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Success Magazine Spring 2012

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Our Spring 2012 edition of our UCC sUCCess magazine featuring articles on the Royal Visit, an Olympic Visit, World Book Day,
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On Friday 25th November, Drama students from

Years 11-13 staged William Golding’s Lord of the

Flies. As a plane of boys crashes on an island

they fight to survive, creating their own rules and

society as rivals Ralph (Megan Ashley) and Jack

(Jess Newell) battle it out to become chief. O


notable performances came from Dora Hill as

Piggy and Jordan Summers, the only male cast

member, who played the role of Simon, a boy

cast out for being different (and ultimately mur-

dered by the other boys). Invaluable assista


came from Owen Smith and John Summers who

provided an atmospheric set and lighting.

Jane Reardon, Drama Department


WORLD BOOKDAY 2012Arriving by more traditional methods than his book characters, a train rather than the TARDIS, Dr Who author Daniel Blythe visited UCC to celebrate World Book Day. In the morning students in Year 8 were given the opportunity to hear Daniel speak about how he came to write three Dr Who novels and how Dr Who has changed over the years. In the afternoon session a group of Gifted and More Able students took part in a creative writing workshop which saw them exploring how to create believable characters. Ruth Molloy

I’ve been inspired this year by the positive way that staff and pupils have dealt with all of the challenges presented to them in announcements on changes in EBacc, Ofsted, vocational courses, SEN and others.

Our Year 9 students, for example, have approached the bewildering task of making sense of their options choices in a rapidly changing landscape by adopting a solidly purposeful approach and making the best use of their teachers’ and parents’ advice. Our new Key Stage 4 curriculum offers something new for everyone, with a strong EBacc offer, extra Maths and English for those who need it and a new, remodelled vocational offer that includes the reinstatement of the school farm to cater for those with animal and land-based interests.

For those who have not seen our “Now is Your Time to Choose” movie, check it out on the website. The whole process has been a wonderful example of what makes UCC special – concern to meet the needs of all our students in a manner that remains ‘fiercely ambitious’ in the pursuit of excellence for all. Mr Pattinson

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Year 9 is an important year in a student’s life in

terms of preparing and planning for the next stage

in their education, namely Key Stage 4 options .

Form tutors have been at the heart of this process

and have been working with the students to

shape their curriculum for Years 10 and 11. Th


year’s process was introduced to students in

assembly using a film shot at Carlisle train station

starring students from Years 9 and 10 exploring

the journey of options .The journey has seen the

number of students who qualify for the EBacc

measure (Maths/English/two Sciences/Geography

or History and a Language) rise from the current

figure of 10 to exactly 100 students. Students

opting for additional English and Maths is

now around the 90% mark. A range of

vocational courses are also available to

give our students the opportunity to follow

and match their needs and aspirations.

Many thanks to Mr Jackson, the Year 9

tutor, and options team.

Nick Ellery

To watch the Options

Video visit our site


ullswatercc.co.uk and

go to Careers in

Student Life. If y


have a QR

capable phone,

scan below to

go directly to

the video.

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The ever popular college Pantomime reached its 10th Anniversary this year with the production of Snow White and the Seven Dwarves. Over 120 students and staff took part and a special scene

featuring past characters was added, with former students and staff returning to help celebrate the occasion. The production played out to 3 packed houses and the milestone was reached of 10,000

people having witnessed the hilarity of this and previous productions. This event continues to go from strength to strength and is a firm fixture both within the college and the town. All rehearsals take

place after college so a big thank you to those staff and students who give up huge amounts of their spare time to make the pantomimes a success.

Ian Tuer


Year 12 Medical Science BTEC students went

on a two-day residential to The Life Science

Centre in Grange. As part of a range of practical

activities the students tested the most effective

‘live’ yogurts on the market to see how well the

different brands protected hospital patients from

hospital-acquired infection. After the students had

conducted their investigations and research they

were able to identify the most effective brand of

yogurt and make a recommendation to the local


Rebecca Hodgson

CPD AWARDUCC is now one of only two schools

in Cumbria to be awarded the CPD

Mark. This is a nationally recognised

award celebrating the outstanding

training and development

opportunities given to all staff.India Campbell



The Warhammer club entered a team of 4 into the Games

Workshop School League event. At the regional heats in Carlisle,

the team came up against strong opposition from Queen Elizabeth

School from Kirkby Lonsdale. Each player had 3 games with different

scenarios and objectives and points were scored for a win or a draw, as well as how well painted the team’s models were. After

a great day and some very close fought battles, the team was narrowly defeated. I’m sure next year will be a different story!

Chris Bambury

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A high point of the last term was the visit to Ullswater Community College of His Royal Highness, Th

e Duke of

Gloucester on 29 November 2011.

In early 2010, our School Councillors wrote a letter to The Lord Lieutenant of Cumbria, Sir James Cropper, to

request a visit by a member of the Royal Household on the completion of the new Applied Learning Centre.

This was a good day for UCC despite the appalling weather, which delayed the Royal flight, and our students, as

ever, showed in their welcome and fortitude what makes this such a special place.

As His Royal Highness left the school, his equerry, Alastair Wood MBE, commented very favourably on our pupils,

the warmth of their welcome and their enthusiasm in the face of the dreadful weather.

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SKI TRIP TO THE ITALIAN ALPSDuring February half term, 15 students and 4 accompanying staff took part in the bi-annual Ski Trip. This was the third visit to Pila, in the Aosta Valley under the shadow of Mont Blanc. The ski slopes in this resort have everything for both beginner and expert alike and with the visit being blessed with perfect snow and wall to wall sunshine then the scene was set for a fantastic break.

We returned to Le Verger Hotel, Chatillion, some 25 minutes south of the ski area, a hotel run by an elderly couple who always make you feel at home and, oh joy, hot milk on your cereals in the morning, who could ask for more?

All the students excelled throughout the week and they were a credit to the college and a pleasure to make the trip with. Our thanks go to all those who helped with the visit - our coach drivers Aaron and Kenny, hotel staff, our instructors (including a former student) and the Interski Staff. Ian Tuer

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UCC HAIR AND BEAUTY The new Hair and Beauty Salon opened in our Applied Learning Centre in

September and it is becoming increasingly busy. The fully equipped and vibrant Salon is the base for a number of courses, in both hair and beauty, which are taught

to students in Years 10, 11 and 12. We are delighted to have 3 students studying for an Apprenticeship, having completed the Level 2 Diploma in Hair Services course in Year 11 and we hope to develop this further next year. It is hoped that very soon the Salon will be open to members of the public. There are currently 8 students in Year 10 following a

Level 2 Diploma in Hair Services. These students spend a day a week on placement in local hairdressers.

‘I have always wanted to be a hairdresser and chose this subject alongside my other GCSEs. After Year 11 I would like to do an apprenticeship and eventually I would like to run my own

hairdressing business.’ Shannon Glendinning, Year 10

‘I have a Saturday job in a local hairdressers and it is great to be able to study a hair course in school. My weekly placement is in the same hairdressers. I really enjoy the practical work and it is

good to be able to see how the theory work relates to the practical. After Year 11 I would like to do an apprenticeship and eventually I would like to run my own hairdressing business.’ Anna Dixon, Year 10

‘I enjoy everything about the course and I enjoy my weekly placement.’ ‘After Year 11 I would like to go to college and possibly study Beauty as well as Hair.’ ‘In the future I would like to build up my clients in a local

salon before setting up my own business’. Nicole Coulthard , Year 10

Shirley Ivinson

BUDDHIST TRIP The Manjushri Buddhist Temple in South

Cumbria was the destination for 48 of our

Year 9 students in November. The students

spent time in the temple discussing Buddhist

philosophy with a resident Nun, asking some

fascinating questions before taking part in some

beautiful relaxations and meditation. Spiritual

and nature-inspired ‘art on the beach’ rounded

off the day splendidly.

Linda Hepburn

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CINDERELLA PANTOA wonderful collaboration of all the key stages performed their amazing production of Cinderella. The performance was played to a full house where the students showed off their range of drama techniques to create and enhance their performance. Cinderella herself warmed the audience with her smile and the ugly sisters amused everyone with their flamboyant characters and costumes. The students confidence was rewarded by the audience’s response of loud clapping and cheering . Well done to every one who was involved. Helen Pickup

LONDON TRIPIn February, 24 sixth formers studying a range of subjects travelled to London to learn more about the workings of the British democratic system. To investigate the local/regional tier of government they visited the ‘glass pineapple’ - the home of the London Assembly - where the tour included an opportunity to sit in the Assembly chamber. A visit and tour of the Houses of Parliament enabled them to look at the second tier of government in the UK. Other London sights visited included the Imperial War Museum (pictured), a notable highlight of which was the exhibition of work by the photographer Don McCullin. It was an exhausting but fascinating three days. John Sander

EDEN FMProgressing on from Sounds of the Beacon, UCC students were presented with an exciting opportunity to run a weekly live show on the new station Eden FM. The team, including Jordan and Macauley (pictured) have been broadcasting to the valley with music, news and updates from the school. Tune in to Eden FM for more! Rachael de la Mare


Craig Tyson, the part-time PE technician, has

won a prestigious rugby accolade ‘A Rugby

Hero’. He gives up 4 lunchtimes a week to coach

rugby at school, coaches the Under 13s at Penrith

Rugby club, plays for the club’s second team and

referees every Saturday morning. He is a true

‘Rugby Hero’ who has also instigated a touch

rugby league and is well like

d by all who come

across him. He has won 2 ticke

ts to see England V

Ireland at Twickenham.

Jonny Greenwood

FAIRTRADE FOR CHARITYIn the run-up to Christmas, some of our Year 8 students melted down Fair Trade chocolate to make chocolate hearts, which they then sold to students and staff. They used the profit - £390 - to buy ethical gifts from Oxfam and Christian Aid, including two buffalo and four goats. These gifts havve gone to help change lives in India and Malawi. Well done Year 8, you should be proud of your success. Chris Hulme

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WINNERSBoth UCC Year 10 and Year 9 football teams

were victorious in the annual Eden District Cup.

Congratulations to both teams! Greg Key

UCC WELCOMED CHLOE WILCOXOLYMPIC ATHLETE UCC was lucky enough to be visited by Chloe Wilcox, who is soon to become an Olympic Athlete. Chloe, from Reagill near Appleby, visited the school on February 8th. She stayed all morning, talking to the Year 13 A-Level PE class and the Year 10 GCSE PE students. She spoke about what life is like as an athlete, including her training schedule, diet, and how she obtains funding. Chloe will come back to UCC after the Olympic Games to tell the students she met what London 2012 was like from the perspective of a competing athlete, and maybe to show off a medal! Jonny Greenwood

12Ullswater Community CollegeWetheriggs Lane, Penrith, Cumbria, CA11 8NGTelephone: 01768 242160 Website: www.ullswatercc.co.uk


The UCC Key Stage 4 Badminton

team was victorious at the county finals

held at Penrith Leisure centre. The team

consisted of two Year 11s Greg Hall

and Joe Nichol, and two Year 10s Dan

Anderson and James Bowness. After

winning the Eden District competition to

qualify, they played against 8 other schools

across Cumbria, winning every game.

Grey Key
