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Sugar Community Edition 6 Admin Guide v1

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  • 8/18/2019 Sugar Community Edition 6 Admin Guide v1


    Sugar Community Edition 6.5

    Administration Guide

    Admin Wizard1 Overview

    The Admin Wizard displays when you log into Sugar for the first time after installation. This wizard

    guides you through the process of branding, localizing, and configuring email settings in Sugar that will

     be applicable to all users in your organization. You can skip this step if you prefer to do it at a later time.

    1. Sugar users

    A Sugar user can be a System Administrator, or a user with or without module-specific administration or

    deeloper priileges.

    A System Administrator is a user who has access to all Sugar records and full control oer administeringand deeloping the application.

    !odule administration priileges allow users to hae administrator access to records or to hae control

    oer the customization and administration of the modules. The System Administrator can grant this type

    of access to a user to allow the indiidual to manage a specific module. "or more information, see #ole


    When you log into Sugar as an administrator, the Admin link displays on the top right corner of your

     page. $lick this link to iew the Administration page. The Administration page displays sections that

    group tasks according to the area of administration.

    2. Specifying system-wide settings

    "ollow the steps listed below to specify system-wide settings%

    &. $lick 'e(t on the Welcome to Sugar screen to iew the )randing screen.

    The Sugar logo, which is the default, displays as the current logo.

    *. +nter the following information%

     'ame. +nter the name that you want displayed in the title bar of your browser.

    Select ogo. Specify the image file, in .png or .pg format, containing your organizations logo. $lick

    )rowse to naigate to the files location and upload it. The recommended size of the logo is *&*(/0


    1. $lick 'e(t to iew the System ocale Settings page.


    Specify the default settings for displaying data format, such as time, date, and currency. To change the

    default language in Sugar for all users in your organization, select the language pack from the

    anguage drop-down list.

    2. $lick 'e(t to iew the S!T3 Serer Specification page.

    4. Specify the email account to send emails to Sugar users regarding assignment notifications and new

  • 8/18/2019 Sugar Community Edition 6 Admin Guide v1


    user passwords.

    5 To use 6mail, click 6mail, and enter the email address and password.

    5 To use Yahoo, click Yahoo, and enter the email address and password.


    To use !icrosoft +(change, click +(change, and enter the serer name and port number. To enter S!T3

    oer SS or TS, select the appropriate option from the drop-down list. 7ptionally, to use S!3Tauthentication, enter the +(change username and password.


    8f you are not using any of the aboe, click 7ther, and enter the name of the S!T3 serer, and

    optionally, enter the appropriate username and password for S!3T authentication.


    To ensure that you can successfully send emails, click Send Test +mail and check if the test email was

    receied at the specified email address.

    :. $lick 'e(t.

    To e(it the screen and begin using Sugar, click "inish. This displays your ;ome page in Sugar.

    s ?"re@uently Asked >uestions, download the latest Sugar ersion, file and research reported

     bugs, re@uest new features and more.

    3. Sugar Support Portal

    =se this option to access the Sugar$#! forums, search "A>s ?"re@uently Asked >uestions, download

    the latest Sugar ersion, buy network subscription, log into the network, file bugs, research reported bugs,

    and re@uest new features.

    The Sugar$#! forums coer discussions on a broad range of topics such as setting up the Sugar

    application and "re@uently Asked >uestions ?"A>s . You need to register your organization with

    Sugar$#! to participate in the discussions. You can iew postings on any of the Sugar forums without

    registering your organization.

    4. Sugar Updates=se this option to check automatically or manually for Sugar updates.)y default, the option to check for

    updates automatically is enabled.

    8f you choose to check for Sugar updates automatically, you will be notified when new Sugar ersions or

    updates are aailable. To perform a manual check, uncheck the Automatically $heck for =pdates option

    and click $heck 'ow. 8f you already hae the latest ersion, You hae the latest ersion aailable

    message displays at the bottom of the panel.

  • 8/18/2019 Sugar Community Edition 6 Admin Guide v1


    5. Online documentation

    =se this option to iew and download 3B" copies of aailable documentation on installing and using the

    Sugar application and plug-ins.

    User Management1 OverviewThis section describes how to manage teams, users, and roles.

    6. User Management

    =se the =ser !anagement option to create, edit, actiate, and deactiate users in Sugar. You can create a

    #egular =ser, a System Administrator, and a 6roup =ser.

    A #egular user can access and use Sugar modules but does not hae administratie priileges.

    A System Administrator is a user who has administratie priileges in Sugar to perform tasks such as

    creating users. The System Administrator can access all modules and records. #ole restrictions, discussedlater in this chapter, do not apply to System Administrators.

    A 6roup =ser is a bucket that is used for inbound emails, and does not count toward the number of Sugar

    licenses that you purchase for your organization. "or e(ample, creating a group mail account for Support

    creates a group user named Support to handle customer support issues. =sers can distribute the emails to

    other users from the group inbo(. You can create a group user from the =sers ;ome page or when you

    create a group for incoming emails as described in 8nbound +mail.

    The user name displays in the list on the =sers ;ome page and the employees list on the +mployees

    ;ome page after you create a #egular user or an Administrator. 6roup user names and 3ortal A38 user

    names display in the =sers list but not in the employees list.

    You can assign users to roles depending on the tasks they perform for the organization.


     To create a regular user or an administrator user

    &. $lick User Management in the =sers panel of the Administration ;ome page.

    This displays the =sers ;ome page.


    Select $reate 'ew =ser from the Actions bar on the Users tab, and enter the following information

    under =ser 3rofile%

    a. 8n the =ser 3rofile section, enter the users name, user type, and current status.


    8n the +mployee 8nformation section, specify information such as the users current status, title,

    department, phone numbers, 8! ?8nstant !essenger type, and home address. You can add additional

    comments in the 'otes field.

    c. 8n the +mail Settings section, you can set one or more email addresses for the users mail accounts. You

    can further specify whether an email address is the users primary email address or whether it will be

    used for an automated response to email. You can also specify an email client from the drop-down list,

    and specify the users account information for the pre-configured email proider. "or more information

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    on setting up and configuring emails, see $onfiguring +mail Settings .


    8f the system-generated password feature is not enabled, you can create a password on the 3assword

    tab. You can manually send the password to the user along with the username. Alternatiely, you can

    enable the system to generate a temporary password automatically and email it to the user. "or more

    information on system-generated passwords, see 3assword !anagement. The user will need a

    username and password to log into Sugar and change the password on the =ser 3references page.


    7n the Adanced tab, you can specify default system settings, such as locale settings, as described in

    +diting your =ser 3references.


    7n the Access tab in the Betail Ciew, you can add or remoe a role to change the users access

     permissions for a Sugar module, and to perform specific actions, such as editing and deleting records

    within the module. You can enable or disable access to any Sugar module and to any action within a

    module. )y default, the user has permissions to access any module and perform any action.

    Scroll down the Access page, and in the #oles section, click Select to assign the user a role from the

    #oles list. "or information on creating roles, see #ole !anagement.

    4. To create the user, click Save.

    Sugar creates the =ser record, and a corresponding +mployee record. You can now assign the user to

    roles and teams.

     To assign roles to a user

    &. Select the user from the =sers list.

    This displays the users Betail Ciew page.


    To assign a role to the user, scroll down the page, click Select in the #oles section and select one or

    more roles that you want to assign to the user.

    The user is assigned to the role, which is now listed in the #oles sub-panel.

     To manage user information


    To update the status of some or all users, select multiple records in the =sers ist Ciew, and click !ass

    =pdate in the Actions drop-down list. "or more information, see +diting and Beleting !ultiple #ecords


    D To iew a users details, click the name in the =sers list.


    To edit user details, click Edit on the users Betail Ciew page, change the information as needed, and

    click Save.


    To duplicate the user details, click Duplicate on the users Betail Ciew page, edit the information as

    necessary, and click Save. The following field alues cannot be duplicated% 3ublish key, ayoutoptions, +mail addresses, =ser 3references, and ocale settings.


    To import user data, click 8mport =sers from the Actions bar on the Users tab and follow the steps

    listed in the 8mport Wizard.


    To reset to the default alues for =ser preferences, ;omepage, or Bashboard, click the appropriate

     button in the Betail Ciew.

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     To delete a user

    &. $lick the users record in the ist Ciew.

    This displays the users Betail Ciew page.

    *. $lick Belete.

    Sugar displays a message alerting you that corresponding employee record will also be deleted.

     To create a Group User

    &. Select $reate 6roup =ser from the Actions drop-down list on the =sers tab.


    +nter a username for the 6roup =ser in the =ser 'ame field. "or e(ample, you can enter Support

    >ueue for the Support team.

    1. 8n the Status field, select Actie to indicate the 6roup =ser is being usedE or else, select 8nactie.


    8n the +mail Settings section, set one or more email addresses for the users mail accounts. You can

    further specify whether an email address is the primary email address or whether it will be used for an

    automated response to emails.

    2. $lick Sae to create the userE click $ancel to e(it the page without creating the user.

    7. Role Management

    #oles control user actions on records, teams control record data access. A role defines a set of permissions

    to perform actions such as iewing, editing, and deleting information. You can control user actions by

    using roles to restrict access to modulesand module fields, and to limit the actions that a user can perform

    in Sugar.

    System Administrators cannot be restricted with roles, and they can access any module and perform any


    =sers are affected by a role only if they are assigned to it. That is, users who are not assigned a role can,

     by default, access and take any action in any module. =sers can hae multiple roles assigned to them, and

    a role can be assigned to multiple users.

    Some e(amples are%


    You can assign engineers in your organization to a role that preents access to the 7pportunities



    You can assign unior sales representaties to a role that allows them to edit opportunities, accounts,

    and contacts, but not delete them.

    Creating RolesWhen you create a role, you specify whether access is permitted or not, the modules that the role can

    access, the access type such as 'ormal ?for #egular users or administrator, and the actions that they can


    When a user is assigned multiple roles, the more restrictie settings preail."or e(ample, if a user is

    assigned to two roles pertaining to a module where one role grants administrator access and the other

    grants #egular =ser access, then the user has only #egular =ser access because it is more restrictie.

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    ot Set!

    A special case is the 'ot Set alue in a role definition. You can use this setting to ensure that a role does

    not affect a particular setting. This allows simple roles to be constructed and then combined to achiee the

    desired security leel.

    "or e(ample, if users are assigned to both the following roles%

    #ole A, where Access Type F Admin and +(port ?action F 'one

    #ole ), where Access Type F 'ormal and +(port ?action F All

    Then, users can see records that are assigned to the team to which they belong, but they cannot e(port the


    8f you change the Access Type to 'ot Set%

    #ole A, where Access Type F Admin and +(port ?action F All

    #ole ), where Access Type F 'ot Set and +(port ?action F 'one

    Then the user can see all records in the module, but cannot e(port the data.

    When new roles are created, the default alue of Access, =ser Type, and 7perations is 'ot Set. The

    default alue of 'ot Set applies a permission to each role option as follows%

    Access% 'ot Set F +nabled

    =ser Type% 'ot Set F 'ormal

    Action ?Belete, +dit, etc% 'ot Set F All

    When you create a role, you specify the following permissions for each Sugar module%

    Access% This setting specifies which modules the role is permitted to access. 7ptions are as follows%


     'ot Set% +nsures that the role does not affect a particular setting. This is the default setting for new


    5 +nabled% 3ermits the user to iew the module.

    5 Bisabled% ;ides the module from the users iew.

    Actions% This setting lists the following actions%


    Belete% 6rants permission to delete records in the module. 8f 'one is selected, the Belete button is

    disabled on the Betail Ciew page.


    +dit% 6rants permission to edit records in the module. 8f 'one is selected, the +dit button is disabled onthe Betail Ciew page. Additionally, the user cannot use the !ass =pdate panel to update records for the



    +(port% 6rants permission to e(port record data in the module. The +(port link located at the top of

    ist Ciew page is remoed when this priilege is not aailable to the user.


    8mport% 6rants permission to import record data in the module. The 8mport link in the naigation bar

    does not appear when this priilege is not aailable.

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    D ist% 6rants permission to access the ist Ciew pages in the module.

    D Ciew% 6rants permission to iew records in the module.

    You can specify who can perform each of the aboe actions. 7ptions are as follows%

    5 All% All users who are assigned to the role can perform the action

    5 7wner% The person who created the record can perform the action

    5 'one% 'obody can perform the action

    5 'ot Set% +nsures that the role does not affect a particular setting

    To create a role

    &. $lick the #ole !anagement link in the =sers section of the Administration page.

    This displays the #oles ist Ciew page.

    *. $lick the Create "oles ist Ciew page.

    This displays the "oles ## Create page.

    1. +nter a name and description for the role.

    /. $lick Sae.

    This displays the Betail Ciew page of the role with a list of aailable modules along with the action type.


    To specify access to a module, double-click the Access field corresponding to that module, and select

    the desired option from the drop-down list.



    To specify who can perform a specific action, double-click the action field and select the desired option

    from the drop-down list.


    9. $lick Save.

    To assign users to a role

    &. Scroll down to the =sers sub-panel in the roles Betail Ciew page and click Select.

    *. Select users from the =sers list.

    The system assigns the selected users to the role and displays the username in the =sers sub-panel of the

    #oles page. Alternatiely, you can also assign users to a role in the =ser 3references sub-panel of the

    =ser !anagement page. #ole restrictions do not apply to Admin users.

    1. $lick Sae.

    To manage roles

    D To iew the role details, click the role name on the #oles ist Ciewpage.

    D To edit the name of the role and its description, on the Betail Ciew page, click Edit, reise the

  • 8/18/2019 Sugar Community Edition 6 Admin Guide v1


    information, and click Save.

    D To edit the access rights of a role ?for e(ample !ass =pdate per module, follow the steps listed below%

    a. 6o to the #oles Betail Ciew page.

    The #oles Betail Ciew page displays its access control information, per module.

     b. Bouble-click on a cell.

    c. Select a alue from the drop-down list in the cell.

    d. $lick Sae.


    To duplicate the access control information, on the Betail Ciew page, click Duplicate, enter a new

    name for the role, and then click Save. 'ote that the users list associated with the role is not duplicated.

    D To delete the role, click Delete on the Betail Ciew page.

    D To remoe a user, click the #emoe ?rem icon corresponding to the user name in the =sers sub-panel.

    To iew roles for a user 

    "ollow the steps listed below to iew access permissions for a specific user%

    &. $lick $ist "oles %y User on the Actions bar on the #oles tab.

    *. Select the user from the drop-down list.

    This displays the details of the users priileges for each module. The restrictions are then merged and the

    more restrictie settings across all roles are assigned to the user. You cannot change any of the priileges

     because they are associated with the role.

    8. Password Management

    As a System Administrator, you can use the 3assword !anagement section to create and manage passwords that apply to all users in your organization.

    You can enable the System-6enerated 3assword option to generate and send temporary passwords

    automatically to new users when you create a record for them. =sers can log into Sugar with this

     password and create a new password for themseles on the =ser 3references page. 8f you do not enable

    this option, you will need to create the password manually and proide it to the user.

    You can create and manage templates to send system-generated passwords and links to reset passwords.

    Sugar proides default email templates to send system-generated passwords and links to reset user-

    generated passwords. You can iew these two templates when you select +mail Templates from the

    +mails Actions bar. Sugar uses these templates, unless you specify a custom template. "or more

    information on creating and editing email templates, see $reating +mail Templates.

    Sugar also proides an option to display the "orgot 3assword link in the Sugar ogin window. =sers who

    forget their passwords can click this link to submit their re@uest for a new password. When Sugar receies

    such a re@uest, it automatically sends a link to a page where the user can create a new password.

    "or security purposes, you can set an e(piration date for system-generated passwords.

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    Enaling !ut"entication in Sugar

    LDAP Authentication

    You can enable authentication in Sugar if your organization has implemented ightweight Birectory

    Access 3rotocol ?BA3 or Actie Birectory authentication. When users in your system attempt to log

    into Sugar, the application authenticates them against your BA3 directory or Actie Birectory. 8f

    authentication is successful, the user is allowed to log into Sugar. You need to specify the encryption key

    for the system and forward it to your users if you are using BA3 with S7A3.

    SAML Authentication

    8f your organization has implemented Security Assertion !arkup anguage ?SA! for single sign-on,

    you can enable it in Sugar.


    Settings for Sugar password re@uirements, password reset, and password e(piration are not

    applicable when BA3 authentication or SA! authentication is enabled.

    To specify and manage password settings

    &. $lick 3assword !anagement in the =sers sub-panel of the Administration ;ome page.

    This displays the 3assword !anagement page.

    *. You can specify the following information%

    System-generated passwords

    You can enable Sugar to email a system-generated link to users who need to reset their passwords in this

    section. +nsure that you hae configured an email serer for outbound emails on the +mail Settings page,

    and that you hae alid email addresses for all your users.

    "or security reasons, you can set an e(piration date for system-generated passwords. You can specify a

    time period or the number of logins after which the password e(pires. To specify a time period, select

    3assword +(pires in and enter the time period in days, weeks, or months. To specify the number of logins,

    select 3assword +(pires upon and enter the number of logins.

    User "eset &ass'ord

    You can configure settings to enable users to reset their passwords using the "orgot 3assword link that

    displays in the ogin Window in this section. )y default this link is disabled for BA3 authentication


    +nable "orgot 3assword "eature. This option, which is enabled by default, enables users who forgot their

     passwords to use the "orgot 3assword link on the ogin window to submit their user name and email

    address to Sugar. The system automatically sends them an email with a link to the page where they can

    reset their password.

    Generated $in( E)piration. =se this option to specify whether the "orgot 3assword link e(pires or not.

    Select 'one if you do not want the link to e(pire. 7r else, select ink +(pires inand enter the time period

    in minutes, hours, or days, when the link remains actie.

    +nable re$A3T$;A Calidation. You can select this option only when the +nable "orgot 3assword feature

    option is enabled. When you enable re$A3T$;A alidation, the 3ublic key and 3riate key fields display

  • 8/18/2019 Sugar Community Edition 6 Admin Guide v1


     below. +nter the 3ublic key and the 3riate key that you receied from re$A3T$;A for your Sugar

    instance in the appropriate fields.

    Email Templates

    8n this section, you can create message templates to use when sending out generated passwords and links

    to reset passwords.

    +mail template containing system-generated password. To create an email template for system-generated

     passwords, select System-generated password email from the drop-down list and click $reate.

    +mail template containing system-generated link to reset password. To create an email template to send a

    link to users who forgot their passwords, select "orgot 3assword email from the drop-down list, and click


    Sugar creates the template and displays it in the +mail Templates ;ome page. 7n the +mails tab, select

    +mail Templates from the Actions bar to iew aailable email templates.


    8f you choose to create your own templates to send passwords, copy the password ariable

     proided in the default template, named System-generated password email, into your email

    template. The password ariable is not aailable in the 8nsert Cariable drop-down list of the +mail

    Template form.

    #$!P Support

    You can enable BA3 authentication in this section.8f you are using BA3 authentication, you must

    disable the "orgot 3assword option.

    To enable BA3 authentication, select the +nable BA3 bo(, and enter the following information in the

    fields below%

    Serer. +nter the BA3 serer name.

    3ort 'umber. +nterthe serers port number.

    =ser B'. +nter the user B' nameE for e(ample, ouFpeople, dcFe(ample, dcFcom.

    =ser "ilter. +nter any additional parameters to apply when authenticating users. "or e(ample,


    )ind Attribute. +nter the attribute name that is used to bind the users name in BA3. "or e(ample, in

    openBA3, the attribute name is user3rinciple'ame.

    ogin Attribute. +nter the attribute name that is used to search for the user in BA3. "or e(ample, in

    openBA3, the attribute name is dn.

    6roup !embership. Select this checkbo( if you wish to specify that the user is a member of a specificgroup, and enter the following information%

    6roup B'. +nter the group B' nameE for e(ample, ouFgroups, dcFe(ample, dcFcom.

    6roup 'ame. +nter thegroup nameE for e(ample, cnFsugarcrm.

    =ser Attribute. A uni@ue identifier used to check if the user is a member of the group. "or e(ample, uid.

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    6roup Attribute. The attribute of the group that will be used to filter against the =ser Attribute. "or

    e(ample, !ember=id.

    Authentication. Select this checkbo( to use specific user credentials to bind to the BA3 serer, and enter 

    the user name and password in the fields that display below.

    Auto $reate =sers. Select this checkbo( to create the user name in the Sugar database if it does notalready e(ist.

    +ncryption Hey. 8f you are using BA3 with S7A3, enter the encryption key to encrypt user passwords

    in the Sugar 3lug-in for !icrosoft 7utlook. The phpGmcrypt e(tension must be enabled in the php.ini file.

    SA! Authentication.

    =se this section to enable SA! authentication. You must disable the "orgot 3assword option if you are

    using SA! authentication.

    Select the +nable SA! Authentication checkbo( and enter the following information%

    ogin =#% +nter the SA! =# for authentication. This is the path to the SA! serer you are

    authenticating to.

    I20< $ertificate% +nter the SA! I.20< certificate public key.

    2. $lick Save.

    System9. Overview

    This section includes options to configure system-wide settings that apply to all users in your


    10.System Settings

    =se this option to configure the system-wide settings according to your organizations specifications.

    =sers can oerride some default settings, such as the datetime format, on their =ser 3references page

    User %nterface

    =se this section to configure the user interface.

    To configure the user interface

    &. $onfigure the following fields%

    • istiew items per page. +nter the ma(imum number of records you want displayed in the listiew. The system paginates lists that contain more than the specified number of records.

    • 3reent user customizable ;omepage layout. Select this bo( if you want to preent users from

    moing Sugar Bashlets on the ;ome page. ;oweer, users can still create additional SugarBashlets.

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    • !a(imum number of Sugar Bashlets on ;omepage . +nter the ma(imumnumber of Sugar

    Bashlets you want displayed on the ;ome page. =sers will not be able to add more than thenumber of Sugar Bashlets that you specify. The default alue is &2.

    • Bisplay serer response times. This option is enabled by default. The footer on eery page

    displays the time taken to respond when users attempt to perform an action, such as logging in or

    opening an item, in Sugar. Beselect this option if you do not want to display the response time.

    • System 'ame. This field displays your system name.

    • $urrent ogo. This field displays your organizations logo that currently displays in the =ser


    • Select ogo. +nter the path to the location of the logo that you want to upload from your local

    machine. 7r, click )rowse to naigate to the location of the logo on your local machine. Thedimension should be *&* I /0, with the standard transparent background color, in 3'6 or J36format.

    • ead $onersion 7ptions. =se this option to enable users to copy, moe or do nothing with the

    actiities related to the conerted leads.

    • Subpanel items per page. +nter the ma(imum number of records you want displayed in the ist

    Ciew. The system paginates lists that contain more than the specified number of records.

    • 3reent user customizable subpanel layout. Select this bo( if you want to preent users from

    dragging and dropping sub-panels to a different location in their Betail Ciew layout.

    • Show "ull 'ames. Select this bo( if you want the full name for users displayed instead of their

    login names.

    • Bisplay module icon as faicon. Select this option if you want to display the module icon in the

     browsers naigation tab instead of the Sugar icon, which is the default. "or e(ample, when youare in the Accounts module, the naigation tab will display the Accounts icon.

    • $onfigure AJAI =ser 8nterface.The AJAI =8 enables naigation through most of the Sugar

    application without re@uiring full page refreshes. This results in improed performance withreduced page rendering times. ;oweer, the AJAI =8 cannot be applied to the following%

    5Some older third party modules

    5 Some core modules with comple( customizations

    When users try to access the aboe modules in an AJAI =8, an error message displays, warning them of

    the issue with the module.

    =se the $onfigure AJAI =ser 8nterface link to disable the AJAI =8 for specific modules. The AJAI

    user interface has been disabled for the following modules by default%

    5 +mails

    5 #eports

    5 =sers


    The Admin =8 is not AJAI =8-enabled so that admin users can access the Admin panel and disable

    the AJAI =8 systemwide.

  • 8/18/2019 Sugar Community Edition 6 Admin Guide v1


    *. To sae the settings, click Save.


    To restore the default settings, click "estoreE to e(it the page without saing your changes, click


    Pro&y Settings

    8f you are using a pro(y serer to connect to the web, you will need to enter the information here to allowthe system to check for Sugar updates.

    &. $onfigure the following fields%

    • =se pro(y serer. 8f you want to connect to the web through a pro(y serer, select this option.

    • The system displays fields to specify the pro(y host and port number.

    • 3ro(y ;ost. +nter the name of the pro(y serer host

    • 3ort. +nter the port number for the pro(y host.

    Authentication. Select this bo( if you want to enable pro(y authentication to allow Sugar toconnect to the companys pro(y serer.

    • =ser 'ame. +nter the user name.

    • 3assword. +nter a password for the user.


    To sae the settings, click SaveE to restore the preious settings, click "estoreE to e(it the System

    Settings page without saing your changes, click Cancel.


    Select this option to allow users to click a phone number field to make calls through Skype.

    To enable Skype

    &. Select the +nable Skype7ut integration bo(.


    To sae the setting, click SaveE to restore the preious setting, click "estore* to e(it the System

    Settings page without saing your changes, click Cancel.


    &. Select any of the following adanced configuration options%

    +alidate user ,& address% "or security reasons, by default, this option is enabled to alidate the 83

    addresses of users who log into Sugar.


    Some high aailability systems may change 83 addresses for load balancing purposes. 8f the 83

    address changes during a user session, the user will be logged out, and will hae to log back into


    $og slo' -ueries. Select this option to log the systems slow responses to user @ueries in the

    sugarcrm.log file. This information is for performance tuning inestigation.

    Ma)imum upload size. +nter the ma(imum file size, in bytes, that users are allowed to upload.

     'ote% The upload size is also dependent on 3;3s upload settings.

  • 8/18/2019 Sugar Community Edition 6 Admin Guide v1


    • og memory usage. Select this option to record memory usage in the sugarcrm.log file.

    • Slow @uery time threshold. Specify a threshold, in milliseconds, to define slow @ueries. >ueries

    that take longer than the threshold time are logged in the sugarcrm.log file. This information is for 

     performance-tuning inestigation.

    • Bisplay stack trace of errors. When you select this option, if an error occurs when users are

    running the application, the system displays where the error occurred in the applications stacktrace. This information is for debugging purposes.

    • Beeloper !ode. Select this option to disable caching so that you can immediately iew changes

    made to language, ardefs, and template files.

    • $al =pdates Time 3eriod. Select this option to specify the number of months in adance of the

    current date that "reeK)usy information for calls and meetings is published. The minimum alueis one month, and the ma(imum alue is &* months. To turn off "reeK)usy publishing, enter 0.

    *.To sae the settings, click Save.


    To restore the preious settings, click "estoreE to e(it the System Settings page without saing your

    changes, click Cancel.

    #ogger Settings

    The Sugar ogger logs eents that occur in the Sugar application. )y default, the logs are written to

    sugarcrm.log in the Sugar root directory. ;ence, if a problem arises, you can refer to the log file for

    information that may help in troubleshooting it.

    When you upgrade Sugar, the application parses your ogger settings automatically from the log/.php

     properties file of your preious Sugar ersion, and populates the ogger Settings sub-panel with the


    You can, howeer, change the settings if necessary.

    The logging leels are as follows%

    D debug% ogs eents that help in debugging the application.

    D info% ogs informational messages.

    D warn% ogs potentially harmful eents.

    D error% ogs error eents in the application.

    D fatal% ogs seere error eents that leads the application to abort. This is the default leel.

    D security. ogs eents that may compromise the security of the application.

    D off. The logger will not log any eents.

    When you specify a logging leel, the system will create log files for the specified leel as well as higher

    leels. "or e(ample, if you specify +rror, the system creates log files for error, fatal, and security.

  • 8/18/2019 Sugar Community Edition 6 Admin Guide v1


    The default size of a log file is &0 !). Bownloading large log files from the web serer can be a slow

     process. ;ence, if you iew log files fre@uently, it is recommended that you iew actions that occurred

    since the last entry in the current log file.

    To configure logger settings

    &. 8n the ogger Settings panel, enter the following information%

    • og "ile 'ame. Specify a name for the log file.

    • +(tension. +nter the file e(tension. The default is.log.

    • Append After "ile 'ame. "rom the drop-down list, select a time period to append to the file

    name. This makes it easier to identify the log that you want to iew.

    • !a(imum og Size. Specify the ma(imum size of the log file in !ega)ytes?!). The default is


    • og eel. "rom the drop-down list, select the eent leel that you want to capture in the log file.

    The default is fatal.

    • Befault Bate "ormat. +nter the default date format for the log file. This format must be supported

     by strftime. The default is Lc.

    • !a(imum 'umber of ogs. Specify the ma(imum number of log files to sae. When the number

    of log files e(ceed this limit, Sugar deletes the log file that was created first. The default is &0logs.

    • $onfigure og Settings. $lick this link to iew the Sugar log file, as described in To configure

    log settings.

    *.To sae the settings, click Save.


    To restore the preious settings, click "estoreE to e(it the System Settings page without saing your

    changes, click Cancel.

    To configure log settings

    &. 8n the ogger Settings panel, click the $onfigure og Settings link.

    *. Select one of the following%

    5 All. Select this option to iew the entire log for the current session.

    5 'e(t. Select this option to iew only new entries in the log file.


    !ark 3oint. Select this option to indicate that you want to iew actions that were logged after the last

    entry in the current log file. Then click #efresh "rom !ark to iew actions that occurred since the time

    you clicked !ark 3oint.

    "or e(ample, to debug a problem, select the debug logging leel on the ogger Settings page, click

    $onfigure og Settings, and then click All to iew all user actions in the log file. To iew only new user

    actions since the time you clicked All, click 'e(t. This action will display only new entries in the log file.

    To iew new user actions since the last entry in the current log file, select !ark 3oint and then click

    #efresh from !ark. This action will append new entries to the current entries in the log file.

    1. To search the log by keyword, enter it in the Search bo(. To search for entries using a regular


  • 8/18/2019 Sugar Community Edition 6 Admin Guide v1


    e(pression, enter it in the Search bo(, and select the #eg +(p bo(. 3ress +nteron your keyboard to

     begin the search.

     'ote% The 8gnore Self option is not used.

    Sugar displays the log entries on the screen.

    11. %mport (i)ard

    =se this link to easily import data into the system for selected modules without haing to isit each

    indiidual module. The process of importing the data is identical to the user data import.

    "ollow the steps listed below to import data using the Admin 8mport Wizard%

    &. $lick the 8mport Wizard link.

    *. This displays the Step &% Select Bata Source page.

    1. Select the module you want to import data into, from the drop-down list.

    /. $lick 'e(t.

    2. "ollow the instructions proided in the 8mport Wizard to complete the process.


    =se this option to set system-wide default formats for date, time, language, name, and currency. 8f you are

    using !yS>, you can also specify the collation order for records in the application.

    • =ser 8nterface% =se this section to set the default alues in the Sugar =ser 8nterface.

    • Befault Bate "ormat. Select a date format for all records from this drop-down list. =sers can

    oerride the default format by setting a different date format in their =ser 3references page.

    • Befault Time "ormat. Select a time format from this drop-down list to display in all records such

    as $ases. =sers can oerride the default format by setting a different time format in their =ser3references page.

    • Befault anguage. Select the default language for the Sugar =ser 8nterface from this drop-down


    • Befault 'ame "ormat. +nter the default salutation and name format to display in list iews and

    detail iews. You can specify any combination of salutation first name, and last name. "ore(ample% !r. John Smith, !r. Smith, or John Smith.=sers can oerride the default format bysetting a different time format in their =ser 3references page.

    • Befault $urrency. =se this section to oerride the default currency that you set during installation.

    7n the =ser 3references page, users can oerride the default currency that you specify in this


    • $urrency. +nter the name of the currency that your organization uses to conduct business.

    • $urrency symbol. +nter the symbol for the currency.

    • 8S7 /*&9 $urrency $ode. +nter the 8S7 code for the currency.

    • &000s Separator. Specify a delimiter to separate thousands when users specify a numeric alue for 

    the amount.

  • 8/18/2019 Sugar Community Edition 6 Admin Guide v1


    • Becimal Symbol. Specify a default decimal symbol.

    • +(port Settings

    • =se this panel to specify e(port settings such as the delimiter used to separate data in e(port files,

    and the default character set used to e(port data from Sugar. The settings you specify here apply

    to all users in the organization. ;oweer, users can define a different default e(port character seton their =ser 3references page to e(port data from Sugar.

    • This character encoding is also used when importing data into Sugar.

    • )y default, Sugar uses =T"-: to store and e(port data. "or locales that use character encoding

    other than =T"-:, you must specify the appropriate default character set. This ensures that thecharacter set Sugar uses to create the e(ported file is mapped to the correct character set on theusers machine. "or e(ample, !S Windows uses SJ8S in Japan. So, for users in this locale, youwill need to select SJ8S as the default e(port character set.

    • )y default, both users and administrators can e(port files from Sugar. ;oweer, you can preent

    users from e(porting files.

    • +(port Belimiter. Specify the delimiter, such as a comma or a period, to use while e(porting data.

    • Befault $haracter Set for 8mport and +(port. The default is =T"-:. "or locales other than =S and

    Western +urope, select the appropriate character set from the drop-down list.

    • Bisable e(port. Select this option if you want to preent end users and users with administratie

     priileges from e(porting data.

    • Admin e(port only. Select this option to allow only users with administratie priileges to e(port


    • Batabase $ollation

    • Sugar displays this sub-panel only if you are using the !YS> database. This setting manages

    the connection layer between Sugar$#! and your !yS> database, and should be set to matchthe collation of your database tables. You can select the desired collation order from the drop-down list. The default is utf:GgeneralGci. $hanging this setting will not alter your e(isting tables,and all new tables created after this change will inherit the collation setting name.



    The database will return errors if you run @ueries against multiple tables, and if tables in the

    @uery hae a different collation.

    To sae the settings, click SaveE to e(it the page without saing your changes, click Cancel.


    =se this option to backup the Sugar configuration files. 'ote that this option does not backup the

    database.To backup Sugar configuration files

    &. $lick the ac(ups option in the System sub-panel on the Admin page.

    *. 8n the Birectory field, specify a directory that is writable by the same user as the Apache process.

    1. 8n the "ilename field, enter a file name for the zip file including the .zip e(tension.

    /. To ensure that backup can be performed, click Con/irm Settings.

  • 8/18/2019 Sugar Community Edition 6 Admin Guide v1


    2. $lick   "un ac(up to create the .zip file of your Sugar application files.

     'ote% To backup your database information, refer to your database endors documentation.


    =se this option to define a new currency and rate.

    "or each new currency that you define, enter the name, symbol ?for e(ample, M, conersion rate to the

    =S M, the currency code ?such as $B' for the $anadian dollar. Set the Status to 8nactie if you do not

    want users to use this currency for transactions.

    ote% 8nstall Adobe "lash : to display the +uro symbol in C0arts.


    =se this option to upgrade and rebuild data from a preious ersion of Sugar for the current ersion of the

     program.You also use this option to conert a Sugar installation to offline mode.

    The options are listed below.

    • >uick #epair and #ebuild% #epairs and rebuilds the database, e(tensions, ardefs, Sugar

    Bashlets, and so on for selected modules. $lick this option, select the modules you want to repair,and click #epair. You also use this option to clear any custom !y Actiity Stream link types fromthe cache.

    • +(pand $olumn Width. +(pands certain char, archar, and te(t columns in !SS> database.

    • "e%uild .0taccess /ile% #ebuilds the .htaccess file to limit access to certain files directly.

    • "e%uild Con/ig 1ile% #ebuilds the config.php file by updating the ersion and adding defaults

    when not e(plicitly declared. $lick this option to check the file and, if necessary, click#ebuild.

    • "e%uild E)tensions% #ebuilds e(tensions including e(tended ardefs, language packs, menus,

    and administration

    • "e%uild "elations0ips% #ebuilds relationship metadata and drops the cache file.

    • "e%uild Sc0edulers% #ebuilds your default Scheduler Jobs. $lick this option and then click


    • "e%uild Sugar Das0lets%#ebuilds the cache file for Sugar Bashlets.

    • #ebuild Jaascript anguages% #ebuilds Jaascript ersions of language files.

    • #ebuild JS $ompressed "iles% $opies original "ull JS Source files and replaces e(isting

    compressed JS files.

    • #ebuild JS 6rouping "iles% #e-concatenates and oerwrites e(isting group files with latest

    ersions of group files.

    • #ebuild !inified JS "iles% $opies original "ull JS Source "iles and minifies them, then replaces

    e(isting compressed files.

    • #epair JS "iles% $ompresses +(isting JS files - includes any changes made, but does not

    oerwrite original JS Source files.

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    • #epair 'on-owercased "ields% #epairs mi(ed-case custom tables and metadata files to fi( issues

    where code e(pects lowercase field names.

    • "epair "oles% #epairs roles by adding all new modules that support access control aswell as any

    new access controls to e(isting modules.

    #epair 8nbound +mail Accounts% #epairs 8nbound +mail accounts and encrypts account passwords.

    • #emoe ISS% #emoes ISS Culnerabilities from the database. $lick this option, select a

    module, and click +(ecute. 8f any ISS strings are found, the system lists them in the 7bect?sfound field below.

    • "epair Data%ase% This option is applicable to !YS> databases only. 8t repairs your Sugar

    database based on alues defined in the ardefs. You can choose to display the S> that will bee(ecuted on the screen, e(port it, or e(ecute it.

    • #epair Actiities% #epairs Actiities ?$alls, !eetings end dates.

    • +nableKBisable Seed =sers% +nables or disables seed users populated during demo installation.

    $lick this option, and if the seed users are enabled, click Beactiate to disable them. 8f the seedusers are disabled, click Actiate to enable them.


    =se the Scheduler to ensure timely e(ecution of custom processes such as workflows and email

    campaigns. You can schedule obs such as monitoring inbound emails, e(ecuting workflows, running

    reports, and dispatching campaign emails.

    The Scheduler integrates with e(ternal ='8I systems and Windows systems to run obs that are

    scheduled through those systems.

    The default scheduler obs are as follows%

    • 3rune Tracker Tables. This ob remoes entries from the tracker and trackerGsessions database

    tables after 10 days.

    • $heck 8nbound !ailbo(es. This ob monitors inbound emails in actie mail accounts that you set

    up using the 8nbound +mail option in the +mail panel of the Admin page.

    • #un 'ightly 3rocess )ounced $ampaign +mails. This ob polls any mail account in which, the

    3ossible Actions parameter is set to )ounce ;andling. This is an essential component ofmonitoring mass email campaigns.

    • #un 'ightly !ass +mail $ampaigns. This ob processes the outbound email @ueue for your

    organizations mass campaign emails.

    • 3rune Batabase on &st of !onth. This ob reads all the tables in your Sugar database, findsrecords that hae been soft-deleted ?deleted F &, creates a large S> file, and physically deletesthose records on the &st of eery month. 8t is mostly a performance ob, and is not essential to theuse of Sugar. The backup files are placed in cacheKbackups with time-stamped filenames.

    • #emoal of Bocuments "rom "ilesystem. "or records which contain a file such as the Bocuments

    or 'otes module, the files are stored in the instances uploads directory on the filesystem. 8f therecord is deleted by a user from Sugar, the 3rune Batabases on &st of !onth Scheduler will

  • 8/18/2019 Sugar Community Edition 6 Admin Guide v1


    remoe the deleted records from the database. Then when the #emoal of Bocuments "rom"ilesystem scheduler runs, it will remoe any files which were associated with deleted records.

    Con+guring Settings for Sc"eduler ,os

    "or !icrosoft Windows, you can use the Task Scheduler. "or ='8I and inu( systems, you will need to

    add a new cron ob to the crontab.

    To add a new cron ob to your crontab for =ni( and inu( Systems%

    &. At the command prompt, type crontab -e.


    Add the following line to your crontab using the full path to the 3;3 directory in your Sugar


    N N N N N cd KpathKtoKsugarE KpathKtoKphp -cKpathKtoKphp.ini -f cron.php KdeKnull *OP&


     pathKtoKsugar is the path to where your Sugar installation resides.

     pathKtoKphp is the path to the 3;3 installation that you want to use.

     pathKtoKphp.ini is the path to the 3;3 configuration file that you want to use.

    1. Sae your changes and close.

    8f you encounter problems, do the following%

    &. Betermine the user 8B that Apache serer uses to run.

    8n a properly configured irtual host enironment proided by your host, Apache will run as your ogin

    =ser 8B for files in your irtual directory. 8f you are unsure, contact the $ustomer Serice department for

    your host.

    a.Search for a file named httpd.conf. Typically, this file is located in the Ketc folder. 8t will ary with thedistribution.


    7pen the file using a te(t editor and locate the line that starts with Q=serQ. The name that follows it

    directly is the name of the user that Apache will run as on your system.

    *. Betermine the capabilities of your 3;3 installation.

    The Sugar Scheduler is designed to work with 3;3 and its e(tensionsE specifically, the database

    $onnector, the 8!A3 libraries, and the c=# libraries.

    +nsure that the 3;3 binary ?php-cli or ust php is aailable and has those libraries aailable.

    Search for the 3;3 binary as follows%


    Type which php. 7n most correctly configured 3;3 installations, you will find the binary in KusrKbin or 

    KusrKlocalKbin. 8f so, moe on to Step number 1.



    Type find K -name php. Typically, this command will return a long list. 3arse through the list to find an

    e(ecutable file named php.

  • 8/18/2019 Sugar Community Edition 6 Admin Guide v1



    8f you cannot find the 3;3 binary, scroll down to the Troubleshooting Tips at the end of this section

    and read item number *.

    1. $reate a cron ob for the Apache user 

    a. Type crontab -e -u Rthe Apache user.

     b. +nter the following line to your crontab%

    N N N N N cd KpathKtoKsugarE php -f cron.php O KdeKnull *OP


    To fine-tune this ob, change the first two Ns. The first is the !inutes alue, the second is the ;ours


    "or e(ample, to run the cron ob eery three minutes, enter%

    QNK1 N N N N cd KpathKtoKsugarE php -f cron.phpO KdeKnull *OP&

    /. Test the crontab line as follows to confirm that your system is ready to run%


    At a terminal prompt, copy and paste the command for your cron ob, and run itE the logic here is that if 

    the command will e(ecute successfully when run manually, the crontab will be able to e(ecutesuccessfully as well.

     b. 8f your cron ob looks as follows%

    N N N N N cd KarKwwwKhtmlKsugarcrmE pathKtoKphp -f cron.php O KdeKnull *OP&

    +nter the command from Qcd..Q to Q*PO&Q into a terminal and press +nter.

    c. 8f any errors occur, refer to Troubleshooting Tips.

    2. Sae your changes and close.

    2o add a ne' cron 3o% to your cronta% /or Microso/t Windo's 47 8&7 Server9

    Set up the Windows batch file as follows%

    &. $reate a batch file that will e(ecute all the necessary commands.

    *. +nter the following paths in the batch file%

    5 cd c%pathtoSugarinstance

    where Sugar8nstance is your Sugar installation.This folder should contain the cron.php file.

    5 c%pathtophp.e(e -c c%windowsphp.ini -f cron.php

    1. #un the batch file from a command prompt to ensure that the output has no errors.

    /. 8f you encounter problems, do the following%

    a. Betermine the 3;3 binary to use for 3;3 2.*.(.

    "or the 2.*( ersion of 3;3, the 3;3-$68 binary is named php-cgi.e(e ?not php-cli.e(e and is typically

    located in the root folder of your 3;3 install folder. To allow it to interact with the dynamic libraries,

    specify the location of the php.ini file. This can ary from system to system. 8f you are unsure, enter the

    command described aboe.

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    The system will identify the php.ini file and its location.

    2. $reate the batch file.

    a. $lick Scheduler in the Systems panel of the Admin page.

    At the bottom of the default screen, you will see the contents of the commands you need to add to a batch


     b. 7pen notepad.e(e, copy and paste what Sugars recommendation into a blank file.

    c. $hange the Sae As Type to Qdropdown to All "iles N.N. Q and sae it as a .bat file.


    This is only a recommendation. 8t may not work for your particular instance. $heck the folder

     paths because they are often the cause for problems with the Scheduler.

    4. Test the batch file.

    a. "rom the command prompt, naigate to the folder where you saed the batch file.

     b. +nter the full name of the batch file to e(ecute it.

    c. 'ote and correct any reported errors, usually related to paths that cannot be found.

    9. $reate a scheduled task.

    a. $lick Start and naigate to $ontrol 3anelKScheduled TasksKAdd Scheduled Task.

     b. 6o through the Wizard, browse to the batch file you ust created, and select it.


    Schedule a daily ob, and ensure that you select 7pen adanced properties for this task when 8 click


    d. 7n the Adanced 3roperties page, naigate to the Schedule tab, and click Advanced.


    $heck off #epeat task to enable the fields below it, and select +ery !inute or specify the interal you

    think is appropriate.

    :. Sae your changes and close the Wizard.

    To schedule a ob

    &. 7n the Scheduler Actions bar, click Create Sc0eduler.

    *. 8n the )asic Setup sub-panel, enter the following information%

    :o% ame. +nter a name for the ob.

    Status. "rom the drop-down list, select Actie to run the ob at the specified interalsE select 8nactie if

    you want to sae the ob schedule information but not run the ob.

    :o%. Select a ob from the drop-down list, or to run a script from a web serer, enter the =# in the

    adacent field.

    ,nterval. Specify the time interal to check for new scheduled obs.

    )y default, Sugar displays the basic option. =se this option to specify the time interal in minutes and

    hours. The default is eery one minute daily.

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    To define a specific time, click the Show Adanced options link, and enter the time in minutes, hours,

    date, month, and day.

    1. 8n the Adanced 7ptions sub-panel displays below, enter information for the following fields%

    E)ecute ,/ Missed. Select this bo( to run any obs that the scheduler missed.

    Date ; 2ime Start. $lick the $alendar icon and select the start date for the obE select the time, in hoursand minutes, from the adacent drop-down list.

    Date ; 2ime End. $lick the $alendar icon and select the end date for the obE select the time, in hours

    and minutes, from the adacent drop-down list.

    Active 1rom. "rom the drop-down list, select the time, in hours and minutes, when the ob becomes


    Active 2o. "rom the drop-down list, select the time, in hours and minutes, when the ob becomes inactie.

    /. $lick Save to create the obE click Cancel to e(it the page without creating the ob.

    2.To e(port one or more scheduler definitions in a .cs file format to a local machine, select them fromthe list and click +(port.

    To manage scheduled obs

    &. 'aigate to the System sub-panel on the Admin page, and click Sc0eduler.

    Sugar displays the Schedule ist page on the screen.


    Select any ob from the ob list to iew its settings or the Job log. You can edit, duplicate, or delete the

    settings. You can also delete a ob by clicking the del icon corresponding to the ob in the Schedule list.

    1. To edit the settings, click Edit.

    /.!ake the necessary changes and click Save to update the settingsE click Cancel to e(it the pagewithout saing your changes.

     Troules"ooting Tips



    The Sugar Scheduler fails to run een though the cron.log file shows that the crontab is triggering the

    new ob.

    5 The Apache users 3AT; does not include the location of the 3;3 binary.

    l $hange the crontab entry to include the "= path to the 3;3 binary as shown below%

    N N N N N KusrKlocalKbinKphp -f cron.php O KdeKnull *OP&


    The Apache users 3AT; does not include the location of the php.ini file, and thus the e(ternal libraries

    ?such as modGmys@l and modGimap are unaailable at run time.

    l $hange the crontab entry to include a 3;3 switch to e(plicitly define a php.ini to use as shown below.

    N N N N N php -c KpathKtoKphp.ini -f cron.php O KdeKnull *OP&Q

    *. 'o 3;3 binary found or it is broken.

  • 8/18/2019 Sugar Community Edition 6 Admin Guide v1


    5 $hange the mechanism by which your cron ob calls Sugars cron.php.


    Betermine if this is an option at this time by finding either curl or wget on your system. This is done

    with the commands which curl and which wget.

    8f you use c=#, your crontab entry should look as follows%

    N N N N N curl --silent http%KKBomainKsugar8nstanceKcron.php

    where Bomain is the website where your Sugar installation resides, and sugar8nstance is your Sugar


    8f you use wget, your crontab entry should look like%

    N N N N N wget -@ http%KKBomainKsugar8nstanceKcron.php


    )oth curl and wget hae numerous switches that do not always map to different ersions on

    different platforms. +(periment in the terminal until you find the perfect line, and add it as the line

    for your crontab entry.



    The most common problem is that the 3;3 binary does not hae the proper libraries aailable at run

    time. As a result, it cannot make calls to your database or to your +mail serer. To force 3;3 to be

    aware of these libraries, it needs to access the php.ini file, which in turn tells it where to find

    eerything that is aailable.

    a. ocate the php.ini file% if you are unsure, run the following command%


    The system identifies the php.ini file and its location.


    The second most common breakage is incorrect paths to the e(tensions that 3;3 needsE a map is

    useless if the information is bad.

    a. 7pen php.ini in your faorite te(t editor.

     b. "ind the section named 3aths and Birectories.

    c. The releant entry is e(tensionGdir.


    Heeping in mind that this file piggybacks on Windows M3AT;M ariable, double-check the paths



    $orrect any errors - sometimes giing an absolute path soles hard-to-diagnose problems, for e(ample,

    full path listing from c%... onwards.

     'ecessary e(tensions are disabled.

    f. 7pen your php.ini file in a te(t editor.

    g. "ind the section named Bynamic +(tensions.

    h. Scroll down to the Windows-specific list.

  • 8/18/2019 Sugar Community Edition 6 Admin Guide v1



    !ake sure that the necessary e(tensions are uncommented ?no QEQ preceding the line. The bare

    minimum for Sugar Scheduler to run is to hae phpGcurl, your database $onnector, typically

     phpGmys@l ?for 3;32, and phpGimap.

     . Test the batch file again.

    16.$iagnostic Tool=se this option to capture system configuration for diagnostics and analysis. The diagnostic tool pulls up

    system information and stores it in a zip file on the serer for download. This file summarizes the basic

    information re@uired to resole the problem. Attach this file to the help re@uest you sent to $ustomer


    To capture system configuration

    &. 7n the Biagnostic Tool page, click E)ecute Diagnostic to run the tool.

    The system displays a list of system configuration files. )y default, the system captures configuration

    information for all the selected files.

    The system performs the following actions of these files%

    Sugar$#! $onfig.php - $opies the config.php file from the root directory after replacing the B)

     password with an asterisk for security purposes.

    Sugar$#! $ustom directory - $opies the custom directory to a zip file to enable $ustomer Support to

    know what has been customized through the ayout +ditor.

     phpinfo? - +(ecutes phpinfo and stores it in a file.

    !yS> - $onfiguration Table Bumps - copies a few tables from the database and replaces sensitie

    information with an asterisk for security purposes.

    !yS> - All Tables Schema - writes the schema for all tables to an ;T! file.

    !yS> - 6eneral 8nformation - 3ulls up some general information, like !yS> ersion, character sets,


    !B2 info - #uns md2 checks on all files in the sugar directory and compares it against a stock Sugar

    installations md2s. This enables $ustomer Support to learn which, if any, files hae been manually


    )eanistK)ean"iles files e(ist - 8f a custom module has been loaded, and the author did not define these

    references correctly, it can cause problems. This action checks all the references to ensure they are


    Sugar$#! og file - copies the log file.

    Sugar schema output ?CA#B+"S - copies the Sugar database schema.

    *. Beselect the ones you do not want to iew, and then click E)ecute Diagnostic.

    The system creates a zip file that contains the captured configuration information.

    1. To iew the file, click the Do'nload t0e Diagnostic /ile link at the bottom of the pageE to delete the

  • 8/18/2019 Sugar Community Edition 6 Admin Guide v1


    file, click the Delete t0e Diagnostic /ile link.


    8f you choose to download the file, the "ile Bownload dialog bo( displays on the page. To iew its

    contents, click uick #epair

    and #ebuild option.


    =se this option to manage Sugar $loud $onnectors to e(ternal data sources. Sugar proides $onnectors

    to inked8n and 8nsideCiew.

  • 8/18/2019 Sugar Community Edition 6 Admin Guide v1


    $onnectors are designed for company-type or person-type modules such as Accounts, eads, and

    $ontacts and for actiity-type modules such as !eetings and Bocuments. You can enable all $onnectors

    for any module, standard or custom, that is listed in Studio proided the module has a standard Betail

    Ciew layout. "or e(ample, though the Hnowledge )ase module is listed in Studio, you cannot enable

    $onnectors for it because it does not hae a standard Betail Ciew layout.

     'ote% You can enable 8nsideCiew for Accounts, 7pportunities, eads and $ontacts only.

    "or all $onnectors e(cept 8nsideCiew, you can also map $onnector fields to fields in Sugar as described

    later in this section. 8nsideCiew displays as a separate panel within the Betail Ciew pages of Accounts,

    7pportunities, eads and $ontacts records.

    $onnectors are enabled by default to allow users to search e(ternal data sources for new information from

    within a Sugar record in the module. =sers can iew the e(ternal data or merge it with the e(isting

    information in the Sugar record. "or e(ample, they can update addresses and phone numbers for an

    account. "or information on merging data, see 8ntegrating data from e(ternal sources. You can disable

    $onnectors, if needed.

    Beelopers in your organization can create $onnectors to other data sources, and you can upload them

    into Sugar using the !odule oader. You can also search for other aailable $onnectors on Sugar "orge

    at http%KKwww.sugarforge.org and Sugar +(change at http%KKwww.sugare(change.com .

    To configure $onnector properties

    You do not need to configure the $onnector properties for 8nsideCiew. "or all other $onnectors, follow

    the steps listed below%


     'aigate to the System section of the Administration ;ome page, and click $onnectors. This displays

    the $onnector Settings page.

    *. $lick Set $onnector 3roperties.

    The Set $onnector 3roperties page displays tabs for the $onnectors in Sugar. Tabs for any other$onnectors that you install also display on this page.

    To enable or disable modules for $onnectors

    &. $lick +nable $onnectors on the $onnector Settings page.


    Brag and drop module names from the Bisabled to the +nabled column to enable $onnectors like

    inked8n and 8nsideCiew, for the desired modules. To disable modules for $onnectors like inked8n

    and 8nsideCiew, drag the modules from the +nabled list to the Bisabled list.

    1. $lick Sae.

    Mapping Connector ieldsYou can map $onnector fields to fields in a Sugar module to determine how the data is merged from the

    data source into the Sugar record. "or the $onnectors that Sugar proides, field mappings are set by

    default. You can change these mappings and also map additional fields.

    To map $onnector fields

    &. 7n the $onnector Settings page, click !ap $onnector "ields. +ach $onnector tab displays a list of

    fields in the $onnector and a corresponding drop-down list of fields in $onnector-enabled Sugar


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    To change a default mapping or to add a new mapping, select the Sugar field from the drop-down list

    corresponding to the field in the $onnector.

    1. $lick Sae to sae the mappings.

    Sugar uses these field mappings when merging data.


    20.Gloal Searc"

    Administrators can select the modules that users can search on when using 6lobal Search. This includes

     both standard and custom modules that hae been deployed in Sugar.

    To +nableKBisable modules for 6lobal Search

    To enableKdisable modules for 6lobal Search, follow the steps listed below%

    &. $lick the Admin link on the top right corner of your page to go to the Administration page.

    *. $lick Glo%al Searc0 in the System section. This opens the Glo%al Searc0 page.


    Brag and drop modules between Ena%led Modules and Disa%led Modules to select which modules

    users can search on when using Glo%al Searc0.

    /. $lick Sae.



    The default language in Sugar is =S +nglish. Administrators can install additional languages, if necessary.

    anguage packs are aailable at http%KKwww.sugarforge.org.

    22.O!ut" .eys

    7Auth ?7pen Authorization is an open standard for authorization that enables users to share their priate

    resources such as photographs, ideos, and contact lists, stored on one site with another site without

    diulging personal credentials such as username and password. "or more information, see this wiki


    You need a pair of keys ?te(t strings - a public consumer key and a priate consumer key - to establish an

    7Auth connection. A good e(ample of a public key is the username used in websites that re@uire login. A

    good e(ample of a priate key is the password re@uired for such websites. 'ote that this priate key is not

    sent, making it more secure than a password. Together, these keys identify which application connects to

    the serice. 8t is your choice, as an admin, to decide how many different keys to hae and whom to giethem to.

    =se the 7Auth Hey link to create the pair of keys discussed aboe. Send the created keys to the consumer 

    of the A38 ?for e(ample, application deelopers to use for establishing an 7Auth connection.


    Tokens are created when the user establishes 7Auth connection with the 7Auth key pair. These are the

    connections between the Sugar user, the 7Auth keys, and the permissions and enable the e(ternal


  • 8/18/2019 Sugar Community Edition 6 Admin Guide v1


    applicationKuser to access data. Tokens created for each 7Auth connection are listed in the Tokens sub-

     panel of the corresponding 7Auth $onsumer Heys Betail Ciew page.


    OverviewAdministrators can setup and manage mail accounts for inbound and outbound emails, including

    campaign emails, using the options defined in this section.

    23.Email Settings

    =se this option to configure a mail serer for outbound emails, enable email notifications to users when

    records are assigned to them, and specify which ;T! tags, such as applets and frames tags, to strip

    from incoming emails before displaying them in Sugar.

    To configure email settings

    &. 8n the +mail section of the Administration page, click +mail Settings.

    *. 8n the 7utgoing !ail $onfiguration sub-panel, enter information for the fields listed below.

    To add 6oogles 6mail serer, click 3refill 6mail Befaults. The system fills in the S!T3 Serer and

    S!T3 3ort fields with the 6mail serers address and port number respectiely.

    1rom ame. +nter the senders nameE for e(ample, the name of your organization.

    1rom Address. +nter the senders email address.


    Select your email proider, such as 6mail, Yahoo, or +(change. 8f you are not using any of these, click


    /. +nter the email address and password for the specified proider.


    Allow users to use this account for outgoing email. Select this option to allow all users to use the

    account, for which username and password were proided, to send emails using the outgoing mail

    serer used to send system notifications and alerts. 8f you do not select this option, users will hae to

     proide their own account information when using the outgoing mail serer.


    $lick Send Test +mail to check if the settings are alid. 8f they are not, Sugar displays an error


    9. 8n the +mail 7ptions section, you can specify the following settings%

    Assignment 'otifications. +nable this option to send email notifications to users automatically when

    records are assigned to them.

    Send oti/ications /rom assigning user=s email address . Select this option to send notifications from

    the email address of the user who is assigning a record to another user.

    Belete related notes and attachments with deleted emails. When you select this option, related notes and

    attachments are deleted when an email is deleted.

    :. 8n the +mail Security Settings section, you can specify the following information%

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    Select 7utlook Befault !inimum Security 3recautions. Select this option if you do not want to strip the

    Style tag, which is used by 7utlook.

    Toggle all options. $heck this bo( to strip all the listed tags from emails in the +mail client. To strip some

    of the listed tags, uncheck this bo( and then select indiidual tags to strip.

  • 8/18/2019 Sugar Community Edition 6 Admin Guide v1


    !onitored "olders. This field displays when you select 8!A3 as the protocol. )y default, the system

    monitors the 8nbo(. To monitor other folders, click Select to iew a list of aailable folders in the e(ternal

    mail account. To select multiple folders, hold down the Shift key or the $trl key. After you select the

    folders that you want to iew in Sugar, click 7H to iew them in your inbo(.

    Trash "older. To select a Trash folder from the "olders list, click Select. After you specify the trash folder,

    click 7H.

    Sent "older. To add a folder to iew your outbound emails, click Select. After you specify a folder, click


    Status. "rom the drop-down list, select Actie to actiate the 6roup mail account or 8nactie to

    deactiate it. =sers cannot iew emails from a deactiated account.

    User ame. +nter the username to access the mail serer.

    &ass'ord. +nter the users password to access the mail serer.

    Mail Server &ort. +nter the serer port number.

    Use SS$. 8f your mail serer supports secure socket connections, selecting this bo( will force SS

    connections when importing emails into Sugar.

    *. 8n the +mail ;andling 7ptions section, enter information for the following fields%

    1rom ame. +nter the name of the person or company that will send the emails.

    1rom Address. +nter the email address from which emails will be sent.

    #eply-to 'ame. +nter the name to which you want replies to be addressed.

    #eply-to Address. +nter the email address associated with the #eply-to name.

    Allow =ser to Send +mails =sing Q"romQ 'ame and Address. Select this option if you want to enable

    users to use this accounts "rom name and address as their #eply To address.

    ,mport Emails Automatically. Select this option to create email records automatically in Sugar for all

    incoming emails.

    $reate $ase from +mail. Select this option to create cases automatically from inbound emails. When you

    select this option, you will need to specify how the emails are distributed in the Bistribution !ethod field.

    Bistribution !ethod. This field displays only when you select the $reate $ase option and allows you to

    select #ound-#obin or east-)usy. With the #ound-#obin option, the system distributes cases eenly

    among all users within the specified team. With the east-)usy option, the system distributes cases to the

    least busy user within the team assigned to the 6roup folder.

    e' Case Auto>"eply 2emplate. This field displays only when you select the $reate $ase option. You

    can use a $ase #eply template to set up an automated response notifying email senders that a case has

     been created to resole their issue. You can select an e(isting template from the drop-down list, or click

    $reate to create a new template. The response contains the system-generated case number in the subect

    line of the email. The body of the email for which the case was created displays below the template te(t.

    "or information on creating email templates, see $reating +mail Templates.

  • 8/18/2019 Sugar Community Edition 6 Admin Guide v1


    Auto>"eply 2emplate. =se this template to set up an automated response notifying email senders that

    you receied their email. "rom the drop-down list, select an e(isting template, or click $reate to create a

    new one. 8f both templates are selected, Sugar will respond to the sender with the $reate $ase #eply

    template instead of the Auto-#eply template.

    o Auto>reply to Domain. To e(clude a domain from receiing the automatic email response, enter the

    domain name. 8t is common to specify your organizations domain to preent auto-replies from being sentto your organizations members.

     'umber of Auto-responses. Set the ma(imum number of auto-responses to be sent to a uni@ue email

    address during a period of */ hours.

    1. 7ptionally, click Test Settings to ensure that the settings are accurate.

    /. $lick Sae to sae the settings.

    The system creates the mail account and displays its detail page.

    To set up a bounce handing mail account

    &. Select 'ew )ounce ;andling Account from the 8nbound +mails Actions bar .

    *. +nter the re@uired information as described in To set up a 6roup mail account.

    1. 7ptionally, click Test Settings to ensure that the settings are accurate.

    /. $lick Sae to sae the settings.

    The system creates the bounce handling account and displays its detail page.

    To manage group mail accounts and bounce handling accounts

    D To iew the details of an account, click its name in the 8nbound +mail home page.

    DTo actiate and deactiate multiple accounts, or change team assignments, select them in the ist Ciewand use the !ass =pdate panel to make the changes.

    D To edit an account, click Edit in the Betail Ciew, reise the information, and click Save.


    To duplicate an account, click Duplicate in the Betail Ciew. The system creates a new mail account and

    displays the +dit Ciew. +dit the details as needed and click Sae.


    To delete a mail account, select it from the ist Ciew and click Delete. Alternatiely, click Belete from

    the Betail Ciew. To delete multiple group mail accounts, select them in the ist Ciew and click Delete.

    25.Campaign Email Settings

    You can specify settings for email campaigns from the $ampaigns module. "rom the Administration

    ;ome page, you can change some default alues, namely, the number of emails sent per batch and thelocation of the campaign tracking files. You can also specify whether you want to keep copies of

    campaign messages or not.

    To configure campaigns email setup from $ampaigns module

    &. 7n the $ampaigns Actions bar, select Set up +mail.

  • 8/18/2019 Sugar Community Edition 6 Admin Guide v1


    The +mail Setup section displays the default alues for the following. You can enter new alues, if


    "rom 'ame. Sugar display the name entered on the +mail Settings page.

    !ail Transfer Agent. Select the mail transfer protocol from the drop-down list. S!T3 is the default


    "rom Address. The email address for the sender.


    The name, address, and mail transfer agent information that display on this page reflect the default

    alues set on the +mail Settings page. ;ence, any change that you make to these alues reflect on

    the +mail Settings page and not the $ampaign +mail Settings page that you access from the

    Administration ;ome page.

    S!T3 Serer. +nter the name of the S!T3 serer.

    S!T3 3ort. The system displays the S!T3 port number.

    =se S!T3 Authentication. To use S!T3 authentication, check this bo( and enter the email account

    username and password in the fields that display below.

    +nable S!T3 oer SS or TS% Select either SS or TS from the drop-down list.

    8n the !ass !ailing 7ptions section, enter the information shown below. You can also enter this

    information using the $ampaign +mail Settings option on the Administration ;ome page.

     'umber of emails sent per batch. +nter the ma(imum number of emails to send per batch.

    ocation of campaign tracking files. $ampaign tracking files log responses from campaign targets. 8f you

    are running Sugar on an e(ternal network, select Befault to accept the default location. ;oweer, if your

    Sugar instance is behind a firewall, then choose =ser Befined and specify the path to your e(ternal web

    serer in the field below. +nsure that you create a file named inde(.php to handle re@uests for three

    different types of entry points% campaignGtracker*, remoeme, and image, and place the inde(.php file in

    the path to your e(ternal web serer. This inde(.php file must point to theinde(.php file located in the root

    directory of your Sugar instance.

    Heep copies of campaign messages. The Befault is 'o. Selecting 'o will store only the template of the

    campaign message and the re@uired ariables to recreate the message.

    Selecting Yes will sae a copy of all email messages sent during all campaigns in the Sugar database. This

    takes up space in the Sugar database and slows down performance. ;ence, it is strongly recommended

    that you use the default setting.

    *. $lick 'e(t.

    The page displays e(isting bounce handling mail accounts.

    1. To create a bounce handling mail account, click $reate 'ew !ail Account.

    /. +nter the mail account information as described in To set up a 6roup mail account and click 'e(t.

    The system displays a summary page that lists the specified settings.

    2. $lick Sae to sae the settings and create a bounce handling inbo(E to naigate back to the preious

    screen, click )ackE to go back to the $ampaigns ;ome page without saing any of the specified

  • 8/18/2019 Sugar Community Edition 6 Admin Guide v1


    information, click $ancel.

    To configure campaign email setup from the Administration page

    &. 'aigate to the +mails section on the Administration ;ome page, and select $ampaign +mail Settings.

    Sugar displays the $ampaign +mail Settings configuration page on the screen.


    Specify mass mailing options as described in To configure campaigns email setup from $ampaigns


    1. $lick Sae.

    The updated settings display on the page as well as on the +mail Setup page of the $ampaigns module

    26.Email /ueue

    =se this option to iew, send, and delete mass campaign emails that are in the @ueue for dispatch. The

    system sends out the email only after the start dateKtime has passed. After a campaign email has been

     processed, you can iew its status in the $ampaign module. The system tracks statistics such as the Sent

    date and number of times an email deliery was attempted.=se the Scheduler to run nightly mass email campaigns as well as to monitor bounced campaign emails.

    "or more information on scheduling email mailings, see Scheduler.

    To manage @ueued emails


    To send out campaign emails, select the campaign in the >ueue sub-panel below and click Send

    >ueued $ampaign +mails.

    You can select more than one campaign at a time.


    To delete campaign emails, select the campaign in the >ueue sub-panel below and click BeleteE click

    7H to confirm the deletion.


    To search for a specific campaign, enter the campaign name, or recipient name, or recipient address in

    the Search fields aboe and click SearchE click $lear to clear the search fields.


    Developer 2ools27.Overview

    The Beeloper tools section displays options that enable you to build new modules and customize

    e(isting ones.

    The !odule )uilder enables you to build custom modulesE Studio enables you to customize e(istingmodules. To create relationships between modules, see $reating #elationships.

    After you build a module in !odule )uilder, you can deploy the module directly within the current

    instance, or you can use the !odule oader to install it in another Sugar instance. "or more information,

    see !odule oader.

  • 8/18/2019 Sugar Community Edition 6 Admin Guide v1


    28.Module *uilder

    =se the !odule )uilder to create custom modules in Sugar.

    The process of creating a custom module is as follows%

    &. $reate a package to house the new module. You can create one or more modules within a package.

    *. $reate a module using one of the following templates that Sugar proides for you.

    )asic. This template proides basic fields such as 8B, Bate +ntered, and $reated )y. =se this template to

    create a module from scratch.

    $ompany. This template proides organization-specific fields such as $ompany 'ame, 8ndustry, and

    )illing Address. =se this template to create a module that is similar to the Accounts module.

    1ile. This template proides document-specific fields such as "ile 'ame and Bocument Type. =se thistemplate to create a module that is similar to the Bocuments module.

    8ssue. This template proides case and bug-specific fields such as 8B, Bescription, and $reated )y. =se

    this template to create a module that is similar to the $ases module or )ug Tracker module.

    3erson. This template proides indiidual-specific fields such as salutation, title, name, address, and

     phone number. =se this template to create a module that is similar to the $ontacts module or the eads


    Sale. This template proides opportunity-specific fields such as ead-Source and 3robability. =se thistemplate to create a module that is similar to the 7pportunities module.

    1. $reate new fields, if necessary. You can also rename default fields from the template.


    Apart from field names, you cannot edit other field properties in a template. ;oweer, you can

    duplicate the fields and sae them with a different name to customize them. You can choose which

    fields appear in the module layouts.


    $ustomize page layouts for ist Ciew, +dit Ciew, Betail Ciew, Sub-panels, Search form, and Sugar

    Bashlets, if necessary.


    $reate relationships between the new module and other modules, if needed. A Sugar module, typically,

    has multiple relationships with other Sugar modules. When you create a
