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STUDY PROTOCOL Open Access Improved accessibility of emergency obstetrics and newborn care(EmONC) services for maternal and newborn health: a community based project Ali Turab 1 , Shabina Ariff 1 , Muhammad A Habib 1 , Imran Ahmed 1 , Masawar Hussain 1 , Akhtar Rashid 2 , Zahid Memon 3 , Mohammad I Khan 4 , Sajid Soofi 1 and Zulfiqar A Bhutta 5,6* Abstract Background: Every year an estimated three million neonates die globally and two hundred thousand of these deaths occur in Pakistan. Majority of these neonates die in rural areas of underdeveloped countries from preventable causes (infections, complications related to low birth weight and prematurity). Similarly about three hundred thousand mother died in 2010 and Pakistan is among ten countries where sixty percent burden of these deaths is concentrated. Maternal and neonatal mortality remain to be unacceptably high in Pakistan especially in rural areas where more than half of births occur. Method/Design: This community based cluster randomized controlled trial will evaluate the impact of an Emergency Obstetric and Newborn Care (EmONC) package in the intervention arm compared to standard of care in control arm. Perinatal and neonatal mortality are primary outcome measure for this trial. The trial will be implemented in 20 clusters (Union councils) of District Rahimyar Khan, Pakistan. The EmONC package consists of provision of maternal and neonatal health pack (clean delivery kit, emollient, chlorhexidine) for safe motherhood and newborn wellbeing and training of community level and facility based health care providers with emphasis on referral of complicated cases to nearest public health facilities and community mobilization. Discussion: Even though there is substantial evidence in support of effectiveness of various health interventions for improving maternal, neonatal and child health. Reduction in perinatal and neonatal mortality remains a big challenge in resource constrained and diverse countries like Pakistan and achieving MDG 4 and 5 appears to be a distant reality. A comprehensive package of community based low cost interventions along the continuum of care tailored according to the socio cultural environment coupled with existing health force capacity building may result in improving the maternal and neonatal outcomes. The findings of this proposed community based trial will provide sufficient evidence on feasibility, acceptability and effectiveness to the policy makers for replicating and scaling up the interventions within the health system Trial registration: ClinicalTrial.gov NCT01751945 Keywords: Emergency Obstetrics and Newborn Care (EmONC), Perinatal mortality, Neonatal mortality, Reproductive health, Child health, Pakistan * Correspondence: [email protected] 5 Founding Director Center of Excellence in Women and Child Health, Aga Khan University, Karachi, Pakistan 6 Co-Director, Center for Global Child Health, Hospital for Sick Children, Toronto, Canada Full list of author information is available at the end of the article © 2013 Turab et al.; licensee BioMed Central Ltd. This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. Turab et al. BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth 2013, 13:136 http://www.biomedcentral.com/1471-2393/13/136

Turab et al. BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth 2013, 13:136http://www.biomedcentral.com/1471-2393/13/136


Improved accessibility of emergency obstetricsand newborn care(EmONC) services for maternaland newborn health: a community based projectAli Turab1, Shabina Ariff1, Muhammad A Habib1, Imran Ahmed1, Masawar Hussain1, Akhtar Rashid2, Zahid Memon3,Mohammad I Khan4, Sajid Soofi1 and Zulfiqar A Bhutta5,6*


Background: Every year an estimated three million neonates die globally and two hundred thousand of thesedeaths occur in Pakistan. Majority of these neonates die in rural areas of underdeveloped countries frompreventable causes (infections, complications related to low birth weight and prematurity). Similarly about threehundred thousand mother died in 2010 and Pakistan is among ten countries where sixty percent burden of thesedeaths is concentrated. Maternal and neonatal mortality remain to be unacceptably high in Pakistan especially inrural areas where more than half of births occur.

Method/Design: This community based cluster randomized controlled trial will evaluate the impact of anEmergency Obstetric and Newborn Care (EmONC) package in the intervention arm compared to standard of carein control arm. Perinatal and neonatal mortality are primary outcome measure for this trial. The trial will beimplemented in 20 clusters (Union councils) of District Rahimyar Khan, Pakistan. The EmONC package consists ofprovision of maternal and neonatal health pack (clean delivery kit, emollient, chlorhexidine) for safe motherhoodand newborn wellbeing and training of community level and facility based health care providers with emphasis onreferral of complicated cases to nearest public health facilities and community mobilization.

Discussion: Even though there is substantial evidence in support of effectiveness of various health interventions forimproving maternal, neonatal and child health. Reduction in perinatal and neonatal mortality remains a bigchallenge in resource constrained and diverse countries like Pakistan and achieving MDG 4 and 5 appears to be adistant reality. A comprehensive package of community based low cost interventions along the continuum of caretailored according to the socio cultural environment coupled with existing health force capacity building may resultin improving the maternal and neonatal outcomes.The findings of this proposed community based trial will provide sufficient evidence on feasibility, acceptability andeffectiveness to the policy makers for replicating and scaling up the interventions within the health system

Trial registration: ClinicalTrial.gov NCT01751945

Keywords: Emergency Obstetrics and Newborn Care (EmONC), Perinatal mortality, Neonatal mortality,Reproductive health, Child health, Pakistan

* Correspondence: [email protected] Director Center of Excellence in Women and Child Health, AgaKhan University, Karachi, Pakistan6Co-Director, Center for Global Child Health, Hospital for Sick Children,Toronto, CanadaFull list of author information is available at the end of the article

© 2013 Turab et al.; licensee BioMed Central Ltd. This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the CreativeCommons Attribution License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, andreproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

Turab et al. BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth 2013, 13:136 Page 2 of 8http://www.biomedcentral.com/1471-2393/13/136

BackgroundGlobal neonatal and maternal mortality and in PakistanGlobally over three million neonates die every year [1].Overall under-5 mortality over the past decade has beensignificantly curtailed however the burden of neonataldeaths is more or less the same and these now representabout 40% of all deaths in children under the age of 5[1,2]. Majority of these neonates die in rural areas ofunderdeveloped countries and approximately two thirdsare due to infection and complications related to lowbirth weight (LBW) and prematurity [1-3]. Over 287,000mothers died in 2010 worldwide and almost 60% of totalmaternal death burden is concentrated in 10 countriesand Pakistan is one of them with 12000 annual deaths[4]. Postpartum hemorrhage is the leading cause of mater-nal death whereas infections (maternal puerperal sepsis)are the third most frequent cause of mortality globally ac-counting for over 12% of all maternal deaths [5,6].Pakistan has relatively worse neonatal and maternal

health indicators than its neighboring countries in southAsia [7,8]. According to recent UNICEF estimates, thecountry has a neonatal (NMR) and under 5 year morta-lity rates of 36 and 72 per 1,000 live births and maternalmortality ratio (MMR) of 280 per 100,000 live births re-spectively [7]. Over 200,000 newborns die each yearwhich represent 58% of total under 5 child deaths in thecountry. In Pakistan, majority of mothers (74%) living inrural areas deliver at home and the risk of neonataldeath is more marked in rural (55/1000 live births) areascompared to urban settings (48/1000 live births) [8].

Health care infrastructure in PakistanPakistan has an impressive infrastructure for primaryhealth care with a network of basic health units (BHU)and rural health centers (RHC) [9]. While the RHCs andBHUs are staffed by qualified medical and nursing staff,services for basic or comprehensive emergency obstetricand newborn care (EmONC) at the level of BHUs andRHCs are not always of highest quality nor are they ac-cessible [9]. Health care at the community level is largelysupported by a large number of trained cadres of com-munity health workers (CHW). In Pakistan, one of themajor CHW programs is the lady health worker (LHW)program. Currently almost 102,000 LHWs are in placeand they receive basic training in maternal and newborncare and provide this care in homes in the communitiesin which they work [8]. Although they are not directlyinvolved in conducting deliveries, these LHWs are sup-posed to function in close liaison with BHU and RHCstaff in providing antenatal care, contraceptive advice,growth monitoring, and immunization services. The mi-nistry of health has deployed a new cadre of CHW;community midwives (CMW’s) to phase out the tradi-tional birth attendants (TBA’s). While CMWs are trained

in the identification of complicated pregnancy and itsmanagement, but very few have been deployed so far.Thus, in order to improve maternal and newborn care inPakistan there is considerable potential for training ofLHWs, CMW’s and TBA on basic and comprehensiveEmergency Obstetrics and Newborn Care (EmONC).

Rationale and contents of EmONC packageThe proposed EmONC package consists of maternaland neonatal health pack, enhanced trainings of commu-nity based health care providers and community mobili-zation. These evidence based interventions are proven toreduce incidence of neonatal morbidity and mortality aswell as to provide early identification of danger signs sothat early intervention can be made. The maternal andneonatal health pack includes 4% chlorhexidine (CHX)for application to the umbilical cord. It is known to pre-vent neonatal omphalitis by 75% and neonatal mortalityby 25-40% [10-12]. It also contains emollient (sunfloweroil) which promotes skin integrity and reduces portalof entry for infection and prevents hypothermia. Inhospitalized preterm infants it has proven effective-ness of 26% reduction in mortality [13]. Additionallythe pack will contain clean delivery kit (CDK) whichis associated with lesser incidence of omphlitis andpuperal sepsis [14-17].The EmONC package also encompasses ‘enhanced

trainings’ and ‘community mobilization’ interventions toaddress the delays for accessing quality EmONC ser-vices. These interventions have proven effectivenessin reducing neonatal and maternal mortality [18]. TheLHW’s of the intervention arm shall be provided withneonatal weighing scales for recognition of low birthweight (LBW) and prompt referral of such cases to thehealth system to reduce associated neonatal morbidityand mortality.There is considerable evidence on independent ef-

fectiveness of interventions included in the package.However, the combined impact of these interventionstogether on maternal and newborn mortality has notbeen demonstrated in any trial. The results of ourstudy will provide important information for policymakers and health managers in addressing maternaland newborn health collectively.

HypothesisWe hypothesize that provision of this integrated EmONCpackage consisting of evidence based interventions, trai-nings and community mobilization will reduce peri-natal and all cause NMR by up to 20%. We expectthat this package will reduce all cause NMR througha reduction in both infectious causes of death andlow birth weight (LBW).

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Methods/DesignStudy designThis community based cluster randomized controlledtrial (c RCT) will evaluate the impact of an EmONCpackage in the intervention arm compared to standardof care in control arm. Figure 1 describes the schema ofintervention and activities to be done as part of the trial.

Study outcome measuresThe primary outcome of the study is reduction in pe-rinatal and neonatal mortality. Perinatal mortality isdefined as the composite rate of stillbirth and 7-day neo-natal mortality per 1000 live births per year.

Sample sizeWe assume that the average cluster size is 15000 popu-lation, considering a crude annual birth rate of 20 per1000 population and estimated average perinatal mor-tality rate of 60/1000 with a coefficient of variation (k)between clusters of 0.125, an intracluster correlation co-efficient of 0.05 and to detect a 20% difference in themortality rates between intervention and control clus-ters, we would require at least 20 clusters, ten clustersper arm to provide the study with a power of 90% over athree-year intervention period.

Study settingThe study will be conducted in District Rahimyar Khan(RYK) of Punjab province (Figure 2). Rahimyar Khanis predominantly a rural district. Administratively the


20 Cluste

Baseline householdHealth facilit



Control Arm

Standard of care

Figure 1 Schema of activities and interventions to be done as part ofPractices, EmONC = Emergency Obstetrical and Newborn Care, CMW= ComWorker, BHU = Basic Health Unit, RHC = Rural Health Center, THQ = Tehsil H

districted is sub-divided into Sadiqabad, Rahimyar Khan,Khanpur and Liaqatpur ‘Tehsils’. The study shall be im-plemented in Tehsil Rahimyar Khan. The Tehsil is fur-ther sub-divided into 40 Union Councils (UC’s). Thesesmall geographical subdivisions defined for administrativepurposes. Each UC serves ~15000 - 20000 population andusually contains a Basic Health Unit (BHU) or a RuralHealth Center (RHC) which provides basic EmONC fa-cilities. Catchment population of single UC along withlinked BHU and RHC shall be considered as one clusterand 20 UC’s (clusters) shall be selected for the implemen-tation of the trial.

Study populationOur target population for the intervention arm will in-clude all currently pregnant women (15–49 years) orthose who will conceive during the course of study andtheir newborns in these 20 UC’s. Regardless of their ageand socio-medical profile they will be offered the ser-vices, as per the trial protocol. The women in the con-trol arm shall receive standard care through the existinghealth system.

Baseline data collectionA quantitative research method approach shall be fol-lowed to collect baseline information related to theproject outcome. The results of baseline will be com-pared with subsequent outcome surveillance findingsfor impact assessment of the interventions on outcomemeasures.

r’s (UC’s)

survey + KAP survey + y assessment

Intervention Arm Implementation of EmONC Package

vision of maternal and neonatal health pack +Community mobilization +

Funds for emergency transportation + nhanced trainingsof CMWs/ TBAs and LHWs

the trial. UC’s = Union councils, KAP = Knowledge, Attitude andmunity Midwife, TBA = Traditional Birth Attendant, LHW = Lady Healtheadquarter Hospital.

Figure 2 Map of Pakistan showing study area in District Rahimyar Khan, Province Punjab. International Boundary, Province Boundary,District Boundary, Tehsil Boundary, UC Boundary.

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Quantitative approachBaseline household cross sectional survey A door todoor household cross sectional survey will be conduc-ted in the study area to collect information on socio-demographic characteristics, maternal and neonatalmorbidity and mortality. The data collection teams shallseek verbal consent and explain the purpose of visit be-fore the start of interview.

Survey of knowledge, attitude and practices (KAP)Additionally, to assess the knowledge, attitude and prac-tices of communities regarding maternal and newbornhealth problems and care seeking patterns in the studyarea another survey nested within baseline cross sec-tional household survey shall be conducted in a smallerrepresentative sample of the study population. A randomlist of household with a mother who delivered in the lastone year shall be generated from household survey data.Prior to start of interview data collector’s verbal consentshall be sought and purpose of visit explained.

Health facility assessment A rapid census of health careproviders and primary health care facilities will be carried

out in the study area as a part of baseline activity. Thepurpose of this survey shall be to map out the facilitiesoffering maternal, newborn and child health services andto describe the distribution, availability, functioning andquality of services for maternal, neonatal and child health(MNCH). This exercise would help to plan the trainingactivities and modules according to the capacities and ser-vice delivery related to obstetric and newborn care.

RandomizationBlocked randomization of clusters will be done afterstratifying the clusters based on information collectedfrom the baseline survey. The strata will consider thenumber of the targeted population in the cluster, mater-nal and infant mortality, access to health centers and thenumber of health workers. Due to the nature of theintervention blinding is not possible, however to ensurereduced measurement bias data on the effect of theintervention will be collected by separate teams.

Intervention (emonc) packageAs discussed in the background a comprehensive pac-kage of low cost community interventions is developed

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on the basis of available global and local literature aroundmaternal and neonatal care and survival. EmONC packageis composed of a maternal and neonatal health pack,enhanced trainings of health workers and communitymobilization.

Maternal and neonatal health packA pack consisting of 4% CHX solution, emollient (sun-flower seed oil) and clean delivery kit CDK and healthmessages brochure will be delivered to expectant mothersof intervention arm in third trimester of pregnancy ofintervention arm.

CHX It will be dispensed as 4% solution in 15 ml dis-pensing bottles to be applied on umbilical cord oncedaily up to 10 days starting from the first day of life.

Emollient (sunflower seed oil) Additionally the packshall contain 50 ml of emollient (sunflower seed oil) indispensing bottles for newborn massage. The motherwill be advised to massage their newborns once a dayfrom third day of life up to twenty eighth day.

CDK Contents of CDK will include a hotel-size bar ofsoap for the birth attendant to wash hands both beforedelivery and prior to cutting the umbilical cord, and toclean the mother’s perineum. The CDK will also have apair of clean disposable gloves for reducing diseasetransmission, a square yard of clean plastic sheeting forprovision of a clean surface to deliver the baby and oneclean single use razor blade for clean cutting of the cordand a sterile thread and cord clamp.

Health messages brochure Along with the pack expect-ant women will be handed over a brochure containingmessages on birth preparedness, awareness and recogni-tion of danger signs in mothers and newborns, acute ob-stetric and neonatal emergencies and information onimmediate care of newborn (prevention of hypothermiain low birth weight babies, immunization and exclusivebreast feeding etc.).

Maternal and neonatal health pack deliveryThe intervention pack shall be delivered to the expectantwomen at the household level by the area Lady HealthWorkers (LHW’s). Apart from their routine assignmentthese LHW’s will visit the households of the expectantwomen during the (third trimester of pregnancy) in theintervention arm and hand over the health pack to thefamily/expectant mother. During the visit the LHW willexplain the health education messages (health messagesbrochure) focused on importance of antenatal, natal andpostnatal care along with instructions on how to usethe pack.

Equipping ‘the lady health worker’s (lhw)’ and ‘communitymidwife’s (CMW)’The LHW’s and CMW’s of the intervention arm shallbe provided with neonatal and adult weighing scalesto record mother’s weight during antenatal visits andnewborn’s weight at birth or soon after birth. Objec-tive of this activity is recognition of low birth weight(LBW), prompt provision of care of low birth babiesand subsequent referral if required at the health sys-tem level to reduce associated neonatal morbidity andmortality.Moreover the LHW’s of the intervention arm will be

provided with Amoxicillin drops, to be administered tonewborn and infants with suspected sepsis/pneumoniaas a first dose (domiciliary care) prior to referral to thenearest health facility for further management.

Enhanced trainingsThe LHWs, CMWs and traditional birth attendants(TBAs) of the intervention arm will receive trainingson basic obstetric and newborn care. They will also betrained on recognition of danger signs and early refer-rals. Similarly the physicians, LHV and nurses of primaryhealth care facilities (BHU, RHC) will receive training inbasic emergency obstetric care (EmOC), essential new-born care (ENC) and neonatal resuscitation in bothintervention and control arms. Where infrastructure willallow the Physicians, LHV/Nurses will also receive train-ing on comprehensive EmONC.

Community mobilizationHealth promotion To create awareness and promotematernal, neonatal and child health (MNCH) in thecommunity at household level, women and their hus-bands will receive awareness on maternal and neonatalhealth in the intervention clusters. The health sessionswill be facilitated by the area LHW. These sessions willbe aimed to deliver awareness on antenatal care, birthpreparedness; essential and immediate newborn careand recognition of danger signs, management low birthweight and sepsis with early and appropriate referral. Anemergency fund will also be established with the help ofarea LHW for active referral and transportation of highrisk and complicated cases. This fund shall be estab-lished through the local resources and families of expec-tant women.

Heath sms Standard health SMS on MNCH will bedesigned and subsequently delivered to create awarenessamongst expectant or delivered women of reproductiveage and their families regarding antenatal, natal andpost natal care, and general health. These messages willbe delivered to the women’s cell number or her family

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members throughout the pregnancy, childbirth and post-partum period in the intervention arm.

Quarterly surveillance of outcome measuresA surveillance system will be instituted in the interven-tion and control arms. Each surveillance round shallspan across three months and every household in thestudy area will be visited once. This activity will beconducted by a team of data collectors who will work in-dependent to LHW’s who will be only responsible fordelivering the ‘maternal and neonatal health pack’. Infor-mation will be collected on demographics, pregnancyoutcomes, health seeking patterns and maternal andneonatal outcomes in context to major morbidities andmortalities. Through surveillance, information will alsobe gathered on the impact of the interventions in targetpopulation. The results of surveillance rounds will becompared with baseline findings to assess the impact ofEmONC package on the outcomes measures.

Data managementPretested standard and structured questionnaire shall bedeveloped for baseline and KAP surveys and quarterlysurveillance data collection. The data collectors shall re-ceive classroom and real life scenario training on thequestionnaires. Each form will have an individual stu-dy identification number to ensure confidentiality andlinkage.Data on outcome and process indicators will be col-

lected separately for the trial. Outcome data on perinataland neonatal mortality and health care utilization will becollected through quarterly surveillance system usingstandardized instruments. Data collection teams shallvisit the households with pregnant/delivered womenevery three months. A structured questionnaire askinginformation on antenatal, natal and postnatal care prac-tices, morbidities and mortalities will be administered tothese women. Women who deliver in hospital or in an-other house will be revisited.The trial implementation data (process data) will also

be collected on standardized forms; process data willinclude information on team and trainings activities. In-ventory record for the delivery and usage of every mater-nal and newborn health pack shall be maintained by thedata collection teams. Additional logs for distribution ofAmoxil to the sick child, measurement of birth weightand referral shall be obtained by the LHW supervisor onweekly basis.All forms filled shall be checked by supervisors for

completeness and consistency, and then transferred tothe Data Management Unit (DMU). Data shall bedual entered onsite in real time by trained data inputoperators in the customizable Visual FoxPro database.Consistency, validity, and referential integrity shall be

enforced through automated post-entry checks on thedatabase. Collected data will be retained in a secure lo-cation at the site office.

Data analysis planPrimary outcome of interest (perinatal and neonatalmortality) will be measured through household surveil-lance activities during the follow up. Surveillance will becarried out in both intervention and control arms. Tocapture all birth and death, each household will bevisited quarterly during the course of the study. Thismethod will ensure reduction in recall bias with othermeasures of association with primary outcome of thestudy.Two approaches will be followed to assess the impact

of the intervention on outcome. Following descriptiveanalysis for assessment of distribution of various factorswithin and between groups, we will compare the base-line rates between the two arms of the study, whileadjusting for confounding factors, and then do the sameat the end of the trial. Cluster adjusted poison regressionanalysis will be performed to compare maternal andnewborn mortality rates. In addition, we will also assessthe trends in mortality using the follow up surveillancedata for KAP and maternal and newborn health serviceutilization. We hypothesize that the KAP trends wouldnot be different at baseline; however with interventionbeing effective will change over time.

Ethical considerationsInformed verbal consent will be sought from representa-tives of all participating communities involved in thestudy prior to implementation. The consent will expli-citly outline the aims and objectives of the study alongwith the strict confidentiality of provided information.For data collection purposes, informed consent will alsobe sought from all pregnant women that are residents ofthe study area.The Ethics Review Committee (ERC) of Aga Khan

University has granted approval to the proposed trial(Ref No. 2146-Ped-ERC-12). In addition National Bio-ethics Committee (NBC) of Pakistan has also approvedthe study for human subject research (Ref No. 4-87/12/NBC-84/RDC/2031

DiscussionIn resource poor settings, many mother delivers at homeand receive no specific medical care. In these areas,geography, infrastructure, and poverty often effectivelyprevent access to health centers and care. Home out-reach with trained CHWs is increasingly recognized asthe mainstay for provision of maternal and newborn carein these settings. Apart from direct provision of inter-ventions, research has shown that interventions that

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involve community mobilization and counseling sessionsfor mothers on topics related to birth and newborn carepreparedness for bringing behavior change can reducetotal neonatal deaths by 21% and early neonatal deathsby 24% (18). On the other hand, improvement of wo-men’s access to antenatal, intrapartum and postnatalcare with training cadre of community workers, andtraditional birth attendant can reduce maternal morbid-ities by 25% and further improve total neonatal mortal-ities by 23% (18). However, these services are not alwaysavailable to those who need them most nor have theybeen packaged into a single consolidate program. Such apackage consisting of low cost, evidence based interven-tions for use in the home the home has tremendous po-tential to improve health status and decrease MMR andNMR.Even though there is substantial evidence in support

of effectiveness of various health interventions for im-proving maternal and child health, reduction in perinataland neonatal mortality remain a big challenge for im-proving maternal and child health in a resource cons-trained and diverse country like Pakistan and achievingMDG-4 appears to be a distant reality. A comprehensivepackage of community based low cost interventionsalong the continuum of care tailored according to thesocio cultural environment of the country along withcapacity building may improve the maternal and neo-natal outcomes.The findings of this critical community based trial will

provide sufficient evidence on the implementation of theintervention and its impact to the policy makers, forreplicating and scaling up sustainable interventions inrural settings.

Competing interestThe authors of this manuscript declare that they have no competing interest(financial or otherwise) in this publication.

Author’s contributionSS conceived the idea, study design and as principal investigator wasinvolved in all aspects of this study. ZAB provided the technical andintellectual inputs. SA, AT, MAH, IA, ZM, MIK, ZSL, AR and MH were involvedin study design, implementation, analysis and planning of the study. ATproduced the first draft and subsequent drafts of the paper. ZAB is theguarantor of the study. All authors reviewed and approved various draftsand the final paper.

Acknowledgements‘Improved Accessibility of Emergency Obstetrics and Newborn Care Servicesfor Maternal and Newborn Health: a Community Based Project’ is a projectfunded by the Maternal and Newborn Health Programme, Research andAdvocacy Fund, and is implemented by Aga Khan University. This documentis an output from a project funded by the UK Department for InternationalDevelopment (DFID) and Australian Agency for International Development(AusAID) for the benefit of developing countries. The views expressed andthe information contained is not necessarily endorsed by DFID/AusAID. Weappreciate the unprecedented technical guidance of the LHW and MNCHprogramme of Pakistan.

Author details1Department of Paediatrics and Child Health, Division of Women and ChildHealth, Aga Khan University, Karachi, Pakistan. 2Provincial Programme forFamily planning and Primary health care (Lady Health workers programme)for Punjab, Lahore, Pakistan. 3Maternal and Newborn Health Programme,Research and Advocacy Fund, Islamabad, Pakistan. 4International VaccineInstitute, Seoul, Korea. 5Founding Director Center of Excellence in Womenand Child Health, Aga Khan University, Karachi, Pakistan. 6Co-Director, Centerfor Global Child Health, Hospital for Sick Children, Toronto, Canada.

Received: 18 May 2013 Accepted: 20 June 2013Published: 24 June 2013

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doi:10.1186/1471-2393-13-136Cite this article as: Turab et al.: Improved accessibility of emergencyobstetrics and newborn care(EmONC) services for maternal andnewborn health: a community based project. BMC Pregnancy andChildbirth 2013 13:136.

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