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Study Tips for Tech Students

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Study Tips for Technology Students
1.Case Study: How I Got the Highest Grade in my Discrete Math Class 2.Why I Never Joined Facebook 3.Fighting Procrastination 4.How to Ace Calculus: The Art of Doing Well in Technical Courses 5.How to Solve Hard Problem Sets Without Staying Up All Night 6.Use Technical Explanation Questions When Studying For Technical Classes 7.The Quarantine Method for Producing Better Work in Less Total Hours
  • 1.Case Study: How I Got the Highest Grade

    in my Discrete Math Class

    2.Why I Never Joined Facebook

    3.Fighting Procrastination

    4.How to Ace Calculus: The Art of Doing

    Well in Technical Courses

    5.How to Solve Hard Problem Sets Without

    Staying Up All Night

    6.Use Technical Explanation Questions

    When Studying For Technical Classes

    7.The Quarantine Method for Producing

    Better Work in Less Total Hours

  • Case Study: How I Got the Highest Grade in

    my Discrete Math Class November 25th, 2008 47 comments

    A Hallway Encounter

    During my sophomore year at Dartmouth I took a course

    in discrete mathematics. The tests were not calibrated to

    any standard scale, so it was difficult to judge how well

    you were doing. On the midterm, for example, scores

    around 50 to 60 out of 100 were at the top of the class,

    whereas for the final those would be failing.

    Rewind, then, to the end of the winter quarter, and imagine my surprise in the following

    scenario. Its the day after the final. Im walking through a hallway when I encounter the TA:

    Yougot the highest grade, he said.

    On the final? I asked, somewhat surprised.

    No, for the entire course.

    This was hard to believe. The course had 70 students. Three of them were from Eastern Europe

    where, educated in the old Soviet-style talent-tracking system, they had already studied this

    subject in high school!

    I didnt think of myself as a math person. Before this class, I had shown no particular talent for the subject. I was trying to just hang in there with a decent grade. My victory, as we like to say

    here on Study Hacks, was tactical.

    In this post I will explain how I achieved this feat, and how following similar strategies can help

    you dominate even the most thorny technical courses

    No Tolerance For Lack of Insight

    At the high-level, my strategy was exactly what I spelled out in my How to Ace Calculus post of

    two weeks ago: learn the insights. But I want to dive into the details of how I accomplished this

    goal for this specific class. Think of this as a case study of the insight method in action.

    Here was my specific strategy:

    Proof Obsession: Discrete math is about proofs. In lecture, the professor would write a

    proposition on the board e.g., if n is a perfect square then its also odd then walk through a proof. Proposition after proposition, proof after proof. As the class advanced, we learned

    increasingly advanced techniques for building these proofs. I soon developed a singular

    obsession: I wanted to be able to recreate, with pencil and paper, and no helper notes, every

  • single proof presented in class. No exceptions. Lack of understanding of even one proof

    wouldnt be tolerated.

    My Obsession in Practice

    Heres how I learned every proof.

    1. I bought a package of white printer paper. 2. As the term progressed, I copied each proposition presented in class onto its own sheet of

    paper. I would write the problem as the top of the sheet and recreate the proof, from my notes,


    3. I tried to do this every week copying the most recent material onto its own sheets though I often got behind.

    4. While doing this work I would sometimes okay, many times realize I didnt quite understand the proof I had copied in my notes. In these cases, I would break out the textbook,

    or do some web searching for the problem, to see if I could make sense of what I was writing

    down. This usually worked. In the worst case scenario, I would ask the professor or the TA for

    help. Not understanding the proof was not an option. I wasnt practicing transcription; I knew I had to learn these.

    5. About two weeks before each exam I started scheduling sessions to aggressively review my proof guides. I always worked on the second floor of the Dana Biomedical Library on the outskirts of campus. (Think: dark, concrete-floored stacks, with desks tucked away at then end of

    long rows, each illuminated by a single, bright incandescent bulbstudy heaven.) I did standard Quiz and Recall: splitting the proofs between those I could replicate from scratch and those that

    gave me trouble, and then, in the next round, focusing only on those that gave me trouble, and so

    on, until every sheet had been conquered.

    By the day of the exam, you could give me any problem from the course and I could rattle off the

    proof, without mistake and without hesitation.

    Lots of Work, but Not Hard Work

    In retrospect, its not surprising I did well in this class. Most of the other students even the Eastern European students started studying for the exam 48 hours in advance, trying, frantically, to review as many of the high-level techniques as possible. Not surprisingly: a lot of

    details were missed. They knew the basics. But they lacked mastery.

    Consider, by contrast, my approach. If you add up the time I spent copying out the proofs on the

    white paper, add in the time required to track down help for the proofs I didnt understand, and then throw into the mix the time spent reviewing, the total is somewhat staggering. To try to do

    the same a few days before the exam would have been literally impossible.

    This doesnt mean, however, that my life was hell. If anything, this was a relaxing term. The secret was that I inlined my work throughout the term. I never spent more than 2 hours at a

    time working on these proofs. I never stayed up late. I never ground through material. I kept

    attacking it fresh, with high energy, time and time again.

  • There are two lessons I hope you take from this case study:

    1. Conquering a technical class requires a massive amount of work. There is no short-cut. If youre pulling high school bullshit and trying to wait until a few days before to learn everything you slept through in class, then youre screwed. You need to grow up and leave that behavior in the past.

    2. Conquering a technical class doesnt have to be painful. The key is to define your challenge learn every insight come up with a plan for winning the challenge e.g., in my case, using proof guides to learn every single proof and then putting the plan into motion with time to spare. No cramming necessary.

    Know thy enemy and it becomes a lot less fearsome

    Related Articles About Technical Classes

  • Study Hacks Blog Decoding Patterns of Success

    Why I Never Joined Facebook September 18th, 2013 63 comments

    Facebook Arrives

    I remember when I first heard about Facebook. I was an undergraduate at Dartmouth College. At

    the time, the service was being made available on a school-by-school basis, and, one spring day

    in 2004, it finally arrived at our corner of the Ivy League.

    Many of my friends were excited by this event. They were surprised when I didnt join.

    What problem do I have that this solves?, I asked.

    No one could answer.

    They would, instead, talk about new features it made available, like being able to reconnect with

    people from high school or post photos. But my lack of ability to connect with old classmates or

    to publicize my social outings were not problems I needed fixed.

    Every product and service ever invented offers new features, Id respond, but what problem do I have that Facebooks features are solving? Why should this product, of all products, earn my attention?

    Again, no one could answer.

    After a while, I stopped asking this question, and just moved on with my life without a presence

    on Facebook. Ten years later, I still have never had a Facebook account nor any social media account, for that matter and have never missed it.

  • I have close friends. I still have lots of readers and still sell lots of books. And Ive preserved my ability to focus, allowing me to make a nice a living as a theoretician.

    A Personal Philosophy for Adopting Tools

    This brings me to a broader point: in an age of personal technological revolution, we all need a

    more explicit philosophy for adopting tools. Without this clarity, we run the risk of drowning in a

    sea of distracting apps and shiny web sites.

    My philosophy to only adopt tools that solve a major pre-existing problem has served me well.

    I use e-mail, for example, because the ability to communicate asynchronously with people

    around the world is quite important for my work. E-mail solves this problem.

    I dont use Twitter, however, because the ability to have short, casual interactions with many people I dont know well is not that important to my work.

    And so on.

    If you adopt this particular philosophy which I recommend youre effectively raising the bar when it comes to what you tools you adopt. Just because a product or service offers some

    new feature should not be enough for it to demand your time and attention. Save this scarce

    resource for tools that make a strong case for how they solve real problems you already have.

    Make Silicon Valley earn your interest, not take it for granted.

    Or not. This is just one way of looking at a complicated problem. I am, of course, eager to hear

    your disagreement: please post any complaints on your Facebook wall.

  • Study Hacks Blog Decoding Patterns of

    Success Posts on Tips: Fighting


    Is Allowing Your Child to Study While on Facebook Morally Irresponsible? June 10th, 2010 89 comments

    The Stanford Consensus

    My technology habits are eccentric. I use an old fashioned, non-Internet connected Samsung flip

    phone with a postage-stamp size screen. Im not on Facebook or Twitter, and my RSS reader is an emaciated husk, subsisting on a small number of feeds, mainly the blogs of friends. Long ago,

    I configured Gmail to automatically mark every message as read when it arrives in my inbox,

    frustrating my attempts to perform distracting quick scans for new messages during the day.

    The rational foundation of my eccentricity is the increasingly alarming research coming out of

    Stanfords Communication between Humans and Interactive Media (CHIMe) lab. Pioneering researchers from this lab are converging on a scary consensus. Its long been understood that youre less productive when youre constantly switching your attention; that is, the claimed benefits of multitasking are false. Researchers at the CHIMe lab, however, have found that the

    impact of electronic multitasking goes beyond the momentary sense of distraction, it can

    also create permanent changes in the brain.

  • As reported in a recent New York Times article, subjects who were identified as multitaskers did

    a significantly worse job on experimental tasks that required them to filter out irrelevant information even though they werent multitasking during the experiment.

    Other tests at Stanford, reports the same article, showed multitaskers tended to search for new information rather than accept a reward for putting older, more valuable information to work.

    Or, as Clifford Nass, a communications professor at Stanford, summarized: the scary part for [multitaskers] is they cant shut off their multitasking tendencies when theyre not multitasking.

    This is why I invest so much effort in isolating myself from electronic distraction. In my two

    fields, theoretical computer science and writing, the ability to focus on hard things for long

    uninterrupted periods is my most valuable currency. If I lose this ability, I might also lose my


    As the computer scientist Donald Knuth once said, Email is a wonderful thing for people whose role in life is to be on top of things. But not for me; my role is to be on the bottom of things.

    The Danger to Students

    Thats the rational explanation for my behavior. If you want the emotional explanation, however, turn your (perhaps distracted) attention from Stanfords CHIMe lab to my blog e-mail inbox.

    Read more

    The Upside of Deep Procrastination April 29th, 2010 40 comments

    Earlier this afternoon I read an e-mail from a sophomore at Yale.

    Ive always been a good student and I know that Im smart and capable, but lately Ive been having such a hard time, she began.

    Im having trouble completing assignments, even though I have sufficient time. I avoid seeking out help, preferring instead to just freak out alone in my room.

    This student recognized her trouble as deep procrastination the exceedingly common student affliction of losing the will to work.

    While responding to her message, I had an interesting realization: deep procrastination, though

    scary, represents something important and perhaps even exciting. It marks that key

    transition where the momentum of this is what you need to do the momentum that carried you through high school and into college begins to wane, leaving you to discover a new source of propulsion not just new, but also more durable and more personal.

    Its important to side step the self-help cliches in this situation. Its unlikely that youll unearth a burning lifes mission hidden conveniently just below the surface of your psyche. What you seek is more fundamental: an acceptance that doing things well is hard, and always will be, and

  • that you need to spend more time than you thought was necessary deciding which such

    hard things gain rights to your attention.

    None of this is easy. All of it is exciting.

    With all of this in mind, I had no magical solution to offer this worried sophomore. I could only

    suggest that she take a step back and reduce the frantic Yale pace, maybe for just one semester,

    leaving space for her new propulsion to build a head of steam.

  • How to Ace Calculus: The Art of Doing Well

    in Technical Courses November 14th, 2008 104 comments

    Tangent Troubles

    Calculus is easy. Or at least, it can be. The key is how you digest the material. Heres an example: when youre first taught derivatives in calculus class, do you remember it like this

    Or do you intuit this image

    As I will argue in this post, for any technical course be it calculus, physics, or microeconomics the key between an A and a struggle comes down to this distinction. Below Ill explain exactly what I mean and reveal how top technical students use this realization to consistently ace their classes.

    How Every Technical Class is Taught

    Technical classes have a simple structure. In each lecture, the professor presents a series of

    concepts. Depending on the difficulty of the material, she may cover anywhere from one to more

    than a dozen. For each concept, the professor will derive the result from concepts you already

    know and/or provide an example of the concept in practice.

    Thats it.

    This simplicity is good. It will make it easier for us to develop a strategy to conquer the


    The Magic of Insight

  • What do you do with the concepts being spewed by the professor? Most students dutifully copy

    them down along with their accompanying examples. For example, if its the first week of calculus, you might record the standard derivative equation I reproduced above.

    This is fine, but its not enough.

    In addition to capture, you need to develop insight.

    What do I mean by insight? That click in your brain the moment when the tumblers of your mental locks align, the door swings opens, and an intuitive sense of what and why come flooding

    out. Forget the equations you copied from the blackboard, Im talking about developing an understanding deep down in your bones.

    For our example of the derivative, this might mean having a solid mental grasp of this image:

    A derivative at a given point is just the slope of the tangent line that kisses that point. Even more

    intuitively: it can be though of as the steepness of the graph at that point. Thats all. The complicated equation from above is just a way to calculate a specific number that describes this


    If you understand this graph really understand it you understand the insight behind derivatives. If all you know is the equation from above, then youre screwed.

    Insightful Studying

    I am now ready to reveal the big dark secret about technical class studying: If you want to do

    well in a technical class all you have to do is develop insight for every single concept covered

    in lecture.

    Thats the whole ballgame.

    Thats how every high-scoring technical student does it.

    Theres no shortcut.

    Its the only way.

  • Heres what I commonly observe: the students who struggle in technical courses are those who skip the insight-developing phase. They capture concepts in their notes and they study by

    reproducing their notes. Then, when they sit down for the exam and are faced with problems that

    apply the ideas in novel ways, they have no idea what to do. They panic. They do poorly. They

    proclaim that they are not math people. They switch to a philosophy major.

    Without insight you cant do well.

    How to Develop Insight

    Developing insight can be hard. (Though it gets easier with practice.) Especially when youre given a dozen new concepts per lecture. The implication: you have to invest a lot of effort

    during the semester not just right before the exam to keep up with a technical course. Every one of those concepts described in lecture has to be translated from symbols on a

    blackboard to a shiver-inducing deep comprehension. Its not easy, but at least the challenge is now well-defined.

    Here are some tips that can help:

    1. If you have a hard time understanding the material as the professor presents it, prep the concepts before class by reading the textbook.

    2. Ask questions when the professor loses you. Often their answer can knock you back on track to insightful understanding.

    3. Ask the professor or TA for clarifications immediately following lecture. 4. Try to review your notes as soon as possible after class to cement insights while the

    information is still fresh in your brain.

    5. Always go to office hours. But before you show up, spend time with the troublesome concepts trying to build insight. Figure out exactly where you get stuck. This will help the TA or

    professor give you targeted, useful advice. Never just say: I dont get it. 6. Keep a running list of every concept taught so far in the semester. Mark the ones that you

    have an insight for and the ones you dont understand. It helps to see clearly exactly what insights you still need.

    The Practice Factor

    Once youve developed an insight for every concept in a technical course, the final step before a test is to do a small number of practice problems for each to practice applying it. (This is where

    the mega-problem sets of Straight-A come into play.)

    Heres the crucial observation: if you skip the insight-generating phase, no amount of practice problems will help you side-step exam disaster. If its a week before the exam, and you lack insights on most of the concepts: youre out of luck.

    Its Not Easy, But Its Also Not Complicated

    Its hard to do well in technical courses. But its not complicated.

  • During the semester, you have to see yourself like a lone soldier trying to fight back the tide of

    encroaching concepts. Do everything you can to build insights in the heat of battle. Become

    obsessive about conquering concepts.

    Once youve turned your attention to the real battle needed to do well in technical classes, you can invest your time and energy exactly where its needed.

    And if not, theres always philosophy

  • Monday Master Class: How to Solve Hard

    Problem Sets Without Staying Up All Night October 8th, 2007 28 comments

    I Have all the Time in the World

    Last weekend, I sat down for a cup of coffee with Jake from

    College Chronicles fame. We were discussing a computer science

    course that was giving him trouble. The problem sets, as is often

    the case, were killer.

    Is the problem that you cant find enough time to work on them, I asked.

    No, replied Jake. I have all the time in the world, the problem is I dont know how to start.

    The Problem Set Problem

    Problem sets defy many of the strategies we use to tame academic work. When youre given a reading assignment, for example, you can estimate, within 10 20 minutes, how long it will take you to complete. You can then break up that work into reasonable chunks and get it done. No


    Problem sets offer no such consistency. A given problem might take you ten minutes. On the

    other hand, it might devour an entire day and still yield no progress. This inconsistency is the

    bane of students, like Jake, stuck in technical classes.

    How do you solve hard problem sets in such a way that they can be integrated into a structured,

    low-stress study schedule? In this post I will present a four step process. The process is an

    elaboration on the advice given in Straight-A. Its a mixture of the results of my research for this book as well as personal experience, having fought these beasts over the past seven years.

    A Four Step Process for Solving Hard Problem Sets

    The motivating idea behind this strategy is simple: your brain can only work productively on

    a hard problem for 1 -3 hours before needing to reboot. To reboot your brain, so more

    productive work can be accomplished, requires a significant break. Preferably overnight.

    Heres a four step strategy built around this idea. It mimics the work schedule of the typical high-scoring technical student.

    Step 1: Pick Off the Simple, Prime the Hard

    Your first block of work should occur early in the week. Set aside 2 3 hours, in the morning. Make this the first thing you do that day (when your energy is at its highest). Your goal is two-

  • fold. First, you want to solve easy problems. Your strong focus will help you avoid stupid

    mistakes. Second, you want to tackle at least two hard problems. You probably wont solve them. This is why they are hard. But you can do something almost as important: prime them.

    To prime a hard problem is to discover exactly why you cant solve it. Pick an obvious approach even if you suspect it wont work and start working through the problem until you get stuck. Identify why you are stuck. Ask what you need to figure out to make progress.

    What is it that makes this hard? Then take a break

    Step 2: Think in the Shower

    For the next 2 3 days, think about how to get around the obstacles you discovered while priming. Dont do this formally, in the library, with books around you. Instead, do this while walking around campus. While waiting for class to start. In the shower. I used to solve my Algorithms take home exam problems, for example, while jogging.

    This is when breakthroughs occur. If you end up with a great insight, take 20 minutes, next time

    you can spare it, to sit down and write it down formally. If needed, prime a new hard problem so

    you can keep making progress as your wander campus throughout the week.

    If you encounter ambiguities in the problem description that are giving your trouble, send

    concise questions to your TA requesting clarification. You dont want these details to slow down progress any longer than they need to. (You might end up e-mailing your TA many times early in

    the week. This is okay so long as the questions are specific and concise. Dont wait until office hours. By then, its too late.)

    Step 3: Meet with your Problem Partner

    A team effort is crucial for problem sets. But it has to be the right effort. Dont meet with a large group. These are rarely efficient. Most of the time is spent griping about the class.

    Usually, there is one kid in the group who actually did the work, and, in the end, everyone copies

    off of him. Avoid this. The smart kid is often wrong, and likes the group because it boosts his self-esteem. Not to mention that your lack of understanding will come back to tag you on the


    The other extreme is to work alone. I see this a lot at MIT. Too many movies like Good Will

    Hunting got people thinking that to be smart at math means you should be able to stare at a

    problem for 5 10 seconds and then instantly solve it. Sorry. Doesnt work that way. I walk past real geniuses every day people, for example, who are my age and are also tenured professors and guess what: it takes them a long time to solve hard problems; and they work with other people. The ideal configuration for a problem set is a single partner who is at

    roughly your ability and is willing to meet earlier in the week.

    Meet with this partner for 2 3 hours to discuss progress made so far. Check your answers on the easy problems. Trade insights on the hard problems. Make new, collaborative attacks on

    those that still resist solving.

    Step 4: Finalize the Problem Set at Office Hours

  • Show up early to office hours. Arrive understanding exactly why you are stuck on the small

    number of problems (hopefully) on which you are still stuck. Translate this into a small

    number of highly specific questions. Ask the TA these questions right after he or she arrives.

    The key here and I base this on my own TA experience is to avoidsimplying saying: I dont know how to do this problem, help! Thats frustrating. Instead, you need targeted information that shows the effort youve expended. For example: Ive been trying approach XX, its promising, but I keep getting stuck with YY, can you point me in the right direction?

    Bring your laptop to office hours and work on finalizing these problems right there. If small

    questions or ambiguities pop up as you make progress, the TA can be asked on the spot. Aim to

    leave office hours with a completed problem set. Notice, this is much different from most

    students who arrive at office hours with very little done. You are arriving with most of the work

    done, and are just filling in the details.

    In Conclusion

    Repeated fresh attacks are how hard problems are solved in the real world. Problem sets teach

    you this skill. The issue, however, is that professors often forget to convey this strategy to their

    students, many of whom still believe that the high school style, big push tactic for finishing work

    is still applicable. So keep this advice in mind. Until youve approached a problem fresh, 3 4 times, you havent really yet tried to solve it.

  • Monday Master Class: Use Technical

    Explanation Questions When Studying For

    Technical Classes September 4th, 2007 6 comments

    [Sorry for the one-day delay in this weeks Monday Master Class. I was down in New York City for the holiday weekend. Those of you students who regularly tune into WABC on Sunday

    mornings (e.g., none of you), may have seen me pitching some back-to-school advice.]

    Most students who take technical courses figure out, rather quickly, that reviewing their weekly

    problem sets is crucial when preparing for a test. In How to Become a Straight-A Student, I take

    this one step further by discussing how to construct Mega Problem Sets (MPS), which include,

    in addition to your weekly homework, selected examples from your lecture notes. If you can

    answer the problems in every MPS, then you are more than prepared for your upcoming test.


    Rewind to the summer of 2005, the period in which I wrote the bulk of the manuscript for

    Straight-A. I was chatting with a high school student about her A.P. chem class. She was having

    trouble. Having recently worked on the MPS chapter, I gave her the above advice.

    I tried that, she said. It didnt work!

    After a little more explanation, the issue became clear. She had practiced and practiced until she

    could answer every single problem set problem without hesitation. But when the test came, and

    she was faced with new problems, she was stumped. As it turned out, in her zeal, she had simply

    memorized the steps of her specific sample problems. Without understanding the underlying

    concepts, this did little to prepare her to tackle new problems on a test.

    From this experience was born

    The Technical Explanation Question

    When constructing a MPS, you should add, in addition to the sample problems from problem

    sets and lecture, questions that ask you to explain the major concepts. When studying, you

    should lecture these answers out loud as if youre teaching a class. If possible, get a private study room with a whiteboard.

    Here are some types of technical explanation questions (TEQs) you might consider adding:

    1. Explaining a general step-by-step process that is repeated in many sample problems. For example, in a calculus class you might have several examples of taking derivatives using the

    chain rule. Add a TEQ that asks you to explain how the chain-rule works.

  • 2. Defining specific rules. Following our calculus example, we all remember that many well-known functions have specific derivatives that must be learned. A good TEQ might have you list

    each from memory (e.g., List six common functions and their derivatives.) 3. Annotating a complicated example. Given a complicated example of a certain type of problem,

    a good TEQ might have you provide detailed annotation on each step; explaining the logic

    behind each.

    4. Reviewing rules for use. In many technical courses, a big part of the challenge is figuring out which technique to apply to a given problem. A good TEQ might have you discuss the criteria

    for choosing from a set of different techniques for a certain type of problem.

    Adding TEQs seems like it will extend your study time. But, in the final accounting, they

    probably will help you learn the other sample problems faster, making up for the addition. More

    important, they provide the foundation for consistent high performance in challenging technical


  • Study Hacks Blog Decoding Patterns of Success

    Monday Master Class: The Quarantine

    Method for Producing Better Work in Less

    Total Hours September 15th, 2008 7 comments

    Excavating Crap

    In a 2004 interview, author Neal Stephenson noted the

    following about his writing process:

    I did figure out that I tended to write good stuff first thing

    in the morning. So I had all this free time in the rest of the

    day that I had to occupy with something other than

    writing. Because if I sat and [continued to write], Id just bury the good stuff Id written in crap and have to excavate it later.

    Neal discovered when he could write well. He also

    discovered where: as revealed in the same interview, he

    works in a basement alcove, surrounded by artifacts

    relating to the manuscript in progress, recording his

    words believe it or not with a fountain pen.

    He then quarantined his creative efforts to this highly

    productive window.

    His key insight: continuing to work beyond these optimal conditions could actually make

    things worse forcing him to return later to clean up the unfocused crap produced when his mind wasnt fully in the game.

    From Writers to Students

    I tell you this story because I think the same insight can drive you to become a more efficient

    student. Like Neal, you probably have some scholastic equivalent to his early mornings in the

    basement alcove; an environment in which your mind is really ready to rock. Following his

    logic, you could conclude that if you want to produce the best quality results with a minimum

    number of total hours, you should quarantine your work to (only) these high-octane


    The only modifier is the tricky part. It asks you to accept the idea that working beyond your peak conditions might make things worse creating weak paper writing, or confusing your understanding of an assignment in a way that will require more time down the road to fix.

  • Work Without Pain

    The obvious appeal of this approach is lack of pain. There are few sensations more soul-

    deadening than pseudo-work. By contrast, when youre firing on all mental cylinders, and riding that Cskszentmihlyi high, even the most convoluted assignment can fascinate.

    A problem, however, lurks. The average college student has a lot of work; more than maybe can

    be finished in a few hours each morning. I recognize this shortcoming. But I can recommend

    some common sense advice that can bring you closer to the dream of a Stephenson-style

    quarantined work flow:

    1. Increase the size of your quarantine periods by staying rested, exercising, eating well and avoiding energy sapping distractions like the Interweb.

    2. Decrease the amount of work you have to accomplish by embracing Radical Simplicity. Less courses. Less majors. Less activities. Kick ass at a very small number of things.

    3. Decrease the time required for your work by obsessing over the efficiency of your technical habits. 4. Increase your efficiency by caring, like Neal, about your location and the artifacts that surround

    you. Theres a difference between working in a dorm study lounge with your Internet-connected laptop open, a chewed Bic, and an old notebook, and working in the rare books room, armed with a Black n Red and a Mont Blanc StarWalker.

    5. Start everything early. You might think that today requires many hours of work because you have two reading assignments and a problem set due. But if you had started those last weekend, when you had

    nothing else on your plate, you wouldnt be in this trouble now.

    Youve heard many of these ideas before: location matters, time of day matters, energy matters. But I think Neals anecdote smashes them together beautifully, and then finishes things off with the novel twist about the danger of working beyond your quarantine.

    Lets review:

    Point one: working when youre not at your peak makes things worse.

    Point two: accordingly, you should organize your student work schedule to quarantine your

    efforts to (only) peak-inducing environments.

    Simple. But if Neals writing output is any indicator, also devastatingly effective.

  • 1. How to Ace Calculus 2. How to Solve Problem Sets without Staying Up All Night 3. The Quarantine Method 4. Use Technical Explanation Questions when Studying for Technical Classes
