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Summer Internship in Pareena Motors

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  • 8/18/2019 Summer Internship in Pareena Motors








  • 8/18/2019 Summer Internship in Pareena Motors



    From the depth of my heart I express my deep sincere gratitude to the  Almighty  for 

    the Blessings He had bestowed upon me to do this work.

    I am immensely pleased to place on record my profound gratitude and heartfelt thanks

    to my Guide, Mr. SURESH KUMAR for his guidance during my entire project.

    I am indeed ery thankful to all my teachers of !entre for Business "dministration for 

    making me able to do this work. It is their constant hard work and guidance which

    made me knowledgeable enough to do this work .

     #I$%&H '()"* 

  • 8/18/2019 Summer Internship in Pareena Motors


    Chapter 1. INTRODUCTION

    1.1 Overview of Indian Automobile Industry

    +he automotie industry in India grew at a computed annual growth rate !"G*- of ./ percent oer the past fie years, the %conomic &urey 0112314 tabled in parliament on 0nd5uly614 said.

    +he industry has a strong multiplier effect on the economy due to its deep forward and backward linkages with seeral key segments of the economy, a finance ministry statementsaid.

    +he automobile industry, which was plagued by the economic downturn amidst a creditcrisis, managed a growth of 1.7 percent in 0112314 with passenger car sales registering .8

     percent growth while the commercial ehicles segment slumped 0.7 percent.

    Indian automobile industry has come a long way to from the era of the "mbassador car to)aruti 211 to latest +"+" nano. +he industry is highly competitie with a number of globaland Indian companies present today. It is projected to be the third largest auto industry by0181 and just behind to (& 9 !hina, according to a report. +he industry is estimated to be a(&: 8; billion industry.

    Indian "utomobile industry can be diided into three segments i.e. two wheeler, threewheeler 9 four wheeler segment. +he domestic two3wheeler market is dominated by Indianas well as foreign players such as Hero Honda, Bajaj "uto, Honda )otors, +

  • 8/18/2019 Summer Internship in Pareena Motors


    +he key players like Hindustan )otors, )aruti(dyog, Fiat India riate $td, +ata )otors,

    Bajaj )otors, Hero )otors, "shok $eyland, )ahindra9 )ahindra hae been dominating the

    ehicle the customers6 needs to a large extent.

     #ot only the Indian companies but also the international car manufacturing companies are

    focusing on compact cars to be deliered in the Indian market at a much smaller price.

    )oreoer, the automobile companies are coming up with financial schemes such as easy %)I

    repayment systems to boost sales.

    +here hae been exhibitions like "uto3expo at ragati)aidan, #ew Aelhi to share the

    technological adancements. Besides, there are many new projects coming up in the

    automobile industry leading to the growth of the sector.

    +he Goernment of India has liberali=ed the foreign exchange and eDuity regulations and has

    also reduced the tariff on imports, contributing significantly to the growth of the sector.

    Haing firmly established its presence in the domestic markets, the Indian automobile sector

    is now penetrating the international arena.

  • 8/18/2019 Summer Internship in Pareena Motors


    &. H"undai Motors India Limited

    '. To"ota (ir#oskar Motor )ri*ate Limited

    1+. Honda Sie# ,ars India Limited

  • 8/18/2019 Summer Internship in Pareena Motors


    1.$ %RO!I&' O! T(' OR)ANI*ATION


    +ata )otors $imited is IndiaEs largest automobile company, with consolidated reenues of *s.71, 482.2/ crores (&A ; billion- in 0112314. It is the leader in commercial ehicles ineach segment, and among the top three in passenger ehicles with winning products in thecompact, midsi=e car and utility ehicle segments. +he company is the worldEs fourthlargest truck manufacturer, and the worldEs second largest bus manufacturer.

    +he companyEs 0;,111 employees are guided by the ision to be best in the manner inwhich we operate best in the products we delier and best in our alue system and ethics.

    %stablished in 4;/, +ata )otorsE presence indeed cuts across the length and breadth of India. er ; million +ata ehicles ply on Indian roads, since the first rolled out in 4/;.+he companyEs manufacturing base in India is spread across 5amshedpur 5harkhand-, une)aharashtra-, $ucknow (ttar radesh-, antnagar (ttarakhand- and Aharwad'arnataka-. Following a strategic alliance with Fiat in 011/, it has set up an industrial jointenture with Fiat Group "utomobiles at *anjangaon )aharashtra- to produce both Fiat and+ata cars and Fiat powertrains. +he company is establishing a new plant at &anandGujarat-. +he companyEs dealership, sales, serices and spare parts network comprises oer 8/11 touch points +ata )otors also distributes and markets Fiat branded cars in India.

    +ata )otors, the first company from IndiaEs engineering sector to be listed in the #ew >ork &tock %xchange &eptember 011;-, has also emerged as an international automobilecompany. +hrough subsidiaries and associate companies, +ata )otors has operations in the(', &outh 'orea, +hailand and &pain. "mong them is 5aguar $and *oer, a businesscomprising the two iconic British brands that was acDuired in 0112. In 011;, it acDuired theAaewoo !ommercial

  • 8/18/2019 Summer Internship in Pareena Motors


    +he foundation of the companyEs growth oer the last /1 years is a deep understanding of economic stimuli and customer needs, and the ability to translate them into customer3desired offerings through leading edge *9A. Kith oer 8,111 engineers and scientists, thecompanyEs %ngineering *esearch !entre, established in 4CC, has enabled pioneeringtechnologies and products. +he company today has *9A centers in une, 5amshedpur,

    $ucknow, Aharwad in India, and in &outh 'orea, &pain, and the ('. It was +ata )otors,which deeloped the first indigenously deeloped $ight !ommercial

  • 8/18/2019 Summer Internship in Pareena Motors


    education institutes to actual facilitation of income generation. In health, our interention isin both preentie and curatie health care. +he goal of enironment protection is achieedthrough tree plantation, consering water and creating new water bodies and, last but notthe least, by introducing appropriate technologies in our ehicles and operations for constantly enhancing enironment care.

    Kith the foundation of its rich heritage, +ata )otors today is etching a refulgent future.

    (I,TOR- O! TATA +OTOR,

    +he !ompany was in"orporated on 1st ,eptember 1/0 at )umbai to manufacture dieselehicles for commercial use, excaators, industrial shunter, dumpers, heay forgings andmachine tools. +he commercial diesel ehicles which were known M+ata )ercedes Ben=E+)B- is now called M+ataE ehicles after the expiry of the collaboration agreement with

    Aaimler3Ben= "G, Kest Germany.In 4C1 the companyEs name, which was +ata $ocomotie 9 %ngineering !ompany $td. waschanged to Tata 'nineerin 2 &o"omotive Company &td. In the year 427 the companyundertook to set up a new forge shop, a high output foundry line, a new paint shop as well asaugmentation of engine and gearbox manufacturing facilities, all at 5amshedpur 

    In 44 during the year the company entered into a collaboratie agreement with aninternationally renowned engine research and deelopment organi=ation to jointly deelophigher horsepower, fuel efficient diesel and petrol engines to meet the future reDuirements of the company. +he last Duarter saw the company launching two new passenger ehicles, the&I%**" and the %&+"+% totally designed and manufactured in India. +he company acDuireda BIF* company, )Js #oduron Founders )aharashtra $td. +he total cost for +elco workedout to *s.2 crores as against setting up of similar critical castings foundry. Auring the year company launched new earth moing eDuipment +K'3818C +ata Front %nd Kheel $oader.+wo new models in the % series of hydraulic excaators were launched. " 1 tonne pick and carry articulated crane, designed and deeloped in3house was also introduced. Auring theyear company entered into an agreement with #achi3Fujikoshi !orporation, 5apan tomanufacture arc and spot welding robots suitable for automobile manufacturing applications.Auring the year, company undertook to set up a joint enture with "sian Glass !o. $td.,5apan to manufacture float glass to be used as wind shields for automobiles. "!! along with+ata %xports $td. participated in the joint enture. +he joint enture named as Floathlass

    India $td., the !ompany would hae a stake of C.88@. +ata !ummins $td., )ercedes3Ben=India- $td., +ata Holset $td., +ata recision Industries, &ingapore and #ita !ompany $td.,are the joint

  • 8/18/2019 Summer Internship in Pareena Motors


    Auring the year 44/ a new double pick3up and "rmy

  • 8/18/2019 Summer Internship in Pareena Motors


    0111 saw the !ompany working towards introducing two new petrol3drien ariants of itssmall car Indi"a, powered by a multi3point fuel injection engine. +he !ompany launched theIndi"a0111, the %uro II !omplaint, 7/ BH multi3point fuel injection )FI- ersion of Indi"a. +he !ompany has won the #ational +echnology "ward for indigenous deelopmentand commerciali=ation of the Tata Indi"acar. +he !ompany has launched its new hi3tech

    Indi"a $333 car with )FI petro engine in Guwahati.

    +ata %ngineering 9 $ocomotie !o. is renamed as +ata %ngineering $td. It replaced its three3shift production line with a one3shift daily schedule starting from 0Cth 5une. In the same year FI!!I3&%AF3 Business world3!ompaD award for social responsieness was awarded to thecompany. +he !entral ollution !ontrol Board for %nironmental +echnology award has

     been presented to +ata %ngineering in recognition of its contribution towards efforts toconsere the enironment. +"+" %ngineering on &eptember 1 announced the addition of )FI petrol ersion to the Indi"a 4$ range.

    In year 0110 Foreign Institutional Inestors FII- hike stake in the company to 8.8;@

    launches six new products in light, medium and heay ehicles segments on 5an / during"uto %xpo. "nnounces financial restructuring. Aisplays its +ata &edan car at the Genea)otor &how. Indica adjudged top selling B3segment car in 0110.$aunches two newmotorsport cars +he Nero and Aouble Nero ace cars-. High !ourt "pproes +ata%ngineeringEs Financial *estructuring. +ata %ngg, B!$ tie up to market co3brandedlubricants.+ata &teelEs inestment in +ata %ngineering has been hiked to *s 7.42 crore oer the last year. +elco names &edan as Tata Indio.(neils E%E series of medium and heaycommercial ehicles. Indi"asales cross two3lakh mark .!ollaborates with #ippon3"rcelor for technical knowhow on !* steel. *eceies +eriEs +he %nergy and *esources Institute- !o*%3B!&A !orporate roundtable on deelopment of strategies for sustainable deelopment andenironment3business council for sustainable deelopment- corporate social responsibility!&*- awards for E1310. (nleashes &afariEs petrol ersion priced at *s 4.8/ lakh.

    +he year 01183 +ata (neils CityRover.+ata )otors $td signed a binding )emorandum of (nderstanding )o(- with Deawoo!ommercial

  • 8/18/2019 Summer Internship in Pareena Motors


    +ata )otors, the countryEs largest commercial ehicles manufacturer uneiled the new $+414% +urbo +ruck in +amil #adu. +ata )otors and +ata "frica uneiled a range of 

     passenger cars, utility ehicles, pick3ups, trucks and buses for the &outh "frican market. +ata)otors has launched a face lifted ersion of its multiutility ehicle, Tata ,umo. +ata motorsrolls out +ata &F! ;17% B& II turbo light commercial ehicle.

    +ata )otors uneils Tata ,afari DICOR in 'erala market on "ugust , 011/. +ata )otorsrolls out 0 luxury ariants of Indio. +ata )otors uneiled new Indi"a 4$ Turbo with a

     price tag of *s ;.1 lakh for D&) ariant and *s ;.8 lakh for D&5. +ata )otors ropes in!

  • 8/18/2019 Summer Internship in Pareena Motors


    (ar!o# Pro"#'$ o) TATA Mo$or

    -1 Paen*er 'ar an" #$!l!$y +e,!'le


    Tata Indigo SW • Tata Sierra

    • Tata /state

    • Tata Sumo0 Spaio

    • Tata Saari

    • Tata India

     Tata Indio• Tata Indio Marina

    • Tata iner

    • Tata ano

    • Tata 6enon 6T

    • Tata 6o*er 72++'8

  • 8/18/2019 Summer Internship in Pareena Motors


    -./ Con'ep$ +e,!'le


    Tata Clifrider 

    • 2+++ Aria 9oadster

    • 2++1 Aria ,oupe

    • 2++2 Tata India

    • 2++2 Tata Indi*a

    • 2++4 Tata Indio Ad*ent

    • 2++5 Tata 6o*er

    • 2++! Tata ,#i:rider

    • 2++$ Tata /#eante

    • 2++' Tata )rima

  • 8/18/2019 Summer Internship in Pareena Motors


    -0/ Co%%er'!al +e,!'le


    Tata 1616 Starbus Tata Marcopolo Buses in the Delhi BRT  

     Tata Star Bus in apur; Maarastra. Tata Lo< =#oor Buses are a#so used

    >" administrations in ?e#i; Mum>ai; )une; @daipur and Indore

    • Tata Ae

    • Tata TL0 Te#o#ine 02+$ ?I )ikup Truk

    • Tata 4+$ / and /2

    • Tata $+' /

    • Tata &+' / and /2

    • Tata '+' / and /2

    • Tata 11+' 7Intermediate truk8

    • Tata 151+01512 7Medium >us8

    • Tata 1!1+01!1! 7Hea*" >us8

    • Tata 1!1301!15 7Medium truk8

    • Tata 25150251! 7Medium truk8

    • Tata Star>us 7Medium Bus8

    • Tata G#o>us 7Lo< =#oor Bus8

  • 8/18/2019 Summer Internship in Pareena Motors


    • Tata Maropo#o Bus 7Lo< =#oor Bus8

    • Tata 3+15 7Hea*" truk8

    • Tata 311& 7Hea*" truk8 7&628

    • Tata 351! 7Hea*" truk8

    • Tata 4'23 7@#traHea*" truk8 7!648

    • Tata o*us 7Hea*" truk desined >" Tata ?ae

  • 8/18/2019 Summer Internship in Pareena Motors


    1.6 )rowth of the orani7ation

    +he +ata )otors Group global sales, comprising of +ata, +ata Aaewoo and Hispano!arrocera range of commercial ehicles, +ata passenger ehicles along with distributed

     brands in India, and 5aguar and $and *oer, were 1,70 nos. in )arch 011, a growth of 84@ oer )arch 0114. !umulatie sales for the fiscal "pril 0114 L )arch 011- are270,4/ higher by 4@ compared to the corresponding period in 0112314.

    &ales of all commercial ehicles were ;7,48C nos. in )arch 011, a growth of /8@.!umulatie sales for the fiscal are ;8,1/7 nos., a growth of 87@. &ales of all passengerehicles were /8,77C nos. in )arch 011, a growth of 02@. !umulatie sales for the fiscalare ;/4,24; nos., a growth of C@. +ata passenger ehicle sales, including those distributed,were 81,082 nos. for the month, a growth of 2@. !umulatie sales for the fiscal are0C/,40 nos., a growth of 0;@.

    5aguar $and *oer global sales in )arch 011 were 08,/82 ehicles, higher by ;[email protected] sales for the month were ;,C;0, higher by 2@, while $and *oer sales were 2,24C,higher by //@. !umulatie sales of 5aguar $and *oer for the fiscal are 48,420 nos.,lower by @. !umulatie sales of 5aguar are ;7,;2 nos., lower by 0;@, whilecumulatie sales of $and *oer are ;C,/C; nos., lower by C@.

  • 8/18/2019 Summer Internship in Pareena Motors


    Chapter $# Ob8e"tive 2 +ethodoloy

    $.1. O9:'CTI4',


    +o understand the market potentiality for +"+" cars.

    +o determine the acceptable price of the product.


    +o determine the reDuirements and needs of the potential customers.

    +o know what people perceie and thinking about +ata cars and its products.


    +o analy=e the brand repositioning strategies of +ata cars.


    +o study consumer awareness and perception about the brand repositioning strategies

    of +ata cars.

    +o find out the satisfaction leel of people.

    +o find out the awareness leel of customer. $.6 &I+ITATION,

    • +he study is confined to Gaya area only.

    • +here is possibility of sampling errors in the study.

    • +he responses of the consumers may not be genuine.

    • +he Duestions included in the Duestionnaire may not be comprehensie.

    • !ontinuous and reliable information was not aailable.

    • &ome of the information was confidential so much information was not reealed.

    • +he time span of the surey was short and hence only major aspects were considered.

    • "ailability of the respondents amidst their busy schedule did not permit detailed


    • +his study will be limited to only some areas of Gaya.

    • $ack of professional approach since researcher is a student.

    • +he sample si=e is only 11 so the sample may not be truly representatie of the Gaya population.

  • 8/18/2019 Summer Internship in Pareena Motors


    $./ ,CO%' O! T(' ,TUD-

    +hese are some of the scope of the studyO

    . From the research analysis we can find that, what6s a person first look in a dream car.

    0. +he study can be used to know the perception of consumer about +ata )otors.

    8. +he present study can be extended to access the present marketing condition of Indian

    automobile sector.

    ;. +he study can be used to design a proper product, price, place and promotional

    strategy for the market.

    /. From the present study we can know the market share of different products and

    accordingly formulated strategy to enhance it.

    +his study can be applied to find out an effectie distribution channel to enhance the sale of

    arious products of +ata motors

    $.0 R','ARC( +'T(ODO&O)-

    +he purpose of methodology is to describe the process inoled in research work. +hisincludes the oerall research design, data collection method, the field surey and the analysisof data.


    *I)"*>OFor my surey primary data hae been used as a Duestionnaire to collect the data.

    &%!#A"*>O+he secondary data has been collected from the following modesO

    • )aga=ines

    • Books

    •  #ewspaper 


    &")$I#G &IN%O+otal sample si=e is /1. For consumer perception about +"+" )+*&- and

  • 8/18/2019 Summer Internship in Pareena Motors


    +otal sample si=e is /1. For consumer perception about exclusie showroom areena motorsltd-

    !I'&D ;OR#

    I hae collected the data through medium called Duestionnaire collecting the responses from11 /1 for showroom- people in all. I had done my field work in the following area.

    !I" !$$%G%.

    I started my project ery first educating the respondents about my entire project, and ask them to coLoperate with me. )ostly all the respondent were aware of this type of sureys. &oI didn6t face any type of difficulty during my project in the process of explaining and taking

    their responses on the Duestionnaire.

  • 8/18/2019 Summer Internship in Pareena Motors


    C(A%T'R / DATA ANA&-,I,

    %er"eption about Tata

    P. nowledeable salesperson =about produ"t>




    &trongly disagree Aisagree #either agree nor disagree "gree

    &trongly agree

    !i /.1


      77@ of the *espondents were strongly agree with knowledgeable salesperson

    2@ of the *espondents were agreeing at the same time.  /@ of the respondent were disagree with this Duestionnaire

    ?.$ 'mployees spent enouh time with you before sales and durin sales

    ?isareeE 5D

    eiter aree nor disareeE 5D

    AreeE 3!DStron#" aree E 55D

    C,ar$ T!$le


  • 8/18/2019 Summer Internship in Pareena Motors



    //@ of the respondent were strongly agree and says that employ spend enough time

     before sales.


    8C@ of respondent were agree with this Duestionnaire. 

    /@ of respondent were neither agree nor disagree.

      ;@ of respondent were disagree they said that employ not spend enough time during

    sales or before sales.

    ?.6 Availability of the produ"t in showroom =%areena motors>




    &trongly disagree Aisagree #either agree nor disagree "gree &trongly agree

    !i /.6


      /1@ of the respondent were strongly agree and says that products are aailable in

    showroom areena motors ltd.-.  8C@ of respondent were agree with aailability of product in showroom areena

    motors ltd.-.

  • 8/18/2019 Summer Internship in Pareena Motors


    ?./ Attra"tive dis"ounts offered

    eiter aree nor disareeE 5D

    AreeE 41DStron#" aree E 55D

    C,ar$ T!$le

    !i /./



    //@ of the respondents were strongly agreed with attractie discount offered.

    ;@ of respondent were agree with discount offered.

      ;@ of respondent were neither agree nor disagree.

    ?.0 offered a test drive

    ?isareeE 'D

    eiter aree nor disareeE 1&D

    AreeE 32D

    Stron#" aree E 41D

    C,ar$ T!$le

      !i /.0

  • 8/18/2019 Summer Internship in Pareena Motors



      ;@ of the respondents were strongly agreed with test drie offered.

    80@ of respondent were agree with test drie offered.


    2@ of respondent were neither agree nor disagree.

      4@of respondent said that they do not offer test drie.

    ?.@ responds to "omplaints ui"Bly

    ?isareeE 1&D

    eiter aree nor disareeE 3!D

    AreeE 41D

    Stron#" aree E 5D

    C,ar$ T!$le

      !i /.@


      nly /@ of the respondents were strongly agreed with Duickly respond to complaints.

      ;@ of respondents were agreeing with Duickly respond to complaints.


    8C@ of respondents were neither agree nor disagree with Duickly respond to

    complaints.  2@ of respondents were strongly disagreeing.

      ;@ of respondent were neither agree nor disagree

  • 8/18/2019 Summer Internship in Pareena Motors


    ?. All the "ommitments are fulfilled

    Stron#" disareeE 5D

    ?isareeE 1&D

    eiter aree nor disareeE 45D

    AreeE 23D

    Stron#" aree E 'D

      !i /./


      nly 4@ of the respondents were strongly agree with fulfilled of commitments.

    08@ of respondent were agree with fulfilled of commitment.


    ;/@ of respondent were neither agree nor disagree.

    2@of respondent were disagree.

    /@ of respondent were strongly disagree

    ?. 'mployees spent enouh time with you after sales. =,ervi"e>

  • 8/18/2019 Summer Internship in Pareena Motors


    ?isareeE 5D

    eiter aree nor disareeE 2$D

    AreeE 3!D

    Stron#" aree E 32D

    !i /./


      80@ of the respondent were strongly agree with good serice proided by pareena

    motors.8C@ of respondent were agree with good serice proided by pareena motors. .

      07@ of respondent were neither agree nor disagree.

      /@of respondent are disagree with serice proided by pareena motors. 

    Consumer per"eption about Tata

  • 8/18/2019 Summer Internship in Pareena Motors


    eiter aree nor disareeE 35D

    AreeE 32D

    Stron#" aree E 34D

    C,ar$ T!$le

    2. )#el %!lea*e o) $,e Ta$a 'ar ! *oo"2

    eiter aree nor disareeE 2&D

    AreeE 41D

    Stron#" aree E 31D

    C,ar$ T!$le

  • 8/18/2019 Summer Internship in Pareena Motors


    02 Ta$a 'ar ! eay $o %a!n$a!n an" ea$ are +ery 'o%)or$a&le2


    ?isareeE 1D

    eiter aree nor disareeE 2'D

    AreeE 35D

    Stron#" aree E 34D

    C,ar$ T!$le

    12 Dr!+!n* $,e TATA 'ar 'o%pl!%en$ %y l!)e $yle an" *!+e %e

    'o%)or$a&le r!"e2

    eiter aree nor disareeE 3$D

    AreeE 34D

    Stron#" aree E 2'D

    C,ar$ T!$le


    32 An !n$er!or a''eory an" e4$er!or o) TATA 'ar ! a$$ra'$!+e2

  • 8/18/2019 Summer Internship in Pareena Motors


    eiter aree nor disareeE 32D

    AreeE 3$D

    Stron#" aree E 31D

    C,ar$ T!$le

    52 Ta$a ,a 6!"e ran*e o) %o"el2

    eiter aree nor disareeE 24D

    AreeE 42D

    Stron#" aree E 34D

    C,ar$ T!$le

    72 Ta$a 'ar lon* la$2

  • 8/18/2019 Summer Internship in Pareena Motors


    ?isareeE 3'D

    eiter aree nor disareeE 25D

    AreeE 33D

    Stron#" aree E 3D

    C,ar$ T!$le


    82 Ta$a9 par$ are a+a!la&le e+ery6,ere an" a$ +ery

    reaona&le pr!'e2

    Stron#" disareeE 1D

    ?isareeE 2!D

    eiter aree nor disareeE 3!D

    AreeE 35D

    Stron#" aree E 2D

    C,ar$ T!$le

  • 8/18/2019 Summer Internship in Pareena Motors


      C(A%T'R 0 E !INDIN), AND R'CO++'NDATION,

    FINDINGS • +ata )otors is number three in passenger car market after maruti3su=uki 9 hyundai.

    • areena motors $+A hae well knowledgeable sales persona and the spend enough

    time with customer.

    "ll model and colors of +ata6s car is aailable in showroom.• areena motors ltd always offer test drie to eery customer and discount offer.

    • 9ut pareena motors &TD are not providin better servi"e after sales .

    • "ccording to sample tata motors are proiding better safety than other car6s


    • )ajority of sample think that price of +ata6s car parts are not aailable eerywhere,

    and it is costly than other car parts

    • Fuel mileage of +ata car is good, but not better.

    • ut of the samples, people are highly coninced that +"+" )+*& will yield them

     better results

    • !ustomers were educated by me, about fuel efficient cars by +ata )otors.

    • Improing the marketing &trategies

    • )aking the decision to capture the rural market. by introducing tata nano is giing

     better result.

    • )ore test dries should be offered.

  • 8/18/2019 Summer Internship in Pareena Motors


    • "dertisement in mass media such as teleision, newspapers, and maga=ines are best

    means to spread awareness about brand repositioning. "nd it is a better medium toattract the customer.


      +hough I am young enough and not that experienced but I hae tried my best tocome out with suggestion which may be helpful for areena motors t. $td.

    • &erice after sale- is not good, most of the customer are saying, so company should

    improe the serice facility. "nd company should fulfill the commitments

    • areena motors should takes less time as much as possible to fulfill the commitments.

    to make a good picture in consumer Qs mind.

    • rice of part6s should be reasonable. "nd aailable eery where.

    • +o increase its isibility so that different segments of the customer will notice the

     products of +ata motors in aried ways.
