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sun-bathe- sr PlftxitatioxiSuppliesQt kkn Strkkt, lloxon u H. t. AOENT8 KXMM Hawaiian Agricultural...

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mm m D Established July 2, 1856. VOL. XVI. NO. 3141, HONOLULU, HAWAIIAN ISLANDS, THURSDAY, AUGUST 4. 1892. PRICE 5 CENTS. curves and sinuosities of the moun (General Ctocrfisfnirnte (General 2lDDtnisnnrmt. tain side -- in and out, in and out. Now we run far into the heart of HAWAIIAN HONOLULU IRON WORKS CO., tlu mountain, following the side of CHlS. BIIW1K 4 0Q."S Boston Line of Packets. 92 Builders' and General Hardware the bold projecting spur. Ever on Steam Engines, the descending grade we run out of Abstract d Title h Boilers. Mnicar Mills, Coolers, Brass Pacific Commercial idverto II. N. CA8TLK, EDITOR, is rt'BLisuKn Every Morning Except Sundays, BY THK HAWAIIAN GAZETTE COMPANY, At No. 40 Merchant St. the shadows of the shaded nook on c3 nutl Lead Castings, to the sun-bathe- d flanks of another ridge, until far out on the outer IMPORTERS WILL PLSASK I take notice that the hue And machinery of every description made NO. Ml liHlAN I sr edge of the ridge. The sides of the hill fall precipitously below our car to order. Particular attention pam w ships blacksmithinij. Job work excuted on the shortest notic. BARK MARTHA DAVIS HONOH UV H. I. riage windows; the ridge is so sharp how can we swing around its CHARLES F. PETERSON, bold and narrow face! Surely no train ever before followed mountain SUBSCRIPTION HATES AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, Plftxitatioxi Supplies PAfKTS, OIL-- :, VARNISHES AM) LAMP 60006, AGATE WAKE, TIN WARE. NEVER BREAK WARE, goat along such paths can we? Typewriter and Notary Public. F. M. Hate-i- t - rrrsi.ienl tcil Bwv-- -n - Vice-Preside- W. R. O-s- Ue - - Henrv R. Cooper, Tre rer ,t Manser r W. F Krear AnWw 0 o Daily Pacific Commekcial Advertiser No! the little locomotive, although Pen-- el ton. Master. Will sail from Boston far Honolnln on or about .ll'NK 1Mb. 192. Mr For farther part ionlam aprlj to l WRKWKR A CX. 5. W. W'rKTta, Sr., P1S. v. Q, Wnrrcft, MP DD8. it clings closely to the hillside, can- - (6 packs) w , Office with L. A. Thurston. not attempt this. It suddenly turns GO Per year, with "Guide', premium- - 6 00 into the seemingly solid face of the J. M. DAVIDSON, mountain, darts through the rock Per month, w Per year, postpaid Foreign 12 00 and emerges on the other side of Attorney and Counsellor-at-La- w. Per vear. postpaid to United States the ridge upon a smiling glen be tween the mountain spurs and upon Office Kaahumana Street, of America, Canada, or Mexico. 10 00 Weekly (12 packs) Hawaiian Gazkttk This Company is prepared to search records and furnish abstracts of title to all real property in the kinjjou Partiplcmc loans on. or contemplat inp the purchase of real estate will fct- t- it to their advantage lo nswll .lif oomp, in regard to title. the ever widening vistas or tne General Merchandise! WINTER & WINTER T3ENTIST8, (In office formerly occupied by Mr. 0 charming valley of Vergara. w am Now on this side, now on that of Ml rtn I t - C AA tmgera . WILLIAM C. PARKE, o to rer year, wun - valleys, the railway is Per postpaid Foreign - 6 00 year, eontinuHously making TJ 8 and j "S es" that bewilder the mind and ATTORNEY - AT -- LAW Payable Invariably in Advance. Klake's Steam Pumps, hooelesslv throw one off from all AND Wa :U'ivi Ui nrform all oiorlioa in flF All transient Advertisements points of the compass for no IVntistrv in a skilfnll manner. i! Agent to take Acknowledgments. sooner are we sroiner north than we Weston's ( 'entrituijals A full upper set ol IVcth on mlv qfficiNo. 13 Kaahumanu Street, Hono- - must be prepaid. H. M. Whitney, Manager. ler base no better can be ) fnm fl.S t SO are pointed south, and while one moment we are rushing west, sud- denly we find ourselves facing the eastern sun from which we had GkM fillinjts Sto : Silver tillinon. ! ... I to 2 mm, n. 1. LEWERS COOKE, (8accesiors to Lowert Dlckon -- WILCOX & GIBB'S, AND REMINGTON - SPECIAL NOTICE. Gold crowns, . No. 1 H np k --X m been fleeing. Running along the 1 lvot teeth, ixn crowns to io All transient advertisement sand sub side of a narrow valley, we could mr-A- U ortlers attended t.- - 1 1 prompt- ness. Mutual Telephone 13$; BeU T0ephe 1S1 P. O. BeXMS, C BREWER & CXK, L l. Qt kkn Strkkt, lloxon u H. t. AOENT8 KXMM Hawaiian Agricultural Co. Onomea ursr C-- Honomu Sttpsi OO Wailnkn Sugar t Wadcc Sujriiv Oo. Mskee Socat Co, Haleakalla RareUOo, Kapapala Ranch PI an to its' Uue San Francisco radreta, Chas. Rrewor .v Oo.'s l.nc ot IWion Packets. .Vgents Piston tVard ot Vnderw titers, Agenta Philadelphia lWrd of Fserwci ters. List ov vn h k1- - Importer and Dealer In Lumber scriptions must be prepaid. Em One-ha- lt Honolulu rruSs. WiTliaw lHn mi Vii and T almost "toss a biscuit" upon the SEWING MACHINES And U Kind of BnlldlnR Material. Carriers are not allowed to Sell railway on the other side, going In papers, nor to receive payments trom a urecisely opposite direction on a J?O.H2 IfOBT 8TBEET, Honolulu subscriDers. socuteti. Oor oihco v ill l open on mv nv turn from the oumtvy: old otlioe, liorel street. Honolulu. 1 will visit Kauai on M tl Maui, August and Scplcuilcr. Urn W deCy competition. slightly lower level, and along Single copies of the Daily Adver- - which we will soon be steaming, L. A. THUK8TON. W. f. KKI'.AI.. Tiro nr WlflTV lAZETTI Call -- 1 ways be parchased from the News H. E. 8TINTYRE BRO., after having "turned" the head of the glen up which we are now THURSTON & FREaK, Dealers or at tne omce oi puunw M. E. Grossman, D.D.8. uon, 4o Merroant 3treet. At torneys - at - Law, eroinsr. o . . ... lUrOHTKHH AND DKAtKHH IN RATES Daily Adv-stis- i-, 50cta. Now the church towers arid me HOHOU7L0, ft. I. -- . mnnth nr 18.01) a vear. roofs of Vergara, an old Carlist -- Office over I'.ishop'n Bank. m advance. Weekly Gazette, $5.00 a year in advance. Papers not town and once Important educa April 2, 1H91. tional centre, comes into view, Its Hon .1 O v avter. lVesi.h M Vanaget , Groceries, Provisions and Feed promptly paid for on presentation of the bill, will be stopped without ev H. ltbrt-0- n houses nestling by the side of a W. . ROWELL, farther notice. svve!aiv DENTIBTi stream that tumbles foaming and . m .! I" . A rvwvB. Ool. W. v aubaenpnonj mr ine v ... . mn ihct vnllpv The Engineer and Surveyor Tissnand WEEKLY o.ette may ue jjMifcniig w.v. j . . ... i - mM XZ A& Vfa,. I KAHT (H)RNER FORT AND KING BTRKRT8. fine old Roman road winds along Hon.C. R Wshev 11 Waterhonse ttiq. S r ilcn Ksl paid at tne paDiicauou ui.ee, ts the collector. H HOTKL STR-K- T. the valley like a strip of white rib F. W. Pbestow, who is anthorized to Room 3, Bpreckels' Block. bon bordered by green and russet, receipt for the same. at. d 1 .!... k 1... ,,t.irir itnnLni d Min lha KjuWn SI til m and Km onc. and the streams are frequently fi I I ....)..,. A II tin Km fill! llflll V lltltMliloil to. BUll mcs Hocrp lA.w.ro4r. n. Any subscriber who pays to the fOr either cacer one vear, BEAVER SALOON, spanned by beautiful stone nridges only wide enough to let one cart Qoodl delivered t0 Mtf OftH of tho rity trttol ohwrtte. Island orders solieiled. HatiHfaction tfiuriuifwd. Poti OfflOt BOS No. 146. IVlcuhono No. Wi strictly in advance, will receive one the Toceists' GciD" as tMlMUXi OppiUttUi Wlliler :.' DBS, ANDERSON ft UINDY, - HAS removed to t? mum mm rJ a premmm. paas at a time, with three, or four, or five arches of unequal heights, H. . NOLTE, FBOFBIKTOB. . ...I. - reward will be Daid for lintelM" LnocbM fKtttvtA with T, Uoffoe the road rising to the spring or tne Sod- - Wfcter, lDRr ai or am. information that will lead to the highest arch, on the rirn of which Open from B m. till 10 p. m. ENTERPRISE PLANING MILL DEasrrisTa conviction of any one stealing me Daily or Weekly left at the office or the oath rises and falls. ggrtmAtn' Kjnllt-spcUli- y, residence of snbscnoers. At length Bilbao is reached This citv is ever increasing in com Lengthy advertisements shonld be i, -- retort in rfnrini? the dav. to insure PBTKR HIGH, - - Tropriitor. t )Cf' IM AND Ml fjjb JOHN T. WATERHOOSK. Importfir nd o:or lo hi iat inn the neKt morning. Short mercial and industrial importance, thanks to the fountain of riches in On Alakea wnd Richards near Quoen fitreet, Honnlum, II. t its iron mines. Along the banks of notices received ap to 10 f. u. HAWAIIAN OAZETTK CO., GENERAL MERO fi AND18E. the N'ervion. for eleven miles from H. M. Whits sr. Manager. the city to the sea, new factories m o i r :l d i n ( a b , So.aiMl QaMB MfMt, UoDOlnla. are constantly rising. Hmoko from AB APM1NIBTRRKIL Hllk Ol0U-tMM- t, ,tBvnMi Cwsve eMvi rh4 d-en- t 'n.M-.-ohtinB- : Of everr deflcHlihMI wa.lc- - c orlei at short noli. DR1 noons AT RKTAtL CHAB. T. ui hirK. NOTARY IMMU.U' fr the IMand of Yaho. Aarnl totnKe AuoweljrueUtA ta lho tVntractt. Aitvot to Hvnot Mfti'iftce l.eenen. Meno lulu. Onhn, Asent for the HawnUsn llandsot VnT A scores of chimneys marks the sites or Doors, Hash, Blinds, Screens, Frames, Etc. FROM SAJi SEBASTIAN TO BILBAO, H. HACKFELI) CO , the shipyards, where iron-da- d shir C, B. ELLPLEY, of war are being built, of the rurna- - ces for smelting the iron ore thai TIIHNKP AND NAWI.I WOKK, Prompt altenllou all order. i' lr I. It! P II M N IT. W : abounds in the surrounding moan 4 A LtOl I ITECT 1 tains, and of the great rolling mills By Rev. Wm. H. Grunt. Oor . fori h 'j i " n Htt., Itooololn. that make Bessemer stf ,. nd Orrit't Hrsst RjriB IIkur, RooM fi. HELL 4WL MUTUAL 6ft. rails, and of the facto- - of tin w (JH AH. V. K. DOVKi The ride, by train from Han .Sebas plate and of glassware, and thai IMana HiTi-Mlfil- l lon nd HulM'l llO I '"1 Horn n ami 1'ar.ei KfM-os- . Agent fo he lunhnfrtuu Route. marks the home of numberless mi MMMI glVCtl '"' Ittrj '! " riptlOM of lhdhl Surveyor and Engineer. nor industries. For siix miles hun lltiti M Mute WnAtx GfnfTtit kpms s. li PIERCE, CIIAKMSS lOVM-'IM- ift MOfBRAT Ol.1 UnUdituis nocfnU rtnniUUcd Itrll Tel. MS; Mot V.I t I" O II and enlnrned. tian to Bilbao is one of the mmt beautiful in the world, r have re- cently crossed the American conti- nent from Boston to Han Francisco twice by different roads; I spent the motnhs of last July and August in ridingf on horseback over the pi ilotix for tnhtl-- Mprtunttoni. dreds of great steamships crowd the banks of the river or lie anchored in the stream. This Is a rich, prosperous and most charming country. Han Sebastian, Spain, May, lt9 (,r Mechanical lrawm. Trartnn, and llliionrinthiB. ytrntVu-- with ('. h MrCartl.y, Merchant St., opfxife AtHKftrrHKR n. w. cwBwsT, J. . r. w. m tir.ni. 124 Clay St., S. K. 40 (jueen Bt , Hmio. OFMt'K: No. M MRU' tl A NT BL, tt-- nn tV OAttt M L LOVKVS UAKKIJY Slo TS WwnaHrt MeM. (nPPrawtup for lhofc or Nrfiv' Hluitrttldti HtWniff A.OOOTJN T A NT, The Advkrtiskr ban the largost M W. McCHESNEY & SONS, sns. aoi r.vivnt vttiteiw. ftirculation anfl prints moie liv rws than anv of itn alJoife conte-mry- - Wholesale Gtocsts, Commission Mar HU8TACK I u, ItsAi n is WOOD AND COAL rari. Its alvertiin? eolnmns ch ants and Importer. provo that business men know a gvxl 40 Qnen St., Honolnln. thing when they see it. IT yon not take this journal yon are MmM wonderful group of the Hawaiian Inlands, my birthplace, and T may safely say that no more beautiful country have I seen than this that is traversed by the railway from Han .Sebastian to Bilbao, .Spain. Many know of the jrrand beauty of the scenery as you advance by the railway on the ever rising road through the winding valleys flanked by noble mountains, past Hernani and Tolosa and Villa franca, over WHJJAM Os AOHI, the times. Aluo White an-- Blark Maud which we will adl at the very lowest tUrtrhet tales Hm Beittcrred ihh Office to Mm4 a. it. Hmltb Block, Fort XUwi. fa QAStli ATTORNBY AND fWTWPIKhhOR AT LAW, O TffOSK WHO VALtJF, TFIr'fR Snr jMMftl I ' I 'i"' '", 1 ' Broad Itt. ( i.'icliors. km. - MVS K a s n- - 8rtltMii Hiii; M I 1.K Mil K. A 1 A ' riMM T. T Mwi i 1st srmiss No. 414. Mi'ir Tim MHtOfti N la Wtttmrp rMl ae1 Ke1 Ktat Brefcer. (mc- - V .Merchant Street. ,V OT r C F. 'IP YOtl WANT TO BELL OtH v.'ir t(f-Mll- li(d KnriiMnrn in l en 9068 If ATI, AH tirety, call hf h THOMAH L1MMAY, DANCE MR. A. P. O. Ho iVo. 4"- - i X I; Mutuitt Trl. No. t)n : Ansurtinco Gomp-l- iy MMlfMtVftg Iji Jeweler! OPTICfAN, optfialmk; By appointment to H. K. tho Hgtqnn (A the lofty bridge that spans the glen, in which nestle the baths of Betelie, and on to Zumarraga. But com- paratively few know of the charm- - of the country through which the narrow gauge railway passes from Zumarraga to Imrango and Bilbao. Having left the main railway to Madrid, at Zumarraga, the road rise quickly out of the valley and suddenly plunge into the face of the hill that ri?es back of Zumarra- - . ' - .' M 1 - Thomas Plock, rin Bt H'llt'NIMlill S'M ownoH Naw and mnmA Koroiture BO-- H) W't flor. Ntnifuni jitiI Hititr Mttoofa. m fjijffenn, ot mom, Ktc, Ftc , Ktc. M NOW HFKR, Partienlar attention faid to nil Dapltal H.tMW.UOn fcinrt of Rrairinr. Assets. 0IMI.000 and irovions to Stab4shing s LOCAL gT lMfoorri Soiij Wardrohep, !- - BoTtSf , Plot ci( Hsnilti i ., . KtiiS, p.urr.,,,,, f hf.rToTuer, PtenfriT and Vorandn f'l-air?- K.faf. Bed Lonnijnq, Bnhy fib, Olothe BaiVts, Kwirtjr Machines, Whatnots. Meat M,fn( Trunk". , Sold aft 0. f,ov?eit, (Jah prir,., (- -6 t X L (StittlM NMoan- - and Kn LEWIS k 0O, AGF:N;Y; msvr eT?mwi ior ptr- - llnrlnif hnno nitiolnt'd Siroot ot iihnvp Uotnimny we ate not tea-t- to noi I . j ....... . . tacfi at fhe Private Fnf ranee . Whtleale and detail lireeen, f'fomp4 returns rnado on 'ods Mold i otnoMSSton. eftect Itioiiiflttrn-- i ?tf Mm iowpbi rarani premium II W 'MMlMtni "OHM. ra. A rew momenta ot narnnp, and the train emerges on a high i level overlooking the valley of Ver- - ; gara, down which, far away the hor- - ; ion is hounded by fhe serrated j paks of the mountains beyond Do- - . . . r:ii or . 1 KOK A FEW DAYS ONLY. . All AN A. Merchant Tailor MAN tn vtnVI to No. 511 Nininioi St root l uo doom Li lou old iWWrtk) Is uou tueoai' d trt Aet-- o'udometn hettet IhStl erst. Miioim HI'N NAM BtHtl Hit. 1'im Hti-H- R stred, i' o Bex irt ft.f ! :o'1 'lo n ' ' ' Ih" V1,,, Ui fOKT STREET. Bfons frss Mat"oay F,vsTffoa Tor W fi'rtoca T(Hiw(( . s1. t. no , Tho avrtm of ?iht. Tetin 'Parent tHo4, invented hy him, is now hein THE ROYAL SAL00R, fv UflMiifi n1 Wefaw rf(t nniveraally aor,peo. ann MH. DANCK rango ano near nmw. iwn Dormeo mountain spurs with sharp ridges project into the valley from every direction as far as the eye can reach. How can the train find it way safely down from this eajrle'- - perch to the safe banks of the -- dream that sflcams in the sunlight fnr helow! With the instinct of a living thing it clings to the moun norths Mnsfant at I f r. h Wolhor, oecially invites the Medical rVofoftfofl ano an in OPTICAL SCIRHCK II. s. TttEOLOAN & son Oor. fnrt ftid MM"1 Hfp., KUCHA NT TAIL0E8I To M- - this Beautiful Tt, and the jn rmrtm p"T I'i.moiM Mfnnrn LATFBT IM fiOV E M ffi FN intti mrjiann "en r..Tf-- u S, i, h n liumnr-- f HHIRW ! M MIBt FAf'TORV and BURIiKK. liRNHRH asd FB.AMKS will Mottnl'te fO lltl Hi I 111' M.l't oa tain sine out horns ever on warn vrith I slight decline and this jflfilfti the problem. The narrow gauge permits the hurpest eurves ever made by a pas- senger train. In and out it wind -- io and oat following all the Wi H. BEHS0W. f ftUBN I rsrtlosl Uotjiectlnris fnlt I'm.iV in Mnlrr As preicrH)ed hv rhthlsmi'- - S'lireons 313r3tr Daily Mvtir 'fa, per month, ilate at Room ) l.avp ordr; talafihonatl 'linirton Hrtet ff

mm m


Established July 2, 1856.


curves and sinuosities of the moun (General Ctocrfisfnirnte(General 2lDDtnisnnrmt.tain side -- in and out, in and out.Now we run far into the heart of HAWAIIAN

HONOLULU IRON WORKS CO.,tlu mountain, following the side ofCHlS. BIIW1K 4 0Q."S

Boston Line of Packets.92 Builders' and General Hardwarethe bold projecting spur. Ever on Steam Engines,the descending grade we run out of

Abstract d Title hBoilers. Mnicar Mills, Coolers, Brass

Pacific Commercial idvertoII. N. CA8TLK, EDITOR,

is rt'BLisuKn

Every Morning Except Sundays,



At No. 40 Merchant St.

the shadows of the shaded nook onc3nutl Lead Castings,to the sun-bathe- d flanks of another

ridge, until far out on the outer IMPORTERS WILL PLSASK I

take notice that the hueAnd machinery of every description madeNO. Ml liHlAN I sredge of the ridge. The sides of the

hill fall precipitously below our carto order. Particular attention pam wships blacksmithinij. Job work excutedon the shortest notic. BARK MARTHA DAVIS

HONOH UV H. I.riage windows; the ridge is so sharphow can we swing around its

CHARLES F. PETERSON,bold and narrow face! Surely notrain ever before followed mountainSUBSCRIPTION HATES





goat along such paths can we? Typewriter and Notary Public.F. M. Hate-i- t - rrrsi.ienltcil Bwv-- -n - Vice-Preside-

W. R. O-s-Ue

- -Henrv R. Cooper, Tre rer ,t Manser rW. F Krear AnWw

0oDaily Pacific Commekcial Advertiser No! the little locomotive, although

Pen-- el ton. Master.

Will sail from Boston far Honolnln on orabout .ll'NK 1Mb. 192.

Mr For farther part ionlam aprlj to


5. W. W'rKTta, Sr., P1S.v. Q, Wnrrcft, MP DD8.

it clings closely to the hillside, can- -(6 packs) w ,

Office with L. A. Thurston.not attempt this. It suddenly turns GOPer year, with "Guide', premium- - 6 00 into the seemingly solid face of theJ. M. DAVIDSON,mountain, darts through the rockPer month, w

Per year, postpaid Foreign 12 00 and emerges on the other side ofAttorney and Counsellor-at-La- w.Per vear. postpaid to United States the ridge upon a smiling glen be

tween the mountain spurs and uponOffice Kaahumana Street,of America, Canada, or Mexico. 10 00

Weekly (12 packs) Hawaiian Gazkttk

This Company is prepared to searchrecords and furnish abstracts of title toall real property in the kinjjou

Partiplcmc loans on. or contemplatinp the purchase of real estate will fct- t- itto their advantage lo nswll .lif oomp,in regard to title.

the ever widening vistas or tneGeneral Merchandise!


T3ENTIST8,(In office formerly occupied by Mr. 0charming valley of Vergara. w am

Now on this side, now on that ofMl rtn I t - C AAtmgera .




rer year, wun -valleys, the railway is

Per postpaid Foreign - 6 00year, eontinuHously making TJ 8 andj

"S es" that bewilder the mind and ATTORNEY - AT -- LAWPayable Invariably in Advance. Klake's Steam Pumps,hooelesslv throw one off from allAND Wa :U'ivi Ui nrform all oiorlioa inflF All transient Advertisements points of the compass for no

IVntistrv in a skilfnll manner. i!Agent to take Acknowledgments.sooner are we sroiner north than we Weston's ( 'entrituijals A full upper set ol IVcth on mlvqfficiNo. 13 Kaahumanu Street, Hono- -must be prepaid.

H. M. Whitney, Manager. ler base no better can be) fnm fl.S t SO

are pointed south, and while onemoment we are rushing west, sud-

denly we find ourselves facing theeastern sun from which we had

GkM fillinjts Sto :

Silver tillinon. ! ... I to 2

mm, n. 1.


(8accesiors to Lowert Dlckon-- WILCOX & GIBB'S, AND REMINGTON -SPECIAL NOTICE.

Gold crowns,.No. 1 H np

k --X mbeen fleeing. Running along the1 lvot teeth, ixn crowns to ioAll transient advertisement sand sub side of a narrow valley, we could

mr-A-U ortlers attended t.-- 1 1 prompt-ness.

Mutual Telephone 13$; BeU T0ephe1S1 P. O. BeXMS,

C BREWER & CXK, L l.Qt kkn Strkkt, lloxon u H. t.


Hawaiian Agricultural Co.Onomea ursr C--

Honomu Sttpsi OOWailnkn Sugar t

Wadcc Sujriiv Oo.Mskee Socat Co,

Haleakalla RareUOo,Kapapala Ranch

PI an to its' Uue San Francisco radreta,Chas. Rrewor .v Oo.'s l.nc ot IWion

Packets..Vgents Piston tVard ot Vnderw titers,Agenta Philadelphia lWrd of Fserwci


List ov vn h k1--

Importer and Dealer In Lumberscriptions must be prepaid. Em One-ha- lt Honolulu rruSs.WiTliaw lHn mi Vii and Talmost "toss a biscuit" upon the SEWING MACHINESAnd U Kind of BnlldlnR Material.Carriers are not allowed to Sell railway on the other side, going In

papers, nor to receive payments troma urecisely opposite direction on a J?O.H2 IfOBT 8TBEET, Honolulu


socuteti. Oor oihco v ill l open on mv nvturn from the oumtvy: old otlioe, liorelstreet. Honolulu. 1 will visit Kauai on

M tl Maui, August and Scplcuilcr.Urn W deCy competition.

slightly lower level, and alongSingle copies of the Daily Adver- -

which we will soon be steaming, L. A. THUK8TON. W. f. KKI'.AI..Tiro nr WlflTV lAZETTI Call -- 1

ways be parchased from the News H. E. 8TINTYRE BRO.,after having "turned" the head ofthe glen up which we are now THURSTON & FREaK,Dealers or at tne omce oi puunw

M. E. Grossman, D.D.8.uon, 4o Merroant 3treet. At torneys - at - Law,eroinsr.o . . ... lUrOHTKHH AND DKAtKHH INRATES Daily Adv-stis- i-, 50cta. Now the church towers arid me HOHOU7L0, ft. I.-- . mnnth nr 18.01) a vear.

roofs of Vergara, an old Carlist-- Office over I'.ishop'n Bank.m advance. Weekly Gazette, $5.00

a year in advance. Papers not town and once Important educa April 2, 1H91.

tional centre, comes into view, Its Hon .1 O v avter. lVesi.h M Vanaget,Groceries, Provisions and Feedpromptly paid for on presentation

of the bill, will be stopped without ev H. ltbrt-0- nhouses nestling by the side of a W. . ROWELL,farther notice. svve!aivDENTIBTistream that tumbles foaming and. m .! I" . A rvwvB. Ool. W. v

aubaenpnonj mr ine v ... . mn ihct vnllpv The Engineer and SurveyorTissnand WEEKLY o.ette may ue jjMifcniig w.v. j. . ... i - mM XZ A& Vfa,. I KAHT (H)RNER FORT AND KING BTRKRT8.

fine old Roman road winds alongHon.C. R Wshev11 Waterhonse ttiq.S r ilcn Ksl

paid at tne paDiicauou ui.ee, ts

the collector. H HOTKL STR-K-T.the valley like a strip of white rib

F. W. Pbestow, who is anthorized toRoom 3, Bpreckels' Block.bon bordered by green and russet,receipt for the same.

at. d 1 .!... k 1... ,,t.irir itnnLni d Min lha KjuWn SI til m and Km onc.and the streams are frequently

fi I I ....)..,. A II tin Km fill! llflll V lltltMliloil to. BUll mcs Hocrp lA.w.ro4r. n.Any subscriber who pays to thefOr either cacer one vear, BEAVER SALOON,spanned by beautiful stone nridges

only wide enough to let one cart Qoodl delivered t0 Mtf OftH of tho rity trttol ohwrtte. Island orders solieiled.HatiHfaction tfiuriuifwd. Poti OfflOt BOS No. 146. IVlcuhono No. Wistrictly in advance, will receive one

the Toceists' GciD" as tMlMUXi OppiUttUi Wlliler :.' DBS, ANDERSON ft UINDY,- HAS

removed to t? mum mmrJa premmm. paas at a time, with three, or four,

or five arches of unequal heights, H. . NOLTE, FBOFBIKTOB.

. ...I. - reward will be Daid for lintelM" LnocbM fKtttvtA with T, Uoffoethe road rising to the spring or tneSod- - Wfcter, lDRr ai or am.information that will lead to the

highest arch, on the rirn of whichOpen from B m. till 10 p. m. ENTERPRISE PLANING MILL DEasrrisTaconviction of any one stealing me

Daily or Weekly left at the office or the oath rises and falls. ggrtmAtn' Kjnllt-spcUli- y,residence of snbscnoers. At length Bilbao is reachedThis citv is ever increasing in comLengthy advertisements shonld be

i, -- retort in rfnrini? the dav. to insure PBTKR HIGH, - - Tropriitor.t )Cf' IM AND Ml fjjbJOHN T. WATERHOOSK.

Importfir nd o:or lohi iat inn the neKt morning. Short mercial and industrial importance,

thanks to the fountain of riches inOn Alakea wnd Richards near Quoen fitreet, Honnlum, II. tits iron mines. Along the banks ofnotices received ap to 10 f. u.

HAWAIIAN OAZETTK CO., GENERAL MERO fi AND18E.the N'ervion. for eleven miles fromH. M. Whits sr. Manager.

the city to the sea, new factories m o i r :l d i n ( a b ,So.aiMl QaMB MfMt, UoDOlnla.are constantly rising. Hmoko from


Hllk Ol0U-tMM- t,,tBvnMi Cwsve eMvi rh4

d-en- t 'n.M-.-ohtinB- :

Of everr deflcHlihMI wa.lc-- c orlei atshort noli.

DR1 noons AT RKTAtL


fr the IMand of Yaho.

Aarnl totnKe AuoweljrueUtA ta lhotVntractt.

Aitvot to Hvnot Mfti'iftce l.eenen. Menolulu. Onhn,

Asent for the HawnUsn llandsot VnT A

scores of chimneys marks the sites or Doors, Hash, Blinds, Screens, Frames, Etc.FROM SAJi SEBASTIAN TO BILBAO,H. HACKFELI) CO ,the shipyards, where iron-da- d shir

C, B. ELLPLEY,of war are being built, of the rurna- -

ces for smelting the iron ore thai TIIHNKP AND NAWI.I WOKK,

Prompt altenllou all order.i' lr I. It! P II M N IT. W :

abounds in the surrounding moan4 A LtOl I ITECT 1tains, and of the great rolling millsBy Rev. Wm. H. Grunt. Oor . fori h 'j i " n Htt., Itooololn.that make Bessemer stf ,. nd Orrit't Hrsst RjriB IIkur, RooM fi.HELL 4WLMUTUAL 6ft.rails, and of the facto- - of tin

w (JH AH. V. K. DOVKiThe ride, by train from Han .Sebasplate and of glassware, and thai

IMana HiTi-Mlfil- l lon nd HulM'l llO I '"1 Horn n ami 1'ar.ei KfM-os-.

Agent fo he lunhnfrtuu Route.marks the home of numberless miMMMI glVCtl '"' Ittrj '! " riptlOM of lhdhlSurveyor and Engineer.

nor industries. For siix miles hun lltiti M Mute WnAtx GfnfTtit kpmss. li PIERCE,CIIAKMSS lOVM-'IM- ift MOfBRAT Ol.1 UnUdituis nocfnU rtnniUUcdItrll Tel. MS; Mot V.I t I" O IIand enlnrned.

tian to Bilbao is one of the mmt

beautiful in the world, r have re-

cently crossed the American conti-

nent from Boston to Han Francisco

twice by different roads; I spent

the motnhs of last July and Augustin ridingf on horseback over the

pi ilotix for tnhtl-- Mprtunttoni.

dreds of great steamships crowd thebanks of the river or lie anchoredin the stream. This Is a rich,prosperous and most charmingcountry.

Han Sebastian, Spain, May, lt9

(,r Mechanical lrawm. Trartnn,and llliionrinthiB.

ytrntVu-- with ('. h MrCartl.y,Merchant St., opfxife AtHKftrrHKR

n. w. cwBwsT, J. . r. w. m tir.ni.124 Clay St., S. K. 40 (jueen Bt , Hmio.

OFMt'K: No. M MRU' tl A NT BL,tt-- nn tV OAttt M L


(nPPrawtup for lhofc or Nrfiv'Hluitrttldti HtWniff

A.OOOTJN TA NT,The Advkrtiskr ban the largost M W. McCHESNEY & SONS,sns. aoi r.vivnt vttiteiw.ftirculation anfl prints moie liv rws

than anv of itn alJoife conte-mry- - Wholesale Gtocsts, Commission Mar

HU8TACK I u,ItsAi n is

WOOD AND COALrari. Its alvertiin? eolnmns ch ants and Importer.provo that business men know a gvxl

40 Qnen St., Honolnln.thing when they see it. IT yonnot take this journal yon are MmM

wonderful group of the HawaiianInlands, my birthplace, and T may

safely say that no more beautifulcountry have I seen than this thatis traversed by the railway fromHan .Sebastian to Bilbao, .Spain.

Many know of the jrrand beauty

of the scenery as you advance by

the railway on the ever rising roadthrough the winding valleys flankedby noble mountains, past Hernaniand Tolosa and Villa franca, over

WHJJAM Os AOHI,the times. Aluo White an-- Blark Maud which we

will adl at the very lowest tUrtrhet talesHm Beittcrred ihh Office to Mm4 a. it. Hmltb


Snr jMMftl I ' I 'i"' '", 1 '

Broad Itt. ( i.'icliors.km. - MVS K

a s n- -8rtltMii Hiii;

M I 1.K Mil K. A 1

A ' riMM T.

T Mwi i 1st srmiss No. 414.

Mi'ir Tim MHtOfti N laWtttmrp rMl ae1 Ke1 Ktat


(mc- - V .Merchant Street.,V OT r C F. 'IP YOtl WANT TO BELL OtH v.'ir t(f-Mll-

li(dKnriiMnrn in l en 9068 If

ATI, AHtirety, call hf hTHOMAH L1MMAY,DANCEMR. A.

P. O. Ho iVo. 4"- - i X I; Mutuitt Trl. No. t)n : Ansurtinco Gomp-l-iyMMlfMtVftg Iji Jeweler!OPTICfAN,optfialmk;By appointment to H. K. tho Hgtqnn (A

the lofty bridge that spans the glen,in which nestle the baths of Betelie,and on to Zumarraga. But com-

paratively few know of the charm- -

of the country through which thenarrow gauge railway passes fromZumarraga to Imrango and Bilbao.

Having left the main railway toMadrid, at Zumarraga, the roadrise quickly out of the valley andsuddenly plunge into the face ofthe hill that ri?es back of Zumarra- -

.' - .' M 1 -

Thomas Plock, rin Bt H'llt'NIMlill S'MownoH

Naw and mnmA Koroiture BO--H)

W't flor. Ntnifuni jitiI Hititr Mttoofa.m

fjijffenn, ot mom,Ktc, Ftc , Ktc.

M NOW HFKR,Partienlar attention faid to nil Dapltal H.tMW.UOn

fcinrt of Rrairinr.Assets. 0IMI.000

and irovions to Stab4shing s LOCALgT lMfoorri Soiij Wardrohep, !- - BoTtSf , Plotci( Hsnilti i .,

. KtiiS,p.urr.,,,,, f hf.rToTuer, PtenfriT and Vorandn f'l-air?- K.faf. Bed Lonnijnq, Bnhy

fib, Olothe BaiVts, Kwirtjr Machines, Whatnots. Meat M,fn( Trunk". ,

Sold aft 0. f,ov?eit, (Jah prir,., (- -6 t X L (StittlM NMoan- - and KnLEWIS k 0O,AGF:N;Y; msvr eT?mwi ior ptr- -

llnrlnif hnno nitiolnt'd Siroot otiihnvp Uotnimny we ate not tea-t- to

noi I . j ....... . .

tacfi at fhe

Private Fnf ranee .

Whtleale and detail lireeen, f'fomp4 returns rnado on 'ods Mold i otnoMSSton. eftect Itioiiiflttrn-- i ?tf Mm iowpbi raranipremium

II W 'MMlMtni "OHM.

ra. A rew momenta ot narnnp,and the train emerges on a high i

level overlooking the valley of Ver- - ;

gara, down which, far away the hor- -;

ion is hounded by fhe serrated j

paks of the mountains beyond Do- -. . . r:ii or . 1


. All AN A.

Merchant TailorMAN tn vtnVI to

No. 511 Nininioi St root

l uo doom Li lou old iWWrtk)

Is uou tueoai' d trt Aet-- o'udometn

hettet IhStl erst.


HI'N NAM BtHtlHit. 1'im Hti-H- R stred,

i' o Bex irtft.f ! :o'1 'lo n

'' ' Ih" V1,,,

Ui fOKT STREET.Bfons frss Mat"oay F,vsTffoa Tor W fi'rtocaT(Hiw(( . s1. t. no ,

Tho avrtm of ?iht. Tetin 'ParenttHo4, invented hy him, is now hein THE ROYAL SAL00R,

fv UflMiifi n1 Wefaw rf(tnniveraally aor,peo. ann


rango ano near nmw. iwnDormeo mountain spurs with sharpridges project into the valley fromevery direction as far as the eye canreach. How can the train find itway safely down from this eajrle'- -

perch to the safe banks of the--dream that sflcams in the sunlightfnr helow! With the instinct of aliving thing it clings to the moun

norths Mnsfant at

I f r. h Wolhor,oecially invites the Medical rVofoftfoflano an in


II. s. TttEOLOAN & sonOor. fnrt ftid MM"1 Hfp.,

KUCHA NT TAIL0E8ITo M-- this Beautiful Tt, and the jn rmrtm p"T

I'i.moiM MfnnrnLATFBT I M fiOV E M ffi FN intti mrjiann "en r..Tf-- u

S, i, h n liumnr-- f HHIRW !M MIBt FAf'TORV and BURIiKK.liRNHRH asd FB.AMKS willMottnl'te fO lltlHi I111' M.l't oa

tain sine out horns ever on warnvrith I slight decline and thisjflfilfti the problem.

The narrow gauge permits thehurpest eurves ever made by a pas-

senger train. In and out it wind--io and oat following all the

Wi H. BEHS0W. f ftUBN I rsrtlosl Uotjiectlnrisfnlt I'm.iV in Mnlrr

As preicrH)ed hv rhthlsmi'- - S'lireons313r3tr

Daily Mvtir 'fa, per month, ilate at Room )l.avp ordr; talafihonatl'linirton Hrtet ff


Xrro auurrtiscntfnts.dilution Sales.Br 2Uiti)oritn Hawaiian Hardware Co,, I'd.

A Fresh Consignment of

the case in point thin is particu-larly important. If tin; House is

Wu to If; ho foolish as to squan-der $60,000 on tin; maintenance ofa useless guard at a time when thevital interests of the country areBuffering for lack of necessaryfunds, it should at least reserve itsfolfy until every member is presentin his seat to share in it or protestagainst it. Ah long as the mon-

archical form of government ismaintained it i 0 of course proper to

the rainfall exceeds 100 inches,while on the other side agricultureis impossible without irrigation.

When the United Htates agreedby treaty to admit Hawaiian sugarfree, all other sugars being subjectto a duty of 2 cents a pound,sugar-plantin- g on the islands be-

came enormously profitable, andthe movement of foreign trade in-

creased from $l,722,ooo (importsand exports) to an average ofnearly $29,000,000. When thenthe discrimination in favor of theislands was abolished by the Mc-Kinle- y

act the cause of their pros-perity was removed, and the effectnaturally ceased. We are witness-ing the beginning of the change.There seems to be every reason forexpecting that it will continue,and that the future of the groupwill be to figure as a naval stationmerely. S. F. Call.





information Wanted.Tho ondemignft'!, Chairman of Spatial

Opium Commute .f J.ejiilal lire,iereby giv nolle llmt lie will receivettll information from ai;y party or parti,that will lend to tLe obtaining and col-

lection of such fa- -t as will check Kniug-glin- g

and the illicit Ml anl aa'e of "piumin the country.

JNO. E BUSH,I. airman Special Committer.

Honolulu, .fitly 27, 1802 3185--tf

The Minister of FlMMMM approve of(lie following lint of p rsOfM to net axDeputy AascimorH and Col I 'for for theyear MfKi:


Honolulu T. A hlojdKwa and Waianae... ,0 IlookanoWaialua 1 MuhauluKooiaupoko No. I Aa KanliaKootaapdko No. 1 E. P. AikneKoolanloa L f. A j Iftt


Laliaina David TaylorWailuku Wm.T. KohinncnMakawao David Mortonffana I. P. SylvaMolokai and Lanai J. Nakaleka


Milu and N. Hilo N. C. WillfongHaumkua Cha?. WilliamsSouth Kohala Wilrnot VredenhurgNorth Kohala Ehen P. LowNorth Kona J. KaelemakuleSouth Kona Thos. H.WrightKau O.T. ShipmanPuna .. J E.EldertB


Waimea and Niihau Th. BrandtKoloa A. K. MikaLi hue- - J. B. HanaikeKawaihau S. KauiHanalei W. E. Devcrill

H. A. WIDE MANN,Minister of Finance.

Finance: Department, June 22, 1892.3100-t- f


August, 1802.

Just Received 1 y


113 and 115 Fort Street,

HONOLULU.u. Mo. r. W. Tb. Fr. Sa. FuYl'fc oon.1 3 6 6 Ang. 14,

. Last yu'rt'r.7 8 9 10 11 13 13 J

U 15 18 17 18 10 30 NowMoon'.

'il 33 33 34 36 30 37 Aug. 30,W First Qu'rt'r

26 30 31) I 31 i

Monday, J.v.$. :, iSg2.

Mr. Hendry, President ofthis Company, left for theStates by the Mariposa, Doyou know what that means ?

It means that the markets ofthe principal cities from SanFrancisco to Boston will beexplored for goods to go intoyour homes, or your planta-tions, your ranches, any placewhere articles in our line areused. The little Frenchmanon the top floor of a New Yorktenement will be called uponfor his latest efforts in Silk andSatin Iamp Shades. Hisneighbor further along, thebrass goods worker will putforth the most fetching con-

ceits in lamp goods and bric-a-bra- c.

It means that the bestgoods manufactured will bebought at prices low enoughto enable us to put them intoyour homes without your beingobliged to deprive yourself ofnecessities perhaps in orderto make your living rooms at-

tractive. It pays to go abroadI

pays you and us.While we are waiting for

novelties in Silk Shades ofAmerican and French manu-

facture, we have placed on salea small line of them whichcame to us direct from japan;not so elaborate as the othersand at about quarter price.Genuine hand-painte- d on silk

they go to you at three dol-

lars, about the same as youhave been paying for the papermuslin affair that wrinkles, andstavs wrinkled in the first


wind. You can't break theJap's with an axe. A cheaperline of decorated paper withsilk fringe and tassle for $1.50.We never had anything likethem before.

We've had to replenishthose two piles of Cocoa Matsstanding inside our front doortwice in a week 50 cent matsare an innovation here andpeople jump at the chance tokeep their floors and verandasclean at the cost of a goodbroom and without the labor ofpushing it. If you want one ofthem your time to get it isnow, next weel may be toolate; we haven't a million ofthem.

Numerous inquiries forsomething different in OilStoves prompted us to buy aninvoice of the "Florence"They're here and you mayhave them cheap.

The u Forest Queenbrought us a lot of new PianoLamps good styles, andburners which give a lightequal to the sun in brightness,but without the heat. Youmust have a Piano Lamp ifyou expect to get good musicout of a piano like the Legis-lature and , useless un-

less combined. (We leavethe name blank that readersmay fill in to suit their tastes.)

Bird Cages of differentshapes and material also ar-

rived last week. The bird'shome must be renewed if he is

a good singer. It's bad policyto slight those who make lifepleasant. Birds do that; sodoes the green grass buv aLawn Mower.

We heard ot an ice creamfreezer the other day thatfreezes cream without havingto turn a crank. We donft sellthe;:. We otter you theWhite Mountain, the best tri-

ple acting freezer in the world.You get no icy lumps, noharsh snow when you use a"White Mountain." Xineminutes turning gives Jcream as is cream



fwm Billiard Parlor


AT 10 O'CLOCK A. M.,

On the pn-rnise- s FOBT STREET, I willsell at Public Auction the

Stock and Fixtures !

Of the Wigwam Billiard Premises,comprising :


With Balls and Cues,


Large Counter, Show Cases,


Bench eg, Chairs,Lamp:, Pictures,

Ice Box, Etc., Etc., Etc.The above oflVrs a desirable

chance for investment.Parties auihinj? to purchase the

above an a whole should communicatewith the Auctioneer previous to thesale.

J as. F Morgan,gl Hot AUCTIONEER.


Fine Linen 1 Si


AT 10 O'CLOCK A. If,,At my Salesroom, Queen Si rtC, I will

I! at Public Auction aninvoice of One

Lioeu and Dress G OOttS

Comprising some of the Fir.estJoo!s imported here

as follows :

Fancy Net Dress Good.,

Fine Dress Stripes !

Canvas Curtains, Madras Curtains,Madras Muslins, V ictoria Lawns,

LitiPn Lawns, White India Linens,

Printed India MuslinsAlso an invoice of extra fine


fapanepe Silks, Crepe Shirts,Fine Silk Handkerchiefs,

Goods on view all day Thursday.

Remember this is an unusual oppor- -

tunity to purchase goods.The Ladies invited.

J as. F. Morgan,Lil40-t- l AUCTIONEER.


OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THATLl in accordance with the law in suchcases made and provided, I will cause tobe sold the following articles of Ki On,taken by me in des training for rent, (for4 months) to wit :

Step Ladder, Show Case and Contents,Tobaccos, Cigarettes, Groceries, DairySalt, Fire Crackers, lot of Plates, lot ofBowls, Tin Basins, Chinese Scales,Scales, Chinese Slippers, Clock, BottlesCandy, Lanterns, Chimneys, Tea Kettles,Saucepans, Lamp3, 1 Tabie, etc., etc.

j Said sale will take place at theAuction Salesroom of James F. Morgan,Auctioneer, Queen Street, on WEDNES-DAY. Aug. 10, 1892, at 12 m.

KUM CHIN,U132-15- t Landlord.


Hawaii Noeau !

Will repeat the CONCERT of the



Knwaiahao Church

For the same purpose as the firstproduction,

On Satflrd&y Evening, August 6


Tickets will be found at the Hawaiian News Company's; Hobron, Newman vi Company's; Hollister &Company's; and Elite Ice Cream Parlors.

Adults 50c: Children 25c.

3141-3- t



3114-t- f


Brewing Association

pass all appropriations which arerequired to support the dignity ofthe Throne, and the Advertiserwill never be found opposed to anyexpense which can really be provedto be necessary. It would be diffi-

cult, however, to devise any argu-ment which could justify the ex-

penditure of half a hundred thou-sand on a royal guard, when thethings which really do make for theprosperity of the country at homeand its reputation are abroad arecut ofr with a shilling. The Sur-

vey Department, the one branchof the Government which lends ita lustre, must be crippled, becauseforsooth, the country is poor, butthe army is to be let go unshorn,whether the country is poor or noj.Policy like this is the surest wayto impoverish a nation, and willsoon lead us into the royal road tobankruptcy which we were tread-ing before '87. Noble Corn wellmust pardon the legislators andpeople of Hawaii, if they refuse tofollow him down that slippery dtcline.

Why cannot a monarchy, aswell as a republic, be maintainedwith democratic simplicity? Ifthere is really any divinity whichhedges a king, in this nineteenthcentury, it should invest the mon-

arch with a dignity which can dis-

pense with gay extravagance andpomp, with toy soldiers and tinselmajors and colonels. On the otherhand, if there is no such divinity,then the monarch himself is ananachronism, and it is high timefor him to go. In these days ofrestlessness, the Queen of Hawaiican do nothing which will lendmore stability to her throne thanshowing a disposition to discardevery unnecessary expense, and adesire really to identify her inter-ests with those of the country atlarge. In our days of governmentby the people, the incumbent ofthe royal office has no standingexcept as the representative of thepeople. The people here need anddesire most imperatively, roads,landings and bridges, and they donot want money diverted fromthese objects to support useless dis-

play. If Her Majesty can bringherself to adopt these needs of thepeople as her own, and renounceeverything which stands in theirway, she will earn a title to theconfidence of the nation which willbe a better safeguard than all hertin soldiers.


The provision of the McKinleyAct placing Cuban sugar on thefree list has had the effect of re-

ducing our trade with the Ha-waiian Islands. Our receipts ofsugar from them have fallen off inquantity and they represent lessmoney. The total receipts for thesix months ending June 30, 1892,were 194,109,G2t) pounds as against210,173,538 pounds during the cor-responding months of 1891, and thevalue was $5,884, 56G as against$8,996,660. The quantity receivedthis year was in excess of thequantity received in 1890, 1889and 1888, but the money value wasconsiderably less. In the first sixmonths of 1889 our receipts ofsugar from Hawaii were only 13,-000,0- 00

pounds less than those ofthis year, but they brought nearly$4,000,000 more money.

Of course diminished receiptsfrom sugar exports have reducedthe capacity of the islands to con-sume imported goods. The totalimportations for the six monthsending June 30, 1892, were only$1,328,295 as against $2,200,995 inthe same months of 1891. Unlessan advance should take place inthe price of saccharine products wemust expect a contraction of theHawaiian market for Americangoods. The islands cannot buymore than they can pay for.

They were created in a commer-cial point of view by the recipro-city treaty. They are really nothing more than volcanic mountainsrising out of the sea, and clothedas to their main surface with lava.Here and there between the moun-tain ridges are valleys with a deepalluvial soil of such richness thatfive tons of sugar have been ob-

tained from a single acre ; but thevalleys are very limited in extent.It is said that their aggregate areawill not exceed 100,000 acres.Part of this area lies along thecoast in a narrow strip. Thenatural conditions of this strip aresuch that on one side of an island

ST. LOUIS, MO.,Brewers of Fine Beer Exclusively


They Vinit the Dredger and See

the Wheel Go Round.

The Legislature adjourned yes-

terday in order to enable the mem-

bers to accompany the Committeein an excursion to the dredger.The tug Eleu waited for its guestsat the foot of Brewer's wharf, andshortly after 1 :30 it steamed out tothe entrance of the harbor andlanded the company on thedredger. The wise law makersclambered all over the structureout on the platform and up on theroof, or upper deck. They wentinside and were able to satisfythemselves by personal inspectionthat the wheels were going roundvery fast indeed. They also sawthe pipe going down into the cleargreen water, and ascertained bythe leaks at the joints that some-thing was passing through it.From the rear platform they had asplendid view of the mountains,from Diamond Head to the utmostpeak of the Waianae range.

After the legislators were tired ofseeing the wheels go round, theyre-e- m barked Jand proceeded to theMyrtle Boat Club. Here the tugran aground and it was necessaryfor the law-make- rs to jump asmuch as three feet to the pier.The pluck and long legs of thegallant Garibaldi did not fail himand he took one flying leap whichlanded him in safety, but whenthe Bipikanelooked over the perilous chasm hisheart went to the bottom like lead.Threats and persuasion alike failedto move him until someone sug-gested that he shut his eyes. Thissuggestion must have proved eff-icacious, for he got over somehow.

A solid causeway has been builtfrom a point back of the MyrtleBoat Club out toward the mouth ofthe harbor, and behind this is togrow up the "made land" formedby the dredging of the harbor.The doubts expressed as to thepower of this embankment to resista Kona disappeared upon inspec-tion, as it appeared to be solidlybuilt up from a coral foundation.Twenty-fiv- e hundred feet of pipeextend from the dredger to the en-closure behind the embankment,and here the pipe was pouring outa tremendous stream of sand andwater chiefly water, but with sandenough mixed in to have formedalready a bed of not far fromthree acres of a depth of aboutseven feet. It is estimated thatthe proceeds of the dredging of thebar wilr be about ten acres of this" made " land, though if, as assert-ed, the work is already half over,that amount will hardly be reach-ed. The scene at the mouth of thepipe was most interesting, as amotley gathering was presentlooking for treasure, two boys be-

ing constantly up to their waistsin the flow, sifting the sand forshells. Another was fishing updebris in a long net. Nor are thesefishings unrewarded, for the sandsgive up many pretty shells andfragments of shells, some of themof considerable value. At nightthe scene is even more animated,as the number of treasure seekersis augmented.

The dredger is now working verysatisfactorily, and if it were insmooth water would be able to de-

velop its capacities to great advan-tage. As it is, if all goes well, itspowerful engines will soon makeshort work of the harbor bar.

FINE SOAPSFor Family Use.

An wvoicm just at uand.

ROYAL SAVON. Il is made only frompurified oil, upon an entirely new princ-ipleboiled and throoghty saponifiedgiving it a very agreeable dor. As aLaundry Soap and Grease ! rariicator, itstands unrivaled in the market, rtquirii ;ja less quantity of Soap and less work todo the wafctna of a small family thanany ordinary ios;ii rioap. It will w:ishequally as well in hard as soft water.OIL and B KAX guaranteed to he thefinest oil and Borax .oap in the market ;

not adulturated with any material tocheapen iis cost . Fall weight. WHITECASTILE SOAP -- Harness Oil, SaladOil, Worchestershire Sauces, PutzPomade, Idanha Water

iMt The above consignment will heclosed out at very low prices.

PACIFIC HARDWARE CO., In.,Cummins New Building,

Fort Street.2389-183- q

Daily Advertiser 50 cts. per month.

Pure Malt and Highest Grade Hops.

Xo Corn or Corn preparations used in place of Malt, as is doneby other Eastern Breweries, in order to cheapen the cost of their Beer,and to compete with our world-renowne- d and justly famed article.




He Just und fear not;Let Mil th ends thou alm'at at be

Thy Country'!, thy Gori'a, and Truth's.



There is now on exhibition inthis office a very handsome map ofthe lands of Olaa, which, as ourreaders know, are now beingopened up for settlement by theCrown Land Commissioners. Themap is the work of E. D. Baldwin,and the photographicis by Ed. N. Hitchcock, of Hilo. Itis a fine piece of workmanship andreflects the greatest credit on themakers. Mr. Hitchcock has adorn-

ed an upper corner with one of hisown negatives, presenting a verypretty picture of the Volcano roadat a point in Olaa. The map isworth inspecting, and may be seenby anyone calling at this office.


An attempt was made by NobleCornwell in the House yesterdaymorning to bring up for consider-ation the item for the Queen'sGuard, which had been deferred.Several members whose votes mightbe counted on as against the largeitem were absent, and it lookedlike a good opportunity to get theextravagant item of $50,000 smug-gled through the House. NobleThurston and Rep. Bush, who werefor the nonce allies, vigorously at-

tacked the proposition, and thomotion was finally withdrawn.

In general it is contrary to jus-tice and Sound policy to bring upan important matter out of its regu-lar course. The order of businessshould be in itself a guarantee thatmatters will not be brought upwithout due notice to members. In

4 With the Completion of the New Brewhouse,the Brewing Capacity is the Largest

of any Brewery in the World.Brewing Capacity: C kettles every 24 hours, 6,000 Barrels, r 1,800,000

Barrels per year.


1 2, 0C0 bushels per day 3,(500,000per day 2,250.000 lbs. per year.

special brand of their highest gradeIrnnu....- n no nSPPrTAT Doimr .;i,j l jjiu. t . nun

Consujiption of Material: Male,bushels per year. Hops: 7.."00 lbs.

No Corn or Corn Preparations are used in the manufactureof the Anheuser-Busc- h Beer. It h. therefore, the highest priced but themost wholesome and really the least expensive for its superior quality.

Annual Shipping Capacity : 100,000,000 Bottles and 5,000,000 Kegs.

The Anheuser-Busc- h Co. hf.ve carried off the highest honors and thehighest class gold medals wherever they have competed. At all of theInternational Exhibitions, throughout the world, their Beer pxppIIpiI nilother-- .

This Company have prepared aRppr fnr thf Hawaiian Tsfnrul ....r - -- 1 - - -a handsome label and in white bottles, which with their best EXPORTANHEUSER" In dark bottles, heretofore inported, we will now supply tothe trade in quantities to suit.


(Opp. Spreckels' Llock),


Agents for the Hawaiian Islands.3098-t- f






l.ukte Houolula. ..8:15 8:45 1:45 4:35?Arrive Hunoullall.7:30 9:57 8:57 5:36tLTe Honuallull.730. 10:43 3:43 5:4Stv i Huolulu..8:33 11:55 4:55 6:501


Leave Honolulu 5:201

Arrive Pearl City 5:58)Leave Pearl Clty...6:00 ....Arrive Honolulu. ...6:40

t Saturdays only.Sundays excepted.Saturdays excepted.



Leave Arrive LeaveSan'Franoiseo. Honolulu. Honolulu.Aug. S Aug. 10 Aug. 17

Aug. 31 Sept. 7 Sept. 14

Sept. 28 Oct. 5 Oct. 12

Oct. 2G Nov. 2 Nov.Nov, 23 Nov, 30 Dec. 7

Dec 21 Dec. 28 Jan. 4


S. S. Gaelic due from Japan Aug. 17

S. S. Gaelic clue from San Francisco.Oct. 2J


Arrive from San Sail for San Fran- -

Francisco. CiscoAlameda .July 28 MariposaMaripoju Aug. 25 MonowaiMonowai Sept. 22 AlamedaAlameda Oct. 20 MariposaMariposa Not. 17 Monowai



IBUMO.3s IE3 Oi B 3

:a93 3

San. 21 .T0.12-J0.0- 8410.03 63 1 ran 4:H).V2 K) OH 8fi!o.OO as 2--9 N .1-- 0

Tues 26 :.!? 30.06 86;0.00 7S 2 i 3--0

Wed 27 :.ll 30.04 87 0.00 M 3 MB 3Tha 28 30.11 30 04 86 o.OO 60 2 NX 3Frid !! 30.07 30.01 830.19 64 8 E.NK 3

Sat. i30Ul0.0i30.01 MI3.02 69 6 HE 3

Tide, San and Moon.bt a. 1 LYOM.

r si 9 f l s !

I eZ r I? a - fts 3t i el., -

a.m. p.m. a.m. p.m.Mon ... 1 11.30 10. 0 4. 0 6. 0 5.33 6.39

p.m.Tuea... 3 0.15 U. 0 5.15 8 . 0 5.34 6.38 O.M

Wed... 3 1. 0 ....! 5.20 8.30 5.34 8.3.1 1. 6a.m.

Ttanr... 4 2. 5 0.30 6. 5 10. 0 3.35 6.37 1.54Frl 8 2.42 2 . 0 7 . 5 10.30 5.36 6.36 2.48St .. 6 3 I 2.2- - 8 . 0 10.50 5.36 5.36 3.47Suu.... 7 3.43. 3. 0; 8.50 11.30 5.36; 6.35 4.48


The Pacific Wheelmen will have acontest on the 17th inst.

Mrs. A. P. Jonea, on Fort street,sellfct pure guava jelly.

The Band will give a concert atJlukee Island this evening.

M Crusaders " at the KawaiahaoChurch on Saturday evening.

It is expected that the Britishcruiser Champion will leave port onFriday.

aA delightful beveraere is Culver's

Root Beer; it cnu be had atHollisferk Co's.

Eugine Companies Nos. 1 and 2held regular monthly meetings lastevening.

The Advertiser ballot will appear j

in Saturday's issue for positively thelast time.


The linens and silk9 to be sold toj

morrow will be on exhibition te-da- y atMorgan's salesroom.

A meeting of the St. Andrew'sChurch Association will 1)8 held thisevening at i :oU o ciock.


L. Wilcox will preside at thelice Court until Judge Foster has

ecovered from his illness.

The Hui Mele Hawaii Noeau willhave a rehearsal at the KawaiahaoChurch to morrow evening.

The Board of Representatives ofthe Honolulu Fire Department meetthis evening at the Bell Tower.

Police Judge Foster is still on thesick list, consequently there was nosession of the Police Court yester-day.

If yon are looking for children'shats or baby bonnets call at Sachs'store and see the immense assort-ment.

The sixteenth count of the Advp.rtiser ballots, and last but one, takesplace to morrow afternoon at thisoffice.

In the Supreme Court yesterdayJudge Dole heard the case ana re-

served his decision in the bankruptcyof Pai Loy.

Several children of native familiesare sick with fever. There are fourlittle children suffering with it inone family.

The members of the Honolulu andHawaii base ball nines have agreednot to Dlav the crame scheduled forfcext Saturday.

Hfr Wrar YVhit.nftv nrl Tra VI A--- - v " "Blanchard were married last eveningby Chaplain R- - R. Hoes of the Flagship San Francisco.

Until further notice holders of de-mands on the treasury will receivebut twenty five per cent, of theamount in gold coin.

The Flagship San Francisco willmove ont of the channel next Wednesday, and remain at anchor offport nntil the arrival of the Boston.

Hard times have strnck the billiardresorts. The place known as the Wig-wam is advertised for Rale by Jaa. F.Morgan, the sale to take place onnext Tuesday.

A number of the $10 silver certifi-cates unlawfully issued were redeemed at the Treasury yesterday.It is expected that tb Legislaturewill pass a bill to make the iasnelawful.

The regular monthly meeting ofIke Hawaiian Mission Children'sSociety will be held at the residenceof Judge Dole, Emma strset, on Sat-nrda- y

evening, August fith, at 7:30o'clock.

At Morgan's anction room yester-day ten abares of Inter-Islan- d stockbrought $106 a share; $1000 worth ofHawaiian Government bonds wereold for $980, the remaining $ir00

worth of bonds went for $960.

Baae Bull Ballot.This will be the last week for

priato'g the ba8ft baJ1 bal'ots, andas only a limited number of paperscontaining them will be printed,any orders for papers must behanded in at the Advertiser officebefore 5 p.m. on Friday, August 5.

The last count will take place onFriday, August 12, at 3 p.m.

The date for the delivery ef thepremiums will be announced later.

The Vniveraal Mosquito."I have been as far south a fif-ngoni- a,

and as far north as Iceland,"said ( ijptain Frank Bower--- , now atthe Laclede, "and I have yet to finda country fhnt is not infested hymosquito". Tt i the general opin-

ion that these post-- - are confined to j

warm countries, but that is a mis-- !

take. In the hort summer- - of Ice-- j

land they fairly swarm, and a manmay get all the hite- - he can take';trr r,f in the Straits of Magellan ifhe goes there at the proper time."St. fnii Cilobe-Democra- t.

Pnhlie Moonlight Concert.The Royal Hawaiian Military

Band, Prof. H. Berger, leader, willgive a concert this (Thursday) even-

ing at Makee Island, commenc-ing at 7 :30 o'clock. The following isthe programme:1. March "Dalhonsie" Crook2. Overture "Berlin Life"... Con radi3. Fantasia "On the MillMtream''

EilenbergSelection "Pirates of Pen-

zance" SullivanThree Native Songs.

. Medley' 'Yankee Tickle" ... , BeyerWaltz "Over the Waves" .... Rosas

7. Quadrille "Madame Angot"...Lecocri

S. Oalop "Princess Royal" Albert"Hawaii Poaol."

1Iuiac t-- t o. will sell Al- -

garoha Firewood at Eleven lllar($11) a trd. cash: delivered freebetween the following limits :

Punchbowl. Sc1m1 and I.ilsha streets.itiiii

4F Hawaiian Fias and Cnr-io- s

in groat variety at the F.utk IcbCream Pakiors. "119-l- m

gJmV Dr. Mcl.rr.::.?-- .

to Alakea street, opposite the Y. M.C. A. Hall, premises lately occupiedby Dr. Lutx. Office hours I to 12, 2to 4 and evenings 6 to 7. Sundays :

10 to 1. BeU Tv '.ephone. 17, Mutual,682. nivtf

9e& Sale of Goods Damaged byWater during the bite storm, for thebenefit of whom it may concern, com-

mencing Friday, May 6. Eoan aGcxx, 100 Fort street Brewer blocks


iXY.r 3Unrrtiscmciits


IllustraW Mamie!1 1

Island Subscription Post Paid $350

Article o.i SCIKNT HWVMt,Lepends, History. Arts, Cu.h

Ions, eir . tllattiatad. nowin eootf ol Pabltoatioa.

fjaSiili'! n: r, Reeatvwl ;it

TbRi M's Ui'-To- wn 1Uhk Strk.Hawaiian News Company. SIJW t

OFFER FOR BALK a i MBfollowing prices :

I'olia Jam in 2 lb. ennaat $1 .50 per do?.Poha Jam la i oaoa :tt 2.50 p-- r do.I'oba.lellv in 1 ll. eanaat :5.f0 Hr lor.llnava .lolly in I ll. cans at S,50 per doa.

Ohtaa Orange and Papata .lam, lliisa very anpenor nrlieUo. in 2 lb. oana

at $4 ro per doaeaiflJP TiaMf 0aih

KONA canning DO .

kivdiikekna, Kona,:U40 :ttn Hawaii. II I,


ro n.o . Till-- : iM'siNKss OFi the late llrm ol II. II Williams

Co, utt iccounl i departure of aiembtMof s:id linn, nil aecounts dot that Arm have been placedWilli Mt. tti llarlwell for ttttttedtatadotleoiteii

II II. Wi ld Ms A n .

hy .(. H. Wood,Julv iHth mi, :H27 :bv


J bhldeti to fipi'. iheelj drtveeatltt "Imrsen, hi nthefWlBQ trspass on any ofthe property of fiif Wataiatiale PlaitteliOII WtltlOUl Pi'i ial n'ontisi'in of theMatlaefi Any person found Ifeepitiiagns above will m proeeeutee aeeonilttg tolaw.

K H HJKRORUM,Managef Waimanalo Plantation,

.Inly 2( i. IHf 8MB 14.18-- .

Rooms and Hoard.

.) l'l. K.ASA s r. MTINISIII l RO0MBid and boafd in H nfltfl ktpUM at MRtntna street. kh house f"i utet-l- occupiedby Mrs. McUarlnev. 31 1H tf


IM, MKKT1N0 Of THISVsl'Kt of Trustees of Ihe thieen'sHospital win i" held al fh Room df theCiiatnber of Oohimeree oil MONPAY,the 22nd AttK'tst, I8W, at 10 o'rloek a.M., for the p0rp0Se Ol OOnaldering pro-posed intendtnents to the By btws.

Perordei P 4,,n m i.

Honoluln, duly 22, 1fll. 8181-t- tl


W H Ol- - W 1 1 d ' K I ', MAI'I,

J baViMJ fitfid" an asinment toWilliam Wollers, all perJtfOI bl , ing anyclaim sgai'tst fhe said Chin Walt arehereby notified to present tits same tothe Undersigned at the ofAeetft H. Ibn--

feld fit Co. within two months from dale,or they will be forever batted. Itld allpersons indebted to the gain Ohm Wnbare rerjnesterl tfi rnak" irmnedhife piy-me- nl

Id the undersigned.W M. WO I I I K,

Assitiee cf Chin Wall.Honolulu, Aug. 1

, !' 8lJffl 91

To Ut hflifab

tfOti WO "if I HREI HON HtR,1 the hou.se on Krnrna Snuare now oc- -

enpfed by Mrs. Roberteon. .pplr "0the premises Hi 1 1 -- I

N TI.h P fit SONS AHF II KB RBIA forbidden to fish, shoot, drive oaf

fie or horses, or otherwise treerinsa onany of the property of the Kaneofm f'lan-tatio- n

sifm.te jn Kaneoiie, Kaibta andKoolaupoko, Without sperhl permissionof the .Manager. Any person found tres-passing as above will be prosfenfed ac-

cording to lawW If fOWf.fd.,

Manager Kaneolie Plantation.Ang. L'. :ii:ifl 'lln

P( til MA

IN WMfdKC, M A Of , THFI fine, new, two foty bnlldlngknown as fhe

WAT f A TKff HOT MmNow nCCOpfed by . W.Co., Opposite fhe fadro'd d pof Is si fahie for oasinees Block r Hotel. Com-mands a fin" flew or In sea. Apply it

Um, K. BATCIII f.OR.US Nooanu A venue.


One Man Put to SI ':ep in TrueRing Style.

The seamen of the British cruis- -

cr Champion gave an entertain- -

ment and sparring exhibition lastnight at Robinson's Hall before agood sized audience.

Previous to the sparring exhibi-

tion a number of sailors renderedsome queer songs that were receivedin a good natured manner by the au- -

ditors, who were very careful nott0 gn(j fau:t with the programme.

An impromptu ring had beenformed in the center of the hall,which was fenced in with woodenbenches, and after the vocal por--


tinn nf the Pntrtflinmpnt was fin- -

ished, Master of Ceremonies George j

Cavanaugh announced that Mr. j

Coldstock and Mr. Johnson wouldj

appear in a three-roun- d contest,and in response to an inquisitiveman who had paid fifty cents andwanted to know whether ' LimeJuice or American rules" were togovern, stated that the Marquis ofQueenberry would be the style.

At this moment Mr. Coldstockand his opponent entered the ring,attired in handsome blue trouserswith gaudy stripes. The faces ofboth men when the mill commencedwere of a delightful tan color, butwhen they retired from the impro-vised ring the color had changedto a strawberry hue.


The second bout was betweenJones and Dunclaft, the first namedman overstepped his opponent, andbesides that advantage he had thesympathy of the crowd, as Dun-claft had appeared in the olio andsang a song that had no end ofverses.

The men started in the firstround hammering one anotherwith the songster on top whentime was called.

The second round opened withJones more or less groggy asprize fighters term it his smalladversary showered blows on hishandsomely decorated breast andfinally brought the contest to anend by hitting Jones a blow onhis jugular that knocked him com-

pletely out.

rnniHiD spabrixg.The final event was between J,

(iurney and W.Johnson j both menappeared evenly matched, and gavea finished sparring exhibition fofsix rounds that would do credit toprofessionals.

(hirney proved to bo the bestboxer, and at the end of the sixthround appeared as fresh as whenhe first entered the ring.

Perfect order wns maintainedduring the evening, and people whoare fond of the manly art missed agood evening's entertainment bynot being present.

Meteorology for July.(TIf V. RMO METER).

I 6A.M. 1 P.M. HP.'

July 1 75 81 V2 75 ' 83 7

" 3 72 82 70" 4 74 84 77

5 75 83 76.5" 6 76 82 76" 7 75 i 84.6 77" 8 75 83 .5 76" 9 76 83 73

10 72 K2 7511 73 80 7512 74 84 76

" 13 73 5 83 74" 14 71 5 83 74" 15 74 j 81 7" 16 73 j 82 74" 17 74 ! 82 75" 18 73 82 75" 19 73 82 75" 20 74 82 5 76" 21 74 82 75" 22 74 5 82 75" 23 74 82 75" 24 74 fft 74 5" 25 65. 5 83 5 74 .5" 26 74 84 5 76" 27 70 82 77" 28 74 85 77

' 2! 72 84 76.5" 30 83 76 5" 31 76 84.5 76

Highest ...! 76 85 77Lowest 65 5 81 73A veTage ,73 62 82 80 75 60

Averasre for the month 3.

Rainfall for Jnly haf heen .53 of anineh of whieh A2 fell in the night and.

1 1 during the hours of sunlight. Rainhas fallen in appreciable quantity onten days.

The wind has blown steadily andstrongly from the north east, except-ing on one day, the 2th, when it waslisrht south for a few hours.

0$ a possible 413 hours of sunlightthere have been approximately 3 1 7

hours.The month has been a very ple-a- nt

one with very little discomfortfrom heat.

Paintings for the ColrtmhianFair.

ft is expected that a pricelesscollection will be sent to the World'sFair hy the Pope, who will seltfrom the choicest treasures of theVatican, for he has said that "itwill he worthy of the Vatican andof Columbus, the child of thef'hnrch," Thus the exhibition willho made to redound to the gloryof the Roman Catholic Church aswell as to ourselves, though thetruth of history says that theChurch turned a deaf ear to itschild in that discouraging periodin our discoverer's life. ft is alsoreported that Queen Victoria willsend to the fair a collection of oilsand water colors, the worlr of herown right royal hand or, royairight hand. This may also be

caiin a priceless ronnon.EX.

Hawaiian St masWANT O.

1 Wtl.I 1 AY OASn. fou r.i tiEK1 iarve or nmli giiantiti ol OMwaiian lta(' Stamps, as loliows

Tliew ofters arc iw bumbvil aiqnantlty aV. beaeeepteu.. matiismall, at the namr rate x

1 cent, vielet...t cent, blur HO1 cent, preen. ... 40l ivm, wrmi.ion. 4

- ivtit, brown. ....... .so

I cent, row ?H

cenv. violet , isnf. AOf cent, dark blue 50S rtr-.it- , nluamarim- -

r cent, crsen...10 cent, Itlack..10 rent, vermilion h 00lOeent, brown 2 5012 .vnt. black e 0012 rent, manve 0015 cent. bnwn . OnIS cent, rel 10 002r cent, pnrple 10 0050 cent , red IIS 00

, carmmo 2a i

1 cent envelope 402 cent envelope..A cent envelope m.Scent envelope 1 JS0

10 cent envelope 3 0V

ISN" iin alanipc wine.l a: anyprice, Addieaa:

UKO, K. WASHRVKN.62.S iVtavia St .. San Kmtn ie. ('a!

al MlS-t- f

TBE OaKAFfiSI PLACKin Honoluln to fpi yom

Plumbing and Tinwork

lVme i at

JAMES N0TT, mCor. King Mi Alakw StratH.

Prices Lower than Ever! Cull and

h? Convinced.

Pln onlering by Telephone , twitan, I ring uj the right nnmiwi

Mutual Telephone Store 2d, Kesi-danc- e

244. Rail Teleph.o. Mon.- - 7s.r. t Rex m,


Nuuanu Avenue,

AKidMiTON mm.Hotel St reel.


rahle Board . l ter .1 v.Hoard and l odging ' '

Roail atd Lodging fl pi I ve. V"Kieelal montl iA pri .

K. KROl'WK. lv. rtHUtOR,

K. H. THOe AS,

vuin-- if l itM-u- iu imiih i i

KPTlMAl lib . ,n ORall kinds of ' Ick . rOttBtone anil Y m V iht-)'ht-

All klnd ol font ngIn the bnildic.H i ' at- -

teuded i Keeps f(n sstr: fti t,rtc.Cement, Iron Home Bine and PHtlugt oldand new Corrugated it.u, Nintyn 1th- -,

Quarry Tiles, assorted sixes M roll rsCallfcfiiia and Monterey Srtnd OmnMCurbing and Block. Kte., f

lft1c and Yaol Col King and BmllliBts. Omce Hours A to 18 a.m., I to r.a

Telephone. Bell SIM ; Mutnav 417 Beslence. Mutual 410, P. o p.M IT,

2SS2- -

N I0W (i(KH)HA Fine Assortment

M MTtsn or ai r R'rsns,Ma Sit. A IViahh,

Chinese Fir Crackers, Roeketa andbombs, Japanese Provision and Soy.Hand-p- ai nttiii Porcelain Dinner Set.

I ttj 61 ttlOSe line hand embroideredHI 1,1 rm.t SsATlT R IttRKfrR,

tr.MlTWV P'UATVIir!,Asaurted rnii, and patterns ot Orepit

BllkHhawls. IMeaani Tetentei'iipsand Saneers. A fine lot of

A few of Mmse haneA MonrjnB( Ces.Aim, an M0ttmeot fd new styleanf! rtttvti )hailr or Tnhlow

Alan, a small lelMlott nt .lAPANWVRCOMTHW I

No T NiiMf.m- - Htreet.2fl n

wmD Co.,KIM! 1 KIM, iMf

Rsv op Hani! stui Fnr Sal

Fresit story month f nun I he I 'oastthe vci I i iputllty 0'

I I nv hixI C j rainw

HI all kinds, at tlie vet v lowest tlres!Hellvered protnpll) io ant p:rt

of tlm eily.

tlttH HS A I B I A 1,1

Wi'dehouse, 1, do Miditrtl TeletdtontI'M ; Bell Teh I I lie 1"!

Office with C J . finitek-fi- all Telaphone Mitln.il I d,. phone Plfl.

'pin i hip nt;i:i;ro- -

I toff lsfnR bet.W' en ' l,ud-- i

wlgse-- i and A, CrO"), fbl I:m

dlss.,1 nd. by inuinalIII conllniit!

nr will eolli-'- ;illcottfits, ttd aspiibio dJ lis'


.fuiv mih.

64Augustr lower

There is a gentle-Dyspepsi- a,

man at Malden-on- -the-Hudso-n, N. Y.,

named Captain A G. Pareia, whohas written us a letter in which itis evident that he has made up hismind concerning some things, andthis is what he says:

" I hare used your preparationcalled August Flower in my familyfor seven or eight years. It is con-stantly in my house, and we considerit the best remedy for Indigestion,

and Constipation weIndigestion, have ever used or

known. My wife istroubled with Dyspepsia, and attimes suffers very much after eating.The August Flower, however, re-lieves the difficulty. My wife fre-quent- lv

says to me when t am goingto town, 'We are out

Constipation of August Flower,and I think you had

better get another bottle. ' I am alsotroubled with Indigestion, and when-ever I am, I take one or two tea-tpoonf-

before eating, for a day ortwo, and all trouble is removed." e)



Waving dream neatly made t'tvm $3up. Waiatacnt, fitted and" stitched, fl. A

Cwl !i ifitaranteed. S127 lm


IvCK CURTAINS RKNvlVATKHmade (TixhI as nea . Natiataefion

gtiarant ed .

UTApp'vat JSONnuann st 31 27-- 1


npitB UNDBlteiUNKD HKKKHYa giv nonce that sue ts the sole

OWaer of the )Werty business heretoforeconducted for her on Fort mteei ttoaelulu, by loteoh rtabeah, That sne hasdetet mine 1 to close ont said holiness and, oaU in nil outstanding accounts, wherefore all parties owing accounts for goodspurchased or n,ik .tone at her store arehereby notified to make prom pi paymentof the same to W Ash ford, at hisoHtaeoM Mcivhanl streel. Mr Ashlord'sivcelpls will be gOea ncqmttanoo M allsuch nccoinds.

MRS, - BATCHFI.OR.Ilonoluhb Jiy 14, 1802. 3125 2w

2 Lots )v Bale.

I'INKbY l.th'ATFd UKS1- -

deuce lots, 200250 feel each, atMakiki on reasonable terms,

l oi fnrthe particulars apply a, unet Kinau and Pif".hhowl hvcisof

Mill I will I . ok ANDRAOK.

tj. K, MAKN0NT,

Boilers lUfMtli Tested and Repaired

Wl i i RtVI Mtl M 1 fe I 11111 RAWP"llers Tanks Pipes, Niuoke -- tacks,

Humes, Bridges, snd general Bheal Ironwork. Boilers --enslred at Hhera' rateston hs. cold water 01 steatn pressure p;ua-rantee- d

on all work.tBkTH.rv p. o. Box 479, Honolulu.

RUL 2990 HW-'S-


mi int"4t now oocniiied hv Bl, B. Thomas 0M 1 1

tdolani Street, comnuuniine a fineview of the .it v an' liarbot Possessiongiven .'nn s, mc. k, particularsenquire of

H. F. poiuMAN,At t 'nstnn House,

Knr 8ale tut Bxchauffe.

MM HFSIHFNCK IN A VKBYileslrable pari ol Honolttln, Paior. Dining Room 2 Bed Room

Pantry, R lichen, Sewing llonm, in mainhotise Cottasio adjoining of 8 cap'ocdKoomSi Btore Room tttd Bath throwl ot 100200 feet. Sell or exchange forsmaller property and cash or se. urity.All the hui I 'I hip are naw. One ,i '

frotrl I'imwnvs, A pplr nt thh omeemsU

fot lif urm of ShIp.

ItKSI DFNf'ft ON Id'NAIdbO1 itrrrt, nf present occtinled br F.W HoldfWOI th .cotitalnfng doublet'nrlnrs, i t,eroonis, ureq- - itie atid

bath roofOf, dining room, jmntrv andkitchen, tlronndl SOOalOO feet, well laidout ; ervnnts" rocms, tfahle and chickenhouse In r?ar of main building.

R, I. LIIiLlR.with Thro. H. Maries ,v fo.


A fi WOO n itINO BOUOtttJ Wmi Hong's hdereat In flm firm

of Yee. Wo f'horiK Co.. the firm nowconsists of Wong Hal Ab Wo.81JW tf WONH SM, Manager.


NO IT Bethsl Htreet, Honolulu,'nenr Casfle Ar Cooke's)

lltftitlilfJAL, HflbWiPHtCAL AND


fs prefiarod now b make or rcialr allkinds of ligbf M icbifiery, Lawn Meart,Bewlni Machines Ouns I'lltols, lxdis,etc., ale. j Bicycles a specially. Also,Intentions practically developed; f'raw-ing- .

fsttflfn miking. Kpcrfrnenfat andfine Mgeltin" work of all kinds. Ordersfrom the other Islands promptly attendedfo. Safisfaefion guaranteed. .'KhM-flr- n

Diamoni Hkad, Aug. 3 : p. M.Weather, clear ; wind, light north.

The steamer James Makee sailsat 9 o'clock this morning fr Hama-ku- a.

The ship Topgallant will leavein ballast for Port Blakely aftershe has finished unloading, and theMorning Light will sail for RovalRoads. B. C.

The V. S. Cruiser San Franciscois coaling.

The American bark Margaret.Captain Petersen, arrived fromNewcastle, Australia, on August S,about fifty-on- e days from that port,with 1713 tons of coal. Reportshaving had fine weather all theWay to Honolulu, bhe Will 00111- -

mence discharging at the P. M.S.S. Co.'s wharf this morning.

The pile driver is at work drivingnew posts at the Oceanic SteamshipCo. s dock.

The bark Matilda goes on theMarine Railway to-da- y, to have herbottom cleaned and

Capt. Swensen will takehis vessel up to Port Gamble inballast, probably about Saturday.

The bark Forest Queen is throughunloading cargo.

The schooner Haleakala sailsfor Molokai.

The Hawaiian bark Leahi (for-merly the Danish bark J, Q. Lotz)is being reeaulked near the P. M.S. S. Co.'s wharf. She will departsome day next vteek for PagetSound.

The schooner Ka Baa Hawaiihas recently received a thoroughoverhauling. Sho will return toMaui to-da- y to carry on the paiaitrade between Maui and Hawaii.

The steamer Montsorrat, whichleft this port some time ago to en-

gage in the slave trade, arrived atButaritari on May 24th, and is nodoubt now well on her way to Cen-


America with her hold full ofGilbert Islanders.

The l S. S. Albatross, whencruising among the Russian s.alislands, touched at Atka. whereBering, the noted explorer, is bur-ied. Captain Tanner bought fromone of the natives for $150 a wellpreserved specimen of the Rytitiagigas, or hc:i 00W, One Of the rarestof the survivors of the antediluvianworld. The only other ipoolinenin existence is owned by the CzarOf Itussia. S. F. Call,

Cable advices of July IGth ffOMBrazil stato that the Italian Iteemship Citti di Roma, from Santos,with a full cargo of coffee and Min-eral merchandise for New York,put back to Santos on lire. Shewas scuttled to ir'vpiit total Ioph.

Exchange.One of the IttOflt curious slop-

ping disaster ever retiOfded, is thatwhich has happened to the steamerfiindula, near Calcutta. Nearlytwo years ago the steamer Kogiuswas run into and sunk at hermoorings in Garden Kach, ItiverHooghly. She was loaded withtea, gfeds and rice, and it wouldappear that, as she rested at thebottom on her side, the gasep ftfOttl

the decomposed cargo ascendedinto her upper side and aeeumu-late- d

there. In January the f,in-dul- a

struck the sunken wreck J

immediately after the collision ahissing sound was heard from theforepeak, and one of the crew goingwith a light to see what was amiss,an explosion of gas occurred, kill-tw- o

men and injuring others soseverely that seven of them diedsubsequently in the hospital. Thegas or foul air which exploded wasfrom the sunken steamer, liberatedby the collision, and escaping intothe forepeak of the f.indulathrough holes made in the bowsby the impact of the two hulls.


Hm ofrtisfiiifiitB.

1 FTF, r R,t ,F;rR A'l h f

Pure On ava Jelly!Manufactured hy MRS. A. V. rONF

on Fort, doors above st.::lll-3-

to r,Fr.PRKMHf OS VBtOti

51 Street noar occupied bf theFashion Stable. These premises

are suitable for storage or stable pur-poses. They are provided wiHi stalls,nay loft and washing stand. PoaSee-sio- n

eiven on I be 1st of Angnst nest.MTApplyto J. Iff. MONSARRAf .

onolnlu, Jnly 21, IW. 9150 tf

1 FIRST-C- f ( AfOlf AOK,f.ndy or Child's S.tddle Horse.Also I four seated Carriage, in

good condition. Apply to31K-t- f M. M S( ftt.

Islaiifl Shells Vtttfa

WHObFWAfd--: A NO BKTAff,,cash, at No. 101 rOTl

Street, between KhlerV dry goods storeand Frank Oertas's shoe store.

T. tan.va r r

mttil PRAY CAN P.K FOCNf'until Ancr 0i nt S N I ,r r .

street. Telephones: Mutual 207, Bell r.2'.

Fall moon on the it a it lb 26m a. h.



Schr Sarah A Eliza from Kolau.Schr Haleakala from Mani.Am bk Margaret, Peterson, 51 days from


OKI A KTI.RBSJ.Weonkkday. Aug. J.

Schr Kirwailani for Roolau.achr Knlamanu for Puna.


Stmr Jas Makee, Macanley, for Lahaina,Kukuihaele and Honokaa aft Dam.

Schr Haleakala forMolokai.Schr Ka Hae Hawaii for Keanae, Maui.Schr Sarah and Kliza for Koolau.8c.hr Mile Morris for Koolau.

VKiSELS IN PORT.(This list does not inclnde com t it.)

USFSSan Francisco. Adm'l Brown. S DiegoHBM8 Champion, Rooke, Johnson Island.Am sc.br Alotia, San Francisco.Ger bk P Isenberg, Kruse, San Fran.Am bkt S N Castle. Hnhbard, San Fran.Am bk Matilda. Swenson. San Francisco.Am sh Topgallant. Reynolds, Depar. Bay.Am sh Morning Light. Johansen, Newe.'sleAm hk Forest Queen , Neitson, San Fran.Am bkt Wrestler. Beyman, Newcastle.Bk Margaret, Petersen, Newcastle, N 3 W.Haw sp Leahi. Neilsen, Honduras.


Haw bk Helen Brewer Glasgow Aug t

Ger bk H Hackfeld Liverpool. Oct 10

Am bkt Irmgar.l San Fran July 24Am bktM Winkelman.-Sa- Fran July 31Am schr Puritan. . SF(Hilo A,1ykm .!. C'.'irAlra 10

Am bk Sonoma ..San Fran July ."V)

Am sc;ir n r (.nan; uk 10Am bkt Amelia Pnget Sound.. Aug 5II S S Boston S. Francisco Aug tBr bk R P Ricbet. . . . Cardiff Sept 1

Br S S Oceanic ...... San Fran Aug 2aAmbk Albert San Fran Aug 20Am bk Harvester .. .9 F ( HiloV . Aug 25Am brgt Curline 8 F ( Hilo) Aug 29Bkf V H Dimond .. ..San Fran Aug 19Am bk Ceylon San Fran Aug 30Haw schr Liliu Micronsiaell Mar 31

Mis bkt Morning Star Micronesia Mny 23

Am schr Man Dodge. Knreka Sept 3

OfPORTS.Per schr Sarah fc Eliza, 220 hogs rice and

t)0 bags paddy.


home, Honolulu, August 3, 192. by theRev. K. R. Hoes Chaplain of the U. 8.F. 8. San Francisco, Fred Whitney toMarion Adelaide Blanchard. both of thiscity.

Bananas to be Scarce and High.'The price of bananas vi)l go up

now," remarked a dealer in thatfruit recently to the Fruit TradeJournal. "Why so?" asked thelistener. 'Well, sir," responded thedealer, 'there are now being builtseveral Oanana flour mills that willuse up a great deal of the crop.You seem surprised to be told thatbanana flour is a good substitutefor wheat. The bananas are driedand then rolled into flour, ft haslwen found to contain more nutri-ment than wheat, and it makeswholesome bread. Another advan-tage gained by making bananasup into flour is that it will save thewaste of bananas. It is said thatone-ha- lf of the bananas grown arewasted, either by premature ripen-ing or by freezing in shipment."

Chicago Baker.


aoucrtiscmrnta. owrof Hiiocrtiisrmcitta.SMOTHERED.

IAjPortuj$aese Laborer Killed By








Healthful and Pleasant Drink.25-CSN- T PACKAGE MAKES


As regards the damages. Wheth- -er the mesne profits claimed by theWailuku Sugar Company can beawarded on settling the account of--

fered to be made by the plaintiffcompany will depend largely uponthe settlement of the questionwhether there has been a separateoccupation by agreement. If therehas been such an occupation therewould be no ouster and no damagesin the euit at law. The determina-tion of this question should be madebefore the suit at law can properlybe enjoined, for if there has beenno such separate occupation and anouster be proved, I see no reasonwhy the suit at law to recover thealleged damages should not proceed.The injunction was not granted onthe filing of the bill and will not beuntil this preliminary question issettled.

For these reasons the demurrershould be overruled.

The plea in abatement sets upthat the Waikapu Sugar Companyhas never declined and has consent-ed to a partition of the premisesand asks judgment if it ought toanswer the bill.

The correspondence in support ofthe plea shows clearly that the de-fendant was willing to make a di-vision of the premises but not inaccordance with the agreement nowset up in the bill, which it ignores.The parties though agreeing that apartition may be had are not in ac-cord as to where the lines shouldrun, and that is enough to give thecourt jurisdiction to hear the caseupon the allegations and proofs.Plea adjudged bad. Defendant toanswer.

F. M. Hatch for plaintiff; Hart-wel- l,

Carter, Thurston & Frear fordefendant.

Honolulu, December 1, 1891.


Mortuary Repoit for the Month ofJuly, 1893.

The total number of deaths reported forthe month of June was 17. distributed asfollows:Under 1 year. . . 6 From 30 to 40 11From 1 to 5 4 Front 40 to 50 5

Of a delightful beverage, thatINEBRIATES."

'For Sale only bv


The Mutual Life Ins. Co.

1 a Sand Bank Cavinif.Yesterday afternoon about 2 30

o'clock a Portuguese laborer namedJohn Silvierra was smothered todeath at Makiki, in the vicinity ofthe powder magazine.

As soon as the informationreached the Police Station, Deputy-Marsh- al

Mehrten immediatelyetarted for the locality where theunfortunate man had met withdeath, and on his arrival found thebody under a solid mass of blacksand, that must have weighed inthe neighborhood of two tons. Itwas the work of a few moments toextricate the body, when it wasfound that life was extinct.

The dead man had been workingin a black sand pit when the acci-dent occurred, and according toone of his rs, he had beenwarned of the danger of a cave in,as sand had been dropping in smallquantities during the morning.

Silvierra was a married man,and leaves a wife and two childrenpenniless. Yesterday was the firstemployment he had had in fivemonths.

A coroner's inquest will be heldthis afternoon at 1 :30 o'clock.

Many of the arrivals by each"Australia" go to the HawaiianHotel, still a great many put up atE. O. Hall & Sons for a short time.Our arrivals by the last "Austra-lia" were from several parts of theworld. A large excursion partycame to us from Sheffield, England,by way of Panama and San Fran-cisco : they were the Pocket Knifebranch of the Knife family, $525worth in Sheffield, not a very bigsum vou may say, still enough toget a few dozen each of thirty-thre- e

different styles, and if youwant to see some choice Knivesdrop in and look them over, theyare right near the Fort Street en-trance. People that happened inthe day we were opening them upevidently thought they were good,as we sold 3D to different ones dur-ing the afternoon. The abovefamily wishing to be in SharpCompany on their long trip, started,and came all the way in the sameCompartment with over a gross ofassorted Razors. All we have tosay about these are that they arethe three famous makes, "Rodgers,""Bengal." and Wade & Butcher.Itvery "little Shaver" knows these


Offers its distribution PolicyLife Insurance for the Policy-holde- r.

It Provides Absolute Security, andProtection.

A straightforward, clearly defined contract.For further particulars apply to

0 Front 50 to X) 42 Front 60 to 70 S4 Over 70 8

31 Females 18

23 Great Britain 11 1 United States 20 Other nationalities 1


S.3138 1438-l- y

Eoyal Insurance Co.,OF UiVBRPOOl.


U Y A II () M E.

m TilK NATIONAL FKl'IT? nfii?, SW K"s and' "nCisco, isoffermg an extra Sok-- e TSor lkvel Fruit Land with frw wSrrights in Traets from 20 up to 10 000located 6 miles east of Tu are cit v a ?own

'of 3,200 inhabitantsrrice per acre $85 per acre i Twenty

,v.- -.. i nil juuutT it fi VMn . bDPr fnt nut We ' ,f "tov 1 are also selling lands

j menis, onlv interestyearly in advance.To people

desiring to have the mnJSS JSOrchards and Raisin vKy? SItake he contract to do so and takeTenUre

T 1 rleai'iies,a : .

rear aec annet, Almondsinpncois,

. . . ione vear. old Ludded tree-s-

vear.me second and 116.60 for thethird year rer arrVines' MnL",!' o"? year 01,1 Ro'ed

Sultanas $28 60

the$11 Jot the second, $16 50 tZ

tlurd year. Payments for p anting andruar 1st of each year.can,be expected when thrSrToBInch increases with the ;uv." 8 have a'reuflv i.!a..i..i .--""""trill panitv, 4.j0,:ivs and nave"jr 4"v' Mcres for next season.best refn nees tfoet).

NOT I k ' K.

T THK ANNUAL MviTivd ivA the Mockholdera of Wn. Q. ImuA Co. I. united held ut ih..irMonday, July SI, 1882, the followinggentlemen were reeleeted to serve asofficer :

Wm. O Irwin President and Manageru!aUv- - ck,el8-- V Vice-Presi-le- nt

vy biflard Ireamiry and SecretaryT.C. Porter Auditor

W. M. (ilFKARD,3134-- 1 w Secretary W . (J. I. Co. L'd.



Is open now and offers an un-excelled Stock of Fancy Goods.

We make a specialty ofStamping Patterns andare now ready to take ordersin that line. A brand newstock of Silk Embroideries,Art Linens, Tassels, Fringes,Draperies and other artisticgoods are offered to the ladiesof Honolulu.


3028-t- f

SAVED!What is saved? Your money and

valuable papers, by providing yourselfwith a reliable Safe. Not simply an ironbox, stuffed with Kakaako sand, but atrustworthy Safe, lined with steam-generatin- g

cement. Such a Safe will carry youitreasures safely through a fire.The HALL'S PATENT SAFE always

protects, both against the fierv elementsand foot-pad- s. Throw the money intend-ed for the purchase of another mcke ofsafe, into Pearl Harbor, and do not sus-tain a far greater loss hy trusting yourproperty in an inferior, and therefore adangerous Safe.

It costs money to make good SafeB ; itcosts money to make good sugar, but avery cheap article is likely to containsome sand in its composition.gWA few Hall's Safes in Btot k.

TREASURY VAULTS a upe-cial- ty


T. W. HOBRON, Auent, for Herring Hall Marvin Co.



The Alliance Assurance Company


Tile Alliance Marine & Gen'l Assurance


Subscribed Capital $2g, 000,000Paid Up 2,700,000Assets - 20,000,000

Be2 to inform (hoJ? ire and Marine risks 1,Current Rates.

--rS- - WALKES,

Agent for Hawaiian Islands.3136-- 1 m 143--I- y


Life, Fire and Marine

Insurance Agents !


New England Mutual Life Ins. Co.

makes, and uses them. But vou'Aocofa Tomiomr 1 of 1 QQO

In the upreme Court of the n

waiUn Islands

Ii Banco.

Hearing March 7th anijSth, 1892

The Hawaiian Commercial andSugar Company vs. the Wai-ka- pi;

Sugar Company.

before JUDD, (. J., BICKERTON

AND dole, J.


Having well considered this caseand the arguments of counsel, wehold that a Justice of the SupremeCourt has jurisdiction in equity atchambers to entertain a bill forpartition of real estate, for we con-aid- er

that the power granted in the852d section of the Civil Code, topartition real estate, is in harmonywith the 1228th section providingfor the bringing of proceedings inequity to partition real estate bysworn petition, and is explainedby the latter to be a grant of juris-diction in equity. We thereforeaffirm the decision appealed fromoverruling the demurrer and ad-judging the plea in abatement bad.

Honolulu, July 1st, 1892.


This is a bill in equity for parti,tion of certain lands on Mauiknown as Waikapu and Pulehunui,containing say 15,000 acres. Thedefendant corporation not acting,Geo. W. Macfariane the owner ofone-ha- lf of its stock appeared byleave of the Court and filed a pleain abatement and a demurrer.

The defendant corporation hadbrought an action at law againstthe plaintiff corporation to recoverpossession of the lands in questionaccording to its title therein andfor damages resulting from oustertherefrom. This suit is now await-ing a hearing by the Court in bancoon certain pleadings made. Theplaintiff then filed its bill for parti-tion alleging that it and the de-fonda-


corporation are seized ofand hold together as tenants incommon, each one in undividedhalf of the said lands; and alleginginter alia that the estates of bothplaintiff and defendant are in feesimple, that both parties are inpossession of portions of the prem-ises; that said premises lie betweenother tracts of land owned by theplaintiff and defendant respectively;denies the ouster alleged in thesuit at law; avers willingness todivide the land and sets up a parolagreement for partition of thepremises made between the grant,ors of plaintiff and defendant re-spectively, ratified by plaintiff anddefendant and that plaintiff and de-fendant have for a long time sepa-rately occupied different portions ofthe premises, each occupying thepart nearest its own adjacent 'awbut without any rff Qf utlne S!2r and avers that plaintiffhas improved the portion occupiedby it by cultivation, leading waterthereon and building a railroad andother improvements, and has re-reiv- ed

profits of its own cultivationand denies that it is liable thereforto defendant but is ready and wil-ling to account to the extent of itslegal liability; that plaintiff i3 in-formed that defendant has receivedamounts for pasturage of live stockon said premises and from cultiva-tion thereof. The prayers are (1)for summons against defendant andfor an account of all rents andprofits received by it from others;jz) mat partition may be made ofthe premises; (3) that said partitionmay oe conformable to the separateoccupation of each party so far asthe same can be equitably done; (4)that said partition may be made sothat the improvements made byplaintiff be set off to it: (5that an account may be taken so faras the liability to account exists andthat matters in controversy betweensaid parties relating to the liabilityto account may be settled; (6) thatthe defendant may be enjoinedfrom proceeding further with itsaction of ejectment, etc.; (7) forcosts and other relief.

The demurrer is to the variousprayer3 for relief and raises thecrucial question whether there isjurisdiction in this Kingdom to en-tertain matters of partition of realestate in equity.

It is to be remarked that by thedisclaimer of the present plaintiff inthe ejectment suit and by the alle-gations in the present bill the titleto the land is admitted the plain-tiff and defendant corporations arethe owners of the land, in moieties,as tenants in common. Both par-ties are desirous of a partition; thematters remaining in issue are (1)in what manner the partitionshould be made and (2) the dam-ages.

i am not at all convinced by theargument of defendant's counselthat matters that are mentioned inour meagre code as being cogniza-ble by Justices of the SupremeCourt "at chambers" may not alsofall into one or the other of the classesinto which the jurisdiction of courtsla divided. Section 847 with itsamendments may be read in thisway: "The Chief Justice of the Su-preme Court is the Chancellor andthe Associate Justices are Vice-chancello- rs

of the Kingdom and assuch shall possess all the powers in-cident to those offices at commonlaw. They shall have powergenerally to hear and determine allmatters in equity, etc."

The in'jurisdiction equity thus

u ""i J l

conferred Is of necessity "in cham-bers." There is no jury empaneledto try the issues of the fact. Theequity court does not sit at statedterms. It is in session wheneverits jurisdiction is invoked and thejustices may exercise its powerswhile sitting in any part of theKingdom.

This section 847 and several thatfollow enumerate some of the sub-jects of the jurisdiction of the jus- -

tices at chamber-- . Section 851confers general jurisdiction to themin all probate matters.

Section 852 reads: "said justicesshall have power at chambers to ad-measure dower and partition realestate."

Article L. of the Code (Comp. L.p. 391) is entitled "Of Equity, Ad-miralty and Probate matters." Un-der Section 1228 "all applications

for the partition and division ofreal estate shall be by sworn peti-tion addressed to some court or jus-tice having jurisdiction thereof."

In 1878 an act was passed con-cerning the equity jurisdiction oftho Supreme and Circuit Courts,reading "In addition to the juris-diction in equity otherwise con-ferred, the Supreme Court and thejustices thereof and also the severalCircuit Courts shall have originaland exclusive jurisdiction of everyoriginai process, whether by bill,writ, petition or otherwise, inwhich relief in equity is prayed forexcept where a different provisionis made," etc., and concluding sec-tion 2, "and shall have full equityjurisdiction according to the usageand practice of courts of equity inall other cases where there is not aplain, adequate and complete rem-edy at law;" and "suits between

rs, joint tenants and ten-ants in common and their legal rep-resentatives," are specifically enu-merated in section 2 as one of thesubjects of equity jurisdiction.

I am of the opinion that the stat-ute of 1 878 has not enlarged theequity jurisdiction of the Justicesof the Supreme Court. They hadfull equity powers conferred uponthem by section 847. The statuteof 1878 makes clear many subjectsof equity jurisdiction which withoutthe jurisdiction might be disputed.

Now it is undoubted that duringand since the reign of Elizabethcourts of chancery or equity haveassumed jurisdiction in partition.In consequence of the disadvanta-ges of the old common law methodof petition and the superiority ofthe equitable remedy, the writ ofpartition and the plaint were abol-ished by statute of 3 and 4 WilliamIV. Bispham's Ea. sec 487."Another branch of concurrent jur-isdiction (in equity) is that of par-tition in cases of real estate held byjoint tenants, tenants in commonand coparceners." 1 Story Eq. Ju-ris, sec. 04G. "This power of com-pelling partition has been exercisedin England by chancery ever sincethe time of Elizabeth. It may bedone in chancery in several of theStates, in most if not all of whichthere are also modes provided bystatute for causing partitions to bemade." 1 Yasfi urn R. P.sec.4:2 V. "The law is firmly estab-lished that equity has jurisdictionin cases of partition. It has beenrecognized and acted upon incourts of chancery from an earlyperiod in tho jurisprudence of thattribunal. Nor does the fact that aconcurrent remedy existed at com-mon law, uuder the writ of parti-tion, or under our statute, In theleast affect such jurisdiction. It isbut like other cases of concurrentjurisdiction between the courts,where litigants have a choice ofthe forum in which they will pro-ceed. Because a partition couldhave been had under thestatute in this case, it dnpsnot follow that equity was de-prived of its jurisdiction." Hessvs. Voss, 52 111., 476. "This billis in the form of a bill for partition.and it may properly be regarded asa bill in equity. We think thatsuch a bill may be well maintained.There are no negative words in thestatute providing for a partitionupon petition, and the partition ofreal estate is an undoubted branchof equity jurisdiction." Whittenvs. Whitten, 3G N. H. 332.

Enough has been cited to estab-lish the proposition that equity hasjurisdiction to partition real estate,and these authorities show that thisjurisdiction may bo invoked evenwhere there is a special statute con-ferring the power and prescribingthe procedure in detail, unless thestatutory method is expressly ex-clusive. In Massachusetts the stat-ute of partition consists in all of 78sections and preserves the commonlaw method by writ. And it wassaid in Whiting vs. Whiting 15Gray 504, that a bill in equity forpartition could not be maintainedbecause the statute provided an ad-equate and complete remedy.

In this Kingdem the general jur-isdiction in equity to partition landclearly exists. The subject of par-tition of real estate is, as I read thestatutes, expressly made subject ofequity jurisdiction. The grant ofpower to partition is conferred.But the statute goes no further anddoes not particularize the procedureto be followed, or thft rAmpdloawhich can be applied. It is si-lent upon all these matters, and asI must hold, intentionally so, sincethe well recognized principles ofequity governing partition were in-tended by the Legislature to be ap-plicable. Since our statute on thesubject has not only no method ofprocedure in it and no negative orexclusive words, the general juris-diction in equity exists.

As regards the other prayers inthe bill respecting the manner ofpartition, it seems to me that theyall flow from and are appropriate tothe jurisdiction in equitv.

ROOT BEERthe most



as the most advantageous form of


13. ROSE,General Agent Honolulu, H. I.

, 842,482,17400

WALKER.Agent for Hawaiian Islands.

nt ri( nor rent hbm n.,ln,...:


STORE!100 Fort StreetBLOCK.




8&Fire risks on nil kinds of insurable property taken at Current risksby

J. S.314G-l- m

WE HAVE JUST RECEIVEDAnd placed on our counters for this week a manufacturers stock of

EMBROIDERIES, PL0UNCINGSWhite and colored in great variety. Organdies, Sateens, Chiffon Laces all ShadesMuslin De Loie in Leading Shades, Embroidered Handkerchiefs, Chiffon Hand-kerchiefs, Laces in Platte, Torchor, Oriental, Guifure De Irlanc'e. Latest noveltiesin Veuings.

All these COOdS We have securedthose purchasing this week will


CASHEgan & Gunn,


From 10 to 20.


JapaneseTotal 47Unattended 12

Non-Residen- ts 2


Asthma 1 Fever 7Beriberi 1 Fever Typhoid .1Bright's Disease. . 1 Hemorrhage 1Bronchitis I Inanition 1Blood Poisoning . . 1 Meningitis 2Consumption 6 Neuralgiaof Heart 1Debility 2 Ovarian Cyst. ... 1Dropsy 1 Opium . 1Dysentery 1 Old Age 5Diarrhoea 1 Paralysis 4Drowned 1 Pleurisy! 1Disease of Heart. . 1 Unknown 3Disease of Bladder 1


July, 1888 39 July, 1891 60July, 1889 43 July, 1892 47July, 1890 49

Annual death rate veUO$fp--T

oathrTWrC.mV. 21.53

Hawaiian? 25.19Asiatics 33.60All other nationalities 17.14

DEATHS BY WARDS.Out-side.Wards 1 2 3 4 5

Deaths 5 9 18 11 4 0C. B. Reynolds,

Agent Board of Health.


Hiram Walker & Sons, of Canada, Get an

Injunction Against a Chicago House.

A case recently heard before JudgeGresham, of the United States CircuitCourt for the First District of Michigan,goes to show that persons who usewhisky must be on the alert if theywould escape being imposed upon.

The plaintiffs are Hiram Walker &Sons, Limited, of Walkerville, Canada,distillers and bottlers of a whisky knownas "Canadian Club." Under the Canadian excise regulations whisky may re-

main in bond indefinitely, and the dis-tiller may, if he so wishes, bottle it whilestill in the custody of the governmentofficers, and thereby obtain an excisecertificate of the age and genuineness ofthe liquor in the form of an official stampover the cork of each bottle. This guar-antee is naturally very much prized bythe distillers who have the old whiskv tosecure it, and all whisky bottled by "theWalkerville establishment is so guaran-teed.

A Chicago firm have put up a spiritwhich they call "Montreal Club," al-leged to be made by the "Montreal Dis-tilling Co.," which was shown to haveno existence. In all but name, theWalker labels were closely imitated, aswas also the official stamp of the Cana-dian excise. The proceedings were rendered somewhat novel bv the aDDear- -ance of Mr. Z. A. Lash, Q. C, of Torontoon behalf of the Dominion government,to support the application of the nlain- -tiffsto restrain defendants from furtheruse of the counterfeit certificate. Thedefendants were promptly enjoined fromcontinuing to intringe upon plaintiff'strade-mar- k or labels, or to copv the Dominion excise stamp.

A signihcant feature ot the case wasthe production by the defendants of aff-idavits by several liquor dealers of Chi-cago, who could hardly be ignorant ofthe character of the goods in question.

It would appear that the consumermust depend upon his own care andjudgment lor immunity from such at-tempts to defraud. Bonfort's Wine andSpirit Circular.



Solo Agents for Hawaiian Islands for



want. tr tt?Vo iV- ,- arrivalwe had by the last Australia, sflietus rim ootffc "together . be-sides Knives and Razors frrmEngland, we had Brass Cup Hooks,Hall's Rice Sickles, Eley's Cart-ridges, Imray's Charts, Clark's &French Horse Clippers, 65 dozen as-sorted Stubs Saw Files, 32 dozenassorted Stubs Jewelers' Files,Mattress Needles, 100 boxes ShoeThread, 100 lb. Emery Powder,assorted, Stubs Plyers.

Now from Boston (by rail) viaSan Francisco we had, 64 assortedBailey's Patent Planes, and some48 in. Cotton Duck. A biglotof railgoods started from Boston the sametime as above but in the race over-land these two items must havebeaten the balance to San Fran-cisco as nothing more on this in-voice came along by the Australia.We have an idea the Planes (whichwe were short of) and the Duck(which we were all out of) knewthey were badly needed and took a"Vestibule Train," and hurriedthrough. The balance of this in-voice, which will comC along by the"Mariposa," have among the itemsNo. 1 and 2 Ship Pumps, Metaline& Roller, Bushed Sheaves, Disston'sFiles, Saw Screws and Saws, Bin-nacle Lamps, Galvanized Rowlocks, Carpenters' Hammers, Topiuauis, oaaer cutter Knives,White Shellac, Coopers' Vices,Horse and Barbers Clippers, BronzePowder, "Thorns Navigator", HandLevels, and Pedometers, WhipSockets, Grommets, Steel Lettersand Figures, i,-i-3-1- 6in., Prun-ing Shears, Tailors' Squares, Cop-per and tinned Wire, on spools etc.,in all a ge invoice of assortedHardware.

Last of all comes our list of ar-rivals from San Francisco : Leather,39 rolls of Sole, Harness, Saddle,Splits, Buff and Lace ; 45-7-0 405-50- 0

grain Frankfort Arsenal Bul-lets, Turkey and Ostrich Feathermusters, Cotton Hose. Block Tin.Tin, Phoenix Horse Shoes, Mill andHouse Brooms, Horse Collars andCollar Pads, Paper Bags, Rifles,Revolvers, Belting, Carriage andMachine Bolts, Log and WoodScrews, Brass Stencil Combination,1 to 2 in., Fence Wire Pullers, 2$and 24 in. Clinch Nails, BlueStone.

You now see we had our share ofthe arrivals by last Australia.Many of our arrivals started in,soon after putting up at our place,to see the islands, a number hav-ing gone to Hawaii and Maui, andthe 39 members of the Knife familyare skipping all over town, in thepockets of their owners.

00 Come in and see some ofour Goods and take some with vou,n you wish.

E. O. HALL & SON, (L'd.),Cor. Fort a King Streets,

Honolulu, H. I.


JN. 8. SACHS',104 Fort Street

Men's Gauze Under Shirts at 25 cents and upwards.Men's Fine French Balbriggan Undfr Shirts at 75 cents.Men's Jean Drawers at 50 cents and upwards.Men's Unlaundried Shirts at 60 cents and upwards.Men's Canton Flannel Shirts and Drawers at f 0 cents.Fine Unbleached Socks at $2 25 per dozen.Adeline Black Socks absolutely stainless at 40 cents a pair.

A full Assortment of

Neck Wear, Goiters, Cuffs and HandkerchiefsBathing Shirts and Trunks.Gent's Outside Shirts in Sbk, Crape, Flannel, and Cotton in great variety.

N. S. OS


In delicate shades.


In pretty evening ' arfea.



silk Crepe, Japanese silkWhite, Cream, Black, Urey, etc.



Ktt Pire Ins. Co. of Hartford.

UNIONInsurance Company


With fringed ends, in all shades.


A New Assortment of



Tl UBflU -- OOI6 J mirsron afofn1 nt- n...General Ducrtusfir.::'? general wttivcrtiscnicnts

fWant a' oak r iAFTEK A KEFUL STUDY!

(General vttincrt'tsrmruta.



enabled to furnish to Plantation theOf the requirements in the cultivation of

Fifty -- Fifth Day,

Wednesday, Aug--.

The House met at 10 A. i.


Noblo Williams reported Iiill

our gland roils we are nowfollowing superior line of

125 e b: l p l. o w bX W. H. Taylor,R. S. Moore,

PresidentSopiriutendrnlManufactured by the celebrated OLIVER STEEL PLOW WORKS. These plows are made ESPECIALLY

STRONG, and are well adnpted to the work required of them. We especially recommend the MONARCHas a BREAKER.



Wveth's Betf, Iron acd Wing.

Phi lip's Wheat Phosphates.

Phillip's Phobpho-Muria- te Quinine.

Maitine and Cod Liver Oil.

Celery, Beef and Iron.

Quina ia RocH

Hereford's Acid Phosphate.

Wyeth's Extract of Malt.

AM Kresti Goods at

Hobron, Newman I CoJs


uuuivu t.iJtll IUVsteamship companies had been in-terrogated on the subject, and that

Y llders' had already answered, whilean answer was expected1 from theInter-Islan-d Steam Navigation Co.during the course of the week. As tothe roads and bridges it was very diffi-cult to say, for while the items weremeritorious in themselves, it washard to say what amounts could beappropriated.

Burglar proof Vault Treasury, $3800.Noble Thurston said the item was

being considered by the Finance Com-mittee.

The item was deferred.Noble Marsden moved that the

item, Secretary of the Board of Immi-gration be taken up. Carried.

Noble Marsden moved it pass at$2400. The incumbent would be satis-fied with that amouut.

Noble Thurston thought the officecould be eliminated. Up to 1890 therewas no such office. The work wasdone by a clerk in the Interior De-partment, and it only took a few daysat a time to do it when the Japaneseimmigration was in full blast. Ratesof wages were coming down; they hadbeen lowered both for Chinese andJapanese at Ewa, and not one hadleft. He moved the item be strickenout.

Rep. R. W. Wilcox moved it pass-Secr- etary

and Inspector of Immi-grants, $3000. There should be someinspection of immigrants on the plan-tations.

Rep. Bush was satisfied that theitem was unnecessary from his ownexperience as Minister of the Interior.

Noble Baldwin favored the appro-priation for secretary and inspector.The House could abolish the office ifit wanted. As a planter he couldhardly favor that, as people wouldsay there was a nigger in the fence.As a matter of fact the planters didnot object at all to the inspector's com-ing around, although he did not thinkthe inspection amounted to much.

Noble Marsden sustained his motionfor $2400 a year as salary of the Secre-tary.

Noble Baldwin thought it would hea mistake to strike out the item al-

together. There were orders for 800laborers, and at reduced wages morewould be called for.

Noble Thurston said neither of thespeakers met his point, which wasthat when the work was greater thanit would be in the present period.it waswnll lonfl hv a clerk in the Interior

Builders o Steam MachineryIN ALL ITS BRANCH' -

Suamboat, Steamship, Land Ensiuea ABoilers. High Pressure or Compound.

Steam Vessels of all kimis bu.it com-plete, with hulls of wood, iicn or composite.

Ordinary Esoinkp compounded whenadvisable.

n;.M Launches, amTu8 constructed with refeieree to Uutrade in which they are to be employed.Seed, tonnape and ArftA of w.ivr fttfrranteed.

Sugar Mills and stigtti making fcf

chinery made alter the most appnnplans. Also, all Boiler lion Work,connected therewith.

Water PirE, of Boiler or Slic t Iron.oiany siae, made in suitah: length forconnecting together, or Sheet rolled,punched and packed for shiru-nt- ,

ready to be riveted on the ground.Hydravmc Rivettno, Boiler Work kftd

Water Pipes made by this establish-ment, riveted by hydraulic rivetingmachinery, that quality of work helttJIfar superior to hand work.

Suir Work, Ship and Steam Capstan,Steam Winches, Air and circulatingPumps, made after the most approvedplans.

Sole Agents and niannf jcturets for the


Rep. Waipuilani gave notice to theOpium Committee No. 2 of a meetingto be held the following morning.

The Minister of Finance answeredquestions of the member from Koloaregarding the issue of $10 certificatesas follows:

(1) I have signed certificates of de-posit of the denomination of $10 forthe amount of $10,000 and they havebeen issued, that is, passed out fromthe Treasury, on last Saturday. (2)They were issued under a mistake, asthe law of 1S90, in which the $10 cer-tificate was omitted, was absolutelyunknown. Ignorance of the law, Iknow full well, is no excuse for dis-obeying it, and I must therefore takeall the blame due for this inadvertentaction of mine.

The Minister said that it was toolate to stop the issue of all the certi-ficates when the mutter was broughtto his notice, but the bulk of themwere now in the Treasury, many hav-ing been returned.

Noble Thurston said he had statedthe other day that the Minister was a10 cent financier. His financieringhad advanced 10,000 per cent., and hewas now a $10 financier.

Minister Widemann said he wasKlad he had risen from 10 cents to $10.This morning a prominent citizen, theauthor of the law if he did not mis-take, had urged him not to withdrawthe certificates. The $10 certificateswere the most sought after. He wouldask permission of the House to intro-duce a bill to reinstate the $10 certifi-cates.

The Minister accordingly cave

Cor. tort and kin btrceN.

Sizes No- - 1, 6 in.; No. 2, S in.; No. 3, 10 in.



0; -

Pacific Coast of the llnno SafeuBoiler.

PUMC9 Dhect Acting 1 Uttpi for irriga-tion or city works' purpose, built witlithe celebrated Davy Valve Motion,piieiior to any other pump.E Hi , :: tat, ITCsf

3t I ). ,. -- iV-rf JOHN DYER, -- .- - HoNoi i luKoom No. 3, upstairs, Sprtvkrls' B!ot k

The Honolulu Soap WorksDepartment. A man was needed to doit, of course, but it could be done by

Sizes No. 3, 12 in.; No. 4, 14 in..,1-- ,, .l.ii'i'v in rt lirrhtni coring Mia follnwinor Plows ininufactured by the benecia AGRICULTURAL- - WORKS:

C HHU -- ! J ""--' - o w

No. 26, 8 in.; Eureka Wood Beam, No. 2, 10 in.; No. 8, 12 in.Betiecia Wood Beam, No. 24, f in.Hill For sale bv

CASTLE & COOKE3107 1433 2m

The undersigned have juet cotnptefedtheir NEW STEAM HOAP WORKK.and are prepared to supply thr trade a

Pure Laundry Soap!Put up in Boxos of 100 Khs.,

of 42 and 50 Hars ac!i

We guarantee our Soap Ui ihs i

and much hotter than the imported.


Alone New Goods Atlrll

the regular force in the Interior De-

partment. The Japanese were fullyprotected by the appointment of ahigh paid Japanese inspector, whowent to headquarters, not to the clerk,and sat on the Minister of the Interioruntil he got satisfaction.

Noble Macfarlane agreed that thework could be done in the InteriorDepartment. All complaints weresettled by the Minister of the Interior.Although he was averse to puttingany further burdens on the planters,he still could not see why the Gov-ernment should pay for labor import-ed solely for plantation labor. Manyhere were making a personal fight forthe incumbent. He was as much hisfriend as any one, but the Govern-ment could not stand the extra ex-

pense just now in its present depressedcondition, and he could not see whythe Government should have the ex-

pense . JL Hc-l.-- d taken the standinner hpfnrp that exDense lor immigra

Five Gallons for

notice of an Act to amend the law of'90, relating to the currency.

Minister Spencer asked for furthertime t "answer the questions of theRepresentative from the fifth district.


Rep. Waipuilani resolved that $000be appropriated for repairs of wharf atKailua. Referred to Committee onPublic Lands.

Rep. Akina resolved that $300 be in-

serted to extend wharf at Waimea,Kauai. Referred to Committee onPublic Lands.

Rep. Aki resolved that $1500 be in-

serted in the Appropriation bill to fixthe waterhead at Waimea, Kauai. Re-ferred to Committee on Public Lands.

At 10:35 a. m. the House proceededto the


Consideration of the AppropriationBill, Rep. Nawahi in the chair.

Noble Cornwell moved that itemNo. 110, for the Queen's Guard, betaken up.

Rep. Bush objected, because thereport of the committee was not beforethe House. He did not favor anyaction at present. There was a billintroduced by himself now in thehands of the Military Committeewhich affected this matter. TheHouse should await the report on thatbill. The condition of the publicfinances required economy, and hewas sure there were members here

lrl fjivor reduction of this


Each hox littai ' lloNOLr- -avtpwivlu Soap Co.," and isIfUlin nn im RECEIVEDFor Sale by all Kotailers.


Cor. Fort and King Streets. m. w. umm & w,Tu a haautiftll line oftion for population and for labor were"!

AGENTS.1390 2856-3- m

Will do more work with less power and last longer than any other.A new invoice of Dillingham Rice Plows. The favorite light steel

Plows. Just received from the factory at Moline.


very dirterent tilings.Minister Spencer said the item

might not be necessary, but it wasvery desirable. The Governmentshould see to it that plantation

hp nronerlv housed, etc.READ THIS!


" ." "T.."1W for what's in 'em. Gooil

Hawaiian Packing flu

m SteriiDg Siiver


Prepared to Buy Hawaiian Hogs !

and bad oysters lwlTJitoalliehelL

The incumbent had done his workvery satisfactorily, and he hoped theHouse would retain his services.

The item passed at $2400.Noble Thurston said the Dredger

Committee would visit the dredger at1:30 P. M.

The committee rose at 12:04 and re-

ported, and the report was adopted,and the House adjourned until 10 a.m.,Thursday.

Implements, all of the most approved patterns.

Choice FAMILY SOAP put up In pacsages for retailing.


item. The idea of this large item wasthat if a large force were maintainedthere would be no danger from Bush,Wilcox & Co. The idea was a sha-

dow. In Kalakaua's time 300 or 400

men could not stop a revolution, whenthey were determined to have one.The country was poor, but a Ion ofpeople did not seem to think so whenit came to a lot of paper soldiers, anddressing up a major and colonels likemonkeys to dance around the Queen.The way for the country to win re-

spect abroad was by its good characterand reputation, not by gewgaws andtinsel soldiers.

Noble Cornwell said he had no de-

sire to railroad the item through theHouse. It could be cut down on thethird reading if necessary. The Househad been six weeks on the appropria-tion bill, and it was time to considerthis item.

Rep. Kamauoha favored consider-ation of this item.

Noble Thurston had had the pleas

at the highest market prices.

Good and bad eceds otten have too uTWappearance. Any ono can tll a worth-less oyster on opening it. The value ofa seed must be determined by its prow h.ThiB makes its quality worth t onsiderina:.You want seeds that will grow, and yonwant the product to be of value. Thereis but one guarantee; tho reliability ofthe firm from which you buy.

Patronize Home Industry!Half the joy of life lies in nOMi You

can always lioric for a jtood yield and fordividends too, if you get your fertilizersfrom the undersigned.

Now is the time to unite in n.rns forbuying your Manures .

len Plantations wanted to form clubBand to buy large quantities and gotlbot- -

Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Turpentine, etc., etc., etc.


cummins block, - - FORT STREET.Office at Iwilei, Honolulu.

3092-t- f

Sugar Matters.A dispatch from New York dated

July 19th says:Wall-stre- et men say that several

capitalists have combined to com-

pete with the American Sugar Re-

fineries Company. The promotershave nearly completed an immenseestablishment in the eastern dis-

trict of Brooklyn, covering an en-

tire block. The main building is

Richly embossed in pleasing design

which will commend itself at

once t those seeking that

which combines both

elegance and


Now is the Time to Set Eggs and

Get Good Returns.

tom prices.tpn stor es hisrh. An extensive THE OLD With imnrnved niurhinerv we are ablesvstem of piling is being construct- -

to maintain the standard of our regulari i 1nrl f,,r flrwlrs arm wharves. tvi. nie grades, and lncroaMHK ueraanu names

us to guarantee the best values, at from, A. W

start the new refinery will have acapacity of 2000 barrels per day, but $7.00 to 125.00 per ton. Those desirous

Also, new ideas in the popular can Si e it. made by calhna at the factory.We offer a few tons of high grade fer

tilizers equal to the English brands ofES-:-EGGS FOR SALE!Cane Manures.

flpSend us a Bejapn order and trysome.

A. r. COOKE.

ure of three libel suits against tnemember for Koolanpako. He had notsucceeded in getting him put in jail,though he had tried to. But if themember were Gladstone himself hecould not take a sounder position thanhe had in the present case. His wordsexpress good sense and sound finan-ciering. However, this was not thetime to consider this item, as nobodyhad notice of it. When the bill wasfinished it would be the proper timeto take up deferred items. A bill hadbeen introduced into the house limit-ing the number of soldiers. Untilthat matter had been passed on theamount for the military could not befixed.

Noble Cornwell a9ked why he, aschairman of the Military Committeehad not as good a right to take up adeferred item as others. It hadJjeen

. . i i it : w

Manager it 1'roprietor Hawn. EertlliilngBOW KNOTS

it is thought the output win wgreatly increased in the near future.

The Mollenhauer Sugar RefiningCompany, incorporated in NewYork a few months ago with a cap-

ital of ? 1,000,000, every share of

which has been taken by the Mo-

llenhauer family, and has no con-

nection with the American SugarRefining Company. The firstbuilding has just been completed,with a capacity of 2000 barrelsdally. It is intended to add other

Co.Honolulu, H. L

Constituting the Pioneer Pt.ant, Established on

HOTEL AND FORT STS.,In 1S59 by C. E. Williams for conducting the

May U, 1892.



Plymouth Ptock,White Faced Black Spanish,

White Leghorns,Brown Leghorns,


Uuft' Coachins.

ASK FORM Popular Prices ! Furniture, Cabinet Makingbuildings as the business snail war-

rant up to a daily capacity of 0000

barrels. The refinery is located atWilliamsburg, N. Y. v UPHOLSTERING AND UNDERTAKING BUSINESS vAll island orders attended to.

Inquire at Waikiki Poultry Yard,

donengnt tnrougu me esiuu.Noble Ena favored deferring con-

sideration of the item until the Dili onthe subject had been considered.

Minister Parker favored consider-ation of the item immediately.

Rep. Bush said the House could dowhat it saw fit, but there was a ruleof justice which should guide its ac-

tion. There were four absent memberswho would vote with the speaker.

vKifl rvimwpll Who are thev.

or in Honolulu arc still extant, and the business, its originator and0. W. MACFARLANE.

present proprietor here to stay.P.O. Box 287. 3038The Best Canned Butter in the World

BUCKEYEMOWERS ! i mmB Havinir DUrchased the entire interest of the late firm of H. H. WilliamsHONOIATI.TJ New Pack Just Received !

& Co., comprising the largest stork ofRep. Bush Rep. Smith, Noble Geo.

WilCOX, Nobles Walbridge and Ka- -j Furniture, Upholstery and Undertakim? Woods



A BFBOIAITT!Paper ofThe Kvpr in Honolulu : nrineinftllv delected bv If. H Williams during binChineseKingdom


- - j g mm w r f

a nn assort- - late three months' visit to the coast, I now offer this stock and future S. FOSTER & CO., Sole Agents,Just, arrived ex l'alraasment of additions for CASH at prices much less than heretofore charged.

Noble Cornwell No sir!Rep. Bush Well, Noble Kauhaue

is absent. : .Noble Cornwell So is Noble Neu-

mann. -

The chairman objected to this count- -

Busaid if the Noble fromMaui, Noble Cornwell, would with-

draw his motion he would shakeh.twI. ,ith him and acknowledge

20 and 28 California St . , San Kuanum

TTbe undersigned in resuming his old place and businesswould resnectfullv tender bis grateful thanks for the liberal patronage ED. N. HITCHCOCK,

HILO, B. I.SiH'oesRor to 1'. I.. lrl.


of old friends of this and neighboring Islands, and hopes to merit acontinuance of their favors while soliciting a sbaro from new friends ;

a i

at Reasonable Rates-:- -


job iRiisrriisrG !


Matting, Camphor Trunks,Rattan Chairs and Tahles,Silk Shawls and Handkerchiefs,White Chinese Linen,White and Colored Silk in KoIIh.Fine Teas, Fine Manila Cigars,

Chinese and Japanese Provisionsana again oners nis services m

Moving Pianos, Household Goods, Etc., ISLAND VIEWSBYSALEgeneral assortment of Groceries,we will sell at the verv lowest

And awhich


tfiAsHortmentfiBent. on applU'ation .

By Experienced and Careful Men with Suitable Apparatus.CASTLE & COOKE, j Subscription - t4.o0 per year.price.

flPTreHh Goods tv ever stearner3123 1436-2-m

that for once he favored right andjustice.

Noble Cornwell accordingly with-

drew his motion and said he wouldbring it up on Friday.

Noble Thurston said the member'svirtue was only a spasm, as the Housewould not be full on Tuesday.

Noble Cornwell consented to a post-ponement until Friday.

Noble Thurston: Ua l.iki no.The committee proceeded with the

biRepairs and furniture of Govern-ment buildings, $14,900.

The above item and the six lorand buovs. and all the items


Furnished and Laid by Competent Men.


Pianos For Rent.

to responsible purlieu fur selection.

g0TDeoonnn ami Trintiiin for TuriHtu, a Hpecialty.

P. O.adJreaa, Hilo, 1 1 . f . HQ

The Daily Advektiskk 1b deliver-ed by carriers for 50 cents a monthRing up Telephones 88. Now i

the time to dubscribe.

from California and China.

WING MOW CHAN,(fo. 04 Kino Strket,

3124-.- Near M;uinak-n- .

If yon don't take the Advertiseryon don't get the news.




GENUINE ENGLISHFOUR a few weeks old, tor sale C. K. WIT.L1AM8.COMPANY iS3 rd wSre derer to ! p,y ,o this office.

(await committee reports.

DAILY PACIFIC COMMERCIAL ADVERTISER, AUGUST 4, 1892.ne jeraea (Ml"rete rroni uenver:

and strode rapidlv off. :Xctu 2Utocrtimtnta (Central 3ftxrti0eiiient& (Fnirral itorrttsriiirnta.THE MENDED VASE.

A beautiful, delicate, fragile ra,..T,rTiu rf oM that ni quaint and olden;MM with the charm of a subtle grr.

Aftdtrtaamed with a light that was rich andblundering hand and a oarekm blow. Second to None

Herries was a brave man. but his bloodchilled at the mention of that name. Itwas the synonym of all that was mostfierce, bloodthirsty and wicked even inthat wicked and bloodthirsty little com-munity.

"Denver Pete!" he mused. "So he isgoing to do me up because I'm trying towin that poor child from her horriblelife and save her for something better. I

nu " rragiie rorm Is crushed and hmi.HAWAIIAN GAZETTE CO.,

Book t Job PrinterIts charm and its graces r lying low,lu a thousand fragments scattered.And never again while the world shall standCan the wrong of that reckless blow berighted;Ah! never, not e'en by an artist's hand.

Can the scattered fragments be united.Oo. paste them into their former shape.

The scan on the surface will still show traces.And unjoined edges will stand agape

Where once stood countless graces.

And what is my life but a crystal raseThat an awkward blow has shattered and

broken?Its former beauty no touch may retrace.

And its wreck of its richness Is only a token.The pieces are fitted together again,

But the tone and the color are all unblended;I feel, with the pang of a nameless pain,a is only a vase that Is mended.

- William Rice Sims In New York World.


fear me, Edward, you're in no end of abad scrape."

But the blood which had rushed sohotly through his reins when Yale'sshouts rang triumphant over the foot-ball field as the goal was almost won,find which nerved him to dare any odd)take any risk, so long as he could sasSthat game, now flowed again warmlythrough his heart.

Til not be bullied," he said, and hefrowned and shut close his mouth andclinched his hands. These were ominoussigns in Mr. Herrie, and even DenverPete, redoubtable knight of the greencloth as he was, would have done wellto have heeded them; had he knownyoung Herries better he might havedone so.



Merchant St., Honolulu.RoadsterFor Hemes had stalked back to thebrilliantly lighted barroom and hadcalled for a glass of whisky, the while heregarded a knot of men near by who wereconversing in a low tone. Among thesemen was the gambler against whomHerries had been warned a handsome,pale faced, tall, slender man. dressed PNEUMATIC TIRES.



OUTING SHOES:It long ago seemed as though Shoes could never be better aad neverbe cheaper, but they are better now and cheaper now than they everwere before. The great summer footwear favorite is our'hard times Shoe.It is as much a boon to the pocketbook us it is to the feet. It won't wearyou out to wear it out. You don't need to take care of if itZVrL you so,id C0ffif0lt for the thS?

knockabout purposes has never been produced. If pricesnever appealed to you before, the price of this Shoe will, for it costs only

World's Record Won on Columhias

Ned Hemes, or, as his card read,"Edward T. Herries, C. E.," stood inthe doorway of the Rough Diamond andlooked gloomily forth at the rain as it fellaslant the cartas growth and chapparalon the red soil of the mesa.

From the saloon within came the rat-tle of dice, the chink of glass, the rattleof coin and the murmur of deep, hoarsemale voices. The Rough Diamond wasa most lucrative and flourishing institu-tion in the little railroad town of Pic-ture Canyon, on the line of the UnionPacific.

It was one of those places which, atthat time, sprang up in a night and aredeserted in a day along the line of thegreat road. Indeed, they followed thetrack, and wherever track laying endedtemporarily there a town was certain tospring up almost as if by magic.

There were thousands of laborers, rail-road men, engineers and speculators.With them came peddlers, storekeepers,and last, but not least, the great armyof gamblers and saloon keepers. Someof these towns were located in advan-tageous situations, and finally took on asolid growth and prospered. Others,having nothing to justify their existencesave the presence of the army of railroademployees, vanished utterly when thatarmy advanced farther and farther onits mission of conquering space and timeand binding east and west together withbands of steel.

with great neatness in black and with-out a single ornament visable not eventhe belt which nearly every man wore.He had a small, keen, hungry looking,gray eye, and as he looked at Herries hemet the latter's gloomy glance, smiledand turned to his friends with the re-mark:

"The kid seems worried about some-thing. I wonder if by any chance hehas overheard us?"

"Guess not he jest come in a minuteago."

"Perhaps perhaps," muttered Pete,"but we will soon know."

Events moved quickly in frontiertowns. As Herries finished his whiskyand bangeldthe door behind him, Petearose from his seat.

His friends also sprang up, but hemade a gesture of dissent.

"No, boys. Leave this to me. If 1

Half Mile lm 6b

One Mile 2m 15sTwenty-5v- e Miles - lh 19m 13s

Law Books and Blanks, Pamphlets of any kind,Lawyers' Briefs, Freight and Plantation Books,

Statistical Work, Colored Poster Work,Lithograph Colored Cards, Business and Visiting Cards,

Ball and Wedding Cards, Programmes, Billheads,Letterheads printed in Copying Ink, Etc., Etc., Etc., Etc.

NEW GOODS, iNEWOOODS!n Great variety in Persian Mulls,

JAPANESE CORDED CREPE,Bathing- - Suits for Ladies' and Gent's!

can't deal with one tenderfoot I certain-ly won't call in aid."

"But he might get the drap on ye,"persisted one.

Pete shrugged his shoulders anddeigned no reply. He walked to the bar. A 8m.all lifi in lAPAYPii,' nooni. ... ! . . .

Join the Club now

3 more left. Anotherdrawing

On Saturday, Aug. 6


called for and swallowed a large glassful ED JAPANESE "fill Kyj" lJl na iew cnoice pieces in FIGUR- -

Japanese Sashes in all Colors.Crinkled and plain Silk Crepes in White at

B. R Ehlers & Cos, 99 Fort St.Dressmaking uader the management of Miss K. Clarke

01 Dranay, which draft did not evenbring a flush to his pale cheek, openedthe door and was lost in the darkness ofthe night.

About two hours later the inmates ofthe Rough Diamond were startled byhearing shots, cries, oaths, the heavythundering of a horse's hoofs on therocky soil of the mesa, and then a long,loud "hurra-a-h.- "

Then all was silent.As one man they sprang to their feet

BOOK-BINDIN- GYou are welcome to cata

Herries was attached to the engineercorps of the road, and had been for sometime stationed at Picture Canyon, a cityof some 5,000 inhabitants, mostly males,and which was nearly a month old, wantique indeed that an election formayor and common council was beingagitated by the more enterprising mem-bers of the community.

Harvard bred, delicately nurtured, ac-customed to all the refinements of lifewhich wealth guided by correct tastemay give in an old and settled com-munity, the rude surroundings of hispresent life had at first disheartenedHerries, but being at bottom a man ofgood sense and pluck and possessing asplendid constitution, a magnificent bi-ceps, standing six feet and over in hisboots, the man who had been Yale's al

terror as "right tackle," and whohad filled the seat in the 'Varsity eightwith more than credit when the bluecrossed the line ahead of the crimsonon Lake Quinsigamond, would hardlyflinch at hardships which other men borewithout complaint, even if at times hisoul grew weary of uvyniz the

PIANOS PIANOS logues and any cycling informationthat can be given.

lit 22 its Branches.

and rushed for the door, but ere the fore-most man among them could reach it itwas burst violently open and old Ramonrushed in, followed by Pete, from Den-ver, who, swaying and staggering likea drunken man, called for brandy, andthen came to the floor with a crash thatshook the windows.

A babel of voices prevented an expla-nation for a long time, and when Peter


Westermayer's Celebrated Uprights. In different slyles, in black Ebony and Antique.T .? Fianos are favorably known for their durability and ' w"sweet tone. Also, ..i'ox their 3036 AGENT.

nau somewhat revived he told them whatV.o1 i. ,1

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A spasm of wrath convulsed the fea ORGANS, for School and House.


Steam Soap Works,LELEO, HONOLULU,

T. W. RAWLINS, - - Proprietor,


maaaenimpi;fr0wn adjacent nn'hut without anv 'l "i ontT bacon

otbpi" vU"ee an(i hardtack. In-uee- H

ne grew at last to like the wildfreedom of his life, as all men will do intime, and he was fast taking on the ex-

terior of a genuine frontiersman when

Magazines, Law Books, Musie Books,Blank Books of any description, Account and Time Books,

Day Books and Cash Books, Journals and Ledgers,Map and Photograph Mounting, Portfolios, Scrap-book- s,

Albums, Old Books Re-boun- d, Letter Copying Books,Edge Gilding, Lettering in Gold,


For sale at moderate prices.

E. HOFFSCHLAEGER & CO.'S,- Corner of King and Bethel Streets.


T f the Islands that Tnos. W. Raw-lins, the only Practical Soap Boiler inall of the Hawaiian Islands, from andafter January 1, 1S92, has REDUCEDPRICES to

$4.50 per Case of 100 lbs.; $400 per 100

lbs. in Bulk.

50 Cents each allowed for empty con-tainers returned in good order.


If vour aeont iIops nnf Upm mv

tures of the dying man."Gone," he gasped; "gone with that

cursed tenderfoot.""How did it all happen, Pete?""He was there when I got there.

Chiquita was all dressed and ready to gooff with him womanlike, curse her!He saw me coming. His horse wasthere. He waited for me. Oh, the fel-low was game enough. I said nothing,but opened on him. The girl beingthere must have made me nervous, for Imissed my man for the first time."

"And then?""Why, he pumped me full of lead be-

fore 1 could pull trigger. Hit me fivetimes. Then he mounted and swung thegirl up in front of him. Old Ramoncame up and oiened on him. I got upand followed suit. He got back at usonce his last cartridge and caughtRamon, for I heard him groan. Thenthe tenderfoot yelled and rode off. Boys,give me a big drink. I'm done for."

And when they brought the drink afast chilling corpse was all that was leftof Pete from Denver to drink it.

And Chiquita?Chiquita went to a convent in St.

Louis, and left there four years later acultured and magnificently beautifulwoman.

She will be pleased to receive any ofMr. Herries' friends at her lovely homein the Back bay district in Boston, andII you succeed in pleasing her she willtell you of tliat awful night at PictureCanyon when a "tenderfoot" from Bos-ton showed how "tenderfeet" can fightwhen a sweetheart is at stake.

And old Ramon?When they looked for him he was

gone. Nor was he or Edward Herriesever seen again in Picture Canyon. At-lanta Constitution.

i i , --- .- . r Juranu oi ?oap, order direct from me.Send Postal Card or letter for amount ofSoap required and I will fill your orderwith promptness and dispatch.

T. W. RAWLINS,2967 1 409-- 1 y Leleo. Honolulu.



Circulating throughout the Islands.

Subscription, : : : $5:00 per Year.


Hotel Street,


When he met Chiquita!Chiquita was a sprite. She was the

true daughter of rocky canyon and des-ert mesa a genuine child of the Sierras

and a woman withal.Her reputed father was an evil eyed

old Mexican named Ramon, ostensibly aherder of other men's sheep, really agatherer of other men's coins.

Chiquita kept house for him in a tum-bled together "shack" on the outskirtsof the town, and here entertained herfather's guests.

Poor little Chiquita!She was brilliantly pretty, with the

rich rose red flushing her olive cheeks,her white teeth flashing betweenripe, dewy, crimson lips, with gloriousbrown eyes under heavy arching brows,and shaded by such long curling lashesas would make one's heart ache, espe-cially the heart of a frontiersman, inwhose life female beauty is a rich andrare event.

Many a dollar had Chiquita' eyes andlips brought to old Ramon's sheepskinpouch --and still be was athirst for moregold.

It was of this Herries was thinking,for he knew Chiquita, and it was thinwhich, thinking of it, drove him out ofthe warm and cozy barroom (the onlyplace where he could possibly stay, savein his cold and cheerless tent), andforced him to cool his heated brow inthe cool, wet wind which blew from themouth of Picture Canyon.

He was roused by a voice, a deep,slow, plainsman's voice, addressing him:

"Partner, you are a good one for atenderfoot, leastways I've sorter tackledto you sence I seen the way you whup-pe- d

that 'ere cowboy chump and beltedhim with his own gun. Some tender-foot ain't got no sand, but you have,

-- u I'll not see you double teamed on ef Ikin help ft, sho's I'm fum Texas whichI'm known as Black Waxy Jim."

"Why, what's the matter?" broke inHerries on I41ck Waxy harangue, ashe turned and regarded closely the tall,athletic figure of the man beside hiin.

The Texan jerked his thumb over hissnouhier in the direction of the barroom."In thar," he said in a low tone, "ilieern otaetnin --about about you-- en

--en""CbtyuitarTbet's it, pari. You're called the

- J It's ieat about that 'era Httlo

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Pleasure Launch.Tim Boy EtcHpea.

ttinkle 1 had u jrreat notion to lickmy boy for getting to the bottom of hisgeography class today. fPinkie Why didn't your fr

liinkle Well, ho put bouio of thequestions to mo that the teacher put ;tohim, and an I couldn't answer one 'ofVm I let him go und licked the teacher.

Good News.



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'Mm kPVWWntm the reeognixed peoples' paper.

The only me remedy forLencorrluraorWhitea.

I pnacrtba it and fociRAfa in rvsiTnmnHlni it

greater gal, en you ain't the fust nor youwon't be the larat, I reckon, thet's gotbis hide Wred 'lorn o" her "

"Wbafsnp, then""jo yir --. skinned and don't gonigh old iiamon's ha k I've warnedyou. ft i"i'i, pfcrd "

Au4 Jilack Wmty bvouged uwuy intoUrn gathering gloom and mist.

"WaAim," mn&l Herries, rushing afterfclm, "tjj Uiu at feast who my enemyla,"

, f4v uu) o uhhv.'l t),euum mtkwm mi0ln lu v& twilight

MOT urj mil. t

1231 The UMiGAiCa to all ufferrrt.OC!NNlli,0.aUB A. J. BTONER, M. D.,OT PKl-ATT- IlkHfeb 1"otW.i

Hobrom, NawMAM A Co.. Agents, Honolulu.HoLurraa A Co., Wholesale Agents.

Benson, Hmitu A Co., Wholesale Agents'50 CENTS PER MONTH. Subscription $6.00 a Year
