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Sugarcane Production Best Management Practices (BMPs)

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Sugarcane Production Best Management Practices (BMPs)
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Page 1: Sugarcane Production Best Management Practices (BMPs)









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Page 2: Sugarcane Production Best Management Practices (BMPs)





In Louisiana we are blessed with beautiful and abundant

waters to enjoy fishing, hunting, boating or just relaxing on the

shore of a lake, river or bayou. Most of the water in Louisiana’s

rivers and lakes comes from rainfall runoff. As this runoff travels

across the soil surface, it carries with it soil particles, organic

matter and nutrients, such as nitrogen and phosphorus. Agricul-

tural activities contribute to the amount of these materials enter-

ing streams, lakes, estuaries and groundwater. In addition to

assuring an abundant, affordable food supply, Louisiana farmers

must strive to protect the environment.

Research and educational programs on environmental

issues related to the use and management of natural resources

have always been an important part of the LSU AgCenter’s mis-

sion. Working with representatives from the agricultural commod-

ity groups, the Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS),

the Louisiana Department of Environmental Quality (LDEQ), the

Louisiana Farm Bureau Federation (LFBF), the American Sugar

Cane League of the USA, Inc., and the Louisiana Department of

Agriculture and Forestry (LDAF), the LSU AgCenter has taken the

lead in assembling a group of Best Management Practices (BMPs)

for each agricultural commodity in Louisiana.

BMPs are practices used by agricultural producers to

control the generation and delivery of pollutants from agricultural

activities to water resources of the state and thereby reduce the

amount of agricultural pollutants entering surface and ground

waters. Each BMP is a culmination of years of research and dem-

onstrations conducted by agricultural research scientists and soil

engineers. BMPs and accompanying standards and specifications

are published by the NRCS in its Field Office Technical Guide.


Introduction ......................... 3

Soil & WaterManagement ......................... 4

Conservation Tillage .......... 7

Pesticide Management andPesticides ............................ 18

Nutrient Management ..... 23

Smoke ManagementGuidelines ........................... 30

General Farm BMPs..........34

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Sugarcane is the highest-valuedrow crop grown in Louisiana. Of thedomestic sugar industries, Louisianahas the oldest and most historic; ithas been a vital part of the Louisianaagricultural economy for more than200 years. Production has expandedfrom the traditional sugar-producingareas of southeastern and centralLouisiana along the MississippiRiver, Bayou Lafourche and RedRiver and southwestern Louisianaalong Bayou Teche to other areas ofLouisiana, especially other centraland western portions.

In 1999, sugarcane wasproduced on more than 450,000acres in 25 of the 64 Louisianaparishes. Total production was15,982,000 tons of sugarcaneyielding 1,675,000 tons of sugar.Growers averaged 37 tons ofsugarcane and 7,800 pounds of sugarper acre, both new state records. Thevalue of the sugar to farmers,factories and landlords exceeded$740 million in 1999; the directeconomic value impact generatedfrom the crop exceeded $2 billion.

Sugarcane ranks first in the stateamong plant commodities includingrice, soybeans, cotton, wheat, cornand feed grains. Further, Louisianaproduces about 16 percent of thetotal sugar grown in the UnitedStates (including sugar from both

sugar beets and sugarcane) on its690 farms and crystalized in its 18factories. The importance of thiscommodity to the economy of thestate cannot be overemphasized.

The industry is dynamic andconstantly changing. Recentlyreleased sugarcane cultivars haveincreased yields significantly, fromless than 25 tons per acre in 1990 tothe record yields of 37 tons per acrein 1999. Then, beginning in 1995,most of the industry switched fromwhole-stalk to combine harvesting.Whereas five years ago virtually allcane harvested by the whole-stalksystem was burned on the“heap”row before delivery to themill for processing, now farmershave the option to harvest sugarcaneeither burned or green when usingthe combine harvesting system.There is still a marked economicadvantage, however, to harvestingcane burned. But now there is ablanket of residue evenly dispersedon the field from the combineharvesting system that was notpresent with the whole-stalk system.

For sugarcane production tocontinue to thrive in Louisiana,responsible management of soil andwater resources should be a priority.This guide lists the Best Manage-ment Practices (BMPs) that can beused in Louisiana sugarcane

production. These practices areimplemented primarily for thepurpose of conserving and protectingsoil and water resources. They alsomay improve overall production andprotect wildlife habitat. The qualityof water in the streams, rivers,bayous, lakes and coastal areas ofLouisiana is extremely important toall residents. Further, if properlyimplemented, with appropriateincentives where needed, thepractices described in thispublication will help to improvewater quality without placingunreasonable burdens on theagricultural industry of Louisiana.

All BMP implementation shouldbe made on a voluntary basis by theproducer. This guide provides only abrief description of the BMPsrecommended for use in sugarcaneproduction. A comprehensivedescription of BMPs is available inthe Field Office Technical Guide(FOTG) located in all local Soil andWater Conservation District Officesand all USDA Natural ResourcesConservation Service (NRCS) fieldoffices. Technical assistance todevelop and implement a site-specific plan is available through theConservation Districts, NRCS fieldoffices and LSU AgCenterparish offices.

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Furrow Irrigation SystemsSugarcane is seldom irrigated

in Louisiana, where rainfallranges from 46 to 66 inches.During the past several years,however, some growers haveresorted to irrigation becausechanging weather patterns havemeant less rainfall during thegrand growth phase of the crop.

Tillage practices (NRCSCode 329) and crop residuemanagement (NRCS Code 344)play an important role in the waythat irrigation systems performand are managed. Tillagepractices affect the way thatwater moves into and off of thesoil (infiltration and runoff).

Many factors affect theperformance of furrow irrigationsystems. Physical conditionssuch as soil texture, soilstructure, field slope, fieldlength, furrow shape and theamount of crop residue cover allhave some impact on theperformance of the irrigationsystem. The way the system ismanaged, including the furrowflow rate, length of applicationtime and irrigation frequency,also affects system performance.Irrigation system performance(application efficiency) is oftenmeasured in terms of thepercentage of the water appliedthat remains in the active rootzone after irrigation. Thus, deep

percolation (water passingthrough the root zone) and runoff(tailwater) (NRCS Code 447)should be held to a minimumwhile supplying adequate waterto the crop along the length ofthe furrow.

Crop residue cover andtillage practices are probably thetwo most critical managementpractices that influence how acrop uses water and the ability ofirrigation systems to replace thatwater. Both of these factorsaffect the ability of the furrow toconvey water down the field. Astillage practices become lessintensive, infiltration rates oftenincrease.

The need to matchmanagement factors with thephysical conditions present atirrigation is critical. In somecases, a change in tillage practice

may cause changes in infiltrationrates that are too severe toovercome with managementfactors alone. In some cases,physical changes to the systemmay be necessary. The fieldslope or length of run may needto be changed or furrow packingmay be used to help overcomeproblems associated withextreme increases in infiltrationcharacteristics.

Irrigation Management(NRCS Code 449)

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OR PREVENT EROSION INCLUDE:Use cover crops on unprotected, easily erodible soils.(NRCS Code 340)

Manage crop residues to reduce surface water contamination.(NRCS Code 344)

Use conservation tillage practices.(NRCS Code 329)

Precision level the land to optimizefurrow slopes to reduce soil erosion.(NRCS Code 462)

Install tailwater drop structures.(NRCS Code 447)


SEDIMENT-LADEN WATER INCLUDE:Install sedimentation basins.(NRCS Code 350)

Install vegetative buffering (filter) strips.(NRCS Code 393)

Collect and reuse surface runoff.(NRCS Code 570)

Tailwater from furrowirrigation and runoff caused byexcessive irrigation or poorsystem design can make its wayinto drainage ditches thateventually lead to bayous, riversand lakes. In Louisiana,however, irrigated sugarcaneland (artificially drained) doesnot place water back into thebody of water from which it waspumped.

“Irrigation return flow” isthat portion of water that returnsto its source after being used toirrigate crops. The term“irrigation return flow” has been

extended to include irrigationwater that makes its way to anybody of water after its use on acrop.

Irrigation return flow isbecoming an importantenvironmental issue because ofits potential to be a nonpointsource of pollution, but this isnot the only reason sugarcaneproducers should use return flowmanagement practices. Excessiverunoff is a symptom of poorirrigation system design or poormanagement of irrigation water.It is also water that is wasted.Wasting water not only has

immediate financialramifications, but also threatensthe long-term availability ofwater for irrigation. Soundmanagement practices can reduceirrigation return flow whileensuring the most efficient use ofour water resources.

The major concern is thedirect runoff that may occur fromirrigated land. Many of thefertilizer nutrients and chemicalsused in agriculture are easilyadsorbed onto soil particles.When runoff occurs, soilparticles containing theseadsorbed materials may bepicked up and transported out ofthe field. Eroded sedimentsconstitute the major potential forpollution from surface returnflows. In addition, solublechemicals may be dissolved byrunoff and carried with the wateras it flows over the soil.Following the directions on thepesticide label, bandingpesticides and injecting fertilizerwill usually solve any problemsassociated with the application ofagricultural chemicals.Preliminary data have beencollected from sugarcaneirrigated land, but more data arerequired before anyrecommendations can be made.









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POLLUTANTS IN SURFACE RETURN FLOWS (NRCS CODE 570):eliminating or reducing surface runoff

eliminating or reducing soil loss

removing pollutants from irrigation return flow

The first two approaches are achieved by properly designing, operating and managing irrigationsystems. The third approach involves using grass buffer strips (NRCS Code 386), artificial wetlands(NRCS Code 645), settling basins and ponds (NRCS Code 350) and similar structures to removepollutant-bearing sediments. Treating return flow is more costly and troublesome thanpreventing it.

Proper irrigation water management (NRCS Code 449) means timing and regulating waterapplications in a way that will satisfy the needs of a crop and efficiently distribute the water withoutapplying excessive amounts of water or causing erosion, runoff or percolation losses. Good irrigationwater management can reduce moisture extremes and associated plant disease problems, which in turnmay reduce the need for pesticides. The sugarcane producer should have a good understanding of thefactors influencing proper irrigation scheduling and water management. The timing of irrigation andthe total amount applied per irrigation should be based on both the crop’s water use and the moisturecontent of the soil, as well as on expected rainfall.

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Conservation Tillage(NRCS Code 329)

Conservation tillage practiceshave a positive impact onimproving or maintaining waterquality in addition to reducingsoil erosion. Sediment andchemicals (pesticides and plantnutrients) are the two main typesof contaminants in surfacerunoff.

Sediment is the largestpollutant by volume of surfacewater in Louisiana. Mostsediment comes from agriculturalsources, construction sites andother soil-disturbing activitiesthat leave the soil exposed torainfall. Sediment increases theturbidity of water, therebyreducing light penetration,impairing photosynthesis,altering oxygen relationships andreducing the available foodsupply for certain aquaticorganisms. It can adversely affectfish populations in areas wheresediment deposits coverspawning beds. Increasedsediment also fills lakes andreservoirs that can affect watersupply and drainage capacity,which could lead to flooding.

The reduced soil erosionfrom conservation tillagesystems, compared withconventional tillage systems,beneficially decreases theproblems associated withsediment in water.

Conservation tillage practicesalso affect the chemical losses insurface runoff water andsediment. Surface drainage waterand sediment can carry dissolvednutrients and pesticides into

rivers, bayous and lakes.Conservation tillage usuallyreduces the amount of runoff, butthe amount of reduction is highlyvariable. Less runoff generallymeans less chemical loss, but thisdepends on the amount of plantlitter on the soil (soil exposure)and the timing and duration ofrainfall.

Conservation tillage practicessometimes have been falselycriticized for increasing chemicalcontamination of groundwaterfor two main reasons: increasedherbicide use and increasedleaching.

One theory is that moreherbicide is required for weedcontrol in conservation tillagecompared with conventionaltillage systems. Further, morepre-emergence herbicide isneeded because the litter orresidue might tie up some of the

herbicide. Sometimes aburndown herbicide is used inconservation tillage to controlvegetation instead of mechanicaltillage, but such herbicidesusually are strongly adsorbed bythe soil and resist leaching. Insome instances soil-activeherbicide is still applied and, insome cases, it would bebroadcast instead of banded,which translates into moreherbicide usage. Selection willbe based on recommendations byqualified consultants, cropadvisors and on the publishedrecommendations of the LSUAgCenter.

As with nitrogen andphosphorus, some herbicidesattach to soil particles or dissolvein surface runoff. Practices thatincrease water infiltration andreduce surface runoff, such asconservation tillage systems,

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effectively reduce herbicide runoff. Studies indicate that no-tillsystems reduce herbicide runoff by up to 70 percent compared toconventional systems. In sugarcane production, where we have aperennial crop, it is advantageous to remove all litter by burning. Insome cases, herbicide runoff increased in no-till. If a large rainstormoccurs soon after herbicide application, the herbicide washes off thesoil surface and crop residues before it can infiltrate the soil orcontact the target plants.

The table summarizes the effects of conservation tillage onsurface water quality. Conservation tillage significantly reducessurface runoff, decreasing the amount of sediment, nutrients andpesticides in surface waters.

Summary of conservation tillage effects on sediment and chemicalsin surface runoff.

Agricultural producersshould select the combination oftillage and cropping systems thatwill provide the best protectionfor soil and water resources. Theuse of agricultural chemicalsshould be minimized, especiallywhere the environment isvulnerable. An example of such asituation is the production ofcrops requiring high levels ofnitrogen fertilization on coarse,sandy soils over shallowgroundwater. Heavy fertilizationon clayey-textured soils (withrapid runoff potential) nearsurface water poses a similarhazard. Appropriate practices canbe determined by the specificsoil conditions in each field andby the pollution potential thatexists. Producers have manyalternatives in voluntarilyimplementing water protectionmeasures.

Conservation tillage practicesspecifically for sugarcane areavailable to minimize sedimentloading and reduce soil loss insugarcane culture. Certainpractices designed to reduce soilloss and protect water quality,however, will have to bebalanced by the economic impacton Louisiana sugarcaneproducers. Some practices maybe considered uneconomical orinappropriate for sugarcaneproduction or require furtherresearch to determine the balancebetween economic benefit andenvironmental consequence.


SEDIMENT Surface water runoff decreases with reduced tillage, resulting in less soil leaving the field.

NITROGEN Runoff decreases with reduced tillage, resulting in less nitrogen loss, although runoff concentrations may be higher; in sugarcane production, however, most of the nitrogen is injected into the soil.

PHOSPHORUS Phosphorus loss from surface applications is mainly associated with sediment. Conservation tillage typically decreases sediment losses, resulting in less phosphorus lost in runoff.

PESTICIDES Loss of sediment-associated materials decreases with reduced tillage. Runoff losses of pesticides appear to decrease with use of conservation tillage, although initial runoff concentrations may be higher.

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(Encompasses the period from stubble destructionthrough seedbed preparation.)

Fallow and Seedbed Management

The conventional approach to managing the fallow period inLouisiana sugarcane production normally begins in the fall or winterwith the destruction of the final stubble crop in a production cycle bydisking. Field activities continue in late winter or early spring withland smoothing (NRCS Code 466 - Land Smoothing) or precision

land forming (NRCS Code 462 -Precision Land Forming)followed by bedding (NRCSCode 310 - Bedding), rowarrangement (NRCS Code 557 -Row Arrangement) and chiselingand subsoiling (NRCS Code 324- Chiseling and Subsoiling). Bedsare kept weed free by the timelyopening and closing of bedsduring cultivation until plantingis accomplished in late summeror early fall.

A chemical fallow program issimilar to conventional fallowmanagement, with the notableexception of the substitution ofherbicides for tillage to destroyemerged sugarcane in the earlyspring and for maintaining aweed-free seedbed (NRCS Code329 - Conservation Tillage).Louisiana sugarcane producerscould follow these suggestedpractices to reduce soil lossduring these field operations.This approach allows the soilparticles to stay firmly in placeand maintains vegetative coveron the soil surface for the timeperiod. Long-term ramificationsof chemical fallow programs arenot fully known. This practice isused by Louisiana sugarcanegrowers in addition toconventional cultivation.

Cover and green manurecrops can be grown during thefallow period to provide seasonalsoil loss protection, to improvesoil organic matter and fertility(NRCS Code 340 - Cover andGreen Manure Crop) and, whenharvested, to provide aneconomic return (if the revenuesfor the summer fallow crop arecompetitive). In Louisiana,soybeans are grown on limitedfallow acreage both as a summercover and cash crop. Soybeans

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can potentially increasenematode problems, which mustbe factored in when deciding onplanting within the sugarcanerotation. Further, allelopathy isevident with hasty cane plantingafter plowdown of soybeans.Documented losses haveoccurred for stalk rot, wire worminfestations and persistent weedproblems. Other crops, such ascorn, sweet sorghum, wheat,kenaf, certain commercial fruitsand vegetables, and annualryegrass for livestock grazingand winter legume cover cropshave been tried on a limitedbasis. Cropping systems for thetraditional fallow period have notbeen fully evaluated for theirconsequences and benefits butcan generally interfere withproper seed bed preparation andmay ultimately reduce cropyields.

Elimination of a fallowperiod, which controls weeds andstores soil moisture, can beaccomplished by successionplanting of sugarcane

immediately after harvest (NRCSCode 328 - Conservation CropRotation). The suggestedsequence is to shave the stubblepieces and roto-till and subsoil(NRCS Code 324 - Chiseling andSubsoiling) the existing rowsbefore bedding (NRCS Codes310 - Bedding - and 557 - RowArrangement) and planting.Succession planting is best suitedfor early-harvested fields onlight-textured sandy soils andshould be practiced on fieldswithout heavy infestations ofweed pests. Limited acreage issuccession planted in Louisianaeach year. Sugarcane yields fromsuccession planting are oftenreduced because of the lateplanting date and increased weedpressure. Any increase insuccession planting will requireadditional economic incentive.

Delaying destruction of oldstubble until after April 1 shouldreduce erosion and satisfy the 30percent coverage of the soilsurface to meet the requirementsof conservation tillage (NRCS

Sugarcane Planting(Encompasses period from late summer to early fall after fallowand seed bed preparation have been completed.)

Code 329 - ConservationTillage). But, the best timing ofolder stubble destruction has notbeen completely evaluated for itsimpact on production, sedimentloss, pest management and weedcontrol. This practice is morefeasible in fields that have notbeen rutted by harvestequipment. This practice may bemade more feasible when used inconjunction with a burndownherbicide program.

Additional stubble cropsfrom a single planting alsoreduce the amount of fallow landand increase the amount of landwith vegetative cover (NRCSCode 328 - Conservation CropRotation). With the recentreleases of improved stubblingsugarcane varieties in Louisiana,growers have a greateropportunity of achieving one ortwo additional stubble crops in aproduction cycle and successionplanting some of their fields,thereby decreasing the amount offallow land exposed to soilerosion.

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Sugarcane Crop Cycle(Encompasses period fromplanting to stubble destruction.)

The standard plantingmethod consists of placingsugarcane stalks in 15- to 18-inch planting furrows in weed-free beds (NRCS Codes 310 -Bedding, 324 - Chiseling andSubsoiling and 557 - RowArrangement) subsequent to afallow period.

Succession planting refers toplanting of sugarcane stalks inweed-free beds without delayafter the final stubble cropharvest is complete (NRCS Code328 - Conservation CropRotation).

Limiting tillage operationsduring the growing season to off-barring, fertilization and laybyenhances the protection of thesoil (NRCS Code 329 -Conservation Tillage). Growers,particularly those who combine-harvest, reduce the number ofcultivations from as many as fiveor six to as few as three. This ismost feasible when layby occursearly and fields have not beenrutted during the harvest of theprevious year.

Increasing the off-barringwidth by using wide (18- to 24-inch) planting furrows toaccommodate high-populationvarieties provides soil protection(NRCS Code 329 - ConservationTillage). Wider plantingdecreases soil exposure toerosion by increasing thepercentage of vegetative cover ina field.

Residue resulting fromcombine harvesting may bemaintained on the soil surfaceuntil stubble destruction in thespring after harvesting of thefinal stubble crop in a productioncycle (NRCS Code 344 - ResidueManagement, Seasonal). Thispractice has not beencomprehensively evaluated forits effect on insect pestmanagement, but it has shown

benefits for sugarcane weedcontrol.

When additional stubblecrops are expected from acombine-harvested field, theresidue from the row top can beremoved and placed in the wheelfurrow immediately after harvestwhere feasible (NRCS Code 344- Residue Management,Seasonal). Research has shownthat sugarcane crop losses for thesucceeding crop can be as highas 25 percent when the residue isallowed to remain on the row topuntil spring. Research continuesto assess how this residue couldbe used to reduce weed pressureand reduce soil erosion (andresulting pesticide runoff)without affecting the succeedingsugarcane crop negatively.

Harvesting sugarcane withoutburning would add significantcosts to the Louisiana sugarindustry. Additional harvestingequipment, transportation andmill capacity would be needed inaddition to the negativeconsequence of lower sugaryields because of this residueremaining on the overwinteringcrop after harvest. Further,retaining the residue presents anadded problem in the spring byholding moisture, thuspreventing timely cultivation.

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Additional production practices relevant to

sugarcane practices are:

Banding herbicides to maintainweed-free row tops minimizeserosion of soil from rowshoulders and row middles(NRCS Code 344 - ResidueManagement, Seasonal).

Maintaining vegetative cover onheadlands and primary fieldroads minimizes soil erosion(NRCS Code 560 - AccessRoad).

Using vegetative cover on fieldborders can be an effectivemeans of controlling erosion,especially in sensitive areassuch as sloping fields adjacentto waterways (NRCS Code 386- Field Border). Sloping fieldsencompass only a smallpercentage of Louisianasugarcane acreage. Theinfluence of field borders onpesticide trapping and insectecology would requireadditional research.

Residue Management(NRCS Code 344)

In Louisiana, approximately75 percent of the sugarcane cropis harvested by combine. Thispercentage is expected to rise tomore than 90 percent within thenext five years. Weatherpermitting, most of the sugarcaneis burned before harvest toimprove both harvesting andmilling efficiency by reducing theamount of leafy trash. Wherefields are harvested green, theblanket of plant residue depositedon the soil surface after harvest iscurrently burned because researchhas shown that this residue hasthe potential to reduce sugaryields in the subsequent stubblecrop by as much as 25 percent.

Theories regarding the causesfor these reduced yields inLouisiana have been advancedbut not thoroughly explained.One theory is that the residue actsas an insulating blanket,effectively slowing the warmingand drying of the soil in thespring and thereby delaying theemergence of the crop. A secondtheory is that during the decayprocess allelochemicals arereleased that can inhibit thegermination or emergence ofsugarcane root and shoot buds.The influence of crop age and soiltype on the crop’s response to theresidue has not been thoroughlyexplored.

In addition, naturallyoccurring soil microorganisms areresponsible for the decompositionof plant residues, degradingpesticides and improving soilstructure and nutrient availability.Soil microorganisms’ influenceon the degradation of sugarcaneresidues is not known. Aneffective residue managementprogram that uses the residueover the winter and spring to

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reduce runoff while minimizingthe impact of the residue on theyield of the subsequent year’scrop would eliminate the need toburn the residue off of thesefields. Demonstrating thepotential benefits of effectivelymanaging the residue on the cropand the environment also mayresult in a higher percentage ofthe sugarcane being harvestedgreen, even under weatherconditions that favor burning.Until all these questions areanswered by research, it isimperative that the Louisianasugarcane producer continue toburn this residue to remaincompetitive.

Conservation tillage’sgreatest effect on surface waterquality is reduced runoff.Residues protect the soil surfacefrom the impact of raindrops and



Runoff% of rain


Sediment inRunoff

% of runoff

Soil Losstons/acre


45 40 26 0.5

26 14 12 7

3.7 1.1 0.8 0.6

12.4 3.2 1.4 0.3

Effects of surface residue cover on runoff and soil loss.

Sediment directly damageswater quality and reduces theusefulness of streams and lakesin many ways. These include:

Impaired fish spawning areasReduced light penetration for aquatic lifeIncreased water purification costsLower recreational valueClogged channels and increased floodingIncreased dredging to maintain navigationReduced storage capacity for reservoirs

In addition, sediment is oftenrich in organic matter.Nutrients such as nitrogen andphosphorus and certainpesticides may enter streamswith sediment. The detrimentaleffects of these substancesaccompanying the sedimentmay include:

Rapid algae growthOxygen depletion as organic matter and algae decomposeFish kills from oxygen depletionToxic effects of pesticides on aquatic lifeUnsafe drinking water because of nitrate or pesticide content

act like a dam to slow watermovement. Rainfall stays in thefield, allowing the soil to absorbit. The decomposition of theseresidues also increases the soilorganic matter. Soils with highorganic matter content are lesslikely to erode than soils withlow organic matter content, andthey are more apt to absorbpesticides and nutrients.Conservation tillage reduces theamount of soil and water leavinga field.

The table below shows theeffects of residue cover onsurface runoff and soil loss. Anincrease in residue coversignificantly decreases runoffand sediment from a field.Typically, 30 percent residuecover reduces soil erosion ratesby 50 percent to 60 percentcompared to conventional tillagepractices.

Field Borders &

(NRCS Code 386 &NRCS Code 393)

Filter Strips

Field borders and filter stripsare plantings of grasses or otherclose-growing vegetation plantedaround fields and alongdrainageways, streams and otherbodies of water. They aredesigned to filter out sediment,organic material, nutrients andchemicals carried in runoff.

In a properly designed filterstrip, water flows evenly throughthe strip, slowing the runoffvelocity and allowingcontaminants to settle from thewater. In addition, where filterstrips are seeded, fertilizers andherbicides no longer need to beapplied right next to susceptiblewater sources. Filter strips alsoincrease wildlife habitat.

Soil particles (sediment)settle from runoff water whenflow is slowed by passingthrough a filter strip. The largestparticles (sand and silt) settlewithin the shortest distance.Finer particles (clay) are carriedthe farthest before settling fromrunoff water, and they canremain suspended when runoffvelocity is high. Farmingpractices upslope from filterstrips affect the ability of stripsto filter sediment. Fields with

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steep slopes and little crop residue will deliver more sediment tofilter strips than more gently sloping fields and those with goodresidue cover. Large amounts of sediment entering the filter stripmay overload the filtering capacity of the vegetation, and some maypass on through.

FILTER STRIP EFFECTIVENESS DEPENDS ON FIVE FACTORS:1. The amount of sediment reaching the filter strip. This is influenced by:

Type and frequency of tillage in crop and above the filter strip. The more aggressive andfrequent tillage is above filter strips, the more likely soil will erode.

Soil organic matter content.

Time between tillage and a rain. The sooner it rains after a tillage operation, the more likely soilwill erode.

Rain intensity and duration. The longer and harder it rains, the more sediment will bedeposited; filter strips become less effective as they fill with soil.

Slope and the length of run above the filter strip. Water flows faster down steeper slopes. Filterstrips below steep slopes need to be wider in relation to the crop and drained above to slowwater and sediment movement adequately.

The table gives the suggested filter strip width based on slope. For a more accurate determination ofthe size filter strip you will need for your individual fields, consult your local NRCS or Soil andWater Conservation District office.

2. The amount of time that water is retained in the filter strip. This is influenced by:

Width of the filter area. Filter strips should vary in width, depending on the percent slope,length of slope and total drainage area above the strip.

Type of vegetation and quality of stand. Tall, erect grass can trap more sediment than can shortflexible grass. The best species for filter strips are tall perennial grasses. Filter strips mayinclude more than one type of plant and may include parallel strips of trees and shrubs, as wellas perennial grasses. In addition, these strips increase diversity of wildlife habitat. To preventinfestation of adjacent fields (sugarcane) by noxious grass species, however, filter strips shouldbe mowed.


Suggested Vegetated Filter Strip Widths on Percent Slope

Land Slope, % Strip Width, Feet 0 - 5 20 5 - 6 30 6 - 9 40 9 - 13 5013 - 18 60

*Widths are for grass and legume species only and are not intended for shrub and tree species. Adaptedfrom the NRCS Field Office Technical Guide, 1990.

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Soils with higher infiltration rates will absorb water and the accompanying dissolved nutrientsand pesticides faster than soils with low infiltration rates. Many of these particles have anaffinity for organic matter, helping to reduce movement. Additional research must be done tocheck the effect of organic content on flow or retention of water-holding capacity of soil.Parish soil survey reports include a table listing the infiltration rate group for the soilsidentified in each parish.

3. Infiltration rate of the soil

Shallow depressions or rills need to be graded to allow uniform flow of water into the filterstrip along its length. Water concentrated in low points or rills will flow at high volume, solittle filtering will take place.

4. Uniformity of water flow through the filter strip

When heavy sediment loads are deposited, soil tends to build up across the strip, forming aminiature terrace. If this becomes large enough to impound water, flow will eventually breakover the top and become concentrated in that area. Strips should be inspected regularly fordamage. Maintenance may include minor grading and/or re-seeding to keep filter strips effective.

5. Maintenance of the filter strip

Vegetative filter strips can remove sediment effectively if water flow is even and shallow.

Filter strips must be properly designed and constructed to be effective.

Filter strips become less effective as sediment accumulates. With slow accumulation, grassregrowth between rains often restores the filtering capacity.

Filter strips remove larger sediment particles of sand and silt first. Smaller clay-sized particlessettle most slowly and may be only partially removed, depending on the strip width and waterflow rate.

Because soil-bound nutrients and pesticides are largely bound to clay particles, filter strips maybe only partially effective in removing them. Using compost, however, could reduce thiseffectively.

Fewer dissolved nutrients and pesticides will be removed than those bound to soil particles.Filter strips are a complementary conservation practice that should be used with in-fieldconservation practices such as conservation tillage, contour buffer strips, strip cropping andwaterways.

In summary:


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Land Smoothing (NRCS Code 466):The removing of irregularities on the land surface by use of

special equipment. This improves surface drainage, provides formore effective use of precipitation, obtains more uniform plantingdepths, provides for more uniform cultivation, improves equipmentoperation and efficiency, improves terrace alignment and facilitatescontour cultivation.

Regulating Water in Drainage System(NRCS Code 554):

Controlling the removal of surface runoff, primarily through theoperation of water control structures. It is designed to conservesurface water by controlling the outflow from drainage systems.

Surface Drainage - Field Ditch(NRCS Code 607):

A graded ditch for collecting excess water in a field or forirrigation water drainage. This practice intercepts or collects surfacewater and carries it to an outlet.

Irrigation Canal or Lateral(NRCS Code 320):

A permanent irrigation canal or lateral constructed to move waterfrom the source of supply to one or more farms. The conservationobjectives are to prevent erosion or degradation of water quality ordamage to land, to make possible proper water use and to move waterefficiently.

Controlled Drainage(NRCS Code 335):

The control of surface water through the use of drainage facilitiesand water control structures. Its purpose is to conserve water andmaintain optimum soil moisture. It is designed to store and managerainfall for more efficient crop production. It improves surface waterquality by increasing infiltration, thereby reducing runoff that maycarry sediment into nearby water bodies.


Lined Waterway or Outlet (NRCS Code 468):

A waterway or outlet having an erosion-resistant lining ofconcrete, stone or other permanent material. The lined sectionextends up the side slopes of the outlet. It provides for efficient flowof runoff without damage from erosion.


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Open Channel (NRCS Code 466):

The constructing or improving of a channel, either natural orartificial, in which water flows with a free surface. It providesdischarge capacity required for flood prevention, drainage or acombination of these purposes.

Grassed Waterways (NRCS Code 412):

These are natural or constructed channels that are shaped orgraded to required dimensions and established in suitable vegetationfor the stable conveyance of runoff. They are designed to conveyrunoff without causing erosion or flooding and to improve waterquality.

Field Borders (NRCS Code 386):

Corridors (NRCS Code 645):A corridor is any combination of grasses, legumes, shrubs and

trees used to link separate wildlife habitats and provide cover forwildlife to travel between habitats. Corridors, like vegetated filterstrips, may provide some filtering of pollutants from nearbycroplands, but primarily provide benefits for wildlife and divertwildlife from adjacent fields.

Similar to vegetated filter strips, field borders provide a physicalseparation between adjacent areas, such as between a crop field and abody of water. Unlike filter strips, field borders zones may notnecessarily be designed to filter water that flows through them.


Riparian Zones (NRCS Code 391A):A riparian zone consists of the land adjacent to and including a

stream, river or other area that is at least periodically influenced byflooding in a natural state. Similar to vegetated filter strips, plantsin riparian areas effectively prevent sediment, chemicals and organicmatter from entering bodies of water. Unlike filter strips, riparianzones use plants that are of a higher order, such as trees or shrubs, aswell as grasses or legumes. Vegetated filter strips are often used inriparian areas as initial filtering components next to crop fieldborders.

For more information on these practices and how to implement them, contact your local NRCS or Soil andWater Conservation District Office or call your county agent.


Page 18: Sugarcane Production Best Management Practices (BMPs)

Pesticides can directly entergroundwater by spills around poorlyconstructed or sealed wells, or wellswith improper casting, or by back-siphoning during spray tank filling.














IntroductionPest management is the wise

selection and use of pest controlpractices to ensure effective social,economic and ecological conse-quences. Sugarcane pests includeinsects, nematodes, weeds and dis-eases. Research and extensionprograms emphasize the balanced useof cultural, biological, genetic andchemical integrated pest management(IPM) methods appropriate to bothmaximizing productivity and enhanc-ing soil and water quality. Newresearch will quantify the effects ofpesticides and changing productionpractices on sugarcane production inLouisiana.

To preserve the availability ofclean and environmentally safe waterin Louisiana, contamination ofsurface and groundwater by all


Pesticides can directly entergroundwater by spills around poorlyconstructed or sealed wells, or wellswith improper casting, or by back-siphoning during spray tank filling.

Rainfall runoffwill also movepesticides acrossthe soil surface.

Rain or irrigationstarts pesticidesmoving into andthrough soil.

Soil-incorporatedsystemic pesticide

Pesticide is carriedinto and throughsoil. Movementthrough soil isaffected by soil andpesticideproperties andamount andtiming of water.Pesticide residueand by-productsnot absorbed arebroken down intothe groundwater.

Groundwater flow

Movement withgroundwater –additionalbreakdowngenerally slowed,but depends onchemical nature andgroundwater.

Pesticide is taken upby plants, brokendown by organisms,sunlight or chemicalreactions.



agricultural and industrial chemicals must be prevented. Some sources of contamination are easilyrecognizable from a single, specific location. Other sources are more difficult to pinpoint. This is callednonpoint source pollution. Nonpoint-source pollution of water with pesticides is caused by rainfallrunoff, particle drift or percolation of water through the soil. Pest management practices will be based oncurrent research and extension recommendations. By using these recommendations, you will followenvironmentally sound guidelines for pesticide usage.

Pest Management ProceduresPesticides chosen will assure effective pest management with the

least adverse impact on the environment. The following practicesmay be useful for sugarcane:

When possible, periodic monitoring (scouting) of key pestinfestations, such as for the sugarcane borer and weeds, may result ina reduction in pesticide usage.

Use economic thresholds to trigger pesticide application based on economic injury levels. Effortswill continue to establish and promote use of economic thresholds for all sugarcane insect pests.

Apply pesticides only under appropriate label recommendations. Wind direction and speed should becarefully monitored before pesticide applications are made to prevent unwarranted drift to nontargetlocations.

(NRCS Code 595)

Page 19: Sugarcane Production Best Management Practices (BMPs)











Apply pesticides on a band,when applicable, rather thanbroadcast.

Plant sugarcane borerresistant cultivars, especiallynear schools and sensitive waterareas. This should reduce theneed for insecticide usage inenvironmentally sensitive areas.In major pest areas, wherepesticides cannot be used safely,it is important to plant resistantor tolerant cultivars -- even iflower yields are anticipated.Plant breeding efforts shouldcontinue to pursue developmentof pest-resistant or tolerantsugarcane varieties to minimizethe need for pesticides.

For insect control, make aneffort to gradually replace broadspectrum pesticides with narrowrange minimum risk pesticideswithout increasing pest potentialof minor or secondary pests.

Apply pesticides only whenthey are necessary for theprotection of the crop. Choosethe pesticide that provides themost effective pest managementwith the least potential adverseeffects on the environment.

Protect water quality, bothsurface and ground, by followingthe label recommendations andguidelines dealing with waterquality.

Follow closely all labelstatements and use directionsdesigned specifically to protectgroundwater.

Follow closely specific bestmanagement practices designedto protect surface water.

Use erosion control practices(such as filter strips, etc.) tominimize runoff that could carrysoil particles with adsorbedpesticides and/or dissolvedpesticides into surface waters.

Pesticide ApplicationIn sugarcane, the

predominant form of insecticideapplication is aerial spraying asrecommended by licensedagricultural consultants andapplied by licensed aerialapplicators. Herbicides are mostoften applied with groundequipment.

Management practices suchas the pesticide selected, theapplication method, the pesticiderate used and the applicationtiming influence pesticidemovement. Pesticides should beapplied only when needed toprevent economic loss.

Using chemicals at rateshigher than specified by the labelis ILLEGAL and an environ-

mental hazard. Poor timing ofpesticide application may resultin pesticide movement into watersources, as well as reduce controlof the targeted pest.

Certain areas on your farmsuch as streams and rivers,wellheads, and lakes or ponds aresensitive to pesticides. Createbuffer zones around these areasto reduce or eliminate pesticidecontamination and maintain orimprove water quality. Areassuch as roads, off-site dwellingsand areas of public gatheringsshould be identified. You mayneed to limit the use of pesticidesnear these types of areas.

Unsaturated zone

WATER TABLEGroundwaterSaturated zone

Rainfall runoff

The water tableseparates theunsaturated zonefrom the saturatedzone (groundwater)

These practices should be followed:

Select the pesticide to give the best resultswith the least potential environmentalimpact outside the spray area.

Select application equipment carefully and maintain it properly.Calibrate the application equipment at the beginning of the sprayseason and periodically thereafter. Spray according to volume andrate recommendations.

Minimize spray drift by following the labelinstructions and all rules and regulationsdeveloped to minimize spray drift (thephysical movement of spray particles at thetime of or shortly after application).

Before applying a pesticide, make an assessment of all of theenvironmental factors involved in all of the area surrounding theapplication site.

Carefully maintain records of use of all Restricted Use Pesticides. 19

Page 20: Sugarcane Production Best Management Practices (BMPs)












Exceptions for FarmersFarmers disposing of used pesticide

containers for their own use are not requiredto comply with the requirements of thehazardous waste regulations provided thatthey triple rinse or pressure wash eachcontainer and dispose of the residues ontheir own farms in a manner consistent withthe disposal instructions on the pesticidelabel. Note that disposal of pesticideresidues into water or where they are likelyto reach surface or groundwater may beconsidered a source of pollution under theClean Water Act or the Safe Drinking WaterAct and therefore illegal.

After the triple rinse procedure, thecontainers are then “empty” and the farmercan discard them in a sanitary waste sitewithout further regard to the hazardouswaste regulations. The empty containers arestill subject to any disposal instructionscontained within the labeling of the product,however. Disposal in a manner “inconsistentwith the labeling instructions” is a violationof EPA guidelines and could lead to con-tamination of water, soil or persons andlegal liability.


Pesticide SelectionIn addition to criteria mentioned previously, when selecting

pesticides, a farmer should consider chemical and physicalcharacteristics such as solubility, adsorption, volatility anddegradation characteristics. Chemicals that dissolve in water readilycan leach through soil to groundwater or be carried to surface watersin rainfall or irrigation runoff. Some alternatives must beincorporated, creating soil disturbance that could add to herbicideand sediment loss by erosion. Some chemicals hold tightly to, or areadsorbed on, soil particles, and do not leach as much. But even thesechemicals can move with sediment when soil erodes during heavyrainfall. Runoff entering surface waters may ultimately rechargegroundwater reserves.

Follow these practices:Pesticide selection should be based upon recommendations byqualified consultants, crop advisors or on the publishedrecommendations of the LSU AgCenter, Cooperative ExtensionService.

The selection of the pesticide to be used should be based upon itsregistered uses and its ability to give the quality of pest controlrequired.

The selection should be based upon its impact on non-targetorganisms and on the general effects of the pesticide on theenvironment.

Pesticide Storage andSafety

Farmers and commercialpesticide applicators are subjectto penalties if they fail to store ordispose of pesticides andpesticide containers properly.Each registered pesticideproduct, whether general orrestricted use, contains briefinstructions about storage anddisposal in its labeling. TheLouisiana Pesticide Lawaddresses specific requirementsfor licensing of applicators usingrestricted use pesticides as wellas requirements for storage and

disposal. The applicator mustfollow these requirementscarefully and ensure thatemployees follow them as well.

Storage sites should becarefully chosen to minimize thechance of escape into theenvironment. Pesticides shouldnot be stored in an area likely toflood or where the characteristicsof the soil at the site would allowescaped chemicals to percolate

into groundwater. Storage facilities shouldbe dry, well ventilated and provided withfire protection equipment. All storedpesticides should be carefully labeled andsegregated and stored above the soilsurface. Do not store pesticides in thesame area as animal feed. The facilityshould be locked when not in use. Furtherprecautions include appropriate warningsigns and regular inspection of containersfor corrosion or leakage. Protectiveclothing should be stored close by but notin the same room as the pesticides becausethey may become contaminated.Decontamination equipment should bepresent where highly toxic pesticides arestored.

Page 21: Sugarcane Production Best Management Practices (BMPs)

The EPA has general author-ity to regulate pesticide use inorder to minimize risks to humanhealth and theenvironment.This authorityextends to theprotection offarm workersexposed to pesticides. All em-ployers must comply with ALLinstructions of the Worker Pro-tection Standard concerningworker safety or be subject topenalties. Labels may include,for example, instructions requir-ing the wearing of protectiveclothing, handling instructions

and instruc-tions setting aperiod of timebefore work-ers are al-lowed to re-

enter fields after the applicationof pesticides (Restricted EntryInterval).

Employers should also readthe Worker Protection Standardregulations governing the use ofand exposure to pesticides. Therule sets forth minimum stan-dards for the protection of farmworkers and pesticide handlersthat must be followed. The

regulations include standardsrequiring oral warnings andposting of areas where pesticideshave been used, training for allhandlers and early re-entryworkers, personal protectiveequipment, emergency transpor-tation anddecontamina-tion equip-ment.

The EPAregulationshold the producer of the agricul-tural plant on a farm, forest,nursery or greenhouse ultimatelyresponsible for compliance withthe worker safety standards. Thismeans the landowner mustensure compliance by all em-ployees and by all independentcontractors working on theproperty. Contractors and em-ployees also may be held respon-sible for failure to follow theregulations.

TheOccupationalSafety AndHealth Act(OSHA)

The federal govern-ment also regulates farmemployee safety under theOccupational Safety andHealth Act (OSHA).OSHA applies to allpersons (employers)engaged in businessaffecting interstate com-merce. The federal courtshave decided that allfarming and ranchingoperations affect interstatecommerce in some respect,regardless of where goodsare produced, sold orconsumed, and thus aresubject to OSHA’s require-ments. In general, everyemployer has a duty toprovide employees with anenvironment free fromhazards that are causing orare likely to cause death,serious injury or illness.












Page 22: Sugarcane Production Best Management Practices (BMPs)

In SummaryA. All label directions will be

read, understood and followed.

B. The Louisiana Departmentof Agriculture and Forestry (LDAF)is responsible for the certification ofpesticide applicators. However, onlyprivate applicators applyingrestricted use pesticides must becertified by successfully completinga test administered by the LDAF. Onthe other hand, all commercialapplicators must be certified or workunder the supervision of a certifiedcommercial applicator. Farmersapplying pesticides to their owncrops are not considered commercialapplicators and, as such, are notrequired to be certified. The LSUAgCenter conducts training sessionsand publishes study guides invarious categories covered by thetest. Contact your county agent fordates and times of training.

C. All requirements of theWorker Protection Standard (WPS)will be followed, including, but notlimited to:

• Notifying workers of apesticide application (either oral orposting of the field), abiding by therestricted entry interval (REI).

• Maintaining a centralnotification area containing thesafety poster; the name, address andtelephone number of the nearestemergency medical facility; and alist of the pesticide applicationsmade within the last 30 days thathave an REI.

• Maintaining a decontami-nation site for workers andhandlers.












D. Pesticides will be stored ina secure, locked enclosure and in acontainer free of leaks, abiding byany specific recommendations on thelabel. The storage area must bemaintained in good condition,without unnecessary debris. Thisenclosure will be at least 150 feetaway and down slope from anywater wells.

E. All uncontained pesticidespills of more than one gallon liquidor four pounds dry weight should bereported to the director of Pesticideand Environmental Programs,Louisiana Department of Agricultureand Forestry within 24 hours bytelephone (225-925-3763) and bywritten notice within three days.Spills on public roadways will bereported to the Louisiana Depart-ment of Transportation and Develop-ment. Spills into navigable waterswill be reported to DEQ, CoastGuard, USEPA.

F. Empty metal, glass orplastic pesticide containers shouldbe either triple rinsed or pressurewashed, and the rinsate will beadded to the spray solution to dilutethe solution at the time or stored,according to the LDAF rules, to beused later. Rinsed pesticide contain-ers will be punctured, crushed orotherwise rendered unusable anddisposed of in a sanitary landfill.(Plastic containers may be taken to

specific pesticide container recyclingevents. Contact your county agentfor dates and locations in your area.)

G. All pesticides will beremoved from paper and plastic bagsto the fullest extent possible. Thesides of the container will be cut andopened fully, without folds orcrevices, on a flat surface; anypesticides remaining in the openedcontainer is transferred into thespray mix. After this procedure thecontainers will be disposed of in asanitary landfill.

H. Application equipment willbe triple rinsed and the rinsateapplied to the original applicationsite or stored for later use to dilute aspray solution.

I. Mix/load or wash pads(NRCS production code Interim)will be located at least 150 feet awayand down slope from any waterwells and away from surface water



...Not Thischemicalssiphoned backinto water supply

sources such as ponds, streams, etc.The pads will be constructed of animpervious material, and there willbe a system for collecting and/orstoring the runoff.

J. Empty containers will notbe kept for more than 90 days afterthe end of the spray season.

K. Air gaps will be maintainedwhile filling the spray tank toprevent back-siphoning.


• Furnishing the appropriatepersonal protective equipment(PPE) to all handlers and earlyentry workers, and ensuring thatthey understand how and why theyshould use this equipment.

• Assuring that all employ-ees required to be trained under theWorker Protection Standard haveundergone the required training.

Air Gap

Page 23: Sugarcane Production Best Management Practices (BMPs)


IntroductionA sound soil fertility pro-

gram is the foundation uponwhich a profitable farmingbusiness must be built. Agricul-tural fertilizers are a necessity forproducing abundant, high qualityfood, feed and fiber crops. Usingfertilizer nutrients in the properamounts and applying themcorrectly are both economicallyand environmentally important tothe long-term profitability andsustainability of crop production.The fertilizer nutrients that havepotential to become groundwateror surface water pollutants arenitrogen and phosphorus. Ingeneral, other commonly usedfertilizer nutrients do not causeconcern as pollutants.

Because erosion and runoffare the two major ways nonpoint-source pollutants move intosurface water resources, practicesthat reduce erosion or runoff areconsidered Best ManagementPractices (BMPs). Similarly,practices that limit the buildup ofnutrients in the soil, which can

leach to groundwater or bepicked up in runoff, and practicesthat ensure the safe use of agri-cultural chemicals also areconsidered BMPs. In general,soil conservation and waterquality protection are mutuallybeneficial; therefore the BMPsdescribed here are the best meansof reducing agriculturalnonpoint-source pollution result-ing from fertilizer nutrients.

In excess amounts, nutrients(fertilizers) have been identifiedas pollutants in surface waterbodies. Excess nutrients cancause algal blooms, which canlead to hypoxic or anoxic zonesin surface water. The nutrientsassociated with these conditionsare nitrogen (N) and phosporus(P). The goal of nutrient manage-ment is to apply nutrients in thecorrect amounts, form and timingto produce optimum economicsugarcane yields while minimiz-ing the movement of nutrients tosurface and groundwater. Re-search-based recommendationsare available through the LSUAgCenter.

NitrogenNitrogen (N) is a part of all

plant and animal proteins. There-fore, human survival depends onan abundant supply of N innature. Approximately 80 percentof the atmosphere is nitrogengas, but most plants cannot usethis form of nitrogen. Supple-mental nitrogen must suppliedthrough the soil. A crop well

supplied with N can producesubstantially higher yields, onthe same amount of water, thanone deficient in N. Properlyfertilized crops use both N andwater more efficiently, thusimproving environmental qualityand profitability.

Supplemental N will benecessary on almost all non-legume crops in Louisiana formaximum profits. Rely on Nrecommendations based onLouisiana research. These recom-mendations take into accountmaximum economic yield poten-tials, crop variety, soil textureand area of the state. Nitrogenrecommendations from the LSUAgCenter are usually ample toprovide optimum economicyields.

Decomposition of organicmatter results in simpler inor-ganic N forms such as ammo-nium (NH4+) and nitrate (NO3-).These are soluble in soil waterand readily available for plantuptake. The ammonium form isattracted to and held by soilparticles, so it does not readilyleach through the soil withrainfall or irrigation water.Nitrates, on the other hand, arenot attached to soil particles anddo move downward with soilwater and can be leached intogroundwater or run off intosurface waters.

Excessive nitrate concentra-tions in water can acceleratealgae and plant growth instreams and lakes, resulting inoxygen depletion. Nitrate con-










Page 24: Sugarcane Production Best Management Practices (BMPs)

centrations above a certain levelin drinking water may injuresome animals or human infants.

PhosphorusPhosphorus (P), like nitro-

gen, is essential for plant growth.Naturally occurring P exists in aphosphate form either as solubleinorganic phosphate, solublephosphate, particulate phosphateor mineral phosphate. The min-eral forms of phosphorus (cal-cium, iron and aluminum phos-phates) are low in solubility. Theamount of these elements (cal-cium, iron and aluminum)present in reactive forms varieswith different soils and soilconditions. They determine theamount of phosphorus that canbe fixed in the soil.

The immediate source ofphosphorus for plants is thatwhich is dissolved in the soil

solution. A soil solution contain-ing only a few parts per millionof phosphate is usually consid-ered adequate for plant growth.Phosphate is absorbed from thesoil solution and used by plants.It is replaced in the soil solutionby soil minerals, soil organicmatter decomposition or appliedfertilizers.

Phosphate is not readilysoluble. Most of the ions areeither used by living plants oradsorbed to sediment, so thepotential of their leaching togroundwater is low. That portionof phosphate bound to sedimentparticles is virtually unavailableto living organisms, but becomesavailable as it detaches fromsediment. Only a small part ofthe phosphate moved withsediment into surface water isimmediately available to aquaticorganisms. Additional phosphatecan slowly become available

Nutrient application rateswill be based on the results of asoil analysis. Select only thosematerials recommended for useby qualified individuals from theLouisiana Cooperative ExtensionService, Louisiana AgriculturalExperiment Station, certifiedcrop advisors, certified agricul-tural consultants and/or pub-lished LSU AgCenter data.

Soil testing is thefoundation of a sound nutrientmanagement program.

A soil test is a series ofchemical analyses on soil thatestimates whether levels ofessential plant nutrients aresufficient to produce a desiredcrop and yield. When not takenup by a crop, some nutrients,particularly nitrogen, can be lostfrom the soil by leaching, runoffor mineralization. Others, likephosphorus, react with soilminerals over time to form


Algae bloom










through biochemical reactions,however. The slow release of largeamounts of phosphate fromsediment layers in lakes andstreams could cause excessivealgae blooms and excessivegrowth of plants, thereby affect-ing water quality.

Nutrients will be used toobtain optimum crop yields whileminimizing the movement ofnutrients to surface andgroundwater (NRCS ProductionCode 590). A nutrient manage-ment plan should be developedfor the proposed crop by usingsoil analyses from approvedlaboratories.

compounds that are not availablefor uptake by plants. Soil testingcan be used to estimate howmuch loss has occurred andpredict which nutrient(s) andhow much of that nutrient(s)

Nutrient Application Ratesshould be added to produce aparticular crop and yield. Takesoil tests at least every threeyears or at the beginning of adifferent cropping rotation.

A soil sample shouldrepresent an area no larger than10 acres. Soil samples should becollected from a 0 to 6 inchdepth. A minimum of 10subsamples should be collectedfor each sample submitted to thesoil testing laboratory for analy-ses. Fertilizer rates should thenbe based on the soil test resultsso as to avoid excess applicationrates.

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Nitrogen (N) fertilizer ratesfor sugarcane vary, depending onthe age of the crop, soil textureand crop potential. N fertilizerrates should be applied accordingto these criteria to prevent excessN runoff into surface water

bodies. To maximize the uptakeof applied N fertilizer andminimize runoff, it is importantto apply N at the right time.Research suggests that theoptimum time to apply Nfertilizer is April and May. Anexception is an application of 15pounds of N under cane atplanting (along with 45 poundsof phosphorus and potash) as astarter fertilizer. Summerapplications of N may be neededwhen heavy rainfall causes soilsaturation and loss of N from thesoil, but this is rare. It is notrecommended to split the

application of N.Injecting N below the soil

surface or incorporating Nfertilizer with tillage will reducethe possibility of N runoff. Thesource of N is not important ifapplied in accordance with goodagronomic principles. If organicmaterials are used as N sources,they should be tested for Ncontent, the amount of soluble Nand the amount of N expected tobe mineralized from the organicfraction during the growingseason. This amount should notexceed the N recommendationfor the crop.


Phosphorus (P) fertilizer rates(expressed as P


5 content)

should not exceed therecommended rates as suggestedby the soil test level for theparticular field. An exception isthe use of 45 pounds of P peracre at planting. Timing of Pfertilizers should be based on soilpH. Application of P fertilizerduring April or May isacceptable at any soil pH.Phosphorus fertilizers may beapplied in the fall or winter if thesoil pH is between 5.5 and 7.5and where the soil is not highly

erodible.Injecting P fertilizers below

the soil surface or incorporatingP fertilizer with tillage willreduce the possibility of P runoff.Reducing erosion also willreduce P movement sincephosphorus binds with the soilparticles. If organic materials areused as a P source, they shouldbe tested for P content. Theorganic material should beapplied to provide the amount ofP necessary for the crop based onsoil test P levels.

Cover crops may have aneffect on N and P movement intosurface water. A winter covercrop may take up N and P andreduce their movement intosurface waters. Legume covercrops may add N to the soil, butlimited research has not beenable to quantify the amount of N

to be credited for legume covercrops because of the long periodbetween N fixation and crop use.It is likely, however, that Nfertilizer is not needed in the fallon a newly planted sugarcanecrop following soybeans.

Erosion control methods willreduce the amount of P leavingthe field. These methods shouldbe used where needed toconserve the soil and thusimprove water quality. Fertilizerapplication equipment should becalibrated at least annually toassure uniformity and accuracyof fertilizer application. Fertilizerequipment or storage vesselsshould not be cleaned out nearbodies of surface water. Fertilizershould not be stored in areaswhere the possibility ofcontaminating groundwater orsurface water could occur.








Page 26: Sugarcane Production Best Management Practices (BMPs)


Recommended Practices

1. Soil test for nutrient status andpH to:

determine the amounts of additional nutrientsneeded to reach designated yield goals and theamount of lime needed to correct soil acidityproblems

learn the Cation Exchange Capacity (CEC)and the organic matter concentration so as todetermine how much of these nutrients theparticular soil is capable of holding

optimize farm income by avoiding excessivefertilization and reducing nutrient losses byleaching and runoff

identify other yield-limiting factors such ashigh levels of salts or sodium that may affect soilstructure, infiltration rates, surface runoff and,ultimately, groundwater quality

2. Base fertilizer applications on:soil test resultsrealistic yield goals and moisture prospectscrop nutrient requirementspast fertilization practicesprevious cropping history

3. Manage low soil pH by limingaccording to the soil test to:

reduce soil acidityimprove fertilizer use efficiencyimprove decomposition of crop residuesenhance the effectiveness of certain soil

applied herbicides

4. Time nitrogen applications to:correspond closely with crop uptake patternsincrease nutrient use efficiencyminimize leaching and runoff losses

5. Inject fertilizers or incorporatesurface applications when possible to:

increase accessibility of fertilizer nutrients toplant roots

reduce volatilization losses of ammonia Nsources

reduce nutrient losses from erosion and runoff

6. Use animal manures and organicmaterials:

when available and economically feasibleto improve soil tilth, water-holding capacity,

CEC and soil structuresto recycle nutrients and reduce the need for

commercial inorganic fertilizers

7. Rotate crops when feasible to:improve total nutrient recovery with different

crop rooting patternsreduce erosion and runoffreduce diseases, insects and weeds

8. Use legumes where adapted to:replace part or all of crop needs for

commercial N fertilizerreduce erosion and nutrient lossesmaintain residue cover on the soil surface

9. Control nutrient losses in erosionand runoff by:

using appropriate structural controlsadopting conservation tillage practices where

appropriateproperly managing crop residuesland levelingimplementing other soil and water

conservation practices where possibleusing filter strips

10. Skillfully handle and applyfertilizer by:

properly calibrating and maintainingapplication equipment

properly cleaning equipment and disposingof excess fertilizers, containers and wash water

storing fertilizers in a safe place









Page 27: Sugarcane Production Best Management Practices (BMPs)


Both the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and theU.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) are encouraging a voluntaryapproach to handling nonpoint-source issues related to agriculture.

The implementation of Nutrient Management Plans (NMPs) byall agricultural producers will ensure that fertilizers are managed inan environmentally friendly fashion.

Developing a Nutrient Management PlanAn NMP is a strategy for making wise use of plant nutrients to

enhance farm profits while protecting water resources. It is a planthat looks at every part of your farming operation and helps youmake the best use of manures, fertilizers and other nutrient sources.Successful nutrient management requires thorough planning andrecognizes that every farm is different. The type of farming you doand the specifics of your operation will affect your NMP. The bestNMP is one that is matched to the farming operation and the needs ofthe person implementing the plan.

The Parts of an NMPAn NMP looks at how nutrients are used and managed

throughout the farm. It is more than a nutrient management plan thatlooks only at nutrient supply and needs for a particular field.Nutrients are brought to the farm through feeds, fertilizers, animalmanures and other off-farm inputs. These inputs are used, and someare recycled by plants and animals on the farm.Nutrients leave the farm in harvested crops andanimal products. These are nutrient removals.Ideally, nutrient inputs and removals should beroughly the same. When nutrient inputs to thefarm greatly exceed nutrient removals from thefarm, the risk of nutrient losses to groundwaterand surface water is greater. When you checknutrient inputs against nutrient removals, you arecreating a mass balance. This nutrient massbalance is an important part of an NMP andimportant to understand for your farmingoperation.

Another important part of asuccessful NMP are BMPs.BMPs, such as soil testing, helpyou select the right nutrient rateand application strategy so thatcrops use nutrients efficiently.This not only reduces nutrientlosses and protects theenvironment but also increasesfarm profitability. BMPs mayinclude managing the farm toreduce soil erosion and improvesoil tilth through conservationtillage, planting cover crops touse excess nutrients or usingfilter strips and buffers to protectwater quality.








Nutrient ManagementPlans (NMPs)

Page 28: Sugarcane Production Best Management Practices (BMPs)


The Basic StepsNMPs consist of four major

parts: evaluation of nutrientneeds, inventory of nutrientsupply, determination of nutrientbalance and preventivemaintenance and inspections.

Evaluation ofNutrient NeedsMaps and FieldInformation

You will need a detailed mapof your farm. The map shouldinclude:

farm property linesyour fields with the field

identificationthe location of all surface

waters such as streams, rivers,ponds or lakes

direction of surface flowsarrows showing the direction

that streams or rivers flowa soils map, if availableThis map will serve as the

basis for the entire plan, so eachfield should have a uniqueidentification. In addition to themap, prepare a list of the crops tobe grown in each field with arealistic yield goal for each crop.Most of this information isavailable at your local USDAFarm Service Center.

Locate Critical AreasCertain areas on your farm

such as streams and rivers,wellheads and lakes or ponds aresensitive to nutrient overload.You should create buffer zonesaround these areas on your mapwhere nutrient use will be

reduced or eliminated. Bybuffering these areas, waterquality problems may bedecreased.

Soil TestingComplete and accurate soil

tests are important for asuccessful nutrient managementplan. You will need soil testsevery three years to determinehow much nutrient addition isneeded. The needed nutrients canbe supplied from commercialfertilizer and/or organic sources.Be sure to take representativesoil samples and have themtested by a reputable laboratoryfamiliar with Louisiana soils andcrop production. Your countyagent can help you submitsamples to the LSU AgCenterSoil Testing Laboratory.

Inventory ofNutrient Supply

Many of the nutrients neededto grow your crops are alreadypresent on your farm in the soil,in animal manures or in cropresidues. Knowing the amountsof nutrients already present inthese sources is important so thatyou do not buy or apply morenutrients than needed.

Determine NutrientsNeeded for Each Field

Once you have set realisticyield goals and you have yoursoil test results, you candetermine the nutrients yourcrops will need. The amount ofnutrients needed should be based

on your local growingconditions. At a minimum, theamounts of lime, nitrogen,phosphorus and potassiumshould be listed in the plan foreach field. Most soil and plantanalysis labs will give yourecommended application ratesbased on the soil test results.Your county agent can help youwith this.

Determine the Quantityof Nutrients Availableon Your Farm

Supply planning starts withan inventory of the nutrientsproduced on the farm. Thisinformation will allow you tobalance your nutrient purchaseswith what is available on yourfarm for the realistic productionpotential of the crops grown.

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DeterminingNutrient BalanceBalance Between Supplyand Need

Once you have determinedboth the supply and need ofnutrients for each of your fields,a critical aspect of NMPs isbalancing the two. This can bedone in several ways. MostNMPs are developed based onnitrogen, but other factors suchas phosphorus or metals couldcontrol how much you can putout under certain conditions. Aphosphorus index has beendeveloped and is included in therecently revised NutrientManagement Conservationpractice standard 590.

PreventiveMaintenance andInspections

Keeping good, detailedrecords that help you monitoryour progress is essential toknow if your NMP is toaccomplish your goals. Examinehow they change with time withyour management practices.Records should be kept on cropyields, nutrient application rates,timing and application methods.Keep detailed schedules andrecords on calibration ofspraying and spreadingequipment. When you have amajor change in production,update your plan to reflect thesechanges.

Where Can You ObtainInformation Needed forYour NMP?

The LSU AgCenter, theUSDA Natural ResourcesConservation Service, theLouisiana Department ofAgriculture and Forestry,certified crop advisors or otherprivate consultants will be ableto assist you in developing partsof a comprehensive nutrientmanagement plan.

An NMP is a good tool tohelp you use your on- and off-farm resources more efficientlyand prevent future problems. Asuccessful NMP will help youobtain the maximum profit whileprotecting the environment.

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The ability of farmers to burnsugarcane is a significanteconomic factor for their survivaland for the state’s sugarcaneindustry. The sugarcane plantconsists of 75 percent to 80percent net stalks by weight,from which the sugar iscrystallized from the extractedjuice, and 20 percent to 25percent leafy material including

tops (trash), from which little orno sugar is produced. Burning ofsugarcane before harvestremoves about 50 percent of thetrash that would otherwisecontribute nothing to theproduction of sugar. Researchdata have shown that for every 1percent of trash in harvestedsugarcane, there is a reduction ofabout 3 pounds of sugar per

Prescribed Burning

gross ton of sugarcane. There isno profitable or effective way todeal with this large volume oftrash by mechanical means. Untilproven technology allowseconomically efficient harvestingwithout burning, it is critical thatgrowers be allowed to burn.

Growers, however, shouldstrive to use the BestManagement Practices to managethe smoke and ash fallout fromsugarcane burning. Louisiana isnot the only state, nor is thesugar industry the only industry,faced with this challenge. Everyindustry that uses prescribedburning recognizes that a cost-effective mechanism for reducingor eliminating open field burningis a research topic of highimportance.

A prescribed burn can bedefined as a controlledapplication of fire in a confined,predetermined area toaccomplish the harvest ofsugarcane under specified smokeand ash management guidelinesand, at the same time, producethe desired result of trashreduction in the delivered canesupply. Smoke and ashmanagement can be defined as

conducting a prescribed burnunder weather conditions andwith burning techniques thatkeep the smoke’s impact on theenvironment and the publicwithin acceptable limits. Thisprescribed burn can occur in cutor standing cane. In cut cane, itoccurs after the cane has beenharvested by the whole-stalkharvester and placed on theground between two rows (called

the heap row). In standing cane,it occurs before being harvestedby the combine harvester.Further, a prescribed burn mayoccur after harvest by eithermethod to remove the residuefrom fields.









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Certified PrescribedBurn ManagerProgram

The Louisiana Department ofAgriculture and Forestry(LDAF), the American SugarCane League of the U.S.A., Inc.,and the LSU AgCenterdeveloped a training curriculumtitled, Louisiana SmokeManagement Guidelines forSugarcane Harvesting. Thevoluntary program is called theCertified Prescribed BurnManager (CPBM) program and isadministered by the LDAF. Todate, 1,350 growers and theiremployees have received theirnotices of certification fromLDAF as CPBM. A CPBM is anindividual who: 1) hassuccessfully completed theapproved certification programas outlined in the training manualand passed a written test, 2) hasperformed at least five prescribedburns and 3) has received a letterof certification from LDAF.

Burn and SmokeManagementProcedures

Each farm should have atleast one Certified PrescribedBurn Manager (CPBM) who hassuccessfully completed the burncertification program approvedby the Louisiana Department ofAgriculture and Forestry.Prescribed burning is allowedonly when a CPBM is presentduring the burn operation fromstart to completion of the burnoperation.

The recommended procedures in prescribedburning of sugarcane are:

Identify areas sensitive to smoke and ash.Awareness of where people, buildings, utility structures and

highways are located that could be negatively affected by openfield burning is the first step toward effective smokemanagement. People with health problems who live in areaspotentially affected by open field burning should be identifiedbefore the harvest season even begins. This requires effectivecommunication between growers and the public that surroundthe farm. When burning cane on heap rows harvested by thesoldier harvester system or residue after harvesting in green caneby the combine system, the fire does not normally contain muchparticulate matter (ash). But, in the hotter fires on standing canefor harvest with combine harvesters, rising ash that later falls outcan be a problem. Determination of downwind sensitive areasthat could be affected by burning standing fields is important tohelp reduce the impact that suspended particles may have whenthey fall out of the atmosphere.

Develop a prescribed burn plan.A prescribed burn plan should be completed by each grower

before the harvest season. One plan can be completed for anentire farm or for an individual field. All information needed toplan and conduct a burn and for comments concerning the burnis contained in this plan. The plan is then modified each day tomeet the specific weather conditions at the time of the burn.

Obtain fire weather forecast from U.S. Weather Service.Growers can obtain the fire weather forecast and smoke

category day during harvest season from their sugar factories andthe Internet. There are three weather variables a burn plan musthave: 1) surface winds, 2) transport winds and 3) category day.Awareness of daily weather predictions, particularly wind velocityand direction, is necessary. Growers should take all available stepsto become aware of approaching frontal systems and changingwind direction to effectively manage smoke resulting from openfield burning. In addition to television, radio and weather stationforecasting, satellite weather systems are individually available.

Determine smoke category day.Burn only during acceptable times and weather conditions.

Wind direction, wind velocity and air temperature inversionlayers drastically affect smoke management. Since cane fields areseldom burned during the early morning hours because of dewand wet leaves, morning weather is not of great concern. Manygrowers like to burn cane late in the afternoon, and temperatureinversions often occur on many days of the harvest season.









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Determine smoke and ash screening distance.The type of burn, together with the category day, will determine the distance downwind that

may be affected adversely by smoke and ash. The grower must identify where people, buildings,utility structures and highways are located within the impact area that could be negatively affectedby smoke and ash. The most important weather condition to consider for ash screening distance isthe surface and transport wind direction.

Normally, air temperature decreases with height. When a temperature inversion occurs, however,upper air temperatures are higher and prevent smoke from rising. The smoke then drifts laterally.This can affect highways, residences and public areas. Growers should certainly avoid burning inthe late afternoon in these sensitive areas. The ideal time to burn cane should be between 10 a.m.and 4 p.m. Wind direction and velocity, along with predicted changes, should be noted beforefields are harvested.

Determine direction of smoke and ash plume.By using a template, a CPBM can determine the direction smoke and ash will travel from a

particular field based on the wind direction at ground level and the transport wind direction andspeed.

Evaluate the prescribed burn results.Evaluate the results and success of the burn. Make any necessary notations on your Prescribed

Burn Plan for that particular farm or field. Keep your completed burn plan for future reference. Adaily log of field burning, including acreage burnt, wind direction and other weather conditions,should be kept. This may be unnecessary in areas that do not affect the public. In sensitive areas,however, this type of daily logging could be helpful if a problem arises in the event a complaint isfiled.

Knowledge of power lines and gas lines.Open field burning, especially burning of uncut fields before chopper harvesting, should be

carefully undertaken when power or gas lines or substations are present. Fire can destroy wood(creosote-treated) utility poles and disrupt electrical service when smoke or soot envelops utilitylines. To minimize the problem, keep the area around wooden poles as free of weeds as possible.Sugarcane should not be grown immediately adjacent to the poles.

The area around the poles and under power lines should be cut green when practical or else thefield should be back-burned from the side of the field containing the utility lines. As with anysensitive area, a water tank should be in the immediate area and the person responsible for the burnshould remain until the burn is completed. Special consideration should be given to transmissionlines, which carry significantly more electricity than distribution lines. When sub-stations areadjacent to the sugarcane fields, soot from burning cane as well as green trash blown from combineextractor fans can cause serious problems.







Important: when burning standing cane, the ash produced potentiallybecomes the most important factor to consider. The best availableinformation shows that most ash will “fall out” within 3 to 5 miles fromthe burn site on a category 3 or 4 day with winds of 10 to 15 mph andless ash will continue to fall out for the next 15 to 20 miles.


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Communication with the utility company personnel andback-burning around the facility should be practiced. Whencombine harvesting, turn extractor fan hoods in the oppositedirection to avoid cane trash (burnt or green) from being blowninto the station. Substations should be treated as sensitive burnareas, too. A plan of action should be available when burningaround any utility structure or facility in case of a crisis.

Classification of “no-burn” fields.Certain small areas, because of their extreme sensitivity,

should be considered fields that will never be able to tolerateopen field burning. Those growers using combine harvesterscan cut them green. Growers using soldier harvesters will haveto make arrangements with the factory to accept these fieldsunburnt.

Training and equipment.Growers should make every attempt to provide education

and training to their employees who may be undertaking theday-to-day burning operations. A thorough explanation of thegoals and recommendations will help these employeesunderstand the importance of smoke and ash management.Additionally, it should be emphasized that cane fires should notgo unattended, and personnel responsible for the fire should beconstantly aware of the burn status. Proper equipment shouldbe provided to those responsible parties, including a water tankto help control and confine the burn.


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Water wellprotection

Farm*A*Syst/Home*A*Systshould be usedevery threeyears todeterminepotential threats towater wells.Threatsidentified willbe ranked andmeasuresimplemented tocorrect the most serious.

Used engine oil should bestored in a waste oil container(tank or drum) until recycled.

Empty paint cans,antifreeze containers, usedtires, old batteries, etc., will bestored in a secure area untilthey can be disposed ofproperly.

Used engine oil,grease, batteries,tires, etc.

Irrigation waterquality

Irrigation water (surface and/or well) should be tested in thespring to determine the salinity(salt) level before irrigatingsugarcane fields. Take samples toan approved laboratory foranalysis.

Fuel storage tanksAbove-ground fuel storage tanks in Louisiana are regulated by

the State Fire Marshal and by the EPA if surface water is at risk.Above-ground tanks containing 660 gallons or more requiresecondary containment. The State Fire Marshal recommends that

some sort of secondarycontainment be used with all fuelstorage tanks. This could includethe use of double-walled tanks,diking around the tank forimpoundment or remoteimpoundment facilities.

These practices are to befollowed:

Any existing above-groundfuel storage tank of 660 gallonsor more (1,320 gallons if morethan one) must have acontainment wall surroundingthe tank capable of holding 100percent of the tank’s capacity (orthe largest tank’s capacity ifmore than one) in case ofspillage.

The tank and storage areashould be located at least 40 feetfrom any building. Fuel storagetanks should be placed 150 feetand downslope from surfacewater and water wells.







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This tank would be classified asan underground fuel tank.

10 % of tank is belowground level


It is recommended that thestorage tank be on a concreteslab to prevent any spillage fromentering surface water andgroundwater.

The storage area should bekept free of weeds and othercombustible materials.

The tank should beconspicuously marked with thename of the product that itcontains and “FLAMMABLE --KEEP FIRE AND FLAMEAWAY.”

The bottom of the tankshould be supported by concreteblocks approximately 6 inchesabove the ground surface toprotect the bottom of the tankfrom corrosion.

If a pumping device is used,it should be tightly andpermanently attached and meetNFPA approval. Gravitydischarge tanks are acceptable,but they must be equipped with avalve that will automaticallyclose in the event of a fire.

Plans for the installation ofall storage tanks that will containmore than 60 gallons of liquidmust be submitted to the StateFire Marshal for approval.

All tanks that catch on firemust be reported to the State FireMarshal within 72 hours of thefire.

Underground storage tanksare defined as containing morethan 10 percent of their totalvolume beneath the soil surface.

Underground tanks representmore of a problem than above-ground tanks, because leaks canoften go for long periods withoutbeing detected. This poses aserious threat to groundwatersources in the vicinity of thetank. If you have an undergroundfuel storage tank, you need tocontact the State Fire Marshal’sOffice for regulations affectingthese storage tanks.






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contemporary LSU AgCenterenvironmental research programswhen “Focus 2000: Research for the21st Century,” a strategic plan for theLouisiana Agricultural ExperimentStation (LAES), was adopted in1990. One thrust of this plan was toprotect the environment by “ devel-oping production systems thatprotect the soil and minimize theneed for fertilizer, water, tillage, andother inputs.” Adoption of Focus2000 led to establishment of theSoil, Water and the EnvironmentResearch Advisory Committee(RAC), which provided researchers aforum for exchanging informationon environmental programs and forforming new collaborations withcolleagues.

The word “environment”means different things to differentpeople. To some it stirs visions ofclear, pristine streams and lakes; toothers vistas of forests or prairies; tostill others, clean, fresh mountain air.To agriculturalists, who producefood and fiber for the citizens of theUnited States and a substantial partof the rest of the world, a qualityenvironment means acres of produc-tive soil, clean air and an adequatesupply of quality water for irriga-tion, livestock consumption andhuman use. All these visions areboth accurate and incomplete. Tocomplete the picture, one mustappreciate the array of agriculturalresearch conducted in Louisiana andat other agricultural experimentstations across the country. Many ofthese topics are not commonlythought of as environmental, yetthey have a major impact on thequality of our air, soil and waterresources.

Agricultural scientists wereamong the original environmental-ists. For most of this century,agricultural researchers have recog-nized the importance of sustainingthe natural resource base on whichagricultural production relies. Forexample, the 1930s saw the initia-tion of widespread programs at land-grant universities and at the federallevel to reduce soil erosion, to keepthe soil covered with vegetation andto improve drainage to enhance soilproductivity. Through the ensuingyears, many research programs havebeen conducted to provide informa-tion for improving the environmental“friendliness” of food and fiberproduction and processing.

The stage was set for

Conservation Service. Conferenceparticipants set the stage for theLAES environmental researchprograms conducted since.

AgCenter environmentalresearch programs can be grouped asfollows: conservation tillage,management of wastes and residuesfor beneficial uses, water quality,integrated pest management, andnutrient management.CONSERVATION TILLAGE

AgCenter programs inconservation tillage for cottonproduction on Macon Ridge soilsdemonstrated not only that cottoncould be successfully produced withlittle or no tillage, but, when com-bined with a winter cover crop, soilerosion could be reduced by up to85 percent, soil organic matter couldbe slowly but steadily rebuilt, andthat nitrogen fertilizer requirementscould be stabilized at about 70pounds or less per acre, dependingon the cover crop grown. Thispioneering research, along withadvances in herbicide technology,paved the way for the adoption ofpractical conservation tillage pro-duction systems (sometimes called“stale seedbed” systems) now widelyused on Louisiana cropland, result-ing in major soil erosion reductions.

Another area in whichAgCenter scientists have pioneeredhas been in the development ofconservation tillage systems for ricein southwest Louisiana. Although

One product of the Soil,Water and Environment RAC wassponsorship of an environmentalconference in 1995. This conferenceincluded LAES research presenta-tions on land use management,waste management, forestry, pestmanagement, water quality andconservation tillage and presenta-tions from numerous state andfederal agencies including theLouisiana Department of Environ-mental Quality, the Barataria-Terrebonne National Estuary Pro-gram and the Natural Resources

Agriculturalscientists wereamong theoriginalenvironmentalists.








William H. Brown,Associate Director and

Associate Vice Chancellor,LSU AgCenter


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still being developed and refined,conservation tillage promises tooffer rice producers a practical wayof growing rice while reducing thesediment load of the water leavingtheir fields.WASTE MANAGEMENT

Waste management pro-grams deal with the manures andresidues that result from animalproduction and processing and thedevelopment of methods to benefi-cially use the solid wastes thatoriginate from both agriculturaloperations and urban activities. Aprogram is under way to determinethe extent to which dairy manuresand related fecal coliform indicatororganisms move into water bodieswhen irrigated onto pastureland in“no discharge” systems. Furtherknowledge about how to minimizethe environmental impacts ofdairying is vital for Louisiana’seconomically important dairyindustry in the environmentallysensitive Lake Pontchartrain drain-age basin.

Another area of intenseresearch activity deals with estab-lishing benchmarks for poultry litterdisposal in north Louisiana. Poultrylitter, a byproduct of broiler produc-tion, is a valuable source of nutrientsfor pasture and forest lands, butexcessive application can overloadthe soil’s ability to assimilatephosphorus. And, if allowed to moveinto water bodies, phosphorus couldcause eutrophication problems.Several studies are under way thatwill define safe application levels,the fertility value and alternativebeneficial uses for poultry litter.

Many agricultural and urbanresidues can be treated by com-posting to reduce volume, eliminateodors and neutralize undesirablecomponents. The resulting compostcan be incorporated into the soil toenhance soil structure and plantgrowth. The LSU AgCenter’sCallegari Organic Recycling Centerprovides the facilities for bothresearch and training in the com-posting process. The AgCenter hasconducted 12 one-week programswhich have trained more than 200people from 29 states and fivecountries in the proper techniques ofcomposting organic residues.WATER QUALITY

Water quality researchstudies cut across many crops andsoil types. These studies providebasic information on how precipita-tion moves off the land, through thesoil and what it carries with it. Thisinformation is fundamental to ourunderstanding of how water trans-ports nutrients and chemicalsthrough the soil and how rainfall orirrigation water can be managed toimprove both crop production andthe environment.

AgCenter soil scientists andagricultural engineers have teamedwith USDA researchers to determinethe complex mechanisms by whichwater moves through Louisiana’salluvial soils, how rapidly it movesand the extent to which it transportscertain nutrients and pesticides.Other studies have shown thatsubsurface drainage can reduce soilerosion and improve water dis-charges into drainage systems.Studies of corn production over fiveyears showed that subsurfacedrainage reduced soil loss by 30

percent, nitrogen loss by 20 percentand phosphorus loss by 36 percent.A similar nine-year study withsoybeans showed 48 percent lesssoil loss, 39 percent less nitrogenloss, 35 percent less phosphorus lossand 36 percent less potassium loss.

Water table management is atechnology that uses undergroundtubes to drain excess water fromfields to prevent water loggingdamage to crops during wet weatherand also to irrigate from below thesurface during drought. Cooperativestudies with USDA scientists focuson how water table management canenhance crop production (sugarcaneespecially) while improving thequality of the water drained from thefield.INTEGRATED PEST MANAGEMENT

Integrated pest management(IPM) refers to the integrated use ofall appropriate methods to controlagricultural pests such as weeds,insects, diseases and nematodes.IPM systems employ judicious useof pesticides along with culturalpractices, genetic resistance andother available means to reducedependence on pesticides. Reducedpesticide usage is based on carefulscouting and precision applicationmethods. Although most pesticidesused today are much less toxic tonon-target organisms and used inmuch smaller quantities (ouncesrather than pounds per acre), the endresult of IPM is that relatively fewerpesticides are introduced into theenvironment. Some crops are nowresistant to selected herbicides or tocertain insect pests because of recentadvances in plant genetic engineer-ing. The fruits of several decades of


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intensive molecular biology researchhave provided LAES entomologistsand weed scientists with additionaltools to develop practical productionsystems that use these special plantsto combat competing or damagingpests while minimizing pesticideuse.


Nutrient management,actually one of the oldest of theagricultural sciences, determines theneed for supplementing the soil’snatural fertility with the appropriatetypes and amounts of nutrients toachieve the genetic potential oftoday’s improved seeds. It is impor-tant, both environmentally andeconomically, that nutrients not beapplied to producers’ fields inexcessive amounts.

Nutrient managementresearch starts with LAES agrono-mists who determine the nutrientneeds for the many crops producedon the diverse soil types of Louisi-ana. Soil scientists determinenutrient interactions and availabilityin the various soil types and textures.The Soil Testing Laboratory pro-vides individual field analyses thatdetermine the nutrients that need tobe added and their amounts forspecific crops and locations. Thisinformation is provided to extensionagents so they can make specificfertility recommendations to farm-ers. Finally, new technologies arenow being investigated, usuallycalled “precision farming systems,”that will allow variable, on-the-goprecision nutrient applicationswithin fields based on intensive soiltesting, crop production history andother pertinent factors.

Taken together, today’sproducers are armed with an array ofscience-based data, sophisticatedtesting services and the latesttechnology to enable them to applyonly the required nutrients in onlythe needed amounts at only the

proper locations for optimum cropperformance.OTHER ACTIVITIES

Integrating the best sciencewith economic constraints andenvironmental concerns is challeng-ing. In 1993, AgCenter scientists andextension specialists, in cooperationwith farmers representing theLouisiana Farm Bureau Federation,and representatives of state andfederal agencies such as the NaturalResources Conservation Service(NRCS), Louisiana Department ofAgriculture and Forestry (LDAF),Louisiana Department of Environ-mental Quality (LDEQ), Departmentof Natural Resources (DNR),Agricultural Research Service(ARS) and others launched an effortto integrate the best informationavailable into a series of “bestmanagement practices” or BMPs.The BMPs cover all of the majorplants and animals produced inLouisiana.

Two research stations,Southeast and Iberia, have operatedsites for the National AtmosphericDeposition Program (NADP) sincethe early 1980s. This program,supported in part by state agricul-tural experiment stations nationwide,has provided measurements ofprecipitation acidity and atmo-spheric nutrient deposition at morethan 200 sites for 20 years. TheNADP is now developing a nationalmercury deposition network, and theAgCenter will provide two monitor-ing sites, the Hammond and theSweet Potato research stations, thatwill be operated by the LouisianaDEQ. The AgCenter also operates anetwork of meteorological recording

sites at the research stations calledthe Louisiana Agriclimatic Informa-tion System (LAIS). The LAISprovides research scientists with anextensive database of the state’srecent meteorology in support oftheir research programs.FUTURE FOOD DEMANDS

The earth’s environment hasnever been static. It has been subjectto both dramatic upheavals and slow,evolutionary changes. Our crowdedcities and sprawling suburbs haveenvironmental impacts. Likewise,the production of food and fiber fora growing world population willhave environmental consequences.Agriculture and cities must co-exist,however, if society, as we know it, isto continue and to prosper. Someforecasts suggest that the world’sfood demand will triple over the next40 years. To meet that demand, wemust continue to invest in scienceand technology so that we can learnhow to use reasonable and effectivemeasures to blend sustainableeconomic growth with acceptableenvironmental impacts.








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Information in this publication was compiled by:

Benjamin L. Legendre, Ph.D., Specialist (Sugarcane)

Fred S. Sanders, Ph.D., Associate Specialist (Water Quality)

Kenneth A. Gravois, Ph.D., Resident Director,

Sugar Research Station

Other LSU AgCenter contributors were:

Howard Viator, Ph.D., Resident Director, Iberia Research Station

William B. Hallmark, Ph.D., Agronomy, Iberia Research Station

T. Eugene Reagan, Ph.D., Department of Entomology

James L. Griffin, Ph.D., Department of Plant Pathology

Jeffrey W. Hoy, Ph.D., Department of Plant Pathology

Magdi Salim, Ph.D., Department of Agronomy

Eddie Funderburg, Ph.D., Specialist (Soil Fertility)

Dearl E. Sanders, Ph.D., Specialist (Weed Science), and Resident

Director, Idlewild Research Station

Reed J. Lencse, Ph.D., Assistant Specialist (Weed Science)

Mary Grodner, Ph.D., Specialist (Pesticide Safety)

Dale K. Pollet, Ph.D., Specialist (Entomology)

Donald B. Fontenot, Ph.D., County Agent, St. Mary Parish

Harry L. Laws, County Agent, West Baton Rouge Parish

Other contributors:

Wade F. Faw, Ph.D., Director, School of Agriculture,

Tennessee Tech. University

Edward P. Richard, Ph.D., Research Agronomist, USDA-ARS

Charles A. Richard, Ph.D., Director of Research,

American Sugar Cane League


Page 40: Sugarcane Production Best Management Practices (BMPs)

The complex nature of nonpoint pollution means programs designed toreduce its impact on the environment will not be easy to establish ormaintain. Controlling these contaminants will require solutions as diverseas the pollutants themselves. Through a multi-agency effort, led by theLSU AgCenter, these BMP manuals are targeted at reducing the impactof agricultural production on Louisiana’s environment. Agriculturalproducers in Louisiana, through voluntary implementation of theseBMPs, are taking the lead in efforts to protect the waters of Louisiana.The quality of Louisiana’s environment depends on each of us.

Visit our websitewww.lsuagcenter.com

Produced by LSU AgCenter Communications

Louisiana State University Agricultural Center, William B. Richardson, ChancellorLouisiana Agricultural Experiment Station, R. Larry Rogers, Vice Chancellor and Director

Louisiana Cooperative Extension Service, Jack L. Bagent, Vice Chancellor and Director

Pub. 2833 (3M) 12/00

Issued in furtherance of Cooperative Extension work, Acts of Congress of May 8 and June 30, 1914, in cooperationwith the United States Department of Agriculture. The Louisiana Cooperative Extension Service provides equal

opportunities in programs and employment.

Originally developed through a cooperative agreement with the Louisiana Department of Environmental Quality,Contract 522100.
