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Suffert & Sache 2011 Plant Pathology

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  • 8/2/2019 Suffert & Sache 2011 Plant Pathology


    local inoculum. Endogenous sources of inoculum for agiven plot will also act as exogenous sources for neigh-bouring plots; no study appears to have consideredexplicitly that distant inoculum (ascospores) can be moreabundant than local inoculum at theplot scale after a cer-tain date. Some studies suggested that debris can alsorelease a significant amount of pycnidiospores acting as

    local primary inoculum, especially in dry areas or wherethe sexual stage was not detected (Brokenshire, 1975;Djerbi, 1977; Obaedo et al., 1999; Abrinbana et al.,2010). The data collected by Eriksen & Munk (2003)suggestedthat duringspringand to theend of June, only afew ascospores were produced in the crop and the major-ity of inoculum present during this period was pycni-diospores. No other studies have estimated the relativecontribution of ascosporesand pycnidiospores from localdebris to first lesions.

    The goal of the present study was to assess the contri-bution of crop debris and the relative importance ofdifferent types of inoculum to the early stages of septorialeaf blotch epidemics. In a 3-year field experiment,

    disease development was quantified as soon as wheatseedlings emerged and during the following winterperiod. The experimental treatments involved threedebris management options: chopped debris, removeddebris, or absence of debris. Production of ascosporesand pycnidiospores was further quantified on debrisexposed to different environmental conditions.

    Materials and methods

    Experimental design

    A field experiment was carried out from 2007 to 2010 at

    the Grignon experimental station (Yvelines, France;4851N, 158E, 130 m a.s.l., 600 mm annual 30-yearaverage rainfall). The soil type is an Orthic Luvisol with250 g clay, 550 g silt and 200 g sand kg)1 in the topsoil(total CaCO3: 21%; organic matter: 30 g kg

    )1, totalnitrogen: 16 g kg)1, pH H2O: 82). A 40- 100-m plot,cropped with winter wheat during the 200607 season,was divided after harvest into two contiguous, 20- 100-m subplots (Table 1). In the first subplot (CD),

    straw was chopped at harvest (mid-July) and left on thesoil surface, anddebris were chopped andpartiallyburiedtoa depth of 10 cm with a disc harrow 6 weeks later (lateSeptember). In the second subplot (RD), straw wasremoved at harvest (mid-July), debris were chopped as inthe first subplot then buried a second time and ploughedto a depth of 1520 cm using a chisel cultivator just

    before subsequent wheat sowing (mid-October). Duringthe second (200809) and third (200910) seasons, anadditional plot previously cultivated with either maize(M) in 200809 or oilseed rape (OR) in 200910 wassown with wheat and used as a control plot, that is with-outwheatdebris. Wheat cv.Soissons, moderately suscep-tible to septoria leaf blotch (resistance rating 5) was sownin mid-October (early in the season, wheat being gener-ally sown in the area from the end of October to mid-November) at a sowing density of 225 seeds m)2 with anAmazone seed drill. Thewheat crop emerged 1015 daysafter sowing (Table 1). Subsequent crop managementwas performed according to locally recommended prac-tices,except that no fungicidewas applied.

    There were no noticeable differences in crop develop-ment, plant vigour and size between treatments. Wheatdensity, estimated on 10 December 2009 as 200 plantsm)2 in CD, 198 plants m)2 in RD, and 213 plants m)2 inC, was considered stable throughoutthe cropping season.During the three seasons, powdery mildew (Blumeria

    graminis) and leaf rust (Puccinia triticina) were hardlyobserved in theplots; tanspot (Pyrenophora tritici-repen-tis) severely attacked thecrop in late 200910.

    An automatic weather station (Enerco 516i; CimelElectronique) located c. 500 m from the plots recordedhourly air temperature at a height of 2 m, and rainfall.The thermal time t, expressed in degree-days, was calcu-

    lated, starting from the sowing date, by summing thedaily mean airtemperatureusing a 0C base temperature.

    Disease assessment

    Disease was assessed at six sampling dates in 200708,10 sampling dates in 200809, and 13 sampling dates in200910, twice or thrice monthly at the beginning of theepidemics (autumn and winter) and thereafter monthly

    Table 1 Synopsis of thefield experiment: previous crop, wheat debris management and tillage practicesduring thethree seasons

    Debris management


    200708 200809 200910

    RD CD RD CD M RD CD ORPreceding crop (year n ) 1) Wheat Wheat Wheat Wheat Maize Wheat Wheat Oilseed rape

    Ante-preceding crop (year n ) 2) Maize Maize Wheat Wheat Barley Wheat Wheat Barley

    Harvest 19 July 19 July 24 July 24 July 6 Oct. 28 July 28 July 17 July

    Straw chopped and left on the soil 19 July 24 July 28 July

    Stubble buried to a depth of 10 cm 29 Aug. 29 Aug. 11 Sep. 11 Sep. 14 Sep. 14 Sep.

    Preceding crop debris ploughed

    1520 cm deep

    16 Oct. 14 Oct. 16 Oct. 13 Oct. 19 Oct.

    Sowing 16 Oct. 16 Oct. 17 Oct. 17 Oct. 17 Oct. 19 Oct. 19 Oct. 19 Oct.

    Seedling emergence 31 Oct. 31 Oct. 30 Oct. 30 Oct. 30 Oct. 31 Oct. 31 Oct. 31 Oct.

    aRD: removed wheat debris; CD: chopped wheat debris; M: maize debris (traces); OR: oilseed rape debris (traces).

    Wheat debris as local source of M. graminicola inoculum 879

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    during the epidemic phase (spring) (Table 2). At eachsampling date, five plants were randomly collected in five1-m2 quadrats per plot and washed from soil particles.Disease intensity (incidence and severity) was assessed onthe leaves of the main (M), first (T1) and second tillers(T2) of each plant. The leaf layers of the different tillerswere identified according to their emergence order (L1 is

    thefirst leaf, L2 thesecond, etc.).For a given layer, disease incidence was estimated asthe percentage of leaves with visible symptoms. Severitywas estimated as the average percentage of necrotic leafarea covered by pycnidia using a diagrammatic scale(1%, 2%, 3% and 5%, then 10%, 15%, 20% until100%). Leaf area covered by pycnidia was considered amore accurate estimate of disease severity than necrotic

    area because natural senescence is particularly rapid onbasal leaves and necrotic lesions caused by other leaf-spotting fungi (e.g. Py. tritici-repentis and Phaeosphaerianodorum) interfere with septoria leaf blotch assessment(Blixt etal., 2010).

    In the early stages of the epidemics, the first lesionswere detected on seedlings using a monocular magnifying

    glass swept along each leaf (Fig. 1a). During the second-(26 November and 12 December 2008) and third-seasonexperiments (19 November and 24 November 2009),early, putative symptoms were systematically confirmedby plating M. graminicola on agar medium. Wheat leaveswith putative lesions were placed on wet filter paper in aplastic box kept at room temperature (1822C)for 24 hto promote the exudation of cirrhi (Gough & Lee, 1985).A cirrhus from a single pycnidium per lesion was trans-ferred to a Petri dish containing PDA (potato dextroseagar 39 g L)1) and then streaked across the agar surfacewith a sterile glass rod to separate individual spores.Plates were incubated for 2 days at 18C in the dark topromote yeast-like growth of the fungus.

    Characterization of wheat debris on the soil surface

    The distribution in length and weight of wheat debrisafter the different stubble treatments and tillagepracticeswas compared between the RD and CD plots during thesecond- (17 November 2008) and third-season experi-ments (4 November 2009). All visible debris on the soilsurface were collected from four randomly selected quad-rats (30 30 cm), pooled and immersed into water for15 min to promote the sedimentation of soil particles.The floating pieces of debris were sieved and drained onfilter paper, and manually split into nine length classes


    2 cm, > 23 cm, > 34 cm, > 45 cm, > 57

    5 cm,> 7510 cm, > 1015 cm, > 1520 cm, > 20 cm). Piecesin each length class were counted and weighed before(fresh weight) andafter oven desiccation at 55C for 48 h(dry weight). To assess the change of debris surface den-sity in RD and CD, debris were collected againtwice dur-ing the third-season experiment (10 December 2009 and3 February 2010) and treated as described above.

    Quantification of inoculum on wheat debris andleaves

    Pycnidiospore and ascospore production on wheatdebris

    Wheat straw was collected at the soil surface from fourrandomly selected quadrats in the CD plot just afterharvest at the end of the second experimental season(28 July 2009) and stored under an open farm shed(hereafter referred to as sheltered conditions). Wheatdebris still present on the soil surface in the CD plotwas collected from four randomly selected quadrats on29 October 2009 (2 weeks after debris had beenploughed to a depth of 1520 cm; Table 1), split in sixplastic grill boxes and weathered as follows. Two boxeswere stored outdoors, partially exposed to rainfall and

    Table 2 Wheat leaf layers attacked by septoria leaf blotch but still partially

    green on main (MT), first (T1) and second tillers (T2) at each samplingdate

    during three seasons of experiments. For example, 35 means that layers

    1 and 2 are completely senescent and that layers 3, 4 and 5 have at least

    one leaf neither completely senescent nor completely healthy, among the

    3 25 plants sampled in RD (removed debris), CD (chopped debris) and

    M (maizedebris traces)OR (oilseed rape debris traces) plots

    Date C-daysa MT T1 T2

    Season 200708

    16102007 0

    14012008 533 13

    05022008 668 13 1

    03032008 850 35 12 1

    04042008 1066 46 24 23

    22042008 1205 57 35 24

    21052008 1624 911 79 68

    Season 200809

    17102008 0

    26112008 33112122008 376 12

    18122008 390 12

    14012009 449 12

    30012009 511 12

    11022009 541 13

    24022009 598 14 1 1

    10032009 675 34 12 1

    30032009 825 34 12 12

    28042009 1161 46 24 24

    Season 200910

    19102009 0

    12112009 233

    19112009 315

    24112009 378 12

    30112009 427 1208122009 487 12

    22122009 516 12

    14012010 559 14

    03022010 620 15 12 12

    01032010 728 25 13 12

    31032010 936 45 14 14

    28042010 1222 68 57 46

    03062010 1673 10 8 7

    24062010 2020 1112 1011 810

    aC-days: degree-days post sowing, base 0C.

    880 F. Suffert & I. Sache

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    wind (outdoor conditions). The four other boxes werestored in a laboratory room, two of them being wettedtwice a month by spraying with 1 L water (indoor wet-ted conditions) and the other two being kept untreated(indoor non-wetted conditions). The room air temper-ature was monitored with a thermohygrometer. Anadditional batch of debris, considered as the control,was kept at )15C in a freezer (frost conditions); suchconditions were expected to retain debris and inoculumin excellent condition.

    Moisturecontent (MD) of debris placed in thedifferentenvironmental conditions, except frozen conditions, was

    calculated every3 weeks as:


    WW 100

    where WW is the wet weight (g) and DW the dryweight (g) after oven desiccation at 55C for 48 h.

    Production of pycnidiospores and ascospores wasmeasured every 3 weeks from October 2009 to March2010 on debris either directly collected from the CD plot(field conditions) or placed in conditions as describedabove.

    Pycnidiospore production. Debris (20 g fresh weight)from outdoor conditions, sheltered conditions, indoorwetted conditions, indoor non-wetted conditions, andfrost conditions, and 40 g debris from field conditions,wasplaced ona wet filter paper in moist chambers (plasticboxes 24 36 cm), water-sprayed with an Ecospray andincubated for 18 h at room temperature (1822C) topromote the exudation of cirrhi. The debris was thenimmersed in 1 L sterile water in an Erlenmeyer flask andmechanically shaken for 5 min. The average concentra-tion of pycnidiospores in 10 replicatesamples of each sus-pension was estimated with a haemocytometer (Malassez

    cell). The number of pycnidiospores released by 1 g drydebris (pycnidiospore release index, PRI) was calculated.The field pycnidiospore density was estimated as thenumber of pycnidiospores produced per gram of debrismultiplied by thedry weightof debris persquare metre.

    Ascospore production. Debris from field conditions,outdoor conditions, sheltered conditions, indoor wettedconditions, indoor non-wetted conditions, and frost con-ditions was cut into 1-cm fragments and kept at 18C for24 h. Seven grams of debris fragmentswere evenlyspread

    (b)(a)100 m2 mm

    (d) (e)(c)

    (h)(f) (g)5 mm1 cm

    100100 m 100100 100

    m100 m

    50 m

    Figure 1 (a) Early septoria leaf blotch lesion on first basal wheat leaf. (bg) Mycosphaerella graminicola colonies resulting from ascospore

    germination and conidiation on PDA after (b) 24 h, (c) 48 h, (d) 4 days, (e) 6 days, (f) 8 days and (g) 12 days. Dashed line (fg) delimits a

    cluster of colonies. (h) M. graminicola pseudothecium (brown) and asci containing ascospores (blue) collected on wheat sheath debris.

    Wheat debris as local source of M. graminicola inoculum 881

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    5 cm (2009), while 90% in RD had a length 5 cm(2008) or 75 cm(2009)(Fig. 2). The impactof the deb-ris management in CD (straw chopped and spread out onthe soil in mid-July and debris ploughed to a depth of 1520 cm) on its distribution in length and weight was high,andmore pronounced in 200910 than in 200809.

    Mean daily air temperature in the field ranged from 5

    to 19C from September to December 2009 and from)

    6to 9C from December 2009 to February 2010. Meandaily room air temperature (indoor wetted and non-wet-ted conditions) ranged from 17 to 21C. Average debrismoisture content was high (579%) in field conditions,moderate (203%) in indoor wetted conditions, and low(158%, 152% and 150%, respectively) in sheltered,indoor non-wetted, and outdoor conditions.

    Effect of wheat debris as local source of inoculum onepidemic development

    In the three seasons, the early disease symptoms con-sisted of small typical lesions (Fig. 1a), sometimes bear-

    ing only one pycnidium; disease severity ranged from1% to 3%. At each sampling date, disease intensity atthe tiller scale was estimated on one to five leaf layers,excluding the totally senescent and totally healthy lay-

    ers (Table 2). During the 200708 season, the firstobservation of the crop was made on 14 January 2007(533C-days post-sowing, i.e. 416C-days after seedlingemergence; Table 2). Disease incidence on the main til-ler (MT) was already very high (100% on L1, 40% onL2 and < 5% on L3 in CD; 80% on L1, 10% on L2and < 5% on L3 in RD; data not shown). Disease sever-

    ity on MT-L1 was moderate (35% in CD and 10% inRD; Fig. 3). During the following seasons, the first sam-pling was performed earlier, when wheat plants werestill entirely healthy. During the 200809 season, nodisease was found on 26 November and the first symp-toms were detected on 12 December (376C-days post-sowing, i.e. 263C-days after seedling emergence). Dis-ease incidence was already high (90% on L1 and 10%on L2 in CD; 5% on L1 in RD; 15% in M; data notshown). Disease severity on MT-L1 was low (< 5% inCD, RD and M; Fig. 3). During the 200910 season, nodisease was found on 12 November and the first symp-toms were detected on 24 November 2009 (378C-dayspost-sowing, i.e. 245C-days after seedling emergence).

    Disease incidence was moderate (50% on L1 in CD;55% on L1 and < 5% on L2 in RD; < 5% in OR; datanot shown). Disease severity on MT-L1 was low (< 5%in CD, RD and OR; Fig. 3).

    RD 200840






    RD 2009










    Length (cm)


    CD 2008





    CD 2009








    Length (cm)

