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Summer Project on Sbi 124654

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  • 7/24/2019 Summer Project on Sbi 124654



    Page no.

    Certificate from the Organization / Corporate Guide

    Certificate from the Faculty Guide



    #$ecuti%e &ummary................................................................0'


    Company Profile

    Overview...0* History...0+


    Strength/Opportunity & weakness/Threats...,,

    Different Prou!ts.....,

    "wars & #e!ognitions $y S%........,"

    (ntroduction to Ad%anced product..,)

    "van!e Prou!t....,*

    Statement the Pro$lem...*

    #esear!h o$'e!tives....*

    Signifi!an!e an s!ope...-

    eearch methodology.+

    Analyi of data...",

    Finding &uggetion ecommendation...."1


    Suggestion & #e!ommenation..... ',





  • 7/24/2019 Summer Project on Sbi 124654



    take this opportunity to e*press eep sense of gratitue to

    tea!her of epartment of +%" for their en!ouragement an approval. "lso

    we thank him in proviing the la$ fa!ility. ,e woul like to e*press our

    sin!ere regars to him for avi!e an !ounseling from time to time.

    have great pleasure in e*pressing our eep sense of gratitue to *y- of+%" Dept. for their invalua$le guian!e supervision an en!ouragement

    throughout the work. ,ithout their kin patronage an guian!e the Pro'e!t

    #eport woul not have taken shapes.

    ast $ut not the least am thankful to my !ollege staff for their immense

    support an patronage.


    Sa*ena +%" 1S2+


  • 7/24/2019 Summer Project on Sbi 124654



    Here e!lare that the pro'e!t work entitle 4The !ustomer5sper!eption towars other "van!e Prou!t from S% !reit !ars6

    whi!h is su$mitte in partial fulfillment of the re7uirement for the

    awar of the egree of +aster of %usiness "ministration 8+%"9

    program is a re!or of original work one $y me uner the

    supervision of tea!her of0yan 0anga institute of Te!hnology an

    S!ien!e :a$alpur. The present work is !ompletely original to the

    $est of my knowlege.

    0un'an Sa*ena

    +%" 1S2+


  • 7/24/2019 Summer Project on Sbi 124654



  • 7/24/2019 Summer Project on Sbi 124654




  • 7/24/2019 Summer Project on Sbi 124654


    CO8PA5= O

  • 7/24/2019 Summer Project on Sbi 124654


    &hareholding 7i?uidity @9ill "0th&ept. 0,'

    %eserve Ban* of India is the largest shareholder in the ban* with "2.34 sta*e followed byoverseas investors including >)%s with 82.3:4 sta*e as on September /5. Indian financial

    institutions held 8.74 while Indian public held !ust :.4 of the stoc*. %BI is the monetaryauthority and having ma!ority shareholding reflects conflict of interest. $ow the government isrectifying the above error by transferring %BIs holding to itself. Post this, SBI will have a furtherheadroom to dilute the >;Is sta*e from "2.34 to "8./4, which will further improve its &A%and Tier I ratio.

    4ey Area of Operation

    The business operations of SBI can be broadly classified into the *ey income generating areassuch as $ational Ban*ing, International Ban*ing, &orporate Ban*ing, Treasury operations.


  • 7/24/2019 Summer Project on Sbi 124654



    The origin of the State Ban of !ndiagoes bac* to the first decade of the nineteenth centurywith the establishment of the Ban* of &alcutta in &alcutta on Cune 8:/5. Three years laterthe ban* received its charter and was re

  • 7/24/2019 Summer Project on Sbi 124654



    The business of the ban*s was initially confined to discounting of bills of e-change or othernegotiable private securities, *eeping cash accounts and receiving deposits and issuing andcirculating cash notes. ?oans were restricted to %s.one ?a*h and the period of

    accommodation confined to three months only. The security for such loans was publicsecurities, commonly called &ompanyDs Paper, bullion, treasure, plate, !ewels, or goods Dnot ofa perishable natureD and no interest could be charged beyond a rate of twelve per cent. ?oansagainst goods li*e opium, indigo, salt woollens, cotton, cotton piece goods, mule twist and sil*goods were also granted but such finance by way of cash credits gained momentum only fromthe third decade of the nineteenth century. All commodities, including tea, sugar and !ute,which began to be financed later, were either pledged or hypothecated to the ban*. )emandpromissory notes were signed by the borrower in favour of the guarantor, which was in turnendorsed to the ban*. ?ending against shares of the ban*s or on the mortgage of houses,land or other real property was, however, forbidden.

    Indians were the principal borrowers against deposit of &ompanyDs paper, while the businessof discounts on private as well as salary bills was almost the e-clusive monopoly ofindividuals =uropeans and their partnership firms. But the main function of the three ban*s, asfar as the government was concerned, was to help the latter raise loans from time to time andalso provide a degree of stability to the prices of government securities.

    Firt Fi%e =ear Plan

    In 82"8, when the irst ive ear Plan was launched, the development of rural India wasgiven the highest priority. The commercial ban*s of the country including the Imperial Ban* of

    India had till then confined their operations to the urban sector and were not e+uipped torespond to the emergent needs of economic regeneration of the rural areas. In order,therefore, to serve the economy in general and the rural sector in particular, the All India %ural&redit Survey &ommittee recommended the creation of a state

  • 7/24/2019 Summer Project on Sbi 124654


    offices comprising branches, sub offices and three ?ocal 'ead ;ffices inherited from theImperial Ban*. The concept of ban*ing as mere repositories of the communityDs savings andlenders to creditworthy parties was soon to give way to the concept of purposeful ban*ing

    subserving the growing and diversified financial needs of planned economic development.The State Ban* of India was destined to act as the pacesetter in this respect and lead theIndian ban*ing system into the e-citing field of national development.


    Competitor and other player in the fieldD

    9op Performing Pu3lic &ector 2ank

    Andhra Ban*

    Allahabad Ban*

    Pun!ab $ational Ban*

    )ena Ban*

    Ei!aya Ban*

    9op Performing Pri%ate &ector 2ank

    ')& Ban*

    I&I&I Ban*

    AFIS Ban*

    9ota* ahindra Ban*

    &enturion Ban* of Pun!ab

    9op Performing Foreign 2ank


    Standard &hartered


  • 7/24/2019 Summer Project on Sbi 124654


    'SB& Ban*

    AB$ A%; Ban*

    American =-press


    The growth for SBI in the coming years is li*ely to be fueled by the following factorsG

    H &ontinued effort to increase low cost deposit would ensure improvement in $Is andhence earnings.

    H >rowing retail S=s thrust would lead to higher business growth.

    H Strong economic growth would generate higher demand for funds pursuant to highercorporate demand for credit on account of capacity e-pansion.


    The ris*s that could ensue to SBI in time to come are as underG

    H SBI is currently operating at a lowest &A%. Insufficient capital may restrict the growthprospects of the ban* going forward.

    H Stiff competition, especially in the retail segment, could impact retail growth of SBI andhence slowdown in earnings growth.

    H &ontribution of retail credit to total ban* credit stood at 54. Significant thrust on growingretail boo* poses higher credit ris* to the ban*.

    H )elay in technology upgradation could result in loss of mar*et shares.

    H anagement indicated a li*ely pension shortfall on account of AS

  • 7/24/2019 Summer Project on Sbi 124654


    !(FF##59 PO!;C9& OF &2(








    SBI International


    ?ife Plus




    &redit &ard SBI >old cards





    Travel &ard SBI >old aster




    &ar ?oan )ebit &ards our &ity our









  • 7/24/2019 Summer Project on Sbi 124654


    Account inance &ards









    SBI Advantage




    le-i &ash erchant



  • 7/24/2019 Summer Project on Sbi 124654



  • 7/24/2019 Summer Project on Sbi 124654



  • 7/24/2019 Summer Project on Sbi 124654


    (59O!;C9(O5 9O 9B#


  • 7/24/2019 Summer Project on Sbi 124654


    Ad%ance Product

    $ow a day not all the people have the capacity to fulfill their re+uirement by their own earning,thats why they need help from others. or this so many government private sector ban*provide them money to fulfill their re+uirement, thats call the Advance Product 0loan product1 ofthe ban*. All the ban*s have so many different types of advance product as per the re+uirementof the people or customers. In ahasamund also there are so many ban*s those provide loanto the people for different causes.

    9ype of Ad%ance Product

    'ome ?oan

    =ducational ?oan

    &ar ?oan

    Personal ?oan

    Property ?oan

    ?oan Against Shares)ebentures


    $ow a day a large no. of people are ta*ing loan form different ban*s. It helps people to fulfilltheir need and it really easy to repayment the loan amount with a longer repayment period.


  • 7/24/2019 Summer Project on Sbi 124654


    &2( Ad%ance Product

    &2( Bome 7oan


    PurchaseJ &onstruction of 'ouseJ lat

    Purchase of a plot of land for construction of 'ouse

    =-tensionJ repairJ renovationJ alteration of an e-isting 'ouseJ lat

    Purchase of urnishings and &onsumer )urables as a part of the pro!ect cost.

    Ta*eover of an e-isting loan from other Ban*sJ 'ousing inance &ompanies.


    %inim&m age8: years as on the date of sanction

    %a'im&m agelimit for a 'ome ?oan borrower is fi-ed at 3/ years, i.e. the age by which theloan should be fully repaid.

    Availability of sufficient, regular and continuous source of income for servicing the loanrepayment.

    "oan Amo&nt

    6/ to 5/ times of $I, depending on repayment capacity as 4 of $I as under K

    $et Annual Income =IJ$I %atio

    (pto %s. lacs 6/4

    Above %s. lac to %s. " lacs "/4

    Above %s. " lacs ""4

    To enhance loan eligi$ility yo& ha(e o)tion to add*

    +. !ncome of yo&r s)o&se,your sonJ daughter living with you, provided they have a steadyincome and hisJ her salary account is maintained with SBI.-. E')ected rent accr&als0less ta-es, cess, etc.1 if the houseJ flat being purchased isproposed to be rented out.. De)reciation, sub!ect to some conditions./. Reg&lar incomefrom all sources


  • 7/24/2019 Summer Project on Sbi 124654


    %argin0Special estival Season ;ffer1

    PurchaseJ &onstruction of a new 'ouseJ latJ Plot of landG 8"4 for loans up to %s. 8 cr.,

    /4 for loans above %s. 8 cr.

    %epairsJ %enovation of an e-isting 'ouseJ latG 8"4

    !nterest Rates 0.e.f -1.-.-223

    #loating interest rates4lined to State Ban Ad(ance Rate 5 SBAR6

    4SBAR* +-.-78 ).a.6

    ?oan Tenor

  • 7/24/2019 Summer Project on Sbi 124654



    To avail an SBI &ar ?oan, you should be G

    Individual between the age of 8

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    $ew J (sed vehiclesG 8"4 of the on the road price.


    ou en!oy the longest repayment period in the industry with us.%epayment periodGor SalariedG a-imum of :6 monthsor Self

  • 7/24/2019 Summer Project on Sbi 124654



    (pto 7 years 0for loans below %s. 3." lac1 At SBA% i.e. 8."4 p.a.

    Above 7 yrs up to " yrs 0for all loans1 At SBA% i.e. 8."4 p.a.Above " yrs up to 3 yrs 0for all loans1 /."4 above SBA% i.e. 8."/4 p.a.

    #!;CA9(O5 7OA5

    A term loan granted to Indian $ationals for pursuing higher education in India or abroad where

    admission has been secured.

    Eligi$le Co&rses

    All courses having employment prospects are eligible.

    >raduation coursesJ Post graduation coursesJ Professional courses

    ;ther courses approved by (>&J>overnmentJAI&T= etc.

    E')enses considered for loan

    ees payable to collegeJschoolJhostel

    =-aminationJ?ibraryJ?aboratory fees

    Purchase of Boo*sJ=+uipmentJInstrumentsJ(niforms

    &aution )epositJBuilding undJ%efundable )eposit 0ma-imum 8/4 tution fees for the

    entire course1

    Travel =-pensesJPassage money for studies abroad

    Purchase of computers considered necessary for completion of course

    &ost of a Two

  • 7/24/2019 Summer Project on Sbi 124654


    !nterestRates40ith effect from +st >&ne -2236

    or loans up to %s.6 lacs < 88.3" 4 p.a. loating

    or loans above %s. 6 lacs and upto %s.3."/ lacs < 87." 4 loatingor loans above %s.3."/ lacs < 8."4 p.a. loatingProcessing #ees

    $o processing feeJ upfront charges

    )eposit of %s. "///J< for education loan for studies abroad which will be ad!usted in the

    margin money

    Re)ayment Ten&re

    %epayment will commence one year after completion of course or 5 months after securing a!ob, whichever is earlier.

    Place of St&dy "oan Amo&nt Re)ayment in Period?ears

    Studies in India %s. 8/./ lacs "uarantee. The ban* may, at its discretion, ine-ceptional cases, weive third party guarantee ifsatisfied with the net

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    Tangible collateral security of suitable value, alongwith the assignment of future income of the studentor payment of installments.

    All loans sho&ld $e sec&red $y )arent4s6,g&ardian of the st&dent $orro0er. !n case ofmarried )erson= co5o$ligator can $e either s)o&se or the )arent4s6, )arents5in5la0


    or loans up to %s.6./ lacs G $o argin

    or loans above %s.6./ lacsG

    o Studies in IndiaG "4

    o Studies AbroadG 8"4

    Doc&mentation Re:&ired

    &ompleted =ducation ?oan Application orm.

    ar* sheets of last +ualifying e-amination

    Proof of admission scholarship, studentship etc

    Schedule of e-penses for the specified course

    passport si#e photographs

    BorrowerDs Ban* account statement for the last si- months

    Income ta- assessment order, of last years

    Brief statement of assets and liabilities, of the &o

  • 7/24/2019 Summer Project on Sbi 124654


    purchase of assets etc.1

    Eligi$ilityou are eligible if you are a Salaried individual of good +uality corporate, self employed

    engineer, doctor, architect, chartered accountant, BA with minimum years standing.

    Salient #eat&res"oan Amo&ntour personal loan limit would be determined by your income and repayment capacity.inimumG %s.6,///J< in metro and urban centres%s.8/, ///J< in ruralJsemi

  • 7/24/2019 Summer Project on Sbi 124654


    Eligi$ilityou are eligible if you areG

    A. An individual who isa. An =mployee orb. A Professional, self

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    Eligi$ilityThis facility is available to our e-isting individual customers en!oying a strong relationship withSBI. This loan could be availed either singly or as a !oint account with spouse in D=ither orSurvivorDJ Dormer or SurvivorD mode. It is offered as an ;verdraft or )emand ?oan.

    The facility is available at "/ select centers.

    Salient #eat&res*P&r)ose

    or meeting contingencies and needs of personal nature. ?oan will be permitted for subscribingto rights or new issue of shares J debentures against the security of e-isting shares Jdebentures. ?oan will not be sanctioned for 0i1 speculative purposes 0ii1 inter

  • 7/24/2019 Summer Project on Sbi 124654


    SBI ain Branch, ahasamund want to *now about the customer perception about the

    advance product provide by them to the people. To find out what *ind of service provide by the competitors in advance product.

    To find out the need of the customer and hence formulate the strategy to level the

    economy in the society. 'ow the products are helping the customer.

    To *now the utility of the product.

    To find out the need of the customer in ahasamund region and introduce new product

    or facilitate new service in e-isting product.

    #ACB O2#C9(

  • 7/24/2019 Summer Project on Sbi 124654


    &(G5(F(CA5C# A5! &COP#

    The geographical scope of the study is restricted to ahasamund only with sample si#e of ///people.

    All the analysis and suggestions are based on the analysis of the both primary and secondarydata.

    Therefore the scope of the study revolves around the following aspectsG

  • 7/24/2019 Summer Project on Sbi 124654


    '. 6hich 3ank you prefer for taking loanH


    +)I @,+00

    (C(C( -I @,'0

    B!FC I @'0

    O9B# ,I @0

    9O9A7 5O. OF P#OP7# 000


    12% 2% 1%






    According to my sample si#e :"4 of people prefer SBI for loan product, but some people prefer

    I&I&I, ')& or ;T'=% Ban* for loan because they are wor*ing with that ban* it is easier for

    them to get loan from their ban* it easier for them to pay the interest because it is less as

    compare to other ban* because they are the employee of that ban*.


  • 7/24/2019 Summer Project on Sbi 124654


    ). (f you prefer &2( for taking loan than what influence you to take 7oan from &2(H

    ost of the people said that they prefer SBI for ta*ing loan because of the transparency and the

    lowest interest rate for any *ind of loan product. And it is easy to get loan from SBI as compare

    to other ban* because less paper wor* is re+uire and as it is the largest govt. ban* in India and

    having partnership with %BI 0%eserve Ban* of India1 and other association, it is easier for SBI to

    give loan to people with a longer repayment period.

    .* 6hich loan product of &2( you ha%e uedH

    BO8# 7OA5 '-I @+'*#!;CA9(O5A7 7OA5 0I @"*0

    CA 7OA5 ,)I @-0

    P#&O5A7 7OA5 ,0I @,+0

    O9B# +I @,''

    9O9A7 5O. OF P#OP7# ,+00






    "O&E LO'N


    !'R LO'N



    rom the sample si#e :"4 of people are using the SBI loan product. rom the 8:// people

    634 of people too* home loan from SBI. /4 of people too* education loan for their children,

    8"4 of people too* car loan from SBI. Some of the customer too* type of loan from SBI li*eboth car educational loan and home car loan. 8/4 of people too* personal loan.


  • 7/24/2019 Summer Project on Sbi 124654


    -. 6hat do you feel a3out the er%ice pro%iding 3y &2( in ad%ance productH

    2ad 0I @0

    &atifactory I @'0

    Good ))I @,,00

    #$cellent '"I @+*0

    9O9A7 5O. OF P#OP7# 000









    rom this it is clear that the service provide by SBI in its advance product is good in betweenthe customer. All of them satisfy with the product provide by SBI. ""4 of people said that the

    service provide by SBI is good 674 said it is e-cellent !ust 4 of people said that it issatisfactory.


  • 7/24/2019 Summer Project on Sbi 124654


    +. 6hich feature you like mot in 7oan egment of &2(H

    7#&& PAP# 6O4 "I @*0


  • 7/24/2019 Summer Project on Sbi 124654


    ost of the people li*e the attractive interest rate longer repayment period. Its easier forpeople to repay the whole loan amount with its interest with low interest rate and with longerrepayment period.

    F(5!(5GCO88#5!A9(O5& A5!


  • 7/24/2019 Summer Project on Sbi 124654


    PO#C9 F(5!(5G&

    rom this pro!ect it is found that SBI advance product having the 8 stplace in the mar*et

    at ahasamund, there is a great opportunity to compete with I&I&I Ban* to retain its

    customer by fulfilling the re+uirement of customer in SBI advance product. It has been observed that appro-imately :"4 correspondents are using advance

    product of SBI and 8"4 are not using any type of advance product of SBI in

    ahasamund. All of SBI customers are satisfied with the services provided by the ban*.

    any of these customers satisfied with the low interest rate and longer repayment period

    of the advance product.

    ost of the customers at ahasamund prefer to ta*e loan from SBI. Appro-imately 674 of advance product users said that the service of SBI in advance

    product is e-cellent. A response from customer care is so clear good.

    any customers have no time to call customer care so that they are not able to *now

    about the service features of SBI advance product. ost customers are shifted from other ban*s advance product to SBI because of hidden

    charges, high interest rate, less repayment period. >overnment employees are more concern than private employees for advance product.

    #A&O5& FO B(GB7= ; OF &2( A!

    ?;$>=% %=PA=$T P=%I;)

    Q(I&9 P%;&=SSI$>

    &;GG#&9(O5 #CO88#5!A9(O5


  • 7/24/2019 Summer Project on Sbi 124654


    &ustomer awareness programme is re+uired so that more people should attract towards

    advance product. If there are any *ind of hidden charges than that must disclose to customer before giving

    loan to them. SBI must ta*e some steps so that customers can get their loan in time. ?i*e phone

    verification by customer care that one customer is got their loan on time or not .It must

    be before a certain date so necessary steps can be ta*en. SBI should more concern about physical verification rather than phone verification so it

    will avoid fraud or cheating.

    Advance product selling agents must not give any type of wrong information regarding

    advance product.

    or the better service new offers would be re+uire.

    SBI customer care should more concern about the fastest settlement of customer


    Before deducting or charging any monetary charge SBI must consult with customer.

    Agents should be trained, well educated proper trained to convince the people about

    different advance product.

    It is the duty of the ban* to disclose all the material facts regarding advance product, li*e

    interest charged, repayment period, other types of charges, etc. Special scheme should be implemented to encourage both customer and agents.

    The ban* should increase the period for repayment of loan.

    SBI should more focus on %etaining e-isting customers.

    SBI must focus on Segmentation based on customer *nowledge Product offering based

    on customer demand.

    SBI must ta*e feedbac*s of customers regarding features services.

    &uggetion gi%en 3y the conumer at the time of ur%ey

  • 7/24/2019 Summer Project on Sbi 124654


    There is more time period for repayment of education loan.

    0 $amrata )as 1

    =ducation loan should be providing to private college also which is not under AI&T= or

    any *ind of (niversity.

    0 Pina*i Bal 1

    SBI should ta*e steps to solve customer problems immediately.

    0 >opinath ahapatra 1

    Agents should be trained, well educated proper trained to convince the people about

    different advance product.

    0P.Anish $ath1

    ?oan sanction date should be according to customer convenient.

    0Coytirmaya Behera1

    A customer awareness programme should be ta*ing place in rural area.


  • 7/24/2019 Summer Project on Sbi 124654


    rom the analysis part it can be conclude that customers have a good respond towards SBI

    advance products in ahasamund. SBI is in 8stposition having large number of customers

    providing good services to them. The ban* has a wide customer base, so the ban* should

    concentrate on this to retain these customers.

    In present scenario SBI is the largest advance product issuer in India. @ithin a very short period

    of time the achievement made by SBI is e-cellent, what a normal ban* cannot e-pect, but it is

    being done by SBI. It happens due to employee dedication towards the organi#ation, fastest

    growing Indian economy, brand image.

    To be the largest advance product issuer, SBI should focus on?????????????
