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SUMMARY PROJECT FICHE - European Commission › neighbourhood-enlargement › ... · Milk and Dairy...

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Page 1 Version: 29/03/01 SUMMARY PROJECT FICHE 1. BASIC INFORMATION 1.1 Désirée Number: BG 0101.04 Twinning Number: BG/IB/2001-AG-03 1.2 Title: IMPROVING VETERINARY CONTROL 1.3 Sector: AG 1.4 Location: BULGARIA 2. OBJECTIVES 2.1 Overall Objective(s) To assist with the re-organization, preparation and adjustment of the veterinary sector of Bulgaria to align with the European Union through effective transposition and implementation of the EU control systems by the Bulgarian National Veterinary Service (NVS). More specifically ….. 2.1.1. Sub-Project 1. Border Inspection Control To provide the veterinary inspection staff of the long-term Border Veterinary Inspection Posts (BVIPs) with the training to undertake their full responsibilities under EU legislation and to make preparations for providing the physical means and facilities for full inspection and testing. Thereby to provide effective protection for the territory of Bulgaria, and of the EU Member States against the penetration of contagious diseases of animals and for the protection of public health. 2.1.2. Sub-Project 2. Control of Veterinary Pharmaceuticals To establish an integrated surveillance and control system for the production, trade and usage of veterinary pharmaceuticals as recommended by DG (SANCO) 1037/2000 (Mission report); To strengthen the surveillance on the distribution of veterinary medicinal products in order to ensure the correct implementation of Bulgarian legislation; To improve the analytical capabilities and results of the Institute for the Control of Veterinary Pharmaceuticals and to implement quality assurance procedures complying with the internationally recognised standards in the field of analytical investigations. 2.1.3. Sub-Project 3. Animal/Public Health and Diagnostics To improve the diagnostic capabilities of the National Veterinary Service (NVS) for bovine tuberculosis (TB) in order to eradicate the epizootic outbreaks. To improve the diagnostic and surveillance capabilities of the National Veterinary Service (NVS) for BSE and scrapie. To improve the diagnostic and surveillance capabilities of the National Veterinary Service (NVS) for salmonella in poultry. To harmonise Bulgarian legislation with the new food safety legislation of the EU (White Paper on Food Safety – January 2000).

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1.1 Désirée Number: BG 0101.04

Twinning Number: BG/IB/2001-AG-03


1.3 Sector: AG1.4 Location: BULGARIA


2.1 Overall Objective(s)

To assist with the re-organization, preparation and adjustment of the veterinary sector ofBulgaria to align with the European Union through effective transposition andimplementation of the EU control systems by the Bulgarian National Veterinary Service(NVS). More specifically …..

2.1.1. Sub-Project 1. Border Inspection Control

To provide the veterinary inspection staff of the long-term Border Veterinary InspectionPosts (BVIPs) with the training to undertake their full responsibilities under EU legislationand to make preparations for providing the physical means and facilities for full inspectionand testing.

Thereby to provide effective protection for the territory of Bulgaria, and of the EU MemberStates against the penetration of contagious diseases of animals and for the protection ofpublic health.

2.1.2. Sub-Project 2. Control of Veterinary Pharmaceuticals

To establish an integrated surveillance and control system for the production, trade andusage of veterinary pharmaceuticals as recommended by DG (SANCO) 1037/2000 (Missionreport);

To strengthen the surveillance on the distribution of veterinary medicinal products in orderto ensure the correct implementation of Bulgarian legislation;

To improve the analytical capabilities and results of the Institute for the Control ofVeterinary Pharmaceuticals and to implement quality assurance procedures complying withthe internationally recognised standards in the field of analytical investigations.

2.1.3. Sub-Project 3. Animal/Public Health and Diagnostics

To improve the diagnostic capabilities of the National Veterinary Service (NVS) for bovinetuberculosis (TB) in order to eradicate the epizootic outbreaks.

To improve the diagnostic and surveillance capabilities of the National Veterinary Service(NVS) for BSE and scrapie.

To improve the diagnostic and surveillance capabilities of the National Veterinary Service(NVS) for salmonella in poultry.

To harmonise Bulgarian legislation with the new food safety legislation of the EU (WhitePaper on Food Safety – January 2000).

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2.1.4. Sub-Project 4. Dairy Industry

To prepare a sectoral study of the dairy industry in Bulgaria to lay the foundations for theinstitution building necessary to prepare for EU accession and to tackle the major structuralproblems within the industry.

Ultimately to help the dairy farmers and processors to meet national and EU requirementsregarding the raw milk and milk products quality standards, hygiene and will lead finally toimproved food safety and wider range of products for the end consumers.

2.2 Project Purpose

To strengthen the capacity of the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry (MAF) and itsservices to undertake the priorities for EU alignment and implement the reforms identifiedin the current Accession Partnership and the National Programme for the Adoption of theAcquis (NPAA).

2.3 Accession Partnership and NPAA Priorities

2.3.1 Accession Partnership

The following are quotations from the Accession Partnership:


“….Alignment with the agricultural acquis including veterinary matters, in particularexternal border control. Adoption and implementation of the veterinary requirements,upgrading of the testing and diagnostic facilities.”

Free movements of goods:

“The framework legislation, which will enable Bulgaria to take up the basic principles ofEU system, needs to be adopted. Technical legislation on chemicals, foodstuffs andpharmaceuticals will also have to be completed. Adoption and implementation of theveterinary requirements, upgrading of the testing and diagnostic facilities.”

Sectoral Policies – Agriculture:

“…….Particular efforts must be made to build institutional capabilities and strengthenenforcement of health and disease controls at borders as well as internally.”

2.3.2 Commission’s Working Document for Bulgaria 2001

Short-Term Priorities:

“Continue alignment of the veterinary and phytosanitary legislation and upgrade inspectionarrangements, in particular at the future external borders”.

Medium-Term Priorities:

“…. Complete inspection systems on the future external borders.”

Actions needed in 2001:

“Continue to adopt key legislation in agriculture..”

“Continue to reinforce the veterinary inspection services, especially at regional level, theprovision of equipment and training to laboratories and improve inspections at the borderpoints.”

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2.3.3 NPAA’2000 Priorities

NPAA’2000 priorities that shall be addressed by the project are as follows:

Short-Term Priorities

Harmonisation of the legislationThe following legal measures are at different stages of drafting and approval:

Ordinance laying down certain principles of border veterinary control of live animal importsinto Bulgaria - 391L0496;

Ordinance laying down main principles of border veterinary control of animal product importsinto Bulgaria - 397L0078;

Ordinance prohibiting the use of some substances of hormonal and thyreostatic effect onanimals - 396L0022;

Ordinance laying down limit concentration rates of residual veterinary, medical products in foodproducts of animal origin - 390R2377;

Ordinance for prophylaxis and protection against tuberculosis – Directive 64/432.

Administrative Capacity Reinforcement

Establishing a system of export certification and setting up of a Certification unit in the NVS foranimals and products of animal origin;

Introduction of the ANIMO and ADNS (Animal Disease Notification Information System) inBulgaria;

Milk and Dairy Products: Introduction of standards

Amendment to BDS 14198 –99: Production and Commodity Classification - 368R0804,399R1255;

ISO 707-85: Milk and Dairy Products. Rules of Sampling.

Milk and Dairy Products: Introduction of CAP measures

Feasibility study of CAP measures in the dairy sector - 368R0804, 399R1255.

Medium-Term Priorities

Harmonisation of the legislation

Ordinance for the obligatory data in labels, packages and leaflets of the VMPs.

Ordinance for the principles and guidelines of the GMP for VMPs.

Ordinance for the maximum residue levels in food products of animal origin.

Administrative Capacity Reinforcement

Further provision of equipment for 3 laboratories for residual analysis;

Equipment of 8 reference public health control laboratories;

Milk and Dairy Products: Introduction of standards

BDS ISO 7218-85 & BDS 1670-82 – Methods of Microbiological Testing,

BDS 15465 – Methods of Determination of Saccharose and Lactose Content

Milk and Dairy Products: Market Surveillance

Exploring the possibilities for the establishment of an information system of the marketsurveillance in the dairy sector in compliance with the requirements of milk and dairyCMO – Dir 96/16; Decision 80/97.

Further information is available on request regarding NPAA priorities already addressed bythe NVS.

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2.4 Contribution to National Development Plan

Not applicable.

2.5 Cross Border Impact

The cross-border impact is related to the following:

Facilitation of traffic and procedures of control at the Border Veterinary Inspection Posts(BVIPs);

Quicker checks at the BVIPs, saving of time for transporters;

EU animal welfare rules observed;

Decreased pollution at the BVIPs sites (better disposal and disinfection facilities).


3.1 Background and Justification

The NVS has prepared its strategy for development up to 2006 and the relevant timetable.The strategy is now under discussion in MAF. The NVS is expecting comments on thetimetable by the twinning partner and the TAIEX experts in Brussels in order to finalize thestrategy and the timetable. Both documents will be included in the Position Paper ofBulgaria in the Veterinary sub-sector, which will be ready by May 2001.

The background and justification for the four components of the project are as follows:

3.1.1. Sub-project 1. Border Inspection Control

The conditions of market economy and EU legislation impose strong requirements regardingthe origin and health status of animals and animal products. In order to provide the necessaryveterinary guarantees, the NVS has started with the adoption of the legislation and theprogramme for improvement of border control at the BVIPs.

At present there are in Bulgaria 35 BVIPs for import and export of live animals, products ofanimal origin and VMPs. The BVIP equipment is obsolete and insufficient for the activitiesrequired under EC legislation. In particular, there are no facilities for conducting physicalinspections of consignments, as required by EC legislation.

A strategy has been agreed with the EC that, following accession, Bulgaria will retain 8BVIPs on the outer border of the EU. These are known as the long-term BVIPs and are theones that require investment and upgrading if they can operate to EU standards. During theperiod of transition the total number of the existing BVIPs will be reduced.

According to the NVS strategy the BVIPs Bregovo and Kalotina (at the Serbian border),Gueshevo and Zlatarevo (at the Macedonian border), Kapitan Andreevo (at the Turkishborder), Bourgas and Varna ports at the Black sea and Sofia Airport will be modernized andequipped in order to comply with the European requirements for border control. From thelisted 8 BVIPs those at Kalotina and Kapitan Andreevo are for live animals and areconsidered by the NVS as the priorities because live animals represent a greater threat topublic health and of spreading disease.

The geographical position of Bulgaria makes it imperative that the BVIPs are up to standardin order to protect the EU against animal and veterinary public health problems imported fromoutside its borders. Urgent measures are now necessary if the long-term BVIPs are going to beready in time for accession. On the 1st January 2006, under Bulgarian legislation, the NVSmust implement the full EU standards at the BVIPs. 1st January 2006 is therefore the deadlinefor all long-term BVIPs to be fully up to the EU standard. The plan is that the 2001 Phare

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budget will be used to undertake a comprehensive study of the requirements of the BVIPs andthat funds will be found from the 2002, 2003 and 2004 Phare budgets to finance the actualcivil reconstruction works at the seven remaining BVIPs. Since expropriation procedures areso long in Bulgaria and the process depends on full plans being made available, it is mosturgent that this comprehensive study is completed as soon as possible in 2002.

The financial support required with the present project corresponds to the traffic of goodsand their nature. The existing facilities at these BVIPs and the need assessments have beendocumented by the TAIEX office during their inspection of the Accession Countries. Thisinformation is available upon request.

Construction at the Kapitan Andreevo BVIP will be implemented through BG9913-01.Kalotina and Bourgas are considered as priority BVIPs due to the volume and nature of theconsignments passing through and the origin of such consignments. They are both onimportant trade routes.

3.1.2. Sub-Project 2. Control of Veterinary Pharmaceuticals

The basic EU legislation covering VMPs is already harmonised, although there is a smallpart that still needs to be prepared.

However, the practice in the laboratories for control of veterinary drugs has not yet reachedthe standards required by the EU, i.e. Good Laboratory Practice (GLP). Most of theequipment and instruments of the control laboratories are out-of-date and inappropriate forthe necessary complex and reliable analysis. This created difficulties in analyzing thesamples with sufficient quality and speed. Currently there are no proper means for collectingand processing of information concerning the animal breeding, treatment with medicines,production and trade with animal pharmaceuticals and document processing.

DG SANCO believe that strengthening VMP controls is a priority and made the followingrecommendations as a result of its February 2000 mission to Bulgaria:

“To strengthen the surveillance on distribution of medicinal products, which could beused in the veterinary domain, in order to ensure the correct implementation ofBulgarian legislation, and in particular to undertake the appropriate measures ensuringthat no stilben products could be used for animals, which are sources of food.”

“To commence cooperation with all competent authorities and institutions, in order toachieve overall effective surveillance on the whole production, import and export of allused or available in the country medicinal products.”

“To produce and implement a training programme for laboratory personnel.”

“To improve the analytical capabilities and results of the laboratory and to implementquality assurance procedures complying with the internationally recognised standardsin the field of analytical investigations, and in particular in approving the validity(validation) of the method applied.”

The aim in this sub-project is improvement of the system for registering and control ofVMPs. To reach the EC standards reconstruction and modernization of the laboratories andintroducing the GLP methods are necessary. This will result in the improvement of thecontrol of production, trade and usage of VMPs, which will influence the quality of theproducts of animal origin and the food safety.

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3.1.3. Sub-Project 3. Animal/Public Health and Diagnostics

Bovine TuberculosisProper and reliable diagnosis of zoonotic diseases and in particular bovine tuberculosis (TB)is an important problem for animal and human health. Despite the fact that the number offarms with infections was reduced in the recent years (from 59 in 1993 to 9 in 1999) bovinetuberculosis is a problem in some regions of North Bulgaria. The annual measures plannedfor the eradication of zoonoses incl. bovine TB are included in the NVS Strategy, which isavailable on request.

About 2000 samples are examined for bovine TB per year. The examinations and tests arecarried out in the Central Laboratory for diagnostics of bovine TB at the ResearchVeterinary Institute in the structure of NVS. The diagnostic method used at present isbiological, which gives the results 3 months after the samples are taken. The extendedperiod of the results from the tests leads to delay in the imposing or withdrawing of therestriction measures at the farms and subsequently to big economic losses. In the EUmethods are used which give the final diagnosis for presence of TB within a 2-3 weeksperiod.With the proposed new equipment with enhanced capabilities the process for eradication ofBovine TB will speed up considerably. This will help the NVS with lifting measures infarms where positive and suspected animals are slaughtered.

BSE and ScrapieBulgaria is free from BSE and scrapie. According to the new situation in Europe, the NVShave to improve their capabilities for rapid diagnosis of these new diseases. Currently theNVS use only pathohistological diagnostic methods but according to EU Decision2000/764/EC Bulgaria has to test 1,890 cattle over 30 months of age for BSE each year andEC Decision 2001/8/EC requires that new immunoblotting, Chemilumniniscent ELISA orSandwich immunoassay techniques for detection of abnormal proteins are required.

The NVS plans to transpose the relevant EU Decisions regarding BSE and scrapiesurveillance, testing, prophylaxis and protection. Plans will then be drawn up for a scrapiesurveillance programme following the requirements of EU Decision 2000/764/EC.

Contingency plans need to be prepared for both BSE and scrapie, neither of which currentlyexist.

SalmonellaAccording to Council Directive 90/539 for Poultry and Hatching Eggs there are strictrequirements for salmonella testing. The Bulgarian NVS needs to improve its diagnosticfacilities and practices at the Central Veterinary Institute in Sofia.

Further Legislation

There are approximately 100 EU legislative acts relating to BSE and the situation is rapidlychanging. There is also much work needed to harmonise Bulgarian legislation with the newEU legislation in the area of Food Safety resulting from the recently published EU WhitePaper on Food Safety.

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3.1.4. Sub-Project 4. Dairy Industry

During the last 10 years the dairy sector in Bulgaria has suffered a crisis due to manynegative factors.

Milk production declined nearly 50 percent, reflecting reduced animal numbers and asevere drop in productivity. Production is now highly decentralized with over 80% of theproduction derived from two and three cow farm and 66% from sheep farms with 3 to 10animals. Most dairy farmers are new and have no background in animal production. Manyoperate without adequate housing or feed supplies. Primitive milking practices, poorhygiene and lack of modern breeding practices are typical for most of the small Bulgarianextensive dairy farms.

The milk processing sector has had 597 dairies plants but recently the National VeterinaryService closed 197 because they did not meet the obligatory hygienic requirements. Inmany cases, capacity levels are extremely low, i.e. 1 to 2 tonnes daily. These new privateprocessors lack experience and expertise in establishing relations with dairy farmers,processing technology, business management, and marketing and export requirements.

Due to the decline in milk production, processing plants operate far below capacityresulting in “quality compromise” in the purchase of raw milk supplies, milk that has beenadulterated and/or has high bacteria counts, high acidity, etc., continues to be accepted byprocessors. These bad conditions put severe economic on the farmers who have invested inmodern production facilities and genetics.

The present system in Bulgaria for testing of raw milk and dairy products (with theexception of dairy testing laboratory of the NVS in Sofia) does not stimulate the productionof good quality, biologically pure milk with high technological quality that meets the EUstandards.

In order to increase the customer requirements towards the quality characteristics, whichare the basis of the prices of raw milk, the implementation of a new organizational systemis required for testing of the milk quality, which produces test results accepted by both theproducers and the customers.

The following information is available on request:- lists the relevant Bulgarian laws that have been harmonised with EU legislation;- a short study of the Bulgarian dairy sector;- the NDA strategy for the dairy industry.

3.2 Linked Activities

Sub-Projects 1, 2 and 3

The sub-projects are linked to the previous and ongoing Phare activities, none of which itwill overlap, shown on the following table.

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Table to show the relationship of the proposed Phare 2001 projects with earlierPhare Projects:

Project ?


NameActivity Result Successor project and relation to

the previous one. Influence onthe results

Legislation BG 9103-06-07 – TA toImprovement of veterinarylegislation and BG 98/AG/IB/01

BVIPs BG 9913-01-03 Construction ofBVIP Kapitan Andreevo – pilotproject for all long-term BVIPs

Medicines BG 2001

Diseases BG 9206-03-04 and 05 – TA andsupply of equipment for FMD.

BG 9507-02-06 - Supply ofequipment for FMD

BG 9001-01-08

A Master Plan forTechnical Support forNVS

Animal ID,registration &informationsystems

Revision of currentlegislation andrecommendations.

BG 9206-03-05/L008 – Supply ofear-tags

BG 9806-01-01 and BG9913-01-01 – Software development forbovine

BG9913-01-01 - Supply of ear-tags

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Table to show the relationship of the proposed Phare 2001 projects with earlierPhare Projects (cont)

Sub-project 8BVIP

Ordinance onorganization ofveterinary checks incase of import oflive animals

Ordinance on theorganizing ofveterinary checks tobe effected of caseof importing anyproducts of animalorigin in to thecountry

BG 9913-01-03 Construction ofBVIP Kapitan Andreevo -Identification

Public HealthControl

Ordinanceprohibiting the useof some substancesof hormonal andthyreostatic effectand B-agonists onanimals

Ordinance layingdown limitconcentration ratesof residualveterinary medicalproducts in foodsproducts of animalorigin.

Phare 2001


A 2-year Twinningproject with theItalian VeterinaryService

ZoonosisWorkshop inBulgaria

Ordinance forprophylaxis &protection againsttuberculosis

Ordinance forprophylaxis &protection againstzoonosis.

Phare 2001


The BVIP KapitanAndreevo re-construction

BVIP KapitanAndreevo

Build and equippedfirst BVIP underEU requirements

Phare 2001

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The twinning covenant proposed for 2001 will be a logical follow-up of thetwinning covenant “Improvement of Veterinary Control”, BG98/IB/AG/01including new aspects and will be directed to the implementation of the legislationdrafted and transposed.

The construction of the BVIP at Kapitan Andreevo under BG9913-01-03 willprovide valuable information for the comprehensive study to be undertaken underPhare 2001 into the requirements to physically develop the long-term BVIPs.Lessons will be learnt in the necessary procedures for expropriation, tendering andconstruction works, etc.

Sub-Project 4: Dairy Industry

BG9806-01-03-02 TA to IPD – Feasibility studiesThe project target is the Bulgarian agricultural policy and the EU integrationprocess in 3 main sub-sectors:

- cereals- milk and dairy products- fruits and vegetables

These three components are of top priority in regard to the restructuring of theBulgarian agriculture and to the volume of measures, which have to be introduced,corresponding to the market organizations within the framework of the CAP of theEU. The project is under implementation and will be completed by end February2001.

BG98/AG/IB/01 Twinning project of Bulgarian National Veterinary Serviceand Italian Ministry of Health

Among many other activities the projects will review and compare the Bulgarianwith the EU legislation in the diary sub-sector. The relevant approximation ofBulgarian laws to EU directives will be done. Training on European legislationconcerning the food-processing plants, including milk processing and review ofselected plants. The project also provides for training of trainers for veterinarianson HACCP application in plants transforming products of animal origin andtraining on European legislation concerning alert system, official control and own-control policy.

SPP – Pilot project BG 9810-01-03-02 Integrated Development in the DobrichRegion under Special Preparatory Program for Structural Funds in Bulgaria

The objectives and tasks of the pilot project are to:- Support for sustainable development of the agriculture in the Dobrich

region- Improvement of the agricultural structures in the Dobrich region under

Special Preparatory Program for Structural Funds in Bulgaria (SAPAD) bydirect investment and advisory service for improvement milk hygiene andquality of the raw milk

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Besides Phare projects several program’s supporting and assisting the dairyindustry in Bulgaria have been financed by USAID and carried out by theAmerican corporation Land O’Lakes since 1992. These are:

Infrastructure and integration in the dairy industry (Dairy Links) – from 1997to 2000

The purpose of the program is provision of support for building a fully integratedand efficient dairy industry in Bulgaria by encouraging and stimulating strongerconnections between the different sections in the sector. The project has thefollowing stages:- Supporting the development of efficient self-supporting cooperatives and

associations in the industry;- Improving the relationship between milk processors and milk producers;- Creating a National Dairy Association to help achieve the integration of

interests of all companies and organizations related to the production,processing and trade of dairy products.

Regional program for development of cooperatives and associations (CDP) -1997-2002

The purpose of this program is to support the formation of new cooperatives,associations and unions and to strengthen the already existing ones in the sphereof milk production and milk processing on regional level. This will be donethrough improving the services for their members, their financial state,management skills and exchange of technological and trade experience.

3.3 ResultsThe project will achieve the following results (outputs):

3.3.1. Border Inspection Control

A Comprehensive Report that will describe the civil reconstruction works requiredat each of the seven remaining unmodernised long-term BVIPs (i.e. not KapitanAndreevo) in order that the staff can undertake full inspection and testing as perthe recommendation of the TAIEX Review of Veterinary System in Bulgaria (Ref.AC/CVO/BP/19). This report must include the following:

- a description of the requirement, in line with EU standards;- a description of the existing situation at each BVIP and how it falls short of

the requirement described earlier;- full Terms of Reference, including site plans for the works to be undertaken

and a full list of the facilities and equipment to be provided at each of theBVIPs separately (so that the works can be tendered without the need for anyfurther documentation);

- lessons learnt from the reconstruction at Kapitan Andreevo;- a description of any action that needs to be undertaken or any problems that

need solving prior to tendering, e.g. the purchase of land, co-ordination withother border authorities, etc. An agreed timetable for the resolution of anyexisting problems or pre-conditions.

- an implementation plan, including timescales and estimated costs;- Also, as a result of twinning, trained inspectors to implement the control

procedures of the EU import/export/transit system;

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3.3.2. Control of Veterinary Pharmaceuticals

Establishment of an integrated surveillance and control system on the production,trade and usage of veterinary pharmaceuticals as recommended by DG (SANCO)1037/2000 (Mission report) including:

− upgraded laboratory for residue testing; new methodologies can be used whichmeans that existing tests can be done faster and more accurately;

and, as a result of twinning:

− adoption of the EU method for the control of the production, trade and usage ofVMPs, which increases the quality of the products of animal origin, animalhealth and food safety;

− trained staff in inspection controls;

− VMP registration system in line with EU requirements.

3.3.3. Animal/Public Health and Diagnostics

Improved diagnostic capabilites of the National Veterinary Service (NVS) forbovine TB in order to eradicate the epizootic outbreaks through provision of:- Equipment for the Central Laboratory for diagnostics of bovine tuberculosis at

the Research Veterinary Institute in the structure of NVS;

and, as a result of twinning:

- Training of laboratory staff in new testing methods and procedures;- Completion of Contingency Plans for epizootic diseases (e.g. BSE and

Scrapie);- Further progress with harmonisation of legislation relating to new food safety

requirements, BSE and scrapie;- Improved diagnosis of TB and BSE;- Improved surveillance of TB, BSE, scrapie and salmonella.

3.3.4. Dairy Industry

The first component of the twinning dairy sub-project will result in a SectoralStudy of the dairy sector. This study should cover milk hygiene and milk qualitybut with the emphasis very much on quality. The Study will have the followingchapters:

− An assessment of the degree of compliance of Bulgarian legislation with theEU requirements (quality standards, definition of products, etc), includingtables of correspondence and a description of the work that still needs to bedone to achieve full harmonisation;

− a brief overview of the current state of the dairy industry in Bulgaria, includingit’s strengths and weaknesses, highlighting where EU standards are not beingmet and assessing the underlying problems;

− an investigation of the existing administrative capacity and institutionalarrangements and an assessment their capacity to implement the EU system;

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− a strategy for the dairy industry, including recommendations regarding“institution building” actions for the sector and the systems that should beestablished. The strategy should cover development of the sector over the shortand medium term (3 years) and should describe the development andinvestment that is needed. There should be both short and medium-termrecommendations:

• The sort-term recommendations should concentrate particularly on theissue of milk quality and the role of the existing NVS and NDAlaboratories in testing milk quality. It should make recommendations on therequired status, independence and the management structure of thelaboratories undertaking quality testing and should recommend which ofthe current NVS and/or NDA laboratories should be given investment anddeveloped for this role in the future. It should recommend one or two milklaboratories (possibly the NVS - Sofia or Plovdiv -and the NDA one inDobrich) to improve to reach EU accreditation and Good LaboratoryPractice (GLP). Recommendations should also be made on establishing aquality payment scheme to the farmers. These short-term recommendationswill be fed into the second component of the twinning dairy sub-project,which follows the Study.

• The medium-term recommendations should be presented in the form of aPhare project proposal (for Phare 2002 onwards), including approximationof legislation, reinforcement of the administrative capacity and investment(including accreditation of laboratories, equipment, training, etc). Thecurrent strategy of the NDA for the dairy industry should be taken as animportant input.

The ultimate aim of this report will be to prepare for the second component of the2001 twinning dairy sub-project and also for future Phare projects so thatinvestment can be directed in the most effective manner. The overall aim is tohelp the dairy farmers and processors to meet national and EU requirementsregarding the raw milk and milk products quality and hygiene standards (butparticularly quality) and will lead finally to improved food safety and wider rangeof products for the end consumers.

It is expected that the study will take into account and make recommendations onthe following subjects, issues and factors:

− The role of the National Milk Controllers Association with members –National Dairy Association, National Association of Dairy Processors,National Association of Milk Producers, National Association of DairyBreeders, Ministry of Agriculture – NVS and Ministry of Economy;

− The role of the NVS and the MAF;− The establishment of a possible new system (proposed by the NDA) for

collecting, testing and paying of the raw milk, from the milk sector associationwith participation in this process of the government institution and NDA;

− The operation and status of the national milk laboratories for testing milkquality and milk hygiene; the current and future division of responsibilitiesbetween the different institutions; which laboratories should be selected forfuture investment; the issue of operational independence in line with therecommendations of the Food and Veterinary Office in Dublin.

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− The possible establishment of an IT network at central and regional basis forintroduction of a contemporary information system, to ensure provision ofinformation regarding the milk quality, the standards, market conditions andthe new trends in that area;

− The existing EU systems for quality control of raw milk and dairy products(GMP; HACCP and ISO 9000) for monitoring of critical parametersdeveloped, introduced and implemented in selected production dairy farmsand processing plants;

− The future training of NDA staff, inspectors, producers and processors inquality control issues;

− The legal basis developed for the protection of typical dairy products by brandnames and their identification per region and for establishment of relationsbetween the dairy producers and processors;

− Council Regulations 2081/92 and 2082/92 concerning the protecteddesignations of origin (PDO) and the geographical indications (PGI), and thecertification of specific character (TSG-Traditional Speciality Guaranteed) foragricultural products and foodstuffs;

− Council Regulation (EC) No 1804/1999 of 19 July 1999 supplementingRegulation (EEC) No 2092/91 on organic production of agricultural productsand indications referring thereto on agricultural products and foodstuffs toinclude livestock production;

− The strengthening of the Extension Services for provision of information andtraining to dairy farmers and processors;

− The possible transformation of the NDA in the National Milk Chambers afterthe approving of the National Law for the Branch Organization, with theresponsibility to approve new dairy farms and milk processing plants.

Following the Sectoral Study, the second component of the twinning dairy sub-project will be implemented. The results of this component should be:

• One or two milk laboratories (as recommended by the Sectoral Study) haveachieved EU and Good Laboratory Practice (GLP) accreditation;

• A scheme has been set up to pay farmers according to the quality of the milkthey produce. This may initially be on a pilot basis but with plans to extend thescheme nationally.

3.4. Activities

Project activities include:

3.4.1. The Twinning Project

Four sub-projects are envisaged under the twinning covenant; sub-projects 1, 2and 3 (described earlier) and each costing 133,000 Euro and sub-project 4 (alsodescribed earlier) costing 200,000 Euro.

Please note that the number of experts and the amount of time quoted below isindicative only and should be used as a guide.

The supply contracts do not depend on the advice or the results of the twinningproject. The list of equipment has already been determined.

Content of the twinning sub-projects:

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Subproject 1: Introduction of EU BVIP system of control.

Analysis of the current situation and recommendations by experts of thetwinning partner. Assisting with the transposition and implementation of thelegislation on the import procedures and intra-Community exchanges;

Training of veterinarians for BVIPs management at an EU BVIPs;

Providing a training course in Bulgaria for 40 border veterinary inspectors forone week with 3 lecturers from the EU covering the introduction of EC rulesfor control of the BVIPs.

Subproject 2: Introduction of EU standards for veterinary laboratories for drugscontrol.

Analysis of the current situation and recommendations by experts of one of thetwinning partner. Assisting with the transposition and implementation of thelegislation;

Training in the twinning partner country of 4 persons for 2 weeks in laboratorymanagement and registration of VMPs;

Provision of training for 5 Bulgarian veterinary experts in the introduction ofGLP principles (training of trainers) in the twinning partner country.

Provision of a training course in Bulgaria for the introduction of GMPprinciples – for experts in the production, trade and control of VMP withlecturers from Bulgaria (trained trainers) and 2 EC lecturers-experts.

Subproject 3: Animal/Public Health and Diagnostics

Analysis of the current situation and recommendations by experts of one of thetwinning partner;

Assisting with the transposition and implementation of food safety legislation;

Improvement of diagnostic methods for contagious diseases.

Assistance in elaboration of Contingency Plans for epizootic diseases.

Training of 2 staff in TB diagnostics for 2 weeks in an EU ReferenceLaboratory.

Training of 2 staff in BSE diagnostics for 3 weeks in an EU ReferenceLaboratory.

Strengthening of the NVS’ capabilities to implement an effective epizooticsurveillance of bovine TB and salmonella infection in poultry.

Training of 2 staff in BSE for 2 weeks in the Central and Regional StateVeterinary Service.

Subproject 4: Dairy Industry

The production of a Sectoral Report on the dairy industry and described insection 3.3.4. It is expected that one expert shall work full time on this projectfor the duration of the project. Other experts will be supply input as and whenrequired. (50,000 Euros has been allocated for this study).

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Experts from a laboratory performing quality tests on milk (in accordance withEU and GLP standards) to advise, assist and help implement a similar systemin one or two laboratories in Bulgaria.

Experts (maybe from a dairy association) to advise, assist and help with theimplementation of a new scheme in Bulgaria whereby farmers are paidaccording to the quality of the milk they produce. This will involve workingclosely with all parties in the dairy industry, including the milk testinglaboratories. (A total of 150,000 Euros has been allocated for the assistance tothe laboratories and for setting up the payment scheme. It will follow ondirectly from the sectoral study).

3.4.2. The Comprehensive BVIP Study

Technical assistance rather than twinning would be the most suitable means ofdelivering the Comprehensive Study of the requirements of the BVIPs.

The Comprehensive Study can benefit from much relevant existing information,e.g. the TAIEX Review of Veterinary System in Bulgaria (Ref. AC/CVO/BP/19),the Kapitan Andreevo project, etc. The TAIEX Review includes informationregarding each of the long-term BIPs (including a needs assessment).

3.4.3. Supply of Equipment

Central Laboratory at the National Institute for Control of VeterinaryPharmaceuticals (ICVP) within the NVS:

The list of necessary equipment given in detail in Annex 4 is based on a needsassessment conducted by the ICVP.

Laboratory for Diagnostics of Bovine TB:

Supply and installation of equipment for a modern laboratory to effect diagnosticsof bovine TB and carrying out the appropriate training for its personnel. Only onepiece of equipment is being requested, at a cost of 100,000 Euro, which willenable TB Mycobacteria tests to be conducted according to modern methods.


The recipient of the sub-projects 1, 2 and 3 is the NVS at MAF which is theinstitution responsible for overall implementation of the project. OrganisationCharts of the MAF and the NVS are available on request.

Joint recipients of sub-project 4 are the National Dairy Association (NDA) and theNVS. The twinning experts will need to work with both the NVS and the NDA,the NVS taking primary responsibility for legislative matters and the NDAprimary responsibility for the strategy for the industry.

Sub-Project 1: In Bulgaria there are 16 Border Posts with 35 Border VeterinaryInspection Points (BVIPs). The staff currently comprises 263 inspectors, 149 ofthem veterinarians. At the NVS there is a Department Border Veterinary Controland Quarantine that manages and controls the activities of the BVIPs.

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Sub-Project 2: The National Institute for the Control of VeterinaryPharmaceuticals (ICVP) is also within the structure of the NVS, with 56 experts,18 of them veterinarians, pharmacologists, chemists, and biologists. A total of 28veterinarians carry out the control on VMP trade and usage.

Sub-Project 3: The Central Veterinary Research Institute (in Sofia) is also withinthe structure of the NVS together with its two regional branches (one in V.Tarnovo and one Stara Zagora) and the six Regional Veterinary Stations – oneeach in Vratsa, Pleven, Varna, Bourgas, Haskovo and Blagoevgrad.

Sub-Project 4:

The Recipient of the project is the National Dairy Association (NDA). It wasfounded in 1998, by the unanimous vote of more than 100 delegates representingthe NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF DAIRY PRODUCERS (NADP) and theASSOCIATION OF DAIRY PROCESSORS IN BULGARIA (ADPB).

The ASSOCIATION OF DAIRY PROCESSORS IN BULGARIA (ADPB) is ateam-up of the former Bulgarian Dairy Union, representing previously state-owned dairy plants, and the Bulgarian National Association of Private DairyProcessors (BNAPDP), representing private dairies. The Association Boarddeveloped a committee system to provide a broader base for member input. Thefollowing 11 committees were established - 1. Science and Technology; 2. PricePolicy; 3. Financial and Economic Policy; 4. Dairy Product Quality andStandards; 5. Legal Services; 6. Ethics of Membership; 7. Information Services; 8.Dairy Marketing and Promotion; 9. Association Organizational Development; 10.Taxation; 11. Milk Production

The NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF DAIRY PRODUCERS (NADP) wasestablished in mid 1998, by 72 delegates representing 6 regional dairyassociations. It is now recognized as the equal partner of the Association of DairyProcessors in Bulgaria. The NADP has embarked on lobbying, political awarenessand any other methods of bringing issues to the attention of the government. It isdeveloping recommendations to assist policy makers in the legislative andregulatory branches of the Bulgarian government.

The Associations of Dairy Breeders (Cows Dairy Breeders – Holstein FresianAssociation, Brown Association, Siemental Association, sheep’s and goatsbreeders association, buffaloes breeders association) was established during the1999 by the technicians from the recently closed National Centre for Genetics andBreeding and the farmers with animals registered in the Breed National HerdBook. In the middle of the year 2000 the dairy breeders association started tobecome a members of the National Dairy Association. Several meetings wereconducted with the NDA and National Association of Dairy Processors to explainand to understand that the processors should participate in the milk controlling ofthe animals, paying part the controlling milk samples. The idea is to put more andmore animals under milk control and with this to implement more effectively theselection, hygienic and sanitation programs.

Further information about the NDA is available on request.

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(Million Euro)





Total Phare



Sub-Project 1Contract 1:Comprehensive BVIPStudy

0.5 0.5 0.5

Sub-Project 2Contract 2: Supplylab (VMPs & TB)

0.475 0.475 0.158 0.633

Sub-Project 1

Contract 3: Twinning0.75 0.75 0.75

Totals 0.475 1.25 1.725 0.158 1.883

MAF will also provide 25% co-financing in cash for the investment component of theproject. The national co-financing will be covered from the national budget, and willinclude laboratory equipment, computers, etc. Detailed lists of equipment are available inAnnex 4.

The Phare contribution for the equipment will be 75% of its cost, with a maximum ofPhare contribution of 0.475 MEuro. If the total cost of the equipment exceeds 0.633MEuro, the NVS will provide additional co-financing from its own resources to financethe contract.

All running costs and the maintenance of the equipment purchased under this project willbe provided by the Bulgarian authorities.

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6.1 Implementing Agency

The CFCU (Ministry of Finance) will be in charge of the contracting and financialmanagement of the project.

6.2. TwinningOne twinning covenant with the NVS/NDA is envisaged with a duration of oneyear, costing 0.75 MEuro. The twinning covenant will have 4 sub-projects, asfollows:

Component Cost (Euros)Sub-project 1 BVIPs 134,000Sub-project 2 VMPs 133,000Sub-project 3 Health 133,000Sub-project 4 Dairy 200,000

PAA 150,000Total 750,000

In all twinning projects, success in delivering a guaranteed result will depend onthe coherence of a number of successive inputs, the continuity of those inputs, andsteady progress. Every twinning project will therefore include a Member StateProject Leader, who continues to work in his/her Member State administration butwho devotes some of his/her time to conceiving, supervising and coordinating theoverall thrust of the project. S/he will always be complemented by at least onefull-time expert, known as a Pre-Accession Advisor (PAA), from a Member Stateto work on a day-to-day basis with the beneficiary in the candidate country andaccompany the implementation of the twinning project.

PAA Profile

1. Work experience – at least 7 years in one of the following areas:• Veterinary Border Inspection• Animal or Veterinary Public Health• Veterinary Medicines• Food safety

(knowledge in more than one of these areas will be considered as advantage)2. Language proficiency: Fluent in English;3. Education: A degree in veterinary medicine;4. A good knowledge of EU veterinary legislation and experience in

implementing it.

The Beneficiary of the twinning project is the NVS and the NDA.

NVS contact point:Name: Dr Svetla ChamovaAddress: National Veterinary Service, 15A Pencho Slaveikov Blvd, 1606

Sofia, Bulgaria.Tel No: + 359 2 952 09 18Fax No: + 359 2 954 95 93E-mail: [email protected]

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NDA contact point:Name: Dr Nikolay OblakovAddress: Bulgarian National Dairy Association, 56, Yanko Sakazov str,

Sofia, BulgariaTel/Fax No: + 359 2 444 102E-mail: [email protected]

The Steering Committee, overseeing the project will have representatives of thefollowing:1. The Contracting authority,2. The EC delegation,3. MAF - EU department and Phare IA,4. The Beneficiary5. The Contractor

The Bulgarian project leader, responsible for day to day management of theproject, will be Svetla Chamova, Deputy Head of EU Integration Department ofNVS

6.3. Non-standard aspects

The DIS Manual will strictly be followed.

6.4. Contracts:

There will be three contracts (see table at 5 above).


Component Start ofTendering

Start of ProjectActivity


Twinning February 2002 May 2002 April 2003

Comprehensive BVIP Study December 2001 March 2002 October 2002

Laboratory Equipment Supply May 2002 January 2003 April 2003


All participating Bulgarian institutions are equal opportunity employers. Nodiscrimination of whatever nature will be applied.


Not applicable.


Not applicable.


Not applicable.

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MAF will proceed with the expropriation procedure for the land required fornew facilities of the long-term BVIPs. This is a difficult and lengthy processand represents a risk to the timely execution of the BVIP reconstructions infuture years. One problem is that expropriation is difficult to achieve withoutthe full plans that will result from the Comprehensive BVIP Study. Followingsubmission of the plans expropriation generally takes at least one year. TheNVS will investigate if this can be short-circuited and if expropriationprocedures can start immediately despite the plans not being ready.

Food safety strategy prepared by end of 2001, which will guarantee the safetyand the quality of the products of animal origin.

Projects to be implemented through twinning require the full commitment andparticipation of the senior management of the beneficiary institution. Inaddition to providing the twinning partner with adequate staff and otherresources to operate effectively, the senior management must be whole-heartedly involved in the development and implementation of the policies andinstitutional change required to deliver the project results.

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Annex 1 Logframe Planning MatrixLOGFRAME PLANNING MATRIX FORProject: Improving Key Elements of Veterinary Control

Programme name and number:

Contracting period expires:30 Nov. 2003

Disbursement periodexpires:

30 Nov. 2004Total budget : 1.883 MEuro

Phare budget : 1.725 MEuro

Overall objective Objectively verifiable indicators Sources of Verification• To assist with the re-organisation,

preparation and adjustment of theveterinary sector of Bulgaria to alignwith the European Union througheffective transposition andimplementation of the EU controlsystems by the Bulgarian NationalVeterinary Service (NVS).

• NVS and its services and unitsare able to provide relevantservices and information inharmony with the EU legislationin force and are implementingsuccessfully the adopted sectorallegislation.

GoB authorities EU authorities

Project purpose Objectively verifiable indicators Sources of Verification Assumptions

• To strengthen the capacity of theMinistry of Agriculture and Forestry(MAF) and its services to undertakethe priorities for EU alignment andimplement the reforms identified inthe current Accession Partnership andthe National Programme for theAdoption of the Acquis (NPAA).

• NVS and its services and unitsare able to provide relevantservices and information inharmony with the EU legislationin force and are implementingsuccessfully the adopted sectorallegislation.

• MAF and its authorities• NVS and its units• Ministry of Trade• NSI• Customs statistics

• The draftedlegislation is adoptedby the relevantbodies

• Support by Statebudget

• Trained personnelcontinue to work forthe NVS

Results Objectively verifiable indicators Sources of Verification AssumptionsGeneral• EU legislation in veterinary sector,

mainly concerning border control,medicines control and improvement ofdiagnostic methods for animal healthand public health, is transposed.

• Adopted legislation;• Reports and studies completed

and signed off by the contractualauthorities;

• Laboratory tests faster and moreaccurate;

• MAF and its authorities• NVS and its units• Ministry of Trade• NSI• Customs statistics

• Good cooperationfrom the NVS andthe NDA;

• Suitably qualifiedcounterpart staff areavailable as required;

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BVIPs• A Comprehensive Report into the

requirements for the long-term BVIPs.VMPs• improvement of the control of the

production, trade and usage of VMPs,which increases the quality of theproducts of animal origin, animal healthand food safety;

• the lab for residue testing upgraded;• trained staff in inspection controls;• improved VMP registration system;• VMP control systems upgraded.Animal/Public Health & Diagnostics• Improved diagnostic capabilites of the

National Veterinary Service (NVS) forbovine TB

• Completion of Contingency Plans forepizootic diseases (e.g. BSE andScrapie);

• Improved diagnosis of TB and BSE;• Improved surveillance of TB, BSE,

scrapie and salmonella.Dairy Industry• Sectoral Study into the Dairy Industry• One or two milk laboratories (as

recommended by the Sectoral Study)have achieved EU and GoodLaboratory Practice (GLP)accreditation;

• A scheme has been set up to payfarmers according to the quality of themilk they produce. This may initiallybe on a pilot basis but with plans toextend the scheme nationally.

• Staff is trained and able to

perform all necessary checks andcontrols in harmony with EUlegislation

• Faster and more accurate testsfor TB and BSE;

• Surveillance for TB, BSE,scrapie and salmonella moreextensive and more accurate.

• Primary and secondarylegislation documents

• Acceptance protocols

• Sufficient number ofappropriate staff aremade available fortraining;

• Laboratories arerefurbished asrequired.

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Activities Means AssumptionsBVIPs• A Comprehensive BVIP Study to be

undertaken;• Analysis of the current situation and

recommendations and assisting with thetransposition and implementation of thelegislation on the import procedures andintra-Community exchanges;

• Training of veterinarians for BVIPsmanagement;

• Providing a training course on theintroduction of EC rules for control ofthe BVIPs.

VMPs• Analysis of the current situation and

recommendations. Assisting with thetransposition and implementation of thelegislation;

• Training in laboratory management andregistration of VMPs;

• Provision of training in the introductionof GLP principles (training of trainers);

• Provision of a training for theintroduction of GMP principles;

Animal/Public Health & Diagnostics

• Analysis of the current situation andrecommendations and assisting with thetransposition and implementation oflegislation;

• Assistance with improvement of diagnosticmethods for contagious diseases;

• Assistance with Contingency Plans forepizootic diseases;

• Training in TB diagnostics;

• One Twinning Covenant• TA contract• Tenders for supply of equipment

• Project manager/co-ordinator from NVS

• Team leader/PAA• MAF• EU Delegation• EU experts’ reports;

• Project starts on time• Requested budget is

provided• Equipment is

delivered on time

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• Training in BSE diagnostics;• Strengthening the NVS’ capability for

effective epizootic surveillance ofbovine TB and salmonella infection inpoultry;

• Training in BSE surveillance;

Dairy Industry

• A Sectoral Study into the dairy industryto be undertaken;

• Experts from a laboratory performingquality tests on milk (in accordance withEU and GLP standards) to advise, assistand help implement a similar system inone or two laboratories in Bulgaria.

• Experts (maybe from a dairy association)to advise, assist and help with theimplementation of a new scheme inBulgaria whereby farmers are paidaccording to the quality of the milk theyproduce.

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Annex 2 Detailed Implementation Chart

Project title: Improvement of Veterinary Border Control, Control of Veterinary Medicines, Animal/Public Health & Diagnostic Control andQuality Control, Hygiene and Safety of Raw Milk and Dairy Products.

2001 2002 2003Components J J A S O N D J F M A M J J A S O N D J F M A M J J A S O N D

1. Twinning P P P P E C C I I I I I I I I I I I I

2. Supply (labs) P P P P T T T T T T E C I I I I

3. BVIP Study (TA) P P T E C I I I I I I I I

P – PreparationE – EvaluationT – TenderingC – ContractingI - Implementation

Annex 3 Cumulative Contracting and Disbursement Schedule

4-6-2001 7-9-2001 10-12-2001 1-3-2002 4-6-2002 7-9-2002 10-12-2002 1-3-2003 4-6-2003 7-9-2003 10-12-2003

Contracted 0.5 1.25 1.25 1.725 1.725 1.725

Disbursed 0.1 0.65 0.92 1.35 1.58 1.725

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Annex 4 List Of Equipment

List of equipment for Control of VMPs to be purchased from Phare funds

No Specification Unit Price for unitin ?uros


1. Laboratory autoclave 2 7 632 15 264

2. Laboratory incubators /560x480x400mm/-108 lt. 4 1 800 7 200

3. Laboratory incubators-CO2 /640 x 640 x 600 mm/ 1 9 900 9 900

4. Egg incubator 1 3 526 3 526

5. Microscope Brightfield & epifluorescence 1 2 895 2 895

6. Tissue homogenizator US 1 3 884 3 884

7. Steritest compact-2 media 2 6 829 13 658

8. Micro plate working station/Microwell system forELISA/- Full equipment & software

2 12 500 25 000

9. HPL Chromatography System – Full equipment &software

1 106 045 106 045

10. G Chromatography System Full equipment/detectors:FID, ECD, NPD/ & software

1 53 023 53 032

11. Rotary Evaporator 1 3 182 3 182

12. Blood cell counter for animals 1 38 176 38 176

13. Precision standard balances (600g-0.01g) 1 1 018 1 018

14. Pyrogen tester 1 5 302 5 302

15. Sterilisers –dry, t0C 30 to 2200 C-1800lt./560x480x400mm/

2 1 700 3 400

16. Air filter containment systems, prefilter, HEPA filtersector, class EU12, full equipment.

1 31 666 31 666

TOTAL 374 310

List of equipment for Control of VMPs to be purchased from Bulgarian co-financing funds

No Specification Unit Price forunit in?uros


1. Laboratory water baths 2 774 1 5482. Filtration Equipment for tissue culture media 5 115 5753. PC- work stations & software 6 2 500 15 0004. Ink jet color printer 1 600 1 2005. Laser printers black & white 5 600 3 0006. Scener 1 800 8007. UPS 6 300 1 8008. Water purification deioniser demineralisation system 1 9 500 9 5009. Microscope: inverted 1 2 285 2 28510. Microscope binocular 2 2 588 5 17611. Stereomicroscope binocular 1 960 960

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12. Shaker 2 2 660 5 32013. Magnetic hotplate stirrer 1 1 060 1 06014. Pipettes Adjustable volume digital micropipette 0.5-10 6 547 3 28215. Pipettes Adjustable volume digital micropipette 5-40 6 525 3 15016. Pipettes Adjustable volume digital micropipette 40-200 6 428 2 56817. Pipettes Multichannel – 12 channel 50-300 3 647 1 94118. Pipettes Multichannel – 12 channel 5-50 3 647 1 94119. Pipettes Multichannel – 8 channel 50-300 3 647 1 94120. Pipettes Multichannel – 8 channel 5-50 3 647 1 94121. Ultra sonicator 2 1 590 3 18022. Vacuum pump 3 372 1 11623. Chromatography columns 150x0.5, C18 3 636 1 90824. Syringe with removable-needle 25 1 265 26525. Syringe with removable-needle 100 1 318 31826. UV Lamp (CAMAG) 2 1 590 3 18027. Analytical balances – 210g 1 2 120 2 12028. Homogenizer- low speed (0-300 RPM) 1 1 060 1 06029. Homogenizer- high speed (up to 5000 RPM) 1 1 060 1 06030. Ph meter 2 902 1 80431. UV/VIS Spectrophotometer 2 6 893 13 78632. Zone reader 2 1 590 3 18033. Laboratory centrifuge 1 1 980 1 98034. Merk Air sampler mas 100 1 4 500 4 50035. Class 2 Vertical Laminar Flow Cabinets 6 10 212 61 27236. CX/FX Micro Ultracentrifuges 1 10 390 10 390

TOTAL 125 047

List of equipment for laboratory diagnosis of tuberculosis to be purchased fromBulgarian co-financing funds

No Specification Unit Pricefor unitin ?uros


1. Class 2 Vertical Laminar Flow Cabinets 1 10 212 10 2122. Tissue homogenizer 1 3 884 3 8843. PC work stations & software 2 2 500 5 0004. Ink jet color printer 2 600 1 2005. UPS 1 300 3006. Analytical balances – 210g 1 2 120 2 1207. Laboratory centrifuge 1 1 980 1 9808. Freezer 1 600 6009. Laboratory autoclave 1 7 632 7 632

Total 32 928

Phare will contribute 100,000 Euro towards equipment for testing bovine TB.

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Annex 5 Glossary Of Terms

ADNS Animal Disease Notification Information System

ANIMO EC information system for ANImal MOvements

BVIP Border Veterinary Inspection Post

CRVI Central Research Veterinary Institute

GLP Good Laboratory Practice

GMP Good Management Practice

ICVP Institute for the Control of Veterinary Pharmaceuticals

MAF Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry

MCC Milk Collection Centre

NDA National Dairy Association

NPAA National Programme for the Adoption of the Acquis

NVS National Veterinary Service

RVS Regional Veterinary Service

VMPs Veterinary Medicinal Products
