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SU S T A IN ABLE IN VE S TME N T BO O T C AMP Blue & G r een T omor r o w

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En e r g y Effici e n c y. SU S T A IN ABLE IN VE S TME N T BO O T C AMP Blue & G r een T omor r o w. F or inve s t men t pro f e s sionals on l y April 2 0 14 claudia Qui r o z. SU S T AINABLE INVE S TING. Unprecedented c onvergence of three m a cro drivers Clima t e change Popul a tion - PowerPoint PPT Presentation
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SUSTAINABLE INVESTMENT BOOTCAMP Blue & Green Tomorrow For investment professionals only April 2014 claudia Quiroz Energy Efficiency
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Blue & Green TomorrowFo r i n v e s tment p r o f e ss i o n a l s o n l y

April 2014claudia Quiroz

E n e r g y E ffi c i e n c y

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U n p r e c e d e n t e d c o n v e r g e n c e o f t h r e e mac r o d r i v e r s

Climate changePopulat ionIncrease of c15% by 2030

E n e r g yIncrease of c50% by 2030

Wat e rIncrease of c30% by 2030

f OOdincrease of c50% by 2030

Population g rowth

Resource Scarcity



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Mac r o t r e n d s

E n e r gy

F ood Hea lth Re s o u r c es

Wat e r

S e c u r i t y o f supply & indust r i a l i s at ion

Re s o u r c e s c a r c i t yScarcity driven security of supply energy lost between

production and consumption is 80%

Climate c h a n g e ris ing

temperatures r is ing sea levels

Changing rainfall distribution

Populat ion s h i f t sGrowing faster than ever before developing world

accounting for most of the growth



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Investment objectives• Capital appreciation and

income• Smooth volatile of returns

over economic cycleR i s k

• Medium tolerance to risk• Equity exposure range 50-

75%Investment style• Global multi-asset

• Mid and large cap bias• Multi-thematic with focus

on sustainability

Investment process• Top down approach

• Bottom up approach driven by quants, fundamental research and stock selection

Climate change

R esource scarcity


G rowth

I nd i c at i ve p o rt f ol io b r e a k d o w n

Fi xe d i n t e re s t

soverign debtInvestment g rade c orporate bondsEquit ies

Active management

global companiesSector/ theme diversificationAlt e r n at i ve i nves tments

Infrastructure private

equityGold/c ommodity

e t fC a sh

Liquid i ty in ALL ASSET c l a sses



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M a r ke t d r i v e r s• Global energy crisis• Energy security driven by location of

fossil fuel reserves• 50% of the supply of fossil fuel

depleted• Energy demand to increase 30% by

2035• Demand of energy to account for 7-

9% of gd p• C o2 emission to increase 20% by

2035Re g u l at ion• EU targeting a 20% carbon

emission reduction by 2020• China wind power generation

target of 100gw by 2020• Support for new technologies

• Clean coal• Carbon capture and storage

E n e r g y e ffi c i e n c y• An evolution rather than a revolution• F astest and cheapest way to

reduce consumption and emissions

• 2/3 of the economic potential to improve energy efficiencies remains untapped

• C ost savings is the key driver of adoption• Every $ spent on energy

efficiency equal$2-4 in lifetime cost savings

• Average payback of 3-7 years

Inves tment o p p o rtunit ies• Hydro power• W ind power• Geothermal• Solar power• W ind turbine manufacturers• R enewable energy developers• Clean/efficient engines• Biomass• Energy efficient lighting• Electric vehicles c omponents• Clean transport• Power storage & c ontrol• Building insulation• Independent power producers• Smart metering and electric grid• Ra i l locomotive & equipment• Signalling, control and safety





ViA E n E r g y E ffi c i E n c y

source: iea’s Clean energy progress r eport 2011

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source: iea’s Clean energy progress r eport 2011

BUSinESS• Leading global supplier of highly

engineered systems and components

• Turbochargers, diesel engine, cooling systems and transmission technologies

• g reen secular trends by improving fuel economy and reducing emissions


• Steady auto growth in the US and china

• Well positioned for European recovery- c50% of revenues

• diversified revenue mix – n A only 15-20% of total revenue

• new business pipeline of 10%-12% annual revenue growth by 2015

• Strong B /S - $2.5b available for deployment (potentially a 2% yield if P O r of 30%)k E y r i S k S

f Ac TO r S• r a w material costs• Slowing European markets• currency – 2/3 revenues outside the

US• increasing competition in

turbocharges by Bosch and Mercedes


r eferences to specific securities are not recommendations to buy or sell those securities.

a s at 31 march 2014

POTEnTiAL c O2 EMiSSiOnS SAVin gS ViA E n E r g y E ffi c i E n c y


market Cap $14.5b

share price $62.9

p/e ratio 16.4x

Dividend yield 0.6%

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CLIMATE ASSETS FUND PERFORMANCEsince launch to 31 March 2 0 14


** launch Date 1 mar 2010 source: Financial express. a a ccumulation share class performance, inclusive of charges, in GBp with net income reinvested. The performance of other share classes may differ. source: Financial express 31/0 3/2014Past performance is not a guide to future performance and future returns are not guaranteed.

Cumulative performance (%) to 31 march 2014 1m 6m 1y 3y since launch

Climate Assets Fund - A Accumulation -0.43 4.33 7.24 21.67 39.90

IMA Mixed Investment 40-85% Sector Average

-0.67 3.73 5.63 19.10 32.47

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• Sustainable investing strategy

- Dedicated team- Climate assets fund- Segregated private

client portfolios

D F M (Discretionary

Fund Management)

Specialist Fu n d (Climate Assets)

• Assets under management in excess of £14.5 billion as at 01/0 9/2013• F ocus on working with private clients and their advisers• Personalised service to provide exceptional performance across all

investment strategies

Susta inab le i nve s tment


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CLA UDIA QUIRO Zinvestment directort: 0 20 7150 4749e: [email protected] joined Quilter Cheviot from Henderson Global investors in 2009. s he is the le ad Fund manager of the Quilter Cheviot Climate a ssets Fund, winner of the “Best new entrant” at the Climate Change a wards 20 10 and the “ B est performing F und” at B archester Green’s e thical investment a wards 20 12. Claudia has over 13 years’ experience in s ustainable & r e sponsible investing and 5 years’ experience in engineering. s he graduated with a degree in Chemical engineering in a rgentina, and holds an mB a from Cass B usiness s chool in lo ndon. Claudia sits on the Quilter Cheviot international investment Committee.CAMILLA C A R S O N

investment Managert: 0 20 7150 4720e: [email protected] joined Quilter Cheviot’s investment team in 2008. she holds an honours degree in politics from the University of l iverpool and is a qualified member of the Chartered securities institute. Camilla manages portfolios for private clients, trusts and charities and assists in the management of the Quilter Cheviot Climate a s sets Fund and the l ibe ro Balanced Fund. Camilla is also a member of Quilter Cheviot a l ternative investment Committee. in 2011 Camilla was named as one of CityWealth magaz ine’s ‘Top emerging Wealth managers.’ s he jointly established Quilter Cheviot’s Gen y a ssociation in 20 0 8 and is committed to a number of charitable projects.

WILLIAM B U C K H U R ST Investment directort: 0 20 7150 4160e: [email protected] illiam joined the company in 2006, having previously worked at UB s Wealth management and l aing & Cruickshank. He manages discretionary portfolios for private clients, trusts, and charities, and is the co-manager of the l ibe ro Balanced Fund and the Climate a ssets Fund. He also has responsibility for investment fund research at Quilter Cheviot. He is a member of the Chartered institute for s ecurities & investment and a graduate of newcastle University.

n i chOL A BATE Team Assistantt: 0 20 7150 4644e: [email protected] has a diploma in business administration and secretarial science from medicine Hat College, alberta. prior to Quilter Cheviot nichola was the personal assistant to the Bishop of Derby – a role she has also held in a military brigade headquarters, for exhibition organisers and at a primary school. s he is heavily involved with a number of military charities in conjunction with her family’s affi liation with the r oyal Hospital Chelsea. n ichola enjoys walking her miniature schnauzer, J ambo, and in any spare time enjoys sewing replica 18th and 19th century samplers.


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• The New Economy• m o r e with l e s s within a carbon constrained


• Energy efficiency• our favourite investment theme• energy efficiency makes economic sense

• Quilter Cheviot’s version of sustainable investment• investing in the new economy• 5 investment themes with compelling growth end-


• We do not invest in blue-sky companies• We invest in sound business models• We invest in companies with strong financial


• Our Sustainable Investment Strategy – Climate Assets Fund

• Top down and bottom up approach• multi-strategy with dividend yield• mid and large market cap• performance track record



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This presentation has been prepared only for the recipient and date shown on the front page. it is not intended for any other persons and should not be relied upon by other persons.This presentation has been prepared for information purposes only and is not a solicitation or an offer to buy or sell any security. it does not purport to be a complete description of our investment policy, markets or any securities referred to in the material. The information on which the presentation is based is deemed to be reliable, but we have not independently verified such information and we do not guarantee its accuracy or completeness. al l expressions of opinion are subject to change without notice. The figures quoted do not include charges.investors should remember that the value of investments, and the income from them, can go down as well as up and that past performance is no guarantee of future return. you may not recover what you invest. Changes in exchange rates may have an adverse effect on the value, price or income of foreign currency denominated securities. l evels and bases of taxation can change. investments or investment services referred to may not be suitable for all recipients. There are risks involved with this type of investment. please refer to the prospectus, Key investor information and supplementary information documents for further details.

april 2014

Quilter Cheviot l imited is registered in england with number 0 1923571, registered office at s t Helen’s, 1 Undershaft, l ondon eC3a 8BB. Quilter Cheviot l imited is a member of the l ondon s tock exchange and authorised and regulated by the UK Financial Conduct a uthority.



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QUiLT E r chEViO T One kingswayLondon W c2B 6An

c On TAcTclaudia Quirozt: +44 (0 )20 7150 4749e: [email protected]

OT h E r QUiLT E r chEViO T O ffi c E S :Belfast Birmingham Bristol dublin Edinburgh glasgow Jersey Leicester Liverpool Manchester north Wales Salisbury

t: +44 (0)28 9026 1150t: +44 (0)121 212 2120t: +44 (0)117 927 3377t: +353 1 799 69 0 0t: +44 (0)131 221 8500t: +44 (0)141 222 4 0 0 0t: +44 (0)1534 506 070t: +44 (0)116 249 30 00t: +44 (0)151 243 2160t: +44 (0)161 832 9979t: +44 (0)1492 530 677t: +44 (0)1722 424 6 0 0

investors should remember that the value of investments, and the income from them, can go down as well as up and that past performance is no guarantee of future returns. you may not recover what you invest. This document is not intended to constitute financial advice; if you are in any doubt as to its contents you should seek independent financial advice.

Quilter Cheviot l imited is registered in england with number 0 1923571, registered office at one Kingsway, l ondon W C2B 6 a n . Quilter Cheviot is a member of the l ondon s tock exchange and authorised and regulated by the UK Financial Conduct a uthority.
