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Success with Your Social Media Engagement

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Apresentação de Ivano Salogni. É actualmente o Sales Manager da Lithium e responsável por toda a região centro e sul da Europa. Na sua intervenção, Ivano demonstrou de como envolver o seu negócio no Social Media é diferente de fazer algumas actividades privadas no Facebook e Youtube. Esta apresentação decorreu no dia 12 de Outubro de 2011 no Fórum Tecnológico de Lisboa, enquadrada no evento CRM Acceleration 2011, o evento dedicado ao Social CRM organizado pela DRI (www.dri.pt), Gold Partner da SugarCRM e Platinum Partner da Lithium em Portugal. Obtenha mais informações em www.eventocrm.com
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Success with your Social Media Engagement Lisbon, 12 th October 2011 Ivano Salogni Sales Manager Southern & Central Europe [email protected] +41 79 709 8046
  • 1. Success with yourSocial Media EngagementLisbon, 12th October 2011Ivano SalogniSales Manager Southern & Central [email protected]+41 79 709 8046

2. Imagine social customers creatingawareness, generating leads, and helpingtheir peers to buy the right products. Cool. 3 3. Social CRMWith Paul Greenberg, we define socialCRM as a business strategy and set of technologies that maximize the value ofthe customers conversations, both for customers and for the business. 4 4. Agenda Where to start? What works, what goeswrong? Key elements to ensuresuccess for your Engagementin Social Media What did our customersachieve?5 5. What is happening right now out there? Your customers are actingwhether you participate or not 6 6. Business hasnt changed - Your customer has!You have a reputation online,whether you like it or not Consumers actively talking aboutyou, whether you participate ornot, forcing transparencyConsumers will trust thatreputation more than anythingelseYou have choices: Ignore Broadcast Engage7 7. Business hasnt changed - Your customer has!Social Customers are ConnectedEmpowered Impatient Untrusting22 hours/week onlineAvg. Facebook user: 130 friends74% expect a response from17% of consumers trust5+ hours/week in social mediaAvg. Twitter user: 300 followers a company online. In one hour. corporate or product advertising. 8 8. Social Customers 98% Internet users go to the internet to get information about the product they buySource: Fleishmann-Hillard/Harris Interactive9 9. Lets talk about business needsWe want to have a social mediapresence, because all other companieshave one lets do some Facebook and Twitterwe already have 100000 fans10 10. Lets talk about business needsSocial Media Engagement is not ame too exercise! It is all about business: 1. Grow Revenue2. Reduce Costs 3. Fuel Innovation 11 11. Before starting your engagement What do you want to achieve? Why do you want to achieve it? How do you want to achieve it?12 12. The Commonest Question Where should we startour social media engagement?13 13. Brand Communities are at the Heart ofyour social Strategy 78% of consumers have joined a companyscommunity to get more information on the company66% of community members say that the community has made them more loyal to the brand71% of community members say that they are more likely to purchase from a brand source: universal mccann14 14. ForumsForums and moreRatings &BlogsReviewsWebSite Ideation Q&Aand moreKnowledgeBase The Blogs Enterprise Social Ecosystem 15 15. Ensure Success Be careful: social is not just another channel! The social customer is changing theconsumers relationships withcompanies 16 16. the social media journeystage 5fully engaged stage 4 Social engagement between customers and employees real resultsare part of the companys DNASocial engagement drivesstage 3 real business resultsstage 2 operationalstage 1 experimental Social engagement becomestraditionalmore embedded in business Dabbling in social butTraditional, command andoperations disconnected to businesscontrol business operationsoperations using one-waycommunication @katykeim #L2LTourviewsource: ants eye 17. Where are you? stage 5 fully engagedstage 4real results stage 3stage 2operational stage 1 experimental traditional listeningfacebook page brand communitycustomer lifecycle enterprise integration twitter response centersocial hubintegrationapp for all employeescorporate blogsgamification systems business systemexec dashboardsintegrationcentral data and analyticsmeasurementshare of voice followers customer engagementrevenue uplift competitive differentiationcustomer sentimentfans organic trafficcall deflection share price press mentionslikesword of mouth @katykeim #L2LTour customer loyaltynet promoter score 18 18. Consider some key rules/experiences Social Web is driven by InfluencersInfluencers require an engagement model to be harnessed so nurture themEngagement comes from Know-How, not Technology19 19. Where should we start?So if you start with monitoring: Everything fine now?Not really... 20 20. or is it better to start with and?We are going to fishwhere the fish are Who follows you and why? What benefits do your followersand friends create?21 21. Like us, follow us . Why should I?Brian Solis, 12th August 2011: In fact, I believe that why? is theleast asked question by businesses insocial media today. The questions businesses should beasking, even before they create a socialpresence whatsoever include: Why should we have a presence in Facebook, Twitter, et al.? Why would consumers connect with us now and stay connected over time? Consumers will expect businesses tothink through these questions carefully Do you know what your customers expect,did you ask them?22 22. Companies waste their money with Facebook Abraham Seidman: there is no return on the 2 billion USD invested by companies into Facebook activities just for broadcasting their company news. . Companies should enable the dialogue with the customer bringing together customers in a kind of a moderated fan club . http://www.tagesanzeiger.ch/digital/wild-wide-web/Firmen-verschwenden-ihr-Geld-auf-Facebook/story/1251287223 23. Agenda Where to start? What works, what goeswrong? Key elements to ensuresuccess for your Engagementin Social Media What did our customersachieve?24 24. Common Mistakes and Sacred Cows Sacred Cow #1: You dont own the community,the community owns the communityDo not over-control the community, let thedynamics play. But as owner you haveresponsibility to be a good host. Sacred Cow #2: Start by listeningA listening strategy is key to managing asuccessful online presence, but brands andorganizations also need to interact. Sacred Cow #3: Go where your community isMany organizations are doing a poor job ofevaluating the opportunity for community on theirown domain, and are setting up outposts on largesocial sites like Facebook because it isrelatively easy and initially inexpensive. http://www.onlinecommunityreport.com/2010/03/3-sacred-cows-about-online-communities-that-need-to-be-challenged25 25. Social Customer Behave on Facebook Key Figures 38% do not want to see the news in their feed 51% rarely or never visit a brand again once they have liked it 71% have become more selective about what brands they like http://www.marketingcharts.com/direct/overposting-drives-away-facebook-fans-16055/ 26 26. So where should you start?Prepare a platform where your influencerscan engage Find and attract the influencersEngage in social media with a centralizedand integrated approach avoid silos28 27. On your way to a healthy community:Three Rules At any given time, 90% of users 90-9-1browse, 9% contribute casually, and 1% contribute frequently.Within a 30-day period, 10% of thepeople who see an invitation to 30-10-10 community will come, and 10% ofthose will post.An average of 5-10 posts per day5-10per forum or more is the point atwhich communities begin to growconsistently. 29 28. Agenda Where to start? What works, what goeswrong? Key elements to ensuresuccess for your Engagementin Social Media What did our customersachieve?30 29. Influencers at Epicenter Authenticcontentcomes fromMillions of followers influentialHundreds of relevantconsumersand widely readreviews 31 30. Engagement Models are Needed Influencers can be nurturedthrough rewards,reputation,and game dynamics 32 31. Success Factor #1: Find InfluencersImperative to find the influencersand listen to what they say...33 32. Success Factor #2: Engage Influencers ... engage them as they engage your brand! Through your forum, websites, social networks ...34 33. Success Factor #3: Apply Community Know-how Technology Technology + ExpertiseSuccess is only 20% technology 80% is acombination of internal changes, services, and support.Forrester Wave Community Platforms, January 2009 35 34. What does it take to succeed?Lithium provides you the three key elements to ensure success1. A complete solution that meets the needs of your users, your staff, and your organization: Modular Offering with specific Business Solutions Interconnected: Interfaces, Connectors Accessible from PC and Smartphones Optimized for search engines and with proven scalability2. Proven methods for putting that solution to work Lithium Best Practices3. Metrics and analytics to drive brand advocate cultivation, insight and action Lithium Insights and Benchmarking 36 35. Agenda Where to start? What works, what goeswrong? Key elements to ensuresuccess for your Engagementin Social Media What did our customersachieve?37 36. how lithium can helpstage 5fully engaged stage 4 real resultsstage 3 social suite stage 2operationalcrm integrationstage 1experimentaltraditionalbusiness apps dashboards social supportrest apis community social commerce social websocial marketing mobile level upsocial media monitoringcustomer intelligence center 37. When it all comes together Customer influencers orsuper-users drive success:90-9-1 Rule Average value of an influencer from 50000 to 250000/year Reputation Engine identifies,cultivates,and grows the base influencers39 38. It works for all industries 40 39. When things go right Best Buy in the Top 25 SocialBrands 2009Sold 40% more LaptopsReduced Customer Complaints by20% in the first yearLithium provides 5 m USD/year ofvalue to Best BuyBest Campaign in 2010: Cannes Lionshttp://forums.bestbuy.com/bb/ 41 40. It Works For Passion-Driven BrandsVery active Social Presence prior to start ofown branded community: > 865,000 Facebook fans > 95,000 Twitter followersGoal: Capture the Conversation Sephora = Beauty Beauty Mavens = Word of MouthResults: Active members buy 2.5 times more Superusers buy 10 times more Over 1.6 m active Facebook fans Superusers are 36.5h/week online in the communityhttp://www.sephora.com/beautyadvice/ 42 41. It Works For New CompaniesCommunity runs all customer support(no call centre) Average response time for questionsis within just three minutes (24/7) 95% of questions answered inunder 60 minutes 90 ideas implemented, 80 indevelopmentWinner of Forresters 2010 GroundswellAward(Category: Embracing B2C International)http://community.giffgaff.com/ 43 42. It Works For New CommunitiesOnline Support Community launched inMarch 2011Within days the community was vibrant: 150 new registrations and 25,000 page views per day 20,000 cases handled and $150,000 return within two weeksWe thought it would take months before wehad a vibrant community with active brandadvocates answering all the questions - butit all came together on Day two!Kenneth Refsgaard, Project Manager Customer Care, TomTom http://discussions.tomtom.com/ 44 43. When it Works...Unbeatable!Their voice becomes the Ad . The Ad becomes the Content ...... and your Customer does the distribution 45 44. Thank you!
