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Sun Dial June-July 1963

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  • 8/12/2019 Sun Dial June-July 1963


    L WiBB s ^Sun Ci tyVol . 3, No. 5 SUN CITY, ARIZONA June-July, 1963

    SPRING PROGRAMSAID CHARITYDRIVEEarly this year, a group of Sun Citians gathered

    at Community Center and formed the Sun C i t yArizona Coordinators.

    Their goal was to interest residents in a community-wide charity campaign.

    They adopted a mott o. Others Our Interest ,and chose, i n i t i a l l y to aid the Valley of the SunSchool for Handicapped Children in Phoenix.

    Moving sw i f t ly they held a meeting at TownH a l l and presented the campaign idea to clubpresidents and chairmen.

    These officers gave the plan an enthusiastic reception and soon began formulating fund raisingprograms.

    Separate bake sales were conducted by theRepublican Club and the Sun C i t y Hostesses.

    A rummage and white elephant sale was held inthe Sun C i t y Shopping Center by community women, w i t h Edith Schaffer serving as chairman.

    The Mens and Women's G o l f Associations com

    binedtheir efforts w i t ha hole-in-one contest at bothcourses.

    Some programs planned by the Coordinators,themselves, for the entire community were a St.Patrick' s Day Sing presented by the Phoenix Ka-china Chapter of the Sweet Adel ines, a barbershopjubilee, and Sun C i t y Chorus and Square DanceFestivals.I n A p r i l Community Center and Town H a l ljoined in presenting Sun City's most elaborateSpring Arts and Crafts Festival.

    Each par ticipa ting group donated a portion ofsales p r o f i t to the campaign of g iv ing .

    The program closed inmid-May, the funds werecounted, and the coordinators reported Sun C i t ywould contribute more than $1,800 to the Phoenixschool.

    Other spring events not associated w i t h the charit ydrive and not featured in Sun D i a l photographs,include the annual Easter Sunrise services. Memorial Day ceremonies, and a Town H a l l appearance by the Phoenix Orpheus Chorus.

    ORIGINATING MOTTO, Others Our Interest, and puttinginitial impetus into community-wide campaign of giving werethe Sun City Coordinators who,here, discuss fund raising programs to benefit the Valley ofthe Sun School for HandicappedChildren in Phoenix. From leftare, Mildred Toldrian; Sun CityCivic Association, Inc. PresidentAl Greeley, Sun City Civic Association Past President artinConniff; Hazel Worrell; EugeneValy; Town Hall Center President David Gerig; Charl es Mc-K ee ; Herb M a r t i n ; GraceMacFarlane; Margaret Nygrenand John Zilian. Another coordinator,Sun City Home Owners'Association President Louis In-wood, was not present.

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    Page 2 SUN CITY SUN DIAL June-Ju ly , 1963

    ST. PATRICK'S DAY - Decked outin green and swaying to sounds ofIreland are some of the more than200 res idents who at tended the St.Patr ick 's day Dance at Town Hall inMa r ch .

    A KARATE EXHIBIT ION is conduc ted by members FOCUS OF ATTEN TION - Some of the more than 350 men,of the Bob Trias Inte rnatio nal Insti tute of Karate and who atte nde d the al l-male evenin g, are shown engrossed in ka-Judo in Phoenix dur in g the Mens ' C lub sponsored rate per form ance.M e n s ' N i g h t a t T o w n Hal l .

    CON VERS ATION AND RELAXATION - A n opp or tun i ty to THE EVE NING OF soc iab i l ity , which saw 116 res identsmake new and better acquaintances was a pr imary purpose jo in the mens ' organizat io n, o f fered several games in-of the occas ion, and as photo reveals, the purpose was e lud ing br id ge, g in , p i tch, c r ibba ge, canas ta, chess, check-achieved. Gent lemen in the for egr oun d, f rom le f t , are ers and p inoch le.W i l s on Man tho r and Lee W a gn i l d .

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    June-Ju ly , 1963 SUN CITY SUN DIAL Page 3

    LADIES OF ST. Christop her's Ep iscopal Church, wea ring an assortmentof outfi ts from Bedel 's Corner on Fashion located in the Sun City Shopp ing Center , presented Spr ing sty le show, Ch err y Blossom T im e, toa capacity audience at Town Hall in March. Popular and peti te VelmaLehaman models capris and blouse.

    ELLA TEAL, one of 20 Sun Citians to revealthe latest in fashions at Spring program,gl ides along pla tfor m in another Bedel selec t ion. Stage, adorned w i th or ienta l decor ,represented a Japanese gard en.

    SMILES AN D VOLU ME - Fashions h o w a u d i e n c e t h o r o u g h l y e n joyed s ing ing s ty le o f theseyou ng ladies, who p ut smiles andv o lum e i n to the i r r end i t i on o fPlaym ates . F rom le f t are, SusanStorey , Terry Archer and DebbieStorey . Terry is granddaughter o fMr . and Mrs . F rank Mi l lard, 12627Augusta Dr ive.

    SUN CITY Merry Makers , habi t ua l award w inners , were pre sented Governor 's T rophy forco lor fu l f loat and mus ica l perfo rm anc e a t Phoen i x J ay c eeRodeo Parade in March.

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    Page 4 SUN CITY SUN DIAL June-July , 1963

    SELDOM PAUSING f rom fu l l re t i rement schedule, th is busy coupletake a moment f rom Sun City 's Spring Arts and Crafts Fest ival to looktoward camera. They are. Fes t iva l Chai rman Al Schmidt and w i fe.Ha z e l , who heads the Town Hal l Ceramic C lub. Town Hal l group'screat ions are shown on display table.

    ARTISTS AT WO RK - Art enthusiasts Lloyd and .e ra ,.,

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    June-Ju ly 1963 SUN CITY SUN DIAL Page 5

    M O S A I C T A B LE - B e r n i c eF in ker nag el shows of f go lcJand black mosaic coffee tables he m ade a t he r hom e. An other such pro jec t was d is played at the festival by SunCi t ian Mrs . Ralph Westgard.


    COM MUN ITY CENTER Mosaics C lub memb er Gudr un We stgard po ints out in tr icate wo rkaccompl ished by c lub to Mr . and Mrs . C . B. F ind ley Mrs . D . S. Gishwi l ler and gr and daug hters Ju l ie and Jodie Bennick v is itor W. O. Pres ton and Bern ice F inkernagel par t ia l ly h id den by Sun Citian Forrest Dana.PUPPET CLUB MEMBERS dev o te a l l o f the i r m ee t i ng^ hours to sewing for theValley of the Sun School forH and ic apped C h i l d ren .

    D ISH C LO T H S SALE - A tl e f t N a t a l i e M c K e e a n dCather ine Van Horn demonstrate use of one of the ^more than 200 ny lon d ishcloths Sti tch and Knit Clubsold dur ing Fes t iva l .

  • 8/12/2019 Sun Dial June-July 1963



    A N EASTER PARTY was first pro gra m con duct ed by ladieso f the H e lp A N e ighbo r ' s C h i l d p ro jec t , a p rog ramor ig inated by the Senior Woman's League. F rom refreshment tab le , where youngs ters were served cook ies andlemonade, pro jec t commit tee members watch 50 youngs tersdon new Easter out f i ts . F rom le f t are, Win i f re d W elb orn ,Els ie Cressey, Effie Hodgdon, Edna Gullett, Helen DeJar-nette , Els ie Meinhardt and Mi ldred Esher .

    DRESSES BY ROSALEE - Rosalee An der son serveslemonade to th is pat ient l ineup of young lad ies , whoare wearing seven of the dozen dresses she made. Rosalee has com plet ed several boys and gir l s ' outfi ts fora Septemb er Back To School Par ty .

    THEIR HAPPY DAY It was a hap py day for these l i tt le frocks. Happiest were ladies fro m throu gh out Sun City,gir ls, who now could greet the Easter Bunny in bran d new who donated t ime and funds to the prog ram .

    SUN CITY LIBRARY board memb e r s , o f f i c e r s a n d M a r i c o p aCounty Library offic ials were onhand for a social afte rnoo n withres idents f rom throughout SunC i t y w h o a t t e n d e d A p r i l L i brary Tea. The event gave SunCi t ians an oppor tun i ty to meetthe staff and, also, to see exp a n d i n g f a c i l i t y . T r i o s e a t e dfront row center are, f rom le f t ,Maricopa County Librarian MissGertrude Thayer, Branch Librari an M rs . Pau l i ne B i r c h andFriends of the Library PresidentW. A. S imond.


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    June-Ju ly , 1963 SUN CITY SUN DIAL Page 7

    SUN CITY PLAYERS' O ld Fashioned Va ude vil le Show at TownHal l open ed w i th mon ologue , Jus t An Ove rs igh t , enac ted bySun C i t ian Mar ian Denney . Mar ian, who per formed in schoolplays years ago , says of her partic ip ation here, I f ind i t an exc i t i ng ex pe r i enc e .

    CLOSE HARM ON Y - This qua rtet cal led i ts musical pro gra m A Bit Of Close Harm ony At The 19thHol e. Here, f rom le f t , Leonard Ne wg ard , DanJohnson , W il l Dr oeka mp and Dick Hassard singThe Sadness Of Her Sadness.

    SU N C IT Y OR C H EST R A w i thmusicians from Sun City, Young-t o w n , a n d G l e n d a l e H i g hS c h o o l , o p e n e d s h o w , e n t e r ta ined be tween ac ts , were featu re d in the T h i rd Ac t , andc losed the evening w i th BlueDan ube . Admiss ion funds werecontr ibuted to char i ty .

    HA GE N DRIVE POTLUCK - Residents of Sun City 's HagenD r i ve sha red a H i N e i ghb o r po t l uc k w hen , by M arc h ,al l were settled in new homes. This gath erin g gave us achance to make that in i t ia l in tro duc t ion , says Alex B rown,whose dr iveway was scene of the soc ia l even ing. W e hopeto enjoy more such occasions.

    A PA RAD E of quar te ts appeare d dur in g Apr i l Barbershop Jubi lee. The program, ar ranged by the Sun C i tyCoord inators , featured 40-vo ice Phoenix Coppers tates-men, p ic tured above; the Phoenix Kachina Chapter o fthe Sweet Adel ines , four quar te ts and a c los ing communi ty sing.

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    Page8 SUN CITYSU NDIAL June-July,1963

    SUN CITY CHORUS andchoir groups met at Town Hallfo r the SunCity Choral Festival in May.Here, audienceand singers of Shepherd of the Desert Lutheran Churchwatch St. Christopher 's Episcopal Church pe rform. Theprogram, under chairmanship of Mrs.David Geri g,wasanother community effort to raise funds fo r handicappedyoungsters.

    G CLUBMembersof the SunCity Agriculture Clubare caught dipping into fresh garden vegetables and friedchicken during their quarterly banquet at Town Hal l .Unusual feature of this kindred clan is its harmonious functionwithout aconstitution and bylaws.

    COMBINED GROUPS SING - Wit h accompanimentof theSun City Orchestra andunder thedirection of JulianAme-l u ng combined choral groups conclude stirring festivalwith Go d of ourFathers.

    PORTLAND CEMENT Association executives and representativesof cement manufacturing firms from throughoutthe country tour SunCity following apromotion meetingat Mountain Shadows inScottsdale. Here,SunCity hostessGarnette O'Bryant points out Town Hall re crea tional faci l i t ies.





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