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Subscribe for Your Hom^ Restaurantnyshistoricnewspapers.org › lccn › sn87070281 ›...

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•x. : \ ~H' --^•m;i. .V'^W: *'% ' \ •iv* n#~fv* *yw V Vw r " " **• ** ** * *^M^lM ITT J«^wW-«J -*' *• w 'fs^n^jaj ar^- ?w, ^ M™^ ^ *i p^ •rip- <w™?->»—ii» *••»»«}« Y*.— -• f< * .*-yS»w\ T"A \ - 1 HMTKBi 3?,t«si > \ Edward Soitietvillcs of sp^nt Thanksgiving at the boose of His parents, Wft and Mjra. RQberjb Sojq&aK ville at Sodom, --,' liirs, Claude Wades is improving from he* recent illness. ' Jits. Mattre Heawks of Glens Falls, spent a few days last week with Kates Alexander. * Jfrsv Jewell wood is spending Thanks- giving ift jtffew York city with her sis- ter Mrs. M. Keesler. Mj*. Ijugb Boblee ofNfoia place and Mrs. kyjjcb of Horth Bivef #«re shoppy ersinGlens Palls, Wednesday, •Jiftinay tmrgan has Ma new house at the Frenchsettieimeriit, near iNortb; Creek nearly completed. Contractor Richard ^Robiee $9 doing the work- Hugh Roblee had a slight mishap one day last wi*k, When the car that he was driving, skidded and struck the guard rail, on the state road toward iforth River. A tittle damage to the car resulted. «No one hart. George S. Sullivan of Saratoga was in town Monday on business. William Montgomery's condition re- mains about the same. Mrs.N,B. Doblittle of Glens Falls spent Thanksgiving day with her sister Mrs. Gertrude Baker. Mrs. Edward Spain and. daughter of Newcomb attended the funeral of Mrs. John Theriault, Saturday morning. Miss Harriett Baupre of Glens Falls has returned to her home after spend- ing two weeks with her uncle and aunt Mr,! and Mrs. F. Baupre. Ray Donkley of Sodom passed 'through town Monday on. his way* to Malone. He will drive back a car. Mrs. Cora Alexander is making pre- parations to display her large assort- ment of Christmas goods which she will have for Xmas., Look lor her ad. in next weeks isone. The North Creek Electric Co., have sold an electric plant to Nathan Drake, Frank LaRocque and Artie Holcomb are installing the plant and wiring his house ' \ Frank Kelly was out of town Thurs- day and Friday on a short vacation. P. J. Allen was at Warrensburgh, Monday on business. 'The Strock Brothers are busy making racks, getting ready for drawing pulp just as soon as snow comes. Mike Breen of Tahawaa was a caller in town Wednesday* James Crosgrove of Saratoga trans- acted business in town Wednesday and Thursday. Mr. Turney of Ballston was a ealler in town Tuesday. Miss Nellie Andrews of Glens Falis, was a visitor in town Monday* Ralph Locke and son of Indian Lakje passed through town on their way to Albany* - > Howard V. Keriyon has purchased from the local dealers, Pea:eau*s garage J a Special Six Studebaker Touring car. It is certainly some car* Itarry BentTey of Johnsburjg waB in town Friday* .. „ ian^T^Id*ed iswstrwng Buffered a- slight injury to her ankle Friday. 5 ., Harry the (colored) chef wKo has been at Wades Hotel and Restaurant f op tihe past seajsdMteft Friday, *after an attact of convulaiohs, Mra. Orra Smith h^s takeh his positiojii ,, Earl Gallop of Albatiy^ und Mis father |fiershal Gallop: of Garnefe were iii town i^Oonday* ; '"':'V '- Albert Armstrong Was at ^$is) Falls Sattirday on business. j;; Mr. and Mrs. A. K. £rale^ ; #r\ and Mrs. Downing Braley and Bfer*fad Mrs Wm. H. ftoxon motored Chester- town, Sunday and called on friends. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Buaneof Long Lake stopped in town, last Saturday while enroote totftic*. The classes in wax craft given by Mrs. Rae Galusha are being - •- - attended*-—••—' . i - ....... ~——-^.-^..^L Indian is in town havingaome dental work done. Elizabeth Flvnh of New York lain town to see her mother wjjo is ill, ' * Stub Severance^f Granville had good luck While hunting. He earned home a jRtjebuck^ .»..>_• James Brown makes frequent calls to Johnsburg. Milton Stewart ^aa called home from Bartons mine on account of the death of his mother. She has heeri sick for some time, and besides her husband and two children, a sister and brothers will mourn her Joss, The high school boys will go to War* rensbufgh to play a game of Basket ball Wednesday night. The Misses Lelatv and »Rowena Brown are spending a week in New York city. The Misses Grace and Mabel Davison of Glens Falls, their cousins, accompanied them. Mrs. George Galusha suffered an attact of acute indigestion on Sunday; She is reported a little better, Mrs. Katheleeri Wood of Sodom was in town Monday on her way to Troy, Where she will visit her daughter, Mrs. Anthony Stoppello. Miss Beatrice O'Dpnnell has began her duties in her father's, F . R , 0 ' Donnell, shop, and will take care of the Ladies hair. She learned her trade at ' Merinello shop at Troy. Mrs. Ellen Howe of Minerva will spend the winter with her son, F. R. O'Donnell at this place. Mrs. Arthur Prescott and children are spending a few days at Indian % Lake with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Richard- soh» Mrs; Frank Flynn of New York city who lias been in town for the past week visiting her mother, Mrs. John Kelly, returned to her home on Satur- day. Mrs. Addle Hewitt of Long Lake called on friends in town one day last week. ' Plaza Theatre at Chestertown will haveElenorGlyn's "Three Weeks"for Wednesday and Thursday, Dec. S-4, This is. a magnificent photoplay, that follows the novel closely.—Adv. Mrs, Milford Straight who has been sick the past three weeks with stom- ach trouble, was taken to the Moses* Luddingtoh hospital at Ticonderoga, last Thursday, % ;• Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Straight hav- ing closed the Thirteenth Lake Lodge for the season, returned to their home here last Saturday, GeorgeSaunders was a business visit-] or in Glens Falls one day last week. TomRatigan of Corinth visited re litivea in town Sunday! Guernsey Stanley £ left -last week Tuesday, to Albany to resume his studies at the Albany Business College. Luther Moore of Barton Mines was a Sunday caller on Mr. and Mrs. Edward McSweeney. Misses Roaell Ryan, and Helen Barnes, of Olmstedville, and George Shaughnessy, and Edward Dillion called on Mrs. Edward McSweeney, Sunday. Mr* and Mrs. Charles Eldridge, Miss Addle Eldridge and Wesley Blackburn motored to Glens Falls Sunday and dined with Mrs. Eldridge's soft, Charles Eldridge. Mrs. Mary E. Straight of Saratoga is in town .on a visit* Mrs, A. J. Blubert has returned from Glens Falls after speeding part of the week with her sisters, Mrs. D. Foley, Mrs. L; C, Burnett and Mrs. J. J. Jalet Mrs. Claude Pereau is in Albany for a few days* Mrs. Eunice Wilson returned home last week, Her home is at Hadley. Mrs. Emma Wilson and daughter, Gladys,of Chestertown are spending a few pays more at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Prescotts. Gladys is again employed at the Telephone office, while Mis* Brown takes her vacation. to* *J * Subscribe for Your Hom^ The Worlds Easiest^Ktini.^^ Ba&Bearmg Gteam Separator h the Worlds Easiest to Pay Fw Maybe you h«ven*t knofffi thtt yiJtt could get * McClorniick* Decring BALL-BEARING Primrose Cream Separator on such liberal terms. You can, and we back ti|> the sale wfii personal service that makes your purchase doubly worth while. Ask U« to DEMONSTRATE We Wilt set up the machine on your own farm, show you how to use it, and adjust it perfectly. You witt like it better every llay you use it, Koar cream cnecAt will incrmaw* and you'll find the McCor- mick-Deerini BALL-BEARING Primrose |ust ai easy to pay for as it is to operate. Gall, write* or phone us and askfora demonstration. There is no obligation to buy. BRALEY & NOXON •':•' * : <Mmk m$ $0cletj NotesL '-&. i*.» ST* JAMES CHlHtGH, : ^ndiay Mass &8& A.. -K. - . • x.. • ' 'i-',J-.-«»- „n V'O ,. -" • " > «h d Goraell, Paato* Annual Sale of Christmas Seals. V offem refused, loose from. Big stock to * * arranged. ** v NORTH CREEK, N , Y. EIRE CHAINS, HOOD COVERS ^ AND ALCOHOL. fcAatatiliSlJkJUBfeJab * _ , _ Restaurant O'Doonell Bldg. N.y;. and Sanitary to Eat WM A. M. Serrooiir * IIM A. M, Sunday Sck*$k °tfte$l *ell what of tfeatt Bitfst finejsr life-was ape»t <mfeed?of ease, ^luttea-ing the rose leaves scattered by the hreexet Come I Rouse thee, *ork walle it is called to-day! OntFai?d f aSfiaEevgo forth ypm thy *t9?V* ^ Th* !>Mtor'# subject for nmt Sttnday 'W inGraiRjc;-*» s< The Victory." to the H* evening ije wall speak of -*Aix Ainbition '"" Ne3ttW««fc Tuesday eyeuing *s the special fe*tureof our "Church Ifigfat listitttl*'* 3ppogi-*«itt t>n PhiMp P* Ftfck paftpr of the Fi*st $* & church Scha- iiectady itiM Rive an address at 8 JgQ o'clock Uv«sry, hody welcome, -An offering will be tak^n. Through tiie effortsi of Bev, <3i C r Cornel^ PaStor of the local Mothodist Episcopal church, North Greek, w31 have the privilege of hewing Miss MollieStockard, a well known ev*nge : liatic »inger veho will come here to assist in an evangelistic campaign in the local church fromDecember 9th to 21at inclusive. Miss Stockard was graduated from the Department* of literature and Mutic of the Meridian College of Texas In addition to* her college course she has studied voice culture with Andrew Hemphill of Texas, and Oscar Seagle i Who Is recogmted at one of the best teachers in America today. Mr. Seagle maintains during the winter months a* joint studio at Nice, France, with De- R«MJce, the famous £tiroptett iwmjrisni- Hiss Stockard has rsceifsd various offers to join Lyceum Bureaus and edu- cational institutions as music instructor. While in college Miss Stockard played an important part in glee club and chor- al society activities, and since gradua- tion has travelled extensively through- out the country in an evangelistic capacity. One of her vocal teachers, Andrew Hemphill, said, "'It was a pleasure to have had you for apupiiy Mi$* Stockard aid I hope you touch success with your splendid voice." A music director in I*awreneeburg, *Tenn., lor. C. H. Mc- Ewe«i states, "I consider Miss Stock- ard one of the best soloists it has ever h0«tt iny privilege to hear." Miss Stockard's work has elicited many favorable comments all* over this country, - _ Thanksgiving Day wilt mark the opening of the 17th Annunal Sale of Christinas Seals to be conducted throughout; the United States for the purpose of raising funds to continue and strengthen the fight against tuber- culosis in 1925. Additional sanatoria, public health nurses, clinics, open-air schools and preventoria are needed to reduce further the death rate and to increase physical resistance of the pub- lie against the germ which still causes 100,000 £e*ths a year. JMiss Marjorie Bucknam, Executive f ecretary of Warren County Tubercu* losis Association calls attention to the fact that the Christmas Seal Sale is not to be confused with the Roll Call of the American Red Cr as. While the former was conducted by the Red Cross until 1919, it is now in the bands of the National Tuberculosis ' Association, which has carried ontbe national wax- fare against the white plague f6r 20 years. The entire proceeds of the Christmas Seal Sale are used for the prevention and^ treatment of tuberculo- sis through the national, state, county and city organization. Banquet at Wades. Nathan Braverman, Claude Wade and Lee Waddell financed a 'Luncheon* Sunday evening at Wades Hotel. Amoung the honored guests were Albert Emerson, of Warrentburgb, Hon. William R. Waddell, Benjamin Straight, Harold Bit sell, and Harold Butler of North Creek. The Hon. Milton N. Eldridge, Louie Taasi, Constable Tfttrkk Collins, Frank LaRocque, John Kenny of Bropklyr, R. H. Sawyer, Eddie Sheehan, John H. Wade and a number of others weie amoutig the spectators. The party broke up at ten o'clock, when Nate had to "tend the iurnice. * T IB" II Hill I •• Goodspeed Injured, Percy Goodspeed while working: in the Excelsior mill for the North River Mfg. Co., was struck on the lip with a piece of wood Thursday morning. Br. Lee attended him and sutured the wound. Thanksgiving day will mark the opening of the 17th Annual Sale of Christmas Seals to be conducted throughout the United States. Over- five thousand letters containing-Chriit* mis Seals will be mailed in Warren County,; including Glens --Falls, this year. Supports of the scat sale,, which, makes possible the carrying on of a continuous health program in Warren county, are recruited from every walk in life "Of course I want soma seals. 0 said Breaident Coolidge when a Modern Health Crusader came to ief-himr It the White House, Distinguished men and women everywhere, from the Prince of Wales to Babe Ruth stand of the crusaie' astainst tnhsvcnlcNrfs, made possible by the sale of these seals County Chairman, Mr. Geo F. Baylt, Sr. j has annoynced the appointment: of the following townchairmen for Warren county: Bolton Landing, Mrs John K, Stickney; Caldwell, Miss M. C. Hubb*U Chestertown, Mrs. Howard B. Swan; Hague, Mr. Jesse Sexton; Horican, Mr. S. Gaapenter; Johnsburg, Mr. Rich- ard lawyer; Luxerne, Mrs. W. T. Gar* ner; Queensbury, Mrs. F. A Richard; son; Stony Creek, Mrs. John Arehart- Thurman, Miss Mary McPhillipsj Wat* rensburgh, Mr*. Frank Smith, UdiM Aid Will Hold •TJh*-l*a4ies:'Aid|;'Sc^ .&• E. Church will hold its Annual Baiasr and ! J@6od: ^jal« ^\^e !- vtJatiry".-«Mt ti»«; <hto*rch on Thursday afternoon, Dec. 4tb. The tableof fancy and u e'ul < articlei will be in charge of Mrs. .»,©« Waddell and Mt aids. Miss i.argaret Liddle and Mrs. Jutus Brown. Thia t*b|e will solve some of your Christmas gift prob- lems. The Foo^ Table will be ki charge of Mrs. Wm. Alexander and her aids, Mrs. R. J. Martin and Mrs. A. R. Bra- •y. The ladies are hoping thit the kiudnest of their ir.any friends will make this Basaar, as usual, a.social and financial soccsss. jnCrs. Alexander 'Sa# ^PH ^# ^"wr ' e^w^r^^'^saa^p^^^ vaa a^peb a^isaaiMi^^S' wwvpir Teacher'i Bridga Club at her home last Thursday, •ventag, > Nbv. £0th. The following wars present- Misses Lefa Brown, Jesais Wilson, Mary O Breen, Greoe Noxoa, Geraldine Brown, Letha Proskine and Mies Alderson. Refreahments were served. North Creel AND ISf CHURCH. Rev, W* t JDurfee, Minister. 'Servjcea Morning Worship XQ'M Sunday School 11:45 Evenmg Worahip 7:30 tYayer Service Wecl. %M P*M* "-'-..... , M »-.-„ * AMERICAN LEGION NORTH CRgEK POST NO. 628 H. L Brsleyj Oommander Kenneth &tfm&t, Vice Commainder William Durgaft, Sargent at Arms. Howard Alexander, Post Adjutant. Plasa Theatre at Chestertown will hsveJBienor Glya's '^fhree Weeks" for Wednesday and Thursday, ijec. 3-4, This i s a magnificent photoplay, that follows the novel closely.—Adv. Send Ui Tour Bouquet*. iite HOME BUREAU. Chairman; Mra- William Lee. Vice Chairman.' Mrs. William Noxon. Secretary and Treasurer; Mrs. Chas. FJ'Stcrfcll*;*-"' * •» * Watte Rose Teas, Coffee Canned Fruits And Vegetables BuildingSuppliesA«tf 'M.' <# *££W" -*"** '**?' .Special attention i» » 0 w being given te^th* vltaniln content of eggs and their fertfttty andhatchabtttty as af- ;iec|ed-by .rariras. * * *' P<t etefylhing you can to make your hmmmottable. it their health and vitality are kept at the highest lwel, IM**a*4l many,eggs to your basket herd it «* two I ; , . _ - ' W « i « starts in a : m&rmm** m i>* » tv .~ l\-A -V "Who it your favorite business man, or woman of North CreeVia? the $e**i* tory covered by *fi*e paper. What have they done, and what are they doing.** .[ Give us an outline of their lifes, do- ings, in deeds and business. This in- vitation bars no one. Send us your manuscript, and we will print them as f ast as possible, and in order received. Please condense your comments as: much as practical for a good history. All communications will be held strictly confidential,-and you may feet free to air your praise. \ Let's throw a few bouquets while the people are alive to appreciate tnem. Praise doesn't injury any one, and the most of us likes it better before we are dead. Lets see wbst good you can say about your favorite friend or relative. Address your letters to * The Enterprise," North Creek. Dislocates Slroulder. Mate Yor . Book.«a4« 6* m tediritk UlMolftd s wax to uatck * R v ma room color s^*ss»aseflK(: ****"!•** Vfax , , illusbrated & bookteilsin 4etsa how to make and decorate gifts, X$S$kS£& S*»» to makewall aww*iMW* plagues^ pendants, earrings and hat ornaments; paint ceaid]e*> vase% and how to tranafona ?*®*m J»e*penS\ tiftft. Avajalty jfj i t:'%^*''' ,l * l °* '^•'^'•'•SWRIJUHC Dor- ***** -mmm*&m beauQrshd useMi Hem.'-' Jhebookefinatruc- twos costs bat loe. Sets of actual pat- terns from which you can week are alee tan cents. IwnMaWv* •altHfalUrs talc* m ^SS ' ^ " • n h h i A - ^ni»B*»B«W C.-^»-^tr'V""»*!i"<<>««*K S~. -tJfc'Hintttiivi^Mi^laii ,^ w .>^^fe^f,iiN^t..»wf«^j<4ii»»^iii iiiiiift irtMHiipiii Loddj Turner while doing his ehosrs Saturday night, m from the hay Wt and disiocaUd hi, t^^ fe ^ ** f 11 attsniaitW"*^*^- , '••** mym^^Q» <sw sajsjap, JA Kft3s3 I JewC Lessor «sajle*aej[.Wwt ftlld ^frTjtJijJ^ Salt Jit "* 2.-00 P.M. sa4 *&ij M ~fm '•>
Page 1: Subscribe for Your Hom^ Restaurantnyshistoricnewspapers.org › lccn › sn87070281 › 1924-11... · Mrs.N,B. Doblittle of Glens Falls spent Thanksgiving day with her sister Mrs.






* '%

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- 1

HMTKBi 3?,t«si



Edward Soitietvillcs of sp^nt Thanksgiving at the boose of His parents, Wft and Mjra. RQberjb Sojq&aK ville at Sodom, --,'

liirs, Claude Wades is improving from he* recent illness. ' •

Jits. Mattre Heawks of Glens Falls, spent a few days last week with Kates Alexander. *

Jfrsv Jewell wood is spending Thanks­giving ift jtffew York city with her sis­ter Mrs. M. Keesler.

Mj*. Ijugb Boblee ofNfoia place and Mrs. kyjjcb of Horth Bivef #«re shoppy ersinGlens Palls, Wednesday,

•Jiftinay tmrgan has Ma new house at the Frenchsettieimeriit, near iNortb; Creek nearly completed. Contractor Richard Robiee $9 doing the work-

Hugh Roblee had a slight mishap one day last wi*k, When the car that he was driving, skidded and struck the guard rail, on the state road toward iforth River. A tittle damage to the car resulted. «No one hart.

George S. Sullivan of Saratoga was in town Monday on business.

William Montgomery's condition re­mains about the same.

Mrs.N,B. Doblittle of Glens Falls spent Thanksgiving day with her sister Mrs. Gertrude Baker.

Mrs. Edward Spain and. daughter of Newcomb attended the funeral of Mrs. John Theriault, Saturday morning.

Miss Harriett Baupre of Glens Falls has returned to her home after spend­ing two weeks with her uncle and aunt Mr,! and Mrs. F. Baupre.

Ray Donkley of Sodom passed 'through town Monday on. his way* to Malone. He will drive back a car.

Mrs. Cora Alexander is making pre­parations to display her large assort­ment of Christmas goods which she will have for Xmas., Look lor her ad. in next weeks isone.

The North Creek Electric Co., have sold an electric plant to Nathan Drake, Frank LaRocque and Artie Holcomb are installing the plant and wiring his house ' \

Frank Kelly was out of town Thurs­day and Friday on a short vacation.

P. J. Allen was at Warrensburgh, Monday on business.

'The Strock Brothers are busy making racks, getting ready for drawing pulp just as soon as snow comes.

Mike Breen of Tahawaa was a caller in town Wednesday*

James Crosgrove of Saratoga trans­acted business in town Wednesday and Thursday.

Mr. Turney of Ballston was a ealler in town Tuesday.

Miss Nellie Andrews of Glens Falis, was a visitor in town Monday*

Ralph Locke and son of Indian Lakje passed through town on their way to Albany* - >

Howard V. Keriyon has purchased from the local dealers, Pea:eau*s garage J a Special Six Studebaker Touring car. It is certainly some car*

Itarry BentTey of Johnsburjg waB in town Friday* .. „

ian^T^Id*ed iswstrwng Buffered a-slight injury to her ankle Friday. 5 .,

Harry the (colored) chef wKo has been at Wades Hotel and Restaurant fop tihe past seajsdMteft Friday, *after an attact of convulaiohs, Mra. Orra Smith h^s takeh his positiojii ,,

Earl Gallop of Albatiy^ und Mis father |fiershal Gallop: of Garnefe were iii town i Oonday* ; '"':'V '- Albert Armstrong Was at $is) Falls Sattirday on business. j ; ;

Mr. and Mrs. A. K. £rale^ ; #r\ and Mrs. Downing Braley and Bfer*fad Mrs Wm. H. ftoxon motored t» Chester-town, Sunday and called on friends.

Mr. and Mrs. Fred Buaneof Long Lake stopped in town, last Saturday while enroote to tf tic*.

The classes in wax craft given by Mrs. Rae Galusha are being

- •- - attended*-—••—' . i - .......~——-^.-^..^L

Indian is in town havingaome dental work done.

Elizabeth Flvnh of New York lain town to see her mother wjjo is ill, ' * Stub Severance^f Granville had good luck While hunting. He earned home a jRtjebuck^ .» . .>_•

J a m e s Brown makes frequent calls to Johnsburg.

Milton Stewart ^ a a called home from Bartons mine on account of t h e death of his mother. She has heeri sick for some t ime, and besides her husband and two children, a sister and brothers will mourn her Joss,

The high school boys will g o to War* rensbufgh to play a game o f B a s k e t ball Wednesday night.

The Misses Lelatv and » R o w e n a Brown are spending a week in N e w York city. The Misses Grace and Mabel Davison o f Glens Falls, their cousins, accompanied them.

Mrs. George Galusha suffered an attact of acute indigestion on Sunday; She i s reported a little better,

Mrs. Katheleeri Wood of Sodom w a s in town Monday on her w a y to Troy, Where she will v is i t her daughter, Mrs. Anthony Stoppello.

Miss Beatrice O'Dpnnell has began her duties in her father's, F . R, 0 ' Donnell, shop, and will take care o f the Ladies hair. She learned her trade a t

' Merinello shop a t Troy. Mrs. Ellen Howe o f Minerva will

spend the winter with her son, F . R. O'Donnell a t this place.

Mrs. Arthur Prescott and children are spending a few days at Indian% Lake with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Richard-soh»

Mrs; Frank Flynn of N e w York city who lias been in town for t h e past week visiting her mother, Mrs. John Kelly, returned to her home on Satur­day.

Mrs. Addle Hewi t t of Long Lake called on friends in town one day las t week. '

Plaza Theatre at Chestertown will haveElenorGlyn's "Three W e e k s " f o r Wednesday and Thursday, D e c . S-4, This i s . a magnificent photoplay, that follows the novel closely.—Adv.

Mrs, Milford Straight who h a s been sick the past three w e e k s with stom­ach trouble, w a s taken t o the Moses* Luddingtoh hospital at Ticonderoga, last Thursday, • % ;•

Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Straight hav­ing closed the Thirteenth Lake Lodge for the season, returned to their home here last Saturday,

GeorgeSaunders was a business visit-] or in Glens Falls one day last week.

TomRatigan of Corinth visited re litivea in town Sunday!

Guernsey Stanley £ left -last week Tuesday, to Albany to resume his studies at the Albany Business College.

Luther Moore of Barton Mines was a Sunday caller on Mr. and Mrs. Edward McSweeney.

Misses Roaell Ryan, and Helen Barnes, of Olmstedville, and George Shaughnessy, and Edward Dillion called on Mrs. Edward McSweeney, Sunday.

Mr* and Mrs. Charles Eldridge, Miss Addle Eldridge and Wesley Blackburn motored to Glens Falls Sunday and dined with Mrs. Eldridge's soft, Charles Eldridge.

Mrs. Mary E. Straight of Saratoga is in town .on a visit*

Mrs, A. J. Blubert has returned from Glens Falls after speeding part of the week with her sisters, Mrs. D. Foley, Mrs. L; C, Burnett and Mrs. J. J. Jalet

Mrs. Claude Pereau is in Albany for a few days*

Mrs. Eunice Wilson returned home last week, Her home is at Hadley.

Mrs. Emma Wilson and daughter, Gladys,of Chestertown are spending a few pays more at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Prescotts. Gladys is again employed at the Telephone office, while Mis* Brown takes her vacation.



* - »

Subscribe for Your Hom^

The Worlds Easiest^Ktini.^^ Ba&Bearmg Gteam Separator

h the Worlds Easiest to Pay Fw Maybe you h«ven*t knofffi thtt yiJtt could get * McClorniick* Decring BALL-BEARING Primrose Cream Separator on such liberal terms. You can, and we back ti|> the sale wfii personal service that makes your purchase doubly worth while.

Ask U« to DEMONSTRATE We Wilt set up the machine on your own farm, show you how to use it, and adjust it perfectly. You witt like it better every llay you use it, Koar cream cnecAt will incrmaw* and you'll find the McCor-mick-Deerini BALL-BEARING Primrose |ust ai easy to pay for as it is to operate. Gall, write* or phone us and ask for a demonstration. There is no obligation to buy.


• ' : • ' * • • • • :

<Mmk m$ $0cletj NotesL

'-&. i*.»

ST* J A M E S CHlHtGH, • :^ndiay Mass &8& A.. -K. -. • x.. • ' ' i - ' , J - . - « » - „n V'O ,. - " • " >

«h d Goraell, Paato*

Annual Sale of Christmas Seals. V

offem refused,

loose from. Big stock to

* • *


* *






* _ ,_

Restaurant O'Doonell Bldg.


and Sanitary to Eat

WM A. M. Serrooiir * IIM A. M, Sunday Sck*$k

°tfte$l *ell what of tfeatt Bitfst finejsr life-was ape»t <m feed? of ease,

^luttea-ing the rose leaves scattered by the hreexet

Come I Rouse thee, *ork walle it is called to-day!

OntFai?df aSfiaEevgo forth ypm thy *t9?V* ^ Th* !>Mtor'# subject for nmt Sttnday

'W inGraiRjc;-*» s<The Victory." to the H* evening ije wall speak of -*Aix Ainbition

'"" Ne3ttW««fc Tuesday eyeuing *s the special fe*tureof our "Church Ifigfat listitttl*'* 3ppogi-*«itt t>n PhiMp P* Ftfck paftpr of the Fi*st $* & church Scha-iiectady itiM Rive an address at 8 JgQ o'clock Uv«sry, hody welcome, -An offering will be tak^n.

Through tiie effortsi of Bev, <3i Cr Cornel PaStor of the local Mothodist Episcopal church, North Greek, w31 have the privilege of hewing Miss MollieStockard, a well known ev*nge: liatic »inger veho will come here to assist in an evangelistic campaign in the local church fromDecember 9th to 21at inclusive.

Miss Stockard was graduated from the Department* of literature and Mutic of the Meridian College of Texas In addition to* her college course she has studied voice culture with Andrew Hemphill of Texas, and Oscar Seagle

i Who Is recogmted at one of the best teachers in America today. Mr. Seagle maintains during the winter months a* joint studio at Nice, France, with De-R«MJce, the famous £tiroptett iwmjrisni-Hiss Stockard has rsceifsd various offers to join Lyceum Bureaus and edu­cational institutions as music instructor. While in college Miss Stockard played an important part in glee club and chor­al society activities, and since gradua­tion has travelled extensively through­out the country in an evangelistic capacity.

One of her vocal teachers, Andrew Hemphill, said, "'It was a pleasure to have had you for apupiiy Mi$* Stockard aid I hope you touch success with your splendid voice." A music director in I*awreneeburg, *Tenn., lor. C. H. Mc-Ewe«i states, "I consider Miss Stock­ard one of the best soloists it has ever h0«tt iny privilege to hear." Miss Stockard's work has elicited many favorable comments all* over this country, - _

Thanksgiving Day wilt mark the opening of the 17th Annunal Sale of Christinas Seals to be conducted throughout; the United States for the purpose of raising funds to continue and strengthen the fight against tuber­culosis in 1925. Additional sanatoria, public health nurses, clinics, open-air schools and preventoria are needed to reduce further the death rate and to increase physical resistance of the pub-lie against the germ which still causes 100,000 £e*ths a year.

JMiss Marjorie Bucknam, Executive f ecretary of Warren County Tubercu* losis Association calls attention to the fact that the Christmas Seal Sale is not to be confused with the Roll Call of the American Red Cr as. While the former was conducted by the Red Cross until 1919, it is now in the bands of the National Tuberculosis ' Association, which has carried ontbe national wax-fare against the white plague f6r 20 years. The entire proceeds of the Christmas Seal Sale are used for the prevention and treatment of tuberculo­sis through the national, state, county and city organization.

Banquet at Wades.

Nathan Braverman, Claude Wade and L e e Waddell financed a 'Luncheon* Sunday evening at Wades Hote l . A m o u n g t h e honored guests were Albert Emerson, of Warrentburgb, Hon. Will iam R. Waddell, Benjamin Straight, Harold Bit sell , and Harold Butler o f North Creek.

The Hon. Milton N. Eldridge, Louie Taasi, Constable Tfttrkk Collins, Frank LaRocque, John Kenny of Bropklyr, R. H . Sawyer, Eddie Sheehan, John H. Wade and a number o f others w e i e amoutig t h e spectators.

The party broke up a t ten o'clock, when N a t e had to "tend t h e iurnice. *

T I B " I I H i l l I • •

Goodspeed Injured,

Percy Goodspeed while working: in the Excelsior mill for the North River Mfg. Co., was struck on the lip with a piece of wood Thursday morning. Br. Lee attended him and sutured the wound.

Thanksgiving day will mark the opening of the 17th Annual Sale of Christmas Seals to be conducted throughout the United States. Over-five thousand letters containing-Chriit* mis Seals will be mailed in Warren County,; including Glens --Falls, this year. Supports of the scat sale,, which, makes possible the carrying on of a continuous health program in Warren county, are recruited from every walk in life

"Of course I want soma seals.0 said Breaident Coolidge when a Modern Health Crusader came to ief-himr It the White House, Distinguished men and women everywhere, from the Prince of Wales to Babe Ruth stand

of the crusaie' astainst tnhsvcnlcNrfs, made possible by the sale of these seals

County Chairman, Mr. Geo F. Baylt, Sr. j has annoynced the appointment: of the following townchairmen for Warren county: Bolton Landing, Mrs John K, Stickney; Caldwell, Miss M. C. Hubb*U Chestertown, Mrs. Howard B. Swan; Hague, Mr. Jesse Sexton; Horican, Mr. W» S. Gaapenter; Johnsburg, Mr. Rich-ard lawyer; Luxerne, Mrs. W. T. Gar* ner; Queensbury, Mrs. F. A Richard; son; Stony Creek, Mrs. John Arehart-Thurman, Miss Mary McPhillipsj Wat* rensburgh, Mr*. Frank Smith,

U d i M Aid Will Hold

•TJh*-l*a4ies:'Aid|;'Sc .&• E. Church will hold its Annual Baiasr and

! J@6od: ^jal« ^\^e!-vtJatiry".-«Mt ti»«; <hto*rch on Thursday afternoon, D e c . 4tb. The tableof fancy and u e 'ul < articlei will be in charge of Mrs. .»,©« Waddell and Mt aids. Miss i .argaret Liddle and Mrs. J u t u s Brown. Thia t*b|e wi l l solve some of your Christmas g i f t prob­lems. The Foo^ Table will be ki charge of Mrs. Wm. Alexander and h e r aids, Mrs. R. J. Martin and Mrs. A. R. Bra-•y . The ladies are hoping t h i t t h e

kiudnest o f their ir.any friends will make this Basaar, as usual, a.social and financial soccsss .

jnCrs. Alexander

'Sa# ^PH ^# "wr ' e^w^r^^'^saa^p^^^ v a a a^peb a isaaiMi ^S' wwvpir

Teacher'i Bridga Club at h e r home l a s t Thursday, •ventag , > Nbv. £0th. The following wars present- Misses Lefa Brown, Jesais Wilson, Mary O Breen, Greoe Noxoa , Geraldine Brown, L e t h a Proskine and Mies Alderson.

Refreahments were served.

North Creel


I S f CHURCH. Rev, W* t JDurfee, Minister.

'Servjcea Morning Worship XQ'M Sunday School 11:45 Evenmg Worahip 7:30 tYayer Service Wecl. %M P*M*

"-'-..... ,« ,M»-.-„ *


H. L Brsleyj Oommander Kenneth &tfm&t, Vice Commainder William Durgaft, Sargent a t Arms. Howard Alexander, Post Adjutant.

Plasa Theatre at Chestertown will hsveJBienor Glya's '^fhree W e e k s " for Wednesday and Thursday, i jec . 3-4, This i s a magnificent photoplay, that fol lows the novel closely.—Adv.

Send Ui Tour Bouquet*.


HOME B U R E A U . Chairman; Mra- William Lee . Vice Chairman.' Mrs. William Noxon. Secretary and Treasurer; Mrs. Chas.


* •» *

Watte Rose Teas, Coffee Canned Fruits And Vegetables

BuildingSuppliesA«tf 'M.' <#

*££W" -*"** '**?'

.Special attention i» »0w being given te^th* vltaniln content of eggs and their fertfttty andhatchabtttty as af-

;iec|ed-by .rariras. * * * '

P<t etefylhing you can to make your hmmmottable. it their health and vitality are kept at the highest lwel, IM**a*4l many,eggs to your basket

herd it «* two


; , . _ - ' W « i « starts in a

:m&rmm** m o« i>*

» t v .~ l\-A

- V

"Who it your favorite business man, or woman o f North CreeVia? the $e**i* tory covered b y *fi*e paper. What have they done, and what are t h e y doing.** „ .[

Give us an outline of their lifes, do­ings, in deeds and business. This in­vitation bars no one. Send us your manuscript, and we will print them as f ast as possible, and in order received. Please condense your comments as: much as practical for a good history.

All communications will be held strictly confidential,-and you may feet free to air your praise. \

Let's throw a few bouquets while the people are alive to appreciate tnem. Praise doesn't injury any one, and the most of us likes it better before we are dead. Lets see wbst good you can say about your favorite friend or relative.

Address your letters to * The Enterprise," North Creek.

Dislocates Slroulder.

Mate Yor . Book.«a4« 6*m tediritk UlMolftd s wax to uatck * R v ma room color s^*ss»aseflK(:

****"!•** Vfax , , — illusbrated & bookteilsin 4etsa how to make and decorate gifts,

X$S$kS£& S*»» to makewall aww*iMW* plagues^ pendants,

earrings and hat ornaments; paint ceaid]e*> vase% and

how to tranafona ?*®*m J»e*penS\



jfjit:'%^*''',l*l°* '^•'^'•'•SWRIJUHC Dor-

***** • -mmm*&m beauQrshd u s e M i Hem.'-' Jhebookefinatruc-twos costs bat loe. Sets of actual pat­terns from which you can week are alee tan cents.

IwnMaWv* •altHfalUrs talc* m

^ S S • ' — ^ "

• n h h i A - ^ni»B*»B«W C.-^»-^tr'V""»*!i"<<>««*K S~. -tJfc'Hintttiivi^Mi^laii ,^w.>^^fe^f,iiN^t..»wf«^j<4ii»»^iii iiiiiift irtMHiipiii

Loddj Turner while doing his ehosrs Saturday night, m from the hay Wt and disiocaUd hi, t ^ ^ fe ^ ** f 11 attsniaitW"*^*^-

, '••** mym^^Q» <sw sajsjap,

J A Kft3s3 I JewC Lessor

« s a j l e * a e j [ . W w t ftlld frTjtJijJ^ Salt Jit

"* 2.-00 P.M. sa4

*&ij M


