wyiiaid Trzeszkowskl, 30 F r a n c e * ; PL. Keansburg. \ Mr. and Mni. Waller Doyle,. S Cornell Dr., Hazlet, are'the par- ents of a daughter, bora Friday, Jan. 9, 1959, in Rivervlew Hospi- tal '■ ' . . Catfa 1 - • 1 > ' A daughter waa bora Friday, Jan. 9,1959, in Rlverview Hospital, to Mr. ’ and Mr*. WDUam Costa, 9 Clover Dr., Haikt. ; . ^ Wharfsa .... ^ Mr. and Mr*. Robert Wharton, 14 S t Oetrrge PL. Keyport, are the parent* of a m , bora Thursday, Jan. t, 1959, in Rivervlew Hos- pital. ;; ’ 1. McGaira . - ' A daughter wa* bora Wednesday, Jan. 7, 1959. in Monmouth Medical Center, to Mr. sod Mrs. Hugh Mc- Guire, 31 Ravine Dr., Matawan. . ; ' Kerpes ....-. Mr. and Mra. Engene Kerpen. Rente IS, Box Cl, Keyport, are iha paresis oi a daaghter. bora Thuy- dajr, Jan. I. IW ,-la. Moamootk Medical Center. . A daughter wasbom Monday, Jan. 12, 1959, in Monmouth Medi- cal Center, lo Mr. and Mrs. John Duffy. 17 Surrey Dr., Haslet. - MRS. JAMBS J. CONOVER Weed Mr. and Mra. Albert Wood, 41 Collins Ave., Keansburg, are the parent* of a ion, bom Mond*y, Jan. 12, 1959, , ln Monmouth Medi- cal Center. - , ffeden . A daughter wa* bom Monday. Jaii 12, U ^, in Rivervlew Hos- pital,‘fo Mr. and Mr*. P a t r i c k Keelen, 310 Main St/Keansburg, ;.-'l ' Bail , Mr; and -Mr*. Frank Bell, Mdr- _ iwOle,; iia iiir parenti of f a daughter, -born Monday, Jan. 11, U59, in Rivervlew Hospital. . ’cor^aae ' V, A daughter was bom M o n day, Jan. 12, 1959, In Monmouth Medi- cal Center, lo Mr. and Mr*. John Coidone, «6 Liberty PL, West Keansburg. Ctrenlngham - Mr. imd Mr*. John Cunningham, 9 Woctliand Rd , Hazlet, are the p«m)t* of a daughter, bora Mon-. F ^ n e i^ l ^ ej^Ice^' RMdea .: - ’ f ' FUnerat services wem held at the ’ Beddiges-Seiit Home. Jersey City, for Mra. El|(«beth (Henry) Smith Rhoades, mother ot Mrs Florence Clarihew and Mrs Ger trade DeShang, Union Beach. who died Tuesday, an,;.*, 1959, In the Manor Nursing HojnA'.jersey City Interment was In Gmve Church : Cemeteiy, North Benten. She was the wife o/ the late Leo Rhoade*. , . _ ( -„Also *urvlvtnf ^fijf}ive o l lT< i daughters, Mr*. Marion Robin Mr*. Lillian McKay; Mrs. M a r y Faibert, Jer*ey City; Mrs. Edith Hansen, Mr*. Ruth Bernhardt. N<-» Milford; three ton*. Louis a n ,i John Smith, Jeraey City, and Wti bur-Smith.Lywdtinflt. . Mr*, M n Morrissey Funeral services were held Sai urday at 8:10 a.m. at the Oay Fu neral (tane, and at I a.m. a hiah requiem m an wa* celebrated by the'^ev. C. J. Kane, paator,,i> si ; Joseph’s Church, Keyport, tot Mrs.! Dorothy M orrii«y, 4a, -of 74 West Front St, Keyport, who died Tues Miss F.tleen Joyce Hogan, daugh- ter of Mr and Mrs. Patrick W. Hogan. 242 Main St., Keyport, be- came Hie bride of James John Conover, aon of M rr Catherine Conover, 7 Little Broadway, Sayre- ville. and John Conover, 208 Nor- wood Ave., Laurence Harbor, Sat- urday, Jan. 10, 1939, al 3:30 p.m. in St. Joseph's Church, Keyport. The Rev Corneliua J Kane, pst- tor, performed the Louble ring Ceremony before an altar decorat- ed with white gladioli and pom- pons. Mlsi Miry Ellen Keating, $puth Amboy, was the soloist and Miss Loretta Durante, organikt. Given In marriage by her father, the bride wore a full-length gown fit white crystalette designed with a sabrlna neckline bordered with Pfarl-embroldered lace, long taper- ing ilecvei and a chapel-l e n g t h train. Her fingertip veil ol llluilon fell from a crown ot pearl (range blossoms and she carried a white prayer book adorned with a white orchid and stephanotis Miss Joan Sicatkowskt, South Amboy, was the maid of h o n o r JteL.emexald-grMiU-valvel caclt- tail-length gown bad a scoop neck' lUajuidbailoon. bottom,-She' w4jr» a matching pearl tiara with abort v e i l and carried a cascade of white carnations with p o l l * h e d Ivy' lasve*. Three Bridesmaids Serving as bridesmaids v Miss Lynn Motitan, South Amboy; Miss France* Vecchlo and M i a s Lindt Emmons, Keyport. T h e i r gowns and headpieces were styled like tfiB^honar attendant's in red and they carried cascade bouquets of white carnations with polished Ivy leaves. Frank Llska. Sayreviilq, was the best man and ushering were Wil- liam liogan, Keyport, brother of the bride; Gal do Seise, South Am- boy, and Joseph Kupich, S a y r e - vllle. The bride's mother (elected I navy blue **tln sheilh dreii with a powder blue fe^thtr hat and ac- cessories and a corsage of white roses. The brldejroom'i m o t h e r chose a white brocade ehtath dreii wtth a white hit and icceitoriel and a corsage el white roses. After a reception at the Step-Inn Ballroom, Sayreville, the c o u p I e left for Washington, D.C. For trav- eling, the brid* wore a black wool suit with a nitt hat’and acceisor- les and a white orchid corsage. The bride graduated f r o m St. Mary^S'Hlgh 8chool, 8oBth ~Amt»y: Class of 195$, and was employed by peynold*; p*rth Artiboy. ' The bridegroom attended ' l i y n - vllle High Jchool, lerved In Ihe I). S. Army and li employed by Jersey Billets, Inc., Old Bridge. ' The couple Kill reside *t 110 Manor St., Morgan. Are Announced ' . Lofkewlch-Wllkltti Mr. and Mrs. Harry J. Wilkins, 42 Lake Blvd., Matawan, announce the engagement of their daughter, Dorothea A., ,o Tlioodoro N. Lsf- kowich, son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Lefkowlch, Freelioid- Miss Wilkins.* gradurto of Mat- awan High School, Class ot 1958. Her fiance Is a graduate ol Free- hold Regional lligh School and now It srrving in the U.S. Navy stationed al Lakehurst Air Station. No date has been set lor the wedding. Nevatln-Fiisce Mr, and Mrs. Steven Fusco, 97 Pacific Blvd, Cliffwood Beach, have announced the engagement of their daughter, Thereaa, to Am- brose Novatln, ion of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Novatln, (9 Pacific Blvd . Ciiliwood Beac)i. - Miss Futcp Is a graduate of Ferris lligh School, Jersey City, and is employed by Glmbel Broth- rn , Now York. Her fiance Is a grsduate ol Sayreville Htgh School and is employed as an electronic technician by Electronic AiMcl- atra, Inc., Long Branch. lluft<)*erglaBa................ 'Mrriiif'ffitnCaiPBItO Georgi- ans, New Brunswick, announce the -engagement of their daughter, Frances M.. to Cheater S a m u e l Hull', son of Mr. and Mr*. Chester Huff, 07 Forest Ave., Laurence Harbor. lisa Georgia,ta graduated from NMtanmswck High School and is employed by the New Jersey Belt Telephone Co„ New Uruniwick. Danville, ill,, and the late Mr, Otis. .... . ,' h.. ...... Miss Galilgan graduated from Matawan High School and I r on* ployed by the General Cable Corp., Perth Amboy. Mr. Wherry gradu- ated from Danville High School and Purdue University, Lafayette, Ind. He is employed as an engi- neer at White Sands MUsiio Range, New Mexico. An Apr, 4 been set. wedding A date ha* Paulin-Prevlna Mr. and Mrs. Alexander J. Pro- vlna, 61U 1-runt St , Union Beach, announce, the enRagenient of their daughter, Carol Marie, to Leonard MISS CAROL MARIE PROVINA C, Paultn, son ot Mr. and-M r*. Cailmlr Pauilrt, KM Florence Ave., Raritan Townihlp. - . Mlia Provina I* a senior at Key- port High School. Her fl*nc« llio attended Keyport High School and ha* served In the U S, Army. He graduated from the Mlll'try Pollct Training Center, Fort Gordon, O*. lie li employed by the Keyport Nath, Inc., Keyport, . No dale has Wen set for the wedding, McDenald-latwr Mr, and Mr*. William P. 8auar, 11 Hilltop Blvd., Cliffwood Besch, announce ihe engagement ol Ihelr daughter, Joan, to Joseph McDon- ald, son of Mr. Mt) Mn, Thomai McDon*l(l, 1 litwlhome St., Cliff- wood. Miss Sauer attended ^yrevllt* (continued on pat* three, second Mellon) • U « f MieaOaat • Hn-ltiluUs . M i* S.. MISS FRANCES M. OEOROfANi Mr. Hull attended Matawan High School and Is employed as a car- penter by Streleckl Contractor, Me(uchen. A spring wedding Is. planned -wwrfjwanqjsr t Mr. atid Mr*v William OalUgatii m lower M n M*wtvw, an- nounte fh» enfagement of , t Jl * I r daughter, Ellsn, to John‘0. Whor ry, son of Mrs, Otl* Wherry Jr., lived In the vicinity of K e y p o r t moat of hll life. - Surviving are several nlecrs. The Bedle Funeral Home, Key- port, wgi Jn_. charge, of- arrange. inentH^** Mn. R J. Carlson Funeral servlcei were held Fri- day In Worcester, Mau., for Mn Anna Caftion, 70, of Shrewsbury Mass. Mrs. Carlson was the moth ■m oTCouncllman Everett E Carl- son, Matawan, She was the wife nt the late H. J. Carlson. AI*o MiylvJng is another son. H. J. Carlton, serving with the U. 8. Alr.Force In Japan, and one daughter, Mra. Everett Nlcol, sherbrowe,' Canada. Defenie Bondi pay the same rate of Interest ai the War Bondi you bought during the war. Buy •omet. day evening, Jan. «, 1959. in River, vie* Hospital. Interment was In St. Joseph’* Cemetery. Keyport. She was bora tn Keyport. daugh- ter of the late Frank snd Catherine (Gregeraon) ^Wallace. She was a Aember of the Ladles Auxiliary of the Hook and Ladder Company, Keyport, and wai a communicant of St. Jo*eph’a Church, Keyport Surviving are her husband, John, three *istei]i, Mis* Eli*’ -Wallace and Mr*. Raymond Price, both of Keyport, and Mr*. Walter Martin, Hazlet; four brothers, Yeppe Wal- lace, Roosevelt, L.I.;' John Wal- lace and Raymond Wallace, both of Keyport, fnd Harold Wallace, Freehold .......... Johan Alfomer Funeral 'services’were held Fri- day at 10 a.iq. at die Pay Funeral Home, Keyport, and at 10:30 a m. a lilgh requiem mass was cele- brated by the Rev. C. J. Kane. In St. Joseph’s Church, Keyport, for Johan Nturner, 57, of 1 East Jack St, Hazlet, who jdled suddenly Tuesday night. Jan. 8. 1959. at his Medical {Center. -' SMbes . A daughter w i bora Sunday, Jan; 11, 1959. In Rivervlew Hospi- tal, to Mr. and Mrs. Michael Sir!] ■en. 21 Scholer Dr., Union Beach. day,Jsn. 12; 1959, Iq Monmouth W >»- Interment was In St Jo- " " • -------- seph'a Cemetery, Keyport. He wa* bora in Germany, and had lived In Hazlet for the past Wills Filed . . i . ' Safvstara Hr* * Salvatore Piro. Raritan Town- ship, who died Dec. 2. IKS, named hi* widow, Elvira Piro, lole benefi- ciary of hi* , estate, according to a will dated June t, 195*. Slgmaad MaMer Sigmond MaMer. Hazlet who died Dec. 1, 1»8. left atoct and l war hood to t niece, XiUUt Winn, and the rentabsder of tb# e*tata pt a nptew. Edward J.' Mslder. 'at- eMdtag to • will dated. Jan.17, live month*. He was employed at a chef. Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Suiana (Lauer) Neumer; three daughter*, Mr*. Carmen Mam- mano, with whom he lived; Mn. Sutia Hathoock, Decatur, Ala., and Mi** Maria Neumer, Bayonne; several brother* and aister* la Germany, and fear grandchildren: . VUal* Grande A requMjn'Maar was celebrated Monday at 9 a.m. at SL Joseph's Church, Keyport, with the Rev. Cornelius J. Kane, pastor, officiat- ing. for Vitale Gr«nde. 94. of Rose S t. CUffwood. who died Wednes- day. Jsn. 7, 1*59. In Monmouth County Welfare Home, Freehold. Interment was ji S t Joseph's Cem (UjyrXeypMt was bora , in Italy *nd had Boston 6 (K BY PHONE...eoit! unit tocillgnnofit...inywti«rt *J Mia, lliM i (wH tfMi A*b«rr «(Uf I ftt »f4 19#ir lift. Ut Ml t*». Couplt W«d In Hoboken Ml** Mary Lepre, daughter of Mr, and Min,'.L^>n Lepre, Everett Rd-r Holmdel Township, and Jo- •eph Valenti, aon Of Mrs. Suzanne Valenti,: Hoboken, and the late Ser gel V»l*n(l, were married Satur- day,' -Dec. *, 1958, in Our Lady of Grace C h u r c h , Hoboken. The couple are residing at 702 Williow Ave., Hoboken. AIMyKtai'difc'M'j! - *•* *** * 9"** " Studios CANDID WEDDINCS A SPECIALTY 10 MAIN MT TKL, CJO .. U lfO k l herc'a wishing you a Bon Voyage and our planning makes it right) You’r* aura ol fun on that orulie or ocean v J>#,a ■ e wben you counTwn u* to mako -ail liia^trrangement*. Brown Travel Bureau Oi> ciun Vailti s-ttll - lit tnllk It, rsrtt Aaikai I Broadway, a«ri»ri - MlitU Cilia OOlfaa «4*>l GLAZING v Both • WOOD FRAME A lum , storm sash , Sam* Day Sorvle* We tick Up ind Deliver CO 4-1151 W l INSURANM CAll r BOBORR . Roule 36 ..... Union Beach ' COlfax 4-5022 9Wi f n MlM M w IIi I w m Bd Your Auto Loan . can be arrnn)(ed qulokly, eaillK aitd economically at Tha Farmor* and Merchant* National Bank. Modorita bank ratat - no commltsloM, (a•»< Of extra chargu of'any nature. Tha full imouht of the liuuran’cc prOmlum may Ijp. Included in yo\ir loan It datirM, Whan ^ou buyryooif n*»wur, W this prompt, vanlant financing service. . npti, Mn* '< THE. FARMERS AND l^ Q N A C BANK ..-v'-,,; v ' : M a t a w a n " ' ._ ' f f i i K i t w t l i JtrtiiiMiwi iBfl tiHsfcs* redarsl I w m tystea > Mamkw M a il pewsM Jaeor**** " ’* 0»nsratt«« , ’ * . .... . ' ■
Page 1: Studios - DigiFind-It · lln, afid Carmen Giordano. Sayre- ville; one . lister,' Mrs. Anthony Lodato, Elizabeth, and 11' grand children. Funeral servicer will be hel Friday at 8:30

Elizabeth Blake Dies At, Her Home

Mrs. fiizabeth J . Blike, SO, wife of Joseph F. Blake,. died Thurs­day, Jan. 8, 1939, at her home, 28 Cedar St., Keyport She was born in Cliffwood and had lived in Key- p6rt 'for-20 years. .

" Others surviving are four daugh­ters, Mrs. Elizabeth tlay.M organ- viJIe; Florence, Barbara and Mary

. Elien Blake, all at hgme; T o u t sons, Joseph F. Blake Jr., U. S. Army, in Germany; James Blake, Keyport; Charles Phillips, Brook­

. lyn, and Henry Phillips, Union Beach; three sisters, Mrs. Irene Botwick, Hialeah, Fla.; Mrs. Flor­ence Winthers, Rochester, N. Y., and Mrs. Marion Vanderhoof, Cliff- wood; three brothers, LeRoy Sto­ver, Dunellen; Henry A. Slover, Newark,' and Walter Slover, Cliff- wood. .

Funeral services were held Tues­day at 1 p.m, a; the Bedle Fuller- al Home, Keyport, with the Rev. Dr. Hillman T. Williams, pastor of Calvary Methodist Church, Key­port, officiating. Jnterment was in SHoreland Memorial G a r d e n a , RaritanTownihip. '

Mrs. Daniel McDougsllMrs. Elizabeth J . McDougall, 84,

died Thursday, Jan. 8, 1959, at the horile of. her daughter, Mrs. Eliza beth McCormack, 54 Wilson Ave., Mstawsn. She was the widow,, of Dantel McDougall, and was bom in Scotland. '

Also suryivltig are three grand­children and 1} grest-grandchll- dren. .'

Funeral services were held Mon­day at I p.m. at the Day Funeral H o m e . Keyport, with the Rev, Lawrence "R. Bailey,' pastor of th« First Baptist Church, Matawao, of- flciating. Intermen. was In' f a i r View Cemetery, Middletown.

’ John F .W agner ■■'»-. John F. Wagner, 88, of 117 First

•‘ St., Keyport, died Friday, Jan. 9, 1959, a t hi* home. He was born in Bayonne, son of Mr*. Henry Vfag-

M r, Jfertey City, and foe late Mr.• Wpgner. -.J,-

Mr. Wagner lived-In Keyport for seven years. He was a retired chemical engineer with vanAmeri- g in Haebler Co., Elizabeth. He. was * U. s. Navy v e te r i r ,<flt World War* 1 and l t M ^ a s a

January 15,1959

Couple Wed At- St. Joseph’s C

POH’331,' Uhloii Beach,.,and the Elizabeth BPOE.. He also wa*. a

-jrterhber of the Keyport oV a c h tcu*. - . / ■. f -Surviving. 'besMeaV M»" nether,

are hit wife, Mrs,; -Julia’ (Locke). W&gneri' (wa brothers. J o h o C„' JUlisld^v andA lbert.B ayonne; one

: ( aister, Mlsa Amelia Wagner, Jer-

. Flmeral service*.were held Mon i f day- at 9:30 a.m. a t the Day Fu­: neral Home. K eypprt.A t 10 a.m

*fi)g}i ret|ulem'm»8s[was.celebrat-* t i In S t J 6#epB VCHorcti^ Keyport,

.. ’ by the R ^ -y e o ra e l id * ^ K * «pastor. Interment was in ' Grac»-

• land Memorial P a rt, Kenilworth.

. Kin. Tham aaN . W oM tyMrs. Sadie Wooljey, 77, died Sat­

urday, Jan. 10, 19S9, at her home, 27 Pemberton Ave., Oeeanport. She was born iif Matawan, daugh­ter ol the leW -P»ter and Eliza­beth (McGonigle) Moran. She had lived in Oeeanport fo r th * past 35 years. - - ■■■>

. . She was a m em ber of St^Dofp; 'thea’s Church. Eatontoim.

She is survived by herbusband. Thomas N. Woolley;, a ,son, Thom­as A., LongBranch; a ilWfciMi Frank Leighton, West GrX aftd brother. Fred McGoniglo, Atbury Park;

Funeral servicei were held Tues­day at 8 a.m. a t theAdam s Mem­orial Home, Red Bank. At 9 a.m, a high requiem m ass waa cele­brated in St. Dorothea1* Church, with the Rev. Frederick CWIds, pastor, officiating, Interment was

L in M l Carmel Cemetery, W e a ~ Long Branch," . ' ~ ’

Mrs., j^raBk liliiaMMrs. Clara ;^4anzo;'<f7, Nolan

Kd., Matawan, died T u e s d a y , Jan. 13, 1959, in P erth Amboy Hos­pital. She was bpn) ln Italy, daugh­ter of the late Mr. and.M n. Aifon- zo Giordano. She was the wife of Frank Manzo. :

Site was a communicant of S t Joseph's Church; Keyport, and rn e m b e ro lO u rL ad y ofM L Car­mel Society of St^Jcseph's Church.. Sqrvivlng are four'sbns, Michael, Patrick and Dominick, all of Mat awan, and Joseph, Red Sink; two daughters, Mrs. Ted Osipowitz, Matawan, and Mr*. Anthony Man- einl. Morgan: four brother*. Jo­

. seph Giordano, Newark; John Gior­dano, Union; AJfonzo Giordano, Iso- lln, afid Carmen Giordano. Sayre- ville; one . lis te r,' Mrs. Anthony Lodato, Elizabeth, and 11' grand­children.

Funeral serv icer will be h e l Friday a t 8:30 a-ro. a t 'th e Day Funeral Home, Keyport At 9 a.m, a solemn high requiem mass will be celebrsted by the Rev. Corneli-

- us J . Kane, pastor, in S t Joseph', Church. Keyport Interment wifi be

in St. Joseph's Cemetery, Keyport

10 .years from today, m a n . young men and women will be sta- dying in. college/ their way paid, through saving NOW in O.S. Sav- inga Bends.

the m a ta w a n journal Peg* On* — $«concl $»ct]Qn


Before an .altar decorated with white gladioli and chrysanthe­mums, Miss Shirley Marie Foti, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Rosaro Foti, Grove S t; Cliffwood, became the bride of Ira Glynn Jones, son of Mr, and Mrs. J . C. jQ(ifs. Louis­ville, Ky.

The Rev. John J . Hendricks per­formed the double ring ceremony in St. Joseph's Church, Keyport, Saturday, Jan. 10, 195?, a t 3' p.m. Miss Loretta Durahte played tradi­tional wedding music on the organ.

Given in marriage b^ her father, the bride wore a full-length gown of white satin designed with a scoop neckline outlined in pearls, three-quarter-Iength sleeves and a chapel sweep skirt. Her flngertlp- length veil of illusion fell from a pear) crown and she carried a cascade bouquet of stephanotis pnd

whit* orchids'Two Atteadanta

Mrs. Stanley Golentbleakl, Sayre- ville, (Isttr of the bride, was the matron of honor snd Mrs. Edwin Ve»ell», Freehold, w*s the' bridal attendant, th e ir red velvet prin­cess sfyla.. afternoon gowns had * c o o p necklines, short lleevts,

trapeze backs and semi-flare front skirts. They wore white fur pill­boxes and car.-ied white m u f f * with baby potnsettia decoration. .

Stanley GolembieskI, Sayreville, brother-in-law of the bride, was the best man. Edwin Vesells ush­ered. • •

For her daughterVw e d d I n g, Mrs. Foti chose a powder blue faille street-lenglh, dress with white hat, black accessories, and an orchid corsage. The b r i d e - groom'a mother selected a cham­pagne satin aftemoon-length dress with a brown velvet hat and ac­cessories and an orchid, corsage.

After a reception at the Veterans of Foreign Wars Hall, Clllfwi ' the couple left for Kentucky.

The bhdwefeduated from wan High School, Class of 19J3, and la employed by the U. S Army Signal Research and Devel­opment Laboratory a t -Fort Mon­mouth. The bridegroom, attended Louisville Schoola and waa honor­ably discharged from tha W. S. Army at Fort Monmouth In No­vember. ___

The coupie will reside in Louis­ville where the bridegroom w i l l resume hi* position with the J . C. Jones Hardware Stores, *

'(wood,’• /



Mother Of Area Residents Dies

Mrs. Benedetta (Bessle) l ^ t o J , mother o f^ tre. Joseph^ D Aloia and Mra. Nicholas

Union Beach, died Saturday Bight, Jin . 10. 1959, at her home. J* Bar­ker Ave., Shrewsbury ‘Township.She was the widow of ComUl* Ma- letto. .. ; . .

She was born In Italy, *M bad lived most of her life in W te d States. She was a member of St. Anthony's Churchy Red Anthony’s Fraternity, Third « rder of St. Francis and the Columbian- tes. Long Branch Council. ,

Also surviving is another daugh­ter. Mrs. FreV Thom pson,N ew Shrewsbury; four sons, J a m e s , Long Branch; John, New York; Thomas, New Shrewsbury, a » d Peter, - Eatontown; 28 grandchil­d ren ' and seven great-g r a n d- children. ,

Funeral s e l v 1 ces were held Wednesday a t 8 a.m. a t the Wil­liam S. Anderson Funeral Home, Red Bank. At 9 a.m ..a high requi­em mass was celebrated In St. An­thony's Churcb. Interment.was In Ml. Olivet Cemetery, Middletown..

Mrs. Harry LurieMrs. Winifred E. Lurie, 77, for­

merly of 1300 Second Ave., Asbury Park, died Thursday, Jan. *, 1959, in’the Water's Edge Rest Home, Keyport. She was borij tn Newark, daughter of the late Henry, and Winifred (Quigley) Poole. She was the wife of the late Harry Lurie and was a practical nurse. '

There are no known survivor*. Private funeral services were

held Monday at 10 a.m. a t the John W. Mchlenbeck Funeral Home, Hazlet. Interment was In Fair View Cemetery, Middleiown.

4 Mr*, Kenneth E. Conklin sr. ®M rj. ‘Ada Conklin, 76. of 100 Elizabeth St.> Keyport, died Mon­day, Jan. 12, 1959, In Monmouth Medical Center. She waa tin wid­ow ol Kenneth E. Conklin l r „ Mid was borh. in Keyport, daughter of the late George and Adeline (Wool­ley) Waltt. ' ;

She was a member of Calvary Methodist Church, Keyport, 1

Surviving a r e ' t w o diugM ett, Miss M argaret E . Conklin and M ia Helen V. CohklliC Keyport^ three ion*, Kenneth E. Jr., Joha H., Keyport, and William W., Shrewsbury, and one brother, Wil­liam Waltt, Keyport, ' 1 :

F u n e r a l services were held Wednesday at 2:30 p.m. a t the Bedle. Funeral Home, K e y p o r t ^ with the Rev. Dr. tflllm tn T. Wil- liami, pastor of the Calvary Meth- odist_fburch, officiating. I n t e r ­ment was In Green Grove- Ceme­tery. Keyport

Bride Of Sayreville Man

Parents Welcome New rri,y*lsi_.-.t i

M r, and Mra, Jam es Lucas, 177 Teiaa-Rd., Matawan, a re the par­ents of a son, bora Sunday, "Jan. II, 1959, In Monmouth M e d i c a l Center.

LaneA daughter was bo i t Saturday,

Jan. 10, 1959, in Rivervtew Hos­pital, to Mr. and Mrs. Alpboase U no, 11} Crescent St., Keansburg.

Mr. and Mrs. Anthony •Likipa, 15 Edgevlew "Rd.. Keyport, are the parents of a son, bom Saturday, Jan. 10, 1959, In Rivervlew Hospi­tal.

G i l f e 'A son was horn Saturday, Jan.

10, 1959, In Rivervlew Hospital, to Mr. and Mrs. Albert. Oilier, 2 Cot­tage Pi., Keansburg.

. Male -The Rev. Henry A.

3 * .• T i* y ■»

M r.-and Mrs. Ervin C. Tomy, Cheotequake' Kd., Mtdiaon

Park, Are the parents'of twin son*, born In S t Jam es Hospital, New­ark. ,

ClarkA daughter was bom Saturday,

Jan, 10, 1959, In Monmouth Medi­cal Center, to M r and Mrs. Eu­gene Clark. 119 Theresa AVe„ Kay-p o r t " ■ .

, Boyce . 1A/2C Bariy Boyce and Mrs.

Boyce, are the pcrenta of ,a daugh­ter, Sharon Ann, born Saturday, Dec. 27. 1958, a t the U.A.A.F. » th Tactical Hospital, BUburgr- Ger* many. Mr. Boyce is tha son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Boyce, Green Grove Ave., Keyport

Male andMate, IVWarwn St . Keyport;]-----

are t It e parents of a daughter, bora Saturday,. Jan. 10, >959, la

Formal Wear

To HireW . S . W A L L A C E


M rs u l ! « ■ ' f t n l s b l a r * ■ ; Skaca

k r m f s t «


A daughter, was bom Thunday, Jan. 8, l t o , In Fillda Memorial Hospital. Neptune, to M r) And Mrs. John Sigmund, 33 Fierro Ave., Matawan. - -

(Mink . -Mr. and Mrs. H arry Odlnij, 1}

Atlantic Ave., Matawan, a re the parents 6f a son, born Thursday, Jan. 8, 1958, In Monntouth Medical Center. ' ;w ’ ..

TneazkawiUA son-wiut ta rn Thursdsy, Jan.

8, 1959, In Monmouth Medleil'Cen- ter, to Mr. and Mra. wyiiaid Trzeszkowskl, 30 F r a n c e * ; PL. Keansburg. \

Mr. and Mni. Waller Doyle,. S Cornell Dr., Hazlet, a re 'th e par­ents of a daughter, bora Friday, Jan. 9, 1959, in Rivervlew Hospi­ta l ■ '■ '

■ . . Catfa 1 - • 1 >'A daughter waa bora Friday,

Jan. 9,1959, in Rlverview Hospital, to Mr. ’ and Mr*. WDUam Costa, 9 Clover Dr., H a ik t. ;

. • Wharfsa .... ^Mr. and Mr*. Robert Wharton,

14 S t Oetrrge PL. Keyport, a re the parent* of a m , bora Thursday, Jan . t , 1959, in Rivervlew Hos­pital.

; ; ’ 1. McGaira . - 'A daughter wa* bora Wednesday,

Jan . 7, 1959. in Monmouth Medical Center, to M r. sod Mrs. Hugh Mc­Guire, 31 Ravine Dr., Matawan.

. ; ' Kerpes ....-.Mr. and Mra. Engene Kerpen.

Rente IS, Box Cl, Keyport, a re ih a paresis o i a daaghter. bora Thuy- dajr, Jan . I . I W ,- l a . Moamootk Medical Center. .

A daughter w a sb o m Monday, Jan. 12, 1959, in Monmouth Medi­cal Center, lo Mr. and Mrs. John Duffy. 17 Surrey Dr., Haslet. -


WeedMr. and Mra. Albert Wood, 41

Collins Ave., Keansburg, are the parent* of a ion, bom Mond*y, Jan. 12, 1959, , ln Monmouth Medi­cal Center. -

, ffeden .A daughter wa* bom Monday.

J a ii 12, U ^ , in Rivervlew Hos­pita l,‘fo Mr. and Mr*. P a t r i c k Keelen, 310 Main St/Keansburg,

; . - ' l ' Bail ,Mr; and -Mr*. Frank Bell, Mdr-

_ iwOle,; i i a i i i r parenti of f a daughter, -born Monday, Jan . 11, U59, in Rivervlew Hospital. .

’co r^ aae ' V ,A daughter was bom M o n da y ,

Jan. 12, 1959, In Monmouth Medi­cal Center, lo Mr. and Mr*. John Coidone, «6 Liberty PL, W e s t Keansburg.

Ctrenlngham - Mr. imd Mr*. John Cunningham,

9 Woctliand Rd , Hazlet, are the p«m)t* of a daughter, bora Mon-.

F ^ n e i ^ l ^ e j ^ I c e ^ 'R M d ea . : - ’ f

' FUnerat services wem held at the ’ Beddiges-Seiit Home. Jersey City, for Mra. El|(«beth ( H e n r y ) Smith Rhoades, mother ot Mrs Florence Clarihew and Mrs Ger trade DeShang, Union Beach. who died Tuesday, an,;.*, 1959, In the Manor Nursing HojnA'.jersey City Interment was In Gmve Church : Cemeteiy, North Benten.

She was the wife o/ the late Leo Rhoade*. , . _ (-„Also *urvlvtnf ^fijf}ive o l lT<• i daughters, Mr*. Marion Robin Mr*. Lillian McKay; Mrs. M a r y Faibert, Jer*ey City; Mrs. Edith Hansen, Mr*. Ruth Bernhardt. N<-» Milford; three ton*. Louis a n ,i John Smith, Jeraey City, and Wti bur-Smith.Lywdtinflt.

. Mr*, M n MorrisseyFuneral services were held Sai

urday a t 8:10 a.m. a t the Oay Fu neral (tan e , and a t I a.m. a hiah requiem m a n wa* celebrated by the '^ev. C. J . Kane, paator,,i> si ; Joseph’s Church, Keyport, to t M rs.! Dorothy M orrii«y , 4a, -of 74 West Front S t, Keyport, who died Tues

Miss F.tleen Joyce Hogan, daugh­ter of Mr and Mrs. Patrick W. Hogan. 242 Main St., Keyport, be­came Hie bride of James J o h n Conover, aon of M rr Catherine Conover, 7 Little Broadway, Sayre­ville. and John Conover, 208 Nor­wood Ave., Laurence Harbor, Sat­urday, Jan. 10, 1939, al 3:30 p.m. in St. Joseph's Church, Keyport. The Rev Corneliua J Kane, pst- tor, performed the Louble r i n g C e re m o n y before an altar decorat­ed with white gladioli and pom­pons. Mlsi Miry Ellen Keating, $puth Amboy, was the soloist and Miss Loretta Durante, organikt.■ Given In marriage by her father, the bride wore a full-length gown fit white crystalette designed with a sabrlna neckline bordered with Pfarl-embroldered lace, long taper­ing ilecvei and a chapel-l e n g t h train. Her fingertip veil ol llluilon fell from a crown ot pearl (range blossoms and she carried a white prayer book adorned with a white orchid and stephanotis

Miss Joan Sicatkowskt, S o u t h Amboy, was the maid of h o n o r JteL.emexald-grMiU-valvel caclt- tail-length gown bad a scoop neck' lU ajuidbailoon. bottom,-She' w4jr» a matching pearl tiara with abort v e i l and carried a cascade of white carnations with p o l l * h e d Ivy' lasve*. ■

Three BridesmaidsServing as bridesmaids v

Miss Lynn Motitan, South Amboy; Miss France* Vecchlo and M i a s Lindt Emmons, Keyport. T h e i r gowns and headpieces were styled like tfiB^honar attendant's in red and they carried cascade bouquets of white carnations with polished Ivy leaves.

Frank Llska. Sayreviilq, was the best man and ushering were Wil­liam liogan, Keyport, brother of the bride; Gal do Seise, South Am­boy, and Joseph Kupich, S a y r e - vllle.

The bride's mother (elected I navy blue **tln sheilh dreii with a powder blue fe^thtr hat and ac­cessories and a corsage of white roses. The brldejroom 'i m o t h e r chose a white brocade ehtath dreii wtth a white h it and icceitoriel and a corsage el white roses.

After a reception at the Step-Inn Ballroom, Sayreville, the c o u p I e left for Washington, D.C. For trav­eling, the brid* wore a black wool suit with a n itt hat’ and acceisor- les and a white orchid corsage.

The bride graduated f r o m St. Mary^S'Hlgh 8chool, 8oBth ~Amt»y: Class of 195$, and was employed by peynold*; p*rth Artiboy. '

The bridegroom attended ' l i y n - vllle High Jchool, lerved In Ihe I). S. Army and li employed by Jersey Billets, Inc., Old Bridge. '

The couple Kill reside *t 110 Manor St., Morgan.

Are Announced' . Lofkewlch-Wllkltti

Mr. and Mrs. Harry J. Wilkins, 42 Lake Blvd., Matawan, announce the engagement of their daughter, Dorothea A., ,o Tlioodoro N. Lsf- kowich, son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Lefkowlch, Freelioid-

Miss Wilkins.* gradurto of Mat­awan High School, Class ot 1958. Her fiance Is a graduate ol Free­hold Regional lligh School and now It srrving in the U.S. Navy stationed al Lakehurst Air Station.

No date has been set lor the wedding.

Nevatln-Fiisce Mr, and Mrs. Steven Fusco,

97 Pacific Blvd, Cliffwood Beach, have announced the engagement of their daughter, Thereaa, to Am­brose Novatln, ion of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Novatln, (9 Pacific Blvd . Ciiliwood Beac)i. -

Miss Futcp Is a graduate of Ferris lligh School, Jersey City, and is employed by Glmbel Broth- r n , Now York. Her fiance Is a grsduate ol Sayreville Htgh School and is employed as an electronic technician by Electronic AiMcl- atra, Inc., Long Branch.

lluft<)*erglaBa................'M rriiif 'ffitn C a iP B ItO Georgi­

ans, New Brunswick, announce the -engagement of their daughter, Frances M.. to Cheater S a m u e l Hull', son of Mr. and Mr*. Chester Huff, 07 Forest Ave., Laurence Harbor.

lisa Georgia,ta graduated from N M tanm sw ck High School and is employed by the New Jersey Belt Telephone Co„ New Uruniwick.

Danville, ill,, and the late Mr, Otis. . . . . . ,'h .. ......

Miss Galilgan graduated from Matawan High School and I r on* ployed by the General Cable Corp., Perth Amboy. Mr. Wherry gradu­ated from Danville High School and Purdue University, Lafayette, Ind. He is employed as an engi­neer at White Sands MUsiio Range,New Mexico.

An Apr, 4 been set.


date ha*

Paulin-Prevlna Mr. and Mrs. Alexander J. Pro-

vlna, 61U 1-runt St , Union Beach, announce, the enRagenient of their daughter, Carol Marie, to Leonard


C, Paultn, son ot Mr. and -M r* . Cailmlr Pauilrt, KM Florence Ave., Raritan Townihlp. - .

Mlia Provina I* a senior at Key- port High School. Her fl*nc« llio attended Keyport High School and ha* served In the U S, Army. He graduated from the M lll'try Pollct Training Center, Fort Gordon, O*. lie li employed by the Keyport Nath, Inc., Keyport, .

No dale has W en set for the wedding,

McDenald-latwrMr, and Mr*. William P. 8auar,

11 Hilltop Blvd., Cliffwood Besch, announce ihe engagement ol Ihelr daughter, Joan, to Joseph McDon­ald, son of Mr. Mt) M n, Thomai McDon*l(l, 1 litw lhom e St., Cliff­wood.

Miss Sauer attended ^yrevllt* (continued on pat* three,

second Mellon)• U « f MieaOaat• H n - l t i l u U s .

M i* S . .


Mr. Hull attended Matawan High School and Is employed as a car­penter by Streleckl Contractor, Me(uchen.

A spring wedding Is. planned

— - w w r f jw a n q j s r t

Mr. atid Mr*v William OalUgatii m low er M n M*wtvw, an- nounte fh» enfagement o f , t Jl * I r daughter, Ellsn, to John‘0 . Whor ry, son of Mrs, Otl* Wherry Jr.,

lived In the vicinity of K e y p o r t moat of hll life. -

Surviving are several nlecrs.The Bedle Funeral Home, Key­

port, wgi Jn_. charge, of- arrange. inentH^**

M n. R J. Carlson Funeral servlcei were held Fri­

day In Worcester, M au., for M n Anna Caftion, 70, of Shrewsbury Mass. Mrs. Carlson was the moth ■m oTCouncllman Everett E Carl­son, Matawan, She was the wife nt the late H. J . Carlson.

AI*o MiylvJng is another s on . H. J . Carlton, serving with the U. 8. A lr.Force In Japan, andone daughter, Mra. Everett Nlcol, sherbrowe,' Canada.

Defenie Bondi pay the same rate of Interest ai the War Bondi you bought during the war. Buy •omet.

day evening, Jan. «, 1959. in River, vie* Hospital. Interment was In St. Joseph’* Cemetery. Keyport.

She was bora tn Keyport. daugh­ter of the late Frank snd Catherine (Gregeraon) ^Wallace. She was a Aember of the Ladles Auxiliary of the Hook and Ladder Company, Keyport, and wai a communicant of St. Jo*eph’a Church, Keyport

Surviving are her husband, John, three *istei]i, Mis* Eli*’ -Wallace and Mr*. Raymond Price, both of Keyport, and Mr*. Walter Martin, Hazlet; four brothers, Yeppe Wal­lace, Roosevelt, L .I.;' John Wal­lace and Raymond Wallace, both of Keyport, fn d Harold Wallace, Freehold ..........

Johan Alfomer Funeral 'services’were held Fri­

day at 10 a.iq. a t die Pay Funeral Home, Keyport, and a t 10:30 a m. a lilgh requiem mass was cele­brated by the Rev. C. J. Kane. In St. Joseph’s Church, Keyport, for Johan Nturner, 57, of 1 East Jack S t, Hazlet, who jdled suddenly Tuesday night. Jan. 8. 1959. at his

Medical {Center.

- ' SM bes .A daughter w i bora Sunday,

Jan; 11, 1959. In Rivervlew Hospi­tal, to Mr. and Mrs. Michael Sir!] ■en. 21 Scholer D r., Union Beach.

day, Jsn. 12; 1959, Iq Monmouth W >»- Interment was In S t Jo­" " • -------- seph'a Cemetery, Keyport.

He wa* bora in Germany, andhad lived In Hazlet for the past

Wills Filed■ . . i .

' Safvstara H r* * Salvatore Piro. Raritan Town­

ship, who died Dec. 2. IKS, named hi* widow, Elvira Piro, lole benefi­ciary of hi* , estate, according to a will dated June t , 195*.

Slgmaad MaMerSigmond MaMer. H azlet who

died Dec. 1, 1»8. left atoct and l w ar hood to t niece, X iU U t Winn, and the rentabsder o f tb# e*tata p t a np tew. Edward J . ' Mslder. 'a t - eMdtag to • will dated. J a n .1 7 ,

live month*. He was employed at a chef.

Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Suiana (L auer) Neumer; three daughter*, Mr*. Carmen Mam- mano, with whom he lived; Mn. Sutia Hathoock, Decatur, Ala., and Mi** Maria Neumer, Bayonne; several brother* and aister* la Germany, and fear grandchildren:

. VUal* GrandeA requMjn'Maar was celebrated

Monday a t 9 a.m. at SL Joseph's Church, Keyport, with the Rev. Cornelius J . Kane, pastor, officiat­ing. for Vitale Gr«nde. 94. of Rose S t . CUffwood. who died Wednes­day. Jsn. 7, 1*59. In Monmouth County Welfare Home, Freehold. Interment was j i S t Joseph's Cem(U jy rX eypM t

was bora , in Italy *nd had


6 ( KBY PH O N E ...eo it! u n i t tocillgnnofit...inywti«rt*J Mia, lliM i (wH tfMi A*b«rr «(Uf I ftt »f4 19 #ir lift. Ut Ml t*».

C o u p l t W « d In H o b o k e n

Ml** M ary Lepre, daughter of Mr, and Min,'.L^>n Lepre, Everett Rd-r Holmdel Township, and Jo- •eph Valenti, aon Of Mrs. Suzanne Valenti,: Hoboken, and the late Ser gel V»l*n(l, were married Satur­day,' -Dec. *, 1958, in Our Lady of Grace C h u r c h , Hoboken. The couple are residing a t 702 Williow Ave., Hoboken.

A IM y K ta i 'd ifc 'M 'j!- *•* *** * 9 "* * "


10 MAIN MT TKL, CJO .. U l f O k l

h e r c 'a w i s h i n g y o u a B o n V o y a g e

and our planning m akes it right)

You’r* aura ol fun on th a t o ru lie or ocean v J>#,a ■ e wben you counTwn u* to mako -ail liia^ trrangem ent* .

Brown Travel BureauOi> c iu n Vailti s-ttll - l i t tn llk It, rs r t t AaikaiI Broadway, a«ri»ri - MlitU Cilia OOlfaa «4*>l



A l u m , s t o r m s a s h

, S a m * D a y S o r v l e *We t ic k Up in d Deliver

CO 4-1151


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9Wi f n MlM M w IIi I w m Bd

Your Auto Loan .

can be a rrnn)(ed q u lok ly , eaillK a itd econom ica lly a t T h a

F arm or* a n d M erchan t* N a tio n a l B an k . M o d o rita b a n k

r a ta t - no com m ltsloM , (a•»< Of e x t r a c h a r g u o f 'a n y

n a tu re . T h a fu ll im o u h t of th e l iu u r a n ’cc prO m lum m ay

Ijp. Inc lu d ed in y o \ir lo an I t d a tirM ,

Whan ou buyryooif n*»w ur, W this prompt, vanlant financing service. .

n p ti, M n* '<



..-v'-,,; v ' : M a t a w a n " ' ._ '■ f f i i K i t w t l i JtrtiiiM iwi iB fl

tiHsfcs* redarsl I w m ty stea > Mamkw M a i l pewsM Jaeor****" ■ ’* 0»nsratt«« , ’ * . .... .' ■

Page 2: Studios - DigiFind-It · lln, afid Carmen Giordano. Sayre- ville; one . lister,' Mrs. Anthony Lodato, Elizabeth, and 11' grand children. Funeral servicer will be hel Friday at 8:30

P a g * T w o — S e c o n d - S e c t i o n THE WfATAWAN JOUBNAt J w w o r y 1 5 , 1 9 i f

3etShows Increase

I . Rustcll Woolley, Monmouth County C ter^ l j hi* indual report to the Board o( Freeholder., noted receipt* of the Land Records Sec­tion and Court Department of his office (or 1958 were J182.568.2J, decreace of (10,723.69 under the 1957 figure. :

Mr. Woolley .Uo reported that . all paper* received during 195S have been, received, filed and jnailed. The last paper, he s*jd waa mailed at 4i3t p m. Dec. 31 a i the office worked to complete all 1958 mailings within the year. -M r. Woolley lilted the filings as:

Deeds, mortgages, a n d miscella­neous papers, 29,257; conditional bills of sale, mechanics notices of

' intention, building contracts, and trade names, 9929.

>721 Cases In Courts.Court records indicated 3723

cases instituted in all courts, in­cluding indictments. Papers filed in connection with the suits num­bered 32,650. He said 2379 cases were listed.for trial; 1121 w e r e disposed of; with 1257 pending' as of Jan. 2. Mr. Woolley also report­ed 1291 passport applications hand­led and 268 certificates of natural ization issued.'T h e sale of federal revenue

stamps amounted to 442,171. The' stamps are' handled by the county clerk’s office W a public service, the county receiving no revenue from the sale.

A total of 151,024 photostat pages were produced, he said, an aver­age of 004.2 pages daily, Mr. Wool­ley also reported 27,402 pages of records photostated for other coun­ty offices in 1958, A total of 22,994 pages of abstracts of deeds were photostated for use of the Moo-

J mouth County Tax Board, the tax assessors of the county municipal' jtles, and the stste tax equalization program. ' ... '

Other detain Tnftudfd 35( record books and index books rebound, 23$ record binders used to accom­modate the 29,257 papers recorded during ' t he year, and 250 record binders manufactured by our own bookbinder, making It possible to secure a better grade of materi­als a t a considerable. Having in price, Mr, Woolley reported. .

L E G A L N O T I C E L E C . A L N O T I C E L E G A L H O T I C R L E G A L N O T I C E

Monmouth County Budget 1959I^Kit B udatt of. Lfca calm ly of HoM O ttlh I*

II U certified that tha bufliet AAMiad - -­§1 lb* fv te ro ta s body a s U u 7lb d a j •» iU B M l »9M.

IM9 C O W T ! BL'M OT _ . .u U i • p v t M TNl i l l Ifft* a f i t o B a M k f w i l i iU *

w T 1th of Ju u m 1? 19Mw

W tth d f of Jaouary 1IM

m ro« vitb tao

■' 1 t o m l WUT ftvii, M. J

II l ^ h i iM i h i U IM - t a t Ik . w r o i t s t g l l i l ■•<» u n i x i - u . T

( I ts th . IH llK M IU 1 U n U S WIJgMl fc-fH** >snuu<

..........1 ra*Aui> aiabiacB »s"i oeawxioir o r c ia r tn c in o * o r v i s m jo s OT LOCAt. o o n u t m m T The AfcHW o? wfclei #11— ■ K M f « ta*oe» h—iU a w it* faeafcar a if iw i — U k BaifM l

s c a r e sor i M 'm r WM.



£ K « i^AaKr* Part Pioaa. P*rt«U U H M V Allentown: tilt JourDmL JUIUUt B S B lU d li Uw CflMt ,

*e»corl W okil r .y p o r l, Uonmootb AjbmUm. U »«. B n » c h '1j * C o u ( (IW ,* ” « • o to»» Tfcnfi, O c ..« o ru r i ; H*0 l u l l u i u u r . IM S u lk : » » « •» * » •■ O rth u ra t; SM IlM l. a u r . BliliUaiH:

" -" W u S i i- s . ‘b» dw .* v {2 t a s i s r s s - . i s s — » » « < » ~ .eoulh oo lt.« n ii d . j or j« n u .t^ W >M) u h I4 „ R ,u , r a « o , i i Is J. j O th . 4lb <*• •« JMwiisir. IHI •<f.M ® cl** P *1 • iwblcb i lln e jwd piui objeeUoaa U ufit bu4pt Aa* |A* f» *U Couatj m Moaaautt 'far the vur l«» ■»»b« pmtBled U tpty tr* oc ottwr iam«rt*4 in w m . f _ _ _ , - — — i - ___ _



ToUJ of Qeacr*} Appropriation* . . . . . ■■■■ — ........ * •Appropriation — R w crv* lo r U o ea lk c tw T » m ..................... .

Total ApproprUtlona ........................ ......................a s . .U»»; Aotlciptted (Uvaoui* ............................ .AxDouot to b* fiBUtd b r T a « tlo n fur P o rp w e »>•*,,*

iL'miAar o p » ii A m o ra u n o x i u m m i CiKctiiWt o n i l '



. M.I7UH.H u .m iu ih

• B udfrt AoproprUtioM l « # n tw j Approprlallooi

T o u t A p proprU ttsu .

IH I i u (Im *1 lor "p ttc r I ip iU H ’’

7b» * a* 8 JU *ppromiUt»4 un4»r U>* UU# a i “o i b»r g tp to* ------- .a— - £ ' - — U n g i ” fotlu — . Jto» ABMJil* *ppremri»tB4 tu u ifr ih* UU# § i *Ott»r

BsftfftdtuirtirPftM « r C b « l« 4 ........ *lUMrvtd .....................

Paiitw ikdid BAIm m i C W nitWT d( aI iW B d ttB m ftu L .C w sp tftM

V»)ancfr ..........................DrmipMiitum* ............ .......................

Mvttil AftteprUtlMt MuWI.

•mu■o nwf. • -

y .su jifji

- IliU rU lA , lU P A lttrM f #W#««AbU MttlllMMl.; w y w i Awl m^ s Um b c « H v tp m ta t. r tU i •»-rifllflfUll SSfTwW, '

“ ©part M A toftel— MIMb u la ba tp iu ia .m . u i - p t m i H i i tfUAMltf to d 'a lm lU r u tU U & er

.U tultlM , UuoraM*^ p rta tlM m u A d r n lu is f sianf othwH lW M H B ttll I f UM M (TltN i n 4 l l M *} H U t ; | 0**r«me#l

AwncifAtip Im nw A y "

ti •■rptM SwS i ? AppnprM** rttat' Pm m A «i Mn^«r>«r

^ u f m i ...........................................................

K tfuM * acaoubI «f ftAtaruv •< Court ..................................... ....................

I m ,m M i m.Hf.M l.oMJ1

•U tA 'K tfu M • ACAOUBl____IntairlUBC* T » l . . .

•arm iiv .... ................

. f .k •>*>:<’ '• .........• ( County' ji ii tw im \» SU U I& ititullonv .......... \* \............


Land Reclamation- Report I* PrM«ntad ,

The Monmouth Pounty Land Rec­lamation Cofnmlflon has received information on r ollc land holdings

„ In the county- ladlcatlng that 23 square miles of property are held In the county by state.snd federal authorities, It was announced to­day by T tu m u McCUntock, com­mission chairman. In. addition, the,

-_c^tunJiilO tt-.Jtetfnc<L.^ji„«nuU ir ... a re a 'l l also held by the state and 1 federal governments r (uider lease,

Figures on the land holdings were prepared by Chsrjes Pike, county Planning Board director,

Mr. McCUntock said that while much of this Isnd Is being em­ployed to "useful purpose, Includ­ing application vital to national da-

■ fense and public welfare, there are certain parcels of considerable size which, for various reasons, are definitely not being used. “£ome of these properties," he said; “ are so sltuated as to repre­sent Ideal potential sites for pub­

. Uc recreational facilities.". The commission, Mr. McCUntock ^ laid, is now irn n g ln g conferences

• with state and federal officials to explore In greater detail-the prop- e rtiet and the possibility of their

-won! -■ . . . • .

. ISM4.iiS df.,

I. O fM ral ( l im a 1 .1 .1 a« I O .<••••♦•«A i M H i I I 6 i r i iM i k r t i i i U M ' M i i r parpMA Taa .

f. Total O tM ial I m i M ........................................


MN4ff lH M I M l.eB4.9M.tt M M .IW .M t l l i m N

K S i l l 11.01,IILU

w i w i t e rAppr^UlW I t p t n M 1»5A

t , O ta tra l Appr«pr>atJ*M

( t tr IM* f t r IM I

being made available recreational use.

for , f * Mlie

National Motor Boat' Show Open* Tomorrow

With more than 400 exhlbita of — re la t io n a l boati. marine englnea

and nautical accesaorles packed Into the four floors of the mam' moth Columbus Circle -showpiece, the 48th annual National Motor Boat Show will open, tomorrow for Ita 10-day run at the New York Coliseum.

Joseph E. Choate, show mana­ger, announced that the doors wlU swing open sharply a t I p.m. to unveil the 1939 pleasure fleet 0f more th in 430 boats rsngtng from a tiny alx-foot fiber g lils dinghy to the luxurious 48-foot Richardson laboard motor yacht with accoini- modatlons for 10 persons.■ The five-hour premiere tomorrow

night will be highlighted by two notable special events, a fashion show'1 for the aklpper's mate and an hour-long coast-to-coast radio broadcast featuring Guy Lombar­do's orchestra and Interviews with boating personallUes.«The fashion show to be presented by Vogue

, magazine and B. Altman Co. Is scheduled for. 8-9 p.m. On the fore­deck of the 46-foot yacht

Eternal Light Award For Governor Meyner

Gov. Robert B. Meyner will be presented with the Eternal. Light

. Award for "distinguished scrvico la the cause of brotherhbod and human! dignity v/hlch. exemplifies the standards which lbs. Eternal

■ L igh t: teaches," by the Northern New je rsey Region of the Jewish

; r^jjeologlcal Seminary of America B t X dinner" Sunday evening, Feb.

' t ; 1st) 8:30 a t the Essex House, Newark. Tho -. announcement wos made T by Sheridan Schechner, d ia lm ian of . the 'sem inary dinner committee.

- le ad e rs of 65 Conservative Con­gregations in Narthcrtt^Ncw Jer-

- ity^wlU attend the dinher to sup- pp rf the work of the Seminary

.(A lted Hebrew Congregation, Key- ^ * in b e r r f iw n te d by Rabbi

> ,Revlon and synagague of-

SClMAMI . .* and « im


% X n l ■ g'-

f c 'O a p a r lm v n lt f F tacaM t . ■• Count? T r ta a u m * C ouot/ AudUM1!

Salailta adiT «A |i» , '; . 5 0iW iaT


‘i s s

l . n u a k r t . t j l I n IMS

B a n s * . “, r . 1 T r i a a f tn .

fall «r

ixpartrtM t; . fount? C ounui:, aalariM a«4 ............ ............................

- 6th*r#»P«nm . . . . . . . . . l . . i .M i>t>t,t..i.w isa>f..ai>Coortr A d/aturc OfiU#{( . >

. SalarUa and wain ......... ......... .... ........~ O th tr M M a m ................. ...........................a ..

CUrk at tb i loard ; !•A larita and v a f ia ...............oUtir n p n m ...........

C w n t r C k r t rSalarlfa And w a in .......... ........................................ .Othw eip«ni«a ...........,>..<>•>• ....... ...........

..oth«r txpAQMf •ilbiftdtai rMpida~ l » b a t o « t a i Dipartmiot ............

C tn n tr • w r o f a u : - •• \Balulca And vaim . .................. .O ib tr n p an iM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . r . . . . . . ................. ... . ., oihar eipanna-Rihtadla* Bffloidi ......... ...»......

, Buildings am raroandft! ' ■' "c o u n Houi*. J i i l i m Hail t f fU w rd u

Ba|arl«i and w an a .................o th a r a ip fn m « H H t. UctttAM P « m . . . . . . . . . . . . . .o thai «xp»niM • ru rs ltu ra . H x tu ru •n d V p U c a a M U Otfttr c x p M u a t- lu p p titf , r tp a ir i * mUeilfaaMUa . . .

T tlcphont fiB hA niat - • ’ta la r lc t and w a |t i . . . ...O tm r n p iD in ,

>:m c

It.M$ M


' ! : a aMn.M

L E G A L N O T I C E L E G A L N O T I C E - L E G A L N O T I C E . L E G A L N O T I C E

da . . . . .

O. T O T H M UOC a a i B K B o l* . . .


Boaurd of prl*oft*ra:Allaria* Aad **#«# ..................................

• • iM iM M d * » n ...............rrofeatioa DvparUntnt; -

SalarlM «n d wagea .........................Oifatr u p m a t t .........

C oiK itf W elfart BoArd:AdBialatrAilon* .

ftaiarUa and * l | M ...........................Old Ag« A ttu u n c a :

O ther «ip«na«B ...........................PtrnxaAAot D iaab llitf A aaiiUnca!

OUwr axpenataCrippled ChlW«B Aid:

O ther espenaea , . M enu) BaalUt CUoto;

Otb*r txpenaca , . - i - -■ I . • T U bm ular - AUenwood BoapUal;

■ Salarla* and wai«a ...................O ther etpeoaea ............... ..........

S. t f a a u f Dtaaaaea ............, Near* •» PayebUtria lD«tltu(a ..........

Pw U a Mkided




t s s

n.M.H la JH ii IIM N

iU B S



'M S

A £ * .



ii^ M .n :


si:Improvement at court nouaa and Orovodf} Other eipei Mi ..... ...............

A. TOTAL G W C tm it dOVTmtTMXIfT ..

IT iUDICiAavI , O tnaral County C ourtn v ”.- -BttjMrlaf Court! ! , -, . falarlea An4 «a|<*

O ther aipew ea . . . . . . . . . . o a f . ...........Coun If Court 1 5. BA[Arlea and wa|#a^Otbn espenaea County. Court U ' iaiariea and vafM ...

, O ther vxpenwe . . . . ,Cgui)ty,Court j ii --IWariatrABd-ir: c r |d » T r .flnlariea and wafia. OUier aipaniea .........Court Raportor*:.

* fa r i r ie f and va| mOthar axponiao. .............Cowrt.A ttandantrA nd O m eeri;O—ifdieiUil CWrfe'i • •fearUTA Otttoll ■

BAiATUA i l l vi —O W ttM M M id tM■ • *-------


l!U M RM .M

■ ' s,*is.*i

j j r wU.4U.M



,,’^ S.uitsi


H « :8


# # m » ,g # t m a i i , i

L U 4 I !

9 H tM 9 .l l n S . | . « , M l l

^ * ! ! , T r> ■ i .

_ >iaatMl&WTl Bipenaaai :I. J w ' baUUm a V .%. ....... ■itartai ab« v itw ........ •..•••...M.IIM.KltliH

t lM t l f lM r t"


Othvr i i M i n ........................rm e e t tia r 'a O ftkas •

SaarwsG^.:::::—:::•”•*•*«' ,%.<re“js*.u5,tsSfc?r*. Balsrtaa and va«ea <<,,

#wry ComaHaaioai .i««*..*aiMsir$*M*t»» ;

a a s - , . .................. ...aSTwtSaaa ' oai'AjU' iuiVla*' a 'MimaMV "— OdW IIM M .,. -: TT, . - - s l4V LIArrrf rOUnr uptaaaa

TOT*I* itmtnABT

■MB# * ? ;» » •tt.IM.991.19949


i S S ^ t w B — — 't f w i rI.199.M

* ? :« « • s s t s

‘? s s m

• :iri j | i n . i r t '1 . i l l . l t ' ; I.49M9-: XMM.M ' l lU IM t f 99.99U9: .. i i u m i w, im m m j - 49.91 UO

kM»9»,1.99190 ' - U999BB ' - M99JB

w m \ s s a

m n , < ^. 44IHW.- k S iS

, 1J99-9T - X^MJB ■ - . f ytfff

im & , t t t i ; ll £ &-r t im M : ....... • ; ;^ i9 M r

I.TMJ9 1.99199 MM.M9 M1S1MS 9 MB.I9KBB 9 ♦ JBW1TJ4-

u , »

w » • »

' . 1* ^

m **ITL»


« A |H .

B BO PU T IO ll B herirra OlltM t

B a k r to o ta dO*bor o m n i i ............ ...............................

Fallee Radio;B alarka i t 4 wa^aa ................... .Other e n r a e ta ................................

D epartm ent ft*&l*r of W al|hta f t WaaauraaiM larloa and « U H . . . . u .-.. . . . . . . . h

. . o th e r a tp a n m ......................................... f ta is ty Board o i .Taxatlon; . .Bauilee and *ai«a ..............wV,..,

O ther axpeniea ............... .................. ...O ountr Phyeiolan and C oronarai .

fiaiarlva and w aita . . . , . • . . . • > • • • > 1. . . . . . . .. - O ther expepiea ...............k Moaauito X iienntnatloa Cemalailott)

Othnr expemea .wtimi VAVvmci as.i.saaa>. Aid to Moiqutto Exterm ination C cn tn jJt • ■

County Bxpendtturt C h. 14 9 F X . 1 »>«J , *Other *xpene>a ........................ v : .......................

1 Board oi S le c t lo n a :' - -. and w a | » i ............................................ ....................

Other expeiuee ..................... ............... .....I . feuperlntendent of E lcd lo m and P irm am n t B egU U aliont• • B a la ite i and w a i t ! ........ ......................................

. ' Other cxpeniea ........................... ......................t . County B oard o f Electlopa: ' ......

. Balarlea and « a ie a ..............................._ Other expentee. .............10. County K ira M arshall: . • .

(lalarlea and* v a ( ta.* Other o xp ei^ H . , ..........................................U . County P 'a n n ln i B oard <IIB. 4 0 : 3 7 0 ) ! . , '

Balarle* and w aiea . . . r . • „ . r n > . l l . * . .» .» a .—. . Other cxpeniea , . ........................................

i . , J 0 ;.l?*r.., *»*nie8 - W a l « Re*ottreei B u rtty . . „ i . i „ .I I . Identification Bureau: A ' • •>,. >

Balarlea and wagea . . . .................Otfier e x jjfn if* . . -

19. C ivil O eferae and D liaater C ontrbl:. _ Other expeniea ............................................. .......................... .H. T r a in e ,8 a !f t y C onirdlnallont .........

B ila r le i and .w a i e a ..................... ......................‘ Other expm eea . . . . . . . . . . . . I . , , , , , , I . , . , , , , , ,

f t TOTAL RA O U tA TJO ff* . .................................

I I 4M.M f


X tiu jt"1.019, »

7U K .16

-10.316.00ii.iie .o o

U.ltO.M >1,900.60 ’

T IB.6M.Mu^rio

. m s ’ . M.1I9.MU.T19.M h j 4 i b '

12.994J9 ‘ 9.4IIJ9. iff |M.M-

9.M1M .... W ST.4MJB J.4M.T119.9M.9f- i- 4,999.99 • ‘iSJS ate- 1.MT.91

*?;5#8 • - •iSSRm i m

j , w , n

•11,11199 . HljlOO 9l.Til.9f

I.9M.99 —U99.M 1.W.9I,

KiiMtS S 1S

.l’:n» 8

M,11100 31.TC0.00



iiSW999.994X9.09 .,J. ’ 109.99' • ■

41099 . M9.CI4M.90 m 4U«' :/K-

.QM.09U.510.M .

, 4,1)3.00. - - IUOO.99 : .


■VM9J9 ' 941-91 I4.1IUB

r.919.09 • .400.00


* 9,040 M . 1.100.00 _1.MAH ' " "

T.IUJIJ.m .n ■ ‘


'• i . tn j iu y iM Vin.99

3,ft60.991.&0090 ' J.4W OO 7 j • •

1.000.M - ,'llOO.M 1.M9.M - 9.MBJB

1.1BTJI ‘ 11199I IJJ IM.Jf " ' 417.119JO • - i t u i u r i u i . i a J C » ) U « M i

D, R O /M And B R J D a ta A - ;__; r l u U Aid Uotor Vehlela funy ^ • ■ (a) Read Maintenances '

. . SalarUa and « a |e « .. . O ttrtr Mpi---- rr.n t »i.

tX I I U i f & a n sm<

% S e t i A r % ltenta In out of Coudfy8. M ev /em y BCat* Board of child WeUaro . . . . ............

, Miw Jaaaet Conanrtiaion for the BUad .......«< ua> i

. War vetofotti Burtal and c a r t al O ia m :. BAlaiiaa a m . . .» ..............................................

BAlAriaoO thar expeniea

II. Aid lA Oanera) Hoipltab:— ........ — M. ‘_ jriar

nfikrlN iid wateaU. 8ffiaS^m \^Brtor HtiiV

H . 0 ^ ^BAIarlAraAd vatoo .............« . . . ..................

H P«Mkrar^J##«rrar«MBt (M Woeraii DiMaiea*?.Y.\

C taatrrW >• v ».m*M. TOTAL- CftA H rrtBU L C O R *K TIO *A L A ^ l*B«AI» . . .

i s s s s w ^ ^ ^BAlartarAeyrAew.. ...................>. oouwy\»t!5»!SrLrT< -fini»’dr Hoew DeiionitfaUoiiai

•AlArtaa Axi «acm ................................. ............... .

|l,IU,944.Jf 91.43*J»Jd 1 . 91.4iA.UA.30 M.M.9M.93 9u**n m _

l.ftM.M ♦9 AM M



il.IM.M-4l.91l.4B n.M

B9.1M.M 1I.1I9.M - 11.919.M T1.919.M. 1).*t9M

M.M9.M, 1I.9M99

11.194 99M,019.19- 1I.IHU M.911.19

.... II.UI II C903.9B

9TJ3I41 91.M1.TI 92.991.11 91,991.11 . 1191.1M.M IM.900M 937.93009 311,11311 MWff-.19.991.99 19.999 99 99.000.M 93.911.44 4,443.19 .1I4M-M *" 1I.9M99 19,009.09 9.491.11 19.IM.1I

; 1I.M9.K 19,9M.M 10.9M.M . 9.9M.9I - M101,T19M 191.IU.M - 945.1M1I f3.9M.99Ul.Mi^O . 119M.M - i ~ T.9M.9B 4M4J3.09


193.979 M 145,999 M 904,019 M .U14IU 138.1A100

- 15.000 M...... 7.000.M .........

)33 lM.09 I9.9M99 .

1M.139.49 m.ejt.M „ 909.011.It 63.SUM

IM.3I1.I9 > 11,000.00 . . . T.009.09 .

I3B.IM.09 . II.M9.M


U9.9M.9f1.M3.19... . 4.393.li _331.934.19

M, 17149-

tT.T4l.9B M.91I.M 9.9Uii 19.91IJI

• -T.411J#j io io ? ----I.UIJ4I.9I1J1


l.ftM.M - 9,»S9.9r

1.M9.M . 9.999.(1

1,949-MI.IH.T9 4 .» 4 |

. 111 99.99* 4U0M99' 999.999JB 419.909 04 r r

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I9M91.II134.IU-4A I.9HJ1■ ' BflM.M


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P. OBB1 9ERV1C*Payment of Bond Principal:la) Btata Aid . Motor Vthlela Fund:

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•4 R DUffnoiUa Center^ Menlo Park. B. J .I I llarlboro Blata HoepftMnf« PanatnM Fund ' ' ... -j-. - ■ • _



Penalon ........................................ ju tlon. ttt_FubUa..Ka»IorooftBtUttiutBfr.fyiL

lontrlbutlon U Old Aga and lorvlvora InmABC*

a. t o t a l d i r m c d C H M ta n . a s sTiTD TO R T BXPBKDrrORBS . ...........

9. T o t a l o b h i r a l a p p r o p r i a t i o n s . . . . . . . . . . . .

DBOICATION BY RIOER- R. s. 40:3-19.1 ' “ . • “ . "_ ThoJJodkAlad l ^ n u H , AntlelpaUd darin* t o r m r I9M (eon "Bolld ruei LU euaa aad P M ltry Ueeniee - -rBequeit.'* ••«aeheat,#

^h*.»ra l p_rant,» “Motor V eU da Plnea- Aad ,,e»unty %Llbrary T ar* are hereby an tU lpitad aa m tn u e and are hereby appropriated < uPtt^POHQ eald ft n n u y la drdleatad b* A lM utr or othor le ta l re^ulremenL . '

***— tn_Jftart.au e raa fith f^ j^ n rn tT - of U onm onth .th a t accord l e t to the proeUlona at ' W t , th a t there afia irh* a u e m d ^ th a nun Of one>tenth il/w U H of A m lllT w r “T d u t r k t i of the county of M euaouth roetlvlnc the beoeQU of Xhe c iu n ty

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" t h e h < n ( < ! o f f •! ( I ’t ' t f


Sometimes you have to hold o n . . . .

Linda can’t BtA nd b Io m be* cBtue &he wm boro with b mil* fo rm e d c p rn e and h e f te f B d o n fi

w o r k very wtU. Th£ March of Danes will help c h i ld re n

Unda, crippled by such birth defects and by p o lio a n d arthri* tis. They ai/ need yourhelp.



Page 3: Studios - DigiFind-It · lln, afid Carmen Giordano. Sayre- ville; one . lister,' Mrs. Anthony Lodato, Elizabeth, and 11' grand children. Funeral servicer will be hel Friday at 8:30

January H , IW 9

Dun & Bradstr eet m a p s s t a k s y o o r m u s i c i a n s

7 H £ M A T A W A N J O U R N A L

- Bayafatt* *rea bujineti firm* listed ia the D m k Bradstreet re{- i r a n book increased by « last 'year over UST, it n i announced

. by Willard *• Garrison, district t r t t m t f t the firm'* Newark of- flee yesterday. _ '

L argeatgain i la the bayshore . I r n v e n made by Keyport, show-

V - tag tbs listing of manufacturers,a&4 retailer*,

increased by U from 287 t o d . Matawan followed closely w i t h U additional listings bringing it* total te M8. s ~

Other communitl*- showing lis t. ' lag gain* ranging between two -.nd

' (our were Cliffwood, Hazlet, Keans-.“^ “kiM grttolon Beech and Morgan- i

ville/TEe only community showing j a .decrease in the number of list- Jags w u Holmdel, down two from M to 11.

Service* Not Included— I t e referente io o k does not ln-- elude service and professional busj-

nesses, such as barber and beauty chops, -or Insurance and real ea- tote broker*, although identifying

; reports are maintained by the agency on the : vast majority of such operations.

' : “ During the past year," Mr.Garrison a a I d, “23,685 changes were made in the reference book

_ -U*ttog*-for businesies in s e v e n cofyntles.” These Included the addi-

* tloo of 8173 new names, the dele- Uon of 6470 that discontinued oper- attain, and credit rating changes of 9MJ previously existing bull-

.^nesses. . . . .“The credit position of every list­

ed business Is reviewed a t least ooce each /* a r," Mr. Oarriaon

- taid, "and any change noted Is tubsequeotly reflected in an adjust-

‘ ed credit rating In the following reference' b o e k .A revised refer­ence book is published every sixty <ta*a to a n let buyers and sellers in making credit dedstona.” Mr.

P a g e T h r t t — S e c o n d f a c t i o n

Joseph Colten and Arlene Frankie in an uproarioua scene In “Once Morr, With Feeling,” hit comedy about a temperamental conductor.

“Once More, With Feeling,” the H arry Kurnltx comedy about a temperamental conductor with a talent for antagonizing every­one in the musical world, has been a sellout a t the National Theatre, New York, sines its opening on October 21. Joseph Cotten, stage, screen Mid TV star, playa the maniacal maes­tro ' while Arlene Francis, the toast of “What's My UneT," glows as his martyred wife. This radiant pair are expertly aided by Joseph Buloff, Leon Belaftco* Rex Williams, Paul ju n k e r and Paul E. Richards, all victims of the conductor1* i t t t n and tantrums.

The critic* agree that "0n< More, WlUr Peeling* is the fu:

niest play ever written about the madmen who preside over our g rea t orchestras. Produced by Martin Gabel and Henry Margolis, and directed by George Axelrod, author of “The Seven Year Itch” and “Will Success Spoil Rock Hunter T,” -"Once More, W ith Feeling” provides an uproarious evening fo r those who seek escape and relaxation in the theatre.

In the twelve weeks since its, opening, “Once More, With' Feeling" has played to dozens of theatre parties. All these.era now behind, the comedy, with the result th a t food see W a t a l l1 prices a n now available a t tha Sox afflea o f the National e r through tha Mail* -

Garrison pointed out that M ceot of all commercial transactions are handled on a credit basil.

Xeapead Pre«p«y . of tha major factor* ia

maintaining ■ current credit rat­

ine ia m anags***’*spotsc to * • ja B * ? * * * • “ re­quest to each lwato*aa lo r year eod balanc* *be*U- This inform* Uon ape«da the flsnr and process tag of credit rating reva lua tion , and enable* a business to keep suppliers informed as to K* °P*r' ating trend and financial gw*th.

The credit raring cpnsUts «i two symbols, a tetter el the alphabet, Indicating finanni** growth* or tangible net w«f* ** *** fcstftoeMi and | number which 1composite appraisal of tha back­ground, operation, finances! Stabili­ty, and paying record of the firm

Each reference book listing, wiicliliyaS^,lthlS rating,' U a condensed summary of th* WW’ matkm contained In ti» Dun ft Bradstreet credit .eport Tha re­port itself includes jTklstofy business, and Its Owners, a .brief description of wtat tha- bwlness does, a financial section which usu* ^ly. includei the latest financial statement, and a record of how the company pays itr bills.

Area EngagementsMcDonaM-gauer .

(continued from page one, second section)

High School and Is employed by Grant's, Sayre Woods. Mr. McDon­ald attended Cliffwood Schools and Is employed by Tosa Tracking Corp., Jersey C li£ :

N o - f i t . has been set for the wedding. ■

C alv.r-lista Mr. and Mr*. Paul J. LisU, 0 7

Broadway, Long Branch, a t a fam­ily dinner, announced Ihe engage­ment of thatr daughter, -Lorraine Madeleine, to Gary Richard Cal- ver, son of Mr. and Mra. Jaaeph Calver, 11 Foraat Ave., Keansburg. The bride-elect was grtA iated from .Star e l the Baa Academy, bong Branch, and attended Bed

D O O R B U S T IN GNaxt to Adler Lumbar Co.

I Mlaa North of Red B aak-g MBe* South af Keypert

Ample Free ParkingW e Must^Make Room For Our New Spring Line

Women ’s Famous Brand Dress ShoesNaturalizer

$ 7 « ° ^

Di Corio Ronelli

$5°° Vincelli*500 Red Cross ..*800 Polly Preston $800 Mademoiselle *500 De Luca.....

$6 00S jo o

$ 0 0 0

$ 0 0 °

J800FLATS And LOAFERS $3.00 lo 5.00

. . . " 11 1 . 111 ....... . ..........., ' ' IM ■■'■NMI W I ■■ I IM 'li Mill |J —

Mentis Dress and Sport ShoesFlorsheim *10ss Taylor Made 7 "Freeman *7~ to W * McCoy *11**

*8°° Faithful ‘S00m°° Dartmoor *6##R«r*hr U $24.9S

Mansfield Nunn Bu^h

Children’s Shoes_ . . .... .1 ------

Extra SpecialBuster Brown -Stride Rite ■•■■■■" - W o m e n 's

. Chapmans - Edwards U.S. Rain Pals5 3 00 t o $ 6 ° ° : $ 1 0 0

r Regular to $10 .9 5 v . Plastic Rainwear— , Regular $2,95

Special GroupGIRLS' FLATSColo artd Twf Stitch

Reg. *9.95

Every Pair Must Go Regardless Of Cost

ST. 35 (Next To M k r lanber)(5 Nbles North of Red Ba«k — 5 Miles Soatb of Keyport)


Bant Business Institute. She ia employed by the Jersey CentralPower and Ught Company, Allen- hurst Mr. Calver, a graduate of Red Bank Catholic High School, is a coipsman in the US. Navy at Portsmouth, Va. ■,

A September weddlna is planned.

Mr. and Mrs. Jchn Berth, 11 Monmouth Ave., Esst Keansburg. announce the engagement of their daughter, CUrolyn, to Kurt F rty tf, son of Mr. and M n. Frank Freyer, Carr Ave., Keansburg. The an­nouncement was made a t a din­ner-party held a t the home of the parents of the bride-elect to honor the couple. '

Flere-Vetapek Mr, and Mra. Loels Votapek,

6M Jersey Ay*.. Union Beach, an. nounce the engagement ot thefc daughter, Kathleen, to J o* * p n Flora Jr., *on of Mr, and Mrs. Joseph Flore sr., Jackson MillsRd , Freehold.-— ------ -

Miss Votapek U a graduate of B£T Banjc Catholic High School ■nd I* empioyed by the New Jer- w y Bell Telepbooa Co., Keyport Mr. Flora 1* a graduate of Free­hold High School and la employed by H a n * o a-VabWlakle-Munnlng Co., Matawan.

No date ha* been Mt for the wedding. ^

Callaa Antwitde*Mr. and Mra. U re v Aatoalda*,

Keypoit-Everett Rd., Holmdei, nounce the engagement ot her daughter, Margie Ann, to George Joseph Callan, km of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Callan, Manaaquan.

Miss Antonldea waa graduated from Red Bank High School. She la employed as secretary to Wil­lard P. Browning, vie* principal Of Red Bank High School. Mr. Cal­lan w u gtaduated from Irvington High School. He Is employed by Ms father In Newark.

PeyMMdeMr. and Mra. Robert Stickle,

GaiSeM Ave., Betford, announce the engagement m their daughter, Barbara Ana, to Peter Boyd, son of.M r. and. M a William Boyd,Keansburg. ‘ \

Both Mis* Stickle and her Jitnce a re recent graduate' of Middle­town Township High School. The bride-elect is employed ia the Red Bank offices jt the Metropolitan^ U f . Insurance Company. Mr. Boyd I , te rv ln g ^ the U.S. Navy and (a attending the Navy Trilolng School, in Memphis, Ten*.

Caak-Keiaey ■Mr. and Mr*. James Kelsey sr.,

Dutch Lane Rd., Freehold, an­nounce the engagement of their daughter, Yvonne R.,' » Lee T. Cook, son of Mr. and Mr*. Lea Cook ir., M Matawan Rd,, CUrt-

Mlaa Keltey 1* a graduate Freehold Regional High School. She is employed et RCA Labora­tories, Princeton. Mr. Cook at tended high school e t St. Michael's Monastery, Union City. He was graduated frwn Matawan High School. He served two year* In Ihe Uit. Army. Its t* employed by Koppen Plant, Carterei.

" Davenpart-RaskaskyAnnouncement has been nude of

the engagement of Mis* Bernice Catherine Raakasliy, daughter of Mrs. Antoinette Rsskasky. 14 Third


65tIY P H 0 M . . . e « t l i m i * t»Migi««M...MywlNra

^w»ni *•**»«, la*, thsmm

St, Keyport, and the late Juttua Raskaaky, to Thomu Dsvesport Jr., son it Mrs. Joh, Berger, Cliff­wood, and the late Tbamaa Devts-port ar.

Miss Raskaaky Is * graduate of Keyport High School, and ia em-

ptoyed at J. J. Newberry C*, K«9- part. Mr. Davenport attandadiNM . York SchobTa, served Uta p o i In the U. 8. Ai ay and la o o p to ad by Ardiluctural Tiling Co, Keyport. .

An Apr!) wedding is pi toned.

C.B.S Super A\arket

36 Main Street, KeanibttifOpen 8 to 8 Daily - 8 to 5 Sundays

T-Bone Steak 59i Sirloin Steak 59fl Porterhouse Steak 59H Top Round Roast 69jL Eye Of Round *Chuck Steak Rib Roast Chopped M iat Rib Steak Chuck Roqst Corned Beef BaconVeal f l iops

7 9 S , 4 9 ib 4 9 £ 39Pb 4 9 J 4 9 ib 3 9 .1 391 3 9 H



BLOUSES• Smart Stripes• Pretty Patterns



Values to , 3 .9 8

By Famous Makers

Expensive WOOL Fabrics e . * . . Superbly made, in every wanted Style and fashion Color!

100# 0R10WSWIATIR9


Page 4: Studios - DigiFind-It · lln, afid Carmen Giordano. Sayre- ville; one . lister,' Mrs. Anthony Lodato, Elizabeth, and 11' grand children. Funeral servicer will be hel Friday at 8:30

: P ° 9 * ^iur — S eton d Section THE M A T A W A N JOO RNAl January 15,1959

State Hospital Report Critical

Dr. J . Berkeley Gordon, medical director a t Marlboro State Hospl-

has confirmed the disclosure that the mental institution lost its accreditation several months ago. But he emphasized that the loss of approval by a joint commission representing three national mcdical and hospital associations means nothing as /a r as-the patients and public are concerned. '

Marlboro is among four of the . state's five mental hospitals which

lost accreditation. This followed a survey last-gummer by a commis- ai<W representing the American

^. Medical Association, the American Hospital Association, and the Amer­ican (Zollege of Surgeons and Phy­sicians. • •

The commission ratings are a voluntary service sought, by most hospitals. General hospitals not ap­proved have difficulty attracting good doctors and Interns. Dr. Gor­don said Marlboro still is approved by the American Psychiatric Asso­ciation for psychiatric residency. This means that physchiatrists can train a t Marlboro three years and

• be eligible to take an examination to become i diplomat© of the American Board of Psychiatry and

. Neurology._: FPMnd OvercrowdedDr. Gordon said an Inspection

found Marlboro overcrow ded, with­out enough graduate nurses and short of floor space. "Sure, we’re overcrowded," p r . Gordon s a I (L "But it’s much better to take pa< tienti in and treat them and help them get-well than to have them sucked up in jails.

“ We’re always going to be over* crowded/*, Df4 Gordon continued. " I t’s part, of our role. There’s no gettlnp flw y from it. Taxpayers are nbt wilting to reduce our pa­

t i e n t population to the p r o p e r T e r n ”? Marlboro has a h ^ 1*

Receives Air Force Medal, Citation

patient* now, he u ld , , maxImum-functlonByi;


Che hflfpltil i t 2600. “Wa're first to admit we have a shortageof nurses,” Dr. Gordon laid. "We Just can't get enough nurses."

Dr. Gordon said Marlboro la tak­ing several steps to ease, the abort- ■ge. One . Ia the training'program a t Monijiouth Medical Center, Long Branch. The atate haa 10 Marlboro technicians a t the center'a school of nurilng. They have their tuition paid ami receive full pay for work-



i Daily and Saturday • A.M. U I P.M. ;

Friday* tA.M. U f P.M. CIokI AU, Day tfada BtdajB) 30 W. Front St.,

Keyport COIfax 4-2020

Capt. Frederick M. Tibbetts Jr., left, la shown receiving the Air Forca Commtodatkm Medal a t ceremonies- a t McGuire Air- Force Base, Fert Dlx lor “exceptionally meritorious service" while atatiooed la England. Making the presentation Is Major General William Farns­worth, Auditor General, USAF, Capt. Tibbetts, recently returned to the United Statea, resides with hla family In Hazlet.

The citation adds, “ the untiring'C ap t. Frederick-M*"Tibbetts Jr., B47 Poole Ave., Hazlet, recently was awarded the United States Air Force Commendation Medal and Citation by Major General William Farnsworth, Auditor General of the Air Force a t ceremonies at Mc­Guire Air Force Daae, Fort Dix.

Capt. Tibbetts, who recently re ­turned from England, ia presently assigned as Resident Auditor at McGuire APB. The Commendation Medal waa awarded tha former Keyport resident for "exceptionally meritorious service."

C ap t Tibbetts, the citation reads “distinguished himself by excep­tionally meritorious service a t Resident Auditor at Royal Air Force Station, Sculthorpe, Eng­land, front May 13, 1955 to May 2,

efforts displayed by Capt. Tibbetts in assisting ana advising base op­erating and staff personnel have contributed mateitally to the suc­cessful accomplishment of the mis­sion a t the RAF station.'” "’

“His personal efterU .have not only contributed to (he improve­ment of required accounting pro­cedures but have contributed to the development of new accounting systems and procedures. The serv­ice of C apt Tibbetts reflects great credit upon hlmsell and the United States Air Force."

Capt. Tibbetts returned from his three-year tour of duty over­seas this past summer. He resides with hi* wife, the former Miss Elizabeth Cahill, and four children a t the Hazlet address.

week, at

psce Requlramsn!He said the commission requires

70 feet of floor *paitfp*fl>atlen t and Marlboro has 12.2. “We're go­ing to comply.with the red tape as far a* we.^aA,'‘ Dr. Gordon said, “but we’re not going to get the required number of square feet per patten} and we’re not going to get enough nurses. '

'Our standards are gradually ris­ing," he went on,’ “Our recovery rate U -69 per cent. That r a n k a with the best In the country. We're using all the Tiew treatments, all the new therapy.” However, Dr. Gordon concluded, he seea little hope of Marlboro.regaining accred­itation ''u n le s s W re Inspected by somebody sensible enough,to real* lie the difference, between general and mcDtsI hospitals.” __________

State hospitals a t Trenton',. Grey- stone Park; and Princeton a l t o lost approval. Ancora Hospital was approved for one year instead of the customary three yeara,... Dr. Paul Haiin, state director of psy.

chlatric education; aald the state “ expect* to ask for a resurvey pf the rejected hospitals within t h e next few months." '

Four Area. Motorists Lose Driver'* Lketise

The Division of Motor Vehicle* has announced Harry .WWtlne, 21, o f ■ Matawan, > has lost hla license for pne year,for Improper pasting, a step sign violation, a muffler violation, speeding and carelest driving. David McLean Bruce, li, ' also of Matawan, lost fill driver's privileges for four' months for two speeding |n d two careless driving offenses.

la m e i F . Kube, 23; .Cliffwood, had his license revoked fo r three month* tor1 *■ tW W r fllhlvtabttftiir. Improper passing, racing , on the highway and careless driving. Ed­gar S. Thorn, 22, Keyport, also lost his license for tttree months for Improper passing, apeeding and reckless driving.


Bennett lo RQTC Cadet Robert Bennett, son of

Mrs. Mildred Bennett, W i ! s o o Ave., Matawan, is a member ot A Company in the Army Reserve Officers Training Corps at Rutgers Univeryty, New Brunswick. _

Cadet Bennett, who is a sopfiv more, is majoring in economics at th3 university. He was graduated from Matawan High School of 1957. *****

Miss Pedersen la TralnlagMiss Katherine Marie Pedersen*

daughter of Mrs. Mary O’Rouifce, Box 1.06, RD CIark'<St, Keyport. has completed nine, weeks ol re­c r u i t training at the U. S. Naval Training Center. Bainbridge, Md. The local WAVE,, a ' graduate :o l Keyport High School win spend a 14-day leave with her m other bl* fore r e p o r t i n g to St. Alban*, U.S.N.H., Long island, N .Y .' jj "

Seaman Apprentice Pedersen successfully completed tho tr«n*l- tion from civilian to m ilitary life which included Instruction In Nav­al orientation, Naval history, tiuU- tary bearing, military drill, ship*


and aircraft. Navy Joba and tra in ­ing and citizenship.

She enlisted for a period of three-years. - • —

' Mitchell *1 P e rt DU .Pvt Joseph T . 1 Mitchell, ton ot

Mr. and Mr*. Frank tyltchell, Cliff­wood Beach, finished special train-

ing a t Camp Gordon, Ga.~, and hw been assigned to Fort Dlx await­ing further orders. He Is a mem? ber of the 716th Combat Military Police, A Company, First Army,




- _ Served In Our' ' »

Newly Enlarged Dining Room

New Modern Snack Bar\

Q u a l i t y F o o d

W i t h N o I n c r e a s e I n P r i c e s

Banquet Or W edding pidrties Welcome

COIfax 4 -? * 7 3Route 3 5 Hazlet

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VALUESLook for the NKV seal finest quality■, sale priced

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SEAMLESS...Styled and made to rigid spcc* Ificatlont ibr quality you cftn’t belt «t-twice the pricel Your clvotce of beauty mesh or draw sheers,

FULL FASHIONEDA never duwgioc tile price' lets you «a)oy theM luxury nylons eveiy day of tte year. Full fuhion<d for' contour fit.Dark or lelf ittmi.8^-11,


v> i

C o m p a r a a t tw ic e i h e p r i c * .


5 9Keeps In perfect ihape 7T>

, tbanb to flat knit (elect. ' ed.: cotton > y in j|S 2$lj knit necVbsnd. Full cutia sizes 36 to 46, White


T k i biggest do!!ar’i <worth o f curlitifyour money can buy — ‘Grant-Cresf


, Wash ’em and hang'em..,.: tio ironing required, Made '**-^ ; 9 k fo Grants exacting specifi- V A lltt ». cation* with two billowy JU St.it

rufflei. White, soft paitets. -

M a t c l h iV a l a n c * ■ ■..I M M ;

'Grant Maid’ super value at an cvfryday tpwprice. . .

22 x44? BATH TOWHS1 . . . W jlf Itrenq NvkiB-DacrMi* w h y .

Thick fluffy.ttwy towels.., lon£ looped and closely wo ven,

^*o you know they’re super . ioft, luperVabMrbent. Co- '

o^inited itripe* and solid*.

■ MaHMag Hwd T»w»l£U9c. W«h CI»tfaC.1N


W A S H ' N W E A R

G R O W S U P S ;feofura* feiund onlypl .. I .M prln and tip ; ' ■

Embtoidery trimmed no* Iron cotton hat; magic* thread at waist—just pull, slip grows 2 inche*. Built- up or adjuJt-«trap£'7il4/.

B O Y S ' T W I U S A R E W A S H A S U K . ,Cven Grant* beiipettfa

| wear a lew (trite tag.


[ Firm woven cotton twill* with Z button flap pocket*, 0 pleatless front. Never on* -. dcr 3-29 elsewhere. Blid^^ . tan, grtj’. Siket 6 to lfcl

'SOUHOH6 l « r TRAINING PANTS -Best anj-where, Shn'ftk-resistttimbed cotton is double thick *vnrrmv ' 7 C c knit, hu triple crotdb'. White and pastels. Size* I tp 6. --------1 J m tJ P '


You really get your money's worth at Grants every day
