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Superconscious Mind Connecting Welcome to your Superconscious Mind. The superconscious (sometimes called supraconscious, higher mind, or higher Self), constitutes a very important, super useful part of your greater mind. Everyone has an individualized superconscious mind, distinct from the ‘universal mind’. Think of it as your own “wisdom intelligence” - an intermediary link between the universal mind and your everyday conscious awareness. Superconscious Mind Intro The superconscious mind is a vast, but very underused resource. It’s value, lying dormant for most of us, is much broader that what you cognize through the ordinary five senses and comprehend through rational, deductive reasoning. While hugely beneficial for you, it is unfortunately, little understood or acknowledged by mainstream professionals or lay people. It represents the branches part of the “mind tree”. superconscious mind (branches) -----> conscious mind (trunk) ---------------> subconscious mind (roots) -----------> 1
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Superconscious Mind Connecting

Welcome to your Superconscious Mind. The superconscious (sometimes called supraconscious, higher mind, or higher Self), constitutes a very important, super useful part of your greater mind. Everyone has an individualized superconscious mind, distinct from the ‘universal mind’. Think of it as your own “wisdom intelligence” - an intermediary link between the universal mind and your everyday conscious awareness.

Superconscious Mind Intro

The superconscious mind is a vast, but very underused resource. It’s value, lying dormant for most of us, is much broader that what you cognize through the ordinary five senses and comprehend through rational, deductive reasoning. While hugely beneficial for you, it is unfortunately, little understood or acknowledged by mainstream professionals or lay people.

It represents the branches part of the “mind tree”.

superconscious mind (branches) ----->

conscious mind (trunk) --------------->

subconscious mind (roots) ----------->

Many times the superconscious spontaneously feeds helpful information to your conscious mind via dreams, intuition, inspirations, creative ideas (“lightbulb” moments), even visions. Sometimes they reveal themselves to our conscious awareness in ‘bits’; occasionally in complete works. The famous


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composer, Wolfgang Mozart, was known for being able to write complete, finished scores, in one draft. The music ‘vision’ connection from his superconscious mind was ‘wide open’, giving him his fabulous gift.

Any genius, typically has part of his/her connection with their superconscious mind well activated. Leonardo Da Vinci is another great example.

You don’t need to wait and hope for ‘aha’ moments. By purposely connecting with, and actively using your superconscious mind capabilities, you tremendously enhance your ability to:

Make better decisions for more satisfactory outcomes

Find workable, even ‘elegant,’ answers or solutions to difficult situations

Accomplish goals and manifest desires more quickly and easily (right place/right time synchronicity)

Know things more quickly [non linear, non rational, intuitive knowing]

Live in a fuller state of being

Better align with you life purpose

These abilities are known to be valid as they are based on reports/experiences of the lives of persons in many cultures over many years who have been partially or fully awakened, fulfilled, enlightened, illuminated, self-actualized, or self-realized. By whatever practice[s] or circumstances, they accessed and utilized their greater mind possibilities. They mastered their reality/lives. You can too ! Stop struggling. Start using your dormant assets - it is your birthright.

The Wind in Your Sails. When connected and actively used, your superconscious mind (and with blocks in the subconscious mind pretty well cleared), your daily experience can be likened to having the “wind in your sails”, or “all cylinders firing”. In other words - smooth, easy, more fulfilling actions, results, and feelings.

In this vein, some in-depth topics in this website for connecting with and using your superconscious abilities include:

Communicating with your Superconscious (Higher Self) Mind


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Creating right place / right time events (synchronicities)

Manifesting intentions and desires quicker

Awakening subtle perceptions

Conscious Mind Creating

Welcome to your conscious mind. It has the following main functions -

1] Present Time Awareness: processing of data from your senses, assessment of the data [producing thoughts, emotions, desires], decisions, plans, and actions based on the current data, previous experiences (recalled memories) and potential benefit, and then conclusions (review) from the results of the your decisions made and actions taken;

2] Access Point to/from both the subconscious and superconscious realms of your mind

Your conscious mind is only a quite small part of your total mind. Compare it to the trunk of the “mind tree” - useful, but limited when compared to the totality of the human mind.

superconscious mind (branches) ---->

conscious mind (trunk) ------>

subconscious mind (roots) ---------->


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It does provides an excellent starting point to effect positive change in your everyday living, well-being, and accomplishments. For example, you would use your conscious mind to access your subconscious mind memories [see that section in this website], AND to connect with and use the resources of your superconscious mind [see that section in this website].

However, some positive changes can indeed be created using primarily conscious mind actions. A few conscious creating topics covered in this section are:

Creating a calm and centered state (reduce anxiety and fear) quickly.

Seven Quick Ways to Create Being Calm Now <click: content >

Creating a better reality

Enhanced Law of Attraction Principles <click: content >

Creating a more open heart center

Having a Fuller Heart for More Joy and Fulfillment <click: content >

Creating a reduced stress life

Subconscious Mind Clearing

Welcome to your subconscious mind. It has two main functions - 1] automatic body operations and maintenance via the autonomic nervous system, and 2] storage of all perceptions, experiences, impressions [memories] from


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the moment we are born [maybe even from conceptions]. "All" memories include those which we decided were 'supportive' - positive or beneficial, as well as those we determined were "limiting" - negative restrictive, or a hinderance. They all got filed away. Together they determine our world view [belief systems] as well as one's ability / skill to achieve and enjoy.

Problem is, you likely forgot what and why we formed our belief systems which probably started in childhood. When a belief was formed early on, you likely did NOT distinguish between the 'reality' of what you experienced, and the meaning you assigned to it. But all meaning exists only in your mind. Hence, we act successfully or unsuccessfully based these buried experiences and conclusions. If, for example, you determined as an early core meaning such beliefs as: I'm not good enough, I'll never get what I want, life is hard, I don't feel safe, others can't be trusted, etc., the results of our/your adults efforts will reinforce those beliefs - for better or worse - and influence our decisions on future actions. It is called the Action - Impression - Desire cycle. [see more here]

Experiences - and the conclusions about them - build upon another over many years, creating 'clusters of memories' [thought forms], as well as clusters of neural connections in your brain. <illus> Thus, core patterns become very strong and determine our habits. You and I are creatures of habit, habits that we think are the 'truth'.

Subconscious Mind Intro

Conscious Efforting vs. Subconscious Influencing

Change is difficult / challenging!

The challenge of changing your patterns of limitation can be seen in a tree analogy. Subconscious formative or 'root' impressions can be compared to the root structure of a tree. The tree's root system is immense, with numerous extensions - much more than the trunk of the tree. Likewise, the vast collection of old memories in your subconscious mind vastly outweighs your conscious efforts of thought and will power to make major changes. The "mind tree", shown here, illustrates this comparison.


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superconscious mind (branches)---->

conscious mind (trunk) ------->

subconscious mind (roots) --->

The primary reason why change and growth using such tools as "thinking positive", writing affirmations, exercising will power, etc. remains challenging lies in the contrast. Conscious efforts alone only uses the 'strength' of the trunk vs. the strength of the deeply imbedded patterns of the subconscious 'root system' -- analogous to 10 lbs for force vs. 90 lbs of force. Indeed, the conscious mind uses only about 10% of our ultimate mental potential. Additionally, we have yet to consider and make up of the upper branches segment of the tree [see 'superconscious' section of this site]. Hence, the strength of beliefs and tendencies lying in the subconscious mind will win the 'contest' over conscious mind efforting most every time. .

Importance of Subconscious Clearing

Although clearing ‘root’ patterns may require considerable work, it is critical to do so. Living your life more effectively and smoothly demands that you “root out” those ideas and beliefs and patterns that don’t help you now.

How far ahead are you going to get in reaching your goals, your enjoyment of life with all those limiting subconscious root patterns holding you back? Not very far! Yes, you can change your patterns via consciousl effort to create new thoughts and beliefs, but whoa, that is a herculean task given the subconscious/conscious ‘contest’. Without clearing your deeper, subconscious thought patterns (and balancing the nervous system), your mental attitude will tend to default to your formative beliefs and views. Thus, you face an uphill battle in overcoming struggle, frustration, sadness, hesitation, fear, etc.

Clearing Methods


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Listed below are overviews of a few (of many) methods (called ‘interventions’) that have been developed and tested for clearing the influence self-sabotaging “programs” - thoughts/beliefs/feelings - from your subconscious mind (memories can’t be erased, but our conclusions or influence of them can be neutralized). These approaches are briefly explained in this site along with contact information to learn more about them, learn how to use it yourself, or find a practitioner who can use them to assist you.

“Lightly” Inhibiting Patterns: The methods described in this section are suited for people who are generally functional, fairly balanced, and can pretty successfully manage to interact with others and in society...but realize they have behaviors or attitudes that holds them back from being successful in their personal and occupational interactions and from a fuller enjoyment of life.

"Deeply" Inhibiting Patterns - Professional Assistance: For those of you who have more debilitating patterns or behaviors such as: addictions, depression, severe anxiety, violent behaviors, mood swings, trauma impacts, etc., you need to first work with a professional therapist. He or she can work with you in depth and get you started on a path which will enable you to live and function at more “normal” capacities. Once your become more stabilized and functional, you can then clear lighter patterns using one or more of the methods used here.

Clearing Approaches:

Some methods for clearing work successfully when those “causing” thoughts/beliefs can be consciously identified. Other methods work better for issues where the causing source[s] are hard to identify [most cases].

Examples for choosing one approach or the other:

a] You can remember a near fatal accident your father had when you were much younger. Your mother panicked. The incident was a bit traumatic for you. Now as an adult, you think you “got over it”. However, you have an attitude that the world is not safe, making you hesitant and overly cautious in all kinds of decisions and choices.


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b] Your romantic relationships are short lived. The partners suddenly leave you after about a year. You are perplexed as to why this pattern keeps repeating and cannot figure out why; failing to realize that it is some belief construct deep in your subconscious mind that is the root of it.

Method One:

Hypnosis / Self Hypnosis. In the hypnotic state, the analytical, reasoning part of the conscious mind is ‘set aside’ and access to the subconscious experiences becomes much more easily available. The person in hypnosis is deeply relaxed, yet awake. It is NOT a state where you don’t know what’s happening. A well trained hypnotist /hypno-therapist can then guide you to safely recall old memories/impressions in which early conclusions about ‘reality’ were formed. Once identified, the hypnotist can clear the memory’s impact. Memory ‘files’ cannot be erased from our minds, but the influence of them can be rectified.

Efficacy: A study done by American Health Magazine compared hypnosis to psychoanalysis and behavior therapy as a corrective method. The results: Hypnosis - 93% recovery after 6 sessions; PsychoAnalysis - 38% after 600 sessions; and Behavorial Therapy - 72% recovery after 22 sessions. Indeed, I used this tool extensively with much success when I had a private practice.

You can learn do hypnotize yourself if you have the time and drive to do so. Going into the receptive mental state [sometimes called the ‘alpha’ state], and doing correct recall procedures will help you to remember instances in your past that are the source of your current blocks /faulty conclusions. ...

However, if the block is originally due to abusive or traumatic incidents, recalling that incident[s] can be delicate. Better to have a trained facilitator to help guide you through the issue. You can search for certified hypnotists/hynotherapists in your area via your phone book, an internet search, or through mutual friends.

Method Two:


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Journey of Profound Healing. A very powerful subconscious clearing process I know about - and personally have participated in (2010) - is called Journey of Profound Healing (JOPH). JOPH involves an intensive, small group, 4 day in-residence process which is personally led by an enlightened Being whose name is Sai Maa. The course is designed to identify and uproot the deepest source of the participant’s pain, suffering, addiction, or restriction in one’s subconscious whether they are conscious of it or unconscious of it. This is partly so because Sai Maa, living in an expanded consciousness and being able to see subtle energies, can readily perceive old patterns in the participant’s mind and work energetically with them on that level. From their website: “This unprecedented depth of healing at its root provides access to directly experience life in a way never before possible”.

This is especially helpful for people who don’t know what their deepest negative core pattern is. Such was the situation in my case. She helped me identify an emotional pattern (insecurity) related to my father’s health when I was six years old that I was completely unaware of. When I released the stuck energy of that early emotion, my consciousness was expanded for several days and I began to release the deep rooted insecurity that I had been holding for decades.

No specific knowledge, set of beliefs, experience or practice is needed to participate. The course is done only once. Some benefits from taking the course, as listed in their website are: Deeper intimacy in all relationships, Increase in job satisfaction and abundance, Physical vibrancy, emotional stability, and mental clarity; Acceleration of spiritual progress.

I can personally attest that the course is worth the investment. More information and registration details can be found at their website: www sai-maa.com/en/profound-healing

Method Three:

The “Lefkoe Method” (TLM) was developed by and is used by therapist Morty (and Shelly) Lefkoe.

{from their website}: (They) “usually can identify the roots of your problems in the first session and then we immediately get to work eliminating these "roots." It is an explicit, reproducible technique that allows people to identify the beliefs responsible for dysfunctional behavioral or emotional patterns, and then eliminate those beliefs. When all the beliefs responsible for any given pattern have been eliminated, the pattern disappears.”


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As Mr. Lefkoe states: “By returning to the experiences that led to a given belief (what we observed or heard) and realizing that the belief is only one possible interpretation of the experiences, in other words, "a truth" rather than "the truth", the belief will disappear.... In The Lefkoe Method {your} current belief is not given up because.... one does not get "talked out" of the existing belief. The Lefkoe Method actually validates people for forming the belief earlier in life by assisting them to realize that most people probably would have made a similar decision....”

“Moreover, the "evidence" that you offer for a belief usually is not the real reason you believe it. The evidence offered usually consists of recent observations that appear to substantiate the belief. The real source of your beliefs, however, is interpretations of circumstances earlier in life. Fundamental beliefs about yourself and life usually are formed before the age of six. After a belief has been formed, however, you act consistently with it–...In other words, life becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy. Because the evidence you present to validate your beliefs usually is a consequence of the beliefs, not their source, challenging the validity of that evidence is not the most effective way to eliminate it..... because the current belief is totally eliminated when you do The Lefkoe Method, you have no need to try to act differently when you go back "into life." Your behavior changes naturally and effortlessly once the belief is gone.”

Using the Lefkoe method most always requires the guidance of a skilled person. Mr. Lefkoe has trained many people to be facilitators of his method. You can find out more and locate a facilitator that may be in your area via: www lekoeinstitute.com

Method Four:

EFT - Emotional Freedom Technique / TFT - Thought Field Therapy [meridian tapping].

EFT/TFT involves tapping key points - called meridian circuit points - on the body while verbalizing certain phrases for release. Many years ago, the Chinese discovered a complex system of energy circuits that run throughout the body. These energy circuits, or meridians as they are called, are the centerpiece of many Eastern health practices. That concept has been applied to this method. (author’s note: since the mind is not limited to the brain, belief patterns can be embedded in the body’s energy networks and cellular structures. Hence, I see no inherent conflict in this method compared to other more “mental” approaches).

In the 1990s, psychologist Dr. Roger Callahan developed Thought Field Therapy [TFT] -the tapping method - to release deep seated blocks in his


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patients. Since then, other practitioners of human health, most notably Gary Craig, have refined the method. They call the more simplified version EFT- Emotional Freedom Technique.

Here is the key concept to the EFT method: “The source of all negative emotions is a disruption (or imbalance) in the body’s energy system.” By using your fingers and tapping, in a systematic way, on key meridian junction points in your body, you can balance your body’s energy system and thus release the negative emotion(s). Although it usually requires more than one “tapping session”, most fears, etc. can soon dissipate. When the negative emotions no longer keeps arising in your conscious awareness, it’s impact has been neutralized or at least marginalized, even though you did not learn what the causal, core, influencing experience was in your early life. This was one of the key tools I used when I had a private practice.

It is pretty easy to learn and practice, comparatively painless, yet when done correctly, has proven effective. Plenty of instructional videos of EFT can be viewed on the internet via YouTube. The primary website regarding this method is: www emofree com. If someone in your area offers a training class in this method, I highly recommend taking it.

Once you learn the EFT method and understand how to use on yourself for a variety of needs, then you have a tool you can continue to use most anytime, anywhere.

Method Five:

Deep Meditation - The deep relaxation process through certain meditation methods allow a natural ‘dissolving’ of embedded past impressions [stresses on the nervous system]. It is analogous to sitting in a bathtub and letting the warm, soapy water slowly dissolve a layer of dirt off the skin, one bath at a time. Although meditation use over the long term is necessary to dissolve the deeper blocks, short term benefits of greater relaxation, centeredness, and personal insights are experienced more immediately. Given the multiple benefits that a regular meditative practice offers, I recommend incorporating it as part of your daily routine.

Many kinds of meditation exist and all have their special value. However, for purposes of release of core issues, the processes that provide deep settling to the nervous system and a deep quieting to the mind via a gently used “a sound/word/mantra” format, such as Transcendental Meditation


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[TM] or Deepak Chopra’s Primodial Sound meditation [PSM], or G. Quant's Integrated Quantum Meditation [IQM] provide a valuable ‘broad brush/sweep’ approach to gradually releasing subconscious blocks. Contemplation, concentration, self observation [mindfulness], rhythmic breathing, energy moving, visualization, and guided types of meditation, though they have their own usefulness, are less effective for this purpose. Contact info for the two types of meditation recommended are www tm.org; www chopra.com/psm; and www GeorgeQuant.com

Method Six:

Violet Flame Invoking (energetic cleanse) - The comprehensive violet flame (V.F.) method uses a cleansing / purifying / clearing energy which can be used both for identifiable causes of blocks as well as hidden causes of various blocks. In this method, the person ‘calls in’ (invokes) to themselves a high vibrational energy called The Violet Flame (or Fire), and then directs it to implement the clearing and accelerate desire one wishes to achieve. Called the violet flame because it vibrates at a frequency that appears, to those who can see auras, as the color violet. The violet flame technique is best suitable for individuals who understand and are receptive to the concept, existence, and efficacy of subtle energies. It’s action is reported to increase the vibratory rate of electrons in the body’s cellular [and etheric] levels such that discordant conditions at that level can no longer continue to exist.

At least three features come with the violet flame use - it’s breath of use, it’s depth of effectiveness, and it’s personal availability. With it’s breath, it can be used to “burn away or “consume” blocks (discordant, imbalanced conditions) in any aspect of human endeavor - financial, behavioral, relations, negative emotions, and more. With it’s depth, it can be used to clear the deepest, core, and even causal source (karmic ‘seed’) of one’s limitations. With it’s availability, you can call it in and use by yourself anywhere, anytime. Parents can clear limitations on their young children or even their ill pets by using the V.F. It’s breath, depth, and availability makes this method comprehensively useful and hence, VERY powerful.

One general purpose invocation and declaration you may wish to try is: “I call forth the Violet Flame to me -- to activate it for my protection and to transmute any limitation within my human mind”. Like any other method, V.F. invokng requires repeated use until results are observed.


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A full explanatory and instructional booklet written by this author, with details of it’s understanding and history, as well as many specific invocations for numerous situations, is available in pdf format for purchase via this website. A valuable addition to anyone’s personal wellness library. {available soon}

Method Seven:

Recall (Self Identify) and Reformulate. [T.H. Ekar] If you are already consciously aware of long-ago incident(s) that caused the formative beliefs/ outlook/ limiting patterns, then you are ready to take the next step. If not aware, sometimes [often] they can be recalled by going into a quiet, relaxed state (see hypnosis and meditation methods below as options) with the goal to “request” your subconscious mind to bring conscious that/those incidents and conclusions. If not initially able to recall them, look at your everyday habits, patterns, etc. that are not working for you. That’s your starting point to begin to begin the recall process. Once you can remember both 1) what the incident (an event, an adult ‘teaching’, or observation of adults behavior) and 2) the conclusion about life you made as a result of it, then you likely have found a core or semi-core “nugget”.

I call the next step the “reformulation” attitude. Create a declarative statement, a strongly worded decree, that constitutes the opposite belief or attitude of the limiting one. For example: perhaps you have a repeated pattern of losing money in stock market investments. With the recall process, you discover that you have a subconscious belief about that from your father because he lost a lot of money that way and warned you that it was a “losing proposition”.

Your contravening (positive), reformulation decree might be: “I now have the savvy and skills to make good profits in the financial markets”.

When you keep verbalizing and start really believing the positive declaration, that concept will eventually generate more power and strength then the older one. Although the older, limiting belief is not neutralized with this method, it can become ‘marginalized’; overpowered by the newer attitude.


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Method Eight:

Recall and Release via Conscious Breathing- Some people have had success in reducing the influence/impact of core beliefs - when they have been able to recall the early, core incidents - by using a continual breathing process until the ‘energy’ of that negative emotion or belief becomes at least marginalized. Continual breathing ‘session’ may last 20 minutes or longer. You could easily require multiple sessions. However, once you learn how to perform it properly, the process becomes easy to do. More information about this method can be found at the following websites: www healingandawareness.com; www breathaware.com; www haveahealthymind.com; http://healing.about.com/od/breathwork/a/rebirthing.htm

Conclusion: The methods explained above are a few of numerous possible techniques to clear old subconscious patterns that do not benefit you. For mildly limiting patterns, they constitute ones I find useful and practical. The most important principle to grasp is that until your early, limiting attitudes and beliefs are neutralized or at least marginalized, they will hold you back from enjoying your experiences in the many facets of your daily living. Clearing out the "old stuff" is a foundational step in your journey of personal well-being.

Enhanced Law of Attraction


Easily attracting to you the goals and dreams to savor your life enjoyably. How would you like to have that ability? It is definitely rewarding. The Law of Attraction, also called the Manifestation Principle, now well known by many people, has as its foundational concept that: “whatever you keep putting your dominate attention on grows in strength and eventually becomes manifest in your reality. Another way to to express the concept is: like attracts like. Perhaps you have already tried it, but with limited results.


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Perhaps you are aware that this principle, however, works in both directions: For example, focus deeply enough on being financially comfortable and eventually you will find ways/means to experience it.

On the other hand, if you constantly worry and hold fear about some possible negative outcome, such as a car accident, sooner or later you will have such an accident. Your dominant thoughts eventually become a self fulfilling prophecy.

The thoughts and feelings you continue to hold in your mind and heart constantly put out an energy called thought forms that attract similar energies to it. When enough of these corresponding energies accumulate, they then ‘decode’ into visible reality - your experiences. The deeper thoughts/emotions become real things.

The Law of Attraction concept was a central theme that Napoleon Hill learned from wealthy individuals and described in his seminal book: Think and Grow Rich. The many successful men he interviewed told him that they used this principle as a core concept behind their success.

Science supports this law

You can this attention concept in the world of science - specifically, quantum physics. When observing matter from the quantum state, matter sometimes appears as a wave form, sometimes as a particle. In other words, what you put your attention on at this level, is what manifests that reality.

“Wave/particle duality is the concept that all matter exhibits both wave and particle properties... This .. wave–particle duality [states] that a phenomenon can be viewed in one way or in another, [a wave or a particle] but not both simultaneously. Is it a wave? Is it a particle? It depends on what the observer wants to see." [from Yahoo Answers]

Observable Experiments - verification


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Experiments that powerfully and visibly showing the impact of human thought/emotion on the crystalline formations in water are shown in the book: The Hidden Messages in Water by Masuru Emoto. Mr. Emoto produced excellent, observable photo evidence on how thought energy creates an impact on physical reality (water crystals in his case). If you have doubts about the impact of thought energy on physical reality, I recommend you read this book. Available at bookstores and at some libraries.

So what do you want to attract into your life??

How committed and dedicated are you to manifesting that goal??

How clear and solid is your mind’s and heart’s intention??

Have you only been using a “half baked” approach ?

A pattern that I have observed when many people attempt using the Law of A principle is that their efforts to create something better are many times only ‘half baked’. They may put in some attempts in the beginning, but then become lazy with any continuing effort. Too many times they settle for what amounts little more than wishful dreaming. They might create ‘treasure maps’, post affirmations on a mirror, repeat positive statements from time to time, and may even take a few steps toward achieving the goal. But when their dreams fail to materialize after a short while, doubts creep in, and they give up.

I have seen too many teachers of personal growth give out the idea that just some bit of effort on your part, you will produce results you desire in fairly short order, as if it was some kind of ‘magic’. While positive intention and actions ARE part of the ‘recipe’, I have found that they tend to be superficial and limited with most people - especially when ‘competing’ with deeply buried negative beliefs, as well as whatever doubts, anxieties about the issue one may have.

Indeed, they probably don’t factor in the work required to clear out subconscious blocks - which is likely the primary factor of why they are


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experiencing the limitation to start with. Additionally, they have little or no concept of using the power of their superconscious mind to facilitate and speed up the desired result[s]. Even more, many of them give up too soon.

Enhanced Law of Attraction - a ‘fully baked’ approach

To produce better, solid, and quicker results in attracting the reality you desire, I have delineated 7 keys, working on multiple levels, that will greatly help you attract what you deeply desire, sooner, with less struggle.

Increase commitment level - how strong, how deep and sincere is your desire to attract and manifest that goal? It won’t happen if your dream lacks commitment, dedication. It should be at least a level on of an 8 out of 10 scale.

Clear subconscious blocks - around the situation you wish to create. Your lack of manifestation success most likely has some deep subconscious blocks - possibly unaware fears, shame, guilt, beliefs around the ‘success’ that you are consciously desiring. Review and use tools in subconscious mind section of this website to help you.

Dwell of the goal with positive feeling -- add emotion, esp. of the heart, to your mental images. The mind and heart together make a powerful combination. Also verbalize the result you desire. Vocalizing helps the manifestation. State the goal in present tense [time]. (Dwell on the subject/- e when in relaxed states of mind [alpha/delta b.w.].

Use superconscious enhancement - Use more of your greater, untapped mind for faster results. Use the techniques described in the Superconscious mind section - such as the etheric grid of manifestation or the violet flame technique. This key, along with subconscious clearing, sets this enhanced approach far above others.

Follow through with action - pursue opportunities, even small ones, that come up. This will support the bigger goal in your mind and heart, making it stronger. It also gives you experience in achieving your next level. Sometimes you have to make it happen, sometimes they just ‘show up’ synchronistically.

Reinforce positive experiences/results - acknowledge the successful steps with concrete measures, such as any kind of celebration and of expressing gratitude. This impresses the result more deeply in your memory files.


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Maintain persistence - How persistent and patient will you be to see your desire come to fruition? Use the 7 keys consistently. Lack of results could be a timing matter -- maybe the energetic potential needs just a little more of your building it, then shows up. In the meantime, keep nurturing yourself, keep positive, and enjoy the ride (process).

Creating A Fuller Heart


How much would you like to like with greater emotional richness? Having a fuller, more open heart allows you the ability to experience and express greater love, joy, compassion, enjoyment. A more open heart center also allows for greater feelings of connectedness, a sense of fullness, a richness of life. Would you like to experience this, to live in this manner? It’s definitely possible. I say, “You deserve to live that way!” Let’s explore those possibilities.

Your Heart Center

Near the physical human heart lies an energetic focal core called the heart center or chakra (which means ‘wheel’). Individuals who are gifted with subtle-vision abilities can see this heart center ‘wheel‘ swirling around the sternum, next to the physical heart. In Sanskrit, the heart center is called ‘Anahata’ which means ‘unhurt, unstuck, unbroken’. It is the center for our higher feelings of compassion, altruism, devotion, connection and the realization that everything is in universal order. It helps you have a sense of appreciation, fullness and richness.

When your heart center becomes open and balanced, you are more ‘unhurt’ from the daily restrictions of living and become more ‘unstuck’ from your old patterns, allowing you to feel less ‘broken’. A number of spiritual /religious/philosophical traditions mention this realm of human possibility in such terms as the innermost heart of the heart, the door to universal/divine love, the inner sanctum, the key of the inner light.


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The Upanishad texts refer to a full heart center in this way: “There is a light that shines beyond the world, beyond everything, beyond all, beyond the highest heaven. This is the light that shines within your heart.”

Buddha said: “Joy comes not through possession or ownership, but through a wise and loving heart.”

Jesus emphasized living a heart-based existence. He said his most important teaching [commandment] is to love God and other people. He stated that all his other teachings ‘hang’ on those two. Though not explicitly taught by him, I feel that we also have to, as a foundation, love ourselves as well. If your compassion does not include you, it is incomplete.

Each of these teachings call for opening the heart more. You CAN experience a richness of life and have a greater acceptance of most every circumstance. You need to accept that it is possible and commit to achieving it!

Impact of Having a Constricted Heart

Most people have ‘walls’ built around our heart center to protect ourselves emotionally due to past hurts and negativity from others and even our own self-inflicted ones. Additionally, our fears, worries and doubts about our life and the world around us frequently overwhelms the possibility of choosing more positive outlooks and options. As a result, the common human experience about life tends toward one of restriction, separation and even isolation. A constricted heart center, however, will make us feel defensive, controlling, critical, suspicious, angry and/or withdrawn. If not released, the hurts we have experienced force us to maintain this wall of protection, which further isolate us. It can lead to a life of cynicism, resentment, loneliness and other negative attitudes. Yuck! Who wants that?

Benefits of Living with an Open, Fuller Heart

Imagine being able to love and appreciate more fully, to have the experience of greater connectedness with everything around you, of rising and


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being above petty anger or jealousy and other lower emotions. To be able to easily have and express more compassion, altruism, unselfishness, joy and be able to appreciate yourself fully enough that you can give and receive more readily, more completely, more richly.

Would you like to feel more comfortable in your skin and in the world? To see the ‘glass of life’ half full instead of half empty? To dissolve the illusion of separateness? To feel more self-accepted, honored, secure, connected to everything around you, thus being more appreciative, tolerant and accepting of other people and circumstances around you? It can happen!

Such a reality can be yours, when your experiences of woundedness and sense of separation have been healed (cleared) and when the potential of a more open heart is cultivated as you begin to feel the fullness within. It is definitely a life worth living! Yes indeed!

Can a person with a more open, fuller heart still be subject to the ‘slings’ of negative comments or to the pinch of losing something/someone dear to them? Of course they can. It is a natural part of the human life experience. However, with a fuller heart the experience won’t impact a person so much or for so long. An open, stronger heart center will help someone get through any difficult time or situation. Anyone can then more easily let go of that “pinch”, recovering faster and more completely. The negative experience will more readily melt away in the warmth of a fuller heart.

The ‘Ocean’ of Love

Reports from mystics and some ordinary persons who have had peak, illuminative {1} experiences of consciousness (including those of this writer) have stated that a reality exists wherein the environment around them is filled with a vast, unbounded fullness of great Love. It was as if they were ‘bathing in an warm ocean,’ the ‘water’ all around them having the quality of wholeness, complete connectedness and expansion, an unrestricted, huge, capital ‘L’ Love quality. Reports from many people who have had near-death experiences (NDEs) say similar things. Indeed, even if those kind of direct perceptions occur quite rarely, it would not be unreasonable to adopt and hold dear to us the idea that we exist in a ‘love-saturated universe’.


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The Afterglow of ‘Bathing’

Even though such peak experiences may last only several minutes, a few hours or even a couple of days, the “afterglow’ of the experience typically impacts and changes the our outlook for the rest of our lives. It is like getting a huge ‘booster shot’ of great well-being that enables us to view the world as if looking through bright-colored glasses and with a richness about life to effortlessly have a hopeful, positive outlook about our existence. {2}

By dissolving the hurts and other constrictions of the past and present, and by engaging in the practices of opening-the-heart processes described below in this section, you can begin creating a more open, fuller heart, allowing you the possibility to ‘bathe in the ocean’, even if momentarily. With each ‘dive’, the enrichment and joy of your life will grow.

To begin the journey in opening and creating a fuller heart for yourself or to accelerate your existing journey, I have listed and described below seven ways to help you create a fuller, more open heart. They include subconscious clearing techniques, conscious enriching actions and behaviors, and a superconscious connecting tool of alignment.

{1} definition: an expansion of awareness wherein the person cognizes either ecstatic visions or a union with a greater, embracing presence around him/her.

{2} If you are interested in learning more about these type of peak experiences, a writer who researched and described the illuminative experiences of numerous individuals (including his own) is Richard M. Bucke, M.D. in his book Cosmic Consciousness. A collection of NDE experiences are reported in both Closer to the Light and Transformed by the Light by Melvin Morse, M.D. (all available via amazon.com)

Seven Ways to Open and Create a Fuller Heart Center


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1. Clear and Let Go of past constrictions, limitations, loss, wounds, abuse etc.

Very essential. Cultivating a more open heart becomes much easier once the lingering impact of your past constrictions, conscious and unconscious, have been cleared and neutralized. It’s not that you will be able to forget those incidences, but you will be free of their negative impact on you; you will be able to see them as just another life experience from which you can learn a lesson. Go to this site’s section on Subconscious Clearing to find tools that you can work with for this purpose. Or, if the past wounds are serious or traumatic, especially from childhood abuse, find a qualified therapist in your area to help you.

Letting go (forgiving) can be a big issue, letting go of slights or abuse from others that you are still conscious of and still feel resentful or bitter about. Many people get wounded/slighted and then hold on to the resentment that arises from it for way too long. If you still carry anger about it, start with working on forgiving yourself first. There is always a lesson to be gained from the incident, no matter how damaging it was. Have you determined what the lesson for you is? Holding on to the old wounds definitely inhibits receiving and giving love. Take care of yourself. Letting go of the wounds we no longer need to carry allows room for new and brighter experiences.

Let any sense of fear, anger, bitterness, betrayal, resentment and unfairness to dissolve through letting go of it.

2. Become More Relaxed to reduce fear/anxiety/worry/stress.

Another obstacle to living with a fuller heart is the projection into the future of worries about what might befall you. Too much focusing on the ‘glass half empty‘ inhibits the joyful expression of your heart. I am not suggesting that you become a ‘pollyanna‘ person; careful assessment(s) of what lies ahead for you is prudent. But once you become comfortable with the decisions made, then take time to relax. In a relaxed state, more positivity and joy can arise. How can you be more at ease in a topsy turvy, stressful world? You have numerous options you can employ. See the Conscious Creating section of this site on: Seven Quick Keys to Be Calm Now.


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3. Nurture and Care for yourself and other life.

Taking time out to treat and care for your body and mind allows a greater well-being to arise in you. When you nurture yourself, you will feel better. Thus, your warm-heart feelings can more easily flow.

Decide upon and take actions to care for yourself MORE. For example, get massages or other body work, take walks in parks and woods, engage more in enjoyable pastime activities, do yoga. Treat yourself well. It will pay dividends for your body, your general well-being, and will help allow more opening of your heart.

Also be attentive (nurturing) to the friends, family, pets, plants, etc., currently in your life. High levels of attentive caring done freely, is called devotion. Is there some person, pet, plant, or thing that you could become lovingly devoted to? Supporting and caring for it/them over and over will do wonders to open your heart center.

4. Cultivate More Appreciation, More Gratitude of everything.

As you dissolve the impact of past hurts and also reduce thoughts about future worries, shift your attention to being more attentive/aware of what positive conditions are happening in your present condition. Take some time to consciously appreciate all those things that ARE working smoothly in so many ways for you. Do this every day. Such actions help open your heart center.

Finding and expressing gratitude is a great way to stop finding fault with everything around you. It can be in small things - like a cool breeze, a flower, the consistent flow of water and electricity to your home, for the person who caused you to laugh, etc. Or it can be for bigger things - the health you have, the people who have helped and guided you, your loved ones, the accomplishments you have made.


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5. Think with Your Heart and feel with your mind more.

In realizing that we are all connected at least in some way on some level, when you are about to make a decision consider not only it’s logical [mind] pros and cons but also consider on a deep feeling level (heart) how that decision and action will impact the person(s) or situation around you. What does you heart center think about any possible actions and its impact on others? Will it likely create a helpful, supportive response for them or a restrictive response? How can you find a win-win solution to a disagreement? Remember, all of our actions produce consequences that sooner or later come back to impact us. Do you want that returned impact to be a positive one or restrictive one for you?

Return to your heart center. Get in the habit of quickly shifting your awareness from just your mind to your heart center when you become overly analytical or experience upset, frustration, negative thoughts, hurtful mood. Doing so will help you quickly become more centered, think clearly about possible consequences and be more caring with your decisions or actions.

6. Align and Expand with the higher energy of ‘Big Love’.

In addition to clearing out subconscious ‘crud’ and consciously cultivating more heart-centered qualities as described in this article, I encourage you to also work with your superconscious mind to open and bring in higher expanded energies. Doing so, if you are comfortable with such an approach, will go a long way in dissolving the ego’s sense of constriction and insecurities. As you do, love and all its aspects – compassion, acceptance, understanding, generosity, forgiveness - can begin to more readily and spontaneously fill your heart.

Start by simply directing your superconscious self to bring in this expansive, sweet energy (as I talked about earlier in the “Ocean of Love” segment) into you body, mind, and energy field. Ask and ask again. It may take awhile before you experience any noticeable changes, but it is easy to do and worth the continued practice.


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A few other approaches you can take are: a) talk to your heart center, coax it to open more; b) visualize green color around the heart chakra center, since green is the color associated with it; c) practice an expansive meditation technique to facilitate dissolving stress and constriction, which will automatically help allow your heart center to expand. {see method 6 in subconscious clearing section of this site for details}.

7. Express Yourself, Your Joy in many ways.

What makes you smile? What makes you laugh? What gets you happy? What gives you delight? Engage in activities that do those things. The joy and pleasure you experience from those activities go a long way in opening your heart. Some activities I have found especially helpful are listening to or singing with uplifting music, chanting, dance and movement, a satisfying hobby that ‘thrills your soul.’ (I’m not talking about adrenaline rushes, but activities that lighten your mood). Be sure to laugh more! Life can be so full of laughter, it can be so funny, that unless your juices have become completely dry you cannot be real serious.

Repeating certain affirmations also helps. Express, with feeling, ones like:

“I am loved.”

“I freely give and receive love.”

“I nurture myself.”

“I am grateful for all that is working in my life.”

“I feel connected to everything.”

“I find joy in my daily routines.”


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Repetition of such statements through each day and over the longterm will help build up and keep those feelings in your everyday awareness.

