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Subseasonal Predictions of Regional Summer Monsoon ...

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Subseasonal Predictions of Regional Summer Monsoon Rainfall over Tropical Asian Oceans and Land XIANGWEN LIU National Climate Center, and Laboratory for Climate Studies, China Meteorological Administration, Beijing, China SONG YANG School of Environmental Science and Engineering, and Institute of Earth Climate and Environment System, Sun Yat-sen University, Guangzhou, China JIANGLONG LI AND WEIHUA JIE National Climate Center, and Laboratory for Climate Studies, China Meteorological Administration, Beijing, China LIANG HUANG Nantong Meteorological Bureau, Nantong, Jiangsu, China WEIZONG GU Zaozhuang Meteorological Bureau, Zaozhuang, Shandong, China (Manuscript received 16 December 2014, in final form 18 August 2015) ABSTRACT Subseasonal predictions of the regional summer rainfall over several tropical Asian ocean and land do- mains are examined using hindcasts by the NCEP CFSv2. Higher actual and potential forecast skill are found over oceans than over land. The forecast for Arabian Sea (AS) rainfall is most skillful, while that for Indo- China (ICP) rainfall is most unskillful. The rainfall–surface temperature (ST) relationship over AS is char- acterized by strong and fast ST forcing but a weak and slow ST response, while the relationships over the Bay of Bengal, the South China Sea (SCS), and the India subcontinent (IP) show weak and slow ST forcing, but apparently strong and rapid ST response. Land–air interactions are often less noticeable over ICP and southern China (SC) than over IP. The CFSv2 forecasts reasonably reproduce these observed features, but the local rainfall–ST relationships often suffer from different degrees of unrealistic estimation. Also, the observed local rainfall is often related to the circulation over limited regions, which gradually become more extensive in forecasts as lead time increases. The prominent interannual differences in forecast skill of re- gional rainfall are sometimes associated with apparent disparities in forecasts of local rainfall–ST relation- ships. Besides, interannual variations of boreal summer intraseasonal oscillation, featured by obvious changes in frequency and amplitude of certain phases, significantly modulate the forecasts of rainfall over certain regions, especially the SCS and SC. It is further discussed that the regional characteristics of rainfall and model’s deficiencies in capturing the influences of local and large-scale features are responsible for the re- gional discrepancies of actual predictability of rainfall. 1. Introduction The Asian summer monsoon (ASM), one of the most energetic components of the global climate system, in- fluences about half of the world’s population by its pro- nounced multiscale variability and close relationships with many prominent weather and climate phenomena Corresponding author address: Prof. Song Yang, Department of Atmospheric Sciences, Sun Yat-sen University, 135 W. Xingang Rd., Haizhu District, Guangzhou, Guangdong 510275, China. E-mail: [email protected] Denotes Open Access content. 15 DECEMBER 2015 LIU ET AL. 9583 DOI: 10.1175/JCLI-D-14-00853.1 Ó 2015 American Meteorological Society Unauthenticated | Downloaded 01/16/22 06:27 AM UTC
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Subseasonal Predictions of Regional Summer Monsoon Rainfall overTropical Asian Oceans and Land


National Climate Center, and Laboratory for Climate Studies, China Meteorological Administration, Beijing, China


School of Environmental Science and Engineering, and Institute of Earth Climate and Environment

System, Sun Yat-sen University, Guangzhou, China


National Climate Center, and Laboratory for Climate Studies, China Meteorological Administration, Beijing, China


Nantong Meteorological Bureau, Nantong, Jiangsu, China


Zaozhuang Meteorological Bureau, Zaozhuang, Shandong, China

(Manuscript received 16 December 2014, in final form 18 August 2015)


Subseasonal predictions of the regional summer rainfall over several tropical Asian ocean and land do-

mains are examined using hindcasts by the NCEP CFSv2. Higher actual and potential forecast skill are found

over oceans than over land. The forecast for Arabian Sea (AS) rainfall is most skillful, while that for Indo-

China (ICP) rainfall is most unskillful. The rainfall–surface temperature (ST) relationship over AS is char-

acterized by strong and fast ST forcing but a weak and slow ST response, while the relationships over the Bay

of Bengal, the South China Sea (SCS), and the India subcontinent (IP) show weak and slow ST forcing, but

apparently strong and rapid ST response. Land–air interactions are often less noticeable over ICP and

southern China (SC) than over IP. The CFSv2 forecasts reasonably reproduce these observed features, but

the local rainfall–ST relationships often suffer from different degrees of unrealistic estimation. Also, the

observed local rainfall is often related to the circulation over limited regions, which gradually become more

extensive in forecasts as lead time increases. The prominent interannual differences in forecast skill of re-

gional rainfall are sometimes associated with apparent disparities in forecasts of local rainfall–ST relation-

ships. Besides, interannual variations of boreal summer intraseasonal oscillation, featured by obvious changes

in frequency and amplitude of certain phases, significantly modulate the forecasts of rainfall over certain

regions, especially the SCS and SC. It is further discussed that the regional characteristics of rainfall and

model’s deficiencies in capturing the influences of local and large-scale features are responsible for the re-

gional discrepancies of actual predictability of rainfall.

1. Introduction

The Asian summer monsoon (ASM), one of the most

energetic components of the global climate system, in-

fluences about half of the world’s population by its pro-

nounced multiscale variability and close relationships

with many prominent weather and climate phenomena

Corresponding author address: Prof. Song Yang, Department of

Atmospheric Sciences, Sun Yat-sen University, 135W. Xingang

Rd., Haizhu District, Guangzhou, Guangdong 510275, China.

E-mail: [email protected]

Denotes Open Access content.

15 DECEMBER 2015 L IU ET AL . 9583

DOI: 10.1175/JCLI-D-14-00853.1

� 2015 American Meteorological SocietyUnauthenticated | Downloaded 01/16/22 06:27 AM UTC

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both inside and outside the monsoon region. Thus, un-

derstanding the origin of monsoon variability and further

providing accurate prediction of monsoon climate espe-

cially monsoon rainfall are of critical importance for the

development of economy and society.

Over the past few decades, dynamical forecast has

achieved a great progress and become an important ap-

proach in monsoon research and prediction operation.

With the upgrade of dynamical models (Arribas et al.

2011; Molteni et al. 2011; Saha et al. 2014), enhancement

of model resolutions (Pope and Stratton 2002; Wen et al.

2012), improvement of initial conditions (Fu et al. 2009,

2011), inclusion of air–sea coupling (KrishnaKumar et al.

2005;Wang et al. 2005), application of ensemblemethods

(Wang et al. 2009; Weisheimer et al. 2009; Kirtman et al.

2014), and utilization of the downscaling method (Kang

et al. 2009; Sun and Chen 2012), the skill in predicting

monsoon and its influencing factors has been improved.

However, apparent deficiencies in reproducing the

observed monsoon climatology, variability, and re-

lationships with other climate systems still exist in the

state-of-the-art climate models (Wang et al. 2008; Lee

et al. 2010; Kim et al. 2012; Liu et al. 2013; Zhao andYang

2014). Especially, dynamical predictions are often less

skillful in capturing regional monsoon characteristics

compared to large-scale features and in describing mon-

soon rainfall compared to monsoon circulation (Yang

et al. 2008; Drbohlav and Krishnamurthy 2010; Liu et al.

2014a, 2015; Jiang et al. 2013a).

Subseasonal forecast of ASM, with a focus on the ex-

tended range time scale between weather phenomena

and seasonal means, is noticeably controlled by both

initial conditions and boundary forcing, and is thus an

especially challenging task. The subseasonal predictabil-

ity of tropical monsoon rests largely on the existence of

low-frequency tropical intraseasonal oscillations (Waliser

et al. 2003; Pegion and Sardeshmukh 2011). In spite of

many shortcomings, present climate models have shown

reasonable prediction skill in reproducing the major fea-

tures of intraseasonal oscillations including their struc-

ture, intensity, spectrum, propagation, and relationships

with seasonal-to-interannual climate variability (e.g., Kim

et al. 2008; Xavier et al. 2008; Seo et al. 2009; Joseph et al.

2010; Fu et al. 2011; Liu et al. 2014b). Some global models

exhibit useful skill on time scales beyond 2–3 weeks, es-

pecially when measured by indices of multivariate spatial

modes (Fu et al. 2013a; Neena et al. 2014). It is also noted

that intraseasonal rainfall variability is often more diffi-

cult to predict compared to circulation variability

(Reichler and Roads 2005; Fu et al. 2011, 2013b). Many

studies have focused on the forecast skill of intraseasonal

oscillations over extensive tropical domains instead of

regional features. Recently Abhilash et al. (2014) and Liu

et al. (2014a) have examined the subseasonal prediction

skill for the Indian monsoon and the major global mon-

soon components, respectively, and found that the actual

forecast skill is closely related to the behaviors of large-

scale features that are linked to regional monsoons.

Nevertheless, there are still few particular explorations on

subseasonal forecasts of rainfall over different regions

that are important aspects to address in this study.

Air–sea interaction over the tropical Indo-western

Pacific contributes significantly to subseasonal monsoon

variability (Hendon and Glick 1997; Woolnough et al.

2000). Ocean–atmosphere coupling apparently affects

the characteristics of subseasonal anomalies, especially

their amplitude and propagation (Waliser et al. 1999; Fu

et al. 2003; Pegion and Kirtman 2008). As a critical

process, the mutual feedback between subseasonal sea

surface temperature (SST) and rainfall over the tropical

Indo–western Pacific has been explored using both ob-

served and simulated data (Hendon and Glick 1997;

Woolnough et al. 2000; Arakawa and Kitoh 2004; Pegion

and Kirtman 2008). Its regional features and differences

have also been investigated (Roxy and Tanimoto 2007,

2012; Wu et al. 2008; Wu 2010). Roxy et al. (2013) ex-

amined the discrepancies in ocean–atmosphere and

atmosphere–ocean effects over three different ocean

areas in the tropical ASM region and explained local

SST–rainfall relationships. However, most previous

studies often focus on the overall characteristics rather

than the interannual difference in subseasonal pre-

dictability and the possible effect of air–sea interaction on

actual predictions of subseasonal monsoon rainfall vari-

ability. Also, the regional differences in rainfall–surface

temperature (ST) interaction over land are less discussed

compared to those over oceans.

Given the above aspects to address, we conduct this

study with a particular concern on the subseasonal

forecast of ASM regional rainfall using hindcasts from a

state-of-the-art climate forecast model. The rainfall over

the Arabian Sea (AS), the India subcontinent (IP), the

Bay of Bengal (BOB), Indo-China (ICP), the South

China Sea (SCS), and southern China (SC) are focused.

The following questions are particularly addressed: At

what lead time can the subseasonal regional rainfall

variability be predicted? To what extent can local

sea/land–air interactions and large-scale circulation

pattern be skillfully reproduced and how are they re-

sponsible for the performance of rainfall forecasts?

What are the differences among the various regions, and

between land and ocean domains?What are the possible

causes of these differences?

The rest of this paper is organized as follows. An

overview of model output and observational data is pro-

vided in section 2. Subseasonal predictions of the general


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characteristics and regional features are given in sections

3 and 4. Prediction of local ST–rainfall relationship and its

influence on rainfall forecast are examined in section 5.

Modulation of the boreal summer intraseasonal oscilla-

tion (BSISO) on regional rainfall forecast is explored in

section 6. A summary and a discussion of the results ob-

tained are provided in section 7.

2. Data and analysis methods

The hindcast data from the National Centers for En-

vironmental Prediction (NCEP) Climate Forecast Sys-

tem, version 2 (CFSv2), is used in this study. The CFSv2

is a coupled atmosphere–ocean–land–sea ice dynamical

seasonal prediction system (Saha et al. 2014). It com-

prises the NCEP atmospheric Global Forecast System

with a spectral triangular truncation at wavenumber 126

(T126) horizontal resolution and 64 sigma layers in the

vertical, the four-layer Noah land surfacemodel, and the

Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory Modular

Ocean Model, version 4, at 0.258–0.58 grid spacing cou-

pled with a two-layer sea ice model. The CFSv2 has

provided rolling retrospective forecasts with 45-day in-

tegrations initiated from every 0000, 0600, 1200, and

1800 UTC cycle from 1999 to 2010. The daily-mean

output for rainfall, winds, ST, and outgoing longwave

radiation (OLR) is analyzed in this study.

The observational data used for model verification in-

clude the daily winds and ST from the NCEP Climate

Forecast System Reanalysis (CFSR; Saha et al. 2010;

http://cfs.ncep.noaa.gov/cfsr/) with a 18 3 18 horizontal

resolution, precipitation from the Global Precipitation

Climatology Project (GPCP; Huffman et al. 2001; http://

precip.gsfc.nasa.gov/) at 18 3 18 resolution, and OLR

(Liebmann and Smith 1996; http://www.esrl.noaa.gov/psd/

data/gridded/data.interp_OLR.html) from the National

Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) at

2.58 3 2.58 resolution. Based upon interpolations of data

from high to low resolution with area-weighting in-

terpolation method, the computations in sections 3–5 are

conducted on a 18 3 18 resolution that is consistent with

CFSR,while the calculations forBSISOmodes in section 6

are carried on a 2.58 3 2.58 resolution for unification with


In our study, results of subseasonal prediction are

mostly examined by pentad means of various variables in

boreal summer (June–September), except that the

BSISO features shown in section 6 are based on daily

means. For a specific target pentad, lead 0 denotes the

forecasts initialized on the first day of the pentad, lead 1

refers to the forecasts initialized on the last day of the

previous pentad, lead 2 for the model runs initialized

2 days ahead of the first day of the target pentad, and so

forth. To reasonably show ensemble prediction skill, the

predictions for a certain pentad are divided into 22 groups

according to the length of lead time (i.e., 0–1, 2–3, and

every 2 days to 42–43 days). Thus, most of the pentad

predictions are ensemble means of eight members within

2-day leads. For each pentad in a certain year, and for all

the lead days, the pentad-mean anomalies are computed

by subtracting the corresponding pentad climatology from

1999 to 2010 and further deducting the seasonal mean

anomaly of that year, thus retaining the climate variability

signals between synoptic and seasonal time scales.

3. Prediction of major rainfall features over ASMregions

Liu et al. (2013, 2014a) have reported bias formation

of the ASM in the CFSv2. Significant systematic biases

of monsoon rainfall exist in the model, including wet

biases over the AS, the equatorial Indian Ocean, and

the tropical western North Pacific and dry biases over

the IP, ICP, northern BOB, and the SCS. In associa-

tion, westerly wind bias occurs over the equatorial

Indian Ocean and easterly wind bias appears over

southern Asia. A cyclonic wind bias dominates over

the northwestern Pacific and a northerly wind bias

prevails over the SCS. For ST, warmer biases are found

over the AS, BOB, SCS, and the tropical western

North Pacific, and cooler biases appear over the ICP

and SC, with opposite-sign biases to the north and

south of IP. Various biases are closely associated with

internal and external factors of the atmosphere, and

they often show time dependence.

Underestimation of rainfall over the northernBOBand

SCS and overestimation of rainfall over thewesternNorth

Pacific have also been found in the NCEP CFS, version 1

(e.g., Yang et al. 2008; Drbohlav and Krishnamurthy

2010), DEMETER, and ENSEMBLES multimodel sea-

sonal forecasts (e.g., Preethi et al. 2010; Rajeevan et al.

2012), and the prediction models of the Asian–Pacific

Economic Cooperation (APEC) Climate Center/Climate

Prediction and its Application to Society (APCC/CliPAS)

projects (Lee et al. 2010). Different from the opposite

biases over the eastern and western equatorial Indian

Ocean in the CFS, version 1, and other multimodel en-

semble forecasts (Drbohlav and Krishnamurthy 2010;

Rajeevan et al. 2012), the CFSv2 exhibits an extensively

wet bias over the entire equatorial Indian Ocean. In ad-

dition, as in most climate models, excessive rainfall is

predicted over the west coast of ICP and the southern

flank of the Tibetan Plateau, attributed possibly to the

model’s inability in describing terrain-related rainfall.

These biases suggest some common deficiencies of mon-

soon rainfall forecast by current climate models.

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The standard deviation of subseasonal rainfall var-

iation is also explored. Different from the significant

seasonal-to-interannual variability over the ASM re-

gion and equatorial regions (e.g., Drbohlav and

Krishnamurthy 2010; Kim et al. 2012), maximum

subseasonal variations of rainfall are observed over

eastern AS, northern BOB, SCS, and the Philippine

Sea. This feature appears because of the prevalence of

intraseasonal oscillation, a major part of subseasonal

variability, over the tropical ASM region in summer

(e.g., Kim et al. 2008; Joseph et al. 2010). The CFSv2

predictions capture the general spatial distribution of

the major centers, but with apparently overestimated

magnitude at the minimum lead time. On the other

hand, the values over the mainland of ASM region are

often underestimated. As lead time increases, the

standard deviations of regional rainfall exhibit an

abruptly decreasing tendency, due partially to the

saturation and little change of model error at the high

leads, as well as the gradually increasing contribution

from the slowly varying components of the large-scale

climate system (figure not shown).

Based on the root-mean-square error (RMSE)

and temporal correlation coefficient (TCC) between

observations and predictions, we present the spatial

distributions of multiyear-averaged skill in subseasonal

rainfall variation in Fig. 1. Remarkable differences in

RMSE between forecasts of 2-day lead and 0-day lead

appear over most of the tropical central-eastern Indian

Ocean and the northwestern Pacific, denoting a quick

formation of error over the tropical ASM region at

short leads. When lead time advances, the range of

marked increase in RMSE shrinks gradually and is

confined to the equatorial central-eastern Indian

Ocean at about a 2-week lead. Nevertheless, over re-

gions such as the southwest and northeast coast of AS

and the western equatorial Pacific, RMSE decreases

from a 1-week lead to a 2-week lead (Figs. 1a–c). Be-

cause of the much quicker saturation of error for

rainfall than for circulation, error growth of rainfall is

often very small after the 2-week lead. Also, in spite of a

quick decrease in TCC with lead time, more significant

skill is found over oceans than over land. Especially, the

forecast of rainfall over the AS is more skillful than that

over other oceans (Figs. 1d–f). Similarly, prediction of

850-hPa zonal wind shows especially high skill over the

AS and south of the ICP and SCS, and forecast of ST is

often more skillful over the AS than over the BOB, the

equatorial eastern Indian Ocean, and the SCS (figures

not shown).

FIG. 1. (left) Differences in root-mean-square error of rainfall (mmday21) between leads of (a) 2–3 and 0–1 days,

(b) 6–7 and 2–3 days, and (c) 14–15 and 6–7 days. (right) Temporal correlations between observation and predictions

of leads of (d) 0–1, (e) 6–7, and (f) 14–15 days. Shown are the 12-year means from 1999 to 2010. The shading levels of

0.4, 0.52, and 0.63 at (right) represent the statistically significant values of correlation above the 95%, 99%, and 99.9%

confidence levels, respectively.


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4. Prediction of regional monsoon rainfall

a. Selection of ocean and land domains

We determine the domains of analysis based on both

their geographical locations and the distributions of

rainfall climatology and variability. The details of domain-

selecting process are described as follows. First, with an

area-weighting interpolation method, the 20 gridded

global relief data, ETOPO2v2, are interpolated to the

horizontal grids used in our analysis to obtain a real

ocean–land mask. Then, the general ranges of several

tropical Asian ocean and land domains are listed ac-

cording to their locations and rainfall features. At last,

given the difficulty in estimating the influence of topog-

raphy on rainfall by climate models and models’ inability

of describing the effect of local ocean–land difference

resulting from limited resolution and problem of ocean–

land mask, we further remove some grid points near the

ocean–land boundaries and ensure that all the others in a

certain ocean/land domain are enclosed by grids with the

same nature. The final ranges of various ocean and land

domains are drawn in Fig. 2.

The subseasonal variations of area-averaged rainfall

climatologies for the various domains are given in Fig. 3.

Most predictions of rainfall over AS and IP are featured

by obvious wet and dry biases during the entire summer,

respectively. Compared to the overall small differences

among various leads of rainfall predictions over AS and

most lands, remarkable spreads of ensemble members

exist in the predictions over BOB and SCS, suggesting

large potential uncertainties for rainfall forecasts over

the latter two regions. For the temporal evolution of

climatological rainfall, high and slowly decreasing cor-

relations between observations and multilead pre-

dictions are found over AS, IP, and SC, in contrast to the

low and quickly dropping correlations over BOB, SCS,

and ICP. This feature appears partially because the cli-

matological rainfall over the former three regions has a

significant seasonal trend in summer, which is more

easily captured by the model. Meanwhile, the large

subseasonal variance and notable forecast spread over

SCS and BOB also cause difficulty in predicting the

seasonal cycle of rainfall over these two areas.

b. Skill in spatial and temporal variability of regionalrainfall

For the rainfall anomalies over various regions, pattern

correlation coefficient (PCC) between observation and

prediction is computed pentad by pentad, and year by

year. Themultiyear-averagedPCC in eachpentad and the

summer-averaged PCC in each year are given in Fig. 4. In

respect to the climatological average, overall higher skill

is found for forecasts of rainfall over oceans than over

land (Fig. 4a). Especially, the forecasts of rainfall over

ICP are mostly unskillful during the entire summer. It

should also be noted that the rainfall over oceans, espe-

cially the AS and the SCS, exhibits a minimum of PCC

from mid-July to early August, which to some extent

agrees with the findings by Fu et al. (2011) and Abhilash

et al. (2014). Forecasts of rainfall over oceans exhibit

more remarkable interannual differences, featured by a

drop of PCCs below the 95% confidence level after a few

days of forecasts in some time but at about three-week or

longer lead in other time (Fig. 4b). The maximum lead

time for forecasts with useful skill is 27, 21, and 19 days,

and the minimum lead time is 3, 5, and 3 days for pre-

dictions of rainfall over AS, BOB, and SCS, respectively

(Table 1). In contrast, relatively small interannual differ-

ences of PCC are found for forecasts over most land do-

mains, along with rapid descents of PCC below the

confidence level in most cases (Fig. 4b). The longest lead

time for skillful forecasts of rainfall over IP, ICP, and SC is

FIG. 2. Ranges of ocean domains (blue; Arabian Sea, Bay of Bengal, and South China Sea)

and land domains (brown; India subcontinent, Indo-China, and southern China) defined in

this study.

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9, 5, and 11 days, and the shortest is 0 day for IP and ICP

rainfall and 1 day for SC rainfall (Table 1). Meanwhile,

Fig. 4b andTable 1 also present the potential forecast skill

over various regions that are defined as the correlations

between two different forecasts at certain lead time as-

suming that the model is perfect. On average, the po-

tential forecast skill is significant at the lead time of about

40 days for rainfall over all oceans, but become unskillful

beyond the lead time of about 3weeks for the rainfall over

IP and ICP and 2 weeks for the rainfall over SC. The

actual forecasts are obviously worse than the potential

forecasts of rainfall, especially over ICP where the largest

potential skill and smallest actual skill among three land

domains are found.

We further examine the TCCs of subseasonal rainfall

variations over the various domains (Fig. 5a). Similar to

PCCs, the TCCs over oceans decrease more slowly with

lead time and exhibit larger interannual differences over

oceans than over land. TCCs and PCCs of rainfall

overall show different interannual features. However,

for some extreme cases such as the skillful forecasts of

the AS rainfall in 2000 and 2006 and the SCS rainfall in

2007, as well as the unskillful forecasts of the AS rainfall

in 2007, the BOB rainfall in 2009, and the SCS rainfall in

2010, TCCs and PCCs can attain skill peaks or lows si-

multaneously. This feature suggests the possible exis-

tence of certain predictability factors that commonly

affect the temporal and spatial variability of rainfall in

some particular years. In addition, the average lead time

for TCC to become insignificant is the longest for the

AS rainfall (beyond 11 days) and the shortest for the

ICP rainfall (beyond 1 day), respectively. Especially,

the rainfall over AS can be predicted skillfully at the

lead time of 27 days in 2003, but the rainfall over ICP

cannot be captured even at a 0-day lead time in 1999,

2005, and 2007 (Table 1). These results further dem-

onstrate the especially reasonable skill in forecasting

the rainfall over AS and the tremendous difficulty in

forecasting the rainfall over ICP. Much better than the

actual forecasts, potential forecasts show useful skill at

lead time above 40 days for rainfall over oceans, but are

skillful only at lead time shorter than 3 weeks for

rainfall over land, with a minimum of 17 lead days over

SC (Fig. 5a, Table 1).

To understand the relationship between tropical

rainfall and the underlying ST, we also analyze the TCCs

of subseasonal variations of the average ST over dif-

ferent regions (Fig. 5b). Apparent interannual differ-

ences in forecasts, especially at long leads, are found

over most domains except SC. On average, the lead days

for forecast skill to fall below the confidence level of

statistical significance are around 2 weeks over most

regions except AS where the forecasts with leads of

above 3 weeks are still skillful. The average potential

FIG. 3. Pentad climatologies of rainfall (mmday21) averaged over the (a) Arabian Sea,

(b) Bay of Bengal, (c) South China Sea, (d) India subcontinent, (e) Indo-China, and

(f) southern China for observation and forecasts of various leads. All lines are smoothed by

three-point running average, and the decimal values shown in parentheses represent the

temporal correlations and root-mean-square errors between observation and predictions.


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FIG. 4. (a) Multiyear-averaged pattern correlations of rainfall anomalies over various regions

between observation and forecasts as a function of lead time (y coordinate) and seasonal stage (x

coordinate). (b) Summer-averaged pattern correlations as a function of lead time (x coordinate)

for each year. Results shown in (b) are three-point running averages along the forecast lead time,

and the black dashed straight lines denote the values of statistical significance at the 95% con-

fidence level. The black solid and dashed curved lines represent the multiyear averages of actual

forecast skill and potential skill, respectively.

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skill is often significant at a 40-day lead time for the

forecasts of ST over most regions except SC, where the

longest lead time with useful skill is shorter than

3 weeks. This feature suggests a relatively small differ-

ence between potential and actual forecasts of the ST

over SC. However, the skillful forecasts of regional ST

do not guarantee successful predictions of regional

rainfall. For instance, over AS, interannual variations of

TCC skill in ST and rainfall do not show significant

positive correlations at most leads, and particularly the

extremely skillful forecasts of ST at all leads in 2004 and

2005 do not lead to outstanding skill in rainfall pre-

dictions [Fig. 5b(1)]. Similar features are also found for

forecasts of rainfall over other regions, suggesting that

there is probably no significant linear relationship be-

tween forecast skill in temporal variations of rainfall and

ST over most ASM regions.

To further explore the possible connections among

the forecast skill of rainfall and ST, we examine the

scatter distributions of TCCs and PCCs of rainfall and

ST over various regions. It can be seen from Fig. 6 that

overall the various skills are featured by scattered dis-

tributions and do not show strong linear relationships.

Compared to the relationships between ST PCC and

rainfall PCC (Figs. 6c and 6d), and between ST TCC

and rainfall TCC (Figs. 6e and 6f), the connection be-

tween rainfall TCC and rainfall PCC (Figs. 6a and 6b)

often shows even weaker linear relationships, with

larger spreads over land than over oceans. Maximum

spreads appear over ICP while minimum spreads are

over AS. This feature further confirms that overall the

temporal variability and spatial variability of regional

rainfall cannot be predicted well consistently, in spite

of a few exceptions as previously mentioned. In contrast,

it is more likely that skillful forecasts of regional ST

are related to successful forecasts of rainfall and thus

relatively small spreads of linear relationships between

ST skill and rainfall skill are often found (Figs. 6c–f),

except for the forecasts of ST and rainfall over BOB

(Fig. 6c). Given the overall insignificant correlation be-

tween ST TCC and rainfall TCC shown above, the rel-

atively strong relationship between the forecasts of ST

and rainfall is more exemplified in capturing their PCCs.

Especially, the interannual correlations between the

PCCs (average during 0–10 lead days) of ST and rainfall

over SCS and IP are 0.63 and 0.73, respectively, both

above the 95% confidence level.

5. Effects of local ST–rainfall relationship

To understand the possible causes of the success or the

failure of regional rainfall forecasts, subseasonal sea–air

interaction and land–air interaction and their influences

on regional rainfall are examined, with a focus on the

observed and predicted relationships between rainfall

and ST over various regions as well as their regional

differences. The features of related large-scale circula-

tion are also discussed.

The simultaneous relationships of area-averaged

rainfall with ST and 850-hPa winds over the ASM re-

gion are given in Fig. 7. In observation, heavy rainfall

over AS corresponds to a cyclonic wind anomaly from

Somali to northern AS, associated with warm (cool) ST

over the north (south) of maximum wind anomaly. The

CFSv2 reasonably reproduces the observed features at

lead time shorter than two weeks, but apparently over-

estimates the positive correlations between rainfall and

ST over an extensive region from AS to the Philippine

Sea at longer leads, along with an intensification of zonal

wind response over the South Asian monsoon region

(Fig. 7a). Also observed is that heavy rainfall over BOB

and SCS are coupled with cyclonic wind anomalies over

TABLE 1. The longest lead time (day) for forecasts of regional pentad rainfall with skillful PCCs and TCCs in each year. The right two

columns show the longest leads for multiyear averages of actual skill and potential skill, respectively. Eight ensemble members within

2-day leads are used to compute the potential skill based on perfect model assumption.

1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 Actual Potential

PCC AS 7 21 7 17 3 11 21 27 5 9 9 11 9 40

BOB 7 21 9 7 13 9 9 9 11 5 7 5 7 40

SCS 5 3 9 11 9 11 19 3 11 7 5 5 7 40

IP 3 9 7 3 0 5 7 7 5 9 7 3 5 21

ICP 3 1 0 5 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 23

SC 3 7 5 7 1 5 3 5 11 7 5 5 5 13

TCC AS 5 19 11 9 27 13 7 21 7 9 23 13 11 40

BOB 15 9 7 9 7 9 11 5 17 5 5 5 7 40

SCS 9 19 13 3 5 3 5 3 15 5 5 3 5 40

IP 7 7 1 5 1 5 5 5 5 3 9 9 5 21

ICP 0 5 1 3 3 7 0 9 0 1 1 7 1 19

SC 3 5 5 11 9 7 7 9 7 7 9 11 7 17


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regions from eastern AS to BOB and from BOB to SCS,

respectively. These relationships are well captured by

the model predictions of short leads, but exaggerated as

lead time increases. As a result, a response of zonal wind

over a broad region from AS to the Philippine Sea and

extensive negative correlations with the ST over tropical

Asia, together with regional positive correlations with

the ST over south of the Tibetan Plateau, are predicted

in the long-lead forecasts for rainfall over both BOB and

SCS (Figs. 7b and 7c). The above results indicate grad-

ually strengthening relationships between regional

rainfall and large-scale circulation and ST patterns with

increasing lead time, especially for rainfall over BOB

and SCS, associated with the enhancing connection of

FIG. 5. As in Fig. 4b, but for subseasonal temporal correlations of regionally averaged

(a) rainfall and (b) surface temperature between observations and forecasts during the summer.

The black dashed straight lines denote the values of statistical significance at the 95%

confidence level.

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rainfall between the two regions as lead time increases.

Indeed, the climatological TCC of rainfall between

BOB and SCS is only 0.23 in observations, but above

0.5 in forecasts of leads longer than 10 days, with a

maximum of 0.7 at the lead of 36 days. This feature

denotes that, in long-lead forecasts, the detailed regional

difference between BOB and SCS becomes hardly


The rainfall over land always shows insignificant or

localized links with 850-hPa winds in both observations

and most predictions, and the rainfall over IP and ICP

exhibits unrealistically strong connections with regional

FIG. 6. Scatter distribution of forecast skill for the relationships between (a),(b) TCC and

PCC of rainfall; (c),(d) surface temperature PCC and rainfall PCC; and (e),(f) surface tem-

perature TCC and rainfall TCC over (left) oceans and (right) land. Shown are results for

forecasts of 0–10 lead days in each year. The decimal values given in each panel are spreads of

the ratio of y coordinate to x coordinate for results over Arabian Sea, Bay of Bengal, South

China Sea, and all oceans at (left), and for India subcontinent, Indo-China, southernChina, and

all land at (right), respectively.


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ST in CFSv2. As lead time increases, the rainfall over IP

and ICP, especially the latter, show gradual reinforcing

relationships with rainfall over neighboring regions (figures

not shown). These features may partially lead to the quick

decrease of forecast skill for rainfall over land.

It is also seen from Fig. 7 that on average rainfall and

ST show a positive correlation over AS. The feature

denotes the leading role of increased ST, induced by

downward shortwave radiation flux and suppressed

surface latent heat flux, in enhancing convective rainfall

by destabilizing the lower atmosphere (Fu et al. 2008;

Roxy and Tanimoto 2007, 2012; Wu 2010; Roxy et al.

2013) andmodifying the low-level convergence (Waliser

et al. 1999; Seo et al. 2007; Fu et al. 2008; Wu 2010). This

is different from the features over BOB and SCS where

negative correlations are observed, indicating the active

FIG. 7. Patterns of subseasonal temporal correlations (shading) between surface temperature and regional average rainfall, and patterns

of regressions (vectors) of 850-hPa winds on regional average rainfall, over the (a) Arabian Sea, (b) Bay of Bengal, and (c) South China

Sea. (top)–(bottom) The 12-yr-average features for observations and predictions of different leads. The shading levels of 0.4 and the

vectors represent the statistically significant values above the 95% confidence levels. Decimal values given in parentheses on the right in

the subtitles are spatial pattern correlations between predicted and observed features.

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part of enhanced rainfall in decreasing ST via the decline

of shortwave radiation and an increase in surface latent

heat (Woolnough et al. 2000; Pegion and Kirtman 2008;

Wu 2010; Roxy and Tanimoto 2012; Roxy et al. 2013).

Nevertheless, over the three ocean regions, the syn-

chronous TCCs between rainfall and ST are all weak in

observations, and they often remain insignificant inmost

forecasts for BOB and SCS but become significant in the

long-lead forecasts for AS.

Figure 8 further shows the lagged TCCs between

rainfall and ST for various regions. In observations,

maximum and minimum TCCs appear when ST anom-

alies lead or lag rainfall anomalies by 1–2 pentads. Over

AS (Fig. 8a), rainfall is significantly and positively cor-

related with the ST of 1-pentad lead, while the rainfall–

ST correlation quickly decreases and changes into ex-

tremely small negative values when ST lags rainfall by 2

pentads or more, implying that the sea–air interaction

over AS is more predominated by an ocean–atmosphere

effect. By comparison, the rainfall over BOB, SCS, and

IP (Figs. 8b–d) is correlated positively with the lead ST

by 1–3 pentads, and negatively with the lag ST by 1–3

pentads with a significant minimum at the 1-pentad lag.

The result demonstrates the existence of interaction

process in which ST affects rainfall and in turn the latter

feedbacks onto the former. Overall the leads and lags

with maximum and minimum correlations shown in this

study agree with the result by Roxy et al. (2013), who

showed that the ST leads with the strongest forcing were

5 days for AS and 12 days for BOB and SCS, and the ST

lags with the strongest response were 15 days over AS

and 7 days over BOB and SCS. Wu et al. (2008) also

revealed similar leads of ST forcing over these three

ocean regions. Nevertheless, our results further high-

light the apparently larger magnitude of ST forcing over

AS and ST response over BOB and SCS, compared to

the ST response over AS and the ST forcing over BOB

and SCS, respectively. The results also imply compara-

ble magnitudes of the land–air interaction over IP and

the sea–air interactions over BOB and SCS. Over ICP

and SC, the TCCs between rainfall and ST are always

small (Figs. 8e and 8f), suggesting relatively weaker

land–air interaction over these two regions.

The CFSv2 forecasts reasonably capture the observed

transitions of the local ST–rainfall relationship over the

various regions. However, the simultaneous positive

correlation over AS is apparently overestimated in the

long-lead forecasts and the correlation is even higher

FIG. 8. Multiyear-averaged temporal correlations of regional average rainfall with surface

temperature of a 6-pentad lead to a 6-pentad lag over various regions. Curves show the vari-

ations of forecasts with lead time, and open circles and crosses (only refer to the y coordinate)

denote the observations corresponding to the same-color solid lines and dashed lines, re-

spectively. Shown are the three-point running averages along the forecast lead days, and thin

black dashed horizontal lines denote the values of statistical significance of correlation at the

95% confidence level.


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than the correlation between rainfall and the 1-pentad

lead ST (Fig. 8a), indicating quicker- and stronger-than-

observed influences of ST on local rainfall in long lead

predictions. Meanwhile, the negative correlations

between rainfall and 1-pentad lagged ST are under-

estimated in the long-lead forecasts over BOB and in

all-lead forecasts over SCS (Figs. 8b and 8c). Over IP

and ICP where the closest connection is observed

when the ST lags the rainfall by 1 pentad, simultaneous

negative correlations are mostly significant and are

exaggerated by forecasts of various leads, denoting

quicker- and stronger-than-observed responses of land

ST to rainfall in the model (Figs. 8d and 8e).

Given that the strongest relationships between regional

ST and rainfall often appear when the former leads or

lags the latter by 1–2 pentads, we further analyze the

TCCs between ST and rainfall in different years, for a

1-pentad ST lead and lag (Fig. 9). Observations show

apparent regional differences in ST–rainfall relationship

on the subseasonal scale. Over AS, the TCCs at a

1-pentad ST lead are positive in all years, with an average

above the 95% confidence level. From a 1-pentad lead

to a 1-pentad lag, changes from positive correlations to

weak negative correlations only appear in one-third of

the years, showing that ST response is mostly slow and

weak compared to ST forcing. In contrast, over BOB and

SCS, most positive correlations at a 1-pentad ST lead

change into significant negative correlations at a 1-pentad

ST lag, suggesting that the sea–air interactions over BOB

and SCS are typically characterized by ST forcing on the

atmosphere first and the atmosphere feedbacks onto ST

afterward. Over land, positive correlations at a 1-pentad

ST lead are always observed with only a few exceptions.

At a 1-pentad ST lag, negative and mostly significant

correlations are found over IP, while the correlations

over ICP and SC are mostly negative but insignificant.

This feature once again proves that, although character-

ized by processes of ST forcing and atmospheric feed-

back, land–air interactions are overall weak except over

IP, where a magnitude of interaction comparable to that

over BOB and SCS is found and the response of ST to

local rainfall is especially remarkable.

Although with reasonable skill, the forecast results

given in Fig. 9 show again the overestimated ocean–

atmosphere effect over AS and the underestimated

atmosphere–ocean effect over BOB and SCS in long-lead

predictions. Also, significant interannual differences in

lagged ST–rainfall relationships and intense fluctuations

of the relationships with lead time are found over various

regions. Furthermore, the interannual differences of

forecast skill of regional rainfall are associated with the

obvious disparities in local ST–rainfall relationships. For

the forecasts of rainfall over AS in 1999 and 2007, for

example, the low TCCs and their quick decreases with

lead time [Fig. 5a(1)] clearly denote unskillful forecasts of

the rainfall. Correspondingly, the predictions exhibit in-

tense fluctuations of ST–rainfall relationships with lead

time [Figs. 9a(1) and 9b(1)]. Similar features are also seen

in 2010 for forecasts of the rainfall over both BOB and

SCS [Figs. 5a(2) and 5a(3) and Figs. 9a(2), 9a(3), 9b(2),

and 9b(3)]. In contrast, the forecasts of AS rainfall in

2000 and 2006 and BOB rainfall in 1999 and 2007 show

high and slowly dropping TCCs along with relatively

stable variations of ST–rainfall relationships with lead

time. Of course, the differences in connection between

regional rainfall and ST are often coupled with different

distributions of extensive anomalies of ST and large-scale

circulation. The above results imply that, to some extent,

the apparent differences in local ST–rainfall relationships

may contribute to the disparities of predictability of re-

gional rainfall.

6. Modulation of BSISO

In boreal summer, BSISO prevails over the ASM re-

gion and modulates the variability of regional rainfall.

Here we explore the skill of BSISO forecast, interannual

differences of BSISO, and their relationships with

forecasts of regional rainfall.

Lee et al. (2013) proposed two real-time BSISO in-

dices based on a multivariate empirical orthogonal

function (EOF) analysis of the daily 850-hPa zonal wind

and OLR over 108S–408N, 408–1608E. The BSISO1,

defined by the first two principal components (PCs),

represents the canonical northward-propagating intra-

seasonal oscillation (ISO) with periods of 30–60 days.

The BSISO2, defined by the third and fourth PCs, de-

scribes the northward- and northwestward-propagating

ISOwith periods of 10–30 days. In this study, we employ

the same procedure as Lee et al. (2013) to derive the

observed BSISO1 and BSISO2 indices using the daily

series of CFSR wind and NOAA OLR. Similar EOF

modes and phase cycles of BSISO to the previously

shown are obtained. Hindcasted BSISO indices are also

computed by projecting the combined anomaly fields

onto the observed modes.

Figure 10 shows the forecast skill of BSISO1 and

BSISO2 based on bivariate anomaly correlation (BAC)

and RMSE as defined by Lin et al. (2008). For the

overall BAC skill from June to September during 1999–

2010, taking 0.5 as the threshold of useful skill, the

BSISO1 and BSISO2 can be predicted in advance by 12

and 9 days, respectively. Obvious interannual differ-

ences, featured by a minimum of 8 days in 2010 and a

maximum of 17 days in 2008 for BSISO1, as well as a

minimum of 8 days in 2003 and 2006 and a maximum of

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12 days in 2010 for BSISO2, are also found (Figs. 10a and

10b). When measured by RMSE, different interannual

variations of forecast skill are shown, but overall the

same useful skill as BACs are found for all forecast cases

(Figs. 10c and 10d). The performance of forecast of in-

traseasonal oscillation is often dependent on the am-

plitude of the oscillation. For the BSISO1 BAC

averaged over 0–10 lead days, its correlation with the

amplitude of observedBSISO1 [(PC121 PC22)1/2] on an

interannual time scale is as high as 0.86. For BSISO2,

however, the correlation between BAC and (PC32 1PC42)1/2 is only 0.44, which is below the 90% confidence

level. It is also seen from Fig. 10e that the interannual

variation of BSISO2 amplitude is more poorly captured

by the model, characterized by a quick decrease in skill

with lead time, compared to BSISO1. The above result

FIG. 9. As in Fig. 8, but multiyear-averaged lagged correlations are replaced by correlations of

rainfall with surface temperature of (a) 1-pentad lead and (b) 1-pentad lag in each year.


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FIG. 10. Bivariate (a),(b) anomaly correlations and (c),(d) root-mean-square errors between

observations and forecasts as a function of lead time for (a),(c) BSISO1 and (b),(d) BSISO2 during

June–September in each year from 1999 to 2010. Shown are also (e) interannual variations of

amplitude ofBSISO1andBSISO2 in observations and forecasts of 0–5 leaddays and 6–11 leaddays.

The black dashed horizontal lines represent 0.5 in (a),(b) and 1.414 in (c),(d), and the decimal values

in parentheses shown in (e) are the temporal correlations between forecasts and observations.

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suggests that it is more difficult in forecasting BSISO2

than forecasting BSISO1. Compared to the result given

in Fig. 5a, in terms of the mean skill for 0–10 lead days,

the correlations between forecast skill for regional

rainfall and BSISO are mostly insignificant, except be-

tween BOB or SCS rainfall and BSISO1 (R5 0.56), and

between IP rainfall and BSISO2 (R 5 0.62). (The

threshold value of the 90% confidence level is 0.50 and

that of the 95% confidence level is 0.58.) In 2009 and

2010 when BSISO1 is poorly predicted, the forecasts of

rainfall over BOB and SCS show quickly decreasing

skill. Also in 2003 when both BSISO1 and BSISO2 are

poorly captured, the forecasts of rainfall over SCS and

IP exhibit rapid decreases in skill with lead time (Figs. 10

and 5). In addition, the correlation between forecast skill

for SC or ICP rainfall and BSISO1 is20.49, a value close

to the 90% confidence level. The above result indicates

that, certain factors may commonly affect the forecasts

of BSISO and regional rainfall, although the pre-

dictability of large-scale circulation and regional rainfall

is often attributed to different aspects.

Given the dependence of forecast skill of BSISO on

the target phase, we further show the BACs of BSISO1

and BSISO2 as a function of target phase and lead time

(Fig. 11). For each phase, BACs are computed for target

days when the phase angle of observed BSISO is within

the particular phase and the amplitude of BSISO is

greater than 1. Significant variations of skill with the

target phase are found for lead times longer than one

week, with relatively low BACs in phases 4 and 8 for

BSISO1 and phases 1 and 5 for BSISO2. The low skill for

target phases 4 and 8 of BSISO1 implies that the model

has difficulty in forecasting the propagation of BSISO1

across BOB, MC, and the western North Pacific. It is

also suggested that long lead forecasts are less skillful in

capturing the initiation of BSISO2 over the equatorial

eastern Indian Ocean and the Philippine Sea as well as

the propagation of BSISO2 from the western North

Pacific to East Asia. Figure 12 shows the observed fea-

tures of mean amplitude and occurrence frequency from

June to September for each of the eight phases. In 2003

and 2010 when low forecast skill for BSISO1 are found,

BSISO1 activity is concentrated near phase 4, which is

hard to predict. In contrast, the better predictions of

FIG. 11. Bivariate anomaly correlations between observations

and forecasts as a function of lead time and target phase of

(a) BSISO1 and (b) BSISO2.

FIG. 12. The observed (a),(c) mean amplitude and (b),(d) occurrence frequency (day) for the

eight phases of (left) BSISO1 and (right) BSISO2 during June–September in each year.


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BSISO1 in 2007 and 2008 are associated with the more

frequent occurrence of BSISO1 near phase 2 or 6, which

is easier to forecast. Similarly, comparisons between the

unskillful cases in 2003 and 2006 and the skillful cases in

1999 and 2010 for BSISO2 also indicate more predict-

able phases for the former and more unpredictable

phases for the latter. This result suggests that apparent

interannual differences of BSISO forecast skill are al-

ways featured by drifts of the observed BSISO phase

toward the most predictable or unpredictable mode in

addition to the changes in mean amplitude, which may

further provide a modulation on the characteristics of

rainfall and its forecast.

Figure 13 shows the interannual relationships be-

tween the forecast skill of regional rainfall and the ob-

served mean amplitude and frequency of BSISO phases.

The frequency and/or amplitude of phases 1 and 2 of

BSISO1 are significantly and positively correlated with

the forecast skill of SCS rainfall but negatively corre-

lated with that of SC rainfall. Given that the subseasonal

variations of SCS and SC rainfall are anticorrelated in

both observations and predictions (figure not shown),

this feature means notable modulations of BSISO1 on

the forecasts of rainfall over these two regions, which are

obviously out of phase. When BSISO1 phases 1 and 2

show more frequent occurrence or larger amplitude in

summer (i.e., large convection suppression over SCS and

small convection enhancement over SC), subseasonal

forecasts are often skillful for SCS rainfall and unskillful

for SC rainfall, and vice versa. In this case, it is also easy

to predict BSISO1 (Fig. 11a) andwhyBSISO1BACs are

positively correlated with the forecast skill of SCS

rainfall but negatively correlated with the forecast skill

of SC rainfall is thus partially explained. For BSISO2,

significant relationships between the frequency of phase

5 and the forecast of AS rainfall, as well as between the

frequency of phase 4 and the forecast of SC rainfall, are

also found, but without significant relationships between

the corresponding phase amplitude and the forecast of

regional rainfall. Besides, most of other correlations are

below the 95% confidence level. This feature is because

the forecast of regional rainfall is comprehensively

FIG. 13. Interannual correlations between forecast skill (averaged over 0–10 lead days) of

regionally averaged rainfall and observed phases of BSISO1 and BSISO2. The red and yellow

bars represent the mean amplitude and frequency of BSISO phases, and the green and blue

dashed lines denote the values of statistical significance at the 90% and 95% confidence level,


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influenced by all phases of the BSISO cycle and its linear

relationship with a certain phase is overall limited. It is

also because the model may be incapable of fully re-

producing the realistic modulation due to its limitations

in capturing the variability of BSISO, regional rainfall,

and their relationships.

7. Summary and discussion

We have investigated the subseasonal predictions of

regional summer monsoon rainfall over tropical Asian

land and oceans by analyzing the hindcasts of the NCEP

CFSv2. The model shows reasonable skill and apparent

regional differences for rainfall over the various ASM

regions. Overall, higher PCCs between forecasts and

observations, and more remarkable interannual differ-

ences in skill, are found over oceans than over land, with

the longest lead of skillful predictions over AS (about

9 days on average) and the shortest over ICP (only 0 day

on average). The TCCs also show a slower decrease with

lead time for forecasts over oceans than over land, and

the averaged lead time for TCCs to become unskillful is

beyond 11 days over AS and 1 day over ICP. This actual

forecast skill is far lower than the potential forecast skill,

which is often useful at a lead time above 40 days over

oceans and about 2–3 weeks over land. In particular, the

largest and smallest ratios of potential skill to actual

skill are found over ICP and SC, respectively. TCCs and

PCCs of rainfall do not show significant linear re-

lationships, but they present relatively close connections

with forecast skill in ST. Especially, apparently close

linear relationships between the PCCs of rainfall and ST

are often found over most regions except BOB.

In observation, the local rainfall–ST correlation over

AS attains a significant positive maximum at a 1-pentad

ST lead and becomesweak negative values at the ST lags

of 2 pentads or more. Over BOB, SCS, and IP, the

strongest positive and negative correlations appear at a

2-pentad ST lead and a 1-pentad ST lag, respectively,

and the latter is especially notable. Over ICP and SC,

although a change in local rainfall–ST relationships from

positive at a 1-pentad ST lead to negative at a 1-pentad

ST lag is also found, correlations are often small and

insignificant. These features suggest apparent differences

in the underlying surface–air interaction process among

the various regions, and in the interaction between

oceans and land. The CFSv2 forecasts reasonably capture

the observed transitions of local rainfall–ST relationship

with a lag time over the various regions. However, they

also exhibit evident deficiencies, including an over-

estimation of the simultaneous positive correlations over

AS in long-lead forecasts, an underestimation of the

negative correlations at a 1-pentad ST lag over BOB in

long-lead forecasts and over SCS in all-lead forecasts, and

an exaggeration of the simultaneous negative correla-

tions over IP and ICP in predictions of all leads. To some

extent, these results reveal the model’s inability in re-

producing the forcing and response of the underlying

surface temperature and atmosphere over different re-

gions. Furthermore, the ST–rainfall relationships in pre-

dictions show significant interannual differences, which

fluctuate with lead time and are sometimes associated

with apparent interannual disparities in forecast skill of

regional rainfall. In addition, in observations local rainfall

is often significantly related to regional circulation, while

in forecasts it shows a gradually intensifying connection

with large-scale circulation and ST over extensive regions

as lead time increases. In particular, in long-lead forecasts

the connection between rainfall over BOB and SCS is

remarkably strengthened and their regional differences

in relationships with large-scale features are hardly


The modulation of BSISO on forecast of regional

rainfall is also explored. More remarkable interannual

differences in forecast skill and amplitude, as well as

more significant relationship between the two, are of-

ten found in BSISO1 compared to BSISO2. Although

the interannual relationships between forecast skill of

BSISO and regional rainfall are mostly insignificant,

reasonable correlations between the forecasts of BSISO1

and BOB or SCS rainfall, and between the forecasts of

BSISO2 and IP rainfall, are still found, suggesting the

possible connections between the predictions of large-

scale features and the local characteristics over certain

regions. It is further shown that apparent interannual

differences in the forecast skill of BSISO are always

featured by drifts of observed BSISO phase toward the

most predictable or unpredictable mode, in addition to

the change in the mean amplitude of BSISO, which may

thus modulate the forecast of regional rainfall. Then,

reasonable interannual relationships between the fore-

cast skill of regional rainfall and observed mean ampli-

tude and frequency of BSISO phases can be obtained. In

particular, BSISO1 phases 1–2 are significantly and

positively correlated to the forecast skill of SCS rainfall

but negatively correlated to that of SC rainfall, implying

notable modulations of BSISO1 on the forecasts of re-

gional rainfall and out-of-phase impacts between the

two regions.

The above findings are helpful for further under-

standing the discrepancies of rainfall predictability among

the various ocean and land domains. Less predictable

rainfall is often found over land than over oceans, which

should be mainly attributed to the localized connection of

land rainfall with atmospheric circulation and the weak

local land–air interaction. Indeed, these two aspects are


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closely interrelated to each other. Insignificant local ST–

rainfall relationships over land are adverse to destabiliz-

ing the atmosphere and producing heavy convective

rainfall, thus further inducing large-scale circulation

anomalies. On the other hand, without a support from

large-scale anomalies, a strong local land–air interaction

cannot last for too long. Of course, in addition to the

characteristics of land rainfall itself, a model’s de-

ficiencies, especially the overestimation of the simulta-

neous local rainfall–ST relationships and the gradually

strengthening connections among neighboring regions

with increasing lead time, are also important influential

factors. Among the three land regions, the rainfall over

ICP has the lowest forecast skill because it severely suffers

from the limitations discussed above. By comparison, the

rainfall over IP is often related to relatively extensive

circulation anomalies (figure not shown) and it interacts

with local ST in a magnitude comparable to the rainfall

over BOB and SCS, although in models the simultaneous

local rainfall–ST relationship over IP is significantly ex-

aggerated as compared to that over ICP. Although char-

acterized by local features and weak land–air interaction

that are difficult to predict, the model does not show an

apparent overestimation for the rainfall over SC, and the

forecast of SC rainfall is significantlymodulated by phases

1–2 of BSISO1. This may to some extent contribute to the

reasonable performance of the actual forecast of SC

rainfall compared to its potential forecast skill.

Over the ocean domains, CFSv2 also shows obvious

deficiencies in describing the relationships of regional

rainfall with local ST, large-scale circulation, and the

rainfall over other regions. However, ocean rainfall

itself is related to more extensive circulation and af-

fected by stronger sea–air interaction, denoting more

predictable features. The variability of AS rainfall is

clearly different from that of BOB and SCS rainfall. On

the one hand, the former is more attributed to the

northward extension of cross-equatorial flow from So-

mali and its regional feature is captured by forecasts of

various leads. However, the latter is more attributed to

the zonal wind over the southern ASM region and

its regional characteristic in forecasts becomes gradually

indistinguishable as lead time increases. On the other

hand, the former is featured by a strong and quick ocean–

atmosphere effect but a weak and slow atmosphere–

ocean effect, while the latter is represented by relatively

weaker and slower SST forcing but an obviously

stronger and faster SST response, although both the

forcing and response encounter varying degrees of

distortion in CFSv2 forecasts. These differences may

largely contribute to the larger predictability of the

rainfall over AS compared to the rainfall over BOB and

SCS. Roxy et al. (2013) noticed the strong and fast SST

forcing over AS, ascribing it to the presence of a large

zonal gradient of SST, but did not stress the weak local

SST response. The weaker response of AS SST than its

forcing suggests that the subseasonal SST variability over

AS is less affected by local and rapidly varying atmo-

spheric feedback compared to that over the other oceans,

which may, along with the impact of large-scale circula-

tion, contribute to the high predictability of the AS SST

(Fig. 5b). Then, the more predictable SST and its strong

forcing on the atmospheremay lead to the higher forecast

skill of rainfall over AS (Fig. 5a), although the degree to

which the two are interrelated is different from one year

to another. The close connection between the rainfall

over BOB and SCS and their similar relationships with

other factors are unrealistically shown in the model, and

their forecast skill is related to the ability of BSISO1

forecast, partially resulting in similar forecast skill for

those two regions.

Inclusion of sea/land–air coupling plays an important

role in the simulation and prediction of subseasonal

climate variability (e.g., Waliser et al. 1999; Pegion and

Kirtman 2008; Fu et al. 2008, 2013a). Unfortunately,

forecast models themselves possess limited capability of

capturing the regional characteristics of this coupling

because the predictable signals tend to be dominated by

the variations of slowly varying components in associa-

tion with large-scale coupling features as the lead time

increases (Liu et al. 2014a). Thus, the subseasonal

forecast skill of regional rainfall is often limited and it

suffers from the impact of unrealistic local sea–land–air

interaction as shown in the current study. Albeit with

such limitation, further work on correcting erroneous

surface–atmosphere interaction is much needed. For

example, for the model diagnosed in this study, the ex-

aggeratedly fast and strong ST responses to atmosphere

variability over IP and ICP need to be rectified.

Owing to its unique geographical location and com-

plex distributions of land, sea, and terrains, theMaritime

Continent induces complex and intense variations of

convection on various time and space scales. It serves

as a ‘‘boiler box’’ of the tropics (Ramage 1968) and af-

fects the climate in and outside the region significantly

(Neale and Slingo 2003; Jiang et al. 2013b). Recently,

Zhang et al. (2015) carried out a detailed analysis of the

seasonal prediction of MC rainfall by the NCEP CFSv2

for wet and dry seasons, focusing on the influences of

ENSO and large-scale monsoon circulation. As a sup-

plementary analysis, we also examine the skill of sub-

seasonal forecast of MC rainfall by CFSv2. Figure 14

shows the prediction skill of rainfall and ST over 108S–108N, 958–1458E. The PCCs of rainfall and ST overall

present inconspicuous interannual variations, and they

are often useful for long lead forecasts with a lead time

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above three weeks. In contrast, the TCCs of both

rainfall and ST show a quicker drop with the increasing

lead time, and become insignificant near the 9-day lead

on average. Remarkable interannual differences of

TCCs are also found, but with insignificant correla-

tions between the forecasts of rainfall and ST. The

unskillful forecasts of the temporal variability of

rainfall and temperature may be partially attributed to

the unrealistic local ST–rainfall relationships in the

model. It is also seen that weak ocean–atmosphere

and atmosphere–ocean effects in observations are

nearly replaced by overestimated and one-sided

ocean–atmosphere impact in most forecasts except

at a short lead time (Fig. 15). This feature indicates

that the regional atmospheric response to ST forcing

over MC is often quickly exaggerated as lead time


The performance in predicting MC rainfall may ac-

count for the usefulness of rainfall forecast over other

regions. With respect to the average skill of forecasts

within 5-, 10-, and 15-day time leads, interannual vari-

ations of the TCC over MC overall show insignificant

correlations with those over the various domains ana-

lyzed in this study except for IP, as well as with BSISO1

BACs. However, it has been pointed out that BSISO1 is

most unskillfully predicted when it propagates across

MC. IndeedWang et al. (2014) also showed the difficulty

of CFSv2 in forecasting the eastward propagation of the

Madden–Julian oscillation across the MC. This feature

may be related to the model’s inability in capturing the

response of regional convection to ST forcing. Given the

important modulation of large-scale intraseasonal os-

cillation on regional monsoon rainfall, the forecast of

rainfall over MC undoubtedly influences the predictions

of BSISO1 and the Madden–Julian oscillation and fur-

thers the forecast of rainfall over other regions.

It is also interesting to note the significant negative

correlation between the forecasts of rainfall over MC

and IP (R520.58). It is argued that the feature may be

related to the influence of BSISO2 forecast, which is

FIG. 14. (left) As in Fig. 5, but for the temporal correlations of (a) rainfall and (c) surface

temperature over the Maritime Continent. (right) As in Fig. 4b, but for the spatial pattern

correlations of (b) rainfall and (d) surface temperature over the Maritime Continent.


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negatively correlated with the forecast of MC rainfall

(R 5 20.86) but positively correlated with the forecast

of IP rainfall (R5 0.62; refer to section 6). Themultiyear

mean regressions of 850-hPa winds on averaged rainfall

over MC show that, on the subseasonal scale, the

anomalous MC rainfall is associated with a significant

zonal wind response over the southern SCS and the

Philippine Sea (figure not shown). This circulation pat-

tern tends to appear in BSISO2’s phase 5 and is not

easily seen in BSISO2’s phases 3 and 7, in which cyclonic

or anticyclonic wind anomalies dominate over the

Southeast Asian monsoon region and thus notable me-

ridional wind anomalies prevail near the Philippine Sea.

This feature suggests that, when skillful forecasts of MC

rainfall often realistically reproduce the relationships

between regional rainfall and large-scale circulation,

BSISO2 often prefers to stay at the most unpredictable

phases rather than the most predictable phases in the

model (refer to Fig. 11), thus contributing to an anti-

correlation between the forecasts of MC rainfall and

BSISO2. Then, MC rainfall prediction may affect the

forecasts of rainfall over other regions in which BSISO2

serves as a bridge. The above results only imply the

interregional influence of MC rainfall forecast, and fu-

ture in-depth studies are needed to reveal the underlying

physical processes.

Acknowledgments. The authors thank the four anon-

ymous reviewers for their fruitful suggestions that were

helpful in improving the overall quality of themanuscript.

This study was jointly supported by the National Basic

Research Program of China (Grants 2015CB453200

and 2014CB953900), the National Natural Science

Foundation of China (Grants 41305057, 41275076, and

41375081), Guangdong Province Funds for China

National ‘‘Thousand-Talent Plan’’ (YCJ2013-196),

and the LASW State Key Laboratory Special Fund



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