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SUBJECT AC'TtI,'AT~,O complex 56 Acuvauon ener~" 5~ el trq ---- and mrlung point 64 ----cJdcul=ted and experune=ud v~iue= 64, 65 ---- temperature vtrmuon of 75 AgAu, powder phol .ogTaphs of 3 ~8 -- short-ra~ze order m 38 Amng of complex allov~ 146 AJlov~, rate of approach to equal~hr~urn 87 ~t-I~r~.ts, rec~staihzauon m ~,"~ m 154 AJum:mum, anL'~otro!~ , of 10-2, 103 anneahng of tangle crystals of 152 crvstah, deformauon of 179, 18o -- -- deformluoo of on polygomzauoo 185, 186 - - -- -- expertment~ wtth d~torted 161 a .tt'q -- -- experunent~ ruth la.,~e 179 ' 180, 181 -- made from melt 188 --- phenomena observed a[~-r defornlm- Uon =nd =unne=~n~ treatment tSo ---- polv¢on=~tuoo m 184, 185 -- sub-grmns in ~6o -- -- tmex'en exte.n~on ol r t6',t -- Debve-Scherrer photog~aph~ o4" t~ I. -- d~ffusaon of m copper 63 --effecl of r~con amd u'on on 199 -- emperu'nents On 194 a .~q, 201 -- fralrmentauon of 19~ -- hea~ d~ coJd "worke~ -- m magnexturn, d~f~cU]~" m ~orkmg 1~'8 -- Laue phot~m-rltph~ of !.~, t 55 -- nucJeaUon m stra.tJ'tt,~ po],~C ~ , ' ~ 175 -- scattering f~-tor~ of 33 -- subdl,,2.uon o/a.sleris.q~ l~l 155 thermal anaiw- of 19~ Ahammium-copper w,tern, prt~p~uttio~ in 7o -- -- -- qurnebed ~-pha.~ 169 Al".:manium-sanc ~lloy, sub-gr'~n boundar~ m 173 Amplitude of atomic vlbratinm 1o 9 Anumtropic dtffu~uon rates 65 Ank~otrop', reduced a 15 m meu~b 9o-t~o m polyer~utlline metals 1 t 4 et *tq -- Of e]Mtlt'trv of ~,'arlot~ ¢:1-~1,1~1 100, 10| -- ofel~Uc lure1 , Io of fracture ~ t o of non-eubm meuds IO4, Io 5 of phv~cal properties lit con.sequ~l~t Of geometric anLqOtropy 91 of rate of ~elf d~ffu,aon Io 9 -- of scratch hardne.~ IiO -- of work h=rdcni.'~ I so of yield point I IO Annealin~ of deformed lpe~men, co~ sequences of 185 and dlff~m. 66 Antimony, ~ni.totropy Of I0~, Io6, IO 7 INDEX Anti-pha~ dora-i,,- 9 u'reguhtr boundari~ t9 tetragormi 37 --- two d~m~ion-t rqm:scnm~ d t8 A~-rhemus ~p.~t;oQ Ascerism, absence of t16t o9 -- m Laue photographs 152, 157 t 16o, t6Ss t8o, 18t, 195 -- in polvcry,s, tab 186 -- in p o l ~ met.t] 197 -- spht 164 -- subdh'mo~ d t~ Atorruc ten lees dLa.me~rs of ,,-arlous el,',,~--~ 65 --d~placements, temperature effect a4 ~l,lEraoofl 69 -- numb~ and superlatUOe ~ 16 -- row, =rt"~n.~em¢11t of Atotm, ifnp||lude of vibtltiogls of ~g~ -- mtt:rchmag~ of 15 rate of flow of 72 AuG'u, change in r,'mmetry of during ~L~or~..o~ler change 43 -- changes of ~'mmetry m 37 order-d~order chinge 36' -- r~uo of axes of 28 -- su-uctur~ of 5 -- x-ray powder photocqrapkt of Au-Cu Llloys, electrical rem6vl W of 4t AuC.~t=, change m de.gl"eeof order at aitiCl] temperature 29 drx,n'~ of order =rid t~mperam~ 35 -- disordered strucnure t~ ducuhrv durm~ d~m:ler..arder 43 -- elec~ncai re'~suv~rv and temperature 4.1 ener~" of u'~u~formauoa a~l ~ - m ~ 41 phowmet~ curves of x.ray po~d~ pbo~ graphs ~7 ~hm~-ran~e order in ~? -- -- and latuce parameter $7 --~ below cnuea] temperature t8 sln~le crysud, romdou p ~ 39 .udies .46 -- specific heat of =9* 39, 4° -- =true~u~ of 4,5 --~u'ueture, short ranRe order in 19, a? -- -- su~erlittac¢ BrtUoum =o~e -- tn~perUtttlee 20, 50 -- -- first Brilloum =one 48 -- -- hnes in a4 -- x-ray powde~ photograph= of ~J8 Au,Cu, ab~nce ofsuperlatdce 50 Aumemte 6 detecuon of =uperl~tt~e of ~I~ B^~arrr', x-ray mlcr==co#c method t~ Bending. pl~ttc 157 T~nt tm..le a'1~'u~, ~--rimc~= with s.~ Bethe's theory of order..dbord~' 16, 4! 207

SUBJECT AC'TtI,'AT~,O complex 56 A c u v a u o n ener~" 5~ el trq - - - - and mrlung point 64 ----cJdcul=ted and experune=ud v~iue=

64, 65 ---- temperature vt rmuon of 75

AgAu, powder phol .ogTaphs o f 3 ~8 -- short - ra~ze order m 38 Amng of complex allov~ 146 AJlov~, rate of approach to equal~hr~urn 87 ~t-I~r~.ts, rec~staihzauon m ~,"~ m 154 AJum:mum, anL'~otro!~ , of 10-2, 103

a n n e a h n g of tangle crystals o f 152 crvs tah, de formauon of 179, 18o

- - -- d e f o r m l u o o of on polygomzauoo 185, 186

- -

-- -- expertment~ wtth d~tor ted 161 a .tt'q -- -- experunent~ ruth la.,~e 179 ' 180, 181

- - made from melt 188 - - - phenomena observed a[~-r defornlm-

Uon =nd =unne=~n~ treatment tSo - - - - polv¢on=~tuoo m 184, 185

- - sub-grmns in ~6o - - -- tmex'en exte.n~on ol r t6',t -- Debve-Scherrer photog~aph~ o4" t ~ I. - - d~ffusaon of m copper 63 --effecl of r ~ c o n amd u'on on 199 - - emperu'nents On 194 a .~q, 201 - - f ra l rmentauon of 19~ -- hea~ d~ coJd "worke~ -- m magnexturn, d~f~cU]~" m ~ o r k m g 1~'8 - - Laue phot~m-rltph~ of ! .~ , t 55 - - nucJeaUon m stra.tJ'tt,~ po],~ C ~ , ' ~ 175

-- scattering f~-tor~ of 33 - - subdl,,2.uon o/a.sleris.q~ l~l 1 5 5

thermal ana iw- of 19~ Ahammium-copper w,tern, pr t~p~utt io~ in

7o - - - - - - qurnebed ~-pha.~ 169 Al".:manium-sanc ~lloy, sub-gr '~n b o u n d a r ~

m 173 Amplitude of atomic vlbratinm 1o 9 Anumtropic dtffu~uon rates 65 Ank~otrop', reduced a 15

m meu~b 9o-t~o m polyer~ut l l ine metals 1 t 4 et *tq

- - Of e]Mtlt'trv of ~,'arlot~ ¢:1-~1,1~1 100, 10| - - o f e l ~ U c lure1 , I o

of fracture ~ t o

of non-eubm meuds IO4, Io 5 of phv~cal properties lit con.sequ~l~t Of

geometric anLqOtropy 91 of rate of ~elf d~ffu,aon Io 9

- - of scratch hardne.~ IiO - - of work h=rdcni. '~ I so

of yield point I IO Annealin~ of deformed l p e ~ m e n , c o ~

sequences of 185 and d l f f ~ m . 66

Antimony, ~ni.totropy Of I0~, Io6, IO 7

INDEX A n t i - p h a ~ dora-i , , - 9

u'reguhtr b o u n d a r i ~ t9 tetragormi 37

- - - two d~m~ion-t r q m : s c n m ~ d t8

A~-rhemus ~p.~t;oQ Ascerism, absence of t16t o9 - - m Laue photographs 152, 157 t 16o, t6Ss

t8o, 18t, 195 - - in polvcry,s, t ab 186 - - i n p o l ~ met.t] 197 - - spht 164 - - subdh'mo~ d t ~ Atorruc ten lees

dLa.me~rs of ,,-arlous el,',,~--~ 65 - - d ~ p l a c e m e n t s , tempera ture effect a4

~l,lEraoofl 69 - - n u m b ~ and superlatUOe ~ 16

- - r o w , =rt"~n.~em¢11t of Atotm, i f n p | | l u d e of vibtltiogls o f ~g~ - - mtt:rchmag~ of 15

rate of flow o f 7 2

AuG'u, change in r , 'mmet ry o f dur ing ~L~or~. .o~ler change 43

- - changes of ~ ' m m e t r y m 37 order-d~order c h i n g e 3 6 '

- - r~uo of axes of 28 - - su-uctur~ o f 5 -- x-ray powder photocqrapkt o f Au-Cu Llloys, electrical r e m 6 v l W of 4 t AuC.~t=, change m de.gl"ee of order at a i t iC l ]

tempera ture 29 drx, n '~ of order =rid t ~ m p e r a m ~ 35

- - disordered strucnure t~ ducuh rv du rm~ d~m:ler . .arder 43

-- elec~ncai re'~suv~rv and tempera ture 4.1 ener~" of u '~u~formauoa a ~ l ~ - m ~

41 p h o w m e t ~ curves o f x . r ay p o ~ d ~ p b o ~

graphs ~7 ~hm~-ran~e order in ~? - - - - and latuce pa ramete r $ 7

- - ~ below cnuea] t empera ture t8 sln~le crysud, r omdou p ~ 39

.udies .46 - - specific heat of =9* 39, 4 ° - - =true~u~ of 4,5

--~u'ueture, short ranRe order in 19, a? -- -- su~erlittac¢ BrtUoum =o~e -- tn~perUtttlee 20, 50 - - - - first Brilloum =one 48 -- -- hnes in a 4 - - x-ray powde~ photograph= o f ~J8 A u , C u , ab~nce ofsuperlatdce 50 Aumemte 6

detecuon of =uperl~tt~e of ~I~

B^~arrr', x-ray mlcr==co#c method t ~ Bending. p l~t tc 157 T~nt tm..le a'1~'u~, ~ - - r i m c ~ = with s.~ Bethe's theory of order . .dbord~' 16, 4!

2 0 7

S U n J Z a T

Billet casting of magnesium alloyl I t 9 Btrefrmgent cryztah 187 Bmrnuth, •ni.votropv of 1o.5, Io6 - - ~rusotropv of telf dtffmaon in io 9

self dtfTu~on in 66 Body...ce~tred cubic structure, first

~,nc 48 Bolumum~'s principle 17 Boundaxtcs between pol),gonizadon blocks,

energy of 165 Bragg ~nele~ :to, ~t 4 ~ragg-$A'fihams theory of t ~ : ~ u ~ r ~

~hcnomena to ct Brass, d~mon rau~ in 65 Breakdo~n in strong electric fields s i0 Br/lloum zone t~eo~" 47, 48, 49

zones, defimuon of 47 -- ~ dmnbuuon of electrons in io7 - - - - for~mt~n of 4 ~ ~ mam 40

~ s u p c r l a t u c e 4 9

- - - - sm~ac~ of 48 BfineU mdenmtiom, non-circu~htr 110 Brittle materu~, b r e ~ s ~ of 1 IO Bulk properties to2 et ~

C ~ m ~ , •h,~__c¢ of a s t e r i ~ in m~w.hed 16a

anL~otropv of to5, to6 - - as allovmc element with magne~um 137

c'r~taK, l..aue phot .ograph~ of s6o C~c~te, dtfference in haJ'dn~s i.q C, enum, cfl'ect on matme~um a.lloys 1:t6 Chanee m ~-mmeu-y, effects of ~8 Cherrucal kmeucs 55, 56 Chevenard's tensile rmcromachme 194., 196 Coa~Lauon 70 Go~lesceno=, in cry. tab in temio~ t6o

of s:ratm in m ' m e . ~ 16o C.,oeraxJn- 4-2, 43 Gold workxn~ and fra~mentauon 198 C.ooperauonM phenomen• l $ (Lopper alloy% d~fl'u~lon constants Of 61

~ entropy of d.iffus~on 62 - - - - experimental ~cuv•don energiet of 61

am,,ou-opy of to2, Io~, arr i~ '~ l~ement o f a t o m s I ] I o m'~tals and haloRen vapou~ t ze depression of ~rattermg factor with w~ve-

lcncth 34 d i f f~on of x'arlo~ c l e m e ~ in 6o, 6~,

- - latuce of deformed 84 poh'eon,zat*on in cold rolled 193, I94 preferrrd ~rowt.h in 174 rate of soluuon as fu~cuon of o~ien~fion

I 1 5 sU-taUon* in diffracuon spots 185

Copper-~old alloys, rcststanc¢ measure- menta 4.2

Cx)pper-zmc Alloy, superlat¢ice lines ~6 ~ dl,mrdered ~tructure I t

4 CoPt, coercwiw of o Sm•gne~iumf Con'omon remtance

v•r;auon w~th alunumum con- tent laa


Corrodon resist•nee of nu~n~,,,~ (~.) effects dftrapunties iltl

Cottrell •tmmpheres 199, aol - - mech•niam 198 Creep 81, 82, 8~ - - curves, ar~lym of 195 - - d•ta, theo~' 74, 75, 76 Ch-hical temperature $o Cl"~talline Iohd.% delta'meal, t n n * - l i ~ of

151 Ctystalhtes, microscopic confirmation of 155 C~tai lographic etch pits 166 Cry~uth, as theoredca21y peHect c o o d ~ t m

St - - block, minimum d ime• io ta 181, sSt

block* s64, s65, I77, t88 a a,~ formed from hquid 187

- - g ~ n t , formed on conunuom m m c a l ~ t75

inu~acuon at boundaries s t 7

173 Cubic cr~ta~, animttopy of ehm~: and

plasuc properties 9 t - - isotropv of optical ~ 9z -- isoCropy of, for hncax vector-v~ctm-

rclauonshsps 95 - - lattices, ddfu.uon in 6,5

structure,change from ctlsorder t o o t e r It8 - - changes in s~uneu~ sfl~

CutMnAI, structure of 8 supcrlattice of

CuoPd, po~,~ible short range order b e k ~ crmctl temperature t8

CuPt, ~ hardcnmg curve of 44 Brmell hardness 4.4 spectfic he_at of a 9, $9 structure and latUoe $tra~ theory 50 superlatuce ~,6, 49 theory of structure of I7

Cu-Zn alloy (~5-bra.~), specific heat of :;'9, 4 ~ Gu-Zn alloys, energy in heittmg 40 C~,Zn,. ~tructure of 7 Curvatures, gau,,s~lm datributioa of STl

l ~ A ~ o ~ bands 164 temperature of s65

Deformed cryst=lhne tohds, annealing of 151 Degree of order, definiuons io, I s, to

in crysud 25 m m ~ rnea.surcment of 98, It9 D~ndr|tcs, growth of tat Dlelectrw constant, • ltatic p ro~r ty 93 Dif~racUon patterns 27 D1ffuuon, aruvaUon energy o f 58, 59, 60

i nd ~olute concentration 6= coemctcnts 1o 9 com~nt 57, 59-62, 65, 66 e~ect of annc•hn g on 66 proc¢-~, mechanisms for 57 rate •nd gram size 66 structure-semiuvc proces~s 65 theory of 57

Dtslocat,on 79, 82, 188 ~ ~ f , IiOl displacement of lines of 19o


S U n J E C T

Dislocation (amid.) - - edge i59

- - movements of ~o~ - - l h e n ~ o f 15 - - - - - - work harden ing 17o Disorder, vanauon of by heat t rea tment 8 Doma~ uze 4a Donuum, breadd'~wtlze re lsuom 38 Dulong-Peut law 4 °

F.,J..+~c coefl~cienls of various metals to 3 - - constants o fc rys tah ofsohd soluuom to 4 - - - - s U t u c and dynan'uc methods of

Ioc/k,~u I'el'ot~ I IO2 - - l ~ l i t artcl a.~meahng tempera ture 194- - -

~97, 2o2 - - - - r e t o r t ' o / o f :68 - - moduh 99 - - - - of varmu~ metads 1o' 3 - - properties and pol~,~ontzauon 164 - - ~tra~n, uneven chstnbuUon of ~69 Flectncal conduct:v:tv, as example of vectm'*

~x-clor rrlauonsh~p 92 ~'I a,~ - - properues 20, EJecxroh'uc pol,-hmg 166, ~73 Llectron macrmoope stud:es o l gram refum.

n'~nt ~33 - - - - s tudv of sub.~rain boundl r i es 16 7 Elementsoffir~t per:od,dmt, onal relat ion 144 E.ner~" chaz~e, me&,urement of 30 -- m polsco, mt.auon procem 158 - - i n t e a ' c h a r t c e , as funcuon of order 13,

t4, ~ 5

- - of acuvauon 67 - - - - - - amd melung pomt 64 Entropy, ehan~es m 16 - - conf icurauonal 16 - - defin~uon 54 - - m term~ of de~ree of order 18 - - of a c u v a u o n 62, 64, 67 - - - - - - nega t i re 75 - - of dlffmuou 6= - - of,,olut:on 61 - - lendenc'v towards maximum 17

• iolauon by cs'vstah ! 7 F.,qulhbrium tonchuou of an alloy 53 - - dta~rams 67 Etch pi~ 156 - - - - etchant~ producing I I S - - - - nucleauon of 166 F..utt'ctlC 1/I m a q n e u u m - a / u m i n i u m alloys

139 - - - - macne,num-zme alloys 139 - - structure I n r/ul~znesiurrl-¢'erlt.lm-ziPt-'ortiul~

alloys 143, 14. 4 F.,mecto:d ~tructure in m s ~ne a um-a l umi -

m u m alloys t27 F.xtlnction of x-rays 25, 53 Eyeing equation ~6, 60 EyrmR's rate reactmn theory 56

FAca,.cZ~'ltl,.o eublc structure, first Brillouin zo¢le


F e A I , B r i l l o u i n z o n e 4 9

- - structure factor a4 - - structure o f 4 - - superlat t t re =4, 32 - - - first Bril loum zone 48 Fe,AI, four different pot iuons

structure, first supexlatuc~ Brdlouin zone 49

- - s tructure of 5 , 8 - - - - short-range order tn s9

super la tuce 32 - - lines of 33

FeCo, a t tempt to detect superlaU.io~ in 54 Fe.N, s, a t tempt to detect s u p e r l a ~ m - - super~atuc~ reflections $5 Fe:NL. a t tempt to detect super lanice in ~14 Fe,N, mtensmcs of main lines of !15

structu~ of 7, 26 FeP4 study of 43 Ferromagnetism, theocies d 45 Flow, u m u of 71

ib.l.qoc)q~ /*+3 Foam structur~ 19 Focmed Laue spot of deformed meta l l ic

c .:-ystMs : 78 . . . . of perfect o 'vs ta l t 78 Fore~'n elementz, pre~p:tat ion oil" ~ot Fracture cracks, speed ofpeopat, ' t t io~ of 80 - - t h c r m ~ y n a n u c a J theory of m e u : ~ 80,

81 F ragmentauon 198 F r ~ encr~" 16 -- -- change, examples of small 168, s69 -- -- decrrasc of 7o

m pol•-~onization s59, :6o - - - - definiuon 5+, 5B, 68 -- -- ma.xlmum 6 9

- - of acu~ auon 56, 6a, 8o - - - - of formauon and nude,as s/to 68

GAL,IJt'ti, anL~otropy of !06 G:bbs' free energy ( ~ F:~'e energy) Ghde 193 - - lamellac 157 - - planes 19o Gold, am_,,otropv of io2, to 5 Gold-copper alloy+ effect o f temperature on

elasuc cc~cic~nts 108 - - - - ~.stem 87 - - - - - no ,uperlat t ice a t AusC.u ~o Gold-pla t inum system, stable nuclei and

temperature 68, 69 Gram boundary., vacm:cms a t 79 - - growth t51

- - def imuon of 15a - - - in poh-~onization ]60 - - refinement and hexs~omd nuclei 134 - - - - ~ m ~ h a m e a l properties i~o - - - - - - mechan:csd propcrues of A,~8ox

t M - - - - contradict ions in ear]y work t311 - - - - nucleat ion theory, of 133 - - - - of pure magnes ium ! ~6

refining t reatment 13S - - s i z e :~6.:2~

- - - - and dlffuuon rate 6 S

p 209


Gra i~ ~ (mmL) - - - - &ttahamem of floe t4S - - - - omt ro l t ~ w mf - - - - e f f e c t o r ~ a ~ m ~

Guiaic~s x-ray ramaera $7

~ , as ~ cteme=t with


L.m= ~ (,.,,~'.) - - - - ~du.n ~ , / s ~ block, diffes,me~ o f

onentatio~ ga :7 mt mf - - n~lh~ctiom ~5

method, incre+u,e o t ' - - , , , ; f i v i tyor s77, n e s l u m s$7 : 7 8

I'leat content, d~anJUol~ M - - photogr lphs 152, 155, l.rl~ - - of transformauoo, toud 44 L e J ~ creep ~md chfl 'mioaof 8a - - u'eatment, effecu o(om told wm.'k~ state - - recry~talhzati0m m ~ in :54

Lines or flem+u'e (cicforma6oa brads) i a Heavy hym~gen w ~ d m ~ u t r o m I-1eu~r alloy. C . , ~ $4 - - - - quenched, s m i c m r t o f 8 I - tomog~i - i -~ e31"ect ¢I" miuuoo heat treat-

ment s4t H o o k e ' s l a w 7 7

l m ~ . m r r ~ o f x - r a y t ~ e t - t ~ amd m m a c t m ~ fP.ctor ~5

InteratomJc f o r ~ + nature of 4 6 , 4 7 I n t ~ energy and degree of order s8

- - - - m i n i m um ~$ atoms with ~7

- - s t r a t a . iocaJ states of ~?a, z 73 - - m ~ Lnd ~x-c+'ystJ~UGz~.~ tS,-s+~ In terplar~r t T m u ~ sm Iron, arramgPa~nt of atoms in - - mc~ds of, and large a n h o u , ~ e to4 - - po~ib |e lmJsoU'Ol~ of ~ .-~plnsioo

- - s c a t t e n n g f ac to r s o f SS --strlauons J~ cLdl'r~'~o~ pattern or m85 I ron-alumtraum alloys, armealod $=,

- - - - d ~ t n t m u o n of alumsmmm in S~ - - - - - - quenched 3 a, 33 - - - - - - x-ray ~ffracjaon reacts $I I ron c r~ t ah , , ' + ~ of +53 - - - - magncUzaUon cuev~ of : i s - - - - magnetmtrlc6o~ o~" l I i

I ~ , ~ n u m b e r s mo

Lang~mulr-Dushnum e<:lUa6o~ 64 Lamc~, I:~..nct~ m m~ - - curvatures, heterogeneom distrlbutioo o~

,8o - - defect+ 57 , 58 - - definition l - - chatm-uon ~68 - - - - and tetra~onal anti .phate domaim !I? - - - - cau~<l by roluuon of ~ atorm 3 - - - and a n n e a l i n g 67 - - l~nm taro - - p|ll/X~ | !

~,.mm=J,,.., ,6 , , ,6~

l ~ J cm',,"a~m-'~ a'ca6ot~ o f tTo - - rx,.o:we~ sms l..,o,~-.rm'm~ ~ 8 + , m r - - - - - - detec'uo~ o f s 9 + - - - - - ~ c ~ l t ~ in tm:m.mmml 315 - - - - - - m ~ t of a 4

k~cwcx lJmr " 8s M ~ , o ~ u m atloy+, ~ , ~ ia s ~ , -

anl.sou'opy o f so'z, sos, so7

- - ~OCIucUO~ 121, 12g'

- - sui~,+,'mon of" -,-t~";-,-- ;,, lSS - - die casung la 9 - - e f f e c t o f mino r tml~a-ities t l t - - ~'u,'ude<d rods, m~hanicaJ ~ ma 4 --m fo~' w o r k tm 4 ~um.~ummJum aIloy~ *s,6 a ~I r - - - - equihbfium ~ stub - - - - extruded r o ~ , temile ~ zalt,

sm9 - - base -iioy, tram a

~mm,~'c.d c~pmi6ou rams

mechanical propea'uet 125 Magnmium- cadmium- t iJv~ - lithium aUoy

Ma~esium-cadmiam.~-cc.g , ium a l lo~ ~S7 M ~ . c ~ u m - ~ , ~ d u m ~lloys s4.a

mechLmc~l I : rope~es 144 Magnesium h~lmd~ 137, I~B Magnesmm-hduum ~loys IS16, m44 ~ M a g n e u u m - z ~ e r i u m aUoy~, creep Limm

s45 M mrne6um.zlnc-d.- ,~. ium aik,y~ Ma~ne~um-zinc-r.ircomum a l k ~ , ~

Mm~x~um-r..-cmo, um ~lu~bfimm d~mlrm~ ,s6

Mat, netic r a ~ u 4st, 43 - - p roper t to t o l

- - nature o f 43 - - oral loys with t e t r u ~ a . I -tructure $?

Mmnsanem, e., depnmloo of,cattertnS factor o f

Marb le, i ~ ofr i¢ 'kl i ty at r a l8



M m e m i ~ 7

Mechamcal properties and order 45 - - - e~arnpie of beneficial effect of pre-

ferred orientation on 118 -- -- infl,ence of polygoniaadea ea '9¢,-

,96 Mclu.8, .x~utar packing in to

-- point oftotvent, effect of on diffuainn 64 Mercury, am,mtropy of theruml expansion of

Io7 Metals. model for defocmauon of 76, 77 -- of hexagonal cry~ud structure n$7 -- polyc~ysudlme t86, s87 -- s ~ t r a m retauomhip~ ~6 .t .,~ - - s t rongly deformed, polygomzauon in

t ~ Methods of mesu~-ment of crysud pro-

Mg.~d, stne=ture of 6 Mu:rocr~p 8t,8a -- =rid r~p~d -u'~n h.~Men~r~ 8'~ Mu:rmh~racuon teckmque of Be~ and

Barter s6s Microscopes. resolving power of xSt ~ddd steel, annealed, stresa.slnin ~ 78 -- -- l~bve-~cherrer photograph, of 154 Miller iz~hce~, defmmon of ~ -- -- of mare latuce lines ia cubic structures

-- -- -- polycrysudline metals s iS, t s6

-- -- -- supc=lam~ tines m cuba: structures

Minerals, easy cleavage aloag certain planes

M o l e c x ~ schemadc reprewnmtlon of move,men ~ 7t

Molybdenum, axtuotmpy of to'2, to~ -- d*fl=~m of m umSs~m 65,66

N A ~ r r a ~ . z ~ crymd~ deformed, recovery o1" n~

Ne. troe d~-act ion 35 Nit,M,, structure of 7 Nitrogen, effect oa lattice line intenmties

~ , ~7 Nucleauon :53. '54. x6o - - d u e to d/ff..mon under a c t i ~ of s u m

~ u '7 : -- od" ~uary crysuds n 6 8 a ~ -- q,anntauve theory of ST! Nu~ei. formattc~ of and grain size 13o - - growth ~ 70 Nucleus, lower hmit oi" stal:de size 6 9 - - thenry 4s.~s

OaDu-Dno,wza char~es in alloys t"-Sa - - - - transformauon, kinetics of 45 - - - - t r a m f m ' m a d o m , theory o/" no, 44,

45 Order, local

~ ' t h alloy heat treatment 3 5 - - v l t r m t t o n

temperature ~ 5 Ordered ,truetere, establ.hment and csb-

tenee of 19


Ordering for=, natt=e of 4S -- mechanical defo~nauou on

-- mechanum o~ n., a s,,,f 4 4

Pxs.s.~n.~, difftaion e( in copper 66 ~ for ~ degree of a r d ~

lO~ I t

Phases, tramfornmdon between t68, t69 Photometry of x-ray powder phomgrapha 3=t. Phylacochemmal Woperu~ (3/" surfacm,

znisot~,~,y o( st= Plane polarized light. ~ of by metal

surface s s$ Plastic dct'ormatioo s65

propcs~es Iso Plate shaped cr~tals, distor6~ of ,67 PolycrystaUme as~regate, study a[" deformed

185 - - metals s86. t87 -- --prcfcrred o~tauoa ia s t4 Polvgonumuo. sS~ a

condiuom required for 184j d e ~ u o n of t56. t57. 2oo effect of ~punu~ 2oo

in bent crysmh, theory d t57 - - - - c'urved la.ru~ s68 - - - - fme-rralned mends s93 d -- -- magnesaum, alummium, rock salt and

cadmmm 157 -- -- stretched cs-vs*~l. 161 tt - - - - strongly ddormed metals S93--'~O2 -- influence of on recr~,-n,--6on t87, 19t - - lo~er limh of 2oo

rnL, umum ",,empe=lnu'e of 16 5

-- nature of

-- of a metal ud t 79 d .mlr -- ~ metals ! 77.-t9~1 -- threshold temperature fro" 186

x-ray evidence for t67 Poly~ntzed and recrntaUi:~ meta~ db.

uncuon beeween o ~ . ~ Potential b a r n ~ between and dis-

ordered states S6 - - energy of atoms 58 Prectpttauon by nu¢3eation and growth 67

a.u~, PrH'enx-d growth in primary r e = ~ - n ; - - 6 m

74 ass4. !~5. t53

- - o r l e T l t a U o r l s t I I R

Pr/mary crwtah, growth ~ 172, t ~ -- recrysudlizatio. 151 -- -- cause of t 6 8 a ---- definition of aSI

-- -- , t r r~- t in matrix 167 Principal direcfiom 95. 96 -- of detaded b a l a n ¢ ~ 94

QuA.,~'uM-mechanieai electronic theory d metals 47, 5 °


su~sJEc ' r

R ~ z . A ' n o s , monochromat i c a4 Rachoacuve tracers and ~elf diffusion io 9 Rare ear th metals , crystalhzat ion of t43 R a t e of de formauon , c6ect o ¢ on t rea t . s t ra in

curve 78 --~ growth and oricotat ion re ladomhap

t74 - - ~ nucleat ion and tempera tur~ 67 - - ~ rcacuon, theoreucaJ 7 2, 75 - - ~ $oluuon, anuotropy of : t$

of metal in acid. t m o h , e t ~ h t e anLsoWopy : : 3

- - p r o c e s s e s m phw~icad metal lurgy 5 ~ Rayle igh ' s princaple o f least diampation o f

energy 93 1~_ _.y',:,very, definition o f 15: - - polygoru=auon and rec~,sta.Uizatlon, con-

nee: iota between t88 Recr~udlization, act ivat ion energy of 83,

86 - - a n d n u c l e i 86 , t g l -- ,a a., tSS - ~'¢, 157, :63, t92, :96, 2~ -- m ~a/u, d c f m m o n of :57 - - oocurrence o f :94 --preced,d bysoftenmgorns:ov~, 84 - - rate 83

-- remrdauon ofomet of t87

- - stamtw..al charac te r o f tg : - - theories 83

Reflection of x r a w =o geg,ora, concept of 46 R e s ~ u m c e and order St - - measuremen t s $o, 4~ R~,tsu~ary and domain size 4 a --as consequence of ~ collisions

:07 R~x:k salt, artificial crs.stal.~ o f :87 Rock sah crystal, reerystalhzation m aria :53 - - polygomzat ion in t57 - - ~bch~a.s~on of asten.sm= in t55

Sc.~LA~-~rJ~soa re_It:iota 98, 99 S ca t t enag c rms section 35

factors and atomic n u m b e ~ ~45 factor~ o f copper and zinc ~5

-- of x-rays ~o

Secondary rt~a-ys:all=ation :5: - - - - c a u s e of : 7 3 e l u 9 -- -- definition of 152 Second-order change :6 Self dtffusion, rate o f ,o 9 Shear gradsent 158 - - rate 74 -- rate-s, F.yrifig's theory of 7 ! Shor | - r anee order 8 el -- ~ -- below crlUcad t empera ture 18

~ - - measurement of 27, 2B ~ ~ p g r i o ~ e t t , . r I I~ 12

- - ~-- parameter , theo W of 16 ---- ~ stabih~, of 18 - - ~ to Iont~-range order change- 4 ~ Sd,eon. dtffusmn of m copper 63

fern:e, Laue patterns In 154 -- -- rec'rYxta.]hzauon |n ~a ~- m 163 Sliver, ant~oUropy of |O2 t IO3

dlffu~on constants o fv l r lou , met~l~ in 58


Si lver .magnes ium alloys t75 Single crystal, influence of degree o fde fo rma .

Lion 185, 186 - - - - large, p roducuon of 9 ° - - - |uperht t t lcc refiec*iol~ S9 - - ~ ~'eak]y deformed tg t S|tp, c ~ e c t of ~ b o ~ e s on 79 - - band~ t54, t6t - - l ines : 5 6 - - - photomicrographs of in aluminium

:62 .~<x~ lanes 79

urn, effect of temperature on chmfi¢ coefficients io8

- - and p o t a m u m crystah, extension o f :55 - - c h l o r i d e crystal , chclectric br.--i~dow=

I lO Sofuming, as accompanimem to recrytx~

l = a u o n /~ .m~ :55 Sohd-liquid equilibrium temperature in lead

a n d t ~ I l l 9 112 Sol idmeta lh f iowof 7 t aJL,¢

soludon, d i u m J e n e d ~ with long-range order 8

- - - - with lhon-range o rd~ 9 - - - - interst iual a6 - - - - iatuce ~a-ucture a, $

- - s u l ~ u m u o r ~ 1,6 state r~acdom, theory of 8

Solute, effect of on acn. .a t ion energy o f dL~uslon 59

Specific heat and change of order $o - - v a n a u o n of with tempera ture 45

- - beau,, m e a s u r r m e n b of 29, ~o StabdJry, r t ~ o n of t 5 Stra,m ener~." of nuc l em 70 -- -- r~lea~ of t7a - - hard~ng 79

- - effect of tempera ture 8o Stress~trmn curve, as function o f t e m p e r ~

tJar~ :94 Stretched crystals, beha~4our o4" :6o , t

.rq Striations in Laue pa t te rn ,8o, : 8 t , tSa,

:84~ :88 Sub.gra in boundaries 166. :B$, :90,

- - mobth ty of t9 t Sub-trains, growth of 159 , t63 - - formauon or : 8 9 - - m pol)'t:onized state, mobil i ty o f 182 Superheat ing t~o, :$1 , :~2 Super la tuce, o~bac types o f 25 -- definition : , ,t - - m t e n t i u a l 34, 55 --|ines, d h t r t b u u o n of intent:ties between

S a . . - - -- in te rmues of a4 - - - - var tauon m breadth 04" a8 - - ref lecuom ~5

- - and mechan i sm of re'tiering S9 s t r u c t u r e s , I ¢t

-- -- in:rebuttal 6 -- theory of Brag : and W'dliasm 86 - - t y p e , o f I -- -- -- in alloys 4 e t ~ Supeclatue,.s 86, 87, 88

Super:at u r auon 70

2 ! 2

S U l Z J Z C T

Surface m a r ~ s on extended crystals t64 p r o p e t u c s o n c r y z t a h l I i #t ~ q rou ; :henu~ ~ t 7

- - tension, a.m.sotx'op,'y in ionic crysta..~ n x x - - - - m c ~ t a h z 9 Sta~-pti l~lJty 42

"l'A~rmm~o on copper and . i l v ~ nxa TeUur,um, anao t ropv of ,o3, zos, m6, so7 Tempera ture , effect of ~ su ' ea~ t r a i~ curve

78 - - opp<led to cooperauan x$ Ter~de data, ~heory 8o Ten+sor-ten.+or r e l a uom 98, 99 Ternary+ al loy. 7 Tet ragonal a r r a ~ e m e n t of a toms $ TetrahedraJ a r rxngeme~t ~i" &coral 5 Theory of d~J<~cauom i 5z ThermaJ agntauon m nucJe~ 7 ° - - i m ~ d y m of cold w~m-ked and lmnca~!

samples n97 - -mea~uremen t~ and order a9, So, 39

a-q T h e r m o d , ~ a r m o d p r m c i p l ~ of order -da-

order c h a n ~ t6 Thermodynarm~s, apphcat ion to meta l lu rgy

T h e r m ~ l e c m c m+a~m,~nen,- ~98, '99 - - power and arm~admg temperar ,~e t97,

- - - - varia, ,~n of 1 9 9 Thor ium, d~ffumon c~'~-~ tungsten, effect e (

gram uz.e 66 Three dtmenmonaJ ~frwactm~ patt,.~'a 39 Tin, a.m.~tropv of zo 3

selfdtfftmon m io 9 - - atomic dmmeter of 6~ - - dtlTusmn of m coppe~ 6'~, 6~, 66 Tin-base betrm~ al,loy~ x x7 T~txmum, as ai;ovmg d e m e n t with mag,.

n e u u m ~37 T o n i o n of free c3'lmder t~o Transpor t phenome~ut 95 Tungsten, anasotropy o[ to~, 103, sO 4

U LTltAC~NTIUYIJ~d~ ~ r~.q U m t cell ~, 4

- - - - definition a

V , ~ , t ~ o . of property with direction a ~ p

V e c t ~ . w c t o r rv la t iom 9t mr mf



W z ~ o of realm i t s ~%'tdma~ta tten lmJctu~e VCdson's theory of order Wdson Tukon testee z~o Work hardening i~ - - - - ab.ence of Worked metah , ~,tea'nal smf im ia 171 Wrough t magneslum alloys 13I~

X-a.~s, diffracuon i d a~ -- and shoM-rxnge order $7 d -- measurement of Iong-rant~ order by

19 ~ - ,q - - - - pat tern, c h a z ~ e s o f w i t h ~ 38 - - - - r~ul ta on Icmg-rarLge ord~" St d m I' - - - - theory of ~o ,,: a, 9 - - p a t t e r e r s 160 a - - photographs o2, 3= #/mlr .--- ba~k~d =4 - - - - tu~ck~-ound scane~ a 4 - - - - sup<~latuca lines zl$ - - refiecuons, broadening cd" r / - - - - tJ~trpne~ of :t7 t,/.mlF - - - l u p e r l m t t , i c e 2 2 - - - - zcr~ .,~rtcring betwem S7

Y~, ~ point elongation

~ ,uxb.ou'ol:~v & xo4j, n~ , I ~ - - - - - self ,'hffutic,n in I o 9 - - m tllm'm~ element wlth magnesium X$7 -- crystals, stretched t6o ~ - - del~'~on of scatte~r'mg fact~" with wlv~.

lermth 34 daffu.6on of in copper effect of on mechanical ~ at"

m ~ . ~r~um Jdlo~l n~8 - - e ~ ' e ' ~ of t e m p e r a t ~ e c ~ ~ e x p a ~

~,non o f 108 - - n u d e i formauon in ~Ta - - ungle crvstah of tgo

astertsm in 154., I ~ bent u55, ,5 6

- - mlxhvif ion of ~tcrisms ia ~ Zircomum and chfftmo~ o( zinc x4~l~

-- mecha,mcal prope~ks, of mag'a~ium '35

-- as tna/n refiner +~, *S4, r~ effect of on mech~/caJ pmper6a el"

magn, esium ~dloys z38 -- ludldes 138

