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Study Guide June 8 & 15, 2014
Page 1: Study Guidestorage.cloversites.com/lifebiblefellowshipchurch/... · 2014-06-04 · Put Your Money Where Your Faith Is Jesus calls us to risk in all areas of our lives. Right now,

Study GuideJune 8 & 15, 2014

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Page 3: Study Guidestorage.cloversites.com/lifebiblefellowshipchurch/... · 2014-06-04 · Put Your Money Where Your Faith Is Jesus calls us to risk in all areas of our lives. Right now,

The Gamble (Introduction) ........................................................................................................5

The Gamble, Part I (Lesson 1, June 8) .......................................................................................6 Luke 12:13-21

The Gamble, Part II (Lesson 2, June 15).....................................................................................8 1 Timothy 6:6-10

Table of Contents

Page 4: Study Guidestorage.cloversites.com/lifebiblefellowshipchurch/... · 2014-06-04 · Put Your Money Where Your Faith Is Jesus calls us to risk in all areas of our lives. Right now,
Page 5: Study Guidestorage.cloversites.com/lifebiblefellowshipchurch/... · 2014-06-04 · Put Your Money Where Your Faith Is Jesus calls us to risk in all areas of our lives. Right now,


Play It Safe or Take the Risk?In 2007, the Boise State Broncos played the Oklahoma Sooners in the Fiesta Bowl. The game was surrounded by intrigue because Boise State, a small school from a small conference had gone undefeated. But they were matched up against Oklahoma, a perennial powerhouse in college football. It was a classic David vs. Goliath match-up.

The game went back and forth and eventually it came down to one final play. Boise State had scored a touchdown and they were down by one point with no time on the clock. They could kick an extra point (a pretty sure bet) and send the game to double overtime. Or they could go for a two-point conversation and end the game then and there. If the were successful, they would win by one. If they failed, they would lose by one. As all the viewers watched in anticipation, the Boise State coach decided to take the gamble and go for the two-point conversation.

You may or may not remember this game or remember the result of this gamble. Regardless of this, however, you probably understand the choice the Boise State coach had. He could play it safe and hope that things eventually worked out, or he could take a big risk. If the risk worked out, he would be at the center of something amazing and memorable. If the risk didn’t work out, he would be ridiculed for being reckless.

Most of us are not coaches, but we are still consistently faced with the choice either to play it safe or to take a gamble. Will I stay in this comfortable job or will I branch out and start my own business? Will I try to remain friends or will I ask her out? Will I go for low-risk-low-interest or will I invest in something more aggressive?

The Gamble of Following JesusNow think about what it is like to walk with Jesus. Is it safe or risky? While Jesus surrounds us with promises of provision and security, even a passing glance at his life and his commands makes it clear that following him does not lead to a calm or risk-free life. He calls us to take the gamble and tell our neighbors and friends about him. He calls us to speak up and gently confront other believers when they are off-track. He calls us to trust him financially and to give generously to those in need.

The call of Jesus is a call to risk. Jesus called his followers to take up their crosses and follow after him. This is a bold call to risk everything for Jesus, banking on the fact that he will make it worthwhile in the end. The Apostle Paul once said that if there is no final resurrection and reward for believers, then we should be pitied for wasting our lives.

No one can follow Jesus while playing it safe. Risk is an absolute must for any Christian.

Put Your Money Where Your Faith IsJesus calls us to risk in all areas of our lives. Right now, though, focus specifically on how he calls us to gamble with our money. Don’t misunderstand; he doesn’t call us to do this by going to casinos or buying lottery tickets. Instead he calls us to bet on him. He calls us to take the gamble that giving generously will reap more benefits that playing it safe and keeping what is “ours” to ourselves. This feels incredibly risky (and sometimes reckless), but there is no doubt that Jesus calls us to be sacrificial and generous with our money.

Despite this, many of us play it safe. We tell ourselves that instead of gambling on God, we will play it safe and avoid the risks involved with generosity. But the fact is, when we do this we are fooling ourselves. Our choice is not between playing it safe and taking a gamble. Our choice is between betting on God or betting on ourselves. Will we trust that God will come through, or will we trust ourselves to make a better life out of what we have? Either way, we are making a gamble. Either way, we are betting on someone. Do you want to bet on yourself or on God?

In these two lessons, we will address the issue of financial generosity. The goal of this series will be to challenge each of us to take the gamble and trust that God will come through when we follow where he leads us financially. And the good news is that any risk we take for God is a risk that will absolutely pay off.

The Gamble (Introduction)

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Main PointGreed means betting on ourselves instead of betting on God.

IntroductionImagine that a group of people go to place bets on who will be next year’s Super Bowl MVP. The first gambler picks Peyton Manning. The next picks Marshawn Lynch. The next picks Aaron Rodgers. Then the final gambler chooses...himself. Although he is not an NFL player, he decides that he would rather bet on himself than on anyone else.

You would think someone like this was crazy, right? It simply is not smart to bet on yourself to accomplish something that is way beyond your reach. It is much better to put your money on someone who has shown that he is capable of getting the job done.

In this lesson we will be presented with a choice. When it comes to our money and our happiness, on whom will we put our money? Will we bet on ourselves, believing that we have the capability of using and managing our money and resources in a way that will bring us our greatest good? Or will we conclude that we are not qualified to accomplish this? Will we instead opt to bet on someone who has shown Himself to be more than able to work all things together for the good of those who trust Him? It is a gamble either way. Who will we bet on?

Question for Family Discussion1. Name some problems that you think could be fixed if you

had more money.

Getting Started2. Some people are energized by taking risks, while others

shy away from risky behavior. Describe where you fall on this continuum.

3. Even though Scripture is filled with commands to be generous with our money, very few of us give nearly as generously as we could. What keeps you from being more generous?

Digging InLuke 12:13 Someone in the crowd said to him, “Teacher, tell my brother to divide the inheritance with me.”14Jesus replied, “Man, who made me a judge or an arbiter between you?” 15Then he said to them, “Watch out! Be on your guard against all kinds of greed; life does not consist in an abundance of possessions.”

4. Look at the man’s request in verse 13. What does his request reveal about his state of mind and heart?

5. Jesus, the Son of God, would have been the perfect judge and arbiter in this (and in every) case. Why, then, do you think Jesus shrugs off this request?

The Gamble, Part I (Lesson 1, June 8)Luke 12:13-21

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6. Very few of us consider ourselves to be greedy. In verse 15 Jesus defines greed as believing that life consists in an abundance of possessions. How does this definition of greed strike your attitude toward money?

16And he told them this parable: “The ground of a certain rich man yielded an abundant harvest. 17He thought to himself, ‘What shall I do? I have no place to store my crops.’18“Then he said, ‘This is what I’ll do. I will tear down my barns and build bigger ones, and there I will store my surplus grain. 19And I’ll say to myself, “You have plenty of grain laid up for many years. Take life easy; eat, drink and be merry.”’ 20But God said to him, ‘You fool! This very night your life will be demanded from you. Then who will get what you have prepared for yourself?’

7. How would you describe the rich man’s attitude in this parable?

8. There is nothing wrong with having money or with building bigger barns. With that said, what was at the core of the man’s mistakes?

9. The rich man in this parable took a gamble by focusing on storing up his goods. How would you sum up the gamble he made?

21“This is how it will be with whoever stores up things for themselves but is not rich toward God.”

10. When Jesus says, “This is how it will be,” what, specifically, does He mean?

11. Think back on the request that Jesus received at the beginning of this passage. How does this parable address the heart of the man who asked Jesus to play arbiter for him?

Taking it to Heart12. Very few of us consider ourselves to be rich, but many of

us struggle with thinking that money will solve the main problems in our lives. List some issues in your life that money will not impact in a positive way.

13. What are some ways that you could bet on God with your money instead of betting on yourself?














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Main PointWhen we bet on God instead of betting on money, we experience a greater gain than material riches could ever give us.

IntroductionAny gamble involves an assessment of risk vs. reward. No one will risk his life for $5, but someone might gamble with his life if the potential reward was millions of dollars. Any wise person will weigh a potential pay-off against what could be lost if things go wrong.

Many of us daydream about more money and more stuff. Very few of us, however, practice risk assessment when it comes to our desire to get rich. The rewards seems wonderful, but what about the risks? What could go wrong if we orient our lives around money and stuff?

In this lesson we will explore a passage in which Paul speaks of the dangers of seeking riches. We will each be challenged to assess our own lives and motivations (and budgets). Again we will be asked if we would rather risk by following God’s path or gamble with our own methods.

Question for Family Discussion1. What are some problems that come to people whose lives

revolve around money?

Getting Started2. What are some sacrifices that people make in order to

gain more money and possessions?

3. In what ways can it be risky to try to get rich?

Digging In1 Timothy 6:6 But godliness with contentment is great gain.

4. Verses 3-5 speak of false teachers who try to use “godliness” as a way to gain financially. What are some ways that you might be tempted to see your connection with God as a means to gain financially?

5. How would you define contentment?

7For we brought nothing into the world, and we and take nothing out of it. 8But if we have food and clothing, we will be content with that.

6. According to verse 7, what should form our standard of material wealth?

7. What would be some practical signs that someone is content with their basic needs (food and clothing)?

The Gamble, Part II (Lesson 2, June 15)1 Timothy 6:6-10

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9Those who want to get rich fall into temptation and a trap and into many foolish and harmful desires that plunge people into ruin and destruction.

8. According to verse 9, it is not simply dangerous to get rich; it is dangerous to want to get rich. Why would a desire for riches pose a danger?

9. What are some foolish and harmful desires that come along with the desire to get rich?

10For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil. Some people, eager for money, have wandered from the faith and pierced themselves with many griefs.

10. Paul does not say, as is popularly believed, that money is the root of all evil. He says that the love of money is a root for all kinds of evil. How can a person know whether or not they love money?

11. How could the love of money lead someone to wander from their faith in Jesus Christ?

Taking it to Heart12. It is risky to orient your life around accumulating money.

What are some ways that being generous can help you restore your view of what truly matters?

13. What are some practical ways that you can pursue contentment?

14. Take some time to pray through your finances. Get very practical. What has God provided for you? How do you think He wants you to use your resources? What is getting in the way of you risking generosity for God’s purposes? Prayerfully make a plan for what you think God is calling you to do.





















