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Subject Sheets 2013 -New

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Subject Sheets 2013 -New
Science Sharjah English School Physics Course outline Physics is concerned with the discovery and characterisation of the universal laws which govern matter, energy, space and time. Doing physics AS Level at SES will let you find out: what the smallest thing in existence is, what a quark is, what antimatter is, why you look strange in a swimming pool, how a wire snaps when you stretch it, what the largest machine in the world does, how anti-glare sunglasses work and much much more… Course Structure There are 3 modules in year 12 which cover six fundamental areas . These are particle physics, quantum phenomena, basic electricity, mechanics, materials and waves. There is also a practical assessment. This challenging yet rewarding course provides a strong background for the study of A2. Assessment Criteria Career prospects Accountant, Air traffic controller, Astronaut, Banker, Barrister, Civil Servant, Computer programmer, Defence specialist, Engineer, Geologist, Musical instrument designer, Pilot, Physicist, Politician, Lawyer, Meteorologist, Stockbroker, Teacher and almost any other career. “It should be possible to explain the laws of physics to a barmaid.” Albert Einstein Physics AS – AQA Specification A Module Name Assessment %of AS Module 1 Particles, quantum and electricity 75 minute written exam 40 Module 2 Mechanics, materials and waves 75 minute written exam 40 Module 3 Practical Assessment over the course and Practical examination. Centre assessed 20
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Sharjah English SchoolPhysics

Course outline

Physics is concerned with the discovery and characterisation of the universal laws which govern matter, energy, space and time. Doing

physics AS Level at SES will let you find out: what the smallest thing in existence is, what a quark is, what antimatter is, why you look strange in a swimming pool, how a wire snaps when you stretch it, what the

largest machine in the world does, how anti-glare sunglasses work and much much more…

Course Structure

There are 3 modules in year 12 which cover six fundamental areas . These are particle physics, quantum phenomena, basic electricity,

mechanics, materials and waves. There is also a practical assessment. This challenging yet rewarding course provides a strong background for the study of A2.

Assessment Criteria

Career prospects

Accountant, Air traffic controller, Astronaut, Banker, Barrister, Civil Servant, Computer programmer, Defence specialist, Engineer,

Geologist, Musical instrument designer, Pilot, Physicist, Politician, Lawyer, Meteorologist, Stockbroker, Teacher and almost any othercareer.

“It should be possible to explain the laws of physics to a barmaid.”

Albert Einstein

Physics AS – AQA Specification A

Module Name Assessment %of AS

Module 1

Particles, quantum and electricity

75 minute written



Module 2

Mechanics, materials and waves

75 minute written exam


Module 3

Practical Assessment over the course and

Practical examination.

Centre assessed 20

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Sharjah English SchoolPhysics

Course outline

Physics is concerned with the discovery and characterisation of the universal laws which govern matter, energy, space and time. Doing

physics A2 Level at SES will let you find out: what happens when a star dies, why a nuclear power station cannot explode like a bomb, what a black hole actually is, what a quasar and pulsar look like up close, how

radioactive decay affects the body, how a fridge works and much more.

Course Structure

This year also contains 3 modules which cover five fundamental areas.

Work on further mechanics, and electrical fields are extensions of work studied at AS Level but some topics are completely new such as

electromagnetism, gravitational fields, nuclear physics, and thermodynamics. There is also an optional module with electives that include astrophysics, medical physics and special relativity. There is

also another practical assessment.

Assessment Criteria

Career prospects

Accountant, Air traffic controller, Astronaut, Banker, Barrister, Civil Servant, Computer programmer, Defence specialist, Engineer, Geologist, Musical instrument designer, Pilot, Physicist, Politician,

Lawyer, Meteorologist, Stockbroker, Teacher and almost any othercareer.

“All science is either physics or stamp collecting.”

Ernest Rutherford

Physics A2 – AQA Specification A

Module Name Assessment % of A2

Module 4

Further Mechanics and Fields

75 minute written exam.

Section A – Multiple Choice


Section B – Written

50 marks.


Module 5

Radioactivity, Thermodynamics and


75 minute written exam 40

Module 3

Practical Assessment over the course and

Practical examination.

Centre assessed 20

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Sharjah English SchoolChemistry

Course outline

Chemistry provides important understanding of our world and how it works. It is an extremely practical science that has a great impact upon our daily lives. New and better materials ranging from super-tough Kevlar fibers to medicines like

Taxol (for cancer therapy) help improve our standard of living. This course provides an important tool to understand the world around us. You will build up a range of practical skills that require creativity and accuracy as well as developing a firm understanding of environmental and safety issues.

AS level

Unit 1 covers the core principles of chemistry and allows students to develop

the basic skills required throughout the course. The students learn the basics of atomic structure and bonding, periodicity, organic chemistry, systematically naming organic compounds and the fundamental relationships connecting chemical equations and mass.

Unit 2 focuses on the applications of chemistry. Students learn how different metals are extracted and purified from the earth and gain an understanding of analytical techniques. The unit also includes how biofuels are made and have

the potential to reduce greenhouse emissions as well as the deleterious use of CFCs and the destruction of the ozone layer.

Unit 3 assesses practical skills and is taught as an integrated topic. The

students get the chance to carry out various analytical techniques to determine the Mr of volatile liquids and the concentration of unknown acids and alkalis. They also have the opportunity to carry out organic and inorganic tests, measure enthalpy changes and investigate rates of reactions and the

combustion of alcohols.

Assessment Criteria

The course will be assessed by both examination and internal assessment.

• Unit 1: Written examination paper (75 minutes) 33% of the final AS mark• Unit 2: Written examination paper (105 minutes) 47% of the final AS mark• Unit 3: Assessments in a range of practical activities 20% of the final AS mark

Career prospects

Chemistry leads on to a wide range of courses and careers. These include chemical engineering, medicine, veterinary medicine, biological sciences, environmental science, pharmacy, forensic science and dentistry.

“Wherever we look, the work of the chemist has raised the level of our civilisation and has increased the productive capacity of the nation.”

John Calvin Coolidge

Chemistry AS

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Sharjah English SchoolChemistry

Course outline

Chemistry provides important understanding of our world and how it works. It is an extremely practical science that has a great impact upon our daily lives. New and better materials ranging from super-tough Kevlar fibers to medicines

to help improve our standard of living. This course provides an important tool to understand the world around us. You will build up a range of practical skills that require creativity and accuracy as well as developing a firm understanding of environmental and safety issues.

A2 level

A2 Chemistry consists of 3 units. Unit 4 develops 3 of the main areas of chemistry and helps the student to gain a real insight and appreciation of the

depth needed in order to study the subject at university level. Features of Kinetics, Equilibria and Organic Chemistry are all covered. Unit 5 focuses on Energetics, Redox reactions and Inorganic Chemistry, this unit is a large chunk of the course and ensures that the students have a firm grounding in

physical chemistry. Unit 3 assesses practical skills and is taught as an integrated topic. The students get the chance to carry out more detailed investigations and study error analysis.

These 3 modules are combined with the 3 AS modules to form a full A2 qualification.

Assessment Criteria

The course will be assessed by both examination and internal assessment.

• Units 4: Written examination paper (105 minutes) 20%of the final A2 mark

• Units 5: Written examination paper (105 minutes) 20%of the final A2 mark• Unit 6: Practical Examination and written paper 10% of the final A2 mark

Career prospects

Chemistry leads on to a wide range of courses and careers. These include chemical engineering, medicine, veterinary medicine, biological sciences, environmental science, pharmacy, forensic science and dentistry.

“Wherever we look, the work of the chemist has raised the level of our civilisation and has increased the productive capacity of the nation.”

John Calvin Coolidge

Chemistry A2

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Sharjah English SchoolBiology

Course outline

Biology is at the forefront of many of the most important and exciting current

issues, whether it is the effect of global warming and environmental degradation on the planet’s flora and fauna; our continuing fight against disease and pathogens; the search for novel life-forms on earth… and elsewhere, and

indeed what “alive” means. Studying AS Biology at SES will not only introduce you to many of the fundamental biological concepts that underpin the science,

but also equip you with the knowledge and ability to question assumptions about the world around you and to take part in the debates surrounding these and many other scientific advances.

Equipped with his five senses, man explores the universe around him and calls the adventure Science.

Edwin Powell Hubble, The Nature of Science, 1954

Course structure

There are 3 modules in which you study molecular biology, cell biology (cell structure and cellular division), disease (pathogens, pulmonary and heart

disease and our bodies defences against pathogens), transport of substances and gaseous exchange in plants and animals, DNA (what it is, how it is

organised and how mutations occur), and the diversity of life.The AS may be awarded as a discrete qualification or contribute The AS may be awarded as a discrete qualification or contribute The AS may be awarded as a discrete qualification or contribute The AS may be awarded as a discrete qualification or contribute towards A towards A towards A towards A Level Biology.Level Biology.Level Biology.Level Biology.Assessment Criteria

Career prospectsBiotechnology, Biological Testing, Dentistry, Environmental ConsBiotechnology, Biological Testing, Dentistry, Environmental ConsBiotechnology, Biological Testing, Dentistry, Environmental ConsBiotechnology, Biological Testing, Dentistry, Environmental Conservation, Forensic ervation, Forensic ervation, Forensic ervation, Forensic Science, Independent Research, Medicine, Midwifery, Marine BiolScience, Independent Research, Medicine, Midwifery, Marine BiolScience, Independent Research, Medicine, Midwifery, Marine BiolScience, Independent Research, Medicine, Midwifery, Marine Biology, Nursing, ogy, Nursing, ogy, Nursing, ogy, Nursing, Physiotherapy, Sports Science, Teaching, Veterinary Medicine, aPhysiotherapy, Sports Science, Teaching, Veterinary Medicine, aPhysiotherapy, Sports Science, Teaching, Veterinary Medicine, aPhysiotherapy, Sports Science, Teaching, Veterinary Medicine, and almost any other nd almost any other nd almost any other nd almost any other career.career.career.career.Biology AS

Module Assessment % of AS

Module 1Biology and disease

75 minute written examination


Module 2The variety of living organisms

105 minute written examination


Module 3Internal Practical Assessment over

the course and practical examination

Centre assessed 20

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Sharjah English SchoolBiology

Course outline

Whether your interests lie in the basic biological principles such as respiration and photosynthesis or the very latest techniques involving our ever increasing

ability to manipulate DNA, the very code of life, studying A2 Biology at SES provides an exciting opportunity to develop your knowledge and practical skills.

Covering a wide range of topics the course not only teaches the latest academic advances and theories, but also emphasises the social and ethical aspects of the application of research in fields such as medicine, genetics and

the environment.

The most exciting phrase to hear in science, the one that heralds the

most discoveries, is not "Eureka!" but "That's funny..."Isaac Asimov

Course structure

There are 3 modules in which you study respiration, photosynthesis, ecology,

DNA technologies including cloning and genetic engineering, homeostasis and co-ordination.

Assessment Criteria

Career prospectsBiotechnology, Biological Testing, Dentistry, Environmental ConsBiotechnology, Biological Testing, Dentistry, Environmental ConsBiotechnology, Biological Testing, Dentistry, Environmental ConsBiotechnology, Biological Testing, Dentistry, Environmental Conservation, ervation, ervation, ervation, Forensic Science, Independent Research, Medicine, Midwifery, MaForensic Science, Independent Research, Medicine, Midwifery, MaForensic Science, Independent Research, Medicine, Midwifery, MaForensic Science, Independent Research, Medicine, Midwifery, Marine rine rine rine Biology, Nursing, Physiotherapy, Sports Science, Teaching, VeteBiology, Nursing, Physiotherapy, Sports Science, Teaching, VeteBiology, Nursing, Physiotherapy, Sports Science, Teaching, VeteBiology, Nursing, Physiotherapy, Sports Science, Teaching, Veterinary rinary rinary rinary Medicine, and almost any other career.Medicine, and almost any other career.Medicine, and almost any other career.Medicine, and almost any other career.Biology A2

Module Assessment % of A2

Module 1Populations and the environment

90 minute written examination


Module 2Control in cells and in organisms

135 minute written examination


Module 3Internal Practical Assessment over the course and practical examination

Centre assessed 20

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Design & Technology

Sharjah English SchoolAS/A2


Course outline‘A’ level Product Design has evolved through consultation with design practitioners, to offer a fresh approach to the dynamic worlds of Design and Technology. The course aims to develop students‘ knowledge and understanding of product design through a range of teaching and learning styles focusing on,

research, analysis, product development, project planning and evaluation.

AS level

Unit 1: Materials, components and applicationsIn this unit the students will develop their knowledge of a w ide range of materials and processes so that they can develop a greater understanding of how products

can be designed and manufactured in the real world.

Unit 2: Design and Making (portfolio) The students will build up their creative,

technical and practical skills through the development of a portfolio inclusive of a series of product investigation, design and manufacturing activities.

A2 Level

Unit 3: Designing and manufacture In this unit we will investigate modern design

and manufacturing practices and contemporary design issues. Topics include the

use of ICT, the contributions of designers from the past and the impact of commercial activity on the environment.

Unit 4: Designing and Making (project) In this unit students are given the

opportunity to apply the skills they have acquired and developed throughout this

course of study, to design and make a product of their choice that complies w ith the requirements of the course.

Assessment CriteriaUnit 1: Materials, components and applications (2hr Paper) 25%Unit 2: Design and Making (portfolio) (internally assessed) 25%Unit 3: Designing and manufacture (2hr Paper) 25%Unit 4: Designing and Making (project) (internally assessed) 25%

Career prospectsProduct design encompasses a wide range of design disciplines allowing the students to move on to further studies many areas of creative activity. Possible direct career pathways include: Industrial Design, Product Design, Graphic Design, Fashion Design, Web Design, Architecture, Engineering (Mechanical and Electronic), Retail Design, Interior Design, Automotive Design, Service Design, Architecture and many more. The planning, decision-making and communication skills gained are considered to be transferable and valuable in almost every other profession.

‘Product design is paramount to every company involved in the manufacture and marketing of physical products of any type. Design is fundamentally about making things better - better for consumers and

users, better for business and better for the world.’Dick Powell (director Seymourpowell Ltd.)

DESIGN & TECHNOLOGY (Product Design 3D)

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Sharjah English SchoolAS/A2


Course outline

In the AS and A2 courses, students deepen and extend their knowledge gained during GCSE music. The three inter-related areas of

performing, composing and listening/ understanding are explored in depth.

AS level

*Performance of a piece or pieces on your main instrument or voice, to be recorded. This should last for 5-6 minutes and any style of music is

acceptable. Students may also submit improvised performances. Expected standard approximately Grade Five.

*One 3 minute composition completed in 15 hours under controlledconditions. Students choose from four composition tasks set by Edexcel.

You must also produce a CD sleeve note to accompany your composition.

*One 2 hour examination set and marked by Edexcel. This is based on the study of four instrumental and vocal pieces, along with questions examining

understanding of features such as chords, keys and key changes. You must be able to read music to access this area of the course.

A2 Level

*An extended performance on your main instrument or voice in any style of music, including improvisation. These pieces should form a balanced

programme of music and should last for 12-15 minutes in total. Expected standard approximately Grade Six.

*Either two 3 minute compositions, or one composition and one technical

study, or two technical studies, to be completed under controlled conditions. Students w ill be given 14 hours to complete each composition, and 3 hours for each technical study. For the technical study, candidates choose from the topics of: The Pop Song; Baroque Counterpoint; Bach Chorales.

*One 2 hour examination set and marked by Edexcel. As with AS level, this is based around the study of several set pieces, along with the understanding and recognising of harmonic and rhythmic features.

Career prospects

The full GCE course (AS plus A2) is excellent preparation for higher

education courses leading to professional performance or teaching of music. The AS units alone offer a broad and satisfying experience for

those who want a second or third area of study.



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English Literature

Sharjah English SchoolAS/A2


Course outline

The AS and A2 Literature course aims to build on the knowledge, understanding and skills established at GCSE. There is great freedom of choice in the texts you

study – and you can expect to have a say about the directions we might take. Most of the units involve clustered texts; texts are grouped in both expected and unexpected ways. At AS the focus is more on developing an understanding of genres, whilst A2 moves on to more independent interpretation and reflection.

‘Literature is news that stays news.’ Ezra Pound, American poet‘I can’t believe it! Reading and writing actually paid off!’ Matt Groening, The Simpsons

AS level

Unit 1: Explorations in Prose and PoetryYou w ill study a poetry selection, and a core novel in detail, w ith a subsidiary novel to

support the main novel. There is choice of three selections in poetry and the novels can be selected from a set of f ive options. There is also a short question on unseen poetry or prose. Unit 2: Explorations in Drama

You have an unlimited range of plays to choose from, provided one is a Shakespeare play and the other w ritten before 1800. A third supporting critical text w ill help you understand context. You need to produce a piece of exploratory coursew ork (a more advanced version of GCSE coursew ork) and a piece responding to a live or f ilmed

performance of a play.

A2 Level

Unit 3: Interpretations of Prose and PoetryA slighter more advanced version of Unit 1. You w ill study tw o novels and a poetry selection. (You do not need to study all three in the same detail.) These can be

selected from themed groups (themes are Relationships / Identifying Self / War / Journeys). As in Unit 1 there is also an unseen poetry or prose section.Unit 4: Reflections in Literary StudiesThis synoptic unit allow s a free choice of texts, one to be studied in detail and tw o as

supporting texts. The texts may include cultural commentary or literary criticism, as w ell as literary texts. The coursework can be an extended study, two shorter studies or a creative response.

Assessment Criteria

Unit 1: Explorations in Prose and Poetry (2 ¼ hr Paper) 30%Unit 2: Explorations in Drama (internally assessed) 20%

Unit 3: Interpretation of Prose and Drama (2 ¾ hr Paper) 30%Unit 4: Reflections in Literary Studies (internally assessed) 20%

Career prospects

Successful English candidates are likely to aim towards further study or careers in: media (TV /

film) or journalism; advertising or copywriting; public relations; drama or theatre; writing;

publishing etc. An English qualification is also an established route into law. There are, in fact,

few careers where enhanced communication skil ls would not be highly valued; all successful business people, politicians and leaders need to be excellent communicators.

GCE English Literature (8ET01 / 9ET01)


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Sharjah English SchoolAS/A2



Course outline

The units have been designed such that they will encourage students to

develop their understanding of mathematics and mathematical processes in a way that promotes confidence and fosters enjoyment. Students will greatly extend their range of mathematical skills and techniques and use them in more difficult, unstructured problems. They w ill develop an understanding of

coherence and progression in mathematics and of how different areas of mathematics can be connected. Also, they will develop an awareness of the relevance of mathematics to other fields of study, to the world of work and to society in general.

AS level Combinations leading to an aw ard in Advanced Subsidiary Mathematics comprise three AS units. Core Mathematics units C1 and C2 plus one of the

Applications units M1, S1 or D1.

A2 Level Combinations leading to an aw ard in Advanced GCE Mathematics must comprise six units, including at least tw o A2 units. Core Mathematics C1, C2, C3

and C4 plus tw o Applications units from the follow ing six combinations: M1 and M2, S1 and S2, D1 and D2, M1 and S1, S1 and D1, M1 and D1.

Further Mathematics

This syllabus is intended for high ability students w ho have achieved, or are likely to achieve, a high grade in the A Level Mathematics examination. The A Level Further Mathematics syllabus enables students to extend their mathematical skills, know ledge and understanding developed in the A Level Mathematics course.

AS Further Mathematics Combinations leading to an aw ard in Advanced Subsidiary Further Mathematics must comprise Further Pure Mathematics (FP1) plus tw o other units (excluding C1 –C4).

A2 Further Mathematics Combinations leading to an aw ard in Advanced GCE Further Mathematics must comprise FP1, FP2 and FP3 plus three Application units, or FP1, FP2 and four Application units, or FP1, FP2 and four Application units.

Assessment CriteriaThe assessment will test students ’ ability to recall, select and use their knowledge of mathematical facts, concepts and techniques in a variety of

contexts.• All examination papers last 1 hour 30 minutes.• All examination papers have 75 marks.• C1 is a non-calculator paper.

Career prospects

This core subject is highly valued by most employers and is often required for

entry to further or higher education. Possible careers are: accountant, actuary, air traffic controller, architect, banker, bursar, CAD draughts person, tax inspector, economist, engineer, financial consultant, insurance, pilot, surveyor, teacher, stockbroker, operational research.

‘Defendit numerus’


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Film Studies

Sharjah English SchoolAS/A2


Course outline

AS Film Studies builds on GCSE media work and students’ familiarity w ith

cinema, in order to develop their critical thinking and evaluation skills. Students may study film from the US and UK, as well as offering opportunities to study world cinema. There is a focus on ‘reading’ and understanding the language of film, exploring producers and audiences w ithin the film industry, and analyzing

the messages and values contained within films.

‘The camera is more than a recorder, it's a microscope. It penetrates, it goes into people and you see their most private and concealed thoughts.’ Elia Kazan

AS level

FS1 Film: Making Meaning 1You will study how film conveys meaning by understanding ‘macro’ aspects of film (such as

genre) and ‘micro’ aspects (such as cinematography, editing and sound). Written tasks will be

supplemented by practical fi lm work such as storyboarding, producing screenplays or short video sequences.

FS2 Producers and Audiences: Hollywood and British CinemaStudy in this module focuses on the workings of the film industry (financing, distribution, the

studio system etc.) and film audiences (film demand and consumption, ‘home cinema’ etc.). The commercial and cultural significance of film will be considered.

FS3 Messages and Values: British and Irish CinemaThis module helps you identify messages and values in films, and study their historical and

social contexts. There is a mixture of comparative study and close study of single fi lms. Broad

categories include films dealing with Social Conflict, The War and its Aftermath, Britain in the ‘60s etc.

Course Content: the variety of films which can be studied is extremely broad; it includes contemporary Hollywood genre films, as well as specific examples from Irish and British Cinema. In some units it is likely that students w ill be working on different films, with a large degree of personal choice.

Film Studies is being offered initially as an AS option. Should there be a demand for continuing the course into A2 in Year 13, the school will offer the course through to that level.

Assessment Criteria

FS1 Film: Making Meaning 1 Internal Assessment 40% FS2 Producers and Audiences: Hollywood and British Cinema 1 ½ hr paper 30%

FS3 Messages and Values – British and Irish Cinema 1½ hr paper 30%

Career prospects

Film Studies would lead naturally to a wide range of media or film courses at university level: careers in journalism, TV, adv ertising, writing and publishing might follow.

GCE Film Studies (42080 / 06990)


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Art, Craft & Design

Sharjah English SchoolAS/A2


Course outline

Art & Design is an exciting and challenging subject that encourages creative expressive skills and aesthetic understanding. The aim of this course is to promote a broad based Art & Design experience; the course offers a rich varied

experience and encourages individual creative development. You w ill have the opportunity to create w ork using a variety of Art & Design activit ies including draw ing, painting, pr intmaking, textiles, 3D design, photography and digital manipulation. You w ill develop know ledge and understanding of the w ork of other

artists through critical analysis.

AS Level

Unit 1: Thematic EnquiryThis f irst unit of the AS course is designed to introduce you to a range of different

art processes, techniques and materials as w ell as challenging your idea of what art is. Unit 2: Externally set assignmentThe theme for this unit is set by the examination board using a w ord or starting-

point. Over a period of 8 w eeks you w ill w ork through the creative process in preparation for an 8 hour examination.

A2 Level

Unit 3: Thematic Enquiry

Aims to give you the opportunity to pursue your ow n creative ideas and personal interests in a chosen area of art and design, building on the w ork and skills developed throughout the f irst year. Unit 4: Externally set assignment

Is set by the examination board and takes the form of a w ord and or starting-point. Students w ill prepare supporting studies for a 12 hour examination that w ill take palce during the 2nd or 3rd term. Past exam themes have included; Diversity, Icons Structures and Forms.

Assessment Criteria (All work is externally moderated)

Unit 1: Thematic Enquiry (internally assessed) 30%

Unit 2: Externally set assignment (Internally assessed) 20%

Unit 3: Thematic enquiry (internally assessed) 30%

Unit 4: Externally set assignment (internally assessed) 20%

Career prospects

Studying art equips you w ith a w hole set of transferable skills both for life and

for a wide range employment in art and design including; animation, art therapy, architecture, community arts, calligraphy, engineering design, f ine artist, interior design, fashion, gallery curator, photography, illustration, art historian.

Art, Craft & Design

“Art is not what you see, but what you make others see.”

Edgar Degas


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Business Studies

Sharjah English SchoolAS/A2


GCE Business Studies 8BS01/9BS01


Course outline

The EDEXCEL GCE Business Studies course is a two year course of study. The f irst year covers units 1 and 2a and leads to the aw ard of an AS qualif ication and in the second year know n as A2, a further 2 units, Units 3 and 4a are studied and an overall grade is then given for the combined tw o years of study. The tw o core units of each

year build practical business know ledge through business theory applied to real business case studies. This gives students the best opportunity to develop their analytical skills against practical examples.

Business and Economic AS Level NEW for 20013Replacing Unit 2a and 3a with the Economics Unit 2b and 4b changes this to an A level in Economics and Business.

AS Level

Unit 1: Developing New Business IdeasThis unit covers the characteristics and skil ls students’ would need to develop to be successful

in business and how new or existing businesse s generate their product or service ideas and initially bring them to market.

Unit 2a: Managing BusinessThis unit covers key activities which students’ may be involved in if they were to set up and/or

manage a business, whether small, medium-sized or large. It also introduces students to some basic management tools and models .

Unit 2b: Business EconomicsThis unit is interested in the market the business operates in and how it is influenced by

competition and macroeconomic factors. It develops the student knowledge and understanding

of economic theory of supply, demand and elasticity and factors affect these and subsequently the business itself.

A2 Level

Unit 3 International Business

Unit 4a Making Business DecisionsUnit 4b: The Wider Economic Environment and Business

Assessment Criteria

Unit 1 Developing New Business Ideas (1 hr 15mins Paper) 25%

Unit 2a Managing Business

Unit 2b Business Economics

Unit 3 International Business (1 ½ hr Paper) 25%

Unit 4a Making Business Decisions

Unit 4b The Wider Economic Environment and Business

Career Prospects

There are many courses and careers opportunities available for students of Business Studies

which include some of the following: accounting, advertising account executive, banking,

marketing, management, manufacturing, teaching, logistics, finance, market research, human resources and being your own boss.

Choose either a or b (1 hr 15mins Paper) 25%

Choose either a or b

(1 hr 15mins Paper) 25%

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Sharjah English SchoolAS/A2


Course outline

This course looks at students working co-operatively and managing projects.

They w ill develop personal learning and thinking skills, provide quality ICT-based solutions to a range of problems and develop an aw areness of developments in technology.

AS level

Unit 1: Practical problem solving in the digital world

Students will gain knowledge and understanding of the development of ICT systems

through the practical experience of using a range of applications software in a structured way, to create solutions to realistic problems for clients, end users and their audiences.

Unit 2: Liv ing in the digital world

Students will look at ways in which ICT has been integrated into, and also changed,

society and the way in which it works. They will investigate computer systems, people and ICT systems, data transfer, safety, security, backup and recovery.

A2 Level

Unit 3: The use of ICT in the digital world

This unit covers the importance of information to large organizations and how ICT

systems provide such information. It investigates the management of ICT, developing and

introducing ICT systems into organizations as well as training and supporting users of ICT systems.

Unit 4: Practical issues inv olved in the use of ICT in the digital world

Students will gain the opportunity to get involved in a real or realistic situation to use their

skil ls, knowledge and understanding of ICT to solve a problem for a client through analysing, designing, implementing, testing and evaluating an ICT system.

Assessment Criteria

Unit 1: Practical Problem Solving in the Digital World50% of total AS marks 25% of total A Level marks (1 ½ hr Paper)

Unit 2: Living in the Digital World50% of total AS marks 25% of total A Level marks (1 ½ hr Paper)

Unit 3: The Use of ICT in the Digital World60% of total A2 marks 30% of total A Level marks (2 hr Paper)

Unit 4: Practical Issues Involved in the Use of ICT in the Digital World40% of total A2 marks 20% of total A Level marks (Coursework)

Career prospects

This new specif ication has been designed to help students who w ish to go on to higher education courses or employment w here understanding how ICT can be used in society and business, and the implications of its use, w ill be a valuable asset.

‘To err is human - and to blame it on a computer is even more so’

Robert Orben

GCE ICT 2520

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Sharjah English SchoolAS/A2


Course outline

French at AS and A2 level builds upon the GCSE French course. However, at this level the course is much more topic and debate led.

Independent research into Francophile issues is a main course requirement in addition to a passion for language and hard work.

Students will further enhance their knowledge of grammar and become much more effective communicators.

Impossible n’est pas français

AS level

The French course at AS level is firmly centered around issues and

debate which affect young people within the French speaking world. Through the medium of French the course explores topics such as youth culture, lifestyles, health and fitness, education and career

opportunities, tourism and the environment.

A2 Level

The French course at A2 level builds upon and extends the work of the AS course. Through the medium of French the course further explores

the additional topics such as customs, beliefs and religions, French literature and the arts and international concerns and events.

Assessment Criteria

The assessment of the course focuses on the four main skill

requirements of language acquisition;

•Speaking, questioning and a pre-prepared debate.•Writing, topic essays and English to French translation.

•Reading, understanding and responding.•Listening, understanding and responding.

Career prospects

Students with an AS/A Level language qualification will find many career opportunities such as Banking, Translation, Business

Management, Teaching and Tourism. In addition French acquisition will be a useful tool to many international career routes such as Law, Finance and Medicine.

AS/A2 French AS 8FR01/A 9FR01


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Sharjah English SchoolAS/A2


Course outline

The course offers a wide and stimulating choice of content including

British, European and World history, covering areas such as Medieval England and the British Empire. There are four units, two to becompleted in each year of the course. Coursework is a feature of A2

and the specification offers a choice of question in every unit.

History, by appraising. ..[the students] of the past, will enable them to judge the future.

Thomas Jefferson

AS level

Unit 1: Historical Themes in Breadth. Option D – A World divided: Communism and Democracy in the 20th Century. Students explore

aspects of Chinese history between 1900 & 1976 to assess the historical significance of events, ideas, attitudes and beliefs and how these influenced behaviour and action.

Unit 2: British History Depth Studies. Option E – British political history 1945-90: Consensus & Conflict. Students will study the period

1945-90 looking particularly at the reason for political victories, key policies, the economy and social problems.

A2 Level

Unit 3: Depth Studies and Associated Historical Controversies. Option C – The United States Challenged and Transformed. In this unit students

will investigate the Civil War and the historical controversies and debates surrounding it.

Unit 4: Historical Enquiry. Internally assessed coursework – Twentieth Century America. Students will carry out an enquiry looking at factors influencing change and development in the short and long-term over a period

of at least 100 years.

Assessment Criteria•Unit 1 – Written examination, answer 2 questions, 25%

•Unit 2 – Written examination, answer 2 source based questions, 25%•Unit 3- Written examination, answer 2 questions 30%•Unit 4 – Coursework, answer 2 extended essay questions 20%

Career prospects

The study of history sharpens logical, critical, and analytic thinking; providing young people with opportunities to develop a variety of skills that w ill

contribute to their employability, whatever their chosen career. The transferable skills, abilities and attitudes to independent learning developed through the study of history make young people attractive to employers.



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Sharjah English SchoolAS/A2



Course outline

This course recognises and confirms the essential unity of geography, while also allowing students to study discrete areas of the subject. Wherever appropriate the course suggests a systems approach with recognition of the interrelationships between physical and human env ironments, but it also provides an opportunity to establish an in-depth understanding of physical, human and environmental geography before the more complex interrelationships are explored in a synoptic context.

AS levelGlobal Challenges. Students complete two compulsory units – World at risk & Going Global

Global challenges includes the causes, impacts and management of natural hazards and globalisation. The unit also identifies how we can influence global challenges through our own lives.

Geographical Investigations. Students pick one physical and one human topic to study.

Physical topics

Topic 1: Extreme Weather, with its increasing ferocity and frequency, fascinates some people and threatens many others.

Topic 2: Crowded Coasts reveals how increasing development is testing our ability to manage these valued environments.

Human topics

Topic 3: Unequal Spaces explores the causes and consequences of rural and urban disparities and how to manage them.

Topic 4: Rebranding Places focuses on how we need to re-image and regenerate rural and urban places, using appropriate strategies.

A2 LevelContested Planet - The use and management of resources is a key issue for geography in today’s

world. Consumption patterns highlight stark inequalities between regions, countries and groups of

people. Many resources are finite, and rising consumption means that difficult decisions over the

use of resources will have to be taken more frequently. There are six compulsory topics: Energy

Security, Water Conflicts, Biodiversity Under Threat, Superpower Geographies, Bridging the Development Gap and The Technological Fix?

Geographical Research

Options range from those with a strong physical geography focus, to those concerned more with

environmental, social and cultural geographies. Students must select and study one of the following

research options: Tectonic Activity and Hazards, Cold Environments — Landscapes and Change,

Life on the Margins — the Food Supply Problem, The World of Cultural Diversity, Pollution and Human Health at Risk, Consuming the Rural Landscape — Leisure and Tourism.

Career prospectsGeography helps us to understand and explain the complex world we live in. The important role of

geographical knowledge in understanding current local and global issues, such as climate change

and world trade, is increasingly recognised by governments and businesses. Furthermore, the

specific skil ls and expertise gained by geographers makes them highly prized by a huge variety of employers.

Unit Exam Weighting

AS 1. Global Challenges 1h 30m 30% (60%)

2. Geographical Investigations 1h 15 m 20% (30%)

A2 3. Contested Planet 2h 30m 30% (60%)

4. Geographical Research 1h 30m 15% (30%)


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Physical Education

Sharjah English SchoolAS/A2



Course outline

The specification offers students the opportunity to experience and develop an interest in a variety of roles in sport such as performer, official and/or leader/coach at AS and then be able to specialise in one at A2. The content of the course will address current contemporary topics in sport such as the impact

in the use of ergogenic aids, technology and increasing commercialisation of sport. The course w ill also address physiological, psychological and historical impacts with sport, recreation and performance.

AS level

Unit 1: Opportunities for and the effects of leading a healthy and active lifestyleThis section focuses on how understanding the body and its systems can help lead to a healthy

and active lifestyle and is limited to the following topics: Applied Exercise Physiology, Skill Acquisition, Opportunities for Participation.

Unit 2: Analysis and evaluation of physical activity as performer and/or in an adopted role/s.

The coursework component is based upon the principles of acquiring and applying knowledge, skills and understanding from the learning of the theoretical aspects covered in this unit, in order to develop and improve performance in a minimum of two sport related roles. Candidates will be given the opportunity to analyse the

performance of themselves and others, facilitating a refining of skills via an analysis of techniques and their application in isolation and modified conditions or conditioned practices.

A2 Level

Unit 3: Optimising performance & evaluating contemporary issues w ithin sport.

Section A Applied physiology to optimise performance (Energy sources and systems) Section B Psychological aspects that optimise performanceSection C Evaluating contemporary influences

Cultural, Historical, Socio-Economical

Unit 4: Optimising practical performance in a competitive situationThe nature of the unit requires candidates to utilise the knowledge and understanding developed from the course to improve their own personal performance, as a practical

performer, coach/leader or official in one activity.

Assessment Criteria

Unit 1 - 60% of AS, 30% of A Level (2 hour written examination)

Unit 2 - 40% of AS, 20% of A Level (Internal assessment w ith external moderation)Unit 3 - 30% of A Level (2 hour written examination)Unit 4 - 20% of A Level (Internal assessment w ith external moderation)

Career prospects

Most students go on to Higher Education, some to become PE Teachers, others to study Sport Studies, Sport Science, Physiotherapy, Sports Therapy, Journalism, Sports Nutrit ion, Leisure Management, Sports Coaching and Development or even

Medicine. The course is also a good basis for anyone entering the Uniformed Services.
