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Summer Insights 2013

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BBRS Insights in the newsletter for Bristol Bay Resource Solutions, LLC, a shared services company that provides administrative and professional services.
Bristol Bay Resource Solutions, LLC INSIGHTS Summer 2013 Bristol Bay Resource Soluons, LLC, officially began operaons April 1, 2013. BBRS is a newly formed shared services company that brings together Accounng, Contracts Administraon, Corporate Communicaons, Informaon Technology and Human Resources. It is a subsidiary of Bristol Bay Nave Corporaon, an Alaska Nave regional corporaon that serves shareholders living in or having ancestral es to the Bristol Bay area. With headquarters in Anchorage, Alaska, BBRS provides services to the BBNC subsidiaries in the construcon and tourism industries, and is set to expand its customer base to outside clients in the future. Terri Bozkaya serves as president and CEO for BBRS. Bozkaya has worked in execuve administrave posions for more than 25 years. She is also an aorney licensed to pracce in the states of Alaska, Tennessee, Virginia and Washington. “I am very excited about the opportunies we have before us,” says Bozkaya. “We have a great team, each of whom has a strong background in administrave services. I’m looking forward to building BBRS into a viable, successful business that can offer top-of-the-line services in a cost-effecve manner.” Bozkaya has built a management team with years of experience in their respecve fields. Many BBRS employees were transferred from Bristol Industries, LLC, which serves as the administrave arm of the Bristol Alliance of Companies. With clients across the country, and personnel in Alaska, Tennessee and Texas, BBRS is posioned to provide the administrave funcons for companies naonwide. Bristol Bay Resource Solutions, LLC • 111 W.16th Ave STE 100 • Anchorage, AK 99501-6206 • Phone : (907) 793-9200 • bbrs-llc.com BBRS is officially up and running Soluons Start Here. In this issue: President’s Leer Department Updates Meet the Team Project Spotlight Consider how much me could be spent doing other things if you were to implement an efficiency in your daily work process that results in 10 minutes saved? It doesn’t sound like much, but look how it adds up in the illustraon (leſt). Not only did the mere 10 minutes a day allow you to get more done, it reduced costs and produced a more efficient way of doing business. 10 minutes / day 10 minutes / day 10 minutes / day 10 minutes / day 10 minutes / day = 50 minutes / week x 52 weeks / year 2600 minutes / year = 60 minutes = 43.33 hours /year What a difference 10 minutes can make. Efficiency Tip: Keyboard Shortcuts Priorize Your Day Keep a Checklist Group Tasks Set Aside Time to Organize Emails
Page 1: Summer Insights 2013

Bristol Bay Resource Solutions, LLC

i n s i g h t ssummer 2013

Bristol Bay Resource Solutions, LLC, officially began operations April 1, 2013.

BBRS is a newly formed shared services company that brings together Accounting, Contracts Administration, Corporate Communications, Information Technology and Human Resources. It is a subsidiary of Bristol Bay Native Corporation, an Alaska Native regional corporation that serves shareholders living in or having ancestral ties to the Bristol Bay area.

With headquarters in Anchorage, Alaska, BBRS provides services to the BBNC subsidiaries in the construction and tourism industries, and is set to expand its customer base to outside clients in the future.

Terri Bozkaya serves as president and CEO for BBRS. Bozkaya has worked in executive administrative positions for more than 25 years. She is also an attorney licensed

to practice in the states of Alaska, Tennessee, Virginia and Washington.

“I am very excited about the opportunities we have before us,” says Bozkaya. “We have a great team, each of whom has a strong background in administrative services. I’m looking forward to building BBRS into a viable, successful business that can offer top-of-the-line services in a cost-effective manner.”

Bozkaya has built a management team with years of experience in their respective fields. Many BBRS employees were transferred from Bristol Industries, LLC, which serves as the administrative arm of the Bristol Alliance of Companies.

With clients across the country, and personnel in Alaska, Tennessee and Texas, BBRS is positioned to provide the administrative functions for companies nationwide.

Bristol Bay Resource Solutions, LLC • 111 W.16th Ave STE 100 • Anchorage, AK 99501-6206 • Phone : (907) 793-9200 • bbrs-llc.com

BBRS is officially up and running

Solutions Start Here.

In this issue:President’s LetterDepartment UpdatesMeet the TeamProject Spotlight

Consider how much time could be spent doing other things if you were to implement an efficiency in your daily work process that results in 10 minutes saved? It doesn’t sound like much, but look how it adds up in the illustration (left).

Not only did the mere 10 minutes a day allow you to get more done, it reduced costs and produced a more efficient way of doing business.

10minutes / day

10minutes / day

10minutes / day

10minutes / day

10minutes / day

= 50minutes / week

x 52weeks / year

2600minutes / year


=43.33 hours /year

What a difference 10 minutes can make.

Efficiency Tip:

Keyboard Shortcuts

Prioritize Your Day

Keep a ChecklistGroup Tasks

Set Aside Time to Organize Emails

Page 2: Summer Insights 2013

Welcome to the first edition of BBRS “Insights.” Our customer newsletter is designed to familiarize you with our new company, keep you abreast of important events, and make you aware of strategic initiatives that will benefit your organization.

You already know that BBRS is a shared services company providing finance and accounting, human resources, contracts administration, communications, IT and legal/regulatory support. You are possibly not aware of how we’re communicating about BBRS around the water cooler:

The 3 phases of BBRS’ early life1) Start-up: Lots of effort went into preparing for

our April 1, 2013, “go-live” date and many of you played a critical role in that process. Thank you for your support. We’re fully operational and have an excellent group of managers and staff on our team. Our culture is one of customer service and courtesy, ethics and efficiency. Our staff are engaged and excited about the opportunities and challenges we face. They meet regularly to brainstorm new ways of doing things and they’re also becoming involved in the community, supporting activities in the Bristol Bay region, Anchorage and beyond ….

President’s Letter Department Updates

AccountingEvery successful business needs the right team to

keep the books. BBRS provides efficient, cost-effective processing of daily accounting records.

The BBRS Accounting team provides accounts payable, accounts receivable, general ledger, payroll, project accounting and tax services. The team also provides support with audits, budgeting, cash management and fixed asset reporting, among other services.

BBRS works with each client to determine specific needs and builds a team to meet those goals. BBRS understands the importance of accurate and timely recordkeeping, which provides a solid reporting foundation for our clients.

Human ResourcesBBRS offers a full range of Human Resources

management services. Our professional HR team works together and with clients to evaluate staffing and process efficiencies in a cost-efficient manner. The department provides routine HR support, benefits administration, employee recruiting and relations, labor relations, and program and policy development, among other services. Human Resources also offers site-based training and development.

The HR team also facilitates the hiring of shareholders of our parent company, BBNC.

ContractsThe BBRS Contracts Administration Department

consolidates the contracting functions of each of our clients into a uniform shared services platform. We help with contract creation and review, and provide solutions and problem solving, as well as regulatory guidance.

By centralizing the contracting function, the Contracts team ensures that same guidance is given across the board when responding to similar issues.

Consistency is aided through the organization of contracting administration and workload necessary to comply with regulations and internal guidance. Contracts also responds to audits, government requests for information and compliance requirements.

CommunicationsThe BBRS Communications group specializes in creating

and executing strategically driven marketing and public relations tactics and campaigns. We have professionals who specialize in marketing, communications, design, writing and editing.

Job title and department: Controller, senior manager of the Accounting Department

In one sentence, describe what you do all day: I manage the finance and accounting functions for 15 subsidiaries of Bristol Bay Native Corporation.

How my job helps BBRS succeed: My job ensures the companies I am responsible for are financially compliant with Generally Accepted Accounting Principles, Internal Revenue Service code and the Federal Acquisition Regulations.

Education: Bachelor’s degree in Accounting from the University of Alaska Anchorage, Master’s Certificate in Government Contracting from the George Washington University School of Business, working on a Master of Business Administration at the University of Alaska Anchorage.

Work experience: Started work for Bristol Environmental and Engineering Services Corporation (now Bristol Engineering Services Corporation) in May 2003 as accounting manager and supervisor of accounting staff. Was promoted to controller.

Meet the Team: Yvonne Huber

continued on back page

continued on back page

This section relays information about what our department teams are doing for clients or how we are working to improve services.

Page 3: Summer Insights 2013

Bristol Bay Resource Solutions, LLC

In this segment of our newsletter, BBRS focuses on a client or a project that BBRS is assisting with through one of its professional administration support service lines.

Bristol Bay Native Corporation (BBNC) is our parent company, but it is also one of BBRS’ primary clients. Almost every department within our centralized services company engages with BBNC on a daily basis. Services provided include Accounting, IT, Human Resources and Communications.

These functions are essential in the day-to-day operations of a successful organization, and our team partners with BBNC staff to ensure that the needs of the corporation and its shareholders are met.

Client Service Profile: CommunicationsThe Communications team has worked with BBNC for

more than three years, well before the team was moved into the newly formed BBRS. The team works with several departments within BBNC: Shareholder and Corporate Relations, Legal and Land. These groups have different needs, goals and budgets.

Communications provides a variety of services to BBNC, such as the production of banners for an Iditarod sponsorship, staff photo shoots and graphic design support. The team also has overseen the management of programs such as the Day in Our Bay Project (http://dayinourbay.org) and the Pebble Watch (www.pebblewatch.com) educational outreach program. The team’s experts also offer writing and editing services, input on web and social media updates, and advice on communications planning.

Want to know more about the Communications team’s capabilities or BBRS’ other professional services? Follow us on LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter or Google+. Keep an eye out for our new website as well – it’s scheduled to launch in July!

Project SpotlightDepartment Updates

We provide diverse services to internal customers, such as our parent company, BBNC, as well as outside clients, primarily in the construction and tourism industries.

Our team partners with clients to identify the most effective methods to promote the client’s messages, whether it’s to employees, a targeted audience or to the broader public.

We design and develop brochures, newsletters and websites. We create logo and branding guidelines and foster marketing strategies. Our team can also help with public and media relations, as well as consulting and development of various social media platforms.

Information TechnologyBBRS Information Technology delivers a broad base of

technical expertise to our employees and clients with the goal of optimizing information and business processes. The categories of service include support for hardware and software, infrastructure, LAN/WAN, mobile device, telephony and network administration.

This section relays information about what our department teams are doing for clients or how we are working to improve services.

As part of our Community Involvement Program, BBRS sponsored a team of Anchorage employees in the Alaska Run for Women, a 5K run to raise money for breast cancer awareness, in June. BBRS employees have selected to support causes to aid in children’s issues, homelessness and cancer awareness.

Page 4: Summer Insights 2013

Bristol Bay Resource Solutions, LLC111 W. 16th Ave., Ste.100Anchorage, AK 99501-6206

Phone : (907) 793-9200FAX : (907) 375-2924bbrs-llc.com

Bristol Bay Resource Solutions, LLC, is a subsidiary of Bristol Bay Native Corporation, and 100 percent Alaska Native-owned.

• Anchorage, AK• Bristol Bay, AK• Fairbanks, AK• Huntsville, AL• Golden, CO

• Coral Springs, FL• Shalimar, FL • Jacksonville, FL• Augusta, ME• Sneads Ferry, NC

• Oak Ridge, TN• San Antonio, TX• Ft. Lewis, WA• Marysville, WA

BBRS serves clients across the country:

2) Stabilization:We’renowinwhatIrefertoasthe“stabilization”phase.Pasttheinitialhurdlesofstart-up,thistimeistheperiodwhenweestablishroutines,worktomakesurethatwe’readdressingcustomerneeds,andcreateefficiencies.Fromacustomer’sperspective,it’sthetimewhenyouget“used”tous,explorethevariousservicesthatweofferand,ultimately,begintofullyutilizeBBRStoyourgreatestadvantage.

3) Marketing:Onceweallestablishamorestable,consistentroutinewithoneanother,BBRSwillbeginmarketingitsservicestoexternalclients(companiesoutsidetheBBNCorganization).Havingmorecustomerstranslatesintoathinnerspreadofoverheadcosts,whichmeansrealsavingsforallinvolved.We’reveryexcitedaboutthepossibilities.

First 60 Days: In-House Training. Long-Term Benefits.Duringourfirst60daysof





Working TogetherPleasecontactBBRSwithyour


President’s Letter continued from page 2

In October 2005, was transferred to Bristol Industries, LLC, as controller. Was transferred to BBRS in January 2013.

Previously worked as accounting manager for Anchorage Community Mental Health Services, Inc., and as accounting specialist III for First National Bank of Anchorage (now First National Bank of Alaska).

Family: Husband Jim who is the best, 18-year-old daughter Randilyn (goes to cosmetology school in Lewiston, Idaho), 28-year-old step-son Gabe (in the Air Force stationed in Baltimore, Md.), 5-year-old grandson Lennon, an 11-year-old Pembroke Welsh Corgi named Stubby and a 9-year-old Blue Chihuahua named LuLu.

Hometown: Port Hueneme, Calif.

How I made my first dollar: I received an allowance of $1 a week from my parents for doing chores. I can still remember vividly when I saved up $20 and lost it in the store when I was 10 years old; lesson learned.

Favorite book: Harry Potter series.

Something most people don’t know about me: I have an identical twin named Yvette who is a microbiologist and my best friend. We built houses in the same neighborhood and were born in Italy, but aren’t Italian.

The best advice I ever received: Mistakes are good, as long as you learn from them (my Dad).

Meet the Team continued from page 2
