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Summer Internship Report on WBSEDCL Substation

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  • 8/16/2019 Summer Internship Report on WBSEDCL Substation



    Under the Guidance of 

    Mr. K. Singh

    .E. ! i"i#iona$ Manager

    U$u%eria i"i#ion


    Mr. A. Chatter(ee


    Mr. R. Aha))ed

    A##i#tant Engineer 

    Su%)itted %*

    Arna% 'hui*a


    +rd *ear

    E$ectrica$ Engineering

    Co$$ege of Engineering ! Manage)ent, Ko$aghat

  • 8/16/2019 Summer Internship Report on WBSEDCL Substation


    Table of Contents

    Preface of the Project Report...................................................................................... 4

    ACKNOWLEDGEMENT................................................................................................. 5

    Rough decr!pt!o" o" #$u%er!a D!&!!o"......................................................................'

    (u%)tat!o" Na*e a"d Load Capac!t+......................................................................,

    (u%)tat!o"................................................................................................................. -

    De"!t!o" of (u%)tat!o"/.......................................................................................-

    (!te e$ect!o" for 00122K3 u%)tat!o".....................................................................-

    Eu!p*e"t !" a 00122K3 u%tat!o"/...................................................................26

    7u %ar/.............................................................................................................. 26


    C!rcu!t %rea9er/................................................................................................... 22

     Tra"for*er/....................................................................................................... 20

    Protect!&e Re$a+/.................................................................................................2,

    8"u$ator/............................................................................................................ :6

    Co"ductor pec!cat!o"/.....................................................................................:2

    Ca%$e/................................................................................................................. :2

    L!ghte"!"g arretor/............................................................................................::

    (u%tat!o" Earth!"g (+te*/................................................................................. ::

    Earth *at/..........................................................................................................::

    O"erhead ground -ire#............................................................................................:0

    7u Coup$er/.......................................................................................................... :0

    D.C. %atter+ ource/.............................................................................................. :0

    Co"tro$ a"d Re$a+ Pa"e$/....................................................................................... :4

     Tra"for*er protect!o"/............................................................................................:5

    7uchho$; re$a+/......................................................................................................:5PR3/....................................................................................................................... :5

    MOG/..................................................................................................................... :5



  • 8/16/2019 Summer Internship Report on WBSEDCL Substation


    Ma!"te"a"ce of u%)tat!o" eu!p*e"t/.................................................................:=

    Pred!ct!&e *a!"te"a"ce/........................................................................................:=

    Co"d!t!o" %aed *o"!tor!"g/.............................................................................. :,

    Precaut!o"ar+ *a!"te"a"ce/..................................................................................:-

    Co"c$u!o"/............................................................................................................... 06

    7!%$!ograph+/............................................................................................................ 02

  • 8/16/2019 Summer Internship Report on WBSEDCL Substation


    Preface of the Project Report

    I ha"e e/0erienced 1Vocationa$ Training2 in &'SECL U$u%eria i"i#ion fro) 34th 5une 6738

    to +7th 5une 6738.

    I a) "er* than9fu$ to a$$ the officer# for their 0reciou# ti)e for )e. &e ha"e e$ectrica$ 0o-er

    #*#te) $a%, )achine $a% in our co$$ege -here -e ha"e %een trained in educationa$ en"iron)ent.

    :o-e"er, %* thi# "ocationa$ training I ha"e $earnt )an* thing# in rea$ $ife en"iron)ent, -hich

    -i$$ %e he$0fu$ for )* future. '* the 0ractica$ 9no-$edge, a00$ication and higher rated )achine

    ;tran#for)er ;37 MVA, 4.+ MVA, 377 KVA

  • 8/16/2019 Summer Internship Report on WBSEDCL Substation


    ACKNOWLEDGEMENTI -ou$d $i9e to e/0re## )* #incere gratitude to a$$ the 0eo0$e -ho had %een a##ociated -ith )e in

    #o)e -a* or the other and he$0ed )e a"ai$ thi# o00ortunit* for )* Vocationa$ Training on the


    I a) e#0ecia$$* than9fu$ to Mr. K. Singh .M. of U$u%eria i"i#ion for 0ro"iding )e e/ce$$ent

    guidance and )oti"ation.

    I -ou$d $i9e to than9 Mr. Ari(it Chatter(ee ! Ra>ui% Aha)ed, A##i#tant Engineer U$u%eria

    i"i#ion for their #u00ort and guidance throughout the "ocationa$ training.

    I a) a$#o than9fu$ to the other officer# for #haring their "a$ua%$e e/0erience# at the *ard -ith the

     0ractica$ 0heno)enon.

  • 8/16/2019 Summer Internship Report on WBSEDCL Substation


    Rough description on !u"eria Di#ision

    U$u%eria i"i#ion i# a di"i#ion of the :o-rah i#trict in &e#t 'enga$. It con#i#t# of U$u%eria

    Munici0a$it* and #e"en CCC %$oc9#.

    3. 'uri9ha$i CCC

    6. 'i#h%0ur CCC+. 'agnan?I CCC

    @. 'agnan?II CCC

    8. A(odh*a CCC4. Panch$a CCC

    . Garchu)u9 CCC

    The #e"en %$oc9# contain B7 Gra)?Pancha*t# and #i/ cen#u# to-n#. The di"i#ion ha# it#

    head>uarter# at U$u%eria.

    U$u%eria i"i#ion ha# e$e"en ++33 KV #u%#tation#

    3. 'anita%$a Su%?#tation

    6. 'agnan Su%?#tation

    +. U$u%eria Indu#tria$ Gro-th Centre Su%?#tation@. U$%eria Grid Su%?#tation

    8. Dood Par9 Su%?#tation

    4. Po$* 0ar9 Su%?#tation. Doundr* Par9 Su%?#tation

  • 8/16/2019 Summer Internship Report on WBSEDCL Substation


    . Mug?9a$*an0ur Su%?#tation

    B. Sh*a)0ur Su%?#tation

    37. 'aganda Su%?#tation33. Ranihati Su%?#tation

    36. Ka$*an0ur Su%?#tation

  • 8/16/2019 Summer Internship Report on WBSEDCL Substation


    $u"%station Na&e and Load Capacit'


    Sub-station Name Installed Capacity


    'anita%$a Su%?#tation +F4.+

    Ranihati Su%?#tation +F4.+

    Dood 0ar9 Su%?#tation +F37

    Po$* 0ar9 Su%?#tation +F37

    Doundr* 0ar9 Su%?#tation 3F37, 3F4.+

    U$%eria Indu#tria$ Gro-th centre Su%?#tation 3F37, 6F4.+

    U$u%eria Grid Su%?#tation +F4.+

    'agnan Su%?#tation +F4.+

    Ka$*an0ur Su%?#tation 6F4.+

    'aganda Su%?#tation 6F4.+

    Mug9a$*an Su%?#tation 6F4.+

    Sh*a)0ur Su%?#tation 6F4.+

  • 8/16/2019 Summer Internship Report on WBSEDCL Substation


    De(nition of $u"%stations)

    The a##e)%$* of a00aratu# u#ed to change #o)e characteri#tic# ;e.g. "o$tage #te0 u0 to #te0 do-n

    or "ice "er#a< of e$ectric #u00$* #*#te) i# 9no-n a# #u%?#tation.

    The e$ectric 0o-er i# 0roduced at generating #tation#. It i# de$i"ered to the con#u)er end#

    through a $arge net-or9 of tran#)i##ion and di#tri%ution. At )an* 0$ace in the $ine of #u00$*

    #*#te), it )a* %e de#ira%$e to and nece##ar* to change #o)e characteri#tic# ;e.g. "o$tage #te0 u0

    to #te0 do-n or "ice "er#a< of e$ectric #u00$* #*#te). Thi# i# acco)0$i#hed %* #uita%$e a00aratu#

    ca$$ed #u%?#tation.

    Dor e/a)0$e, generation "o$tage 33 KV at the generation #tation i# #te00ed high to 3+6KV or

    667KV for tran#)i##ion and #te00ed do-n to ++ KV and further #te00ed do-n to 33KV for


    $ite se!ection for **+,,K- su"%station

    Main 0oint# to %e con#idered -hi$e #e$ecting the #ite for Su%?Station are a# fo$$o-#

    i< The #ite cho#en #hou$d %e a# near to the $oad center a# 0o##i%$e.ii< It #hou$d %e ea#i$* a00roacha%$e %* road or rai$ for tran#0ortation of e>ui0)ent#.

    iii< Land #hou$d %e fair$* $e"e$ed to )ini)i=e de"e$o0)ent co#t.

    i"< The #ource of -ater #hou$d %e a# near to the #ite a# 0o##i%$e. Thi# i# %ecau#e -ater i#

    re>uired for "ariou# con#truction acti"itie# H; E#0ecia$$* ci"i$ -or9#,

  • 8/16/2019 Summer Internship Report on WBSEDCL Substation


    E.uip&ent/s in a **+,,K- su"station)

    0us "ar)

    &hen no of feeder# are o0erating at the #a)e "o$tage ha"e to %e direct$* connected e$ectrica$$*,

     %u# %ar i# u#ed a# the co))on e$ectrica$ e>ui0)ent. 'u# %ar# are )ade of 0anther ca%$e to

    o0erate at con#tant "o$tage. In #u%?#tation it i# i)0ortant to %rea9 do-n and )aintenance #hou$d %e interfere a# $itt$e a# 0o##i%$e -ith continuit* of #u00$*, to achie"e thi# high %u# and $o- %u#

    #*#te) are u#ed.


    I#o$ator i# a )echanica$ #-itch -hich i#o$ate# a 0art of circuit fro) re#t of the #*#te). Circuit

     %rea9er a$-a*# tri0# the circuit %ut o0en contact# of %rea9er cannot %e "i#i%$e 0h*#ica$$* fro)

    out#ide of the %rea9er. So for %etter #afet* there )u#t %e #o)e arrange)ent #o that one can #ee

    the o0en condition of the #ection of the circuit %efore touching it. There are different t*0e# of

    i#o$ator# a"ai$a%$e de0ending u0on #*#te) re>uire)ent #uch a#

    3. T.P.G.O.6. C.R.T.

  • 8/16/2019 Summer Internship Report on WBSEDCL Substation


    Circuit "rea2er)

    E$ectrica$ circuit %rea9er i# a #-itching de"ice -hich can %e o0erated )anua$$* a# -e$$ a#

    auto)atica$$* for contro$$ing and 0rotection of e$ectrica$ 0o-er #*#te) re#0ecti"e$*. Genera$$*

    Vacuu) circuit %rea9er# are u#ed in ++33KV #u%?#tation.

    Vacuum circuit breaker:A "acuu) circuit %rea9er i# #uch 9ind of circuit %rea9er -here the arc >uenching ta9e# 0$ace in

    "acuu). The o0eration of o0ening and c$o#ing of current carr*ing contact# and a##ociated arc

    interru0tion ta9e 0$ace in a "acuu) cha)%er in the %rea9er -hich i# ca$$ed "acuu) interru0ter.

    The "acuu) interru0ter con#i#t# of a #tee$ arc cha)%er in the center #*))etrica$$* arranged

    cera)ic in#u$ator#. The "acuu) 0re##ure in#ide a "acuu) interru0ter i# nor)a$$* )aintained at

    37 ? 4 %ar.


    Advantages of Vacuum Circuit Breakers

    3. Vacuu) circuit %rea9er# doe# not re>uire fi$$ing of an* ga# or oi$. The* do not need

    au/i$iar* air #*#te), oi$ hand$ing and free fro) 0eriodic )aintenance

    6. Ra0id reco"er* of "er* high die$ectric #trength on current interru0tion #o that on$* ha$f

    c*c$e or $e## arcing occur# after 0ro0er contact #e0eration

    +. No e)i##ion of ga#e#, hence 0o$$ution free

    @. Current interru0tion occur# at fir#t current =ero after contact #e0aration -ith no re?

    #tri9ing, )a9ing it e/ce0tiona$$* good for ca0acitor and ca%$e #-itching and $ong $ine

    droo0ing8. Non e/0$o#i"e and #i$ent o0eration co)0ared to air %$a#t and SD4 %rea9er#.

    isadvantages of Vacuum Circuit Breakers

    3. Vacuu) circuit %rea9er# are unecono)ica$ a%o"e +4KV and SD4 %rea9er# ha"ing

    e>ui"a$ent 0ro0ertie# are econo)ica$. :ence for E:V ;"o$tage# a%o"e 6+7KV < #*#te)#

    SD4 circuit %rea9er# are e)0$o*ed6. Lo## of "acuu) due to tran#it da)age or fai$ure )a9e# the entire interru0tion u#e$e## and

    it cannot %e re0aired at #ite.

  • 8/16/2019 Summer Internship Report on WBSEDCL Substation


    Specification of !!"V Vacuum Circuit Breaker#

    T*0e +4KV, 68KA

    Vo$tage +4KV

    Current 3687A

    Dre>uenc* 87:=

     No. of 0o$e# +

    'rea9ing current +3.89A)0#

    Ma9er# Rated Current 79A)0#

    Short Circuit -ith#tand current ! duration +3.89A)0# for +#ec#

    .C. Co)0onent 87J

    'IL 737KV0

    Shunt Tri0 6+7 V ;d.c.<

    Ma## B779g

    Ma9er A''


    In #u%?#tation# t-o t*0e# of tran#for)er are u#ed.

  • 8/16/2019 Summer Internship Report on WBSEDCL Substation


    A. Po-er tran#for)er ;++KV33KV<

    '. Station tran#for)er ;++KV.@@KV<

    C. In#tru)ent tran#for)er 

    Power transformer:

    Tran#for)er i# a #tatic de"ice %* )ean# of -hich e$ectric 0o-er in one circuit i# tran#for)ed intoe$ectric 0o-er of the #a)e fre>uenc* in another circuit. The 0h*#ica$ %a#i# of a tran#for)er i#

    )utua$ induction %et-een t-o circuit# $in9ed %* a co))on )agnetic f$u/. It con#i#t# of t-o

    inducti"e coi$# -hich are e$ectrica$$* #e0arated %ut )agnetica$$* $in9ed through a 0ath of $o-

    re$uctance. The fir#t coi$ in -hich e$ectrica$ energ* i# fed fro) the a.c. #u00$* )ain#, i# ca$$ed

     0ri)ar* -inding and the other fro) -hich energ* i# dra-n out, i# ca$$ed #econdar* -inding.


    A# the #*#te) "o$tage goe# u0, the techni>ue# to %e u#ed for the de#ign, con#truction,

    in#ta$$ation, o0eration# and )aintenance a$#o %eco)e )ore and )ore critica$. The tran#for)er#

    u#ed in #u%?#tation# ha# de$ta #tar ;< connection.

    Accessories of transformer#

    Core $ %inding#

  • 8/16/2019 Summer Internship Report on WBSEDCL Substation


    There are t-o genera$ t*0e# of tran#for)er#, the core t*0e and the #he$$ t*0e. The )agnetic core

    i# a #tac9 of thin #i$icon?#tee$ $a)ination#. In order to reduce the edd* current $o##e# the#e

    $a)ination# are in#u$ated fro) one another %* thin $a*er# of "arni#h. Dor reducing the core

    $o##e#, the )agnetic core )ade fro) co$d?ro$$ed grain?oriented #heet #tee$ ;C.R.G.O.uate #0ace to thi# e/0and tran#for)er oi$

    and it a$#o act# a# a re#er"oir for tran#for)er oi$.


    &hene"er tran#for)er i# $oaded, the te)0erature of the

    tran#for)er oi$ increa#e#, con#e>uent$* the "o$u)e of the

    oi$ i# increa#ed and the air a%o"e the oi$ $e"e$ incon#er"ator -i$$ co)e out. &hen the oi$ te)0erature i# $o-,

    the "o$u)e of the oi$ i# decrea#ed -hich cau#e# air to enter into the con#er"ator. The out#ide air

    a$-a*# contain# )oi#ture -hich i# "er* har)fu$ for tran#for)er in#u$ation. A #i$ica ge$ %reather

    i# u#ed for fi$tering air fro) )oi#ture. Si$ica ge$ %reather i# connected -ith con#er"ator tan9 %*

    )ean# of %reathing 0i0e. To re)o"e the du#t 0artic$e a 0ot i# attached -ith %reather end.


  • 8/16/2019 Summer Internship Report on WBSEDCL Substation


    Under $oaded condition, heat i# 0roduced in the -inding -hich in

    turn increa#e the te)0erature of the oi$. The -ar) oi$ increa#e# in

    "o$u)e and co)e# to the u00er 0ortion of the )ain tan9. Then

    thi# oi$ enter# in the radiator through to0 "a$"e and coo$# do-n %*

    di##i0ating heat through the thin radiator -a$$. Thi# co$d oi$

    co)e# %ac9 to the )ain tan9 through the %otto) radiator "a$"e.


    It i# fi/ed on the tran#for)er tan9 and the#e connection# are )ade

    to the e/terna$ circuit#. Ordinar* 0orce$ain in#u$ator# can %e u#ed

    a# %u#hing u0 to "o$tage of ++KV.

    Mars&aling Bo(#

    It ha# t-o )eter -hich indicate# the te)0erature of the oi$ and

    -inding if the )ain tan9. If te)0erature of oi$ or -inding e/ceed#

    than #0ecified "a$ue, re$a* o0erate# to #ound a$ar). If there i#

    further increa#e in te)0erature than re$a* co)0$ete# the tri0

    circuit %rea9er contro$$ing the tran#for)er.


    PRV ;Pre##ure re$ief "a$"e< i# one of the 0rotection co)0onent#

    in the tran#for)er. It i# u#ed to )aintain in#ide 0re##ure for the

    #afet* 0ur0o#e. It# -or9# auto)atica$$* -hen in#ide 0re##ure

    i# out of $i)it#.

    Arcing &orn#

    It con#i#t# of t-o horn #ha0ed )eta$ rod# #e0arated %* a #)a$$ air ga0. The horn# are )ounted on

    the 0orce$ain in#u$ator#. On the occurrence of high "o$tage, arcing ta9e# 0$ace acro## the ga0 !

    the arc tra"e$ u0 the ga0. Con#e>uent$* the arc i# e/tingui#hed ! the e/ce## charge on the $ine i#

    conducted to ground.

    Buc&&ol* relay# 

  • 8/16/2019 Summer Internship Report on WBSEDCL Substation


    It i# a ga# actuated re$a* in#ta$$ed in oi$ i))er#ed tran#for)er# ha"ing rating )ore than 877KVa

    for 0rotection again#t a$$ 9ind# of interna$ fau$t#. Such re$a*# can on$* %e fitted to the

    tran#for)er# e>ui00ed -ith con#er"ator tan9# a# it i# in#ta$$ed in %et-een the con#er"ator tan9

    and tran#for)er tan9.


    It con#i#t# of t-o hinged f$oat. The to0 f$oat i# connected -ith a$ar) circuit and the $o-er f$oat

    i# connected -ith the tri0 circuit. &hene"er a fau$t occur# in#ide the tran#for)er the oi$ of the

    tan9 get# o"erheated and ga#e# are generated and co$$ected in the cha)%er #o the oi$ $e"e$

    gradua$$* fa$$# ! c$o#ing the a$ar) circuit. I f no attention i# 0aid to it, the ga# co$$ection -i$$ %e

    )ore ! c$o#e# another circuit -hich -i$$ cut out the tran#for)er fro) the $ine.


    In 0o-er tran#for)er, for 0ro0er "o$tage regu$ation of tran#for)er , on $oad ta0 changer i#

    re>uired. A# there i# no 0er)i##ion of #-itching off the tran#for)er during ta0 changing. The

    ta00ing arrange)ent i# 0$aced in #e0arate di"erter tan9 attached to e$ectrica$ 0o-er tran#for)er

    )ain tan9. In#ide thi# tan9, the ta0 #e$ector# are genera$$* arranged in a circu$ar for). The

    di"erter #-itche# ha"e contact# o0erating in ra0id #e>uence -ith u#ua$$* four #e0arate )a9e and

     %rea9 unit#.

    of .V Turns Tap S%itc&)osition

    Connections .V Side Volts ,V Side Volts

    8 3 to 4 +@487 33777

    6.8 6 4 to ++68 33777

     N + to 8 ++777 33777

    ?6.8 @ 8 to B +638 33777

    ?8 8 B to @ +3+87 33777

    ?.8 + @ to 37 +7868 33777

    ?37 37 to + 6B77 33777

    Specification of transformer#


  • 8/16/2019 Summer Internship Report on WBSEDCL Substation


    MVA rating 4.+ 37

    Vo$tage at no $oad :V #ide LV


    ++KV33KV ++KV33KV

    Current at :V #ide LV #ide 337.68A++7.44A 38A868A

    I)0edance "o$tage J .8B

    Dre>uenc* 87:= 87:=

    T*0e of coo$ing ONAN ONAN

    Vector grou0 *n?33 *n?33

    Ma## of oi$

    Tota$ )a##

    Vo$u)e of oi$

    Ma/i)u) te)0erature ri#e in


    87> 87>

    Station transformer:

    E"er* #u%?#tation ha# one #tation tran#for)er. The #tation tran#for)er i# a ++KV@@7"o$t

    tran#for)er. It )aintain# the continuou# 0o-er #u00$* of #u%?#tation.


  • 8/16/2019 Summer Internship Report on WBSEDCL Substation


    Instrument transformer:

    I. Current transformer/

    Current tran#for)er# are %a#ica$$* u#ed to ta9e the reading# of the current# entering the

    #u%#tation. Thi# tran#for)er #te0# do-n the current fro) @77 a)0# to 3 a)0. Thi# i# done

     %ecau#e -e ha"e no in#tru)ent for )ea#uring of #uch a $arge current. The )ain u#e of thi#

    tran#for)er i#

    • i#tance Protection

    • 'ac9u0 Protection

    • Mea#ure)ent

    II. )otential transformer#

    There are t-o 0otentia$ tran#for)er# u#ed in the %u# connected %oth #ide of the %u#. The 0otentia$

    tran#for)er u#e# a %u# i#o$ator to 0rotect it#e$f. The )ain u#e of thi# tran#for)er i# to )ea#ure

    the "o$tage through the %u#. Thi# i# done #o a# to get the detai$ infor)ation of the "o$tage 0a##ing

    through the %u# to the in#tru)ent. There are t-o )ain 0art# in it

    • Mea#ure)ent

    • Protection

    Protecti#e Re!a')

    A 0rotecti"e re$a* i# a de"ice that detect# the fau$t and initiate# the o0eration of the C.'. i# to

    i#o$ate the defecti"e e$e)ent fro) the re#t of the #*#te). The re$a* detect# the a%nor)a$

    condition in the e$ectrica$ circuit %* con#tant$* )ea#uring the e$ectrica$ >uantitie#, -hich are

    different under nor)a$ and fau$t condition.

    Mo#t of the re$a* o0erate# on the 0rinci0$e of e$ectro)agnetic attraction or e$ectro)agnetic

    induction. The fo$$o-ing i)0ortant t*0e# of re$a*# are u#ed in ++33KV #u%?#tation#.

  • 8/16/2019 Summer Internship Report on WBSEDCL Substation


    3. Induction t*0e o"er current re$a*

    6. ifferentia$ Re$a*

    +. Earth fau$t re$a*@. Re#tricted earth fau$t re$a*

    8. Ma#ter tri0 re$a*

    Instantaneous type over current relay:

    The o"er current re$a* re#0ond# to a )agnitude of

    current a%o"e a #0ecified "a$ue. There are four %a#ic

    t*0e# of con#truction The* are 0$unger, rotating di#c,

    #tatic, and )icro0roce##or t*0e. In the 0$unger t*0e, a

     0$unger i# )o"ed %* )agnetic attraction -hen the

    current e/ceed# a #0ecified "a$ue. In the rotating

    induction?di#c t*0e, -hich i# a )otor, the di#c rotate#

     %* e$ectro)agnetic induction -hen the current e/ceed#

    a #0ecified "a$ue.

    Restricted earth fault relay:

    An e/terna$ fau$t in the #tar #ide -i$$ re#u$t in current f$o-ing in the $ine current tran#for)er of

    the affected 0ha#e and at the #a)e ti)e a %a$ancing current f$o-# in the neutra$ current

    tran#for)er, hence the re#u$tant current in the re$a* i# therefore =ero. So thi# RED re$a* -i$$ not

     %e actuated for e/terna$ earth fau$t. 'ut during interna$ fau$t the neutra$ current tran#for)er on$*

    carrie# the un%a$ance fau$t current and o0eration of Re#tricted Earth Dau$t Re$a* ta9e# 0$ace. Thi#

    #che)e of re#tricted earth fau$t 0rotection i# "er* #en#iti"e for interna$ earth fau$t of tran#for)er.

    The 0rotection #che)e i# co)0arati"e$* chea0er than differentia$ 0rotection #che)e.

    )rotection Sc&eme

  • 8/16/2019 Summer Internship Report on WBSEDCL Substation


    Master trip relay:

    Ma#ter tri0 re$a* 4 i# the )ain tri0 re$a*. The %rea9er -i$$ tri0

    through thi# re$a* on$*. In tran#)i##ion ! di#tri%ution $ine

    there are #o )an* 0rotection re$a*# $i9e o"ercurrent re$a*, earth

    fau$t re$a*. A$$ re$a*# contact -i$$ connect 0ara$$e$ to )a#ter

    tri0 re$a*. If an* of the 0rotection re$a* #en#e the fau$t. It -i$$

    energi=e the )a#ter tri0 re$* and the )a#ter tri0 re$a* -i$$ tri0

    the %rea9er. It got one )ore na)e $i9e $oc9 out re$a*.


    There are )ain$* three t*0e# of in#u$ator u#ed in #u%?#tation.

    3. Pin In#u$ator 6. Su#0en#ion In#u$ator 

    +. Po#t In#u$ator 

    Pin type insulator:

    A# the na)e #ugge#t#, the 0in t*0e in#u$ator i# )ounted on a 0in on the cro##?ar) on the 0o$e.

    There i# a groo"e on the u00er end of the in#u$ator. The conductor 0a##e# through thi# groo"e

    and i# tied to the in#u$ator -ith annea$ed -ire of the #a)e )ateria$ a# the conductor. Pin t*0ein#u$ator# are u#ed for tran#)i##ion and di#tri%ution of co))unication#, and e$ectric 0o-er at

    "o$tage# u0 to ++ KV. 'e*ond o0erating "o$tage of ++ KV, the 0in t*0e in#u$ator# %eco)e too

     %u$9* and hence unecono)ica$.


  • 8/16/2019 Summer Internship Report on WBSEDCL Substation


    Suspension insulator:

    Dor "o$tage# greater than ++ KV, it i# a u#ua$ 0ractice to u#e #u#0en#ion t*0e in#u$ator#,

    con#i#ting of a nu)%er of g$a## or 0orce$ain di#c# connected in #erie# %* )eta$ $in9# in the for)

    of a #tring. The conductor i# #u#0ended at the %otto) end of thi# #tring -hi$e the to0 end i#

    #ecured to the cro##?ar) of the to-er. The nu)%er of di#c unit# u#ed de0end# on the "o$tage.

    Post Insulator:

    Po#t in#u$ator i# )ore or $e## #i)i$ar to Pin in#u$ator %ut for)er i# #uita%$e for higher "o$tage

    a00$ication. Po#t in#u$ator ha# higher nu)%er# of 0etticoat# and ha# greater height. Thi# t*0e of

    in#u$ator can %e )ounted on #u00orting #tructure hori=onta$$* a# -e$$ a# "ertica$$*. The in#u$ator

    i# )ade of one 0iece of 0orce$ain %ut ha# fi/ing c$a)0 arrange)ent are in %oth to0 and %otto)


    Conductor speci(cation)

    Conductor na)e Area


    Current carr*ing




    og 377 647 :igh current

    tran#)i##ion 0ur0o#e#

    Panther 677 847 'u#


    Cro##?$in9ed 0o$*eth*$ene, co))on$* a%%re"iated PEF or FLPE, i# a for)

    of 0o$*eth*$ene -ith cro##?$in9#.

  • 8/16/2019 Summer Internship Report on WBSEDCL Substation


    )articular ata ata

    Rated "o$tage ++KV 33KV

    :ighe#t #*#te) "o$tage +4KV 36KV

    Short circuit current 3< @.3 KA for 3Sec for ++

    KV 877

    #>.))6< +.4 KA for 3Sec for ++

    KV @77


    3< @.7 KA;B8.@MVA< for 3

    #ec for 33KV 877 #>.))

    6< +.4 KA ;34.+MVA< for 3 #ec for 

    33 KV @77 #>.))

    Ma/i)u). Per)i##i%$e #hort

    circuit Te)0erature

    687deg for 3 #ec 687deg for 3 #ec

    Continuou# -ith#tand current B7deg B7deg

    Materia$ of conductor A$u)inu) A$u)inu)

    In#u$ation FLPE of thic9ne##, .

    ;Mini)u)< for ++ KV

    FLPE of thic9ne##, +.4 )).

    ;No)ina$< for 33 KV

    Lightening arrestor)

    A $ightning arre#ter i# a de"ice u#ed on e$ectrica$ #*#te)# to 0rotect the e>ui0)ent# and

    conductor# of the #*#te) fro) the effect# of $ightening. The $ightening arre#tor can -or9 in an

    ang$e of @8degree# around the). Meta$ o/ide

    arre#tor# are u#ed for $ightening 0ur0o#e. Innor)a$ ca#e, it %eha"e# $i9e a high re#i#tance

     0ath %ut -hen $ightening occur# it %eha"e# $i9e

    a $o- re#i#tance 0ath. &hen $ightening #urge

     0a##e# through thi# the #urge i# di"erted

    through the arre#tor to earth. The LA#

    e)0$o*ed for 0rotecting tran#for)er# #hou$d

     %e in#ta$$ed a# c$o#e

    a# 0o##i%$e to the tran#for)er.

    $u"station Earthing $'ste&)

    Earth &at)

    In #u%#tation an earth )at i# in#ta$$ed at 0$ace# -here a 0er#on or an o0erator -ou$d #tand to

    o0erate a #-itch or a00aratu#. In the "icinit* of e$ectro#tatic #en#iti"e de"ice#, an earth )at i#

    u#ed to ground the #tatic e$ectricit* generated %* e>ui0)ent#.

  • 8/16/2019 Summer Internship Report on WBSEDCL Substation


    +ver&ead ground %ires#

     The )o#t effecti"e )ethod of 0ro"iding 0rotection

    again#t direct $ightning #tro9e# i# %* the u#e of o"erhead

    ground -ire#. The ground -ire# are 0$aced o"er the $ine

    conductor# at #uch 0o#ition that 0ractica$$* a$$ $ightning

    #tro9e# are interce0ted %* the). The ground -ire i#

    ground at each to-er through a# $o- re#i#tance a#

     0o##i%$e. &hen the direct $ightning #tro9e# occur on the

    $ine -i$$ %e ta9en %* the ground -ire. The hea"* current#

    f$o- to the ground through thi# -ire.

    0us Coup!er)

    The %u# cou0$er con#i#t# of circuit %rea9er and i#o$ator. Each feeder )a* %e connected to either

    )ain %u# %ar or #0ar %u# %ar -ith the he$0 of %u# cou0$er. Re0airing, )aintenance and te#ting offeeder #ection can %e done %* 0utting the) on #0ar %u# %ar, thu# 9ee0ing the )ain %u# %ar

    undi#tur%ed. 'u# cou0$er i# a de"ice -hich i# u#ed to #-itch fro) one %u# to another %u# -ithout

    an* interru0tion in 0o-er #u00$* and -ithout creating ha=ardou# arc#.

    D3C3 "atter' source)

    The o0eration of )onitoring de"ice# #uch a# re$a*# and the tri00ing )echani#) of %rea9er#

    re>uire an inde0endent 0o-er #ource,

    -hich doe# not "ar* -ith )ain #ource %eing )onitored. 'atterie# 0ro"ide thi#

     0o-er #ource for the #ucce##fu$ o0eration

    of #-itching and contro$ the de"ice in

    #u%?#tation. Each %atter* i# con#idered

    6.6 "o$t and 34 %atterie# are re>uired to

    contro$ the 0ane$.

  • 8/16/2019 Summer Internship Report on WBSEDCL Substation


    Contro! and Re!a' Pane!)

    The contro$ and re$a* 0ane$ i# of cu%ica$ con#truction #uita%$e for f$oor )ounting. A$$ 0rotecti"e,

    indicating and contro$

    e$e)ent# are )ounted on the

    front 0ane$ for ea#e of 

    o0eration and contro$. The

    hinged rear door -i$$

     0ro"ide acce## to a$$ the

    interna$ co)0onent# to

    faci$itate ea#* in#0ection

    and )aintenance. Pro"i#ion

    i# )ade for ter)inating

    inco)ing ca%$e# at the

     %otto) of the 0ane$# %*

     0ro"iding #e0arate $ine?u0

    ter)ina$ %$oc9#. Dor ca%$eentr* 0ro"i#ion i# )ade %oth

    fro) to0 and %otto). The

    contro$ and re$a* 0ane$

    acce0t# CT, PT au/ 6+7 AC and 667V37V C connection# at re#0ecti"e de#ignated ter)ina$

     0oint#. 667V37V C #u00$* i# u#ed for contro$ #u00$* of a$$ interna$ re$a*# and ti)er# and a$#o

    for energi=ing c$o#ing and tri00ing coi$# of the %rea9er#. 6+7V AC #tation au/i$iar* #u00$* i#

    u#ed for interna$ i$$u)ination $a)0 of the 0ane$ and the #0ace heater. Protecti"e :RC fu#e are

     0ro"ided -ith in the 0ane$. 'rea9er# are 0ro"ided -ith a $ine a))eter -ith #e$ector #-itch for +

     0ha#e #*#te) ! o"er current re$a* ;6 0ha#e# and 3 Earth fau$t for + 0ha#e #*#te)

  • 8/16/2019 Summer Internship Report on WBSEDCL Substation


    Transfor&er protection)

    0uchho!4 re!a')

    It i# a ga# actuated re$a* in#ta$$ed in oi$ i))er#ed tran#for)er# ha"ing rating )ore than 877KVa

    for 0rotection again#t a$$ 9ind# of interna$ fau$t#. Such re$a*# can on$* %e fitted to the

    tran#for)er# e>ui00ed -ith con#er"ator tan9# a# it i# in#ta$$ed in %et-een the con#er"ator tan9

    and tran#for)er tan9.

    It con#i#t# of t-o hinged f$oat. The to0 f$oat i# connected -ith a$ar) circuit and the $o-er f$oat i#

    connected -ith the tri0 circuit. &hene"er a fau$t occur# in#ide the tran#for)er the oi$ of the tan9

    get# o"erheated and ga#e# are generated and co$$ected in the cha)%er #o the oi$ $e"e$ gradua$$*

    fa$$# ! c$o#ing the a$ar) circuit. I f no attention i# 0aid to it, the ga# co$$ection -i$$ %e )ore !

    c$o#e# another circuit -hich -i$$ cut out the tran#for)er fro) the $ine.


    PRV ;Pre##ure re$ief "a$"e< i# one of the 0rotection co)0onent# in the tran#for)er. It i# u#ed to)aintain in#ide 0re##ure for the #afet* 0ur0o#e. It# -or9# auto)atica$$* -hen in#ide 0re##ure

    i# out of $i)it#.


    Thi# de"ice i# u#ed to indicate the 0o#ition of tran#for)er in#u$ating oi$ $e"e$ in con#er"ator of

    tran#for)er. A$$ oi$ i))er#ed di#tri%ution and e$ectrica$ 0o-er tran#for)er# are 0ro"ided -ith

    e/0an#ion "e##e$ -hich i# 9no-n a# con#er"ator of tran#for)er. Thi# "e##e$ ta9e# care of oi$

    e/0an#ion due to te)0erature ri#e. &hen tran#for)er in#u$ating oi$ i# e/0anded, the oi$ $e"e$ in

    the con#er"ator tan9 goe# u0. Again -hen oi$ "o$u)e i# reduced due to fa$$ in oi$ te)0erature,

    the oi$ $e"e$ in the con#er"ator goe# do-n. 'ut it i# e##entia$ to )aintain a )ini)u) oi$ $e"e$ inthe con#er"ator tan9 of tran#for)er e"en at $o-e#t 0o##i%$e te)0erature. A$$ $arge e$ectrica$

     0o-er tran#for)er# are therefore 0ro"ided -ith a )agnetic oi$ $e"e$ indicator or )agnetic oi$

    gauge/ Magnetic oi$ $e"e$ indicator i# a$#o incor0orated -ith a )ercur* #-itch. A# the a$ign)ent

    of )ercur* #-itch change# a$ong -ith the 0ointer, thi# #-itch c$o#e# and actuate# an audi%$e

    a$ar) -hen 0ointer reache# near e)0t* 0o#ition on the dia$ of )agnetic oi$ gauge.


    The Oi$ Surge Re$a* i# connected in %et-een OLTC cha)%er and con#er"ator tan9 -ith %reather.

    A #e0aration #hou$d %e arranged #uch that the oi$ in OLTC cha)%er and tran#for)er )ain tan9

    #hou$d not %e )i/ed together. In ca#e an* 0ro%$e) occur# during on $oad ta0 changing o0eration,

    a ga# i# de"e$o0ed and that ga# -i$$ actuate the OSR. And the re$a* acti"ate# the a$ar) circuit.

  • 8/16/2019 Summer Internship Report on WBSEDCL Substation


    Di5erentia! protection)

    Genera$$* ifferentia$ 0rotection i# 0ro"ided in the tran#for)er rated )ore than 8MVA. The

    ifferentia$ Protection of Tran#for)er ha# ad"antage# o"er other #che)e# of 0rotection.

     The fau$t# occur in the tran#for)er in#ide the in#u$ating oi$ can %e detected %* 'uchho$= re$a*.'ut if an* fau$t occur# in the tran#for)er %ut not in oi$ then it cannot %e detected %* 'uchho$=

    re$a*. An* f$a#h o"er at the %u#hing# are not ade>uate$* co"ered %* 'uchho$= re$a*. ifferentia$

    re$a*# can detect #uch t*0e of fau$t#. Moreo"er 'uchho$= re$a* i# 0ro"ided in tran#for)er for

    detecting an* interna$ fau$t in the tran#for)er %ut ifferentia$ Protection #che)e detect# the #a)e

    in fa#ter -a*.

    O#er current and Earth fau!t protection)

    'ac9u0 0rotection of e$ectrica$ tran#for)er i# #i)0$e O"er Current and Earth Dau$t 0rotection

    a00$ied again#t e/terna$ #hort circuit and e/ce##i"e o"er $oad#. The#e o"er current and earth

    Dau$t re$a*# )a* %e of In"er#e efinite Mini)u) Ti)e ;IMT< or efinite Ti)e t*0e re$a*#.

    Genera$$* IMT re$a*# are connected to the in?feed #ide of the tran#for)er.

    The o"er current re$a*# cannot di#tingui#h %et-een e/terna$ #hort circuit, o"er $oad and interna$

    fau$t# of the tran#for)er. Dor an* of the a%o"e fau$t, %ac9u0 0rotection i.e. o"er current and earth

    fau$t 0rotection connected to in?feed #ide of the tran#for)er -i$$ o0erate. 'ac9u0 0rotection i#

    a$though genera$$* in#ta$$ed

  • 8/16/2019 Summer Internship Report on WBSEDCL Substation


    Restricted earth fau!t protection)

    An e/terna$ fau$t in the #tar #ide -i$$ re#u$t in current f$o-ing in the $ine current tran#for)er of

    the affected 0ha#e and at the #a)e ti)e a %a$ancing current f$o-# in the neutra$ current

    tran#for)er, hence the re#u$tant current in the re$a* i# therefore =ero. So thi# RED re$a* -i$$ not

     %e actuated for e/terna$ earth fau$t. 'ut during interna$ fau$t the neutra$ current tran#for)er on$*

    carrie# the un%a$ance fau$t current and o0eration of Re#tricted Earth Dau$t Re$a* ta9e# 0$ace. Thi#

    #che)e of re#tricted earth fau$t 0rotection i# "er* #en#iti"e for interna$ earth fau$t of tran#for)er.

    The 0rotection #che)e i# co)0arati"e$* chea0er than differentia$ 0rotection #che)e.

    Oi! and Winding Te&perature 1ndicator of Transfor&er)

    The#e are genera$$* 0reci#ion in#tru)ent#. A te)0erature indicator of 0o-er tran#for)er i#

    #0ecia$$* de#igned for 0rotection of tran#for)er in addition to it# te)0erature indication and

    coo$ing contro$ feature#. That )ean#, thi# de"ice 0erfor)# three function#

    3. The#e in#tru)ent# indicate in#tantaneou# te)0erature of oi$ and -inding# of tran#for)er.

    6. Thi# a$#o record )a/i)u) te)0erature ri#e of oi$ and -inding#.+. The#e in#tru)ent# o0erate high te)0erature a$ar) at a 0redeter)ined "a$ue of a$$o-a%$e

    te)0erature $i)it.@. Te)0erature indicator# of tran#for)er can a$#o tri0 the circuit %rea9er# a##ociated -ith

    the 0o-er tran#for)er -hen the te)0erature of oi$ or -inding reache# a 0redeter)ined


    &TI ! OTI #ha$$ %e #et to o0erate at the fo$$o-ing te)0erature

    Oi$?A$ar)?7 >, Tri0?B7 >

    &$nding?A$ar)?8>, Tri0?B8 >

    Maintenance of su"%station e.uip&ent/s)

    • Predicti"e Maintenance.

    • Precautionar* Maintenance.

    Predicti#e &aintenance)

     Predicti"e )aintenance i# gaining 0o0u$arit* a# a 0roducti"it* too$ %ecau#e it he$0# e$i)inateun#chedu$ed do-nti)e of e/0en#i"e e>ui0)ent and reduce the o"era$$ co#t of )aintenance. Thi#

    a00roach, #o)eti)e# ca$$ed condition?%a#ed )aintenance.

    It ha# #o)e ad"antage#. The* are a# fo$$o-#,

    0/ Reduced $ife c*c$e co#t# through $o-er )aintenance co#t#, reduced e/0enditure for #0are

     0art#, and e/tended co)0onent $ife.

    1/ Ma/i)i=ed co)0onent $ife  through con#i#tent 0re"ention of condition# that  reduce the

    $ife e/0ectanc* of the e>ui0)ent.

  • 8/16/2019 Summer Internship Report on WBSEDCL Substation


    !/ O0ti)i=ed 0erfor)ance through $oading a%o"e %oo9 rating.

    2/ Mini)i=ed do-nti)e  through 0roacti"e re0air 0$anning %a#ed on  infor)ation gained

    fro) a##et )onitoring.

    3/ Reduction of in#urance co#t#  %* de)on#trating re#0on#i%$e cu#todian#hi0  o"er grid


    4/ A"oidance of 0ena$tie# through effecti"e 0rediction and 0re"ention of e>ui0)ent fai$ure#.5/ En"iron)enta$ %enefit# through 0re"ention of en"iron)enta$$* ha=ardou# condition#.

    Condition "ased &onitoring)

    IR thermometer for detecting hot spot:

    The identification and the 0o##i%$e e$i)ination of :ot S0ot# in ti)e can #afeguard )an*

    e>ui0)ent in a #u%?#tation. It he$0# to a"oid un#chedu$ed outage# and the con#e>uence )onetar*

    $o##. Thu# %* 0rior detection of the hot #0ot#, the #u%?#tation i# #afeguarded and entire

    re0$ace)ent of the 0$ant co)0onent# -i$$ %e )ade o%#o$ete. The i)0ortance of IR ca)era in

    detecting :ot #0ot# in a high "o$tage #u%#tation i# -e$$ e#ta%$i#hed e#0ecia$$* the i)0ending

    fai$ure of CT #.

    Detection of PD by ultrasonic method:

    Partia$ di#charge ;P< i# u#ua$$* ha00ened cau#ed %* f$a- and deterioration of tran#for)er

    in#u$ation. It i# the )ain rea#on of the accident of tran#for)er and 0o-er #*#te). Therefore, it#

    nece##ar* and i)0ortant to detect the 0artia$ di#charge of tran#for)er -hi$e o0erating and

    )anufacturing. &hen P of tran#for)er interna$ in#u$ation occur#, e$ectro)agnetic -a"e#,

    #ound -a"e# and other #igna$# are 0roduced. According to #u0er#onic #igna$, -e can detect the$ocation of P. 'ut thi# )ethod cannot te#t the nu)%er of charge. &ith u$tra#onic detection

    )ethod, it i# ea#* to $ocate P and te#t the nu)%er of charge. In thi# 0a0er, a )ethod of

    u$tra#onic detection i# 0re#ented, -hich i# %a#ed three?di)en#iona$ #catter 0oint and u$tra#onic

    hit to ti)e. The )ethod i# effecti"e to $ocate fau$t of tran#for)er in#u$ation.

    hermal imaging:

    Mo#t tran#for)er# are coo$ed %* either oi$ or air -hi$e o0erating at te)0erature# )uch higher

    than a)%ient. In fact, o0erating te)0erature# of 48 C for oi$?fi$$ed tran#for)er# are co))on.

     Ne"erthe$e##, 0ro%$e)# -ith tran#for)er# often )anife#t the)#e$"e# in o"erheating or hot #0ot#,)a9ing ther)a$ i)aging a good too$ for finding 0ro%$e)#.

    In oil-filled transformers6 monitor t&e follo%ing e(ternal components

     .ig& and lo% voltage bus&ing connections O"erheating in a connection indicate# high

    re#i#tance and that the connection i# $oo#e or dirt*. A$#o, co)0are 0ha#e#, $oo9ing for un%a$ance

    and o"er$oading.

    Cooling tubes# On oi$?coo$ed tran#for)er#, coo$ing tu%e# -i$$ nor)a$$* a00ear -ar). If one or

    )ore tu%e# are co)0arati"e$* coo$, there )a* %e a 0ro%$e).

  • 8/16/2019 Summer Internship Report on WBSEDCL Substation


    Pro%$e)# -ith #urge 0rotection and $ightning arre#tor# $ea9ing to ground and current trac9ing

    o"er in#u$ator# can a$#o %e detected u#ing ther)ogra0h* and ther)a$ i)ager#.

    Dor ther)a$ i)aging to %e effecti"e in 0in0ointing an interna$ tran#for)er 0ro%$e), the

    )a$function )u#t generate enough heat to %e detecta%$e.

    A good a00roach i# to create regu$ar in#0ection route# that inc$ude the tran#for)er# on a$$

    e##entia$ e$ectrica$ circuit#. Sa"e ther)a$ i)age# for co)0ari#on and reference# of 0ro0er

    o0erating e>ui0)ent.

    !ltra "V Partial Discharge Detector 

    EA Techno$og*# U$tra TEV Partia$ i#charge etector Kit detect# %oth #urface and interna$

    di#charge acti"it* -ithin )ediu) "o$tage e>ui0)ent.

    The U$tra TEV etector i# a hand he$d, dua$ #en#or, Partia$ i#charge detector, -hich ena%$e#

    #i)0$e fir#t 0a## identification of 0otentia$$* da)aging :V e>ui0)ent fau$t# and MV e>ui0)entfau$t# %efore the* %eco)e fai$ure#.

    Precautionar' &aintenance)

    The 0recautionar* )aintenance acti"itie# are underta9en on the #er"ice $ife of the co)0onent and

    conducted after a fai$ure or %rea9do-n. Such )aintenance re#u$t# in outage of circuit and #u00$*.

    In genera$, it con#i#t# of $ocating the trou%$e, re0air and deco))i##ioning.

    Precautionar* )aintenance co"er# a -ide range of acti"itie# ai)ed at 9ee0ing the e>ui0)ent in

     0erfect -or9ing condition for 0erfor)ing it# function a# 0er a##igned dutie#. The choice of

    acti"itie# and #chedu$e de0end# u0on $oca$ re>uire)ent#.

    Inspection# Thi# refer# to the )aintenance acti"it* -hich co)0ri#e# carefu$ o%#er"ation#crutin*

    of the e>ui0)ent -ithout di#)ant$ing it. It u#ua$$* inc$ude# "i#ua$ and o0erationa$ chec9#.

    Servicing# Thi# refer# to c$eaning, ad(u#t)ent, $u%rication and other )aintenance function#

    -ithout di#)ant$ing the e>ui0)ent.

    7(amination Thi# refer# to in#0ection -ith nece##ar* di#)ant$ing, )ea#ure)ent# and non?

    de#tructi"e te#t# to o%tain data regarding the condition of co)0onent##u%?a##e)%$ie#.

    +ver&aul# Thi# refer# to the -or9 done -ith the o%(ecti"e of re0airingre0$acing -orn?out 0art#and defecti"e 0art#. The e>ui0)ent, #u%?a##e)%$ie# are di#)ant$ed 0art$* or co)0$ete$*. The

    condition of co)0onent# i# in#0ected. i)en#ion# of -orn?out co)0onent# are )ea#ured. The

    co)0onent# -orn?out %e*ond acce0ta%$e $i)it are re0$aced. The a##e)%$* i# fo$$o-ed %*

    functiona$ chec9# and )ea#ure)ent# to en#ure #ati#factor* o0eration.

  • 8/16/2019 Summer Internship Report on WBSEDCL Substation


    Conc!usion) No- I ha"e #tudied a $ot a%out the e$ectrica$ tran#)i##ion #*#te). One )u#t ha"e ne"er thought

    that #o )an* thing# are re>uired for (u#t #-itching on a te$e"i#ion or a refrigerator or #a* an

    e$ectric tri))er. The three -ing of e$ectrica$ #*#te) "i=. Generation, tran#)i##ion and

    di#tri%ution are connected to each other and that too "er* 0erfect$*. :ere )an and e$ectricit*

    -or9 a# if the* are a fa)i$*. Lot# of $a%or, ca0ita$ and infra#tructure i# in"o$"ed in the #*#te) (u#t

    to ha"e a #ing$e 0ha#e,667V,87:= 0o-er #u00$* at our hou#e#. At $a#t I -ou$d #a*... Energ*

    Sa"ed I# Energ* Produced

     The centra$ co)0onent of the #u%#tation i# the tran#for)er, a# it 0ro"ide# the effecti"e in enface

     %et-een the high?and $o-?

    "o$tage 0art# of the #*#te). Other crucia$ co)0onent# are circuit%rea9er# and #-itche#. 'rea9er#

    #er"e a# 0rotecti"e de"ice# that o0enauto)atica$$* in the e"ent of a fau$t, that i#, -hen a

     0rotecti"e re$a* indicate# e/ce##i"e current due to #o)e a%nor)a$ condition. S-itche# are

    contro$ de"ice# that can %e o0ened or c$o#ed de$i%erate$* to e#ta%$i#h or %rea9 a connection. An

    i)0ortant difference %et-een circuit %rea9er# and #-itche# i# that %rea9er# are de#igned

    to interru0t a%nor)a$$* high current# ;a# the* occur on$* in tho#e "er* #ituation# for -hich

    circuit 0rotection i# needed

  • 8/16/2019 Summer Internship Report on WBSEDCL Substation




    [email protected])e$ectrica$?circuit?%rea9er?o0eration?and?t*0e#?of?circuit?%rea9er




    [email protected])e$ectrica$?in#u$ator?in#u$ating?)ateria$?0orce$ain?g$a##?0o$*)er?in#u$ator

    htt0---.cea.nic.inre0ort#artic$e#godguide$ine#Q#huntQca0Qdi#tQ)eter#Qca%$e#[email protected] 

  • 8/16/2019 Summer Internship Report on WBSEDCL Substation





