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Summers and Swan Facebook Deletions (updated)

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  • 8/11/2019 Summers and Swan Facebook Deletions (updated)



    [September 2014 : Timet!mp " #ST $ C%mme&t !'e( ) Sept 24t*+

    N%te: F!,eb%%- (ip.!/ t*e m%t ,rre&t p%t irt


    September 20

    A&t*%&/ Smmer R%bb/& S5!&

    A &i6*t i& 2007 A e!i(e re%rt i& Er%pe O& t*e be!,*8 t*e ti(e *! ,-e( t*e 5!ter t% it .%5et p%i&t F%r

    *&(re( /!r( i&.!&(8 ! 5immi&6 p%%. #!.m tree8 & .%&6er ti(ie( !5!/ %r t*e &i6*t Di&&er t!b.e !&(

    5!iter T*e ,. See M%re #*%t%: A &i6*t i& 2007 A e!i(e re%rt i& Er%pe O& t*e be!,*8 t*e ti(e *! ,-e(

    t*e 5!ter t% it .%5et p%i&t F%r *&(re( /!r( i&.!&(8 ! 5immi&6 p%%. #!.m tree8 & .%&6er ti(ie(

    !5!/ %r t*e &i6*t Di&&er t!b.e !&( 5!iter T*e ,.i&- % 6.!e T*e %&( % .!6*ter8 E&6.i* '%i,e T*ere

    i m%'eme&t8 t*%6*8 i& t*e (!r-&e U&(ete,te( m%'eme&t A ,*i.( 5i.. 6% mii&6 t*!t &i6*t8 M!/ 98 20078 !

    ,*i.( 5*% *! i&,e be,%me e&(ri&6./ !m% %r !& !be&,e t*!t *! .!te( %r /e!r W*!t (% 5e re!../

    -&%5 !b%t t*e (i!ppe!r!&,e % M!(e.ei&e M,C!&& ;& e

    Fi&!.it !&( t5%3time 5i&&er % t*e Crime Writer? A%,i!ti%&? =%.( D!66er8 A&t*%&/ Smmer !&(

    R%bb/& S5!& pr%'i(e t*e m%t (ei&iti'e !,,%&t p%ib.e % t*i tr!6i, !&( ,%&tr%'eri!. ,!e =et /%r ,%p/t%(!/ %& *ttp:$$!m>&t%$15N9M#!


    Sandra Carter Excited, I have my book. Waterstones Liverpool One x September 20 at 2!0"pm


    $amela %&rney 'ohn (ith d&e respect (hy are yo& so obsessed) *ost people chan+e their statements and there is

    nothin+ sinister in doin+ so. September 20 at 2!0pm


    $amela %&rney -nthony /obbyn i+nore the comments. *any o &s have read yo&r book and think it is a very +ood

    acco&nt o the period o time s&rro&ndin+ *adeleine1s disappearance and brin+s into &estion (hy the $' ailed to act

    on many o the salient points. September 20 at 2!2pm###############################

    Eli3abeth 4asord Lol at $amela %&rney the reno(ned *cCann shill5 Well -nthony and /obbyn yo& keep stran+e

    company. Oh dear... says it all really. 6ave yo& read the $' iles) It (o&ld seem not. September 20 at !07pm


    Eli3abeth 4asord - &estion S&mmers and S(an. 6ave yo& read 8ate1s be(k) What do yo& think o it) $a+e 29 is a

    bit (eird do yo& not think, partic&larly (hen she says a reason she (rote her be(k (as or the t(ins. :hat is prettyhorriic do yo& not think) September 20 at !2pm


    Olivia /ose I respect&lly think it (o&ld be help&l i the a&thors instead o ans(erin+ speciic &estions abo&t the

    book did a point by point s&mmary o concerns raised on this pa+e. :here are lots to incl&de :he sh&tters ;emmied ornot and (hy so many people &sed this term :he c&rtains open or sh&t < co&ld they have (ooshed bein+ t&cked behind

    a bed and chair) = photo+raph in $' iles> ?oors patio or main, locked or open = (hy do yo& think the story chan+ed)>Statements chan+in+ = (hy > ?avid $aynes visit = timin+ and inconsistencies> @ important as last si+htin+ o

    *adeliene both a(ake and thereore alive. In act vitally important. :he s&pposed last photo+raph = not in keepin+

    (ith the (eather conditions> :he last photo+raph = (hy didn1t the police have this i they had -LL the cameras and

    cards> Why it (as so diic&lt to ind madeleine1s ?A- in the apartment =6airbr&sh, toothbr&sh, drinkin+ c&p,

    beddin+, &nder(ear> :he secondment o Clarence *itchell despite there bein+ cons&lar help = statement abo&t this in

    +overnment 6ansard> :he &nd set &p as a Ltd company and it1s ail&re on p&blic transparency :he %aspars statement

    :he possibility derived rom the do+s alert that *adeleine may have died in the apartment despite the inconcl&sive

    hard evidence. '&st a e( thin+s mentioned above b&t a &ick tra(l thro&+h the threads (ill sho( many more

  • 8/11/2019 Summers and Swan Facebook Deletions (updated)


    &estions. *aybe both o yo& are privy to inormation that (o&ld explain all or even some o these &estions)

    Bnort&nately or many o &s that have researched the case or years the book does not cover these points. I yo& can

    not or (ill not ans(er these points can yo& say hand on heart that the book sho&ld have been p&blished) I yo& can

    not ans(er or even attempt to ans(er any o these &estions then yo& m&st a+ree that the book is not the most

    deinitive acco&nt yet) I yo& need any help (ith any i the research or the above I and others (ill be able to help.September 20 at !0pm

    ###############################$amela %&rney /obbyn and -nthony take my advice...yo& /E-LL do AO: need help rom these people. %ood %od

    in heaven above5555555 September 20 at !pm


    $amela %&rney " years beore *adeleine *cCann disappeared and I &r+e all vie(ers to read this article o that


  • 8/11/2019 Summers and Swan Facebook Deletions (updated)


    it.-ttackin+ people constantly (hen they are not bein+ all hearts and lo(ers abo&t the *cCanns seems to be yo&r

    (ay rom (hat ive (itnessed on here. September 22 at J!"Fam


    $amela %&rney *s :anners child (as in an inner apartment and not &ite so v&lnerable rom the point o easy access

    nor easy (atchin+ o the apartment. I sho&ld ima+ine their &est (as &lilled in abd&ctin+, so easily, *adeleine*cCann. September 22 at "!7am H Edited

    ###############################Sholena Woolley It (as abo&t me L&isa maria antonali b&t they seem to be removin+ my comments and some o pams

    (here she says I1m a perect perect (oman and I sho&ld be a saint etc lol September 22 at "!7am


    $amela %&rney *s -ntonelli (here have I been all hearts and lo(ers) $erhaps yo&1d like to point to the speciic

    statement) Ao, I am concerned abo&t *adeleine havin+ been traicked, that is all except to say not one o &s is

    perect and (e all make errors in o&r ;&d+ement alon+ the (ay, yo& most especially I eel. September 22 at "!20am


    $amela %&rney o& do realise Sholena I (as bein+ a tad sarcastic) Aobody is perect, yo& kno( that) September 22

    at "!am


    Sholena Woolley es pam I1ve seen yo& call many people perect parents etc or havin+ the same val&es as me . Save

    yo&r head+ames or someone else September 22 at "!J0am###############################

    $amela %&rney It1s not me (ho has set &p the head +ames Sholena. I think yo& are seein+ everythin+ in some kind o

    reverse psycholo+ical (ay5 :hat is yo&r problem and not mine nor the *cCanns. September 22 at "!"am

    ###############################Sholena Woolley Lol September 22 at "!"Jam


    @icki %oli+htly $amela %&rney *s :anners child (as in an inner apartment and not &ite so v&lnerable rom the

    point o easy access nor easy (atchin+ o the apartment. I sho&ld ima+ine their &est (as &lilled in abd&ctin+, so

    easily, *adeleine *cCann. September 22 at D!0"am


    $amela %&rney es @icki. September 22 at D!Jam

    ###############################@icki %oli+htly $amela %&rney *s :anners child (as in an inner apartment and not &ite so v&lnerable rom the

    point o easy access nor easy (atchin+ o the apartment. I sho&ld ima+ine their &est (as &lilled in abd&ctin+, so

    easily, *adeleine *cCann. So, *adeleine *cCann W-S 1abd&cted1 as yo& state *s %&rney) Wo&ld yo& s(ear, on

    oath, that that is tr&e) :he *cCanns o(n la(yers, in the B8 and $ort&+al, (ill AO: s(ear that is tr&e. Indeed *r

    S&mmers and *s S(an also state that 1abd&ction1 is only a 1theory1 AO: a 1act1. 4&t yo& say the traickers 1&est1 (as

    &lilled in 1abd&ctin+1 *adeleine *cCann. So i yo& have irre&table proo that *adeleine (as 1abd&cted1 i1m s&re *rS&mmers and *s S(an and the *etropolitan $olice at O% (o&ld be 1deli+hted1 to have yo&r &ncontestationable

    1evidence1 +iven to them. -nd i yo& have not +iven the police yo&r 1evidence1 that *adeleine W-S 1abd&cted1 beore

    no(, then (hy not) Witholdin+ yo&r 1evidence1 abo&t (hat yo& say yo& 1kno(1 abo&t *adeleine1s deinite 1abd&ction1,

    or over 7 years, hasn1t helped ind *adeleine and bro&+ht her home, has it) o&r inormation abo&t the 1abd&ction1mi+ht have led to *adeleine bein+ o&n shortly ater her 1abd&ction1 September 22 at D!2am

    ###############################@icki %oli+htly o& have :OL? ?CI /ed(ood at Operation %ran+e abo&t the traickers &lillin+ their &est in

    1abd&ctin+1 *adeleine *cCann, haven1t yo&, *s %&rney) :hat co&ld be the vital bit o inormation they are lookin+

    or, co&ldn1t it) -nd lead to +ettin+ *adeleine back. September 22 at D!0am


    $amela %&rney We hope so @icki, that is all (e can say on the matter. September 22 at D!Dam


    $amela %&rney @icki read and comprehend, I said I sho&ld ima+ine...no( (hat does that mean to yo&) September

    22 at D!7am

  • 8/11/2019 Summers and Swan Facebook Deletions (updated)



    @icki %oli+htly $erhaps yo& also 1ima+ined1 the 1abd&ction1 that yo& blatantly re&se to s(ear on oath to, happened, at

    all. Let1s ace the reality ,yo& have OAL been 1told1 by, and only by, *r and *rs *cCann that *adeleine, the

    1missin+1 child, W-S 1abd&cted1 IG yo& have irre&table 1proo1 that *adeleine W-S 1abd&cted1 (hy are yo& so reticent

    to 1share1 it (ith &s) I yo& tell &s all yo& 1kno(1 abo&t the 1abd&ctin+1 o *adeleine, by traickers, as yo& say, (emi+ht rom yo&r inormation be able to 1help1 ind her and brin+ her home.4&t i yo& keep yo&r inormation a 1secret1

    ho( can (e possibly 1help1 to ind *adeleine and brin+ her home) Come on *s %&rney, no(1s not the time to keepsecret (hat yo& 1kno(1 abo&t *adeleine1s 1abd&ction1, is it) '&st tell &s (hat yo& 1kno(1 abo&t *adeleine1s 1abd&ction1.

    $lease. September 22 at 7!Dam


    $amela %&rney G%S @icki do +ro( &p please or everyone1s sanity5 -nd no (e are not sharin+ (ith a load o trolls.

    '&st let AS deal (ith all the ino. September 22 at 7!Fam H Edited


    @icki %oli+htly Ok.:hx or conirmin+ yo&, *s %&rney, do 1kno(1 somethin+ abo&t *adeleine1s 1abd&ction1 b&t yo&

    are not +oin+ to share that inormation (ith trolls, or indeed, anyone else.:hankyo&. I1m ;&st sorry i (on1t be able to

    help ind *adeleine beca&se yo& (on1t 1share1 (ith me the acts that yo& personally 1kno(1 abo&t her 1abd&ction1. Oh

    (ell, i tried to 1help1. September 22 at 7!29am


    @icki %oli+htly Ao one, incl&din+ yo&r +ood sel, *s %&rney, AO OAE can ever say that i did not 1try1 to help 1ind1*adeleine. Inormation (as (itheld rom me, so (hat more can i do) I tried5 %ood l&ck *adeleine. September 22 at



    'ohn Coxon an the *ccanns demonstrate that *adeleine didnt meet her o(n demise d&e to their ne+lect ie she(alked o&t o the apartment o her o(n accord and +ot r&n over by a car,the driver panicked and d&mped her body,

    nope, act is &ntil the abd&ctor is tried and convicted there is no abd&ctor, &ntil the mcscams arestandin+ in the dock

    there is no case v them o co&rse theM evidenceM (hich the (riter so reely dismisses does not b&ild a case v the

    parents it may certainly to many perectly reasonable people constit&te +ro&nds to s&spect the parents, +ro( &p

    S&mmers yo& cant prove it (asnttem any more than I can prove it (as, the rest is ;&st a conversation thereore any

    book based on their ass&med innocence has no investi+ative basis at all, the act is i yo& had (ritten it in any other

    context yo& (o&ld never even have +ot it p&blished in the B8 as the *ccanns po(er&l le+al machinary (o&ld have

    made it impossible so I dont need to read it , it has ape set a+enda and is thereore every bit as (orthless as every star revie( s&++ests esterday at !"am


    'ohn Coxon pre set even esterday at !7am


    $amela %&rney %ood or yo& 'ohn, I1m s&re (e are all cryin+ in o&r breakast cereal beca&se o yo&r tho&+hts on the

    matter. esterday at !J"am###############################

    $amela %&rney :he book Lookin+ or *adeleine is most deinitely (orth a read or all o those (ho are interested in

    (hat happened in the lead &p to and the post abd&ction scene in $raia da L&3. 'ohn1s theory o *adeleine bein+ r&n

    over is ;&st (ay o&t there in space as there is no evidence o that at all (hereas an abd&ction rom apartment "a (aseasy to &ndertake and the little +irl (as probably on the road to the marina beore anyone (as a(are she (as missin+.

    @ery sad b&t I eel certain this is ;&st (hat happened. esterday at !J9am###############################

    $amela %&rney What this boils do(n to is that only the police can ind o&t (hat happened to *adeleine not a b&nch

    o armchair detectives (ho are so childish they label the *cCanns the *cScams. I s&++est yo& leave the investi+atin+

    to the police as yo& people are all over the place (ith yo&r mad ima+inin+s rom Ill&minati involvement to labellin+

    *adeleine1s ather and ?avid $ayne as child ab&sers. W/OA% to libel and yo& sho&ld be dealt (ith. esterday at

    !"9am H Edited


  • 8/11/2019 Summers and Swan Facebook Deletions (updated)


    Caroline Lo(ery o& have as m&ch evidence to back &p the theory o abd&ction as 'ohn has to back over the

    *adeleine bein+ r&n over theory (hich is the point 'ohn (as makin+ $amela b&t as &s&al yo& ins&lt as it does not +o

    alon+ (ith yo&r theory5 esterday at 2!00am


    *elanie *asters *y blood boils (hen they call the *cCanns the *cScams. What a+e are these people, " or D)esterday at 2!07am

    ###############################S&san /io&x $am, (hy (o&ld this book most deinitely be (orth a read (hen :he :r&th o the Lie (asn1t +iven the

    same chance to be read in the B8) One is illed (ith veriiable G-C:S o the case (here S&mmers book doesn1t even

    have a proper biblio+raphy to back his s&pposed research) 'ohn is most deinitely correct in that it (o&ld never have

    seen the li+ht had it been (ritten in any context other than pro *cCann. I reali3e yo& m&st be tired and lonely i+htin+

    the +ood i+ht basically alone here b&t yo&r ar+&ment (o&ld +o a lot &rther i yo& (o&ld stop (ith the ins&lts. 4t(,

    ;&st (hat happen to yo&r army o s&pporters) I believe people are inally (akin+ &p to the tr&th....GIA-LL.

    esterday at 2!2am


    :revor *artyn Wilson N&estion. Let &s ass&me that poor *adeleine has been 1abd&cted to order1 blonde hair,

  • 8/11/2019 Summers and Swan Facebook Deletions (updated)


    Lee Eldred :he thin+ is this book is ;&st one opinion, yeah it1s (orth a read i yo&r interested in the opinions o the

    a&thors b&t that1s all. :here are plenty o opinions o&t there or all to read I don1t see (hy this one is so vital. :his case

    prompts so m&ch disc&ssion beca&se so m&ch is &nkno(n and so m&ch is kno(n. What I mean by that is that the

    police iles are accessible or all to read b&t they do not prove (hat happened so yo& are let (ith yo&r o(n opinion, it

    (ill contin&e to be disc&ssed &ntil the tr&th is kno(n. It is my opinion that *adeleine (as not abd&cted, I ormed thatopinion thro&+h readin+ the case iles, +errys blo+s, 8ate1s book and the *cCann iles site to read intervie(s etc.

    -ter readin+ all o that I decided I ind the abd&ction hard to believe and I (o&ld (ant to see the reconstr&ction takeplace to better decide (hat really did happen, I1m sorry b&t that does not make me a hater, I am entitled to an opinion

    ;&st the same as the a&thors o this book are. " ho&rs a+o


    /obert %&est I (as disappointed that the book didn1t involve delvin+ into the credentials o the retired do+ handler

    (ho (as sent to $?L to cond&ct searches, perhaps yo& (o&ld care to comment on this.


  • 8/11/2019 Summers and Swan Facebook Deletions (updated)



    Lee Eldred I think it1s irrelevant ho( oten he1s been ri+ht or (ron+, perhaps the do+s (ere (ron+, that is a possibility

    ho(ever &nlikely, b&t the acc&sations I1ve read that he led the do+s and thereore deliberately provided alse evidence

    into a search or a missin+ child are absol&tely o&tra+eo&s. ho&rs a+o

    ###############################-nthony 6olland *oronic Lee5 ho&rs a+o

    ###############################/obert %&est Btter r&bbish -nthony, sho( me these 200 cases he is never (ron+ ) Lee Eldred # is there a lea+&e table

    o do+ handlers) *artin %rime (as startin+ his o(n cons&ltancy b&siness so it (as beneicial that his do+s alerted in

    all the ri+ht places :hat department o the $' (as &nder investi+ation or corr&ption :he statistics o *adeleine bein+

    o&nd alive by the time the do+s arrive are less than 0.0"P so it (as a calc&lated risk. -nd i yo& read -LL o %rimes

    disclaimers in his report yo& (ill see that he caveats his alerts (itho&t orensic evidence backin+ them &p. *artin

    %rime lied in his report, this has been proven *artin %rime lied on his C@ this has been proven. In relation to his

    actions on the *cCann case, *artin %rime1s so called evidence is &nreliable. ho&rs a+o


    'ohn Coxon $&re coincidence +enetic material (as also o&nd in t(o o the places the do+s indicated I s&ppose, yo&

    can ar+&e the stren+ths or (eaknesses o all the acts o the case b&t to simply dismiss them in my opinion is

    ridic&lo&s, the cadaver and blood do+s indicated in many places aro&nd the *ccanns and no(here else,the s&pposed

    point o entry to the apartment (as in act &nto&ched and had 8ate *ccanns in+er prints on it, partial ?A- matchesto *adeleine (ere o&nd &nder the loor tile and in the car *ccann tried to explain a(ay one o these indin+s in his

    intervie( *itchell declared he co&ld explain a(ay the st& in the car *artin Smith declared he (as pretty s&re it (as

    *ccann he sa( that ni+ht, the *ccanns &nd is a b&siness, they spent h&ndreds o tho&sands on ;oke detectives they

    did their best to keep the Smith e its o&t o the (ay and they have a+ressively s&ed and desperately tried to discreditpeople (ho reached a concl&sion the $ort&+&ese investi+ation stated (as totally possible they hired an ex +overnment

    spin doctor, the B8 +overnment have denied access to parts o the investi+ation and admidst all this there is not one

    sin+le shred o evidence o an abd&ction takin+ place despite do3ens o vario&s theories to this eect, amillion po&nd

    re(ard and t(o h&+e investi+ations one o (hich %ran+e (as p&rely biased to(ard abd&ction, have (hatever opinion

    yo& like, I tr&ley co&ld not care less b&t &nderstand the more people (ho attempt to ridic&le those (ho le+itimately

    &estion (hat the hell is +oin+ on here , the more are +oin+ to ask that &estion 7 years and co&ntin+ still no si+n o

    any real ans(ers 2 ho&rs a+o

    ###############################Lee Eldred http!

  • 8/11/2019 Summers and Swan Facebook Deletions (updated)


    %t*er t% (% % Ci'i. (i,i%& %r e,*!&6e % 'ie5 5i.. be 5e.,%me(8 bt t*%e 5it* &% repe,t %r t*!t

    pri&,ip.e mt epe,t t*eir p%t t% be (e.ete( Repe!t %e&(er 5i.. be b!&&e( T*ere !re p.e&t/ % %t*er

    p.!,e %& t*e Net t*!t 5i.. !..%5 t*em t% *%t (it%rti%& % t*e !,t !&( pre!( b.!,- pr%p!6!&(! F%r %r

    p!rt8 5e( r6e !&/%&e i&terete( t% re!(

  • 8/11/2019 Summers and Swan Facebook Deletions (updated)


    oicial (ebsite displayed on the let hand side col&mn (hich links back to this pa+e. We1ll correct the typo, thank

    yo&5 September F at !"pm


    8elly Lo&ise Co3ens *ccann iles is illed (ith ne(spaper snip bits it1s all media crap not act September F at


    Olivia /ose 8elly Lo&ise co3ens. :he a&thors have &sed a lot o media so&rces in their book. ?idn1t yo& notice (henyo& read it) September F at !""pm


    Olivia /ose Whatever side o the ence people sit in I &r+e them to research properly. :here are the oicial iles

    *edia reports = obvio&sly sho&ld be taken (ith a pinch o salt> Intervie( clips 4ooks on both sides -nd o co&rse

    +oo+le /esearch research research. September F at !"9pm


    :om ?&rbin -nyone (ho act&ally spends any len+th o time st&dyin+ the police iles and S:ILL sits deendin+ the

    rep&tation o the *cCanns, (ell, that1s &ite incredibly blinkered in my opinion. o& can1t have read all the iles -A?

    think they1re innocent. :o do so re&ires SBC6 a leap o aith, +iven the evidence available. I ind it sad that a&thors

    that (ere respected in their ield sho&ld present s&ch a hal#baked cobbled to+ether book, and saddest o all is that

    books like this &sed to *-::E/, beca&se parents like -nne West needed books like this to remind the p&blic that

    there (ere still bodies o children &nclaimed on the moors. Ao( books like this don1t matter, beca&se no previo&s1victims1 have had s&ch a (ell#oiled and (ell connected $/ machine. September F at 2!29pm


    $amela %&rney Well said -nthony /obbyn. :hose ready to deame and spread malicio&s lies and misinormation

    are a real eye opener to most people5 Shocked is the (ord (hich sprin+s readily to mind. Ao need or it at all.September F at 2!Dpm


    $amela %&rney I have most certainly read all o the police iles and more than once :om and yet can see nothin+ to

    pers&ade me o the *cCanns involvement in the disappearance o *adeleine. September F at 2!Fpm


    Isabel Oliveira some &estions I (o&ld be +rate&l or a reply time and (ill permittin+ . re+ardin+ the mini sail . :his

    is placed in the aternoon rather than the mornin+ o *ay the rd. Was it a mistake ) I haven1t yet seen a mention that

    there (as a babysitter service available in the OC provided by the same nannies that minded the crQche d&rin+ theday. I1ve ;&st seen a mention o the ni+ht crQche . Was it an oversi+ht ) ?id yo& +et a chance to research the GSS re the

    mistakes that took place in their orensic analysis o several criminal cases, (hich ori+inated a police en&iry . :he

    most (ell kno(n case (as the ?amilola :aylor case . -re yo& a(are that the perishable samples in the *adeleine

    *CCann case (ere destroyed even tho&+h this (as an open case. ?id yo& come across the act that the home oice

    re&sed to s&pply the $ort&+&ese police (ith a D month bank statement or *r *cCann as per doc&ments on the

    police iles) Ginally (ho (as the anonymo&s donor that sent control risks to $ort&+al beore 4rian 8ennedy and also(hy did elements o the :apas F insist in placin+ /obert *&rat in the OC (hen, in act , he (as not there . :hank yo&

    in advance i yo& decide to reply . I inalise (ith a reply to some o the posts I1ve seen. Gor those sayin+ that my

    Co&ntry is a paedophile haven or that (e don1t have a sex&al oences re+istry do +et yo&r acts ri+ht. :his too is

    black propa+anda . September F at 2!JDpm###############################

    Isabel Oliveira :hat makes t(o o &s , $am September F at !0pm###############################

    Isabel Oliveira :hey1re not lax at all b&t (e can have this disc&ssion else(here since (e1re invadin+ the a&thors pa+e

    (ith o&r disc&ssion . It1s like overstayin+ o&r (elcome . September F at !0pm


    :om @an 6el 'ameson :his pa+e is bein+ r&n ti+hter that a n&ns knickers in a police state....hardly (orth commentin+

    i they keep deletin+.... September F at !0pm


  • 8/11/2019 Summers and Swan Facebook Deletions (updated)


    -ndre( Wakeman o& say people (ont look at any other vie( 4B: yo&r book has missed o&t ch&nks thats are

    important September F at !J0pm


    %raeme Smith Only one s&spect has re&sed to ans(er &estions.......... September F at !"Jpm

    ###############################Olivia /ose %ood &estions Isabel x September F at J!02pm

    ###############################-ndre( Wakeman :hin+ is (hy do people r&le o&t the parents and riends and (ont &estion or have anythin+ bad

    said a+ainst the parents) September F at J!0Fpm


    $amela %&rney Aot to me 'acci) :hank yo& or brin+in+ to my attention. September 9 at 2!Fam


    $amela %&rney -nthony /obbyn yo&r book has p&t the tra+ic story concernin+ (hat happened over the period

    *adeleine (ent missin+ into a very easy to read and act&al manner. I (o&ld hi+hly recommend more to act&ally read

    it beore makin+ rash comments. September 9 at 2!J0am H Edited


    'acci Greimond /&dlin+ Wired ca&se no( the one (here I commented to yo& is also. $amela %&rney September 9 at


    ###############################'acci Greimond /&dlin+ 'ohn *ooney. Why sho&ld $amela %&rney not comment i she has somethin+ to oer)

    September 9 at !07am


    'anine 4resnick 4eca&se $amela repeats the same mantra time ater time and it1s tedio&s. Ao s&bstantiation or themantra so &s tr&th seekers (o&ld like ans(ers rom other people like S&mmers and S(ann (ho have p&t their names

    to (hat appears to be a (ork o iction September 9 at !am


    Ste Gi I (o&ld like to kno( (hy so many acts are not mentioned in the book5 Easy &estion and i hope or a simple

    ans(er5 September 9 at !"am


    $amela %&rney :r&th Seekers) Lol...(allies is act&ally a more ittin+ description o yo& people especially yo& 'anine

    (ho proesses to be an &ltra hi+hly &aliied (oman5 Sorry b&t yo& are not tho&+ht o in any kind o hi+h esteem bythe mainstream. September 9 at !"9am


    'acci Greimond /&dlin+ 'anine 4resnick. :o&chR) September 9 at 2!0am


    'acci Greimond /&dlin+ Stei. *aybe beca&se o&tside o yo&r circle o devotees # :6E -/EA1: COASI?E/E? :O

    4E G-C:S. *aybe) September 9 at 2!0am###############################

    6eather 6opper Colette Crot, I m&st a+ree (ith yo& re the ootnotes, biblio+raphy and appendices, as both a st&dent

    and then a t&tor, this (as most important in any piece o research or st&dy. September 9 at !0am

    ###############################Olivia /ose It is very poorly reerenced. -s I read the book and beca&se I kno( the case inside o&t I co&ld (ork o&t

    (here thin+s came rom = either iles, media or books> b&t the ne( reader lookin+ into this or the irst time (ill ;&sthave a list o 1so&rces1 I (o&ld hope the next edition (o&ld address this) September 9 at !J"am


    *aria 8ennedy I believed *adeleine1s parent (ere behind her disappearance at irst, b&t not anymore, i believe

    *adeleine (as stolen to order and a peadiphile rin+ have taken her, i hope she1s alive as my heart really does +oes o&t

    to her parents and siblin+, i made an error on everythin+ i had read b&t i no( kno( that it (as not all acts i (as

    readin+ imo. September 9 at F!0Fam


  • 8/11/2019 Summers and Swan Facebook Deletions (updated)


    *ark :ierney - &estion or the a&thors. -ter t(o years research and =pres&mably> extensive readin+ o the available

    iles and statements, ho( do yo& come to the concl&sion =and I paraphrase> that the parents have said and done

    nothin+ to aro&se any s&spicions) -ny thinkin+, analytical person (o&ld be voicin+ s&spicions, even ater readin+

    the heavily iltered mainstream media stories. September 9 at !"7am H Edited

    ###############################Stephen Garrant I this radio intervie( isn1t deendin+ the *cCanns then I don1t kno( (hat is5 6o( anyone can listen

    to this and concl&de that yo& are impartial or independent be++ars belie.http!

  • 8/11/2019 Summers and Swan Facebook Deletions (updated)


    BrbUn %ypsy @ery interestin+ book it1s ollo(ed alon+ the p;iles to a point it pointed o&t a e( o the less p&blicised

    reasons or an abd&ction and ho( thin+s co&ld have been done. *ost o all tho&+h yo&r book has ca&sed mayhem in

    the anti camp as most o them are on here +ivin+ yo& ne+ative comments and complainin+ abo&t yo&r book on all

    +ro&ps con+rat&lations on s&ch a +ood read. September 2 at !0am

    ###############################$amela %&rney Isabel that (as not misinormation5 %ood +rie (ill yo& please +et real5 September 2 at !0am

    ###############################$amela %&rney *ichael ?&bov I have read the book. Initially I (as (atchin+ the anti campai+n &nold on their

    +ro&ps to +o and +ive S&mmers S(an bad revie(s so (ent in to (arn people not to listen or take on board those

    hate revie(s. September 2 at !2am H Edited


    %(en 'ames '&st read the book (ith and open mind olks not (ith yo&r preconceived ideas abo&t (hat the tr&th is.

    September 2 at J!am


    :ina 'ohnston Can i ask a &estion pl3) Is there one video (here the mcanns act&ally cry)...im yet to see one to be

    honest...not once in all this time have i seen a video (here they have cried not the actions o distra&+ht parents i & ask

    me....stone aced heartless co&ple September 2 at "!22am


    Aicola Stevens Interestin+ readin+ everyone1s vie(s September 2 at 0!Fam###############################

    $eter ?avies :he one thin+ that (hat proven, (itho&t do&bt, (as that there W-S AO -4?BC:IOA. September 2 at


    ###############################:om @an 6el 'ameson Aicola Stevens..even Spammy $ammy1s lies) September 2 at !Fpm


    $amela %&rney What a load o cods(allop emanates rom the hate camp. It really is abo&t time yo& people +re( &p.

    September 2 at 2!J7pm


    *elanie *asters Shockers5 When are they +oin+ to pack in (ith this terrible nastiness to(ards the *cCanns I

    (onder) Why is it so diic&lt to believe there (ere child traickers han+in+ aro&nd the *cCanns apartment)

    September 2 at !0Fpm###############################

    'acci Greimond /&dlin+ *ore o the same. *ore o the same. September 2 at 9!2Jpm


    $amela %&rney $recisely 'acci. :hey are all on a loop. - mantra o hate a+ainst the *cCanns, each havin+ their o(n

    part to play. September 2 at !JJpm

    ###############################$amela %&rney Chris /oberts, (hy (o&ld the traickers take children (ho may all have screamed and cried and

    bro&+ht attention on themselves) *elanie is ri+ht I think. *y opinion is that there (as a speciic order or a speciic

    child type..i.e. +irl

  • 8/11/2019 Summers and Swan Facebook Deletions (updated)



    $amela %&rney es /achel yo& do need to be a(are. :his is (here the *cCanns (ent (ron+, bein+ &na(are o the

    potential or abd&ction. :hey have had to live (ith the loss o *adeleine or 7yrs. $&nishment eno&+h don1t yo&

    a+ree) -nd maybe yo&r children did come home saely rom %ran Canaria (here abd&ctions are not &nheard o b&t

    that does not tell me they (ere (atched 2J

  • 8/11/2019 Summers and Swan Facebook Deletions (updated)



    $amela %&rney :he rest o &s are, as I said, the tho&sands o s&pporters (ho are here or *adeleine and her parents.

    September 22 at 7!"9am


    /ach *&rphy Sorry $amela ... 4riely scrolled thro&+h link and it states this lad (as o&t playin+ (hen he (asabd&cted ... Sli+htly dierent than bein+ let in an &nlocked apartment at ni+ht (hen yo&r only (ith yo&r yo&n+er

    t(ins , (hen parents are o&t ;ollyin+ it &p September 22 at F!00am###############################

    $amela %&rney :he rest o &s (o&ld also incl&de the millions or even billions o concerned people in this (orld

    (ho do not consider themselves perect and (itho&t a&lt b&t act&ally care eno&+h to (ant *adeleine o&nd and

    bro&+ht home and hope&lly it (ill also mean other precio&s little children (ho have disappeared (itho&t trace (ill

    also be o&nd. September 22 at F!02am


    $amela %&rney O8 /ach, don1t (orry abo&t child traickin+. It is entirely &p to yo&. September 22 at F!0am


    /ach *&rphy %et a +rip (oman ... O co&rse I1m not perect b&t I never p&t my child at risk at home or abroad o

    bein+ abd&cted or traicked and neither has any other parent that I kno( 55 September 22 at 9!"Dam


    $amela %&rney Well con+rat&lations /ach b&t I (o&ld say there b&t or the %race o %od (alk I...and that appliesto all imperect and perect parents (ho mana+ed to +et thro&+h the children1s childhood (itho&t them bein+

    abd&cted5 o& are indeed a mirac&lo&s mother. September 22 at 0!0am


    $amela %&rney /ach I hope yo& realise I (as bein+ acetio&s beca&se abd&ctions are thank&lly rare b&t nonethelessdo occ&r and it is devastatin+ or those (hose children =or any amily member b&t especially children> are ca&+ht by

    s&ch predators. September 22 at 0!0Fam


    *ichael ?&bov So there is evidence that traickers (ere in $?L in *ay 2007 ) September 22 at !29am


    'acci Greimond /&dlin+ ?on1t be thick /ach. o& kno( (ho I mean by the rest o &s. September 22 at !am


    'acci Greimond /&dlin+ $amela %&rney I don1t think some o them +et sarcasm or acetio&sness. Lol. September 22 at!2am


    $amela %&rney :oo thick I ima+ine and most certainly are not (orldly (ise. Aot their a&lts perhaps b&t ... (ell (hat

    can one say abo&t these people (hich ade&ately s&ms them &p) September 22 at !Jam


    *ichael ?&bov I (as never in any dan+er o bein+ abd&cted as a child altho&+h a riend o mine (as m&rdered by hisparents. :he ather (as han+ed in 9D. September 22 at !"am


    $amela %&rney :hat is very sad *ichael. We have had a m&rder in o&r amily too and it is a devastatin+ thin+ or the

    (ider amily and riends as (ell as those closest.. *aybe brin+in+ back Capital $&nishment (o&ld deter many othese m&rderers) What case (as this and (hy did only the ather han+) September 22 at !JJam H Edited

    ###############################*ark :ierney $amela %&rney ... (ell (hat can one say abo&t these people (hich ade&ately s&ms them &p)... 6o(

    abo&t :hey1re ri+ht) September 22 at !J"am


    $amela %&rney Oh most deinitely yo& are not ri+ht in many respects *ark. September 22 at !J9am


    'acci Greimond /&dlin+ Aaa. ?on1t think so. Aot ri+ht. Certainly obsessed, probably mistaken and certainly misled.

    September 22 at !"0am


  • 8/11/2019 Summers and Swan Facebook Deletions (updated)


    *ichael ?&bov $amela, I am not native 4ritish, I (as bro&+ht &p in St $etersb&r+h /&ssia. :he *other (as

    sentenced to lie imprisonment, at the time there (as a moratori&m on exec&tin+ (omen altho&+h she (as +iven the

    choice o death or lie in prison. September 22 at !"am


    $amela %&rney *isled

  • 8/11/2019 Summers and Swan Facebook Deletions (updated)


    /ach *&rphy $amela yo&r hilario&s ... '&st seen yo&r comment brain(ashed by their leaders

  • 8/11/2019 Summers and Swan Facebook Deletions (updated)


    ;o&rnalism. Ao(, (hy did yo& &ote my copyri+hted and not or#commercial#&se blo+ (itho&t askin+ or my

    permission, even tho&+h I had clearly re&sed to ans(er the really s&spicio&s &estions yo& emailed me and then had

    the nerve to incl&de &otes lited rom my blo+ in an ins&ltin+ chapter titled or reserved or *cCann 6aters an

    ab&sive epithet &sed by the *cCanns and their online s&pporters =real trolls (ho stalk, harass, send death threats to

    blo++ers like me>. - book that is heavily biased, pro *cCannish and is clearly an antithesis o my blo+1s (ork or thepast seven years) Is that ho( p&rported $&lit3er Ginalists act, lit &otes rom a blo+ i the blo++er doesn1t reply to

    yo&r &eries) Isn1t that &nethical and &nproessional by any standards o ;o&rnalism) September at 9!7am H Edited###############################

    Isabel Oliveira See, this is the problem (ith yo&r book. o&r openin+ post is &otin+ a media article as a act. N&ite

    poor really. -s or &otin+ 'oana *orais 1 blo+ (itho&t permission and incl&din+ it in the t(o chapters dedicated to

    those o &s that &ery the abd&ction theory, it is &ite revealin+ o yo&r methods o research and also ethics in terms o

    ;o&rnalism. Lastly, i yo& spent s&ch a lon+ time analysin+ the police iles , co&ld yo& explain ho( on earth did yo&

    place the mini sail d&rin+ the aternoon o the rd *ay) :his (as the last day the child (as seen -nd yo& have it

    (ron+. What does this say abo&t yo&r research ) September at 9!"2am


    '&lian Geeney Gacts are acts , cadaver , blood , pl&s all the evidence o el&sive &estion dod+in+, the list +oes on and

    on .... let1s say that they no more inormation abo&t this than they let on .... no one (ill convince me they didn1t have

    any to do (ith it ..... period ... September at 0!"am

    ###############################%ary Wyatt $ammy lol. I+nore these people they are corr&pted by leaders s&ch as 'ill above) Sho&ldn1t that be listen

    to these people (ho kno( the *ccanns are corr&pted by leaders s&ch as %ordon 4ro(n and tony 4lair) 6aha

    September at !JFam

    ###############################$amela %&rney Sorry %ary I am not ollo(in+ yo&) September at !"2am


    $amela %&rney %ary (e all share a very lar+e proportion o ?A- markers, only a small P mark &s as &ni&e. :he

    blood co&ld have come rom

  • 8/11/2019 Summers and Swan Facebook Deletions (updated)



    Isabel Oliveira - very interestin+ point yo& co&ld have researched Is the GSS , Gorensic Science Services ,that

    prod&ced the Lo(e report. :he GSS perormance in cases s&ch as the ?amilola :aylor (here they ailed to detect

    blood on his clothes . :he samples (ere retested 2 years later by a private lab that (as able to extract the &ll ?A- o

    his killers that (ere inally char+ed and convicted. :his poor perormance in the ?amilola case and many others,ori+inated a police en&iry in 2007 that determined that many mistakes had been made in other cases, as (ell as the

    GSS not applyin+ the recommended LC?A- tests. Ao( there1s somethin+ yo& co&ld have researched in relation tothis case that (o&ld be o +reat interest and ori+inal . :oo complex or meanin+&l research maybe ) September at



    $amela %&rney 4e care&l then @ikki beca&se that is (here the *cCanns (ent (ron+ eelin+ sae in $ort&+al (hich

    is a land harbo&rin+ many 4ritish paedophiles escapin+ the la( or a start. September at !0pm


    $amela %&rney We are talkin+ *adeleine *cCann Isabel (ith all d&e respect, not ?amilola :aylor. x September at



    $amela %&rney $recisely (hat I said 6eather. September at !2"pm


    'acci Greimond /&dlin+ '&lie *iles irst para+raph. Well that (as incorrect. :he tapas riends (ere never mades&spects. Second para+raph. Aever happened. :he rest is spec&lation and be never t&rned o&t to be tr&e. /eally. o&1ll

    have to do better than that. What (ere yo& tryin+ to prove (ith this piece. I believe the express (as one o those

    papers that iss&ed a +rovellin+ apolo+y to the *cCann and riends or spreadin+ alsehoods and that is (hat is so

    transparent abo&t yo& antis # yo& tend to s(allo( any hal tr&th and lie as lon+ as it is s&pport s yo&r theory.September at 2!Dpm


    $amela %&rney I haven1t r&led o&t 'ane :anner si+htin+ and neither have many other people %ary. he (as not takin+

    his child home rom the crQche in that direction or a start. September at 2!Fpm


    $amela %&rney /i+ht bed it is or me and another co&ple o chapters o Lookin+ or *adeleine, so I bid yo& all

    +oodni+ht. September at 2!J2pm H Edited

    ###############################'acci Greimond /&dlin+ *e either $amela %&rney I1m not s&re (hat that chan+e o s&spect (as abo&t555 Walkin+ in

    N&ite the (ron+ direction. September at 2!J2pm


    $amela %&rney :he -l+arve is (ell kno(n to harbo&r paedophiles rom this co&ntry beca&se o its lax la(s. 6e(lett

    (as ;&st s&ch a man. September at 2!Jpm

    ###############################$amela %&rney I am s&re AS have their reasons or that 'acci b&t somethin+ isn1t &ite ri+ht abo&t it and s&rely

    /ed(ood kno(s. 6e is ar rom st&pid. September at 2!JJpm


    'acci Greimond /&dlin+ 4&sy lookin+. 4&t this (as later dismissed by prosec&tors beca&se at the time o the reportedsi+htin+, shortly beore 2200, %erry *cCann (as sittin+ in the Ocean Cl&bs tapas bar (ith other members o his

    party. # See more at! http!

  • 8/11/2019 Summers and Swan Facebook Deletions (updated)


  • 8/11/2019 Summers and Swan Facebook Deletions (updated)


    that is exactly (hy /aymond 6e(lett (as there and as yet he has not been cleared o the involvement in *adeleine1s

    disappearance -G-I8. o&n+ *&m1s today are so (o&nd into their riends and textin+ that I (o&ld say almost

    everyday (hen I am o&t and abo&t there are children r&nnin+ aro&nd (itho&t bein+ (atched beca&se o this need to be

    in to&ch and relate every movement to riends. It is &ite (orryin+ in my vie(. September J at "!7am

    ###############################/ach *&rphy -nd the B8 is &ll o peadophiles ... Ao one kno(s i (e have one livin+ next door to &s September J

    at "!JDam###############################

    $amela %&rney We kno( /ach and so do they, so kindly move on. :he important thin+s is *adeleine needs to be

    o&nd...a+reed) -ll other matters at this moment are irrelevant beca&se no matter ho( (e (o&ld like to t&rn the clocks

    back (e cannot. I (o&ld say yo&n+ mothers o today are ne+lect&l beca&se o their need to be textin+ 2J

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    to have a m&lti#aceted personality on a n&mber o net(orkin+ sites. -t least (e are all (ho (e say (e are. Aothin+ to

    hide. September J at 9!"9am


    $amela %&rney O/ beca&se their la(yer kne( the $' =&nder -maral> (ere tryin+ to incriminate the *cCanns in the

    disappearance o *adeleine more likely. In this case yo&1d take yo&r 4ries advice and stay &iet. 6e (as a$ort&+&ese la(yer and (o&ld kno( ;&st (hat may have been abo&t to happen. *&lti#aceted on many net(orkin+

    sites) What are yo& on abo&t) Lol5 I am s&re many o yo& people are AO: (ho yo& proess to be at all. I am notsayin+ yo&1re not b&t many have socks.p.s. 8ate had ans(ered all relative &estions d&rin+ her ho&r

    interro+ation. September J at 0!07am H Edited


    *ark 'ones '&st to p&t the record strai+ht $amela, it doesn1t matter i they tho&+ht it (as sae, (hich clearly no one in

    their ri+ht mind (o&ld think it (as, it co&ldn1t possibly be sae, b&t the act is, they kne( that leavin+ them to sleep

    or the (hole time they (ere o&t, had not +one to plan, yet they (ent on to do it a+ain. -s I said, did they have no

    compassion or the ear and &pset, their children elt the previo&s ni+ht, i the September J at 0!am


    -ndre( Wakeman Explain then all the holes involvin+ the parents. ?o+s bein+ one. o& cannot r&le o&t the parents

    (itho&t cast iron proo and there isnt any so i dont +et it. September J at 0!Dam


    $amela %&rney I1m not +oin+ into the bloody do+s a+ain -ndre( thank yo&. :he police seemin+ly have r&led o&t theparents so let1s eave the (ork o indin+ the c&lprits to them, shall (e) September J at 0!Fam


    $amela %&rney Oh dear5 - tad extreme there 4&ddy) September J at 2!2Fpm

    ###############################*ark 'ones $amela, I1m not attackin+ the mccanns, I1m attackin+ the 1mis+&ided1 belie that there is any +ood reason

    or leavin+ children alone and I don1t sin+le anyone o&t or that, I incl&de everyone (ho does it, incl&din+ the m&ms

    (ho text and leave children alone. September J at 2!29pm


    Christopher 4rooks -ll my comments removed so no reedom o speech on here, ;&st as I s&spected.....pro mac only

    September J at 2!JJpm


    $amela %&rney Look *ark (e keep on tellin+ yo& people the *cCanns did not malicio&sly leave the children&nattended, in act very re+&lar checks (ere done and or J ni+hts ==apart rom *adeleine Sean havin+ a little cry

    on ni+ht p1haps> all (as (ell. We have to p&t this into perspective. Ao it (asn1t a (ise decision as it t&rned o&t,

    tra+ically, b&t they did somethin+ tho&sands &pon tho&sands o people have done in resorts beore and probably since.

    Aot somethin+ I mysel (o&ld have chosen to do b&t $raia da L&3 elt sae, +ave o an air o tran&illity and all is

    (ell in the (orld. In act somethin+ dark sinister (as l&rkin+ in those dimly lit streets, a predator or t(o and (ith

    tra+ic conse&ence. "a (as v&lnerable and &nort&nately the receptionist had let (ords scra(led across the resta&rantbookin+ orm tellin+ the (orld and its mate that the children (ere let &nattended in the evenin+s, not all ni+ht, b&t or

    ho&rs or so. S&ch an easy tar+et and rom A&no Lo&renco1s statement and the statement o one or t(o others (ith

    children o *adeleine1s a+e and airness, the poor child (as there to be s(itly and easily lited rom her bed and

    taken rom the villa+e in &ick time I (o&ld say mysel. So I blame the predators. We sho&ld be able to leave doorsand (indo(s (ide open i (e (ish (itho&t ear o an intr&der stealin+ o&r possessions and (orst o all o&r darlin+

    children. September J at 2!J7pm###############################

    *ark 'ones Let1s break this do(n, or a start, yo& say, 1yo& people1 (hat people are those, ones (ho care abo&t

    children1s saety) Well I1m rather pro&d that1s the position I take, i yo& don1t eel the same then, that1s or yo& to have

    to live (ith not me. o&r second point abo&t somethin+ not bein+ done malicio&sly, I1m not s&re that1s the correct

    context to &se. It1s not (hether someone did somethin+ malicio&sly, it1s (hether they did it saely. o&r third point,

    that pria de L&3 +ave o an air o tar +&ilty, (e September J at 2!""pm


  • 8/11/2019 Summers and Swan Facebook Deletions (updated)


    Sally 'ames *y ori+inal comment has been removed, so someone is deinitely removin+ comments. September J at



    *ark 'ones contin&ed! (ell so do lots o places, b&t there1s no +&arantee any(here is sae, that1s (hy yo& take

    preca&tions. es, I1d a+ree "a (as v&lnerable, it1s (as not diic&lt or anyone to i+&re that o&t at irst si+ht, morev&lnerable (ith doors let &nlocked. -s or the rest&arant bookin+ irm, that1s not the stas a&lt, that inormation

    +iven to them (as on display, i yo& ont (ant people to kno( yo&r children are alone, (hy p&t it into the p&blicarena. -s to the (indo(s and doors bein+ let open, yes (e sho&ld i (e are their to take appropriate action i alerted

    to an intr&der., b&t (e all have personal responsibility or o&r belon+in+s and even more so or o&r children.

    September J at !02pm


    $amela %&rney :hat1s the sad relection on society today tho&+h *ark isn1t it) We sho&ld be able to do this (itho&t

    the ear o intr&sion. I &sed the (ords yo& people in the context o those (ho (ill attack the *cCanns at any +iven

    opport&nity even ater 7yrs o them livin+ thro&+h sheer hell not kno(in+ (hat is happenin+ to their little +irl or even

    i she is alive or not. :hat m&st be the (orst p&nishment anybody co&ld inlict &pon lovin+ parents and don1t tell me in

    other (ays they (eren1t beca&se the pictorial evidence (e have and (itness statements paints a very dierent pict&re

    o the *cCanns than yo& (o&ld like portrayed. September J at !pm


    *ark 'ones It is a sad relection $amela, (hich is (hy yo& make s&re children are protected. :his sad relection onsociety didn1t start on the day *adeleine disappeared, it1s al(ays been there. -nd as I said September J at !2"pm


    *ark 'ones I1m not attackin+ the mccanns September J at !2Dpm

    ###############################6eather 6opper 6i $amela, I tho&+ht yo& said yo& (ere +oin+ a(ay or a (eek) -nd tell me, yo& say that yo& have

    removed comments, no( ho( the hec did yo& do that) es anyone can remove their o(n comments, b&t only those

    (ith admin capabilities can remove the comments o others. September J at !29pm


    $amela %&rney Ao I didn1t say that 6eather, I said I1d be o or a (eek. Entirely dierent. I also said I removed some

    o my comments. o& need to start comprehendin+ (hat I (rite do(n5 September J at !pm


    @ikki Scott 6o( can a 1predator1 lit a child thro&+h the (indo( yet leave no trace, not even a smear o the lichen or amark o a +love.) -bo&t as balin+ as there bein+ no trace o *adeleine in "a. I don1t kno( (hy they bothered takin+

    the children on that holiday, they spent b&++er all time (ith them. So $amela, yo&r theory as to ho( this 1predator1

    vanished the child a(ay. Was he (earin+ his cloak o invisibility or had he mastered the art o makin+ time stand

    still , beca&se accordin+ to statements he (o&ld have been seen by someone doin+ these vi+ilant checks ) o& kno(

    the checks that (ent rom

  • 8/11/2019 Summers and Swan Facebook Deletions (updated)


    *ari $arker there is AO evidence o abd&ction,'ane :anners make believe antasy circ&s (as s&pposed to +ive the lies

    a shred o tr&th. September J at 2!"2pm


    *ark 'ones I don1t think the position o his home (as made p&blic (as it $amela September J at 2!"Fpm

    ###############################-ntoinette Co&rtney *ay I ask Is $amela the only *cCann s&pporter on this pa+e) September J at !2Dpm

    ###############################8ate Latimer -nd im a yo&n+ m&m (ho kno(d better than to leave my kids on thier o(n to +o to st& my ace and

    +o drinkin+ too555 September J at J!J0pm


    $amela %&rney 'ohn I am p&shed or time so have cp1d a comment made on 6d6s pa+e and (ith (hich I a+ree! as

    re+ardin+ the +est&res, *rs %aspar only says she ZthinksZ it (as in reerence to *adeleine. *r %aspar +oes &rther

    and says he did not think $ayne (as reerrin+ to *adeleine. *oreover, *rs %aspar thinks the conversation too place

    o&tside the villa, and *r %aspar is convinced it (as inside. not a stron+ statement....*rs %aspar1s rather stran+e

    statement is limsy to say the very least and thereore o no conse&ence. September " at D!0am H Edited


    $amela %&rney -nd yet *rs %aspar allo(s her child to carry on (ith the comm&nal bathin+))) Sorry 'ohn I and

    many others eel she may (ell have had a +ripe a+ainst ?r ?avid $ayne and that is at the cr&x o the matter. I don1t

    recall her ever havin+ said it happened on any other occasion. -lso the ?rs %aspar dined (ith 8ate %erry at a m&chlater date than this alle+ed incident, in Leicester.. September " at 7!0Fam H Edited


    Lynn 4&rton Wether the comment (as to(ards *adeline or not, it (as a comment directed to(ards someone 5

    September " at 7!Fam###############################

    $amela %&rney (as it) Or did ?r 8 %aspar ima+ine it (as) :here (as nothin+ &nto(ard in the conversation as ar as

    I can see other than a silly le(d +est&re bet(een 2 men banterin+. *aybe +ro(in+ &p (ith the services has broadened

    my o&tlook on lie and has also made me very a(are o ho( men can banter b&t it means nothin+. September " at



    $amela %&rney I don1t recall her sayin+ it happened t(ice, ;&st the once. :he police have paid no attention to it either

    $ort&+&ese or 4ritish so (hy (o&ld the a&thors eel the need to mention it) September " at 7!27am###############################

    $amela %&rney So (hy are yo& even brin+in+ it &p i it1s not to do (ith *adeleine) I don1t believe the statement (as

    (ithheld deliberately. I1m not at all c&rio&s abo&t the paranoid ramblin+s o a doctor (ho didn1t tell the a&thorities on

    her ret&rn home b&t (aited 2 years5 September " at 7!0am


    $amela %&rney e#read (hat yo& posted 'ohn please beca&se it states that the (hole incident mi+ht have happened inLeicester (hen she (as dinin+ (ith not only 8ate %erry b&t ?avid and Giona. She can1t even remember (here it

    happened5 -nd as -r&l (as so va+&e abo&t (hat his (ie (as alle+in+, perhaps it all happened in her head)

    September " at 7!am H Edited

    ###############################$amela %&rney :he (oman is very &nclear abo&t ;&st (hat happened and (here. :his is the $' statement, not rom

    some 4lo+Spot ! http!

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  • 8/11/2019 Summers and Swan Facebook Deletions (updated)


    they (ork in. 4&t nothin+. ?avid $ayne has re+&lar been acc&sed o bein+ a paedophile over the last 7 years b&t hasn1t

    personally taken anybody to co&rt. es he (as part o a pay o by the media or libel b&t (ho act&ally or+anised that.

    Somebody (ho (asn1t one o the tapas 7 that1s or s&re. So the parents are riendless (hen it comes to helpin+ ind

    *adeleine. Ao massive campai+n by amily and riends or by the abd&ction theory so called pro *ccanns to ind the

    person Scotland ard and %oncalo -maral both say is the main s&spect seen by the Smiths. $romotin+ ake si+htin+ses bi+ media campai+n. Gindin+ the main s&spect and p&ttin+ the eit (orld(ide Ao. Is there any point in believin+

    an abd&ction theory i yo& can1t p&t an eit &p o the person seen (ith a child.) 6as the book p&t the eit in) I not (hynot beca&se that (o&ld beneit *adeleine (o&ldn1t it) %ive &p the conspiracy and look at the crime in a realistic (ay.

    Gor *adeleines sake. September D at !"Dam


    Li3 Woods /e $am1s comments to *ark above that Crecheman (as (alkin+ in the (ron+ direction, perhaps ':

    pointed him in the direction o Smithman)) September D at !9pm


    Ian Aoel $eeke those do+s didnt lie .&nlike some people . September D at J!Dpm


    @icki %oli+htly I kno( i sho&ldn1t ask, as extremely &nlikely to +et a 1reply1 rom *s %&rney, b&t here +oes any(ay, a

    &estion or *s %&rney! Is yo&r 1belie1 that *adeleine 1W-S abd&cted1 based on irre&table 1evidence1 that yo&

    personally have access to, or is yo&r 1belie1 that *adeleine 1W-S abd&cted1 by &nko(n perpetrators, based solely on

    an 1acco&nt that yo& have 1heard1, =hearsay> +iven, or :OL? by the OAL t(o people, the *cCanns, to have claimedthat *adeleine 1W-S abd&cted1. Wo&ld yo&, *s %&rney, be prepared, to s(ear &nder oath, in a co&rtroom, i called by

    the *cCanns on their behal, and state, &nder O-:6, that yo& personally kno( that *adeleine *cCann 1W-S

    abd&cted1) September 7 at !29am

    ###############################Lillybet *iles $amela %&rney ! Can yo& veriy this statement that yo& made please! ...and &nort&nately the

    receptionist had let (ords scra(led across the resta&rant bookin+ orm tellin+ the (orld and its mate that the children

    (ere let &nattended in the evenin+s... I have never seen any proo mysel. :he only place I have seen this same

    statement is the (ord o 8ate *cCann in her book 1madeleine1. September 7 at !pm H Edited


    %ary Wyatt I think somethin+ needs addin+ here (hich is important. In the headin+ the police are said to have r&led

    the *ccanns o&t o their in&iries. :his in no (ay means they can not be added to the in&iry at a later date. :he

    $ort&+&ese ne(s article (as a year a+o and a lot o (ork has been done since then. Incl&din+ the smith si+htin+ eitbein+ p&blished and the tanner man bein+ r&led o&t. :annerman is said by pam to be (alkin+ in the (ron+ direction.

    :his co&ld either be police &sin+ a red herrin+ to say (e kno( he (as made &p. Or the person (as spoken to any(ay

    and has been r&led o&t. I (e look at tanners irst description she is very &ns&re o (hat the man looked like. She

    chan+es her vie( to say she is 00P s&re it (as /obert m&rat b&t then +ives an eit o a man (ith a :ash. :his is

    incredibly &nreliable evidence. Which is very promoted by the *ccanns. :he smith si+htin+ eit is not promoted. :his

    very s&spicio&s. Why is it not promoted) What i this man (as carryin+ *adeleine) :ake into acco&nt the tannersi+htin+ has less credibility than the do+s evidence. :ake into acco&nt the *ccanns s&ppressed the eit or years. Ao(

    the police have released it (hy is it not promoted by the *ccanns or by their s&pporters) 4eca&se they kno( it looks

    like %erry *ccann and they kno( :annerman (as either ake or a +en&ine person not involved. :here is no other

    ans(er. September F at !pm###############################

    'anine 4resnick $artly beca&se o the JF &estions 8ate re&sed to ans(er. -nd the re&sal o the +ro&p to a+ree toattend a reconstr&ction. :hat1s partly (hy the investi+ation +ro&nd to a halt September F at 2!JJpm H Edited


    'anine 4resnick es %eo, a very +ood comment. Why (as Edmond, nephe( o *ar+aret 6od+e *$ and a steel

    ma+nate (orth millions, in a lo( b&d+et resort, o&t o season) September F at 2!JJpm


    %ary Wyatt Edmonds (ith an a&nt (ho (as close to %ordon 4ro(n too. September F at 2!J"pm


    'anine 4resnick Well done @icki %oli+htly5 September F at !00pm

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    $amela %&rney %ary Wyatt yo& stated I am tireless in my campai+n on social media net(orks...(ell so are yo& b&t

    rom the ho&ndin+ o the *cCann perspective (hereas I believe them totally innocent, al(ays have and al(ays (ill. I

    seem to recall seein+ yo&r name on acebook hate +ro&ps or approx. " years no() I am not (ron+ am I) September

    9 at !Jpm H Edited###############################

    Caroline Lo(ery I the *canns are innocent (hy did they tell lie ater lie) # on ni+ht o *adeleines abd&ction theyboth ran+ amily members and said sh&tters had been dama+ed # the acts are no dama+e to sh&tters and only in+er

    prints o&nd on sh&tters (ere 8ate1s 2#8ate told Oprah that she hoped that the abd&cter (as &sin+ *adeleines pink

    blanket to keep her (arm # act is pink blanket is sho(n on bed in police photos and in doc&mentary on o&:&be

    *adeleine (as here 8ate says (hen she sa( *adeline (as missin+ she sa( c&ddle cat and pink blanket on bed5

    Obvio&sly abd&cter m&st have nipped back or it. $ort&+&ese police asked the *canns or the blanket b&t (e1re told it

    (as missin+5 #in doc&mentary *adeleine (as here 8ate describes the door to bedroom bein+ more open than they

    let it # in the *canns statements they say %erry did check at 9pm and *atthe( Oldield did check at 9.0 so ho(

    (o&ld 8ate kno( at 0pm the door (as not ho( it had been let) J# a+ain in same doc&ment 8ate describes the

    c&rtains blo(in+ open d&e to a drat # the police photos sho( the c&rtains (ere open, sh&tters closed and one c&rtains

    trapped behind bed and other behind dra(ers so impossible or c&rtains to blo( &p " # the police photos also sho( a

    bl&e holdall in the *canns (ardrobe b&t both 8ate and %erry deny ever havin+ this ba+ I have read all the police iles

    and have not seen one sin+le piece o evidence to s&pport the abd&ction theory b&t plenty o evidence to sho( that the*canns and riends have done nothin+ b&t lie, chan+e stories and do everythin+ they co&ld to con&se the police and

    stop a air investi+ation. 6o( can the apartment have no ?A- o *adeline) Why (o&ld yo& only have one

    toothbr&sh or kids to share) September 20 at !am H Edited

    ###############################$amela %&rney ?id they tell lie ater lie) I don1t recall Caroline. I think this is ;&st t(isted to be perectly honest. I

    think each point yo& have raised above are pointless in d&e respect or have been explained a million times. *any are

    or&m myths. :he $' had the pi&nk blanket or instance so i it is missin+ ask them (here it is< September 20 at

    !J7am H Edited


    $amela %&rney http!

  • 8/11/2019 Summers and Swan Facebook Deletions (updated)


    t&rned to see i I1d let the patio doors open and let in the bree3e. /etracin+ my steps I conirmed I hadn1t.1 :his extract

    rom 8ates book in my opinion proves she is tellin+ a story and not the tr&th. 6eres (hy! I she (as +ently p&llin+ the

    door to, ho( co&ld it slam sh&t) In my experience doors only slam sh&t (hen there are t(o o&tside doors open so the

    bree3e can move thro&+h the b&ildin+ catchin+ the interconnectin+ door. Aot rom a (indo( bein+ open. I the door

    had slammed sh&t yo& (o&ld immediately open said door to see i the noise had (oken any o the children not retraceones steps to see i the patio (as open. :he only evidence o an abd&ction, i yo& can call it evidence is the (ord o

    the parents and 'ane :anner. :hats it. Aothin+ else. 'ane :anners testimony chan+ed so oten the $' discredited it as&nsae and even Scotland ard dismissed it and r&led the si+htin+ o&t in the crime (atch pro+ram. September 20 at



    $amela %&rney $eter as a retired police oicer I (o&ld have tho&+ht yo& had a tad more intelli+ence than yo& display

    constantly online in the 'ill 6avern or&m and no( on here. 6o( can yo& possibly say there (as no +&st o (ind or

    air movement lo(in+ thro&+h or &nder the sh&tters that ni+ht) Were yo& there) 6ave yo& never heard o or

    (itnessed, in yo&r very lon+ lie, reak +&sts o (ind (hich come and +o) -nd do yo& not realise dra&+hts can occ&r

    ;&st like that thro&+h chan+es in temperat&re o&nd

    blood cadaver scent in the apartment5 So yes it (as both5 September 2 at !JJam H Edited


    Caroline Lo(ery '&st or yo& $amela %&rney beca&se I kno( yo& don1t like +oin+ thro&+h all the $' iles, the photos

    that $/O@E 8ate lied September 2 at !2am


  • 8/11/2019 Summers and Swan Facebook Deletions (updated)


    Caroline Lo(ery C&rtains trapped behind bed chair so no blo(in+ or (hooshin+ o c&rtains (as possible

    Caroline Lo(ery1s photo. September 2 at !22am


    Caroline Lo(ery Sh&tters not orced open or ;emmed as 8ate %erry tried to convince amily and riends over in

    B8 on rd *ay Caroline Lo(ery1s photo. September 2 at !2am###############################

    Caroline Lo(ery $ink blanket (ith c&ddle cat on *adeleines bed b&t 8aye told Oprah the abd&ctor had taken it (ith*adeleine Caroline Lo(ery1s photo. September 2 at !2Jam


    Caroline Lo(ery :he bl&e ba+ in the (ardrobe in the *canns bedroom, the same ba+ that %erry 8ate said they

    have never had5 Caroline Lo(ery1s photo. September 2 at !2"am


    Caroline Lo(ery ?on1t expect a reply Colette Crot, $amela only seems capable o postin+ that one ne(spaper report

    and tellin+ everyone that they are (ron+. In all the threads $amela ;&st ins&lts people and has not been able to s&pport

    anythin+ she has said. I yo& &estion her, like yo& have here and I have earlier in this post, she i+nores yo& and inds

    someone else to ins&lt. I think she is either amily or a riend o the *canns and believes everythin+ they say.

    September 2 at 9!Jam H Edited


    $amela %&rney Lol Caroline5 September 2 at !02pm###############################

    Caroline Lo(ery Is that yo&r evidence $amela ) Lol September 22 at 2!7am


    *arvin 6\bner %reat book5 @ery investi+ative ;o&rnalism. /eadin+ abo&t the ama3in+ abilities o *r. 4rian 8ennedyI have +ot n idea! September 22 at 2!Fam


    *arvin 6\bner :he $olice sho&ld take advanta+e o *r. 8ennedy abilities (ho is able to kno( i someone is +&ilty

    or innocent only by speakin+ or " seconds (ith the person. 6e co&ld spare the $olice a lot o (ork. September 22 at



    $amela %&rney Colette I think yo& are misinterpretin+ %erry1s (ords i yo& don1t mind me sayin+ so. $eter *acLeod

    is a nobody..a retired police oicer o little note (ho loves +ettin+ involved on the notorio&s 'ill 6avern or&m and(ho is no( r&nnin+ a 44 in Spain5 6e has also (ritten the most dis+&stin+ poetry re+ardin+ poor *adeleine ;&st

    like -nthony 4ennett has. It has all been kept by many or&ms (atchin+ the antics o these people. September 22 at

    D!J2am H Edited


    $amela %&rney 'ill 6avern is another name or :ony 4ennett. :he lady drivin+ instr&ctor rom 4irmin+ham is

    r&nnin+ the '6 Gor&m on behal o *r 4ennett the ello( (ho the 6i+h Co&rt '&d+e told to 3ip it =and 4ennett (astold he had to oreit ]2"0,00 over a period o years> re+ardin+ the malicio&s r&mo&rs he (as spreadin+ abo&t the

    *cCanns. September 22 at D!9am H Edited


    $amela %&rney -nd this is pathetic and sad that ne(spapers even in Ireland are havin+ to report on the antics o trolls*cCann ! http!

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    %ary Wyatt 'acci yo& say ater all these years o all these police orces lookin+ or her do I think that clearly sho(s

    the evidence doesn1t point to them. *y ans(er is i yo& add to that the massive (orld(ide media +iven to this case

    (o&ld yo& not think that makes it more likely that *adeleine (on1t be o&nd ater all these years.) ?o yo& not think

    that as there is no evidence o abd&ction ater 7 years = not one o the many many police yo& say are searchin+ haveo&nd a shread o evidence to s&pport abd&ction, Aeither have yo& or anybody else that s(ears by it incl&din+ the

    *ccanns and s&mmers and s(an.> :hat yo& are ;&st hopin+ that everybody is an evil hater and the *ccanns areinnocent) ?o yo& not (onder (hy ater 7 years o chasin+ ake abd&ctors all over the (orld (hy only haters realise

    it1s not the police chasin+ the si+htin+s it1s bent mccann employees paid to search.) ?o yo& think that it is very

    &n&s&al that the *ccanns re&sed to attend a police reconstr&ction over 7 years b&t made their o(n version.) -nd do

    yo& kno( it is common practice or the police not to make the people they are seekin+ evidence a+ainst s&spects. '&st

    like they did (ith the philpotts.) :here is evidence to s&++est the *ccanns are involved in their da&+hters

    disappearence all be it very hard to &se in a co&rt. Scotland ard remain oc&sed on the eit o the Smith si+htin+.

    September 22 at 2!"7pm


    $amela %&rney %ary please +et real5 September 22 at !2"pm


    %ary Wyatt I1m ans(erin+ a &estion. -nd askin+ &estions. -s she said yes I1m ri+ht they can still be made s&spects.

    September 22 at !Jpm###############################

    *ark :ierney https!

  • 8/11/2019 Summers and Swan Facebook Deletions (updated)



    *ark :ierney 4ye $amela, don1t b&mp into the elephant in the room on yo&r (ay o&t. xx esterday at D!J2am


    *ark :ierney 'acci. $lease ind a dictionary. Look &p irony, co+nitive dissonance. esterday at D!J"am

    ###############################:om @an 6el 'ameson L*G-O....yo& co&ld Emasc&late the *cCann1s then $ammy...lol...and as or yo& 'acci, yo& are

    ;&st as vile as the rest o the *cCann ans talkin+ do(n to people (ith yo&r comments s&ch as yo& people and yo&rkind and callin+ people :hick...So +et o yo&r 6i+h horse yo& arro+ant &pstart and take a look at (ho is to blame

    or *adeleine *c Cann AO: bein+ here today#her parents.... 22 ho&rs a+o H Edited


    S&san /io&x -t yo&r next meetin+ perhaps a ne( phrase other than yo& people (o&ld help. It is so old and tired. I

    see not one s&pporter ans(ered a &estion and no comments on the photos speaks vol&mes. $ict&res tell the tr&th o

    their lies esp re+ardin+ the sh&tters and inability o the +&sh o (ind yet no comment. 6o( can yo& sleep at ni+ht not

    &estionin+ *addie1s parents over these obvio&s lies) She deserved so m&ch better. 2 ho&rs a+o


    *ichael ?&bov al(ays has to be some t(at (ho hates to be challen+ed. 'acci,no#one disa+rees (ith yo&. 'acci meet

    $amela, $amela meet 'acci. 2 ho&rs a+o


    'acci Greimond /&dlin+ What (o&ld yo& rather be then) Sainted torchbearer1s) @an&ished van+&ards o the li+ht)Oh (ait ho( abo&t bearers o the tr&th) Lol. 9 ho&rs a+o


    'acci Greimond /&dlin+ a(n. 9 ho&rs a+o

    ###############################'acci Greimond /&dlin+ What are yo& +oin+ to ill yo&r lives (ith one day (hen all this is over) Ill bet yo& all (ill

    ;&st move on to some other poor h&rtin+ amily, nothin+ like a +ood hateest to b&ild an appetite is there. 9 ho&rs a+o


    'acci Greimond /&dlin+ It1s not so m&ch the act that yo& have it all so (ron+. It1s the (ay yo& take +lee in yo&r so

    called s&perior kno(led+e. :here is no proo that the patents had anythin+ to do (ith it. 6o( many times do ho(

    many people have to tell yo&) :he -% o $t+l. :he *et < S. :he n&mero&s media o&tlets (ho admitted to spreadin+

    r&mor and inn&endo. 4&t noooooo. o& all kno( better. Shame. %&ys. 9 ho&rs a+o

    ###############################*elanie *asters :here is no need or all this nastiness, really. I think yo& +&ys +et o on bein+ nasty b&llies or the

    sake o it. Why) ?o yo& kno( ho( nasty yo& look to those (ho are ollo(in+ this pa+e) 9 ho&rs a+o


    *ark :ierney *elanie *asters, I think yo& sho&ld ;oin 'acci in her search or a dictionary. F ho&rs a+o


    L&isa *aria -ntonelli *elanie aka $amela .....yo& dont honestly think people dont realise thats yo& $ammy ) 1likin+1all yo&r o(n posts ) t&t t&t F ho&rs a+o H Edited


    *elanie *asters o& reak me o&t yo&r so reaky and creepy people. 7 ho&rs a+o

    ###############################6elen *orris Why are yo& reerred to as :he 4alloon ?ancer $amela, i have seen people ask yo& over and over or /E-L evidence to s&pport abd&ction not ;&st

    beca&se 8ate and %erry say this is (hat happened , and not once have I seen yo& +ive a polite and act based

    response. :he very act yo& have to create a Sockp&ppet =s> to 1like1 yo&r o(n posts ;&st says it all really.Let people

    have their say and leave it &p to -nthony and /obbyn to disc&ss (ith them.Its their pa+e $a*elanie AO: yo&rs. "

    ho&rs a+o H Edited

  • 8/11/2019 Summers and Swan Facebook Deletions (updated)



    *elanie *asters Exc&se me L&isa yo& (ill not see me on any acebook pa+e except or this one and occasionally I

    have sent a messa+e o s&pport on the oicial pa+e. I1m not any(ere else. o& are creepy and scary and boil my blood

    (ith yo&r hate. $eople (ill have noted that yo& are mad (ith the (ay yo& attack the (riters o this book (hich I have

    o&nd inormative. " ho&rs a+o###############################

    L&isa *aria -ntonelli Where have i attacked the (riters o this book ) Care to point sho( me that post ) and (hatpeople (o&ld that be ) that (o&ldhave 1noted this1 ).Like i said in my previo&s post yo&r attempts at p&t#do(ns are

    childish in the extreme. ps...i yo& are +oin+ to create a sock $amela be a bit more ima+inative (ith yo&r name choice.

    It (as very simple to (ork o&t (ho 1*elanie *asters1 is, d&e to yo&r connection (ith the OG* pa+e. " ho&rs a+o


    *elanie *asters Exc&se me yo& are here attackin+ the book aren1t yo&) :here are lots o people (atchin+ this pa+e

    L&isa (hoever OB are) *y name is *elanie not $amela yo& cra3y (oman. " ho&rs a+o


    L&isa *aria -ntonelli Ao point in contin&in+ this exchan+e $amelanie .Aot the sharpest tool in the box are yo& ) thats

    (hy yo& bite back (ith spite&l comments beca&se yo& are not &ite clever or (itty eno&+h to +o head to head (ith

    the 1haters1 as yo& call it. I came onto this pa+e to disc&ss the book (ith the a&thors and not to look at yo&r poison

    illed posts.o&ve taken over this (hole pa+e like some sort o vir&s. J ho&rs a+o H Edited

    ###############################6elen *orris -nd it1s stran+e $amelanie never has her posts deleted or +reyed o&t..... J ho&rs a+o


    Cissy -manda 'ane 4&lley It (o&ld appear that some people +et a(ay (ith name callin+ and b&llyin+..... ho&rs a+o

    ###############################L&isa *aria -ntonelli i yo& really (ant someone to spit yo&r poison at $amelanie i s&++est yo& pay a visit to

    Stephen 4irch1s ?i++in+ Gor *adeleine pa+e, or (hat that vile man has ;&st posted today is beyond sick, I s&++est

    yo& take a look i yo& have not already .Ao( :6-:S a tr&e 1hater1, o& (ill never see anythin+ as sick and depraved

    as that posted on any o the 1anti1 sites. 2 ho&rs a+o


    6elen *orris '&st looked at it L&isa, absol&tely vile.Ao( that is indeed (hat yo& call a hater $amelanie. 2 ho&rs


    ###############################L&isa *aria -ntonelli Isnt it sick 6elen ) :he man is a monster abo&t an ho&r a+o


    6elen *orris 6ave reported the pa+e, sick beyond belie abo&t an ho&r a+o


    September 12

    A&t*%&/ Smmer R%bb/& S5!& *!re( ! .i&-


  • 8/11/2019 Summers and Swan Facebook Deletions (updated)


    o&t to aven+e this I eel and it1s t&rned ro&nd and bitten him hard. I have no pity or s&ch a man as he. September J at



    /ach *&rphy -nd most people commentin+ on these threads have no sympathy or the mcscams as they are

    responsible or the disappearance o their da&+hter ... 6o(ever yo& try to s&+ar coat it $amela September J at"!J9am

    ###############################$amela %&rney Bsin+ *cScam sho(s yo& &p or the type o person yo& are /ach &nort&nately. :hat is SO childish

    as to be &nbelievable. 4&t the act is as s&pporters are sayin+ daily no( and abo&t this pa+e thread in partic&lar, that

    nothin+ (e say (ill shit yo&r minds rom (antin+ to hate or the sake o it, so really I think it best to let yo& carry on

    and sho( yo&rselves &p all the more (itho&t any more intererence. I1m o or the (eek no( any(ay so cheerio yo&

    very sad people5 September J at D!2am


    $amela %&rney p.s. -maral has made a heap o money and or 6I*SELG (hereas the *cCanns have (orked or the

    &nd to ind their da&+hter. -nythin+ else is a complete lie. -maral has been +ivin+ o&t misinormation re+ardin+

    *adeleine bein+ dead so he is a liar b&t (e kne( that already. September J at D!Jam H Edited


    $amela %&rney o& do 6-:E the *cCanns Shelly and that stands o&t a mile. :he *cCanns =(hatever yo& may say>have (orked hard or the &nd themselves b&t i people (ant to +ive donations, is it any skin o yo&r nose) I it is,

    (hy (o&ld that be) I Op %ran+e ail to ind *adeleine then the *cCanns (ill res&me lookin+ or her by other

    methods. I Op %ran+e ind *adeleine, (hich I have every hope at present that they (ill, then that money in the &nd

    (ill +o to other charities, the *cCanns have told &s this themselves. -maral1s charity is himsel, his lash car and hisdiamond earrin+ and his (ine and so on and so orth5 September J at D!Jam


    $amela %&rney I (o&ld say broadly speakin+ yo& are reerred to as haters rom hate +ro&ps. :hat is not my a&lt.

    :here (as no cover &p or the *cCanns and to think so is both ridic&lo&s and extremely childish. September J at



    /ach *&rphy :he person I am $amela )) Lol rom yo& a comment like that is (ater o a d&cks back ... o& are the

    childish one here that1s ch&cked ins&lts at anyone that has sho(n a dierent opinion than to yo&rsel and had sho(ncomplete i+norance , r&deness and basically made yo&rsel look like an idiot . 6ave a lovely (eek and I hope yo&

    don1t b&mp into any yo&n+ sel centred m&ms that are too b&sy textin+ than keepin+ control o their children ... I1m

    s&re yo&1d p&t them in their place and sho( them (hat a model citi3en yo& are 55 September J at 7!am


    $amela %&rney Aone o &s are perect /ach, remember that. o& have a&lts and I have a&lts everyone in the

    (orld has a&lts, so (hen yo& can prove yo&r 00P a&ltless I may listen to yo& a bit more. September J at F!0am###############################

    $amela %&rney It1s not or me to +ive yo& ans(ers Sally. ?o a GOI like 4ennett is so keen to do and see (hat the

    response is then. :he police already have the meas&re o yo& people and yo&r rin+ leaders. September J at F!27am H


    Sally 'ames $amela that so&nds a(&lly like a threat. Ao#one is sayin+ anythin+ that isn1t already in the police iles.$eople (ant ans(ers. It is that simple. I 8ate (o&ld ;&st ans(er those &estions, and both o them take a lie detector

    test, all o this (o&ld +o a(ay and people (o&ld be happy to be (ron+ abo&t them. September J at F!"Jam


    $amela %&rney What threat or heaven1s sake) I1m not makin+ any b&t I do have it on pretty +ood a&thority that

    or&ms are bein+ (atched beca&se o the dread&l threats that sometimes appear on them and to(ards the *cCanns

    like the time the convo (as seen by many o &s and the threat to shoot...ban+5 8ate at the London *arathon. G%S5

    -nd recently delvin+ into (here the t(ins are at school and (hen did they +et their b&s passes etc. /eally not the

    (ork o normal minded people I am s&re yo& (ill a+ree. Ao( i there is any inormation yo& re&ire don1t ask people

  • 8/11/2019 Summers and Swan Facebook Deletions (updated)


    on the internet b&t s&bmit yo&r GOIs and maybe yo& (ill +et a reply tellin+ yo& to (ind yo&r neck in like 4ennett

    received. September J at 9!"Dam H Edi
