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A microprocessor is a multipurpose, programmable, clock driven, register based electronic device that reads binary instructions from a storage device called memory; accepts binary data as input and processes data according to those instructions and provides result as output

A set of instructions written for the microprocessor to perform a task is called as a program.

Types: • Reprogramable – use for computing and data processing. Eg.

Microcomputers • Embedded systems – It is a final product.

Eg. Microcontroller – Traffic signal application

8085 Microprocessor Architecture:

Components of MuP: 1:Register and accumulator. 2:ALU. 3:Instruction decoder and machine cycle encoder. 4:Address buffer.

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5:Address/data buffer. 6:Inc/Dec latch. 7:Interrupt control. 8:Serial i/o like SOD,SID. 9:Timing and Control circuit.

• ALU: Arithmetic and Logic commutations are performed • Registers: Stores data temporarily

o Eg. B,C,D,E,H,L

• Control Unit: Controls flow of data b/w microprocessor and peripherals with timing and control signals

• I/O ports: Data is transferred in and out o Eg. LED display

• Memory: Stores binary information interms of data and instructions. Eg. RAM/ROM

• Bus: Group of wires that carries information between microprocessor and peripherals.

Address Bus Data Bus Control Bus


• Assembly language programming: Microprocessors are programmed in ALP. It is a middle level language which consists of mnemonics.


8085 Machine Language:

• 8085 has word length of 8-bits.

Instruction set: It uses various combinations such as 1 byte, 2 byte and 3 byte. Eg. Increment Accumulator, Add B

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1 byte instruction: INR A 0011 1100 3C ADD B 1000 0000 80

Characteristics of a Micropocessor:

Instruction set: The set of instructions that the microprocessor can execute. (248 )

bandwidth : The number of bits processed in a single instruction. (8 bit)

clock speed : Given in megahertz (MHz), the clock speed determines how many instructions per second the processor can execute. (3 MHz)

Accumulator: • The accumulator is an 8-bit register • It is a part of the arithmetic/logic unit(ALU). • This register is used to store 8-bit data which is used to perform arithmetic &

logical operation. • The result of an operation is stored in the accumulator. • The accumulator is also identified as register A.


• The 8085 simulator has six general-purpose registers to store 8-bit data;

• These are identified as B, C, D, E, H and L.

• They can be combined as register pair – BC, DE and HL – to perform some 16-bit operations.

The programmer can use these registers to store or copy data into the registers by using data copy instructions.

• Out of these six registers, four 8-bit registers are Scratch pad registers which are accessible to the programmer and hence can be used to store data during a program execution.

• And the two registers H and L are similar to that of scratch pad register but they are utilized in Indirect addressing mode. In this mode, the memory location i.e. the address is specified by the contents of the registers.

• The temporary registers W and Z are intended for internal use of the processor and it cannot be used by the programmer.

Program Counter (PC):

• This 16-bit register deals with sequencing the execution of instructions.

• This register is a memory pointer.

• Memory locations have 16-bit addresses.

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• The function of the program counter is to point to the memory address from which the next instruction is to be fetched.

• When a byte (machine code) is being fetched, the program counter is incremented by one to point to the next memory location.

Stack Pointer (SP)

• The stack pointer is also a 16-bit register used as a memory pointer. It points to a memory location in R/W memory, called the stack.

• The return address of the PC from where the program control was transferred to the subroutine this return address is kept in a special area called stack.

• Stack pointer is useful when interrupt occur i.e. before execution of call instruction, address of next instruction is copied into stack pointer.

• Incrementor decrementor. This is also 16 bit register. It is used to add or subtract one from the contents of the program counter or stack pointer.

The Flags register: There is also the flags register whose bits are affected by the arithmetic & logic operations. S-sign flag

The sign flag is set if bit D7 of the accumulator is set after an arithmetic or logic operation.

Z-zero flag Set if the result of the ALU operation is 0. Otherwise is reset. This flag is affected by operations on the accumulator as well as other registers. (DCR B).

AC-Auxiliary Carry This flag is set when a carry is generated from bit D3 and passed to D4 . This flag is used only internally for BCD operations.

P-Parity flag After an ALU operation if the result has an even # of 1’s the p-flag is set. Otherwise it is cleared. So, the flag can be used to indicate even parity.

CY-carry flag It sets if there was a carry during addition, or borrow during subtraction/ comparison.

8085 Microprocessor PIN Description: Interrupts: They are generated through the microprocessor. They are initialized

on the basis of priorities. (In descending order) TRAP RST 7.5 RST 6.5 RST 5.5 INTR – fetches any one instruction(RST0-RST7)

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They are subdivided into maskable (RST, INTR ) and non maskable (TRAP) interrupts

Maskable: When the interrupt is received the processor saves the contents of the PC into stack and branches to the respective address.

• INTR: Known as hardware interrupt and has Lowest priority. • INTA: Interrupt Acknowledge signal. It is a active low signal.

• Vss : Ground signal • Vcc: power supply +5v • X1 and X2 are used to generate clock frequency. • RD: Processor is performing a Read operation. • WR: Processor is performing a write operation • READY: Acknowledgement from wait state. • I O /M : Memory or I/O Operation • RESET/IN: It is used to reset the microprocessor; it is active low signal. When

the signal on this pin is low for at least 3 clock cycles; it resets the microprocessor.

• RESET/OUT: Used to reset the peripheral devices. • S0 &S1 : Status signal used to define instruction operation.

S1 S0 Operation 0 0 Fetch

operation 0 1 Write

operation 1 0 Read

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Operation 1 1 Halt

operation • Clock: It generates clock frequency of 3 mHz and will be applied to other digital

IC’s which requires same clock pulse. • SID (Serial Input Data line)- The data on this line is loaded into accumulator bit

7 whenever a RIM(read interrupt mask) instruction is executed. • SOD (Serial Output Data line)- The SIM (set interrupt mask) instruction loads

the value of bit 7 of the accumulator into SOD. • ALE (Address Latch Enable): ALE=1, bus functions as address bus, ALE=0,

bus functions as data bus. • HOLD: It indicates that another master is requesting the use of address and

data buses. CPU will relinquish the bus soon after current bus transfer. • HLDA (Hold Acknowledge): Indicates that the CPU has received the HOLD

request and that it will relinquish the bus in the next clock cycle. Data and Address Bus:

• 8085 μp consists of 16 signal pins use as address bus.

• A15 – A8 : Unidirectional, known as ‘high order address’.

• AD7 – AD0 : bidirectional and dual purpose (address and data placed once at a time). This technique of sharing of data and address on the bus is known as multiplexing.

• AD7 – AD0 also known as ‘low order address’.

TIMING DIAGRAM OF 8085 Opcode Fetch Machine Cycle: • Each instruction of the processor has one byte opcode. • The opcodes are stored in memory. So, the processor executes the opcode fetch

machine cycle to fetch the opcode from memory. • Hence, every instruction starts with opcode fetch machine cycle. • The time taken by the processor to execute the opcode fetch cycle is 4T. • In this time, the first, 3 T-states are used for fetching the opcode from memory

and the remaining T-states are used for internal operations by the processor.

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Memory Read Machine Cycle: • The memory read machine cycle is executed by the processor to read a data

byte from memory. • The processor takes 3T states to execute this cycle. • The instructions which have more than one byte word size will use the machine

cycle after the opcode fetch machine cycle

• The memory write machine cycle is executed by the processor to write a data

byte in a memory location. • The processor takes,3T states to execute this machine cycle..

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I/O Read Machine Cycle:

• The I/O Read cycle is executed by the processor to read a data byte from I/O port or from the peripheral, which is I/O, mapped in the system.

• The processor takes 3T states to execute this machine cycle. • The IN instruction uses this machine cycle during the execution

• The I/O write machine cycle is executed by the processor to write a data byte in

the I/O port or to a peripheral, which is I/O, mapped in the system. • The processor takes, 3T states to execute this machine cycle

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Programming 8085:

ADDRESSING MODES OF 8085 The instructions MOV B, A or MVI A, 82H are to copy data from a source into a destination. In these instructions the source can be a register, an input port, or an 8-bit number (00H to FFH). Similarly, a destination can be a register or an output port. The sources and destination are operands. The various formats for specifying operands are called the ADDRESSING MODES. For 8085, they are: 1. Immediate addressing. 2. Register addressing. 3. Direct addressing. 4. Indirect addressing. Immediate addressing Data is present in the instruction. Load the immediate data to the destination provided. Example: MVI R,data Register addressing Data is provided through the registers. Example: MOV Rd, Rs Direct addressing Used to accept data from outside devices to store in the accumulator or send the data stored in the accumulator to the outside device. Accept the data from the port 00H and store them into the accumulator or Send the data from the accumulator to the port 01H. Example: IN 00H or OUT 01H Indirect Addressing This means that the Effective Address is calculated by the processor. And the contents of the address (and the one following) is used to form a second address. The second address is where the data is stored. Note that this requires several memory accesses; two accesses to retrieve the 16-bit address and a further access (or accesses) to retrieve the data which is to be loaded into the register.

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Instruction Set Classification An specific function. determines what functions the microprocessor can perform. These instructions can be classified into the following five functional categories: data transfer (copy) operations, arithmetic operations, logical operations, branching operations, and machine-control operations. Instruction is a binary pattern designed inside a microprocessor to perform ainstruction set, Data Transfer (Copy) Operations This group of instructions copy data from a location called a source to another location called a destination, without modifying the contents of the source. In technical manuals, the term source are destroyed when, in fact, the contents are retained without any modification. The various types of data transfer (copy) are listed below together with examples of each type:

data transfer is used for this copying function. Instruction word size The 8085 instruction set is classified into the following three groups according to word size:

1. One-word or 1-byte instructions 2. Two-word or 2-byte instructions 3. In the 8085, "byte" and "word" are synonymous because it is an 8-bit

microprocessor. However, instructions are commonly referred to in terms of bytes rather than words. Eg.Three-word or 3-byte instructions One-Byte Instructions A 1-byte instruction includes the opcode and operand in the same byte. Operand(s) are internal register and are coded into the instruction. For example:

These instructions are 1-byte instructions performing three different tasks. In the first instruction, both operand registers are specified. In the second instruction, the operand B is specified and the accumulator is assumed. Similarly, in the third instruction, the accumulator is assumed to be the implicit operand. These

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instructions are stored in 8-bit binary format in memory; each requires one memory location.

MOV rd, rs rd <-- rs copies contents of rs into rd. Coded as 01 ddd sss where ddd is a code for one of the 7 general registers which is the destination of the data, sss is the code of the source register. Example: MOV A,B Coded as 01111000 = 78H = 170 octal (octal was used extensively in instruction design of such processors). ADD r A <-- A + r Two-Byte Instructions In a two-byte instruction, the first byte specifies the operation code and the second byte specifies the operand. Source operand is a data byte immediately following the opcode. For example:

Assume that the data byte is 32H. The assembly language instruction is written as

The instruction would require two memory locations to store in memory. MVI r,data r <-- data Example: MVI A,30H coded as 3EH 30H as two contiguous bytes. This is an example of immediate addressing. ADI data A <-- A + data OUT port 0011 1110 DATA where port is an 8-bit device address. (Port) <-- A. Since the byte is not the data but points directly to where it is located this is called direct addressing. Three-Byte Instructions In a three-byte instruction, the first byte specifies the opcode, and the following two bytes specify the 16-bit address. Note that the second byte is the low-order address and the third byte is the high-order address. opcode + data byte + data byte For example:

This instruction would require three memory locations to store in memory.

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Three byte instructions - opcode + data byte + data byte LXI rp, data16 rp is one of the pairs of registers BC, DE, HL used as 16-bit registers. The two data bytes are 16-bit data in L H order of significance. rp <-- data16 Example: LXI H,0520H coded as 21H 20H 50H in three bytes. This is also immediate addressing. LDA addr A <-- (addr) Addr is a 16-bit address in L H order. Example: LDA 2134H coded as 3AH 34H 21H. This is also an example of direct addressing.

Instruction Set of 8085

• An instruction is a binary pattern designed inside a microprocessor to perform a specific function.

• The entire group of instructions that a microprocessor supports is called Instruction Set.

• 8085 has 246 instructions. • Each instruction is represented by an 8-bit binary value. • These 8-bits of binary value is called Op-Code or Instruction Byte. • An instruction is a binary pattern designed inside a microprocessor to perform a

specific function. • The entire group of instructions that a microprocessor supports is called

Instruction Set. • 8085 has 246 instructions. • Each instruction is represented by an 8-bit binary value. • These 8-bits of binary value is called Op-Code or Instruction


Classification of Instruction Set

• DataTransfer Instruction • Arithmetic Instructions • Logical Instructions • Branching Instructions • Control Instructions

Data Transfer Instructions

• These instructions movedata between registers, or between memory and registers.

• These instructionscopydata from source to destination. • Whilecopying, thecontentsof sourceare not modified.

• This instruction copies thecontents of the source register into the destination

register. • Thecontents of the source registerare not altered. • If one of the operands is a memory location, its location is specified by the

contents of the HL registers. Example: MOV B, C or MOV B, M

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• • Opcode • Operand • Description

• MVI • Rd, Data M, Data • Move immediate 8-bit

Th e 8-bit data is stored in the destination registeror memory. If t h e op er a n d is a m em ory loca t ion , it s loca t ion is s p ec ified b y t h econ t en t s of t h e H-L registers. E xa m p le: MVI B, 5 7 H or MVI M, 5 7 H

Opcode Operand Description

LDA 16-bitaddress Load Accumulator

Th econ t en t s of a m em ory loca t ion , s p ec ified b ya 16-bitaddress in theoperand, are copied to the accumulator. Th econ t en t s of t h es ou r cea r e n ot a lt e r ed . E xa m p le: LDA 2 0 3 4 H

Opcode Operand Description

LDAX B/D Register Pair Load accumulator indirect

Th econ t en t s of t h ed es ign a t ed r egis t e r p a ir p oin t to a memory location. Th is in s t r u c t ion cop ies t h econ t en t s of t h a t m em ory loca t ion in t o t h e accumulator. Th econ t en t s of eit h er t h e r egis t e r p a ir or t h e m em ory loca t ion a r e n ot a lt er ed . E xa m p le: LDAX B

Opcode Operand Description

LXI Reg. pair, 16-bit data Load registerpair immediate

Th is in s t r u c t ion loa d s 1 6-bit data in the register pair. E xa m p le: LXI H, 2 0 3 4 H

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Opcode Operand Description

LHLD 16-bitaddress Load H-L registersdirect

Th is in s t r u c t ion cop ies t h econ t en t s of memory location pointed out by 16-bit address into register L. It cop ies t h e con t en t s of n ext m em ory loca t ion in t o r egis t er H . E xa m p le: LHLD 2 0 4 0 H

Opcode Operand Description

STA 16-bitaddress Storeaccumulatordirect

Th econ t en t s of a ccu m u la t or a r e copied into the memory location specified by the operand. E xa m p le: S TA 2 5 0 0 H

Opcode Operand Description

STAX Reg. pair Storeaccumulator indirect

Th econ t en t s of a ccu m u la t or a r e cop ied in t o t h e m em ory loca t ion s p ec ified b y t h e contentsof the registerpair. E xa m p le: S TAX B

Opcode Operand Description

SHLD 16-bitaddress Store H-L registersdirect

Th econ t en t s of r egis t er L a r e s t or ed in t o m em ory loca t ion s p ec ified b y t h e 16-bitaddress. Th econ t en t s of register H are stored into the next memory location. E xa m p le: S HLD 2 5 5 0 H

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Opcode Operand Description

XCHG None Exchange H-L with D-E

Th econ t en t s of r egis t er H a r e exch a n ged wit h t h e con t en t s of r egis t er D . Th econ t en t s of register L are exchanged with the contentsof register E. E xa m p le: XCHG

Th is in s t r u c t ion loa d s t h e con t en t s o f H-L pair into SP. E xa m p le: S PHL

Opcode Operand Description

XTHL None Exchange H–L with topof stack

Th econ t en t s of L r egis t er a r e exch a n ged wit h t h e loca t ion p oin t ed ou t b y t h e contentsof the SP. Th econ t en t s of H r egis t er a r e exch a n ged wit h t h e n ext loca t ion (S P + 1 ). E xa m p le: XTHL

Opcode Operand Description

PCHL None Load program counterwith H-L contents

Th econ t en t s of r egis t er s H a n d L a r e cop ied in t o t h e p rogr a m cou n t er (PC). Th econ t en t s of H a r e p la ced a s t h e h igh-order byte and thecontentsof L as the low-order byte. E xa m p le: PCHL

Opcode Operand


SPHL None Copy H-L pair to the Stack Pointer (SP)

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Opcode Operand Description

PUSH Reg. pair Push registerpaironto stack

Th econ t en t s of r egis t er p a ir a r e cop ied on to s ta ck . S P is d ec r em en t ed a n d t h econ t en t s o f h igh-order registers (B, D, H, A) are copied into stack. S P is a ga in decremented and the contents of low-order registers (C, E, L, Flags) are copied into stack. E xa m p le: PUS H B

Opcode Operand Description

POP Reg. pair Pop stack to registerpair

Th econ t en t s of t opof s t a ck a r e cop ied in t o r egis t er p a ir . Th econ t en t s of location pointed out by SP are copied to the low-order register (C, E, L, Flags). S P is in c r em en t ed a n d t h econ t en t s of loca t ion a r e cop ied t o t h e h igh-order register (B, D, H, A). E xa m p le: POP H

Opcode Operand Description

OUT 8-bitport address Copydata from accumulator toa port with 8-bit address

Th econ t en t s of a ccu m u la t or a r e cop ied in t o t h e I/ O p or t . E xa m p le: OUT 7 8 H

Opcode Operand Description

IN 8-bitport address

Copydata to accumulator from a port with 8-bitaddress

Th e contents of I/O port are copied into accumulator. E xa m p le: IN 8 C H

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Arithmetic Instructions: Th es e in s t r u c t ion s p er form t h e operations like: Ad d it ion S u b t r a c t In c r em en t Decr em en t Addition An y 8-bit number, or the contents of register, or the contents of memory location can be added to the contents of accumulator. Th e r es u lt (s u m ) is s t or ed in t h e a ccu m u la t or . No two other 8-bit registers can be added directly. E xa m p le: Th e con t en t s of register B cannot be added directly to the contents of register C. Subtraction An y 8-bit number, or the contents of register, or the contents of memory location can be subtracted from the contents of accumulator. Th e r es u lt is s t or ed in t h e a ccu m u la t or . S u b t r a c t ion is p er form ed in 2 ’s com p lem en t form . If t h e r es u lt is negative, it is stored in 2’s complement form. No two other 8-bit registers can be subtracted directly. Increment / Decrement Th e 8-bit contents of a register or a memory location can be incremented or decremented by 1. Th e 1 6-bit contents of a register pair can be incremented or decremented by 1. In c r em en t or decrement can be performed on any register or a memory location.

Opcode Operand Description

ADD R M Add registeror memory to accumulator

Th e contents of register or memory are added to the contents of accumulator. Th e r es u lt is s t or ed in a ccu m u la t or . If t h e operand is memory location, its address is specified by H-L pair. All fla gs a r e m od ified t o r eflec t t h e r es u lt of the addition. E xa m p le: ADD B orADD M

Opcode Operand Description

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ADC R M Add registeror memory to accumulatorwith carry

Th e contents of register or memory and Carry Flag (CY) are added to the contents of accumulator. Th e r es u lt is s t or ed in a ccu m u la t or . If t h e operand is memory location, its address is specified by H-L pair. All fla gs a r e m od ified t o r eflec t t h e r es u lt of the addition. E xa m p le: ADC B or ADC M

Opcode Operand Description

ADI 8-bitdata Add immediate to accumulator

Th e 8-bit data is added to the contentsof accumulator. Th e r es u lt is stored in accumulator. All fla gs a r e m od ified t o r eflec t t h e r e s u lt of t h e a d d it ion . E xa m p le: ADI 4 5 H

Opcode Operand Description

ACI 8-bitdata Add immediate to accumulator with carry

Th e 8-bit data and the Carry Flag (CY) are added to the contents of accumulator. Th e r es u lt is s t or ed in a ccu m u la t or . All fla gs a r e m od ified t o r eflec t t h e r es u lt of t h e a d d it ion . E xa m p le: ACI 4 5 H

Opcode Operand Description

DAD Reg. pair Add registerpair to H-L pair

Th e 1 6-bit contents of the registerpairare added to the contents of H-L pair. Th e r es u lt is s t or ed in H-L pair. If t h e r es u lt is la r ger t h a n 1 6 b it s , t h en CY is s et . Nooth er fla gs a r e ch a n ged . E xa m p le: DAD B

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Opcode Operand Description

SUB R M Subtract register or memory from accumulator

Th e contents of the registeror memory location are subtracted from the contentsof the accumulator. Th e r es u lt is s t or ed in a ccu m u la t or . If t h e operand is memory location, its address is specified by H-L pair. All fla gs a r e m od ified t o r eflec t t h e r es ult of subtraction. E xa m p le: S UB B or S UB M

Opcode Operand Description

SBB R M Subtract registeror memory from accumulator with borrow

Th econ t en t s of t h e r egis t er or m em or y loca t ion a n d Bor row F la g (i.e . CY) a r e subtracted from thecontentsof theaccumulator. Th e r es u lt is s t or ed in a ccu m u la t or . If t h eop er a n d is m em ory loca t ion , it s a d d r es s is s p ec ified b y H-L pair. All fla gs a r e m od ified t o r eflec t t h e r es u lt of s u b t r a c t ion . E xa m p le: S BB B or S BB M

Opcode Operand Description

SUI 8-bitdata Subtract immediate from accumulator

Th e 8-bit data is subtracted from thecontents of the accumulator. Th e r es u lt is s t or ed in a ccu m u la t or . All fla gs a r e m od ified t o r eflec t t h e r es u lt of s u b t r a c t ion . E xa m p le: S UI 4 5 H

Opcode Operand Description

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SBI 8-bitdata Subtract immediate from Accumulator with borrow

Th e 8-bit data and the Borrow Flag (i.e. CY) is subtracted from the contents of theaccumulator. Th e r es u lt is s t or ed in a ccu m u la t or . All fla gs a r e m od ified t o r eflec t t h e r es u lt of subtraction. E xa m p le: S BI 4 5 H

Opcode Operand Description

INR R M Increment registeror memory by 1

Th econ t en t s of r egis t er or m em ory loca t ion a r e in c r em en t ed b y 1 . Th e r es u lt is s t or ed in t h e s a m e p la ce. If t h e op er a n d is a m em ory loca t ion , itsaddress is specified by the contents of H-L pair. E xa m p le: INR B or INR M

Opcode Operand Description

INX R Increment registerpair by 1

Th econ t en t s of r egis t er p a ir a r e in c r em en t ed b y 1 . Th e r es u lt is s t or ed in t h e s a m e p la ce. E xa m p le: INX H

Opcode Operand Description

DCR R M Decrementregisteror memory by 1

Th econ t en t s of r egis t er or m em ory loca t ion a r e d ec r em en t ed b y 1 . Th e r es u lt is s t or ed in t h e s a m e p la ce. If t h e op er a n d is a m em ory loca t ion , it s a d d r es s is specified by the contents of H-L pair.

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E xa m p le: DCR B or DCR M

Opcode Operand Description

DCX R Decrementregisterpair by 1

Th econ t en t s of r egis t er p a ir a r e d ec r em en t ed b y 1 . Th e r es u lt is s t or ed in t h e s a m e p la ce. E xa m p le: DCX H Logical Instructions Th es e in s t r u c t ion s p er form logica l op er a t ion s on d a t a s t or ed in r egis t er s , memoryand status flags. Th e logica l op e r a t ion s a r e: AND OR XOR Rota t e Com p a r e Com p lem en t AND, OR, XOR An y 8-bitdata, orthe contentsof register, or memory locationcan logically have AND op er a t ion OR op er a t ion XOR op er a t ion with the contentsof accumulator. Th e r es u lt is s t or ed in a ccu m u la t or . Rotate E a ch b it in t h e a ccu m u la t or ca n b e s h ift ed eit h er left or r igh t t o t h e n ext p os it ion . Compare An y 8-bitdata, orthe contentsof register, or memory locationcan be compares for: E qu a lit y Grea t e rTh a n Les s Th a n with the contentsof accumulator. Th e r es u lt is r eflec t ed in s t a t u s fla gs . Complement Th econ t en t s of a ccu m u la t or ca n becomplemented. E a ch 0 is r ep la ced b y 1 a n d ea ch 1 is r ep la ced b y 0 .

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Logical Instructions

Opcode Operand Description

CMP R M Compare register or memory with accumulator

Th econ t en t s of t h eop er a n d (r egis t er o r m em ory) a r e com p a r ed wit h t h e contentsof the accumulator. Both con t en t s a r e p r es erved . Th e r es u lt of t h e com p a r is on is s h own b y s et t in g t h e fla gs of t h e PS W a s follows :

Opcode Operand Description

CMP R M Compare register or memory with Accumulator

if (A) < (r eg/ m em ): ca r r y fla g is set if (A) = (r eg/ m em ): zer o fla g is s et if (A) > (r eg/ m em ): ca r r y a n d zero fla gs a r e r es et . E xa m p le: CMP B or CMP M

Opcode Operand Description

CPI 8-bitdata Compare immediate with accumulator

Th e 8-bit data is compared with the contentsof accumulator. Th eva lu es b e in g com p a r ed r em a in u n ch a n ged . Th e r es u lt of t h e com p a r is on is s h own b y s et t in g t h e fla gs of t h e PS W a s follows :

Opcode Operand Description

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CPI 8-bitdata Compare immediate with accumulator

if (A) < d a t a : ca r r y fla g is s et if (A) = d a t a : zer o fla g is s et if (A) > d a t a : ca r r y a n d zero fla gs a r e r es et E xa m p le: CPI 8 9 H

Opcode Operand Description

ANA R M Logical AND register or memory with accumulator

Th econ t en t s of t h ea ccu m u la t or a r e logica lly ANDed wit h t h econ t en t s of registeror memory. Th e r es u lt is p la ced in t h ea ccu m u la t or . If t h eop er a n d is a m em ory loca t ion , it s a d d r es s is s p ec ified b y t h e con t en t s of H-L pair. S , Z, P a r e m od ified t o r eflec t t h e r es u lt of t h eop er a t ion . CY is r es et a n d AC is set. E xa m p le: ANA B orANA M.

Opcode Operand Description

ANI 8-bitdata Logical AND immediate with accumulator

Th econ t en t s of t h ea ccu m u la t or a r e logica lly ANDed wit h t h e 8-bit data. Th e r es u lt is p la ced in t h e a ccu m u la t or . S , Z, P a r e m od ified t o r eflec t t h e r es u lt . CY is reset, AC is set. E xa m p le: ANI 8 6 H .

Opcode Operand Description

ORA R M Logical OR registeror memory with accumulator

Th econ t en t s of t h e a ccu m u la t or a r e logica lly ORed wit h t h econ t en t s of t h e registeror memory. Th e result is placed in the accumulator. If t h eop er a n d is a m em ory loca t ion , it s a d d r es s is s p ec ified b y t h econ t en t s of H-L pair.

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S , Z, P a r e m od ified t o r eflec t t h e r e s u lt . CYa n d AC a r e r es et . E xa m p le: ORA B or ORA M.

Opcode Operand Description

ORI 8-bitdata Logical OR immediate with accumulator

Th econ t en t s of t h ea ccu m u la t or a r e logica lly ORed wit h t h e 8-bit data. Th e r es u lt is p la ced in t h e a ccu m u la t or . S , Z, P a r e m od ified t o r eflec t th e result. CYa n d AC a r e r es et . E xa m p le: ORI 8 6 H.

Opcode Operand Description

XRA R M Logical XOR registeror memory with accumulator

Th e contents of the accumulator are XORed with the contents of the register or memory. Th e r es u lt is p la ced in t h e a ccu m u la t or . If t h eop er a n d is a m em ory loca t ion , its address is specified by the contentsof H-L pair. S , Z, P a r e m od ified t o r eflec t t h e r es u lt of t h e operation. CYa n d AC a r E xa m p le: XRA B orXRA M.

Opcode Operand Description

XRI 8-bitdata XOR immediate with accumulator

Th econ t en t s of theaccumulatorare XORed with the 8-bitdata. Th e r es u lt is p la ced in t h e a ccu m u la t or . S , Z, P a r e m od ified t o r eflec t th e result. CYa n d AC a r e r es et . E xa m p le: XRI 8 6 H .

Opcode Operand Description

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RLC None Rotateaccumulator left

E a ch b in a ry b it of theaccumulator is rotated left by one position. Bit D7 is p la ced in t h e p os it ion of D0 a s well a s in t h e Ca r r y fla g. CY is m od ified a ccord in g t o b it D7 . S , Z, P, AC a r e n ot a ffec t ed . E xa m p le: RLC.

Opcode Operand Description

RRC None Rotate accumulator right

E a ch b in a ry b it of t h ea ccu m u la t or is r ot a t ed r igh t b y on e p os it ion . Bit D0 is p la ced in t h e p os it ion of D7 a s well a s in t h e Ca r r y fla g. CY is m od ified a ccord in g t o b it D0 . S , Z, P, AC a r e n ot a ffec t ed . E xa m p le: RRC.

Opcode Operand Description

RAL None Rotateaccumulator left throughcarry

E a ch b in a ry b it of t h ea ccu m u la t or is r ot a t ed left b y on e p os it ion t h r ou gh t h e Carry flag. Bit D7 is p la ced in t h e Ca r r y fla g, a n d t h e Ca r r y fla g is p la ced in t h e lea s t significant position D0. CY is m od ified a ccord in g t o b it D7 . S , Z, P, AC a r e n ot a ffec t ed . E xa m p le: RAL.

Opcode Operand Description

RAR None Rotate accumulator right Throughcarry

E a ch b in a ry b it of t h ea ccu m u la t or is rotated right by one position through the Carry flag. Bit D0 is p la ced in t h e Ca r r y fla g, a n d t h e Ca r r y fla g is p la ced in t h e m os t significant position D7. CY is m od ified a ccord in g t o b it D0 . S , Z, P, AC a r e n ot a ffec t ed . E xa m p le: RAR.

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Opcode Operand Description

CMA None Complementaccumulator

Th econ t en t s of t h ea ccu m u la t or a r e com p lem en t ed . No fla gs a r e a ffec t ed . E xa m p le: CMA.

Opcode Operand Description

CMC None Complementcarry

Th e Ca r r y fla g is com p lem en t ed . Nooth er fla gs a r e a ffec t ed . E xa m p le: CMC.

Opcode Operand Description

STC None Setcarry

Th e Ca r r y fla g is s et to 1 . Nooth er fla gs a r e a ffec t ed . E xa m p le: S TC. Branching Instructions Th e b r a n ch in g in s t r u c t ion a lt er t h e n orm a l s equ en t ia l flow. Th es e in s t r u c t ion s a lt er e it h er unconditionallyor conditionally.

Opcode Operand Description

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JMP 16-bitaddress Jump unconditionally

Th e p rogr a m s equ en c e is t r a n s fer r ed t o t h e m em ory loca t ion s p ec ified b y t h e 16-bitaddress given in the operand. E xa m p le: J MP 2 0 3 4 H .

Opcode Operand Description

Jx 16-bitaddress Jumpconditionally

Th e p rogr a m s equ en c e is t r a n s fer r ed t o t h e m em ory loca t ion s p ec ified b y t h e 16-bitaddress given in the operand based on the specified flag of the PSW. E xa m p le: J Z 2 0 3 4 H . Jump Conditionally

Opcode Description Status Flags

JC Jump if Carry CY = 1

JNC Jump if No Carry CY = 0

JP Jump if Positive S = 0

JM Jump if Minus S = 1

JZ Jump if Zero Z = 1

JNZ Jump if No Zero Z = 0

JPE Jump if Parity Even P = 1

JPO Jump if Parity Odd P = 0

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Opcode Operand Description

CALL 16-bitaddress Call unconditionally

Th e p rogr a m s equ en c e is t r a n s fer r ed t o t h e m em ory loca t ion s p ec ified b y t h e 16-bitaddress given in the operand. Befor e t h e t r a n s fer , t h e a d d r es s of th e n ext in s t r u c t ion a ft er CALL (thecontents of the program counter) is pushed onto thestack. E xa m p le: CALL 2 0 3 4 H .

Opcode Operand Description

Cx 16-bitaddress Call conditionally Th e p rogr a m s equ en c e is t r a n s fer r ed t o t h e m em ory loca t ion s p ec ified b y t h e 16-bitaddress given in the operand based on the specified flag of the PSW. Befor e t h e t r a n s fer , t h ea d d r es s of t h e n ext in s t r u c t ion a ft er t h e ca ll (thecontentsof the program counter) is pushed onto the stack. E xa m p le: CZ 2 0 3 4 H . Call Conditionally

Opcode Description Status Flags

CC Call if Carry CY = 1

CNC Call if No Carry CY = 0

CP Call if Positive S = 0

CM Call if Minus S = 1

CZ Call if Zero Z = 1

CNZ Call if No Zero Z = 0

CPE Call if Parity Even P = 1

CPO Call if Parity Odd P = 0

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Opcode Operand Description

RET None Return unconditionally

Th e p rogr a m s equ en ce is t r a n s fer r ed fr om th e s u b rou t in et o t h e ca llin g p rogr a m . Th e two b yt es fr om t h e t op of t h e s t a ck a r e cop ied in t o t h e p rogr a m cou n t e r , a n d program execution begins at the new address. E xa m p le: RE T.

Opcode Operand Description

Rx None Call conditionally

Th e p rogr a m s equ en ce is t r a n s fer r ed fr om th e s u b rou t in et o t h e ca llin g p r ogr a m based on the specified flag of the PSW. Th e two b yt es fr om t h e t op of t h e s t a ck a r e cop ied in t o t h e p rogr a m cou n t e r , and program execution begins at the new address. E xa m p le: RZ. Return Conditionally

Opcode Description Status Flags

RC Return if Carry CY = 1

RNC Return if No Carry CY = 0

RP Return if Positive S = 0

RM Return if Minus S = 1

RZ Return if Zero Z = 1

RNZ Return if No Zero Z = 0

RPE Return if Parity Even P = 1

RPO Return if Parity Odd P = 0

Opcode Operand Description

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RST 0 – 7 Restart (Software Interrupts)

Th e RS T in s t r u c t ion ju m p s t h e con t r ol t oon eof eigh t m em ory locationsdepending upon the number. Th es ea r e u s ed a s s oftwa r e in s t r u c t ion s in a p rogr a m to t r a n s fer p rogr a m execution tooneof theeight locations. E xa m p le: RS T 3 . Restart Address Table

Instructions Restart Address

RST 0 0000 H

RST 1 0008 H

RST 2 0010 H

RST 3 0018 H

RST 4 0020 H

RST 5 0028 H

RST 6 0030 H

RST 7 0038 H

Control Instructions Th econ t r ol in s t r u c t ion s con t r ol t h e op er a t ion of m ic rop roces s or .

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Opcode Operand Description

NOP None Nooperation

Noop er a t ion is p er form ed . Th e in s t r u c t ion is fetched and decoded but no operation is executed. E xa m p le: NOP

Opcode Operand Description

HLT None Halt

Th e CPU fin is h es execu t in g t h e cu r r en t in s t r u c t ion a n d h a lt s a n y furtherexecution. An in t er r u p tor r es et is n eces s a ry t oexit from the halt state. E xa m p le: HLT

Opcode Operand Description

DI None Disable interrupt

Th e in t er r u p t en a b le flip-flop is reset and all the interruptsexcept the TRAP are disabled. No fla gs a r e a ffec t ed . E xa m p le: D I

Opcode Operand Description

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EI None Enable interrupt

Th e in t er r u p t en a b le flip-flop is setand all interrupts areenabled. No fla gs a r e a ffec t ed . Th is in s t r u c t ion is n eces s a ry t o r e-enable the interrupts (except TRAP). E xa m p le: E I

Opcode Operand Description

RIM None Read Interrupt Mask

RIM Instruction Th is is a m u lt ip u r p os e in s t r u c t ion u s ed t o r ea d t h e s t a t u s of in t er r u p t s 7 .5 , 6 .5 , 5.5 and read serial data input bit. Th e in s t r u c t ion loa d s eigh t b it s in t h ea ccu m u la t or wit h t h e followin g interpretations. E xa m p le: RIM

Opcode Operand Description

SIM None Set Interrupt Mask

SIM Instruction Th is is a m u lt ip u rp os e in s t r u c t ion a n d u s ed t o im p lem en t t h e 8 0 8 5 in t er r u p t s 7.5, 6.5, 5.5, and serial dataoutput. Th e in s t r u c t ion in t er p r et s theaccumulatorcontentsas follows. E xa m p le: S IM

Unit - III Programming techniques:

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Looping – The program is instructed to execute certain set if instructions repeatedly execute a particular task number of times. Counting – It allows programmers to count how many times the instruction or set of instructions are executed. Indexing – This technique allows programmer to point or refer the data stored in sequential memory location one by one.


• A loop counter is set up by loading a register with a certain value • Then using the DCR (to decrement) and INR (to increment) the contents of

the register are updated. • A loop is set up with a conditional jump instruction that loops back or not

depending on whether the count has reached the termination count. • The operation of a loop counter can be described using the following


Sample ALP for implementing a loop Using DCR instruction

MVI C, 15 H


UUssiinngg aa RReeggiisstteerr PPaaiirr aass aa LLoooopp CCoouunntteerr

• Using a single register, one can repeat a loop for a maximum count of 255 times.

• It is possible to increase this count by using a register pair for the loop counter instead of the single register.

• A minor problem arises in how to test for the final count since DCX and INX do not modify the flags.

UUssiinngg aa RReeggiisstteerr PPaaiirr aass aa LLoooopp CCoouunntteerr The following is an example of a loop set up with a register pair as the loop counter.

LXI B, 1000 H

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• It was shown earlier that each instruction passes through different combinations of Fetch,(4T) Memory Read, and Memory Write cycles.(3T)

• Delays are used to maintain timings of operations. Eg. Traffic signal

• Knowing the combinations of cycles, one can calculate how long such an instruction would require to complete.

Disadvantage, -the time of the processor is wasted. -alternate solution is to use a dedicated timer like 8253/54 to product time delays.

• Knowing how many T-States an instruction requires, and keeping in mind that a T-State is one clock cycle long, we can calculate the delay time.

• For example a “MOV” instruction uses 7 T-States. (Fetch is 4T ; Memory read is 3T if 1 byte instruction)

• Delay = No. of T states / Frequency • Therefore, if the Microprocessor is running at a frequency of 2 MHz, the

instruction would require 3.5 μSeconds to complete.

Here, for the instruction,

A000 LDA F045

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A0 00 21 A0 01 45 A0 02 F0

Stacks & Subroutines

SSTTAACCKK o The stack is an area of memory identified by the programmer for temporary

storage of information.

o The stack is a LIFO (Last In First Out. ) structure.

o The stack normally grows backwards into memory.

o In other words, the programmer defines the bottom of the stack and the stack grows up into reducing address range.

oo GGiivveenn tthhaatt tthhee ssttaacckk ggrroowwss bbaacckkwwaarrddss iinnttoo mmeemmoorryy,, iitt iiss ccuussttoommaarryy ttoo ppllaaccee tthhee bboottttoomm ooff tthhee ssttaacckk aatt tthhee eenndd ooff mmeemmoorryy ttoo kkeeeepp iitt aass ffaarr aawwaayy ffrroomm uusseerr pprrooggrraammss aass ppoossssiibbllee..

oo IInn tthhee 88008855,, tthhee ssttaacckk iiss ddeeffiinneedd bbyy sseettttiinngg tthhee SSPP ((SSttaacckk PPooiinntteerr)) rreeggiisstteerr.. LLXXII SSPP,, FFFFFFFFHH

oo TThhiiss sseettss tthhee SSttaacckk PPooiinntteerr ttoo llooccaattiioonn FFFFFFFFHH ((eenndd ooff mmeemmoorryy ffoorr tthhee 88008855)).. o Information is saved on the stack by PUSH

o It is retrieved from the stack by POP

o The 8085 provides two instructions: PUSH and POP for storing information on the stack and retrieving it back.

o Both PUSH and POP work with register pairs ONLY.

TThhee PPUUSSHH IInnssttrruuccttiioonn ● PUSH B/D/H

o Decrement SP

o Copy the contents of register B to the memory location pointed to by SP

o Decrement SP

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o Copy the contents of register C to the memory location pointed to by SP

TThhee PPOOPP IInnssttrruuccttiioonn ● POP B/D/H

o Copy the contents of the memory location pointed to by the SP to register E

o Increment SP

o Copy the contents of the memory location pointed to by the SP to register D

o Increment SP

OOppeerraattiioonn ooff tthhee SSttaacckk o During pushing, the stack operates in a “decrement then store” style.

o The stack pointer is decremented first, then the information is placed on the stack.

o During poping, the stack operates in a “use then increment” style.

o The information is retrieved from the top of the the stack and then the pointer is incremented.

o The SP pointer always points to “the top of the stack”.

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TThhee PPSSWW RReeggiisstteerr PPaaiirr oo TThhee 88008855 rreeccooggnniizzeess oonnee aaddddiittiioonnaall rreeggiisstteerr ppaaiirr ccaalllleedd tthhee PPSSWW ((PPrrooggrraamm SSttaattuuss

WWoorrdd)).. oo TThhiiss rreeggiisstteerr ppaaiirr iiss mmaaddee uupp ooff tthhee AAccccuummuullaattoorr aanndd tthhee FFllaaggss rreeggiisstteerrss.. oo IItt iiss ppoossssiibbllee ttoo ppuusshh tthhee PPSSWW oonnttoo tthhee ssttaacckk,, ddoo wwhhaatteevveerr ooppeerraattiioonnss aarree nneeeeddeedd,,

tthheenn PPOOPP iitt ooffff ooff tthhee ssttaacckk.. oo TThhee rreessuulltt iiss tthhaatt tthhee ccoonntteennttss ooff tthhee AAccccuummuullaattoorr aanndd tthhee ssttaattuuss ooff tthhee FFllaaggss aarree

rreettuurrnneedd ttoo wwhhaatt tthheeyy wweerree bbeeffoorree tthhee ooppeerraattiioonnss wweerree eexxeeccuutteedd.. SSUUBBRROOUUTTIINNEESS

o A subroutine is a group of instructions that will be used repeatedly in different locations of the program.

o Rather than repeat the same instructions several times, they can be grouped into a subroutine that is called from the different locations.

o In Assembly language, a subroutine can exist anywhere in the code. o However, it is customary to place subroutines separately from the main

program. o The 8085 has two instructions for dealing with subroutines.

o The CALL instruction is used to redirect program execution to the subroutine.

o The RTE instruction is used to return the execution to the calling routine.

TThhee CCAALLLL IInnssttrruuccttiioonn ● CALL 4000H

o 3-byte instruction.

o Push the address of the instruction immediately following the CALL onto the stack and decrement the stack pointer register by two.

o Load the program counter with the 16-bit address supplied with the CALL instruction.

o Jump Unconditionally to memory location.

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TThhee RRTTEE IInnssttrruuccttiioonn


o 1-byte instruction

o Retrieve the return address from the top of the stack and increments stack pointer register by two.

o Load the program counter with the return address.

o Unconditionally returns from a subroutine.

IIlllluussttrraatteess tthhee eexxcchhaannggee ooff iinnffoorrmmaattiioonn bbeettwweeeenn ssttaacckk aanndd PPrrooggrraamm CCoouunntteerr PPrrooggrraamm EExxeeccuuttiioonn

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PPrrooggrraamm EEcceeccuuttiioonn::

CCAALLLL EExxeeccuuttiioonn ● Instruction requires five machine cycles and eighteen T-states:

RREETT EExxeeccuuttiioonn ● Program execution sequence is transferred to the memory location


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PPaassssiinngg DDaattaa ttoo aa SSuubbrroouuttiinnee o In Assembly Language data is passed to a subroutine through registers.

o The data is stored in one of the registers by the calling program and the subroutine uses the value from the register.

o The other possibility is to use agreed upon memory locations.

o The calling program stores the data in the memory location and the subroutine retrieves the data from the location and uses it.



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Unit -IV

Memory and I/O Interfacing Memory Interface: Memory and I/O mapping and interfacing concepts. Interrupts : 8085 vectored interrupts , Restart as Software instructions, additional I/O concepts and processes. What is an Interface?

• An interface is a concept that refers to a point of interaction between components, and is applicable at the level of both hardware and software.

• This allows a component, (such as a graphics card or an Internet browser), to function independently while using interfaces to communicate with other components via an input/output system and an associated protocol.

Memory Interface

The memory is made up of semiconductor material used to store the programs and data.

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The types of memory is, • Primary or main memory • Secondary memory

Primary Memory • RAM and ROM are examples of this type of memory. • Microprocessor uses it in storing a program temporarily (commonly called

loading) and executing a program. • Hence the speed of this type of memory should be fast.

Secondary Memory • These are used for bulk storage of data and information. • The main examples include Floppy, Hard Disk, CD-ROM, Magnetic Tape etc. • Slower and Sequential Access. • Non-volatile. Memory Chip

• Memory 216 words • 8 bits per word • 16 address lines • 8 data input lines • 8 output lines • Example Block Diagram

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8085 Interfacing Pins

Demultiplexing Address/Data Lines • 8085 identifies a memory location with its 16 address lines, (AD0 to AD7) & (A8 to

A15) • 8085 performs data transfer using its data lines, AD0 to AD7 • Lower order address bus & Data bus are multiplexed on same lines i.e. AD0 to

AD7. • Demultiplexing refers to separating Address & Data signals for read/write


Generating Control Signals

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Interfacing I/O devices

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Comparison of Peripheral & I/O mapping

8085 Interrupt • Interrupt signals are send by an external device to the processor. • It used to request to perform a particular task. • Interrupts are used for data transfer between the peripheral and the


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Whenever there is an Interrupt, The content of the PC and the status are saved in the stack. • The pointer jumps to the subroutine program called ISS(Interrupt service

subroutine) • Which includes memory and /I/O mapped commands such as LDA, STA, IN,

OUT. • The interrupt is controlled by the Interrupt Enable Flip flop which is set and

reset using instructions such as EI –enable interrupt and DI disable interrupt.

• If the flipflop is enabled then interrupt is sent by the external device to the MP. INTR signal goes high.

• The microprocessor completes the current instruction execution, disables the interrupt so that no interrupt is accepted until it is enabled again.

• The INTR signal inserts a restart (RST) instruction through external hardware. • The RST instruction transfers the program control to a specified memory

location called the ISS (Interrupt service subroutine). • The address of the next instruction will be stored in the stack. • Once the MP encounters RET it will return back to the main program. • Hardware Interrupts: TRAP,RST 7.5, RST 6.5, RST 5.5 and INTR. • Software Interrupts: RST 0,RST 1, RST2, RST 3, RST 4, RST 5, RST 6 and

RST 7.

Software interrupts

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Restart Instruction

Equivalent to









Hardware interrupts

• Classified as Vector and Non-Vector interrupts. • RST 7.5, 6.5 , 5.5 are vector interrupts. • INTR is a non vectored interrupt.

• Vectored inputs are automatically transferred to specific memory locations without any hardware.

• They do not require the signal of an input port. • Manufacturer fixes the address and are mapped into a table called Interrupt

Vector Table (IVT)

Hardware interrupts

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• Non Vectored inputs : When the device interrupts through INTR, the interrupted device should provide the address of Interrupt service Routine (ISR) after receiving interrupt acknowledge signal. (INTA)

• Two types: Maskable and Non-maskable • Maskable interrupts: • 4 maskable interrupts RST 7.5, RST 6.5, RST 5.5 and INTR • Mask Interrupt process controlled by a single flipflop – Interrupt Enable

Flipflop • Use two instructions to enable and disable • Enable Interrupt – EI ; Disable Interrupt – DI

Interrupt Name Maskable Vectored


RST 5.5 Yes Yes

RST 6.5 Yes Yes

RST 7.5 Yes Yes


• Non Maskable Interrupts: • TRAP is not affected by commands EI and DI • TRAP has the highest priority followed by RST 7.5,6.5,5.5 and INTR. • But TRAP has lower priority than HOLD signal.

Interrupt instructions SIM Instruction

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• Additional masking facility is accessed by moving data into 8 bit accumulator and executing SIM instruction.

• Bit 0 is the mask for RST 5.5, bit 1 is the mask for RST 6.5 and bit 2 is the mask for RST 7.5.

• If the mask bit is 0, the interrupt is available. • If the mask bit is 1, the interrupt is masked. • Bit 3 (Mask Set Enable - MSE) is an enable for setting the mask. • If it is set to 0 the mask is ignored and the old settings remain. • If it is set to 1, the new setting are applied. • Bit 4 of the accumulator in the SIM instruction allows explicitly resetting the

RST 7.5 memory even if the microprocessor did not respond to it. • Bit 5 is not used by the SIM instruction • Bit 6 & Bit 7 is used for extra functionality such as serial data transmission.

SIM Instruction

Example: Set the interrupt masks so that RST5.5 is enabled, RST6.5 is masked, and RST7.5 is enabled.

• First, determine the contents of the accumulator Pending Interrupts

• Since the 8085 has five interrupt lines, interrupts may remain pending.

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• Using the RIM instruction, it is possible to can read the status of the interrupt lines and find if there are any pending interrupts.

RIM instruction: Read Interrupt Mask

• Bits 0-2 show the current setting of the mask for each of RST 7.5, RST 6.5 and

RST 5.5 . • Bit 3 shows whether the maskable interrupt process is enabled or not. • It can be used by a program to determine whether or not interrupts are

enabled. • Bits 4-6 show whether or not there are pending interrupts on RST 7.5, RST

6.5, and RST 5.5 . • Bit 7 is used for Serial Data Input. • The RIM instruction reads the value of the SID pin on the microprocessor and

returns it in this bit. Restart Sequence

• The restart sequence is made up of three machine cycles • In the 1st machine cycle: • The Microprocessor sends the INTA signal. • While INTA is active the microprocessor reads the data lines expecting to

receive, from the interrupting device, the opcode for the specific RST instruction.

• In the 2nd and 3rd machine cycles: the 16-bit address of the next instruction is saved on the stack.

• Then the microprocessor jumps to the address associated with the specified RST instruction.

• There are 8 different RST instructions. • Each RST instruction tells the processor to go to a specific memory address

(call location – fixed)

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The 8255A is a general purpose programmable I/O device designed for use with

Intel Microprocessors. It consists of three 8-bit bidirectional I/O ports (24 I/O lines)

that can be configured to meet different system I/O needs. The three ports are

PORTA, PORTB & PORTC. PortA contains one 8-bit output latch/buffer and one

8-bit input buffer. PortB is same as PORTA or PORTB.However, PORTC can be split

into two parts PORTC lower(PC0-PC3) and PORTC upper (PC7-PC4) by the control

word. The three ports are divided intwo groups GroupA (PORTA and upper PORTC)

GroupB (PORTB and lower PORTC). The two groups can be programmed in three

different modes. In the first mode (mode0), each group may be programmed in

either input mode or output mode (PORTA, PORTB, PORT C lower, PORTC upper).

In mode1, the second’s mode, each group may be programmed to have 8-lines of

input or output (PORT A or PORT B) of the remaining 4-lines (PORT C lower or

PORT C upper) 3-lines are used for handshaking and interrupt control signals. The

third mode of operation (mode2) is a bidirectional bus mode which uses 8-line

(PORT A only for a bidirectional bus and five lines (PORT C upper 4 lines and

borrowing one from other group) for handshaking. The 8255 is contained in a

40-pin package, whose pin out is given below:

Fig 5.1 Pin diagram of 8255 PPI

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Fig.5.2 Block diagram of 8255 programmable peripheral interface

Functional Description:

This support chip is a general purpose I/O component to interface peripheral

equipment to the microcomputer system bus. It is programmed by the system

software so that normally no external logic is necessary to interface peripheral

devices or structures.

Data Bus Buffer:

It is a tri-state 8-bit buffer used to interface the chip to the system databus. Data

is transmitted or received by the buffer upon execution of input or output

instructions by the CPU. Control words and status information are also

transferred through the databus buffer. The data lines are connected to BDB of


Read/Write and logic control:

The function of this block is to control the internal operation of the device and to

control the transfer of data and controlor status words. It accepts inputs from the

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CPU address and control buses and inturn issues command to both the control


ChipSelect: A low on this input selects the chip and enables the communication

between the 8255A & the CPU. It is connected to the output of address decode

circuitry to select the device when it (Read). A low on this input enables the 8255

to send the data or status information to the CPU on the databus.

Write: A low on this input pin enables the CPU to write data or control words into

the 8255A.

A1,A0 port select : These input signals, in conjunction with the and inputs,

control the selection of one of the three ports or the control word registers. They

are normally connected to the least significant bits of the address bus (A0andA1).

Following Table gives the basic operation,

operation table of 8255

All other states put data bus into tri-state/ illegal condition.

RESET: A high on this input pin clears the control register and all ports (A, B & C)

are initialized to input mode. This is connected to RESET OUT of 8255. This is

done to prevent destruction of circuitry connected to port lines. If port lines are

initialized as output after a power up or reset, the port might try to output into the

output of a device connected to same inputs might destroy one or both of them.

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PORTs A, B and C: The 8255A contains three 8-bit ports (A, B and C). All can be

configured in a variety of functional characteristic by the system software.

PORT A: One 8-bit data output latch/buffer and one 8-bit data input latch.

PORT B: One 8-bit data output latch/buffer and one 8-bit data input buffer.

PORTC: One 8-bit data output latch/buffer and one 8-bit data input buffer (no

latch for input). This port can be divided into two 4-bit ports under the mode

control. Each 4-bit port contains a 4-bit latch and it can be used for the control

signal outputs and status signals inputs in conjunction with ports A and B.

Group A & Group B control: The functional configuration of each port is

programmed by the system software. The control words outputted by the CPU

configure the associated ports of the each of the two groups. Each control block

accepts command from Read/Write content logic receives control words from the

internal databus and issues proper commands to its associated ports.

Control Group A – Port A & Port C upper Control Group B – Port B & Port C lower

The control word register can only be written into No read operation if the control

word register is allowed.

Operation Description: Mode selection: There are three basic modes of operation

that can be selected by the system software.

Mode 0: Basic Input/output

Mode1: Strobes Input/output Mode 2: Bi-direction bus.

When the reset input goes HIGH all poets are set to mode ’0’ as input which

means all 24 lines are in high impedance state and can be used as normal input.

After the reset is removed the 8255 A remains in the input mode with no

additional initialization. During the execution of the program any of the other

modes may be selected using a single output instruction.

The modes for PORT A & PORT B can be separately defined, while PORT C is

divided into two portions as required by the PORT A and PORT B definitions. The

ports are thus divided into two groups Group A & Group B. All the output

register, including the status flip-flop will be reset whenever the mode is changed.

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Modes of the two group may be combined for any desired I/O operation e.g.

Group A in mode‘1’and group B in mode‘0’.

Mode Definition

The basic mode definitions with bus interface and the mode definition format are

given in fig 5.3 & 5.4


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Mode 1&2


The 8259 A is a Programmable Interrupt controller designed to work with Intel

microprocessor 8080 A, 8085, 8086, 8088. The 8259 A interrupt controller can

1) Handle eight interrupt inputs. This is equivalent to providing eight interrupt pins

on the processor in place of one INTR/INT pin.

2) Vector an interrupt request anywhere in the memory map. However, all the eight

interrupt are spaced at the interval of either four or eight location. This eliminates the

major drawback, 8085 interrupt, in which all interrupts are vectored to memory

location on page 00 H.

3) Resolve eight levels of interrupt priorities in a variety of modes.

4) Mask each interrupt request individually.

5) Read the status of pending interrupts, in service interrupts, and masked interrupts.

6) Be setup to accept either the level triggered or edge triggered interrupt request.

7) Mine 8259 a scan be cascade in a master slave configuration to handle 64

interrupt inputs. The 8259 A is contained in a 28-element inline package that

requires only a compatible with 8259. The main difference between the two is that the

8259 A can be used with Intel 8086/8088

processor. It also induces additional features such as level triggered mode, Buffered

mode and automatic end of interrupt mode. The pin diagram and interval block

diagram is shown below:

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Pin diagram of 8259

Chipselect: To access this chip, CS’ is made low. A LOW on this pin enables RD’&WR’

communication between the C PU and the 8259 A. This pin is connected to address

bus through the decoder logic circuits. INTA functions are independent of CS’



RD’: A low on this pin when CS’ is low enables these 8259 A to release status on to the

databus for the CPU. The status includes the contents of IMR, ISR or TRR register or

a priority level.

D7-D0: Bidirectional databus control status and interrupt in a this bus. This bus is

connected to BDB of 8085.

CAS0-CAS2: Cascade lines: The CAS lines form a private 8259 A bus to control a

multiple 8259 A structure ie to identify a particular slave device. These pins are

outputs of a master 8259 A and inputs for a slave 8259 A.

Salve program / enable buffer: This is a dual function pin. It is used as an input to

determine whether the 8259 A is to a master (SP/EB=1) or as a slave (SP/EB=0). It is

also used as an output to disable the data bus transceivers when data are being

transferred from the 8259A to the CPU. When In buffered mode, it can be used as an

output and when not in the buffered mode it is used as an input.

INT: This pin goes high whenever a valid interrupt request is asserted. It is used to

interrupt the CPU, thus it is connected to the CPU’s interrupt pin (INTR).

Interrupt Acknowledge: This pin is used to enable 8259 A interrupt vector data on the

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data bus by a sequence of interrupt request pulses issued by the CPU.

IR0-IR7: Interrupt Requests: Asynchronous interrupt inputs. An interrupt request is

executed by raising an IR input (low to high), and holding it high until it is

acknowledged. (Edge triggered mode). Or just by a high level on an IR input (levels

triggered mode).

A0:A0addressline:This pin acts in conjunction with the, RD’, WR’ & CS’ pins. It is

used by the 8259 A to send various command words from the CPU and to read the

status. If is connected to the CPU A0 address line. Two addresses must be reserved in

the I/O addresss pace for each 8259 in the system.

Functional Description: The 8259 A has eight interrupt request inputs, TR2IR0. The

8259 A uses its INT output to interrupt the 8085 A via INTR pin. The 8259 A receives

interrupt acknowledge pulses from the at its input. Vector address used by the 8085

A to transfer control to the service subroutine of the interrupting device, is provided

by the 8259 A on th e databus. The 8259 A is a programmable device that must be

initialized by command words sent by the. After initialization the 8259 A mode of

operation can be changed by operation command words from the microprocessor.

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Block diagram of 8259PIC

Databus buffer: This 3-state, bidirectional 8-bit buffer is used to interface the 8259 A

to the system databus. Control words and status information are transferred through

the data bus buffer.

Read/Write & control logic: The function of this block is to accept OUTPUT

commands from the CPU. It contains the initialization command word (ICW) register

and operation command

Word (OCW) register which store the various control formats for device operation.

This function block also allows the status of 8159 A to be transferred to the databus.

Interrupt request register(IRR): IRR stores all the interrupt inputs that are requesting

service. Basically, it keeps track of which interrupt inputs are asking for service. If an

interrupt input is unmasked, and has an interrupt signal on it, then the

corresponding bit in the IRR will be set.

Interrupt mask register (IMR): The IMR is used to disable (Mask) or enable (Unmask)

individual interrupt inputs. Each bit in this register corresponds to the interrupt

input with the same number.The IMR operation on the IRR. Masking of higher

priority input will not affect the interrupt request lines of lower priority.To unmask

any interrupt the corresponding bit is set‘0’.

Inservice register (ISR): The inservice registers keeps tracks of which interrupt

inputs are currently being serviced. For each input that is currently being serviced

the corresponding bit will be set in the inservice register.Each of these 3-reg can be

read as status reg.

Priority Resolver: This logic block determines the priorities of the set in the IRR. The

highest priority is selected and strobed into the corresponding bit of the ISR during

INTA’ pulse.

Cascade buffer/comparator: This function blocks stores and compare the IDS of all

8259 A’ s in the reg. The associated 3-I/O pins (CAS0-CAS2) are outputs when 8259

A is used a master. Master and are inputs when 8259 A is used as a slave. As a

master, the 8259 A sends the ID of the interrupting slave device onto the cas2-cas0.

The slave thus selected will send its pre-programmed subroutine address onto the

databus during the next one or two successive INTA’ pulses.

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Introduction: Direct Memory Access (DMA) allows devices to transfer data without

subjecting the processor a heavy overhead. Otherwise, the processor would have to

copy each piece of data from the source to the destination. This is typically slower

than copying normal blocks of memory since access to I/O devices over a peripheral

bus is generally slower than normal system RAM. During this time the processor

would be unavailable for any other tasks involving processor bus access. But it can

continue to work on any work which does not require bus access. DMA transfers are

essential for high performance embedded systems where large chunks of data need to

be transferred from the input/output devices to or from the primary memory.

DMAController: A DMA controller is a device, usually peripheral to a CPU that is

programmed to perform a sequence of data transfers on behalf of the CPU. A DMA

controller can directly access memory and is used to transfer data from one memory

location to another, or from an I/O device to memory and viceversa. A DMA controller

manages several DMA channels, each of which can be programmed to perform a

sequence of these DMA transfers. Devices, usually I/O peripherals, that acquire data

that must be read (or devices that must output data and be written to) signal the DMA

controller to perform a DMA transfer by asserting a hardware DMA request (DRQ)

signal. A DMA request signal for each channel is routed to the DMA controller. This

signal is monitored and responded to in much the same way that a processor handles

interrupts. When the DMA controller sees a DMA request, it responds by performing

one or many data transfers from that I/O device into system memory or viceversa.

Channels must be enabled by the processor for the DMA controller to respond to DMA

requests. The number of transfers performed, transfer modes used, and memory

locations accessed depends on how the DMA channel is programmed. A DMA

controller typically shares the

System memory and I/O bus with the CPU and has both bus master and slave

capability. Figure shows the DMA controller architecture and how the DMA controller

interacts with the CPU. In bus master mode, the DMA controller acquires the system

bus (address,data,and control lines) from the CPU to perform the DMA transfers.

Because the CPU releases the system bus for the duration of the transfer, the process

is sometimes referred to as cycle stealing.

In bus slave mode, the DMA controller is accessed by the CPU, which programs the

DMA controller's internal registers to setup DMA transfers. The internal registers

consist of source and destination address registers and transfer count registers for

each DMA channel, as well as control and status registers for initiating, monitoring,

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and sustaining the operation of the DMA controller.

DMA Transfer Types and Modes:

DMA controllers vary as to the type of DMA transfers and the number of DMA

channels they support. The two types of DMA transfers are fly by DMA transfers and

fetch-and-deposit DMA transfers. The three common transfer modes are single, block,

and demand transfer modes. A DMA controller is a device, usually peripheral to a

CPU that is programmed to perform a sequence of data transfers on behalf of the CPU.

A DMA controller can directly access memory and is used to transfer data from one

memory location to another, or from an I/O device to memory and viceversa. When

the DMA controller sees a DMA request, it responds by performing one or many data

transfers from that I/O device into system memory or viceversa.

DMA transfer

The second type of DMA transfer is referred to as a

dual-cycle,dual-address,flow-through,or fetch-and-deposit DMA transfer.

As these type of transfer involves two memory or I/O cycles. The data being

transferred is first read from the I/O device or memory into a temporary data register

internal to the DMA controller. The data is then written to the memory or I/O device

in the next cycle.Figure shows the fetch-and-deposit DMA transfer signal protocol.

Although inefficient because the DMA controller performs two cycles and thus retains

the systembus longer, this type of transfer is useful for interfacing devices with

different data bus sizes.

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pindiagramof8237DMAcontroller is shown in figure.

Block Diagram of DMA controller

VCC: is the +5V power supply pin

GND Ground

CLK: CLOCK INPUT: The Clock Input is used to generate the timing signals which

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control 82C37A operations.

CS:CHIPSELECT: Chip Select is an active low input used to enable the controller on

to the databus for CPU communications.

RESET:This is an active high input which clears the

Command,Status,Request,andTemporary registers,theFirst/LastFlip-Flop,and the

mode register counter.The Mask register is set to ignore requests. Following a Reset,

the controller is in an idle cycle.

READY:This signal can be used to extend the memory read and write pulses from the

82C37A to accommodates low memories or I/O devices.

HLDA:HOLDACKNOWLEDGE:The active high Hold Acknowledge from the CPU

indicates that it has relinquished control of the system busses.

DREQ0-DREQ3:DMAREQUEST:The DMA Request(DREQ) lines are individual

asynchronous channel request inputs used by peripheral circuits to obtain DMA

service. In Fixed Priority,DREQ0 has the highest priority and DREQ3 has the lowest

priority. A request is generated by activating the DREQ line of a channel. DACK will

acknowledge the recognition of a DREQ signal. Polarity of DREQ is programmable.

RESET initializes these lines to active high. DREQ must be maintained until the

corresponding DACK goes active. DREQ will not be recognized while the clock is

stopped. Unused DREQ inputs should be pulled High or Low(inactive) and the

corresponding mask bit set.

DB0-DB7:DATABUS:The Data Bus lines are bidirectional three-state signals

connected to the system databus. The outputs are enabled in the Program condition

during the I/O Read to output the contents of a register to the CPU.The outputs are

disabled and the inputs are read during an I/O Write cycle when the CPU is

programming the 82C37A control registers. During DMA cycles, the most significant

8-bits of the address are output on to the databus to be strobed into an external latch

by ADSTB.In memory-to-memory operations,data from the memory enters the

82C37A on the databus during the read-from-memory transfer,then during the

write-to-memory transfer, the databus outputs write the data into the new memory


IOR:READ:I/O Read is a bidirectional active low three-state line. In the Idle cycle, it is

an input control signal used by the CPU to read the control registers. In the Active

cycle,it is an output control signal used by the 82C37A to access data from the

peripheral during a DMA Write transfer.

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IOW:WRITE: I/O Write is a bidirectional active low three-stateline. In the Idle cycle, it

is an input control signal used by the CPU to load information into the82C37A.In the

Active cycle,it is an output control signal used by the 82C37A to load data to the

peripheral during a DMA Read transfer.

EOP:ENDOFPROCESS:End of Process(EOP) is an active low bidirectional signal.

Information concerning the completion of DMA services is available at the

bidirectional EOP pin. The 82C37A allows an external signal to terminate an active

DMA service by pulling the EOP pin low. A pulse is generated by the 82C37A when

terminal count(TC) for any channel is reached, except for channel0 in

memory-to-memory mode. During memory-to-memory Transfers, EOP will be output

when the TC for channel 1 occurs. The EOP pin is driven by an open drain transistor

on-chip,and requires an external pull-up resistor toVCC.When an EOP pulse occurs,

whether internally or externally generated, the82C37A will terminate the service, and

if auto-initialize is enabled, the base registers will be written to the current registers of

that channel.The mask bit and TC bit in the status word will be set for the currently

active channel by EOP unless the channel is programmed for auto initialize. In that

case,the mask bit remains clear.

A0-A3:ADDRESS:The four least significant address lines are bidirectional three-state

signals. In the Idle cycle, they are inputs and are used by the 82C37A to address the

control register to be loaded or read. In the Active cycle,they are outputs and provide

the lower 4-bits of the output address.

A4-A7:ADDRESS:The four most significant address lines are three-state outputs and

provide 4-bits of address.These lines are enabled onlyduring the DMA service.

HRQ:HOLDREQUEST:The Hold Request (HRQ) output isused to request control of

the systembus.When a DREQ occurs and the corresponding mask bit is clear, or a

software DMA request is made,the 82C37A issues HRQ. The HLDA signal then

informs the controller when access to the system busses is permitted. For

stand-alone operation where the 82C37A always controls the busses,HRQ may be

tied to HLDA.This will result in one S0 state before the transfer.

DACK0-DACK3:DMAACKNOWLEDGE:DMA acknowledge is used to notify the

individual peripherals when one has been granted a DMA cycle.The sense of these

lines is programmable. RESET initializes them to activelow.

AEN:ADDRESSENABLE:AddressEnable enables the 8-bit latch containing the

upper 8 address bits on to the system addressbus. AEN can also be used to disable

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other systembus drivers during DMA transfers.AEN is active high.

ADSTB:ADDRESSSTROBE: This is an active high signal used to control latching of

the upper address byte. It will drive directly the strobe input of external transparent

octal latches, such as the 82C82. During block operations, ADSTB will only be issued

when the upper address byte must be updated, thus speeding operation through

elimination of S1 states.ADSTB timing is referenced to the falling edge of the 82C37A


MEMR:MEMORYREAD:The Memory Read signal is an active low three-state output

used to access data from the selected memory location during a DMA Read or a

memory-to-memory transfer.

MEMW:MEMORYWRITE:The Memory Write signal is an active low three-state output

used to write data to the selected memory location during a DMA Write or a

memory-to-memory transfer.

NC:NOCONNECT: Pin5 is open and should not be tested for continuity.


Two Digit BCD subtraction using 100th compliment method: MVI C,101 ; 65 IN HEXADECIMAL MVI B,50; 32 IN HEXADECIMAL MVI A,153 ;99 IN HEX SUB B INR A ADD C DAA JC 16914 ;POSI MOV B,A MVI A,99 SUB B INR A STA 1200 ; POSI HLT ;99-32= 67 ;67+1=68 ;68+65=1 33 ;discard carry if positive 2’s compliment subtraction: LDA 1100 MOV B,A LDA 1101 CMA ADI 01 ADD B STA 1102

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HLT ;08 ;02 ;06 ADD 2 N BYTE NUMBERS LXI H,1100 ;N VALUE MOV C,M INX H LXI D,1200 XRA A LDAX D ; LOOP ADC M ; add with carry MOV M,A INX H INX D DCR C JNZ 16905 ;LOOP MVI A,00 RAL ;rotate left through carry MOV M,A HLT Addition of two 8 bit numbers LDA 1100 LXI H,1101 ADD M STA 1102 HLT Addition of two 16 bit numbers MVI C,00 LHLD 1100 XCHG LHLD 1102 DAD D ; ADD DE TO HL JNC 16911 ;SKIP MVI C,01 SHLD 1104 ;SKIP MOV A,C STA 1106 HLT ;1100 - 05 ;1101 - 02 ;1102 - 01 ;1103 - 04 ;1104 - 06 ;1105 - 06 ;1106 - 0

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Addition with carry MVI C,00 LDA 1100 LXI H,1101 ADD M JNC 16909 INR C STA 1102 MOV A,C STA 1103 HLT ;FA - 250 ;EE - 238 ;E8 - 232 ;1 - 1


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DCX H MOV M,D INX H ;LOOP1 DCR C JNZ 16907 ;LOOP2 DCR B JNZ 16901 ;LOOP3 HLT ASCII TO BINARY(HEX) LXI SP,65535;FFFFH LXI H,1100 MOV A,M CALL 16909;CONV INX H MOV M,A HLT ;SUBROUTINE CONV SUI 48 ; 30H CONV CPI 10 ; 0AH :if A<10 c=1 RC ; return when carry SUI 7 ;07H RET ;1100 - 56 - 38H ;1101 - 8 - 8H ;1100 - 70 - 46H ;1101 - 15 - FH ;ASCII code for '0' is 30H ; and for '9' is 39H. ;So if the number < 10 ; subtract 30 ; else subtract 7 more ;ASCII code for 'A' is 41H ; and F is 46 H Addition of Two 4 Bit BCD MVI C,00 LHLD 1100 XCHG LHLD 1102 MOV A,E ADD L DAA JNC 16912; LOOP1 INR D STA 1200 ; LOOP1 MOV A,D ADD H DAA

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JNC 16922; LOOP2 INR C STA 1201 ; LOOP2 MOV A,C STA 1202 HLT ;7890+3456=11346 ;1100 - 86 - 56H ;1101 - 52- 34 H ;1102-144 -90H ;1103 - 120-78H ;O/P ;1200-70-46H ;1201-19-13H ;1202-01H BCD to Binary LDA 1100 MOV E,A ANI 15 ;F0 RLC RLC RLC RLC MOV B,A XRA A MVI C,10 RET ; DCR C JNZ 0000 ; MOV B,A MOV A,E ANI 15 ;0F ADD B STA 1101 HLT ;1100 - 68 ;1101 - 44 Binary to BCD MVI E,00 MOV D,E LDA 1100 CPI 64 ; HUND JC 0000; TEN SUI 64 ; INR E JMP 0000 ;HUND CPI 10 ; TEN JC 0000 ;UNIT SUI 10 INR D

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JMP 0000; TEN MOV C,D ; UNIT MOV A,D RLC RLC RLC RLC ADD C STA 1200 MOV A,E STA 1201 HLT ;1100 - 54 ;1200 - 84 ;1201 - 00 Binary to ASCII LDA 1200 CPI 10 ;0A JC 16906 ;SKIP ADI 07 ADI 48 ;30H ;SKIP STA 1202 HLT ;1200 -10 - 0AH ;1202 - 65- 41H Decending Order LDA 1100 MOV B,A DCR B ;LOOP3 LXI H,1101 MOV C,M DCR C INX H ;LOOP2 MOV A,M INX H CMP M JNC 16918 ;LOOP1 MOV D,M MOV M,A DCX H MOV M,D INX H ;LOOP1 DCR C JNZ 16907 ;LOOP2 DCR B JNZ 16901 ;LOOP3 HLT

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Division of two 8 bit numbers ;DIVIDEND 4 LXI H,1100 MOV B,M MVI C,00 ;DIVISOR 8 INX H MOV A,M CMP B JC 16913 SUB B INR C JMP 16904 ;REMINDER 0 STA 1102 MOV A,C ;QUOTIENT 2 STA 1103 HLT Exchange of two 16 bit numbers LHLD 1100 XCHG ;EXCHANGE HL AND DE LHLD 1102 SHLD 1100 XCHG SHLD 1102 HLT ;EXCHANGE OF A BLOCK OF N BYTES MVI C,10 LXI H,1100 LXI D, 1200 LDAX D ; CONT MOV B,A MOV A,M STAX D MOV M,B INX H INX D DCR C JNZ 16904 ;CONT HLT Fibonacci series LDA 1100 ; N VALUE SUI 02 MOV D,A LXI H,1101

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MVI M,00 INX H MVI M,01 INX H MVI B,00 MVI C,01 MOV A,B ;LOOP ADD C MOV B,C MOV C,A MOV M,A INX H DCR D JNZ 16915 ;LOOP HLT ;1100 10 ;1101 00 ;1102 01 Largest of n numbers LXI H,1100 MOV C,M INX H DCR C MOV A,M INX H CMP M JNC 16909 MOV A,M DCR C JNZ 16903 STA 1200 HLT Multiplication of two 8 bit numbers LXI H,1100 MOV B,M MVI A,00 MOV C,A INX H ADD M JNC 16909 INR C DCR B JNZ 16904 STA 1103 MOV A,C STA 1104 HLT Positive Negative and Zero

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LDA 1100 ORI 00 JZ 16910 JM 16915 JP 16920 MVI A,00 JMP 16922 MVI A,02 JMP 16922 MVI A,01 STA 1101 HLT ;ZERO 0 ;NEGATIVE 251 ;POSITIVE 8 ;0-128 are positive numbers Smallest of n numbers LXI H,1100 MOV C,M INX H DCR C MOV A,M INX H CMP M JC 16909 MOV A,M DCR C JNZ 16903 STA 1200 HLT Subtraction of two 16 bit numbers MVI C,00 LHLD 1100 XCHG LHLD 1102 MOV A,E SUB L STA 1104 MOV A,D SBB H ; SUB WITH BORROW H WITH ACC STA 1105 HLT MVI C,00 LDA 1100 LXI H,1101 SUB M JNC 16909 INR C STA 1102 MOV A,C

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STA 1103 HLT ;FA - 250 ;FE - 254 ;FC - 252 ;1 - 1 Subtraction with Borrow MVI C,00 LDA 1100 LXI H,1101 SUB M JNC 16909 INR C STA 1102 MOV A,C STA 1103 HLT ; TRANSFER A BLOCK OF N BYTES MVI C,10 LXI H,1100 LXI D, 1200 MOV A,M ; CONT STAX D INX H INX D DCR C JNZ 16904 ;CONT HLT ;REVERSE-TRANSFER A BLOCK OF N BYTES MVI C,10 LXI H,1109 LXI D, 1200 MOV A,M ; CONT STAX D DCX H INX D DCR C JNZ 16904 ;CONT HLT

All the Best !!!
