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Sunburst Volume 52, Issue #4

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  • 7/28/2019 Sunburst Volume 52, Issue #4


  • 7/28/2019 Sunburst Volume 52, Issue #4


    I pledge to uphold the objects of Circle K International,to foster compassion and goodwill toward others through service and leadership,

    to develop my abilities and the abilities of all people,

    and to dedicate myself to the realization of mankinds potential.

    pledge of circle k international

    MARCH 201302






    opening messagesdlsspsenior shout-outssunnys spotlights

    lssp & icon informationcontact

    Stay Socially Connected!Ocial Website: http://cnhcirclek.org

    International Website: http://circlek.orgjCloud: http://www.cnhcirclek.org/JCloud/index.html

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/cnhckiTwitter: https://twitter.com/cnhckiYouTube: http://www.youtube.com/user/cnhSUNBOX

    Total Service Hours: 125,422.21

    Total Leadership Hours: 88,383.99Total Fellowship Hours: 116,008.76

    Total Kiwanis Family Events: 1962Total Interclub Events: 2161


    2012-2013 District TotalsBefore we go into anything at all, here are the nal totals for Cal-Nev-Ha!

    Way to break records, CNH! Congrats on such an amazing year!Good luck in 2013-2014!

    Pediatric Trauma Program: 28,111.6The ELIMINATE Project: 20,726.44Not For Sale: 15,557.77TOTAL: 64,395.89

    Dist rict Fu ndraising

    Initiat ive Totals

  • 7/28/2019 Sunburst Volume 52, Issue #4


    0calendar: april

    Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

    31 1 2STC Work-

    shop Host

    App Dead-line

    3 4 5 6Kiwanis

    One Day

    7 8 9 10 11 12 13

    14 15Early Reg-

    istrationDeadlinefor LSSP/ICON

    16 17 18 19 20

    Mailing Lists & Sunburst SubmissionsSubscribe to our Member Bi-Monthly Mailing List: http://bit.ly/mbmml

    Sunburst Submissions: http://bit.ly/sunburstform

    Stay connected with one another through these Mailing Lists!

    Presidents: https://groups.google.com/d/forum/cnhcki-presidents1213Vice Presidents: https://groups.google.com/d/forum/cnhcki-vicepresidents1213

    Secretaries: https://groups.google.com/d/forum/cnhcki-secretaries1213Treasurers: https://groups.google.com/d/forum/ cnhcki-treasurers1213

    Start of

    New CKITerm

    CKI Service Week: March 31-April 5


    Spring Training



    May 11

    at OCC

  • 7/28/2019 Sunburst Volume 52, Issue #4


    Hey Cal-Nev-Ha!Its time. The ending of the 2012-2013 Circle K administra-tiveyearhasnallyarrived.Thishasbeenanamazingyear for our District and I hope you saw that at our2013 CNH Circle K District Convention in San Diego,CA! Our district has so much to celebrate about andyou should be proud of all of your hard work andaccomplishments from this past year. Congratula-tionsagaintoeverysinglemember,ocer,Fac-ulty Advisor, Kiwanis Advisor, Kiwanis member,and anyone else who contributed into makingthe 2012-2013 year the best one ever for CNHCircle K. 125,000+ service hours, $60,000+ fundsraised for District Fundraising Initiatives, and2,500+ members We blew past records instantly and all of the clubs in our District is doing fantasticwe close one year, another year opens! Congratulations to those who were elected and appointedthe 2013-2014 year. We are all excited for you to take on the task of nurturing our clubs of our District

    taking it to even greater heights for the upcoming year.

    It has been so long time since weve been together since our convention and interacted with one anoas a District, but we have much to look forward to within the District! District Appointed Board Apptions are out. District Committees will take form right after. Spring Training Conference North and SpTraining Conference South are coming up in May. Large Scale Service Project and International Convtion are coming up in June. Dont forget about club banquets in between! There is so much happeninthenextfewmonthsthatIhopeyouareallreadyforawonderfulexperienceandsign-otothey

    Again, it has been a pleasure serving you as District Governor for this past year. Thank you to all offriends who let me stay at their place and welcomed me to their divisions. Thank you to everyone wcame out to our District events. Thank you for doing everything that you can in the name of servichope that you have enjoyed reading these beautiful publications from our District Publications Chair, nifer Lai because this is her last issue! Props to her for a great year worth of capturing our memoriethese newsletters and I hope that you enjoy reading it! :D

    Jonathan Cao-Nguyen J-CaoDistrict Governor 2012-2013

    MARCH 201304



    Division Name Email

    Capital Dan Germain [email protected]

    Central Coast Patrick Ballecer [email protected]

    Desert Oasis Linda Marx [email protected]

    Foothill Camille Goulet [email protected]

    Golden Gate Phuoc Khong [email protected]

    Magic Kingdom Armando Velazquez [email protected]

    Metro Tom Ramirez [email protected]

    Paradise Boyd Sauter [email protected]

    Sunset Phuoc Khong [email protected]

    Regional Advisors' Contact

    Governor's Blurb

  • 7/28/2019 Sunburst Volume 52, Issue #4


    0editor's parting words

    AHHHHHH ITS MY LAST SUNBURST EVER!ust as J-Cao stated in his message, the end is here! Can you believe it?! Im still trying to wrap my head around it, even ahe craziest District Convention to date. Did you have a good time at DCON? Big shout-out to Stefanie Chow and her awesoommitteeforputingonsuchagreatevent!YOU,WAYTOGOYOU!CNHdenitelyreachednewheightsandbrokerecords


    Thismessageishavingitsownpageandissignicantlylongerthanmypreviousblurbs,simplybecauseits,well,mylastpublication... ever. And Ive been designing for what, two years? Yep. Im surprised Im not totally burned out, even after b

    part of CKI and holding a board position for the last three years. My story? I went from UCLA CKIs Publicity Chair and Piight Event Co-Chair to UCLA CKIs Publications Editor to where I am today. I never ever everexpected venture down

    path, especially since I was THIS close to leaving the organization soon after joining. She may never read this, and Ive reted this many times, but I owe it all to my UCLA CKI momma Kathy Nguyen for being so persistent and getting me to sta

    Yes, my story isnt special, nor is it dissimilar to what youve heard before, but it all comes down to the point I want to mave told many in the past that when it comes to designing anything, I hold content on a slightly higher level than desigouve noticed, theres something distinct about a select number of articles which I had selected and placed into these issspecially the district-scale events. I chose these articles because they express how and why members stayed in this orgation and what has sparked their passion to perform better and serve harder than ever before with CKI. My point is: C

    what you make of it, and sometimes, you just gotta let things happen and unravel. You never know what youll get fromnd based on my experience and these articles, I can guarantee that its something you will not regret.

    TL;DR - I owe CKI my life, and Im glad I gave it another chance.

    ts been a true honor to serve you, Cal-Nev-Ha Circle K, and I will rooting for you from beyond. Thank you for the unforable memories, the plethora of friends made across the district, the support and encouragement received from many tept me going through tough times, and so much more. Thank you to 2012-2013 CNH District Board for a term full of sidurting laughter, buckets of tears, struggles of all sorts, sleepless nights, and wildly inappropriate jokes. Yall made my that much more bearable, and its a true blessing to work with such an amazing group of individuals. :)

    Thank you to the District Public Relations Committee and the best co I could ask for Truong-ter Pham for PaRtying so hard all year long. You guys make me so proud :D Love you DPR

    babies!! Co, sorry that you had to put up with me. Between us, you are the better half> Thank you also to the man on the right - My advisor, Peter Yu! YUUUU are the BEST!

    Thanks for all the support! :) And of course, thank you to ALL writers, photographers,providers of important information, and so many others for contributing tohis publication. It would not be possible without you

  • 7/28/2019 Sunburst Volume 52, Issue #4




    MARCH 201306

    District Large Scale Service Project - North is an event where allCircle K members from the Northern half of California and Nevadacome to Stockton, California to perform a full day of service. WebeganthedaybymeetingupattheUniversityofthePacicforbreakfast,andatthesametime,wesplitupintoseveraldierent

    teams with random Circle K-ers so everybody could get to knoweach other.

    After that, Luke Tanaka, who was the chair of this event gaveus directions on where to go and what to do. We arrived at thebankofCalaverasRiverandstartedobyplayinganicebreakerwith the team we were with. Once the ice breaker was done, weproceed to walk along the river bank and cleaned up all the trash.

    With so many of us, the river bank was spotless in just a few hours.Once the event was over, we all went back to University of thePacictohaveourwelldeservelunchandbreak.

    Lunch was provided by the District and immediately after that,Circle K-ers headed out for another service project at the BoggsTractCommunityFarm.Teamswereassignedintodierenttaskslike; Planting trees, leveling dirt, moving hays and cleaning upweeds. At the end of the day, we planted over 20 trees, clean upthe whole farm, and reorganizing almost a thousand pounds ofhay. I just want to give thanks to Service Committee for helpingout organizing event, Luke Tanaka for chairing the event, and ouramazing District Service Chair, Leonne Chung. It was a full day

    of service, fellowship, and leadership and I couldnt have ask foranything better!




    Nam HoangUN Reno

  • 7/28/2019 Sunburst Volume 52, Issue #4



    Every year, Circle Ks from all over Southern California come to-gethertomakeadierenceinacommunityfortheDistrictLargeScale Service Project.

    This year, our 2013 DLSSP South Chair, Kathy Dong, brought 400Circle K members to help, MEND Poverty and Youth Speak Collec-tive. MEND assists low-income families to create a pathway ofself-reliance through providing basic human needs and serviceswhile Youth Speak Collective focuses on youth and empower-ment.

    After a mini brunch of bagels, we were broken up into groupsto be sent out around the community to help at 6 other locationswhere Circle K members made blankets, boo-boo bunnies andaprons; planted trees, packaged food at the food bank, had a col-lege day with teens, and hosted a health fair for the communitykids at MEND with a book and hygienic items drive to be donated

    to the teens and children of MEND and Youth Speak Collective.I was stationed at the Food Bank of MEND Poverty for the day.


    withcannedfoodsandimperishablegoodstondunexpiredandedible foods. Once we found a good can or box of food, we wouldplaceinitsspecicbox.Ontheshelvesofthefoodbank,therewerecertainboxeswithspecictypesoffood.Thissystemhelps


    After a good 6 hours of service, the community was thrilledwith how much we had accomplished and for me personally, re-gardless of all the hard work, seeing the smiles from the Circle K

    members and the coordinators, was worth it because I was ableto make a good impact and make a persons day. Hope you areready next year to impact another community with our services!



    Karen TruongUC Irvine


  • 7/28/2019 Sunburst Volume 52, Issue #4


    MARCH 201308


    Connie LamUC Los Angeles

    With the graduation coming up in a matter of monthsdecided to create the Senior Shout-out form, with whipeople can send shout-outs to their graduating seniors seniors can send their parting words to their friends. Heare all the submissions I received and promised to placethis nal issue - Theyre so terribly heartwarming. Read o

    JENNLAI! Thank you forbeing the most amazingAunt ever. You bring sun-shine and lulz into everyroom and you are one ofthe main reasons I stayed

    in Circle K. I am so, so sadyou are graduating thisyear because UCLA Circle Kwill not be the same with-out you! Words cannot ex-press how much I love andrespect you. Forever failingat studying, together :)

  • 7/28/2019 Sunburst Volume 52, Issue #4



    There are a number of ways this club has contributed to my growth asa person but I found greatest inspiration from these seniors that con-sistently proved themselves not just as members but just amazing ex-amples of humanity.

    Fanny: My OG CKI mom. A better one does not exist. Creepy Fiends, anaward-winning family, will always be special to me and she is an over-

    whelmingly part of that. This girl seriously cares, to this day, about thewell-being of all her cubbies. Having her and Papa Richard as parentsmade the biggest positive impact on my life at UCLA, no contest. She ishalf my size but has more strength that anyone I know, surviving everysingle obstacle life has thrown at her over these past 4 years.The com-passion, generosity, and love that pours out of her heart is incredibleand my only regret is not telling her how much I respect and value her asoften as she deserves to hear it.

    JennLai: Fannys inseparable counterpart. An extraordinary person thatis so vibrant in character and has such tenacity for life. Someone that

    brightens every room she enters. Unmatched in her devotion to her du-ties and responsibilities while caring for everyone around her more thanshe does for herself. She infects everyone with her spirit and warmthand if youve ever felt at home in this club people like her are the reasonwhy.

    Carol:Haisister.Condent,independent,fellowteaenthusiast,genuine-ly adorable. One of the most down-to-earth girls I know. The only personin this world that can give a hug with such meaning it drowns you in heradoration and kindness. She has such a giving heart and honestly I dontthink I can make another friend in the future quite like her.

    Vincent: If there is one thing I will remember about college years it willbe having a quintessential bro friendship with someone and his positiveattitude 24/7 made that easier than it should have been. Seriously thisguy never stops smiling or being optimistic about everything. Im reallyproud of him, his dedication as a family head and to his future.

    Stacey:TherstCKImemberImetandthelastoneIwouldeverforget.Ienvyhowselessandloyalshecanbetoothersandthiscluballwhilebe-ing generally awesome across the board as a person and friend. I haventmet anyone with such character, vigor and passion for life. Shes a friendyou can rely on time after time and expects nothing in return and with-out her I would not have been part of CKI. Truly an amazing individual.

    I have gained more happiness and wisdom through experiences withmany of you in this club than I would have otherwise. I hope everyoneremains incredible and continue making impacts like these on each oth-ers lives.


    Sidney IrianaUC Los Angeles

  • 7/28/2019 Sunburst Volume 52, Issue #4


    MARCH 201310


    Heren WeiCal Poly Pomona

    Nam - youre such an inspiration, in the most obnoxious wapossible. I still wish you werent graduating, but Im glad Ivgotten to spend the last year with you as president! You madthe club an enjoyable and open place to be, Ill miss you! I tnot to say nice things about you often, but you were actually

    pretty good president. Good luck in life!

  • 7/28/2019 Sunburst Volume 52, Issue #4



  • 7/28/2019 Sunburst Volume 52, Issue #4


    MARCH 201312



    4 years in college goes by so quickly! Experience as much asyou can on campus and through Circle K! Dont let anyone oranything bring you down. When one door closes, many otherswill be opening awaiting for you. Also, when do you achievea position either as a board member, a job, intern or a volun-teer, be the best one there and make that experience worthyourtimeandeorts!

    The quote I live by everyday: Learn it, Live it, Love it --Mi-chelle Tang and Nhi Nguyen, my high school, JV SwimmingCaptains

  • 7/28/2019 Sunburst Volume 52, Issue #4



    Gracie FranciscoUC Santa Cruz

    This is for all of our graduating seniors! I just want to say what an honorand a privilege it has been working with all of you. Each and every oneof you has brought something special to our club and we wouldnt bewhere we are today without YOU! Whether you served as a board mem-ber, worked on a committee or just came to meetings every week, weare so grateful for all of your hard work and dedication to our club. Welove you Senior Slugs!!!!

    Words cannot express how thankful and appreciative I am to have metboth Junie Vuong and Ariana Spero. These two girls have given me muchinspiration and have challenged me in ways no other people have. I lovethem to death and I wish them the best of luck out there in the realworld. :)

  • 7/28/2019 Sunburst Volume 52, Issue #4


    MARCH 201314



    Christine BonuelUN Reno

    Dear Michael, you once asked me, if I could describe you in oword, what would it be? I thought about it and decided: yowordisinspirational.Tostarto,yourlistofaccomplishmeis outstanding. UCIs co-spirit/social chair sophomore year. Maic Kingdom LtG junior year - and winning the Distinguished LAward 2011-2012! Double majoring in Japanese and InternationRelations. Studying abroad in Japan, immersing yourself in t

    culture, and even taking up a teaching job there. But your accoplishments have very little to do with why you are inspirationathe degrees and awards you have obtained, in my opinion, snothingaboutwhoyouare.Youarekind,caring,andseleYoure the kind of guy every person wants as their friend. Yohumorandspiritiscontagious!Youjustgiveoacertainenerthat makes people bond, have fun, and aspire to be the best vsion of themselves. You are a leader- a leader, leader, leader! Mchael, you have been (and will continue to be) an inspiration anyone who has had the honor of getting to know you. After clege and after Circle K, I have no doubt in my mind that succe

    and happiness will follow you, just because of who you are. PAlways remember that you are the most amazing and wonderperson I will ever meet...and that you are MY inspiration.Love, Christine

    Emily Chirk! Puppy loves you! You are such a great friend, and eventhough weve had some pretty rough times, our faith in each otherkeeps us together in the end! :D (I rarely get to hear about your feel-ings so I dunno if this is a one-way street or not, but Puppy assumeswe like each other equally xD haha) :3 yep. Just wanted to say con-gratulations on your accomplishments and 2012-2013 wouldnt have

    been anything without you!


    Seniors, you will be missed - CKI would not be the same withouyou! Good luck in your future endeavors, and come visit

    whenever you get the chance. Thank you for everything!

    Lisa JungUC Irvine

    Dear Mamy (Amy Hoang),YouwillalwaysbemyrstCircleKmama, and Im so glad that we hadthis year to bond and get close!Thanks for all the car talk and dinnerdates, as well as just being an amaz-ing mother and friend to lend an earand feel welcomed all the time. Im

    going to miss you so much whenyou graduate and I know that youare going to be amazing in every-thing that you do BECAUSE YOURESO AMAZING.

  • 7/28/2019 Sunburst Volume 52, Issue #4


    1Wow I cant believe that my time with Circle K is coming to an end. It has been a wonder 4yearsbeingapartofthisorganization.IremembergoingtomyrstmeetingatOCCCircleKwith JonJon Junpradub as my President and now I will be ending it at UC Berkeley with KayKim as my President. This whole journey has been a wonderful one that I am so thankful for.I never would have thought that I would be able to be on District Board let alone being onit for two years. I want to say thank you to all of those who have made being apart of CircleK one of the best things in my life! I would like to thank OCC and UC Berkeley for being myamazing two homes for this journey.

    Thank you to:*Jonathan Cao-Nguyen Thank you for convincing me to join and for being my amazing gov-ernor and best friend! I love you too much to write here but you know that.* FTC Committee 2012-2013 I couldnt have asked for a better committee! FOREVER FIERCE!* Kay Kim and Tina Nguyen for always being there for me! I love you two so much!*AwardsCommittee2011-2012Myrstbabies!Helpedmelearnhowtobeabetterleader!Someone like you.*Stephanie Nguyen and Patrick Huie for being the best execs ever!* Steph, my wife Gosh I love you so much! I hope you will always be in my life.* Ryan Pham, Andrew Tom, Tony Wang and all my children You guys are the best kids any-one could have asked for.* Cat Tran and Vincent Vu E-BOARD! You guys are the best and I know I will always befriends with you two.* Diana Tran, Florence Lee, and Karen Chen Thanks for being my big sisters in Berkeley. Icouldnt have asked for anyone better. I love you guys with the bottom of my heart.* Brett Anthony Butler Thank you so much for giving me a chance to be on your board. Itried my best in being your Awards Chair. I think you think I did a good job! You are my favor-ite old man!* Build-A-Board GOSH I LOVE YOU ALL SO MUCH! I had an amazing time working with youall I love each and every single one of you so much! I dont have to list you guys!* Virginia Mac My (evil) twin sister! Love you so much and I miss you!* Crista Cabahug I am so lucky to have a friend like you! bah ba dah dah oh

    * Ally Bogan I LOVE YOU GIRL! OMG!* Jack and Steph Rivera Las quero mucho mis hermanas centro americanas!*DisneyBoardIthasbeenapleasuringworkingwithyouall.Sodierentfromlastyearbutit has been a good journey!* Jen Lai MA GIRL, MA LOVE! You are a sassy mofo queen bee! My life with out you wouldbe so sad. Thanks for being an amazing friend and lover! Haha* My boyfriend Hans Meimban I love you so much there are no words to describe it! Youcan have me whenever you like!* David Limjoco You are so cute and I LOVE your laugh! Sorry for always turning everythingin late and asking for extensions! Thanks for letting it slide! I love you boy! I think you are thecutest!* Sean Dylan Nguyen YOU TROLL! I love you!

    * Ashley Valdez and Truong Pham Wow I never thought that I would be on District Boardwith you too! It has been such an honor! You two are so dedicated and passionate for whatyoutoo!CantbelievetoseehowweareallsodierentfromourtimeatLoaraHigh.* Lauren Kimchi Kim Girl you have always been my friend no mater what even when yougo MIA! I still love you! You are the original food beezy! KIMCHI BEEOTCH!* Stef Chow It has been good getting to know you these last few years! You are so muchfun and I like having my late night chats with you!* Mikael, Fiona, Kevin Gordy YOU RATCHETS! I LOVE YOU ALL! 50 Shades!!!* Chloe Shih YOU ARE SOOO CUTE! I love you so much! You are the best!* Kevin Goble -You are so wise and I love you for everything that you do. Thank you!* Leonne Chung Girl you are so cray about your Mickey Mouse! It has been good workingwith you and YOU DA BEST! Even though my committee is better than YOURS!

    Ruben RuizUC Berkeley

  • 7/28/2019 Sunburst Volume 52, Issue #4


    FEBRUARY 201316




    March of Dimes is a non-protorganizationthataims

    to improve the health of ba-bies by preventing birth de-fects, premature birth andinfant mortality. It also pro-vides educational resourcesand support to mothers,pregnant women, and futuremothers concerning preg-nancy and infant health prob-lems.

    You and your awesomeclub can help by educating

    your community in a varietyof ways, volunteer at the or-ganizations events - the mostfamous one being March forBabies walk - help in a localNeonatal Intensive Care Unit(NICU), make awareness Rib-bons and cards, and muchmore!

    Did you also know March of

    Dimes is Circle K Internatioals Service Partners?! Its ju

    another reason to help owith this amazing organiztion because it can even gyou recognized at ICON!!!

    Check out the followinwebsites for more info:

    - Circle K International Sevice Partner: March of Dime

    - March for Babies

    The Service Spotlight is a bimonthly display of information on a cer-tain service organization that the district has chosen to highlight tohelp promote and educate members about its cause.

    what is theservice spotlight?

    Service Spotlight:March of Dime

    Spotlight on the D.Govs Little Brother

    After four consecutive years of attending Key ClubDCON, it was time for me to move up in the Kiwanis fami-lyandattendmyrsteverCircleKDCON.WhenIrstreg -istered for DCON, I knew I should have been excited, butin all honesty, I wasnt that excited. Having gone throughso many District Conventions in the past and having seenwhat it takes to plan one, I thought I knew everythingthere was to know about a District Convention. Little didI know, however, I was completely wrong.

    As the weekend drew near, I had very little expecta-tions about the event because I had no idea what DistrictConvention was going to be like. I didnt know if I wasgoing to enjoy it or if I was going to hate it for causing meto lose even more sleep than I normally would have onthe weekend. I went in with a fresh perspective and I waswillingtoexperienceeverythingthatithadtooerme.

    After surviving through the weekend with little to no

    sleep, I was happy to see that I had thoroughly enjoyed

    myveryrstCircleKDistrictConvention.Iwasabmeet up with so many of my old friends from the and I was also able to make so many new friends as wI also learned so much about Circle K and the entirwanis family through the workshops that I attendederything about this weekend showed me what Circwas about and it motivated me to want to do more in

    club and become an even more active club member.By the end of the weekend, I thought that District vention had accomplished its main goal: to bring the Circle K family even closer together than ever before.only did I feel more connected to my club and to Mdivision, but I felt a stronger connection to the entiretrict as well. Seeing all of us come together on one wend to celebrate all of our accomplishments and achiments over the past year made me want to do so mmoretoimpactCircleKandmakeanevenbiggerdence in my community.

    Asarst-timeattendeeofCircleKDistrictConventI have to say that I enjoyed it more than I ever thoupossible.Ifnancialsituationspermit,Iwilldenitely

    forward to attending again next year.

    Johnny Cao-NguyenCSU Long Beach

    In this segment, Johnny Cao-Nguyen shares his experience at his very rst Circle K District Convention.Stay tuned for the rst issue of the next term for full DCON 2013 coverage!

  • 7/28/2019 Sunburst Volume 52, Issue #4


    Fu nd ra is ing : UC Berke ley

    ThedayhadnallyarrivedThedayoftheKiwanispoker tournament. A day for Circle Kers and Kiwan-ians to come together and raise money for a wonderfulcause.

    AsweledintoFrankBliss,alocalKiwanians,houseto set up for the tournament the wonderful smells of Ro-bertashomecookinglledtheairandmadeourtastebuds salivate. She had prepared deviled eggs, pumpkinsoup,crabquesadillas,andsomuchotherstu!Beforewe had a go at all that food we set-up for the long await-

    ed competition.Admission to this poker battle of the ages was only25$forachancetowinakindleforrstplace,50$giftcard for second, and a choice of 4 DVDs for third(Do Ihear blue-ray anyone?). In the end a total of eight braveKiwanians entered the tournament. Obviously the ten-sions were high for such amazing prizes. They quicklyentered the poker room and began the multiple hourelimination game.

    While this was going on we had skilled and trained Cir-cle K poker dealers helping facilitate and run the games.The silliness of our poker game easily contrasted the se-riousness of the Kiwanians in their tournament.

    As the night progressed, the initial awkward barrier

    between College students and adults or Circle Kersand Kiwanians broke down. We began to converse, talkabout life, laugh together and even share life experi-ences. Halfway throughout the night our lovely K-FamilyChair, Arjun Gupta, had prepared a wonderful show fea-turing our very own Gordon Lau on piano and accordion!It was an experience of a lifetime to hear Lord of theRings to be played on the accordion MARVELOUS.

    Aftertheperformance,weauctionedosomedes-serts and baked goods. Of course the reception of thedesserts went well and everything sold quickly! Afterthe auction, the remaining kiwanians returned to theirroomtonishothegame.Wequicklyhustledtotheroom to watch the ending of an epic poker tournament.

    Three turned into two and the room permeated somuch seriousness I was frozen in anticipation for thegame. It came down to one hand. ALL IN Both partiesseemed condent intheirgamble.They showedtheircards and they both had an Ace and a Seven... We wereall shocked to see they had the same hand, but as thedealer presented the river card an upset had occurred.

    With that last card one of the Kiwanians had obtaineda ush of diamonds. The room went crazy as PhuocKhong was declared winner of the Kiwanis Poker tour-nament. As a gesture of kindness he even donated thekindle to our club.

    Overall the night was wonderful with all the Kiwanis/Circle K Interaction, free food and entertainment, andbest of all, we raised $441 for our lovely DFIs.


    Serv i c e : H ig hes t Nu mb er o f Hou rs

    Sunnys Spotlights is a corner where CNH recognizes the clubs and/or individuals that stand

    out and go above and beyond in the areas of service and fundraising. Stay tuned for the next

    issue to see if your school is featured!

    what is sunnys spotlights?

    Michael ZhouUC Berkeley

    The following individuals racked up the greatest number of service hours over the course of this2012-2013 term. Can you say double or even triple Platinum standing!? YOU, WAY TO GO YOU!

    Stephanie YuUC Berkeley

    670 hours

    Kevin WongUC San Diego

    712 hours

    Vincent NgUC Riverside

    725 hours

  • 7/28/2019 Sunburst Volume 52, Issue #4


    MARCH 201318




    The following are the dates and prices forLSSP Registration:

    Early Bird ($100.00): due April 15thRegular Registration ($140.00): due April 16th - May 15thLate / On-Site ($185.00): due after May 15th

    The following are the dates and prices forICON Registration:

    Early Bird ($185.00): due by April 15thRegular Registration ($225.00): due by April 16th - May 15thLate / On-Site Registration ($250.00): due after May 16th

    LSSP takes place before ICON!

    LSSP: June 23rd - June 26thICON: June 26th - June 30th

    Large Scale Service Project

    International Convention


    Went to District Convention and stillcant enough? Look no further - LSSP

    and ICON is nally here!

    How do I register?

    When is it?Get your passports ready cause

    LSSP/ICON 2013 takes place inVANCOUVER, CANADA! Be sureto renew as necessary!

    Where is it?

    LSSP: http://www.circlek.org/Leadership/Conventions/InternationalConvention/LSSP.aspICON: http://www.circlek.org/Leadership/Conventions/InternationalConvention.aspx

    If you have any other information, feel free to contact any of our International Boardor Kevin Goble (Desert Oasis LTG for the 2012-2013 term!), our LSSP Chair! See you allin Vancouver!

    Where can I get more information?

    Dont forget to apply for Internatin

    Awards as well!If you remember

    CNH swept theawards last year

    and I know we cado it again!


  • 7/28/2019 Sunburst Volume 52, Issue #4


    Jonathan Cao-NguyenDistrict Governor

    [email protected]

    Hans Meimban

    District Treasurertreasurer@cnhcirclek

    David Limjoco

    District [email protected]

    Chloe ShihFoothill

    [email protected]

    Mikael MillerGolden Gate

    [email protected]

    Stephanie NguyeMagic Kingdom


    Sean NguyenMetro

    [email protected]

    Azhar DeenParadise

    [email protected]

    Tony WangSunset

    [email protected]

    Fiona ChengCapital

    [email protected]

    Kevin GordyCentral Coast

    [email protected]

    Kevin GobleDesert Oasis


    Ashley ValdezAwards

    [email protected]

    Stefanie ChowDistrict Convention

    [email protected]

    Ruben RuizFall Training Conferen

    [email protected]

    Andrew TomKiwanis Family

    [email protected]

    Lauren KimMembership Development

    & Education

    [email protected]

    Brett ButlerOn To International


    [email protected]

    Jennifer LaiPublications Editor

    [email protected]

    Leonne ChungService

    [email protected]

    Truong PhamTechnology



    District Chairs

    Lieutenant Governors

    Executive Board

    1Camille GouletDistrict Administrator

    [email protected]

  • 7/28/2019 Sunburst Volume 52, Issue #4


    a K i w a n i s - f a m i l y m e m b e r

    w w w . c i r c l e k . o r g

