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Study of Sjogrens Syndrome Presentation

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A study of the syndrome; its epidemiology, histology and associated factors Sjögren's Syndrome Morven GannonC12760661 | Anatomy & Physiology ANPH1101 DT710 Project Assessment | 9 th December 2015
Page 1: Study of Sjogrens Syndrome Presentation

A study of the syndrome; its epidemiology, histology

and associated factors

Sjögren's Syndrome 

Morven GannonC12760661 | Anatomy & Physiology ANPH1101

DT710 Project Assessment | 9th December 2015

Page 2: Study of Sjogrens Syndrome Presentation

• 2 types:–Primary Sjogrens Syndrome (pSS)

–Secondary Sjogrens Syndrome (sSS)

• Definition/Classification • Autoimmune Condition characterized by

the lymphatic infiltration of the exocrine glands

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• Epidemiology is central to current research• Female Propensity: - pSS: 9-1

- sSS: 5-1• Highest age prevalence – 45 – 55 year olds• Genetic disposition (RNA immune response)• pSS Epidemiology Statistics

• Incidences 

Country Year Sample N Prevalence % Citation Turkey 2009 2,835 0.35 (Birlik M, 2009)

Norway 2008 13,182 0.22 (Haugen AJ, 2008)

Greece 2006 3,528 0.23 (Alamanos Y, 2006)

PR China 1995 2,066 0.77 (Zhang NZ, 1995)

UK 2004 548 0.4 (Bowman SJ, 2004)

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• Symptoms/Signs   Symptoms Signs

Dry Mouth(xerostomia)

Persistent dry cough, difficulty speaking, problems chewing and swallowing and general dryness

Swollen salivary glands, recurring oral fungal infections and tooth decay

Dry Eyes(keratoconjunctiv

itis sicca)

Feeling of foreign/gritty objects in the eyes and general itchiness, photophobia (light sensitivity), stinging/burning eyes, irritated eyelids and dryness

Tired looking eyes, mucus discharge from the lacrimal gland and swollen eyelids

Systemic Effect

General physical fatigue, aching joints and muscles,Peripheral neuropathy resulting in pain or numbness in the arms and legs (effects the neural junctions misfiring pain signals to the extremities)

Inflammation of the joints and inflammation of the blood vessels (vasculitis) 

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• Normal Physiology• IgA gives localised immunity• Monocytes give recruited immunity

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• ‘The roles of different populations of immune cells remain inconclusive.’ (Yi-fan Huang, 2013)

• Specific and non-specific reaction• Glands are infiltrated by T-cells,

macrophages and plasma cells

• Abnormal Physiology 

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• Response to virus or RNA

• IFN - Acute Inflammation

• Recruits T and B Cells

• Causes Acute Inflammation

• Abnormal Physiology 

Figure 2: Theory detailing the possible involvement of the dendritic cells in recruiting both B and T cells to deal with the inflammation resulting from the wrongly provoked introduction of the dendritic cells. (Roland Jonssona, 2011)

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• Complaints of:– Dry Eyes– Dry Mouth

• Lab Based Tests – – Tear Test– Lab Biopsy– Blood Test– Salivary Flow Rate

• Diagnosis 

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• There is no way to restore normal glandular activity

• Can only treat symptoms:– Tear Replacement– Salagan – Promotes saliva/tear flow– Anti-inflammatory drugs – Last resort

• Treatment 

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• Systemic – Unchecked – can effect any organ connected to the lymphatic or vascular system

• 44% more likely to get Lymphatic Cancer• Long Term Nerve Damage• Extensive Tooth Decay• Restricted Blood Flow

• Progress/Complication

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• Centered on Epidemiology

• RNA analysis – Genetic Factors

• Symptom Relief

• Current Research

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Morven GannonC12760661 | Anatomy & Physiology ANPH1101

DT710 Project Assessment | 9th December 2015

Thankyou for your time
