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SUMMER FAIR - Amazon S3...St Catherine’s Catholic Primary School (Hallam) SCHOOL TRIPS Year 2...

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Issue 37, 2 nd July 2018 stcatherines.academy stcatherines.academy/buy @_stcatherines St Catherine’s Catholic Primary School (Hallam) SPORTS DAY What a morning, we had a fantastic time, thank you to everyone who was able to come and watch! Huge congratulations to the winning team, Sweden! SUMMER FAIR What an afternoon, we had a fantastic time! Thank you to the Parent Forum for working so hard to make sure the children had a great time, we all REALLY appreciate the commitment you have to our school, and all of the time that you give to support us. Well done for another successful event, and THANK YOU x x x x The total amount raised from the summer fair is: £564.80
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Issue 37, 2nd July 2018 stcatherines.academy stcatherines.academy/buy @_stcatherines

St Catherine’s Catholic Primary School (Hallam)


What a morning, we had a fantastic time, thank you to everyone who was able to come and watch!

Huge congratulations to the winning team, Sweden!


What an afternoon, we had a fantastic time!

Thank you to the Parent Forum for working so hard to make sure the children had a great time, we all REALLY

appreciate the commitment you have to our school, and all of the time that you give to support us. Well done

for another successful event, and THANK YOU x x x x

The total amount raised from the summer fair is:


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Issue 37, 2nd July 2018 stcatherines.academy stcatherines.academy/buy @_stcatherines

St Catherine’s Catholic Primary School (Hallam)

Secure Online Store Use this link to visit the school store, to pay

for school meals, school trips, after school

clubs, and all sorts! No login needed!



Attendance and Punctuality View our attendance graph at


The highest class attendance in school last week

was 99.0%. Well done to Miss Handy’s and Miss

Waller/Ms Haigh’s classes, and to Miss Duggleby’s

class for highest attendance for the second week

running! You’ll be getting a little treat this week

Late attendance last week affected children’s

learning on 35 occasions, which is an average of

7.0 per day.

Overall school attendance last week was 97.0%.

Class Lates Attendance

F2ES Miss Sefton 2 94.3

F2AW Mrs Wood & Mrs Atkinson 0 96.0

Y1RW Miss Webb 4 97.3

Y1WM Miss Waller & Ms Haigh 2 99.0

Y2LD Miss Duggleby 2 99.0

Y2LA Miss Andrew 3 98.4

Y3GP Miss Handy 2 99.0

Y3IF Miss Frost 4 98.4

Y4RH Mr Hawksworth 4 98.3

Y4IK Miss Kirk 5 98.0

Y5RC Miss Conway 2 96.0

Y5ES Miss Sweeney 0 96.5

Y6MT Mrs Tipping 1 93.3

Y6JW Miss Weir 4 93.7

Dates for your Diary

THIS WEEK … Monday 2nd July

* Dinner Menu week 2

* Sports Day

* Summer Fair

Wednesday 4th July

* Swimming lessons for Y1RW

* Swimming lessons for Y3 – Lifesaving! Children

will need a t-shirt and shorts, as well as their

usual swimwear and towel

* 9:00 to 10:00 Parent Forum Coffee Morning

* Week 4 of Learn Well, Live Well

* Notre Dame Induction Day and Parents Evening

* Whole school induction morning

Thursday 5th July

* First Aid training for Year 6

Friday 6th July

* Year 2 Bun Day

* First Aid training for Year 6

Be Prepared Just another reminder about making sure the

children stay safe in the hot weather:

Please make sure your child comes to

school in sensible footwear, with full toes

and backs. If you choose shoes with laces,

please make sure your child can tie them

independently – they run around and climb

when they’re outdoors, and can easily trip

in sandals or on dangling shoe laces;

Please send your child with a sunhat;

Please apply suncream to your child before

they come to school;

Please make sure your child has a water

bottle, so that they have access to drinking

water throughout the day.

Thanks for your support!

Page 3: SUMMER FAIR - Amazon S3...St Catherine’s Catholic Primary School (Hallam) SCHOOL TRIPS Year 2 Botanical Gardens Year 2 will be visiting the Botanical Gardens in Sheffield to look

Issue 37, 2nd July 2018 stcatherines.academy stcatherines.academy/buy @_stcatherines

St Catherine’s Catholic Primary School (Hallam)

Dates for your Diary


Monday 9th July

* Dinner Menu week 3

Tuesday 10th July

* Year 4 to Crucible Theatre

* Year 2 to Botanical Gardens

Wednesday 11th July

* 9:00 to 10:00 Parent Forum Coffee Morning

* Swimming lessons for Y3 and Y1WM

* 2:00 Year 5 Photography Exhibition

Thursday 12th July

* School Disco for Year 1 to Year 6

* No uniform today for Year 1 to Year 6!

Friday 13th July

* Year 6 to Cineworld

* 2:00pm Piano concert

* Year 1 Bun Day

Wednesday 18th July

* Progress Assembly (morning)

* School of Rock (afternoon)

Thursday 19th July

* Year 6 End of Year Performance (time tbc)

Friday 20th July

* Leavers Mass (morning)

* Last Day of this school year

Tuesday 4th September

* Back to school for the new academic year






Makaton Sign of the Week


Parent Forum News This week at coffee morning, we will be preparing

for the disco on Thursday 12th July. Please join us if

you can, or let the school office staff know if you

can help on the day!

11th July – Behaviour Support Parenting Session


Year 5 Photography Exhibition It will be Wednesday 11th July 2-3pm and will be

held in the Y5 classrooms. Parents are invited to

come in and look at our photography project we

have been working on this term. There will even

be chance to buy your child’s photo album!

Our photography expert Isabelle will be there too

– don’t miss it!

Page 4: SUMMER FAIR - Amazon S3...St Catherine’s Catholic Primary School (Hallam) SCHOOL TRIPS Year 2 Botanical Gardens Year 2 will be visiting the Botanical Gardens in Sheffield to look

Issue 37, 2nd July 2018 stcatherines.academy stcatherines.academy/buy @_stcatherines

St Catherine’s Catholic Primary School (Hallam)


Year 2

Botanical Gardens

Year 2 will be visiting the Botanical

Gardens in Sheffield to look at plants and

trees to support their learning in Science.

They will also be sketching trees to

support their learning in Art, and they will

be practicing their mindfulness in a

beautiful and natural environment.

The children will be travelling by bus,

accompanied by school staff.

We will order a school pick’n’mix for

every child.

Tuesday 10th July 2018 All day

Volunteers are not needed this time

Packed lunch

Public Transport

£ £2.00

Here are July’s Maths Challenges. For Key Stage 1 – Sum Up, and Key Stage 2 – Cola in the Bath. When you have tried them and answered them, please put them in the folder on the displays in Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2. Thanks so much to everyone who has answered any of the Maths Challenges over the year. I hope you have loved them as much as I have enjoyed setting them! Thanks and enjoy the challenge, Mr Mitchell

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Issue 37

2nd July 2018 stcatherines.academy classnews.stcatherines.academy @_stcatherines

F2ES Mella For using a number line correctly to check her answers in Maths, well done!

Eliza For her fantastic doubling in Maths using her fingers, counters and Numicon, well done!

F2WA Mardia For being really imaginative in her play through story telling, and for problem solving

when building a den, well done!

Ayaan For working really hard this week to deepen his understanding of taking away, by

practising what he had learnt last week, well done!

Y1WM Nicholas For being such a VIP … a Very Independent Pupil … all week, fantastic, well done!

Benedicta For some absolutely fantastic story writing! I think you are going to be a famous author,

well done!

Y1RW Lily For always showing respect and being polite, well done!

Nzubechi For really concentrating and trying hard in our class ‘Fantastic Mr Fox’ performance, well


Y2LD Taila For working hard in Maths this week, well done!

Aiza For working hard in Maths this week, well done!

Y2LA Elisha For always taking her time to ensure that her work is her very best! Her presentation is

beautiful, well done!

Leah For being brave enough to come to the front of the class and teach us a brand new hymn!

Leah, you have a beautiful singing voice, well done!

Y3GP Joseph For trying to make good choices, well done!

Faye For some beautiful Literacy work, well done!


Y4RH Muneeb For excellent work in Maths with lines of symmetry, well done!

Sarah For an excellent draft paragraph, well done!

Y4IK Justin For using his creativity to invent some snappy headlines for a newspaper article, and

growing independence in Literacy with a determined attitude, well done!

Tania For using her questioning skills to deepen her understanding and knowledge in Maths,

and presenting her work to a high standard, well done!

Y5ES Jack For excellent effort put in during Literacy with Miss Sweeney. You had some great ideas,

well done!

Zakariya For excellent effort put in during Literacy with Miss Sweeney. You had some great ideas,

well done!


Y6JW Sana

For always being an amazing role model in Y6JW – always polite, always helpful, always on

task, well done!

Zain For an incredible improvement in choices over the last week, well done!

Y6MT Jess For brilliant effort in our performance practises, well done!

Lydia For brilliant effort in our performance practises, well done!

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Issue 37

2nd July 2018 stcatherines.academy classnews.stcatherines.academy @_stcatherines

Lunchtime Awards Foundation Stage

Wonder Of the Week

Key Stage 1

Wonder Of the Week

Y2LA For displaying beautiful manners, well done!

Key Stage 2

Wonder Of the Week

Dean, Year 5 For being great at cricket, well done!

MUGA Year 3

LT Challenge Year 3

P4C Award

Key Stage 1

Fola, Y1RW For the Creative skill

He came up with some really interesting ideas linked to the concept of ownership,

explaining his points, and built on his own points as well as others, well done!

Key Stage 2

Eve, Y6JW For the Critical skill

For her use use of the Critical Judgement skill to consider all viewpoints on an idea

before making a judgement. It really helps the class to think about all sides of the

question, well done!

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Issue 37

2nd July 2018 stcatherines.academy classnews.stcatherines.academy @_stcatherines

Reader of the Week F2ES

F2WA Fithawit For confidently retelling her story to her family, well done!

Y1WM Batseba For achieving her Platinum award this week, fantastic, well done!

Y1RW Yabsra For almost reaching Platinum and for reading whenever she possibly can, well done!

Y2LD Jayden For working hard in silent reading time and completing our class bible, well done!

Y2LA Solyana For impressing Miss Duggleby with her amazing expression. We all love listening to

Solyana read stories, well done!



Y4RH Calista For always bringing in her Reading Record, well done!

Y4IK Patrick For bringing in his Reading Record regularly and having a positive attitude towards

reading through reading presentations, well done!

Y5ES Haseebah For creating a non-fiction book presentation, it was really interesting, well done!


Y6JW Harmala For always having her Reading Record, and always being enthusiastic about reading

in class, well done!

Y6MT Grace For super reading effort and great intonation, well done!

Page 8: SUMMER FAIR - Amazon S3...St Catherine’s Catholic Primary School (Hallam) SCHOOL TRIPS Year 2 Botanical Gardens Year 2 will be visiting the Botanical Gardens in Sheffield to look

Key Stage 1 Maths Challenge – July 2018

Sum Up

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Key Stage 2 Maths Challenge – July 2018

Cola in the Bath!

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