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Submitted by: M. Roy Wilson, President · 2019-09-23 · WAYNE STATE LJNIVERSl1Y Board of Governors...

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Submitted by: M. Roy Wilson, President Board of Governors Agenda February 7, 2014 APPROVAL OF THE CONSENT AGENDA Background The following recommendation is presented to the Board of Governors for consideration on a Consent Agenda. These are routine items that will be enacted by one motion as summarized below and described in full detail on the recommendations contained in the Board materials. There will not be separate discussion of these items, however, any member of the Board may ask that any item be removed from the Consent Agenda for discussion by notifying the Chair of the Board. The remaining items will then be considered on the Consent Agenda. A separate discussion and action will be taken on the item(s) removed from the Consent Agenda. The proceedings of the Board meeting will contain the full text of each of the recommendations as submitted. Recommendation It is recommended that the Board of Governors approve the following resolution: RESOLVED that the items listed below are recommended for approval by the Board of Governors as set forth in the respective agenda resolutions, as noted: A. Approval of the Official Proceedings of November 22, 2013 (Board) B. Personnel Recommendations (Board)
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Submitted by: M. Roy Wilson, President

Board of Governors Agenda February 7, 2014


Background The following recommendation is presented to the Board of Governors for consideration on a Consent Agenda. These are routine items that will be enacted by one motion as summarized below and described in full detail on the recommendations contained in the Board materials. There will not be separate discussion of these items, however, any member of the Board may ask that any item be removed from the Consent Agenda for discussion by notifying the Chair of the Board. The remaining items will then be considered on the Consent Agenda. A separate discussion and action will be taken on the item(s) removed from the Consent Agenda. The proceedings of the Board meeting will contain the full text of each of the recommendations as submitted.

Recommendation It is recommended that the Board of Governors approve the following resolution: RESOLVED that the items listed below are recommended for approval by the Board of Governors as set forth in the respective agenda resolutions, as noted:

A. Approval of the Official Proceedings of November 22, 2013 (Board)

B. Personnel Recommendations (Board)

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Board of Governors


November 22, 2013

Regular Meeting

The meeting was called to order at 3:33 p.m. by President Wilson in Rooms BC in the McGregor Memorial Conference Center. Secretary Miller called the roll. A quorum was present, with following Board members in attendance:

Governors Dingell, Driker, Dunaskiss, Massaron, Nicholson, O'Brien, Pollard, Trent and President Wilson

Also Present: Provosts Winters, Vice Presidents Lessem, Lindsey, Ripple, and Staebler; and Secretary Miller


ACTION - Upon motion by Governor Dunaskiss and seconded by Governor Pollard, the Consent Agenda was approved as presented. The motion was adopted unanimously. · · ·

Board of Governors Meeting A. Approval of the Official Proceedings of September 20, 2013 B. Personnel Recommendations

Academic Affairs Committee C. Renew Charter for the Developmental Disabilities Institute D. Renew Charter for the Center for Urban Studies


Budget and Finance Committee E. FY 2015-2019 Five-Year Capital Outlay Plan F. Chatsworth Apartments Life Safety, Technology, and Mechanical Systems Upgrades

Budget Amendment. · G. Student Center Building Renovation H. Electrical Service Reliability Upgrade Projects

Approval of the Official Proceedings of the September 20, 2013 Regular Meeting


ACTION - Upon motion by Governor Dunaskiss and seconded by Governor Pollard, the Official Proceedings of the September 20, 2013 Regular Meeting were approved as submitted. The motion was adopted unanimously.

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2 Official Proceedings - November 22, 2013

Personnel Recommendations (Board)

The personnel recommendations are as follows:

College of Fine, Performing, and Communication Arts

Melvin Rosas, for appointment as the Elaine L. Jacob Endowed Professor effective August 19, 2013 through May 16, 2016.

School of Medicine

Meera Chitlur, for appointment as the Barnhart-Lusher Hemostasis Research Endowed Chair in the Department of Pediatrics effective July 1, 2013 through JUne 30, 2018.

Brian O'Neil, for appointment as The Munuswamy Dayanandan, M.D., Endowed Chair in the Department of Emergency Medicine effective April 1, 2013 through March 31, 2018.

Eugene Applebaum College of Pharmacy and H(#,alth Sciences

Timothy Stemmler, professor, for transfer of tenure . per University year, from the School of Medicine, Department of Biochemistry to the Eugene Applebaum College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences, Department of Pharma~eutical Sciences, effective September 9, 2013.

Special Notes on Administrative Appointments College of Nursing '

Nancy Artinian, for appointment, as Acting Dear:i effective September 1, 2013, and as Interim Dean effective October 1, 2013; and extendirig until a new dean is appointed. Subject to the pleasure of the President or his/her designee during the term of the assignment.

Renewal of Charter for the Developmental Disabilities Institute (Academic Affairs)

The charter for the Developmental Disabilities Institute was approved in June, 1988 and

last renewed on July 30, 2003 ... In its most recent review, the Center and Institute Advisory

Committee (CIAC) noted thatthe Institute was entirely self-funded through external grants from

various government and private agencies, and was well regarded and active both in the

University and outside community. The Committee recommended that the Institute enhance its

general research portfolio and establish a greater presence within the University by encouraging

additional faculty and graduate student participation.

ACTION - Upon motion by Governor Dunaskiss and seconded by Governor Pollard, the Board of Governors renewed the charter for the Developmental Disabilities Institute for six years. No amendments to the charter are requested. The Academic Senate also recommends a six-year charter renewal. The motion was adopted unanimously.

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Renewal of Charter for the Center for Urban Studies (Academic Affairs)

The Center for Urban Studies charter was first approved in 1967 and last renewed in

2004. Among the strengths noted by the CIAC was that the Center receives a high level of

external support for its research projects, and plays a key role in serving WSU's urban mission

by participating in several important initiatives in the City of Detroit. Among the Committee's

recommendations is that the Center develop a comprehensive strategic plan on how to engage

with the University and the surrounding community, so as to re-establish itself as the primary

locus of the conversation about the future of the city.

ACTION - Upon motion by Governor Dunaskiss and seconded by Governor Pollard, the Board of Governors renewed the charter for the Center for Urban Studies for six years. No amendments to the charter are requested. The Academic Senate also recommends a six-year charter renewal. .The motion was adopted unanimously.

FY 2015-2019 Five-Year Capital Outlay Plan (Budget and Finance)

Each year the University is required to submit a Five-Year Capital Outlay Plan to the

state along with its annual Capital OutlayProject Request. The administration requested Board

approval of the FY 2015 Five-Y~ar Plan, o~e very similar to the FY 2014 Plan with the new

Science and Engineering Laboratory Classroom Building (SELC) as the University's number

one priority. A project request for the SELC building was also submitted in the amount of $15

million. It will be constructed near the existing Physics Building and will include 30 separate

teaching laboratories and support facilities for various academic STEM programs. A separate

project is planned in the near future to renovate existing labs in Shapero Hall, the Physics

Building, and the Engineering Building at an additional cost of $8 million.

ACTION - Upon motion by Governor Dunaskiss and seconded by Governor Pollard, the Board of Governors approved the FY 2015-2019 Five-Year Capital Outlay Plan as presented. The motion was adopted unanimously.

Chatsworth Apartments Life Safety, Technology, and Mechanical Systems Upgrades

Budget Amendment (Budget and Finance)

At the June 2013 meetings, the Board approved upgrades to the Chatsworth Tower

Apartments life safety, technology, and mechanical systems for a project cost of not to exceed

$1,850,000. After the project was bid, it was determined that the amount was insufficient to

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4 Official Proceedings - November 22, 2013

cover the scope of the project. The administration is requesting an additional $450,000, funds

that would come primarily from FY 2014 housing operating budget.

ACTION - Upon motion by Governor Dunaskiss and seconded by Governor Pollard, the Board of Governors increased the previously authorized budget for the Chatsworth Apartments Life Safety, Technology, and Mechanical Systems Upgrades project by $450,000. Funding for this budget increase will be provided from the Housing Auxiliary FY 2014 Operating Budget ($375,000) and the Reserve for Non-general Fund Equipment and Facilities ($75,000). The balance in this reserve is $4. 7 million at September 30, 2013. The motion was adopted unanimously.

Student Center Building Renovation (Budget and Finance) ...

At the February 2013 meetings, the Board approved $1.3 million to complete design

work for major renovations to the Student Center Building. The current plan is to renovate over

95,000 square feet of the basement through the third floor, and to add about 12,000 square feet

to the interior of the first floor by enclosing the colonnaded overhang on thE3 Gullen Mall side of

the building. The total cost of the projecUs estimated at$26.5 million. Abou{$19 million will be

covered by the FY 2013 bond issue completed in May 2013, and the $1.3 million previously

approved for design work. The remaining $6.2 million will bera.ised through fundraising. The

renovation will create new and dynamic spaces to improve the campus image and experience

and to enhance student recruitment, success, and retention.·

ACTION - Upon motion by Governor Du.naskiss and seconded by Governor Poll~rd, the Board of Governors authorized the President, or his designee, to award contracts to renovate the basement through third floors of the Student Center Building for a project cost not to exceed $26,500,000. Funding sources include $19 million from Series 2013 general revenue bond proceeds that were authorized for this purpose; $6;200,000 from philanthropy; and $1,300,000 authorized previously for design work. The motion was adopted unanimously.

Electrical Service Reliability Upgrade Projects (Budget and Finance)

During the past decade the University has experienced several electrical power outages

due primarily with electrical reliability issues with the Detroit Public Lighting Department (PLD)

and Detroit Edison (DTE). As a result, the campus has had to shut down twice during the last

few years, and there have been significant losses of research samples and research

productivity. The administration submitted a proposed project that would help mitigate the

effects of any power outages, surges, or brownouts from either electrical utility.

The project would include back-up power generators for research buildings; the

identification of over 1,000 pieces of equipment used in research to be fitted with uninterruptible

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Official Proceedings - November 22, 2013 5

power supplies; time-delay restart devices for freezers to prevent damage to the compressors;

and upgrades to the electrical service entrances to the Computing Service Center, the

University Service Building, and the athletic complex. Funds totaling $13.5 million have been

identified from three sources. Although the funds are insufficient to cover the cost of all the

projects listed in the documentation, the administration will prioritize and begin construction so

that the most critical risks will be addressed.

ACTION - Upon motion by Governor Dunaskiss and seconded by Governor Pollard, the Board of Governors authorized the President, or his designee, to award contracts to design and construct various .Electrical Service Reliability Upgrade Projects for a project cost not to. exceed $13,500,000. Funding for these projects will be provided from three sources; $1..500,000 from the series 2013 General Revenue bond proceeds previously approved for this purpose; $1,000,000 from the research facility reserv~; and $11,000,000 from the Reserve for Non-Recurring Projects. The Reserve balances are $3.7 million and $11.9 million, respectively, as of September 30, 2013. The motion was adopted unanimously. ·


President Wilson highlighted several events and developments at the University.

• On November 15, the University held a\ series of events to coincide with World Prematurity

Day and in recognition of the second ten...,year NIH contract awarded to WSU to continue

hosting the Perinatology Res~arch Branch (RRB). The director of the National Institute of

Child H.ealth and Human Development (NIHCD, Dr. Alan Guttmacher, toured the PRB and

delivered the Distinguished President's Lech.ire before a packed crowd at the School of

Medicine. He was impressed with the breadth and quality of research conducted at the PRB

and acknowledged that it was the kind that could not be done at the NIH because of the

patient population, WSU had\considerable competition for the contract, but the outstanding

research and patient care provided by researchers and physicians at the PRB made it a

winning choice for the NIH. Or. Guttmacher mentioned that he had wanted to visit Detroit and

WSU earlier but could not because of the ongoing competition. President Wilson thanked

Governors Dingell, Driker, and Pollard who attended the events; he also thanked Dean Parisi,

Dr. Sonya Hassan, and their team at the School of Medicine, as well as Julie Miller, Secretary

to the Board of Governors, for their work in preparing for the event.

• The University hosted the 42nd annual Charter Night on November 16 at the Henry Ford in

Dearborn to recognize 321 new and upgraded members of the Anthony Wayne Society in

giving levels of $10,000 to $9,999,999. The society now totals 5,742 members. Events of this

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6 Official Proceedings - November 22, 2013

sort generally have a television or radio personality as the MC. President Wilson said that in

this case the MC was a student and the entertainment was provided by students, all of whom

were excellent gave a different - and better - dimension to the event. This was the first

Charter Night for President Wilson and his wife, Jacqueline, and they look forward to many

more to come.

• The Office of Education Outreach and the College of Nursing have partnered to create a new

Bachelor of Science in Nursing program for graduates of the Oakland Community College

Nursing program, to begin in January, 2014 at the WSU. Oakland Center in Farmington Hills.

The program will help nurses with Associate Degrees advance their professional credentials in

a field that is short-staffed nationwide and will become more short-staffed with the

implementation of the Affordable Care Act.

• WSU has been selected to participate in a nationwide program to help strengthen the college

completion rates among Latino students. The'·program is a collaboration between the

National Survey of Student Engagement and the Center of Community College Engagement

and is limited to 22 institutions from urban centers in Arizona, California, Florida, Texas, and

Michigan. WSU will partner with Macomb County Community College to help the community

college and university sectors understand the assets and. challenges Latino students bring

with them to higher education.

• President Wilson gave the keynote add.ress r;1t an event sponsored by the Office of

International Programs. Some of the goals for the near future include increasing the number

of international students by 10% in WSU's general student body, reinventing the co-major ·".. ·.\

international studies, doubling the number of students who participate in international

programs, and increasing suppprt for faculty to participate in international reports and teaching

initiatives. WSU's OffiGe of International Programs has forged strong relationships with more

than 180 institutions overseas, and also offers important services to WSU's international

student population.

• President Wilson said he spoke earlier this month with the staff in Admissions and in Financial

Aid about the important role they play in recruitment and in providing services to students. He

said they are a very committed group of employees, and described the starfish paperweight

they presented to him, which referred to a story he told in his University address about the

importance of the University doing the best it can for every single student.

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The President's Report was concluded.


President Wilson reported that two standing committees met during the morning session.

The Academic Affairs Committee had two action items that were approved as part of

the Consent Agenda. It also heard a Presentation on the College of Liberal Arts and

Sciences by Dean Wayne Raskin, who discussed all aspects of the College, including the

structure, budget and fundraising, and efforts at enrollment increases and retention. In addition,

he discussed faculty strengths and accomplishments, and how to better serve students by hiring

more full-time faculty and increasing collaboration with the faculty of the professional schools

and colleges.

The four action items on the Budget .and Finance Committee agenda were also

approved as part of the Consent Agenda. The Committee also received two informational

reports. The report on Purchasing Exceptions summarized purchases greater than $25,000

that were issued during the third and fourth quarters of FY 2013 without competitive bids. The

Committee also approved transfers from the Contingency Reserve for FY 2013 and for FY

2014. Details of the transfers are listed below.

FY 2013 Contingency Reserve

FY 2013 Allocation

Presidential transition costs (transfer approved by Budget & Finc1nce Committee November 22, 2013)

Past Transfers • Search for Dean, School of ~us!ness Administration (10/2012) • Search for University President (11/2012) • Return of balance, Dean search, SBA

FY 2013 Remaining Balance

FY 2014 Contingency Reserve

FY 2014 Allocation

Transfers for administrative searches approved by Budget & Finance Committee November 22, 2013: • Dean, School of Business Administration • Dean, Law School



(100,000) (250,000)




($100,000) (100,000)

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Official Proceedings - November 22, 2013

ACTION - Upon motion by Governor Massaron and seconded by Governor Driker, the Board of Governors authorized the President or his designee to enter into an agreement with Sharma Analytics, organizer of the community project PainPitch, for the purposes of co-sponsoring public events. The agreement would permit $900 in university-held grant funds be paid to Sharma Analytics for its creation and management in PainPitch events. The motion was adopted with the following roll-call vote:

Governor Driker- Yes Governor Dunaskiss - Yes Governor Massaron - Yes Governor Nicholson - Yes

NextCA T, Inc.

Governor O'Brien - Yes Governor Pollard - Yes Governor Trent- Yes


The second contract is with NextCAT, 'Inc., a company founded and owned by

Professors Simon Ng and Steven Salley of the College of Engineering, and the Michigan

Corporate Relations Network (MCRN). The disclosures are:

I. The parties involved in the agreement are Wayne State University, NextCat, Inc., and the

Michigan Corporate Relations Network.

II. The agreement, totaling no more than $2,800, is in support of the employment of Wayne \ '

State University interns for app'ropriate research programs. WSU will conduct the


• Assess the suitability for! award for the employment by NextCAT using criteria

established by MCRN;

• If employment is judged suitable, arrange for matching funds to be dispersed to Next


Ill. The peCUr)iary interestis based on Professors Ng and Salley's ownership of NextCAT, Inc.

Professors Ng and Salley's\share of NextCAT, Inc., is 42.5% each.

ACTION - Upon . motion by Governor Massaron and seconded by Governor Driker, the Board of Governors authorized the President or his designee to enter into an agreement with NextCAT Inc, a company headquartered at Wayne State University's TechTown and founded by Ors. Simon Ng and Steven Salley, and the Michigan Corporate Relations Network (MCRN) for their Small Company Internship Award (SCIA). The agreement would permit up to $2800 in matching MCRN funds to be paid to NextCAT for the employment of Wayne State interns. The motion was adopted with the following roll-call vote:

Governor Driker - Yes Governor Dunaskiss - Yes Governor Massaron - Yes Governor Nicholson - Yes

Governor O'Brien - Yes Governor Pollard - Yes Governor Trent- Yes

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10 Official Proceedings - November 22, 2013

Government and Community Affairs Report - Vice President Lindsey

Development and Alumni Affairs Report - Vice President Ripple

Establishment of Endowment Funds

Vice President Ripple presented the endowment funds listed below for approval.

ACTION - Upon motion by Governor Dunaskiss and seconded by Governor Driker, the Board of Governors approved the establishment of endowment funds totaling $870,982 as presented. The motion was adopted unanimously.

1. The Baiardi Foundation Endowed Scholarship in History to recognize scholastic achievement, encourage continued progress, and provide assistance to students in financing their education in the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences. $25,000

2. The Baiardi Foundation Endowed Scholarship in Law to recognize scholastic achievement, encourage continued progress, and provide assistance to students in financing their education in the Law School. · $25,000

3. The Fouad, Jihad, and lmad Dabaja Endowed Scholarship to recognize scholastic achievement, encourage continued progress, and provide assistance to students in financing their education in the School of Medicine. $25,000

4. The Endowed Scholarship for the Promotion of Diver~ity to recognize scholastic achievement, encourage continued progress, and provide assistance to graduate students in the Department of Sociology.· $25,000

5. The Don Holzhauer Endowed. Scholarship to recognize scholastic achievement, encourage continued progress, and provide assistance ·to students in financing their education in the Irvin D. Reid Honors College. $25,000

6. The Emil and John & Mary Kaczor Endowed Graduate Teaching Assistant Award to encourage graduate teaching excellence in the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences.


7. The Kochkodan Family Endowed Scholarship to recognize scholastic achievement, encourage continued progress, and provide assistance to students in financing their education in the School of Medicine. $30,000

8. The Ron Krome Memorial Innovators in Emergency Medicine Endowed Lectureship to support lectures in the Department of Emergency Medicine at the School of Medicine.


9. The Ernie Matchulat Endowed Jazz Support Fund to support activities related to jazz studies in the Department of Music, College of Fine, Performing and Communication Arts. $25,000

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10. Sally Vanessa McDonald Endowed Scholarship to recognize scholastic achievement, encourage continued progress, and provide assistance to students in financing their education in the College of Education. $25,000

11. The Meritor, Inc. Endowed Scholarship to recognize scholastic achievement, encourage continued progress, and provide assistance to students in financing their education in the School of Business Administration. $25,000

12. The Howard and Beverly Reilly Endowed Fund for Jazz Studies to support activities related to jazz studies in the Department of Music, College of Fine, Performing, and Communication Arts. $25,000

13. The Geralynn and Alan Smith Endowed Scholarship to recognize scholastic achievement, encourage continued progress, and provide . assista11ce to students in the Eugene Applebaum College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences. $27,000

14. The Sultanoff Endowed Scholarship to recognize scholastic achievement, encourage continued progress, and provide assistance to students in financing their education in the College of Fine, Performing and Communication Arts. $463,982

15. The (To Be Determined) Endowed Lectureship in Clinical Translational. Research (Fund Functioning as an Endowment) to support lectures in the Department of Ophthalmology at the School of Medicine. $50,000


The Executive Committee. met earlier in the day and presented the following

recommendation for Board approval.

ACTION - Upon motion by Governor Dunaskiss and seconded by Governor Massaron, the Board of Gover.nors authorized the President or his designee to enter into a Memorandum of Understanding, Long-term Ground Lease, a lease and development agreement and various other agreements as necessary with Broder and . Sachse Real Estate services (the developer), D/B/A, Cass and Canfield, LLC and/or 'other legal entities for the development construction of mixed use residenti.al commercial properties in the area designated as South University Village. The motion was unanimously adopted.


Governor Pollard called attention to the fact that November 22 marked the 50th

anniversary of the assassination of President John F. Kennedy, and he asked that the assembly

take a moment to pause and reflect upon the event.

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There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 3:52 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Julie H. Miller Secretary to the Board of Governors

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Submitted by: Margaret E. Winters, Provost and Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs

Recommendations for Tenure, Promotion to Full Professor, and Administrativ e Appointments

The personnel recom menda tions for appointm ents with tenure , appointments to fu ll profes sor and admini strat ive appointments , include the following:

New Appointments Tenure Full Professor

Administrative Appointments

Board of Governors

Female White Black Hisp anic Asian Multi- White Black Hispanic Asian Multi-

2 2


Racial Racial

Feb ruary 7, 2014

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Submitted by: Margaret E. Winters, Provost and Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs



The President presents the following recommendations:

School of Business Administration


Alan Reinstein, for renewal the George R. Husband Endowed Professor of Accounting effective August 19, 2013 through May 16, 2018.

College of Liberal Arts and Sciences

Thomas Dowling, for appointment as professor with tenure per University year, in the Department of Biological Sciences, effective August 19, 2013.

School of Medicine

Stephen Lipshultz, for appointment as professor with fractional 50% tenure per University year, in the Department of Pediatrics, effective November 1, 2013. Professor Lipshultz will serve as chair of the Department of Pediatrics.

Robert Welch, for appointment as the Brook F. Bock, MD Endowed Professor in the Department of Emergency Medicine effective November 1, 2013 through October 31, 2018 . .:.

Special Notes on Administrative Appointments

Graduate School

Ambika Mathur, for extension of appointment as Interim Dean, effective January 1, 2014 through February 15, 2014, subject to the pleasure of the President'or his/her designee during the term of the assignment.


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Submitted by: Margaret E. Winters, Provost and Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs

Appointments beginning August 1, 2013. Included are Instructors hired pending completions of the Ph.D. degree. Not included are sub-delegated appointments, faculty on fractional appointments, subsidy conditioned, (Research), (Clinical), and academic staff.


Male Female White Black Hispanic Asian Multi- Unknown White Black Hispanic Asian Multi- Unknown

Racial Racial


Business 1 1 Administration Education 1 1 Engineering 2 3 1 Fine, Performing 1 1 3 1 and Communication Arts Law School Liberal Arts and 3 1 5 Sciences School of Library and Information Science Medicine 2 1 2 4 Nursing 1 1 Eugene 1 Applebaum College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences Research Social Work 1 University 1 Library System

