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Study Abroad Aug 2011

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8/22/2019 Study Abroad Aug 2011 http://slidepdf.com/reader/full/study-abroad-aug-2011 1/32 Halmstad University • 1  t  h  e   u  n  i  v  e  r  s  i  t  y   of   o  p  p  o  r  t  u  n  i  t  i  e  s  t  h  e   u  n  i  v  e  r  s  i  t  y   o  f   o  p  p  o  r  t  u  n  i  t  i  e  s STUDY ABROAD HALMSTAD UNIVERSITY HALMSTAD UNIVERSITY For the develoment o oranisations, roducts and quality o lie. SWEDEN
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Halmstad University • 1

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HALMSTAD UNIVERSITYFor the develoment o oranisations, roducts and quality o lie.


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2 • Halmstad University

List of contents

Wlm! 3

Hlm Uvry 4

cmpu 5

Hlm 7sw 9

The Swedish Academic System 10

Outstanding Research 12


Network Design and Computer Eng. 14

Computional Science and Engineering 15

elrl egrg wh emph

Wireless System Design 16

Mgm. of Innovation and Business Developm. 17

International Marketing 18

Strategic Management and Leadership 19

Computer Network Engineering 20

Embedded and Intelligent Systems 21

irm thlgy 22

Mrlr Ph 23

thl Prj- Bu Mgm. 24

appl evrml s 25

spr exr s

 – Human Performance 26

suy abr smr

 – sgl subj cur 27

Application and Admission 28

Tution Fees and Payment 30 

Study otions or Echane students atHalmstad University

Master’s rorammeIt is possible or exchange students, that ull the entry requirements,

to study a one or two year Master’s programme at Halmstad Uni-versity. Upon completion the students will be awarded a Master’sdegree.

Bachelor’s rorammeIt is possible or exchange students who ull the entry requirements,to study a Bachelor’s programme at Halmstad University which inclu-des a thesis. Upon completion the students will be awarded a Bachelor’sDegree. Tis is possible within Computer science and engineering,Electrical engineering and International relations/Economics. 

Bachelor’s roramme- Final Year ComletionIt is possible or exchange students who ull the entry requirements,to study their nal year/semester o their Bachelor’s programme atHalmstad University which includes a thesis. Upon completion thestudents will be awarded a Bachelor’s Degree. Tis is possible withinInormation science and International relations.

Non-Deree rorammesIt is possible or exchange students who ull the entry requirementsto study a programme at Halmstad University. Upon completion thestudents will receive a certicate.

Study Abroad SemesterIt is possible or exchange students that ull the entry requirementsto study one semester that comprises o 30 credits within one subject.

Sinle Subject CoursesExchange students can choose rom a variety o courses and put to-gether their own study programme o 30 credits with the permissionrom their home university and Halmstad University 

Distance EducationHalmstad University oers courses that are ully internet based withno physical meetings. Tis enables students to study at HalmstadUniversity alongside their regular courses at their home university.

Te information in this catalogue is subject to change.

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Halmstad University • 3


Halmstad University is one o the most popular uni-versities in Sweden. Te University is not only knownor its progressive education and small classes, it alsoperorms outstanding research that has been inter-nationally acknowledged. Furthermore, the University is playing an increasingly important role or local com-panies and the region’s development.

Te University is airly young but has already acquireda tradition o interdisciplinary research, innovation andentrepreneurship. Te broad selection o courses attractspeople o all interests, together they all contribute toour special atmosphere and sense o ellowship.

Naturally, the exchange students are an important parto this multicultural campus and we will do everything to make sure you will eel right at home.

I extend a varm welcome to all o you internationalstudents awaiting your studies here in one o Sweden’smost beautiul towns and dynamic universities!

cr ihlröm erk

ag V chllr

Hlm Uvry


Quality f Life


 At Halmstad University we have three areas o strength within education and research. Tis meansthat we prole ourselves in the three areas wherewe have both a broad base and what stands outand makes us skilled and successul.

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4 • Halmstad University


Halmstad University is a popular institution o highereducation. We are known or a wide range o coursesand our special atmosphere. Te thresholds are not highhere. Tere is diversity and a wide range o choices, atthe same time with a tangible proximity. Proximity between students and teachers, between subjects and

between the University and other players in society.

Our research is outstanding and has achieved inter-national renown in many areas. Collaboration betweenpeople, between organisations and cultures is bothimportant and enriching, or both the individual andor society. Collaboration is absolutely necessary orresearch and development to make progress. It is equally important that the knowledge that is developed here, atHalmstad University and at other institutions o highereducation, can be used by society.

HALMSTAD UNIVERSITYHalmstad University became an indeendent institution o hiher education in 1983.

But the rst courses were launched in the early 1970s.

Ever since the beginning, collaboration has been one o the characteristics o Halmstad University. Our interac-tion with companies, associations, municipalities, county councils, schools and other players in the eld o edu-cation and research is extensive. Every day there is coop-eration in various orms: projects, mentoring, guestspeakers, work placements, degree projects and essays.

Tis is why we say that Halmstad University is theuniversity o opportunities, where you have unique andinspirational possibilities to realise your dreams andideas. On your own, or together with others.

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Halmstad University • 5

CAMpUSLecture theatres, library, roject rooms, ractical acilities and laboratories, caes, ym,

student union and ub. At Halmstad University everythin can be ound on one camus.

There are natural meetin laces or the University’s students, sta and visitors.

Te campus area lies alongside the southern entry routeinto Halmstad. From Campus it is 2 km to the centre o town, and about the same distance to the sea and the mileslong beaches.

In the newly-built sports hall, all activities relating to

health and sport are accommodated in spatial and modernacilities. Tese acilities include a sports hall, gym andwell-equipped laboratories or teaching and research inbiomechanics, physiology and psychology.

In the Student Centre you nd inormation about cour-ses oered and studying in higher education in general.Te Student Centre oers career guidance and counsel-ling as well as guidance in areas such as eective study techniques and the art o applying or a job.

University LibraryTe library is an important shared knowledge resourceor education and research within the University. It is a part o the campus environment that encourages study,meetings and creativity among students, teachers andresearchers. Te library is a public research library, opento anyone who needs to use its collections and its com-petence. Te University Library contributes, throughits collections and service, to ensuring that HalmstadUniversity is a specialised seat o learning with interna-

tionally acknowledged research, research education andeducation that is actively involved in the development o the individual and society.

Students’ Accommodationand pick-u Service

Halmstad Student Union administrates urnished ac-commodation or International and Exchange students.Te Student Union oers two main alternatives: Halls o residence and Shared private ats. All accommodationshave common areas like, living room, laundry room,showers and so orth.

Te Student Union also organise so called “pick-updays” at the beginning o each semester or all Exchangeand International students. During these days theStudent Union provide pick-up service at the train/bus

stations as well as Halmstad airport. Tey drive you toyour accommodation; help you with the registration atthe University and so on.

Te reservation or accommodation and pick-up servicehas to be done in advance. 


www.karen.hh.se, [email protected]

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Halmstad University • 7

Three HeartsTe town o Halmstad’s coat o arms has three crownedhearts. It is a likeable town where you soon will eel athome. It is easy to be seduced by the charm o the town,

the pleasant atmosphere and the expanses o the blue sea.

Down TownBesides plentiul shopping opportunities, the downtownoers a great variety o restaurants, night clubs, pubs andcaés. Te town’s art galleries, museums and cultural or-ganisations all contribute to the many ongoing activities.I you are interested in music, you have numerous occa-sions to enjoy a remarkable selection o concerts all yearround. In 2006 a new town library opened in Halmstad.Tis eye-catching, centrally-placed building, reaches over

the waters o the river Nissan. Te library has an exten-sive collection o literature, a caé, a newspaper reading room, art exhibitions and oers entertainment in theorm o theatre and music.

Every year in August, there is a our day long street esti-val. Te streets o Halmstad turn into one great show withdrama ensembles rom all over the world. Other regularcultural events include Halmstad’s Arts Festival, the Film Week and the Boating Festival. However, even i Halm-


tHe toWn WitH tHRee HeaRtsThe town, the beaches, the riendly atmoshere – in Halmstad it is easy to eel at home. Bybicycle you can move around quickly and easily rom the centre o town to the surroundinwoodlands, the sea and the University.

stad is a vivid town with an abundance o entertainmentand cultural lie, you are never ar rom the sea or wood-lands i you are looking or some peace and quiet.

The Sea and the BeachesPerhaps it is the salty aroma, the eeling o hot sandagainst the skin, or the sight o shimmering expanseso the sea that are some o the capturing eatures o Halmstad. You are always close to miles-long beautiulbeaches, clis and charming harbours. Halmstad is a town that is distinguished by its location on the westcoast, and during the summertime the beaches, thegol courses, and the city are buzzing with activities astourists and inhabitants are enjoying the sunny summerdays and the long warm evenings.

A Sortin Town Anyone interested in sports can really have their shareo all kinds o sport activities. I you want to work out,you either join the University Gym on Campus, or oneo the many gyms or sports clubs in the city that oerstudent discounts. Both in Halmstad and the surroun-ding areas there are plenty o orests and green partswith jogging tracks, hiking and biking trails, as well ascanoeing possibilities.

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Halmstad University • 9


• Stockholm

Halmstad •

Copenhagen (Denmark) •


For a sparsely populated country in the ar north o Europe, Sweden has done remarkably well in establish-ing and maintaining an outstanding reputation abroad,

based on many and varied commercial, technological,cultural and political achievements. Swedish consumergoods are brand names well-known all over the world.Swedish vehicles move people and reight rom Alaska to Adelaide. Abba and Pippi Longstocking took theworld by storm and continue to ascinate people on allcontinents. Te Nobel prize is an institution that needsno introduction.

Sweden is a Scandinavian kingdom o nine million in-habitants, o which almost two million live in and

around the capital, Stockholm. Urban Sweden is mod-ern, stylish and sae. Rural Sweden breathes tranquility,and has a science nature with some o the largest unin-habited expanses let in western Europe.

Sweden is a country where winter is winter and summeris summer. Although the northern tip o the country liesabove the Arctic circle, its climate is tempered by theGul Stream.

 As a leading country in environmental conservation,Sweden was the rst country in Europe to protect the

most vulnerable parts o its natural heritage. More thanhal o the country is covered with orest while lakes andrivers make up 10% o its surace area.

In international politics, Sweden has built a reputationas a nation o mediators. Te country pursues non-align-ment in international conicts and strives to oer a sae

haven or diplomatic debates. As a result, the Swedeshave seen a long list o important international positionsentrusted to their ellow citizens.

Despite its natural riches, Sweden is a country built onpeople. Over the last century, Swedish dependence ontimber and iron ore has given way to an emphasis onhuman resources. oday, knowledge is Sweden’s primeasset, with education kept in the public domain anddeveloped to a standard that ranks consistently among the highest in OECD statistics.

Tis text was originally published by Te Swedish

Institute on www.studyinsweden.se 


www.sweden.se – the ocial ateway to Sweden

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10 • Halmstad University


The academic yearTe academic year is divided into two semesters: theautumn semester begins at the end o August and lasts

until mid-January. Te spring semester begins in mid- January and lasts until the beginning o June. Bothsemesters lasts or approximately 20 weeks. Coursesare held during the summer too, but they are usually not quite as substantial as the spring/autumn courses.Should your studies in Halmstad begin or be heldduring the autumn there is also the Fresher’s week,Nollningen, that one should not miss out on. It is anintroductory period o un and play and making new riends. Contact the Student Union or more inorma-tion on the Fresher’s week.

Teachin methodsFull-time studies correspond with a 40-hour working week, however, this does not mean that there are 40hours o lectures every week. Students undertaking courses within technical subjects usually have about20 hours scheduled classes whereas students within thesocial sciences, economics and arts have 10–15 hoursattendance per week. Te students are expected to study,a lot, at their own initiative and are expected to take a great deal o responsibility or their own studies. Apartrom lectures the students may also be expected to at-tend discussion seminars, laboratory lessons, etc.

EaminationsTe most common way to assess students work isthrough written and oral tests. Group projects and essays

are also common, much depending on eld o study andexaminer. Written reports and essays are expected to betyped and students must thereore be able to use com-mon word processing, e-mail and the Internet.

Students in Sweden usually study one subject at a time,but there are exceptions when several courses may bestudied simultaneously. Courses are usually dividedinto several smaller course items, these items are usually assessed as soon as they are nished. I you are taking a course item o 7,5 higher education credits within a lar-

ger course, you should expect an exam ater 5–6 weeks,shortly ater the last lecture.

Hiher education creditsOne week o successul ull-time study is equivalent to1,5 higher education credits. One academic term in Swe-den comprises 20 weeks, and thus equals 30 credits. Forsome international students is, however, the EuropeanCredit ranser System, ECS, used. 1,5 credit equals1,5 ECS.

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Halmstad University • 11

gradesGrades are given ater each course assessment. Tere are

two grading systems in Sweden. Te most common isdivided into three grades: Pass, Pass with Distinctionand Fail (Godkänd, Väl Godkänd and Underkänd).Some courses only use the grades Pass or Fail. Te othersystem has our grades: 3, 4, 5 and Fail. 5 is the bestgrade you can get and is typically given to students withexam results over 85%. Te ormer system is used inalmost all elds o study while the latter is used mainly within technical elds o study. For exchange studentsadditional grading can be given in the scale A–F.

Academic misconduct What does academic misconduct mean? Cheating, pla-giarising other peoples’ work and general bad behavior,such as sexual harassment or vandalism, within the Uni-versity premises. Halmstad University does not acceptthe behaviour o students who break the rules; studentswho do will be suspended according to our code o con-duct and regulation. It is important that you are awareo the rules, and comply with them.

DereesHigher education in Sweden is divided into three levels;

the rst, second and third. Higher education at the rstand second levels is provided in the orm o courses.Courses may be grouped together into programmes withvarying levels o individual choice. Students themselvesare also able to combine dierent courses towards a degree. A course syllabus is required or each courseat the rst and second level and a curriculum or eachdegree programme. Educational level and intendedlearning outcomes have to be specied or each course.Sweden has a system o higher education credits (hög-skolepoäng); a normal 40-week academic year corre-sponds to 60 higher education credits. Te system is

compatible with ECS credits.

In the Swedish higher education system there aregenerally no intermediate qualications. All degrees areregarded as nal qualications, even i there is a pos-sibility to continue studying. Degrees are divided intogeneral degrees and proessional degrees. ranslationsinto English o all degree names are regulated at thenational level.

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12 • Halmstad University


Our research has close contact and ood relations with trade and industry,

associations and the ublic sector.

Halmstad University undertakes research in many excit-ing elds. Research is oten multidisciplinary, i.e. it co-vers several dierent subject areas. Another characteristicis the close contact with trade and industry, associationsand the public sector.

Te research undertaken by our researchers reects theUniversity’s prole and contributes to the general devel-opment o knowledge in society and at the same timegives courses a link to research. About hal o the mo-ney that nances research at Halmstad University comesrom external donors. Te biggest nanciers are the Swe-dish Knowledge Foundation (“KK Foundation”), theSwedish Research Council and Vinnova. Research at theUniversity is coordinated by the Faculty board and is or-ganised in research environments within the three areas

o strength. 

Area o strenth: oranisationsTis area o strength contains the ollowing researchenvironments:

Center or Innovation, Entrereneurshi and LearninResearch – CIEL

CIEL develops research and knowledge o innovation,entrepreneurship and regional learning. Tis research

relates to areas such as the development o new smalland medium-sized companies, and ocuses on issues thatrelate to work on innovation and product development,strategy and management, entrepreneurship, marketing,nancing, organising, control and internationalisation.

Centre or Studies o political Science, Communi-cation and Media – CpKM

Political scientists and media scientists conduct researchin areas such as political communication, media, docu-mentary production, issues o identity and integration,globalisation and democracy.

Social Chane, Learnin and Social Relations – SLSR

SLSR conducts research in the importance o genderrelations or a greater understanding o change and lear-ning processes in society, globalisation, new working andliving patterns, increased computer usage and the rapiddevelopment o communication technology. (SLSR isalso based in the areas o strength Quality o Lie, Welare and Culture.) 

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Halmstad University • 13

Area o strenth: roducts 

Tis area o strength contains the ollowing researchenvironments:

EIS – Embedded and Intellient Systems

EIS is the University’s biggest research environment. EIS

has tremendous breadth and a clear ocus. Embeddedcomputer, sensor and communication systems based onnew, enabling technology are being developed or intel-ligent products, processes and services.

Mechanical Enineerin and Industrial Desin – MTEK

Tis research environment is aimed at products’ unc-tional eatures and at early phase o product develop-ment, design and digital product models. Tere is alsoresearch into industrial photonics, lightweight structuresand wind power technology.

Bioloical and Environmental Systems – BLESSTis environment conducts research in biology andchemistry, with a ocus on ecology/environmentalscience and biomedicine/biomechanics.

Area o strenth: quality o lieTis area o strength contains the ollowing researchenvironments:

Center o Research on Welare Healthand Sort – CVHI

CVHI conducts research in subjects such as publichealth sciences, disability studies, health studies, culturalgeography, nursing, health pedagogy, psychology, sportpsychology, sport, social odontology, social work, soci-ology and linguistics.

Research into Education and Learnin – FULL

Research in this environment deals with subject didactics(including the content o teacher training), practicalresearch, collaboration with municipalities and schools,and relationships between education/schools and theoutside world.

Contet and Cultural Barriers – KK Context and Cultural Barriers is a orum or theUniversity’s research in the eld o Humanities.

Research educationHalmstad University has had the right since 2010 to is-sue doctoral degrees in the elds o Innovation Scienceand Inormation echnology.

Innovation Science may be viewed in the context o eco-

nomic development and changes in trade and industry and society, and deals with issues such as entrepreneur-ship, company management and business development.Research education in this eld ocuses on the dynamicso innovation processes, the interplay between dierentplayers and commercial potential, particularly in inter-national contexts.

Inormation echnology includes, or example, compu-ter science, telecommunications, systems engineering andelectrical engineering. Initially research education is or-ganised in two subjects: computer technology and signaland systems engineering.

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14 • Halmstad University

Computer science and engineering and electrical engineering 

Non Deree proramme – 60/120 Ects Credits

Are you interested in develoin the net ene-ration o Comuter Networks? This educationrovides solid knowlede in ractical comuter-and network technoloy.

Te rst academic package (60 higher education credits,year 1) provides theoretical and practical knowledgeprior to proessional activity as a network administratoror an operations technician.

Te second academic package (60 credits, year 2) pro-vides more theoretical and practical knowledge aboutnetworks (complete CCNP, Cisco Certied Network Proessional) and also knowledge about sotware andhardware in network components prior to work withindustrial networks.

Te education is occupationally oriented and can betaken as an independent course or supplementary toanother education. Te education consists o compu-

ter engineering and network technology. Te area o computer engineering covers subjects rom computerconstruction to administration o web servers. Network technology considers among other things how networkswork and how they are composed (dierent network ty-pes, equipment and protocols). A major part o the edu-cation is carried out as laboratory work. Te course hasseveral well-equipped laboratory rooms at its disposal.

e qm

Basic eligibility or university studies. Applicants mustalso have written and verbal command o the Englishlanguage.


Te rst year provides among other things knowledgecorresponding to Cisco Certied Network Associate(CCNA 1-4 and CCNP 1,3). Students receive

60 credits. Students receive a course certifcate but no ormal degree.

Te second year oers among other things knowledge tocomplete CCNP, Wireless Networks and IP-telephony,and Industrial Networks. Students can receive60 credits or a University Diploma.

Note: CISCO certifcation is not part o the programme.


Nicolina Månsson, [email protected]

nwk Dg ad Cm 


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Halmstad University • 15

Bachelor proramme – Final Year Comletion – 60 Ects Credits

Cm scc ad egg

Are you interested in a Swedish bachelor’sderee? Do you want to reare or a master’sroramme in Comuter Science or Enineerin?This is the one-year education or you!

 This 60 credits education is open for students at partner

universities to Halmstad University. It should be inte-

resting for those who want to have a Swedish bachelor’s

degree or those who want to prepare for a master’s

programme in Computer Science or Engineering.

 The thesis project is done in the second semester. You

 will then have the opportunity to work in industry or

 within one of the research groups at the university.


 The following courses are given within the programme.

 All courses must be taken.

 Autumn semester, rst half:

Data Communication I, 7.5 credits

 Algorithms and Data Structures, 7.5 credits

 Autumn semester, second half:

Databases and Database Design, 7.5 credits

Computer Systems Engineering I, 7.5 credits

Spring semester, rst half:

Computer Systems Engineering II, 7.5 credits

Spring semester, second half:

 Web Systems Fundamentals, 7.5 credits

Spring semester: Thesis, 15 credits


”Teknologie kandidatexamen med huvudområde Da-

torsystemteknik” with the English translation Bachelor

of Science with a major in Computer Science and


e qm

 To be admitted you must be engaged in bachelor level

education, and be at a level where you do not need more

than one year of studies/ 60 ECTS credits to qualify for

a degree. Your studies must be in the Computer Science,Computer Engineering or Electrical Engineering area.

 Your passed courses in mathematics must correspond

to at least 30 credits or include calculus, linear algebra

and transform methods. Studies in other countries

than Sweden must be at the same level as a Swedish

Bachelor's education in Computer Engineering. You

must also have written and verbal command of the

English language.


Nicolina Månsson, director of studies

[email protected].

Computer science and engineering and electrical engineering 

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16 • Halmstad University

Computer science and engineering and electrical engineering 

Bachelor proramme – Final Year Comletion – 60 Ects Credits 

elccal egg w ma

Wl sm Dg

Are you enrolled in a bachelor's rorammein Electrical Enineerin, interested in wirelesssystem desin and would like to have a Swedishbachelor’s deree? Then this one-year roram-me could be the riht choice or you!

 The use of modern wireless systems in everyday life

is increasing rapidly. Many critical applications such as

 WLANs, mobile phones, smart homes, sensors andradars depend on such systems. This development calls

for new and emerging wireless technologies. Today 

 we see a shift from expensive, high performance and

complex systems to low cost, mass produced electronics

 with challenging demands on low power consumption.

 Yet the underlying physical principles are the same, and

the electrical engineer with a speciality in wireless tech-

nologies is as important as ever.

 This programme gives you the basic theoretical tools

for wireless system design as well as a practical touch

of RFCMOS design. With a completed thesis pro-ject, where you have the opportunity to work within a

Swedish industrial environment or within one of the

research groups at Halmstad University, you will be

looking at promising career opportunities.


Semiconductor Devices, 7.5 credits

Signal Analysis and Representation, 7.5 credits

Engineering Electromagnetics, 7.5 credits

Electronic Design and Implementation, 7.5 credits

Radio System Design, RF-ASIC, 7.5 creditsSensor Systems, 7.5 credits

 Thesis, 15 credits


”Teknologie kandidatexamen med huvudområde

Elektroteknik” with the English translation Bachelor of 

Science with a major in Electrical Engineering.

e qm

 The programme is open only for exchange students at

partner universities of Halmstad University. To be ad-

mitted you must be engaged in bachelor level education,and be at a level where you do not need more than one

year of studies (60 ECTS credits) to qualify for a degree.

 Your educational background must be in the Electrical

Engineering area including basic courses in mathematics,

analogue and digital electronics, computer engineering,

and control theory.

 Your passed courses in mathematics should correspond

to at least 30 credits and include calculus, linear alge-

bra and transform methods. Studies in other countries

than Sweden must be at the same level as a Swedish

bachelor's education in Electrical Engineering. Youshould also have written and verbal command of the

English language.


Mikael Hindgren, director of studies

mikael.hindgren@ hh.se

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Halmstad University • 17

Master’s proramme – 60 Ects Credits

tccal pjc- ad B

Maagm (o a)

Are you a roessional with an enineerinbackround wantin to increase your eertisein manaement (esecially roject manaement)and business develoment? Are you interested inquestions relatin to stimulatin the develomento rojects? Or how manaement roessionalschoose a stratey or comany rowth? Alterna-tively you may be interested in how oranisationscan be encouraed to strive towards collectiveoals. products reduce commercial liecycles and

lower trade barriers while the internet and bet-ter communication and transortation aroundthe world are collectively some o the actorsthat make it more and more imortant to nd astratey combined with feibility. For manae-ment it is imortant to take into considerationthe deree o innovation as well as selectin andmanain the innovation rocess. This master’sroramme oers an increased understandinand holistic view o develoment- and chane-rocesses within roject manaement, businessdeveloment, stratey, manaement and oranisa-

tion in comanies and society.

New ideas do not become innovations until they haveemerged in a market and begin to be accepted andutilised. It is thereore important to gain a practical in-sight into how products emerge in the marketplace andhow companies and business enterprise can be set up.Knowledge about the organisation and management o innovation processes and international business develop-ment is becoming even more important. Society’s needor people who work with and lead developmental eorts

is increasing. At the same time, rapid progress along withexpanding globalisation places even greater demandson companies’ level o knowledge and their ability toimprove continually in order to maintain and raise theircompetitiveness. Tis degree programme deals with thenature o innovations, the organisation and managemento innovation processes and business development with anorientation towards international markets. Te program-me is well anchored in the university’s ongoing researchinitiatives directed towards small and medium-sized

companies. Te courses are aimed at acquainting students

with the disciplines o economics and technology cutting across traditional subject boundaries and are combinedwith more practically oriented course elements.

ya 2

Following successul completion o studies required orthe degree, there is an option to continue with the secondyear o the master’s programme in Management o Inno-vation and Business Development.


Degree o Master o Science (60 credits) with a major inIndustrial Management and Business Administration.

e qm

Entrance requirement is a Bachelor’s degree in Enginee-ring or the equivalent o 180 Swedish credit points or 180ECS credits in adequate areas at an accredited university.

 Applicants must also have written and verbal command

of the English language, equivalent to English course B

(passing grade) in the Swedish Upper Secondary School

System. English language prociency equivalent of Eng -

lish studies at upper secondary level (post-16) in Sweden,

known as English course B, demonstrated in one of the

following ways:

– IELTS: score (Academic) of 6.5 or more (with none

of the sections scoring less than 5.5)

 – TOEFL paperbased: score of 4.5 (scale 1-6) in written

test and a total score of 575

 – TOEFL internet-based: score of 20 (scale 0-30) in

 written test and a total score of 90


Programme director Lei Nordin, [email protected]

Strateic InnovationManaement

Scientic Eamination in StrateicInnovation Manaement

Year 1 – Srin Semester

Research Method

Dissertation 15 ECTS

Leadershi Develoment

Year 1 – Autumn Semester

Entrereneurshi andInnovation

growth and BusinessDeveloment

Computer science and engineering and electrical engineering 

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18 • Halmstad University

Cm nwk egg (o a)

This master’s roramme rovides theoreticaland ractical knowlede useul or a roessio-nal activity as a network secialist and securitymanaer. As a student in this roramme you willdevelo cometence or desin and imlementa-tion o secure advanced comuter networks andain deeer knowlede in the areas o roram-min, simulation and rotocols.You will also learn to indeendently search orsolutions to real, technically comle researchtasks, avail your sel o scientic aers and use

advanced methods o analysis and construction.The education also rovides knowlede cor-resondin to Cisco Certied Network proes-sional (CCNp). 

Tis programme starts in January each year.

C  Applied advanced routing, 7.5 creditsModern communication systems and networks, 7.5creditsMultilayer switching, 7.5 creditsSimulation o complex computer networks, 7.5 creditsSecure and optimized converged networks, 7.5 credits Wireless communication systems, 7.5 creditsTesis, 15 credits


”eknologie magisterexamen med huvudområdetdatorsystemteknik” with the english translation Degreeo Master o Science (60 credits) with a Major in Com-puter Systems Engineering. In the degree certicate will

Master’s Programme – 60 Ects Credits

also be stated the specialisation o the degree: Computernetwork engineering.

e qm

Knowledge in computer communications or compu-ter networks corresponding to the courses ComputerNetworks I and Computer Networks II, including goodknowledge in CP/IP, e.g. IP-addressing, subnetting,access lists, practical router onguration.Knowledge in programming corresponding to the cour-ses Programming and Algorithms and data structures.

 Bachelor o Science degree (or equivalent) in an engine-ering subject or in computer science.Courses in computer science, computer engineering orelectrical engineering o at least 90 credits, including thesis. Courses in mathematics o at least 30 credits orincluding calculus, linear algebra and transorm met-hods. Applicants must also have written and verbal com-mand o the English language.


GRAMME IN COMPUER NEWORK ENGINE-ERING Students lacking the courses Computer networks I andComputer networks II (corresponding to CCNA 1-4)can take these courses at a short programme during theautumn semester. More inormation is ound at the pro-gramme ”Computer Network Engineering, 30 credits”.


 Jörgen Carlsson, [email protected]

Computer science and enginnering and electrical engineering 

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Halmstad University • 19

embddd ad illg sm (tw a)

Master’s proramme – 120 Ects Credits

This is an education or students wantin techni-cal secialist cometence, research eerienceand better career oortunities ater theireducation. The roramme requires a reviouseducation in the electrical-, comuter- or me-chatronical enineerin or inormation and com-munication technoloy elds.

During the studies you will be in direct connection withthe University’s research since the teaching is carried onby active researchers. Many o the courses are project

based and give the opportunity to study internationalresearch. Te thesis work is done in the third and ourthsemesters. Most students then cooperate with one o ourresearch groups, in many cases with industrial connec-tion.

 As a student in this programme you choose one o theollowing specialisations:

Communication systems, ocusing on communication inreal-time computer systems. Core subjects are Computernetworks, Optical communication, Real-time communi-

cation and Wireless communication.

Embedded systems, dealing with new methods in com-puter architecture, particularly co-operating embeddedsystems. Core subjects o this specialization are computerarchitecture, parallel computing and programming orembedded systems.

Intelligent systems, ocusing on how to create autono-mous and sel-regulating computer systems. Core sub- jects are articial intelligence, image- and signal analysis,control theory and techniques or sensoric and motoricsystems.

Entry requirements

Bachelor o Science degree (or equivalent) in an engine-ering subject or in computer science.

Courses in computer science, computer engineering orelectrical engineering o at least 90 credits, including thesis.

Courses in mathematics o at least 30 credits or inclu-ding calculus, linear algebra and transorm methods.Degrees rom other countries than Sweden must be at

the same level as a Swedish Bachelor’s degree in compu-ter or electrical engineering.

 Applicants must also have written and verbal commando the English language.


“eknologie masterexamen med huvudområdet datatek-nik” with the English translation Degree o Master o Science (120 credits) with a major in Computer Scienceand Engineering.

Cac Jörgen Carlsson, [email protected]

Computer science and engineering and electrical engineering 

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20 • Halmstad University

ima tclg (tw a)

Master’s proramme – 120 Ects Credits

This Euroean master’s roramme is oeredin cooeration between universities in Sweden,Denmark, germany and poland. Detailed inor-mation on the roramme is ound at www.it-master.or.

 At the programme you can develop your knowledge o signal analysis, communication technique and computerscience. You also gain experience in project work orresearch and development and o acting in an interna-tional environment in several European countries. Te

programme is given completely in English. Te Euro-pean cooperation makes the total cost or tuition ees orthis programme comparatively low, see www.it-master.org or details.

Te programme is oered jointly by:Halmstad University in Sweden. Wroclaw echnical University in Poland.Ostwestalen-Lippe University o Applied Sciencesin Lemgo, Germany. Ålborg University in Esbjerg, Denmark.

 All students at the programme spend their rst semesterin either Halmstad or Wroclaw, where they develop a common ground o mathematics, programming, com-puter architecture and signal analysis.

In the second semester students choose to specialise insome aspect o Inormation echnology. Tis secondsemester is spent in either Halmstad or Lemgo.

Te third semester is spent either in Esbjerg, Lemgo or Wroclaw. In either place a large part o this semester’s

work is a project, perormed by a group, where studentspractice their specialised knowledge rom previoussemesters.

Each student chooses the places o study, but has tospend the rst three semesters at either two or threedierent universities. Students are supported by a well-developed system or the transitions between theuniversities.

In the ourth semester a thesis is done at one o theuniversities where the student studied in the rst threesemesters. Tis university issues the degree ater comple-tion o the thesis.

e qmBachelor o Science degree (or equivalent) in anengineering subject or in computer science. Courses incomputer science, computer engineering or electricalengineering o at least 90 higher education credits, inclu-ding thesis. Courses in mathematics o at least 30 higereducation credits or including calculus, linear algebra and transorm methods.

Degrees rom other countries than Sweden must be atthe same level as a Swedish Bachelor’s degree in electricalengineering.

 Applicants must also have written and verbal commando the English language.


eknologie masterexamen med huvudområdet datatek-nik” with the English translation Degree o Master o Science (120 credits) with a major in Computer Scienceand Engineering.


 Jörgen Carlsson, [email protected]

Computer science and enginnering and electrical engineering 

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Halmstad University • 21

Mclcc ad pc (o a)

Master’s proramme – 60 Ects Credits

a h -yr prgrmm yu bul

b r uur wrk wh vlpm r -

ru mrlr r wh ppl

lrpl mp ym. th

prgrmm rqur prvu u h

eld of electrical engineering or physics.

 At the programme you can choose to specialise in semi-conductor technology, particularly production methodsand unction o components and integrated circuits. Alternatively, you can specialise in optical and wireless

techniques, particularly or communication or non-intrusive measurements using radio waves or light. Youwill also gain a basic knowledge o the tools o nano-technology and the new possibilities it creates or uturecomponents.

Te programme is given in close contact with theUniverity’s research in this strongly developing area. Tethesis project is done in the second semester. You willthen have the opportunity to work with the researchgroups at the University or in industry.

Te ollowing courses are oered within the programme:Compulsory courses: Photonics, Solid state electronicsI, Solid state electronics II, echnology or micro- andnanostructures, Tesis.

Optional courses: Multivariable calculus, Optics, visionand cameras, Optical communication, Random processes.

e qm

Bachelor o Science degree (or equivalent) in an engine-ering subject or in physics.

Courses in electrical engineering or physics o at least 90credits, including thesis.

Courses in mathematics o at least 30 credits or inclu-ding calculus, linear algebra and transorm methods.

Degrees rom other countries than Sweden must be at

the same level as a Swedish Bachelor’s degree. Applicants must also have written and verbal commando the English language.


“eknologie magisterexamen med huvudområdetelektroteknik” with the English translation Degree o Master o Science (60 credits) with a major in ElectricalEngineering.


 Jörgen Carlsson, [email protected]

Computer science and engineering and electrical engineering 

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22 • Halmstad University

Master’s proramme – 60 Ects Credits

iaal Makg (o a)

Lower trade barriers in a addition to develo-ment in transortation and communication tech-noloy are some o the actors that have madeit easier to do business abroad. Many comanieshave taken advantae o these new oortunities,and comete in the international arena, increa-sin lobal cometition.This makes internationalmarketin an imortant issue or many busines-ses.

It is crucial or a company’s international developmentto gain knowledge about the international environmentas well as to evaluate the company’s strategic resources. What markets should the organisation compete in? How should the company deal with dierent cultures? Whatmodes o entry should the business use in dierent mar-kets? Should the company adapt to dierent markets,or standardise and go or a global approach? Tese aresome o the questions that will be dealt with in thisprogramme.

Sweden is, as a small country, very dependent on inter-national business. Many Swedish companies have beensuccessul in the international market. Organisationssuch as Volvo, Saab, Scania, Ericsson, H&M, Electrolux and IKEA are just some o the Swedish names that aredependent on international marketing to succeed. AsSweden is dependent on international trade, researchand education in this area have been in ocus in Sweden.In Halmstad, however, the ocus is not only on large,well established companies but also on new, expanding international ventures. Te research in international

marketing in Halmstad, which is the basis o this pro-gramme, deals or example with supply chain manage-ment, ethical values, and principles and internationalgrowing businesses, so called “Born Globals”.

ya 2

 Ater completing the requirements or the degree, thereis an option to continue with the second year o themaster’s programme in Management o Innovation andBusiness Development.


”Ekonomie/losoe magisterexamen” with the Englishtranslation Degree o Master o Science in Business andEconomics (60 credits) with a major in Business Admin-istration.

e qm

Entrance requirement is a Bachelor’s degree in Businessstudies or the equivalent o 180 Swedish credit points

or 180 ECS credits in adequate areas at an accrediteduniversity. Basic knowledge o marketing (at least onecourse o 7.5 credits. Te degree should include 90 Swe-dish credit points in Business Administration and basicknowledge in marketing.

 Applicants must also have written and verbal command

of the English language, equivalent to English course B

(passing grade) in the Swedish Upper Secondary School

System. English language prociency equivalent of 

English studies at upper secondary level (post-16) in

Sweden, known as English course B, demonstrated in

one of the following ways:


 – IELTS: score (Academic) of 6.5 or more (with none

of the sections scoring less than 5.5)

 – TOEFL paperbased: score of 4.5 (scale 1-6) in written

test and a total score of 575

 – TOEFL internet-based: score of 20 (scale 0-30) in

 written test and a total score of 90 


Programme director, Proessor Svante Andersson,

[email protected]

Year 1 – Autumn Semester

International MarketinStratey

Frontiers o Research inInternational Marketin

Year 1 – Srin Semester

Research Method

Dissertation 15 ECTS

Leadershi Develoment

Entrereneurshiand Innovation

growth and BusinessDeveloment

Business and economics

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Halmstad University • 23

Business and economics

Master’s proramme – 60 Ects Credits

sagc Maagm ad Lad(o a)

This is a deree roramme or students rea-rin or work in the areas o strateic manae-ment and leadershi. The roramme rearesstudents to deal with the strateic and culturalasects o manaement and leadershi in the lo-bal arena as well as avin the way or studentsto ursue urther research in strateic manae-ment and leadershi. Teamwork toether withstudents rom other countries is an essentialart o the roramme.

Te comprehensive aim and goal with the degree courseis or students to become amiliar with strategies o ma-nagement and leadership, and how to develop and chan-ge businesses. Tis will be achieved through the adop-tion o both a holistic view and a theoretical extensiono previous knowledge, partly to be able to lead, developand initiate processes o change in dierent businesses,and partly to ulll the eligibility requirements or entry on to doctoral research programmes. Tis programmealso provides knowledge about a company’s develop-ment rom initial idea via establishment to growth. Inthis context some conceptions such as entrepreneurship,innovation and growth are ocused upon. Students havethe opportunity to critically examine the literature andtheory in this area.

 Ater the programme students should be prepared todevelop and manage international businesses and pro- jects concerning strategic management and leadership.Te students should also be in a position to continuestudies at a doctoral level in management and leadership.Students should be able to independently and in groups

gather an analyse inormation and consider both aca-demic and practical implications. Students should alsodevelop their methodological knowledge and be aware o the ethical aspects in research and business.

ya 2

 Ater obtaining this degree, there is an option to conti-nue with the second year o the master’s programme inManagement o Innovation and Business Development. 


”Ekonomie/losoe magisterexamen” with the Englishtranslation Degree o Master o Science in Business andEconomics (60 credits) with a major in Business Admin-istration.

e qm

Entrance requirement is a Bachelor’s degree in Businessstudies or the equivalent o 180 Swedish credit pointsor 180 ECS credits in adequate areas at an accredited

university. Te degree should include 90 Swedish creditpoints in Business Administration and basic knowledgein management and leadership.

 Applicants must also have written and verbal command

of the English language, equivalent to English course B

(passing grade) in the Swedish Upper Secondary School

System. English language prociency equivalent of 

English studies at upper secondary level (post-16) in

Sweden, known as English course B, demonstrated in

one of the following ways:


 – IELTS: score (Academic) of 6.5 or more (with none

of the sections scoring less than 5.5)

 – TOEFL paperbased: score of 4.5 (scale 1-6) in written

test and a total score of 575

 – TOEFL internet-based: score of 20 (scale 0-30) in

 written test and a total score of 90

Cac Programme director Ingemar Wictor,[email protected]

Strateic InnovationManaement

Business Manaement

Year 1 – Srin Semester

Research Method

Dissertation 15 ECTS

Leadershi Develoment

Year 1 – Autumn Semester

Entrereneurshiand Innovation

growth and BusinessDeveloment

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24 • Halmstad University

Master’s proramme – 120 Ects Credits

Year 2 – Autumn Semester

Year 2 – Srin Semester

Manaement andEconomics o Innovation

Manaement o Chane

Develoment and Diusiono Innovations

Frontiers o Research inManaement o Innovation and

Business Develoment

International MarketinCommunicatiomn

Dissertation 15 ECTS

Multicultural Manaement

 Innovations, as well as imrovements o roductsand oranisations, occur in collaboration withmany dierent actors. What counts is not onlyindividual serendiity, but an interlay betweenindividuals and oranisations, which in turn isaected by dierent structures, cultures andknowlede.

This roramme has three dierent entry oints:

(one year master rorammes see ae 27-29)

1, iaal Makg

I you chose International Marketing you will study challenges and barriers regarding strategy and leadershipin the international market as well as learning to analyseopportunities and threats. You will study the alternativemarkets that a rm can enter into and the pros and conswith dierent entry modes. You will learn to act proes-sionally in dierent international contexts. All coursesare taught in English and you will study together with

students rom all over the world.

2, sagc Maagm ad Lad

Tis is a programme or students preparing or work inthe areas o strategic management and leadership. Teprogramme prepares students to handle strategic andcultural aspects o management and leadership in theglobal arena as well as paving the way or students topursue urther research in strategic management andleadership. eamwork with students rom other coun-tries is an essential part o the education.

3, tccal pjc- ad B Maagm Tis is a Masters programme oering advanced know-ledge and skills in project management, businessdevelopment, strategy, leadership and organisation.Te programme ocuses on the business developmento companies and the processes in the business systemdriving development orward. You will improve yourreective abilities both academically and operatively.

scd ya Ma gamm

Te over-arching objective o the course is that uponcompletion o studies the student should be able to work with as well as manage technological and business deve-lopment in small and medium-sized businesses. During the second year o the programme, increased emphasis isput on students themselves taking the initiative or theirknowledge development and that they should be able todemonstrate the requisite skills and expertise to partici-

pate in research and developmental work or to work inother qualied operational areas.

Dg Degree o Master o Science in Busines and Economics(120 credits) with a major in Management o Innovationand Business Development.

e qm

Please check page 27-29 or inormation on entry requi-rements.


Programme director Joakim ell, [email protected]

Maagm iva ad

B Dvlm (tw a)

Business and economics

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Halmstad University • 25

Biology and environmental science

Master’s proramme – 60 Ects Credits

Ald evmal scc (o a) 

This Master´s roramme will oer you aneducational role which makes you qualied touse scientic knowlede to solve environmentalroblems.

 Applied Environmental Science is, quite simply, the

 way in which environmental science can be put to use

in order to solve environmental problems. Within this

Masters Programme, you will expand your knowledge

 within selected parts of this wide eld and take part in

research projects under the guidance of senior scientists

 within environmental science.

 The programme starts in August each year with a course

in Applied Environmental Science (15 ECTS credits)

 where you obtain a wide understanding of the subject

and also insight into ongoing research. The second

part of the autumn semester, you will take a course in

Research Methods in Applied Environmental Science

(15 ECTS credits), where you will get acquainted with

scientic thinking and methods. This is both a theor-

etical and a practical course. The practical part may for

instance involve that you collect and analyse your own

data within a research project. You will also learn how 

to interpret and analyse scientic reports and develop

your ability to use statistical methods within environ-

mental research.

During the second semester, you can take a course in

Environmental Decision Making (7.5 ECTS credits) as

 well as a course in Wetland Technology (7.5 ECTS

credits). You can also choose to do an individual Litera-

ture Project (7.5 ECTS credits) focusing on a specic

area of applied environmental science. Depending on

your previous studies and your interests, you may nally conduct a thesis project resulting in a Masters thesis

(15 or 30 ECTS credits). In total, your Masters degree

should include 60 ECTS credits.


”Filosoe magisterexamen med huvudområde Miljö- 

 vetenskap” with the English translation Degree of 

Master of Science (60 credits) with a Major in

Environmental Science.

e qm 

Entrance requirement is a Bachelor’s degree in Environ-

mental Health, Ecology, Environmental Engineering,

Environmental Science; Natural Sciences with orien-

tation towards environmental issues, or the equivalent,

at an accredited university. Degrees from other countriesthan Sweden must be at the same level as a Swedish

Bachelor’s degree.

 Applicants must also have written and verbal command

of the English language, equivalent to English course B

(passing grade) in the Swedish Upper Secondary School

System. English language prociency equivalent of 

English studies at upper secondary level (post-16) in

Sweden, known as English course B, demonstrated in

one of the following ways:


 – IELTS: score (Academic) of 6.5 or more (with none

of the sections scoring less than 5.5)

 – TOEFL paperbased: score of 4.5 (scale 1-6) in written

test and a total score of 575

 – TOEFL internet-based: score of 20 (scale 0-30) in

 written test and a total score of 90


Professor Stefan Weisner, [email protected]

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26 • Halmstad University

Sport science

Master’s proramme – 60 Ects Credits

s ad exc scc – hma pmac(o a)

Are you interested in deeenin your knowledeo the limitations o the human body and os-sible ways to enhance erormance? This mihtbe a roram or you!

Tis masters program in sport and exercise science takesan exercise physiological and sports biomechanical ap-proach to the scientic study o human perormance. We explore the body’s ability to perorm athletically both

at an elite as well as at a recreational level. Ater completion o the program, students shouldhave acquired extensive knowledge and understanding relating to the potential and limitations o human per-ormance in the elds o exercise physiology and sportsbiomechanics. Partly delivered via distance learning andintensive study weeks, courses are designed to developstudents’ understanding o actors determining humanperormance, and acquire skills in methods and techni-ques or assessing, analysing and evaluating humanperormance both at an elite sports level as well as or

human health perormance.

Te master’s programme (60 credits) is partly given incollaboration with University o Worcester, England,also oering the opportunity to complete some coursework abroad. Te program prepares the student to gointo uture careers in sport and exercise science, or pro-gress to urther post-graduate study/research.

Dg Upon successul completion o the degree program, a de-gree certicate will be issued bearing the title “Degree o 

Masters o Science with a major in Sports and ExerciseScience - Human Perormance”

e qm Entrance requirements is a Bachelor o Science (alt.B.A.) in the eld o Sports and Exercise Science with a minimum o 60 credits in the areas o (sports) biome-chanics, (exercise) physiology, and/or athletic training, orthe equivalent at an accredited university.

 Applicants must also have written and verbal commando the English language equivalent to English course B

(Swedish Upper-Secondary School). Tis can be provedby grades rom English education or by such tests as:

* IELS: score (Academic) o 6.5 or more (with none o the sections scoring less than 5.5)

* OEFL paper based: score o 4.5 in written test and a total score o 575

* OEFL internet-based: score o 20 in written test anda total score o 90

Selection rules and procedure, Available or exchange students. Limited numbers o seats.

Cac Charlotte OlssonPhone +46 35 16 77 41e-mail: [email protected]

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Halmstad University • 27

Study Abroad Semester – Sinle Subject Courses – Areas o Study

Within the ollowin study areas are courses orechane students oered. Eact inormationreardin secic courses will be iven at thebeinnin o each semester.

■Blg ad evmal scc

Single subject courses are offered within this eld

of study as well as a Master’s programme.


Single subject courses are offered within this eld

of study.

■B Adma

Single subject courses are offered within this eld

of study.

■Cm scc ad egg

Single subject courses are offered within this eld

of study as well as non-degree programmes and

Master’s programmes.

■Cmal scc ad egg

Single subject courses are offered within this eld

of study as well as a Master’s programme.

■Cc egg

Single subject courses are offered within this eld

of study.

■elccal egg

Single subject courses are offered within this eld

of study as well as Master’s programmes.

■eg tclg

Single subject courses are offered within this eldof study.


Single subject courses are offered within this eld

of study.


Single subject courses are offered within this eld

of study as well as a nal year completion.

■iaal rla

Single subject courses are offered within this eld

of study as well as a nal year completion.


Single subject courses are offered within this eld

of study as well as a Master’s programme.


Single subject courses are offered within this eld

of study.

■Mcacal egg

Single subject courses are oered within this eld

o study.


Single subject courses are offered within this eld

of study.


Single subject courses are offered within this eld

of study.

■s ad exc

Single subject courses are offered within this eldof study.

■s scc

Single subject courses are offered within this eld

of study.

■swd ad scadava d

Single subject courses are offered within this eld

of study.

■tac edca

Single subject courses are offered within this eld

of study.


Please note that there might be changes to the courses

and that some course modules may have prerequisites.


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Bilateral echane rorammes Te most common, and easiest, way or internationalstudents to get admitted to studies at Halmstad Uni-versity is i your home university has a bilateral studentexchange programme, such as a bilateral agreement, withHalmstad University. Studying through an exchangeprogramme has some obvious benets: you are gua-ranteed to get your courses readily credited and thehost university oers housing at a reasonable cost. Teapplication process is also very much simplied, contactyour home University’s International Ofce or appli-

cation orms and guidance. You should also look intowhat courses are available to exchange students here atHalmstad University and ll out the Application Formor courses within Exchange Programmes on line.

Tere are also specic entrance requirements; these apply to some courses within specic areas where special priorknowledge is required or the student to be able to bene-t rom the course. Te specic entrance requirementsapply to courses on higher levels, i.e. Master degreeprogrammes, or courses that require certain skills orknowledge such as mathematics or language skills. Teentrance requirements are always clearly stated in theprospectus / course descriptions.

Lanuae rociency A lot o emphasis is put on language skills, English inparticular. Language skills are crucial or being able tobenet rom the studies, being able to participate inclasses and seminars, reading and understanding thecourse literature and taking the exams. I you do notulll the English language prociency requirementsyou are not qualied or studying at Halmstad Univer-sity. Contact you home university or more inorma-tion regarding language prociency.

Letter o Admission A ormal Letter o Admission is a precondition toregister as a student at Halmstad University. Tisletter is sent to all students admitted to a course or a programme, without it you will not be able to study at Halmstad University. Te document indicates theconditions under which admission has been grantedand to what programmes/courses.

➤ Am m 

   April 15th or exchange students

➤ Spring semester

Oct 15th or exchange students

Further information

For urther inormation on programmesand application procedure, please look at:



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 An international student is a student who organises his/her studies in Sweden independently. Tey apply directly to the Swedish application system and are not tied toany special agreements. Tis dierentiates them rom anexchange student, who applies within an exchange agre-ement between two universities.

o be an international student means that you apply tothe University, via www.studera.nu, under similar condi-tions as Swedish students.

Lanuae rociency For courses and study programs where English is thelanguage o instruction, the English language entry requirement is the equivalent o English studies at uppersecondary level (post-16) in Sweden, called English B orat the lower level, called English A. At Halmstad Univer-sity the required level varies so please check the course/program description thoroughly at www.hh.se.

IELTS For English course B : an overall mark o 6.5and no section below 5.5.For English course A : an overall mark o 5.5and no section below 5.0.

TOEFL paer-based For English B : Score o 4.5 (scale 1-6) in written testand a total score o 575.For English A : Score o 4.0 (scale 1-6) in written testand a total score o 530.

TOEFL Internet-based For English B : Score o 20 (scale 0-30) in written testand a total score o 90.For English A : Score o 17 (scale 0-30) in written testand a total score o 72.

➤ Am m 

   January 15th or international students

➤ Spring semester

August 15th or international students

Further information

For urther inormation on programmesand application procedure, please look at:




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Tuition ees Application and tuition ees has been introduced or

students with citizenship in countries outside the EU/

EEA and Switzerland, beginning with application to the

autumn semester 2011. Please consult www.studera.nu

to fnd out more about application and tuition ees, and

 whether or not you are required to pay them.

The tuition ee or a specifc programme or course can be

ound under the programme or course description at our

 website www.hh.se.

EU/EEA Students 

There are no application or tuition ees or students who

are citizens o the European Union (EU), the European

Economic Area (EEA) and Switzerland.

Non-EU/EEA Students In general, individuals who are citizens o countries out-side o the European Union (EU), European Economic Area (EEA) and Switzerland are required to pay applica-tion and tuition ees. Tere are some exceptions to thisgeneral rule. Please visit www.studera.nu or the list o 

criteria which exempts individuals, meaning they do nothave to pay tuition ees. I you do not meet any o thesecriteria, you are mostly likely required to pay ees.

payment For inormation on payment, please see www.hh.se

For inormation regarding residence permits, please seethe Swedish Migration Board website: http://www.migra-tionsverket.se/

Scholarshis Halmstad University scholarships Halmstad University oers scholarships or high peror-ming international students. For more inormation about

these scholarships, please visit www.hh.se

Te Swedish Institute scholarships Te Swedish Institute, a government agency, each yearadministers scholarships or international students and re-searchers coming to Sweden to pursue their objectives at a Swedish university. For inormation on these scholarships,please visit http://www.studyinsweden.se/Scholarships/SI-scholarships/

Scholarships are only ofered 

to international students. 

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p ubl ic  h e al t h  c oac h 

cultural writer 

w or k ing l if e scien t is t 

me d ia p r od u c e r 

IT forensic scientist 

cad en gin


envir onmen t al sci

en t is t 


n ur s e 

pre-school teacher 

mechatronics engineer  t our ism de v e l op e r 

ambul an ce n ur se

international marketing manager 

web desig

ner  teacher 

energy economist 

systems developer 

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HALMSTAD UNIVERSITYP O Box 823 • SE 301 18 Halmstad, Sweden • Visiting Address: Kristian IV:s väg 3

Telephone: +46 35 16 71 00 • Telefax: +46 35 18 71 86

E-mail, Reistry clerk: [email protected], www.hh.se


Halmstad University


Halmstad Student Union



The ocial ateway to Sweden
