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Suffolk Journal Issue 4_6

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VOLUME 71, NUMBER 19 WWW.SUFFOLKJOURNAL.NET April 6, 2011 nside ournal the News "Dump and run collects items, prevents waste' pg. 5 Opinion "The cruelty toward one woman in Libya" pg.15 Arts "Boston gets all 'Together' now" pg. 13 Sports "Suffolk student plays im- portant role for department" pg. 18 THE AWARD-WINNING STUDENT NEWSPAPER OF SUFFOLK UNIVERSITY • BOSTON, MASSACHUSETTS Dedicated to promoting equal human rights, social justice and peace, Mirembe On My Mind is an organi- zation at Suffolk that holds events to increase awareness about these causes and to fund raise to help communi- ties in need. “Mirembe” is the Lugandan word for “peace.” “We denounce the use of violence against humans, and work towards goals of help- ing those in post-traumatic situations, and in danger of being trafficked, through raising funds and aware- ness,” said Meghan Davis, president of the organization. Events generally focus on one topic per week. Topics this semester have included global poverty and home- lessness, women’s rights, Egypt, Libya, and Japan. “Mirembe encourages anyone interested in current world events, human rights, and peace and justice to at- tend the events,” said Da- vis. “In the past, we have sold Ugandan paper pearls to benefit the building of a reha- bilitation center for former child sol- diers in northern Uganda.” The paper pearls, hand- made of recycled paper by northern Ugandan women, are used to make necklaces and bracelets. Although Mirembe is a young organization at the university, Davis believes it has been making a big impact on the campus community. “We always welcome new faces,” she said, as reg- ular meetings currently at- tract about 20 to 30 students. Mirembe encourages, creates awareness Gianna Carchia Journal Staff see MIREMBE page 3 The marketing minor has always existed, but has been underestimated by College of Arts and Sciences (CAS) stu- dents due to the Sawyer Busi- ness School (SBS) three-credit courses (compared to CAS four-credit courses). However, it is now a reasonable option. “In the past, it has been challenging for CAS students because of scheduling with the credit difference,” said Catherine McCabe, chair of the marketing department. “Also, in order to be a business minor, CAS students had to take a management course.” A new option to minor in marketing has been designed uniquely for CAS students, al- lowing them to skip the man- agement requirement and in- stead take the core Principles of Marketing course. The structure involves that core principles class in addition to three marketing electives. “This was put together to help students for their ca- reers and futures,” said Mc- Cabe. “The minor is a comple- ment to many CAS students because their careers will have to do with marketing.” Another new develop- ment for the minor is the grouping of elective cours- es into four concentrations: sports marketing, market- ing innovation and new me- dia, brand marketing, and marketing consulting. The concentrations, new to both the marketing major and minor, allow students to choose their electives in a way that meets their interests. The sports marketing path includes the business of sports and the media, the business of sports, sports mar- keting consulting, and a gen- eral sports marketing course. Marketing innovation and Marketing minor complements CAS Angela Bray Journal Staff see MINOR page 5 Suffolk students showed their support for Japan on April 5 in the opening cer- emony for Stand for Japan, a Suffolk University relief ef- fort presented by the Office of Diversity Services. The kickoff was part of Asian American Heritage Month, a four-week celebration of Asian culture and pride, and now because of the tragedy that struck Japan on March 11, April will be a month de- voted to raising donations to aid the nation in need. Three Suffolk students af- fected by the events in Japan spoke, including Ezra Polland, who was studying abroad and teaching English in central Tokyo when the earthquake struck. Although the tsu- nami did not hit central To- kyo, where he was living, the tremors from the earthquake were enough to cause panic and fear throughout the city. “It’s the sort of thing where you’re worried about yourself, but you’re more worried about people in worse peril,” Pol- land told those in aendance. Polland talked about how people began to run when buildings started swaying, including the one where he taught. He stayed – refus- ing to leave an 85-year-old woman who could not exit the building without assistance. Polland leſt Japan March 16, but his heart is still there, as he emphasized just how much the Japanese people need our support, stating that “any support we give is going to be fully utilized in an organized manner.” The ceremony began with an introduction by Craig Cul- linane, associate director of Diversity Services. Next was a screening of an AP news broadcast presented by USA- Today.com that spoke of the severity of the situation in Japan. We all know about the earthquake and subsequent Jenn Orr Journal Staff Relief effort stands for Japan see JAPAN page 4 Photo by Jenn Orr International "Syria shows solidarity" pg. 7




News "Dump and run collects items, prevents waste' pg. 5

Opinion"The cruelty toward one woman in Libya" pg.15

Arts"Boston gets all 'Together' now" pg. 13

Sports"Suffolk student plays im-portant role for department" pg. 18


Dedicated to promoting equal human rights, social justice and peace, Mirembe On My Mind is an organi-zation at Suffolk that holds events to increase awareness about these causes and to fund raise to help communi-ties in need. “Mirembe” is the Lugandan word for “peace.”

“We denounce the use of violence against humans, and work towards goals of help-ing those in post-traumatic situations, and in danger of being trafficked, through raising funds and aware-ness,” said Meghan Davis, president of the organization.

Events generally focus on one topic per week. Topics

this semester have included global poverty and home-lessness, women’s rights, Egypt, Libya, and Japan.

“Mirembe encourages anyone interested in current world events, human rights, and peace and justice to at-tend the e v e n t s , ” said Da-vis. “In the past, we have sold U g a n d a n p a p e r pearls to benefit the b u i l d i n g of a reha-bil i tat ion center for f o r m e r child sol-

diers in northern Uganda.”The paper pearls, hand-

made of recycled paper by northern Ugandan women, are used to make necklaces and bracelets. Although Mirembe is a young organization at the university, Davis believes it

has been making a big impact on the campus community.

“We always welcome new faces,” she said, as reg-ular meetings currently at-tract about 20 to 30 students.

Mirembe encourages, creates awarenessGianna CarchiaJournal Staff

see MIREMBE page 3

The marketing minor has always existed, but has been underestimated by College of Arts and Sciences (CAS) stu-dents due to the Sawyer Busi-ness School (SBS) three-credit courses (compared to CAS four-credit courses). However, it is now a reasonable option.

“In the past, it has been challenging for CAS students because of scheduling with the credit difference,” said Catherine McCabe, chair of the marketing department. “Also, in order to be a business minor, CAS students had to take a management course.”

A new option to minor in marketing has been designed uniquely for CAS students, al-lowing them to skip the man-agement requirement and in-stead take the core Principles of Marketing course. The structure involves that core principles class in addition

to three marketing electives.“This was put together

to help students for their ca-reers and futures,” said Mc-Cabe. “The minor is a comple-ment to many CAS students because their careers will have to do with marketing.”

Another new develop-ment for the minor is the grouping of elective cours-es into four concentrations: sports marketing, market-ing innovation and new me-dia, brand marketing, and marketing consulting. The concentrations, new to both the marketing major and minor, allow students to choose their electives in a way that meets their interests.

The sports marketing path includes the business of sports and the media, the business of sports, sports mar-keting consulting, and a gen-eral sports marketing course.

Marketing innovation and

Marketing minor complements CASAngela BrayJournal Staff

see MINOR page 5

Suffolk students showed their support for Japan on April 5 in the opening cer-emony for Stand for Japan, a Suffolk University relief ef-fort presented by the Office of Diversity Services. The kickoff was part of Asian American Heritage Month, a four-week celebration of Asian culture and pride, and now because of the tragedy

that struck Japan on March 11, April will be a month de-voted to raising donations to aid the nation in need.

Three Suffolk students af-fected by the events in Japan spoke, including Ezra Polland, who was studying abroad and teaching English in central Tokyo when the earthquake struck. Although the tsu-nami did not hit central To-kyo, where he was living, the tremors from the earthquake were enough to cause panic

and fear throughout the city.“It’s the sort of thing where

you’re worried about yourself, but you’re more worried about people in worse peril,” Pol-land told those in attendance.

Polland talked about how people began to run when buildings started swaying, including the one where he taught. He stayed – refus-ing to leave an 85-year-old woman who could not exit the building without assistance.

Polland left Japan March 16, but his heart is still there, as he emphasized just how much the Japanese people need our support, stating that “any support we give is going to be fully utilized in an organized manner.”

The ceremony began with an introduction by Craig Cul-linane, associate director of Diversity Services. Next was a screening of an AP news broadcast presented by USA-Today.com that spoke of the severity of the situation in Japan. We all know about the earthquake and subsequent

Jenn OrrJournal Staff

Relief effort stands for Japan

see JAPAN page 4

Photo by Jenn Orr

International"Syria shows solidarity" pg. 7

PAGE 2 April 6, 2011


Wednesday, March 30

11:03 p.m.10 SomersetReport of a simple assault in front of 10 Som-erset Street. Report filed. Case closed.

Thursday, March 31

7:53 p.m.PublicA suspicious electronic device located on a fire hydrant in the corner of Washington and West Street. Report filed. Case closed.

Friday, April 1

11:03 a.m.150 TremontSuspicious person report at 150 Tremont Street. Report filed and case closed.

7:14 p.m.150 TremontAlcohol confiscation at 150 Tremont St. Re-port filed. Judicial Internal.

Saturday, April 2

6:28 p.m.10 SomersetOdor of marijuana, Report filed. Judicial Internal.

Sunday, April 3

1:23 p.m.DonahueUnwanted person in Donahue. Left without incident.

1:59 p.m.DonahueAnnoyance complaint report from a Holiday Inn Resident. Report filed/open case.

Monday, April 4

10:52 a.m.PublicIndividual on Temple Street harassing stu-dents for money. Report filed/case closed

Every year, Suffolk’s Ven-ture Magazine is published to showcase the talented works of students, alumni and fac-ulty, whether it is literature-based, photography, poetry or any other art-based creation.

“Venture really is a place where you can get your voice out and express your-self,” said Venture Editor in Chief Jillian Canavan.

With the collection of works and production taking all year long to produce the publication, a lot of work goes into Venture be-hind the scenes. S u b m i s s i o n s usually are due by the third or fourth week of November, but this year, s u b m i s s i o n s were extended to the week before finals.

“ U s u a l l y we get about a hundred lit-erature submis-sions, maybe a hundred art submissions,” said Canavan. “This year was interesting be-cause we had fewer submis-sions, so I had more room for artists. Last year we had two hundred-some-thing art sub-missions and only had room for 25 of them. It was really hard. This year it was easier and so much better that there was room for these submis-sions. It was the same thing with the literature. I didn’t have to worry about cutting out long fiction pieces that would take up a lot of space.”

With the submissions comes the editing of hun-dreds of pieces, which Canavan said was the most challenging process of composing the magazine.

“[The biggest challenge] is making sure the integrity of the authors and artists is not sacrificed in compiling the book,” said Canavan. “I have an editing staff that select the pieces and then work with the authors, or the pieces them-

selves and indirectly with the authors, to go and grammati-cally edit them. Whether they are revised with my e-board or if it’s just simple punctua-tion, I have to make sure their piece matches the English language but it doesn’t lose the voice and feeling of the author. So that is the hardest part. Making sure I keep the author and keep the author in their piece, their photo-graph, their drawing [with-out changing their voice].”

Along with the edit-ing of pieces, the book itself must be designed. Canavan

let the Journal in on what the cover design may look like.

“I’ve based the design of the cover off the fact that you use your voice and your expression to be yourself and to show who you are,” said Canavan. “Who you are is part of your existence and its part of your purpose in life, and without it there really is no existence. Our voice and words are what gives us existence and life.”

“From that, I was think-ing and drew from the Tree of Life and also drew from the fact that yours generally come from your heart,” con-tinued Canavan. “It incorpo-rates the natural rhythm of life. It moves from a regular EKG line into an EKG line with wisps that look like

veins and/or roots and then it moves into a tree that’s blooming and then it makes a pattern going back into the EKG line. It represents our natural rhythm of life.”

The magazine will be release at Venture’s launch party on April 20, in the Do-nahue Café at 6 to 8:30 p.m., something Canavan and her E-Board have been working toward all year. Meagan Da-more, the Fiction/Non-Fiction Editor, Alex Ali, the Poetry Editor, Alex Wikoff, the Art Editor, make up Venture’s E-Board and ensure that the

magazine is p u b l i s h e d .

“I can’t wait to see these books printed,” said Canavan. “I am really ex-cited to not only see my year’s work, but to be proud of all my fellow stu-dents and my fellow alumni and staff and c o m m u n i t y and to be a part of that.”

W i t h Canavan still a junior this year, she in-tends to make changes to the magazine next year. She mentioned the author and artist’s con-tract needs

clarifying, so submitters and the staff know exactly what they need to do and expect.

Canavan also mentioned another main goal was to put Venture Magazine online. “I also would like to put Venture online. It’s a project that I was going to start this summer but never had time to. But since I’m graduat-ing in next spring and will have a lesser class load in the spring, I’m hoping to put it together. Starting from 2006, I have all the books on file and I’m going to archive them and put them online.”

With the potential of Venture joining the digi-tal world and their launch event on April 20, there’s a lot to look forward to for the magazine’s future.

Venture showcases university-wide workDerek AndersonJournal Staff

Photo courtesy of Jillian Canavan

PAGE 3 April 6, 2011

Suffolk’s interfaith center, an office of the Division of Student Affairs, provides re-ligious events and resources for all students, faculty and staff of all religions. An inter-faith room and a meditation room unite University Chap-lain Reverend Amy L. Fisher with the Suffolk community.

“I would like to say my vision of what it means to be a university chaplain is what facilitated the office as an interfaith center,” said Fisher, who has served as the university’s chaplain since the interfaith center came to Suffolk in 1999. “My vision was to create a center where all religions could commu-nicate, not just one or two.”

She also works with her two interns, Moira Pulit-zer-Kennedy, a student at Harvard Divinity School, and Kathryn Henderson, a student at Andover New-ton Theological School.

“We start new religious clubs as frequently as we are invited to create them,” said Fisher. “This is the interfaith center for the entire univer-sity—law school, arts and sci-ences, business school, grad and undergrad students.”

Existing groups, whether based through the Student

Interfaith center unites Suffolk communityAngela BrayJournal Staff

Yesterday's stainability and religion panelPhoto courtesy of Amy L. Fisher

Leadership & Involvement (SLI) office or the interfaith center, include Eastern Tradi-tions and the Muslim, Roman Catholic and Jewish commu-nities. The Jewish community

is sponsored by Suffolk Hillel, directed by Ailene Gerhardt.

“We try and have a variety of events open to members of all faiths,” said Pulitzer-Kennedy. “We edu-cate; it isn’t all a worship service. People learn and have a new experience. Ev-erything is totally inclusive.”

“The structure of events

is two-fold,” she explained. “One fold includes weekly events—Qur’an study, Torah study, Christian Bible study, Breathe, and meditation.”

Breathe consists of spiri-

tual readings for contem-plation and meditations are done through spiri-tual readings as well as the more traditional Buddhist format led by an expert.

Overlapping the weekly events are interfaith panel discussions held on Tues-days, which focus on religion and faith in addition to a

weekly topic. Past topics have included LGBTQ and envi-ronmental issues. Students, staff, faculty, and a variety of faiths are represented, ac-cording to Pulitzer-Kennedy.

A remaining panel of the semester regards civility and the use of modern media. “The civility panel will be about how civility and use of modern media and social network sites brings people of different faiths together to build different boundaries and diversity,” said Pulitzer-Kennedy. “Civility is some-

thing you can talk about in the context of religious beliefs.”

Next Tuesday will host a pre-Passover chocolate sed-er, a model liturgy that has been created for universi-ties to use as an educational tool to teach about the seder ritual in an informal context.

Both Fisher and Pulitzer-Kennedy agreed the par-ties, most specifically the Hanukkah party, attract the most students. “The par-ties get people together for socialization and educa-tion,” said Pulitzer-Kennedy. “Kathryn even did a beading workshop, which was very hands-on for the students.”

“You don’t need to come to an event or pan-el, this can be just a place to sit and think,” she said.

“Students come with universal questions want-ing to hear other perspec-tives outside their own,” said Fisher. “This is a time in their adult lives to truly mix and mingle with oth-ers outside their traditions.

Fisher serves as a coun-selor, spiritual guide, educa-tional advocate, and ethical voice and will speak with anyone about things like spirituality, religion and ra-cial issues to ethics and mo-rality. She is available daily from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. by ap-pointment in Donahue 540.

“This past week, Mirem-be worked with the Suffolk Democrats to hold events centered around raising awareness about global pov-erty and homelessness,” she said. “We had a great turn-out. Both Mirembe mem-bers and Dems came out, as well as people from the Suf-folk University campus and the greater Boston area.”

The events included a canned food drive, a virtual foodbank to benefit the Great-er Boston Food Bank, show-ings of the documentary One Day at a Time and the movie The Pursuit of Happyness, and two guest speakers Professor Chun spoke to address the food crisis in North Korea.

“We are confident we

raised a fair amount of mon-ey to donate to the Greater Boston Food Bank through the canned food drive, the virtual food drive, and do-nations,” she said. Davis be-lieves students left inspired to make a change in the world.

Mirembe On My Mind receives its funding through a budget and initiatives from SGA. The group has also been working with a public rela-tions class this semester to help raise awareness about the organization and its events.

“Mirembe works to build relationships with students of Suffolk,” said Davis. “And working with the PR class has been a great opportunity. We really try to work with another club or organization on campus for each event.”

The students in the PR class have helped the orga-

nization put together post-ers and advertisements for the events to increase stu-dent understanding of the causes that Mirembe takes on.

“Mirembe feels it’s impor-tant to promote around cam-pus and make people aware of how many homeless people there are, within our Suffolk community and along Bos-ton too,” said Alexis Eliopou-lus, one of the PR students.

The organization is plan-ning a few more events before the close of the semester, in-cluding an event centered on the emerging right to access safe and affordable drinking water for health and well-being, as well as equitable sharing of water resources.

Weekly meet-ings are held on Tuesdays at 1 p.m. in Sawyer 133.

from MIREMBE page 1

Organization promotes human rights, justice, and peaceIn a recent email to the

entire university, Suffolk’s search for a replacement president has moved forward by selecting a Search Consul-tant company to aid in the Search Committee’s efforts.

“Given the important role Search Consultants play in such a selection process, our Committee considered five and interviewed four consul-tants,” stated the email from Trustee and Search Commit-tee Chair Dennis M. Duggan, Jr. “We unanimously chose Greenwood/Asher & Associ-ates, a woman-owned inter-national search firm with 30 consultants and affiliates.”

The women heading the company, Dr. Jan Greenwood and Dr. Betty Asher, were stat-ed in the email to have both been university presidents in the past. Their team has also been stated to have com-pleted over 1,000 searches.

“With Greenwood/Ash-er’s assistance and guidance we are planning the search process,” the email went on to say. “We will be placing an ad-vertisement in the Chronicle of Higher Education and oth-er publications and are devel-oping a position description for use in candidate solicita-tion, review and interviews.”

In efforts of finding ex-President Sargent’s replace-ment, there will be “town meeting” type forums for uni-versity constituents to com-municate challenges, changes to be made, success opportu-nities, etc. This is to enable participation from anyone wishing to be involved and voice thoughts or concerns.

A website is currently be-ing created to track Search Committee progress. “In the meantime,” stated the email, “Search Committee Mem-bers welcome your input."

Presidential search update

PAGE 4 April 6, 2011

tsunami that horribly af-fected the north-east region. We also know about the wor-ries and uncertainties tied to the Fukushima nuclear power plant situation. But what we don’t know are exact num-bers of people affected or how long it will take to rebuild the most hazardous areas.

After the news broadcast, Mr. Hisashi Nakatomi spoke about exactly what happened the day the earthquake and tsunami struck. Working as Deputy Consul General – Japanese Consulate, Mr. Na-katomi has been educating others about the gravity of Ja-pan’s situation and the impor-tance of international aid. The Japanese Consulate in Boston provides cultural resources, visa information, events cal-endar, and business infor-mation, with a list of Japan specialists in New England.

With 134 countries tak-ing part in relief efforts, Mr. Nakatomi noted both his gratitude and the gratitude of the Japanese people, say-ing, “We appreciate the huge help and support of the Unit-ed States” before mention-

ing the life-long friendship between the U.S. and Japan.

Following Mr. Nakatomi’s speech were words from the three Suffolk students, one of whom was Takako Ohyama, a Suffolk s e n i o r f r o m t h e n o r t h -east re-gion of J a p a n . S h e s a i d she re-c e i ve d w o r d of an e a r t h -q u a k e from a f r i e n d late at n i g h t w h i l e studying here in Boston. She said she wasn’t really worried at first since earth-quakes are common where she’s from, but the follow-ing day she saw the news on TV and was shocked. She could not reach her parents or friends for a while but was finally able to establish con-

Ceremony speakers, broadcast elaborates on tragedy abroadtact a week after the quake.

“People are suffering, people are dying, and I can’t believe what is happening in my city,” Ohyama said. She spoke about so many

people not knowing where to go because so many fami-lies have been displaced. Af-ter three weeks of rescue ef-forts, 15,000 people have yet to be found. “It’s hopeless for people who are missing.”

A friend back home told Ohyama to tell others that things are getting better as

people receive more aid, a statement that has sparked some optimism. “Hopefully everything will be better,” Ohyama said. “I’m sure [of it], especially with all the do-

nations.”F o l -

l o w i n g Takako’s w o r d s was Kei G o s -hima, a S u f f o l k g r a d s t u d e n t from To-kyo who has been act ive ly w o r k -ing with Ohyama on the S u f f o l k Stand for

Japan relief effort. Goshima noted how the quake was so vast that in Tokyo where her parents live, the piano in her house moved a significant dis-tance. Trains were shut down, her friends had to walk eight miles to get home, but every-one was helping one another – opening their doors to strang-

ers and giving free food to those traveling several miles by foot just to make it home.

“I just want to share nice stories of people helping each other,” Goshima concluded.

The ceremony ended with a video message from Tomo Honda, a Suffolk alum liv-ing in Japan and working for Fukushima Renaissance, an organization that is active in the Fukushima power plant disaster control. Honda too emphasized the importance and appreciation of donating:

“We are aware of, and we are grateful for all of the sup-port from the international communities. Thank you Bos-ton, and thank you Suffolk.”

The main event in the Suf-folk relief efforts this month will be Stand for Japan, a fundraiser that will take place on the entire fourth floor of Donohue on April 14. All money for earthquake and tsunami relief will be sent to Japan through the Red Cross, Suffolk’s choice as the best organization to work with.

Although the opening ceremony for Stand for Japan occurred just yesterday, “Your kindness has already reached my heart,” Mr. Nakatomi said.

from JAPAN page 1

Photo by Jenn Orr

Pictured above Ezra Polland (Left) and Takako Ohyama

PAGE 5 April 6, 2011

For the past four years Suffolk University has worked with an organization called “Dump and Run”. The rela-tionship, started by Campus Sustainability Coordinator Erica Mattison, was intended to reduce waste at the uni-versity and provide students with an easy way to contribute items as they prepare to move out of the residence halls.

Dump and Run, an organi-zation operating out of Brook-field, is committed to helping colleges and universities with waste prevention techniques. One way of achieving this goal is extending the usabil-ity of items students no lon-ger need at the end of each school year. The organization also sets out to create rev-enue for any non-profit envi-ronmental and social groups that are willing to take part in the projects. Education concerning the issues of us-ing natural resources and the need to conserve them is an-other priority of the program.

The plan has been a suc-cess overall in achieving its main goal. “Suffolk has been able to dramatically reduce its trash output, thanks in part to the initiative,” said Mattison.

The program has also been successful in helping with local charities, such as ABCD North End, which is part of Boston’s antipoverty agency. According to Matti-son, the university has con-

Dump and Run collects items, prevents wasteMichael ChristinaJournal Staff

Students collect items in last year's program at 150 TremontPhoto courtesy of Erica Mattison

tributed thousands of pounds to local charities. The accept-ed items include gently used clothing, shoes, books, kitch-en and home goods, furniture, unused toiletries and cleaning supplies, unopened food, and gently used sheets and towels.

Mattison first heard about

the program while working in Suffolk’s facilities office. “I wondered what Suffolk did in terms of getting rid of items from the dorms, and it turned out there was not any type of program for reducing waste

during move out. I heard about Dump and Run and thought it was a great idea.”

The program has reached its fifth year at Suffolk and, according to Mattison, has more student participa-tion than ever. “We have learned a lot about how to

run this program and how to overcome some of the challenges, and we are very excited for the fifth annual Dump and Run,” she said.

But more help is always welcome and needed. “We

need a lot of hands on deck to run the neatest, most orga-nized program yet, so we are recruiting volunteers in early April and offering gift cards to those who successfully complete five hours of work in late April or early May.”

Commuter students are

being encouraged to join in as well. “We are trying to pro-vide more guidance than ever to students who live off cam-pus and are going to be mov-ing,” said Erica. “There are many waste reduction oppor-tunities in that regard and we are working with OCHO and others on providing informa-tion to off-campus students.”

Lead Eco-Rep for the project, Careese Peters, is planning for a hectic few weeks. “The project is go-ing to pick up soon and cur-rently we are looking for re-liable volunteers who will be in or around Boston around exam week to help box up items and unload goods.”

Students interested in becoming involved will soon have their opportunity, as Suffolk is planning to have its largest Dump and Run event this month. Starting on April 20 and continuing all the way through the end of the mov-ing process, students will be able to drop off items at des-ignated locations throughout the residence halls. Students who volunteer for five hours with the sorting and pack-ing of items will receive a $10 gift card to the Suffolk Book-store. To volunteer, students should email [email protected] by April 10.

new media offers new product develop-ment, the business of so-cial media, high tech mar-keting, and e-marketing.

Integrated marketing communications, services marketing, brand marketing, and the business of social media make up the brand marketing concentration.

The marketing consult-ing concentration focuses on sports, global (Shang-hai) and honors marketing.

McCabe said the con-centrations reflect what’s currently happening in the business world. “There are a lot of ways for students to choose courses with their in-terests. In the next few years, we will add more, different types of electives,” she said.

However, any three elec-tives will meet the qualification.

According to McCabe, the department hopes to see more new students declaring the

marketing minor. “As we com-municate and connect with CAS and design students, we will learn more,” she said. “It all makes a good diversity in the classroom discussions. Es-pecially with the NESAD stu-dents; there is a great need for students with those skills.”

Students have land-ed marketing internships with places like Hill Holi-day, HubSpot and the Bos-ton Celtics. In addition, in-ternships and projects are opportunities available through the department.

The Professional Mar-keting Association (PMA) is also open to CAS students with marketing minors. The student organization brings marketing professionals and speakers to the univer-sity for resume help, work-shops and career advice.

“The better we connect to our business community, the better for our students,” said McCabe. “It comple-ments the experience.”

CAS meets SBS minorfrom MINOR page 1

Last Wednesday, Rick Ruffolo visited Suffolk Uni-versity to present “Using Marketing Research to Cre-ate Winning Products and Brands” as part of Suffolk’s speaker series. Ruffolo is a seasoned executive with more

than 20 years of experience providing growth and profit for top consumer brands at leading specialty retail and consumer goods companies.

Ruffolo is an expert on the essential elements of cre-ating and optimizing innova-tion strategy and process to successfully launch brands. He was invited to Suffolk to share his marketing research, products and branding.

“All great marketing ei-ther leads to a program that fails or one that does really well,” he explained. “Mar-

Executive on marketing, research successSoleil BarrosJournal Staff

keting doesn’t do just aver-age stuff, it's either going to work or it's not going to work. You’re going to return the investment you put into marketing or you’re not.”

Ruffolo opened his pre-sentation mentioning how he was appreciative to have the opportunity to arrive early and visit the city. “It was nice

to walk around and enjoy the city of Boston without my kids trailing behind me,” he joked. He also mentioned the excitement of having lunch and an ice cream sundae.

“Marketing is every-where. You came to this speak-er series, some how or another it was marketing that brought you here,” said Ruffolo.

Ruffolo continued his lecture with a slide show presentation bringing Suf-folk students and staff along his journey through school-ing and work experience. He

talked about his career start in brand management while working for Procter & Gam-ble, being assigned the prod-uct Metamucil. Ruffolo has also worked with Crest tooth-paste and Wonder Bread, along with senior brand direc-tor roles at SC Johnson Wax, Ralston Purina, Bath & Body Works, and most recently

working with Yankee Candle.

"... you always have a good opportunity to learn how to market."

Read the rest of this article online! Scan or go

to suffolkjournal.net!

April 6, 2011PAGE 6

Questioning the future of LibyaOver the past few weeks,

headlines have erupted with news on the Libyan conflict, exuding curiosity with con-stant research in order to achieve an up-to-date con-sensus. Civilian revolt in Af-rica seems to be a precedent unwelcomed from the rest of the world, but the times could not be more conducive to the atmosphere. Corrup-tion fills these authoritarian regimes while the democratic states are unable to carry out free and representative elec-tions. Such strife is present in countries such as the lib-erated Egypt, Tunisia, Syria, and Bahrain in the Middle East. Each example upholds similar roots but the over-all claim to rebellion varies in oppression of their par-ticular governing bodies.

Concerning Libya, the initial altercation was a prod-uct of Muammar Gadhafi’s strict control Libyan ideol-ogy. He forces upon all of society his point of view, and censors education facili-ties with other industries in order to dissuade rebellious movements. Furthermore, his practice of public executions of those opposing his regime do not allow for a stable and comforting environment. In mid-February of this year, protests began in Tobruk,

Ryan PowellJournal Staff

Photo courtesy of flickr user B.R.Q.

Libya which is in the north-eastern corner of the country.

Gradual expansion and acceptance of the idea devel-oped a full-fledged opposi-tion to Gadhafi. Of late, the rebels (opposition force) have been successfully taking over regions such as Benghazi, the second largest city after the capital, and surrounding military bases and airports. Although the rebels have ex-uded continuity towards a common cause, the pro-Gad-hafi forces have proven to overpower them with an over-all larger military capability.

Of late, the Western pow-ers have debated a means of interaction, especially along the lines of a no-fly zone. The enforcement of this pol-icy, along with not allowing any flight throughout Libya, would give France, Eng-land, and any other propo-nent probable cause to “dis-arm” any opposition to the no-fly zone. The deterrence from imposing this initially came from China and Russia who both hold veto power amongst the United Nations Security Council. This body has been the driving force

towards action in Libya, but without consent from either of them, a no-fly zone would create even more contention.

With the pro-Gadhafi forces gaining sufficient ground on rebel headquar-ters, the UN found dire need to act with civilian lives at risk. Gadhafi’s plan to at-tack over this past weekend compelled the UN Security Council to beseech a no-fly zone with readily avail-able attack forces on any of Gadhafi’s military. This was only possible because China and Russia decided to ab-stain, or refrain from voting.

With this drastic move, Gadhafi was coerced into proclaiming a “cease-fire” to avoid intervention from out-side forces. Only after a few days recognizing this, a co-alition was formed, initially between Great Britain and France, but now involving the U.S. and any Arab allies they can conjure. The coop-eration between the Arab world and the West seems to manifest the amicable re-lations between the two.

Photo courtesy of flickr user B.R.Q.

In most recent events, the North Atlantic Treaty Organi-zation (NATO) has been grad-ually taking over the reins in Libya. This includes all mili-tary deployment and final decisions on actions taken by any outside force within. Be it humanitarian or military aid, the rebels need overwhelm-ing help to dilute Gadhafi’s military power, and it will unquestionably take some time. On campus, debate on Libya and the potential out-comes have been prevalent especially in classes, but the facts and realities are hard to come by, especially without feeling the true demise one can only grasp in the midst of such disruption. Without formal leadership and inex-perienced military presence the rebel forces, even with air support, have failed to di-minish loyalist threat. Many questions on Libya’s future pose themselves in light of the recent NATO takeover, the final outcome must be determined by the rebels and their willingness to overcome Colonel Gadhafi’s presence.

Anti-government protestors (above) carry the coffin of a Libyan killed in heavy fighting.

Libyan rebel fighters (left) hold their old national flag as they walk at sunset.

Headway in Japan

PAGE 7 April 6, 2011

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Syria shows solidarity

Located in the hub of the Middle East, Syria is subject to contrasting religious and ethnic ideologies proving to be the single most decisive means to controversy. Over the past few weeks, not only has strife between the Kurds and Arabs caused conflict-ing demonstration, but Syr-ians together are raising hostilities toward govern-ment practice. Syrian Presi-dent Bashar al-Assad and his government are being criticized for lack of reforms and overly austere censor-ship producing many unnec-essary political prisoners.

The ubiquitous protests in Northern Africa and The Middle East have given even the most oppressed citizens the wherewithal to join in protest. Commencing in the southern city of Deraa, pro-tests began in mid-March as a result of a build-up of military intervention against minor instances of anti-

Ryan PowellJournal Staff

government propaganda. Recognizing that two gen-

erations of the Assad family have acted as president since 1971, the oppression does not go without blame. The Syr-ian government statistic that al-Assad achieved 97.29 per-cent of the vote when elected seems skeptical at best when questioning whether or not democratic elections were applicable. The atmosphere throughout the world is giv-ing those who experience in-justice hope that democracy will prevail. With enough reason to believe democracy is being avoided and severe authoritarianism in place in-stead, the United Nations and other world leaders are expected to intervene which occurred in Libya. Unfortu-nately, this will not necessar-ily be the case because of a lack of credible information and the question of whether or not Assad has directly or-dered the armies interven-tion and protestor killings.

With social networking resources such as Facebook,

the protests have gained support throughout the world. Sympathy is pro-claimed through messages and posts on these web-sites updating the status in varying nations. Countries

such as Norway, Germany, and Egypt have supported the protests through dem-onstrations in their capitals.

Videos of protests in ma-jor cities of Syria, such as De-raa, and the capital Damas-cus, have been leaked onto

the web. A BBC article linked to a video showing the shock-ing death of a simple protes-tor coming into the city for his cause. These videos portray the dismal realities that citi-zens in these oppressed coun-

Photo courtesy of flickr user freeedomania

tries are exposed to on a daily basis. Be it mild censorship, or more severely being thrown in to protest for being pointed at for having said one mere-ly anarchist comment, the outcome is rarely favorable.

Despite the opposition

throughout Syria, their capi-tal Damascus has held pro-al-Assad demonstrations in order to set off the balance. Whether they were bribed or forced into this, no one knows, but this inevitably promotes al-Assad’s cause and gives western powers less of a reason to intervene.

Given that the demon-strations are promoted on such a world-wide basis with sympathy demonstrations throughout, countries outside may be more inclined to inter-vene. Without this, the pro-testers seem to have a bleak outcome with al-Assad’s overbearing authoritarian re-gime. Whether or not the U.S. will intervene is unclear, but Obama has condemned the killing of innocent protes-tors. Promises of reform from al-Assad make it difficult to formally object on the inter-national stage. The only hope is that al-Assad will initiate reform in favor of his people in order to stop demonstra-tions. However, the crucial decision is solely up to him.

On Wednesday, the op-erators of Japan’s crippled Fu-kashima Daiichi nuclear com-plex say they have stopped the leak of radiation-filled water into the ocean. The tsu-nami that caused the initial destruction, a by-product of the 9.0 magnitude Japanese earthquake on March 11, trav-elled six miles inland, caus-ing three nuclear reactors to flood, and eventually explode.

Tokyo Electric Power en-gineers had been struggling for weeks to stop the leak, which consists of a large crack in a nuclear reactor as they battle the worst nuclear crisis since Chernobyl. On Sunday, the foreboding as-sessment of Japanese official’s and engineers included an es-timate of “numerous months” before the crisis, as well as the leak, was under control.

It is unknown, as of Tuesday night, what means

were used to stop the leak, but recent reports of mix-ing sawdust and newspa-pers with polymers and ce-ment have been reported..

Although reports on Wednesday say the radioac-tive leak has been stopped, the government of the Ibaraki Prefecture banned the fish-ing of Sand lances, a small fish caught in waters off the coast of Ibaraki on Tuesday, after they were found to contain radioactive contami-nation of cesium above the legal limit. The contamina-tion was reportedly 526 bec-querel per kilogram, com-pared with a health ministry standard of 500 becquerel, Makato Osodo, of the Ibaraki prefectural government said.

It is the first time that high-er-than-permitted levels of ce-sium have been found in fish. Officials are hoping that with this recent bit of good news, Japan will gradually regain control of their country, and recover from the chaos that has destroyed their country.

Sarina TracyJournal Staff

PAGE 8 February 9, 2011PAGE 8 April 6, 2011

world BRIEFSSouth America

North America


GUAYAQUIL, Ecuador—On Tuesday, after a 2009 State Department cable was made public by WikiLeaks, the Ecuadorian government declared the U.S. ambassador in that country, Heather Hodges, persona non grata and asked her to leave as soon as possible. Ecuadorian For-eign Prime Minister Ricardo Patino, however, declined to call their declaration an expulsion, even though Hodges is unequivocally being kicked out of the country. The cable in question revealed that Ecuadorian President Ra-fael Correa was aware of corruption in the police high command, and when questioned, the ambassador did not have a satisfactory response. According to Patino, this act is “not against the government of the United States, but against a diplomat who made serious statements.”

CUIDAD-JUAREZ, Mexico– Cuidad-Juarez, the most dangerous city in Mexico, suffered one of its bloodiest stretches this year, finishing with 41 homicides in just a four-day period. Among the victims are children, includ-ing a ten-year-old boy, who was shot and killed by a bullet meant for his father. By the end of Sunday, April 3, there were 41 homicides in a 96-hour span, which amounts to ap-proximately one person killed every 2.3 hours in Cuidad-Juarez. "The police have practically done nothing,” said local criminologist and Juarez professor Oscar Maynez. “On certain occasions they have made some arrests, but what happens is that the police are patrolling, but there is no real strategy of the police to stop crime and violence.”

KINSHASA, Democratic Republic of Congo– A U.N plane carrying 33 people crashed in the Congo on Monday while attempting to land at the Kinshasa airport during strong thunderstorms and winds of 23 mph. U.N. Peace-keeping Director Alain Le Roy said the aircraft missed the airstrip likely because of the wind, but he cautioned that the investigation was in its early stages. Most on board were U.N. personnel with five passengers working for oth-er agencies. Susan Rice, the U.S. ambassador to the United Nations, said America "stands ready to assist the U.N. in the aftermath of this terrible accident. As we know well, a stable and prosperous future for the DRC must begin with peace for its people, and U.N. personnel have worked courageously to strengthen the protection of the nation's women, men and children after years of strife," she said.

PAGE 9 April 6, 2011

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Beacon HillContact: Donald Wright (617) 955 5985

Weekly Crossword

PAGE 10 April 6, 2011

Can you make a five-min-ute film in a week? Appar-ently the contestants in the Campus MovieFest can! This national student film festival contest c h a l -l e n g e s s t u -d e n t s to make a film of ex-actly five minutes in length, and even provides students with the necessary tools to do it: an Apple laptop, HD camera, and 24/7 support. The con-test started on March 23

and ended at approximate-ly 6:00 p.m. on March 29.

“It’s basically a five-min-ute movie about anything you want. Last year about 10-15 people submitted scripts and a video. But it can’t be even a second over five minutes

or you will be immediately disqualified,” says fresh-man Jake Athyal, who is an actor in a five-minute Suf-folk student produced film.

This national contest is

the world’s largest student film festival, and is opened up to student filmmakers from universities and col-leges across the country. This year it is celebrating its ten-year anniversary. Ac-cording to campusmoviefest.

com, “During this year's tour, 100,000 students will partici-pate in over 50 events, earn-ing $400,000 in prizes and the chance to see their movies on the big screen at school red

carpet finales and one huge year-end International Grand Finale, in addition to show-cases on AT&T phones and in-flight on Virgin America.”

In addition to student participants in the compe-tition potentially winning

prizes like iPads, Final Cut, or paid trips, they also have the opportunity to have their five-minute films exposed on different media outlets such as The Today Show, ABC World

News Tonight, and CNN.The Campus MovieF-

est is a great opportunity for students to showcase their film-making skills and garner attention on a national scale. Will any Suffolk students make a big impression this

year with their five-m i n u t e f i l m s ? T i m e will tell. The 2011 C a m -

pus Mov-ieFest International Grand Finale will take place in Hollywood from June 23-26, when the screening of the short films will occur.

Fluffy pillows held in the hands of thousands descend-ed upon Harvard Square last Saturday afternoon. As 2:55 p.m. rolled around, they had migrated to the Cambridge Commons, united for one cause: controlled chaos. Be-wildered bystanders, how-ever, had no idea the source of such comradery. At 3:00 p.m. exactly, they were let in on the secret. At the sound of a battle-cry by a man charg-ing through the crowd with a crimson flag, pillows were uncovered from their hid-ing places, including the in-sides of sweaters, jackets, and large, nondescript plas-tic bags, and became fluffy weapons of mass excitement.

“Pillow Fight Day: Bos-ton” was organized by a lo-cal, non-profit, secretive group named Banditos Mis-teriosos, whose aim to get Bostonians “participating in ways just a little out of the ordinary,” while utilizing the city’s great open spaces. This has been their main goal since 2007. Pillow Fight Day ac-complished this, and more,

with dozens of other cities joining in, including Buda-pest, London, Paris and New York, among many others.

Word of the event origi-nally spread like wildfire through Facebook earlier this year, with nearly 4,000 people vowing to attend, and even more telling their friends to join in. The venue, however, remained a mys-tery to all, until 11:59 p.m., on April 1, when Banditos

Misteriosos announced the location on their website. All attendees were urged to “re-main inconspicuous to the

best of [their] abilities,” and to “hide pillows in bags, big jackets, and random trees,” at the request of the Banditos.

People of all ages, includ-ing the tiniest Bostonians, turned out to the Cambridge Common, whipping their pil-lows through the air, striking mighty blows to anyone lucky

enough to be in their range.“The little kids are the

most epic!” laughed 24-year-old Matt Jerod. “They come

out of nowhere, right at your knees, all giggling.”

Many pillow-fighters came in costume, including a pair in a Winnie-the-Pooh and Tigger ensemble, a man in a horse suit, and the leg-endary Banana suit. How-ever, the majority of people came clad in their daily garb,

including school-pride ap-parel from practically every college and university in the Greater Boston area. The fi-nal feather-assailant count ended up at around 1,400.

As feathers flew through the air, and thousands of pillow whacks were heard throughout the grounds, by-standers stopped in their tracks, bewildered by the sudden action. Photogra-phers and videographers, some with cameras attached to hard-hats, were there to document the action, while the fighters did their duty.

The fight, which lasted almost an entire hour, ended with feathers scattered on the Common ground, and many attendees out of breath from the ferocity of combat. The endless laughter might have had a huge hand in the lack of oxygen as well.

“Honestly, this is the best,” said 19-year-old Em-ily Brothers, of Cambridge. “Where else can you get this, everyone’s laughing, having a good time, being a kid again in this Spring fe-ver. A pillow fight mob is the coolest thing ever, and so worth this messy hair.”

Feathers f ly in Ca mbridgeSarina TracyJournal Staff

Angela ChristoforosJournal Staff

F ive minutes to win it

Photo by flickr user Pie_Is_Good through Creative Commons

Logo courtesy of Campus MovieFest

2011 Boston Pillow Fight attracts thousands to Harvard Sq.

PAGE 11 April 6, 2011


If you haven’t been able to get the exasperatingly catchy song “Friday” by Re-becca Black out of your head, just wait. There are more little pop princesses waiting for their YouTube moments, and a vanity record label known as the ARK Music Factory plans to bring them all to an unfortunate c o m p u t e r near you!

Patr ice W i l s o n , a former c h u r c h s i n g e r /m e d i c a l school stu-d e n t / 2 0 0 0 O l y m p i c s track and field train-ee, founded the ARK Music Fac-tory in 2010. The name ARK “was based on the idea of Noah's ark,” Wilson told the L.A. Times. “In other words, a place to gather people togeth-er, where they could be safe.”

After a slew of career prospects, Wilson chose mu-sic, and from there toured with Eastern European pop star Ibrahim Maiga as a back-up singer. He then studied the business side of music at Whitworth University in Spokane, WA before moving to Hollywood, because, “if you're going to try to make a dream in music happen, Los Angeles is where you need to be,” Wilson told the Times.

In a nutshell, this is how the ARK Music Factory works: starry-eyed superstar hopefuls audition for ARK, often with help from parents. For a fee of between $2,000 and $4,000, clients are given a song to record, promotion, a music video, a photo shoot, and even image consulting. Wilson works with producer-engineer Clarence Jay, who also serves as his business partner in ARK. Wilson writes songs for the tween celebrity hopefuls, so if there’s anyone to blame for “Friday” and its

brain-staining sound, it’s him. Wilson says that he writes

age-appropriate lyrics for his clients, which is probably why they are so damn an-noying to any listener who is not between ages seven and 16. But although Black’s song “Friday” (which Wilson wrote and takes full respon-sibility for) has been ripped apart and mocked by many, it still managed to peak at

No. 19 on the iTunes’ charts and has logged more than 64-million views on YouTube.

Pop song lyrics are meant to be catchy, simple, and sweet, according to Wilson, who works with clients and their parents on the perfect tune to suit their almost-al-ways bubbly personalities. He defends himself against accusations of exploiting little rich girls for personal gain, saying that he’s not in this to make millions, but instead to give aspiring performers a chance to work in a stu-dio and in front of a camera.

“I'm getting a lot of criti-cism saying I'm exploiting rich kids and their parents, but find me another com-pany that would do all this at a cost this low, ” Wilson told the Times. “I don't prom-ise anyone fame. In fact, if someone approaches me with their only goal to ‘get fa-mous,' I tell them they're not in this for the right reasons.”

However, it may not seem that way when look-ing at Wilson’s clientele. Very few little girls (as well as adults) delve into Hollywood with the intention of better-ing themselves as artists. It’s

about celebrity status, and the songs and videos – which tend to scream, “Hey I can relate to you, and we’re to-tally cute” – of artists in the ARK community are absolute proof that fame is the game.

An ARK favorite who may be the next Rebecca Black is CJ Fam, a pre-teen with big golden locks of hair, a wardrobe that looks like tween store Limited Too ex-

ploded on her, and a voice to match the mental image of a Limited Too explosion (Does that store even ex-ist still?). Her debut song, “I Wanna Be an Ordinary Pop Star,” talks about how she is so down to earth that

fame would never make her unordinary. The video shows differently.

In CJ Fam’s debut video, the tiny diva participates in photo shoots, tries on clothes and funky sunglasses, rides in limos, and walks out of build-ings only to be cheered on by adoring fans (child actors). The best part of the video is seeing Patrice Wilson and Clarence Jay watching sassy little CJ on a monitor, hap-pily nodding and seeming in-credibly impressed, thinking, “Man, we’ve got ourselves the real deal on this one.”

It seems that only Pa-trice Wilson and Clarence Jay know the true motives of the ARK Music Factory label, which depicts itself as indie on its Myspace page, a de-scription that doesn’t really seem to fit when considering the ultra-glam image it tries to convey to little girls. Time can only tell, but in the mean time, check out the ARK Mu-sic Factory’s website for more information (and a good chuckle perhaps), as well as “Sergio Cilli’s White Hot Top 5: ARK Music Factory Art-ists,” at current.com/shows/infomania (for a side-splitting fit of hysterical laughter).

God should've sunk th is ARKJenn OrrJournal Staff

Photo courtesy of OK Magazine

Yesterday marked the 17-year anniversary of late grunge-rocker Kurt Cobain. Originally from Aberdeen and later Seattle, Washington, Cobain was the front man for the band Nirvana, which reignited the Seattle rock scene once the world caught on. MTV would constantly play their hit “Smells Like Teen Spirit” from their Nev-ermind album, and even Weird Al took the song on with “Smells Like Nirvana.” Cobain apparently enjoyed the parody so much that he wrote Yankovick a letter, saying that he knew he was successful because of it. Eventu-ally, Cobain “committed suicide” although the book is still way open, and mystery still surrounds the death. For instance, the “suicide note”

is pretty positive until the handwrit-ing used in the letter changes and subject matter starts going down-hill. Also, the amount of heroin in Cobain’s system at the time

wouldn’t have allowed him to even pick up a shotgun. Nevertheless, we mourn. Related, Geffen Records is releasing the Nirvana EP Hormoaning for the first time in the U.S. for Record Store Day on April 16.

Memoria, Memoria

NKOTBSB: a combination of Boston’s own New Kids on the Block and 90s teen idols the BackStreetBoys. The two biggest boy bands of their own respective generations have joined forces to go on the road this summer. They will hit Boston on June 4, playing at the TD Garden. Some may say that this is too much, but it was bound to hap-pen. An album will be released on May 24 including new renditions of favorite New Kids and BSB songs, such as “Please Don’t Go Girl” and “Larger Than Life.” As of now, there are no plans for either New Edition or N*Sync to join.

Chinese food makes me sick

After 10 years, popular indie-electro disco-punk band LCD Soundsystem has broken up, performing their last

show on April 2 at Madison Square Garden in New York City. The band has had much

success, catering to the college-aged crowd. The show, which streamed on-line for free, included cameos from acts such as the Arcade Fire. They played their hearts out with origi-nals as well as covers of songs such

as Yes’ “Heart of the Sunrise.” The show had been sold out within seconds.


Logo courtesy of Campus MovieFest

PAGE 12 April 6, 2011


Eric B & Rakim"Paid in Full"

Pump up the volume.-Ethan Long

Cursive"The Ugly Organ"

The exact opposite of 'ugly'-Derek Anderson

Wiz Khalifa"Rolling Papers"

Solid debut for the "Black and Yellow" star.

-Matt West

The Mountain Goats"Tallahassee"

Rich, delicious angst-Sarina Tracy

Ever since The Strokes redefined the meaning of in-die rock with their explosive debut album Is This It back in 2001, I have had my heart set on being graced with their majes-tic presence at a live show. Many sleep-less nights and Strokes-soundtracked bus rides were spent agoniz-ing over the shows I some-how missed, and the idea that I may not ever get the opportunity to see them live before they broke up, a seemingly in-evitable fate for a band of such epic mag-nitude. For-tunately, last Friday I was given what some might call a chance at redemp-tion, when The Strokes, following the release of their fourth and (supposedly) final album Angles, re-turned to their roots to play NYC’s Madi-son Square G a r d e n .

While the sold out venue was infinitely larger than the original grungy bars in which they got their start as care-lessly brilliant party boys, their wild energy and enthu-siasm made it clear that, after a long hiatus, they were glad to be home. I was pleasantly surprised to find that in spite of the clean, overproduced sounds of their new album, and the new “mainstream,” sober-and-settled-down im-age seen in their latest video for “Under Cover of Dark-

ness,” the group still knows how to put on a mind-blow-ingly raw and dirty show. Opening Act Devendra Ban-hart lulled the audience as the calm before the storm, followed by a special “April Fools” surprise appearance by the legendary Elvis Costello,

who played a brief but epic set. Before anyone could catch

their breath, The Strokes got on stage. Relief washed over old fans like myself when they opened with their very first single “Is This It,” stick-ing it to anyone who believed that they would be playing only their new hits, or anyone who doubted whether lead singer Julian Casablancas has still “got it.” His signature soulfully bellowing croon, which was almost muted in

the recording of their new album, echoed through the enormous crowd along with their dopamine-stimulat-ing guitar riffs as the band pumped out new hits and old classics alike. By the time they had played finished play-ing “Reptilia,” “Under Cover

of Darkness,” “Hard to Ex-plain,” “Last Nite,” and their new 80s-influenced “Life Is Simple In The Moonlight,” it’s safe to say that everyone was feeling intoxicated on the music—or maybe it was the varying types of smoke drifting through the air, such an anomaly in a venue such as MSG that one can only as-sume that the security guards turned the other way in com-memoration of The Strokes’ wild legacy (somehow the

debauchery remained undis-turbed during “New York City Cops,” where Julian adds, “They ain’t too smart!”).

The charismatic lead sing-er interspersed witty remarks between the songs, playfully mocking himself for botch-ing the intro to “Last Nite,” as

well as the audi-ence for their ab-surd enthusiasm. The cherry on the cake was when they played “Tak-en for a Fool,” be-fore which Casa-blancas invited Elvis Costello, whose influence is apparent in the song, to join them onstage, then shouted “April Fools!” to the briefly em-barrassed crowd, only to trick us again by hav-ing Costello join them midway through in a mo-ment that is sure to make rock n’ roll history.

After a short break the band played a chill-ing five-song en-core, which con-sisted of “Ask Me Anything,” “The Modern Age,” “Gratisfac-tion,” “I Can’t Win,” and “Take It or Leave It.” As elated audi-ence members of all sorts streamed out of the gigan-tic arena, they smiled at each other knowingly,

as if having just shared a re-ligious experience. Leave it to The Strokes to create solidar-ity between teeny boppers, jazzy parents, and hipster mu-sic snobs. Personally, though I doubt anything can compare to the divinity of their first two albums, after seeing their show, I am more than will-ing to give “Angles” (which I must give props for its ex-perimentation) another shot.

Photo by flickr user Solly_Darling through Creative Commons

Is Th is It?The Strokes Re-instill Fans’ Faith at Epic April Fool’s Day Show Julia DawidowiczJournal Staff

PAGE 13 April 6, 2011

Boston’s Together festi-val is on its way back, aiming to blow over last year’s. On its way to a full launch on Monday, April 18, the week-long series of events will be showcas-ing electronic music, art and technology through art installations, dis-cussion panels, film screenings, technology demonstrations and evening shows of local, national and interna-tional musical talent.

Daily events are set around the greater Boston area at spots like Northeast-ern, Yes.Oui.Si, MassArt, Berklee, Atlantic Wharf, and the Goeth-Institute.

Evening shows will be throwing down at everyone’s favorite venues, including the Enormous Room, the Middle East, Phoenix Landing, Mid-dlesex, and Royale. It doesn’t stop there; even more of the best musicians, DJs, and producers are taking over Church, Zuzu, Wonderbar,

Goodlife, and Savant Project.And of course, after-

parties resume the galli-vants of Friday and Satur-day nights at RISE, Boston’s After-Hours. From 1 to 6

a.m., partygoers can, and will, drown in the sounds of SWITCH and Anton Pieete.

Panels are pitched to discuss the electronic music community, live electronic music, stereo sound, motion sensitive technologies, cre-ative economy, dubstep, and production. Notable speak-ers worth checking out in-clude Eric Marcelino (aka E-Marc), DigBoston editor David Day, and reps from Wobblesauce, 6one7 Produc-tions, Fashion Week Boston,

and Blue Boy Productions.Deconstructing Dad:

The Music, Machines & Mystery of Raymond Scott and VILLALOBOS will hit the film screens.

The DrumLab demo checks the mixing of live drums and custom software, while the New England Con-servatory opens up its elec-tronic production studios. There will be a demonstra-tion on motion sensitive mu-sic technologies as well as a Chiptune demo and concert.

But we all know music is the central allure. Pantha Du Prince, Above & Beyond, Trentemøller, and Hot Pink Delorean are just a few of this year’s impressive line-

up. Wolfgang Gartner will be at The Middle East to top off his performance last year at RISE. City natives may even recognize locals The Wig, Rick O’Halloran,

Volvox, and Die Young.Already-weekly parties

like THROWED, Beat Re-search, Re:Set, and The Drop will kick even harder solely for Together with its stellar residents and crushing guests.

Together sponsors in-clude Boston’s Weekly Dig, Future Boston Alliance (FBA), Bacardi, VitaminWa-ter, Northeastern University, Mass Art, Dubspot, Bris-tol Studios, and Ink Kiosk.

With a bit over a week to go, the festival’s DJ and pro-

ducer competitions are cur-rently deep in progress. The DJ mix competition allows a 30 to 70 minute mix entry to be judged on track selection, transitions, flow and listener

engagement. Produc-ers may trace their skill and creativity through a three to ten-minute re-mix of a selected track. Though the prizes are to be determined, we do know winners will receive a year’s supply of VitaminWater. Last year’s competition bus-tled out over $3 million in gear and software.

The best part? The Togeth-er pass ($95) allows holders week-long complimentary ac-cess to any and every official festival event. That’s right- inclusion to over 35 concerts and parties, all four days of discussion panels, demos, ex-hibits, seminars, and screen-ings. The Together Plus pass ($110) grants weekend access to RISE. Both also admit to the festival’s VIP launch party.

Together Boston, April 18-24. togetherboston.com, to-getherboston2011.sched.org

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SUMMER II: July 5 - Aug 19

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Angela BrayJournal Staff

Boston gets a l l 'Together' now

Logo courtesy of Together

PAGE 14 April 6, 2011

Sta f f Editoria lThe recent closing of Hi-

Lo Foods in Jamaica Plain sparked community sad-ness and a sense of loss. The store, which operated for 47 years at the same location, offered foods and household goods from various Latin America origins. Not only did Hi-Lo offer home com-forts and foods to Jamaica Plain’s diverse and trans-planted Latino community, it did so at an affordable price.

With the ending of a com-munal staple, local residents turned dejection into outrage. They have recently started to voice concerns over the pro-posed introduction of a new tenant to the former Hi-Lo site: Whole Foods Market.

Hi-Lo occupied an inter-esting location that has ob-vious appeal to a company that prides itself on attract-ing customers by offering di-verse and funky food options. The former family-operated supermarket straddled the imaginary border between Ja-maica Plain’s Caucasian and Hispanic neighborhood sub-groups. Moreover, where the two communities merged, a growing crowd of young and adventurous hipsters flocked to enjoy the affordability of Hi-Lo’s low cost produce and creature comforts. Unfortu-nately, Whole Foods opening in this mix of classes is viewed by many as the final push into the total gentrification of JP.

And you know what they say about gentrification: White people sure don’t mind it. Whole Foods operates each individual store in a man-ner that meets the needs of the local community. So, the JP Whole Foods will more than likely specialize in La-tino food items. In addition to this, they also hire team members from the particular locale in order to promote their image of being a mem-ber of the neighborhood.

On the outside, it seems harmless enough. Seeing as how Whole Foods pays em-ployees better than average, job creation and decent wages

are good things. Add to that benefits and profit sharing for full-time employees on top of a 20 percent discount [for all employees] and it is easy to lose sight of concern.

Many of the residents, in particular recent immi-grants, cannot afford to do much of their shopping at Whole Foods. Hi-Lo did not just offer the commu-nity what the community wanted in terms of product, they also did so at a price that the community could afford. A shopper spending $100 at Hi-Lo could walk out with eight bags of groceries. At Whole Foods, that shop-per might leave with three.

So while those loyal to Hi-Lo may take their business elsewhere out of protest or eco-nomics, where does that leave Whole Foods? The answer is simple: Whole Foods is going to attract shoppers who are more comfortable with that style of shopping, yet, who would otherwise not venture into that particular area of Ja-maica Plain. In essence, it will be a safe haven for “whitey.”

There are many Cauca-sian residents in JP, many of whom celebrate the di-verse backgrounds of Ja-maica Plain’s residents. They would not only go to a place like Hi-Lo, they would also patronize the many local in-dependent shops dotting the vicinity. They help sup-port community businesses.

The new location of Whole Foods will attract the type of shopper that will now feel comfortable enter-ing Jamaica Plain to pick up “authentic” Latino fare while avoiding the real authentic boutiques and shops imme-diately surrounding the store. These shoppers will support Whole Foods and not the com-munity. That is the concern.

The upscale, organic, gro-cer will definitely bring more traffic into JP, but what is the point when those shoppers are making one individual store their only destination? How does that build com-munity? Only time will tell.

Hi-Lo memory vs. Whole Foods in JPJason KenoskyJournal Staff

An April 2 New York Times article titled, " An Iowa Stop in a Broad Effort to Revital-ize the Religious Right" not-ed a recent religious romp in Iowa among Evangelical pastors, hosted by the one and only Mike Huckabee.

Pastors/ministers and their spouses were invited to an all expenses-paid two-day trip for a Pastor's Brief-ing at a Sheraton Hotel. It was all a part of the Iowa Re-newal Project, a program that features several right-wing "superstars" as well as four presidential contenders in an effort to bring more evangeli-cals into the political arena.

The recent meeting in Iowa was only one of at least 14 similar meetings in the last several years in which pastors and their spouses are treated to an all-expenses paid trip

that is basically a conservative ego trip. And we have Mike Huckabee to thank in large part for all of the nonsense that comes with these "meetings."

At the meetings, right-wing leaders and public fig-ures speak, as well as lead-ers of the church. They talk about conserving the America that once was -- the America where people had to hide from themselves and real life in a sense. The meetings are completely counterproduc-tive, emphasizing the sanc-tity of marriage between a man and a woman in a world where it's finally OK, if not pretty cool, to be openly gay. They talk about the human-ity that lies within an unborn baby and the importance of abolishing abortion in the country completely. They talk of the importance of restoring

America as a Christian na-tion, truly "one nation under God." They talk of the Envi-ronmental Protection Agency spreading lies, and even say that the Obama health care law is one step closer to the U.S. becoming a dictatorship.

And the scary thing is, people are buying it. Lots of them. So far, these meetings have been attended by nearly 10,000 pastors from across the nation, who then spread their Republican enlighten-ments to their parishes. And as if the Evangelical commu-nity weren't involved enough in politics (or batshit radical about them), fools like Huck-abee and Michelle Bachmann are calling out for more. 2012 may be a very scary year, and we may be one step closer to becoming a one religion, almost Puritanical society.

PAGE 15 April 6, 2011

Last week it was report-ed that a woman in Libya was dragged away from a Tripoli hotel after trying to tell foreign reporters that 15 of Muammar Gadhafi’s mili-tary men raped her. After undergoing 72 hours of bru-tal interrogations, she has only recently been released. And although reports as of Monday afternoon stated she had been freed, her fam-ily has no idea where she is and has not heard from her. How does something like this happen, and why is nobody doing anything?

Eman al-Obeidy, 29, told jour-n a l i s t s she was d e t a i n e d in Tripoli by gov-e r n m e n t t r o o p s who tied her up for two days, gang-raped her, peed on her and filmed her, all because she is from an area in east Libya known for strong anti-Gadhafi re-bellions, a distressing, but all-too-common reason for detainment. Filmed by many who were present, al-Obeidy started a brawl, while jour-nalists tried to help her by physically blocking many of the workers there who pulled knives on her, smashed re-porters’ cameras, and called her a traitor. Only after un-dergoing relentless inter-rogations was she suppos-edly released when a doctor verified that she was tortured and raped -- an unimagi-nable, horrendous situation.

It’s been more than a week already and nobody seems to be helping this woman after she was repeat-edly captured by Gadhafi’s forces to try and prevent her from taking her case to police. Officials say they’re unsure of what to do with her be-cause she’s not charged with a crime, but why on earth

should she be charged with anything? In such a hostile environment, I find it hard to believe that a woman would make such allegations and put herself in a room full of journalists to tell her story if it wasn’t true. Although no news networks have been able to verify her story, vis-ible injuries and recent tele-phone interviews with al-Obeidy support her claims.

Journalists have often heard and even witnessed similar incidents of brutal-ity in Libya since the upris-ing began several weeks ago, but because of strict controls over independent reporting, stories like these have been

unable to be told -- a sad reality in an

era where

j o u r n a l -ists are supposed to be the watchdogs. I can understand that report-ers are subject to harsh laws and regulations outside their home countries, but I just think that something more can be done, especially in situations like this where al-Obeidy clearly went to great lengths to get her story out.

The Libyan regime has been trying to discredit her, calling her a prostitute, men-tally unstable, and a drunk. Al-Obeidy’s family members have even been under harsh pressure from the govern-ment to publicly denounce her as insane and ruin her reputation. After being tak-en away from the hotel, she claims she underwent in-tense psychological abuse, and even had food thrown at her and water poured on her by interrogators who were Gadhafi loyalists -- an inex-cusable offense after what

she had just gone through.After being detained once

again on Sunday for break-ing an agreement with the attorney general to not speak with the press in order to not compromise her case, she supposedly did a telephone interview on Monday with CNN. Although she stated she was no longer in custody, reporters are uncertain that she was released because she has yet been seen, and there is no way to confirm that the caller was al-Obeidy herself -- a horrific and unbeliev-able situation if true -- due to government officials trying to make the allegations go away.

On a slightly b e t t e r note, al-O b e i d y is quick-ly be-coming the face of the a n t i -G a d -h a f i move-ment , g i v -i n g vo ice t o those w h o h a v e b e e n

forced to experience abuse un-der the harsh regime. Many Libyans are hailing her as a hero and people are, right-ly so, demanding to know where she is and fearing for her life. Her repeated deten-tions are adding fuel to the movement, gathering sym-pathy and support for her and the Libyan opposition.

Although it’s heart-wrenching that something like this is what it takes for people around the world to pay attention to the cruel regime people are under in Libya, maybe something meaningful will finally be done to help al-Obeidy and the situation, which at pres-ent have been unable to come up with solutions and preventions to keep treat-ment like this happening.

Tuesday or Thursday – the in-famous street cleaning days.

The street cleaning pro-gram in the North End is run by the Public Works Depart-ment. Each street has differ-ent street cleaning dates: Hull Street is the second and fourth Tuesday of the month from 12 to 4 p.m., while Prince Street is the first and third Tues-day of the month and starts earlier in the morning. Ac-cording to CityofBoston.gov, the street cleaning program is executed because “It will provide cleaner streets in the neighborhood and a reduc-tion in rodent food sources.”

Although the inten-tions of the street cleaning are good, if your car is on a North End street during its street cleaning hours, then the outcome is not so good for the owner of the vehicle.

“I didn’t even realize Tuesday was a street clean-ing day on Hull Street. The words are printed really small on the signs too so I didn’t even think to read it,” said North End resident Ryan Leonard. “And when I left for work in the morning

To most, the months of March through December are enjoyable ones – after all, in that time span are the highly anticipated seasons of spring and summer. But for those drivers that frequent the North End and residents of the North End, these months mean aggravation every other

Making the innocent mistake of not realizing – or simply forgetting – that it’s a street cleaning day ends

up costing you $175

Cleaning the streets in the

North EndAnd what it can cost you

The cruelty toward one woman in LibyaLexis GallowayJournal Staff

Angela ChristoforosJournal Staff

at 10 a.m. my car was still there so I didn’t even think twice about street cleaning.

“Later that afternoon, my girlfriend realized the car wasn’t there and it was such a hassle. We had to go all the way to East Boston to pick up the car, pay a $135 fine, and they even gave me a $40 ticket on top of it. Go figure.”

Making the innocent mistake of not realizing – or

simply forgetting – that it’s a street cleaning day ends up costing you $175. As if the fee of $135 to get the car from the tow company wasn’t enough, the city of Boston generously slaps on a $40 ticket viola-tion for street cleaning too.

Towed cars and ticketing in the North End are both in-convenient and pricey. Fortu-nately, there is now a tool on the CityofBoston.gov web-site that provides a search to look up the schedules for street cleaning dates of dif-ferent streets in the North End, and even offers the op-tion of registering for “No-Tow” emails that send out reminders about the street cleaning day the night before.

It is vital that North End residents and visitors use these tools or pay close at-tention to the neighborhood signs. If not, they should brace themselves for a long aggra-vating day of locating their car and finding a way to the tow company to get it. Didn’t think it could get any better? Of course it does – the cherry on the cake – an inconvenient $175 dent in your wallet.

PAGE 16 April 6, 2011






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PAGE 17 April 6, 2011

Sports briefs

Team standings

NCAA title game proves to be a dud

The 2011 NCAA men’s national championship game came and went on Monday, leaving many fans bewildered and a bit underwhelmed. For one of the more exciting March Madness tournaments in recent memory, the title game al-most made you want to close your eyes forget it ever hap-pened. The University of Connecticut ultimately prevailed, 53-41, over the Butler Bulldogs, but not after one of the more ugly offensive displays in recent memory. For starters, the final score was the lowest point total in a title game since 1949. In addition, Butler converted only three two-point field goals all night, which is something that has never been done. The team also shot 18.8 percent from the floor, which was the lowest in title game history. A bright spot, however, is the fact that Connecticut Head Coach Jim Calhoun became the oldest coach to win a national championship, and now just one of five to have won three in his illustrious career.

Giants fan in critical condition

In a sign of things gone horribly wrong for the Los An-geles Dodgers, word is surfacing that the Giants fan, Bry-an Stow, that was beaten at Dodger Stadium in last week’s opening game is showing signs of brain damage and re-mains in critical condition. According to a report on ESPN.com, detectives are looking into Dodgers fans who report-edly had confronted other fans before settling on Stow. Stow is a 42-year-old paramedic and father of two from Santa Cruz, and suffered a severe skull fracture and bad bruising to his brain’s frontal lobes. With efforts from the Dodgers, Giants and various other people, $100,000 is being posted as a reward for information on the assailants. "Dur-ing the game, my wife received a text message from him ... He basically said he was scared inside the stadium," John Stow, his cousin, told ESPN. The hope is Stow can make a recovery and his attackers are found and prosecuted.

Rooney appeals two-game suspension

Wayne Rooney is once again making headlines, but this time for something he would probably like to take back. During Manchester United’s victory over West Ham on Saturday, the 25-year-old forward (who currently has 10 goals and 11 assists in 22 premier league games) cursed into a nearby television camera after scoring his third goal of the contest. According to ESPN.com, he was subse-quently handed a two-match ban, but he is not appealing it. "Whilst the use of foul and abusive language is not con-doned, there is an acceptance by all parties within the game that 'industrial language' is commonly used," Gordon Tay-lor, chief executive of the players’ union, said. "It becomes an issue when directed toward match officials. However, when used in a spontaneous way in celebration or frustra-tion then it is not normally expected to merit a sanction." If his appeal fails, he runs the risk of further discipline.

NFL awards money to player charities

The NFL may be in the midst of ugly negotiations between the owners and players, but that doesn’t mean it can’t hand out some money for a good cause. Accord-ing to ESPN, the league has awarded $1 million in grants to charities of nearly 90 current and former players. Star players Drew Brees, Peyton Manning, Ben Roethlisberger, and Philip Rivers were among those receiving money for their charities. NFL charities have given more than $17 million to player foundations over two decades. Brees, for one, is getting $100,000 to build an athletic facility at a New Orleans high school destroyed by Hurricane Katrina.

Men's baseballApril 6 vs. Roger Williams, 3:30 p.m.April 7 vs. Fitchburg St., 7 p.m.April 9 at Johnson & Wales (double), 12, 2:30 p.m.April 10 vs. Norwich (double), 1, 3 p.m.April 12 at Salem St., 3:30 p.m.

Women's softballApril 6 vs. Brandeis (double), 3:30, 5:30 p.m.April 7 at Wheelock (double), 3, 5 p.m.April 9 at Pine Manor (double), 12, 2 p.m.April 10 vs Norwich (double), 12, 2 p.m.April 12 vs. Mass.-Boston (double), 3, 5 p.m.

Men's tennisApril 7 at Mass.-Boston, 3 p.m.April 9 at Albertus Magnus, 1 p.m.April 11 at Salem St., 3 p.m.

Men's baseball(GNAC)

1. Johnson & Wales (RI) 4-0 2. Suffolk 2-03. St. Joseph's (Me.) 0-04. Albertus Magnus 0-05. Norwich 0-06. Lasell 0-27. Emerson 0-28. Rivier 0-2


1. Emerson 7-02. Simmons 6-23. Pine Manor 3-14. Rivier 4-25. Lasell 4-26. St. Joseph's (Me.) 3-37. St. Joseph (Conn.) 3-38. Norwich 3-39. Johnson & Wales (RI) 2-410. Emmanuel 2-511. Suffolk 1-312. Mount Ida 1-513. Albertus Magnus 0-6

Men's Tennis(GNAC)

1. Suffolk 2-0 2. Johnson & Wales (RI) 1-03. Norwich 0-14. Albertus Magnus 0-15. Emerson 0-16. Anna Maria 0-5

PAGE 18 April 6, 2011

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Suffolk student plays important role for departmentMatt WestJournal Staff

You can usually catch Christopher Cercone stand-ing above the court or off to the side of the field, behind a camera, watching each Suf-folk athletics game unfold.

This 19-year-old fresh-man from Salem, Massachu-setts, thoroughly enjoys tap-ing game footage as part of a work-study program for the university. He works very hard to procure game footage for the coaches and players.

“I did a lot of videotap-ing of athletics in high school. It’s something I really like to do; and I’m a media major,” says Cercone. “I’m also a sports fan so, the two things came together really well.”

Cercone did not waste any time getting involved. He sent Athletic Director Jim Nelson a quick email this summer, before his first se-mester in college had even commenced, inquiring about possibly doing behind-the-

scenes camera work for the department. When Nel-son responded in the affir-mative, this Salem-native jumped at the opportunity.

So far, he has done work the fall, winter and spring sports teams. And while Nelson serves as a liaison-type between himself and

the coaches, everyone knows who he is and what he is doing for them each game.

“It’s largely just me do-ing the videotaping. There are a couple other kids, but they’re just kind of like back-ups,” he explains. “It’s just kind of me being by myself, [and] sometimes the work-

load is real heavy, and I’m doing a bunch of stuff.”

“I mean it’s kind of like off and on. [And] because it’s largely just me, some of the things that the coach-ing staffs might want, they can’t necessarily get be-cause I might be busy.”

Being someone who en-

joys media and communi-cation studies, Suffolk has proven to be a good place for him to harvest his talents and aspirations. He spoke about location being a big reason for coming to the city to study. He then lauded the school’s environmental practices, which served as

an important staple in his decision to come to Suffolk.

“I’m a very environmen-tally friendly person. So when I saw all the [recycling] stuff all over campus, and I knew the university was going green, that really appealed to me,” he explains. “That was a big reason why I chose to come

here in the first place. It’s re-ally kind of a big deal to me.”

Doing this work is also a great opportunity for him to figure out what he wants to do after school. While many students flinch at the idea of getting involved and doing school-related ac-tivities, Cercone is working hard to create connections.

“I kind of want to work in sports media, [but] I don’t

know exactly what,” he says. “There’s always video stuff at colleges or what not. I think that would be something re-ally cool to do. [I’d enjoy] even working for, say, a news network and their sports pro-gram, something like that.”

While gaining valu-able experience and being an integral component to the athletics department is important, he is striving for something more. And, so far, he has found it in bunches.

“Even beyond the expe-rience [are] the people I’ve gotten to know. Between the coaching staff and the student athletes, and other guys in the media depart-ment, I’ve gotten to know some really cool people,” he says appreciatively. “And I think that’s something way more important to me than experience. Just being able to build relationships with people through something I love doing [is important].

He may not be the most noticeable figure in the de-partment, but he is an im-portant piece to the puzzle, and he is just getting started.

Sox off to rough startMatt WestJournal Staff

After an offseason in which they signed two of the biggest free agents in baseball, the Red Sox didn’t exactly jump out of the gate like many expected. Starting the season 0-3 is no reason to sound the alarms, but after getting walloped in Texas to start the 2011 campaign, fans of the team have reason to question how good this pitch-ing staff can ultimately be. Red Sox pitchers surrendered 11 home runs in the three-game set against the Rangers, the most ever in a season-opening series for the team. The offense, meanwhile, was anything but fluid, with left fielder Carl Crawford strug-gling in the early going.

A glaring caveat to this tumbling start is the team’s opponent: the Texas Rang-ers. The Rangers were World Series participants last sea-son, and made some impres-sive moves in the offseason. Yes, they lost on the Cliff Lee sweepstakes, but they signed

Adrian Gonzalez and pos-sess a good, young rotation that could lead them into the playoffs yet again. (That ballpark is also a breeding ground for home runs.) If this was a three-game sweep at the hands of the Kansas City Royals, then I could un-derstand a major uprising.

But it is obviously way too early to even be questioning the makeup of this team. The 162-game marathon season is long an arduous, and won’t be decided in April. Starter John Lackey likely won’t give up 10 runs every outing for the rest of the season, and Crawford and the rest of the lineup will find themselves a groove at some point. Un-less a serious a season-ending injuries suddenly ravages the integral components of this team, they will be fine.

The nation may be fret-ting already, but this team is too deep and talented to wilt this early in the season. Keep the faith, Red Sox fol-lowers. Everything will right itself before you know it.

PAGE 19 April 6, 2011

Bolster succeeding on offense, defense for Rams

Sometimes, pitchers in the game of softball need to be patted on the back or kicked in the butt to be mo-tivated. The one person on the field who best has a feel for that is the catcher, and it is often thought of as the hardest position to play in the sport. It is easily the most taxing, physically and men-tally, out of all the positions.

Ultimately, they are critical to the success of any softball team and often get little recognition or glory. Behind the plate you have to inhabit a strategic defen-sive performance. And of course, defense wins games.

It’s almost a surprise that catchers have any offensive power at all. After squatting down on and off for several hours everyday for a majority of the year, it’s amazing that they can even swing a bat.

For Karina Bolster, those problems don’t seem to apply. The junior has succeeded on both sides, and currently holds the third highest slugging av-erage on the softball team.

You have to applaud her toughness and stamina after

Junior catcher helping Rams through early rutMary McCrossenJournal Contributor

catching fastballs in the palm of her mitt at 60 mph, hit-ting bone over and over and continuing to play the role of on field administrator. At the same time, Bolster con-tributes her bat in the bulk of the line-up while keep-ing team chemistry positive.

“I try to push each per-son to their highest potential and make sure everyone can come talk to me if they have any problems,” says Bolster.

With no captains, the Suf-folk Softball team has to rely on each other and work as a single unit. The team does look to their two seniors, Clara Conklin and Monica Cioffi, for questions, concerns and a certain spark of enthu-siasm that’s needed during practice and games to help pump up the team. It is ex-tremely vital that the team has a strong relationship with each other to get that cer-

tain chemistry on the field.“The team chemistry we

have this year is something that was lacking in the past couple seasons,” Bolster says. “We are not afraid to tell each other how it is and will always be there to pick each other up.”

Bolster has strong expec-tations for this year’s softball team, with hopes of making it to the playoffs. Currently, the team is 4-10 overall and 1-3 in the GNAC, but Bol-

ster comments that it’s early in the season and there is a great deal of time to grow.

Although the team would ultimately like to place in the top four in the confer-ence, they are looking at each game one at a time.

“We all hope to make playoffs this year,” adds Bol-ster. “We have a great con-nection on and off the field and potential to go far if we all play together cohesively.”

With over 10 games left in April the softball team’s mind-set will intensify as the season progresses. Bolster knows that her coaches expect a lot from the team because they see the potential. The hope is the team can execute through-out the rest of the season.

“Coach Lemasters knows the game of softball. She played for Michigan State University and on several Na-tional teams as well. So her knowledge of the game is top notch,” explains Bolster with a smile. “She and our other two assistant coaches expect a lot out of us, and I agree. We have a lot of talent on the team that just needs to be released from the cage, and that's what they keep pounding into us."

Infielder carrying early offensive load for RamsAlex MellionJournal Staff

The Suffolk University baseball team may be just one game over .500, but they have had some pretty impressive contributions from their play-ers so far this season. One of those players, Devan Jones, has been shouldering much of the team’s offensive load thus far, leading the Rams in nu-merous offensive categories.

Jones, a transfer from the University of Maine, has been a bright spot offensively this season, and has already been named to the GNAC Weekly Honor Roll and he was also recognized as the GNAC Rookie of the Week.

“I think all the work I’ve put in off the field is start-ing to pay off,” Jones said. Jones’s work has been evident in his production at the plate: on March 17, Jones blasted what would turn out to be the

game-winning grand slam against Curry College at the RussMatt College Invitation-al in Win-ter Haven, Florida. He credits the time that he’s spent prac t i c ing indoors and lifting at the weight room to his on-the-field s u c c e s s .

W h e n joining a team as a transfer stu-dent, it may be hard to figure out where you fit in and what your role with the team is going to be. Jones has not had that prob-lem so far this year, and is consistently counted on by

the rest of his teammates to be the big bat in the lineup.

“I thought that I had a re-

ally good preseason,” Jones said. “So by the time we took off for Florida I was pretty con-fident that I was going to pro-duce.” And produce is some-

thing he has most certainly done this season. Through 17 games this season, he is

the team leader in batting average (.455), runs scored (22), hits (30), triples (3), runs batted in (17), and is tied for the team lead in home runs.

All gaudy stats aside, Jones is still a team-first kind of player, and wants the Rams to advance far in both the GNAC and the NCAA tournaments.

“Personally, I want to get a hit every time I walk up to the plate,” Jones explained. “But what it comes down to is winning, if we don’t do that then it doesn’t matter what I do. As a team we want to win the GNAC and go to a region-al.” He believes that this team is a force to be reckoned with in the GNAC conference and can see them advancing deep in the conference tournament.

Ultimately, if Devan Jones continues his torrid pace, the sky is the limit for the Rams, and the team can easily win the GNAC title and advance far in the NCAA tournament. Regardless, the team has to be happy with what they have seen out of their infield-er to start the 2011 season.

Photo courtesy of the Suffolk Ahtletics dept.

Bolster (above) is currently hitting .400 with two triples and one home run.

Photo courtesy of the Suffolk Ahtletics dept.

PAGE 20 April 6, 2011

Baseball team fighting through tough stretch

After starting the season 5-4, the Suffolk University baseball team now find them-selves with a record of 9-8 after losing four of six games dur-ing a tough stretch last week.

The good news for Suf-folk is that all of the last week’s games were against non-conference opponents. Ultimately, the Rams’ op-ponents proved to have too much offense for the blue and gold to overcome, as they lost handily to UMass Boston and E. Connecticut State early in the week, then finished with close losses to Brandies and Bridgewater State Uni-versity before receiving a much needed two day rest.

The high-scoring theme of March continued for the Rams into the last week of play, with the four games played adding up to 38-25 combined score. The one

Alex HallJournal Staff

game that may have skewed this stat a bit was the tilt

against Bridgewater State this past Thursday, where Suffolk lost, 12-11, while fall-ing short of completing their ninth-inning rally on the

road, where they scored five runs with just their last three

Photo courtesy of the Suffolk Ahtletics dept.

Freshman Jake Cintilo (above) is currently batting .450 with 14 RBI.

Tennis team picking up right where they left off

After finishing last year with a perfect 11-0 record and capturing their second consecutive Great North-east Athletic Conference championship, the Suffolk University men’s tennis has showed no signs of slow-ing down. The Rams have opened this season winners of their first three matches and are trying to prove again that they are the team to beat.

Suffolk crushed Nor-wich, 9-0, in their first match, and then went on to win 8-1 against both Wentworth and Emerson. The Rams were selected as the GNAC men’s tennis preseason fa-vorite in a vote conducted by GNAC coaches, and so far they are certainly liv-ing up to those expectations.

In Saturday’s match against Emerson, junior Chris Staley won the sec-ond doubles position for the Rams in straight sets, 6-0.

Staley also teamed up with junior Sean Cullen and the duo picked up their

Mike GiannattasioJournal Staff

third victory in the top dou-bles match as they were 8-4 winners. Cullen also won his singles match, 6-0, 6-2.

Sophomore Harlan Strad-er was a multiple winner for the Rams, too, as he won his match in the third singles game in consecutive 6-0 sets. Stader then teamed with Al-bert Beruga for a 8-0 win

in the third doubles match.Senior John Samander

won a 10-8 tiebreak in the third set of the fourth singles play for his third win of the season. Samander and his doubles teammate, freshman Hubert Cromback, moved to 3-0 on the season with an 8-4 victory.

Senior Justin Ayoub finished out the success-

ful day for Suffolk with his third singles triumph of the year as he won, 6-4, 6-1, in the fifth singles position.

In Suffolk’s second win against Wentworth, Staley won his singles position for the Rams, 6-2, 6-0. He also won the top doubles match along with Cullen, 8-3.

Strader won his third

singles position, 7-5, 6-2, and also was a winner in the third doubles match along with Beruga, 8-3.

Samander and Cromback partnered for their second win of the season in the second doubles position as they were 8-0 winners. Ayoub picked up Suffolk's eighth win of the day as he won his match in the No. 6 singles spot, 7-5, 6-2.

Suffolk players got rec-ognition from the GNAC right after their first match against Norwich, as Staley was named GNAC Player of the Week and Cromback was named Rookie of the Week.

Staley was a winner in both singles and Staley pre-served the shutout for the Rams by winning a 7-6 tie-breaker in the No. 2 singles position. Additionally, he was victorious in the top doubles match with his partner, Cullen.

Cromback won his match in the No. 4 singles position, 6-2, 6-3, and then partnered with Samander for an 8-0 win in the second doubles match. It will be interesting to see where the team goes after their torrid start to the season.

Photo courtesy of the Suffolk Ahtletics dept.

outs of the game to spare. The game proved to be

an impressive showing for freshman Jake Cintolo, who went 5-for-5 at the plate with

three runs batted in. The Bears committed six errors

during the game, ostensibly opening the door for a Rams’ come-from-behind victory. Ultimately, however, the sev-en runs scored by Bridgewa-

ter in the first three innings of play turned out to be too much for Suffolk to overcome.

The week ahead will provide a few more non-conference opponents for the Rams, who are desperately looking to show that last week was just a speed bump on their way to first place in the GNAC conference.

By far the most impor-tant games for Suffolk dur-ing this stretch will be played this coming weekend, when they take on conference ri-vals Johnson and Wales and Norwich University.

Johnson and Wales cur-rently hold the No. 1 ranking in the GNAC, with 11-9-1 record.

Norwich is currently on the opposite end of the conference standings, with a 0-9 record on the season. The Rams will hope that the stagnant start to the season for the Cadets will continue during their double-header at home against Norwich.
