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Summer Planning Meeting

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Summer Planning Meeting. July 15, 2013. Chapter membership. 1. 4. Chapter competition. 5. 2. Chapter survey results. Chapter web presence. 6. 3. Chapter finances. Chapter events. Agenda 1. Membership 2. Survey Results 3. Events 4. Competition 5. Web 6. Finances. Chapter Membership. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation
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Summer Planning Meeting July 15, 2013

PowerPoint Presentation

Summer Planning MeetingJuly 15, 2013

1Agenda1. Membership 2. Survey Results 3. Events4. Competition 5. Web 6. Finances

1Chapter membershipChapter survey results2Chapter events

3Chapter competition45Chapter web presence6Chapter finances

2Chapter Membership


3Relative chapter sizeWe have 213 smart and talented membersSTC has approximately 5,400 members (as of 7/15/13)Out of the 67 geographic communities in STC, we are the largest The top 5 largest communities, in order of decreasing size, are WDCB, Toronto (Ontario), Twin Cities, Silicon Valley, and New England

STC WDCB Members as of July 12, 2013Not shown: 1 member each in California, Germany, and FranceTotal members: 213

5Were spread out in the local area

Geographic distribution of chapter members as of 7/12/13Virginia: 102Maryland: 83DC: 14Other states and countries: 14

Chapter strategic planDeveloped 2006, updated 2012Goal 1: Develop new leadersStrategy 1: Encourage volunteerismStrategy 2: Support and educate chapter leadersStrategy 3: Improve chapter transitionsGoal 2: Provide greater value to membersStrategy 1: Provide educational opportunitiesStrategy 2: Enhance recognition programsStrategy 3: Help members connectGoal 3: Reach out to wider communitiesStrategy 1: Establish liaison to related organizationsStrategy 2: Increase outreach to students, teachers, and working professionals

Chapter Survey Results



2013 Super Power SurveySTC WDCB ChapterSpring 2013 Data as of 06/05/2013

2013 Survey How many of us responded?50 as of 7/1/2013 How did we publicize the survey? EmailLinked InFacebookTwitter Can I still take the survey? Yes! http://www.surveymonkey.com/s/63BF7YX

TELL US WHAT YOU WANT FROM STC If you attended one of our events/webinars, what did you like about it?networking (24)subject (19)speaker (10)convenience (6) webinar (4)food (3)summit (1)

Encouraging event attendance If you have not attended one of our events or webinars, what could we do to encourage you to attend?location (7) MD (4)VA (2)Metro access (1) relevant topics (2)time of event (2)record event & rebroadcast (1)webinar (1)

13Perceived benefits of membership STC offers a variety of resources to members and non-members. Let us know which of these benefits are useful to you. Industry news4.12Job postings4.07Intercom magazine4.02Chapter events3.98Connection and networking3.92Community news3.83Webinars3.49Social media3.43Discussions online3.41Technical Communication [email protected] love this and would love more!I value this benefit and participate from time to timeI'm neutralI participate rarelyI do not participate everN/A543210

14Tell us about online communication Tell us about your connection with each of these STC-related social media options.

STC website http://stc.org/3.52Face-to-face events3.05STC WDCB Chapter website http://wdcb.stcwdc.org/3.05Email announcement list http://wdcb.stcwdc.org/prof-dev/networking/lists/list-annc/2.95MySTC website http://stc.org/mystc2.52Linked In http://www.linkedin.com/groups?gid=1564782.40STC WDCB Chapter Events and News http://events.stcwdc.org2.35STC Notebook blog http://notebook.stc.org/2.17Facebook https://www.facebook.com/STCWDCMB2.05Email chat list http://wdcb.stcwdc.org/prof-dev/networking/lists/list-chat/1.98MySTC WDCB group http://stc.org/mystc/groups/viewgroup/94-Washington%2C+DC1.90Twitter profile http://twitter.com/stcwdc1.67STC WDCB Chapter Blog RSS feed http://events.stcwdc.org/feed/1.65Twitter hashtag #stcwdc1.60Pinterest http://pinterest.com/stcwdcmb/1.17I use this most every dayI use this regularlyI use this rarelyI belong but do not use thisI do not belongI didn't even know we had this543210

15STC-related social media Tell us about your connection with each of these STC-related social media options.I use this most every dayI use this regularlyI use this rarelyI belong but do not use thisI do not belongI didn't even know we had this543210

16Chapter Events3

17Received Pacesetter Award at STC Summit

For jointly planning and executing Tech the Halls! Holiday Party in coordination with local communication organizations to celebrate the DC area's status as a tech mecca while providing STC Washington, DC Baltimore members with management experience, networking opportunities, and exposure to diverse groups of professional communicators.

18Completed 2013 events (continued next slide)DateEventRegistrationsLocation1/31/13Improving the UX of Mobile Apps with Thoughtful UI Text (with UXPA DC)60Webinar2/20/13Working the Phones at the WAMU Winter Membership Campaign5DC3/13/13Competition Awards Banquet and Networking Night42DC4/18/13How to Write an eBook in MS Word and Publish it on Amazon Kindle39Tysons5/6/13Chapter Lunch at the STC Summit20Atlanta

19Completed 2013 eventsDateEventRegistrationsLocation5/13/13How to Make Documents Accessible and 508 Compliant55Ellicott City/Webinar6/24/13Multiscreen Help Authoring: How to use single-source development to support content on the desktop, tablets, and phone39Webinar7/15/13Summer Planning Meeting15Fairfax

20 What kinds of events and webinars would you like to see in the future? Networking2.73Demo of one of our tech comm tools2.72A tech comm superstar speaker2.68Demo of a tech writing skill2.64Social event2.36YES!mehNo thanks321Tell us what you want from STC

21Proposed monthly fall event schedule (pending library availability): Third Monday evenings at Miller library in Ellicott CityThird Thursday evenings at Tysons-Pimmit libraryDateEventLocationMonday, Sept. 16STC recorded webinar broadcast followed by discussionMiller Library, Ellicott City, MDThursday, Sept. 19Tips for Career SuccessInvited speaker: Judith ShenoudaTysons-Pimmit Library, Falls Church, VAMonday, October 21STC recorded webinar broadcast followed by discussionMiller Library, Ellicott City, MDThursday, October 17Preview of international standard for websites presenting technical information (ISO/IEC/IEEE 23026)Speaker: Annette Reilly

A Northern VA library

22Proposed monthly fall event schedule (pending library availability): Third Monday evenings at Miller library in Ellicott CityThird Thursday evenings at Tysons-Pimmit libraryDateEventLocationNovemberSTC recorded webinar broadcast followed by discussionMiller Library, Ellicott City, MDNovemberUser Experience jobs and careersSpeaker: Anna Colton, technical recruiter and former tech writerTysons-Pimmit Library, Falls Church, VADecemberHalf-day plain language workshopSpeaker: Leslie OFlahavanLooking for corporate sponsor

2370 free and 60 low cost previously recorded STC seminars available to rebroadcast

24Well soon have a Meetup.com presenceWere going to give Meetup.com a try to help get the word out about our events.Meetup.com may help us reach more younger people and nonmembers.We will need to ensure that people do not register for events on Meetup but continue to register on EventBrite.

Chapter competition


262012-2013 STC WDCB Summit Award Competition HighlightsLast years entry deadline: November 30, 2012Total entries: 37Total winners: 26Distinguished: 4 (includes 1 Best of Show) Excellence: 10 (includes 1 Best Student Entry) Merit: 12Judges: 18Judging interval: 5 weeks

272013-2014 Competition PlansRepeat last years successful formulaKeep fees the same ($25 students, $50 members, $75 other chapter, $100 nonmembers)Continue to support the International Summit Awards by paying to submit Best of Show entryConsider converting web forms to Google formsGet UXPA and related orgs on boardRecruit great judges and committee members: THIS MEANS YOU!

28Web Presence: Social Media and Our Website


29Connect with us online!On the web http://wdcb.stcwdc.org/Jobs http://jobs.stcwdc.org/Events http://events.stcwdc.org/ Email ANNC and CHAT listsTwitter https://twitter.com/stcwdc1,067 followersLinked In http://www.linkedin.com/groups?gid=156478597 membersFacebook https://www.facebook.com/STCWDCMB232 Likes, 800 Reach in 06/13Pinterest http://pinterest.com/stcwdcmb/16 followers

30New main websitehttp://wdcb.stcwdc.org

Archives saved on old site

FAQ on main sitecontains our most frequently viewed pages

Events & News site home pagehttp://events.stcwdc.orgposts appear below the calendar

Calendar viewhttp://events.stcwdc.org/events/right menu shows other views available

Submit an Event formis sent to events manager / site managerfor approval

Submit an Article formContributors may submit an article for review.Site manager will post under their byline.

Jobs Board and Resume Bankhttp://jobs.stcwdc.org/for employers and job seekers

Jobs listhttp://jobs.stcwdc.org/jobs/

Resume Bankhttp://jobs.stcwdc.org/resumes/

Chapter finances


41We need to improve our reportingWe are moving our transaction registry from InDinero, which costs us a monthly fee, to Google Docs.We do not have a good report to share right now on income and expenses by category.We think a free resource like Google Docs will help us improve our internal reporting.

[email protected] you!

Thank you!

